When does the astrological year of the rooster begin? What date does the year of the rooster begin? When is the Year of the Rooster coming?

The Chinese calendar has many interesting features, which everyone who is interested in Eastern teachings and horoscopes needs to know about. One of the main points is that the tradition of celebrating the New Year is different from ours.

The New Year's Eve date is tied to lunar calendar. That's why it changes every year. This is the rule not only in China, but also in some other countries in the eastern region of Asia. The whole world respects these traditions, and those working in European countries Citizens of China or neighboring countries are required to go home for the holidays.

Chinese New Year Traditions

The traditions of the Eastern New Year are very interesting and in many ways different from our foundations and habits. This is truly the greatest holiday for all residents eastern Asia who perceive it as a time of global renewal and positive change.

In East Asia on New Year the whole family gathers. The Chinese try not to leave their relatives during this period. winter holiday, which, by the way, lasts no less than 15 days. It happens that work forces a person to leave on business, but at the slightest opportunity he returns home.

Since ancient times, the Chinese began to believe that an evil spirit could enter their home on New Year's Eve - a snake-like monster that steals luck, health and love. The color red scares him away. This fact is closely related to the philosophy of Feng Shui. According to Eastern teachings, red color is powerful amulet. Usually ribbons of this shade are hung opposite front door, but on New Year’s Day, absolutely everything is filled with red. People even leave food on windowsills to appease evil spirit.

The snake feeds on people's negative emotions, so everyone tries to be as good friend to a friend, to forgive past grievances. This is a holiday of bringing people together. In the East they sincerely believe that kindness and mutual understanding can work miracles. There may be disagreements and quarrels throughout the year, but holidays Friendship or family ties should not be put at risk.

2017 is a special year for these peoples because its patron will be the Fire Rooster. According to the sages, this Sign Eastern horoscope capable of turning any problems into wisdom, uncertainty into fortitude, and hatred into love. This symbol helps all people in work and relationships. 2017 is the period of weddings in China. Many couples who already live together will try to have a child, because, according to ancient belief, exactly the year Fire Rooster is best time for conception. Children born during this period will be bright, intelligent and very capable.

In the coming year, people not only in China, but throughout the world will be able to solve their internal spiritual problems if they pay attention to them. Of course, water will not flow under a lying stone. We need some kind of impulse, desire. According to Eastern sages, only those who will not sit still and wait by the sea for weather will be able to find love. Take action, do everything you can to become happier. Do not be afraid of difficulties - they will not break you, but will only give you the necessary life experience.

When is New Year 2017 according to the Eastern calendar?

Each time the date of the New Year celebration in China and others eastern states different. To independently calculate the time of the Eastern New Year celebration, you need the help of the lunar calendar. The holiday always falls on the second New Moon after the Winter Solstice. The 2017 Year of the Fire Rooster will begin on Saturday, January 28th.

In the east, people will celebrate the so-called Lunar New Year for 15 days. It all ends with the Lantern Festival. Missing a celebration is considered bad manners. By this day, every family member should be at home, because it is considered the most important thing in the entire festive period. Red lanterns are lit, dancing is held, everyone is having fun and fireworks are exploding. It was from the East that the tradition of firing fireworks came to the Western world.

Chinese New Year is celebrated by the Japanese, Koreans, Tibetans, Mongolia, and all national minorities of China. During this period, the world should be ruled by love and care for each other.

Eastern 2017 will begin on January 28th. On this day, according to Chinese culture, nature will begin to flourish. Of course, it will be too early for Russia, but the approach of February will help to feel the weakening grip of winter.

They say that in 2017 the most a strong talisman good luck there will be a red thread. In addition to material talismans, sages advise first of all to think positively. Help yourself find goodness, love and try to overcome uncertainty. Live life to the fullest. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

New Year is the most important holiday not only for the residents of our country, but also for the whole world, and in every corner globe refer to this date in their own way. China was no exception to this list, where traditions and customs were formed and formed over 2,000 years. It is worth saying that the Chinese calendar is slightly different from the European calendar that is familiar to us, as it has a number of its own features. Ask what? The main difference is that the calculation of the beginning of a new period is determined according to the position of such celestial body, both the Sun and the Earth's satellite Moon.

Date of. Beginning and the end.

If speak about exact date the beginning of the new year 2017 according to this calendar, then it is already known and established.

In other words, Chinese New Year 2017 according to the Chinese calendar will begin on January 28, and will last until February 15, 2018.

As you know, this year 2017 will pass under the rule of such a symbol as the Fire Rooster. If you believe the Chinese horoscope, then this year this luck will be on the side of the creative and creative people who simply do not know how to sit with their hands folded in one place. It is worth noting that the fire rooster is considered the most curious animal in China and its main color is red. But, despite the successful forecasts, the year will still be characterized by a little nervousness, since the Rooster is considered an animal with a rather impulsive character and temperament. It is the Rooster that will contribute to significant and serious changes in social and political areas. Whether this is really so, time will tell, and we can only wait with great impatience for the onset of 2017.

Customs and traditions in China.

The Chinese are a people who approach the celebration of this holiday with great trepidation. After all, even sages and thinkers. Those who live as hermits and, far from people, immerse themselves in simple human joys and await the coming of the New Year. That is why they try to observe all the traditions and customs that have come down to us since ancient times. Which of them can be called the most interesting and even unusual?

We can talk about customs and traditions in China for a very long time, but for the new year 2017, residents will try to adhere to them as much as possible, without missing out on more than one little thing or detail. The Chinese believe that it is precisely such rituals that will save the home and family from enemies and ill-wishers, and, therefore, happiness and good luck will not leave them this 2017.

The Rooster is the tenth sign of the 12-year cycle of the Eastern (Chinese) animal calendar. It is associated with the yin energy and the metal element. The corresponding zodiac sign is Capricorn.

The rooster symbolizes: self-confidence, sociability, straightforwardness, courage, hard work, brightness, honestyvanity, arrogance, hot temper, stubbornness, conservatism, extravagance

Table of the Rooster years

Characteristics of people born in the year of the Rooster

The characteristic gives general description sign, introduces positive and negative qualities his character, features of building personal relationships and career. It helps to get to know people born in the year of this animal better.

Character traits

Positive. Rooster - bright personality

. He is confident and not afraid of anything. This character allows him to achieve a lot in life. His sociability and gift of words attract people to him. He is always the center of attention and is happy about it.

  • Characteristic positive qualities:
  • self-confidence: The Rooster is always confident in himself and knows how to present himself; thanks to this, as well as his gift of words and effective artistic presentation, he has an advantage in situations where the first impression is important (hiring, etc.); sociability: this sign is constantly in the spotlight; openness in communication and brightness of the image make the Rooster the soul of the company; he prefers active social life
  • and does not like loneliness;
  • straightforwardness: not afraid to speak the truth; his manner of communication borders on harshness, which is not always liked by others; despite this, he is respected for his directness and frankness;
  • courage: always ready to defend the weak, and in such a way that others will notice and appreciate it; does not shy away even in the face of obvious danger;

hard work: he achieves everything in life through his work; does the work thoroughly, carefully considers every detail; does not trust others to do what he can do himself.


  • The Rooster's self-confidence and courage sometimes turn into vanity and impudence. At the same time, a lot is forgiven him and attributed to his eccentricity.
  • Main negative character traits:
  • hot temper: quickly flares up if points of view differ with the opponent; loves to argue, and for him it is the argument itself that is important, and not its result;
  • stubbornness: never listens to others and does everything only in his own way; ready to prove that he is right, even if he does not understand the issue;
  • conservatism: adheres to “old” views; nothing can make him change his mind.

Love and relationships

It is important for the Rooster that his partner understands him and admires him. He expresses his feelings violently and obsessively. If he receives a refusal, he is more concerned about losing his image as an irresistible lover than about breaking up the relationship.

The Rooster easily makes friends thanks to his eccentric nature. After the goal is achieved and the marriage is concluded, he sheds his bright “feathers”, and his partner sees him from the other side. Therefore, it is important for the Rooster to maintain the interest of his chosen one even after the wedding, adding color to the relationship.

The thirst for new experiences and love for company take over, so often family life Representatives of this sign do not last long.

Career and profession

The Rooster has everything necessary qualities for climbing career ladder. The only thing that can prevent this is the advice or instructions of others. Therefore, he prefers to work without direct superiors and not in a team.

Needs praise and approval from others. After that, he works even more productively to hear again pleasant words to your address. Often takes on more work than he can handle.

According to the Chinese calendar, New Year does not occur on January 1st. This date changes every time, so it is important to learn how to calculate the time of the Eastern New Year on your own.

The reason for the shift in the date of 2017 is that in China and neighboring countries, the New Year is celebrated based on the behavior and condition of the Moon. Track lunar phases The lunar calendar will help you.

When is the Year of the Rooster coming?

2017 is just around the corner. It will come on January 28th. This suggests that until January 28, the Fire Monkey will still be relevant. Many people think that the year of the Red or Fire Rooster will begin on January 1, but this is a common misconception.

To learn how to independently calculate the date of the Eastern New Year, you will need a lunar calendar: from it you will find out when the New Moon will be after December 21. December 21 is the winter solstice, which marks the longest night of the year in the northern hemisphere.

So, after December 21, two New Moons must pass. On the second New Moon, the New Year begins to be celebrated in China. The fifteen-day celebration ends with the Lantern Festival.

The patron animal changes directly on the second New Moon after December 21st. In 2017, according to the Chinese horoscope, the Rooster will take the place of the Monkey.

What does the Year of the Rooster promise us?

It is worth noting that in their moods the Rooster and the Monkey are very similar. The Rooster is not so restless, but no less creative. This year can be very successful for everyone who is engaged in areas that require large intellectual investments.

The Rooster loves to be admired, so be careful with delusions of grandeur. Try not to let high self-esteem cloud your judgment. This can be dangerous both in love and in work. If you don’t want people to turn away from you in the year of the Red Rooster, then always be modest and restrained on the outside. There are five elements in Chinese philosophy: fire, wood, metal, earth and water. The Fire Rooster is an excellent combination in Chinese horoscope, which tells us that this year we should forget about feelings and emotions. Love, hate, contempt, rage - do not hold back any of it, but be careful, because your colleagues, friends and loved ones may interpret it in their own way. It will not be easy to receive forgiveness in the year of the Rooster, and especially the Year of the Fire. This suggests that you will also have difficulties with this, so try to forget the grievances as quickly as possible.

Try to realize all your most ambitious plans in business, work and, of course, love, because the next one favorable year will come only in 60 years. The Chinese sincerely believe that patron animals give us their strength. Accept it with dignity.

On January 28, don’t forget to make a wish before the Fire Rooster comes into force. Our thoughts already have enormous energy potential, and in the coming year they will be even stronger. Good luck to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

01.12.2016 07:30

The red thread can help you attract good luck during Chinese New Year. With its help you...

Red Fire Rooster - symbol of 2017

Chinese New Year 2017: Celebration Traditions

Celebrating the New Year in China differs in many ways from our traditional celebration. And they celebrate it much later.

When is New Year celebrated in China?

The difference in the timing of the celebration is explained by the fact that it is celebrated according to the lunar calendar. The day of celebration falls on the second new moon after the winter solstice. If other countries celebrate 2017, then in China the year 4715 will come.

Year of the Fire Rooster Chinese calendar will begin on January 28, 2017, and end on February 15, 2018.

How to celebrate New Year in China

In the Celestial Empire, this New Year is associated with the onset of a new stage in the life of nature, its awakening, namely with spring. This day marks the beginning of sowing work. That is why the Chinese decorate their outerwear with ears of rice, which symbolize the abundance of the harvest and prosperity.

Chinese families always gather for this holiday in father's house, even if someone is not close, he is obliged to attend the family feast. This tradition has been unshakable for many generations and is the basis of the New Year celebration.

The meeting of the Red Rooster is accompanied by the color red in everything: in clothes, jewelry and food. This color symbolizes fire, and denotes strength and the expulsion of evil spirits. Elder family members always give the younger generation money, enclosed in red envelopes, wishing them prosperity and success.

New Year in China is always celebrated noisily and cheerfully. On this day, the evil spirit is driven away with loud laughter and explosions of fireworks. Red paper lanterns and notes wishing well to family members can be seen everywhere. When meeting the Fire Rooster, the Chinese put on new decorations and clean their houses. It is believed that this will allow clean energy to enter the house and take up residence in it.

Among traditional Chinese treats, the most popular are dumplings in the shape of gold bars, which symbolize material wealth. There must be 8 tangerines in the house as decoration, since the number 8 in China means the infinity of existence.

How to celebrate the New Year and how to appease the Fire Rooster

The Fire Rooster is the 10th sign in the Chinese calendar. The symbol of fire promises good luck and prosperity in the coming year. Before the celebration begins, it is necessary to discard all bad thoughts and grievances: “leave in the past what is not needed in the future.” Celebrating the New Year with your family is very important, since the Rooster is the patron saint of the family hearth.

What to wear for the New Year of the Rooster

In addition to the main red color, green, yellow, orange and blue decorative elements are welcome among home decorations. This also applies to clothing.

Christmas tree decoration

The festive tree should in every way resemble the symbol of the coming year. Colorful toys and crafts in gold and red tones must certainly complement the shining lights of the garlands.


Useful and thoughtful items are welcome among gifts. Pointless trinkets may not please the Fire Rooster.

Festive table for the Fire Rooster

New Year's treats should not include eggs, game or poultry, so as not to anger the symbol of the coming year. Choose a variety of fruits, vegetable snacks and vegetarian dishes. Welcome homemade baking. It is recommended to serve dishes in rustic clay pots. Porridge from various cereals and grains must be present on the table.

How to appease the Fire Rooster

The rooster is a bright and direct symbol. In the New Year, any endeavors, both intellectual and creative, are encouraged. This symbol loves to shine, so it promises good luck to everyone who is ready to change in the coming year.

On the eve of the celebration, you should write a letter with plans and wishes for yourself. You need to be determined and patient. The Rooster is the patron of those who are purposeful and diligent.

You can appease a proud bird with crafts made of wood, minerals or stone, decorative elements made of clay and wood, and figurines of the New Year symbol.

What to expect from the Red Rooster

Unlike the eccentric monkey, the Red Rooster promises stability, peace and prosperity. This year there is a possibility of ending wars and disagreements.

Get ready for bright events in life and a new addition to your family. But you shouldn’t relax too much, since the Rooster is also a warlike sign, which means minor conflicts cannot be avoided. Astrologers predict a relatively stable period, without financial crises and economic downturns.

There will be passion in your personal life. Those who have not yet met their soul mate need to be prepared for a fateful acquaintance. Vortex positive emotions can change dramatically into quarrels and scandals, and then return to unearthly love again.

The year is especially favorable for representatives creative professions. If you have long dreamed of learning to draw or play musical instrument, it's time to start. For those who wanted to take part in music competition, you should definitely sign up for the casting. The Red Rooster is the patron saint of theatergoers, so it is recommended to enroll in the appropriate educational establishments.

Bottom line

Many of our compatriots celebrate the New Year according to the Chinese calendar. This holiday has a special meaning and energy. The Fire Rooster, which is a symbol of the coming year, will help in new beginnings and give prosperity and family well-being.