Notes on drawing in the senior group “My favorite fairy tale “Kolobok.” Summary of GCD for visual activities in the senior group. Topic: “Magic book of fairy tales Drawing illustrations for fairy tales in the senior group

Summary of the lesson on fine arts “______” ____________________

Subject:Drawing on the theme “FAVORITE TALE”

Target: learn to convey in drawings your impressions of a fairy tale you read.


    introduce with the works of artists V. Vasnetsov, M. Vrubel, Yu. Vasnetsov;

give an idea of ​​the role of fantasy in art;

    develop interest in folk fairy-tale creativity, graphic skills in conveying the proportions of complex shaped objects, skills compositional solution drawing;

    develop the ability to perform illustrations for fairy tales based on independently chosen plots;

    bring up love for folk tales, goodies fairy tales, empathy for the moods of the fairy tale characters, draw children's attention to good deeds and evil;

Equipment: watercolor paints, brushes, palette, water, pencil, napkins, illustrations for Russian folk tales.

Figurative series: reproductions of paintings by V. M. Vasnetsov; M. A. Vrubel, Yu. A. Vasnetsov, children's books with illustrations by Yu. A. Vasnetsov.

Progress of lessons

    Student organization. (Psychological mood for the lesson)

The bell rang

Let's start our lesson.

Let's study fine arts

Develop creativity and imagination.

Checking students' readiness for the lesson.

    Formulation of the topic, lesson goals.

Look at the board, can you think of what all these illustrations have in common?

What is the topic of our lesson?

Do you often read fairy tales?

Why do you think fairy tales were invented?

Name your favorite fairy tales.

There are many sad and funny fairy tales in the world.

And we cannot live in the world without them.

Let the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth,

May good triumph over evil forever.

You all love looking at pictures in books.

What do you call an artist who draws pictures for books? ( illustrator .)

So you will try yourself in this capacity and illustrate your favorite fairy tale. But first, let's see how the artists coped with this task. All of them were very fond of fairy tales as children, especially Russian folk tales.

Who knows why they are called that? Who composed them? (People)

3. Work on the topic of the lesson.

(Teacher's story about artists illustrating fairy tales. Demonstration of drawings by Yu. Vasnetsov, V. Vasnetsov analysis of them.)

Brief story about famous Soviet illustrators of children's books and display of books with their illustrations for Russian folk tales

Familiarization with the works of artists Yu. Vasnetsov, V. Vasnetsov.

Yuri Alekseevich Vasnetsov

One of these artists is Yuri Vasnetsov. For Vasnetsov, the world of a fairy tale is a world of happiness, where there is neither cruelty nor envy and where good always triumphs over evil. Therefore, all his heroes - a brave rooster, a timid hare, a funny little goat, a clumsy and good-natured bear, a cheerful cat, even a fierce wolf and a tricky fox - evoke the sympathy of the audience. Following the artist, we enter a fairy-tale land of goodness and beauty.

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov

One of the most favorite themes for artists is fairy tales. And among the storytellers, one cannot help but mention the wonderful Russian artist Viktor Vasnetsov. Almost all the heroes of Russian folk tales came to life for us on his canvases. V. Vasnetsov’s paintings “Alyonushka” and “Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf”, “Three Heroes” are widely known.

4. Updating students' knowledge.

1) - We looked at the works of several artists and were convinced that each of them depicts the fairy-tale world in their own way.

M. Vrubel and V. Vasnetsov in their paintings show heroes when they are sad and anxious. This is evidenced by the colors they used when painting. A. Yu. Vasnetsov, as already noted, in his drawings creates a feeling of celebration, using bright colors.

So, before starting work, you should think about what episode from a fairy tale you would like to draw, what they are experiencing this moment characters, what mood they are in.

If they are sad or in danger, what colors will you use to convey their state?

That's right, dark, muted tones that create a feeling of anxiety. If it is a forest, then it is dark green; if it is a river, then the water in it is dark.

And if the heroes have already defeated evil, what paint will help us convey a feeling of joy? Indeed, bright colors will help us convey the mood of the characters. The day will be sunny and bright, the sky will be blue, the forest and grass will be bright green.

Having decided what you will draw, you need to carefully consider the composition of the drawing so that the drawing looks like a single whole.

5. Stages of drawing

1. Composition of the drawing.

Children’s thinking through drawing layouts and their compositional solutions.

Which hero or heroine do you like the most and why? (Students' answers.)

Which part of the fairy tale would you like to illustrate?

At this time, the teacher again demonstrates the illustrations and, if necessary, makes sketches on the board (how the path goes into the distance, how the sky separates from the earth, how to draw animals, trees, etc.) Children can depict the main characters of the fairy tale in their own way.

Since animals are the heroes of a fairy tale, they can talk and be dressed like people.

1) Determine the location of the main characters in the picture.

Drawing a fairy tale begins with defining with a pencil the composition of the plot, the location of the main characters of the fairy tale on a sheet of paper. Then the whole plot is drawn out in detail.

2) Then, using thin pencil lines, draw the horizon line and mark the places where the remaining objects will be located.

Children, if possible, independently choose the plot to illustrate. It is necessary to ensure that students take the most expressive plots. Students draw an illustration verbally, as it were, starting their story by choosing a sheet format. Several students tell the whole class in detail what and how they will draw.

Think over the image of your plot.

2. Carrying out a pencil sketch.

Using thin pencil lines we draw the details of all objects, measuring their proportions. All objects that are in the distance should be smaller than those that are in the foreground. Animals and people should not be taller than trees.

6. Practical work.

1. Assignment: complete the drawing-illustration “My Favorite Fairy Tale” in pencil.

At the end of the work, the teacher checks the correctness of execution pencil drawing and helps correct shortcomings.

(If the guys have time, they can start working in color.

Tint the general background for the sky, earth, forest.)

2. Working with color.

1) The choice of color scheme depends on what emotional state or mood you want to convey in the drawing.

We start filling the picture with color by painting the sky, then paint the ground and then paint the rest of the objects. Make sure that there are no voids (white spots) between the sky and the ground.

2) Drawing the details of the picture.

Let's draw a thin brush small parts: thin tree branches, faces of heroes, etc.

It should be remembered that many artists use such things to convey the fabulousness of what is happening, to highlight the main characters. visual arts , How

light on dark, dark on light,

contrast of big and small,

bright color against a calm background.

Use these tools too.

And remember - everything you learned from them visual arts(ability to work with a pencil, paints, brush, select beautiful color combinations, convey the shape and design of various objects, knowledge of the rules of composition, cold and warm colors), can and should be used in your illustrations.

Assignment: complete a drawing-illustration of “My Favorite Fairy Tale” in color.

    Select a story

    Decide whether to place the sheet vertically or horizontally

    Outline the main elements of the drawing without pressing hard on the pencil

    Check the balance of the composition and start working with color, emphasizing dark on light, and light on dark

7. Summary of lessons. Reflection.

1. Exhibition of student works.

2. Final word teachers.

Real Dreamland appeared in our class. Looking at your drawings, I just want to quote A. S. Pushkin’s poem.


GCD summary for artistic creativity(drawing)

Such different tales

Tasks : Reinforce the concept of what a fairy tale is. Remember fairy tales familiar to children. Learn to draw fairy-tale plots, independently choosing an episode from a fairy tale. Learn to depict fairy tale heroes large and clearly, paying attention to poses (sitting, standing), pay attention to the characters’ facial expressions. Foster independence ,initiative in artistic creativity.

Material: Illustrations for fairy tales, wax crayons, a sheet of paper, a simple pencil and an eraser.

Preliminary work:Taking a quiz on fairy tales, reading fairy tales, looking at illustrations of fairy-tale heroes.Demonstration of puppet and table theater.


Children, today we have some extraordinary guests - these are very interesting fairy tale books, and to find out which ones, let's play, I read you a few lines, and you have to guess what fairy tale we are talking about. (I present the book with a guess)

He managed to catch the wolf

He caught a fox and a bear,

He didn't catch them with a net,

And he caught them sideways.

(Tar barrel goby)

At Alyonushka's sister's

The birds took my brother away.

They fly high.

They look far away.

(Swan geese)

Dexterously swims, dives,

It's not easy to catch her

Fulfills three wishes

At least he can't speak.

(The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish)

It was baked from flour,

It was mixed with sour cream.

He was chilling at the window,

He rolled along the path.


The cheat sang under the window:

I'll treat you to some peas.

The cockerel believed the songs

And he immediately fell into the bag.

(Cat, rooster and fox)

Lives with grandfather and grandmother,

Lays golden eggs for them.

Such a chicken, friends,

It’s impossible not to guess.

(Chicken Ryaba)

Everyone likes fairy tales, because they are not only interesting, but also instructive. And what kind of illustrations there are, these are the artists who are trying for you. Let’s be artists today and try to draw beautiful and bright pictures for fairy tales.

I suggest you choose a fairy tale, think through the plot, determine the character of the characters and get to work.

I would like to remind you that you need to draw large, on the entire sheet, and maintain the proportions between objects. The sketch can be done with a simple pencil.

Children make their choice and start drawing. When the work is finished, we make an exhibition. This is what we got.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Irina Golynova

Summary of the integrated lesson in senior group on the topicFairy tales travel around the world. Drawing fairy tale characters(by design).

(artistically - aesthetic development, speech development, social and communicative development)

Program content: to form and expand children’s ideas about the world fairy tales with the help and means visual arts. Teach children to depict episodes from their favorite fairy tales(draw several fairy tale characters in a certain environment). Develop imagination and creativity.

Develop skills in working with wax crayons, creating a drawing according to your own ideas. Learn to recognize fairy tale according to assignment.

Techniques: conversation, demonstration, examination, guessing riddles, surprise moment, independent activity children, playing.

Methods: verbal, visual, gaming, ICT

Materials: wax crayons, white sheet of A4 paper, Pinocchio toy, quiz on the computer « Fairy tales travel around the world» , audio recording with melodies, laptop, TV.

Progress of the lesson:

Children come into group and stand in a circle.

Educator: Fairy tale is knocking on our door

Let's say fairy tale: "Come in"

IN in a fairy tale anything can happen

What will happen next?

A fairy tale goes around the world,

Leads us all by the hand

A fairy tale - clever and charming -

He lives next to us.

Guys, where do you think I want to invite you to travel?

Children: IN fairy tale!

Educator: Right! I invite you to go to one amazing country, - country fairy tales. Do you love fairy tales?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Well, then let's go! Close your eyes and I will say magic words words: "One, and two, and five, and eight, in we carry everyone's fairy tale!

Open your eyes. Here we are with you in magical land fairy tales.

(sit in front of the TV screen)

Guys, look, a resident has come to us fairyland. What's his name?

Children: Pinocchio!

Educator: Right! Which one is he from? fairy tales?

Children: Golden Key.

Educator: Guys, Pinocchio loves to play and he wants to play with you too. He wants to know how well you know fairy tales and fairy-tale heroes. Shall we play with Pinocchio?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Then listen to the first task that I have prepared for you Pinocchio:

"Guess the hero fairy tales»

I'm walking on my feet, in red boots,

I carry the scythe on my shoulders.

The fox has left the stove. (Cockerel) (slide 1)

Right! And from which fairy tales?

The grandmother loved her granddaughter very much,

Grandma gave her a hat.

The girl forgot her name.

Who can guess what her name was? (Little Red Riding Hood) (slide 2)

Well done! Which one is she from? fairy tales?

It was baked from flour,

It was freezing at the window.

Ran away from my grandparents

And he became lunch for the fox. (Kolobok) (slide 3)

Right! Which one is he from? fairy tales?

Waiting for mother with milk

And they let the wolf into the house.

Who were these

Small children? (Kids) (slide 4)

Well done! Which one are they from? fairy tales?

Gobbling up rolls,

A guy was riding on a stove.

Rode around the village

And he married the princess. (Emelya) (slide 5)

Right! Which one is he from? fairy tales?

Educator: Well done boys! Buratino says that you completed his task. Let's move on to the next one that has been prepared for us Pinocchio:

“What’s extra?”

The teacher shows slides with images characters, which occur in the intended fairy tale, one there will be an extra character, which is not related to the content fairy tales.

1 Fox, hare, hut, palace, dog, rooster. (What's extra)

That's right, a palace. From what fairy tale heroes? (zayushka's hut)

2 grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, cucumber, turnip. (What's extra)

That's right, cucumber. From what fairy tale heroes? (Turnip)

3 Mashenka, ducks, Vanyusha, Baba Yaga, Geese-swans. (What's extra)

That's right, ducks. From what fairy tale heroes? (Swan geese)

Educator: Well done boys! Pinocchio is very pleased with you.

And now he wants you and me to play a little.

Physical education minute "Gnome"

Gnome in the forest walked, (walking in place)

I lost my cap. (bending forward - "We're looking for something missing")

The cap was not simple

With a golden bell. (claps hands)

Who can tell the gnome more precisely? (jumping in place)

Where should he look for what he lost? (walking in place)

Educator: Guys, I want to invite you to be a little artists and draw your favorite fairy tale characters. And then together with you we will create our own magazine which will be called "Our favorite fairy-tale heroes» . I've already prepared the cover, take a look.

Take your jobs. Before we get to work, we need to prepare our fingers, for this we will make a finger gymnastics:

We will call fairy tales:

Mitten, tower,

Kolobok - ruddy side,

There is a Snow Maiden - beauty,

Three bears, wolf-fox,

Let's not forget Sivka-burka,

Our prophetic kaurka.

About the firebird we know the fairy tale,

We don’t forget the turnip,

We know the wolf and the kids

This everyone is happy about fairy tales.

(clapping for the last line)

Remind children what their desires are expressed together with everyone, think about how this can be done draw. Remind about correct techniques drawing with wax crayons. A wax crayon is a short colored stick; you should hold it slightly below the middle, without squeezing it too hard. The chalk gives a wide textured line. At first outline is drawn, and then paint over the drawing.

A small object - short strokes, a large object - long strokes. To obtain different shade you need to use different pressure on the chalk to shade the color. Paint evenly, in one direction without gaps. To get a good shading, learn to regulate hand speed (the middle is faster, the strokes are long, and the edges are short and slow) and do the shading carefully.

During the work, pay attention to expressive transmission fairy tale characters, on their location on a sheet of paper.

Educator: Guys, Pinocchio really liked our magazine.

It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Close your eyes and I will say magic words words: one, and two, and five, and eight – we transfer everyone to kindergarten.”

This is our class ends. Well done!

Municipal autonomous institution additional education children center aesthetic education children "Creativity"

Open lesson


Compiled by:

additional education teacher

Kelekhsaeva E.Yu.


Illustration of the Russian folk tale "Kolobok"

(arranged by K. Ushinsky)

Purpose of the lesson:

Introducewith the works of artists V. Vasnetsov, M. Vrubel,

Yu. Vasnetsova; give an idea of ​​the role of fantasy in art;



develop the ability to perform illustrations for folk tales on independently chosen subjects;


developinterest in folk fairy tales, graphic skills in conveying the proportions of objects with complex shapes, skills in compositional design;


bring uplove for Russian folk tales, for the positive heroes of fairy tales, empathy for the moods of fairy tale heroes, to draw children's attention to good and evil deeds.

Type of lesson: combined

Equipment : watercolor paints, brushes, palette, water, pencil, napkins, illustrations for Russian folk tales.

Figurative series: reproductions of paintings by V. M. Vasnetsov; M. A. Vrubel, Yu. A. Vasnetsov, children's books with illustrations by Yu. A. Vasnetsov.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organization of students.

Checking students' readiness for class.

II . Report the topic of the lesson.

Guys, what books do you like to read most? Of course, fairy tales.

Name the fairy tales from which you will hear excerpts.

1) The crane taps and taps its nose on the plate. I knocked and knocked, but nothing hit.

("The Fox and the Crane")

2) Granddaughter for grandmother, grandmother for grandfather, grandfather for turnip. They pull, they pull, but they cannot pull.("Turnip")

3) - Who, who lives in the little house?

Who, who lives in a low place?

I, little mouse.

I, frog-frog, and who are you? (“Teremok”)

4) - Don’t sit on the tree stump, don’t eat the pie. Bring it to grandma, bring it to grandpa.

("Masha and the Bear")

5) And the fox sits and says:

The beaten one carries the unbeaten, the beaten one carries the unbeaten... (“The Wolf and the Fox”)

6) Ivan Tsarevich entered a swamp. He looks and sees a frog frog sitting and holding his arrow.("Princess Frog")

7) The kids opened the door, the wolf ran into the hut and ate all the kids.("The wolf and the seven Young goats").

8) - I left my grandmother,

And he left his grandfather.

And from you, hare,

And I'll be leaving sooner rather than later.(“Kolobok”)

You all love looking at pictures in books.

An artist who draws pictures for books is calledillustrator .

So you will try yourself in this capacity and illustrate your favorite fairy tale. But first, let's see how the artists coped with this task. All of them were very fond of fairy tales as children, especially Russian folk tales.

Who knows why they are called that? Who composed them? (People)

What other fairy tales are there? (Copyright).

III . Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. Features of the fairy tale genre.

(Teacher's story about artists illustrating fairy tales. Demonstration of drawings by Yu. Vasnetsov, V. Vasnetsov and I. Bilibin, E. Rachev, analysis of them.)

A short story about famous Soviet illustrators of children's books and a display of books with their illustrations for Russian folk tales.

Visiting a fairy tale

Fairy tale - this is a special world of fantasy and reality. Rooted in ancient times, the fairy tale depicts in figurative form lifestyle people, reveals their hidden feelings, dreams and aspirations.

Russian folk tale has a common basis with Russian visual folklore. That's why many fairy tale illustrators turn to popular popular print, to Vyatka clay toy, to ancient gingerbread boards, to the motifs of Russian national ornaments.

2. Familiarization with the work of artists Yu. Vasnetsov, V. Vasnetsov.

In previous classes we learned that artists depict everything real that they see in life.

Do artists depict something that does not exist, that is created by the human imagination? That's right, when artists draw fairy-tale characters, they depict something that does not exist in life.

Yuri Alekseevich Vasnetsov.

One of these artists is Yuri Vasnetsov. For Vasnetsov, the world of a fairy tale is a world of happiness, where there is neither cruelty nor envy and where good always triumphs over evil. Therefore, all his heroes - a brave rooster, a timid hare, a funny little goat, a clumsy and good-natured bear, a cheerful cat, even a fierce wolf and a tricky fox - evoke the sympathy of the audience. Following the artist, we enter a fairyland of goodness and beauty. All illustrations by Yuri Vasnetsov are distinguished by the coloristic harmony of color and tonal relationships, and the artist’s extraordinary decorative gift.

Admire Yu. Vasnetsov’s illustrations for fairy tales and try to understand how the artist, with the help of drawing, color, tonal relationships and composition, masterfully conveys the very spirit of Russian folk tales, images of fairy-tale heroes and characters.

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov (1848-1926)

One of the most favorite themes for artists is fairy tales. And among the storytellers, one cannot help but mention the wonderful Russian artist Viktor Vasnetsov. Almost all the heroes of Russian folk tales came to life for us on his canvases. V. Vasnetsov’s paintings “Alyonushka” and “Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf”, “Three Heroes” are widely known.

In the painting “Alyonushka” we feel how the touching tenderness and deep poetry of the Russian fairy tale excited the sensitive heart of the artist. The girl’s frozen pose, bowed head, sadness-filled gaze - everything speaks of Alyonushka’s melancholy and grief. Surrounding nature in tune with her mood, she seems to be grieving with her: the branches of thin aspens bent sympathetically over the girl, the leaves of reeds and sedges drooped... In the painting “Alyonushka” the poetry of folk tales is fused with the poetry and sincerity of Russian nature. There are many fairy tales about the hero - a Russian knight who stands up for the offended and fights evil so that good can win. In the painting “The Knight at the Crossroads” the artist depicted a Russian hero in full military equipment - with a shield, a pike, a bow and arrows, a helmet and chain mail, on a handsome white horse. Reading the inscription on the stone, the knight thinks about where to direct his path, and the soft pink sunset fills everything around with a mysterious light. And we seem to find ourselves in a fairy tale, and we also have to make a choice... Masterfully mastering the art of composition, drawing and painting techniques, the artist with great warmth creates images of our national fairy-tale heroes.

IV . Updating students' knowledge.

1) - We looked at the works of several artists and were convinced that each of them depicts fairy world.

M . Vrubel and V. Vasnetsov in their paintings show heroes when they are sad and anxious. This is evidenced by the colors they used when painting. A. Yu. Vasnetsov, as already noted, in his drawings creates a feeling of celebration using bright colors.

So, before starting work, you should think about what episode from the fairy tale you would like to draw, what the characters are experiencing at the moment, what their mood is.

If they are sad or in danger, what colors will you use to convey their state?

That's right, dark, muted tones that create a feeling of anxiety. If it is a forest, then it is dark green; if it is a river, then the water in it is dark.

And if the heroes have already defeated evil, what paint will help us convey a feeling of joy? Indeed, bright colors will help us convey the mood of the characters. The day will be sunny and bright, the sky will be blue, the forest and grass will be bright green.

Having decided what you will draw, you need to carefully consider the composition of the drawing so that the drawing looks like a single whole.

2) Conversation about the heroes of the fairy tale “Kolobok”.

(The children, together with the teacher, recall the content of the fairy tale.)

Let's remember the main characters of the fairy tale.

Who met the kolobok first? What song did Kolobok sing to him?

Who did you meet second? Third? The last one?

(Illustrations of animals are attached to the board).

What riddles do you know about them? How do they characterize these animals?

V . Stages of drawing.

1. Composition of the drawing.

Children’s thinking through drawing layouts and their compositional solutions.

Which hero or heroine do you like the most and why?(Students’ answers.)

Which part of the fairy tale would you like to illustrate?

At this time, the teacher again demonstrates the illustrations and, if necessary, makes sketches on the board (how the path goes into the distance, how the sky separates from the earth, how to draw animals, trees, etc.) Children can depict the main characters of the fairy tale in their own way.Since animals are the heroes of a fairy tale, they can talk and be dressed like people.

1) Determine the location of the main characters in the picture.

Drawing a fairy tale begins with defining with a pencil the composition of the plot, the location of the main characters of the fairy tale on a sheet of paper. Then the whole plot is drawn out in detail.

2) Then, using thin pencil lines, draw the horizon line and mark the places where the remaining objects will be located.

Think over the image of your plot.

2. Carrying out a pencil sketch.

Using thin pencil lines we draw the details of all objects, measuring their proportions. All objects that are in the distance should be smaller than those that are in the foreground. Animals and people should not be taller than trees.

VI . Practical work.

1. Assignment: complete the drawing-illustration “My Favorite Fairy Tale” in pencil.

2. Working with color.

3. Drawing the details of the picture.

Select a story.

Decide whether to place the sheet vertically or horizontally

Outline the main elements of the drawing without pressing hard on the pencil

Check the balance of the composition and start working with color, emphasizing dark on light, and light on dark

VII . Summary of the lesson. Reflection.

1. Exhibition of student works.

2. Final word from the teacher.

A real fairyland has appeared in our studio.

How well you were able to convey in your drawings your love for the heroes of fairy tales and their mood. Well done!

3. Reflection.

If you liked the lesson, then draw a smile on the bun, if not, then a sad face.

Abstract of continuous educational activities children 6-7 years old

Konshenko Marina Sergeevna, senior teacher of the pre-school educational institution " Kindergarten No. 153" Saratov

Description of material: I offer you a summary of continuous educational activities in educational field « Speech development" for children preparatory group on the theme "Fairytale Fair". Main goal: introducing preschoolers to fiction. This material will be useful for teachers of the preparatory group and can be used as entertainment or leisure, as it is compiled in a playful form.

Abstract of the educational activity “Fairytale Fair” for children 6-7 years old

Target: nurturing interest and love of reading.
Strengthen children's knowledge of previously read works;
Clarify children's ideas about genre features fairy tales;
Teach children to find words that rhyme with each other;
Develop coherent speech, memory, attention, thinking, the ability to more accurately characterize an object, creative imagination;
Cultivate an interest in children's literature.
Equipment: projector, screen, presentation “Fairytale Fair”, audio recording with phrases of fairy tale heroes, illustrations for fairy tales, drawing by artist L. Vladimirsky “The Wizard of the Emerald City”, portraits of writers, stickers depicting fairy tale heroes, silhouettes of fairy tale heroes, two caskets, attributes of fairy tale heroes, children's drawings “My favorite fairy tale”, cards with the sequence of events for two fairy tales,
If it is not possible to use a presentation in class, then the slides can be replaced with illustrations.
Preliminary work: reading fairy tales, looking at paintings, illustrations for fairy tales, drawing “My favorite fairy tale”

GCD move.
Dear Guys! Do you know what literature is? Right! This works of art- fairy tales, poems, stories and stories. Among the Russian people rich story, culture. And so that history would not be forgotten, they composed fairy tales and told these tales to children, and when they became adults, they told them to their children. This is how fairy tales came down to us. What are these fairy tales called? That's right, Russians folk tales. From such tales we learn how Russian people lived in the old days, what they taught their children, what they dreamed about. You all love to listen to exciting and interesting fairy tales. Let's remember how fairy tales differ from others literary works. It’s true, in fairy tales there is magic, and animals talk, and special “fairytale” words. Therefore, it is always interesting to listen to a fairy tale and it sounds beautiful, like a song. Fairy tales are interesting and instructive. They glorify kind, brave people and ridicule greedy, cowardly, and evil ones. Guys, what words do fairy tales begin with? (Once upon a time they lived; in a certain kingdom, in a certain state; a father had three sons; once). What words do fairy tales end with? (That’s the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened, well done; They began to live well and make good money; I was there, honey, drank beer, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth). That's right, well done!

Game exercise “Guess and name”
Let's remember the very first fairy tales that your mother read to you. You still remember them now, right? I will read a fragment of a Russian folk tale, and you guess and tell me the name. After the children name the fairy tale, an illustration from this fairy tale is projected onto the screen. Slides 3-7.

1) The grandfather beat him and didn’t break him, the woman beat him and didn’t break him, but the mouse came running and waved his tail, the egg fell and broke. Chicken Ryaba.
2) Grandfather called grandmother:
grandmother for grandfather,
grandpa for the turnip -
They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out! turnip
3) The old woman took the wing, scraped it along the box, broomed it along the bottom, and collected about two handfuls of flour. She kneaded it with sour cream, fried it in oil and put it on the window to let it sit. Kolobok
4) - I, little mouse.
- I, frog-frog.
- Me, the runaway bunny.
- And who are you?
- And I am a fox-sister.
- Come live with us! Teremok
5) The girls came to the forest and began to pick mushrooms and berries. Here Mashenka - tree by tree, bush by bush - and went far, far away from her friends. She started calling around and calling them. But my girlfriends don’t hear, they don’t respond. Masha and the Bear

Game “Look, don’t yawn and guess the fairy tale”
You and I drew our favorite fairy tales. Now your drawings will appear on the screen. You need to look carefully at the drawing and name the fairy tale that is depicted. But there is only one condition. The one who recognizes his drawing does not give a hint. Agreed?
Children's drawings are projected onto the screen. Slides 8-14.

Game exercise “Recognize and name”
Among the fairy tales there are those written by writers and poets. Unlike folk tales, they have a specific author and are called literary fairy tales. Many Russian poets and writers were very fond of folk tales and told them in their own way. You need to look carefully at a fragment from a fairy tale and name the author.
First, an illustration from a fairy tale is projected onto the screen, and after the children answer, a portrait of the writer is projected.
- “The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes" - A.S. Pushkin Slides 15-16.
- "The Little Humpbacked Horse" - P.P. Ershov Slides 17-18.
- “Thumbelina” - G.H.Andersen Slides 19-20.
- “Seven-flowered flower” - V.P.Kataev Slides 21-22.
- "Aibolit" - K.I. Chukovsky Slides 23-24.

Game exercise “In the land of fairy tales of K. Chukovsky.”
K.I. Chukovsky wrote many fairy tales. Let's remember some of his tales. Continue with the title of the story. Illustrations of Chukovsky’s books are projected onto the screen. Slides 25-28
Fly- clatter
Stolen goods - Sun
Miracle- tree
Fedorino grief
I got a call Telephone

Game task “Miracles in the Emerald City.”

A drawing by artist L. Vladimirsky “The Wizard of the Emerald City” is projected onto the screen. Slide 29.
Look carefully at the drawing by artist L. Vladimirsky. A yellow brick road runs into the distance. And after her, two people go off into the distance. But no, sorry, there are already three of them. More precisely, four. And here is another, fifth, fellow traveler, along with everyone else, cheerfully walking along the yellow bricks. Who are these strange companions: a little girl in silver slippers, her faithful dog, or rather a dog, a huge lion, a straw dummy and iron Man? But these are old friends - Ellie, Toto, the Scarecrow, the Woodcutter and the Cowardly Lion. And they go to the emerald city to fulfill their most cherished desires. A song helps them along the way. Let's sing it all together.
We are in the city of Emerald
Let's go along the difficult road,
Let's go along the difficult road,
Dear is not direct.
Three cherished wishes,
Performed by the wise Goodwin.
And Ellie will return
Home with Totoshka.
Interesting tale- "Wizard emerald city", which was written by A. Volkov. The girl Ellie lived in an ordinary country, helping her mother with housework, but suddenly a hurricane brought Ellie to a magical land.
Prove that the country Ellie finds herself in is magical.
-sorceresses live here (Villina, Stella, Gingema, Bastinda)
- fairy-tale creatures live (Scarecrow, Tin Woodman, Ogre, Flying Monkeys)
- here you can find magical things (magic book, silver shoes, Golden Cap)
- magical plants grow (deadly red poppies)
- not only people talk, but animals and birds.

Didactic game “In the beginning - then...”.
Now we will split into two teams. I will distribute cards with illustrations from fairy tales to each team: one team is “Morozko”, the other is “Snow Maiden”. You need to restore the sequence of events in fairy tales - arrange the cards in in the right order. Slide 30 – the books “Morozko” and “Snow Maiden” are projected onto the screen
Stepdaughter carries firewood into the house
An old man takes his daughter to the forest
Stepdaughter sits in the forest under a spruce tree
Morozko gave the girl a box with rich gifts
The old woman's daughter sits under a fir tree and talks to Morozko
The old woman meets the sleigh at the gate, and the old woman’s daughter lies in it
"Snow Maiden"
-The old man and the old woman are making the Snow Maiden
-Spring has come. The old man and the old woman persuade the Snow Maiden to go have fun with everyone.
-The girls came to the forest to call for the Snow Maiden.
-Girlfriends are walking in the forest.
-The Snow Maiden jumps over the fire.
-Above the fire there is white steam that rises into a white cloud.

Relay race "Fairytale casket".
Opposite each team there is a casket and images of fairy tale heroes. The fairytale chest contains items that were lost by the heroes of fairy tales - the “lost ones”. You need to run to the chest, open it, take the item, determine whose it is and return it to the “owner” - put it near the image. Help your favorite characters get their things back.
(Boots, hat - Puss in Boots; mirror, apple - Queen; key, cap - Pinocchio; The Scarlet Flower- Alyonushka, arrow - Ivan; propeller, jar of jam - Carlson; Little Red Riding Hood, basket of pies – Little Red Riding Hood; toy carriage, glass slipper– Cinderella; dirty plates, pots - Fedora; soap, washcloth - Moidodyr, etc.)

Guess game.
And now it’s a very difficult task. You need to identify the hero of the fairy tale by the silhouette. (The Frog Princess, Pinocchio, Chipolino, Dunno, Puss in Boots) Children are shown silhouettes (projected on a screen or cut out). First, a silhouette is projected onto the screen, and after the children answer, the hero of the fairy tale is projected. Slides 31-46

Game exercise “Who am I?”
Now you will hear the voices of fairy tale heroes. Guess which of the main characters said these words.
-Do not eat me, Gray wolf, I’ll sing you a song (Kolobok)
-Catch a fish, big and small! (Wolf)
-We hear, we hear! This is not my mother's voice. Our mother sings in a thin voice and doesn’t lament like that! (Kids)
-The fox carries me beyond the dark forests, beyond fast rivers, behind high mountains. Kitty - brother, save me! (Cockerel)
-Milk river - jelly banks! Where did the geese and swans fly? (Alyonushka)
-Oh, my brother, Ivanushka! The heavy stone pulls to the bottom, the silken grass tangles my legs, the yellow sands lie on my chest. (sister Alyonushka)
-I’ll sit on a tree stump and eat a pie! (Bear)
-I sit high, I look far away! Don't sit on the tree stump, don't eat the pie! (Mashenka)
-The beaten man is not lucky (Fox)

Didactic game “Find the rhyme”
I would like to invite you to find rhymes for the words that I tell you. Remind me, please, what rhymes are? That's right, these are the consonances at the end of lines of poetry that make poetry harmonious and beautiful.
Kolobok – ruddy side
Frog - wah
Pinocchio - painting
The Bears - neighbours
Somersault - on horseback
Keith – sleeping
Queen- girl
Giant – ocean
Duck - joke
Mouse - book and so on.

Didactic game “Fairytale mistake”.
Now let's see how attentive you are. The artist was drawing and was distracted all the time. So I made mistakes. Our task is to correct them. You need to look carefully at the drawings, find the mistake and correct it.
First, the incorrect option is projected onto the screen, and after the children answer correctly, the correct option is projected. If children find it difficult to answer, the correct option is displayed on the screen and discussed.
1. Fairy tale Teremok. There is a hippopotamus sitting on Teremka instead of a bear. Slides 47-48
2. The fairy tale Kolobok. Cheburashka sits on the fox’s nose instead of Kolobok. Slides 49-50
3. Fairy tale Chicken Ryaba. There is a squirrel on the table instead of a mouse. Slides 51-52
4. Tale Turnip. The heroes pull carrots instead of turnips. Slides 53-54
5. Tale of Geese and Swans. Pinocchio sits on the swans' wings instead of a boy. Slides 55-56
6. Fairy tale Golden Key. Buratino has a hammer in his hands instead of a key. Slides 57-58
7. Poe's Tale pike command. Emelya is lying on the TV, not on the stove. Slides 59-60
8. Fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood. On the path, Little Red Riding Hood meets not a wolf, but a Giraffe. Slides 61-62
9. Fairy tale Frog-traveler. Ducks are flying, and instead of a frog they have a hare clinging to a twig. Slides 63-64
10. Fairy tale The Three Little Pigs. Two pigs and a cat are dancing in the clearing, not three little pigs. Slides 65-66

Game "Mysterious picture". Goal: learn to guess the hero from the description, repeating words with difficult sounds.
Someone ruined the illustration for the fairy tale with stickers. You need to listen to the description - three words, guess who it is about, find the desired picture and remove the sticker. When all the stickers are removed, an illustration for the fairy tale will appear. After the children free the picture from the stickers, you can also display the illustration on the screen - slide 67.
- Red-haired, cunning, fluffy - FOX
- Gray, wild, hungry - WOLF
- Round, edible, baked – KOLOBOK
- Cowardly, timid, gray - HARE
- Wooden, long-nosed, perky - Pinocchio
- Harmful, old, scary - BABA YAGA
- Small, fragile, beautiful - ThUMbelina
- Cold, beautiful, cruel - THE SNOW QUEEN

Game “Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales”
Now let’s turn over the pages of your favorite fairy tales and check how you remember them. For the most
- Who drove away the fox from the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”? (Rooster)
- Who helped Tiny Khavroshechka with everything? (Cow)
- What was Kolobok’s last song? Why? (Fourth, the fox ate Kolobok)
- Who bought the samovar in K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale? (Fly)
- Who absolutely had to get to Limpopo? (To Aibolit)
- Name Baba Yaga’s transport (Broom, stupa)
- Why did Ivanushka turn into a little goat? (Drank water from a goat's hoof print)
-Who saved Little Red Riding Hood? (Dovoseki)
- Pinocchio's first book? (ABC)
- What color is Malvina’s hair? (Blue)
- Who grew up from the ugly duckling in Andersen's fairy tale? ( Beautiful swan)
- What did the Fairy make the carriage for Cinderella from? (from pumpkin)
- What did Cinderella lose at the ball? (shoe)
- What got into Kai’s eye in the fairy tale “ The Snow Queen"(Mirror Shard)
- What fairy tales throw at the whole world (Feast)

Well, Dear friends! It's time to finish the meeting with the heroes of fairy tales. Thank you very much for your activity. You made me very happy that you know fairy tales, remember and love them. And I hope that each of you will find a fairy tale to your liking among the many fairy tales, and will meet your favorite characters many, many times.