The real name of the singer is sia. Biography of Sia. Photos and personal life of the singer

Singer Sia has long held an honorable place in the list of owners of an unusual and melodic voice. The girl’s biography is full of unexpected stories, because at first the singer was accepted only in narrow circles, and only at the beginning of 2000 many music lovers recognized her songs. This was not easy for her: she had to go through many difficulties.

The singer's childhood

The performer was born in Australia, into a family of musicians, in the winter, in December, the 18th of 1975. Kate Isobel Furler's father ( full name singer) was a musician and changed jobs very often. The emotional artist’s mother also came up with songs, sang and composed music. Biography different from the life stories of others famous singers, whose parents also played music. The little girl was left to her own devices: without food or attention.

Staying at home in splendid isolation, the future star imagined how she would conquer the stage.

But despite this, mother and daughter communicate well, as Sia herself claims. Photos and biography of baby Sia’s childhood remain her little secret.

The beginning of creativity

From an early age, the popular performer danced and sang. The baby’s family had no doubt that Sia’s biography would be filled with concerts, album releases and singles.

She herself wanted to conquer the stage with her voice. But Furler had to refuse the vacancy at the karaoke bar, where she spent every evening, since she was still a schoolgirl. It was very difficult to make such a decision, because she hated school. And because of her extraordinary principles and behavior, her classmates did not like her.

IN adolescence she was lucky enough to work in the group The Crisp. It would seem that a dream has come true. But she never managed to make a career with this group, because all attempts to become famous were unsuccessful, and she eventually left the group.

Solo career

Singer Sia tried herself as a solo performer. Ferner's biography is full of failures, because the first record she released for sale did not bring the desired popularity and recognition. Only 1,200 albums were sold.

Perhaps it’s all about the originality of the emotional artist. After all, the public is wary of those performers who introduce something new into pop culture. The singer's appearance and voice turned out to be not the best combination for music lovers. I had to accept defeat again.

But the Australian rebel did not give up and did what she loves.

Luck in creativity

Only with the move to England does the girl finally get her long-awaited place in the sun. She began working as a backup singer for popular

The year 2000 was significant for Furler, because she began recording her solo album with Sony Music.

Her first successful work was the album “Healing is Hard.” Critics responded well to her efforts, and her songs began to be played in famous clubs England.

Sia's biography began to be filled with positive moments. For the first time, her track “Taking for Granted” was at the top of the popular English music chart.

But her fame was not worldwide. It was popular only in England and in Australia. In European and American competitions popular music her work was not listed.

But after the release of the album in 2003, this problem was solved, as the artist’s songs were played in America and Europe almost every hour. And the song “Breathe Me” has become known to every music lover.

Sia's biography is filled with tragic moments, because shortly before meeting her betrothed she had tragic story love.

Siya met her great love after she moved to Great Britain. Their love could be envied: they were always together everywhere and traveled to different countries. But the guy was hit by a car when the artist was in Thailand. The singer experienced the death of her beloved very hard: she began to succumb to addictions. Only after complex treatment and meetings with psychologists did the girl wake up, begin to think about all her misdeeds, and her condition improved.

Time passed, the old shocks began to be forgotten.

After that, those around her noticed a ring with a shiny stone on her finger. The wedding did not take long to arrive.

In the summer of 2014, she tied the knot with famous film director Eric Lang.

Rihanna's song "Diamonds", which has long occupied an honorable place in popular music ratings, was written by an Australian performer.

She herself writes lyrics not only for her singles, but also for popular American stars: K. Minogue, Beyoncé, Rihanna, Christina Aguilera, David Guetta.

The little rebel was an ardent defender of gays, lesbians and blacks at school.

Animals are her weakness. She loves them very much.

She learned about her bisexuality after the death of her first love, and started dating a girl from a popular group.

Siya does not eat meat or non-plant products.

She loves to pamper the public and her fans with strange images.

Her video for the song “Chandelier” achieved great popularity thanks to worldwide discussion. After all, the clip reveals pressing problems. But it is also symbolic for the artist. After all, the little girl gymnast in the video is the image of little Furler as a child.

Each music video has its own story and is filmed with a certain symbolism.

This is what Sia experienced. The diva's biography is full of disappointments and victories. But truly talented and persistent people always manage to find their place under the sun and stars. You can verify this by getting acquainted with the creative path of the most emotional Australian star. The story of the success and life of the owner of an unusual voice should become an example for all aspiring performers, for those who dream of full houses of fans. People must understand that fame does not come easily, it must be earned.

Singer Siya, owner of a unique voice, author and performer of songs in fancy style, which mixes jazz, folk, soul and pop, is often called an "Australian treasure". And not in vain - once you hear the voice of this singer, you will definitely remember it forever. Sia works closely with the brightest stars world music and is the author of many soundtracks for popular films and TV series. Her list of awards includes MTV Video MusicAwards and ARIA Awards, as well as numerous Golden Globe and Grammy nominations.

Singer Sia's childhood

Sia Kate Isobelle Furler was born into a family of musicians from the small Australian town of Adelaide. Father, Phil Colson, lectured on art, and mother wrote songs. Together, the couple performed as part of the rockabilly band The Soda Jerx, whose leader was Sia's uncle. So the atmosphere of music and creativity surrounded the baby from the first years of her life.

Little Sia's favorite singers were Sting, classic rhythm and blues singer Aretta Franklin and Stevie Wonder. Sia later admitted that she carried her love for their work throughout her life.

Often going on tour, the parents left the baby at home alone, and the girl had fun dancing in front of the mirror, imitating her favorite performers. Many years later, these childhood memories formed the basis for the video clip for her famous song Chandelier.

Sia hated school: learning was not easy for her, and she was not particularly popular with her classmates, causing them only ridicule and insults.

At the age of 17, she first appeared on stage as part of a local jazz-funk band. The group Crisp, however, did not stay in it for long. As part of this project, the girl recorded two albums (“Word and the Deal” and “Delirium”). Both records failed commercially, but this experience helped the young singer understand that it was time for her to start solo career.

Creativity Sia

In 1997, Sia moved to London, where luck finally smiled on her. First, she was hired as a backing vocalist in the well-known jazz-funk group Jamiroquai (with them she recorded the album “Only See”), and in 2000 she signed a contract with the famous record company Sony Music.

A year later, the singer’s debut solo album, Healing Is Difficult, was released, which listeners liked and was favorably received by music critics. They learned about Sia in Britain, but the rest of Europe, like the States, still knew nothing about the talented Australian.

The situation changed with the release of her second studio album, Color the Small One, released in 2004. The third song from the record, “Breathe Me,” took first place in the charts of several American radio stations. But most importantly, it became the soundtrack to the series Six Feet Under. It was a success! A little later, the composition played at the Victoria's Secret show, in advertising for Australian supermarkets, during the Olympic Games in Beijing and in the trailer popular game"Prince of Persia".

SIA – Chandelier

Four years later, Sia’s album “Some People Have Real Problems” was released, which took 26th place on the Billboard 200 chart. The favorite songs of many on this record were the melancholic “I Go to Sleep” and “Lullaby”. Sia managed to record a very personal and intimate album that is best listened to alone. As accompaniment, the singer used a minimum of instruments - guitar, piano and some percussion.

In 2010, the singer released the dynamic album “We Are Born” with such different-sounding hits as “Clap Your Hands” and “I’m in Here.” The single “You’ve Changed” became the best-selling single of Sia’s career and was featured on the soundtrack to the film “The Vampire Diaries.”

By that time, the singer began to engage in other people's projects. In 2010, she recorded four songs for Christina Aguilera's album BIONIC, which the star herself called "the heart of the whole record."

In 2012, Sia suddenly announced that she no longer wanted to pursue a solo career. She discovered serious illness thyroid gland, which significantly affected her well-being. However, she continued to create for other performers. Thus, Sia composed compositions for Kylie Minogue (“Exercise”), Lana Del Rey (“Sweet Design”), Gwen Stefani and Maroon 5 (“My Heart Is Open”), Chris Martin (“Broken Glass”), Celine Dion ( “House of Fire”), Britney Spears (“Perfume”), Beyonce (“Pretty Hurts”, “Footprints”), Katy Perry (“Unstoppable”).

However, the most famous hit that Sia did not write for herself was the song Diamonds, performed by Rihanna. In 2012, this track topped the charts in more than 20 countries.

Sia and Eminem – Guts Over Fear

Sia also wrote many soundtracks at that time, including for such popular films as “Twilight” (“My Love”), “The Hunger Games” (“Elastic Heart”), “The Great Gatsby” (“Kill and Run”) .

In 2013, the Billboard chart released a traditional themed magazine with best performers of the year. The cover showed a girl with a paper bag on her head. The package said: "She sold 12 million tracks, wrote the Hunger Games soundtrack and still doesn't want to be popular." The inscription could be peeled off - Sia’s real face was hidden behind it.

Sia – Cheap Thrills

After a short pause in 2014, the girl again blew up the world stage with a new solo album"1000 Forms of Fear". Only one main composition album - Chandelier, was nominated for a Grammy Award four times. Later, Sia's songs could be heard in films such as 50 Shades of Gray (Salted Wound), Angel by the Wings, and Lion (Never Give Up). In January 2016, the singer’s next successful album, “This Is Acting,” was released, the track from which “Cheap Thrills” became a real dance hit for a long time and received a Grammy nomination. At the same time, the singer was nominated for this award for “Best Pop Album”, but lost the award to Adele. In support of her album, Siya organized a world tour, the first concert of which took place in August 2016 in Moscow.

Sia – The Greatest

Personal life of Sia

The singer’s personal life was quite dramatic. In the early 2000s, she met a guy named Dan Pontifex in London, who became her first true love. The couple went on a trip to Thailand, but due to work issues, Dan had to return to London before Sia. A week before her arrival, he was hit and killed by a car.

After this tragedy, the singer plunged into deep depression, accompanied by uncontrolled use of alcohol and drugs. The unfortunate girl even tried to commit suicide: a friend who called her in time saved her.

In 2004, after another nervous breakdown, Sia went through full course rehabilitation.

In 2008, she openly declared her bisexuality and actively fought for the legalization of same-sex marriage. In 2014, Sia married American director Eric Anders Lang, but the couple separated at the end of 2016.

She performed one of the hottest hits of 2014 - Chandelier- and practically blew up the Internet by releasing a video clip for the song last week Elastic Heart . But who is she Sia In fact?

The thirty-nine-year-old Australian pop star (full name: Sia Kate Isobel Furler) became famous in 2005 when her song Breathe Me was chosen as the soundtrack for the TV series " The client is always dead", however, fame played a cruel joke on her. The difficulties and general tension associated with constant public interest led her to drug addiction. Having survived dark times and having gotten rid of thoughts of suicide, she decided to start over and began to simply write music without performing songs.

Greg Kurstin, a longtime friend and producer of the singer, says: “There is a negative side to being famous. It's very difficult to be the center of attention. She decided to look after her health and what was best for her as an individual. She wanted to be in control of her life."

Sia wrote hits for Beyoncé, Rihanna And Katy Perry. However, in 2011, when she performed as a vocalist in the recording of the world famous hit David Guetta Titanium, her plan to remain in the shadows failed miserably, and she only became more popular. But this time she decided to control the situation, even as a public person.

“She doesn't like being famous because it affects her quality of life. She doesn't want to sacrifice her personal life for fame - fame is for Sia not important at all,” adds David Russell, the star's longtime manager.

So when her singing career was "restarted" Sia I decided to protect myself from everyone's attention. She rarely appears in public, preferring to send her “doubles” there. So, for example, a twelve-year-old Maddie Ziegler from the series " Moms in dance" played a miniature copy of the singer in videos Chandelier And Elastic Heart, and the star of the series " Girls" Lena Dunham, danced for Sia when she sang on a TV show Late Night With Seth Mayers.

And this is not just a marketing ploy.

“She is very unambiguous about the concepts of image and public persona, radically changing them. She breaks these concepts and rebuilds them to suit herself, and wins on this, because at the heart of everything are her wonderful music and extraordinary artistry,” says Tom Corson, President and Managing Director RCA Records, her label.

Last week Sia made a lot of noise with her video for the song Elastic Heart, in which Maddie Ziegler and actor Shia LaBeouf danced inside a giant cage.

Some criticized the video, considering it bordering on pedophilia, but the co-producer of the video Daniel Askill calls such opinions “ridiculous.”

“This is the last thing we could have thought about when creating this project. This clip is open to interpretation. Unfortunately, some people's thoughts turn out to be darker than we expect," says Askill.

Baby Ziegler, which, according to her, Sia became “like a family,” adding: “It was a lot of fun during filming! Shia constantly laughed and joked. Everything was very positive."

Putting aside discussions on the topic of the inconsistency of art, we can say that Sia does everything to protect his privacy.

"You know, she's absolutely normal person. We discuss with her all sorts of TV series about hard life, food and what we like,” says Kerstin. Russell adds: “I’ve never seen her so happy.”

For Sia Things aren't limited to the meteoric rise of her career (she's nominated for four Grammy awards this year). In the summer she married her longtime love - a director Eric Anders Lang.

“That’s why she feels so good now. She is very happily married. Her husband is wonderful, and we are all very happy for her,” says Christening.

Famous artist and lyricist from Australia Sia Furler, whose hits are loved all over the world, has managed to captivate millions of fans. She is called mysterious, thanks to the singer’s peculiarity of wearing a white wig. The singer Sea not only performs songs, but writes them for other artists and directs musicals.

Singer Sia - biography

The future celebrity was born into a family of musicians, which could have influenced the choice of profession. Hometown girls - Adelaide. Sia Kate Isobel Furler is the artist's full name. The girl adheres to veganism (strict vegetarianism). She was married to director Eric Lang, but filed for divorce in 2016. The singer recorded her first albums as part of creative team Crisp and OnlySee. In addition, Sia Fuller collaborated with the Jamiroquai team.

Sia Kate Isobelle Furler began to gain fans when she released the album Healing Is Difficult (a mixture of jazz and rhythm blues). One of her songs was featured in the hit parade (Taken for Granted). In 2003, a small collection of hits, Don’t Bring Me Down, was released, which was later included in another album in its entirety. Color the Small One from 2004 includes popular songs such as Breathe Me. The song “Where I Belong” was proposed for the soundtrack to the film “Spider-Man” (in the photo for the album cover the artist is wearing a Spider-Man costume).

The Australian singer took part in the filming of the film “Jim from Piccadilly”, where she played the role of an artist from a bar in New York City. Since 2006, the peak of the singer’s popularity begins: a tour of the USA, work with Zero 7 (Dreaming, Somersault, Destiny, Speed ​​Dial No. 2, Throw it All Away, Distractions, You’re My Flame), millions of fans, soundtracks to the TV series “The O.C.,” the films “The Great Gatsby” and “Twilight.”

Biography singer Sia Since 2007, it has been full of events. Her album Some people have real problems is being released. In addition, Sia Furler often appears in television shows. The artist records several songs for Christina Aguilera. The hit Beautiful Pain, a collaboration with Eminem, occupies the top of the charts. The singer's soulful voice won the hearts of numerous fans and critics. She received many awards in several categories, including Grammy for best song Chandelier and music video, and was nominated to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest.

Sia - official website

Among Australian musicians, Sia Furler is the brightest star. During her biography, she wrote a huge number of compositions for herself and others. musical groups, artists. Music lovers around the world can listen to the songs of their favorite singer at any time, follow new releases, and download tracks by visiting Sia’s official website. Here you can find all the information about the artist, the latest compositions and videos, translations of song lyrics.

Sia Furler – photo

The peculiarity of this Australian singer is that she prefers not to show her face, so in many pictures fans see her wearing a wig. It is not a mask that hides it, but a wig with long bangs. The singer herself explains her mystery by saying that she doesn’t like publicity and wants to calmly go to stores without brushing off paparazzi with cameras. The photo of Sia Furler without a wig shows that the artist manages to look younger than her age, and her clothing style is free.

Sia - songs

Critics say Sia is the singer who embodies modern musician. During her career, Sia Furler has released a huge number of bright hits, for which the girl is tired of receiving numerous awards, for example: “Chip Thrills”, “Chandelier”, “Chandelia”, “Chandler”, “Anstapble”. In addition, it is worth highlighting Sia’s songs written both for her and for third-party performers:

  • Battle Cry;
  • Kill and Run;
  • My Love (for the film "Twilight");
  • Diamonds (for Rihanna);
  • Guts Over Fear (for Eminem).

Sia - clips

The singer herself does not like to appear in her videos, so in many videos viewers see the girl Maddie Ziegler, who knows how to dance well and is already loved by the audience. For example, the video for the song Chandelier was very successful, although it stars Meddie alone in a half-abandoned apartment. Another successful musical with her participation based on the song Sia The Greatest. In addition, we can highlight Sia’s videos such as Soon We’ll Be Found, where viewers saw the singer herself and the lead single Alive featuring the little girl Mahiro Takana.

Sia Furler is an Australian pop singer known for her dislike of popularity, as well as for hits such as "Chandelier" and "Elastic Heart".


Sia was born on December 18, 1975 in Adelaide, Australia as Sia Kate Isobel Furler. Her father, Phil B. Colson, played different groups, and her mother, Loan Furler, was a singer, musician and songwriter, so Sia was surrounded by music from early age. Sia's father's close friends included members of the band INXS, as well as Colin Hay from Men at Work, whom Sia knew so well that she called him "Uncle Colley."

Sia began performing quite early with the group Crisp, and plunged into the world of Adelaide jazz in the 90s. Encouraged by some success, she decided to start a solo career in 1997, but things didn't work out and she soon decided to move to England with her boyfriend and start over there. But a tragic event turned all her plans upside down. A week before she was supposed to leave Australia, her boyfriend is killed by a car. Siya later says that he was the love of her life and his death was a devastating event for her.

First success and debut album

Having moved to England after the tragedy, Sia achieved her first success performing as a backing vocalist for Jamiroquai. On the wings of this success, Siya joins famous team Zero 7, who performed electro music. The group's success forced her to put aside her dream of solo career. However, in 2000, she took a step towards her dream by signing a contract to record several tracks with Dance Pool, one of the divisions of Sony. The same year, her first album, “Healing Is Difficult,” was released, which included such a popular single as “Drink to Get Drunk.” Another single from this album, “Little Man,” was remixed by English musician Wookie, which became the main song of all dance clubs in 2000. Thanks to these two songs, Siya created a lot of noise in the world. musical world and her career took off.

Despite the success, the singer had a conflict with Dance Pool, and she moved to the Go! Beat Records, where she released the mini-album “Don’t Bring Me Down” in 2003. Her next full-length album " Color the Small One« was recorded after Sia moved to the United States, with the track "The Bully" being recorded together with Beck. The album was not a chart success, but it did contain a song that would revolutionize her career.

"Breathe Me"

Color the Small On featured the beautiful ballad "Breathe Me," which was perfect for the final episode of HBO's Six Feet Under. This song subsequently brought the singer huge success. Sia acknowledged the importance of the song's appearance on the show, saying it brought her "really dying career" back to life. Her "resurrected" career allowed her to tour, which resulted in the recording of her first live album, Lady Croissant. Her third album, Some People Have Real Problems, was released in 2008 and debuted in the United States at number 26 on the chart.

All this time, Sia remained a member of Zero 7, participating in the recording of the albums “When It Falls” (2004) and “The Garden” (2006), but the group got tired of constantly waiting for her and in 2009, they replaced Sia to record the next album. The singer began to work independently and this subsequently gave her even more energy to release her own album “We Are Born” in 2010. Shortly before this, she managed to write several songs for Christina Aguilera and her album “Bionic”.

But with success came problems - and she was subsequently diagnosed with Mogil disease. Sia disappeared from the public spotlight, switching to writing songs for Madonna, Beyoncé and Rihanna, who propelled "Diamonds" (written by Sia) to number one on the charts.

Pop hits and Grammy nominations

When Siya reappeared on music scene, she completely hid her face with a white wig. Tired of being in the spotlight, the singer began to appear in public only in a wig, be it a television interview or a concert performance. Siya gained enormous popularity thanks to songs such as “” and “”, which made noise in the charts. These tracks were released as part of the album "1000 Forms of Fear", which was released in 2014 and reached number one on the American charts, becoming the most successful in her discography. Sia later received 4 Grammy nominations for the song "Chandelier" in the categories "Best Song of the Year", "Best Record of the Year", "Best Pop Solo Performance" and "Best Music Video".

Siya also recorded soundtracks. She has recorded songs for films such as The Great Gatsby (2013), The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013), Annie (2014) and Fifty Shades of Gray (2015). She also teamed up with music producer David Guetta for the Top 10 hit "Titanium". She also worked with Giorgio Moroder on his pop album Déjà-Vu, and her voice was featured on the title track. IN next year her sixth came out studio album"This is Acting", in which most of the songs were originally written by her for other artists.

Personal life

In August 2014, Siya married the director documentaries Erik Anders Lang. The wedding took place at her home in Palm Springs, California.

Siya is a vegan (strict vegetarian) and animal activist.

Selected Quotes

"If anyone other than famous people knew what it was like to be a famous person, they wouldn't want to become famous. Imagine teenagers with computers all over the world with the personality of the stereotypical opinionated mother-in-law. Add to that all the bored people and people whose job it is to criticize and complain about celebrities. Then, imagine these creatures, this force, criticizing you for an hour, once a day, every day, day after day.”

“For me, the process of writing and recording a song is normal, but promoting it is usually... I think Tom Waits compared it to washing dishes (repeating the same thing over and over): talking about yourself all the time, answering the same questions for a trillion magazines, TV show, radio show. And it kind of makes you go crazy.”

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