The program “While everyone is at home”: why it was closed. Timur Kizyakov: personal life Timur Kizyakov biography personal life children

The permanent presenter of perhaps the most soulful program on our TV, “While Everyone is Home,” will soon exchange “fifty dollars”

The permanent presenter of perhaps the most heartwarming program on our TV, “While Everyone is Home,” Timur KIZYAKOV, will very soon exchange “fifty dollars.” As always, he will spend his anniversary with his family - wife Elena, daughters Lena and Valya and son Timur. Well, we decided to remember the brightest moments from their lives.

Timur and Elena have been together for 20 years. We met at Ostankino, where Kizyakov At that time, he had already been working on his brainchild for five years - the “While Everyone is Home” program. Lena worked as an editor on another project and was also married.

For Timur it was love at first sight, obsession! - Comrade Kizyakova told us Ruslan Smolin. “I couldn’t eat or sleep and talked incessantly about this beauty. But several thousand people visit Ostankino every day, so the chances of meeting the mysterious stranger again were scanty. We tried to explain this to him and tried to persuade him not to kill himself like that - you never know how many girls walk the corridors of the television center! But, apparently, Lena and Timur were destined to be together. A few days later, Kizyakov again met a stranger at the Ostankino technical entrance - where he had never looked before that moment. And, naturally, he did not believe his luck.

From the very first moment I knew that we would have a family,” the TV presenter recalled that day. “Everything was at stake for me then.” Literally a few days after we met, while leaving on a business trip, I gave Lena the keys to my apartment and burned all the spare airfields: I called everyone with whom I had at least some hint of a relationship and said that we no longer communicate.

The TV presenter’s country house is equipped with everything necessary for year-round living. Photo by Ruslan VORONOY ()

Elena immediately filed for divorce and within a few months became Kizyakov’s wife, and in next year gave him a daughter, whom the couple, without thinking twice, also named Lena. By the way, the Kizyakovs’ five-year-old son is called Timur - according to an already established tradition. And the middle Valyusha inherited her name from her grandmother.

Kizyakov admitted more than once that by marrying Elena, he found not only the love of his life, but also a faithful work partner. The wife became right hand Timur on the project “While everyone is at home” and hosts his column “You will have a child” there. In it, Elena talks about orphans and tries to help each child orphanage find a new family.

It would seem that the project is kind and charitable, but even here it was not without a scandal. Six months ago, the head of the department of state policy in the field of protection of children's rights of the Ministry of Education and Science Evgeny Silyanov said that for each such children's video profile the Kizyakovs receive a hefty sum. The figures were sky-high: almost 10 million rubles in a year alone! And not only that, Timur and his wife registered copyrights for such video passports of orphans, which gave them the opportunity to sue anyone who, in the same way as they did, would try to place the orphanages into families.

The Kizyakovs themselves commented on this situation with restraint: they say that they did not appropriate other people’s money and spent all allocated funds exclusively for their intended purpose. Be that as it may, over the 11-year history of this charity project new house really gained an incredible number of babies.

During this time Timur and Elena also managed to acquire a luxurious family nest in the near Moscow region. In this three-story cottage with a cozy barbecue gazebo and a spacious bathhouse with a pond, Kizyakov will one of these days host a celebration in honor of his 50th anniversary.

Timur Kizyakov born on August 30, 1967 in the city of Reutov, Moscow region. Timur grew up in the family of a lieutenant colonel and an engineer, and nothing television career didn't think so. In 1986 he graduated from the Yegoryevsk Military School with a degree in MI-2 helicopter pilot, in 1992 he graduated from the Moscow Energy Institute with a degree in Automation and Remote Control.

We were trained to be Mi-2 helicopter pilots. Not technicians, but pilots. And we, still just boys, two people in a helicopter, flew hundreds of kilometers from the airfield, carried out certain tasks, then checked at what altitude we were flying, what turns we had there... Now I’m scared.

Creative activity of Timur Kizyakov

On television Timur Kizyakov I got there by accident, while still a student, in the late 80s. A friend from VGIK asked him to write a script for the children's TV show “Early in the Morning,” the creators of the program liked it, and Timur offered a job. Since 1988, he worked in the Main Editorial Office of Broadcasting for Children of the Central Television Company of the USSR as a co-author and presenter of the program “Early in the Morning.”

In the early 90s, the children's editorial office transformed into the Klass television company. Timur Kizyakov worked on producing various programs until in 1992 he had the idea of ​​making an entertainment program for the whole family, in which actors would be famous people and their relatives. The name was invented by Kizyakov - "While everyone is at home". The first episode of the program was dedicated to Oleg Tabakov.

Television filming is an intrusion into the home world. And we must try to make people who host television crews in their homes feel comfortable enough. Therefore, we minimized the number of “guests” to the limit.

Until June 2017, Timur Kizyakov’s television project was aired on Channel One under the title “While Everyone is Home” for 25 years. In August 2017, it became known that Channel One had terminated the contract with the producer of the program and it would be broadcast on the Rossiya 1 TV channel under the name “When everyone is at home with Timur Kizyakov”.

After the “While Everyone is Home” team left Channel One, the concept of the program did not change. The author and presenter of the program, Timur Kizyakov, as in previous years, comes to visit every Sunday famous people and their families. During morning tea with the family, there is a conversation about life, work, and memories of certain memorable events are heard.

Together with a fellow broadcaster Andrey Bakhmetev Timur published two books that talk about inventions from the category “Very. skillful hands."

Academy Member Russian television(ART). Elected member in 2012 Public Chamber Central federal district.

Personal life of Timur Kizyakov

Wife Elena Kizyakova, born in Volgograd, graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of RUDN University.

Our first meeting between Timur and Elena took place at Ostankino. Elena was in her final year and followed Timur’s successes with great curiosity. The telecentre has 11 floors and more than 20 thousand employees, there were few chances to meet. But they met, and it was love at first sight. Timur invited Elena for a cup of coffee, but she said that she had a husband, to which Timur replied: “I don’t take away someone else’s wife, but I take my own.” Soon Elena divorced, and in 1997 she and Timur got married. There is patriarchy in the Kizyakov family. It’s only on screen that Timur seems soft - in real life the last word behind him. The Kizyakovs have two daughters - Elena (born 1998), Valentina (born 2003) and son Timur (born 2012).

Since September 2006, Elena has hosted the “You will have a child” section in the “While Everyone is Home” program. Despite the program’s move to the Rossiya 1 TV channel and its renaming to “ When everyone is at home with Timur Kizyakov» The position of the section remained unchanged.

1995 - laureate of the professional award “Golden Ostap” in the category “Best Presenter”
1996 - TEFI Award nominee as “Best Entertainment Program Presenter”
1999 - finalist of the TEFI Award as “Best Entertainment Program Presenter”
2000 - winner of the TEFI award in the category “Best Presenter”
2000 - laureate of the “Face-2000” competition
2006 - awarded the Order of Friendship
2012 - awarded the Order of Honor

Famous TV presenter Timur Kizyakov was born on August 30, 1967 in the city of Reutov, Moscow region. He became famous thanks to the project “While Everyone is Home,” which also became popular abroad. Everyone in his family was from a technical background. My mother was an engineer by profession, and my father worked with military equipment. The personal life of Timur Kizyakov interests fans no less than his creative achievements.

Since childhood, Timur dreamed of a military career and wanted to follow in his father’s footsteps. He was interested in sports since childhood, and after graduating from school he entered the Yegoryevsk Aviation School. However, the guy did not want to stay to serve, and therefore went to receive higher education to a civilian university. However, even in his first year, the guy began working part-time on television, and by the end of his studies he already had fans among television viewers.

Timur ended up on television almost by accident. His friend said that there was a competition for a script for a new children's program and everyone could take part in it. The guy decided to try his hand. It was his version that later won. So he began to gradually connect his life with television.

Timur Kizyakov's career on television developed quite rapidly. His original program “While Everyone is Home” was aired for twenty-five years. The sections in it changed every now and then, but some of them remained constant and were very much loved by the audience. The presenter has been repeatedly awarded as the best presenter of the year.

Timur Kizyakov’s personal life began to settle down from the time the guy got a job at Ostankino and met his future wife Elena. She had just graduated from the specialized faculty of the Institute of Friendship of Peoples. At that time she was the editor of the Vesti program.

Timur’s beloved was already married at the time they met. However, the TV presenter was not embarrassed by this fact. He stubbornly walked towards his goal, declaring that he was not taking away someone else’s wife, but simply taking his own. On this moment Timur and Elena are not only happy married couple, but they also host the program “While Everyone is Home.” Now the couple is already raising three children, with the first daughter named in honor of her mother, and the boy in honor of his father. Only the third daughter received the name Valentina, which is the only one in this apartment.
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Today this news was officially confirmed by the TV channel. The TV channel terminated its contract with the production company of “While Everyone is Home” after a scandal involving the financing of the filming of videos about orphans.

Since the program does not belong to the TV channel and was created by the production company, “While Everyone is Home” will no longer be broadcast on Channel One. The decision to terminate the contract was made about a month ago.

According to an RBC source, the contract with Dom LLC was terminated based on the results of an internal audit, organized by the TV channel after reports appeared in the media that the hosts of “While Everyone is Home,” Timur and Elena Kizyakov, took money from several sources at once to produce so-called video passports of orphans, which were shown in the section “You will have a child”

The section “You will have a child” talked about children from orphanages who need adoptive parents. “The channel began checking as soon as the first publications appeared in the media. As a result, the information about the fraud was confirmed, and the decision was made to close the program,” explained RBC’s interlocutor. " main reason- damaged reputation of the program. And everyone was waiting for some action from Channel One,” the interlocutor added.

According to an RBC source, it turned out that the company received money for this section from the TV channel (for outsourcing the production of the program), the state (for the production of the so-called video passports of children) and from sponsors (for example, from the manufacturer of ceramic tiles Kerama Marazzi). According to RBC’s interlocutor on Channel One, the production of the “While Everyone is Home” program was carried out by Dom LLC, registered in Moscow in November 2015. According to the United state register legal entities(Unified State Register of Legal Entities), 49.5% of the LLC belongs to Timur Kizyakov, the same share belongs to his long-time business partner Alexander Mitroshenkov, another 1% belongs to the head of the company Nina Podkolzina.

The fact that companies that belong to the creators of the “While everyone is at home” program received funding in the amount of about 110 million rubles. to create videos about orphans from the Ministry of Education and Science and at the same time from regional authorities, the Vedomosti newspaper reported at the end of December 2016. According to procurement documents studied by Vedomosti, the production of one such video passport costs 100 thousand rubles.

Channel One representative Larisa Krymova then told the publication that the TV channel was not aware that the company producing the program was filming video passports with money received from the state. She also said then that the channel intends to look into whether this violates the terms of the contract. According to the newspaper, Channel One pays about 1.5 million rubles for one episode of the program “While Everyone is Home.” The “You’re Having a Baby” section also has a separate sponsor - the tile manufacturer Kerama Marazzi, and the creators of the show also receive part of this money. For the column “You will have a child,” Alexander Mitroshenkov, Timur Kizyakov and Elena Kizyakova received the Russian government award in the field of mass media in 2015.

The permanent presenter of the program, Timur Kizyakov, first assured that he knew nothing that the contract had been terminated, then he stated that the producers of the program themselves decided to stop collaborating with Channel One. He said this in a commentary to the radio station “Moscow Speaks”.

The main reason is that we do not accept the methods of the management of Channel One that are currently being practiced there,” said Kizyakov. What methods exactly? we're talking about, dont clear.

According to Kizyakov, in December 2016, after publications were published about the situation with video passports of orphans (then it turned out that Kizyakov received money from the budget for them), Channel One simply stepped aside.

Now I believe that Channel One is trying to save face when programs with a long-standing reputation are leaving,” the presenter said.

According to Kizyakov, the decision to terminate cooperation with Channel One in the Dom company (half owned by Kizyakov) was made in May 2017. At the same time, the Vedomosti newspaper writes that the decision to terminate the contract was made in April. According to Vedomosti, one of the reasons for this was the decline in the program’s ratings. “The scandal with video passports of orphans became the final point for the channel,” the newspaper reported, citing a source on Channel One.

Kizyakov does not consider the claims to be justified. According to him, “While everyone is at home” is a “bone in the throat” for competitors who also make videos about orphans. However, he did not specify which ones exactly. programs in progress speech.

As long as we exist, we have someone to compare with. Look closely at these programs through the eyes of a potential adoptive parent - what information will give you a reason to travel to your child across the country? - says Kizyakov.

He emphasized that thanks to the “You will have a child” section in “While everyone is at home,” 2.5 thousand children from orphanages left for families. “And when 20-30 thousand videos are filmed, and five children are arranged, the effectiveness is zero,” he believes, calling competitors’ content “props” and “appearance.”

Kizyakov said that all funding for the production of video passports came from government agencies - the Ministry of Education and Science or regional authorities.

In order for a child to be seen, a certain amount of information, a certain amount of professional work is needed,” he explained.

At the same time, Kizyakov claims that the sponsor of the column - the tile manufacturer - had nothing to do with the videos, and the sponsor's gift goes to the children's institution where the child - the hero of the column - lives. Kizyakov included the costs of the journalists' trip to the orphanage in the program production estimate - it was assumed that Channel One would pay for this.

I’m interested in how the channel will comment on the fact that the presenters are leaving one by one. We will not make excuses, but will continue to do what we were doing. The program may die, but it cannot die, said Kizyakov. He added that he was considering the possibility of concluding a contract with another TV channel and continuing to show “While everyone is at home.”

The press service of Channel One did not comment on the information about Kizyakov’s departure.

  • The program “While Everyone is Home” has been broadcast on Channel One since 1992 on Sundays. The TV presenter visited celebrities and talked with their families.
  • According to TV meter Mediascope (formerly TNS), the program “While everyone is at home” remained in Lately in the second half of the rating “100 most popular programs among Russians over the age of 4 years.” The ratings for the releases “While Everyone is Home” in the spring did not exceed 3%.
Timur Kizyakov is a famous Russian TV presenter, whose fame was brought by the morning entertainment program “While Everyone is Home.” It is this project that has been associated with the name of our today’s hero for many years. Since the early 90s, every Sunday viewers have watched him visit celebrities and their families. The program was twice awarded the TEFI Prize as the best educational program on Russian TV. In February 2016, Kizyakov joined the Supreme Council " United Russia».

Childhood and family

Timur was born on August 30, 1967 in the small town of Reutov near Moscow, a couple of kilometers from Moscow. Timur Kizyakov’s family was an ordinary Soviet family: his father was a military man, sent to the reserve with the rank of lieutenant colonel, his mother most I worked as an engineer throughout my life.

Timur was also an ordinary child: he loved to play with friends and, on the advice of his father, paid great attention to physical training. After graduating high school, a young man who was seriously thinking about a military career, applied to the Yegoryevsk Military School, where he began to study to become an MI-2 helicopter pilot. It was no coincidence that Timur chose his specialization: already in adolescence he dreamed of the sky and flights.

However, already at the military school, Timur changed his priorities. Army life turned out to be completely different from what the creative guy had once imagined. As a result, already in his second year he began to doubt the correctness of his chosen specialty. No, no, he did not give up flying and eventually graduated from the Yegoryevsk Military School with honors, but at some point he decided to also get a civilian specialty. After leaving school, Kizyakov entered the Moscow Energy Institute (specialty “Automation and Telemechanics”).

Timur Kizyakov's career on TV

Timur Kizyakov first appeared on television almost by accident. Also in student years his friend from the Moscow VGIK invited him to participate in the creation of a script for the children's entertainment television show “Early in the Morning.” Timur agreed, and very soon the finished script concept was on the table of the head of the morning broadcasting directorate of the TV channel.

The work of the novice screenwriter received very high reviews from the masters Soviet television. Timur was offered a job. So in 1988 he joined the staff central television Soviet Union.

At first, Timur Kizyakov worked as a co-author of scripts in the Main Editorial Office of Children's Broadcasting, then tried himself as a host of the same program, “Early in the Morning.” And after that everything began to take shape as if by itself.

In the early nineties, the editorial office smoothly transformed into television company“Class”, which created programs for children and teenagers. At first, Timur Kizyakov worked on creating programs on a wide variety of topics, but later focused on implementing own project- a morning entertainment program that could be of interest to all family members. While developing the project, the talented young TV presenter decided to focus on communicating with celebrities in their households.

Timur Kizyakov and “While everyone is at home”

On November 8, 1992, the first episode of the program entitled “While Everyone is Home” was released on the ORT channel. The first guest of the project was Oleg Tabakov. Timur Kizyakov was the producer, scriptwriter and presenter of the program. He also drew the well-known “While everyone is at home” screensaver using a light pen and a Quantel Paintbox graphics station.

The first screensaver “While everyone is at home”

Over the many years of its existence, Timur Kizyakov’s morning show has become very popular among viewers, who invariably turned on the Channel One button at 10:30 every Sunday. Creative group The project produced over a thousand different episodes dedicated to various celebrities. IN different years the guests of the program “While everyone is at home” were Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Dmitry Dibrov, Stas Mikhailov, as well as many other stars Russian show business, some received Timur at home several times. The host always came to visit with his slippers. Conversations with the owners were conducted, as a rule, at the dinner table, in a cozy and understanding atmosphere. Accordingly, the topics were devoted to family, funny incidents from life, and stories of how spouses met.

The “Crazy Hands” section, in which Timur Kizyakov and inventor Andrei Bakhmetyev collected useful things from recyclables and scrap materials, gained popular love. Unfortunately, in 2010, Kizyakova’s colleague decided to focus on his own educational projects and left the program, the section was closed.

"Crazy hands"

But the “My Beast” section, which told about the pets of the program’s heroes, has not disappeared anywhere. And in 2006, the program was supplemented with another section - “You will have a child.” Its presenter Elena Kizyakova, Timur’s wife, told viewers about orphans and promoted their adoption. For the implementation of this project in 2015, the program was awarded a prize from the Russian government.

For creation morning show Timur Kizyakov was awarded the Golden Ostap prize, two TEFI statuettes (in 1996 and 2006), the prize of the Person of the Year competition, as well as the state awards Order of Honor and Order of Friendship.

Political activities of Timur Kizyakov

Since 2012, the presenter has been an elected member of the Public Chamber of the Central Federal District. In 2016, representatives of the General Council of United Russia Olga Batalina and Sergei Neverov, who collaborated with the Kizyakov couple on issues of adoption of orphans, invited Timur to join the Supreme Council of the party as a person savvy in two industries at once - television and “orphans”.

Personal life of Timur Kizyakov

In 1997, Timur Kizyakov married his beloved named Elena. The TV presenter’s wife graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of the Patrice Lumumba People’s Friendship University and currently also works on television.

Timur Kizyakov denied this information, noting that the creators of the show themselves decided to break with the channel because of “ unacceptable methods» manuals. The presenter of “While everyone is at home” also announced the transition to the “Russia 1” channel. On September 10, 2017, the program first aired under the new title “When everyone is at home.”