Essay on the painting “The First Snow” by I. Popov. Based on the painting by I. Popov “The First Snow” (School essays)

1. Igor Popov and his painting “First Snow”.

2. The plot and composition of the picture.

3. Color scheme of the painting.

Sliding on the morning snow,

Dear friend, let's indulge in running

impatient horse

And we'll visit the empty fields,

The forests, recently so dense,

And the shore, dear to me.

A. S. Pushkin

Silver, lights and sparkles, -

A whole world made of silver!

Birch trees burn in pearls,

Black and naked yesterday...

V. Ya. Bryusov

Igor Aleksandrovich Popov was born in 1927. He is a Russian painter. Popov's work is characterized by poetic landscapes. A number of his paintings are dedicated to the life of small Russian cities.

Popov’s painting “The First Snow” is painted in a laconic manner. There is no variety of colors on it; the predominant tones are yellow, gray and white. But at the same time, a feeling of joy emanates from the picture.

The compositional solution of the picture is as follows. The artist chose a top-down perspective, like looking from a window on one of the upper floors. Viewers see a snow-covered street stretching into the distance and down, framed by low trees and, judging by their appearance, old houses yellowish in color. It is surprisingly justified that this particular angle was chosen. At the same time, the street is clearly visible, and the entire snow-covered world seems to belong to the audience. From this angle, the stripes of footprints on the freshly fallen snow are surprisingly clear and sometimes even symbolic. If you use your imagination, you can see in them schematic image the sun - the way small children draw it. Circle and rays in three directions. The “sunny” mood of the picture is, of course, subjective. But such an assumption is quite acceptable. Why not decide that the artist sought to show the joy of the beginning of winter, to emphasize with traces the purity and pristineness of the first fallen snow?

It is noticeable that the snow fell not so long ago - the snow crust is almost untouched, and only three stripes of footprints cross it out. A central place The paintings are occupied by three figures. People - apparently girls or young girls - came running with different sides through the freshly fallen snow and are now rejoicing in the coming of winter. They spin around, joining their hands and raising them to the gray sky. And under their feet you can see a grayish “ring” of footprints in the white snow.

At a distance, a dog can be seen wandering along a snowy street. Somewhere in the distance there are still people. But thanks central figures Popov's work becomes joyful. The artist surprisingly subtly depicted people’s delight at the freshly fallen, white and fluffy snow. It can be assumed that three girlfriends met in the center of a snowy street.

The street, lined with houses, goes down like a snow-white stripe, probably towards the river. In the background of the picture one can discern high-rise buildings and factory chimneys. The artist probably depicted the old part of the city. The houses here are low, with narrow windows protruding as solid balconies. Trees can be seen on the right of the picture. The leaves have not yet completely fallen from them, and the leaves are green. Maybe, for a long time people were expecting winter, but the weather was warm like autumn. And finally the snow fell, hiding the autumn dirt and fallen leaves under a white blanket, and the city immediately seemed festive.

The day in the painting is cloudy, the sky is gray, but thanks to the snow, a feeling of joy emanates from the canvas.

I would like to dwell in more detail on the color scheme of the painting. As we already mentioned, there are few colors involved - white, gray and yellow. The pinkish-red hats and stockings of the girls stand out as bright spots. The colors are transparent and, in their combination, perfectly convey the frosty and slightly humid air of late autumn - early winter. Yellowish houses refresh the canvas, setting off the snowy whiteness and at the same time serving as a reminder of the sun.

Popov’s work exudes both pure joy and slight sadness. Sadness comes from the emptiness of the street where the friends met, from a lonely wandering dog with sadly drooping ears, from a man standing in a telephone booth. This duality of perception of the picture is fascinating. On the one hand, viewers are delighted by the whiteness of the freshly fallen snow, the cleanliness and frostiness of the street air. On the other hand, this lonely dog...

Igor Popov’s painting “The First Snow” is filled with amazing psychologism. This work obviously reflected the artist’s own attitude to the changing seasons. This is both joy and pleasure - after all, winter brings its own entertainment to children, and light sadness from falling leaves, nature falling asleep for the winter, and the emptiness of the streets.

Igor Popov’s painting “First Snow” is very beautiful and attracts attention for a long time. The first thing that catches your eye is the snow-covered street - and it seems that it is empty. And only then does the eye find three figures of girls enjoying the snow. They are probably spinning in delight at the change in weather, at the onset of winter, and even shower each other with light, weightless snow and flakes. They are happy. It is even possible that the girls imagine how they will soon go on a ski trip. Winter has a lot of joy in store for them, and the heroines of the film feel it.

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Essay based on I. Popov’s painting “First Snow”

I. Popov’s painting “First Snow” depicts a city street. The artist painted her from above. I think at the time of painting he was on the balcony of the house located on the left. There are old yellow houses on both sides of the street. Shoe marks can be seen in the recently fallen snow. Snowflakes, spinning in a slow dance, still fall to the ground. The three girlfriends, whom we see in the center of the canvas, sincerely rejoice at the first snow. They have been waiting for it for so long that now they rejoice at every snowflake that falls from the sky. A small dog is running not far from them, it looks like it is a puppy who has seen snow for the first time. For him this is something special, extraordinary, he does not know what to expect from such an unknown miracle.

The weather is cloudy, the sky is gloomy and heavy. It can be seen that the snow will continue to fall for a long time. Between the two houses located on the canvas on the right, there is a a big tree. It has not yet had time to shed its leaves, because winter has not yet fully come into its own. If you look closely, you will notice that in some places the foliage is even a little green. Very soon there will be no trace of autumn left. Winter will begin, which will bring with it not only snowstorms and cold, but also a lot of entertainment. Children will sled, ski and skate, sculpt snowmen and snowwomen out of snow, play snowballs and simply roll around in the soft fluffy snow.

Adjacent to the house on the right is a telephone booth in which we see a man. Presumably this is a man, I think that now he is sharing the news about the first snow with his family. A little higher we see a balcony on which a man is also standing, he looks out the window and admires the incredible beauty that has reigned in the city.

When painting the picture, Popov used rather muted tones; mainly white, yellow and grey colour. Most of all in the picture white, it is a symbol of purity. The houses in the picture are yellow-gray. Bright colors can only be seen in some elements of the guys’ clothes; this emphasizes their youth, liveliness and emotionality.

When I first saw Popov’s painting “First Snow,” it immediately made me positive emotions. I remembered that I once also felt the most happy man in the world when the first snow fell. I ran outside and tried to sculpt something out of the freshly fallen snow. The boys and I played outside until late, rejoicing at the first snow and the onset of winter. This picture made me remember my early childhood and gave me the kindest and warmest feelings.

Along with the article “Essay on Popov’s painting “First Snow”, 7th grade” read:

Lesson objectives:


  • developing the ability to keep diary entries, compose statements such as descriptions of nature based on works of painting;


  • teach to look and see beauty in the ordinary;

feel and perceive, convey your feelings, emotions, moods using words;

language means

  • , characteristic of the description text.
  • Methodological support for the lesson: computer, projector,”,
  • disc “World
  • Fiction

reproductions of paintings: I.I. Shishkin “Winter”, V.D.

Polenov “Early snow”, A.A. Plastov “First Snow”, I. Popov “First Snow”,
collections of poems about nature.
And suddenly it became white and white.

The earth became silent and humbled.

The charm has passed.

It snowed. A miracle happened. I. Kravchenko During the classes

Stage 1 of the lesson.

For home, you were given the task of choosing poems about the first snow. Please introduce us to your findings. So, which of the Russian poets addressed this topic?

(Poems about the first snow are heard: A.S. Pushkin. Excerpt from the novel “Eugene Onegin”, E. Baratynsky “First Snow”, V. Sokolov “First Frost”, N. Rubtsov “First Snow”, V. Bryusov “First snow”, I. Nikitin “Meeting Winter”, I. Kravchenko “What a strange time”, N. Morova “The Universe woke up with snow”, etc.)

Teacher: In addition to poets, artists also addressed the theme of the first snow.

The next stage of our lesson is an introduction to the paintings of the great Russian landscape painters I.I. Shishkin “Winter” and V.D. Polenova “Early snow”. Let's take a closer look at these two paintings. How is nature depicted in these paintings?

(pictures from the disc “World Fiction” are displayed on the screen)

Student: The painting by V.D. Polenov depicts the first snow. This is evident not only from its name, but also from what is depicted on it.

The snow fell suddenly, early, the trees and bushes had not yet had time to shed their leaves. The river did not have time to freeze, because there were no severe frosts yet. And the water in the river seems warm compared to the snow that covers its banks. The day is cloudy, but light from the snow. A mood of peace and tranquility comes from the painting.

Teacher: What can you say about I.I. Shishkin’s painting “Winter”? What do these two paintings have in common?

Student: Shishkin’s painting is called “Winter”. The artist probably depicted not the first snow. We can say that nature has plunged into deep dream. What the painting by V.D. Polenov has in common is the mood: here too there is a feeling of peace and tranquility.

Teacher: Pay attention to the following pictures. They were written in the second half of the 20th century. This is a painting by A.A. Plastov “First Snow” and I. Popov’s painting “First Snow”. What do they have in common?

Students: They are dedicated to the first snow.

Teacher: How can this be seen?

Student: First of all, from the names of the paintings. The authors themselves point this out to us. “First Snow” is the title of both paintings. And also from what is depicted on them.

Teacher: How do the paintings of Polenov and Shishkin differ from the paintings of Plastov and Popov?

Student: Polenov and Shishkin depict a winter landscape, only nature, while Plastov and Popov also have people.

Teacher: Why do you think artists needed to depict people in their paintings?

Student: This was required in order to convey the feelings, emotions, and mood of people at the sight of the first snow, the first snowfall. Teacher: And what are these feelings? What's your mood?

Student: In the painting by A.A. Plastova we see the first snowfall. Light snowflakes swirl in the air and fall to the ground, covering it with the first fluffy snow. Children running out onto the porch watch the snowfall. The girl was so happy about the snow that she ran out into the street without dressing, just throwing a scarf over her head. And the boy froze in place, raising his head to the sky, watching the snowflakes falling to the ground. And on the children’s faces there is amazement, joy, delight. And I. Popov’s painting also captures the expression of joy and delight at the sight of the first snow. His heroines express their joy associated with the first snowfall with even greater force. They express their feelings very violently: they run, jump, holding hands, catching snowflakes, raising their heads to the sky.

Teacher: What follows from everything you have said?

Student: The first snow is a unique natural phenomenon. They've been waiting for him for a long time. And now, after the slushy, gray late autumn a miracle comes to us - the first snow! And that’s why everyone is so happy about it, about the purity, the space that comes with it.

Teacher: Yes you are right. With the arrival of winter, with the first snow, people's mood changes. The first snow is a miracle of nature, it is an earthly beauty that you never tire of admiring, that you never cease to admire. The first snow has an aesthetic effect on a person.

We got acquainted with poems dedicated to the first snow and looked at reproductions of paintings. Let's try to correlate the poetic lines with what is depicted in the paintings.

(students match the poems with the pictures presented)

Teacher: Let's move on to the third stage of our lesson. You are invited to write an essay based on I. Popov’s painting “The First Snow”. Read the task for exercise No. 211 (p. 98).

What's unusual about the task? (Write an essay in the form diary entry).

What is the lexical meaning of the word diary?

Is it ambiguous or unambiguous?

Let's get acquainted with its lexical meaning.

The dictionary entry is displayed on the screen:


1. Records kept from day to day.

2. Student notebook for recording assigned lessons and marks of success.

Teacher: In what meaning will we use the word diary in our essay?

Student: In the first meaning.

Teacher: What do people reflect in their diaries?

Student: In the diary, the diarist not only talks about what happened to him on that day, but also expresses his thoughts in connection with the events of that day, communication with other people, expresses his feelings, describes his feelings, talks about his dreams, hopes, ponders. It is very important.

Teacher: Which of you kept or is keeping a diary? What is it for?

Student: The diary is your interlocutor, whom you can trust with everything.

He is a true friend.

Teacher: Who are you writing for?

Student: For ourselves.

Teacher: So imagine that you woke up in the morning and, going to the window, saw that the first snow had fallen, that snowflakes were swirling in the air, that your street had changed, transformed: it had become wider, brighter, more elegant. It was the first snow.

What feelings did this picture evoke?

What feelings overwhelm you?

Student: Feelings of joy, delight, the desire to laugh loudly, jump, express your feelings very emotionally.

How can you convey your feelings on paper? What should you talk about first? How to express your joy and admiration?

You know about the existence of various means of artistic expression. Name the ones you know.

Student: This is an epithet - colorful definitions, comparisons, personifications, metaphors.

Teacher: Using them in your works, you will be able to convey main idea your composition, your feelings, thoughts, mood.

So, we are proceeding to the next, 4th stage in our work.

Not forgetting that your story is a diary entry, let’s start collecting material, because we need to use a reproduction of I. Popov’s painting in our work.

Let's take a close look at the painting “First Snow”.

What kind of snow can it be?

For convenience in collecting material, we will compile a table.

So, you were given the task of choosing epithets to describe snow and sky. Now we will add them to our table.

Fill out the table drawn on the board.

Teacher:- What could the first snow be like?

Look at the sky, choose phrases that characterize it.

Where does the action take place? What can you say about the houses, about the sidewalk?

Pay attention to the people depicted in the picture. What can you say about their actions? Do you think they are familiar to the author of the picture?

What do the footprints in the yard say?

Who else is shown in the picture? (Girl at the window, man in the phone booth, puppy).

Why are there so many heroes? Who is the young man calling?

What is he telling his interlocutor? What does a girl think about when she looks out the window at the first snow?

Why did the puppy freeze?

How did the artist manage to convey a joyful mood?

Why is it happy? (The first snow is always a holiday).

Teacher: The city is just waking up. What will happen in an hour? During the day?

In the evening? Try to imagine. What would you write in your diary? How many parts can there be in your essay? What type of presentation will you choose? What will you write about first? And then?

To write an essay, you need to make a plan yourself.

(You can give an approximate plan diagram:

Early morning.

Description of what was seen from the window.

The mood caused by the first snow.)

Teacher: Once your plan has been drawn up, you can begin writing a draft of your essay.

Good luck with your work!

Homework: write an essay in the form of a diary entry (exercise 211).

Appendix 1. Table to I. Popov’s painting “First Snow”.

sky snow Houses sidewalk People trees dog
  • cloudy
  • gray
  • low
  • covered with snow clouds
  • white
  • fluffy
  • easy
  • abundant
  • large snowflakes flying in the wind
  • pinkish
  • bluish
  • covered with footprints
  • the roofs of the houses are covered with snow,
  • snow on the windowsills,
  • on window frames,
  • old city courtyard
  • wide,
  • covered in deep snow,
  • littered with footprints
  • three girls on the street,
  • rejoice at the first snow;
  • young man in a telephone booth;
  • girl at the window watching the falling snowflakes
  • old
  • branched with leafless leaves, branches covered with snow
  • frozen
  • puppy seeing snow for the first time

Appendix No. 2. An essay based on I. Popov’s painting “The First Snow” (diary entry) by a student of the 7th “B” class, Peon Veronica.

As soon as I woke up, I immediately ran to the window. I was amazed that our street, sidewalks and pavements, roofs of houses - everything was already covered with snow. And when did he manage to attack like that?

Most likely, it snowed all night. And in the morning the street completely changed. Instead of a dark and cloudy morning, I see a bright and cheerful one. The mood is very joyful! I'm so happy about the first snow! And not just me. The neighbors have already woken up, ran out into the street and are enjoying the first snowball! Even the puppy Phil came skipping after the girls. He came running and suddenly froze: he saw snow for the first time and could understand what it was.

He stands still and carefully watches the snowflakes flying from the sky.

There's a guy talking on the phone in a phone booth. He's probably sharing his good mood, talking about the first snow.

Snow is everywhere: on the roofs of houses, on trees, on window sills. Large, light and fluffy snowflakes keep falling and falling and covering the street. The snow outside makes it very light, it even hurts your eyes. But here's what's interesting: it's not white everywhere. It is sometimes grayish, sometimes pinkish, and near the houses it has a yellowish tint. This is because the reflection of light from the windows falls on him.

How good! How easy and joyful! The first snow is always a small holiday for me.

This morning was bright and joyful. I hope the rest of the day will be the same!

Popov - First snow, 7th grade

This picture is very joyful. Here in the foreground girls are jumping in a round dance. I think these are schoolgirls. One of them has such a funny tail fluttering! It is clear that the girls are very happy about the first snow.

Behind them is a dog, who carefully looks at the ground, that is, at the snow. Maybe this is still a puppy who has never seen snow in his life.

And yet the snow-covered street is still grey-yellow. The houses are yellowish, old, and not very tall. The street is not very wide. In general, it is clear that this is some kind of Small town, not the capital. If the capital, then its distant region. All around you can see rooftops, no forest or park. There is only one old tree here, in the yard - behind the fence.

Even the girls' clothes are quite gray. This is probably why they jump so much, catch snowflakes, that at least something is now so bright and clean. The snow will sparkle in the sun with all its colors. (It’s clear that their coats are not very warm yet. They don’t have hats on their heads, but scarves, and not all of them do. Maybe no one has ever expected such snow... Surprise!)

There are no sun rays in the picture, but it is light – day. Grayish clouds covered the entire sky.

There are still yellow (brown) leaves on the tree. There are almost no tracks in the snow. Only traces of girls and another path on the side.

There we see another man in a telephone booth. Surely, he will tell his interlocutor that snow has fallen, which is beautiful. No one looks out of the windows anymore, no one jumps out into the street. But I don't think anyone cares. It’s just that everyone could be at work... So the street is deserted - windows and fences.

It's still snowing. In the foreground (in the background) yellow wall) large flakes of snow are very clearly visible. If only he could cover up these ugly walls! But no, the picture is just very joyful and very beautiful. It makes you think about the miracle of nature... It’s just that the first snow is such a miracle! Children know this for sure.

In the picture there is a contrast between the city and nature, between everyday life and a holiday.

Essay describing Popov's painting The First Snow

Popov Igor Alexandrovich is a talented Russian painter. His landscapes are dedicated to vanity provincial towns. He tenderly conveys all the magical charm of Russian nature.

An example of his work is the painting “First Snow”. The painting depicts a city street going deep into the painting. Along the street you can see two and three-story houses with balconies from where people can be seen. Maybe they are enjoying the freshness of the first snow that has fallen. Snow lies everywhere on the sidewalk, on the road and on the roofs of houses, hiding the autumn mess. It covered the entire boring city like a huge blanket. And in the telephone booth there is a person who can share news about the onset of winter.

In the foreground, three girls attract attention. They are happy and having fun. Their delight is associated with the long-awaited first snow. They miss fluffy and soft snow so much, because in winter they can play snowballs and go sledding and skiing. Even the dog behind the girls wags its tail playfully. A boy can be seen in the distance. He stands and looks into the sky, watching the light snowflakes swirling over the city. There are practically no footprints in the snow, only girlish ones. It's surprising that there is no traffic on the roadway. Everything is quiet and serene.

The picture does not attract attention with its rich colors. The sky is gray, the houses are a dirty brick color. In the picture there is only one lonely, dejected tree, which also emanates sadness. It still sheds old, ugly foliage. But the white snow transformed the entire gloomy appearance of the street, since white is the color of purity and celebration.

Everyone can feel their participation in the picture, because the author paints the view from the window from the second floor and it seems that we are looking out of the window and seeing everything with our own eyes.

Popov's plan is based on contrast: on the one hand there is a deserted city and sad autumn, and on the other, a snowy winter and the first snow. The first snow symbolizes something new, different emotions. People are so tired of sad, rainy and ordinary autumn days. They are hungry for change, to shake things up a little.

Essay on the painting First Snow by Popov

I admire amazing picture famous painter Igor Aleksandrovich Popov “First Snow”. Exquisite creativity awakens many wonderful feelings in me. The canvas is incredibly beautiful and true! It seems to me that I looked out of the window and saw a real street courtyard.

Sad autumn colors reign in the mysterious nature; winter is just beginning. The sky is heavy and dark, unfallen snow drags the clouds to the ground. If you look carefully, you can see that the snow is not completely white, but with bluish and slightly yellowish hues. It can be seen that snow fell all night while people slept. And now fluffy snowflakes are quietly falling to the ground.

The first snow changed the city fabulously. In white clothes, houses look elegant and festive. The sidewalks were covered with a white blanket of snow and are now completely invisible.

Wagging tracks are slightly noticeable on the surface of the first snow. This is a puppy frolicking on a snowy path. And here is a chain of human traces. They are left from three girls who are enjoying the first snow. But it’s not just the girls who are excited about the snow. Here is a young man standing with a receiver in a telephone booth, perhaps right now he is sharing his joy about the long-awaited first snow. But behind one of the windows, a young girl looks thoughtfully and tenderly at the slowly circling snowflakes. What was she thinking about? This is difficult to know, since the first snow awakens in any person his thoughts, images, feelings and emotions.

For me personally, the first snow is a fabulous gift from Mother Winter. It gives a feeling of joy, fun and celebration. After all, there is ahead New Year, Christmas, holidays, snowball fights, exciting sledding, skiing and skating. Fun snowy days are ahead. And it all begins with the first snow that covered the quiet, cozy courtyard in Igor Popov’s canvas.

    The action of the picture takes place in the summer, as there is green grass in the background and the sun's rays are brightly depicted; if you look closely at the girl's feet, you will notice that there are no socks under the sandals.

  • Essay based on Levitan's painting Fresh Wind. Volga

    Painting “Fresh wind. Volga" was painted by the famous Russian painter I.I. Levitan in 1895. This picture is one of best works artist, despite the fact that its creation was not easy for Levitan.

Probably everyone has their own favorite time of year. First of all, we remember a warm summer or a joyful spring. But in the painting by the famous Russian artist Popov, one of the first days of winter is depicted so brightly and lovingly that you begin to want this cold time to come as soon as possible.

A simple description of the painting “First Snow” by Popov may not interest the viewer, because there is no bright colors or some exotic landscapes. The painting depicts the most ordinary street of a small town. The first snow has just fallen, and it is still falling in large, fluffy flakes. You can see old one-story and two-story houses painted with yellow and gray paint, and a short tree grows near one of them. You can see cozy semicircular balconies. Life here is probably very calm and measured. This is clear from the fact that we don’t see any traces on the freshly fallen snow on the road - almost no one has passed here since the morning. Only three girl friends ran out of a nearby house and, holding hands, were spinning on the deserted street.

I think that Popov found a good color scheme for his painting, because the muted gray-white-yellow tones convey a feeling of peace and immutability of life on the city outskirts. In addition, such colors allow the viewer to focus on the main element of the picture. These are the figures of three girls who are in the background white snow They look like a bright spot that attracts attention. Their pinkish hats and stockings provide additional color contrast.

Who are these girls? We know nothing about them, but we can see their sincere joy. They didn’t even have time to dress for winter, they were in such a hurry to jump out into the street to the snowy miracle. The light white dress of the girl on the left flutters as she dances, and she herself resembles a flying snowflake. You look at them and immediately remember how many good things winter brings with it. Playing snowballs, ice skating and sledding, and most importantly - fabulous new year holidays. This time will definitely not be boring! And the dancing girls, twirling in a round dance, seem to be bringing this holiday closer.
It was also fun for the dog, who ran out after his owner. She stands a little away from the girls and watches them carefully. So far she has not decided to join them fun game, but there is no doubt that in a few minutes her friends will pay attention to her. Then the quiet street will be filled with cheerful dog barking and ringing laughter. In the meantime, the snow silently falls on the houses, on the tree and on the girls, covering everyone equally in a fluffy winter cover.

The angle chosen by the artist for his painting looks very interesting. The viewer looks at the street as if from above, from the window of one of the houses. From here the street is visible as if in the palm of your hand; it lies before your eyes like a blank sheet of paper that has not yet been written on. And if you look at the snow longer, you can see those passing by, see who will write a new street story on the white sheets. This awakens imagination and makes it possible to imagine yourself as an observer from a window. What kind of room could there be in a house on such a quiet street?

How is it furnished, does it have antique furniture and any things that immediately make the house cozy, like in a fairy tale? Maybe this is another friend of these girls looking out of the window, only to run downstairs to them in a minute? Or is it their kind grandmother looking at the pranksters - are they still cold, is it time to call them to drink tea and warm up?

This is the kind of fairy tale you might come up with while you are writing an essay based on the painting “The First Snow” by Popov. And, I think, this is the main indicator that the artist was successful in the painting, since when looking at it the imagination awakens.

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