Why does a woman dream of eating grapes? Variety of grapes: blue, white, green, black, red. General symbolic meaning

What grapes mean in dreams is interpreted in different ways. On the one hand, almost everyone loves its berries, and the clusters decorate the dessert table; accordingly, the dream is also favorable and portends good luck and abundance. However, there is another subtext associated with worries and troubles. This especially applies to women.

In the East, sweet fruits are always present in the house, as they are believed to attract wealth. Their aroma is as pleasant as their taste. Grape different varieties usually takes on a platter central place, and raisins are even considered to be exquisite delicacies. In Mediterranean countries, excellent wine is made from grapes, because in ancient Greece the berries belonged to the god Dionysus, responsible for feasts and fun. But let's return to dreams.

Juicy, large berries ripened in the sun mean prosperity for the sleeper. If in a dream you managed to tear off a bunch of berries and eat them, a person will be able to take full advantage of the beneficial period and will happily spend the money he receives or enjoy generous gifts. Fun and well-deserved rest await him.

It happens that night vision with the symbol of grapes precedes troubles and hard work, like harvesting. Workers cut grapes under the scorching sun, but at the end of the day they feel joy and satisfaction from their work.

Sleep with big amount berries promises that the efforts spent will not be in vain and will soon bear fruit.

Interpretations of dreams in different dream books

Basically, the opinions of famous dream interpreters agree on positive value sleep. Only a few additional details can worsen good omen and call the grapes seen in a dream the cause of fear, discontent and other negative emotions.

For an unmarried girl, a dream about grapes promises love and the fulfillment of important plans. A good sign is grapes lying on a dish or a walk through a garden with arches entwined with vines. Men will be lucky at work. They will receive a promotion or bonus.

If a sleeping person eats berries, soon in reality he will plunge into worries and troubles. It will be difficult to find those willing to help resolve matters, but in the end everything will work out and bring peace and joy.

Eating unripe or spoiled berries indicates an unwillingness to start new projects. The person has decided that they are necessary, but experiences uncertainty and fear. Active actions will allow you to successfully complete a transaction or introduce innovations.

According to Tsvetkov

A ripe bunch presented as a gift in a dream means meeting an interesting and generous person in real life. He is diversified and will help the sleeper enter the circle of wealthy people.

A bunch of many small berries predicts frustration and tears in reality. The more grapes, the greater the disappointment will become. Red berries promise a woman fear, but the situation will quickly improve.

The rich harvest he sees promises the dreamer good events in life and changing its way of life. Dreaming of picking berries foretells unexpected events. Making wine from grapes and treating loved ones to it in a dream will be the beginning of a fun, carefree time and prosperity.

A walk through the garden with ripening grapes portends a bright woman love affair and many impressions. In any dream, ripe grapes are a sign of goodness and prosperity.

According to Hasse

See, pick or take home ripe berries dreams about big achievements. A person is lucky, able to achieve his plans and enjoy life. Sometimes in a dream you can watch how a vine grows right before your eyes. After this, in reality the dreamer will receive a reward for his labors and increase his fortune.

Crushing grapes is an unkind sign. It warns of deteriorating health and the need for rest. If a young girl admires grapes, she has hard work ahead of her. Whether it will be beneficial depends only on the dreamer.

Ripe grape berries will be a positive omen for a girl. The sleeping beauty is irresistible in the eyes of the stronger sex around her. Success, gifts and compliments await her. Why does a woman dream of grapes, plucking leaves from the vine and throwing them to the ground? She doesn't value her fans.

If in a dream a man is treated to new wine, he has loyal friends who are always ready to support and help. Hiding from someone behind a vine in a dream will force you to hide your intentions from ill-wishers in reality.

According to Freud

The dreamer who looked at the grapes adores sensual pleasures or this moment experiences strong passion. Berries show a person’s passion for intimate pleasures and attempts to view everything that happens through the prism of sex. This approach is typical for both men and women, and often pays off.

Eating grapes in a dream means disappointment and loss of calm. It will take more than one day to return to your previous well-being.

Various dream situations

Receiving grapes as a gift or buying them means work that will be rewarded. How exactly, its variety will show and appearance berries

According to Miller, the grape harvest foreshadowed the dreamer's gaining authority and high position in society. This is not a random result. The man strived for a long time and achieved what he wanted.

A girl who picks grapes will find happiness and a passionate admirer. She will succeed in any undertaking.

Reaching for unripe berries and not being able to get them is an indicator of futile efforts. You can safely complete what you started, because the result will be disappointing. Grapes falling off during harvest personify the sluggishness of the sleeper, who misses out on profitable offers.

There are grapes

According to Tsvetkov, dreaming of eating unripe berries signifies a person’s understanding of the illogicality of his actions. However, he cannot stop and continues the hopeless task.

Unpleasant-tasting berries in a dream speak of chaotic thoughts and unresolved problems sleeping, tormenting him day and night. They breed fear and apathy. The dream shows that the time has come to turn the situation around.

Sell ​​grapes

According to Vanga, selling grapes at the market promised harmony in the family and the emergence of new friends. Miss Hasse considered selling berries to the dreamer as a sign of education love triangle. He is confused in a relationship and has no idea how to break it.

According to other dream books, selling grapes indicates the emergence of a business partner capable of resolving difficulties and developing the business. For a woman, a dream shows that she has many fans.

Stealing grapes

Picking grapes yourself in someone else's garden guarantees receiving money and public acceptance. However, a dream with your own vineyard without berries reports evil machinations and plans, lies and losses.

The meaning of the dream largely depends on the color and ripeness of the berries. In reality, everyone tries to choose large grapes because they are the most delicious. Small and hidden from sunlight berries are undesirable both in reality and in a dream. Dreaming with them will not bring much success, but it guarantees wasted efforts and resentment.

Green, black grapes

In most dream books, green grapes mean immature decisions. Doubts and uncertainty are difficult to overcome, but things will soon improve. What will contribute to this will be shown by other details of the dream. It is possible that green berries mean rash actions, but their consequences will unexpectedly bring success.

Muslims interpret the dream of black berries extremely negatively. When one of the prophets became angry with his son, the grapes in his hands turned black. After sleep, quarrels and troubles are possible.

Other dream interpreters agree that picking “wine” berries for a man indicates imminent material success and career advancement. The career will be especially successful if the sleeper gallops through the vineyard on a horse and grabs the hanging grapes.

Sometimes black grapes promise income obtained through not entirely legal means or sweet revenge on an enemy.

Rotten grapes

According to Hasse, picking spoiled berries should alert the sleeper and force him to pay attention to the behavior of his acquaintances. It is possible that one of them is weaving intrigues and spreading gossip about him.

Vanga advised that after such a dream one should free oneself from unnecessary doubts, since the controversial situation would soon be resolved. All worries will subside.

Large or small berries

Large berries, especially light ones, will bring prosperity and abundance to the dreamer’s family. In addition, they promise a harmonious marriage and mutual understanding with the other half. A huge bunch of juicy berries promises big wins. Unmarried girl will meet his betrothed, and the businessman will receive a tempting business offer or sign a lucrative contract.

Small berries make a child cry. They talk to adults about minor progress towards success, but complete victory is still far away.


The beautiful berries from which wine was made have delighted poets and artists for centuries. They created entire works and still lifes dedicated to grapes. A person who sees in a dream vines with clusters of purple or pale yellow berries hanging on them will want to pick them and try them. This is exactly what he would have done in reality. Some sleepers taste the berries and wake up with the idea of ​​immediately enjoying them in reality.

Thus, sleep is desired and perceived positively. A warning about the occurrence of events that can shock the sleeper or cause fear should not be perceived as an impending disaster. Rather, efforts have to be made, but rewards will immediately follow. Let the sight of ripe berries please you in your dreams, and let them, in turn, bring gifts and achievements.

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It seems that seeing grapes in a dream is a positive sign, but you shouldn’t be too deluded about this. For many, it is difficult to determine without a dream book what grapes are dreaming of, precisely because of the significant inconsistency of this sign.

So, one person may see grapes as a feeling of guilt for some events. For others, this will serve as a sign of potential temptation. The third will receive success and good luck from what he sees, and the fourth, for example, on the contrary, will receive only failures. This berry should not be interpreted in an unambiguous order.

It is very important to pay due attention to the impressions you receive from sleep. How do you position it? It is these sensations that can suggest the correct interpretation of this phenomenon.

It is worth noting, however, that rotten, blackened and tasteless grapes have a one-sided interpretation - this means trouble. For those who ask why they dream of a lot of such grapes, the answer is quite predictable - to big failures, possibly of a protracted nature.

On the other hand, if you are lucky enough to see attractive tempting bunches of grapes with obvious signs sweetish taste, what it will bring to you in all your future endeavors.

Why do you dream about green grapes?

Green grapes promise future wealth and success. Seeing it, there is a chance for positive changes in business and the improvement of various family troubles.

It is also very important to pay attention to what manipulations you performed with green grapes. If you tried to make wine from it or eat it - to minor successes and minor victories. If you simply put its berries in any container, expect drastic positive changes in your life.

Why do you dream about blue grapes?

The appearance of grapes in a dream of blue color indicates a significant increase wages or the arrival of an order that is profitable for you in the near future. Pay attention to the size of the grapes: as its size decreases, the waiting period for the above-mentioned changes in the situation of your finances increases.

If a woman dreamed that she was holding a bunch of grapes in her hand, then this is a symbol of imminent marriage, and in the future she will no longer need anything.

Also, the appearance of blue grapes in your dreams may indicate that you will soon receive a gift from someone close to you.

Why do you dream of large grapes?

More often than not, the size of the grape determines the size or timing of what it portends. For example, if it concerns the financial sphere, then the larger the berry, the faster you will be able to get rich.

As for the sphere of bringing success or failure, the size will have an impact on the characteristics of the significance of future events. If grapes were a dream of success, and it was big size, then expect important changes in your life for the better.

Why do you dream about eating grapes in a dream?

Usually, a dream in which you eat grapes foreshadows troubles or some kind of worries. What is important to know is that all future problems can be solved, and will be more of a test of endurance and determination, rather than something that will ruin your life forever.

It is also worth paying attention to the amount of grapes eaten, since it is clear that the more you eat, the more serious it will be. potential problems. If you choke on them, then you will have a chance to avoid them.

Grapes in a dream are a symbol of wealth, prosperity, happiness, fertility and success in love. For men, seeing or eating grapes in a dream means joy and benefit from communicating with a woman, unless they are sour. Unripe grapes in your dream means that you must think carefully if you want to make an important decision and not make a mistake.

Seeing grapes without berries in a dream means losses. Seeing the grape harvest in a dream predicts you big success, mutual love and fulfillment of a cherished desire. A vine in a dream is a very happy omen.

A dream in which you see grapevines foretells you wealth, high income, happiness and the fulfillment of desires, unless they are dried out and without leaves, which portends losses through theft. Seeing grape clusters with ripe red grapes in a dream means fear; If you are presented with a bunch of grapes, then a new acquaintance awaits you. In all other cases, seeing brushes with ripe grapes in a dream is a harbinger of success in business.

Picking bunches of grapes in a dream is a sign of strengthening your position in society and wealth. Such a dream often predicts an unusual Lucky case which will bring you great luck. Cutting them off is good luck. Eating grapes from a bunch foretells women that they will have many admirers. Treating yourself to grapes in a dream means sadness. Seeing grapes being crushed in a dream means great success in business, which, however, will be given to you through hard work.

Collecting grapes in a dream in order to make wine from them is a sign that you are taking the right step towards success, which, however, will not come soon. Picking black grapes in a dream means losses, and white grapes means wealth. Eating ripe grapes in a dream means joy and profit, unless they are sour.

Eating white or green ripe grapes means profit and winnings, while eating red and black ones means that profit or winnings will not be obtained in a completely honest way. Crushing grapes in a dream means victory over your enemies. Seeing raisins in a dream is a sign that your business is not going well. Treating them is a sign of heartache.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Do you have grape dreams? If the answer is yes, then the reader will probably be interested in material about dreams where grapes appear. There are many transcripts of this dream. Some dream books interpret sweet berries as a harbinger of worries that can strengthen the will and make a person stronger. Others will tell you that the fruits of the vineyard will bring peace of mind, a person will achieve benefits and all his innermost desires will come true. But let's look at everything in more detail and delve into the study of dreams about tasty, juicy, aromatic grapes.

Decoding dreams about grapes according to various dream books

Freud's Dream Book

Ripe grape berries are a symbol of pleasure, unbridled passion, the desire to love and be loved.

Treating someone with grapes in a dream, according to Freud’s dream book, means giving too much importance to your sex life, putting it at the forefront of your interests. The one who saw the dream constantly thinks about pleasure, all his thoughts revolve around the bed.

If you come across sour or tasteless grapes in a dream, you will be disappointed from love pleasures.

For women, red bunches of delicacy promise fear, but most likely it will be someone’s bad joke, and you shouldn’t take it seriously and worry about it.

Vanga's Dream Book

If you dreamed of beautiful, ripe grapes - fortunately.

Dreaming of picking grape fruits - expect good news, perhaps receiving pleasant surprise, gift.

Pressing wine from grapes in a dream means achieving success.

Treating others with blue berries promises the one who has a dream, fun and joy.

Harvesting a large harvest of grapes according to Vanga’s dream book means an advantageous acquaintance with a person who may help solve any questions or problems that have arisen.

I dreamed that the dreamer was selling ripe grape fruits - good sign. Most likely, the person will meet true friend, will improve relationships with family.

Carrying a basket with a large harvest of grapes, tasty and ripe, promises the dreamer love adventure. It will definitely leave behind a lot of pleasant emotions and memories.

But to see dirty and rotten grapes will tell you that a person is obsessed with fears and doubts, but he will be able to overcome them and gain the upper hand over them.

Miller's Dream Book

Did you see grapes in a dream? The dream promises fulfillment cherished dream, a person will be able to realize his plans.

Eating grapes means being recognized as smart in society as an intelligent and successful person.

I dreamed of ripe berries decorating grape bunches, a sign of a long and strong marriage.

Green grapes will tell you that the dreamer is doing his job well and will be able to achieve what he dreams of.

Black grapes will tell you that the enemy, enemy, foe will be overtaken by punishment, and the ill-wisher will no longer be able to cause trouble to the one who saw the dream.

I dreamed of white fruits - an excellent sign. Try to remember the sensations you experienced while eating berries. If the dreamer enjoys grapes with pleasure, then everything will be fine with him, close people will always be nearby.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Here the grape dreams will not be deciphered too rosy, but not all of them.

The vine can lead the dreamer to losses, and perhaps something will be stolen from him.

Bunches of ripe, juicy grapes - achieve great success in business.

If a girl saw grapes in a dream, most likely she will achieve what she wants, but for this she will have to try a little.

Gather grapes - get a large sum money, improve your finances.

Carrying a basket filled with berries is a sign of success in love.

Trample grapes - you need to pay close attention to your own health, monitor its condition.

Walking through a grape garden means good luck and prosperity.

Harvesting a rotten, missing harvest means having a two-faced friend nearby.

Selling bunches of grapes according to Hasse’s dream book - the dreamer is carried away by two things at once and cannot make a choice, the love adventure has drawn him in.

Watching ripe grape berries fill with juice means receiving a high reward for hard work, for your work.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

When the dreamer enjoys the taste of fresh berries, then ordinary life he should expect worries and troubles. This is how the dream book interprets what he saw.

If a representative of the fair sex sees grapes, she should expect a nice gift, a souvenir, small but expensive.

Taste the berries - expect disappointment in a friend, sexual partner. But, after a while, the one who sees the dream will find spiritual harmony and peace by finding out the truth.

Seeing grapes is the personification of harmony with oneself, as well as a manifestation of the dreamer’s raging passion, his sincere love.

White grapes dream of good health. Grapes promise profit, luck, and career success.

Eating raisins is a sign of failure, disappointment in business.

Loff's Dream Book

The interpretation of the dream book about grapes is as follows:

If the stronger sex dreams of grapes, this indicates that he is fighting for his family well-being, which promises him a lot of trouble.

If a young girl dreams of berries, she will be able to improve her personal life.

Sour fruits - minor worries, troubles, troubles.

Plucking leaves from the vineyard and tearing them into many small pieces means not appreciating the love of loved ones, neglecting their emotional attitude and warmth. Soon the dreamer will be able to appreciate their kindness and reliability, but only after the betrayal of a close friend.

Planting vineyards means success will not be long in coming, things will go up, everything will work out.

In a dream, a person is treated to grape berries, and they are tasty and ripe - the dreamer has an excellent opportunity to count on support from friends and relatives. These people will spare nothing for his well-being.

Decoding dreams about grapes by their color

- Green grapes
This is a symbol of melancholy, sadness, routine in which the dreamer gets bogged down. Such a dream indicates that a person has a life from which joy and happiness have disappeared. Anyone who saw green berries in a dream should think about sweeping away the situation in order to feel a surge of strength and energy. It's worth finding yourself interesting activity, meet nice people.
A green vine, where the berries are unripe, will tell the dreamer that he will have to actively develop and then he will achieve material heights, financial well-being, and will also begin to develop spiritually.

— See the black color of grapes in a dream
Not a good sign. The dream symbolizes upcoming quarrels, wasted energy, reproaches, and constant reprimands.
A twig with black fruits means losses, mental anguish, experiences of the dreamer. Eating berries means impending sadness, retribution, possibly undeserved punishment. Everything will depend on how many fruits were eaten in the dream. The more there are, the the situation is more complicated.

— I dreamed about blue grapes

When the dreamer dreams of blue grapes, the dream can be deciphered in two ways. It is important to remember the emotions experienced by the sleeper. If they were negative, you should expect an unpleasant illness; perhaps the person who saw the dream will catch a cold, a runny nose, or the flu.

If a person was happy, this indicates that blue berries promise a useful acquaintance, and also indicates income.

— White grapes in a dream
The dream will tell you about the constant rumors that swirl around the person who saw the dream, about omissions, and gossip. But the dreamer will be able to get out of the situation with dignity and will not tarnish his name.

— Dreaming of red bunches of grapes

A person will face reproaches, statements, and slander. Perhaps close people or superiors will express their dissatisfaction with him.

— Why do you dream about ripe grapes?

Such a dream promises big jackpot, profit. The one who sees the dream will be able to allow himself pleasure and enjoy it.

Decoding the dream about grapes and manipulations with them

  • eat grapes

Various troubles await the dreamer, but they are pleasant.
If a young woman eats grapes, then the dream promises the fulfillment of a cherished dream, a secret desire.
If the fruits are tasteless, the dreamer is overcome by fears, he hesitates, doubts. But if he manages to pull himself together, he will soon find peace of mind, peace.
Sometimes a dream about eating berries will tell you that a person will experience pleasure.

  • Harvesting grapes in a dream

Picking plump, ripe, juicy fruits from the branches means that what awaits the one who sees the dream mutual love whom he will meet soon. If a person has a soulmate, this promises strengthening of relationships, the fire of passion will flare up even stronger.

  • Buy grape bunches

The interpretation of the dream will directly depend on what the grapes look like.
If in a dream a person buys beautiful, appetizing, fresh grapes, then this promises him to make large, healthy purchases. He will spend his money wisely, the acquisition will only please him and give him pleasant emotions.

In case of purchase rotten grapes, sour, tasteless, wrinkled, stale, the purchase will be meaningless and will not bring any benefit. A person who has a dream should think twice before investing money, especially if the purchase is not cheap. You need to think about everything.
When the dreamer was treated to purchased grapes, the dream promises an acquaintance with a good, sensitive friend, perhaps an influential one who has weight in society.

  • Why do you dream about picking grapes?

If the dreamer picks grape tassels, this will indicate that he will strengthen his position in society. The dream also promises an unusual event that will bring unprecedented luck.
Cutting grapes has many fans for women, and the stronger sex is disappointed in girls.
Eating cut grapes will probably bring sadness and disappointment to the dreamer.
If you mash grapes in a dream, it means success in your career and other matters, but everything will have to be achieved through hard work.

  • Picking grapes in a dream

If a girl was collecting the harvest, this will tell her that she will resume her relationship with her former boyfriend. Make peace with him.
A woman harvests grapes for prosperity.
Seeing someone picking bunches of grapes in a dream means improving your financial position, improve family well-being.
A pregnant woman saw grapes - everything is fine with her child, it will not cause trouble or worry.

  • Steal grape bunches

If you steal berries from someone else's garden, it means that the person who saw the dream is not satisfied with his personal life. He needs to either improve his relationship with his significant other or break up with her.

Decoding grape dreams about its quantity

  • Grape brushes

They will tell the dreamer that he will be able to achieve a high position in society. The dream book says that a person will draw a lucky ticket; chance will bring him good luck.

  • Bunches of grapes

Plucking them means achieving the desired happiness, well-being with family and friends.

  • I dreamed about a lot of grapes

A love adventure awaits the dreamer, which will bring unforgettable sensations; the adventure will be dizzying.

  • Grape vine

This dream does not promise anything good. He incurs a loss and theft of valuables is possible.

  • Grape bushes

If the bush had a pink tint - a pleasant acquaintance.
Picking berries from a bush means moving, traveling, changing your place of residence.

  • Grape berries

Ripe grapes indicate prosperity for the dreamer.
If the berries are tasteless or sour, a person is afraid of something, but he will be able to overcome his inner fear.

Decoding grape dreams depending on who dreamed about them

Why does a woman dream about grapes?

The dream will tell the young lady that she dreams of love and wants a passionate relationship. Perhaps she should rekindle marital love and think about traveling alone with her loved one.

A man dreamed of grapes

If he eats grapes in a dream or if they are nearby, this indicates that he will experience the joy of a close relationship with a woman. If the fruit is sour, sex will not bring the expected pleasure, it will be insipid, boring.

A pregnant girl dreams of grapes

She should take her health seriously, and perhaps she is haunted by sexual fantasies.

A girl dreams of grapes

Ripe and juicy fruits promise the fulfillment of all desires, especially hidden, secret ones.
The abundance of berries is a pleasant surprise.
According to dream books, eating a juicy fruit is a good deal.

Dreams where grape wine is present

Grapes are considered to be a symbol of wealth, prosperity, and also success and fertility. Its berries can be used to prepare aromatic and incredibly delicious wine, which can hit you with hops in the head and push a person to rash actions. What does seeing alcohol in a dream promise according to some dream books?

— Drinking wine in a dream
The dream prophesies to the dreamer wealth, happiness, luck, prosperity.

— In a dream, they treat you to wine made from grapes
A person who has a dream can count on the help of a friend or loved ones when the need arises.

- Prepare grape wine in a dream
Without making any effort to achieve goals, a high position in society, prosperity, respect.

So, if a person dreamed of grapes, it is worth remembering the emotions that he experienced, the taste and color of the berries, and only then can the dream be deciphered more accurately.

I dreamed about grapes. The dream book says, Dreams in which there is a grape theme most often carry a positive prognosis for the dreamer. It symbolizes wealth and fertility, so when it appears in a dream, it becomes a harbinger of something favorable. Naturally, there are some nuances that you should pay attention to in order to correctly interpret your own dream and understand why you dream of grapes.

Pick or eat grapes

This is a symbol of the intoxicating feeling of love. The dream says that you will be able to realize your desires in the love and sexual spheres. If the dreamer does not have an amorous relationship, then the dream indicates the appearance in life love partner in the very near future.

If the general atmosphere of the dream has a negative connotation, then the dream may indicate an insignificant reward for hard and tedious work.


Beautiful clusters that are surrounded by lush foliage indicate that a person will be able to occupy a significant position in society, thereby achieving respect in society. For girls and women, it promises fulfillment of desires.

Lots of grapes.

If there are a lot of grapes, this indicates great joy and financial well-being. For young people and girls who have not yet found their happiness in love, his appearance promises a sensual relationship that will culminate in a magnificent wedding. The larger the berries in such a dream, the faster things will go uphill.

Sour berries.

The dream book interprets sour or tasteless grapes as a symbol of disgust. Negative emotions in reality will directly affect the dreamer’s personal life, although they can be received under different circumstances. Seeing grapes in a dream, the taste of which is unpleasant, may indicate an insult caused by a loved one or even a partner’s betrayal. Also similar dreams may represent rejection intimacy with anyone.

Admiring grapes in a dream

Why do we dream of grapes that the dreamer admires with pleasure? This definitely predicts that a woman will have more than one admirer.


I dreamed about grapes that large quantities growing in the garden. This speaks of love pleasures. However, the dreamer should avoid love affairs, because the vine is a symbol of deception and falsehood. If a person sees someone from his environment in this garden, then this character is the source of danger. Be careful with him.

Berry color

Why dream of grapes that are not yet ripe? Such a dream indicates that the dreamer is not yet ready to switch to new level and change something in your life. This can be both the spiritual aspect and the material side of life. A person should better understand his own feelings and work on himself in order to move on.

Seeing grapes in a dream, the ripe berries of which have green color, symbolize a certain routine into which the dreamer will have to get bogged down. His life was no longer filled with joyful and happy moments. Having seen green berries, you should try to change the situation around you: meet with friends, do something interesting thing. That is, do anything to get positive emotions.

I dreamed of black grapes - a harbinger of material losses. In a dream, grapes with dark berries can be a harbinger of mental anguish and torment of the dreamer himself.

Why do you dream about grapes? white? This is always a sign of innocence and purity of thoughts. The dream is a harbinger of complete moral satisfaction from any work done and peace of mind.

Red grapes in a dream can warn of minor health problems, such as an impending cold. According to other sources, the dream indicates the dreamer’s excessive selfishness and disregard for the opinions of other people.

Blue grapes in a dream indicate new useful acquaintances that can bring significant profits.

Eating grapes in a dream

In a dream, grapes that a man eats are a sign of intimate pleasures. However, if you have to eat rotten berries, then a new intimate partner can cause many problems in life. If a man eats green fruits, then this indicates that he is in too much of a hurry, trying to translate love relationship on new stage. Such pressure can scare away the beloved and the relationship will end, in fact, without ever beginning. For a woman who eats berries in her sleep, there is no need to fear a lack of admirers. If she treats someone with berries, then this indicates separation from her loved one.


If you have to steal ripe grapes in a dream, this indicates dissatisfaction in your personal life.


Good sign. In reality, you can safely start a new project and implement fresh ideas. Everything that is started is doomed to success.

The main thing is to regard any dream as clues from your own subconscious, and not as a guide to action. And then, through your own efforts, it will be possible to correct some events in reality.