Strategies in bookmaker bets. Experiment with a win-win sports betting strategy. Bet on chance, not on the exact score

Betting strategies Views: 148230

Instructions for making money using the “Win-Win Strategy for the Favorite” - a variation of “Dogon” with a yield of 30% to the bank. This is a guaranteed income.


We recommend reading the entire strategy to the end. Try the strategy for a small pot and small bets. And when you understand that the strategy works, you can increase the bank. Choose a bookmaker's office. We recommend a time-tested, reliable and timely payment bookmaker's office official in the Russian Federation "Leon " bonus code Leon+ and bk "League Betting" " (bookmakers Leon and Liga Stavok are legal companies in the Russian Federation on the Internet online). Having chosen a bookmaker, let’s proceed directly to the strategy.

This strategy uses several types of strategies - these are such popular and proven strategies as Dogon, fixed profit and Frank Belanger System No. 8

  • Fixed profit- the main objective of this strategy is a fixed amount bet
  • Frank Belanger System No. 8- a strategy for playing in a bookmaker’s office, with the help of which bettors can systematically make a profit with a bet pass rate of only 40%
  • Dogon- a sports betting strategy in which the size of each subsequent bet depends on the result achieved by previous bets. The main goal is to return lost funds and make some profit. A special case of this strategy is the Martingale strategy.

It’s no secret that the “Dogon” system uses the Martingale strategy system, which is often used in casinos when playing roulette. But there you play with a casino, or if it’s an online casino, with a program, and it’s impossible to win against a casino. With bets at bookmakers using the Martingale system, which is used in the “catch-up” strategy, the situation is completely different because here you bet on live events and people - everything depends only on them and various factors. And the outcomes of events in sports are repeated with different frequency

Example of choosing a favorite

For example, take one leader of any football championship and consider the championship that has already passed.

Consider the Spanish Football Championship. La Liga Standings - Season 2012-2013

The table shows what championship was played 38 games 32 victories 2 losses and 4 draws.

Now the explanation: When betting on the catch-up strategy, you choose a club and bet on it throughout the championship on the result you choose, for example, on the victory of your chosen team. Having chosen the bet condition, namely, you want to have a certain profit from each bet.

Selecting the bet size to obtain the desired profit (formula)

Let’s say that our profit will be 100 rubles, our club is the favorite of the Spanish championship “Barcelona”. From the last championship it is clear that if you made bets with the condition that with each bet you would receive a profit of 100 rubles, then for the whole season you would win 32x100 rubles = 3200 rub. without losing the initial bank Since Barcelona is considered a favorite, the odds for its games are generally less than 1.5 and in order to get the desired profit you need to calculate the bet amount for each round using the formula

ST = (PS+NS) / (KF-1)

  • ST – required amount for bet;
  • NS – “desired” amount of profit;
  • KF – bookmaker odds;
  • PS – amount of lost bets

For example, in the first bet in the first round you have PS=0, if your KF=1.5 then to get 100 rubles you need to bet 200 rubles. Having considered the initial step - choosing a team, the desired profit and the type of bet (ours is on victory), we move on to the next step to the “Dogon” strategy itself.

The main principle of the strategy for the favorite is the desired profit

With the strategy, you place the first bet (we have a certain condition desired profit)

(100r and PS=0) by calculating the rate using the above formula. We bet everything, waited for the result - your team won, then we continue to bet on the next games according to the same principle (the condition is a certain desired profit of 100 rubles and PS = 0) until the team loses or plays in a draw.

Once a team loses:

Now your bet will be calculated according to the basic formula where PS will matter, namely the lost amount (we have 200 rubles) and we get if for example

KF= 1.4 for the next match our bet will be equal to

200+100/1.4-1= 750 rub.

You place a bet, if the team wins then you get

750x1.4=1050 from here you can see that your profit will be 1 00rub = 1050 (total profit from the bet) - (750+200 is the amount of your bets).

If you lose your bet again for the second time in a row

again we calculate the bet amount using the formula for example


then ST =200+750+100/1.8-1=1313

and again we bet on your team of the next round.

1313x1.8=2363 where your profit is 100 rubles b = 2363 (total profit) - (1313+750 + 200 the amount of your bets)

The bet wins, we go to the initial conditions for calculating the bet PS = 0 and so we play according to the method described above until the end of the championship or achieving the total profit you need from your bank.

And I almost forgot about one of the most important conditions V strategies - size your bank before you start betting on this strategy. The initial bank should be such that, for example, if it suddenly comes to a series of 3 or more lost bets, you have enough money for a bet, taking into account that you can win back the amount of all bets lost before and still have the desired profit. In this example, with the condition accepted by us (the desired profit is 100 rubles), here the initial bank will be on average 10,000 rubles.

First, register with a bookmaker and try this strategy on paper conditionally, writing everything down on a piece of paper or with a small bank and bets. Then, once you are convinced, you can start playing for real money or for larger amounts.

Example and analysis of strategy

Now let's look at all Barcelona's games in the championship and why we chose this team for the Dogon strategy.

Green .- won bets

Kras and Yellow - lost bets

Picture below

When analyzing the table, it is clear that in the season there were not even series, i.e. 2 or more lost bets in a row. This is why the choice of club for betting is made - it is a favorite and it is very rare for it to have a series of 3 or more consecutive defeats and draws. So play this strategy on the favorites, betting on their victory and you will always make a profit. Once you reach a double pot, you can withdraw money from the bookmaker. Play in several offices, and choose those offices where the margin is lower.

Play in several championships with different favorites. Many pros in sports betting make money with this strategy.

The one downside to this strategy is the time it takes – after all, the championship lasts more than one month.

See below for an example of strategy calculations:

Bank 20,000 rub. desired profit 200 rub. bets on P (favourite victory) consider 10 rounds of a fictitious championship.



  1. ST - calculated rate
  2. PS - amount of lost bets
  3. NS – desired profit
  4. KF coefficient for the match

1st round favorite win

KF=1.4 calculate ST =0 +200/1.4-1=200/0.4=500

500x1.4=700 our bank = 20200

2 round victory of the favorite

КF=1.6 we calculate ST =0 +200/1.6-1=200/0.6=334

334x1.6=534 our bank = 20400

3 round victory of the favorite

КF=1.3 we calculate ST =0 +200/1.3-1=200/0.3=667

667x1.3=867 our bank = 20600

Round 4 draw favorite

KF=1.7 calculate ST =0 +200/1.7-1=200/0.7=285

285x1.7=485 (in case of victory) the bet did not work our bank = 20600-285=20315

5th round favorite win

KF=1.45 calculate ST =285 +200/1.45-1=485/0.45=1077

1077x1.45=1563 our bank = 19238+1563= 20800

6th round defeat of the favorite

КF=1.9 we calculate ST =0 +200/1.9-1=200/0.9=222

222x1.9=422 (in case of victory) the bet did not work our bank = 20800-222=20578

Round 7 draw favorite

KF=1.75 calculate ST =222 +200/1.75-1=422/0.75=562

562x1.75=984 (in case of victory) the bet did not work our bank = 20578-562=20016

Round 8 draw favorite

КF=1.6 we calculate ST =222+562 +200/1.7-1=984/0.6=1640

1640x1.6=2624 (in case of victory) the bet did not work our bank = 20016-1640=18376

9th round favorite wins

КF=1.5 we calculate ST =222+562+1640+200/1.5-1=200/0.5=3936

5248x1.5=7872 (in case of victory) the bet wins our bank =13128 +7872=21000

10th round favorite win

FK=1.35 calculate ST=0 +200/1.35-1=200/0.35=571

571x1.35=771 our bank = 21200

The example shows that for ten rounds our profit was 1200 rubles. Yes, not much, but this is the downside of this strategy: it takes a lot of time and doesn’t make much profit. To tell the truth, in the example we looked at the worst options - a series of three defeats and a draw (the bets were not played) and another draw, and all this in 10 rounds. Usually favorites have 2-4 losses and 3-5 draws during the season. Well, the example was made specifically to show you all the subtleties of the strategy.

You can also see from the example that the higher the KF, the lower your bank losses. Usually the odds are high in matches with the championship leaders. And therefore this is a big plus of the strategy because if the bet does not work, you will not lose much since the calculated bet NS is directly proportional to the odds for the match KF. For example, the game of Real Madrid and Barcelona KF on them is somewhere around 2.0 and if you make a bet on this KF then calculate (if you take that PS = 0 and the desired profit is 100 rubles) then if you lose the bet you will lose 100 rubles the amount of the desired profit.

Well, for example, if you took for example NS = 200 rubles

If the team wins 35 games in a season, then you will earn 35x200=7000 rubles and this is a guaranteed profit.

To increase profit you need to increase NS - desired profit. For example, your NS = 10,000 rubles

Then for a season, if we take the above example, it will be 35x10,000 = 350,000 rubles. But the initial bank should be accordingly, below are examples of banks for different NS (desired profit). The bank is approximate, if it is larger it is even better.

Bank calculation for strategy

NS – desired profit in rubles.

Initial bank in rub.









Some of my friends play this strategy and their NS = 15000-2000 rubles. Well, in a year they are somewhere around 500-600 thousand rubles. in profit. Yes, their banks range from 1.5 million rubles and above. But the income is appropriate.

On average 45-50 thousand rubles per month. if you take that the team plays about 5 games a month.

And one more piece of advice when choosing a bookmaker, make sure that the office has high limits on bets on matches or, best of all, none at all.

We also recommend the championships - Germany, Spain - here the same leaders have been for a long time - such super clubs as Bayern, Real Madrid, Barcelona. But you can’t necessarily go to hockey, but there Great chance long losing streaks.

But in order to reduce or, one might say, reduce the unbeaten streak to a minimum, bet not purely on victory, but on PH (double outcome: victory and draw) or F(0) handicap to zero on the favorite (higher odds, but in case of a draw there will be a refund)Yes, the odds are lower, but you will increase your income because you will eliminate lost bets on draws.

This is how many pros make money. Well, for example, even using the example of the above-mentioned Spanish Championship 2012-2013, we will see that leaving the same desired profit of 100 rubles, but the condition is that we are not betting purely on victory, but with double outcome to favorite PH then we will lose only 2 bets. and profit will increase by 4x100=400 rubles due to excluded draws. Super true. Simple math and that's it.

Calculation of profit in %

We calculate the profit as a percentage - if the desired profit is 100 rubles and the bank is 10,000 rubles, your income for the season will be with a bet on the winner P - 3,200 rubles, this is +32% of the profit, 13,200 rubles is your bank.. And if you make the desired profit from each bet, 10,000 rubles and the bank 1,000,000 rubles - per season 320,000 rubles. You can go on vacation without worrying about expenses. No bank will give you such interest. It’s worth a try, but first try a strategy with small amounts, for example, take the desired profit of 50 rubles or the minimum bet at a particular bookmaker. Gentlemen, place your bets and start earning money, for example, to buy a new car.

Thank you for your attention!

Are there win-win sports betting strategies? How to choose a profitable betting strategy with minimal risk? Where to Apply a Sports Betting Financial Strategy?

HeatherBeaver magazine welcomes its readers! Denis Kuderin is in touch.

We continue the topic of profitable games in bookmakers. In the new article we will talk about betting strategies. Those who read to the end will understand one important thing - no matter how attractive strategies may be in theory, the main indicator of their success is assessed only by practice.

Mindlessly copying other people's recipes is unwise and impractical. The purpose of the publication is to teach players to live with their own minds, consistently and measuredly moving towards their cherished goal.

And the most patient readers will receive advice on how to make the strategy game as safe and profitable as possible.

1. Should you use sports betting strategies?

Everyone who bets on sports has their own strategy. Even if the player does not try to formulate it or somehow define it, it is still there. Any handicapper ( professional player in a bookmaker) makes bets based on past experience. That is, he does not bet thoughtlessly, but in accordance with his ideas about a competent game.

There are, of course, weirdos who bet for the sake of betting. It doesn’t matter to them whether their bet loses or wins, they are interested in the process itself. I hope there are no gamblers (addicted to the game) among our readers. Reasonable people They bet not for the sake of playing, but for the sake of earning money.

It is from this point of view that we will consider betting strategies. When the handicapper’s task is not to guess the outcome of a particular sports competition, but to make a profitable investment, the very approach to betting changes. He becomes more thoughtful, sober and effective.

So first you need to free yourself from the main illusion. Remember: there is no universal gaming strategy that will allow you to become a super successful handicapper. Particularly dangerous are progressive strategies and those that are heard by everyone.

How to be? Live by your own mind. Only those handicappers who, through trial and error, come to create their own proprietary methods ultimately end up in the black.

But this does not mean that all existing popular strategies– slag. They must be studied, tested and, if necessary, used. If only because some of them help to understand the mathematical laws of betting (betting business) and develop their own unique methods based on them.

Thousands of bettors are looking for win-win strategies to bet without risk. The player needs a betting algorithm that will bring guaranteed profits. We bring to your attention the top 10 betting strategies.

Beginning players spend a lot of time searching for strategies, without thinking that the main method for achieving success in betting is discipline, financial literacy, deep knowledge of sports and bookmaker routine.

Bettors don't want to give up illusions. For example, it is a myth that using the best method to turn a pocket thousand rubles into a large sum- a matter of several days. By deceiving themselves, 95% of players continue to feed the bookmakers.

You don’t need to look for a strategy for sports predictions; you need to create it yourself based on betting theories. Methods written by professionals do not guarantee success. If a player does not know the intricacies of the sport, does not know how to operate financial strategies and analyze the bookmaker’s line, then even the most advanced betting course is useless.

Top 10 strategies for betting

Success in betting begins with learning the basic principles of betting. If the bettor does not have a theoretical basis, then the bets will bring a loss.

You need to start your studies with financial techniques. Financial illiteracy is the main scourge of a losing player who adopts a betting strategy.

Many players do not think that a fixed size of bets at a distance brings profit, in contrast to the chaotic distribution of the game bank.

No matter how advanced the betting technique is, follow financial discipline- the bettor’s primary task. Once you believe in a reliable strategy, you shouldn’t neglect elementary rules management bank.

One must be wary of theories based on catching up. From a financial point of view, catching up in more than three steps is not profitable. If the theory does not have a high passability of bets at a low odds, then catching up should be abandoned.

How to increase your success rate in sports betting

Success does not come to the bettor on its own or fall on his head, so to achieve the goal you need a clear game plan.

In order for the selection of matches to be of high quality, you need to be immersed in the world of sports in the literal sense of the word. If a bettor doesn’t like basketball, but he persistently studies the theory of the game - there will be no result in bets.

When betting, you don’t need to pay attention to the loud signs of top championships. It is necessary to study not newspaper editorials, but the bookmaker’s line, highlighting the most probable events for bets.

Learn to work with mathematical probabilities - key task for successful game in BC. If the mathematical probability does not favor the methodology, then it is better to refuse the bet.

For example, the bettor studied the “Goal in the first half” theory. I opened the line for game day and saw a meager list for the Moroccan championship, in which goals are rare. An experienced bettor will only need a quick assessment of the odds on the totals market to understand that there is unlikely to be a goal in the first half in the match.

Beginners, as a rule, having adopted the theory of betting, begin to apply it on what is being played this moment, without delving into the intricacies of mathematical analysis of odds and pre-match alignment of teams or players. Therefore, you need to use betting techniques wisely.

How to choose a win-win betting strategy

If a method is popular, it means it brings profit in bets. Professional bettors Michael Konik and Rick Matthews write entire books about betting. But their work is unlikely to be appreciated by the younger generation of bettors who are interested in easy money.

Therefore, the choice of theory in betting depends on psychological stability person. For some, techniques with high risks based on catching up are suitable, while others prefer measured play based on flats.

You can identify profitable patterns in any sport if the player likes it. There is no need to scatter your attention to bets in different sports, jump from technique to technique and wait for crazy profits.

When betting, you need to be patient and theoretical knowledge, and success is a matter of time.

There is no need to follow the theory blindly. Only an adequate look at the betting methodology will guarantee success.

For sports fans, and for everyone gamblers, there is nothing more exciting than betting on sports broadcasts.

Sports betting

The principle of such bets is quite simple: there are special bookmakers on the Internet that offer people to bet on any game at a set certain odds.

Every day, 30,000 sporting events are broadcast live around the world, and betting enthusiasts are offered huge selection different types sports where possible.

For the outcome of a certain event, some coefficient is set.

Sports betting as a way to make money

Quite today a large number of people earn their capital on the Internet. They all have their own methods of earning money, with the help of which they earn money: whoever is capable of what, does what he does. Some even manage to earn amounts that are several times higher than average salary Russian. The most experienced Internet users are already earning big. These types of earnings include betting on sporting events. According to statistics, only 10 percent out of a hundred are able to earn money in this way, and all because these people have learned to think through all events to the smallest detail.


IN football match“Zenit” - CSKA, the victory of CSKA is valued at 1.5, i.e. with a simple mathematical calculation you can understand that by placing a bet of a thousand rubles on CSKA, if this team wins, the player will receive 1,500 rubles. And vice versa, if the coefficient on the other team is 2.3, then if the player wins, he will receive 2,300 rubles.

What sports are popular in betting?

Of all sports, football ranks first in betting, followed by hockey, then basketball and tennis.

The most visited bookmakers on the Internet:

LEON is considered one of the best;
- Williamhill - also quite famous among players;
- “Express” - here you can bet on several events at once.

Every day more and more new sites appear that offer their services in this industry. The most profitable offers are classified by bonuses, tournaments, etc.

Sports Betting Strategies

The main component of an effective game in any game is sports betting strategies.

Here, gaming strategies for sports betting are a tool that, if used correctly, can earn money and make the game productive.

An experienced bettor knows that if you do not use your specific sports betting strategies, then soon everyone is doomed to inevitable bankruptcy.

But if you do everything correctly and according to a certain strategy, you can earn very good money. Professional gamblers using such sports betting strategies make very good money every day. But if some gain such significant profits, while others suffer losses, the question arises: “Are there win-win strategies for sports?”

Definitely answer this serious question Not sure it's going to happen. There are no win-win sports betting strategies; there is a competent application of strategies that will truly replenish the family budget. Usually they are all divided into two groups: gaming and money management systems. Using this technique will allow the player to minimize the possibility of losing and increase the possibility of winning.


Sports gaming strategies are practical game systems. To date gaming strategies there are more than twenty:

A series of numbers is a strategy that came to our country from Germany. Bets must be calculated using mathematical calculations;
- Miller. The strategy was developed by J. Miller, an American player who has been playing and winning for many years;
- counter move bet. Here a bet is made on the opposite outcome of the match;
- bet against the favorite. Especially beginners bet on favorites, thinking that this is a guaranteed success. And the professionals themselves place bets on three or even four favorites;
- tennis strategy from Shchukin;
- strategy from Mazharov for volleyball. This strategy is very similar to Shchukin's strategy, but here the profit percentage is much higher. The strategy is that after each loss on the next bet, you need to increase the bet amount. Live sports betting strategy is a system designed to manage an entire bank account (allocate a specific amount for betting).

If you look at it this way, there are also so-called “other strategies”. They are also worth paying attention to. One of the most popular is the “fork”. Here, each player places a bet in two or more offices. And he makes a profit regardless of the outcome of the match or half. This method will allow you to consistently earn about 4-5% of the invested amount. It is believed that this strategy is almost a win-win.

Live Strategy

Live sports betting strategies are primarily based on carefully watching each match. In order to bring profit to the family budget through live sports betting, you need to have great patience, as well as learn to accurately assess the team’s chances.

Strategies for live sports betting include:
- Martingale betting strategies. This is one of the most common sports betting strategies, which has brought a lot of money to the creators;
- betting strategy from D'Ambler;
- betting strategy from Oscar Grind.

One of the most profitable sports betting strategies is “Dogon”. In fact, “Dogon” is the same profitable strategy sports betting. Profit is received at the end of a certain period. main idea is that the bet must be made serially, i.e. a series of bets on a specific event. This strategy is, of course, old, but is very popular among professionals. For beginners, this is the best gaming option. This one goes especially well with football.

New sports betting strategies such as “Play against the community” are also in good demand. How does this strategy work? A man comes to a sports bar, listens to which team is predicted to win, and talks about it to other bars. After the winner has already been determined, he bets on his opponent. This is by far the best sports betting strategy as there are so many people who have gotten rich from it.

Is there a better sports betting strategy?

When discussing which strategy is the best, it is impossible to give a definite answer. Each strategy has both negative and positive aspects.

Of course, no one can give a 100% guarantee of winning. Each player must choose a strategy to their liking.

Also, you shouldn’t take the first strategy that catches your eye and immediately want to start conquering all bookmakers with it. Each strategy is individual, everyone can choose the one they like.

The main thing to remember is that a competent selection of strategy and strict adherence to it can bring good profit, and the winnings will have some stability.

How to consistently make money betting on sporting events

While most beginners bet on luck, more experienced users think through each match, take into account all the nuances, and if the chances of winning are high, they bet only in this case. Yes, even experienced players make mistakes, but these mistakes are nothing compared to the sums that they withdraw when they are lucky.

So let's start with the starting bank. If you are going to play small, then it is better not to start, because this method earning money requires a certain amount of capital. You need to deposit such an amount into the office account that you can make at least 15-20 bets (50 rubles does not count). After each bet, you should have 95% of your initial capital in your account, even if you are completely confident in the outcome, because sports are unpredictable.

Second tip: do not place one bet at a time, select at least three events with odds of at least 1.7 percent and place three bets. According to statistics, 2 bets out of three are always successful in 95% of cases, and you remain a winner. For example, you bet 1000 rubles on three events, for a total of 3000 rubles. Two bets are played, and you receive 1700 rubles from them (1700 + 1700 = 3400) - we see that the profit is 400 rubles. But this is with odds of 1.7, and you can find events with higher odds. If two bets didn’t work out, you don’t need to lose your head and go all-in to win back, since most likely you will lose every penny!

Next tip! Choose one sport that you are most knowledgeable about and only bet on that sport. Explore all selected events and place bets.

I observe how hundreds of new bookmakers and branches of long-established bookmakers open every year. This is due to the popularization of this type of gambling, but in this article I want to present the game in a bookmaker’s office not as ordinary entertainment, but as a very real and permanent source of income. There are few people who constantly earn money from bookmakers (10-15%), and my task today is to tell you how to join this number of lucky people.

Have you ever wondered whether it is possible to make money on bets? to an ordinary person who has no experience of playing in a bookmaker's office? My answer is of course. Successful betters (players) were also beginners. A beginner faces a very difficult path, consisting of stages of training, gaining initial practice in playing bookmakers, developing his own optimal strategy, bringing constant income.

About the types of betting events at bookmakers

The first thing I recommend you familiarize yourself with is the types of bets at the bookmaker’s office. This is a voluminous question worthy of a separate topic, since there are several dozen, and maybe even more than a hundred various options rates. I will focus on the most important concepts, which are quite sufficient in the first stages.

There are two large branches that separate all bets - line play and live bets. A line is a list of all sporting events in the bookmaker on which you can bet. This includes games that have not started, that is, the bet is placed before the start of the match and the line closes when it starts. The live mode allows the player to place bets on events that have already begun at any time during the match.

The next division of bets depends on the number of events in the basket (coupon). If you bet on one event, this is called a single bet.

An association single bets in a coupon (cart) is called express. In this case, the coefficients of all selected events are multiplied. This bet will pass if all single events of the express bet are correct. If one event is not guessed, then the entire express train burns out.

Another type of bet, depending on the number of events, is the system. In appearance, this is the same express, that is, there are several single events in the system. But to pass the system it is not necessary to guess all the selected events. To pass the 4/5 system, it is enough to guess 4 bets out of 5. Moreover, if 5 out of 5 events are guessed, then the odds will be almost the same as in the case of an express bet, but if only 4 out of 5 outcomes are correct, then the winning amount is reduced by depending on the coefficients. In systems usually big number indicates the number of bets in the coupon, and the smaller number indicates the required number of correct outcomes for the system to enter.

Composing systems – interesting view betting, and when they ask me the question - is it really possible to make money on sports betting in this way, then I answer - yes, it can be done. But drawing up systems is a little more complicated than betting with singles or express bets, take this into account when playing.

Types of sports betting for a beginner

Now we can begin to consider the types of bets related directly to the results of matches. I will highlight several of the most important types that you should definitely familiarize yourself with before considering specific sports betting strategies:

  1. Final outcome of the match . Depending on the sport, there are 2 or 3 outcomes of the event. 1 – victory of the first team (player), 2 – victory of the second team (player), 3 – draw. Accordingly, in those sports where a draw is not possible (for example, tennis), only bets on the winner of the match are given. There are sports where if there is a draw, overtime is played (hockey, basketball). When betting on these sports, pay close attention to the outcomes, as there are bets such as a clear team victory (in regulation time) and a team victory including overtime.
  2. Double chance . This type There are bets in those sports where a draw is allowed in regular time. Here you can place the following types of bets: 1X – victory of the first team (player) or a draw; X2 – victory of the second team (player) or a draw; 12 – victory for any of the teams (player), that is, a loss will occur in the event of a draw in the match.
  3. Match total . One of the favorite types of bets for most players. In bookmakers, totals are indicated in both whole and decimal numbers. Let's take football as an example. Total Over 2.5 means that a win will occur if 3 or more goals are scored. Total less than 2.5 – there will be a win if 2 or fewer goals are scored in the match. If the total number is an integer, for example 2, then if 3 goals are scored there will be a win, and if 2 goals are scored the bet will be returned in full.
  4. Handicap . This type of bet allows you to artificially add a certain number of points to a team (player). For example, team 1 and team 2 are playing. We give team 1 a +1.5 handicap, which means given number will be attributed to the team towards the final result. The match ends with a score of 0-1 in favor of team 2. But since the handicap factor is +1.5, team 1 has more points and our bet goes through.
  5. Correct score . Everything is clear and so. In the bookmaker, you can select the exact score of the match or, depending on the type of sport, the number of parties, games, periods, etc.

Of course, you can manage your finances yourself and bet on these outcomes the amount of money that is convenient for you, but I advise you to use competent bank management. This concept implies strict control of the number and amount of bets.

Below I will give the two most common ways to manage the “bank”.

  1. Fixed percentage from the bank . In my opinion, this is one of the best variations for a beginner. I would call her strategies for managing her bank in BC. The bottom line is that it is necessary to determine the specific percentage of the bank allocated to each bet. Let's say it's 5%. After each outcome, the bet amount is recalculated depending on the change in the bank. This is a suitable way for a beginner to manage finances, since it is almost impossible to completely drain the bank.
  2. Fixed rate (flat). Almost the same as fixed percentage, only in in this case You need to choose a specific constant bet amount for yourself and stick to it. Sometimes I distribute my money in the pot this way, starting with a starting point of $500 and allocating $50 dollars for each bet. This way you can make good money betting on sports on the Internet, and the risk of losing everything is minimal.

5 Best Sports Betting Strategies for Beginners

It's time to consider specific examples working strategies for sports, which I advise every beginner to work on at least on a demo account. I will give the strategies that I personally used and allowed me to make money on bets in bookmakers.

  1. Goal in the second half in football (live). This strategy is my own development based on my own experience and the opinions of other players. I often see how a clear favorite in football cannot score against his opponent until the end of the match. Often goals happen after 80 minutes. I choose matches where the clear favorite has not “sealed” the outsider’s goal by the 70-75th minute and bet on the goal he will score. The odds here are good, about 2.0-2.5, which allows you to make a good profit.
  2. Bet on the favorite in tennis (live). How often do you see a favorite in tennis lose 0-2 without taking a single set? I personally see this extremely rarely. If the favorite lost the 1st set to the outsider, then after a little analysis of the game I bet on the favorite’s victory in the 2nd set. The odds for this event are good, starting from 1.50 and can reach up to 2.0.
  3. Periods in basketball (live). The principle is almost identical to the scheme in tennis, we need to find a match in live, where the favorite plays with an outsider, we can take a less pronounced favorite. According to statistics, in basketball the favorite wins at least one quarter. Our task is to find a match live or wait for one where the favorite lost the first two quarters to the outsider. It is likely that the favorite will win at least one of the remaining quarters, and we will successfully play with odds from 1.50 to 2.0.
  4. Betting on yellow cards in a football match. This type of bet is available on many matches in some bookmakers. Sometimes you can see bids on quantity yellow cards even in live game mode. The essence of the strategy is that you need to thoroughly analyze your opponents before the start of the match and predict whether the game will be aggressive or not. It is better to play on Total More yellow cards and choose matches where you think there will be aggressive play. I advise you to play on teams from countries such as Italy, England, Spain. These championships are different in that the game is often tough and there are really a lot of yellow cards. Matches of principal rivals, as well as fights of increased significance, where players will fight to the last and often break the rules, are also suitable for selection.
  5. Breaks in tennis. A break in tennis is when the player receiving the serve wins the game. To play using this strategy, you need to choose a tennis match where there is a favorite (the odds for a player to win the match are up to 1.50). Examples of suitable favorites include players such as Djokovic, Nadal, Federer, Wawrinka and other strong tennis players. The favorite often makes breaks in the first set in order to ensure a proper advantage over the opponent from the very beginning of the game. I advise betting on the favorite to win the game when the outsider is serving. Often breaks occur on the 1st or 2nd serve of the underdog, but it may happen that the favorite breaks at the end of the set. This is not scary, the odds for this event are close to 3.0, which allows you to play calmly and raise your bets until you win. If the favorite makes a break, betting on that match must be stopped and another match must be looked for.

The described strategies are not distinguished by complex mathematical calculations and deep analysis. I didn't want to give advice to a beginner in the game on too abstruse strategies. The well-known “Kelly Criterion”, “Oscar Grind”, “Danish System” and other betting schemes on sporting events should definitely not be considered by a beginner as an introduction to the world of betting. And their profitability does not seem very attractive to me.

In conclusion, here are the 7 most important tips for beginners:

  1. Don't rush to choose a bookmaker. Carefully read reviews from well-known analysts and read reviews of bookmakers from ordinary players. The most annoying thing is to run into an unscrupulous establishment that will take your money illegally. For example, I have been placing bets through a bookmaker company for several years now. "League of Stakes". Now there is a promotion going on there: “ Freebet 500 rubles for registration«.
  2. Turn off the excitement. If you are going to earn money and not have fun in the office, then forget what gambling is. Find a way to turn off this feeling.
  3. Say no to express trains. Yes, a small express bet of 2-3 well-chosen match outcomes is allowed. And “locomotives” with 10 events each is a probable loss
  4. Don't go all in, since there are no 100% rates. Even an event with odds of 1.01 may not pass.
  5. Don't play back, but earn money. You need to understand that when you lose, you don’t need to push yourself forward in order to win back the loss as quickly as possible. If it so happens that part of the bank is lost, forget about this money and continue playing according to the chosen strategy.
  6. Don't blindly believe the odds. If the odds of 1.15 are given for a team to win, this does not mean that it is a clear favorite and you can bet on its victory. Bookmakers also make mistakes and may misjudge an event. Analyze your bets and place them wisely.
  7. Don't fall for scammers' tricks. Remember that “fixed matches” are not sold for 1000 rubles, especially on the Internet. Information about “agreements” costs thousands, if not tens of thousands of dollars and is available to a narrow circle of people.

If you have read this article, I can safely say that you should not make the newbie mistake in sports betting. Try to open a demo account at the office and look for a gaming strategy that suits you. And remember that testing it for a few days is not enough to identify a strategy. Experienced players Before playing for real money, they test a certain sports betting scheme on a demo account for a month or more. Be patient, learn to analyze matches correctly, and you will definitely be able to make money on sports betting.