Holy martyr tryphon history. Spell of Saint Tryphon against reptiles. Life Tests of Faith

The Great Martyr Tryphon is venerated in Orthodox world as a sufferer for faith in Christ and a healer. They pray to him for help, healing and preservation of the harvest.

The wonderworker Tryphon is known to many. His righteous deeds are still an example to follow, and the fortitude of the righteous spirit enables everyone to resist any evil and heresy.

History of the icon

The story of Tryphon begins in the third century. At a young age, Tryphon acquired the gift of healing people from illnesses and successfully healed ailments, converting people to the Orthodox faith. His gift helped drive pests away from the fields, saving the inhabitants from hunger.

The Roman Emperor Gordian had a daughter who suffered from mental illness, and the inconsolable father was told that Tryphon could help her get rid of the disease. Tryphon was able to expel the demon from the girl, for which he was rewarded with generous gifts. However, the pious young man distributed them to those in need.

After the change of power, Decius took the throne. He was a cruel ruler and opposed Orthodox faith, therefore, having learned about Tryphon and his gift, he decided to get rid of the pious young man. He was brutally tortured to force him to renounce Christianity. However, Tryphon's strength and fortitude was not broken. The young man died martyrdom and was later canonized. His relics are in the Montenegro Cathedral. A particle of the relics was brought to Russia, and now you can venerate the shrine in the Church of St. Tryphon in Moscow.

Description of the icon

Most often, Tryphon is depicted on horseback, with a hunting falcon on his hand. There are icons that depict a beardless young man holding a cross in his hand or herding geese. Rough clothing reflects Tryphon's daily work. Many icons depict the saint with a special knife for pruning grape vines. In iconography there are many images of the great martyr, but he is recognizable in all styles of writing, for he is distinguished by his good looks and youth, while most saints are depicted at a more mature age.

How does the holy image help?

Before the holy face they pray for physical and mental health. Tryphon helps Orthodox Christians get rid of any evil that attacks everyone every day, inclining them to bad deeds and addictions. Prayers are offered to the martyr even during insomnia, panic attacks, anxiety and nightmares. The face of the saint helps to cope with troubles at work. Tryphon is considered the patron saint of hunters, fishermen and farmers. Prayers are offered to him to help protect the crop from bad weather and various pests. They often turn to Tryphon with a request to help find what they have lost. Tryphon protects gardens, fields and animals, so people dealing with birds, be it Domestic bird or hunting predators, ask the saint for protection and patronage over their animals.

Prayer before the icon of the martyr Tryphon

“Holy Martyr Tryphon! We appeal to You with sincere prayers. Protect us from demonic attacks, deliver our souls from the oppression of envy and hatred, free us from bodily ailments, cleanse our minds and help us direct our thoughts to a good cause. Saint of Christ, who died for the Orthodox faith, give us the strength to fight heresy and do not leave us in the hour of doubt. Pray for us to our Almighty Lord, may He not leave His children without a blessing for their righteous labors. Amen".

Where is the icon of the martyr Tryphon

The icon of Tryphon is quite common in Russia, so finding his image is not difficult. The most famous icons are located in the following cities: Moscow, Staraya Ladoga, Anapa, Krymsk, St. Petersburg, Vladimir, Yaroslavl, Kazan. Many believers purchase the face of the saint for their home iconostasis, so that Tryphon would protect the home and everyone living in it from troubles and misfortunes.

Celebration date

In the Orthodox world The 14th of February(February 1, old style) a solemn liturgy is held, at which the deeds of the martyr Tryphon are remembered. On this day, every believer can, with the help of prayer, be healed of illnesses and ailments, offer words of gratitude to the martyr and ask him for protection over all the sick.

Saint Tryphon plays huge role in Orthodox Christianity. By his actions and life, he proves the boundless power of the Lord and the love of God for all who honor Him. Orthodox prayers to saints have more than once saved people from troubles, allowed them to recover from deadly illnesses and start a new life. full of joy life. We wish you health and happiness, and do not forget to press the buttons and

14.02.2018 05:10

Matrona of Moscow is one of the saints beloved and revered by Orthodox believers. Since birth she...

At the moment when Christ becomes the basis of life for a person, not only the problems of life recede into the background, but also the fear of unimaginable bodily torture.

This fact is confirmed by the life of the holy martyr Tryphon - a glorious communicant of the Divine Light.

Childhood of the future saint

The child was born in Phrygia, in the village of Kampsada, near Apamea. His mother and father were poor villagers who professed Orthodoxy, so from an early age they raised the child in pious traditions, which was very dangerous in the pagan society surrounding the family.

Tryphon of Apamea

WITH early years the child was a devotee of prayer, but this did not prevent him from making friends with peers of other religions.

The boys were playing and did not see how a snake sneaked up unnoticed, which soon bit one of them. Adults came running at the loud children's cry, but no one knew what to do in such a situation. The boy was getting worse and worse. He asked Tryphon, who, as everyone thought, was not of this world and believed in God, to pray.

The boy offered a prayer to the Almighty and his friend was soon healed, which incredibly surprised his fellow villagers.

Miracles of adolescence

As a teenager, he decided to start earning his own living and took on any job:

  • was a shepherd;
  • cultivated the gardens of wealthy neighbors;
  • worked part-time in construction.

Fellow villagers, remembering the miracle of healing the child, turned to Tryphon for prayerful help in various needs and received what they asked for.

One day he helped exterminate insect pests from rural fields, thereby saving his people from crop failure and famine.

The young man became deeper and deeper into prayer and asceticism. He was honored to receive from God the gift of casting out demons, thereby helping the daughter of Emperor Gordian. The devil terribly tormented the young princess and once exclaimed that only Tryphon could drive him out.

St. Martyr Tryphon

The ruler ordered to find the young man and bring him to the palace. While he was approaching the court, while still at a very far distance, the demon sensed the approach of the saint and himself left the princess’s body. When the young saint arrived to the emperor, he begged him to show the demon with his own eyes.

Tryphon kept a strict fast for 6 days and prayed intensely to God, after which he ordered Satan to visibly appear to the emperor. The Evil One appeared in the form of a huge, scary dog ​​with an open mouth.

More about Christian ascetics:

Life Tests of Faith

During the reign of Emperor Decius, the persecutor of the Christian faith (249-251), he was denounced against Tryphon. The royal servants began to look for the preacher, but he did not try to hide from them.

The saint was brought to Nicaea for trial, but even there the saint preached the Orthodox faith, for which he was sentenced to cruel torture. They hung him upside down on a tree and beat him, but the martyr did not make a sound.

After the massacre, he was placed in prison. A few days later, threats against him resumed and new torture began: his body was torn with metal hooks, bleeding wounds were scorched by flames, and huge nails were driven into his legs. But the resilient martyr, overcoming terrible pain, sang David’s psalms. And then an angel appeared before the saint, holding a heavenly crown in his hands. Having seen the miracle, the tormentors were frightened, and the emperor became even more angry and sentenced the martyr - beheading with a sword.

But Christ ordered that His Saint repose a few minutes before his execution.

Relics of the Saint

They wanted to bury the tortured body of the great martyr in Nicaea. But he appeared in a vision to one of the men and ordered his relics to be transferred to his native village of Kampsada. They were later transported to Constantinople and then to Rome.

Currently, the holy head rests in Montenegro in the city of Kotor, the other part of the relics is in Russia in three arks.

Important! Special veneration of the saint in Rus' is associated with one incident that occurred with the noble boyar Patrikeev.

He accompanied the king on a hunt and accidentally released the imperial falcon from his hands. The angry king promised to severely punish the falconer if he did not find the bird within 3 days.

Holy Martyr Tryphon

The poor man couldn't find the falcon. He prayed to his heavenly patron Tryphon for help and, overcome by fatigue, fell soundly asleep. In a dream vision, a martyr appeared to him and said that the bird was very close and sitting on a pine tree. The falconer woke up, found the falcon and thanked the saint for his help.

Later, in the place where he fell asleep, the falconer erected a chapel and a small temple.

About the Orthodox faith:

Miracles from the Saint

There are many facts of healing thanks to Saint Tryphon and through prayers before his icon. Here are just a few of them:

  • My son was very weak as an infant, and when he stood up and began to walk, he limped on one leg. One day he became so ill that the doctors did not believe in his recovery. I really loved going to church, and at services I always stood next to the icon of St. Tryphon. I selflessly prayed to the saint for the recovery of my baby and made a vow to God after recovery to give my son to ministry. If the Almighty pleases, I will not prevent my son from renouncing the world and taking monastic vows. Just let him be named Tryphon.
  • My husband lost his job and couldn’t find a job for a long time. I bought a prayer book in the church shop of our cathedral and found a prayer to the martyr for help in finding a job. My husband and I began to pray together and, as if by magic, a miracle happened - my husband was offered a decent job, which he was afraid to even dream of.
  • One day while walking I lost my dog. I searched for her all day, but to no avail. Remembering the martyr Tryphon, I asked him to help in the search. Not even an hour had passed - my dog’s furry face appeared among the thickets of tall bushes. But it was very far from home.
  • I am an artist and from constant eye strain my vision began to rapidly deteriorate. My friends agreed on an urgent operation at the clinic of Svyatoslav Fedorov. The operation was successful, but vision was not restored. Repeated intervention was required. I went to another clinic to see a young ophthalmologist. He set the date for the operation - February 14th. After his work, I began to see better and my vision was almost completely restored. So a miracle happened on the day of remembrance of the great martyr following his holy intercession to the Heavenly Father.

Icon of the martyr Tryphon

  • My newborn baby had an attack of colic, he screamed terribly in pain, and because I couldn’t help, I began to read an akathist to St. Tryphon. The little son soon calmed down and did not cry anymore, and the infantile sores ended. This may be a coincidence, but I believe that it was the saint who helped my son. Thank God for everything!
  • At work we were warned about the upcoming staff reductions. It’s very difficult to work in the city, so I was very worried. I attended a service in church, confessed, took communion and began to ask God and His Most Holy Mother for help, and at home I read the canon to Tryphon every day. IN last moment, when it was necessary to sign the order for my dismissal, a miracle happened - they kept me at work.
  • In the difficult 90s, serious troubles happened at work and I was forced to quit. At the Donskoy monastery I met an elder and explained the situation, to which he advised me to pray to the martyr Tryphon. I ordered a prayer service to the saint at church, and upon returning home I found mailbox an invitation to an excellent vacancy.
  • There is an old grandmother in our church. Her daughter has a very a difficult situation with housing. Granny constantly prayed to Saint Tryphon and ordered prayer services in different churches. Soon her daughter received an apartment on Trifonovskaya Street.
  • I was on a plane on a business trip to the city of Novosibirsk. I took off at night, so the cabin was half empty. All the seats next to me were empty, so I rolled up my jacket, put it under my head and fell asleep. And now boarding is announced, everyone fastens their seat belts. Out of habit, I check my earrings - are they in place? I understand that there is not one. I urgently rushed to look for it, looked in my bag, in the folds of my jacket, under the seats. I asked the flight attendant for a flashlight, but she promised to bring it to me only after landing. In frustrated feelings, I began to pray to Tryphon, he often helps me solve problems. And then my neighbor, who was sitting in the row behind me, hands me an earring and asks if it’s mine or not. He said that he stood up and felt something under his foot. It turned out to be an earring; it somehow got under his seat. Even if such a small, but still a miracle, happened to me in flight.
Important! IN last years In Russia, Valentine's Day is celebrated widely and on a grand scale. But Orthodox Christians should know that it was on this day that Saint Tryphon died as a martyr for the faith of Christ. The date February 14 in the Orthodox world is set as the day of his veneration.

And no “saints” of the lost West should overshadow the memory of the great feat of the saint.

Video about the life and miracles of St. Tryphon.

February 14 (new style) Orthodox Church remembers the martyr Tryphon. He lived during a period of persecution when hundreds of Christians lost their lives for their confession. But by this they confirmed the faith of many followers. People believe that the saint helps in many matters: he heals the seriously ill, drives out unclean spirits, and helps farmers in their difficult work. One day, the power of prayer alone saved a crop that had been attacked by pests. But they remember him not only because of this.

Life of Tryphon

Historians cannot accurately name the date of birth - it falls between 232 and 250. Tryphon’s birthplace was the village of Kampsada, today it is Turkey. The boy's parents were Christians, so he was confirmed in the faith from childhood. While still a teenager, he received the gift of miracles. I was studying simple labor- according to one version, he grazed geese, according to another, he worked in the field, caring for the vineyard. Popular veneration he deserved it with his love of work and responsiveness.

The rumor about the young man, whose prayer works miracles, reached the ruler himself. At that time, Gordian was on the Roman throne. Little information about him has been preserved, but he was respected by the people. The emperor had a daughter who was distinguished by intelligence and beauty. It so happened that a demon entered her. The possessed woman suffered greatly. One day the demon declared that only the holy wonderworker Tryphon was able to cast him out. The emperor immediately sent his people to search.

  • The young man, who was 16 years old at the time, happily agreed to help. When he was just approaching Rome, the evil spirit sensed this. He could not bear the approach of the righteous man and he himself left the girl.
  • When Tryphon came to the capital and appeared before Gordian, he and his courtiers asked to show them the demon. The saint imposed strict fasting on himself and prayed in solitude. A few days later, he ordered the demon to show himself, which the whole court witnessed.
  • Disgusting appearance The demon is described in the life compiled by Dmitry Rostovsky. The martyr asked the monster a question - how did he dare to enter God’s creation. To which the demon replied that he has the power to torment only those who are not Christians. This prompted many to leave the Roman religion, which was pagan, and believe in.

The emperor generously rewarded the young man and sent him home. The saint distributed the gifts to those in need, and he himself continued to lead a modest life.

Soon, Emperor Decius Trajan, who had a bad attitude towards Christians, ascended the throne. For openly confessing his faith, the holy martyr was captured and brought to trial. He boldly called Christ his God, refusing to sacrifice to the Roman false gods. For this he was brutally tortured. First they hanged me and began to beat me, then they tied me to a horse. The next day they drove nails into the feet of the righteous man and began to lead him around.

The torturers expected the young man to renounce, but he only prayed harder, calling on the Lord. He considered such a death honorable and wanted to quickly ascend to heaven to receive the crown of a martyr. Jesus showed him mercy and took Tryphon's soul before the executioners cut off his head according to the verdict of the court.

Veneration of the saint in Russia and Europe

He is especially loved in Russia, although he lived a long time ago in another country. Folk legends preserved the touching story about the martyr Tryphon and the falconer who got into trouble. She's even brought famous writer Alexei Tolstoy in one of the novels about the times of Ivan the Terrible.

  • A certain minister in charge of falconry lost the king's favorite bird. He was very angry and gave three days to search. If the gyrfalcon is not found, the unfortunate man will face the death penalty.
  • The falconer was named Tryphon. He unsuccessfully drove around the surrounding area, spending both day and night searching. When the time was already coming to an end, the tired minister decided to pray to the heavenly patron. Then, tired, he fell asleep right under the trees.
  • In a dream, a young man appeared to him, riding a white horse. The missing falcon sat on his arm. “Don’t be sad, take what you lost and go to the king,” said the wonderworker Tryphon. It is in this image that the saint is often depicted on Orthodox icons.

When the falconer woke up from the vision, he actually saw the royal favorite nearby. He rushed to the sovereign and told him a wonderful story. In gratitude for his deliverance, Trifon Patrikeev erected a chapel and then a temple on the site of the martyr’s appearance.

The righteous man is especially revered by the southern Slavs. His memory day is widely celebrated in Macedonia, Serbia, and Bulgaria. This is big folk holiday, which has many traditions. Tryphon is considered the patron saint of winegrowers, and February 14 is turning point between winter and the onset of spring.

On this day in Bulgaria and others European countries It is customary to prune the grapevine for the first time this season. Special petitions are made in churches. The people are called “the vine of the Lord,” and God’s blessing is called upon them. A water blessing ceremony is carried out, a prayer is read to protect the harvest. Then the festivities begin: men drink wine, then go to visit friends, where they should also be offered wine. There are many signs and superstitions associated with this day.

How does Saint Tryphon help?

According to the southern peoples, Tryphon helps in a variety of matters:

  • protects fields from pests;
  • relieves snoring and eye diseases;
  • protects the soul from attacks of demons;
  • removes witchcraft spells;
  • helps to dispel despondency;
  • maintains peace between spouses.

In Rus', he was considered capable of ridding the house of mice. Since it was customary to have weddings in February, the girls asked the righteous man to help them find a worthy groom.

Iconography of the martyr Tryphon

On icons he may be depicted as a horseman; it is likely that the martyr Tryphon was on the original coat of arms of Moscow:

  • The young man sits on a snow-white horse, which is shown in motion.
  • The righteous man holds the bridle with his left hand, and his right hand is raised high above his head. The royal falcon sits on it.
  • The Lord Jesus Christ is depicted in heaven blessing his follower.
  • The righteous man is dressed in blue clothes (a symbol of the purity of the soul) and a red cloak (a symbol of suffering).

On other icons you can see a half-length image of a young man standing facing the worshippers. On right hand a bird sits as a reminder of a miracle performed in the distant past. The young man has a pleasant face, his left hand is pressed to his heart, in which during his life only one feeling reigned - love for Christ. Sometimes a cross is depicted in the hand - a symbol of suffering, confession of one’s faith.

In Moscow there is a piece of the relics of the saint, which is located in the Church of the Sign Holy Mother of God not far from the Rizhsky railway station (it was there that the righteous man appeared to the falconer). The head of the martyr is in Montenegro, Kotor, in the cathedral in the name of the saint.

What to pray to Tryphon for

It doesn’t matter in what way the requests are made - choose the one you like best. The main thing is that it sets you up for communication with your heavenly patron.

What people ask of the great saint depends on the circumstances. Usually this is help in everyday difficulties:

  • search good place work;
  • solving the housing problem;
  • assistance in caring for plants and pets;
  • deliverance from bodily infirmities;
  • assistance in spiritual development.

There is no need to think that the Lord considers everyday troubles unimportant. You can turn to Him with any need. God hears all requests and rushes to provide help through his saints.

Prayer for help to Tryphon the Martyr

Oh, holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, quick helper to all who come running to you and pray before your holy image, quick to obey the intercessor! Hear now and at every hour the prayer of us, your unworthy servants, who honor your holy memory. You, servant of Christ, promised that before your departure from this corruptible life, you would pray for us to the Lord, and you asked Him for this gift: if anyone, in any need or sorrow, begins to call upon the holy your name, may he be delivered from every excuse of evil. And just as you sometimes healed the daughter of the princess in the city of Rome from the torment of the devil, you saved us from his fierce machinations all the days of our lives, especially on the terrible day of our last, intercede for us with our dying breaths, when the dark eyes of evil demons surround and frighten they will start us. Then be our helper and quick drive away of evil demons, and leader to the Kingdom of Heaven, where you now stand with the face of the saints at the Throne of God, pray to the Lord, that he will grant us also to be partakers of ever-present joy and joy, so that together with you we will be worthy of glorifying the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter Spirit forever. Amen.

Examples - how prayers to Saint Tryphon helped

Miracles happen every day through the prayers of our contemporaries:

  • Svetlana asked the martyr to arrange for her husband to new job. On the same day, through his acquaintances, he was offered a well-paid position.
  • George lost important documents. A lot depended on their availability. The papers were found in a place where they could not possibly have been.
  • Valeria's newborn son had severe colic. The baby cried a lot, the parents could not find a place for themselves. Then the woman began to read an akathist to the martyr Tryphon. The child calmed down and stopped screaming.

The address to the saint should be pronounced slowly, driving away extraneous thoughts. You can do this not only in church, but also at home. The main thing is to have firm faith that the Lord is able to change a situation that you yourself are not able to cope with.

The holy martyr Tryphon was born in one of the regions of Asia Minor - Phrygia, not far from the city of Apamea in the village of Kampsada.

WITH youth The Lord gave him the power to cast out demons and heal various diseases. Once the inhabitants of his native village were saved by him from hunger: Saint Tryphon, by the power of his prayer, forced away the harmful insects that were destroying cereals and devastating the fields

Saint Tryphon became especially famous for expelling a demon from the daughter of the Roman Emperor Gordian (238-244).

Helping all those suffering, he demanded only one payment - faith in Jesus Christ, by whose grace he healed them.

Holy Martyr Tryphon. Gallery of Shchigry icons.

When on royal throne Emperor Decius (249-251), a cruel persecutor of Christians, entered; Eparch Aquilinus was informed that Saint Tryphon was boldly preaching faith in Christ and leading many to Baptism. The saint was captured and brought in for interrogation, during which he fearlessly confessed his faith. He was subjected to severe torture, beaten with sticks, his body torn with iron hooks, his wounds burned with fire, and he was taken around the city with iron nails driven into his legs. Saint Tryphon bravely endured all the tortures, without uttering a single groan.

Finally, he was condemned to be beheaded with a sword. Before his execution, the holy martyr prayed, thanking God, who strengthened him in his suffering, and asked the Lord for special grace for those who would call on his name for help. Before the soldiers raised their sword over the head of the holy martyr, he surrendered his soul into the hands of God. This event took place in the city of Nicaea in 250.

One of the main shrines of the Znamensky Church in Pereyaslavskaya Sloboda is the image of the holy martyr and wonderworker Tryphon with particles of his holy relics

Christians wrapped the holy body of the martyr in clean shrouds and wanted to bury him in the city of Nicaea, in which he suffered, but Saint Tryphon, in a vision, ordered his body to be transferred to his homeland in the village of Kampsada. This was done.

Subsequently, the relics of Saint Tryphon were transferred to Constantinople, and then to Rome. The holy martyr enjoys great veneration in the Russian Orthodox Church.

There is a legend that during the reign of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, during the royal hunt, the king’s favorite gyrfalcon flew away. The Tsar ordered falconer Trifon Patrikeev to find the bird that had flown away. Falconer Tryfon traveled around the surrounding forests, but to no avail. On the third day, tired of a long search, he stopped near Moscow, in a place now called Maryina Roshcha, and, exhausted, lay down to rest, having fervently prayed before his patron saint, the martyr Tryphon, asking him for help. In a dream, he saw a young man on a white horse holding the royal gyrfalcon, and this young man said: “Take the missing bird, ride with God to the king and do not be sad about anything.” Having woken up, the falconer actually saw a gyrfalcon nearby on a pine tree. He immediately took him to the king and told about the miraculous help he received from the holy martyr Tryphon. After some time, at the place where the saint appeared, the falconer Tryphon Patrikeev built a chapel, and then a church in the name of the holy martyr Tryphon.

They especially pray to the Martyr Tryphon for healing from bodily ailments, in a painful state, in cases of spoilage of fruits, and during famine.

The Lord does not discriminate in people social status and other earthly differences, his grace can rest on everyone: both the poor and the rich. From the simplest. and even a poor family was Saint Tryphon, but he achieved a lot. Many Christians still know how turning to him helps.

The Lord allows everyone in this world their time, and for Tryphon it was very short. His journey lasted less than 30 years, but during this period many miracles were accomplished and many benefits were brought to people.

Saint Tryphon was born in a small city called Kampsada in what is now Turkey.

The family practiced Christianity, which by 230 was still rare and persecuted.

From a young age, the boy not only assimilated the teachings of Christ, but also was honored to perform various miracles.

Note! As you know, the apostles performed miracles after receiving the grace of the Holy Spirit. Ascetics also receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit because of their own spiritual exploits. But how this ascetic obtained his capabilities is practically unknown for certain.
But one should not be surprised by this, because it is quite possible, giving the young man such short term on earth, the Lord immediately endowed him with the necessary skills to lead an ascetic existence.

Many people not only in his village knew what the saint helped with:

The miracle of expelling insects and reptiles that once flooded their native Campsada was very famous.

Then the residents came to the young man and began to ask for help.

Through his prayer, all harmful representatives of the fauna were expelled, and thanks to this, food reserves were preserved, which allowed the city to continue to exist normally.

Queen's healing

Rome was once ruled by an emperor named Gordian the Third, and he named his daughter Gordiana. According to legend, the girl became possessed by an evil spirit, and no one could cure her.

Gordiana appeared as no one had seen her before:

  • beauty faded;
  • behavior changed to lewdness;
  • relationships with others became terrible.

Of course, such a situation was incredibly disastrous for the emperor. After all, his daughter was a valuable bride, and before the demon possessed her, she remained a joy to everyone.

Note! Although the emperor was a pagan, the young man from Kampsada agreed to go to him with help.
Gordian did not persecute Christians, but Tryphon could well have refused, as well as many Christians who came of their own free will to other emperors, knowing about their own further death from these rulers.
A similar attitude should be developed by other Orthodox Christians; even pagans should be treated mercifully and, if possible, strive to provide possible assistance.

After this, the emperor began to look for a wide variety of people with this name, but only after Saint Tryphon came to Rome, the emperor’s young daughter was healed.

To be more precise, the story tells how the demon came out three days before the arrival of the holy young man, and he himself spoke about the intolerance of the presence of this saint.

The emperor told the visitor about this and generally believed in his holiness. Nevertheless, Gordian himself further asked the Christian to make sure that the possessed demon appeared in appearance.

For this, the ascetic asked for some time and went into seclusion for six days to read prayers and fast.

He asked the Lord to grant additional power over demons. Coming out of the seclusion, he appeared before the emperor and the courtiers, ordered the demon, and then many saw a dog that had fiery eyes and dragged its head along the ground.

Thus, many believed, and Gordian did not create obstacles, although he was a pagan himself, he did not persecute Christians.

Moreover, he presented the saint with various gifts, which he distributed to people upon his arrival in his village, where he remained to work as a simple goose driver.

After the completely peace-loving Gordian the Third, Decius Trajan ascends to the Roman throne. This emperor reigned for only two years, but he was remembered for his frequent persecution of Christians, which surpassed the harm caused by many other rulers. Many who had previously held the faith recanted.

Attention fell on the famous saint from Kapsada, who was not only a representative of the objectionable faith, but also a significant preacher and miracle worker. Therefore, in the end, the saint again found himself before the Roman emperor, but now before one who had no tolerance for Christians.

Tryphon did not renounce his faith, despite numerous tortures:

  • beating tied to a tree;
  • walking in boots with nails;
  • tying to a galloping horse;
  • being in prison.

It’s scary to imagine what a person tormented by such torture might look like in a photo.

Nevertheless, the saint did not renounce his own faith and continued his earnest prayer, calling on the Lord, whom he asked to accept his soul.

As a result, the emperor sentenced the martyr to beheading. It is worth saying that many Christian saints were subjected to such execution, who steadfastly withstood various tortures. This version of execution with beheading with a sword was very worthy and in the Roman Empire, as a rule, was applied to the military class and noble people, but not to commoners.

Veneration of a saint

This great ascetic led his earthly existence in a completely different era, but at the same time we are revered and modern people. In addition to Russia, the icon of St. Tryphon is often seen in churches and homes in other Orthodox countries:

  • Greece (images with a cross are common);
  • Bulgaria (the most common images are those with grapevines);
  • Montenegro;
  • Serbia.

The number and variety of iconographic subjects testify to the high popularity of the image among Orthodox Christians, although at services the prayer to Tryphon is not heard so often; he is given a relatively small rank of service.

Note! The day of veneration of this great martyr is February 14, which in mass consciousness and culture is associated with Valentine's Day. Of course, the Orthodox should show restraint regarding the enthusiasm of the masses.
On this day, it is better to choose Trifonov Day as a worthy alternative - an ancient holiday that is associated with the approach of spring and the veneration of the saint.

Creation of a Moscow temple

It should be noted that the iconographic image, widespread specifically in Rus', represents a young man on a white horse holding a falcon in his hand. This image is associated with the history of the 16th century, when Ivan the Terrible was on the throne.

The tsar hunted with falcons and took with him his gyrfalcon (a particularly large and valuable breed), but after some time the gyrfalcon flew away, which caused significant dissatisfaction with the tsar, since such a falcon is incredibly highly valued.

The falconer was ordered to find the falcon in three days. As a rule, finding a falcon that has flown away is extremely difficult and practically impossible.

The falconer could be executed if he did not complete the task.

As a result, he understood his situation, and only a prayer to Tryphon (his personal saint) sounded from his lips. By the grace of the Lord, the saint appeared to the royal servant in a dream, appearing on a horse with a falcon in his hand.

Waking up, the falconer saw a falcon sitting on a nearby tree. Such a miracle allowed the servant not only to avoid execution, but also to receive a significant reward from John the Fourth. Thanks to this award, a temple dedicated to the young man from Kampsada appeared.

It was built in Naprudny, where the falcon was found, and still stands there. The relics that the icon of Tryphon contains in Kozhevci are also kept there. How this image helps, we will consider further.

Prayers to the saint

In order to touch the holy relics, believers can visit various Moscow churches. The head of the saint is kept in a Catholic Montenegrin church, and small particles of relics are found in many cities.

Just like for many other saints, the prayer to Tryphon is offered in situations with which his life and the most famous miracles are connected:

  • When some object, something valuable is missing (the story of the falcon). It must be said that this option is one of the most common that believers ask for.
    And it is not surprising, because the ascetic is known for his ability to really help people in a short time, when it is possible to find something lost simple methods are running out.
  • The prayer to Tryphon from rodents (deliverance of Campasada from reptiles and rodents) is contained in a large missal, helps to rid fields and various farms of rodents and reptiles. As rural priests say, this prayer service is incredibly effective.
  • Requests to Tryphon for work are especially revered by people who work on the land and have their own farms. Nevertheless, the ascetic also helps city residents cope with various difficulties.

In general, it is difficult to list what believers pray for to this ascetic, who is revered by both Catholics and Orthodox. A variety of requests to Tryphon: for work, for searching for what was lost, for support in any difficulties, for instructions in the faith, for the strength of faith, for the expulsion of demons and many others - are fulfilled through sincere prayer.

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Let's sum it up

Many people who asked the priests in their own church to read the Akathist to Tryphon, subsequently received the necessary job or promotion, and gained material well-being.

Of course, one should not look for purely material benefits from such requests. We must remember the true goal for any believer - the Salvation of the soul.