Dream of a raging river. A river with a fast flow according to the dream book. Actions on the river in a dream

In order to figure out what the river means in dreams, you need to remember all the details and begin to familiarize yourself with the meanings of various sources.

Dream Interpretation: seeing a river in a dream

Miller's Dream Book takes into account many nuances. A calm river means joyful events and increased prosperity. Muddy and seething - quarrels. The river flood limited freedom of movement - troubles in the work sphere. When you dream of a river with a dry bed, you have to grieve.

According to Vanga's dream book being in a river with your clothes on is excellent prosperity. Suddenly falling into water and taking a sip of it means career advancement. Successfully overcome the current - gain wealth through significant work.

According to Freud's dream book when you dream of a river whose edges are invisible, in reality the sleeper has very bizarre and large-scale erotic fantasies.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation interprets the powerful current of the river, which makes it difficult to get out, as an obstacle in business. Those who are sick will not recover soon.

According to a Muslim source drinking river water is an unexpected acquisition of property. A high-ranking or simply famous person will contribute to this.

Getting out of the boat onto the river bank is a great symbol. Enemies will not be able to harm, and will be defeated.

Why do you dream of swimming in the river?

The meaning of the dream in which it happened bathing in the river depends on the condition of the water. Pure personifies inner harmony, dirty - unfavorable changes.

float down the river stormy means encountering sudden obstacles. The reason for delays will not be someone’s will, but changed circumstances.

In a dream to go with the flow rivers - a successful balance of forces and achieving the goal almost without effort. If you had to fight against the current, you will have to work hard to succeed.

Swimming in the river with pleasure means that it is time to take the initiative and change your usual routine. This will definitely be beneficial.

It's a good sign when it's successful swim across swim the river. All planned tasks will be completed.

Interpretation of sleep by the type of water in the river

Dreamed dirty water in the river signals the approach of a difficult period. Mutual understanding with loved ones and colleagues will noticeably deteriorate.

Against, clean water in the river is considered an excellent sign. There will be joyful communication with people dear to the heart, receiving good news.

Also transparent the water in the river symbolically reflects the dreamer’s kindness and purity of thoughts. Excellent health and success complement the interpretation of this plot.

Muddy water in the river warns of a change in circumstances for the worse. Joy will be replaced by a sad period.

What river did you dream about?

To most correctly determine what a river is in a dream about, the most important thing is to take into account what it looked like. The color of the water, the speed of the current, and many other nuances matter.

Dreamed dirty the river has a sad meaning. You have to experience the pain of loss. Various misunderstandings are possible that will lead to quarrels.

Also cloudy the river indicates the need to change the course of life. Correctly set priorities will help you achieve success, which in this moment unattainable.

A reflection of the turbulent period is stormy river in a dream. This stage will not give you peace and will turn everything upside down.

When you dream of a river With fast current , this characterizes the dreamer as a person who knows how to defend his own beliefs.

To a sick person seething the river prophesies a speedy recovery.

Fast a river with breakers and whirlpools means unexpected troubles. You will have to quarrel with others, which will not always be good.

Mountain The river is the most beautiful symbol among all rushing water streams. Dizzying events will happen, perhaps a passionate love interest will appear in life.

Frozen the river symbolizes the absence of change. Sometimes unshakable stability can even get boring.

A sign of something significant is a dream big river. This could be an important conversation with management, a good or bad event. Exact value will tell you the details.

Wide the river personifies unusual intimate fantasies.

About the coming of auspicious life stage reports deep river, transparent and clean. Muddy - warns against participating in dubious projects and events.

A small river means difficulties. The information received may be misleading.

Small the river also symbolizes a breakdown. Need rest.

dried out a river in a dream indicates the need to give up large purchases in the near future. There is a financial crisis ahead, when you will have to bitterly regret thoughtless spending. For gardeners, a dry river means problems with the harvest. For people planning a business trip, the plot serves as a warning. There will be problems along the way, so if possible, you should reschedule your trip.

Clean The river is a symbol of the right course in life. Therefore, the dreamer is successful.

Everyone without exception transparent river means good health. He also prophesies peace and harmony for families.

White A river in a dream means receiving good news. A fabulous dairy with jelly banks - to wealth.

Green the river symbolizes that the dreamer is a real favorite of fortune. Everything turns out playfully.

It is a sign of sadness and disappointment black river.

Dark the river indicates obstacles that will cause a lot of trouble.

In reality it will be accomplished daring act, this is what the river is about in dreams, overflowed, and flooded the area with clean water. However, it will not affect your reputation.

If spilled the river is muddy, the plot points to a lurking malaise. It is advisable not to ignore even minor symptoms. Another river flood is interpreted as an increase wages. The harvest will delight you with abundance.

What did you see on the river in a dream

Correct interpretation takes a lot of time, but the expense is justified by the valuable clues that can be obtained. When you dream of a river, to decipher it, it is advisable to remember what details you encountered.

White waves on the river means global stage in self-knowledge. High ones indicate delays in the business sphere.

Ice on the river - a symbol of cooling between lovers. The work started will stall when trying to continue.

Dream about participating in a status event ice drift on the river. All things will finally move forward.

Boat on the river - dreams of change. However, in addition to thoughts about them, actions are certainly necessary, otherwise the result will not be achieved.

Dreamed bridge on the river means achieving a goal through determination. Durable, indicates outside help that should not be refused. Rope - warns against taking sudden steps.

Dream about gifts of fate fish in a river. It is possible to make a profit.

The plot in which I dreamed snake in the river, not too pleasant. But the meaning is quite innocent. The son will become popular - that’s what this dream means.

Mine child in the river serves as a warning. At the moment, he needs the support of his parents, otherwise he will be overwhelmed by problems.

If the car sank in the river, but no one was hurt, it will be possible to get rid of outdated connections. At first it will not be entirely familiar, but soon you will be able to feel the beauty of change.

Actions on the river in a dream

Life gradually calms down if you dreamed sit on the shore rivers. You can finally relax.

Wash clothes in the river - a good plot for ladies. Unmarried people can count on matchmaking, others will have luck.

To the malaise - fall into the river. It is especially bad if the water was very cold or littered.

There is a plot about financial losses drown in a river. We managed to escape - everything will get better soon. Drowning in a river means a feeling of shame and guilt. It is also a symbol of illness.

Throwing a wreath from flowers to the river - wonderful. The plot symbolizes longevity.

Cross the bridge across the river, and fear for its strength - to losses. Reliable crossing - the right path has been chosen.

To defer the fulfillment of a dream in a dream wade the river. Insufficient funding will interfere.

Why do you dream about fish in the river?

Your financial situation will improve if you dreamed a lot of fish in the river.

Dead fish in the river - bad sign. Significant losses in reality will be very saddening.

Big fish in the river - good luck. However, success will make envious people want to slander you.

Fish in the river man- instructions to monitor your health. Then you will be able to avoid illness.

Fish in the river woman- a symbol of pregnancy. It will occur directly to the sleeping woman, or to one of her relatives or close friends.

When interpreting what a river means in a dream, only a cumulative analysis of all the details of what is seen will help to obtain the clearest forecast and an indication of ways to stabilize the situation.

If a person is interested in what the vision means in which he had to swim along the river, the dream book will help him figure it out. By looking at several authoritative interpreters, you can find answers to all your questions. Most often, the meaning of a dream in which a person saw a river is positive, but there are exceptions.

Miller's Interpreter

The first thing you should do is contact him. Have you ever sailed along the river? The dream book recommends remembering exactly what it was like. Quiet and calm? This suggests that soon a person will be able to enjoy intoxicating joys, and his well-being will become even better than before. It is possible that new opportunities will appear to realize your potential.

A muddy and restless river, unfortunately, is considered a harbinger of misunderstandings and squabbles. If it has also overflowed its banks, then you should expect troubles related to work. Perhaps something will happen that will damage your reputation. A dry reservoir promises approximately the same thing.

But the most important thing is that a person who happened to swim along a clear river in a dream does not see sunken corpses at its bottom. Since such a turn of events portends a loss of luck and joy.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

According to him, the river is the personification of a person’s vital and sexual energy, as well as his direction in life. This leads to interesting explanations for the vision.

A stormy river, for example, foreshadows a relationship with a person with whom the dreamer will have ideal sexual compatibility. In such a union there will be no place for boredom and monotony - only unbridled passion and ardor. But if the body of water was very calm, even seemingly motionless, a relationship will begin with someone who does not suit the dreamer’s temperament.

But that’s not all that such a dream can portend. The river, which seemed transparent and very picturesque, is considered the personification of independence and freedom. Dirty and muddy streams, in turn, promise troubles and quarrels. The shallows indicate a person’s lack of energy, a difficult period in his life and sexual problems.

Ancient Persian book of interpretations

She is also able to talk about what to expect from a vision in which a person happened to sail along the river. The dream book says that this body of water usually symbolizes a meeting with an influential person. Perhaps she will provide the person with appropriate, and even long-awaited, help that will help improve his life.

If the dreamer managed to cross the river on his own, it means that he will defeat his competitors, opponents and ill-wishers.

Anyone who has choked in a vision and drowned should be wary. This is an unkind sign, which indicates that someone is determined to cause harm to a person and thoroughly ruin his life. Perhaps professionally.

Did you manage to get to the shore unharmed, having coped with the elements? Such a dream is a symbol of liberation, which a person should interpret, focusing on the situation prevailing in his real life At the moment.

But this is not all that can be expected from a vision in which a man had to swim along a river. The dream book recommends paying special attention to the situation when he tried to clean his clothes from dirt and silt by getting ashore. It is believed that such a vision promises deliverance from any sorrows and a solution to all problems.

Noble dream book

This source will also help you find answers to questions regarding why you dream of sailing along the river. The body of water itself is associated with the direction of a person’s life. And if he crossed it, then in reality he will soon be able to fulfill all his intentions. The main thing is not to collide with the shallows. Because it represents obstacles and difficulties that arise on a person’s path, or a lack of strength and energy to overcome them.

If he happened to swim against the current in a dream and at the same time see how the stream carries a lot of rubbish and dirt, it means that an event will soon happen that will provoke a desire to start life anew.

The main thing is that the river does not have a narrow channel. If a person floats along it, then in reality he will have to feel constrained by life’s circumstances, or feel his insignificance. The same can be expected from a vision in which a man crossed a river in a dark gorge, making his way through the stones.

Esoteric interpreter

In it you can also find answers to the question regarding why you dream of sailing along the river. If you believe this interpreter, then this source personifies an emotional barrier that is difficult for a person to overcome in real life. But this is only in the case when he does not dare to enter it and get to the opposite shore. If he swam, then it is important to pay attention to the details.

Water entering his mouth, for example, tells him that he will become an important person. If a person enters the river with clothes on, then in reality he will be able to stand firmly on his feet. He began to drown, but, gathering his strength, he got to land? This suggests that he is destined to become rich. Swimming underwater, only occasionally looking to the surface for a breath of air? One can rejoice, because such a vision suggests that sorrows and troubles will not touch him.

But if he fell into the river and began to swim against the current, it means that difficult situation he will be helped by someone who has been an enemy all his life.

Psychological interpreter

What if a person happened to sail on dirty river in a dream that seethed and swarmed with garbage? It is believed that in the near future after such a vision he will decide to commit some kind of a brave deed, which can change his life. The main thing is not to fall, otherwise in reality you will find yourself in an awkward situation. If he decided to use a boat or its likeness for this, it means that he will be able to achieve what he wants.

When crossing the river, did the person get hit by waves every now and then? This suggests that in reality it would not hurt for him to learn to immediately pay attention to problems and solve them. If, by the way, at the time of rafting, a log blocked a person’s path, it means that in reality he will find himself in not very pleasant circumstances, but even they will not be able to scare him and spoil the optimistic mood, which is so important when implementing plans.

What does the boat rafting portend?

Can tell about this modern dream book. If a person crossed the river not by himself, but in company with someone, it means that in real life he will be given a lot of joy by the company of people who adore entertainment. The only important thing is that the boat does not capsize. Because it promises financial ruin and warns a person about the risk of getting involved in a risky but tempting business.

Was the water calm? This means strong self-confidence that a person will not lose for a long time. And you need to follow this feeling, because it only adds to your luck.

Stormy waves, in turn, indicate that a person will have to go through a lot of obstacles before he achieves his happiness. But not when the reservoir is shallow. Crossing a stormy but shallow river warns of frivolous actions that will be regretted in the future.

If the dreamer was sailing in a boat with someone who is his “soul mate,” one can rejoice - such a vision is considered a harbinger of a happy personal life.

Universal book of interpretations

It also wouldn’t hurt to look into it if a person happened to sail on a boat in a dream along the river. The interpreter recommends remembering the weather conditions that prevailed during the boat trip. Was it sunny and calm? This is for success in enterprises, prosperity and joy. Was there a storm brewing and clouds were gathering in the sky? Then you should prepare for failure, poverty and grief.

Was the raging river so wide that no end was visible? This portends a long and interesting trip. If a person was in a boat with someone, then perhaps he will soon change his place of residence.

Another good sign is a vision in which one happened to cross a pond in the company of several rowers joyfully singing funny songs. Such a plot portends success in the business started. But if you happen to sail on a boat along a river in a dream, alone and in absolute silence, it means that a person will move away from the one he considered closest, which he will later regret.

Interpretation for girls

Many women are puzzled after such a vision. Especially if they happened to sail along the river in a dream with a man. Actually, this good sign, since it foreshadows harmonious and happy relationship with a nice young man. It is possible that they will end in marriage.

A quiet and calm river personifies a leisurely and measured life. And a stormy mountain spring, in turn, foreshadows fateful events. If the girl didn’t just float along the river, but swam in it and enjoyed water procedures, which means that a period of prosperity will soon begin in her life. The main thing is that the source is not dirty. Otherwise, you won’t have to expect anything but troubles and debts from such a vision.

Against the stream

A person who decides to go against the elements in a vision would do well to find out what such a dream means. The river was in full swing, but he swam against the current, no matter what? This plot is considered to personify his struggle for a place in the sun in real life. To achieve your goals, a person will need to try hard.

You should be wary if the dreamer experienced tension when crossing a body of water. How strong it was - so a large number of difficulties await him.

But what if, despite the current, he happened to swim quickly down the river? The dream book interprets this positively. This vision personifies the numerous skills, abilities and talents a person has that will definitely help him achieve his plans. And if he saw himself mooring to the shore, it means that the completion of an important event is nearing.


If a person in a dream, while swimming across a river, got entangled in algae, but was able to get out of it, then he should not worry about his life. In the near future, luck will be on his side, and he will cope with any controversial or unpleasant situations.

If he swam at night, it means that in reality a situation will happen in which a person will feel truly helpless. And he will have to act blindly.

The main thing is not to swim down the river naked. Because this usually portends an awkward situation that could affect the dreamer's reputation.

As you can see, the same vision can have many interpretations. This is why it is so important to pay attention to details and not limit yourself to just one dream book.

Swimming in a dirty river in a dream, then coming out of it clean and refreshed - means recovery, prosperity and receiving new opportunities. Swimming in muddy water, or seeing it from the seething side, means dangerous incidents. To find out what a stormy mountain river means in a dream, it is enough to remember the small nuances of the dream and look into traditional dream books.

What does Miller's dream book portend?

According to psychologists, a seething stream in a dream symbolizes a sharp change in mood. The subconscious mind tells you that you should be prepared to alternate important events. They can be both good and bad for you. For example, if you dreamed that you had to swim across a dirty river, be prepared to fight for your place in the sun. In reality, everything will depend only on the correctness of the decisions made.

Don't forget your responsibilities

Gustav Miller in his dream book also gives twofold explanations of why a dirty river is dreamed of. According to his interpretations, seeing muddy water in a dream means stepping onto a difficult stage in life:

  • swimming - to petty gossip, domestic squabbles;
  • swimming - to health problems;
  • swim across - to rivalry in the work team;
  • swim to the other side, overcome a stormy stream in any way - to personal victories.

It is better to insure deposits and savings

Seeing a dirty river and observing it from the side means the dreamer’s readiness for risky transactions. Dream Interpretations warn that you should first obtain a full package of guarantees and only after that enter into transactions and agreements. Even if you dreamed that you had a chance to cross a river in a dream by boat or other watercraft.

A sharp change in the mood of the authorities, intrigue among colleagues, the danger of failure - this is exactly what any troubled waters dream of. Your actions in the coming days should be aimed at establishing relationships with management, connections with influential people, and try to find mutual language with employees in the work team.

Monitor your health carefully

Swimming in a dirty river in a dream is also very bad. A dream means the onset of a disease that you are not yet aware of. Vanga’s dream book describes well what misty streams mean in dreams. The great soothsayer reduces the interpretation of sleep to a sharp weakening of the body.

It is worth paying attention to your health in cases where you dreamed of even a small cloudy body of water. The healer recommends postponing urgent matters for the future and focusing on relaxation. If it is impossible to quit, try to establish a work and rest schedule, alternate types of activities, and spend more time in the fresh air.

Rivers have always been of enormous importance in the life of mankind. It is not without reason that both small villages and large cities tried to build on their banks. The river provided water to quench thirst, fish for the table, and a trade route to distant lands for the development and prosperity of the settlement... That is why the ancestors took the interpretation of dreams about her seriously, each time trying to guess what the night vision actually promised.

Interpretations of dream books: Vanga, Miller, Freud and others

“River of life”, “Everything flows, everything changes”: if you have heard such expressions, you will not be surprised at the persistence of the interpreters. At all times, they tried to link dreams about the river with the course of the life of the dreamer himself:

  • dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima: flowing water in a dream symbolizes human life, and the river bed is quiet backwaters. Steep banks and whirlpools are a sign of the vicissitudes of fate that await somewhere ahead;
  • Vanga’s dream book includes several interpretations: firstly, a river in a dream is a projection of the dreamer’s life. And secondly, it is a sign of liberation from the burdens of mistakes once made. You “wash away” the past so that you can easily move into the future;
  • psychoanalytic dream book prophesies unexpected turns destinies as winding as a willful steppe river;
  • Denise Lynn's dream book connects the image of a river with perpetual motion, which should not be resisted. Try to “let go of the bit” for a while and go with the flow - perhaps it will carry you to happiness. On the other hand, spilled water often indicates the presence of an emotional barrier that must be recognized and overcome;
  • dream book New Era: a river in a dream represents circumstances that are worth submitting to. Additional interpretation of a dream about a river: you need to take care of your future;
  • Ivanov’s newest dream book: a river in a dream - to important changes in reality. And also such a dream predicts the appearance of extrasensory abilities in the dreamer;
  • Medea's dream book: river water represents vital (and sometimes sexual) energy and a person’s desire for independence and freedom. Whether these aspirations are destined to come true depends on the degree of purity of the water.

The winding river bed is compared to the fickle human destiny

There are also interpretations pointing to specific events:

  • three dream books at once - Tsvetkova, Lunny and Ukrainian - are sure that the waters of the river flowing into the distance promise a long journey;
  • dream book for the whole family: changes related to health conditions are possible;
  • the Islamic dream book prophesies victory over an enemy, the favor of a superior, and sometimes an interesting matter that will completely capture the dreamer’s attention;
  • Martyn Zadeki’s dream book promises those who saw a river in a dream an advantage over their enemies;
  • the ancient Persian dream book Taflisi advises preparing for a meeting with an influential and wise person;
  • Miller: The transparency and depth of the dreamed river are crucial. Clean and calm waters promise joy and prosperity, muddy and stormy waters warn of quarrels. And spilled waters threaten misunderstandings in the service and loss of reputation. A dry riverbed or a deep-water river with drowned people at the bottom predicts a long period of decline.

Sigmund Freud, who knows how to discern sexual connotations in everything in the world, did not disappoint here either. In his understanding, the river, like any stream, is a prototype of ejaculation or pregnancy.

Who is having the dream: a man or a woman?

Dreams about the river that women or girls see are interpreted as follows:

  • a deep and full-flowing river in girls’ dreams often serves as a reflection of the strong emotions that the dreamer experiences.
  • Be careful: giving in to feelings, it is easy to lose the ability to impartially judge people. Jumping into the river from a bridge - to new acquaintances in reality;
  • For a married woman, a dream promises pregnancy, especially if a fish appears in it. If a married lady jumps into the river from a bridge in a dream, in reality she is promised peace and harmony in relationships with loved ones; a pregnant lady should pay attention increased attention

to your loved ones. The misunderstanding that has recently settled in her family threatens to turn into serious disagreements in the future. If a woman dreams of swimming in the river with her friend, those around her will appreciate it spiritual qualities

dreamers and will pay tribute to her intelligence and charm. Swimming with a man you know promises a marriage proposal, while swimming with a stranger promises disappointment. For a man, a dream about a river usually predicts fatherhood. And if you saw in clear water

fish - a promotion awaits you at work Men's interpretations are less varied. For the stronger sex, a dream about a river usually prophesies paternity or, if fish were flickering in abundance in clear water, career

with an increase in wages.

If a young man dreams of swimming next to a girl he has never met before, a new romance is close.

Water: clear, dirty, warm, cold, black, white, green, milky

The river itself is a vague image, but it does not prophesy anything. In order not to get confused in conflicting interpretations, remember how she appeared in your dreams. Crystal clear? With dirty foam on the waves? Or maybe an unusual green:

Calm, stormy, picturesque, frozen, dried out, large, shallow, deep, spilled...

Remember how you saw the river in your dream. Perhaps it was picturesque and slow, or perhaps it was wide and stormy:

In a dream, you can swim in a river, cross it on a bridge, or wade:

Falling or jumping into the water, drowning, diving to depths, taking on water, getting stones from the bottom...

What does it mean to dream in which the dreamer dives into the depths or drowns? Why does the subconscious send a signal in the form of a dream in which you have to get stones from the bottom of the river? Dream books will answer all these questions:

  • If you saw yourself falling into a river in a dream, don’t worry. There is a difficult period ahead, but faithful friends they will extend their hand and help you get out of the rapids;
  • what to do if you jumped into the water at will? Relax and enjoy life. The general meaning of such a dream is: no matter what storms roar around, they will not affect you. A dream in which the dreamer dives into the depths has the same meaning;
  • a person who collects water from a river in a dream is promised a happy marriage and good luck in business;
  • dreams about stones that for some reason you took out from the bottom and dragged to the shore should be understood literally: the time has come for you to “collect stones,” in other words, to pay for the ugly deeds you once committed;
  • Did you see yourself drowned in a dream? Firstly, try to refrain from lying - it will be discovered and, if it does not destroy, then in any case, it will greatly tarnish your reputation. Secondly, you will feel the need to study religious issues more deeply.

Other dreams: seeing a bridge over a river, walking along the shore, fishing...

Our dreams are always full small parts. Some of them are random, others are understandable only to the dreamer himself, but others have general meaning for all. Let's talk about them:

  • a bridge over a river is often dreamed of by people facing difficult life choice. Such a dream foreshadows changes and help that the dreamer will certainly receive. At the same time, a stone or iron bridge symbolizes a person’s inner confidence, a shaky suspended or glass bridge indicates a dangerous situation, and a wooden one brings hope for the restoration of once interrupted relationships or business ties;
  • a walk in a dream along the river bank or a pleasant rest with a fishing rod is interpreted as a promise of a long period of peace, peaceful family relations, receiving good news;
  • If, standing on one bank, you looked at the other, you will be seized by the desire to go on a long journey. To see a bank that is too steep and rises high above the water: a dream indicates either your loneliness or that your dreams are too divorced from reality.

The distant opposite shore in a dream makes our travel dreams come true

Animals in the water: live or dead fish, crocodile, dolphin, beaver, dog

  1. Live fish splashing in the river portends good luck to the dreamer.
  2. It’s worse if you dreamed of a dead fish, predicting a time of adversity and loss.
  3. A clear sign of danger is a crocodile.
  4. Dolphins that appear in the river warn: there is a cunning manipulator lurking nearby that makes you do somersaults and jump through hoops, pressing on your secret “levers.”
  5. The beaver is the embodiment of hard work; means a reward that you can get in reality only by working up a sweat.
  6. A dog swimming along the river is a sign of fateful changes.

River transport: boat, cutter, ship, barge, icebreaker, ferry

Whirlpool and flood, storm, ice drift, sludge and storm

  1. A whirlpool in a dream means about the same as one seen in reality: it’s dangerous here, be on your guard!
  2. If you find yourself in the center of a storm in a dream, get ready for trouble. Check your health, get your affairs in order and gain composure so that you have the courage to defend your point of view. Dream books say that you will have to resist, no less, public opinion.
  3. If a river bound by an ice shell in a dream means a freeze in movement, then ice drift or slush is a clear symbol of awakening. It's time to shake off apathy and act boldly.
  4. Flood in a dream: depending on the details of the dream, it can mean the emergence of a new feeling, complete success in business, or painful failure.

Algae, mud, duckweed, a corpse in the water or a drowned man

  1. Algae and duckweed in a dream warn against frankness with unfamiliar people: your sincerity will be used against you. In addition, there is a lot of trouble ahead, unfortunately, to no avail.
  2. Viscous green mud indicates the machinations of envious people and slanderers who will manage to stall the progress of your affairs.
  3. ...But a gloomy dream about corpses in the water warns: changeable Fortune has decided to show you her back.

If you dreamed of a calm river, then the life of the person seeing such a dream will flow in a calm channel. And if there are rapids, then these are most likely minor troubles and are not worth talking about. A stormy river in a dream will leave no doubt that life will pass brightly, with memorable pictures and unexpected changes.

What if you dream of crossing a river?

But this - general interpretation dream about a river, without details. But each dream must be interpreted taking into account surrounding objects, time of year, time of day and the presence of other symbols, which are sometimes decisive for a more accurate understanding of the dream.

For example, a dream in which the dreamer is forced to cross a river means that in reality he is in too much of a hurry with some things, and, as they say, is not on time. Perhaps you need to slow down a little with the development of events and not force them too much.

If the one who sees the dream swims across this river, then such an action can affect the fulfillment of many of his desires. You need to learn to swim in reality and then you won’t have to look for a ford in your dreams, alienating your dreams!

The important thing is that any crossing or even an attempt to cross a river in a dream foreshadows or expresses the dreamer’s desire to change the course of his life. Move from a stormy stream to a quieter one, and from the smooth flow of life to the most interesting and fast-paced one.

But what matters here is whether the goal is achieved. When crossing a river, swimming or crossing it by boat, it is important to get to the other side. In some dream books, fording a river in itself means an obstacle, a stop along the way. But if a person still sees the shore, then this means the goal has been achieved.

The purity of the water in the river is of no small importance for the interpretation of sleep. If it is clean, then the dreamer will have a happy life on all sides, and if it is dirty, then life will take place in quarrels, gossip and endless personal and family problems.

What does it portend?

A dry river does not bode well in all dream books without exception. This is either imminent bankruptcy, impoverishment and gray everyday life, or depletion of vitality or a complete decrease in sexuality.

On the contrary, the flood foreshadows an increase in strength and emotions, a desire to live and create. Sometimes a river spilling along the way promises troubles at work in reality. But with an influx of fresh vitality, it will not be difficult to turn the wrath of your bosses to mercy with your labor successes.

It is better for women to avoid rivers in their dreams, since dreams with rivers for them always result in changes in health.

If you dream of swimming in clean water, then you can expect wealth and happy life. And even if you fall into clean river and being carried away by the current, then nothing terrible will happen. But simply washing your face in river or spring water in a dream means you need to be wary - this means misfortunes and illnesses.

Having learned about what you dream about crossing a river, you don’t have to worry about the dream. Everything that can happen later are completely everyday situations that happen at every mile of a person walking along the road of life. The main thing is not to repeat mistakes and not to try to enter the same river in the same place.