Beautiful poster for a girl’s birthday with your own hands: templates, ideas, photos. How to make a beautiful poster for a girl’s birthday with wishes, photos, and sweets? How to make a beautiful poster, collage, wall newspaper for the birthday of a friend, sister with

Poster generators

Some inspiring
Pinterest accounts

4 simple rules for creating
posters if you don't have enough
poster designers

Pay attention to who you are making the poster for.

The text must be readable

The perception of the text takes priority over style. Complex and ornate fonts should be avoided whenever possible. They can convey a certain mood and aesthetics, but there is no point if the viewer has to concentrate for several seconds to understand what is written on the poster. It is also important to pay attention to size, letter and line spacing, and color combinations.

All these factors influence how the mind perceives what is written on the poster. By working with the same font of the same color, you can create text that is both ideal from a perceptual point of view and completely unreadable.

The radical aesthetics of the futurists implied a maximum departure from conventional forms in all creative fields, including graphic design.

Don't overload the poster

Most often, two fonts are enough for a beautiful poster, sometimes three. If you use more, you will most likely end up with a clutter of text, the poster will “spread apart” and will no longer be perceived as a whole. The same goes for flowers. Using color too generously can distract the viewer from the text.

Rules can be broken

Like any creative work, typography does not tolerate very rigid boundaries. Everything discussed above has many exceptions in many cases. It’s strange, for example, to make a rave poster without using flashy acidic colors. It is only important to understand why the poster should look this way and not otherwise, so that in the context it looks adequate and harmonious. In the end, often the designer initially understands what and how needs to be done in order to fully realize the concept of the work, and is guided only by his own feelings.

Turn on the computer. The lightest and effective method to draw a poster - resort to the help of a computer and a graphics program, for example, Photoshop, in which we will draw our first example. And if you don’t have such a program, you can use others graphic editors- for example, GIMP and Pixlr (both, by the way, are free). Although the steps below are specific to Photoshop, most editors have the same or similar features.

Let's launch Photoshop. When the program is fully loaded, you can start creating a new document using the specified parameters:

  • Width 200 mm
  • Height: 265 mm
  • Resolution: 300 pixels per inch
  • Color scheme: CMYK
  • Background color: white
  • The established parameters are the approximate size of an A4 sheet, with a pixel density of 300 per inch, which will allow you to get a clear printed image. We chose color scheme CMYK (Cyan - cyan, Magenta - magenta, Yellow - yellow, blacK - black), because printers work with these ink colors, while monitors are designed for the RGB color scheme. If the application you're using doesn't support CMYK, don't worry—even though the printed colors will differ from the screen image, they'll still look great.
  • Remember: if you can use the services of a printing house, do not stop at A4 format. It is better to call the specialists and clarify the maximum format of paper used for printing and set the document to the appropriate size.
  • Select a background color. You want a bright, eye-catching color, but it's important not to overdo it so that the brightness of the background doesn't overwhelm the main image. Don't worry if it doesn't work out right away - you can always change the color. If the poster is being made for a specific event, the design can be done in appropriate colors. For example, if your school colors are burgundy and gold, you can use the latter for a nice, bright background.

    Add pictures or graphics. And if you are not confident in your artistic skills, search the Internet for free pictures that you can add (with or without modifications) to your poster.

  • Come up with a catchy title. Choose a large, eye-catching font for it. And more detailed description You can type it in a smaller font.

    • Achieve maximum readability. Experiment with font and color, but in any case limit yourself to 2-3 different fonts - no more.
  • Adding details. Since we have already attracted the reader's attention, it is time for the “fine print”. But the details must be formulated as well as the title. Although the text here may be longer and the font may be slightly smaller, keep it concise. The fewer messages placed on a poster, the better they achieve their goal.

    • Please note: than smaller font, the simpler it should be. In the header we use bold yellow borders, in the “Tie Week” area the font is smaller and the borders are much thinner. Finally, we don’t use borders or shadows at all in dates.
    • It is also important to remember about the layout: all text is aligned horizontally to the left and vertically to the top edge - this is necessary for a harmonious look of the poster. Unless, of course, your goal is crazy design.
  • Very often marketers use posters in their advertising campaigns. Let's look at how to make it, what to pay attention to when designing, and where it's best to place it.

    The poster is real art. Marketers, designers and artists around the world compete in the beauty, effectiveness and uniqueness of their masterpieces.

    But creating a poster is not as easy as it might seem. Designers need to consider a ton of details both during the creation process and after. We read, save and learn new things.

    What is a poster

    A poster is not only beautiful images celebrities who glued everything to the walls when they were kids. IN in a broad sense, poster- catchy image with short text, made for propaganda, advertising or educational purposes.

    A modern poster is primarily associated with advertising, which is not entirely true. Information and design posters are no less popular.

    Informational The poster is most often found in the form of various posters. the main objective such posters convey an important message to the audience cultural information, announcement of events.

    You can also use specially made posters for decoration.

    History of the poster

    Despite the fact that the first “traces” of posters are found in Ancient Egypt(images with information about escaped slaves), it is still customary to call the artist the father of the poster. The Frenchman, according to many, is an artist of relatively small talent, which, however, did not prevent him from becoming the creator of a new genre. In 1866, he opened a workshop for the production of lithographic paintings, which was the beginning of the poster.

    The posters clearly explained why alcohol is harmful to humans.

    Alcohol increases the risk of accidents

    Better to wear short hair than to lose them

    The casing was too high

    How to make a promotional poster

    Vivid image

    As they call it in marketing - eye-stopper. The main task is to attract attention and arouse curiosity. A non-standard image or a bright picture can act as an eye-stopper.

    Use one image and don't forget that the poster will big size, so the picture should be with good resolution!


    The title is optional, but in most cases it won't hurt. Like a picture, it should attract attention, which means it should be read from a distance.

    The title can be the name of a promotion, the name of a product, or a message about a sale.


    How less text, all the better. The font should be large. When arranging the text, you need to highlight the trademark and logo.

    Use no more than two fonts: one for the body text, the second for the title.


    Choose bright, contrasting colors. Contrasting shades work better together and make the poster easier to read.

    Thomas Russell, a lecturer at the Institute of Contemporary Studies at the Advertising Agencies Association, shares his tips for creating an advertising poster.

    • Simplify. Posters should immediately attract attention and quickly convey the main idea.
    • Show the benefits of the product.
    • Use the power of color. The brighter the advertisement, the better. In moderation.
    • Avoid ambiguity. Not everyone can immediately understand your game, accept it and react positively. If you are not 100% sure, it is better not to use ambiguous images and texts.
    • The text should be as light and easy to read as possible.

    10 signs of a good advertising poster

    How and where to place posters

    The placement of the poster depends on its type. If this is an advertising poster, then first of all it is placed on the street: special stands, walls of buildings, fences, bus stops - wherever it would be noticed by as many passers-by as possible. It is important that nothing around distracts from the poster or interferes with it. He should be the center of attention.

    The same applies to an information poster, for which the main thing is to reach a large audience.

    Another thing is decorative posters. Here are some tips for placing them.

    Posters look best on plain surfaces. And it doesn’t matter where exactly: in the living room, in the kitchen, in the bathroom or in a restaurant.

    In addition, posters can be placed on the wall in different ways.

    Horizontal row.

    This way you can fill any empty space.

    Collage of four posters.

    This placement is perfect for rooms with high ceilings.

    Symmetrical arrangement.

    If you have several posters of the same size, symmetry is for you. In addition, it will help visually balance the interior of the room.

    Asymmetrical arrangement.

    For such placement it is better to use posters of different sizes. Posters can be hung however you like.

    Poster designers

    If you try, you can easily make a poster yourself, without even resorting to the help of designers. Check out the very convenient and multifunctional tools for creating posters.

    An excellent resource for creating not only posters, but also banners, business cards and various illustrations. You don't need any special skills to draw a cool poster.

    A wide range of tools and capabilities for both drawing and image editing. And numerous templates will facilitate and speed up the process.

    Online editor. Canva is slightly inferior in its set of tools and templates. However, it is great for quickly creating a simple poster.

    Especially for those who want to create their own movie posters!

    Birthday is one of the most anticipated holidays. When preparing to congratulate someone, we look through an incredible number of websites, search all the stores in the area in search of the perfect gift. It must be original, unusual, atypical, memorable. Why not draw a birthday present? How about we replace simple postcard for a gift for congratulation poster or poster?

    Let's think together about how to draw a birthday poster, how to design it beautifully and what happy birthday greetings to place on it, especially since birthday posters are becoming increasingly popular.

    Cool posters, funny cartoons, wall newspapers, handmade posters - a nice birthday gift, original congratulations– deposit good mood birthday boy A birthday poster can contain funny congratulations, poems, drawings, photographs.

    What is needed for a greeting poster

    To make a birthday poster we need very little, first of all this:

    1. Whatman.
    2. Pencils, paints, markers, pens.
    3. Scissors.
    4. Glue.

    It is possible that photographs of the future birthday boy, old magazines, and printouts will also come in handy, depending on the idea of ​​the future wall newspaper with birthday wishes.

    Speaking of the idea, before you draw a birthday gift in the form of such a large, unique postcard, take a small draft where you can sketch a future congratulation. Thus, we will simplify the design of the poster by thinking through its idea in advance.

    Components of such a gift

    1. The inscription and its design.
      The most important phrase, undoubtedly, should be striking, bright, radiating good mood. How to register them? These letters can be diversified by doodling by drawing capital letters, add flowers or other small parts, draw something like graffiti or make an applique for your birthday. The letters can be printed, cut out from colored paper or from magazines. Unusual and interesting!
    2. Background.
      The background should be no less bright, but not merge with the main letters, wishes and images. Watercolor will come to the rescue. A light layer of watercolor will dilute the white background of whatman paper, and already on it you can place a wide variety of ideas.
    3. Congratulations.
      On a rough draft with a sketch, jot down a couple of funny words for the person celebrating the birthday, in poetic form, short phrases or long prose. If you doubt your writing skill good congratulations, look for them on the Internet in advance, print them out or copy them for yourself.

    First of all, a birthday poster simply must be bright, which means that the use of dull, dark, cold colors should be minimized.

    The poster will not require much effort, artistic skills, and interesting congratulations can be easily found on websites, where you will find more than one good idea what to draw for a birthday.

    The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about creating a poster is a huge inscription Happy Birthday, placed at the top or in the center, in large in beautiful letters, voluminous bright. So, first of all, let's place the phrase in a convenient place, first do this with a simple pencil. Armed with an eraser and a pencil, we can correct accidental blots and shortcomings.

    Birthday Drawing Ideas

    If you have no ideas or lack inspiration, then here are some tips on what you can draw for your birthday. Here's some help on how to design a birthday poster, but don't forget to add your own unique twist to the gift.

    For artists

    The first and simplest thing that can serve as an image on a poster are drawings, simple thematic drawings, these can be air balloons, boxes with gifts, image of the birthday boy or simple drawings, for example flowers, among which congratulations will be placed.

    Congratulations can be printed and glued to a poster, or written by hand. If your posters feature balloons, why not put your greetings on the balloons. And if flowers, petals are a great idea to make any wish.

    You can diversify such a poster with volume, for example, glue another drawn ball on top, when you lift it you can find a couple of warm words from you. The same can be done with flower petals and gifts. If you have several small envelopes, or you can fold them from paper yourself, then gluing the finished envelopes, putting a couple of nice lines in them, is a great idea.


    Doubt your artistic skills? No problem. With a color printer, find beautiful images online! Print, cut out, and paste onto a future poster. Between them you can place the same printed congratulations.

    Photos for the collage will be no less useful. Take yours general photos, made in the happiest moments or on past holidays. Or photographs from childhood, they can be placed on the poster in the order in which the birthday person grew up. Funny and random photographs can also be used, of course, if the birthday person will not be offended, and you want to get cool posters.

    Among the congratulations with such photographs, you can place a couple of phrases, the author of which is the person celebrating the birthday, which have become popular in your family/company.

    Working on such a poster will not take much time, but it will be bright, attractive and original.

    The sweet poster has become very popular now. Supermarkets are full of a variety of sweets, and those have the most unusual and original names that can be used with congratulations on a poster. Phrases such as “You and I are inseparable like Twix” or “Communicating with you is a heavenly pleasure” with a Baunty chocolate bar attached next to it will sound funny. Buy a couple of goodies by making up rough plan congratulations. Glue, sew, attach small sweets to whatman paper, using bright felt-tip pens to add the missing words to chocolates, sweets and lollipops.

    To wish a happy birthday, you don’t need to have the talent of a poet, and drawing doesn’t have to be your strong point. Happy birthday posters are a timely way to express your congratulations.

    Poster with birthday wishes is interesting, unusual and original gift, which does not take long, does not require much effort. However, it is very pleasant to receive such a congratulation, because it was made with your own hands, which indicates attention to the birthday person and his gift.

    New Year differs from other holidays in that they prepare for its arrival not only with gifts, but also with all kinds of decorations. Moreover, the most popular are those made by hand, and this is especially true if there are children in the house. Kids will be happy to participate in the process - after all, they do not yet have their own finances to buy gifts, but this does not mean that they do not want to make them. In addition to all kinds of garlands, calendars and toys, you can also make a poster for the New Year 2016. The topic of how to draw New Year's posters step by step is most relevant on the eve of the holiday.

    It's time to make a choice about how to draw a poster for the New Year 2016

    Before you get started, there are a few details you need to know exactly.

    1. What can you draw? If artistic talent is fully present, then choosing is much easier - your own New Year’s posters will turn out to be professional, colorful, and the plot may be the most complex. There are an incredible variety of plots - the Snow Maiden or Father Frost alone and together, as well as with children, hares and other forest animals. The characters can stand or be in motion - walking, driving, dancing, etc. Those who don’t know how to draw or don’t do it very confidently can use tips on how to draw a New Year’s poster step by step.
    2. Now you need to determine what kind of poster you can draw for the New Year. The plot was chosen in the previous paragraph. But how it will be decorated - with paints, pencils, felt-tip pens - you also need to think about in advance. It is not advisable to use felt-tip pens, except for outlining contours, as they quickly lose color saturation, and general impression will be spoiled.

    1. Whatever you want to draw: a Christmas tree, a snowflake or fairytale house- You can first conduct a couple of lessons on small sheets of paper. If the drawings turn out successful, then how to draw New Year's card with your own hands, you won’t have to think about it anymore.
    2. But you need to think about the paper on which the drawing will be depicted. Looks best New Year's drawings on whatman paper - it has suitable dimensions. By the way, New Year's wall newspaper DIY will also look fun and will delight all family members. Just like a poster, a wall newspaper for the New Year will be appropriate in kindergarten or school, and even in the office. You can use not only white, but also blue or black sheets, on which it is convenient to draw with silver and white flowers.
    3. And finally, start following the tips on how to draw new year poster step by step.

    Step-by-step instruction

    So let's get started.

    First, the composition is thought out. The sheet is conventionally divided into four parts. If a New Year's poster is copied, then it will immediately be clear what part of the sheet should be depicted.

    Now the first contours are drawn, which are the basis.

    To make it easier and more reliable to create a moving three-dimensional object, you should help yourself with additional lines, using them as a skeleton around which the volume is created.

    To draw a picture beautifully for the New Year, you need to follow the sequence of drawing the details, and then the result will not make you blush.

    The finishing touch to any DIY “Happy New Year” poster will be a congratulatory inscription or even a small quatrain.

    If you strictly follow all the instructions, there will be no particular difficulties in how to draw a poster for the New Year.

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