Basic NLP techniques and their practical application. The best books on NLP for beginners. Pedagogy as a field of application of NLP

It's no secret that speech can change our consciousness. However, there are areas of science that, with the help of language, allow us not only to influence our brain, but also to activate those areas of our brain that we did not even suspect existed. NLP specialists do this. This term arose relatively recently. However, the acronym NLP, i.e. Neurolinguistic programming has already managed not only to interest ordinary people, but has also spread quite widely among psychotherapists and people whose professions are related to human consciousness. How do NLP specialists influence the brain? The sequence of this operation looks something like this: calibration - then joining - leading - trance induction - manipulation of consciousness - suggestion - withdrawal from trance. There are many reasons for putting a person into a state of hypnosis, which is why several different NLP techniques have been created.

Basic NLP techniques

The main techniques used in NLP include: anchoring, speech strategies, reframing, wave technique, inserted message technique and several others no less famous technicians. To understand what they are used for, let's look at some basic techniques NLP in more detail.

  1. NLP anchoring technique. The basis of this technique is a conditioned reflex, which is called an “anchor”. Our conditioned reflexes arise on their own. For example, if at a certain moment in our experiences we listened to the same song, then years later this song will remind us of that past time. With the help of the NLP technique “Anchoring” it became possible to use the conditioned reflex forcibly. Anchors can be positive and negative, i.e. evoke positive and negative emotions. Thus, if you need to remember any moment in life, anchor it at that moment. To consolidate it in your mind, you need a resource that will re-associate you with what you wanted to remember. It could be a song, images, or smells that surround you.
  2. NLP technique “Swing”. It is one of the universal techniques that even a layman can apply to his consciousness. The NLP technique “Swing” was created in order to change your life position or the role that the person himself wants. The Swing NLP technique consists of two representations. The first idea is associated with an association and corresponds to some sound, picture, or feeling that arises in a situation or habit that you want to get rid of. The second representation of the state that you want to have instead of a habit. For example, you want to quit smoking. Imagine a picture or feeling that you associate with the process of smoking. Also imagine a second picture or feeling that you want to get instead of this bad habit. Then start the technique itself:
  • Imagine the first image as a large picture on a big screen. For example, it will be a hand with a cigarette reaching to the lips.
  • Imagine the second image as a small dark picture and place it next to the first. IN in this case this could be yours happy image no longer a cigarette.
  • Quickly swap the pictures. Imagine how the first picture fades and becomes small, and the second one grows and becomes bright. This needs to be done quickly and at the same time.
  • Look at the result and mentally erase both pictures.
  • Repeat the manipulations 10-15 times and check how the changes affected you.
  • NLP techniques in a pickup truck. In such a popular form of entertainment as pickup, there is whole line NLP Technician. Their owner can easily interest the object of his attention, so that this same object will not even suspect anything bad. Basically, pick-up artists use the following techniques: NLP in jokes (seemingly an innocent joke, but it can affect consciousness), the familiar anchoring technique (playing with sensations, images, sounds and tastes), the “The boyfriend destroyer” technique, i.e. e. simply put, behavior in a situation where a girl refuses a date because she has a boyfriend. The technique uses a whole range of manipulations with the goal of luring a girl out on a date or keeping her longer. And finally, a technique based on paradoxical suggestion. For example, “I thought I loved you, turns out I didn’t.” After such words and a series of manipulations, the object that the pick-up artist was interested in simply cannot part with him.
  • NLP seduction technique. The girls, it must be said, are also not far from the pick-up artists. No one knows how to use NLP techniques in seduction as well as girls do. One of the methods most often used in seduction is called the Triple Helix. Its creator is Milton Erickson. It consists of putting a person into a trance state. For example, one story is told, then it is abruptly interrupted by a second story. Why is the second story interrupted by the third and when the interlocutor does not expect it, the end of the second and first stories follows. Since the human brain remembers only the beginning and the end, the middle can be used for various kinds of manipulations. For example, instill in him some command.
  • NLP manipulation techniques. This is perhaps the most common type of technique. They are also used by influencing the consciousness and psyche and have the goal of changing a person’s attitude and views on a particular event, as well as generally changing his behavior. For example, if your partner is about to burst into an angry tirade at you, the “Primary Actions” technique can stop him with the phrase “Try to take what I’m about to say calmly.” And the technique of “seeking advice” can bring your partner out of passive observation on the sidelines and will pleasantly emphasize his importance to you.
  • NLP techniques are becoming more sophisticated every year. And it is always worth remembering that neurolinguistic programming is one continuous manipulation of consciousness. To gain your approval, they may adjust to you using your own poses, movements or gestures. And you don’t have to learn all these techniques by heart. It is enough to be confident in yourself and not give in to provocations from your partners.

    Many people are familiar with the abbreviation NLP. Not everyone knows what it is. After reading this article, you will become familiar with this area of ​​psychology, which has become very famous today. Neurolinguistic programming is what NLP stands for.

    What it is? We can briefly answer this question as follows: this is an area of ​​psychology that studies the structure of subjective human experience, and also develops a language for describing it, and is engaged in discovering ways of modeling and mechanisms of this experience to improve it and transfer the identified models to other people. At first NLP was called "metaknowledge". In other words, it is the science of the structure of our experience and knowledge.

    Details about the name

    The first part of the name "NLP" ("neuro") reflects what should be understood as "languages ​​of the brain" for describing human experience. These are neurological processes responsible for processing, storing and transmitting information. NLP makes it possible to understand how internal perception works. The second part - "linguistic" - indicates important, which has a language in describing the characteristics of behavior and mechanisms of thinking, as well as in the organization various processes communications. The final part - “programming” - emphasizes that behavioral and mental processes are systematic: translated from Greek, “program” means “a sequence of steps that are aimed at achieving a particular result.”

    Consequently, the name as a whole reflects the fact that NLP refers to subjective human experience and to people's lives as systemic processes with their own structure. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to study them, as well as to identify the most successful experience, which we usually call talent, intuition, natural talent, etc.

    Holistic approach to NLP theory

    What kind of area of ​​psychology is this, you now know. Let us note its main features. NLP can be considered as a scientific field of knowledge, and even as an art, since it can be presented at the level of practical technologies and tools, as well as at the level of spirituality. It is based on a holistic approach to the study of human experience, based on the concept of the unity of spirit, body and mind.

    Authors of NLP and the research they relied on

    NLP was born as a result of the interdisciplinary interaction of various researchers who studied the work of such great psychotherapists as Virginia Satir, Fritz Perls, Milton Erickson. Its founders are considered to be professional linguist John Grinder and psychologist and mathematician Richard Bandler. In addition, the co-authors of NLP include Judith Delozier, Leslie Cameron, Robert Dilts, David Gordon. Today, this area is actively developing and supplemented by new developments. The circle of her co-authors is constantly growing.

    NLP as an integrative independent field of knowledge grew out of models of practical psychology, while incorporating all the best from a practical point of view. It was at first very eclectic, but over time it acquired a powerful methodology, based largely on the epistemology of G. Bateson, works on the theory of communication, and the ecology of the mind. In addition, B. Russell's theory of logical types was used, which became the prototype of logical levels in NLP. You will find out what it is by turning to books on NLP.

    At the first stage of its development, it began with the modeling of Fritz Perls. This man is the founder of Gestalt therapy. The modeling was carried out taking into account all the most important principles and approaches of Gestalt psychology. That is why the way NLP looks at thought and behavioral patterns is largely related to the Gestalt method. The second "model" that was used is specific linguistic patterns that create trance states of varying depths. A famous hypnotherapist used them in his work. based on the works of Noam Chomsky, achieved in linguistics doctorate. Therefore, it becomes clear why linguistics should also be considered among the scientific roots of NLP. Its authors proceeded from the idea that linguistic structures and speech reflect subjective experience and its internal processes.

    The scientific foundations of NLP, among other things, also include the developments of behavioral psychology. Its founder is A.P. Pavlov, Russian academician. Particularly important are the discoveries in the field of conditioned reflex activity. The authors of NLP focused their attention not on the mechanism of reflexes, but on the difference between unconditioned and conditioned, on the study of triggers (external stimuli) that trigger a specific reflex. This topic in NLP is called "anchoring".

    NLP - a method of manipulation?

    NLP has gained great popularity today. You can learn some technologies and techniques quite quickly and almost immediately feel the practical benefits. Unfortunately, in the media sometimes certain people say that NLP is a method of manipulation. However, in reality it is just a set of techniques and description techniques, something like an alphabet that helps to transfer knowledge. NLP, like any other tool, can be used for both good and bad. For centuries, manipulators have been improving their skills, long before NLP techniques arose. Therefore, it is wrong to connect these phenomena.

    What can you learn by mastering these techniques?

    First of all, you will learn to better understand others, their needs and needs, and you will be able to clearly convey your thoughts to your interlocutor. A person is often unable to clearly and clearly express what he would like to say. You will learn to ask questions correctly, which will help others clarify their thoughts, structure ideas, and also significantly save energy and time.

    Let us note that NLP is a purely practical thing. He should learn by practicing skills and immediately applying them in action. Learning by practice and from books is like comparing a person who can speak a foreign language fluently with someone who can only translate with a dictionary.

    Why do people attend NLP trainings?

    In addition to practicing practical skills, you will get acquainted with a variety of interesting people. By doing the exercises together, you will be able not only to communicate in a relaxed atmosphere, but also to make new acquaintances, see yourself from the outside, and also note in others your own mistakes or moments that you have already managed to cope with. NLP training is usually quite fun. A significant part of the time is spent not on lectures, but on practicing the knowledge and skills that are being studied.

    In addition to cognitive tasks, others are solved during the training - to spend time usefully and interestingly, to understand oneself, in relationships with other people, to set goals for the future, to solve complex problems facing the training participants. All together this can be defined by the term “personal growth”.

    Duration and specifics of trainings

    NLP training is usually inexpensive. However, it has specifics - if you seriously study it in order to subsequently be able to freely apply its elements, you need to devote quite a long time to the process of developing skills. Therefore, the minimum duration of the certification course is 21 days. Classes are usually held once a month on weekends and last for 8 months.

    Practical benefits

    NLP programming can help you with various fields life. For example, when starting a conversation, people often do not realize what they want to get as a result of it. Many problems are quite easy to avoid if you constantly remember the purpose of communication. This will prevent you from making offensive mistakes. What other NLP rules can be noted for every day? Before you start a conversation, think about why you need it, what your goal is, whether the interlocutor understands your position, what arguments he may have. People sometimes get so carried away by the process of the dispute that they can forget about everything, including possible consequences. The ability to control emotions and stop in time is another useful skill that NLP programming provides.

    Using the anchoring technique

    To manage your emotional state, you can use a technique called “anchoring.” With its help, you can prepare in advance for a difficult and unpleasant conversation, while maintaining a positive state. You will also learn to change automatic reactions to factors that irritate you using NLP. quite simple, but it is better to master anchoring in training or in life, and not theoretically. In writing, what could be easily demonstrated may cause misunderstandings and doubts.

    Anchoring is the creation of a connection between a certain event and what is associated with it. The ship is held motionless by an anchor. In the same way, it causes a corresponding connection - the physical or emotional state of a person changes, or we remember some past situation by association. This NLP rule works well.

    Unconscious anchors, for example, can be “happy” clothes, the smell of your favorite perfume, photographs, etc. To create an anchor for a calm and positive state, you can, for example, use a photograph of a place where you were once happy. You can also use special words or gestures that can be repeated mentally in Hard time. These are, for example, the words: “I am calm.” It is important that there is no negation in them, and also double meanings. You will practice all these and many other techniques in NLP training. This practice has already helped many people from all over the world.

    NLP today

    By developing and integrating the most effective technologies and models, NLP is now widely used in learning, communication, creativity, art, business, therapy and organizational consulting, that is, wherever the resources of human behavior and thinking are most effectively used. NLP today is primarily a methodology that allows us to successfully serve various areas of human progress.

    Currently, NLP has become widespread in most countries. The best of it is used by many in practice, so the need for training has arisen. In the USA, for example, there are about 100 organizations associated with it, in Germany - about 70 large institutes and centers engaged in development and research based on it in various fields. This direction of psychology came to Russia recently and is not yet part of formal education. However, NLP training is carried out as a special course in practical psychology in many institutes and universities. NLP today is available to a greater extent in our country in educational centers, as well as companies that use it (NLP consulting).

    NLP: books

    Of course, one of the most popular books is “From Frogs to Princes” (R. Bandler, D. Grinder). It is recommended to everyone, especially good for initial stages studying. Another one useful book- “The Mastery of Communication” (A. Lyubimov). Everything is explained in an accessible and understandable way: sorting gates, tuning, meta-message and other NLP terms. This book will be enough to teach the basics of this area. Other works may also be useful to you. In the book by Gorin S.A. "Have you tried hypnosis?" you will find excellent descriptions of Ericksonian hypnosis and trance induction techniques. The book “NLP for Happy Love” is also very popular today. Its author is Eva Berger. “NLP for Happy Love” will be useful for those who want to find a soul mate and live happily ever after.

    Relatively new system NLP is constantly being updated with new techniques that help you work on yourself, allowing you to learn how to manage verbal and nonverbal communication techniques. It's no wonder so many people want to learn how to learn neuro-linguistic programming. These techniques are not difficult to master. The main thing is to devote enough time to this.

    The essence of neurolinguistic programming

    NLP is one of the most discussed areas of modern practical psychology. This is due to many reasons:

    1. The methods used by neurolinguistic programming include several related disciplines: linguistics, psychotherapy, programming and psychology. NLP is a relatively new direction that is aimed at active practical use.
    2. The effectiveness and benefits of these techniques are condemned by some in the academic community, and this fuels interest in this discipline.
    3. NLP education and training allows a person to master basic skills, which include a full range of exercises, including hypnosis.
    4. NLP studies materials and positive experiences of hypnotherapy, Gestalt psychology and linguistics for the further use of this knowledge.

    NLP is not a full-fledged science, but only theoretical and practical knowledge, which, due to the characteristic features of its acquisition, is not considered confirmed by the scientific community. The creators did not initially plan to develop a complete theory. The goal was to create publicly accessible and simple techniques influences based on complex methods and techniques of practicing psychologists.

    Areas of application of NLP skills

    NLP helps a person learn to observe others and analyze the motives of their actions. With these skills, he can build strong relationships and effectively influence people, just like master communicators and psychologists do.

    The issue of studying NLP is relevant in modern times, because the scope of its application is extensive. NLP includes the following areas:

    1. Oratory, acting and stage arts.
    2. Psychotherapy and hypnosis.
    3. Control.
    4. Journalism.
    5. Literature.
    6. Jurisprudence.

    One of the main features of NLP is that it provides practical guidance on mastering the communication skills that people working in social spheres need. These lessons help self-development and self-improvement.

    A person changes emotionally, achieves flexibility in behavior with others. New techniques and NLP trainings allow you to maintain a healthy psychological shape, treat phobias, and maintain high levels of mental activity and performance.

    Stages of training in NLP techniques

    The principle of learning assumes that without a solid theoretical knowledge base, a person will not be able to obtain the necessary information and use techniques and methods in practice.

    Everyone is free to choose a convenient learning method for themselves: tutorials for beginners (libraries and bookstores, at the request of the client, will offer a lot educational literature) or training centers.

    The modern methodology for studying the theory of NLP, which is offered by these organizations, consists of three stages:

    1. A “practitioner” is a person who, independently or together with a group in trainings, studies the basic skills of neurolinguistic programming, improves them over time and puts them into practice.
    2. “Master” is a more detailed and extensive study of both basic and additional NLP techniques.
    3. “Trainer” - this stage occurs after completion of training, and the person independently works with the audience as a teacher.

    Before choosing a specific training, you need to undergo a short test. It will show which theoretical knowledge Does the person know if it is possible to start a course of study?

    5 Essential NLP Lessons

    Nowadays, full-fledged NLP training is also carried out online. If a person has a desire, but is not able to attend courses, you can sign up for online lessons. One such course contains all the key concepts and techniques, the study of which forms the basis for mastering more advanced concepts. It will also help you begin to put into practice the skills you have learned. The five main lessons are described below.

    Metamodel of programming

    In 2018, one of the most accessible programming concepts is the metamodel, which is also known as a language model. The exercises used to develop the skill help to understand the meaning of the interlocutor’s speech.

    This is a big problem when a person, expressing his thoughts, often gets confused in his words, without conveying what he really would like to say. Some things are unintentionally distorted, others are simply overlooked.

    A person will not be able to correctly understand his opponent if he explains himself incorrectly. The first lesson was developed jointly with psychoanalysts and psychotherapists.

    They formulated a number of specialized areas that help to comprehend the depth of human thought. The language model in NLP will help you understand the interlocutor, and sometimes change his perception through the use of certain psychotherapy techniques.

    Perceptual positions and framing

    This lesson introduces two necessary and useful exercises (techniques). The first allows you to work with 5 positions of representation and perception. Framing helps frame your thoughts in specific formulas. This makes it possible to monitor and correct your speech, improving your communication skills. Both exercise models actively influence speech abilities, making them more active and flexible.

    Representational systems

    This lesson also introduces linguistic systems, but looks at them from the perspective of understanding neuroprocesses, that is, how they affect the psyche. During this lesson, they understand what the senses are and how they can influence the interpretation of the experience a person receives.

    Calibration, construction, rapport

    Just like speech, the natural processes of the body are important. They accompany absolutely all moments of communication and interaction between people. Everyone knows that non-verbal techniques are just as actively used as verbal ones.

    This lesson involves exercises that allow a person to learn to influence the physiological side during communication. This will help you be a good, comfortable conversationalist when building a dialogue with different people.

    Anchoring, performance

    Here we consider those programming techniques that are aimed at increasing the efficiency of a person and the nervous processes in his body. Within the framework of NLP, such popular and sought-after improvement methods as SMART have appeared. This lesson helps you learn in practice the basic models needed to manage your emotional state and motivation.

    In order to successfully master basic techniques during lessons, a person needs to:

    1. Study theoretical data. It is important that the student remembers not only the course of actions and their sequence, but also a full description, all the facts related to the NLP technique.
    2. Train on your own. This is how previously learned techniques and methods are practiced.
    3. Apply practically, but carefully. This is done so as not to spoil relationships with others.

    Constant use of techniques will allow you to improve your skill and fully master NLP.

    The application of knowledge in practice teaches a person to independently create new, convenient and no less successful techniques, and also increases the level of attentiveness in a conversation.

    Principles or presuppositions

    During the creation of NLP techniques, the developers carefully studied and combined already known material into one structure. It was called the "System of Presuppositions". In linguistic programming, they act as tools that facilitate the results of the methods used. Basic presuppositions of NLP:

    1. There are no defeats, only feedback. This principle was created based on Ashby's materials. Programming cannot be viewed in terms of two basic concepts of “failure” and “success”. Any negative results are not a reason for disappointment, but a necessary and important information, which determines the degree of effectiveness of certain human actions.
    2. The map is not the territory. In topography, even the most detailed map does not give the most accurate indications of reality. Words also do not always 100% reflect our experience, although they are its representation. Neurolinguistic programming involves two levels of phenomena, external and inner reality. Techniques work with beliefs and individual perception of reality, this is the map. A person who has well-developed flexibility in communication has more influence on the world and the system around him. He is able to choose more options for solving the situation, because in his communicative arsenal there is a specific set of tools for this.
    3. Behavior and personality are different concepts. A person in himself represents something more than how he behaves in society. IN life situations he manifests himself in a special way, commits actions, sometimes they are dictated by someone’s influence, sometimes they are not done intentionally. Human behavior does not reflect personality.
    4. Body and mind have a strong connection. Their influence on each other is inevitable. This happens for physiological reasons. IN human body more than 100 billion neurons are embedded, most of which is located in the brain. Each nerve cell is connected into one whole, this proves the connection between the mind and body.
    5. Behavior is based on positive intention. Satyr incorporated this principle into his system. The essence of this presupposition is that even negative actions in programming are considered as an unconscious positive intention.

    These principles (presuppositions) are often mentioned in educational literature.


    NLP focuses on the development of techniques and applied techniques that help guide and correct human behavior. They are easy to master. You need to devote a sufficient amount of time to this, constantly practice new techniques and note the results obtained. They may not be high right away, but little by little you will be able to achieve what you want and fully master NLP at the “trainer” level.

    One of the popular areas in practical psychology is neurolinguistic programming or NLP (not to be confused with neurolinguistics). And despite the fact that the academic community does not recognize NLP technology, some studies confirm the effectiveness of this technique. And many people treat their psychological problems to specialists practicing neurolinguistic programming. In this article we will tell you what NLP is, where techniques and directional techniques are used, and also reveal the essence of some neurolinguistic techniques.

    History of the direction

    The founders of NLP, J. Grinder and R. Bandler, gathered around them a group of scientists, psychotherapists and students in the 60s of the last century. For about 10 years, the team was engaged in conducting seminars, practicing skills, and methods they developed. Exactly this period is considered the beginning of the development of NLP therapy. Over half a century, neurolinguistic programming has rapidly developed into a popular system of techniques and techniques that are used in various fields of psychology, business, relationships and self-development. But the academic community does not recognize the direction of NLP in psychotherapy, considering it parascientific. NLP psychotechnics are often compared to manipulation, so many people are wary of them. And some NLP techniques are considered unethical by the most ardent critics. Many works have been written on the theory and practice of the direction. One of the most popular books on neuro-linguistic programming is “NLP Secret Techniques” by Denny Reid.

    What is the essence of the concept?

    Let's try to figure out what NLP is and how it works? What is the key concept of the direction based on?

    The essence of NLP is that reality is always subjective, determined by the beliefs and world map of a particular person. This means that transforming beliefs, perceptions and changing behavior can change reality.

    The fundamentals of NLP are based on behavioral behavior modeling successful people, in particular, Gestalt therapist F. Perls, hypnotherapist M. Erickson and master of family psychotherapy V. Satir. Neurolinguistic programming is caused by a set of relationships between speech forms, experiences, body and eye movements. One of the key tasks of NLP is the destruction of destructive patterns, patterns of behavior and thinking. This is what all NLP methods and psychotechniques are mainly aimed at. Another important area of ​​NLP is motivation, the study and correction of human incentives and incentives to action.

    Most evidence-based experiments show that NLP techniques in psychotherapy are not effective and contain factual errors, although it should be mentioned that some studies have still shown a number of positive results. The use of NLP technologies in psychotherapy is questioned by many scientists, primarily due to the lack of reliably confirmed effectiveness by experiments. Critics also point out the pseudoscientific nature of the concept, classifying NLPers as scammers, and the NLP techniques used in psychology as discredited practitioners.

    Theoretical basis

    To learn the basics of neurolinguistic programming, you need to understand specific terminology. One important concept is the NLP theory of anchors. Anchors in NLP are consciously or unconsciously established fairly strong conditioned reflex relationships. The human brain is capable of anchoring emotions, memories, events. Anchoring in NLP is used primarily to replace persistent negative experiences with positive ones. The anchor system can include gestures, sounds, smells, touches, etc. In NLP, conscious anchoring occurs according to certain principles. The term rapport in NLP refers to the quality of the relationship between two people in a communication system. If communication is confidential, easy, without tension, then the rapport is good. This is especially important when establishing contact between the therapist and the patient during psychotherapy. All NLP models consist of three stages of human behavior to influence the interlocutor during the communication process: joining, consolidating, leading. For example, the metamodel of language was developed based on observations of the work of famous psychotherapists. Its study allows us to identify stereotypes of a person from his speech style.

    NLP meta-programs are those based on individual characteristics thinking basic filters of perception. These include: a way to classify the world, time, persuasion factors, motivation. Often professional NLPers occupy personnel positions in large corporations, as they are able to select personnel based on an assessment of the metaprogram portrait. Submodalities do not refer to the content of information, but to the way it is presented. If modalities are channels for receiving information (visual, kinesthetic, auditory), then submodalities are sensory differences in its presentation.

    They are individual for each person. By changing submodalities, we can control perception, attention, evaluation, and are able to control the state. Predicates are words related to a particular representational system that a person uses to describe. A visual person, for example, when describing events will say: beautiful, saw, bright. And the use of the kinesthetic representational system is evidenced by the predicates: feel, cold, soft.

    NLP principles and rules

    • The basic principles of NLP according to Robert Dilts are as follows: “the map is not the territory” and “life and mind are systemic processes.” The basic presuppositions of NLP are formulated in such a way that they reflect the fundamental principles of NLP. Presuppositions can be presented in the form of certain aphorisms of beliefs. To become more effective in life, you need to learn the following NLP rules:
    • All behavior is communication. This means that a person is always in the flow of receiving and transmitting information. This involves gestures, facial expressions and any other actions. You should be more attentive to what you do and how you behave, because at this time those around you are reading the information.
    • People navigate not by the world, but by their own model of it. In fact, each person has his own cards of “honesty”, “love”, “friendship”, etc. Understanding that the phrases of the interlocutor only reflect his picture of the world, it becomes easier to communicate with people People always choose the best available opportunities. For example, if a person was once able to achieve what he wanted with the help of blackmail, he will continue to resort to such a scenario if he does not see best opportunity
    • . Knowing this rule allows you to avoid superficial judgments about others.
    • Behind every action there is a positive intention. Even the bad habit of smoking reflects the intention to calm down and relieve tension. If you understand the internal motives of your actions, you can find other ways to get what you want.

    Concept of logical levels

    The author of the logical levels model is R. Dilts. All processes and elements of subjective experience can be arranged into levels that influence each other. Changes at higher levels lead to inevitable changes at lower levels. IN reverse order this doesn't always happen. Let's consider the logical levels of NLP from lowest to highest:

    • Environment is a static level that describes a person’s environment, his social circle, interests, and everyday experiences. Answers the questions: “What?”, “Who?”, “Where?” and others.
    • Behavior is the level of human interaction with the environment, change and movement. Main question: "What is he doing?".
    • Abilities are individual personality traits based on perceptual experience. This is the strategic level, the main question of which is: “How?”.
    • Beliefs and values ​​- This is a deep structured level responsible for a person’s internal motivation. The main question of the level is: “Why?” This is, in fact, the core of personality, which is formed around the age of 10 and changes very difficult. However, changes at the belief level greatly affect all lower levels.
    • Identity - we can say that this is the level of personality that describes who a person feels himself to be in a global sense. The main question is: “Who am I?”
    • Mission (transmission) is a spiritual level that goes beyond the vision of one’s personality, something elusive, the highest meaning and purpose of a person.

    Areas of application of neurolinguistic programming

    NLP techniques are used not only in medicine, practical psychology and psychotherapy, they can also be useful in Everyday life. For example, in the book “Secret Techniques of NLP” it is described various methods influence on human consciousness and subconsciousness. A number of NLP techniques help in communicating with others to achieve the desired results. Ericksonian hypnosis, based on nonverbal methods of joining an interlocutor, is used by psychiatrists to treat severe neuroses, communicate with clinical introverts, and help a person overcome catatonic stupor. If there is no rapport - an empathic connection - you will not resonate with your interlocutor. And all your speeches directed to him will bounce off like peas off a wall. This is precisely the main idea of ​​Erickson's hypnosis. Using the NLP method of self-programming, new “programs” are downloaded into the brain through a meditative state or self-hypnosis. NLPers believe that self-hypnosis is great power, with which you can qualitatively influence thinking, behavior and emotions. Some techniques based on self-hypnosis allow you to lose weight, fight smoking and other addictions. Therefore, it is especially popular in Lately winning NLP courses for weight loss. Quite often, NLP psychotechnics are used in various personal growth trainings to increase self-confidence. Several NLP techniques can be used in raising children, for example, metaphors. Acting out NLP metaphors with a child – great way

    fighting fears. With the help of simple NLP exercises, you can learn to easily cope with even the most difficult life problems and experiences. NLP skills help in communicating with others not only to better understand a person’s true intentions, but also to convey your thoughts so that you are understood.

    How to establish contact in communication?

    The first thing to do at the beginning of NLP therapy is to adapt to the client by establishing his leading representative system.

    Correctly adjusting to your interlocutor allows you to instill unconscious trust in yourself. It is irrational and is formed literally in the first minutes of communication. It is based on a mechanism that has been refined over thousands of years for recognizing “friends” and “strangers.”

    • With the help of adjustment, a kind of synchronization occurs between the two interlocutors. People who are friends and are in a trusting relationship, from the outside look similar in gestures, facial expressions, and intonations. Based on this, adjusting to the posture, gait, rhythm and timbre of the voice, gestures and facial expressions of the interlocutor allows you to instill trust in him on an unconscious level. Neuro-linguistic programming divides tuning into the following types:
    • Partial, when you adjust only according to certain parameters, for example, posture and voice.
    • Cross – considered the most appropriate. You mirror the gesture itself, but in a different form. In this way you can adapt to a whole group, for example, during a presentation. You adapt to the voice of one person, copy the gestures of another, repeat the pose of a third.
    • Direct or mirror. Accurate reflection of the interlocutor's gestures and body movements. He leans forward - you do the same, he gestures with his left hand - you repeat.

    Some NLP techniques and methods

    What is it? How do NLP psychotechnics work? They all have specific tasks. You can learn techniques useful in everyday life or professional secret techniques of NLP in specialized schools and training centers. You can do this yourself using online resources and literature. Let's look at some basic NLP techniques. One of the most popular and effective methods NLP – visualization. It is used both to solve problematic issues and to achieve the desired result. The SMART technique is also designed to help you learn how to set goals correctly. Calibration in NLP helps you learn to recognize the mood and experiences of another person. The swing technique is one of the universal techniques that can be used to get rid of bad habits. In Psychology and Psychiatry, this technique is used to combat obsessions. The NLP alphabet technique is designed to bring a person into a state of high productivity.

    Reframing is a procedure for reconfiguring thinking, creating new mechanisms of perception, mental patterns, and behavioral patterns. Reframing influences thinking and perception of the world, like a new frame for an old, worn-out picture, allowing you to look at the work of art in a new way. Good examples of reframing are fairy tales, parables, and anecdotes. NLPers characterize reframing as a way of changing the value and context of a certain event from the position that “there are positive aspects in everything.”

    What will your eyes tell the NLPer? A person uses oculomotor reactions unconsciously. From them you can determine not only what he is thinking about, but also his basic representative system. For example, if after a request to remember certain events, the interlocutor’s gaze involuntarily goes upward, then he is more of a visual person. This look means that a person is trying to visualize events and remember the picture. When remembering, the kinaesthetic gaze will be directed downward or downward and to the right. In this way, a person tries to remember the sensations of the experience. The auditory in such a situation will look to the left. Looking down to the left indicates an internal dialogue, that the interlocutor is carefully trying to select words. In psychology, attention is often paid to the patient's eye movements. If his gaze is directed to the right or up to the right, this may indicate that he is trying to come up with an answer, that is, to lie.

    At all times, man has strived to find methods and techniques for how he can influence the people around him and at the same time achieve what he wants from them. To some extent, the veil of secrecy is opened by neurolinguistic programming, which is popular today. It is based on the idea that what makes a person somewhat amenable to manipulation. Examples of NLP can be seen everywhere.

    Man has thinking. Its formation is often carried out by parents, teachers and society as a whole. If you understand how a person is programmed, you can influence him. The peculiarities of the functioning of thinking are also taken into account. You can absolutely not know a person, but influence his thinking in such a way that it will naturally fit into his process.

    Website psychological assistance the site understands that many readers would like to know secret secrets influence. However, neurolinguistic programming needs to be constantly studied, because even the followers of this theory have not yet revealed all the secrets.

    Every day a person is an object for programming. They are trying to program him, like a robot or a computer, to perform certain actions that are desirable not for himself, but for other people who program him. How do they do it? The main methods are fear manipulation or repetition. When you are scared, you have no control over yourself, which means you do what you usually do, giving in to panic. If you constantly repeat the same thing, then over time you will get used to this thought and agree with what they tell you or do to you.

    A person can be programmed to do certain things through an idea that you express in words, written or spoken. Tell the person only what idea you want to plant in his head. Over time, on a subconscious level, he will remember it and act in accordance with the implanted thought. The principle that applies here is that everything you do, see, say, hear, etc. shapes your future. And here the future is formed through words, the meaning of which you want to implant in the head of another person.

    Most people perceive a specific situation more easily - a picture or image of what is happening, rather than a philosophical thought. In other words, it is better to show a picture or create such a situation so that it is remembered by a person and remains in his subconscious.

    Moreover, people do not like long speeches or texts. More memorable short expressions, slogans or phrases. Therefore, if you want to influence people with words, speak less, using clear and clear expressions.

    What is neurolinguistic programming?

    Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) is a recently emerged concept that denotes a set of techniques and techniques that mainly affect the activity of a person’s thinking in such a way that he begins to perform the necessary actions. Typically, people turn to NLP with the desire to control and manipulate other people. In fact, psychologists doubt the effectiveness of these techniques. Of course, a person can be influenced against his will. However, he continues to remain a free man. If he remains vigilant and does not want to give in, then no NLP techniques will work on him.

    Initially, neurolinguistic programming was aimed at changing a person himself. A person can achieve success and make his life the way he likes it if he uses special techniques and begins to influence himself.

    NLP uses many techniques, some of which are popular:

    1. Use of the word. People have not yet fully realized the meaning of the word, which actually carries a very strong influence.
    2. Adjustment at the non-verbal level.

    Every reader should understand that his brain is a kind of computer, into which certain patterns, stereotypes, beliefs, fears, complexes, emotions, experiences, etc. were laid. All this now affects a person’s behavior, his strategy for making choices and decisions, and his way of life etc. If a person is dissatisfied with his life or himself, then he must understand that, first of all, all the problems are in his head. You can use special techniques to set yourself up to prevent other programs that have already made a person unhappy from operating.

    Neuro-linguistic programming techniques

    Neurolinguistic programming was developed by Bandler, Erickson and Grinder. Initially, the techniques were used in psychiatric practice to eliminate fears, phobias, stressful conditions, etc. However, NLP gained popularity among ordinary people who also wanted to independently influence their subconscious.

    You should take responsibility for the consequences that arise as a result of neurolinguistic influence on others. NLP techniques can be both beneficial and harmful.

    Techniques in advertising are becoming very common, where specialists try to bypass all barriers and protective psychological mechanisms. First of all, it is taken into account how a person perceives information, and then the appropriate words are used:

    • Visual learners (people who perceive information primarily with their eyes) are influenced by words such as “look”, “pay attention”, “turn your gaze”, etc.
    • Auditory learners (people who primarily perceive information through the ears) are influenced by words such as “listen”, “hear”, “listen”, etc.
    • Kinesthetic learners (people who habitually perceive information through tactile sensations) are influenced by words such as “touch”, “soft”, “feel”, etc.

    Neurolinguistic programming can change a person's life. It all depends on what a person directs his strength to. You can get rid of fears and negative emotions. You can increase your self-esteem. You can practice new successful communication skills. You can change your attitude towards specific phenomena or life in general.

    Using the example of the emergence of feelings of jealousy, let’s look at how neurolinguistic programming works:

    1. First, a person imagines pictures of his partner’s betrayal. That is, the visual channel operates.
    2. Then the person begins to imagine the oohs and sighs during the betrayal (auditory channel).
    3. Jealousy develops (kinesthetic channel).

    To change your feeling, you need to change the scenario at the first or second stage:

    1. For example, at the visualization stage you need to realize that the pictures are false, unproven, untrue.
    2. At the stage of auditory perception, you need to imagine that lovers are engaged in sexual intercourse under humorous program or cartoon music.
    3. Already at the third stage, jealousy will not arise if the first two stages were completed correctly.

    NLP offers many techniques that should allow you to achieve your goal. Here are some of them:

    • “Flash the film” - when you need to let go or forget a memory. Each time you need to make the picture of the memory lighter and brighter until it completely disappears.
    • To remember what was forgotten, you need to replay the memory in your head as often as possible, “exaggerate”, make assumptions about what happened, and do this until the memory is removed.
    • “Twenty years later” - when you need to reduce the strength of your current experiences. To do this, you need to imagine yourself, a place or another person twenty years later and pay attention to what feelings you have about him (the situation) now.

    An important technique in NLP is rapport - adjusting a person to an interlocutor in order to establish trust and goodwill with him. This is done by taking a pose, performing gestures and facial expressions that a person makes.

    Neurolinguistic programming encourages people to act as if the desired result was already achieved, real. This allows a person to get rid of many pressures and internal fears. It is believed that a person performs the most favorable action at the moment and always comes from good intentions. A negative result is not a bad thing, but rather shows the person's ability to do things differently next time because they have the potential.

    Another NLP technique is “Anchor” - this is when a person wants to evoke a certain state in himself or another individual using a conditioned stimulus. So, a person constantly performs some action, says a word or observes an object, while experiencing positive emotions. After several repetitions this process You can simply say a word, do an action, or look at an object so that positive emotions arise as a conditioned reflex.

    Examples of neurolinguistic programming

    Neuro-linguistic programming has gained its popularity in the work environment, where people want to influence and achieve desired results. Thus, the most popular areas are management, trade, advertising and even politics. However, there are people who use NLP in love relationships, for example, there is such a direction as pickup, which offers various ways attracting girls quickly.

    Why program people to do anything? Every person wants to have influence on others so that they do what he wants. Of course, only a few have this kind of influence. But if you try hard, you can get closer to this kind of contact with others, so that they begin to fulfill your wishes.

    How to program people with your own words? The simplest and easiest rule: you should say only what directly relates to your desire. Don't say anything you wouldn't want to come true. Remember that all your words are programs that are imprinted in the head of your interlocutor and then implemented through his actions. What do you want? That's what you're talking about. Forget everything else. Don't say a word about what you don't want to see in your life.

    Is it really possible to program a person in this way? Can. After all, they say that “if you constantly tell someone else that he is a pig, then soon he will grunt.” The same principle applies here: you constantly talk about the same thing, which is how you program a person to fulfill your desire. And don't worry if the person doesn't want to obey you at first. There is always resistance at the beginning. But then the person gets used to the idea of ​​what you told him, after which he himself begins to think about the same thing that you programmed him to do.

    Bottom line

    Neurolinguistic programming offers many techniques and techniques. This is a separate direction that needs to be studied in order to be a guru and be able to manage both your own and other people’s lives.