Real losses in ATO. The war in Donbass: what losses did the armies of Ukraine and Russia suffer?

During the ATO in Donbass, the Ukrainian Armed Forces suffered significant losses in manpower, and these losses are much greater than what official Kyiv voices.

Official losses during the armed conflict in Donbass, announced by Ukraine, are more than 1,800 people killed and 8.5 thousand wounded, said the head of the main personnel department of the Ukrainian General Staff, Lieutenant General Igor Voronchenko.

According to the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Armed Forces of Ukraine suffered almost half of its irretrievable losses outside the battlefield.

“To date, the losses of Ukrainian military personnel over the entire period of the ATO are 1,842 military personnel, 831 are non-combat. 8,519 military personnel were wounded,” said a representative of the General Staff.

Igor Voronenchenko reported that during the entire period of the anti-terrorist operation in Donbass, about 100 thousand Ukrainian military personnel received the status of participant in hostilities. In total, about 129,700 people are eligible to receive this status.

Deputy Chief of Staff of the People's Militia of the LPR Igor Yashchenko at a press conference in early November voiced other real numbers losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces during the ATO. According to him, real losses Ukrainian side several times more than official Kyiv voices.

Real Ukrainian Armed Forces losses in Donbass:

from April 13, 2014 – to November 13, 2015 – 85,880 people (cargo 200, 300 and 500), losses foreign intelligence services PMCs and NATO are not included in these figures; of which: 74560 - (load 200 and load 300); 11320 - (cargo of 500, deserters or those who joined the militia).
So 37,200 (cargo 200) - military personnel and various paramilitary forces. Of these: 4,540 (load 200) - Right Sector militants who became part of the National Guard; 5,600 (cargo 200) - employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and soldiers of territorial battalions and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs themselves; 3,225 (cargo 200) - other categories of armed forces (Ministry of Emergency Situations, Military Prosecutor's Office, doctors, repairmen, escort brigades, engineering services and other military).

Further, 355 people (cargo 200) are employees of the Border Troops. 1,635 (cargo 200) - SBU officers. "Alpha" lost 500 (cargo 200), 400 people (cargo 300). Sumy "Alpha" was completely destroyed, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kiev, Poltava, Lviv, Rivne, Volyn, Vinnitsa, Zhytomyr and Kharkov "Alpha" suffered serious losses. The Omega special forces suffered serious losses.

21,815 (cargo 200) - military personnel of the regular Ukrainian army.

For your information: near Debaltsevo, about 25% of the personnel (about 2,200 people) were NATO troops and foreign mercenaries.

1690 (cargo 200 and 300) mercenaries from 39 countries, including: American PMC Asademi - 270; and its subsidiaries Greystone Limited PMC - 180; Polish PMC "ASBS Othago" - 700; from Canada, Germany, Britain, Finland, Azerbaijan, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Italy, Spain, Croatia, France, Sweden, Turkey, Czech Republic, Arab countries and Africa.

255 (235 - load 200, 20 - load 300) - employees of the CIA, FBI, US SOF (Special Operations Forces) military personnel, US DIA special forces, SAS - British Airborne Service, French Legion, Israeli intelligence Mossad, military intelligence"Aman" and the general security service "Shabak", counterintelligence Shin-Bet and the Israeli army.

The current situation in Donbass

The Ukrainian military continues to concentrate forces east of Artyomovsk, in the area of ​​the station. Lugansk, preparing for the offensive, completely blocked the checkpoint and traffic movement from the DPR in the direction of Volnovakha. Columns of BM-21 "Grad" were marching towards Artemovsk in the morning. Artillery, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers (up to 30 units), as well as Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel, have already moved to the Gorlovka area.

10 tanks took up positions in the village. Dzerzhinsk, 5 km to the contact line. 12 tanks in the area of ​​the settlement. Novgorodskoe, 6 km to the contact line. In the village Nikolaevka, 5 units of BM-21 Grad MLRS were installed, 8 km from the contact line.

In the DPR, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are testing the defenses of Gorlovka, there is a threat of an offensive near Gorlovka - there is a high intensity of fire and the formation of assault battalions by the security forces.

Strikes are being carried out on the territory of the Donetsk airport: mortars, artillery and howitzers, which, according to the Minsk agreements, must be withdrawn from the contact line. In addition, militia positions in the area of ​​Peski and Spartak were fired at from mortars.

Attacks on VSN positions are taking place along the front line around Donetsk: Staromikhailovka, Maryinka, Aleksandrovka, Yasinovatsky checkpoint. Krasnohorivka-Staromikhailovka: shooting battle (large-caliber machine guns, anti-aircraft guns, anti-aircraft guns). Nevelskoye-Staromikhailovka - (mortars). Staromikhailovka is being shelled from tanks from Krasnogorovka.

From the side of Nevelskoye, security forces are firing at positions of the VSN from MLRS.

Near the Donetsk airport, a fighter of the organized crime group “Legion of Freedom”, 93rd Mechanized Infantry Brigade, chairman of the local public organization “Sokol”, volunteer Yuri Cherkashin “Chernota” was seriously wounded. As a result of shelling from Ukrainian self-propelled guns "Akatsiya" near Uglegorsk, two VSN soldiers were killed.

In the LPR, the hottest spots now are the areas of Sokolnikov, Zhelobka, Shchastya, Popasnaya, st. Lugansk. Ukraine made three attempts to infiltrate the DRG. All three groups were scattered or destroyed. There is a high activity of unmanned vehicles of the Ukrainian military. One device was shot down.

Obviously more than official data. One has only to remember how the corpses of Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers were thrown into the Blue Lakes near Slavyansk in 2015. And this cannon fodder was not recorded anywhere.

Or here’s another thing: at the beginning of the war, there were battles in the Amvrosievka area, where, according to Ukrainian media, the Ukrainian Armed Forces suffered no losses at all. However, reports from DPR field commanders indicate that the Ukrainian army lost about 300 people.

At the same time, the families of deceased servicemen receive notifications that their relatives simply deserted, which brings not only shame and grief, but also deprives their family members of the right to at least some benefits and monetary compensation.

Another example. According to official data from the Ministry of Defense, 108 soldiers were killed when leaving Ilovaisk at the end of August 2014. At the same time, Prosecutor General Vitaly Yarema said that about 200 Ukrainian soldiers died there. The commander of the Donbass battalion, Semyon Semenchenko, announced the death of more than a thousand Ukrainian soldiers. And the chairman of the temporary commission of the Verkhovna Rada on the investigation of the causes of the tragedy in Ilovaisk, Andrei Senchenko, reported that during the period from July 23 to August 23, the group of “sector D” of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which took part in the operation in Ilovaisk, was missing 3.4 thousand fighters. Quote: “According to our data, as of July 23, there were 4,000 fighters in sector D; on the morning of August 23, there were 600 left.”

It is worth noting that the lists dead participants“ATO” does not include foreign and local mercenaries, neo-Nazi volunteers, military instructors (like those who advise the Donbass battalion) and criminals.

People whose relatives receive notifications of death with wording that allows businessmen from the Ministry of Defense not to pay the families of the deceased the promised benefits in the amount of 609 thousand hryvnia are also not included in the lists of official military casualties. The wounded near Volnovakha already in the spring of 2014 (!) complained to journalists that they were forced to sign strange protocols in which they were identified as “victims of an accident or accident.” And they mentioned the protocols for examining the corpses, which stated that their combat friends “died under unclear circumstances from gunshot wounds.”

In addition to those whose deaths are recorded in a strange way, hushed up and not included in the lists of the dead, there are also a lot of people on very impressive lists - “missing in action”, “deserted”, listed as wounded (while death from wounds received is a matter of recent times ) and so on.

A number of opposition politicians have repeatedly addressed the public with statements that the authorities are blatantly lying, hiding and understating the real losses of many thousands of their military during the ATO. Indirect evidence in favor of this is the transfer of more and more units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the combat zone, and successive waves of mobilization. In the summer of the year before last, deputies of the group “For Peace and Stability” appealed to the president and government with a demand to declassify data regarding the dead citizens of Ukraine. According to the statement of the co-chairman of the deputy group Sergei Gorokhov, the number of deaths during the ATO amounted to more than 10 thousand people by the beginning of August 2014.

In the fall, even Verkhovna Rada deputy and leader of the “Radical Party” Oleg Lyashko accused the President of Ukraine and the then Minister of Defense of crimes against their own soldiers. Showing the corresponding photos, he said: “Poroshenko and Geletey are blatantly lying, hiding more than 8,000 of our losses in the ATO! These guys gave their lives for them, for the country, for their people. But they and their loved ones did not receive any gratitude or respect from our leadership. Moreover, it turns out that Poroshenko is burning our heroes, like some kind of dogs, in German crematoria! I received a photograph from a reconnaissance satellite, on which you can clearly see a field crematorium near a military hospital in the ATO zone near Novoaidar. As I was informed, this crematorium was handed over to us by Germany...”

Many dead military personnel were not only burned in crematoria, but also buried in the ground without burial marks or identification before death. And not only in the spring and summer, when it was easiest to underestimate and falsify real losses, but also in the fall. For example, on September 22, the authorities of the Zaporozhye region announced the funeral of 55 unidentified bodies of ATO participants. The next day, the Dnepropetrovsk authorities prepared graves for 332 Ukrainian military personnel, of which only 22 bodies were identified...

Simply put, the loss figures announced by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are underestimated not by several times, but by tens of times.

“From the beginning of the ATO to this day, 2,629 military personnel have been killed as a result of hostilities. Of these, 2220 are military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The rest of the dead are from the ranks of the National Guard, State Border Service, SBU, Civil service By emergency situations. 9,453 military personnel were injured, of which 7,674 were from the Armed Forces of Ukraine,” Andrey Lysenko, spokesman for the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, said at a briefing in March 2017 in Kyiv.

This means that the death toll can easily be increased 30 times - this is approximately 78-80 thousand people.

"Cargo 200". Losses of foreign mercenaries in Ukraine FULL LIST." So, how many of them are there, "soldiers of fortune" who returned to their homeland "with a load of 200"?

122 (cargo 200), citizens of Poland.

112 (cargo 200), people, US citizens.

70 (cargo 200) people are citizens of Canada.

56 (cargo 200) people, citizens of Latvia.

60 (cargo 200) people, citizens of Georgia.

- 50 (cargo 200) people, citizens of Estonia.

44 (cargo 200), British citizens.

90 (cargo 200) people, citizens of Lithuania.

20 (cargo 200) people, citizens of Australia.

12 (cargo 200), + 1 person sniper Mikael Skilt, citizens of Sweden.

10 (cargo 200) people, citizens of Azerbaijan.

211 (cargo 200) people PMC from Poland "ASBS Othago" - (Analizy Systemowe Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz), which is headed by the Minister of Defense of Poland.

80 (cargo 200) people PMC from the USA "Greystone".

150 (cargo 200) people PMC from the USA "Academi" (until 2009, known as Blackwater).

Baltic female snipers lost 34 people.

32 employees of the CIA, FBI and Mossad, (20 - load 200, 12 - load 300). July 29, (load 300) in Izyum, Kharkov region - head of the ATO and head of US advisors, Major General Randy Key. (cargo 200) three of his deputies, US officers! August 18, (load 200)

And these were professionals, contract workers against miners, chemists and steelworkers...

Here's another interesting fact.






About 34,9508 military personnel, including members of military and paramilitary units of the Ukrainian security forces to date. (excluding mercenaries, foreign military personnel and advisers). Of them:

About 5,783 Right Sector militants, mostly included in the National Guard, as well as 30 mercenaries from the special battalions “Dnepr” and “Azov”, “AIDAR” and other illegal armed groups of Ukraine, according to operational data, the corpses were taken to Dnepropetrovsk and destroyed in local crematorium, or were buried at the site of the execution and are listed as missing,

About 19,756 military personnel of the Ukrainian Army (mainly from the 25th Dnepropetrovsk airborne brigade and the 95th airmobile Zhytomyr brigade, the 24th motorized brigade from the Lviv region, the 79th airmobile brigade, the 51st mechanized brigade, the 24th mechanized brigade from Yavorov, the 72nd separate mechanized brigade from Bila Tserkva, the Kremenchug brigade of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Moscow Region and other units of the Ukrainian army, mainly from locations in Western Ukraine),

About 5,993 employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, from among the so-called. "national guard"

About 381 employees of the SBU of Ukraine,

State Border Guard Service of Ukraine -25 3 people,


88 employees of the CIA, FBI, US DIA special forces,

Foreign mercenaries - 1049 people from the Polish PMC "ASBS Othago" (139 people from 04/22 to 07/13/14), the American PMC Asademi (until 2009 it was known as Blackwater) and its "daughter" Greystone Limited PMC (125 people from 04/22 . to 13.07.14), from Canada, Germany, Great Britain, Lithuania, Estonia, Italy, Sweden, Turkey, Czech Republic, Finland, African and Arab and other countries.

From April 22 to July 13, 2014 alone, the total losses of foreigners in Donbass amounted to 330 people. In particular, the Polish PMC "ASBS Othago" lost 139 people, the American PMC "Academi" (before 2009 it was known as Blackwater) - 125 people.

55,908 people, incl. from the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Guard, terrorist battalions, right sector battalions, the State Border Service, and the police.


SBU employees - 524 people.

National Guard - 2015 people (total since July 2014)

Military personnel - 3562 people. (total since July 2014)

Foreign mercenaries - 549 people.


28 combat helicopters (Mi-24 and Mi-8, MI-17), as of 02/02/15.

Mi-24: 6 destroyed irrevocably + 8 shot down/damaged in total = 14 units.

Mi-8: 7 destroyed irrevocably + 6 knocked out/damaged in total = 14 units.

planes at 20.00. 02/3/15:

Su-25: 19 destroyed irrevocably + 1 captured by LPR + 12 shot down/damaged. Total = 32 pcs. at 20.00 02/03/15

Su-27 - 1 unit. 1.09.14

Su-24: 2 destroyed irrevocably + 1 shot down/damaged. Total = 3 pcs.

Mig-29: 2 units. destroyed.

An-30 (reconnaissance) + 3, Il-76 (transport) + An-26 (transport) were destroyed.

UAV - 24 pcs. as of 06.10.2015

vehicles (6 - Hummer, GAZ-66 - 11 pcs., URAL - 70 pcs., KAMAZ - 47 pcs., ZIL-131 - 4 pcs. KrAZ - 1, KShM - 2 pcs.), TOTAL 706 VEHICLES as of June 1, 2015 G.

automobile tractors (ATL, MTLB) - 80 units. as of 06/06/15

tanks: T-64 and other types - 529 pcs. as of 08/10/15

BULAT tanks - 2 pcs. at 10.00 December 26, 2014 (captured)

Leopard tank - 1 unit. as of October 23, 2014

Armored personnel carrier - 397 pcs. at 10.00 1.0 2015

Armored personnel carrier "BUCEPHALUS" - 7 pcs. as of March 12, 2015

BTR-4E - 2 pcs. as of 12/21/14

BMP-1, BMP-2 - 285 pcs. as of August 10, 2015

BMD - 52 pcs. at 19.00 01/27/2015

BRDM - 19 pcs.

MLRS BM 21 "Grad" - 104 pcs. as of 08/14/2015 (including those captured)

MLRS "Smerch" (9K58-300 mm.) - 14 pcs. as of 01/27/15

240-mm heavy self-propelled mortar "Tulip" - 9 pcs.

MLRS multiple launch rocket system (9P 140) "Hurricane" - 17 pcs.

152 mm self-propelled guns 2S3 "Akatsiya" - 13 pcs.

SAU-152 "Elizabeth" - 1 piece

SAU-2S9 "NONA" - 26 pcs.

Self-propelled guns "Gvozdika" 2S1, etc. - 54 pcs. as of June 4, 2015

Self-propelled guns "MSTA S - 9 units as of 01/08/2015

152 mm towed howitzers 2A65 "Msta-B" - 6 pcs.

Self-propelled guns - "Peony" - 21 pcs. as of 02/18/2015.

120 mm mortars - 113 pcs. as of June 1, 2015

mortars of 82 mm caliber - 49 units.

D-30 howitzers - 99 pcs. as of June 4, 2015

anti-aircraft gun (ZU-23-2) - 23 pcs. at 11.00 01.02. 2015

installation of ATGM "Konkurs" - 3 pcs. at 10.00 July 17, 2014

anti-tank guns MT-12d (100 mm) "Rapier" - 37 pcs.

military boats - 3 units.

self-propelled 152-mm cannon "Hyacinth" -2 units.

Foreign-supplied heavy weapons - 2 units

tactical missile Tochka - "U" - 3 pcs. as of 08/20/2015

Warehouses of ammunition, weapons and fuels and lubricants - 18 objects.


The representative of the Donetsk People's Republic, Vladislav Brig, announced the exact number of weapons received by the militia in the Debaltsevo cauldron:

Tanks - 187 PCs;

BMP, BMD, armored personnel carrier - 124;

Various self-propelled guns - 68;

Barrel art - 52;

Various MLRS - 24;

Various mortars - 278;

Freight transport - 139;

Service vehicles - 43;

Radars, communication vehicles - 46;

Strelkovka, b/k, dry rations, first aid kits and so on - countless.

by 1 "In total, since the beginning of the resumption of active hostilities (within twenty-eight days), the enemy has lost 3 aircraft, 1 helicopter, 196 tanks, 170 infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers and MTLBs, 192 field artillery guns, 117 vehicles and 2649 people killed. Captured 60 military personnel,” summed up Basurin.

12 thousand killed, 19 thousand wounded and almost 5 thousand missing. These, according to a leak from a closed meeting of the National Security Service of Ukraine, are the real losses of the Ukrainian security forces over the entire period of the punitive operation in the southeast. CyberBerkut hackers partially confirm this information.

In total, about 13,900 people are listed as deserters. This category raises the most questions: it can include not only military personnel who went over to the side of Novorossiya, but also the dead who, for unknown reasons, were not included in the list of casualties.


The head of the Main Investigation Department of the SBU, Vasily Vovk, said that during the ATO in Donbass, more than one thousand seven hundred security forces went missing. He noted that there is no information about prisoners and it is impossible to determine their exact number. Vovk noted that about a hundred DNA tests were carried out to establish the identities of the victims.

At the end of October 2014, the Commissioner of the President of Ukraine for resolving the situation in the southeast, Irina Gerashchenko, reported that the number of prisoners and missing people reached almost three thousand people. A week earlier, adviser to the head of the SBU, Markiyan Lubkivsky, said that only 450 people were being held captive by the militia and almost one and a half thousand people had been released earlier.

The head of the DPR Committee on Prisoners of War Affairs, Daria Morozova, said that Kyiv is holding at least 400 militia prisoners captive. According to her, the number of missing militiamen has reached 680 people, RIA Novosti reports.

Over four months of fighting in the Donbass, the junta troops, according to the DPR headquarters, lost 43 thousand people. Of these, 27,888 were killed or wounded, and at least 13,500 deserted or went missing. The largest losses in the battles were suffered by the Right Sector - over 7,000 killed and wounded. Most of them were part of the Ukrainian National Guard. The battalions "Dnepr", "Donbass", "Chernigov", "Aidar", "Azov", "Kherson" and others lost 6,168 people killed and wounded. SBU - 115 people. 460 foreign mercenaries were killed and wounded. The most missing fighters were the Polish ASBS Othago (194 people) and the American Asademi (160). The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to 14,889 military personnel. 25 employees of American intelligence agencies - the FBI and the CIA - were killed. In four months, Kyiv lost 43 aircraft (including Polish and Croatian Su-25), 22 helicopters, and six drones. The militia managed to destroy 448 tanks, 827 armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles and infantry fighting vehicles, 37 Grads, 19 Uragans and about 100 pieces of artillery of various calibers, including 40 mortars, as well as several hundred vehicles, according to data from the DPR headquarters. Source

"Are common Ukrainian losses in the airport area and surrounding area as of noon today: 597 Ukrainian security forces killed. I'm talking about those whose bodies have already been found in the area of ​​the airport and the village of Peski. There were 44 people who surrendered,” Basurin told reporters.

Most of them were part of the Ukrainian National Guard. The battalions "Dnepr", "Donbass", "Chernigov", "Aidar", "Azov", "Kherson" and others lost 6,168 people killed and wounded. SBU - 115 people. 460 foreign mercenaries were killed and wounded. The most missing soldiers were the Polish ASBS Othago - 194 people and the American Asademi 160. The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to 14,889 military personnel.

25 employees of American intelligence agencies - the FBI and the CIA - were killed. In four months, Kyiv lost 43 aircraft (including Polish and Croatian Su-25), 22 helicopters, and six drones. The militia managed to destroy 448 tanks, 827 armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles and infantry fighting vehicles, 37 Grads, 19 Uragans and about 100 pieces of artillery of various calibers, including 40 mortars, as well as several hundred vehicles, according to data from the DPR headquarters.


A total of 471 units were discovered and evacuated. various weapons, including in serviceable and repairable condition - 198 units, faulty - 273 units.

Name of weapons and equipment TOTAL serviceable faulty

Total armored vehicles, including: 199 65 134

tanks 58 15 43

BMP 104 38 66

other armored fighting vehicles 37 12 25

Total cars: 219 89 130

freight 180 76 104

special 28 9 19

Total RAV, including: 53 44 9

9P148 BM ATGM "Competition" 3 3

2S1 self-propelled gun "Gvozdika" 14 9 5

BM-21 "Grad" 3 2 1

Anti-aircraft gun ZU23-2 6 4 2

100-mm anti-tank gun MT-12 "Rapier" 3 3

Self-propelled gun 2S9 "Nona" 1 1

82-mm mortar 2B9 "Cornflower" 2 2

120 mm mortar PM-38 2 2

120 mm howitzer D-30 6 6

152 mm towed howitzer 2A65 "MSTA-B" 13 13


In total, from June 20 to August 15, 2014, during the punitive operation, as follows from the reports of the military themselves, the militia seized from the Ukrainian army:

T-64 - 65 units, BMP - 69 units, armored personnel carrier - 39 units, BRDM - 2 units, BMD - 9 units, BM-21 Grad MLRS - 24 units, Uragan MLRS - 2 units, self-propelled guns 2S4 "Tulpan" - 2 units, self-propelled guns 2S9 "Nona" - 6 units, self-propelled guns 2S1 "Gvozdika" - 25 units, D-30 - 10 units, 82-mm mortars - 32 units, ZU-23-2 - 18 units, cars - 124 units.


The headquarters of the armies of the South-East and the Donetsk People's Republic summarized the losses of the junta forces for the period from August 1 to September 1, 2014.

During fierce battles on the territory of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, militia forces shot down fourteen aircraft, ten unmanned aerial vehicles of the Ukrainian Air Force, disabled up to one hundred and eighty-seven multiple launch rocket systems and field artillery guns, up to two hundred and twenty tanks, and over four hundred and eighty infantry fighting vehicles. and armored personnel carriers, up to seven hundred and forty-nine vehicles.

As a result of artillery strikes, seventy-six warehouses and storage sites for ammunition, fuel and various types material resources.

Up to three thousand six hundred punitive forces were killed and wounded.


May 2, 2014 - two Mi-17 (Mi-8MTV) were shot down with foreign mercenaries on board. Presumably at the time of landing at low altitude from an ATGM or RPG. (The most mysterious loss, because the information was leaked from foreign sites).


from August 8 to 15, the Army of the South-East captured: T-64 - 18 units, BMP - 24 units, armored personnel carrier - 11 units, BRDM - 2 units, BMD - 9 units, MLRS "Uragan" - 2 units, self-propelled guns 2S4 "Tulpan" - 2 units, self-propelled guns 2S9 "Nona" - 2 units, self-propelled guns 2S1 "Gvozdika" - 10 units, 82-mm mortars - 6 units, ZU-23-2 - 3 units , cars - 44 units.

Raid by Igor Bezler's fighters: Uragan multiple rocket launchers, D-30 howitzers, and heavy self-propelled mortar "Tulip" were captured | Russian spring

In the month of July alone, the punitive forces “gave” the militias a significant amount of weapons: T-64 tanks - 25 units; infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) - 19 units; armored personnel carriers (APC) - 11 units; self-propelled artillery units (SAU) 2S1 "Gvozdika" - 11 units; multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) BM-21 "Grad" - 12 units; D-30 howitzers - 5 units; mortars of 82 mm caliber - 16 units; anti-aircraft installations ZU-23-2 - 2 units; automobile tractors (AT) - 5 units.

During the period from July 21 to August 5, 2014, punitive forces “gave” the militias: tanks - 22 units; infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) - 26 units; armored personnel carriers (APC) - 17 units; self-propelled artillery units (SAU) 2S9 "NONA" - 4 units; Self-propelled gun 2S1 "Gvozdika" - 4 units; multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) BM-21 "Grad" - 12 units; D-30 howitzers - 5 units; mortars of 82 mm caliber - 10 units; anti-aircraft installations ZU-23-2 - 13 units; automobile tractors (AT) - 75 units."

The fighting in Donbass continues, adding to the staggering statistics of mutual losses between the warring parties.

Here's what Donetsk and DPR News reported on February 25: "DPR militia reports violent tank battle in the south of the Donetsk People's Republic - Mariupol direction, southern front. The forces of the Donbass people's militia and the security forces of the Azov battalion met in Shirokino.

“A tank battle is taking place in Shirokino. This is between Novoazovsk and Mariupol. Both our side and the enemy’s side involve 3-4 units of heavy equipment,” - informs DPR headquarters 02/25/2015.

No wounded have been admitted to the Novoazovsk hospital yet. On February 24, two wounded and three shell-shocked militiamen were received. Today, several DPR fighters arrived with minor injuries, also after yesterday’s battle. As of today, there are no wounded in the Novoazovsk hospital.

Shirokino was considered DPR territory until, after the New Year, it was unexpectedly attacked by Azov. Now it is considered neutral territory, and after the truce was declared on February 15, Shirokino is the hottest spot in Donbass.

Earlier it was reported about battles between militias and security forces in the Sand region. The DPR forces are suffering heavy losses, as the command prohibits opening artillery fire.

This is the news from the DPR and the Donetsk People's Republic on February 25. Despite the fact that the ceasefire is “generally respected.”

Meanwhile, on February 25, they were once again published scary numbers real losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces during the ATO in Donbass.

During the ATO, Ukraine lost only 26 thousand military personnel killed! Look full list losses of the Ukrainian army in Novorossiya.

Until today, the latest data on the losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces during the so-called ATO in the south-east of the country, leaked to the media, was data on losses for the period from May 2 to September 5. The total losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in killed, wounded, captured, missing in action and deserters were then called

47 thousand 103 people.

According to the FSB of the Russian Federation, the total losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the punitive operation against the militias of Novorossiya, the so-called ATO, from April 3 to February 15 inclusive, guaranteed (according to confirmed data) were:

KILLED: TWENTY-FIVE thousand, SEVEN HUNDRED AND EIGHTEEN Armed Forces personnel. Including: - from the units of the “Right Sector” - 3,729 people.

- Military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - 13,862 people (in mainly the 25th Dnepropetrovsk airborne brigade, the 95th airmobile Zhytomyr brigade, the 24th motorized Lvov brigade, the 79th airmobile brigade, the 51st, 24th and 72nd mechanized brigades, other units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine)

- Military personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine - 4,623 people.

- Military personnel from SBU units - 379 people.

- Ukrainian border guards - 249 people.

- US military personnel (from the special forces of the DIA, FBI and CIA) - 88 people.

- Mercenaries of private military companies: "ASBS Othago", Poland, Asademi and Greystone Limited, USA and others - 737 people.

- Military personnel of other categories of armed formations - 1,781 people.

For information: according to operational data from the FSB, the killed servicemen were from the Right Sector militants, nat. guards, battalions "Aidar", "Azov" and "Dnepr" were secretly taken to Dnepropetrovsk and secretly burned in the crematorium. The dead Right Sector soldiers are officially listed as missing.