Description and characteristics of Ivan Tsarevich from the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”. Summary of a literature lesson on the topic:. Russian folk tale "The Frog Princess". image of Tsarevich Ivan

Characteristics of Ivan, the prince from the fairy tale "The Frog Princess"


1. Ivan is the most younger son at the Tsar's. As it is written at the beginning of the fairy tale, “young, daring, single” 2. The relationship with the parent is trusting and respectful. This is evident from the fact that Ivan fulfills his father’s request and shoots an arrow. And the second time, when he asks his father for advice on what to do (after all, the frog caught the arrow) and, following his father’s advice, takes the frog as his wife. 3. Ivan is very impatient (since he burned the frog skin ahead of time), not thinking about the consequences this could cause. 4. Ivan is easily receptive and often does not have his own opinion. (He burned the skin of a frog precisely because his brothers laughed at him) 5. Ivan has an iron will, is purposeful, does not give up in the face of difficulties (This is evident from the fact that he wore out three pairs of iron boots, gnawed three iron loaves) 6. The Tsarevich is trusting ( he listens to the advice of an unfamiliar old man in the forest, and subsequently to the advice of Baba Yaga) 7. Ivan is merciful and kind (He does not kill animals, although he experiences extreme hunger) Conclusion: Ivan Tsarevich positive character, he didn’t do anything bad to anyone. If at the beginning of the fairy tale we see him at home, capricious, then as soon as he left parental care and passed hard way the most difficult trials, Ivan revealed himself to us as a brave, brave man.

Ivan Tsarevich is a character known to all of us and loved since childhood. Being the main character of a huge number of magical stories, he undoubtedly influences the events intertwined in them. storylines. The simple hero does folklore story interesting due to the spontaneity of his character and peculiarities of speech. What fairy tales include Ivan Tsarevich? Of course, in a good half of them. Summary these stories, their semantic load, idea and message, as well as the features of the image of the young man and other heroes - all this will be discussed in the article presented to your attention.

The main character of Russian folklore

Many people are interested in the question: who and when invented Ivan Tsarevich? Oddly enough, the character is relatively young, as he firmly entered into epics and legends only at the end of the 18th century. Invented by the people themselves, he became their personification, symbol. The prototype is the most ordinary village Vanya-Ivan, from whom the folklore character took both positive and negative character traits. Usually he is always the third son of the father-king, in some stories the character has three sisters, performs three tasks, and goes into battle against evil forces three times. The threefold repetitions in the fairy tales “Tsarevich Ivan and the Gray Wolf”, “The Frog Princess” and others are not accidental. Among the Slavs, three was a sacred number, symbolizing development, movement, beginning, origins, harmony. In folklore stories, it indicates that there is no need to give up if something doesn’t work out the first time: God, as you know, loves a trinity. Instead, you need to move forward, not give up, not lose heart.

As already mentioned, Ivan Tsarevich is the embodiment of the Russian people themselves. This character is often positive: he fights evil, helps the weak, saves the world from the next fiery Serpent or the immortal Koshchei. And he definitely receives a reward for all his good deeds: the throne, the kingdom, beautiful wife, magic horse, precious objects. Sometimes he has weaknesses in the form of doubts and disobedience. But other heroes return him to the right path, as evidenced by the proverb from the fairy tale “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”: “If you pick up the tug, don’t say it’s not strong.” It was with this phrase that the beast responded to the hero’s complaints about violating the prohibition: they say, if you’ve already started something, don’t quit, finish it without unnecessary moaning. By the way, Ivan Tsarevich can also be a negative character: insidious and evil. Then he is contrasted with his brothers or the fisherman's son. At the end of the story bad hero always shamed and deservedly punished.

Why fool?

Any fairy tale teaches goodness and peace. Ivan Tsarevich, being one of its main characters, often becomes the physical embodiment of nobility and honesty. But he is often made to look like a fool: unlucky, absent-minded, inept. For example, P.P. Ershov successfully described this characteristic of Vanya in “The Little Humpbacked Horse”: “A father had three sons. The eldest was a smart kid. The average one was this way and that. The younger one was a complete fool.” But magically, it is Ivan’s stupidity that brings him true happiness, victory, and success. This is because honest, open and fair people were often called fools in Rus'. They will not be cunning, deceive, or commit a crime - such generosity of soul is incomprehensible to pragmatists. But they forget about retribution and reward for what they have done. Ivan receives wealth and happiness for his efforts, even if he is a fool.

There is another version of this nickname. Folklorists and anthropologists argue that the tradition of giving offensive additions to the name was invented by our ancestors - the Slavs. They believed: with negative prefixes they protect their child from evil and misfortune. The nickname became a talisman. Ivan really surprises with his stupid actions. Agree, when going to look for a missing bride or a hidden Snake, he relies not on his mind, but on his intuition. In addition, the character is often straightforward, simple and naive, which also does not indicate his wisdom. But in the end, he rests on his laurels, unlike his “reasonable” brothers.

The character of Ivan Tsarevich

He's positive. The hero of fairy tales, Ivan Tsarevich - a kind person. He selflessly helps others and does not think about profit. At the same time, he knows how to maintain his own dignity, answering Baba Yaga’s questions directly, without irony or guile. Like, first feed him and put him to bed, and then we’ll have a conversation. Ivan is not afraid of her, he quickly takes the initiative, showing strength of character. The character also has diplomatic qualities; he always knows when to ask and when to order.

The image of Ivan Tsarevich in fairy tales is transformed after his journey. And this is not surprising. IN ancient Rus', as in other cultures, traveling and wandering around the world is a symbol of pilgrimage, a sacred ritual. During the journey, a person succumbs to dangers and temptations, learning to be wise and patient. Therefore, returning to native land, he becomes more mature, smarter, thinks more interestingly and originally. After the trip, Vanya also changes radically. Having acquired courageous qualities during the campaign, he retains them. Now he correctly uses his strength and intelligence, the possibilities of which he had not even suspected before.

Ivan and his princesses

Let's first draw up a conditional outline of the fairy tale. At first, Tsarevich Ivan lives - he doesn’t grieve, he lies on the stove. Then events develop depending on the problem that has arisen, for example: Koshchei’s threat, the kidnapping of the bride, the order of the father-tsar. The climax is a fight with evil spirits. And the story ends with the triumph of good and Ivan himself. The plot is almost always the same, but... main character may be different.

Depending on his character traits, the hero also receives a bride:

  • Ivan the dreamer. Introduced in the fairy tale "Elena the Wise". He thinks about the eternal, plays the harp. Elena the Wise must be nearby, who, being sensible and intelligent, forgives her husband’s sweet eccentricities and turns a blind eye to them.
  • Ivan is a loser. Featured in The Frog Princess. The Russian land is wide, but his arrow hits a deep swamp. Such a character needs Vasilisa the Beautiful, who is not only beautiful, but also resourceful. Thanks to her flexible mind, she not only gets out of unpleasant situations safely, but also saves her husband.
  • Ivan the good-natured man (“Marya Morevna”). Shares bread with the poor, saves animals. A hospitable and gentle husband needs a strict wife. This is what Princess Marya is, a strong and strong-willed woman.

Female images complement the main character, “saturating” him with those qualities, the absence of which he sins. Thanks to this, harmony is created in the fairy tale: in its plot and in the relationships between the characters.

"Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf"

Who the main characters of this story are becomes clear just from the title itself. Talking wolf is one of the central characters, which makes this tale not only magical, but also partly “zoological.” The story tells about one family, where there is a king and his three sons. The heirs constantly compete not only for their father’s love, but also for the right to receive the throne and wealth after his death. To this end, fulfilling the instructions of their parent, they try to catch the Firebird, which has become a habit in their garden. Unable to catch the feathered beauty on the spot, they went in search of her. The youngest, Ivan, meets Gray Wolf, which eats his horse. At the same time, the animal begins to serve the prince, carrying out his instructions: first he turns into the Firebird, then into a golden-maned horse and Helen the Beautiful. By the way, the restless priest also ordered the latter to be presented. Unfortunately, the envious brothers betray Ivan, taking away the princess and the Firebird from him. But the wolf comes to the rescue without the slightest delay - everything falls into place.

The fairy tale “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf” is one of the most famous in Russia. Cartoons and films were made based on it, and performances were staged. Even paintings were drawn: for example, Vasnetsov’s masterpiece under same name. Main character- the wolf - is shown here from the positive side: he is loyal, honest and noble. But the brothers, even though they are of royal blood, are depicted as negative characters: insidious, envious. Not wanting to be considered losers in front of their father, they even resorted to betrayal. The fairy tale teaches readers one simple truth: evil generates the same negativity, but good always returns a hundredfold. In addition, not everything in life is achieved through perseverance and hard work: sometimes you need to use cunning and ingenuity.

"Princess Frog"

The main character this fairy tale introduces us to is Ivan Tsarevich. The summary of this story is familiar to each of us from childhood. At first, the main character seems like a failure: his arrow falls into a swamp, and he is forced to marry a frog. But in fact, he was very lucky. It turned out that his wife was the enchanted Vasilisa the Beautiful. She is both beautiful and very smart. The girl performs all the tasks and tests of the king skillfully and with dignity, bypassing her sisters-in-law - the spouses of her older brothers. It is clear that such a clever girl could not help but be noticed by the evil Koshchei, who steals the girl. Ivan goes in search of her: on the way he meets many animals that he helps - a pike, a drake, a hare and a bear. At first he wants to eat them, but then he takes pity and gives each one life. For this, the animals will reward the savior in due time - they will help him overcome Koshchei and save the bride.

Like “The Tale of Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf,” this story teaches us love, including love for animals. It shows that our smaller brothers are capable of helping in response to care and guardianship. The story demonstrates that compassion is always rewarded. At the same time, real evil - in the form of Koshchei or other evil spirits - will be fairly punished. Vasilisa's modesty and purity overcome the arrogance and envy of her sisters-in-law. The fairy tale teaches that a person is always obliged to achieve his goal. Ivan overcomes many difficulties on his way, but the prince’s perseverance and determination are rewarded. In the end, he saves Vasilisa: they live happily ever after.

"The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water"

Plot magical story typical "The Tale of Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf" is very similar to this story. It also has a king and three sons who are trying their best to please their father. Father, being in old age, decided to regain his youth and gain immortality. To achieve his goal, he needed rejuvenating apples and living water. And who did he send after them to the distant kingdom? Of course, heirs. At first, the elder brother Fyodor went in search, but he managed to be captured by a cunning and crafty girl. Then the middle son, Vasily, decided to try his luck, but suffered the same fate. There was no hope for the youngest, a true fool from birth. But the priest had no choice but to entrust Ivan with a similar task.

The prince at the crossroads intuitively did right choice, so Baba Yaga helps him achieve magic garden under the protection of Sineglazka. Then Ivan picked some apples, poured water and went home. Sineglazka caught up with him, but instead of punishment for the theft, the prince received her forgiveness and love in addition. On the way, he freed the brothers, but they betrayed the prince. All his merits were appropriated by cunning relatives. But Nagai Bird, Sineglazka’s faithful friend, freed him from the abyss and helped bring justice. Ivan married Sineglazka and lived happily in her kingdom. main idea“Tales of rejuvenating apples...” - betrayal does not lead to anything good. Youth cannot be eternal; it is impossible to achieve immortality. The main thing is to live the measured years honestly and nobly. And for selfishness, everyone will get what they deserve.

"Marya Morevna"

What fairy tales include Ivan Tsarevich? In addition to those mentioned above, the character is present in the magical story about Marya Morevna. At first, after the death of his parents, he gives his sisters in marriage - to Eagle, Falcon and Raven. Then he meets the beautiful warrior maiden Marya, whom he soon marries. But, having violated the prohibition of his beloved, Ivan loses her - the evil Koschey kidnaps the girl. In search of his wife, the prince faces numerous trials, including death. Animals and brothers-in-law come to his aid: as a result, the prince copes with Baba Yaga’s tasks, defeats Koshchei and frees Marya.

The idea of ​​the fairy tale is this: obedience is the key to a calm and harmonious life. After all, violating the ban often leads to numerous troubles. History teaches nobility, patience, determination - they are the ones that help to cope with difficulties. In the end, good will definitely triumph. The main thing is to be able to repent in time, admit a mistake and do everything to correct what you have done. And also gain valuable experience so that you never make the wrong decisions again.

"The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise"

Russian folk tale“Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf,” as well as other magical stories, tell us that the line between good and evil is very thin. These two forces always interact and feed each other. Without light there are no shadows, but the latter add zest to mundane life. Therefore the story Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise" also carries this idea throughout the entire plot. It tells about a priest who was captured by the water lord. Inadvertently, he promises to give away something he doesn’t know at home. As luck would have it, this little son, born in his absence. Over time, a little older Ivan goes to the Sea King, but on the way he meets an old woman who tells him how to earn favor youngest daughter monsters and thereby escape death.

Having fallen under the water, the prince bravely passes the test - the young princess, who later becomes his wife, helps him in this. The young successfully escape from depths of the sea to their homeland to Ivan, where they remain to live happily and richly. What does a fairy tale teach? Ivan Tsarevich at first answers the old woman rudely, then corrects himself and receives valuable advice. The first thing that history conveys to us is to respect your elders, their wisdom and life experience will help with any difficult situations. The second thing the fairy tale teaches is to love and appreciate your land. Having received everything you dream of in a foreign land, you will still soon yearn for your native place. There is nothing more valuable than the Fatherland and your own family.


Positive and negative characters are united by a fairy tale. Ivan Tsarevich is a positive hero in most cases. In the story “Crystal Mountain”, he managed to correctly divide the spoils between the animals, for which he was rewarded with the power of transforming into a falcon and an ant. Having acquired miraculous abilities, he managed to conquer the princess and defeat the terrible snakes. As in all of the above stories, in this tale he shows his honesty, justice, and ingenuity. Thanks to his good character qualities, he is strong in overcoming any obstacles.

Therefore, any fairy tale teaches little readers openness and sincerity. The animals presented in it are the same people. Through images of animals, folk tales show how not to treat loved ones, friends, colleagues and just strangers. Any fairy tale says that justice will certainly prevail. But for this you need to make efforts, ingenuity, show endurance and patience. The events in every magical story may not be ordinary, but they are closely intertwined with everyday situations real life. Vivid images help us discern the truth in cruel reality and expose lies. They teach people to be hard-working, kind and loyal, and warn against greed, envy and duplicity.

Ivan Tsarevich is a character known to all of us and loved since childhood. As the protagonist of a huge number of magical stories, he undoubtedly influences the events intertwined in their storylines. A simple hero makes a folklore story interesting thanks to the spontaneity of his character and peculiarities of speech. What fairy tales include Ivan Tsarevich? Of course, in a good half of them. A brief summary of these stories, their semantic load, idea and message, as well as the features of the image of the young man and other heroes - all this will be discussed in the article presented to your attention.

The main character of Russian folklore

Many people are interested in the question: who and when invented Ivan Tsarevich? Oddly enough, the character is relatively young, as he firmly entered into epics and legends only at the end of the 18th century. Invented by the people themselves, he became their personification, symbol. The prototype is the most ordinary village Vanya-Ivan, from whom the folklore character took both positive and negative character traits. Usually he is always the third son of the father-king, in some stories the character has three sisters, performs three tasks, and goes into battle against evil forces three times. The threefold repetitions in the fairy tales “Tsarevich Ivan and the Gray Wolf”, “The Frog Princess” and others are not accidental. Among the Slavs, three was a sacred number, symbolizing development, movement, beginning, origins, harmony. In folklore stories, it indicates that there is no need to give up if something doesn’t work out the first time: God, as you know, loves a trinity. Instead, you need to move forward, not give up, not lose heart.

As already mentioned, Ivan Tsarevich is the embodiment of the Russian people themselves. This character is often positive: he fights evil, helps the weak, saves the world from another or another, and always receives a reward for all his good deeds: a throne, a kingdom, a beautiful wife, a magic horse, precious objects. Sometimes he has weaknesses in the form of doubts and disobedience. But other heroes return him to the right path, as evidenced by the proverb from the fairy tale “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”: “If you pick up the tug, don’t say it’s not strong.” It was with this phrase that the beast responded to the hero’s complaints about violating the prohibition: they say, if you’ve already started something, don’t quit, finish it without unnecessary moaning. By the way, Ivan Tsarevich can also be a negative character: insidious and evil. Then he is contrasted with his brothers or the fisherman's son. At the end of the story, the bad hero is always shamed and deservedly punished.

Why fool?

Any fairy tale teaches goodness and peace. Ivan Tsarevich, being one of its main characters, often becomes the physical embodiment of nobility and honesty. But he is often made to look like a fool: unlucky, absent-minded, inept. For example, he successfully described this characteristic of Vanya in “The Little Humpbacked Horse”: “A father had three sons. The eldest was a smart kid. The average one was this way and that. The younger one was a complete fool.” But magically, it is Ivan’s stupidity that brings him true happiness, victory, and success. This is because honest, open and fair people were often called fools in Rus'. They will not be cunning, deceive, or commit a crime - such generosity of soul is incomprehensible to pragmatists. But they forget about retribution and reward for what they have done. Ivan receives wealth and happiness for his efforts, even if he is a fool.

There is another version of this nickname. Folklorists and anthropologists argue that the tradition of giving offensive additions to the name was invented by our ancestors - the Slavs. They believed: with negative prefixes they protect their child from evil and misfortune. The nickname became a talisman. Ivan really surprises with his stupid actions. Agree, when going to look for a missing bride or a hidden Snake, he relies not on his mind, but on his intuition. In addition, the character is often straightforward, simple and naive, which also does not indicate his wisdom. But in the end, he rests on his laurels, unlike his “reasonable” brothers.

The character of Ivan Tsarevich

He's positive. Ivan Tsarevich is a kind man. He selflessly helps others and does not think about profit. At the same time, he knows how to maintain his own dignity, answering Baba Yaga’s questions directly, without irony or guile. Like, first feed him and put him to bed, and then we’ll have a conversation. Ivan is not afraid of her, he quickly takes the initiative, showing strength of character. The character also has diplomatic qualities; he always knows when to ask and when to order.

The image of Ivan Tsarevich in fairy tales is transformed after his journey. And this is not surprising. In ancient Rus', as in other cultures, traveling and wandering around the world is a symbol of pilgrimage, a sacred ritual. During the journey, a person succumbs to dangers and temptations, learning to be wise and patient. Therefore, returning to his native land, he becomes more mature, smarter, thinks more interestingly and originally. After the trip, Vanya also changes radically. Having acquired courageous qualities during the campaign, he retains them. Now he correctly uses his strength and intelligence, the possibilities of which he had not even suspected before.

Ivan and his princesses

Let's first draw up a conditional outline of the fairy tale. At first, Tsarevich Ivan lives - he doesn’t grieve, he lies on the stove. Then events develop depending on the problem that has arisen, for example: Koshchei’s threat, the kidnapping of the bride, the order of the father-tsar. The climax is a fight with evil spirits. And the story ends with the triumph of good and Ivan himself. The plot is almost always the same, but the main character may be different.

Depending on his character traits, the hero also receives a bride:

  • Ivan the dreamer. Introduced in the fairy tale "Elena the Wise". He thinks about the eternal, plays the harp. Elena the Wise must be nearby, who, being sensible and intelligent, forgives her husband’s sweet eccentricities and turns a blind eye to them.
  • Ivan is a loser. Featured in The Frog Princess. The Russian land is wide, but his arrow hits a deep swamp. Such a character needs Vasilisa the Beautiful, who is not only beautiful, but also resourceful. Thanks to her flexible mind, she not only gets out of unpleasant situations safely, but also saves her husband.
  • Ivan the good-natured man (“Marya Morevna”). Shares bread with the poor, saves animals. A hospitable and gentle husband needs a strict wife. This is what Princess Marya is, a strong and strong-willed woman.

Female images complement the main character, “saturating” him with those qualities, the absence of which he sins. Thanks to this, harmony is created in the fairy tale: in its plot and in the relationships between the characters.

"Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf"

Who the main characters of this story are becomes clear just from the title itself. The talking wolf is one of the central characters, which makes this fairy tale not only magical, but also partly “zoological.” The story tells about one family, where there is a king and his three sons. The heirs constantly compete not only for their father’s love, but also for the right to receive the throne and wealth after his death. To this end, fulfilling the instructions of their parent, they try to catch the Firebird, which has become a habit in their garden. Unable to catch the feathered beauty on the spot, they went in search of her. The youngest, Ivan, meets the Gray Wolf, who eats his horse. At the same time, the animal begins to serve the prince, carrying out his instructions: first he turns into the Firebird, then into a golden-maned horse and Helen the Beautiful. By the way, the restless priest also ordered the latter to be presented. Unfortunately, the envious brothers betray Ivan, taking away the princess and the Firebird from him. But the wolf comes to the rescue without the slightest delay - everything falls into place.

The fairy tale “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf” is one of the most famous in Russia. Cartoons and films were made based on it, and performances were staged. Even paintings were drawn: for example, Vasnetsov’s masterpiece under the same name. The main character - the wolf - is shown here from the positive side: he is loyal, honest and noble. But the brothers, even though they are of royal blood, are depicted as negative characters: insidious, envious. Not wanting to be considered losers in front of their father, they even resorted to betrayal. The fairy tale teaches readers one simple truth: evil generates the same negativity, but good always returns a hundredfold. In addition, not everything in life is achieved through perseverance and hard work: sometimes you need to use cunning and ingenuity.

"Princess Frog"

The main character this fairy tale introduces us to is Ivan Tsarevich. The summary of this story is familiar to each of us from childhood. At first, the main character seems like a failure: his arrow falls into a swamp, and he is forced to marry a frog. But in fact, he was very lucky. It turned out that his wife was the enchanted Vasilisa the Beautiful. She is both beautiful and very smart. The girl performs all the tasks and tests of the king skillfully and with dignity, bypassing her sisters-in-law - the spouses of her older brothers. It is clear that such a clever girl could not help but be noticed by the evil Koshchei, who steals the girl. Ivan goes in search of her: on the way he meets many animals that he helps - a pike, a drake, a hare and a bear. At first he wants to eat them, but then he takes pity and gives each one life. For this, the animals will reward the savior in due time - they will help him overcome Koshchei and save the bride.

Like “The Tale of Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf,” this story teaches us love, including love for animals. It shows that our smaller brothers are capable of helping in response to care and guardianship. The story demonstrates that compassion is always rewarded. At the same time, real evil - in the form of Koshchei or other evil spirits - will be fairly punished. Vasilisa's modesty and purity overcome the arrogance and envy of her sisters-in-law. The fairy tale teaches that a person is always obliged to achieve his goal. Ivan overcomes many difficulties on his way, but the prince’s perseverance and determination are rewarded. In the end, he saves Vasilisa: they live happily ever after.

"The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water"

The plot of a magical story is typical. "The Tale of Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf" is very similar to this story. It also has a king and three sons who are trying their best to please their father. Father, being in old age, decided to regain his youth and gain immortality. To achieve his goal, he also needed living water. And who did he send after them to the distant kingdom? Of course, heirs. At first, the elder brother Fyodor went in search, but he managed to be captured by a cunning and crafty girl. Then the middle son, Vasily, decided to try his luck, but suffered the same fate. There was no hope for the youngest, a true fool from birth. But the priest had no choice but to entrust Ivan with a similar task.

The prince at the crossroads intuitively made the right choice, so Baba Yaga helps him reach the magical garden under the protection of Sineglazka. Then Ivan picked some apples, poured water and went home. Sineglazka caught up with him, but instead of punishment for the theft, the prince received her forgiveness and love in addition. On the way, he freed the brothers, but they betrayed the prince. All his merits were appropriated by cunning relatives. But Nagai Bird, Sineglazka’s faithful friend, freed him from the abyss and helped bring justice. Ivan married Sineglazka and lived happily in her kingdom. The main idea of ​​“Tales of Rejuvenating Apples...” is that betrayal does not lead to anything good. Youth cannot be eternal; it is impossible to achieve immortality. The main thing is to live the measured years honestly and nobly. And for selfishness, everyone will get what they deserve.

"Marya Morevna"

What fairy tales include Ivan Tsarevich? In addition to those mentioned above, the character is present in the magical story about Marya Morevna. At first, after the death of his parents, he gives his sisters in marriage - to Eagle, Falcon and Raven. Then he meets the beautiful warrior maiden Marya, whom he soon marries. But, having violated the prohibition of his beloved, Ivan loses her - the evil Koschey kidnaps the girl. In search of his wife, the prince faces numerous trials, including death. Animals and brothers-in-law come to his aid: as a result, the prince copes with Baba Yaga’s tasks, defeats Koshchei and frees Marya.

The idea of ​​the fairy tale is this: obedience is the key to a calm and harmonious life. After all, violating the ban often leads to numerous troubles. History teaches nobility, patience, determination - they are the ones that help to cope with difficulties. In the end, good will definitely triumph. The main thing is to be able to repent in time, admit a mistake and do everything to correct what you have done. And also gain valuable experience so that you never make the wrong decisions again.

"The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise"

The Russian folk tale “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf,” as well as other magical stories, tell us that the line between good and evil is very thin. These two forces always interact and feed each other. Without light there are no shadows, but the latter add zest to mundane life. Therefore, the story “The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise” also carries this idea throughout the entire plot. It tells about a priest who was captured by the water lord. Inadvertently, he promises to give away something he doesn’t know at home. As luck would have it, this is a little son born in his absence. Over time, a little older Ivan goes to the Sea King, but on the way he meets an old woman who tells him how to earn the favor of the monster’s youngest daughter and thereby save himself from death.

Having fallen under the water, the prince bravely passes the test - the young princess, who later becomes his wife, helps him in this. The young people successfully escape from the depths of the sea to their homeland with Ivan, where they remain to live happily and richly. What does a fairy tale teach? Ivan Tsarevich at first answers the old woman rudely, then corrects himself and receives valuable advice. The first thing that history conveys to us is to respect your elders, their wisdom and life experience will help in any difficult situations. The second thing the fairy tale teaches is to love and appreciate your land. Having received everything you dream of in a foreign land, you will still soon yearn for your native place. There is nothing more valuable than the Fatherland and your own family.


Positive and negative characters are united by a fairy tale. Ivan Tsarevich is a positive hero in most cases. In the story “Crystal Mountain”, he managed to correctly divide the spoils between the animals, for which he was rewarded with the power of transforming into a falcon and an ant. Having acquired miraculous abilities, he managed to conquer the princess and defeat the terrible snakes. As in all of the above stories, in this tale he shows his honesty, justice, and ingenuity. Thanks to his good character qualities, he is strong in overcoming any obstacles.

Therefore, any fairy tale teaches little readers openness and sincerity. The animals presented in it are the same people. Through images of animals, folk tales show how not to treat loved ones, friends, colleagues and just strangers. Any fairy tale says that justice will certainly prevail. But for this you need to make efforts, ingenuity, show endurance and patience. The events in every magical story may not be ordinary, but they are closely intertwined with ordinary situations in real life. Vivid images help us discern the truth in cruel reality and expose lies. They teach people to be hard-working, kind and loyal, and warn against greed, envy and duplicity.

All children, without exception, like Russian folk tales. Why does this happen? Because they are very kind and cheerful, they teach kids from the very beginning early age distinguish good from evil, instill good qualities, are very instructive. In Russian fairy tales there are many positive characters who resist the forces of evil.

In our work, we propose to consider the description of Ivan Tsarevich. We chose this particular character due to the fact that he most often appears on the pages of works not only by Russian folk art, but also in the works of Khudyakov, Afanasyev and other authors.

Who is this

Ivan Tsarevich has been around as a beloved hero since the mid-eighteenth century. Fairy tales with this character are numerous and were written by different authors. Of course, I want to learn more about him and figure out which side he belongs to - dark or light.

To understand this, let's analyze the fairy tales where our hero meets, trace his evolution and draw conclusions. First, let's describe Ivan Tsarevich. He always appears before us in the same guise: a young, fair-haired and very brave young man. Often our character is subject to reincarnation, he is helped by amazing servants, fairy tales with his participation are always full of various trials and adventures. In addition, the hero always hard life. He is forced to go on adventures full of danger in order to fulfill someone's instructions or simply because he was kicked out of his home for some offense.

Looking at the description of Ivan Tsarevich, what he was like externally, little information can be found, but the internal qualities of the hero are expressed in all their glory.


As mentioned earlier, the description of Ivan Tsarevich is the same everywhere. As a rule, he does not know about his real roots. He becomes aware of this only after the end of the fairy tale. His awards:

  • strange animal;
  • marriage to the king's daughter;
  • half a kingdom and so on.

He is always helped by his faithful servants (pike, Gray Wolf, Sivka-Burka and many other characters). He performs all the feats described in fairy tales in order to save a girl who was captured by some villain. Most often, Koschey appears as the enemy of Ivan Tsarevich.

The description of Ivan Tsarevich can be imagined as follows: a fearless, intelligent and brave young man. His image is often found in fairy tales with the following plot: a thief appears in the royal garden, not just any kind, but the Firebird herself. Our hero and his brothers go in search of her. The paths often diverge, but Ivan Tsarevich meets his assistant Gray Wolf, who helps him find not only the bird, but also the bride. Fairy tales always end with the exposure of the evil brothers and a luxurious feast.


Who was Ivan Tsarevich? The description of the hero of the fairy tale regarding the pedigree is presented as follows:

  • son of the king;
  • youngest of three brothers;
  • often, even before his birth, the father promises to give his son away;
  • the most stupid, but good-natured and selfless person;

Although at the beginning of the fairy tale he is unfavorably presented against the background of his brothers, but thanks internal qualities he always comes out of all situations as a winner.

As a result, he gets such wives as Elena the Beautiful, Vasilisa the Wise or Marya Morevna. The brothers are left with nothing because of their bitterness and cowardice.

Ivan Tsarevich as a negative character

There are also works where our hero is presented as negative. For example, a fairy tale about Ivan, the fisherman's son. In it, Ivan Tsarevich appears to us as an evil and treacherous hero who wants to kill positive characters, take possession of their wealth and take away their reward.

The ending in this case looks something like this: Ivan Tsarevich is disgraced and punished, but not killed. Nevertheless, our hero is remembered by us positive side, this example is an exception that occurs quite rarely.

The plot of fairy tales with our character is almost always the same, only the characters and their names. Russian folk tales remind children that not only good, but also evil exists on earth. But good always wins.

We are convinced that our hero still occupies the place of a positive character in Russian fairy tales. In his heart he will forever remain a young, kind, strong and brave young man, selflessly helping people in trouble.

“The image of Ivan Tsarevich in Russian folk tales”


2nd grade student

Stupnikova Olga


  • Children love to listen and read Russian folk tales. They are very kind, funny and educational. They have a lot of positive and negative characters. But we focus more attention on goodies, that is, you can learn something from them.

  • Object of study- The image of Ivan Tsarevich.
  • Subject of study- A fairy tale.
  • Goal of the work– determination of the role of Ivan Tsarevich in life fairy tale hero: a kind, brave fellow or a cowardly person.


  • Explore literary encyclopedias, read magical Russian folk tales, in which one of the characters is Ivan Tsarevich.
  • Study the opinions of your classmates.
  • Compose a generalized description of Ivan Tsarevich.
  • Analyze and summarize the data obtained.


  • is based on the assumption that Ivan Tsarevich is a kind, brave fellow, because:
  • he helps everyone;
  • overcomes difficulties along the way;
  • he has a beautiful appearance.

Having studied various sources of information: books, Internet resources

Whoever you ask -

Everyone knows in Rus':

Either he is a king, or he is a peasant,

And his name is... Ivan

Etymology of the name

  • Name Ivan by origin - Hebrew (Yohanan - God has mercy), and came into the Russian name book with the adoption of Orthodoxy as the name of John the Baptist. The name John is one of the iconic names in Christianity. Consequently, the name Ivan emphasizes that our hero is an Orthodox Christian.

Ivan Tsarevich

  • The favorite hero of Russian folk tales is Ivan the Tsarevich. This is a positive character known to everyone, who fights evil, helps the weak and offended.

  • "Princess Frog"
  • "Finist - Clear Falcon"
  • "Rejuvenating apples"
  • "Dead Princess"
  • "Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf"
  • "One-Eyed, Two-Eyed, Three-Eyed"

Ivan Tsarevich seems like a failure to his brothers and father, because it fell to his lot to marry not a boyar or merchant’s daughter, but a frog. After his father’s first order to bake a loaf of bread for each daughter-in-law, Ivan Tsarevich returns “not happy, he hung his head in a riot.” In the morning, when he saw the bread, he “was amazed: he had never seen anything like it!” When the next morning he looked at the carpet woven by his wife, he simply “gasped: such a wonderful carpet that you couldn’t even think of it, you couldn’t imagine it, maybe say it in a fairy tale!” But even after this, he does not trust his fate, doubts how he will lead his wife to the feast, and suffers ridicule from his brothers and their wives. In impatience, Ivan Tsarevich burns the frog's skin. After saying goodbye to Vasilisa, he grieves inconsolably, but does not fall asleep, as after his father’s assignments, but gets ready to go on a hike. He shows determination, courage, perseverance, endures need, cold and hunger. He shows trust in the old man, who gives him a ball, sympathizes and helps animals, he is fearless when he boldly answers Baba Yaga. He courageously

overcomes all the difficulties and adversities that

fall to his lot. Tests reveal

those in it best features, which did not appear,

when he lived in his father's kingdom. Like a reward

Vasilisa the Wise returns to him.

Finist the Clear Falcon - a magical character from a folk tale

  • The fairy tale Finist the Clear Falcon (read "good fellow") is one of the few Russian folk tales not named after main character, and by name magical character. Finist is one of the good heroes of Russian folk art. The ability to turn into a falcon manifests itself after the girl Maryushka calls him to her. Finist the clear falcon represents pure love, easily passing through any obstacles.

Finist-clear falcon

  • The beginning of the story begins according to one of the usual fairy tale scenarios. The father has three daughters, two of whom are not distinguished by their intelligence and diligence, and the youngest Maryushka is both beautiful and smart. When getting ready for a trip, a father always asks his daughters what gifts they would like to receive. The older girls only dream about fashionable things, but Maryushka dreams of the feather of the Yasnaya falcon. One day it happened that old grandfather gave such a feather to my father, and here the story itself begins. Maryushka meets Finist - good fellow and, going through the dirty tricks of the sisters, sets off on the road to save her beloved from the evil witch. The girl will have to meet Baba Yaga and her sisters and receive magical gifts in exchange for her kindness and sincerity. They are the ones who will help Maryushka free Finist from the spell...

Why does Ivan win?

He defeats his enemies by virtue of his natural behavior. Everything helps Ivan, from his mother - the damp earth, to forests, rivers, and his smaller brothers, to small animals and insects. By using magic remedies and especially thanks to his “mind”, Ivan successfully passes all tests and achieves the highest values: he defeats the enemy, marries the king’s daughter, receives both wealth and fame... They help,

because he himself is bright and kind

Ivan's advantages:

  • Firstly, he is not at all vain and never demands recognition and glory for his exploits.
  • Secondly, Ivan is unselfish, nowhere and never does anything for the sake of self-interest.
  • Thirdly, there is not even any hint in him of an inclination to kill or torment others

Portrait of Ivan

  • In relation to other people:
  • -Kind
  • -confiding
  • In relation to yourself:
  • -confident
  • -modest
  • -selfless

  • Moral qualities:
  • -humane
  • -fair
  • -honest
  • -good
  • Volitional qualities:
  • -strong
  • -brave
  • - courageous
  • -hero


  • Russian fairy tales have preserved an extremely vivid and memorable image of Ivan Tsarevich. In most stories he is kind, strong, fearless, kind and noble hero who defeats all enemies, helps the weak and wins happiness.
  • The stated goals and objectives of the study have been achieved.