Musical quest “Acquaintance with the family of sheet music. Quest game in kindergarten for older preschoolers. Preparatory group

Music teacher

MBOU Khokhlovskaya Secondary School

Lopacheva A.V.

Quest - a game for 4th grade students

« Musical journey»

Lesson type: repetition, systematization, generalization of knowledge.

Target: deeper assimilation of knowledge, higher level of generalization, systematization.


Educational: identify the quality and level of mastery of knowledge and skills acquired in lessons, summarize the material.

Educational: educate general culture. Aesthetic perception of the environment, create conditions for real self-esteem of students, the ability of students to communicate in a team.

Developmental: develop spatial skills, communication skills when working in groups, analyze, compare, compare.

Form of work: group

Quest structure:

    Organizing time

    Introduction (plot)

    Tasks (stages, questions)

    Evaluations (results, awards)

Progress of the quest

    The teacher greets the students and route sheets are distributed.

    Explains what stages of the Musical Journey they will go through.

    Quest stages.

First stop - Library. What is a library? What can we learn about music in the library? Riddles are offered in envelopes. Correct answers receive a mark.

LibraryThis a place for careful storage of books.

In the library you can learn a lot of interesting things about composers, musicians, and instruments. Find sheet music of various works.

Four envelopes

1. The tale of E. Hoffmann is fairy tale character, an interesting toy that was given to the little girl Marie for Christmas by her Godfather. (Nutcracker) Find a book with this title on the children's shelf - there is a letter (T)

2. The composer is a storyteller. ( Rimsky-Korsakov)

Find a book on the children's shelf about the composer - there is a letter (ABOUT)

3. Author of the piano cycle “Children’s Music” ( S.S. Prokofiev) Find a book on the children's shelf about the composer - there (H)
4. Author of the piano cycle “ Children's album» ( P.I. Chaikovsky)
Find a book on the children's shelf about the composer - there ( A)

Make a word from the letters you find ( NOTE)

Second stop - Circus

What is CIRCUS?

Circus is music, laughter, fun, clowns, smart animals, magicians.

Determine from the picture what genre is depicted (song, dance, march).

Participants receive a note for completing the task

Third stop - Museum

What is a museum?

A museum is an institution engaged in collecting, studying, storing and exhibiting objects.

Children are invited to find out from the pictures which museums are represented. (Zoological Museum, Puppet Museum, Musical Instruments Museum).

Riddle from the picture “Help Pinocchio find musical instruments.”

Participants receive a note for completing the task

Fourth stop - Cinema

What is a cinema?

Cinema is public building for showing movies.

Children are offered several excerpts of video clips from children's films. Children guess the names. (“The Adventures of Buratino”, “The Adventures of Electronics”, “Morozko”, “Jumble”)

Participants receive a note for completing the task

Fifth stop – Theater

What is theater?

Theater is an art form, a performance dramatic works, which is performed by actors for the viewer.

The task is to guess riddles and determine the names of the ballets “Cinderella”, “Nutcracker”, “Sleeping Beauty” from the pictures.

To make the show more interesting,
Applause was heard in gratitude,
The stage design needed is:
House, trees and others... (Scenery)

I stand in front of the choir

Everyone is silent, and I sing.

Who am I? What kind of artist?

Well, of course... Soloist.

Well, if everyone is dancing, there are no songs at all,

This performance is called... (Ballet)

The wizard waves his wand and the music sounds.

The baton will freeze and the whole orchestra will fall silent.

The wand will tell you who it is time to join,

The stick will indicate how the music should sound.

The magic wand controls the orchestra,

What do you call a wizard? Who guys knows? (Conductor)

The theater is very interesting

When everyone sings in a play.

And the orchestra played music.

What will the play be called? (Opera)

Participants receive a note for completing the task

Sixth stop – Concert Hall.

Creative task– create a concert program based on familiar works educational material of five rooms.

Participants receive a note for completing the task

The end of the game-journey, summing up.

Quest game for preschoolers "Search for a hidden surprise"

Pochaeva Tatyana Anatolyevna, educational psychologist, MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 2”, Konakovo
Description of the material. I offer you a summary of the final lesson of a teacher-psychologist with children in a preparatory group for school. This material may be useful to preschool psychologists, teachers of senior and preparatory groups, as well as parents of preschoolers and students in grades 1-2. It can be used with a group of children of different ages, since the tasks are not difficult, but require intelligence, observation and attention.
Integration of cognitive areas:“Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Reading fiction”.
Summing up the work of a psychologist with children of the preparatory group in a playful way.
Pin to independent activity the ability to find differences between objects, classify, identify patterns. Provide an opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge and ability to work according to instructions in a game situation.
Develop concentration in a situation large quantities distractions; the ability to quickly update your knowledge of the world around you.
Cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers, the ability to work in a group, the ability to make contact and express one’s requests.
Demonstration and handout material:
- a postcard to start the quest,

- picture “Find 7 differences”,

- pieces of the “Refrigerator” puzzle,

- rebus,

- “What’s extra?”

- image ladybug,

- a small mirror,
- "Chamomile",

- "footprints".
Methodical techniques: game situation, summing up.

Conducting a quest game.
To start the game, the premises must be prepared. In our case, the game began in the group room, so the children left their group with the teacher for 10 minutes. During this time, the educational psychologist placed a postcard to start the game and placed the puzzle pieces in certain places.
After this, the children returned to the group.

Educational psychologist:“Today we have our final psychological lesson. It will be longer than usual and will last 40 minutes, which is exactly how long a lesson at school lasts. You will work together and individually, try to be attentive from the first minute so that you do not waste time repeating instructions. The tasks are not difficult, but there are a lot of them, and all of these tasks must be completed within 40 minutes. If the group succeeds, a surprise awaits everyone.
Our lesson will be held in the form of a quest game. Quest is an adventure game. Having solved one task, you receive a hint where to look for the next task. And at the end you get access to a surprise.
Look at your watch. They show 9 hours 20 minutes. At exactly 10 o'clock the game should end. Time has passed.

Look around the room carefully. You should see the first hint. It stands in a prominent place, bright and shiny.
The first one who sees it comes up, takes the clue and gives it to me."

The children carefully examine the room and discover a postcard containing the first task.

Educational psychologist: Task 1 “Find the differences.” On this sheet you see two identical, at first glance, pictures. But there are 7 differences between them. These differences will help you find the next clue.
(Distribute pictures to children in sufficient quantities so that each child has the opportunity to compare and search).
Who saw the first difference? What is the difference?
Children's answers.

Educational psychologist:“You saw that the flower is different, so look for a piece of the puzzle there. In total you need to find 7 puzzle pieces and put them on the table (show where).
Children name the differences: “Pillow, bedside table, rug, window sill, sofa, flower in a vase, floor lamp (I replaced it with a table lamp).”
When all the fragments are found, the second task is performed. (The children in one group completed the first task very quickly, in the other group they could not find a piece of the puzzle hidden on the nightstand for a long time, because they mistook another piece of furniture for a nightstand, so the leader had to tell them what the nightstand was).
Task 2 “Fill the puzzle.”

Even though the children are good at solving puzzles, difficulties arose at first. Nevertheless, they put the puzzle together and saw that the arrow was pointing to the refrigerator.
Educational psychologist:“Think about where you can find a refrigerator?”
Children's answers: “In the kitchen.”
Educational psychologist:“I suggest you go down to the 1st floor and go to the kitchen.”
Nina Vasilievna (the kitchen worker) comes out, the children explain to her that they want to see the refrigerator in the kitchen. She invites the children to first guess the riddle:

Who cooks cabbage soup, cutlets,
Borscht, dumplings, vinaigrettes;
Cooks porridge and compotes,
Fries entrecotes in oil,
Crushes potatoes with a masher,
Does the soup stir with a ladle?

Children's answer: cook.

Children enter the room, examine it and find a riddle (this is the third task):
“We have a robot in our apartment,
He has a huge trunk.
The robot loves cleanliness
And it hums like a liner: “Too-oo-oo,”
Swallows dust with great eagerness,
But he doesn’t get sick, he doesn’t sneeze.”

Children's answers: this is a vacuum cleaner.

Educational psychologist:“Think about where the vacuum cleaner might be? What is it for?
Children's answers: a vacuum cleaner is needed to vacuum carpets.
Educational psychologist:“Remember in which rooms of the kindergarten you saw carpets?”
Children's answers. To test their guess, children go in twos to the music room, to the gym, to the dry pool room, etc. Everyone else, along with the psychologist, is waiting for their return.

Under the vacuum cleaner, the children discover another clue in the form of a rebus, after solving which they understand that their path lies in the laundry room.

The children are greeted by the kindergarten laundry worker. She asks a riddle:
“Strokes everything it touches,
And if you touch it, it bites.”

In the ironing room, children receive task sheets and return to their group.

Educational psychologist:“You have been given worksheets to find extra items that will tell you where to look for the next clue.”
Task 5 “What’s extra?”
(Answers: pan, cup, book, umbrella, balloon, camera.
Hidden in or near these objects are pictures depicting ladybugs. Since there are many children in the group, there were 2 pots, 2 cups, etc.)

Task 6 “Ladybug”

When all 12 ladybugs are found, the educational psychologist shows hers. Children must find exactly the same one among the ladybugs found.

Task 7 “Read the word”

On the back of the “correct” ladybug (second copy) the word in mirror image. This is the word closet.

Task 8 (individual)
There are sheets of assignments in a folder in the closet. They are of varying complexity. For speedy distribution, the sheets are signed. Children complete tasks; if they do not understand what exactly needs to be done, the leader and teachers explain the instructions.

Tasks are completed at tables.

Task 9 “Chamomile”

While the children are solving “Chamomile,” the psychologist’s assistant lays out “traces” that will lead them to the surprise.
This is where the game ends. A photo is taken for memory.

The game took place in two preparatory groups. The first group easily completed the allotted 40 minutes. The children acted quickly, successfully, and completed all the quest tasks without prompting. The second group worked separately, each child wanted to personally complete the task, was upset if he was not the first to find the correct answer, etc. In order to meet the 40 minutes and get to the surprise, I had to skip individual tasks. All the children tore off the “Chamomile” petals with questions. If they could not answer a question on their own, the group helped.
The children and teachers of both groups really liked the quest game.

Rhythm and music - part of our life. Every person has a talent for music, even if someone claims otherwise. And listening to music and playing musical instruments - great way relax and have a good time with family or friends.

During the game, children will get acquainted with unusual musical instruments different countries and peoples, learn the history of their appearance and try to play them.

At the end of the lesson, the children will take part in a master class, where they will create their own signature instrument.


Children's age:

band size:


Alina Kolovska - biologist, creator and director of the educational platform “Center for Resource Saving” and public organization Coalition "PRO Waste".

Inga Chumakova - mathematician, leader educational programs Resource Saving Center.

How the QUEST works

The first part of the game takes place in the form of a quest. Participants will be looking for ancient instruments different countries and peoples, getting acquainted with their musical history.

. In the second part of the game, participants will perform tasks to develop a sense of rhythm and musical memory that will prepare them to play a variety of instruments with confidence. The children will have to create a small orchestra and try to play together.

The third part is a master class in which the children will create their own musical instrument.


Not required to participate in the game special training or music education.

The game is perfect for celebrating a birthday or other special event.

Two formats of participation: only children or children + adults.

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Slide captions: Pedagogical technology "Quest game" as a means of developing social and communicative qualities of a preschooler In a quest (English quest, or adventure game) there is always a task in which you need to find something: an object, a hint, a message, in order to move on, children follow a pre-developed route, solving puzzles, puzzles and others intellectual riddles, performing motor or creativity-oriented group tasks and finding clues. Originated in England in 1970. Acceptable age for playing is 5 – 7 years. Quest is an adventure game in which you need to solve problems to advance through the plot. The point is that, as a rule, there is a certain goal, which can only be reached by consistently solving riddles. Each riddle is the key to the next point and the next task (point). Tasks can be very different: active, creative, intellectual. They are selected in such a way as to be as original as possible, interesting, appropriate to the situation and not requiring special knowledge or skills from the players. The great thing is that quests can be carried out both in a group and

In order for these tasks to be solved most successfully, when developing a quest it is necessary to follow the following principles: 1. Accessibility - tasks should not be too difficult for the child. 2. Consistency - tasks must be logically related to each other. 3. Emotional content of tasks. 4. Reasonable timing. It is necessary to calculate the time for completing tasks in such a way that the child does not get tired and remains interested. 5.Usage different types children's activities during the quest. 6. Availability of a visible final result and feedback. PRINCIPLES OF THE GAME: OBJECTIVES: - to promote comprehensive development children preschool age; - develop social and communicative qualities (responsiveness, empathy, the formation of positive attitudes and life safety, respectful attitude towards peers and adults) through a collective decision common tasks; - encourage cognitive and research activities through immersion in various game situations.

Three main conditions when organizing quest games: 1. Games must be safe. 2. Questions and tasks must be age appropriate. 3. Disputes and conflicts must be resolved only peacefully. The preparation plan for the game - quest includes the following mandatory items: - writing a script containing educational information; - preparation of a “product” for the search (treasure map, treasure, birch bark letter, hints, etc.); development of a travel route: firstly, it should be unusual, but safe for children, secondly, to increase the interest of children, methods of movement can be different, thirdly, there should be a sufficient number of them with visits to little-explored “corners”; when methodically developing tasks, it is necessary to rely not only on the children’s existing knowledge, skills and abilities, but also on the child’s zone of proximal development (L.S. Vygotsky). Decoration“stops” along the search route must correspond to the topic and contain a hint-direction to continue the path.

GAME PREPARATION PLAN: 1. Develop a scenario 2. Create an environment for each action area. 3. Prepare musical accompaniment. 4. Develop a presentation for the introductory part. 5. Create visual materials (“maps”). 6. Think over the methodology and organization of game tasks. 7. Prepare the necessary props to pass each test.

Technology of the game 1. Quest - the game begins in a group where a goal is set for the children. The first tasks are always intellectual - crosswords, puzzles, folding puzzles. 2. When solving intellectual tasks, children have a desire to solve problems in a game, comprehend them and find a non-standard solution. Next, the children, having completed the task correctly, receive a hint and see where their team will go. 3. One of the directions is always playground(gym), where children perform tasks in the form sports relay races, with game content (reach the chest, etc.) for which they receive incentive tokens. By doing physical exercise children strive to find an optimal (meaningful) attitude to this task (for example: having guessed a riddle, you need to crawl through the “web” and remove the correct answer from it). You can also use road signs: allowing and prohibiting! 4. The final part (finding the treasure) should be bright, colorful and emotional with the obligatory sweet surprises or gifts. The hiding places in the quest should be such that each note (envelope with the next task) has to be obtained and found.

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Now you know about the quest game and can organize it with your students. All in your hands!!! Author - compiler: Irina Vladimirovna Sosunova, senior teacher of MBDOU No. 22 of Kavalerovo town

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Lesson format: educational quest game.

Lesson type: lesson of repetition, systematization and generalization of knowledge, consolidation of skills

Target- deeper assimilation of knowledge, high level of generalization and systematization.


- educational: identify the quality and level of mastery of knowledge and skills acquired in previous lessons, summarize the material as a system of knowledge.

- educational: to cultivate a common culture and aesthetic perception of the environment; create conditions for real self-esteem of students, their realization as individuals, and cultivate students’ ability to work in a team.

- developing: develop spatial thinking, ability to classify, identify connections, formulate conclusions; develop communication skills when working in groups, develop cognitive interest; develop the ability to explain features, patterns, analyze, compare, compare.

Methods: gaming, verbal, conversation, sound and visual clarity, modeling of the artistic and creative process, musical and dance communication.

Form of work: group

Methodological equipment: piano, computer, projector, screen.

Used DSOs: Visual range - computer presentation, video clips.

Quest structure:

1. Organizational moment

2. Introduction (plot)

3. Tasks (stages, questions, role-playing tasks)

4. Evaluation (results, awards, emotions)

Stages and course of the lesson:

1. The teacher welcomes students and asks them to take their places at their desks. A paper travel map has been specially prepared for each desk.

2. Introduction (slides 1-5)

The teacher tells that during the lesson there will be an exciting journey to Music City; in this city there is a huge number of cultural institutions that are supposed to be visited. A travel map is shown, on which the children consider the stops, beginning and end of the route.

3. Stages of the quest.

First stop- museum - slides 6 - 11. Students’ knowledge of what a museum is, what types of museums there are, how museums are related to music is summarized. In order to move on, students must complete the task on slides 12-13. Students are given a task on attention and knowledge of musical instruments. After the task is completed, the class receives a reward - a medal note (located on slide 14, you can also make a paper medal note). The map shows the further route of travel.

Second stop- library, what we can learn about music in the library (slides 15-17). It is proposed to guess riddles about the composer, performer and listener (slides 18-21). The class receives another medal award (slide 22). The map shows the further route of travel.

Third stop- circus, music in the circus (slides 23-24). Students are offered tasks (slides 25-26): determine from the picture what genre of music (song, march, dance) is depicted. The second task is to choose from three proposed dance names the one that, in their opinion, is the clown dancing in the picture (carried out in an interactive version: incorrect answers disappear when you click on them, and the correct answer increases in size). Slide 27 shows the next medal award and the future path.

Fourth stop - School of Music(slide 28). It tells what knowledge and skills every child can gain here (slides 29-31). Students are given the task: to dance a funny dance made in the form of a physical exercise video clip (slide 32, video clip “Dance of the Little Ducklings”). Slide 33 shows the further direction of the route and the reward medal.

Fifth stop- cinema (slides 34-35). The children are asked to answer the questions: what musical instruments did the heroes of fairy tales and films play? (slides 36-39). Slide 40 shows the further direction of the route and the reward medal.

Sixth stop - Musical Theatre(slide 41). Task: guess riddles about musical performances(slides 42-45). The riddles contain questions about the opera, orchestra, soloist, and choir. Slide 46 - another medal and the direction of the travel route.

Seventh stop- concert hall(slide 47).

4. Evaluation. End of the journey game (slides 47-48). The results of the trip are summed up, the teacher evaluates the work of the students, and notes the most active ones. The medals earned are counted. Since all the tasks have been solved, the children will receive a reward - to attend a concert (video fragment of a children's concert performance). Slides 49-50 - final words teachers.

Dzyuba Elena Nikolaevna, MBOU “Secondary School”, Kotovsk, Tambov Region, music teacher

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