Sergey Shnurov: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Uncensored love: the true story of Shnur and Matilda Biography and personal life of Sergei Shnurov

Can a sane person beautiful girl dream of throwing in your lot with an incorrigible reveler, rowdy, foul-mouthed and eternal captive of the green serpent? I think no. What if Russia’s first daredevil, a musician with a stormy personal life, Sergei Shnurov, offers her hand and heart? Yes, there will be a whole line of contenders for the role of Shnur’s wife! But the eccentric artist’s heart has long been occupied. For the last nine years, Shnur’s wife has invariably inspired her hero to creativity, to heroic deeds, and to important changes in life.

Sergei Shnurov with his wife Matilda

Shnur’s first wife did not swear and did not listen to the Leningrad group

A master of eccentric antics and a lover of strong words, Shnur met his first wife in student years. An artist with a reputation cool guy“He received his education at the religious and philosophical institute at the Theological Academy. Shnur fell in love with his future wife Maria Ismagilova so much that he decided to get involved with her without hesitation, despite his unfinished studies and complete uncertainty in life. At the age of 20, Shnur was already busy washing diapers and boiling bottles.

Sergei Shnurov with his little daughter Serafima

Raising his daughter Seraphima took Sergei a lot of time - creative plans the singer faded into the background. And only when the baby grew up, the young father took up music seriously. Maria Ismagilova did not support her husband's hobbies. The songs of the Leningrad group made Sergei Shnurov's impressionable wife's ears curl up! Misunderstanding in the family caused the divorce. Offended by Pope Seraphim for a long time claimed that she had absolutely nothing in common with the performer Shnurov.

Sergei Shnurov and his daughter from his first marriage Seraphim

A vivid biography of Shnur: wives, children, concerts and scandalous fame

The second chosen one of the extraordinary musician was Svetlana Kostitsina. New wife Shnura tried her hand at being the manager of Leningrad. She was one hundred percent successful in promoting “indecent” songs. Inspired by love, the woman was able to do the impossible - organize Shnur’s concerts in the capital, despite the discontent of the then mayor Yuri Luzhkov.

Sergey Shnurov on stage

Kostitsina helped her husband become a star and gave him a wonderful heir - the son of Apollo. A harmonious union of two active personalities could exist long years, if the fickle Cord had not once “looked to the left.”

Shnur's common-law wife, actress Oksana Akinshina

The singer, for whom the law is not written, was terribly attracted to the fifteen-year-old actress Oksana Akinshina. The young lady was ideally suited in spirit to Sergei Shnurov. A talented girl listened with delight to the tales of an adult gentleman about the benefits of bad habits, drunkenness to the point of indecency and sex in in public places. Shnur’s reckless behavior seemed like a role model to Oksana. Sergei lived with the movie star for five years in a civil marriage, and then unexpectedly told reporters that he got along with Akinshina “in a drunken shop.” Shnur sent his young girlfriend into retirement and, without suffering for a moment because of his lost love, he quickly found a replacement for her.

Cord with common-law wife Oksana Akinshina

Shnur's wife Matilda: a provincial girl from a dysfunctional family turned into a metropolitan socialite

The biography of Shnur's wife Matilda is reminiscent of the fairy tale about the successful Cinderella. Perseverance and determination helped the daring young lady gain a position in society and become famous. Elena Mozgovaya – this is the real name of Shnur’s wife – was born in the village. The girl's parents divorced when she was one and a half years old.

Matilda Shnurova (Elena Mozgovaya) in childhood

The mother became interested in a new man, the father became addicted to alcohol. After a divorce and an unsuccessful romance with another admirer, Lena’s mother decided to move with her daughter to Voronezh. Unsuccessful attempts to improve her personal life led to the desperate woman finding an outlet in religion - she became interested in Sahaja Yoga. Even now, the lady is more interested in chakras and kundalini energy than the fate of her famous daughter.

Elena Mozgova's mother Tatyana Nagornaya

Shnur's current wife always wanted to escape from the province. The girl went to Moscow to look for her place in the sun, where she made many useful acquaintances. Later, the ambitious provincial girl entered the Technological University of St. Petersburg and plunged headlong into science. And if it weren’t for the affair with Shnur, Elena Mozgovaya might now be working on research in the field of genetic engineering or immunochemistry. But as fate would have it, the talented student became simply Matilda, Shnur’s wife.

Matilda and Cord

Matilda Shnurova: wise, sexy and “on Louboutins, nah”

Sergei Shnurov met his wife Matilda by chance. At one of the social events they were introduced by a mutual friend. Seeing Lena’s expressive eyes, Shnur instantly compared the girl with the beauty depicted in Vrubel’s painting “The Swan Princess.”

Painting by Mikhail Vrubel “The Swan Princess”

The very first date between Matilda Shnurova and the main rebel of the Russian stage ended in bed. Since that night, the couple has been inseparable. After three years civil marriage, Shnur made an anti-romantic but sincere proposal to Matilda. While looking for a stick of sausage in the refrigerator, Sergei, as if casually, told his lady that he wanted to marry her. Elena answered calmly - without tears of emotion or trembling in her voice: “Of course, it’s time.”

Wedding of Sergei Shnurov and Elena Mozgova

Today, the biography of Matilda Shnurova can only be envied. Shnur’s wife opened the Isadora ballet school in St. Petersburg and went into the restaurant business. Thanks to the support of her star husband, Matilda became the manager of one of the most popular St. Petersburg drinking and entertainment establishments, CoCoCo. According to the socialite, she has never been interested in cooking and does not like to stand at the stove for hours, but Matilda is an excellent generator of ideas. The “CoCoCo” chef prepares unimaginable culinary delights from products familiar to Russian people. At the star couple's establishment, all the tables are usually occupied.

Matilda Shnurova - director ballet school in St. Petersburg "Aseydora"

Judging by the photo from 2016, Shnur’s wife not only turned from Cinderella into a princess, but was also able to create new image spouse. Sergei Shnurov abandoned his favorite tights with blisters on the knees - and began to give preference to branded suits. Now the singer does not give up gloss and always chooses only exquisite things. He even admitted that, thanks to his wife’s efforts, he almost stopped drinking alcohol and took up sports. True, sometimes Shnur allows himself to relax “the old fashioned way,” but the other half does not throw hysterics about this. After all, “nagging” a loved one is the last thing.

Matilda Shnurova in her own restaurant “CoCoCo”

Shnurov improved relations with the children: “My children are allowed beer, but only on Fridays. On other days – strictly vodka!”

There are many photos of Shnurov with his wife on Instagram, but the other day the artist blew up the Internet. Scandalous famous singer showed fans photographs depicting his emotional get-togethers with children. The singer showed fans how he drinks beer and smokes with his daughter and son. Perhaps many representatives younger generation would like to do things in the company of their parents that are “harmful and wrong.” Judging by the photo, Shnur’s children were incredibly lucky.

Sergei Shnurov with his daughter Seraphima and son Apollo

A connoisseur of obscene witticisms, a master of shocking, a style icon and at the same time a “wild man” - such is the unique and brilliant Cord. Children, wife, loyal fans - everyone respects and loves him for his directness and talent. The St. Petersburg hooligan lives a colorful life - shocking the public, while earning a lot of money. Under no circumstances does Shnur’s wife lecture her beloved extreme sports enthusiast. A life partner who could do stupid things from the heart filled her life with mind-blowing happiness.

Matilda is a girl from the Russian outback who managed to turn into successful business- lady and glamorous socialite. Ex-wife and the muse of the frontman of the Leningrad group Sergei Shnurov.

Childhood and adolescence

Elena Mozgovaya (real name Matilda) was born in the village of Losevo Voronezh region, in a poor family. When the girl was two years old, her parents, Tatyana and Vladimir, divorced. The mother married a second time and with her new husband Vladimir Nagorny moved to the village of Livenka, where Lena had a brother, Igor.

But the second marriage fell apart as quickly as the first. Unsuccessful attempts to improve her personal life led the desperate woman to Hinduism. She had little interest in children, so they grew like roadside grass.

She was waiting for the girl's close relatives tragic fate. Brother Igor died young in an accident, Matilda’s own father died, and her stepfather drowned. She has two half-sisters and a brother from her father's other marriage, but she has virtually no relationship with them.

Sergei and Matilda Shnurov in Evening Urgant (2017)

Since childhood, Lena dreamed of escaping from the provinces to Big city. She studied poorly, but she did not give herself offense, which earned her honor and respect among her peers. After graduating from school, the 17-year-old girl went to Moscow to enter VGIK, essentially running away from her parents.

Carier start

Having neither connections nor money, she turned for help to her fellow countryman, the lead singer of the group “7b” Ivan Demyan. He introduced Lena to the producer of the super-popular group “Tatu” at that time, Ivan Shapovalov, who took her to his team.

She worked in the producer's studio, doing small assignments. People often came to visit Shapovalov famous people- this is how Matilda met Natalia Vodianova and her husband, Anastasia Volochkova, Eduard Limonov.

Soon she had an affair with fashion photographer Dmitry Mikheev, whom Matilda met in the same studio. He got Elena a job as a reporter gossip columns to a popular glossy magazine and advised me to change my name to a more sonorous and original one - Matilda. At first it was just a pseudonym, later she officially changed her name.

At first, “out of nothing to do,” she entered the biochemistry department of the Institute of Technology, then she remembered her long-time passion for dancing. This activity fascinated her so much that Matilda decided to open her own ballet school, Isadora, inviting outstanding teachers there.

At the same time, she controlled how things were going in the Blue Pushkin bar, which belonged to her husband. Shnurov sorely lacked time for him, and soon Matilda became the full-fledged mistress there. She quickly understood the intricacies of the restaurant business and soon organized own establishment– restaurant “CoCoCo”.

Thanks to Matilda’s talent and the skill of her chef, over four years the restaurant has turned into the most stylish and popular holiday destination in the cultural capital. Among the visitors to the establishment you can always meet famous people. These are Matilda's friends, socialite party girls Ksenia Sobchak, Nika Belotserkovskaya and Polina Kitsenko, Avdotya Smirnova and her husband Anatoly Chubais and many others.

Personal life of Matilda Shnurova. Meeting Shnurov

Matilda was introduced to Shnurov by their mutual friend, who in 2007 invited the girl to go to a concert of the Leningrad group, and then took her to the dressing room. Matilda’s unusual appearance reminded Sergei of the beautiful Swan from Vrubel’s painting, and original name completed the impression.

According to Matilda herself, the first acquaintance was like a romantic film: a spark ran between them, they immediately discovered common topics for conversations. After a walk around Moscow, the evening ended in a hotel room.

Sergey Shnurov (Shnur) – popular Russian musician, film actor, television presenter, composer and film actor.

Sergei Shnurov is perhaps one of the most scandalous and shocking artists national stage. Despite the fact that his video clips are banned on television and radio broadcasts due to the abundance of profanity, they are well known and loved by the people.

Childhood and education of Sergei Shnurov

The famous musician was born on April 13, 1973 in a Leningrad family far from music. Sergei's parents worked as engineers, his father worked at a military enterprise and had the rank of captain.

Shnurov studied in a regular secondary school Leningrad. IN primary school Sergei studied diligently and brought good grades to his parents, but adolescence the young man began to skip classes and enter into conflicts with teachers, for which he often ended up in the children's room of the police.

He didn’t think about what he would become in the future. IN school years Sergei was a true fan of the work of Vladimir Vysotsky, Yuri Shevchuk, the groups “Kino” and “Secret”, which was later reflected in the work of Shnurov himself.

After graduating from school, he tried to get a higher education at the Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute, but after some time he dropped out of university and transferred to a vocational school. There he mastered the profession of a restorer of wood products, but this specialty was not to the liking of the future artist.

Before the stormy start musical activity Shnurov also managed to study at a theological seminary to become a theologian, but not for the sake of a crust. Shnurov entered the institution together with a friend and studied there for three years. Forced to leave the seminary family circumstances- then he had his first child, and he needed to earn money.

According to the musician, throughout his life he managed to work as a glazier, a watchman in a kindergarten, an assistant director, a designer, an assistant on the set of video clips, and even a loader. But most of all, Shnurov was attracted to the work of making fences for graves, since they paid well for it. After a long search for his purpose, he chose the position of head of PR projects at the Modern radio station.

This is how his colleague at Radio-Modern described Shnurov at that time: “A stylish young man, even despite the fact that he could be exotic. He could come in a jacket and blue shoes, bright, club-ready; and at the same time it was all quiet and subtle.”

First musical projects

When Shnurov became director of PR, he began to change the policy of the Modern radio station, starting to promote the pop station in the completely opposite direction - closer to the rock party. He managed to become an informal leader: they listened to him and took his crazy ideas into account.

While working at the radio station, he was simultaneously developing own projects. In 1991, the group “Alkorepitsa” was created, which performed in the style of hardcore rap and, according to the musician, the group became an innovator of this genre on the domestic stage. However, this was not enough to win the love and popularity of listeners, and the group soon broke up.

Already from the first groups of Shnurov, the image of a drunkard and rowdy, known to everyone today, began to take shape. After “Alkorepitsa” there was an experiment with electronic music and techno in a group called “Van Gogh’s Ear”. But this team was not destined to last long. Due to disagreements between the members, the group broke up.

This is how Shnurov commented on this Music band: “The project was speculative, it was pop art - some songs with minus. Then no one in the alternative did this, because, in theory, we performed in alternative clubs. And stylistically it was nonsense pop music.”

Group "Leningrad"

In 1997, Sergei Shnurov and his friends organized the group “Leningrad” and four days later the first concert was given. The first group consisted of 8 people.

At first, Shnurov was the ideological inspirer and composer, and the vocals were handled by Igor Vdovin, who had previously played with him in the group “Van Gogh’s Ear.” According to Shnurov, it all started spontaneously and chaotically. The first concerts were given with virtually no preliminary rehearsals. “The most important thing is not the music, not the lyrics, but the presentation,” the musician shared.

Being a generator of ideas, Shnurov relied on scandalousness and shockingness. The lyrics contained obscene language, and real chaos was happening on stage. Often the artists appeared in front of the audience in a drunken state, and the performances were accompanied by the nudity of the musicians. Thanks to their free-thinking, the group gained a whole army of fans, whom they generously presented with new albums.

In 1999, the group released two albums: “Bullet” and “Checkmate without Electricity”. The debut album includes 17 compositions and today is practically the only lyrical album of the group, as it does not contain a large number of profanity, like his subsequent discs. The group's second album differed from the debut in that Shnurov himself became the main vocalist of the group, after the departure of Igor Vdovin, and no electric instruments were used during the recording of this album. The album “Checkmate without Electricity” was included in the list of “85 Best Albums of the USSR.”

This was followed by the album "Dachniki" (2000), and in 2001 the group again released two albums. One of them included the immortal singles “WWW” and “Up in the Air.” The songs were included in rotation on Our Radio.

IN next year Shnurov released his first solo album entitled “Second Magadan”, which is a recording of an imaginary concert in Kolyma, although the recording was made in the studio. Interestingly, this album caused a lot of criticism from listeners. Leningraders expressed the opinion that Shnurov’s parody was even more popular genre– chanson, failed.

Ruble Group

The group owes much of its success to its leader Sergei Shnurov, who held the audience with his ambiguous behavior and memorable lyrics. In 2008, the musician decided to disband the group and create new project"Ruble". According to the musician, new team was supposed to be a counterweight to Leningrad, which stopped developing and turned into a kind of show.

If in “Leningrad” he played bald and drunk, then in “Ruble” he played hairy and sober Shnurov. Indeed, the musician’s fans noted that the performance had become more technical and deep. However, the texts remained provocative and scandalous as before. Thus, YouTube management deleted one of Shnurov’s video clips because he appeared completely naked in it.

Revival of Leningrad

Two years later, the performer announced the reunion of Leningrad. As expected, the group’s first video aroused great interest among fans of Shnurov’s work. Then Sergei shared vocal duties with the spectacular red-haired performer Yulia Kogan. The revived team continued to ridicule the evils of modern society in an elegant way.

Former soloist group "Leningrad" Yulia Kogan

In 2013, Kogan was replaced by Alisa Vox, who stayed with the group until 2016, after which she began to develop as an independent performer. When Vox’s first solo video clip was released, Shnurov commented on it in his own spirit: “they drove the woman away in time.” Today the group has two vocalists: Vasilisa Starshova and Florida Chanturia.

In 2017, in honor of the group’s 20th anniversary, Shnurov organized a large-scale tour with concerts around the world. After the end of the tour, the performer promised to release a children's album.

In addition, Shnurov actively writes soundtracks for Russian films. IN last years special place In creativity, video clips are occupied, the views of which break all records, even being prohibited from rotation on TV. Most famous works: “Road”, “VIP”, “Exhibit”, “Ch.P.H.”, “Ecstasy” and others. Shnurov has also played many roles in films and TV series since 2001.

Personal life of Sergei Shnurov

The personal life of the vocalist of the shocking group requires special attention.

He met his first wife, Maria, while studying at the theological academy. At the age of 20, the young people had a daughter, Seraphim. Shnurov's career and lifestyle were far from ideal, and he was unable to devote himself to his family. After the divorce, he did not pay enough attention to his daughter, for which she once said that “this is not her dad.” However, now there is understanding between father and daughter, they often travel and spend time together.

Sergei Shnurov with his daughter Serafima

He met his second wife Svetlana Kostitsina a few years later. At that time, she was the director of the Pepsi group and contributed to the development of Leningrad by obtaining permission for the group to perform in Moscow. In 2000, the couple had a son, Apollo. Despite the fact that after some time the marriage broke up, Shnurov continues to communicate with his son.

After that, he had a long-term relationship with actress Oksana Akinshina, whom they met on the set of films. The girl was under 18 at that time, which gave rise to a storm of criticism and scandals. This romance lasted 5 years, after which the couple broke up.

In 2007, Shnurov met journalist Elena “Matilda” Mozgova. The young people met in 2007, when their mutual friend brought 20-year-old Elena to a concert of the Leningrad group. Shnurov himself said that in childhood one of his favorites female images there was a girl from the painting “The Swan Princess” by Mikhail Vrubel, and Matilda reminded him of this image, and the relationship then developed on its own.

Despite this, the relationship between the spouses can hardly be called romantic. Shnurov proposed marriage in the kitchen while he was looking for sausage in the refrigerator, saying: “Let’s get married.” The musician explained in an interview: “Surely Matilda lacks the so-called romance, but I cannot give what I don’t have.” In 2010, Elena and Sergei got married and registered their relationship.

With the help of her husband, Matilda opened a restaurant in St. Petersburg, the management of which she completely took over. After this, independently of her husband, Matilda opened the Isadora ballet studio. In her opinion, there are vocational schools in the city, but no amateur ones, although there is demand.

Having received the “Person of the Year” award according to GQ magazine, the musician posted a photo with Matilda and wrote: “I received my most important prize when I met you.”

Indeed, over the 10 years of their relationship, Sergei began to not only look good, but became a “style icon.”

According to Matilda, Sergei has an absolute talent for combining things

According to the singer, Matilda is his muse: she goes to the fitness club and talks about the women she sees there. “Matilda, of course, is responsible for communication with the female half of the outside world.” So we should thank her for the songs “Bag” and “Exhibit”.

Divorce of Sergei Shnurov and Matilda

The couple has been together for ten years, and until recently they gave the impression of eternal newlyweds, until in May 2018 it became known about the divorce of Matilda and Shnurov. The news shocked fans star couple. The couple themselves did not comment on the reasons for the divorce, asking journalists not to touch on their personal lives.

However, later Shnurov published a poem on his Instagram in which he seemed to hint at the reasons for the divorce from his muse. Shnurov admitted that there are always a lot of women around him and he cannot remain indifferent to them even in marriage. He added that after a breakup, it always hurts at first, but then it gets better. Previously, he published a poem in which he admitted that he was to blame for what happened, but did not intend to change his behavior.

In 2017, Matilda spoke in her autobiography about her husband’s infidelity. According to her, Sergei begged her for forgiveness for a long time, and she accepted him. However, the union did not last long, and the couple decided to divorce.

They were together for more than ten years, and five of them were legally married. It's hard to believe that this beautiful couple is getting a divorce.

The other day, Sergei Shnurov announced his divorce from his wife on his Instagram:

“With great regret, but with love and gratitude to each other, preventing all kinds of speculation and rumors, Matilda and I announce that we have decided to divorce. We request all media not to violate our personal space. Thank you".

the site pulled up the archives, studied Instagram and re-read all the most candid interviews star family to remember how it all began.

Cord loves the trinity

2016: Matilda + Sergey = love

Matilda - the third wife is scandalous famous musician and a swearer. Shnur met his first wife, Maria Ismagilova, while studying at the religious and philosophical institute at the Theological Academy. In 1993, the couple had a daughter, Seraphim. But this marriage did not last long.

In his second marriage, with Svetlana Kostitsyna, Sergei had a son, Apollo, in 2000. But Shnurov did not stay in this family either. Actress Oksana Akinshina had a hand in the discord in the family.

2005: with the young and tremulous Oksana Akinshina, the Cord never reached the registry office

The fatal acquaintance occurred during the filming of the film “Games of Moths,” when Akinshina was not even 16 years old. But, after living together for several years, the musician and actress never made it to the registry office.

And then a girl from Voronezh, Elena Mozgovaya, appeared...

2007: everything is just beginning. One of the first photographs of the future spouses

Yes, yes, exactly Elena, because that was Matilda’s name on the birth certificate. Before meeting the leader of “Leningrad”, Elena managed to be in a relationship with the leader of the Voronezh group “7B” Ivan Demyan, photographer Dmitry Mikheev and even, according to rumors, met with actor Evgeny Tsyganov. By the way, it was Dmitry Mikheev who came up with a very original name for his adored passion at that time. And then, as they say, everything grew together. It has been listed in her passport for several years now.

Vrubel is “to blame” for everything

Or rather, his famous painting “The Swan Princess”. Even in his youth, the future leader of the Leningrad group, by his own admission, the beauty depicted in the picture aroused childish interest. And then he meets the beauty from the picture in real life. How can you stand here?!

Matilda and the Swan Princess from Vrubel's painting

A mutual friend acted as the pimp. This young lady lived in New York, for some business she flew to Moscow and took a friend with her to one event.

“She came in, I was stunned. He asked: “Eh! What’s your name?” She answered: "Matilda." I said, “Go crazy,” recalls his first meeting with Matilda Shnurov. Despite all the changes, the musician never left obscenity in his vocabulary. But carrot love, it seems, happened at first sight.

The first date ended in bed

Are you still struggling with the question: is sex acceptable on the first date? Then the experience of Matilda and Shnurov will definitely be useful to you. By at least, both claim that everything came to bed on the very first day of their acquaintance.

On the same day when Shnur first saw Matilda, the couple was walking along Durasovsky Lane in Moscow at night. Seeing the hotel sign, Shnurov immediately invited his companion to look there for a glimpse. Matilda pretended to be a fool, saying, why? Shnurov answered as is. Matilda, at that time no longer a resident of Voronezh, but a freshly minted Muscovite, did not refuse such a tempting offer. She, of course, did not think that in the future she would have to exchange prestigious and desirable Moscow for life in a cultural, but still second capital.

However, there was still one romantic date. In any case, Shnurov and Matilda prefer to consider him as such. Having left for St. Petersburg to think about the eternal topic of “how to live further,” Sergei disappeared from Matilda’s life for a week. No calls, no SMS, no emails e-mail. (Social networks at that time, consider that it never happened!) But one fine day, or rather early morning, a phone call rang in Matilda’s apartment: “I’m in Vnukovo. Get me out of here."

“I rushed there happy. Vnukovo, January 2 or 3, a completely empty hall, the only working cafe with plastic tables and chairs, and in the very corner sits Sergei - with such a head, a bottle of champagne and a glass. And I realized: for me... something special has begun in my life. This blue head with champagne is mine. In general, it was very romantic,” married Matilda later shared with reporters.

In the registry office from the refrigerator

The marriage proposal also cannot be called cute. Sergei was looking for sausage in the refrigerator, but could not find it, Matilda helped him. And he made an offer during this search. “Of course, it’s time,” she answered without a moment’s doubt.

Photo: Lyubov Popova/Antennas – Telesem archive

The newlyweds arrived at the famous St. Petersburg Wedding Palace on the Promenade des Anglais (this is where Alla Pugacheva and Philip Kirkorov got married) in a black Subaru 10 minutes before registration.

The bride was, as expected, in white. Many were surprised by the modest cut of the dress: no lace inserts or, God forbid, ruffles. The groom was a match: White shirt and steel gray trousers, plus very striking black and white oxford boots.

Among the few guests were sports commentator Vasily Utkin, Finnish actor Willi Haapsalo and his then-girlfriend, actress Tina Barclay.

Opera director Vasily Barkhatov became a witness at the wedding. Two years earlier, he staged the opera “Benvenuto Cellini” with Shnurov in the title role at the world-famous Mariinsky Theater. The respectable public was in a state of shock; Shnur did not have a long romance with the theater, but Sergei remained on friendly terms with Barkhatov.

Manhood as a gift

The wedding “sang and danced” on the outskirts of the Russian Museum. In the premises of the former public toilet, where at that time, and even now, the Park Giuseppe restaurant, quite decent by St. Petersburg standards, is located. Shnur with his wife and guests treated themselves to melon with Parma ham, Piedmontese beef and Caesar salad with king prawns. Matilda drank champagne, Sergei drank a Mojito cocktail.

There were more than enough hints about replenishing the family. At some point, Shnur even picked up a baby - Vasily Barkhatov came to the wedding with his wife and newborn son. With the child in his arms, Shnur began posing for photographers invited to the celebration - for wedding album. They hinted at an imminent addition to the family and gifts. Friends presented the newlyweds with... a huge bright pink bouquet in the shape of a man's dignity. But for some reason the Shnurovs still have no children. Although for the sake of her family and husband, Matilda sacrificed a lot.

You may be surprised, but for the sake of Cord, Matilda gave up... scientific activity. After moving to St. Petersburg, she entered the Technological Institute. Genetic engineering, physics, different types chemistry, in the last year - work in a scientific laboratory.

“We went to bed in the morning, and a few hours later we had to get up and go to college. But I felt happy, because my life was more than eventful,” Matilda recalls that period.

But at some point she realized that life with Shnur and exams in colloid chemistry were quite difficult to combine. And she decided to completely immerse herself in her husband and the family business growing before her eyes.

At first, Matilda helped Sergei at the Blue Pushkin bar, where he was a co-owner, then, having met the brilliant chef Igor Grishechkin, she set her sights on opening her own restaurant, CoCoCo. Having become a gastronomic landmark in St. Petersburg, the restaurant recently closed, but only to open at a new, even more prestigious address.

Matilda also opened the Isadora ballet school in St. Petersburg, and absolutely solely for the sake of her own fantasies and ambitions, her star husband I didn’t even touch on this story.

Hat vs sweatpants

Changes in appearance Everyone has noticed Shnurov in recent years. No stretched sweatpants or old T-shirts! Now Shnur wears elegant coats, hats and suits, because Matilda has become her husband’s personal stylist.

Sergey Vladimirovich Shnurov (Shnur). Born on April 13, 1973 in Leningrad. Russian rock musician, actor, TV presenter, artist and composer, leader of the Leningrad and Ruble groups.

Sergey Shnurov Born on April 13, 1973 in Leningrad. Parents - simple people, not related to show business.

In primary school he studied well, was an obedient boy and showed no hooligan tendencies.

But as a teenager, Seryozha began to skip classes and get into conflicts with teachers. Obscene expressions often came out of his mouth and his parents sometimes had to blush for him.

Later, when he realized himself as a musician who widely used obscene language, his mother also felt embarrassed for her son and sometimes reproached him for his too provocative style. To which he replied: “Mom, make your own group. And go ahead. And then you can swear, you can without swearing, as you want.”

At school he had the nickname “Shurik” - obviously, he had some resemblance to the hero of the famous comedies of Leonid Gaidai, popular at that time.

He was fond of the songs of Vladimir Vysotsky, loved the groups “Kino” and “Secret”, among foreign ones he preferred Led Zeppelin and the Rolling Stones.

The family lived modestly. The Shnurovs did not have money for expensive clothes and food. To help his parents a little, he went to work - sweeping the streets and delivering advertising leaflets.

By the way, Shnurov showed his parents to the public only on his 40th birthday, posting joint photo with them on your Instagram.

Sergei says that he did not dream of fame and did not consider music his calling. WITH early childhood was preparing to become a diplomat, and, according to him, it was about chewing gum - diplomats could travel abroad and buy it there as much as they wanted.

After graduating from school, he studied at the Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute, the restoration “putyag”, the religious and philosophical institute at the Theological Academy, specializing in theology, and served as a restorer of works made of wood of the 4th category.

He worked as a loader, a watchman in a kindergarten, a glazier, a blacksmith, a carpenter, a designer in an advertising agency, an assistant on the set of video clips, and a promotion director at the Modern radio station.

In 1991, Shnurov changed his occupation and became a musician, although in the eighth grade he began to get involved in rock music. I started with the Alkorepitsa project, it was the first Russian hardcore rap project.

Then there was the team electronic music called "Van Gogh's Ear".

In addition, Sergei Shnurov released solo albums.

Performs songs in the genres of garage rock, ska, punk rock. He uses profanity throughout his songs. At a concert in Nuremberg he went on stage naked.

"Leningrad" - "Dorozhnaya"

Sergei Shnurov also performed naked at the end of a performance with the Ruble group at the Kubana festival in August 2010 and at the Leningrad group’s concerts in Moscow on June 5 and 6, 2014, at the capital’s Izvestia Hall club.

Shnurov was also the host of the television programs “Shnur Around the World” (NTV, 2006), “Leningrad Front” (Channel Five, 2008), “Trench Life” (NTV, 2008), “History Russian show business"(STS, 2010).

Sergey Shnurov is also an artist. He paints paintings that he presents on art exhibitions. According to Shnurov, the style of his paintings is a style he himself invented, “brand realism.”

Shnurov acted in films many times.

He shows himself fruitfully as a composer. He writes music for films, composes songs for the groups Leningrad and Ruble. Thus, the music for the movie “Boomer” brought him fame in cinema.

Sergey Shnurov - “Love and Pain”

In 2003, he recorded the album Huinya with the famous musical trio from London The Tiger Lillies.

In 2007 he played main role in the opera “Benvenuto Cellini” at the Mariinsky Theater directed by Vasily Barkhatov.

Shnurov is interested in dubbing audio books, cartoon and film characters, etc.

In September 2010, Shnurov released a video ridiculing musicians - defenders of the Khimki forest. The hero of the song claims that their activity is caused by the desire to increase ticket sales.

He was repeatedly nominated for the TOP 50. Most famous people Petersburg" and in 2009 won the award as the most famous Petersburger in the "Music" category.

It is distinguished by its unique socio-political position. He stated that he denied the existence of civil society in Russia, and supported Mikhail Khodorkovsky when he was in prison.

In February 2013, in response to a question from The New Times magazine, he spoke words of support towards homosexuals.

On March 19, 2015, he proposed to ban the sale of alcohol and drugs to persons without higher education.

He says that he does not support either side in the conflict in Ukraine.

“Leningrad” - “Elections! Elections! Candidates -...”

In January 2016, Sergei Shnurov and the Leningrad group presented. The composition became the absolute leader in views on the Internet among all clips. Russian performers. In just two weeks the number of views exceeded 30 million.

"Leningrad" - "Exhibit"

Also in 2016, the Leningrad group released other scandalous compositions, for which they recorded videos - and.

Since September 2016, he became the host of the show “About Love” on Channel One, paired with. The program is dedicated to family problems.

In 2016, the musician was recognized as “Person of the Year” by the Russian version of GQ magazine.

In 2017, Leningrad presented a video for the composition, the video was directed by Ilya Naishuller, with whom Shnurov collaborated while working on the film Hardcore.

Sergei Shnurov's height: 177 centimeters.

Personal life of Sergei Shnurov:

First wife - Maria Ismagilova. He met her at the faculty of the Theological Academy, fell in love and asked the girl to marry him. At the age of 20, he became a father, Maria gave birth to his daughter Seraphim (1993) - now she is studying at the Faculty of Philosophy of St. Petersburg State University).

Relations with his first wife went wrong after the appearance of the Leningrad group. Maria did not like the rebellious style of the group, obscene songs and eccentric behavior of its members. The family broke up. According to rumors, Maria completely protected Sima from her father’s influence for some time and did not allow them to see each other.

Second wife - Svetlana Kostitsyna, former director Pep-C group.

She contributed greatly to the success of Leningrad in Moscow. Svetlana became the group's manager, and she managed the almost impossible - to organize concerts of the scandalous group in the Russian capital, where Shnurov was forbidden to perform by the city mayor himself.

In 2000, the couple had a son, Apollo (named after the poet Apollo Grigoriev).

The marriage to Svetlana was short-lived and lasted only a couple of years. They separated when the musician got carried away Oksana Akinshina.

For several years, Shnurov cohabited with an actress who was only 15 years old at the start of their relationship.

Sergey Shnurov and Oksana Akinshina

Shnur’s passionate affair with Oksana Akinshina excited the social circle for a long time, but did not lead to an official marriage. Sergei met her complete opposite - Matilda. They were introduced by a mutual friend from New York, and the musician’s first reaction was genuine surprise when the girl said her name. Although Matilda is the name she was given in creative circles, in fact, the girl's name is Elena.

At a fairly young age, she left her native Voronezh to conquer Moscow, became interested in ballet in the capital, entered college and managed to meet famous media personalities.

In 2010, Shnurov married for the third time to Elena Mozgova (Matilda).

Sergey Shnurov and Matilda

Interesting Facts about Sergei Shnurov and Matilda:

♦ Shnur and Matilda were introduced by a mutual friend who flew to Moscow from the USA for a couple of days.

The couple's first meeting lasted only five minutes, but it became fateful. According to Matilda, it was like in a movie - they immediately started talking to each other, and at that time the light bulbs around them went out and came on, everything sparkled. Sergei described this meeting in an interview with Elle magazine as follows: “She came in, I was stunned. He asked: “Eh! What is your name?" She replied: "Matilda." I said, "Holy shit."

♦ Matilda gave up science for the sake of Shnur.

This meeting changed the lives of both. Sergei, who already had two marriages, took his wife to church for the first time. Matilda gave up her scientific career and left the biochemical laboratory. As the girl explained, it got in the way family life. Now Matilda is a famous restaurateur, the owner of a ballet school, but first of all, a wife.

♦ They didn’t have dates! Their second meeting took place at a concert of the Leningrad group. After the performance, Sergei asked Matilda: “Where do you live? Let's go to you." According to the girl, she decided to “make something of herself” and asked the musician why. "What do you mean why? F... sya! ”, - Cord answered her. “After that, the topic of dating was closed forever. I no longer expected romantic dates from this man,” said Matilda.

♦ There is “a lot of wildlife” in their relationship.

Shnur believes that there is a lot of romance in their relationship. “Our whole life is pure romance. Let’s say I walk around the apartment naked. It's practically life with a monkey - sometimes I make strange sounds, and not just with my mouth, so there's a lot of romance, of course. There is a lot of wildlife, like Kipling,” he told reporters.

♦ In marriage, Shnur stopped being selfish.

According to Shnur, in marriage he stopped being selfish and began to think about the comfort of other people. The musician now drinks much less, rides a bicycle and spends his evenings not in taverns, but in a love “nest” near the Fontanka. The couple bought an apartment with a fireplace and antique door handles, and they go on vacation to London and New York.

♦ Matilda turned Shnur into a “style icon.”

A new style musician - another merit of Matilda. She completely changed her husband's clothes. No stretchy sweatpants or greasy T-shirts! Now Shnur wears elegant coats, hats and suits. But judging by some photos from Instagram, punctures sometimes happen - the cord does not give up easily!

♦ The musician’s songs are inspired by his wife’s stories about her friends.

At Shnur and Matilda a big difference aged. When they met, he was over 30, she was 20. For ten years life together wife became for Shnur faithful ally. He calls her a muse and says that Matilda is responsible for his connection with the female half of the outside world. The musician came up with some of his songs after his wife’s stories about her friends and her ladies’ concerns.

Maybe the scandalous hit “Exhibit” too?

♦ Matilda considers her husband very smart, but strict.

IN free time the couple loves to travel and visit museums. Both are fond of art and understand philosophy and theology. Similarity of interests is one of the elements of the foundation on which their marriage is built. Matilda considers Shnur very well read and thinking person. And the harshness that is characteristic of him is justified by his strict character. “Shnurov is a man of fantastic erudition, and if someone is talking nonsense, he will react, and in a harsh manner. He’s not a snob, he’s not evil, he’s just strict,” the girl said in an interview with reporters.

♦ Shnur eats everything with ketchup and is indifferent to money.

In everyday life, Sergei is unpretentious. However, according to his wife, he eats everything with ketchup and has never had a driver's license. Matilda has to carry him herself. According to her, she and Sergei are indifferent to money, but not indifferent to what they can buy with it. “This man buys everything he likes - even three pairs of identical shoes. Then he takes something out of the closet without looking, puts it on - and he is a style icon,” Matilda shared with the media.

In May 2018, refusing to name the reasons for such a step.

October 20, 2018. They signed at the Wedding Palace No. 1 on the English Embankment in St. Petersburg. The ceremony took place quietly in a small circle.

Discography of Sergei Shnurov:


1999 - Bullet
1999 - Checkmate without electricity
2000 - Summer residents
2001 - Made in ass
2001 - Bullet +
2002 - Pirates of the XXI century
2002 - Point
2003 - For millions
2004 - Babarobot
2005 - Huinya (with The Tiger Lillies)
2005 - Bread
2006 - Indian Summer
2007 - Aurora
2011 - Henna
2011 - Eternal Flame
2012 - Fish
2012 - Evening Leningrad
2014 - Minced meat
2014 - The beach is ours
2018 - All sorts of things

He also released solo albums: 2003 - Second Magadan..., 2012 - Buttercup.

Singles by Sergei Shnurov:


2000 - New Year
2013 - I’m crying
2013 - Native
2013 - Suhodrochka
2013 - Bag
2013 - Integral
2013 - Tsunami
2014 - Ueban
2014 - 37th
2014 - My dicks
2014 - Dress
2014 - Winnie the Pooh and that's all, that's all
2014 - Back to school soon
2015 - Like
2015 - Amazing
2015 - Karasik
2015 - Bomb
2015 - Vacation pay
2015 - Patriot
2015 - VIP
2015 - Red currant
2015 - Prayer
2015 - Healthy lifestyle
2015 - Most Favorite
2016 - Exhibit
2016 - In St. Petersburg - drink
2016 - C Good morning, kids!
2016 - Tits
2016 - Sobchak Glasses
2016 - Monkey and Eagle
2016 - Let's start celebrating!
2017 - Kolschik
2017 - Ecstasy
2017 - Ch.P.H.
2017 - Candidate
2017 - Voyage
2018 - Not Paris
2018 - At Zenit
2018 - Zhu-zhu (with the participation of Gluk’oZa and ST)
2018 - Fuss in the mud
2018 - I think
2018 - I don’t want to be a Muscovite
2018 - Tsoi

Filmography of Sergei Shnurov:

2001 - NLS Agency - electrician-musician
2002 - Kopek - nervous drunk
2002 - Binge Theory - Fairy Traffic Cop
2003 - Moth Games - John
2004 - 4 - Volodya
2005 - Day Watch- guest (episode)
2007 - Election Day - leader of the punk rock group “Nonnormals”
2007 - 2-Assa-2 - Cord
2008 - Europe-Asia - Innocent
2010 - Happy Ending - Leo
2010 - Elephant - Zarezin
2010 - Truce - Genka Sobakin
2010 - It doesn’t hurt a wrestler - Klim
2011 - Star Wars - Brain
2011 - Generation P - Gireev
2011 - Bullet Collector - Man in the Park
2011 - Prison - the main character
2011 - MF Ronal-Barbarian - Gura Zul
2012 - Baby - Konstantin Podolsky
2012 - Until the night do us part - restaurant visitor
2013 - Khmurov - Danilov, lead singer of a musical group
2014 - Gena Beton - Lazarevsky
2014 - 8 new dates - Cord
2015 - Decent people - prisoner Igor Semchenko
2016 - Hardcore - head of parking security
2017 - Fizruk Cord
2018 - - Anya's father

Music by Sergei Shnurov for films:

2001 - NLS Agency
2002 - The Binge Theory
2002 - Kopeyka - Song “Kopeyka”
2003 - Boomer
2003 - Moth Games
2003 - Koktebel - Song “Roads”
2004 - Personal number
2005 - And everything lit up
2006 - Boomer. Film two
2006 - Streets of Broken Lights. Cops-8 - Song “If That”
2007 - Yarik
2008 - D-Day
2007 - 2-Assa-2
2010 - It doesn’t hurt a wrestler
2010 - Truce
2011 - Generation P
2012 - Baby - Song “Antinarodnaya” (“Kapitoshka”)
2012 - Russian disco
2012 - Kokoko
2014 - BW
2014 - Zaitsev +1 - Song “Money”