Beautiful female names - modern, rare and unusual. Beautiful modern female names (list) The most beautiful female names in the world

People have always had names. But before people realized that a name is not just a designation for a person to make him different from others, but it is something connected with his life, character, and destiny.

In ancient times there were no names as widespread as today. Of course, it was always possible to meet another person with the same name, but more often the name was given individually only to that person and was associated with certain events at his birth or the time surrounding his birth. Each name was unique and could mean anything. For example, the conditions under which the child was born ( Full moon , Bright star etc.). Or how his parents would like to see a person.

Later, the ancient Greeks began to give children the names of gods and heroes, not without reason believing that the child would inherit their qualities and destiny. The ancient people were afraid to give the name of God to a child, so in the names they used the character qualities inherent in any god. For example, Victor means winner, and Maxim translates as greatest. Mars wore a laurel branch on his head, hence the name Laurus.

But some were given the real names of gods. Many beautiful and unusual ones are still very popular female names. For example: Muse, Aurora, Aphrodite, Maya. Later, Christians adopted this tradition, naming their children in honor of their saints. Once upon a time, a very long time ago, in Russia names were given using the church calendar, in which the day corresponded a specific name. Nowadays this tradition is not very popular.

After the revolution in Russia, new names became popular, reflecting the events taking place in the country. This affected girls most of all. Then the names that we call today began to appear: rare female names. In essence, this is the return of old traditions, when the name, in some way, reflected what was happening around. They were called: Oktyabrina, Idea etc. At the same time, the names that are used now appeared. For example, Lily(it is similar to the Russian name Lydia), Ninel(Lenin is the opposite).

The most unusual female names were given to girls in Soviet years. Eg, Revmira means revolution of the world, well, about Spark There’s nothing more to say - in honor of the newspaper, etc.

In the last century, a fashion for foreign female names appeared in our country. Then Karina, Nelly, Snezhana, Marianna, Valeria and Margarita became popular. In our time, the “ancient” names of the Slavs have become widespread: Yaroslava, Lada, Miroslava, Vlada, Svetlana, Lyudmila. Such female names as Milava, Beliana, Lyubava, Zhdana, Kupava, Zabava, Rogneda, Borislava are beautiful and poetic.

It just so happened that each name was a word or phrase from some language. Most of the names we use today come to us from Byzantium and Greece. Some were taken from other languages. But now these names are used not as words denoting anything, but as proper names. That is, the child is given a name. The main thing is that it is beautiful and to the taste of the parents. There is no deep meaning attached to a proper name.

How often do parents try to choose for their baby original name. Our legislation today makes it possible to name your child any name, even the most unusual one. Giving in to their mood, parents can sometimes even name their children too extravagantly.

This tradition did not bypass girls either. Sometimes mom and dad use excessive imagination. And often the results are very original names. So original that it’s hard to believe that the girl was named that way. Unusual names are the result of the extraordinary thinking of adults.

For example, the registry office archives indicate that last year the most popular names were: Viagra, Bath, Afigenia, Trishka, Joy etc. The most original name of the last year, in general opinion, the name is Russia. Such names are quite unusual and not ordinary.

The most unusual female names are registered in Russia and in beginning of XXI century. It was then that names of a patriotic nature began to appear. For example, Vyborina. The female name also became famous Privatization.

And already a completely extraordinary female name Medmiya(in honor of Dmitry Medvedev).

The reason for choosing an unusual name for a child is often the desire of parents to make him special, not like others. Often such a name creates certain problems for the child and complicates his relationships with peers.

Psychology experts are sure that a child, first of all, should like his name. By giving the baby an unconventional name, mom and dad demonstrate to everyone his uniqueness and, at the same time, separate him from his peers. Not every child will be able to withstand the constant attention of society caused by an unusual name. Most children with very imaginative parents often try to get rid of their overly original name.

Although, what do we actually mean by the phrase “unusual female names?” Those names that now seem unusual to us, perhaps someday for our descendants will be the most familiar and even banal. Think for yourself - once upon a time Ancient Greece and Rome, the names we use now were also considered strange by some.

But also strange names can be simply wonderful. Such names as Artemis, Aphrodite, Aurora attract and excite the imagination; they are all goddesses and their names also sound divine. The top ten leaders in the competition for the most unusual female names in Russia are headed by: Russia, Tsarina, Moon, Milagres, Kalita. And Milady And Artemis.

What should a woman's name be in our understanding? Probably, first of all, beautiful. After all, the very fact that this name will belong to a girl places a huge responsibility on her parents.

A girl's name should please the ear and excite the imagination. It should attract and be unforgettable. Someday, a little girl will grow up and turn into a beautiful girl, after meeting whom a young (or not so young) man will repeat her name again and again. It will live in his heart and mind, constantly recreating before his eyes the tender image of its owner. And let it be an unusual or even the most unusual female name in the world. It will make her stand out from the crowd.

But in no case should the name be the fruit of the perverted imagination of her parents, fanatical adherents, of any movement or religion. Because when a girl grows up and opens up like a beautiful flower, she will not have to carry someone else’s burden on her shoulders - the burden of her parents. She has to choose her path. Difficult or easy. Straight or curved. Full of secrets and riddles or light and open. But this will be her way. Not someone else's, not a gift, but her own, which belongs only to her, like her name!

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Rare female names are heard and remembered more and more often today. Forgotten Slavic variants are returning from the past, analogues of familiar Russian names are being borrowed from abroad.

Of course, sometimes old names are simply dissonant. But still, they often have strong feminine energy or bring good luck. Therefore, today we have prepared for you a list of rare, but very successful female names.


This rare and beautiful female name, with its soft sound alone, imparts some special beauty to its bearers. Most often you can notice that parents are ready to literally turn up the whole world and throw it at their daughter’s feet, but they need to be careful. Often Ladas grow up to be very capricious because of this.

By nature, Lada usually turns out to be a maximalist in everything, especially in feelings, which is why it is sometimes difficult to come to an agreement with her. This must be taken into account when choosing such an unusual name for a girl. However, Ladas are determined and persistent, which will help them in career growth. After all, they almost never abandon their goals.


Beautiful female name Zlata It is quite easy to interpret even without the help of dictionaries. It is most likely Jewish origin, but could have entered the Russian language through Greek. In this name, the root “zlat” is easily recognizable, of course, reminiscent of gold.

It is not surprising that a woman named Zlata always has her own principles regarding money. She really does not like to borrow, even if she is forced to do so. Zlata is also usually quite thrifty, which, of course, will come in handy throughout her life. Thanks to their natural caution, these women turn out to be good housewives.

It must be said that family plays a very important role in Zlata’s life. A girl with this rather rare name can grow into a homebody. She is intellectual and often wants to look into the future. Usually the name gives them such qualities as tact and attentiveness to people, but it can also endow them with some secrecy.


Vasilisa- a beautiful name for a girl, which was once very common in Rus'. It is of Greek origin, and can be translated into Russian as “royal”. It is also female version male name Basil. Sometimes it is shortened to Vasya or another option is used, Vasilena.

Girls with this name most often turn out to be very virtuous and sometimes consider their own and other people's problems with the same zeal and desire to help their neighbors. They are charming and good-looking, they know how to be there on time when it comes to difficult life situations.

Typically, the shortcomings of these women are attributed to the inability to admit their weaknesses and excessive stubbornness. However, women with the rare name Vasilisa are quite gentle in communication, which makes them very pleasant.

Sofia (Sofia)

Sophia or Sofia is considered a Russian Orthodox name that means “wisdom” and everything associated with it. This name is also mentioned in Greece and has the following diminutives: Sonya, Sofa, Sofyushka, Sonechka, Sofka, Fiya, Fifi.

In Rus', this name was considered so powerful that initially only the highest classes could receive it, and it was used only in aristocratic society. Later the fashion spread to the nobility. The popularity of such a beautiful and unusual name was constantly growing, and soon girls from any class began to be called Sophia.

Women with beautiful name Sophia have a deep inner world that helps them cope with any problem and supports them in Hard time. They bring light, goodness and love into the world and this is what attracts others to them and charges them with positivity. Such women are always open to communication and ready to lend their shoulder. Despite their strong inner core, they are very gentle and passionate natures.

Sofia's temperament plays a role in her personal life main role. She is an excellent housewife and a wonderful wife and mother. Despite the fact that such women dream of becoming the head of the family, they are always pleased when there is a strong man capable of taking full responsibility upon himself. Only with such a husband does Sophia feel like stone wall and with great pleasure begin to create home comfort.


Name Angelina so far it is quite rare, although it is present in the calendar. Literally it means “messenger”. It is of Greco-Latin origin and has many forms and variations in different languages peace. The name Angelina can be shortened to short form Lina, but do not forget that this option is also independent.

Often girls with the unusual name Angelina inherit the character of their mother and grow up to be very stubborn, which is evident from childhood. Therefore, Angelina shows a desire to command. This girl rarely makes concessions. She also wants to achieve everything herself and does not expect help from anyone.

Sometimes Angelina is not very active and may not be at all interested in what is happening at school or even university. But she loves to study on her own. We can say that she has somewhat masculine character traits, and it is difficult to find mutual language. But Angelina is always an interesting and pleasant person.


Diana is a Catholic and rather unusual female name for our country. On a global scale, it is more familiar, because the spread of Catholicism greatly affected its popularity. Translated from Latin language Diana is translated as "pertaining to God." This was also the name of the Roman goddess, which means that this name is marked by the patronage of higher powers.

Diana is a very kind, bright and pleasant person. If you ask Diana if she is happy, then 100 percent of the time she will answer you yes.

For a girl, this rare name in our country means success in relationships with boys, which she retains throughout her life. Dianas may look ordinary, but after meeting them, no man will remain indifferent to them. They are kind, know how to joke and understand any person, for which they are very loved in any company.


According to the most common version, name Arina is an obsolete form of the name Irina. Historians believe that earlier in Rus' Irin was called exactly that, after which the name was transformed by replacing the first letter. Now this seemingly unusual female name is coming back again, gaining popularity.

Arina is always interested in something, and very much so. This unusual female name gives its owner good self-control, endurance and resistance to stress. Arins always know what to say, when to remain silent and when to fight back. Despite her strong character traits, Arina is incredibly attractive to men. This one rare feminine item bestows upon those who wear it the gift of easy interaction with the male sex.

Arina often falls in love, but not only with men, but also with her work. A girl with this name always brings the job she starts to the end, without backing down at the sight of problems. This is why Arina is successful and loves her work, which quite often is also her favorite hobby.


Many have heard of the Western name Emily, which, according to many scientists, is practically synonymous Emilia. In Russia this name sounded like Emilia- it was female uniform Omelyana. One way or another, this form is now forgotten. Translated from Greek language Emilios means “kind” or “affectionate.”

Since childhood, Emilia has loved difficult tasks and everything that is attractive on the outside. She appreciates beauty in people, but not only external, but also internal. This is an unusual name for a girl living in our country, as it is incredibly rare. This has its advantages that all female representatives dream of - individuality, beauty and charm.

When Emilia grows up, her life flows along the course that the girl herself determines. She doesn’t always understand people well, but she feels them well, which is why Emilia is happy in her marriage.


Anita very often confused with Anna, although there is absolutely no connection between these two names in terms of origin. Anita is a rare female name that supposedly appeared in Spain, although it goes back to old Germanic roots. It means “beautiful”, “graceful”, “gentle”, “sweet”.

Anita's character is complex and incomprehensible to most people. This is why Anita had few friends as a child. If you ask Anita's friend or boyfriend why they are friends with her, you will not hear a clear answer. This is a man of mystery, not only for those around him, but also for himself.

In adult life this beautiful and rare female name gives girls and women many advantages over other representatives of the fairer sex, namely: charm, the ability to see what others cannot see, an irresistible craving for beauty. Anita loves not so much life itself as the beauty of its details.


Name Taisiya as common as Slavic peoples, and in the west. It's Catholic and christian name, which has Greek origin. Translated, it means “fertile.” This is a very beautiful and unusual female name, but it is often heard. IN Eastern Europe it is very popular, but in Russia it is rarely given to girls.

Taisiya is impulsive and very secretive. Perhaps these are the only qualities that can cause her problems in life. Otherwise, she has all the makings of a strong leader, as well as a self-sufficient and strong personality. Her analytical mind tells her that there is no rush to get married, but her strong intuition does not argue with this. That is why she has children and ties the knot quite late.

This is a man of contrasts, because such strong ladies always have many friends and many enemies. Her character plays a very important role in this, which is very difficult to call simple. Taisiya is secretive and patient, but sometimes she life problems make her explode like atomic bomb. In this case, it is better to run without looking back.


Name Kira has several versions of origin. Many argue that this word came to us from Greece and is a derivative of the name Kiros, which was assigned to men. It has a strong meaning and is associated with words such as: “lord”, “lord”, “lord”. Others prove that given name came to us from Persia and means “sun”, “rays of light” and “carrying heat”. The name Kira is given an abbreviated name from such names as: Kirill, Kyriakia, Shakira, Kirra.

With age, Kira will have to face injustice, which will only strengthen her character and instill in her a reserved and secretive nature. However, thanks to such lessons of Fate, directness and determination appear in women with the beautiful name Kira, which helps them move directly towards their ideals, destroying all obstacles in their path. Such women cope well with leadership positions and know how to combine charm and intelligence.

At home, women with such a rare name as Kira make excellent housewives. They always feel warm and cozy, and their doors are always open to family and close friends. Such women become faithful wives who are able to support their husbands in difficult times and inspire them to heroic deeds. Her choice will fall on an attractive man on whom she can rely. And if Kira does not tolerate competition in her career, then in marriage she is ready to agree to a supporting role. This feature of Kira will create a strong alliance based on mutual love, respect and understanding.


Name Yesenia It is unusual in that it has completely opposite meanings in different cultures. According to one version, this is a derivative of the word “autumn” and was the name given to girls who were born in the autumn months. According to another legend, girls born in the spring were called “spring ones.” It was this word that was later transformed into Yesenia. There are also several other opinions about where such a rare name came to us. Some argue that this name became popular after the appearance of the Russian poet Sergei Yesenin, while others argue that it is a derivative of the Arabic male name Hassan, which means “beautiful”, or from “stranger” in Greek.

Enya, by nature, is growing up to be a very kind and loving girl. She is good with animals and loves everything beautiful. Over the years, Yesenia learns to hide her soft character and quite easily achieves her goals. Such women make wonderful leaders and mentors. They are fair and very smart. Such women immediately stand out from the crowd with their relentless zeal to get what they want. If Yesenia is passionate about something, she will definitely see it through to the end.

This independent nature of women influences family life Yesi. These women marry only after they can provide for themselves. They value their freedom, but they won’t allow anyone to climb on their necks either. That is why Yesenia mostly has late unions. However, this does not have any negative consequences.

Milana (Milena)

This name has many consonant names, such as Milena. However, they have absolutely different meanings. It is believed that the name Milan originally came from the word "mil", like other similar names. However, they cannot be called diminutives and considered to be the same name. It is important to understand that Miloslava, Militsa, Milonia, Milena are not forms of each other. But if you want to call Milana affectionately, then the following names are suitable for this: Milanka, Mila, Lana, Milunka.

Adult Milana always does what she says. Her character contains a masculine character, which, despite everything, does not deprive her of femininity, but only emphasizes it. Such a rare name rewards its owner with excellent intuition, endurance and a craving for everything mystical. Although Milana prefers loneliness to noisy company, her interests never make her feel abandoned and unwanted. Such women feel people well and always know when they need to be alone with their thoughts.

A name is something given to us by our parents. This is what we give to our children. ...

Choosing a name for your little princess is a pleasant and, at the same time, responsible process. Future parents, as well as grandparents, go through all possible options before settling on just one. The name with which a girl comes into this world largely determines her character and future destiny.

Sometimes you have to “sweat” over a name for a newborn baby.

Possible criteria for choosing a name for a girl

The most best name It can be very difficult to choose one for a daughter, especially when disagreements arise between mom and dad. Parents are sorting out maximum amount options, paying attention to both fashionable and old ones.

First of all, they consider the beautiful Russian royal names that the Rurikovichs called girls - Catherine, Sofia, Anastasia, Anna, Alexandra, Elizabeth, Maria. They remember unusual ancient ones - Aglaya, Angelina, Lukerya, Evdokia, Iraida, Claudia, Martha, Pelageya. Each option has unique origin and meaning.

Someone wants to name a newborn in memory of a loved one. In this case, it is worth remembering that it is not correct to name your child after a deceased relative. Consider interesting and rare names for girls. They are also chosen according to their meaning, according to the church calendar, according to the horoscope and the advice of an astrologer.

By name meaning

When naming a child, they look at the meaning of the name in the case when they want to give his character certain features. Besides, no one wants to letter code had a bad meaning.

  • Aglaya - “brilliant”. Aglai – bright personalities, ideas and emotions literally gush out of them, they are always ahead and ready to lead their team.
  • Alexandra is a strong letter code, translated meaning “strong-willed.” Children use their natural abilities to their advantage and know how to carefully hide their emotions.
  • Anastasia – “resurrected”. Nastya's girls are kind and gentle, but with a strong character. Very dreamy natures.
  • Angelina - “messenger”. The name is gentle, the word “angel” is clearly read in it, but its owners are energetic and determined.
  • Anna is one of the names royal family, translated as “brave.” Ani is principled, careful, patient.
  • Catherine – means “purity”. Katya grows up intellectually developed and purposeful, capable of achieving success.
  • Iraida – translated as “heroine”. Iraids are active and proud. Such people achieve whatever they want in life.
  • Claudia – “persistent.” Perseverance is main feature Klava’s character, and this helps her a lot in life.
  • Maria - means "serenity". An affectionate nature that wants to warm and protect everyone around.
  • Martha – “noble”. A young lady with a rare and beautiful name grows up calm, balanced and caring.
  • Sophia (Sofia) - means “reasonable, wise.” Girls with this name usually have a rich inner world. In life they are lucky and happy.

According to the church calendar

The method of choosing a name according to the Saints is popular. It is believed that a child named according to the church calendar is under the protection of his guardian angel from the first days of his life. The day of a saint is celebrated every day. All that remains is to choose one of them.

The most beautiful church female names for daughters have Slavic, Greek and Hebrew roots. It is also worth finding information about why the person was canonized. If you have a difficult choice, look at nearby dates and the entire month.


  1. In December, daughters are named in honor of the Saints: Anna, Anastasia, Varvara, Catherine, Zoya, Kira, Lilia, Margarita, Maria, Tamara, Tatiana, Ulyana, Yulia.
  2. In January, the name days of Arina, Anastasia, Antonina, Agnia, Vasilisa, Varvara, Evgenia, Maria, Melania, Irina, Ksenia, Tatyana, Ulyana, Emilia, Yulia. Daughters born in January have a strong character. The name given according to the Saints can soften it and endow the girl with tenderness.
  3. In February, Agnia, Anna, Alexandra, Alevtina, Arina, Vasilisa, Vera, Zoya, Ekaterina, Inna, Christina, Sofia have Angel Day. Just as in the case of January daughters, the name of the Saint will soften their unbending winter character.

It is believed that names according to the calendar protect the child throughout his life.


  1. March Saints: Anna, Arina, Varvara, Galina, Daria, Kira, Maria, Marianna, Marina, Nadezhda, Olga, Ulyana, Yuliana, Yulia. Girls born in the first month of spring are often gentle and indecisive, but at the same time talented and charming.
  2. In April in church calendar name days of Saints Anastasia, Anna, Varvara, Daria, Larisa, Lydia, Nika, Praskovya, Sofia. Children born in April are successful and talented.
  3. According to the Saints, the May princesses can be called: Valeria, Zhanna, Zoya, Joanna, Tamara, Faina, Fedora, Elsa, Julia.


  1. The June ones are called Alena, Vera, Elena, Zinaida, Lilia, Susanna, Yuliana.
  2. In July, the days of the Saints are Agrippina, Valentina, Dinara, Lucia, Margarita, Rimma, Tatiana, Yana.
  3. In August - Angela, Angelina, Anna, Anfisa, Daria, Eva, Ia, Melitsa, Ksenia, Nonna.

Girls born in the autumn season are friendly and easy to talk to.


Autumn children are diligent, diligent and strive for perfection:

  1. In September, the name day of Alena, Vasilisa, Elena, Lyudmila, Martha, Oksana, Regina, Seraphim, Sofia, Fekla, Elsa.
  2. In October - Ariadne, Arina, Vera, Veronica, Virinea, Dora, Elizabeth, Zlata, Marianna, Polina, Tatiana, Fevronia.
  3. In November - Arina, Anna, Alexandra, Glikeria, Elizabeth, Martha, Matrona, Neonilla, Nina, Olga, Stefania.

The list of beautiful Orthodox names can be continued for a long time. It can be obtained from the church in which the parents are going to baptize the child. The lists may differ depending on the monastery in which they were compiled.


Some parents turn to astrology and horoscopes to choose a name. In this case, there is also food for thought, since several options are suitable for each zodiac sign - simple and not so simple. The following are beautiful modern names according to zodiac signs.

Sometimes when choosing a name they are guided by astrological principles
  • The sign of Aries corresponds to the maiden names Alice, Alla, Raya.
  • Taurus people are called Angela, Diana, Maya, Monica.
  • Gemini women have sonorous names - Aksinya, Albina, Ivetta, Clara, Taisiya, Eliza.
  • Cancer girls are very impressionable people. The names Bogdana, Lolita, Melania are suitable for them.
  • Majestic Leos are called accordingly - Aurora, Ilona, ​​Emma.
  • The names Constance, Regina, Linda are suitable for the feminine Virgo.
  • Charming Libra - Veronica, Zlata, Lyubov, Milena, Pelageya, Snezhana.
  • Those with a changeable character, born under the sign of Scorpio, are called Louise, Martha, Elina.
  • Sagittarius is called Zhanna, Marianna, Thekla.
  • Capricorns - Varvara, Kira, Renata.
  • The Aquarius girl is given the name Ilona or Aelita.
  • Pisces - Amelia, Eve.

Other criteria

By time of year:

  • trying to balance the winter atmosphere, they call their daughters sunny and warm names - Svetlana, Lyudmila, Natalya;
  • in the spring, daughters are called more harshly - Irina, Victoria, Ruslana;
  • summer children can be called Margarita, Valeria, Antonina;
  • autumn - Yesenia, Zlata, Vera, Olesya.

When parents want to highlight a girl, they give her a rare name

When mom and dad want to highlight their child so that his name is the only one in kindergarten and school, in Russia they give rare and beautiful, sometimes forgotten, old feminine names- Ofelia, Valencia, Dominica. When replacing one letter in traditional name new ones are obtained unusual options: Alesya, Daria, Olena.

By the name of a loved one musical artist or actresses:

  • Rihanna;
  • Bianca;
  • Nastasya.

TOP most popular female names of recent years in Russia

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  1. Sofia;
  2. Alice;
  3. Pauline;
  4. Arina;
  5. Victoria;
  6. Valeria;
  7. Elizabeth;
  8. Karina;
  9. Milena;
  10. Maria.

Excellent options to name your child, but very common now.

Rare and beautiful Russian names

Turning to the roots, you can remember Russian names, beautiful and ancient, and choose an unusual name for a girl. They are old, with history.

Each of them stores a letter code with a meaning:

  • Bozena;
  • Olympics;
  • Veroslav;
  • Augusta;
  • Zlatislava;
  • Ariadne;
  • Lyubomir;
  • Neonilla;
  • Pelagia;
  • Praskovya;
  • Stanislava;
  • Kaleria.

Unusual international names

There are many beautiful female names that sound almost the same in all languages. These names are international: Adeline, Alexandra, Anna, Adriana, Agatha, Agnes, Amalia, Diana, Evangelina, Isabella, Ilona, ​​Clara, Liana, Linda, Laura, Marianna, Mia, Roxana, Sabrina, Stella, Evelina, Ella.

When choosing a name, you must also look at how it will be combined with the surname and patronymic

The list is, of course, not complete. There are still a lot of options. When choosing a name for your daughter from the list of international ones, you should think about its combination with the surname and patronymic. For example, combinations like Stepanova Adriana Petrovna do not sound very harmonious.

What's the best way not to name a girl?

The daughter's name must first of all correspond to her nationality and religion. Calling a Russian girl, for example, a Muslim name would be strange.

It is important that it matches the last name and patronymic. It is better to choose a long surname and patronymic short name. For example, Ikonnikova Kira Stanislavovna is easier to pronounce than Ikonnikova Alexandra Stanislavovna.

The future woman will have to bear the name all her life. Perhaps the daughter will become a teacher, educator or director large company, and will often be called by her first and patronymic names. The parents' task is to make sure that the sound does not hurt the ears and is not difficult to pronounce.

It's good when there is a full and shortened form of the name. Parents will definitely want to call their child affectionately, so before giving him a name, they come up with diminutive forms for him.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal Psychology and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in clinical psychology

Beautiful female names necessarily contain a certain mystery and mystery. They fill their owners with femininity, tenderness and wisdom.

Beautiful Russian names have different origins - Greek, Scandinavian, Slavic. This list can also include Catholic names, in which Russian parents also show interest. And although most of these names have an Orthodox analogue, focused on the sound in the Russian language, this does not prevent European names from appearing in the lists of beautiful female names among young Russian women.

Most Russian female names, which are considered beautiful, are also the most popular. In modern times, both rare and foreign names are added to this list, some of which were initially given only to “our own” (Muslim women, for example, or Jewish women). By origin they cannot be called Russian, but in Lately Russian girls are also called these names (Maryam, Eileen, Nicole). New trends make some adjustments to the list of favorite names for girls, but in general it remains unchanged for several years.

In Islam, the birth of a child is a sacred event, and Muslims are very responsible in choosing a name. Women's names among Muslims are designed to determine the main feature of a person. For example, Jamila means "beautiful" and Asiya means "naughty".

A large number of names for Jewish women are related to the Bible. And to this day these names are in common use among them. Names that come from the Yiddish language are considered to be the most beautiful Jewish names. An example is the fairly widespread Reize (meaning “rose”) and Liebe (translated as “beloved”).

Recently, Israelis and other Jews have also been choosing simply beautiful-sounding combinations for their girls. For this reason, completely unusual names appear that have nothing to do with Jewish traditions. It is here that a shortened name can gain independence: Esti can be a full name among Jews, while in Europe it is a common affectionate title for Esther.

Modern beautiful female names

Modern names have great variety. These are not only traditional (most often religious), but also completely new, sometimes invented, sometimes well-forgotten old names. At the same time, it cannot be said that the preferences of Europeans will be identical to the tastes of Russians or Asians. There are many peoples of different cultures, religious denominations and historical roots living in Russia, respectively, and there will be no consensus on what names for girls will be considered modern and beautiful at the same time.

A similar picture exists in Europe and the USA, where people live on a vast territory various people. And the list of beautiful female names for English women will be strikingly different from the melodic Bulgarians or Swedes.

The most recognizable in the world are Italian female names ending with the endings “-a” and “-e”. IN modern Italy The names Violetta and Lucretia are very common.

In Spain, officially female names can consist of two first and last names, but in fact girls are given as many names as their parents want. The most popular in this country today are Maria, Carmen and Camilla. Most Spanish names are associated with religion, just like the Germans, by the way.

Today in Germany the popularity of diminutives and shortened double names is growing. For example, Kate or Anna-Marie. One of the modern beautiful German names is the name Mia, which appeared as an abbreviation for Maria, and began to be actively used in the last decades of the twentieth century. Since 2007, everything has been called this name large quantity newborn German women, it is considered beautiful and sonorous. A modern competitor in beauty, Hannah (similar to the name Anna), is also competing for the love of German parents and is considered one of the most beautiful modern names in the world.

Beautiful Russian female names

Russian names enjoy a certain interest outside their country. Many short and affectionate names in their homeland have become full-fledged names abroad. Very “Russian”, according to foreigners, the names Natasha, Tanya and Sasha are now heard quite often with an American or Brazilian accent.

But in Russia itself they currently prefer to adhere to centuries-old traditions - they take Christian or Slavic names, although there are fashion trends here too. Modern Russian female names include not only Orthodox, but also others - Catholic, Slavic, Roman. Although before the baptism of Rus' the people did not have full names, everyone got by with nicknames.

Ancient Russian names most often represented a description of the most striking feature of its owner, and they were given to the girl when she became a teenager, or rather, for that time, suitable for future marriage. And they did not always become a girl’s adornment; sometimes it only emphasized her shortcomings or birth order. Now, of course, such names are not used at all, and preference is given to sonorous, beautiful Slavic names - Lyubava, Lada, Bogdana, Milena.

Modern beautiful Russian female names. Currently, the most widespread among Russian female names are Orthodox names. They occupy the first lines of the popularity rating among Russian names, as well as the first lines of the rating of beautiful female names. Anastasia, Ekaterina, Maria and Sophia firmly hold the top positions, but less common, and sometimes even forgotten over the last 50 years, names are also appearing - Angelina, Veronica, Varvara and others.

The greatest variety of beautiful Russian female names can be found in cities with a population of over a million, where different cultures come into contact. It is here that the difference between a super-modern and a very old name is least noticeable: everything seems so new that sometimes you don’t understand whether this is a tribute to fashion or an already established trend of returning to antiquity.

It is in big cities that a real foreign name can sound like “Russian”. The name Christina was used in Catholic Europe, but its Orthodox analogue (Christina) is considered in Russia a relic of past centuries and is found almost nowhere. Now he has a chance - the European analogue, Christina, has begun to win Russian hearts. The name Alice is of German origin, and now it is already in the top 10 most popular and, apparently, most beautiful names - after all, modern parents will not give their daughters an ugly and intimidating name!

Russian names

The most beautiful female names

According to world statistics, Anna firmly holds the leading position in the number of girls, girls and women bearing this name. IN last years the no less famous name Maria is stepping on his heels, but so far cannot move him from the pedestal. Based on this, two names - Anna and Maria - can be considered the most beautiful modern female names on the entire planet.

But don’t think that now every second girl will be called that way. Various countries around the world have their own list of the most beautiful female names, most of which are very popular in their own country, although not always of “native” origin. Thus, English female names have become very popular among Russians. The list of the most popular British names includes the names Elizabeth, Ani, Louise. Slavic names in the last century were quite popular in Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and since the late 80s of the last century they have gained popularity in Russia.

In Greece, women's names were chosen with the aim of protecting their owner from troubles and troubles. The Greeks invented more and more new female names. Such names as Aphrodite, Aurora, and Barbara came to our country from Greece.

The French give girls several names. But this combination is used in full only in official documents, and in life, French women use only one of them. According to tradition, French girls are given names in honor of their maternal and paternal grandmothers (for the first daughter), the second child is already named in honor of their mothers. Currently, this tradition is not often followed - in France, “non-French” names are in fashion (usually English, American). Short ones, formed from full ones - Theo, Loïc, Sasha, Natasha, are also very popular and loved among the French. The spelling of French female names has changed - the ending “-a” has been added (Eva instead of Eve, Celia instead of Celie), but no changes have appeared in the Russian pronunciation. These are the names that are currently considered the most beautiful in France.

In France now you can often find beautiful female Muslim names, but still more among Arabic-speaking residents. Borrowed foreign names are extremely popular in this country, but they are still perceived by the French as “foreign” - Karla, Axel, Lea, Lola.

It is quite difficult to trace the popularity trend in American names. They are very diverse in the USA. There are even girls named after some event or area where they were born. American names also for the most part have biblical origins. Americans have very independent tastes depending on the state, but several of the names listed in the table below are considered attractive girl names by American women in almost every state.

Among the beautiful Japanese female names, new ones began to appear, which sound similar to European ones, but which are written in hieroglyphs and do not depart from Japanese traditions. They began to be considered beautiful not only from the point of view of Europeans, but also from the point of view of the Japanese. Favorite names for Japanese girls are not identical to Chinese ones, and are completely far from the preferences of American or English girls.

Beautiful female Russians and foreign names

AustraliaAmelia, Charlotte, Olivia, Sofia, Ava, Chloe, Emily, Mia, Ruby, Grace
AzerbaijanAmina, Deniz, Gulnar, Maryam, Khumar, Safura, Medina, Irada, Emina, Nargiz, Syada, Ferdi, Elnara
EnglandAmelia, Olivia, Lily, Ava, Isabella, Emily, Jessica, Sophie, Eva, Ella, Mia, Caroline, Charlotte, Ruby, Grace, Elizabeth
ArmeniaArmine, Astrik, Ermina, Garunik, Gayane, Sate, Leila, Karine, Naira, Ruzanna, Sophie, Shushan, Eteri
BelarusKsenia, Sofia, Anna, Victoria, Milana, Ulyana, Kira, Maria, Anastasia, Daria, Arina, Alisa
BulgariaBozhana, Darina, Siyana, Iskra, Angela, Bozhidara, Yuna, Militsa, Leya, Elena, Wanda, Alexandra, Raya
BrazilLeticia, Amanda, Maria, Gabriela, Bianca, Luana, Ana, Vitoria, Isabella, Marianna, Larissa, Beatriz
GermanyHannah, Mia, Lea, Lina, Emily, Louise, Amelie, Johanna, Lara, Maya, Sarah, Clara
GeorgiaAliko, Nelly, Sopho, Mariko, Nina, Daria, Jamalia, Suliko, Maryam, Irma, Lamara, Nana, Lala, Tamara, Eteri
IsraelAviva, Iris, Ada, Solomeya, Sosanna, Liora, Mariam, Golda, Shaina, Ofira
IndiaAriana, Sita, Tara, Rita, Rani, Jita, Rajni, Aishwarya, Malati, Indira, Perva, Shanti, Amala
SpainMaria, Carmen, Lucia, Dolores, Isabel, Ana, Antonia, Teresa, Paula, Carla
ItalyAlessia, Sofia, Julia, Chiara, Francesca, Silvia, Federica, Elisa, Angela, Felicita, Viva, Carlotta, Enrica
KazakhstanAizere, Amina, Ryan, Aisha, Ayaru, Ayim, Ayana, Medina, Ayala, Dilnaz, Kamila
CanadaAlice, Chloe, Camilla, Grace, Hannah, Isabella, Mia, Samantha, Taylor, Emma, ​​Abigail
KenyaAsha, Niya, Firun, Lydia, Rudo, Esther, Edna, Monica, Abig
KyrgyzstanAinura, Nargiza, Tatyana, Dinara, Aida, Natalya, Nazira, Elena, Mariem, Asel
ChinaAi, Ji, Meili, Lihua, Peizhi, Xiu, Kiang, Nuo, Lan, Ruolan, Huang, Yui
LatviaIveta, Anita, Eva, Ilze, Inga, Liga, Laima, Dace, Daina, Ramona, Una, Inese, Kristine
LithuaniaJurate, Roger, Saule, Laima, Agne, Vitaly, Gedra, Emilia, Daina, Egle, Kamile, Ieva, Edita
MoldovaAda, Adina, Aura, Cesara, Carolina, Dana, Delia, Christina, Ilinka, Lorena, Rodica, Viorica, Zoica
PolandAnka, Boguslava, Krisiya, Danuta, Galina, Veronica, Aniela, Violetta, Zlata, Irena, Miroslava, Lydia, Nadezhda, Ela
RussiaAnastasia, Ekaterina, Sofia, Varvara, Elizaveta, Daria, Elena, Natalya, Tatyana, Yaroslava, Karina, Pelageya, Anna, Vera
USAAmanda, Victoria, Emma, ​​Ava, Olivia, Zoe, Ada, Eileen, Ethel, Jennifer, Lara, Lilian, Mia, Chloe, Melanie, Sandra, Scarlett
TajikistanAnzurat, Esmin, Zulmat, Ruzi, Shakhnoza, Dilyaram, Mavlyuda, Anora, Nargiz, Bakhora, Firdeus
TürkiyeRoksolana, Ferida, Aishe, Gülenay, Nesrin, Deniz, Fatima, Khadija, Aylin, Gizem, Meriem, Melek
UzbekistanDilnaz, Nodira, Nailya, Alfiya, Guzal, Aliya, Zainab, Habiba, Malika, Saida, Nargiza, Aigul
UkraineAnastasia, Sofia, Anna, Victoria, Maria, Polina, Darina, Zlata, Solomiya, Katerina, Alexandra, Angelina
FranceEmma, ​​Ines, Lea, Manon, Louise, Cloe, Clara, Natalie, Valerie, Nicole, Zoya, Lena, Lina, Lola, Jade, Lilu, Luna, Adele
EstoniaMaria, Laura, Linda, Hilda, Salme, Emma, ​​Annika, Kaya, Katrin, Monica, Greta, Marta, Helga
JapanMika, Yuna, Naomi, Yumiko, Miya, Aki, Aiko, Rini, Yuki, Sakura, Kiku, Amaya, Midori, Hana, Yuri

Beautiful rare female names

Many parents today strive to give a rare name to their daughter, because this is one of the modern trends and the opportunity to stand out from the crowd. This is how single names appear that, perhaps, you will not hear anywhere else. Often rare names are borrowed from the cultures of other peoples or ancient ones that are no longer in use are taken. In an effort to name their child something unusual, parents are increasingly choosing foreign names.

The name Emma, ​​common and native to the English, will be considered rare in Russia. Sasha - a favorite among the short Russian names Alexander and Alexandra - in the United States will be perceived exclusively as a female full name.

Zoya is quite rare in Russia, but in France it is a fairly common name, ten years ago it took 6th place in the country’s ranking. The name Laura cannot be found in Russia; in Spain, every tenth girl is given this name. The beautiful name Daria currently does not leave the top five most common in Russia, but in Europe and the Americas it is found only as a foreign, rare name.

Beautiful unusual female names. In Russia, foreign names are often called unusual. This group includes names of the European type - Ophelia, Serena, Francesca, Paola, Iris. But Russians will also be rare for Russians, most often the almost forgotten Zinaida, Claudia, Fedora, Domna.

Invented names can also be classified as unusual. They are very, very rare and rarely become publicly known. Somewhat more often, invented names can be found in the USA - Dakota, Chelsea, although in Russia you can also find several such examples - Astra, Stella, and they are not necessarily of Russian origin. IN Soviet time Many unusual names were invented, but most of them did not catch on.

The table below shows names that are rare and unusual for a given nation, but at the same time they may be quite widespread among other nations and not be considered rare there.

The mystery of a woman's name is one of the most mysterious and exciting of the human imagination. It reflects the fate, character traits and temperamental characteristics of a lady. Therefore, in preparation for the birth of their daughter, parents begin to study women's names in advance. Modern married couples They name their babies differently. Some are looking for a good sound, some are looking for a way to stand out, and some are looking for hidden meaning. Let's figure out which female names are the most popular now.

How to choose a name for a girl

Despite the importance of how the chosen name will affect the baby’s fate, it is important first of all to pay attention to its euphony. Check how harmoniously it will combine with your last and middle names. A simple rule: make sure that two consonants are not formed at the junctions of words. This may make it difficult to pronounce your first and middle names or your first and last names.

Next, take care of the correct sound. WITH long last names Multi-letter female names do not combine well. Modern short options They sound very melodic and beautiful. It is equally important to pay attention to the semantic combination of the first and last names. It should be harmonious and not hurt the ears. So, if a girl has a simple Russian surname (for example, Ivanova), then calling her with an exotic name such as Angelica or Amelia will be completely inappropriate.

Female names of Slavic origin

Many parents strive to stand out by calling their children the most in unusual ways. However, despite this, the vast majority of mothers and fathers do not dare to undertake such experiments and choose the usual Slavic female names. Russian modern anthroponyms are represented by such options as:

  • Lyudmila;
  • Tatiana;
  • Natalia;
  • Elena;
  • Irina;
  • Svetlana;
  • Olga.

However, ancient Slavic names have recently gained particular popularity. Nowadays you can often find babies named Varya, Ulya, Frosya, Martha or Tonya.

Muslim names

In the Muslim community, it has always been customary to name daughters so that the chosen name reflects the entire essence of the fair sex - tenderness, kindness and generosity. Unusually melodious and pleasing to the ear female names are common in Islam. Muslim modern families They name their babies in such a way that the chosen name not only sounds soft and pleasant, but also carries a positive meaning. Therefore, it is better to avoid in every possible way options with a pronounced negative connotation. It is believed that they can affect the baby’s fate. It is preferable to call girls by names such as:

  • Alsou is kind and flexible, a good housewife;
  • Amira is outwardly unapproachable, but at heart she is sensitive and compliant;
  • Varda - beautiful as a rose;
  • Gulnara - pomegranate flower;
  • Rashida - not leaving the right path;
  • Fatima - understanding, always ready to help;
  • Hamira is loyal and has patience.

These are not all existing Islamic female names. Muslim modern girls may be called differently. However, this list has presented you with the most popular options currently available.

Names with Tatar roots

Parents who have not yet decided what to name their daughter can pay attention to the names Tatar origin. They are interesting and varied, so new mothers and fathers will have plenty to choose from. Some of the names are somewhat similar to Slavic ones, and some contain exclusively national Tatar motifs in their sound. So, a girl can be called:

  • Adeline;
  • Asia;
  • Dana;
  • Zalia;
  • Irina;
  • Liana;
  • Mayan;
  • Emilia.

For those who lack the sharpness and brightness in the Slavic traditional options, the above female names would be an excellent choice. Tatar modern anthroponyms combine a pleasant sound and some exclusivity.

Names for girls in the French style

The “highlight” of a baby can be her exquisite sounding name. After all, with beauty French nothing compares. Names that came to us from this country can recently be heard not only in movies, but also in many families. Now young parents, striving to be resourceful in everything, call their babies this way:

  • Angelica;
  • Amelia;
  • Gabriella;
  • Julia;
  • Inessa;
  • Emma.

Name for a girl according to the Saints

Despite the special interest of many parents in foreign culture, there was and remains a popular opinion that only Slavic female names are beautiful. Modern Russian, ungrouped by month (or Saints), name options allow you to name a girl in accordance with her date of birth. This is explained by the fact that, according to religious beliefs, each day of the year corresponds to one or another saint. This narrows the range of options for what to name the baby, making it much easier for parents to make a choice. Moreover, according to church beliefs, the name given to the child according to the Saints, will bring him luck and prosperity in life. IN ancient times such a choice was not just a parental decision, but an obligatory tradition.

January: names for babies born this month

It is believed that the “January” representatives of the fair sex are endowed with incomparable luck. Certain female names can enhance it. Beautiful modern Russian names for girls born in the first month of the year:

  • Anastasia;
  • Aglaya;
  • Vasilisa;
  • Irina;
  • Evgenia;
  • Maria;
  • Nina;
  • Pauline.

Girls named one of these names will easily achieve what they want, and will also become faithful wives and flexible housewives.


Women who were born at the end of winter usually become bright and creative personalities who love to be the center of attention. They often have two marriages, the last of which turns out to be the happiest. According to Saints, girls born in February are usually called as follows:

  • Aksinya;
  • Valentina;
  • Veronica;
  • Ksenia;
  • Christina;
  • Inna.

March: modern female names according to the Saints

Young ladies born at this time have an unusually developed mind. With their amazing intelligence, they attract influential and respectable people, whom they then often marry. Most suitable names for girls March:

  • Antonina;
  • Vasilisa;
  • Galina;
  • Kira;
  • Christina;
  • Nika;
  • Regina;
  • Ulyana.


The main trump card of representatives of the fair sex born in April is their calm character and prudence. Such ladies often get jealous husbands, but, thanks to their peaceful nature, they manage to maintain a happy family. A variety of female names are suitable for “April” girls. Beautiful modern Russian options for babies born in mid-spring:

  • Alexandra;
  • Anna;
  • Elizabeth;
  • Lydia;
  • Svetlana;
  • Tamara.


Such women are not only beautiful, but also very smart. They are good at negotiating, although sometimes they say a lot of unnecessary things. As a rule, these ladies have many envious friends, so they have to carefully filter their social circle throughout their lives. It is better for parents to name their daughter one of the following names:

  • Evdokia;
  • Euphrosyne;
  • Claudia;
  • Christina;
  • Tamara;
  • Faina;
  • Julia.

June: modern female names, list of options

Such a girl exhibits noticeable lightness and selflessness. It’s easy for her to make friends, as well as useful acquaintances. The only drawback that others notice is his temper. Babies born in June are named like this:

  • Akulina;
  • Alyona;
  • Antonina;
  • Valeria;
  • Kaleria;
  • Elena;
  • Sophia;
  • Ulyana.


In the middle of summer, passionate and temperamental women are usually born who know what they want from life. These young ladies do not have to suffer from loneliness - they skillfully use the skill of seduction, and therefore there are always a lot of fans around them. Such women love to look bright and noticeable, which often causes concern among their life partners.

Below is a list of female names. Russian modern anthroponyms for “July” ladies can be as follows:

  • Alevtina;
  • Angelina;
  • Irina;
  • Marina;
  • Margarita;
  • Olga;
  • Rimma.


Representatives of the fair sex, who saw the light in August, are extremely calm and non-conflict people. It is quite difficult not to please them in anything. If you ask such a young lady for help, she will happily agree. Most suitable in in this case female names (Russian modern):

  • Anita;
  • Maria;
  • Milena;
  • Nonna;
  • Suzanne;
  • Seraphim.


Girls whose birthday falls just during the velvet season do not need to borrow anyone’s enthusiasm. They are always ready to act, even if they have already missed once. Optimistic view on the world gives such women the opportunity to reach heights. Despite their love for noisy companies, over time these ladies start a strong family. Female names, modern and ancient, that are suitable for babies born in September, according to the Saints:

  • Anfisa;
  • Vasilisa;
  • Faith;
  • Love;
  • Marfa;
  • Hope;
  • Sophia.


If your daughter was born this month, then she is destined to live in deep love. Certain feminine names are suitable for girls born in mid-autumn. Russian modern, month-by-month options for complaints include a list for representatives of October:

  • Ariadne;
  • Veronica;
  • Zlata;
  • And she;
  • Marianne;
  • Taisiya.


A characteristic feature of such women is inconstancy. They often change their minds and do not like to stay in one place for a long time. Because of this, they may be judged by others. The following name options suit them:

  • Alyona;
  • Elizabeth;
  • Euphrosyne;
  • Zinovia;
  • Nellie;
  • Natalia.


The last month of winter usually patronizes romantic natures. They are somewhat melancholic, but at the same time strive for independence, which leads to some contradictions in their relationship with their life partner. Parents can name their daughter like this:

  • Augusta;
  • Angelina;
  • Varvara;
  • Catherine;
  • Ulyana.

Recently it has become very popular to name daughters unusual names, and, as a rule, foreign ones. This makes the baby special, sets her apart from the rest. However, not only foreign female names are beautiful and modern. Russian, by month (or, as they say, by Saints) ungrouped options are now no less common. They allow you to give a girl a name that will not only sound good, but will also become her lucky talisman.

What to name a daughter is a purely personal decision of the parents. The most important thing is that the name is given to the child with love.