Scenario of the literary game "Wonderful fairy tales round dance". Scenario for the “Ball of Literary Heroes”

Scenario of the evening "Ball" literary heroes»

(A waltz sounds, participants and participants enter the hall in ball gowns, are seated)

Leading: When these sounds tremble,

And the aching bow teases,

With your hands folded on your knees,

I sit down in a forgotten corner.

And a distant blush like dawn

Or the silent speech of bygone days,

I am captivated by the ballroom whirlwind

And the flickering of candles stirs.

ABOUT! How indomitable by anything

Takes you back to your former youth

Up close fluttering by

Young couple whirling!

Monotonous and crazy

Like a young whirlwind of life,

A noisy whirlwind swirls around the waltz;

Couple flashes after couple.

Leading: Good evening, dear guys!

Today we gathered at the ball of literary heroes. It’s a pity that you, children of the 21st century, haven’t seen a real ball. And I really want to find myself in a festive hall, in a light white dress, to catch admiring glances on myself, to listen to the uniform rush of voices and greetings, to find myself in the light and splendor of a cheerful society. Let's travel back to the era of the 19th century and visit the ball of literary heroes.

(Polonaise music sounds, everyone is spinning in a waltz whirlwind)

Leading: The ball has opened

We flew in circles

Young couple after couple,

The clothes glittered with luxury,

And the faces are of fresh beauty.

Leading: And now the hall is full of people:

The music is already tired of thundering:

And all passions at the forefront

Polonaise couples dance.

Leading: We invite to the stage our lovely girls and boys who came straight from the pages literary works. (8th grade team).

Love for all ages:

But to young, virgin hearts

Her impulses are beneficial,

Like spring storms across the fields

And yet in this whole world

There is no sadder story in the world,

What is the story of Romeo and Juliet...

(Girls read poems about love)

Leading: Music is heard again

The pianist stood up and called the dance

And in front of everyone

I'm coming across the hall to you now

I want to invite you and only you to dance

And of course this Waltz dance

(Everyone is dancing)

Leading: Today at our ball there are heroes of the studied works. Guys, let's guess them:

1. Dika, sad and silent

Like a forest deer is timid,

She is in her own family

The girl seemed like a stranger... (Eugene Onegin)

2. She was a very prudent girl. Her mother loved her deeply. And grandma is even bigger. And then one day she went to her grandmother... (“Little Red Riding Hood”)

3. Three inseparable friends are ready to do the most desperate things in the name of love (“The Three Musketeers”)

4. An evil sorcerer whose death is hidden in several nested animals and objects. ("Princess Frog")

5. Cropped latest fashion,

How dandy London is dressed-

He's completely French

Could express himself and wrote

I danced the mazurka easily

And bowed casually

And the light decided

That he is smart and very nice. ("Eugene Onegin")

6. She was 17 years old. Black eyes enlivened her dark and very pleasant face. She was an only and spoiled child. (“The Young Lady is a Peasant”)

7. She was round, like a plump, and elastic. Like a ball. She laughed so loudly. She always had these on beautiful dresses, and every day the maid wove a scarlet ribbon into her dark braids. ("Children of the Underground")

So we met with literary heroes. We are pleased to note that you have demonstrated good knowledge of the texts of the works. I would like to wish you further success in acquiring knowledge of literature. Let books become for you true friends in life!

Leading: Now guys, look at this box. It contains things related to literary heroes. You have to guess who they belonged to.

(the presenter takes out things, the students guess)

Presenter: “On literary places.” You must name which writers these places are associated with?

1. Yasnaya Polyana

3. Mikhailovskoye village

4. Spasskoye Lutovinovo

5. Taganrog city

6. The village of Greshnevo on the Volga

7. The village of Konstantinovo in Ryazan

Host: “Find your other half.” In many works main theme is the theme of love. The feeling of love inspired many heroes and inspired them to heroic deeds. In the name of love, heroes performed heroic deeds. But love is not always mutual and happy. It sometimes brings unbearable suffering and pain. Despite this, people do not stop falling in love... Let's remember the loving couples of their works.

1. Romeo and…………..

2. Evgeny Onegin and…………..

3. Vladimir Lensky and……………

4. Master and …………..

5. Pechorin and …………..

6. Grigory Melekhov and …………

7. Petr Grinev and ………………..

8. Vladimir Dubrovsky and …………….

9. Blacksmith Vakula and ………………

10. Evgeny Bazarov and ………………..

Leading: We wish you pure, sublime and strong love. Love and be loved.

The ball continues, “White Dance” sounds for you. Ladies invite gentlemen……..


Presenter 1:

Hello, Dear friends. We are glad to see you in our literary living room. Today we remember writers and poets and, of course, the heroes of their works. We will hold competitions and quizzes. This will be a journey into the world of literature.

Presenter 2:

In general, a literary salon is a sophisticated way of communication educated people of its time, one of the forms intellectual life high circle of society.

Presenter 1:

Let's start the event with a ball. It's completely special event in the life of a person of the last century. We dedicate this ball eternal theme- love that accompanies humanity, starting from Adam and Eve. We will remember these amazing stories love.

Presenter 2:

(Chopin's "Polonaise" music plays)

So today is the ball! Oh these wonderful moments!

(the characters walk decorously through the hall to the stage)

Balls, balls... The atmosphere of celebration and love, the movement of a fan, a casual glance...

(on stage the characters are talking and it sounds “ Viennese Waltz"I. Strauss)

Presenter 1:

To the sounds of this waltz, we recall stories that have become the property of Russian literature.

(Natasha Rostova and Andrei Bolkonsky come out to the waltz)

“Natasha’s desperate, frozen face caught the eye of Prince Andrei... Approaching Natasha with a courteous and low bow, he offered her a waltz round and... Natasha’s expression suddenly lit up with a childish smile... Prince Andrei was one of the best dancers of his time. Natasha danced superbly! Her legs were light and independent of her, the details had their own business, and her face shone with the delight of happiness.”

Presenter 2:

Thank you for the wonderful moments. New dances appear and disappear, but the waltz is still young and continues to sound. The poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko also wrote:

Let the years pass

Never anyway

Waltz will not grow old.

Tell me, what is the most famous literary message? Well, of course, Tatyana’s letter. And it was written in French then.

(Tatiana Larina’s letter and Evgeny Onegin’s answer are heard)

I am writing to you - what more?

What more can I say?

Now I know it's in your will

Punish me with contempt

But you, to my unfortunate fate

Keeping at least a drop of pity,

You won't leave me...

Another!... No, to no one in the world

I wouldn't give my heart!

It is destined in the highest council...

It is the will of heaven, I am yours;

My whole life was a pledge

The faithful date with you

I know you were sent to me by God

Until the grave you are my keeper...

Date of Tatiana and Onegin


You wrote to me...

Don't deny it. I've read

Souls of trusting confession,

Innocent outpouring of love;

Your sincerity is dear to me;

She got excited

Feelings that have long been silent;

But I don’t want to praise you;

I will repay you for it

Recognition also without art;

Accept my confession:

I submit myself to you for judgment.

(lovers sit down or move around the stage, talk...)

Literary quiz

Presenter 1:

Now let's have a Literary Quiz.

Who owns this declaration of love and who is the author of the work? (A.S. Pushkin “The Captain’s Daughter”)

(Petr Grinev and Masha Mironova come out)

“This will not happen... You love me; I’m ready for anything, let’s go and throw ourselves at the feet of your parents. They are simple people, not hard-hearted and proud... They will bless us, we will get married... and then, over time. I am sure that my father will forgive me, and my mother will be for us...”

The happy couple got married and safely left for Simbirsk.

Which magic items literary characters had?

  1. (Pinocchio (golden key)
  2. Cinderella (Glass Slippers)
  3. Ellie (Silver Slippers)
  4. Aladdin (Magic Lamp)
  5. Nils (Magic pipe)

Find out the fairy tale characters

(Fly - Tsokotukha and Mosquito from the fairy tale by A. Chukovsky come out)

(monologue of a mosquito sounds)

“I destroyed the villain and freed you,

And now, the soul is a maiden,

I want to marry you"

(music plays quietly)

(characters from M. Sholokhov’s novel “come out” Quiet Don" - Natalya and Grigory Melikhov)

"Grigory Panteleevich!"

Tell me how to live, and whether my life is completely lost or not? You left home and didn’t say a single word to me. I didn’t offend you in any way, and I was waiting for you to untie my hands and say that you’ve left for good, and you’re silent, like the dead...

Take pity at the end and write it down... I’ll be the only one thinking, otherwise I’m standing in the middle of the road. You, Grisha, don’t be angry with me, for Christ’s sake.


“...You asked me to write down whether or not I would live with Natalya, but I’ll tell you, dad, that you can’t stick a cut piece back on. But I can’t promise anything, and it’s boring for me to talk about it. Nady was caught at the border alone with smuggling, explains that there will soon be a war with the Austrians... Maybe I won’t be alive, there’s nothing to decide in advance.”

What work are these characters from?


Presenter 1-2:

  • Don't be separated from your loved ones!

Don't be separated from your loved ones!

  • And every time say goodbye forever,
  • When you leave for a moment!

(music plays, and lovers move around the stage, talk...)

Presenter 2:

Literary salons, friends, gathered readers, writers, critics into one circle of mutually enriching conversation. But not only conversation. Games were popular at balls in literary salons. One of them is badminton!

Presenter 1 (surprised):

Do you want to invite our guests to warm up and compete in hitting plastic balls?

Presenter 2:

That's right, because our badminton will be literary and it will consist of 4 rounds. Questions will be asked to each pair in turn. If he does not answer, he is eliminated from the game. And the winner is the one who successfully “hit the ball” in 4 rounds. So, let's begin!

Presenter 1:

Round I - "What's in a name?"

(name the names and patronymics of writers and poets)

  1. Mayakovsky _ (Vladimir Vladimirovich)
  2. Dostoevsky (Fyodor Mikhailovich)
  3. Griboyedov _ (Alexander Sergeevich)
  4. Turgenev _ (Ivan Sergeevich)
  5. Kuprin _ (Alexander Ivanovich)
  6. Bulgakov _ (Mikhail Afanasyevich)
  7. Derzhavin _ (Gavriil Romanovich)
  8. Akhmatova _ (Anna Andreevna)

(finish the names of literary works)

War and Peace

Heroes of our time

Notes from a hunter

Quiet - Don

The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda

Poor - Lisa

A word about Igor's regiment

Master and Margarita

III round - “Let’s be familiar”

(name the names of literary heroes)

Grigory Alexandrovich _ (Pechorin)

Evgeny Vasilievich _ (Bazarov)

Pyotr Kirillovich _ (Bezukhov)

Rodion Romanovich _ (Raskolnikov)

Alexander Andreevich _ (Chatsky)

Ivan Alexandrovich _ (Khlestakov)

Pavel Petrovich _ (Kirsanov)

Petr Andreevich _ (Goryunov)

IV round - “Innuendos”

  • Nature is not a temple, but a (workshop, and man is a worker in it)
  • Oh, my God, what will he say - (Princess Marya Alekseevna)
  • And you, friends, no matter how you sit down - (you are still not fit to be musicians)
  • Born to crawl - (cannot fly)
  • Yes, there were people in our time - (not like the current tribe...)
  • He forced himself to be respected - (and he couldn’t think of anything better)
  • Coming to us - (auditor)

(Chatsky runs out of the hall, his monologue sounds,

act 4 phenomenon 14 Griboedov “Woe from Wit”)

Get out of Moscow! I don't go here anymore. I’m running, I won’t look back, I’ll go looking around the world where there is a corner for an offended feeling! Carriage for me, carriage!!!

Presenter 2:

Who is this hero??? (of course, Chatsky)

I'll let you know if it's interesting historical fact: Griboyedov’s entire comedy was published in 1831 in Reven on German. And only in 1833 in Moscow - in Russian.

(Mitrofanushka comes out and a monologue sounds)

Well, give me the board, garrison rat. Ask what to write...

Which door? This one. Adjective because it is attached to its place...

The hour of my will has come: I don’t want to study, I want to get married...

Guess who it is???

Of course, who doesn’t know today catchphrase, with which Denis Ivanovich Fanvizin’s work “The Minor” ends: “Here are the fruits of evil.”

(the hero from the story by A.P. Chekhov comes on stage

“Man in a case” and his phrase sounds after the words of the presenter)

Teacher Greek language. The only things that were clear to him were newspaper articles in which something was forbidden to go outside after 9 pm, that was clear to him; It’s forbidden and that’s it. And when a drama club, or a reading room, or a tea room was allowed in the city, he shook his head and said quietly:

It is, of course, so and so, all this is wonderful, but no matter what happens.

Who is this?

(L.A. Ranevskaya comes out, a monologue sounds)

I want to jump, wave my arms (covers my face with my hands)

What if I'm dreaming? God knows, I love my Motherland, I love it dearly... (sits on a chair)

I can’t sit, I’m not able to... I won’t survive this joy... (gets up from the chair)

Laugh at me, I’m stupid... The closet is my dear... The table is mine...

What work is this heroine from? Who is she?

(a romance based on Bunin’s poem “The Calm” is performed)

Presenter 1:

In literary drawing rooms there was always music playing, romances, songs to romances. At the balls they not only danced, but also played various games. And the Empress herself was not averse to playing. Empress Catherine was for the purity of the Russian language, she ordered foreign words to be changed to Russian ones, and she herself introduced some into speech: good behavior, kindness, philanthropy, citizens, society, humanity.

Aspiring poets and writers demonstrated their talents.

Perhaps there are untapped abilities among you. Let's try to write poetry. So, our literary heroes are participants in an intellectual game.


"Burim" translated from French - this is the composition of poetry to given rhymes.

Your task is to write down the lines so that they are completely logical: for example


  1. Humanity - fatherland
  2. Dobronravie - sent
  3. Illness - leisure
  4. Tolstoy is like that
  5. Helen - captivity
  6. Natasha is more beautiful

Presenter 2:

While the participants are preparing for literary debut, we invite viewers to take part in an exciting poetry game.

(willing participants go on stage)

Poetry game

Exercise: try to remember the first line, and we will name the second. For each correct answer you receive tokens. Based on the results, a prize awaits you.

  • Everything will pass like the smoke of white apple trees - (I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t cry)
  • In the blue sea fog (a lonely sail is white)
  • It has not completely died out in my soul (I loved you, love may still exist)
  • I’m alive too, hello to you, hello (you’re still alive, my old lady)
  • What more can I say? (I’m writing to you, what else?)
  • Covered herself with snow, like silver ( White birch under my window)
  • A lesson to good fellows (the fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it)
  • In a moment of spiritual adversity (and bored, and sad, and no one to give a hand to)
  • Spinning late in the evening (three girls under the window)
  • You appeared before me (I remember a wonderful moment...)
  • On the chest of a cliff - a giant (a golden cloud spent the night)
  • Whirling snow whirlwinds (the storm covers the sky with darkness)
  • With a cheerful birch tongue (the golden grove dissuaded me)

Applause to the best poetry experts

Presenter 2:

I would like to provide the following historical information:

In the Penza region there is a place where the estate of the princes Golitsyn is located

It was once a real palace in the classicist style, where magnificent balls were held. The interior contained objects made of porcelain, marble and bronze, a portrait gallery, and almost 150 representatives of the Golitsyn family.

This palace was visited more than once by Gabriel Derzhavin, Mikhail Lermontov, and Ivan Krylov. It was Krylov who wrote a number of outstanding works: the banned publication “Triumph”, the popular fable “The Pig under the Oak Tree”, There is no oak tree anymore, but a young tree is growing.

And the artist Viktor Borisov-Musatov was inspired by the beauty of the palace and the nature of the estate to create picturesque paintings that glorified this estate.

Presenter 1:

In our Zadonsk region there is one beautiful place“Calm”, which is inspired by Bunin’s poems.

Listen to the song based on Ivan Bunin’s poem “Quiet”, music by Dmitry Rymar.

(romance sounds again)

Closing remarks from the teacher

Target: To form in students a sustainable interest and love for reading and books.


    Introduce students to oral folk art.

    Develop the creative and intellectual abilities of students through active participation in the game process.

    Develop imagination, intelligence, thinking, and speech of students.

    Develop intuition, erudition, ingenuity and resourcefulness.

    Foster mutual respect between students.

    Develop the ability to communicate and work in a team.

Proposed Scenario literary game is educational and developmental in nature. The development of cognitive interest is based on a quiz in its most diverse forms.

Participation in the game allows students to remember their favorite fairy-tale characters, authors of fairy tales and the works themselves. The game broadens students' horizons, promotes the development of thinking, oral coherent speech skills, enrichment of children's vocabulary, attention, imagination, and their communication abilities. For the game, not only fairy tales that are well known to students were selected, but also those that are not yet known to them, which gives each participant the opportunity to show their individual Creative skills, ingenuity, erudition.

Competitiveness and being part of a team make the game fun. Throughout the game, children work in groups and teams of varying composition, which helps develop their communication and teamwork skills, as well as a friendly attitude towards each other.

It is advisable to decorate the room in which the game will take place with illustrations for fairy tales made by children.

The exhibition of books of Russian folk tales and fairy tales by Russian writers will also arouse children's interest.

Progress of the game

The phonogram of the song “There are many fairy tales in the world” sounds (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by Yu. Entin).

A fairy tale goes through the forest -
A fairy tale for leads his hand,
A fairy tale comes out of the river!
From the tram! Out of the gate!
What kind of round dance is this?
This is a round dance of fairy tales!
Fairy tale - clever and charming
Lives next to us!
And for me and for you
Fairy tales run around in a crowd.
We love fairy tales
Sweeter than any berry.
In a fairy tale, the sun is burning,
Justice reigns in it.
The fairy tale is clever and charming!
We can't live without a fairy tale!
(Yu. Moritz.)


Friends! Visit a fairy tale today
You will have a hard time getting:
There are riddles prepared for everyone,
They will need to be guessed.
These riddles are not simple,
And to find the answer to them,
You have to work hard:
Everyone think together, don’t be lazy
And hold advice together.
Ingenuity, dexterity, intelligence and friendship
They will help you overcome everything.
Riddles the right decision
You will be encouraged. C'mon, don't be timid!
You have an envelope with an assignment in your hands.
Open it quickly
Yes, get ready for the road
And go quickly.
Put you through trials
The time has come a long time ago.
Sit down together on the road
And off we go! Break a leg!
(N. Denisova.)

Children open the envelope and read the task: “Gather in five minutes in the Small Hall!”

Fairy tales give us miracles,
And without miracles it is impossible.
They live everywhere
And they are our friends.
Yu. Polukhin “Miracle Tales”.

Held didactic game“A ball of fairy tales.”

Once I was leafing through a book,
I read a fairy tale to my son.
Only in that fairy tale, friends,
I do not understand.
Fairy tales are tangled up.
I can't understand it at all:
Who, where and where?..
My head is spinning!
Help me unravel the tangle,
Fairy tales, children, name them!

“The Tale of Ivanushka the Fool.”

In the distant kingdom, in the thirtieth kingdom, there lived Ivanushka the Fool. He lived with his old mother in a dugout near the blue sea for exactly thirty years and three years. Ivanushka once heard that whoever makes the crying princess laugh will be given half his kingdom by the Tsar-Sovereign. Without hesitation for a long time, he packed his knapsack and set off on his journey. Whether it was a long walk or a short one... Copper, silver, golden kingdom passed. Along the way, he helped three old men share three wonders from their father’s inheritance: one got an invisibility hat, the second got a flying carpet, the third got walking boots. He rescued the crane from the net, for which he himself received magical gifts: a self-assembled tablecloth, a lamb and a bag.

He came to the city to the royal court, opened the bag and said: “Come on, two from the bag, make the princess laugh!” Two people jumped out of the bag and made the princess laugh. That’s why the Tsar Father was happy! Ivanushka and the princess were married. The table was covered with a large self-assembled tablecloth, and a rich feast was celebrated. They put the lamb in a spacious, warm pen and gave him fragrant hay. Our Ivanushka was a fool - he became Tsarevich Ivan. And to this day he and the young princess live, get along and make good.

It's a fairy tale, nothing more can be said.

("The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", A.S. Pushkin;
“Princess Nesmeyana”, Russian folk tale;
“Three Kingdoms – Copper, Silver and Gold”, Russian folk tale;
“Prophetic Dream”, Russian folk tale;
“The tablecloth, the ram and the bag”, Russian folk tale.)

Presenter: Amazing tales! And how many miracles happen in them! And the main miracle is the poetic language of fairy tales. Unhurried, melodious, proverbs and sayings decorate it. And about ourselves fairy tale proverbs and there are a lot of them in sayings.

Let's remember them!

Held didactic game “Add a proverb!”

Children are divided into groups of 3–5 people. Each group is invited to read proverbs and sayings about fairy tales in which the endings are mixed up.

The guys must correctly “add up” the beginnings and endings of all proverbs and sayings.

    Listen to the story, / don’t give up.
    Listen to the fairy tale, and listen to the saying.

    Having not finished reading the fairy tale, / he doesn’t interrupt in the middle.
    Before you finish reading a fairy tale, don’t give up.

    It’s easy to listen to a fairy tale, / use your mind and mind to shake it off.
    It is easy to listen to a fairy tale, but difficult to tell a fairy tale.

    The tale begins from the beginning, is read to the end, / and listen to the saying.
    The tale begins from the beginning, is read to the end, and is not interrupted in the middle..

    Eat the porridge and listen to the story: / but telling a story is hard.
    Eat the porridge, and listen to the fairy tale: figure it out with your mind and mind.

Presenter: Isn’t it time, friends, for you and me to refresh ourselves?!

Held Quiz “Apple Tree of Fairy Tales”.

A drawing of an apple tree with apples (cut out of cardboard) hanging on it is attached to the stand.

Children are divided into two teams. Each team receives an empty basket.

Then team members take turns picking apples from the tree and reading excerpts from fairy tales.

For each correct answer, the team receives a dummy apple.

The team with the most apples in its basket wins.

    “A hare was walking through the forest with a sack, looking for mushrooms and berries for his little hares, but, as luck would have it,
    He didn’t come across anything: no mushrooms, no berries.
    And suddenly, in the middle of a green clearing, he saw a wild apple tree...”
    (“Sack of apples”, V.G. Suteev.)

    “She moved on. He sees an apple tree standing, and it’s full of apples.
    The girl shook the apple tree, and the apples began to fall like hail. She shook off every last apple, piled them up and moved on.”
    (“Mistress Blizzard”, Brothers Grimm.)
    “The girl did everything that the cow bequeathed to her: she was hungry, she did not take meat into her mouth, she watered her seeds every morning in the garden, and an apple tree of extraordinary beauty grew from them: apples hang on it, golden leaves rustle, silver branches bend…” (“Kroshechka-Khavroshechka”, Russian folk tale.)

    “... There is an apple tree.
    - Apple tree, mother, hide me!
    - Eat my forest apple.
    The girl quickly ate it and said thank you. The apple tree shaded it with branches and covered it with leaves.” (“Geese-swans”, Russian folk tale.)

    “...she retreated into a secret little room, into which no one but her entered, and
    There she made a poisonous apple. In appearance, the apple was wonderful, plump, with ruddy barrels, so that everyone, looking at it, wanted to taste it, but just take a bite and you will die.
    When the apple was made, the queen painted her face, dressed as a peasant and went beyond the seven mountains...” (“Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, Brothers Grimm.)

    “The sisters laughed and grabbed their sides:
    - Oh, yes, Masha, oh, yes, you fool!
    Yes, we have a garden full of apples, take any, but what do you need a saucer for? Should I feed the ducklings?
    (“Silver saucer and present apple”, Russian folk tale.)

    The old woman caught the bread;
    “Thank you,” she said. –
    God bless you;
    Here’s to you, catch it!”
    And to the princess a liquid,
    Young, golden
    The apple is flying straight...
    (“The Tale of dead princess and about the seven heroes”, A.S. Pushkin.)

    “Ivan Tsarevich dismounts from his horse, enters the garden and sees an apple tree with silver
    leaves, golden apples, and under the apple tree there is a well. Ivan Tsarevich picked three apples, but did not take any more, and scooped up a jug with twelve stigmas from the well of living water.” (“The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water”, Russian folk tale.)

Held didactic game “Fairy Tale Test”.

Children are divided into groups of 3–5 people. Each group receives a test.

Presenter: Guys, you have to solve one fabulous riddle.

You will remember the fairy tales of Russian writers, which will be discussed in the Fairy Tale Test.

Carefully read all the questions and the suggested answers, from which you must choose only one. Each answer corresponds to a specific letter. By guessing all the letters, you will be able to create a word that will help you find out what is in our fabulous malachite box.

Is the task clear? Then get to work!

    A passerby was walking through the forest and dropped the box. I dropped it and didn’t catch it, and the box was left by the road.
    A fly was flying, saw it, and thought: “Let me look to see if there’s anything edible.” And in the lid there is just enough hole for a large fly to get through. (“Forest mansions”, M.L. Mikhailov.)
    And this fly's name was...
    A - The clattering fly,
    K - Thunderfly,
    I am a burning fly.

    The man found an expensive stone and took it to the king. He came to the palace and began to ask the king’s servants: how to see the king.
    One of the king's servants promised to report to the king about the man's find with the understanding that the man would give him half of what the king would give. (“Reward”, L.N. Tolstoy.)
    The king took the stone, listened to the man’s story, laughed and drove the servant away, and gave it to the man...
    Oh - a thousand rubles,
    B - fifty lashes,
    Z – bag of wheat.

    One morning in the forest, just as dawn began to break, a rooster cried: “Ku-ku-re-ku!” The fox heard the rooster; She wanted to eat rooster meat. So she went up to the tree and began praising the rooster and inviting him to a housewarming party.
    “Okay,” says the rooster, “but I can’t go alone: ​​I have a comrade with me.”
    -Where is your comrade? she asks. - I’ll invite him to visit too.
    (“Rooster and Dog”, K.D. Ushinsky.)
    Who was the rooster's mate?
    U is a cat,
    F – ram,
    L – dog.

    “Come on, little little mouse, let’s make a nest for ourselves—I’m under the eaves, you’re in hiding—and we’ll live and be and eat the master’s handouts, and we’ll have everything together, everything in half.”
    The mouse agreed. So the two of them lived together; They live for a year, they live for another, and on the third the barn began to deteriorate, there was little grain left in it. The little mouse understood this matter, spread its mind and decided that if she took all the grain alone, she would get more than half with... (“About the toothy mouse and about the rich sparrow,” V.I. Dal.)
    Who didn’t the little mouse want to share with?
    And - with the owner,
    b - with a sparrow,
    Ш – with a bat.

    Pudik did not believe his mother; He didn’t yet know that if he didn’t trust his mother, it would end badly.
    He sat on the very edge of the nest and sang his own poems at the top of his lungs:
    Eh, wingless man,
    You have two legs
    Even though you are very great,
    The midges are eating you!
    And I very small,
    But I eat midges myself. (“Sparrow”, M. Gorky.)
    Who was Pudik?
    C - yellow-throated sparrow,
    Yu - little crow,
    N - small swift.

    So Kokovan took the orphan to live with him. He is big and bearded, but she is tiny and has a button nose. They are walking down the street, and a tattered cat jumps after them.
    So grandfather Kokovanya, the orphan Darenka and the cat Murenka began to live together.
    The old man was a master at telling tales. Darenka loved to listen to those fairy tales, and the cat Murenka lies and purrs: “He says the right thing. R-right.”
    Only after every fairy tale will Darenka remind you:
    - Dedo, tell me about the goat. What is he like? (“ Silver hoof”, P.P. Bazhov.)
    What kind of goat did Darenka ask you to tell about?
    R - about the kid from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”,
    And - about the goat from the fairy tale “You have your own mind”,
    About - about the goat Silver Hoof.

Children make up the word RING.

Held game “Malachite Box”.

Presenter: “Nastasya, Stepanova’s widow, still has a malachite box. With every feminine device. There are rings, earrings and other things according to women's rites. The Mistress herself Copper Mountain gave Stepan this box when he was still planning to get married.”

“Malachite Box” P.P. Bazhov

The presenter invites the children to guess from the description which fairy tale heroes the jewelry from the box belongs to.

    Gold ring

– belonged to the Beast of the Forest, a miracle of the sea from the fairy tale “ The Scarlet Flower” S.T. Aksakova.
“... You have my gold ring, put it on your right little finger and you will find yourself in the house of your dear father...”

Treasured ring

– belonged to Vasilisa the Wise, the royal daughter from the Russian folk tale “Sivka-Burka”.
“No one had time to gasp when Ivan flew to Vasilisa on horseback, kissed her scarlet lips, took off the treasured ring and rode off. They only saw him.”

Miracle ring

– belonged to the king of the underground kingdom from the Russian folk tale “The Magic Ring”.
“... He will reward you for my salvation; you ask him for a ring from his little finger. That ring is not simple, but miraculous: if you throw it from hand to hand, twelve young men will immediately appear, and whatever they are ordered to do, they will do everything.”

Ring of the Tsar Maiden

– belonged to the young princess from the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” by P.P. Ershov.
The princess tells him:
“If you want to take me,
Then deliver it to me in three days
My ring is made of okiyan.”

Treasured ring

- belonged to the prophetic Finn from the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” by A.S. Pushkin.
...Take the treasured ring,
Touch Lyudmila’s brow with it,
And the powers of secret spells will disappear,
Your enemies will be confused by your face,
Peace will come, anger will perish.

Ring as a keepsake

– belonged to the month of April from the dramatic fairy tale “The Twelve Months” by S.Ya. Marshak.
“... And so that you really don’t forget, here’s a ring for you as a souvenir.
look at him and remember me. If trouble happens, throw it on
ground, water or snowdrift and say:
You roll, roll, little ring,
On the spring porch,
In the summer canopy,
In the autumn teremok
Yes on the winter carpet
To the New Year's bonfire!
We will come to your rescue - all twelve of us will come as one -
with a thunderstorm, with a blizzard, with a spring drop!..”

Presenter: Well done! You have solved all the fairy tale riddles and answered all the quiz questions. And you did it all together, together, helping each other, like Brothers Months.

We end our game with wonderful poems by Yu. Entin.


There are many fairy tales in the world
Sad and funny
And live in the world
We can't live without them.
Aladdin's lamp,
Lead us into a fairy tale
Crystal slipper,
Help along the way!
Boy Cipollino,
Winnie the Pooh Bear –
Everyone is on our way
A true friend.
Let the heroes of fairy tales
They give us warmth
May goodness forever
Evil wins!

Calm music sounds.


    “Russians folk tales""Tales of Russian Writers" Moscow: "Pravda", 1987.


(for grades 5 - 6)

Goals and objectives:

- show literary heroes, talk about them, instill in children a love of books and reading, develop memory and acting abilities; introduce students to beauty through familiarity with works musical culture; increase motivation for self-improvement both aesthetically and intellectually.

Hall decoration: the hall is decorated with drawings of fairy-tale heroes on an A-3 sheet of paper, stage: on the left is a screen for projecting slides that accompany the texts and also serve as a plan for the performance of literary heroes.

A slow waltz sounds and the host comes on stage.

Host: Hello, dear guests! I am glad to welcome you to the ball of literary heroes. So let's get straight to the point. Today we will be transported to the country of Literature. Do you think such a country does not exist? You are wrong. No man has ever set foot there, we will be the first.

Host: I see that many of you have reincarnated as fairy tale characters. First of all, I would like to get to know you. I am the Fairy of Dreams and friend of Ole Lukoe. I help him open umbrellas over the sleeping children. A colored umbrella over those children who were kind, obedient, polite during the day, studied well, helped adults, and then they see good colored dreams all night, and I open a black umbrella over those who were naughty, did not obey, studied poorly, did ugly things . And then they sleep all night without dreams or are tormented by nightmares. Did everyone at the ball behave well?... I'm happy for you.

Now it's your turn to introduce yourself. Everyone who came in costume must identify themselves and say which book they came to us from. So, heroes are invited here. The ball participants come out. (introduce themselves)

And now a fashion show of literary heroes accompanied by music. “Visiting a fairy tale” (2 laps)

Host: We got acquainted with the book back in early age, mothers, fathers, grandmothers read them to us. Let's see if you listened to them as a child. Guess which character was invited by the astrologer and from which fairy tale? (presentation, slide 1-12)

Presenter: Well done! Well, what would a ball be without dancing? I invite you to children's dance. Everybody dance.

2. “Dance of the Little Ducklings”

Host: And it’s true that

Children love to draw
On paper, on asphalt, on the wall
And on the window on the tram?

Host: I suggest you take part in the competition for the best portrait fairy tale hero, but not on the tram windows, but on the sheet. Here you see book blanks. Choose whose portrait you will draw and go ahead.

Playing with spectators

Host: And while our participants are drawing, I will ask questions to the audience: (to the music of 3. “Mustachioed Nanny”)

What color were Malvina’s dress and eyes from A. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Adventures of Pinocchio, or the Golden Key”? (The eyes are pretty, the dress is blue.)

What material was the dress made from? Snow Queen in a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen? (Made from ice.)

What costume did Papa Carlo make for Pinocchio?

(Jacket, pants, shoes, hat.)

Who spoke magic words: "By pike command, according to my desire?..” (Emelya from a Russian folk tale.)

What was a mandatory part of Dunno's clothing? (Hat.)
- Tell me, who did the Ugly Duckling from Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale turn into? (IN beautiful swan.)

How did Dunno and his friends travel to the Green City from Nikolai Nosov’s fairy tale “Dunno and His Friends”? (On the air balloon).
- List Uncle Fyodor’s friends from the fairy tale story by Eduard Uspensky. (Dog Sharik, cat Matroskin, little jackdaw.)

(results, rewarding spectators with souvenirs)

Host: It's time for a dance break again

(4. dance competition for lit. heroes)

Host: We are back in Literature. Now serious challenge waiting for our literary heroes. You have to take turns taking objects out of this box and explain from which fairy tale, or maybe fairy tales, they came here.

(egg, pea, shoe, mirror, ball, frying pan, key, spindle, onion) All items are in a “black box”

Presenter: Our experts did a great job.

Host: People have always dreamed, even in fairy tales, about television. Remember: roll, roll, little apple, and on a golden platter, show me foreign countries... People didn’t think then that not only countries could be watched on TV, but also cartoons and movies.

Playing with the audience.

Host: I invite you to take part in a comedy television project"Turnip". Three people are invited. (pantomime of a fable with “voice-over”)

Host: It's time music competition. I suggest you music quiz. You will need to perform at least one verse of the karaoke song.

Recording starts .

1. Song of Ellie and her friends
2. “Song about a magic flower”, From the film “Silk Tassel”

3. “How the lion cub and the turtle sang a song”

4 " Winged swing»

5. “If you are kind”

6." Little Red Riding Hood's Song"

Host: Let's draw some more. Let's carry out Master Class. Remember the fairy tale about the three little pigs? And I propose to draw not three, but a whole farm of piglets. There is paper and pencils in the room. Sit comfortably on chairs, on the floor, anywhere and repeat after me. (presentation, slides 13-16)

Presenter: The master class has ended. Place your piglets on the board. How different they turned out. Admire it!

Host: Books haunt many people. Literary heroes excite the imagination of artists and sculptors. They erected monuments to many literary heroes. I propose a competition “Guess” - who is this monument erected to? (presentation, slides 17-36)

Presenter: I invite 2 people from the class. In fairy tales, good heroes often fight with evil ones. I offer you an incredible situation. Imagine that the pages of the books are mixed up, the characters are scattered into different fairy tales. Imagine the fights between ... (leaflets with names are distributed: Baba Yaga - Alyonushka, Thumbelina and Koschey the Immortal; Serpent Gorynych and the Frog Princess). Evil blindfolds and tries to beat good balloon. Good with a bell eludes evil.

Host: As always in fairy tales, good wins. Let there be more good in life than evil.

The results of the competitions are summed up and awards are given.

Presenter: I invite you to the last dance of our ball “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​from the ballet “The Nutcracker”.

Presenter: Thank you all for your attention, see you again!!!

Oksana Mershieva
Fashion show of fairy-tale characters (scenario)

Fashion show of fairy-tale characters


Presenter: Hello my dear. You recognized me

Today I invite you to “ Fashion show of fairy-tale characters”. What's happened fashion show, fashion?

Children. Where are the dresses shown?

Presenter: This is a fashion show where you can see graceful display fairy tale costumes. And the podium will be this fairy carpet.

But today will be unusual fashion show – Fashion show of fairy-tale characters. So “Holiday” fairy tales" begins. And she came to visit us characters from different fairy tales- Russian folk, magical, copyrighted, fairy tales about animals.

Characters from fairy tales about animals begin the fashion show.

Presenter: There is one character, guess who such:

Grow on top of heads

Long ears.

Even though he is a boy,

And such a coward!

Well, guess what?

What's the name? (Bunny)

Meet the bunny.

A bunny comes out.

Presenter: In what This character appears in fairy tales?

Children. “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “Zayushkina’s hut”, “Rukavichka”, etc.

Presenter:And now the next one character.

Bright red beauty.

Catches a fish - miracles!

His sly eyes will sparkle,

Will wave his bushy tail

And suddenly he rushes off into the forests.

What is her name? (Fox)

Music plays, a fox comes out

Presenter: Who is this?

Children: Chanterelle

Presenter: In what found in fairy tales, this character?

Children: “Fox with a rolling pin”, “Fox and crane”, “Fox and hare”, “Fox and wolf”, “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “Mitten”, “Cat, rooster and fox”, etc.

Presenter: What is it called in fairy tales?

Children. Lisa Patrikeevna, Fox-sister, Red-haired cheat and etc.

Presenter: Guys, let's ask the fox from which fairy tales have come to us?

Chanterelle: “Kolobok.” “The Fox and the Hare.”

Presenter: That's how interesting. Thank you fox, come and see us again, we’ll be waiting.

Presenter: And now the next riddle.

He's standing somewhere in a field,

Smoke flies from the chimney.

Hare, mouse, fox, frog,

Wolf and clumsy bear

They live together happily,

The choir sings songs.

Answer quickly, my friend,

This fairy tale(Teremok)

Presenter: That's how interesting. Thank you dear animals, come visit us again, we will be waiting.

Presenter: We continue.

Brother decided to drink water

Don't recognize him now.

These horns and hooves

Why did you grow it?

My brother answers me:

Children. Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka.

Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka come out

Presenter: What happened in this fairy tale? How did Ivanushka become a boy again?

Presenter: But Russian folk fairy tales It doesn’t end there, there are a lot of them. There's another one fairy tale, quickly guess what this one is called fairy tale.

Grandfather and grandmother lived together

They made a daughter out of a snowball,

But the fire is hot

Turned the girl into steam.

Grandfather and grandmother are sad.

What was their daughter's name?

Children. Snow Maiden.

The Snow Maiden comes out

Presenter: Which fairy tales with the participation of the Snow Maiden, do you know?

Children. “The Snow Maiden and the Fox.”

Presenter: Well done. And there are also copyright fairy tales who wrote different writers Charlet. Perrault, Alexey. Nikolaevich. Tolstoy, Hans. Christian. Andersen, Korney. Ivanovich. Chukovsky and many other writers - storytellers, and the heroes of these fairy tales are rushing to us now.

Presenter: (riddles about characters)

The heroes come out one by one:

1) Wooden mischief maker

2) From fairy tales have entered our lives.

3) A favorite of adults and children,

4) Daredevil and inventor of ideas

5) A prankster, a merry fellow and a rogue.

6) Tell me, what is his name? Pinocchio

2) A good girl is walking through the forest,

But the girl doesn’t know that danger awaits.

A pair of feisty eyes glows behind the bushes

The girl will meet someone scary now.

Who will ask the girl about her path?

Who will deceive grandma to enter the house?

Who is this girl? Answer: Little Red Riding Hood

3) The girl is sleeping and doesn’t know yet

What's her in a fairy tale awaits.

The toad will steal it in the morning,

An unscrupulous mole will hide you in a hole.

Anyway, that's enough. Is it necessary clue?

4) Zhenya, pulling the petal,

She spoke: "To the East,

North, West, and South

You fly, and when you finish the circle,

Make a miracle, petal!

What is the magical name of a flower?

(Seven-flowered flower)

Leading (on exit character) . What is this about fairy tale?

How does it end? fairy tale?

Presenter Well, we continue to guess our favorites fairy tales.

Not a young man

With a beard like this.

Offends Pinocchio,

Artemon and Malvina,

And in general for all people

He is a notorious villain.

Do any of you know

Who is this? (Karabas Barabas)

Presenter. Guys, we’re not really afraid

Children: Yes

Presenter: Well, now the magic begins.

Magical fairy tales already on the threshold Once upon a time there was a king... and a queen

The King, Queen comes out

In what there lives a king in fairy tales? Queen.

Leading. Well done! Let's carry out The King and Queen with thunderous applause

Presenter Listen guys to the next riddle.

1)I went to bed on mattresses

The princess is young.

And in the morning I woke up covered in bruises -

What a sissy!

2) This one fairy tale hero

With a ponytail, mustache,

He has a feather in his hat,

I'm all striped,

He walks on two legs

In bright red boots

Children. ( "Puss in Boots")

3) There was a magical forest all around.

There's a sweet house in the clearing.

Door open, treats

there are singing on the table

is heard in the morning.

Who lives there, tell me?

Blue-eyed, white-faced -

to the dwarf brothers, like a sister.

This the fairy tale is familiar to everyone -

Children (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)

Presenter And this lady always and everywhere likes to ruin everything. Listen to the riddle.

At the edge of the forest

She sits in the hut.

Doesn't want to live in peace

He fools the princes.

The mortar and broom are dear to her,

This is malicious (Baba Yaga.)

Music, Baba Yaga runs out

Leading. Dear Baba Yaga, don’t scare me, but rather show me your outfit. But even though she ruins everything, there are others - kind ones, who are always ready to help and fix it.

Presenter 1) She knew how to work beautifully and deftly,

Showing skill in any matter.

I baked bread and wove tablecloths,

I sewed a shirt, embroidered a pattern,

She danced like a white swan.

Who was this craftswoman?

2) I’m a poor thing and a mess,

I'm used to ash and stoves.

It's very hard for me during the day,

And I dream at night.

But I don't cry, I don't cry

I smile and endure.

I believe in happiness and luck

And I pity and love everyone. (Cinderella.)

3) It was so long ago.

But I found a spindle

pricked my tender finger

and fell asleep peacefully

Whoever wakes you up will handle it

Children (Sleeping Beauty)

Presenter And now let's ask everyone characters come to us!

Fairy tale characters take a lap of honor

Leading. On this The fashion show of fairy-tale characters ends, But fairy tale never ends, it always remains with us. Presentation of heroes.