Bloody games for boys. Blood games online

Dynamic games with elements of shooting, leveling up, survival and action await everyone who decides to play online games with blood. This genre is primarily aimed at a male audience, where any player can throw out negative energy. Running away from enemies, finding shelter, fighting villains and saving your life is just a small part of what the developers are ready to surprise you with.

The equipment in the game is very different: these are powerful tanks, cars, helicopters, etc. Also, each game has its own type of weapon, offering plenty of choice. Starting from a rifle that leaves neat holes on the body, to a bazooka that leaves only pink smoke of blood from the characters - all this is under your control. Therefore, don't let us down. The gamer has at his disposal not only single player, but also multiplayer (in some games). This means that passing as a team and a competitive spirit will make gameplay richer and more interesting.

The combination of blood, steel and fire will probably be remembered for a long time. Try to survive in emergency situations, experience the bitterness of defeat and the joy of victory, plus fight endlessly - what else do boys need in “blood” games?

"Flash drives" of the "blood" genre are fast-paced and somewhat aggressive games that quickly take you away from reality. Which is sometimes just necessary. A little excitement, combat readiness and determination - these are the sensations that haunt you until the end of the game. Soon the clear playing field will take on red tones. Get ready.

Blood... Red oozing liquid, the basis of all life (well, as long as it flows in uncut veins) and the eternal payment of humanity. Flesh and blood are two inseparable (though why are they inseparable, very separable) components of life. And life itself is the greatest good on this planet. Unfortunately, many are not worthy of this value and do not rightfully possess it, violating the very laws of the universe with their existence. Are you ready to correct this blatant injustice?!

Become an executioner

You have to take part in bloody showdowns, catch, kill and torture your rivals. Making them scream in pain and draining them of everything, down to the last drop of blood. Invent the most terrible tortures, create incredible and terrifying weapons, be an avenger and know no mercy. Can you handle it? Surely the gut is not thin? If not, then release it from your opponent and wrap it around a passing car. It'll be funny, won't it? In such fun, even the most insatiable will be able to quench the thirst that gnaws at them by simply pouring large quantity red liquid. So, shall we serve you bloody games at the table, gentlemen? (special offer: Bloody Mary cocktail included)

Let's tickle your nerves?

Sometimes questions arise, the first is why people watch horror films, thrillers and films similar in plot, and the second is why the spectacle of bloody murders attracts and attracts numerous people? The answer to the questions may be that people are interested in watching horror films and have a new viewing experience. Moreover, in horror films there are just fewer bloody scenes than in the same action-packed Hollywood action films. Probably, horror films once again emphasize that our life is relatively calm and there is a certain regularity in it. And people want to feel adrenaline or experience stress, so watching these films can, albeit briefly, bring a similar effect.

Hollywood directors and screenwriters have long understood that fear plays a role huge role in the formation of intrigue in storyline film. They began to use the feeling of fear in great abundance, sometimes even forgetting about the sense of proportion. But we must not forget that such films are not created for the sake of a work of art, but for the sake of increasing box office revenue thanks to those who want to see such films. There is a law of direct correlation between the amount of fear instilled in the plot of a film and the increase in the collection of money from viewing it. For those who want to experience thrills and lovers of horror films, the bloody category is suitable online games.

At the same time, you do not need to spend money, because the games on our website are available without registration and are absolutely free. Collected here large number bloody flash games where you have to fight with:

  • living zombies,
  • alien and bloodthirsty monsters,
  • poachers.

Well, of course, games with carefree, cute characters from the well-known animated film"Happy Tree Friends", which is created in the genre of thriller and black humor. The main goal of games in the bloody games category is to complete tasks that have some sadistic nature. The games completely lack an intellectual component, but at the same time they help you relax after a busy day at work. In such games, you can, bypassing various negative consequences, take revenge on an annoying neighbor, a stupid boss, for which real life Punishments can and will definitely follow. Of course, such games cannot teach anything kind and good; they should be treated as a tool for relieving stress and tension. It’s better not to stress, relax more and then there will be no such need to relieve any stress.

A virtual world full of dangers

Today at virtual world you can find games for every taste and color. They develop memory, logic, reaction, accuracy, intelligence, and train observation and tactics. Genres and stories suggest going through labyrinths, fighting enemies, looking for objects, coloring pictures and collecting puzzles, playing board games and go to the casino. There are good, creative games that awaken a sense of nobility, courage, valor and knightly spirit, as well as those involving magic and sending you to other worlds. And there are bloody online games where you are given the task of shooting, blowing up, etc. Well, this is also suitable for variety, especially since we are already accustomed to various horror and thrillers.

Bloody games for every taste

There is no shortage of plot fantasies from developers. You can start a hunt for zombies and destroy them in hordes. You don’t feel sorry for these monsters at all, and therefore conscience has absolutely nothing to do with it. Another question is important here: who will remain in the city - you or the walking monsters? Whenever possible, pick up weapons and ammunition, move through the streets in search of the next target, but do not forget that they are watching you too. The truck parked by the side of the road only seems harmless, and the dilapidated building is deserted. In fact, zombies may be hiding behind them, waiting for their prey.

Escape from prison is a risky business, but the game is worth the candle. You know that there is a guard at each tower, the perimeter is surrounded and guarded, and the dogs will easily pick up the trail in case of escape. But if you think that you have calculated everything correctly and the business will definitely work out, you can try your luck. If you're tired of running and hiding, become a killer and accept orders to destroy objects. Don't worry, you won't have to lie in ambush the entire game, but pursuit, surveillance and shooting are guaranteed. Oh, and the work of a hired killer is hard - bad weather conditions, nervous tension, unforeseen situations, constant movement, dirt after the job is done. True, when two opposing gangs meet and a showdown begins, there will be even more bloodshed.