Old male Chechen and Ingush names. Chechen surnames - list in alphabetical order. Beautiful Chechen names

b) The most popular today female names:

c) “Complete” dictionary of modern Chechen names:seven thousand names and variants

2200 male names (with 4700 variants), 1200 female names (with 2500 variants)

The most significant books and scientific publications about Chechen names:

1) The secret of names. Vainakhs, Arabs and Islam (Bagaev M.Kh.)

// The book with this title was written in 1994 and was published in a small edition that same year. Only a few copies have survived to this day. In 2015 Chief Editor popular magazine “Nana”, Lula Zhumalaeva decided to publish an abbreviated version of the book on the pages of the magazine (in printed and electronic versions, No. 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 / 2015).

2) History of Chechnya in mirror image proper names (Ibragimov K.Kh.)

3) Arabic names in the Chechen language (Almurzaeva P.Kh.)// The article “Arabic names in the Chechen language” was published in the journal “Philological Sciences. Questions of Theory and Practice.” Tambov, “Gramota” Publishing House, 2016, No. 9 (63), part 2, pp. 63-66, ISSN 1997-2911 // Author of the article - Deputy Dean of the Faculty foreign languages Chechensky state university, candidate philological sciences, associate professor Almurzaeva Petimat Khalidovna.

Names eastern origin. Etymology (Bibulatov N.S.)// We offer you an excerpt from the book " Chechen names", published in 1991. The author of this book is Candidate of Philological Sciences Bibulatov Nurdin Saipudinovich. In it you will find almost 40 names popular among peoples who profess Islam.

4) Gender studies in Chechen linguistics(Bakhaeva L.M.)

// The article was published in the journal "Bulletin of the Stavropol State University: Philological Sciences. - 2007. - No. 53, pp. 111-117). On this site it is posted in an abbreviated form (only parts I and IV). Author Bakhaeva Leila Mukharbekovna, senior lecturer of the department of Russian and Chechen language Grozny State Oil Institute.

5) Reflection of anthroponymy in the life of the Chechen people(from the dissertation of T.M. Shavlaeva)

// Shavlaeva Tamara Magamedovna - Associate Professor of the Department of Cultural Studies of the Chechen State University. university, candidate historical sciences// Here are several fragments from her doctoral dissertation on the topic: “From the history of cultural development economic activity Chechen people (XIX-early XX centuries)". Specialty 07.00.07 Ethnography, ethnology, anthropology, 2017

6) Chechen and Ingush national traditions naming names(Khasbulatova Z.I.)

// Zulay Imranovna Khasbulatova - professor at the Chechen State University, leading researcher at the ethnology department of the Institute of Humanitarian Studies of the Academy of Sciences Chechen Republic // Here are some excerpts from her doctoral dissertation: “ Traditional culture raising children among Chechens (XIX - early XX centuries)". Specialty 07.00.07 - Ethnography, ethnology, anthropology, 2015

7) A large amount of factual material on original Chechen names and surnames is concentrated in the monograph “Chechens in the Mirror of Tsarist Statistics (1860-1900).”// Its author is Ibragimova Zarema Khasanovna. The book was published in 2000, republished in 2006, Moscow, Probel Publishing House, 244 pp., ISBN 5-98604-066-X. .

You will also find a selection of original Chechen names in the book “Chechen Weapons”// Author Isa Askhabov, pdf, 66 pp. // on pp. 49-57 the names of Chechen gunsmiths of the 18th-20th centuries are given, and on pp. 15-16 it talks about the names of damask steel, which became men's names (Khazbolat, Dzhambolat, etc.)

8) Structural and grammatical types of personal namesprimordial fund of the Chechen language

// The article “Structural and grammatical types of personal names of the original fund of the Chechen language” was published in the journal Bulletin of the Institute of Educational Problems of the Chechen Republic, Vol. 7, 2009, Grozny// Author Zura Abuevna Aldieva - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Russian Language Department of the Chechen State Pedagogical University.

9) Section "Names of Nakh languages: Chechen and Ingush names" (pp. 364-382) in the "Directory of Personal Names of the Peoples of the RSFSR"// Ed. A.V. Superanskaya, Moscow, Russian Language Publishing House, 1987, first edition, 1979, section authors Yu.D. Desheriev and Kh. Oshaev, based on materials from the Chechen-Ingush Research Institute).

10) Collection "Consolidated Dictionary of Personal Names of Peoples" North Caucasus". Moscow, publishing house "Nauka" / "Flinta", 2012// author of the project and leader of the team of authors Roza Yusufovna Namitokova, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Adygea State University. University. // the section that is of greatest interest to us is "Vainakh: Ingush and Chechen names"(pp. 133-157), and section "Personal names of eastern origin of the peoples of the North Caucasus"(pp. 399-484). Entire book - .

11) Most large collection Chechen personal names - 5000 names and variants collected by Bibulatov Nurdin Saipudinovich(philologist, specialist in grammar and anthroponymy of the Chechen language). Book "Chechen names" was completed by him in 1990, and on next year- printed. For obvious reasons, only a few copies have survived to this day. Today you can get acquainted with the book only here, on the “A Thousand Names” website. Just keep in mind that many names are “outdated” and are practically not found today. Read a book.

Be sure to go to the "Muslim names" section of this site - you will find a lot of useful information.

A name is not just a combination of sounds to which a person responds. Since ancient times, people have noticed that a name determines the fate of its owner, gives him strengths and abilities, and also gives weaknesses and shortcomings. Each nationality has its own popular and favorite names for boys and girls, with secret meaning. Chechen names are amazing in their sound, beautiful, but unusual for European ears.

Depending on their origin, Chechen names can be divided into three groups:

  • Folk, native options. The most ancient, which are the true pride of the Chechen people. Their distinctive feature is brevity; they consist of one, maximum two syllables. They owe their appearance to mother nature: animals, plants, minerals. Examples are numerous: Borz (from the word “wolf”), Lecha (“eagle”), Lu (“roe deer”), Zhovkhan (“pearl”).
  • Borrowed. They came to Chechen from Persian, Turkic and Arabic languages ​​and make up the main layer of names. Among them there are a lot of Muslim options with a religious connotation: Osman, Suleiman and, of course, Muhammad, Magomed. Such names as Khasbulat, Mansur, Albek came from Turkic. Numerous female names were adopted by Chechens from Arabic sources: Yasmin, Zukhra, as well as from the Koran (Madina, Zeinab, Aisha).
  • Modern. Most of representatives of the nationality uses traditional names to this day, but the influence of the modern West is still felt, which is why the following options appear: Louise, Tamara, Rosa, Sasha. Often the source of such borrowing is the Russian language.

These are the main groups of Chechen names, many of them sound very unusual for modern man, poetic and soulful, and their secret meaning adds special interest to them.

Variety of male names

One of the main sources from which Chechen names appeared was borrowings from the Arabic language, which gave a huge number of options with religious overtones. Among the male names popular among Chechens are the following options:

These are the Chechen male names and their meaning. Of course, it is far from represented full list, but only the most frequently used options that came to to the Chechen people from Arabic primary sources. These names are still popular today, although they often face competition from more modern options.

Coming from the natural world

Among the Chechen names there are those that endow their owner with the qualities of the most worthy representatives of the world of wildlife. Examples are numerous:

Rare now Chechen boy gets so ancient beautiful name With rich history, however, this fact does not negate their value. Sometimes a family that adheres to traditional views gives its son just such a noble name that will influence his subsequent fate.

Popular female names

Chechen names for girls are very numerous, but researchers note that more than 70% of them are borrowings from Arabic sources. However, there are also native Chechen variants, for example, Birlant, this name means “diamond”, Children - with the meaning “silver”, Deshi - “gold”, Zhovkhar - “pearl”. More examples: Zaza means “blooming”, Zezag translates as “flower”, Polla means “butterfly” in Chechen. The poetic name Seda translates as “star”.

Names help to understand the culture of the Chechen people. If men were compared with representatives of the animal world, noble animals and proud birds of prey, then girls were associated primarily with jewelry and flowers.

Most beautiful

The list of Chechen names for girls, beautiful and modern, is quite extensive, and each of them gives its owner certain character traits, strong and weak sides, mystical abilities, talismans and lucky numbers.

Aziza is a beautiful, sonorous name for a kare-eyed beauty, which endowed its owner with endless creative potential. This girl is talented in everything, plays the piano very well musical instruments, draws, writes poetry or prose. Azizs often become fashion designers or tattoo artists. Their appearance is bright and memorable, their character is strong-willed and strong, so such girls are doomed to success.

Aina - thanks to the combination of sounds, this name for girls sounds gentle and poetic. It endowed its owner with a vulnerable nature, as well as independence and courage. Aina girls have the makings of a leader since childhood, but they try so subtly to influence their environment that they almost never encounter negativity or resistance. The meaning of the name is “mirror”; indeed, these girls see right through their interlocutor.

The name Asiya sounds tender, the meaning of which is “who knows how to heal.”

Bayanat is a very sonorous Chechen female name, its owner has a strong character, formed under the influence of Mercury and Uranus, she looks forward with confidence, is not afraid life trials. Despite the fact that Bayanat is not a very popular name, it does not lose its beauty.

Jamila is a mysterious name, it contains a riddle, its bearer certainly has a talent that will be revealed literally from the first years of her life. At the same time, Jamila is a very good wife, a wonderful mother, and an exemplary housewife. The meaning of the name is “beautiful”.

The name Kurbika is very beautiful, which in Arabic means “proud”, “reliable”, it is very ancient name, which is used by the Chechen people to this day.

Layla, meaning “night,” and Lina, “modesty,” sound tender and touching.

Modern variations

Chechen women's names and their meanings are very diverse, some of them have a long history, a beautiful poetic sound, but there are also those that are quite modern and can be used to name a girl, not necessarily even an oriental one:

Aliya is one of these names; it came to the Chechen people from Arab sources and endowed its owner with piercing beauty and talent. Girls with this unusual name they are distinguished by their fortitude, they look with pride at their offenders, but hate when anyone tries to penetrate them inner world. They are sincere, but often their deep nature is misunderstood ordinary people. Only in the company of “our own”, like-minded people, the owner rare name Aliya opens up completely.

Amira is another beautiful Chechen name, it means “mistress”. These are very active, lively girls, purposeful and persistent, smart and efficient. Can be used by parents who dream of giving their daughter an unusual name.

Despite some unusualness to European ears, Zeinab is a very modern female name, endowing its bearer with talent, beauty and wisdom. It is Zeinab's girls who become ideal oriental wives - quiet and submissive at first glance, they masterfully know how to subjugate the will of their husband so that he does not even realize his dependent position.

The name Kamila sounds beautiful and modern, and it is in this version, with one “l”, that is found among Chechen women. Translated from Arabic it means “perfection”. The name Madina, sonorous and unusual, is also often used.

Maryam is a name that will become a real adornment for a girl of our time, despite the fact that it has a very long history. Its owners are distinguished by their lively disposition, cheerful, good-natured character, they are proactive and sociable.

Chechen names are not just beautiful and non-trivial options for naming a child. This is a whole culture and history, each of them has a special meaning and gives its bearer some important personality traits.

Attention, TODAY only!

Each nation has its own tradition of forming personal names. Chechens are no exception. Their surnames are based on the names of birds or animals, proper names, they have Chechen origin or have roots in Persian or Arabic languages.

Chechen surnames - list

Have you ever wondered where your family came from? Sometimes it happens that a person does not suspect who his relatives are or does not attach much importance to it. But knowing what name his genus had, you can learn a lot about your ancestors in the male or female line. If you want to know popular Chechen surnames, a list of them in alphabetical order is given below. Look, maybe one of your great-grandfathers was a mountain resident.

  • Azanaevs;
  • Aidamirovs;
  • Albagaevs;
  • Amievs;
  • Bogaevs;
  • Borshaevs;
  • Burgalayevs;
  • Valuevs;
  • Goevs;
  • Daurbekovs;
  • Dudayevs;
  • Zavgaevs;
  • Zakaevs;
  • Ismoilovs;
  • Kalakoevs;
  • Kutaevs;
  • Lorsanovs;
  • Makhdaevs;
  • Melardoevs;
  • Omaevs;
  • Rakhimovs;
  • Rashidovs;
  • Solgirievs;
  • Sulimov;
  • Supurovs;
  • Turaevs;
  • Khadzhievs;
  • Khidievs;
  • Tsugievs;
  • Tsurgany;
  • Shovkhalovs;
  • Yusupov.

Chechen names and surnames

Chechen names and surnames can have either original origin or be borrowed from other languages. Of the Arabic and Persian names, Chechens, like other Muslims, use such masculine names as Ali, Magomed, Shamil, feminine names Aliya, Leila, etc. Chechen names have much in common with Ingush ones, the distinctive specificity of which is only the predominant use of the sound “ay”.

Russian-language versions are widespread. Female diminutive versions of names can act as full forms (Dasha, Zina). Native names are full of variety. Their meanings are based on nouns (Borz - “wolf”, Ruslan - “lion”), adjectives (Daud - “beloved, dear”, Zelimzan - “healthy, living long”), verbs (Toita - “stop”).

The surnames of the indigenous population of Chechnya have ancient origin. Their spelling as well as pronunciation can be different depending on the dialect. During the Soviet Union, to unify the spelling, many of them were added with the endings “-ov” and “-ev”, and the declension occurred according to the rules of Russian grammar. Now a large group of people are inclined to return to the original forms, which shows their respect for their roots, especially among the male population.

Beautiful Chechen surnames

From carriers different languages their perception of the sounds of someone else’s alphabet, so the same word is perceived differently by their ears. Distinctive feature phonetics of the peoples of the Caucasus is a large number of deaf and hard sounds, a sequence of several consonants. Beautiful Chechen surnames for our ears can be called those in which there are a sufficient number of vowels, and the consonants are mostly voiced. For us, such Chechen surnames as Azizovs, Umayevs, the list of which can be continued, will be more euphonious.

Famous Chechen surnames

Caucasians are related by blood great importance. Even if your relative many centuries ago committed a significant act for his people, his family will be honored and respected. In addition to blood ties, Chechens are proud of their compatriots. Therefore, famous Chechen surnames can be considered those that had prominent people of the country - Magomedov, Kadyrov, Visaitov, Yamadayev, Khasbulatov, etc. Among them there are people different professions: politicians, military men, artists, athletes, doctors.

Fate scattered Chechens around the world. Some of them fled during the war; a large number were deported during the war. Soviet Union(the lists number hundreds of thousands of people), some left the country on their own, going to Arab states or Europe. Many of them achieved fame outside of Chechnya, but they are still honored and respected because they do not forget about their roots.

Video: Chechen female names