Contents of the heading "parables and philosophical tales". Fausts and girls. Let's be like Gods

This book is for those thinking about life. For those who value Life, its play and sparkle above frozen rules and dogmas, who believe that you can live fun and meaningfully. What is this book about? About morality. About freedom. About liberation from fears and the possibility of happiness, about choosing the position of the Author even where everyone habitually chooses to be a Victim. This book was written by a Practitioner who knows that there is nothing more practical than philosophy - naturally, correct philosophy. The author does not claim to own the Truth - in his opinion, owning the Truth is immoral. He is friends with Truth - and she seems to reciprocate his feelings. The book is written in the form of Fairy Tales, that is, free living stories, where the scenery turns out to be Eternal themes: Man, Goodness, Freedom, Religion, Art, and the reader settles among characters: Morals of Decency Like the Evangelists, head. the spiritual office of Saint Vera Ivanovna, the Dragon - and observes what these Heroes do with a person and what a person can do with them. This book is for those who allow themselves to see Happiness not as a difficult goal that must be achieved, but as natural and required condition life is like washing your face in the morning. This book is for those who choose to love themselves and people, and celebrate their lives.

A tale about the meaning and price of life

The troubles of those who escaped safely

Every time should be busy.

Law of life

The only thing that saves a person from realizing that life is meaningless is that he doesn’t think about it. Some people are so lucky that they don’t even understand this problem. But for those who understand and think, life is worse. The feeling of the meaninglessness of existence is sad, it drags and torments. And against this background we live and try to be happy...

As you know, a problem can be dealt with in two ways: either solve it, or run away from it. So it is here - someone is looking for the meaning of life, and someone is running away from the experience of its meaninglessness, time after time finding a way to distract themselves from the emptiness of their life and create the illusion of its fullness. And there seems to be no pain...

The simplest escape is immersion in Work or Worries. Longing for the meaning of life is longing, neurosis, the same as longing for a loved one, homeland or chocolates. A the best remedy from sadness - to be busy. It is known: those who are overwhelmed by work, or those who simply need to survive, do not suffer from the problem of the meaning of life; they have neither the time nor the energy for this.

One of my friends is definitely not in the mood for these questions right now - she has a infant and there has been no hot water for four months now.

But not everyone is so lucky, and life needs to be filled with something. Someone overloads himself with work at work - a completely acceptable solution, all that remains is the neurosis of the emptiness of the weekend. Outside of work, you can get a dog.

Or children. IN in this case it makes no difference: both create a lot of trouble and take up a lot of time.

The second way of escape is no less popular: escape - immersion in Entertainment. Entertainment is filling your life with experiential events, no matter whether they are light or scary, the main thing is that they are sharper and more intense. TV, alcohol, visiting exhibitions, riding a carousel, love experiences, books, fights, conversations - all this gives fullness to life, or rather, a feeling of fullness. There is no meaning in life, but life is full.

This is how a person lives: where is the dispute? - runs. Whom to scold? - runs. Who should I be offended by? - in a hurry. We quarreled, got offended, had a lot of trouble - and so a rich, eventful day passed.

About those entering the Great Service

Anyone who has a WHY to live can endure any HOW.


Those who want to live truly meaningfully take the path of service. They essentially have no other choice. The fact is that the search for the Meaning of Life is not so much an everyday problem as a philological one: according to the rules of the Russian language, “meaning” only has something that serves Something Higher.

Let me dwell on this specifically. A person lives through language and through it; there is no way to break through it into the world. And in language, “meaningful” is contrasted with “meaningless” as something “serving something Important-Higher” or “not serving.”

Check: what is the MEANING of the rules? They provide ORDER as something Supreme. And if they DO NOT SERVE ORDER, they are MEANINGLESS. What is the MEANING of Order? He helps live (SERVES) PEOPLE. And if it does not help, does not serve, or serves Stupidity, and not the Highest - PEOPLE, then order is MEANINGLESS.

Therefore, simply according to the rules of the Russian language, someone’s life turns out to be meaningful only when a person devotes himself to service, when his life realizes some Unconditional Values. The values ​​that he places above himself, above his life.

If you have accepted that Something is a Worthy Value and serve It – that’s it, the problem is solved, your life is meaningful. Having accepted and realized Value, I now know where (that is, Why) to live, and I have the strength and energy for this.

Values ​​are batteries, and the problem of meaning is primarily a problem of Energy, it is the search for sources of recharging. But it doesn’t matter what specific Values ​​are, therefore it is stupid and pointless to elevate some Values ​​and belittle others. Any Value is good if it provides energy. And you can find many Values ​​in life - different energy reserves and different levels.

Everyday Values ​​(feed your husband, go to the store, mend your socks) make you meaningful. daily life and small matters.

Everything will be fine as long as and if these values ​​are recognized by the owner and those around her.

For years, a person’s self-esteem is supported and his personal, cultural Values ​​give him the strength to live: for example, realizing oneself as a Man and a Woman.

For this reason, men improve their figure, earn money and seduce women; For this reason, women emphasize their figure, tame men and give birth to children.

In addition, human life is illuminated by universal (Supreme) Values ​​- such as Creativity, God, People... Or Love, Truth, Money, Power, Beauty, Law, Traditions, Business,

Entertainment, Self, Loved Ones - everyone has their own, because these values ​​are found by everyone in a strictly individual search.

True, as a rule, from a list already approved by culture.

From childhood, it is purposefully instilled that these Values ​​(some of them, in accordance with local traditions) are exceptionally worthy and it is a person’s duty to serve them.

Blessed is he who believes, for service requires faith, and the more fanaticism a person has, the less doubt he has about the meaning of life.

What do I think about it

Escape to Work or Entertainment is the first way to get rid of the melancholy of a meaningless existence. The Path of Service is the second path. As a path to finding the meaning of life, it is traditional and deserved, but nevertheless not without its drawbacks: it does not always help out. If suddenly some specific activity does not connect you with your Recognized Value, you are doomed to feel meaningless.

And, unfortunately, sometimes there are too many such specific activities.

And, most importantly, the soul remains sick. You can connect it time after time to external sources, fill it with energy from different Values ​​and even experience the meaningfulness of your activity - but this is only pumping up an initially empty soul. A soul that remains empty - without periodic pumping.

Such a soul is very reminiscent of a leaky bicycle inner tube, which, without periodic pumping, constantly deflates and ceases to serve.

Reflections on the Fence and Beloved

No one has yet really answered: “Why do you need to look for meaning in your life?” They usually answer: “I am looking for the meaning of life so that my life can be meaningful!” To understand that this is not the answer, just listen to what was said and compare it with: “I paint in order to be painted.”

Everything is said here except the main thing: why do you need it to be painted? What if life is not a fence, but a loved one? Will you still paint?

A wonderful meaningless life

I am not satisfied with either the first or second path. I walked the path of service for a long time UNTIL I RECOVERED and thought: what sweetness is it that your life turns out to be meaningful? “Meaning,” I repeat, according to the rules of the Russian language, has only that which serves Something Higher. But I don’t like being a Servant.

What is the meaning of my life is the question: “Whom do I serve?” I don’t serve anyone and I don’t have to serve anyone. This is not a question for me. This is a question for a slave or servant, and I am not one. Exclamation: “Ah, his life is meaningless!” - sounds to me the same as: “Oh, poor thing, he lives without a higher organization!”

And I am learning to be happy, living both without Meaning and without Service. And more and more often it seems to me that Life - just Life - is beautiful as it is.

To idle friends

- Lom, do you work somewhere?

- Nope, I'm screwed. I celebrate life.

- Who feeds you?

- And my beloved!

(And the Beloved feeds a small child. And she lives only on her own.)

For everything in life you have to pay. And if you don’t pay, someone else pays for you. And if you are idle, then you burden someone else with work. Usually so.

I allow myself to live without meaning, I allow myself to celebrate my life any way - yes! I am not obliged to seek a Master, and my soul is not tied to the need to take care of anyone and Serve anyone.

It's just a matter of my mental health.

I can mess around, and then I do it with joy. But! But if I can do something Good, I will do it with pleasure, as a free person. And, choosing between a meaningful life and not, between Necessary Work and Idleness, I will always choose the first.

Because this is no longer a question of psychology, but of ethics: that is, what am I going to do with my healthy soul.

...Lomushka, stop messing around! You're nice!

About love, wise men and idiots

But then a sad face stuck out: “Service, Choice... But I have no choice - and I have two more years to do nonsense. Absolutely pointless. I understand everything, by and large I’m always free, but I need Moscow registration, and there’s no getting around it. Here. The melancholy is hopeless. Is this problem solvable?

The problem is solvable, but only on the condition that in your life you need not just a Moscow residence permit, but something more.

You want your life - any life, including those filled with nonsense - to become meaningful. No problem, because since ancient times another path has been well known, a simple and universal path. It allows you to make everything meaningful at all times: washing dishes, standing in line, and riding in a cold train. This is the path of Love. Just love life, which means: pour out your Love on it, and everything in your life will become loved, and everything will gain meaning. If you love everything and always, your life will always and in any situation be meaningful.

Are you shuffling useless pieces of paper in a stupid office and don’t know how to love this stupid activity? - Hmm, interesting. Invite your child here, perhaps he dreams of being allowed to do this. He will arrange each sheet carefully, like a treasure. Maybe you can take an example from your child? And while you meditate in the process of this quiet work, figure out how after work you will please those close people you love. You love them, right? And will you please?

Love makes any activity meaningful, equalizes any deeds and values, puts both a high mission and any nonsense on the same level. Serving humanity turns out to be no more meaningful activity here than, for example, collecting match labels.

Or rather, collecting labels is just as meaningful.

It is through this that Children, Sages and Idiots are equalized. They all like everything, which normal people just can’t understand. Not idiots.

That is, they are not wise men.

It's just a matter of small things - where can you get so much love? For this, it’s scary to say! – your soul must become healthy!

Stay healthy

– I hate thinking about the meaning of life!

- Me too.

There is a great truth in the fact that it is mainly pale intellectuals and other neurotics who suffer from the problem of the meaning of life. True, while they suffer, they are proud of this as a feature of their complex mental organization in general and intense spirituality in particular. But it seems there is nothing special to be proud of here. Because this problem is actually not a problem of spirituality, but of energy. The problem of lack of vitality. Lack - or absence - of the strength to live on.

Being proud of the search for the meaning of life is about the same as being proud of intellectual glasses covering your damaged eyes. Glasses do not speak of strong spirituality, but of weak vision.

When a person’s self is well, when he has good energy and a good head, everything is fine with him and he does not need meaning in life. A healthy soul is filled to the brim with energy, it itself is a source of energy, and the problem of the meaning of life disappears along with the disappearance of spiritual emptiness. A person is cheerful, a person loves, a person cares about his neighbors and cares about those far away - because he wants it, because he loves them. Everyone is happy, the world is beautiful! The meaning of life, like a psychotherapeutic crutch, is needed by those who have no direction and especially lack energy - who need recharge from the outside.

Accordingly, I wish you mental health and the fastest possible deliverance from the need for the meaning of life.

But, by the way, now is the time to briefly return to the past Fairy Tale.

How to get out of your mind

An abyss has opened and is full of stars.

The stars have no number, the abyss has no bottom.

Mystic Lomonosov

Sometimes the problems that people come to me with turn out to be so confused and neglected that I can’t say anything specific. But I always have two universal pieces of advice in my pocket that help almost everyone, always.

And the only thing that turns out to be important is to “sell” these tips at a higher price, so that a person takes them into his soul carefully and seriously. And he started using them.

Unfortunately, I'm selling it to you cheap.

Tip one:"Fine!" No matter what happens, every five minutes tell yourself with an inner smile: “Okay!” Of course, this is stupid: they shout at you, and you say to yourself: “Okay!” Of course, it is wrong to say to yourself “Okay!” when you shout.

But the funny thing is that it helps, and after a while no one wants to scream anymore. Guess the mechanism yourself.

Tip two:“Stop thinking. Live by the sensations."

What am I talking about?

...When I go out onto the porch in the village in the evening, this dark, ringing and dense evening simply falls on me. Rich smells hit my face and nose, crackling, rustling and whistling sounds fly at me from all sides, and both warmth and coolness flow into my whole body...

Trying to somehow grasp this, every time I feel the incomparability of our powers: while my mind is trying to click something through one of its channels, to put every ringing little thing into its own cell, waves of sounds and waves of smells overwhelm all these channels and cells to line, overflowing me and overwhelming me with its riches from any of the four sides and the sky. I'm drowning in this evening.

...However, in the next second I can start Thinking, and then the evening disappears. I'm left with my problems.

Accordingly, you can guess what you need to do to get rid of your problems: just return to your feelings at any moment.


To get out of the hypnosis of the mind and just see a person’s face, just feel your body, just hear sounds and voices - learn to live “here and now”, in the living world of sensations - the greatest and most difficult task. But if suddenly it is resolved - Lord, how good!

Then the world and man become one. Then everything artificial disappears - prohibitions, boredom, melancholy, weakness, the search for the meaning of life... Then the soul is filled with joy, every little thing becomes poignant and delightful.

A simple shower turns out to be an event - this flow of water that affects every cell of your body. Water falls on you, and you absorb its coolness and freshness.

The main thing is to get out of the Mind. And - no problem!

Servant turned enemy

I'm going crazy - or ascending

TO high degree madness?

Bella Akhmadulina

A person whom the Mind refuses to serve is crazy, but a person under the yoke of the Mind is unhappy.

And it doesn’t matter what Mind is strong or weak, bright or bad. A person under the yoke of any mind thinks and does not live.

When the Mind plays the role of a servant, appearing at the right moment and doing the right things, it cannot but be appreciated.

If the Mind is cheerful and spacious, it can even become a Real World in which you can live, breathe and find treasures.

But the Servant, claiming to be the Master, turns into an enemy. He closes the living world from you, he subjugates you to his conventions and troubles, drives you into his cells and frames.

A person who is correct in everything is completely lifeless. And boring.

And what you call the Sparkle or Zest in a person is the focus of his humor, freshness, enthusiasm and unconventionality, it is always a grain of the Living Self. This never comes from the MIND, this splashes from the living and wrong. And it fascinates - that is, it takes away the mind.

However... However, you and I live in a civilization where even the highest madness cannot continue endlessly. Therefore, sooner or later you have to turn on the Mind.

There is no need to drive away the Servant - you just need him to serve and not misbehave. You called - he came and did everything, after which he left.

For collectors of candy wrappers

What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull.

Smart ancients

Unfortunately, the situation becomes different if the Servant understands at least a little, and the Master is fundamentally stupid. Here I would be careful not to leave the Master without a Servant. You have to grow up to everything, and to the right to live without your mind too. You need to become a MASTER.

A master is a person whose inner man grew up and became an adult.

A master can live without a mind - he always has something to live with. A Master can be anyone, and kindness is as optional for him as cruelty is allowed: precisely because he is a great Master, and not a petty villain. The Master can replace Business with a game of beads - the Master can do anything. But what does this have to do with you?

Yes, in a high sense, collecting candy wrappers is no less meaningful than serving humanity, but I will not hide my attitude towards the candy wrapper collectors around me: I don’t like their entertainment.

Most of all, it reminds me of a person who lives in a garbage dump among the ruins and, instead of crawling out of the mud, amuses himself by creatively smearing it around him.

When my kids enthusiastically grab new toys, leaving complete destruction in their wake, I explain to them that they have mixed up the order: first they need to clean everything up, and then have fun. I'm afraid that many supposedly Adults still haven't learned this.

You put things in order in your soul, in your life - and after that, get creative. Palaces don't grow out of shit.

Entertainment is either the luxury of the mentally rich, or the stupidity of the mentally poor. Determine the size of your mental capital and draw the right conclusions.

So that these thoughts don’t just flash through the top of my brain, I’m working on this topic for my guys from the Club in the game “Submarine”. Many people find this game cruel. But I don't think she's tougher than Life.

Chronicle of a Sinking Submarine

Intro: we are the crew of a submarine, and, unfortunately, we are drowning. We had an accident, we are unclear at what depth, and the boat is slowly sinking. There are enough survival suits for everyone to float to the top, but you can go out through the hatch one at a time with an interval of one minute. There are 30 of us, 15 men and 15 girls. This means that those who leave first will almost certainly be saved, and the last will almost certainly die, since the boat will already sink deep. The chance of escape depends ONLY on the ORDER NUMBER of the exit from the hatch. It does not depend on health and physical features man, and weak, but the 10th will be saved sooner than the giant, but the 11th. There is nothing we can do to help each other during the ascent, and no help is needed at the top: there is a rescue boat waiting for those who have surfaced.

Question: There is a gun on the boat. Who would take it and why?

Several people raise their hands: they will take a gun. For what? “Determined girls, it turns out, will take it only in order to hide it and so that no one gets it.” Men are more serious: they will use weapons to control order so that there is no panic.

Over the past ten games, there was only one person who took a pistol in order to determine his order of exit from the boat. The group did not even ask who he would release first and who he would release last: they responded instantly with the harshest aggression.

And without explanation, with an indignant: “How dare he!” - because the group is confident that one person does not have the right to dispose of others human lives, cannot decide for others who should live and who should die. Everything is fine, the game is still ahead.

Okay, the group quickly agrees who they trust with the gun. There will be no panic now.

What will happen?

I announce FREE GAME: room - boat, door - hatch. The leader with a pistol instantly appears at the door and shouts: “Don’t panic!”

After a second of confusion, the Idea sounds: “First of all, save women!”

And everyone likes this idea. Women were ready for it before.

Women together crowded together at the door, but further on there is again an ideological dead end.

True, quite spontaneously, although not without the help of the guys, the prettiest girls turn out to be closer to the exit...

There is some confusion, but a holy place is never empty, and ideologue leaders are again emerging in the group. Michael claims that the youngest should be in front, Max – the oldest, and Plato proposes to arrange everyone by height... A few minutes later, a full democratic bazaar begins.

The gun turns out to be unnecessary here: if the group is in panic, it is only because it has absolutely no idea how to moderate the ardor of its ideological leaders.

I interrupt the Free Game, the group is trying to comprehend what happened. I'm wondering why everyone decided to save women first. Everyone is embarrassed for my strange and indecent question, but they politely explain to me: “Because women are weaker.”

I point to Sergei, who is physically weaker than Marianne, and wonder if he should stand in front of her. Here the group is confused for a long time about what they meant by “weaker”: physically or mentally.

Part of them guesses that with any understanding of “weakness”, one of the guys will be ahead of one of the girls...

By the way, are they also going to save the weakest among women? And then the smart and beautiful Elya, who, unfortunately, is in good health, will end up behind?

It turns out that the group doesn’t want this...

And finally main question: Why is it necessary to save the Weak first? Frail – physically or mentally?

And here it turns out that the group doesn’t really like the WEAK ones, but still sticks to the WEAK ones...

The question of drawing lots was raised, but was immediately removed.

Obviously, drawing lots is not a solution; it is a group-wide evasion of responsibility. This is an option: “Let Another Decide!” – where a brainless coin is chosen as the decisive Other. The lot can give the stupidest, most terrible scenario - but how convenient is it, there’s no one to blame?!

Except for those who decided to cast lots.

And I declare a Free Game again - but this time I exclude from the Game those who showed themselves to be leaders last time. It doesn’t matter HOW exactly each person will show themselves, but what is important is that there will be new leaders. They appear simply because the situation requires a solution.

The group sees: the problem must be solved anyway. And if it's not solved in the best possible way, it will be decided for the worst. And if I don’t start solving it, someone else will still have to solve it.

Everyone must make their own choice. Whose decision will determine someone's life or death will become clear later, but now everyone should have this decision. Everyone must decide HOW they will solve this problem.

The group already understands that this is a game about the Price of Life: “How is the Price of Life measured? Who deserves to live? Why are you worthy to live?” And, as one of the options for solving it, I tell the story “The American Manager Test”.

The leading manager was invited to a meeting of the board of directors and was told that they wanted to appoint him as president of one of the concern’s branches. Future President did not hide his joy: he really fit all the parameters. He was asked how many children he had. It turned out there were five. "And who do you love more everyone? – "The youngest."“If you had to choose - to die yourself or to die instead of you younger son, what decision would you make? - “Of course, it’s better for me to die!” - exclaimed the loving father.

The next day he was denied his position. “You are ready to leave five children orphans and make your wife a widow, – you told him - and besides, you quit the job that you are entrusted with. In another scenario, four children, a wife and your job would remain with you. You could very well have a child if you wanted. You are not suitable for the position of president.”

A third of the group strongly agrees, a third is thoughtful, and a third is loudly outraged by the cynicism of American entrepreneurs. Some of them, justifying their rejection, refer to their “mentality”, that is, as one can understand, to the inability or unwillingness to think something broader than the already familiar way.

And on this note, the group is asked to carry out the Main Procedure...

Everyone receives marks: 5 marks for Life and 5 marks for Death, they must be distributed. To do this, a human chain is organized in which everyone walks past each other, looks into the eyes and says one of three phrases: “I give you life” (and gives a Gold Mark), “You will have to die” (gives a Black Mark) and “I don’t know.” "(doesn't give anything). Anyone who wants to explain their choice can do so. Two rules must be observed, the first: “I only give out my own tags - they don’t give away gifts” and the second: “Everyone must give out tags.”

As those who have completed more than one Game say, sending someone to Death turns out to be heartbreaking only the first time. And then, with experience, you pay attention to completely different things. And by the way, you start to think.

Of course, I would like to look at the Champions: those who have received a minimum (or maximum) of Gold (or Black) marks. We look at them, are interested in their feelings, as well as their and the group’s considerations: why exactly did they turn out to be Champions - Champions in Life and Death?

I bet you, readers, that you won't guess.

When I first developed and predicted this Game, I expected that the Champions in Death would be the most unpopular members of the group, plus those who “annoyed” the group with something, as well as the weakest and most downtrodden... Nothing like that! Often the Champion in Death turned out to be the same one who was the Champion in Life - from among the brightest, strongest and beautiful people in Group!!

And the explanation lay on the surface. This was directly stated by those who gave these people Death: “You are the best person to meet Death…”

Listen: “You are the best MAN…”

Once again: "YOU ARE THE BEST..."


They distribute Death to those who can die with dignity. Those who know how to die with dignity are the same ones who know how to live with dignity. And this choice is the choice of killing the most worthy.

Of course, the motives for such a decision were both petty calculations and just mouse fuss. It is dangerous to give death to the weak: in return he will most likely give you the same.

That's why he's weak.

A Strong in the answer to Death will often be given to you by Life.

Because he is Strong.

And then, no one wants to see the face of the Weak when he receives Death: it is distorted and ugly. And the Strong are able to die gracefully. No screaming, no big snot - AESTHETIC. This kind of death is not so hard to watch. She's even attractive in some ways.

And for this beautiful packaging, for aesthetic experiences, our philanthropic aesthetes are ready to pay - to pay with the lives of the best people.

And gradually, time after time, the eyes and souls of people become more and more meaningful. And CRITERIA are gradually developed - that is, UNDERSTANDING.

And it’s no longer so interesting who will have to die. More important are the questions that everyone asks themselves: “Am I worthy of life? What makes my life valuable? What am I living for? Who needs me?

True, childhood illnesses make themselves felt for a long time. In particular, everyone is in a terrible hurry to testify that he will give his life for anyone without a second thought.

God forbid they think that he values ​​his life!

He has not yet learned to look at his life AS ONE OF MANY. It’s difficult: to look at your life not as YOUR OWN, but simply as ONE PERSON’S LIFE.

He is just learning to look at his life as a field that needs to be plowed; as a thing that needs to be done - and you want to do it masterfully; as on Creation, which must be Perfect. Anyone who looks at human life THIS way already has grounds for EVALUATION and CHOICE.

It is impossible to say which of two lives is more valuable if both were made - were lived - by Masters. But if one of the lives was lived somehow and a choice must be made, there will be reasons for it. And if one life was directed TO people, built FOR people, it will be valued higher than the one that was built BY, or even more so AGAINST.

And everything else is from the evil one.

Remember the parable about the workers to whom the owner gave them for use according to their talent.

This was the coin.

The one who buried his talent in the ground was deprived of the owner of this money. And the one who multiplied his talents was rewarded by the owner.

You have been given a talent - life. If you implement it, you manage to live, you deserve a reward. And if you can’t live, if you are lazy or afraid to live, if your talent is your own life! - you are rotting, then if necessary, the choice will not be in your favor.

Who has forgotten - Christ told this parable. She may not be very compassionate, but not all medicine has to be sweet...

When the Game ends, the question always arises: how would I act? – I don’t make a secret of this.

Who should go first - men or women?

I will look at what kind of People they are, and not what gender they are.

Which score will you go with?

- Think, which is among the first. Because I seem to be able to accomplish more in life than others and I still have a lot of things to do.

What if someone with a gun puts you in your rear?

Let humanity be upset about this, it will not upset me. I am rather indifferent to my life, and accordingly to the possibility of my death. As well as the death of other people. For me, Life and Death are not the Holy Church, but an ordinary everyday matter. A separate, private human life is not sacred. Many people were always born, and many died. People are mortal, and it hardly matters whether someone dies ten years earlier or later, whether one or a dozen (hundred... more...) people die. This happens: war, plague, thousands of accidents. I don’t seriously believe that I can really change anything in this world with my actions. What can an ant count on even on the scale of its anthill? And I don't have to care about humanity, so my soul is light anyway.

Another thing is that I like people. I like to take care of people and help them live. And to the best of my ability, I do it and will do it.

Would you take a gun?

I would take the gun and it wouldn't be too heavy for me. And I would quickly put everyone in line to leave, thinking only about who could give how much to people. Among men, the first would probably be those who know how to create and do better than others. Case. Good deed. But business, not chatter. The first would be the Creators, and the last would be the Talkers, Whiners and Destroyers. And among women, I would, apparently, look for those who would be the best Mothers. Those who will best friends for men who will give birth to healthy children and raise kind and strong people. Those who are in stone houses built by men, they will build warm human houses.

Of course, this is Domostroy. But if you don’t waste time on trifles and don’t creep around with exceptions, then everything here is correct. And the most important thing is that -

the Strong will be ahead: strong, first of all, in soul and spirit. And behind will be the Weak.

And if you have to choose, let the Weak die.

And the Strong must survive so that Life can be stronger, richer and more beautiful.

...In this place all the Christians immediately shoot me. Or crucified.

Naturally, with the best intentions.

They destroy Life. They are doing what they have always done.

Christ is my friend, but...

In nature, the right of the strong reigns, no matter whether the strong is physically, intellectually or charismatically - simply from God.

If you died, it means he was stronger, and your explanations that not everything was fair and just were just too late for your death.

Life is the Strong. Christianity is for the Weak - and therefore against Life. Christianity proclaimed the right of the weak - and betrayed the Strong.

“You are strong - and he is weak. Give in to him!” - And the strong, yielding, found themselves behind.

Christianity proclaimed sacrifice - and betrayed the Strong.

At the front, the best die first, because they are the first to rise to attack. The most mentally strong are always the first to sacrifice themselves. To shoot them, you don’t even need to aim - they set themselves up, and the shooting is simply done by a sniper.

The disabled person is not the one who does not have a leg: the disabled person is the one who whines, looking at his wound (physical or mental), and expects that now he, as a victim, will begin to please him. Being disabled is a psychology, a way of life. This is the absence of the Spirit, not a part of the body.

In the forest, for example, there is no Christianity, and therefore in the forest a disabled person either dies, or, if he has not become stiff due to his disability, he stops whining and begins to survive. And win.

Long live Life!

This is not a call to War - it is a call to Life. Natural life, natural life is not war, not aggression. The predator will not kill you out of hatred, he is simply hungry, but he loves you - to eat. Revenge is not typical for nature, and in a mortal fight the enemy, once defeated, is no longer an enemy at all, but simply food.

Revenge and hatred were invented by people, and compassionate Christianity, in particular, is imbued with aggression - aggression against the heretics within oneself and against the infidels around.

Only man fights - wild man. The world is not at war. The world lives on. And to be faithful to the world, you must love. We must love a world in which the strong will win. And you must love your Death, if you, previously so strong, were overcome by someone Stronger.

You died, therefore, long live Life!

Back to the topic

However, I want to return to the Game, especially since there is no such thing anymore.

People read books and don’t want to look like fools.

As soon as the book comes out, you have to change your methods. But the Game, albeit in a different form, remains, because, like all living things, it is diagnostic and instructive - always. It’s just that instead of some stupid things already described in Fairy Tales, people do others in it.

And I, as always, write them down.

How does it go wrong?

Everyone in the group loves Pasha, but they often laugh at him. He read all my books most carefully and seems to have learned them by heart, because on occasion he quotes them close to the text. He always speaks correctly in essence and almost always turns the audience against himself, because he regularly hangs dogs on himself and does not know how to make a fool of himself.

Do you need to translate?

Pasha, chest forward: “I’ll take the gun and arrange everyone in my own way. Let the weak perish:..."

Those whom he names evoke acute pity, and he evokes sharp protest.

But Anton will say differently: “It’s probably worth taking a gun anyway, so that there won’t be a mess. And then, I cannot and do not want to allow people like..."

Those who were indignant at Pasha (“How cruel he is! How dare he dispose of human lives!”) no longer see that Anton proposed essentially the same thing - he just started from the other end. People need kind language, and Anton gave it to them.

But the people do not notice that the same people will die.

As in the famous joke:

TASS message: “Our wonderful runner took an honorable second place, and his opponent from the USA finished second to last!”

And there were only two runners... Hello!

And my colleague, the glorious Grisha, began the game by offering to distribute two life jackets available to each person. Everyone did this with enthusiasm, and it was natural.

What Grisha and summed up:“We have forty people in the group. Raise your hands those who have now participated in the murder of thirty-eight people!”

After sighing and thinking, everyone raised their hands. And no one else spoke on the topic: “I consider myself not to have the right to give life and death to anyone!”

For those who like to shoot, this Game is an opportunity to shoot someone.

For example, their ideological opponents. Imagine, Sunny and Clever Girl are next to you, but they dare to develop other views, not yours. Naturally, you give him Death... Right?

This happened to us very often.

For some, the Game was just an opportunity to demonstrate their sympathies. “Naturally, I gave Lives to all my friends. I don’t have any enemies here, but I didn’t like a few people today...”

This is so natural and stupid that I’m even somehow at a loss to comment on it.

But I want to believe that someone in this game saw and did something different. He thought: what is my life worth among other lives? Why do people value me? Can I give people more?

Here is Zhenya, a wonderful teacher. But if he had created his own school in reality, and not just in beautiful dreams and stories, his human weight would be different...

May this Game be with you always. Let her help you live in such a way that you and others can say about you:



Desert Island

Everything described below is, unfortunately, strictly true. And, worse, regularly reproduced.

Grisha Svetlana Kramskoy was holding another lesson in his body training, and I came to visit him. This was not the first lesson, so the people were already liberated.

What Grisha learned at this training comes out at everyone’s training. And then - in every life. You can check it yourself. You can watch for yourself.

An introduction to the people from Grisha: “You have found yourself on a Desert Island. You need to somehow arrange your life. You have many things, except one thing - you cannot use meaningful human speech. You can communicate with signs as you wish. Time to play: 45 minutes.”

An introductory note from me: the situation is extremely provocative. An atmosphere of relaxation and the opportunity for everyone to be themselves has already been created earlier; in essence, people were freed from the uniform of civilization. At the same time, in general, there is absolutely nothing to do in the confined space of a small room. If you don’t strain to invent something, then you can only go crazy.

And the fact that the people rushed into this situation as if into their native element, as into something they are always ready to do and with the utmost pleasure.

Grisha did not indicate that, having lost the possibility of human speech, we have lost the possibility of human reason: no, the people came up with this joyful possibility on their own.

And he started doing drugs.

I tried to invite the people to hunt in order to get food - the people thought about it, but quickly realized that another hunt was more interesting. The women began to tease the men, the men began to run after the women. I started carrying chairs and armchairs to build a home for everyone - a female monkey was immediately found, who began to demolish this home with interest.

Seeing her stubbornly meaningless look, I recognized a bunch of my acquaintances in it and realized that any resistance of mine was useless.

And he went into the corner with his gun. With a gun - so as not to rape.

Yes, because it was precisely this skit that was performed by the people with the greatest enthusiasm. The young men enthusiastically depicted how they raped the girls, from which the girls were in undisguised delight.

When everyone was tired of running around, the male and female groups played quiet games within themselves. The men growled “Gee!” and with quite savage gestures they proved that his penis was the most powerful. The girls clustered in the corner and, coquettishly preening themselves, played out gibberish squabbles among themselves.

By the way, it’s fun – you’ll laugh.

And then they pulled each other by the hair.

And I sat on the sidelines, watched these human monkey entertainments and understood that everything that was happening here was life. For the people, this is a vivid reproduction of what is happening in the lives of the people. For me, this is something that constantly happens to me in life.

Everything is like in life: people are having fun, acting out quarrels and rapes, and I am outside their lives and sitting on the sidelines. I look at everything that’s happening from the outside, I even try to interest myself in it - but every time I understand that I don’t need all this at all.


About the first students

Yes, it is possible that I am not very good at playing these monkey games. Yes, you can tell me: “You don’t play because you don’t know how!” But I can calmly answer: “I don’t know how, because I didn’t play!”

Remember, from Shvartsev’s “Dragon”:

It's not my fault, we were all taught that way!

- Yes, but why were you the first student?

...Perhaps some inclinations are still present?

Philosophical tales for those pondering life or a cheerful book about freedom and morality Nikolai Ivanovich Kozlov



My dear man...

An attempt at understanding

Of course, you only recently re-read Gorky’s “Klim Samgin”, and you remember very well this dialogue between Klim and Lydia Varavka:

- I love you! -...Do you understand that such words are not thrown around?

Let's dwell on this for a moment - after all, they have already said so much!

So, what are they so serious about? Why did Lida answer Klim this way?

He said: “I love you!”... - Maybe it means that he likes her, he wants to admire her and wants to take care of her? - No. In such senses there is no responsibility. That is, yes, this too has been said, but the core, the real application here lies elsewhere. Lydia heard Klim tell her:

“I am ready to make you my Goddess. You will stand above all other values ​​in my life!”

This is no longer a weak statement, and here it was appropriate for Lida to clarify: “Do you understand that such words are not thrown around?”

Of course, you can decipher their dialogue in another way, but I’m afraid that Lida and Klim will not support you.

Klim told Lida about his love - that is, about his most heartfelt and hard-won willingness to sell himself to her and buy her for himself.

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From the author's book

Fairy tales Fairy tales, as has already been shown, appear at the propaedeutic stage of work and serve for our patients as the first experience of self-realization in describing and comprehending their suffering and way out of it, in describing and re-evaluating some of their character traits,

The book is not bad. All Kozlov's books contain useful and interesting information. The bad thing is that not everything is always right with him. May lead you to believe something that is not as clear as it appears. And then you get confused, you start to think, what are you doing wrong. In general: you can read the book, but do not forget to critically analyze what the author provides you. I advise you to read books by Mikhail Lvovich Pokrass along with Kozlov’s books (unfortunately, there are no such books in this library). Pokrass’s book “Healing by Selfishness” is simply a panacea for all misconceptions. I advise you to read Kozlov and Pokrass at the same time - then it will be more obvious which point of view is correct.

I read the reviews and it hurt my heart.

an overly critical approach to understanding established logic.

Kozlov correctly notes that he chooses to work with young people. they can still see the world as brightly and lightly as the author sees it. Bogged down in textual information and ossified in their worldview, people in their fourth or fifth decade do not have a chance to spread their wings and look at the picture world, at the world as N.I. Kozlov presents it.

I read Philosophers' Tales, the last of all his books. I turn to her often. Satisfied. And I like to think “like Kozlov.” I thought about a lot. I understood a lot. I took a closer look at something. I took note of something. In general, I “ate” the benefits. In the book I did not look for differences in views with him. This is not why people write books.

This book is not at all for criticism, not for skeptical views, but so that a person can look at life, at the world, at people with different eyes. I was able to experience a sublime, detached understanding of things. That is, to feel it differently. Not from myself. And from Kozlovsky. And take for yourself what you like. Perhaps even what you would like to be your own. Deep down I would like to. This is the path of development...

It is not at all wise to come up with your own stone and claim that it is denser than someone else’s air.

And if someone does not understand or does not accept something, this speaks of his limitations, in other words, unwisdom.

Socionicists typed Kozlov as Yesenin, which explains all of the above. There is not enough logic and action, too much cheerfulness.

Moreover, throughout the book, it is the illogical reasoning that irritates, at least about the same friends.

When I read it in paper form, I couldn’t resist and made notes. The first 20 pages. Then I quit. At first you think - there are controversial thoughts, then you realize that the whole book is controversial, and the positivity is ostentatious and watery.

The typical psychologist is not by nature.

Kozlov, with all his pros and cons, for me was one of the “personally formative” authors. I even spent a significant part of my life in close contact with the Kyiv “Kamerton” - a club that runs the “Synton program”. I even met my future wife there. ;O)

But we're talking about the book.

The book, in my opinion, has a primary task: to push the reader - a more or less “ordinary” person - beyond the standard framework of perception of the world around him, the generally accepted attitude towards it and standard reactions hardwired in childhood.

Even the proposal that outraged (and from the point of view of ethology is completely justified) many people to think about who to save if something happens is, first of all, a proposal think. Do not act reflexively, but think and make a conscious decision. At the same time accepting responsibility for this decision.

The value of this book lies not in its answers, but in its questions.

PS: And, as far as I know, after Kozlov left the management of Sinton, he went into a state of constant internal insanity (according to at least this happened several years ago). Which confirms the author’s answers are wrong. But it does not diminish the importance of his questions.

Why do you need a true friend? You don't need a real friend, they're crutches. The author doesn't need a real friend. Or did the author go to chinese ballet. I sat there for three hours, did my whole butt, and didn’t understand anything. There is no need for Chinese ballet, and art in general is not needed.

And science is not needed. Auto RU. So, the author was in the library, his head was tired and his butt was tired. He would stand up, wave... uh... his hands, but the people around, unfree and undeveloped, would not understand. And in general, the author brings much more benefit in this life than most ordinary people. Therefore, in the event of a fire, comrade. the ensign, that is...uh...the author should be saved first.

And whoever thinks otherwise has not yet grown up. Or disabled. And the author runs past laughing. To the breeze and to the sun. In a white suit.

In general, IMHO, the greater the density of Words Written in Capital Letters in a book, the sooner it should be thrown away.

At first I read it with interest. Like most modern pop psychologists, Kozlov has some interesting thoughts scattered throughout his book. However, for the most part, they are recognizable. When I read to the point that in the event of a disaster it is not women and children who need to be saved, but creators like the author, at first I became amused, and then I laughed more and more. Halfway through the book it became disgusting.

The book is very good. However, like his other things. True, in the paper edition it is enriched with a huge number of cool pictures.

In general, all of his books are publicly available on his website, though either in PDF (heavy!!) or in Word :(

Nikolai Ivanovich Kozlov

Philosophical tales

This book was born

under the star of my dear Miracle.

It is dedicated to her with love.

To the second edition

The biggest surprise for me after the book was published were the letters from readers: a huge flow of letters with sincere warmth and gratitude. I couldn’t believe it: gratitude - for all these harsh words, for the prickly, borderline foul, humor and injections on every page!

But, apparently, the reader had enough wisdom to see behind the thorns an invitation to smile together, and behind the backhand wording - trust in him and sincere pain for our common human stupidities.

You saw it. Thank you.

True, I also received reliable information that one of the readers demanded to buy up the entire circulation - precisely in order to destroy it. All.

As a form of showing attention, this is nice too.

However, most often the letters arrived were different.

For example, things like this:

Good afternoon, Nikolai Ivanovich!

Until what? clear, understandable, simple, complex, exciting, witty, fun, talented- And unexpected for me personally. I was looking for something for my soul in the most serious teachings, which have everything: colossal experience - knowledge - wisdom - love- path to the light; but for some reason this path was always strained and at the limit of human capabilities...

You also have a path to the Light and it is also not easy. But your path is through joy!

Towards the Light – through Joy, and not through Suffering, that’s what shocked me!

But my soul feels so good! This book came to me on time, thank you, life!

Natalya G.

And also drawings flew to me. Light ones!

They were sent by a tired housewife and a concerned mother of three wonderful children. And thus the book got an artist:

Irinushka, thank you for the smiles and Sunny!

And also drawings flew to me. So bright!

To the third edition

Like any serious philosophical work, this book was originally intended for a very select circle of readers, namely those intelligent and cheerful in humor and spirit. The fact that hundreds of thousands of copies of the book are quickly sold out is a major compliment to our readership.

This means that living people have not yet died out.

Moreover, there are all the pleasant reasons to recognize oneself as a trendsetter in printing fashion, since now a variety of authors are releasing their books with covers “like Kozlov” and even with covers designed like this

comments. With such indents and font.

The flow of reader letters continues unabated; I apologize in advance for the rare replies. I can answer half the letters wholesale, because every second letter repeats the refrain: “Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful book, I really liked it, although I don’t agree with many things in it.” I answer: “From the bottom of my heart, please, I also don’t agree with many things in this book, but I still like it.”

Women write a lot. I already understood that if a feminist movement develops in Russia, then its founder will undoubtedly be Kozlov. But what about it? Many calmly dozing women, having read his Books, were so outraged that they began to write large articles and small books refuting him. The destiny of a Woman demanding respect became their destiny. And all thanks to what?

Books by Kozlov.

Well, good. Taking this opportunity, I heartily hug all my readers and writers, regretting that it was only in absentia. I am always ready to reproach harmful men with them, especially since I know that women’s letters are combative, but personal meetings are sincere.

See you!


It is better to do and repent than

don't do it and repent.

Glorious Boccaccio

What is this book like? Like my previous one, “How to treat yourself and people, or Practical psychology for every day,” apparently, for nothing. That's why she's beautiful. But if that book was written with the reader in mind and was done largely for him, this one was written by me for myself. And practically without internal censorship.

Well, maybe also for friends. And with my wife's gentle censorship.

This is definitely not Science, although the book was based on science and the density of its own and borrowed scientific material used in it significantly exceeds the statistical average. Rather, it is Literature, in its best places becoming Poetry.

Indeed, if poetry, according to Akhmatova, grows from both garbage and weeds, then why shouldn’t it grow from science?

The first, which is also the working title of this book, is “How to Treat Yourself and the World: Practical Philosophy for Every Day.” Accordingly, both the first and second books are very similar: the only formal difference is that in the latter the emphasis is moved from “people” to “the world” and the scale of the view is changed – not “psychology”, but “philosophy”.

Philosophy and psychology are simply languages ​​of different levels. A psychologist is a wise practitioner who, without flying high, chews on philosophy in relation to everyday reality. And a philosopher is a sage who, regarding a variety of everyday problems, without delving into the specifics, says the same things - those that solve these problems. Philosophy literally translated is the love of wisdom.

Do not confuse it with metaphysics - the doctrine of the structure of the world. I don’t like these teachings: they are easy to believe in, but impossible to verify, and, most importantly, why should I care about all these problems? If the soul hurts, you need something about the soul, and not about matter, space and time.

The philosophy of this book, like the psychology of the previous one, is applied. It is for everyday life, for a living and feeling person from morning to evening of his day and life, in the familiar environment of near and far, for work and holidays, illness and TV.

Philosophy, like the psychology of the first book, is practical.

If you consider these books to be children, then my first child was born an extrovert and a cute-to-everyone, although not without depth and with a twist. The second child is a deep introvert and a sage from birth, but just as mischievous and sociable.

In general, later children, as a rule, in all respects find themselves much further from the statistical mean: more often deviations towards both genius and pathology. Let's consider this child lucky.

The child, however, is very mocking, ironic, and even simply malicious, although in general he is bursting with health and optimism. His rare anger, I think, should be forgiven - it is bitter and is generated, apparently, by sentimentality that has not yet been completely overcome. This charming child perceives his stories exclusively as Fairy Tales and does not understand the question: “Is this True?”

His answer: “I don’t care at all. What I tell are Tales, and all I need from them is for them to work. Ordinary fairy tales should put children to sleep, but mine should wake them up. But are they true? Who cares if everything that should happen happens to the children listening to them?”

I happily and completely sincerely admit: these “Fairy Tales” are my favorite book. No matter how I open it, no matter how I start reading, I admire both the style and the content. This must be written so well!

Oh yes Pushkin! Oh yes...!

You always read with pleasure what was written with great pleasure.

By the way, about Pushkin and me. Many people accuse me of cynicism, but this is a misunderstanding. Any realism in relation to people gives rise to nothing but sadness, and when this already sad realism is presented against a cheerful background, yes, it is called cynicism. But your author, doing this - and the author did it with undisguised pleasure! - only continued the tradition of great Russian literature.

Only those who have not read him for a long time can deny Pushkin’s cynicism. But what else gives “Eugene Onegin” such charm?

Many compare this book with the works of Nietzsche - if this flatters me, then insofar as it is. I read Nietzsche, and some things quite carefully. But my book is more interesting for me to read. Nietzsche, as an improviser, spreads out with brilliance - but spreads out, and I am laconic. He suffered painfully from stomach, eyes, headaches and depression, and his cheerful exuberance against this background was sometimes unstable and sometimes painful. What about my health? full order, and I write more cheerfully. As a pioneer, he was still cautious - but I was already bolder and tougher. But, oddly enough, kinder.

It was difficult for Nietzsche to imagine that his superman would be so mentally rich and strong that he would gladly allow himself care, warmth and tenderness. There are many things that separate us, but there is also something that unites us: sincerity and unconditional concern for humanity.

This book is for those thinking about life. For those who value Life, its play and sparkle above frozen rules and dogmas, who believe that you can live fun and meaningfully. What is this book about? About morality. About freedom. About liberation from fears and the possibility of happiness, about choosing the position of the Author even where everyone habitually chooses to be a Victim.

This book was written by a Practitioner who knows that there is nothing more practical than philosophy - naturally, correct philosophy. The author does not claim to own the Truth - in his opinion, owning the Truth is immoral. He is friends with Truth - and she seems to reciprocate his feelings.

The book is written in the form of Fairy Tales, that is, free living stories, where the scenery is Eternal Themes: Man, Goodness, Freedom, Religion, Art, and the reader settles among the characters: Morals, Decency, Like the Eternals, head. the spiritual office of Saint Vera Ivanovna, the Dragon - and observes what these Heroes do with a person and what a person can do with them. This book is for those who allow themselves to see Happiness not as a difficult goal that must be achieved, but as a natural and obligatory condition of life, like washing your face in the morning.

This book is for those who choose to love themselves and people, and celebrate their lives.

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