Famous fish people. Fish. Zodiac horoscope

Compatibility horoscope: celebrities born under the zodiac sign Pisces are the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Which celebrities were born under the sign of Pisces? The last sign of the zodiac circle, Pisces, gives people born under its protection many talents. They are successful in art and acting professions. Here are some famous Pisces who were born in different years in the period from February 19 to March 20.

Celebrities Pisces – who are they?

Famous Hollywood actor, producer and musician. He is one of the ten highest paid actors. The most famous films with his participation: “Die Hard”, in several versions, “The Fifth Element”, “The Sixth Sense” and others.

Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema. Her most popular and memorable works in film distribution are the feature films: “Intergirl”, “Two Under an Umbrella”, “Plumbum, or a Dangerous Game”, role in the TV series “Kamenskaya” and many others.

Oldest and famous actor theater and cinema. His role in the TV series " Born of revolution" No less significant are the roles he played in films of the last century, such as “three plus two”, “Detectives”, “Cooperation”, “Leon Trotsky”.

No video.

Her debut took place in 1956, in the film “A Kiss Before Dying.” Her acting list includes more than sixteen feature films and filming in TV series. Famous works include “Philadelphia”, “Breathing Lessons”, “The Three Faces of Eve”, “The Wet Case”, “Harry’s Son”.

One of the richest collections of awards from the Oscar film festival belongs to this talented and multifaceted Hollywood actress. Films with her participation are remembered by the viewer long years. Such as: “The Devil Wears Prada”, “One Hundred and One Dalmatians”, “Fatal Attraction”, “Heat”.

A talented young theater and film actor. His debut took place in the film “The Career of Arturo Ui. A new version"in 1996. He starred in 6 films “Poor Nastya”, “Brigade”, “Maroseyka12”

The secret of Pisces celebrity success

We could go on and on about Pisces celebrities. This sign is very prolific in talented and artistic people. However, he gives away talents to everyone, just in different amounts. All Pisces are endowed with artistry and indescribable charm.

The final sign of the zodiac circle, Pisces, has absorbed the stage of completing the circle of development. People born under this sign have an innate spiritual beginning and are able to delve into the very essence of a phenomenon. Compassion and intuition guide most actions.

The patron saint of Pisces is Neptune - the planet of illusions, brilliance, mystery and deception. People born under his auspices are able to move up the ladder more successfully than others. career ladder thanks to his talents, without resorting to meanness and deception. Fate favors such advancement.

Famous actors, singers, historical figures - Pisces

The first man to fly into space. Everyone remembers the legend that before last moment The name of the astronaut who will make the first space flight around the Earth has not been approved. On the last night before the flight, Gagarin was able to fall asleep before Titov, by a few minutes, and this is what decided the choice of the first for Korolev. Isn't this luck!

General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the USSR, Chairman of the Presidium Supreme Council USSR, Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. And all these positions were the last to exist. Just as Pisces complete the zodiac cycle, so Gorbachev, having taken these positions, completed the cycle of existence of these positions.

In addition, as the pinnacle of development of all these administrative leadership structures, the decision is made to concentrate power with the President. M.S. Gorbachev becomes the first President Soviet Union, but also immediately closes the cycle, becoming, at the same time, the last President of the former power of the USSR.

These are the brightest and most famous fish, on the example of which the line characterizing the sign of Pisces is so clearly drawn. Let's also look at examples of Pisces women who have become famous.

Hollywood actress, producer, model, and just a beautiful and graceful woman with unique charm and charm.

Also the first cosmonaut, but only among the fair half of humanity. It's just luck that a simple weaver became the first woman astronaut in the world. Now don’t believe that Pisces brings good luck.

A beautiful and slender charming woman, multiple world karate champion, film actress.

Pisces Woman

Famous Pisces Women

Valentina Tereshkova, born under the zodiac sign of Pisces on March 6, 1937, is a famous Soviet cosmonaut, the first female cosmonaut. Nadezhda Babkina, born under the zodiac sign of Pisces on March 19, 1950, is a famous Soviet and, Russian singer Russia. Colonel of the Cossack troops with the right to bear arms. Juliette Binoche (born under the zodiac sign of Pisces on March 9, 1964) is a French film actress. Winner of the 1997 Oscar for Best female role

supporting role in the film “The English Patient”, as well as the 2010 Cannes Film Festival award for Best Actress.

Ksenia Kimovna Borodina (present Ksenia Kimovna Amoeva) was born under the zodiac sign of Pisces on March 8, 1983 - the host of the reality show “Dom-2” on the TNT channel.


Pisces are receptive, intuitive and emotional, imaginative, romantic, impressionable and mystical, adaptive and extremely changeable.

Symbol: Two fish connected to each other and swimming in opposite directions mean hidden depth, changeable emotions, opposing desires, extremes of character. Glyph (graphic symbol): This pictogram depicts two fish connected, as well as a human leg (the body part ruled by Aquarius).

Symbolic meaning

glyph - two crescents connected by a segment; emotions and higher knowledge, connected and limited by the material world.

Pisces is a sign of dreams and mysticism. Those born under this sign rely on their intuition and feelings and tend to look for spiritual values ​​in life. Virgo, opposing Pisces, is a sign of labor and service. Virgos operate with facts and reality, they are practical and strive for material success.

Body parts ruled by Pisces: Feet. Pisces have beautiful, sensitive feet, which, unfortunately, are prone to pain, bursitis, and calluses. Uncomfortable shoes pose a particular danger to them.


Colours: Pale green and turquoise are the romantic colors of the sea.

Cities: Casablanca, Alexandria, Lisbon, Seville, Dublin

No video.

Countries: Portugal, Sahara Desert

Flowers: Water lily, white poppy, narcissus

Trees: Fig and willow

Animals Ruled by Pisces: Pisces Your most attractive trait: COMPASSION Pisces seem to be people not of this world. In mystical terms you are described as half body and half spirit; you are torn between material existence and spiritual problems, you are haunted by the feeling that

real world

Being under the auspices of Neptune, the planet of secrets and illusions, you have a secretive, lethargic and changeable character. Your element is water, comparison with it helps to understand the ease with which you adapt to the changeable trends around you. You are more influenced by your environment and the people who come into contact with you than representatives of other signs. You have a unique ability to get into the shoes of another person, to perceive other people's problems, joys and troubles literally as your own. Sometimes you give away the strength and emotional security that you yourself need.

You have excellent intuition and a limitless ability to understand others, but unusual sensitivity can be your Achilles heel. You are too susceptible to any fleeting influence, taking other people's misfortunes or requests for help to heart. It is incredibly difficult for you to refuse someone; It may take you a lifetime to learn how to do this.

Pisces is a sign of self-sacrifice; you have the ability to become the creator of your own misfortunes. You are impractical and find yourself a victim of your compliance. You tend to choose unsuitable companions. Sometimes your life is so filled with complications and troubles that you desperately try to escape from them, getting out of one hole and immediately falling into another, without having an exact landmark. Conflicting emotions and desires push you back and forth. You need to strive with all your might to achieve mental stability, balance, and a sense of purpose in order to overcome laziness, carelessness and emotional imbalance.

None of this means you lack a backbone. You are capable of great sacrifices and labors in the service of some cause or ideal. However, few Pisces are able to find their place in the ruthless world of business and commerce. Possessing creative abilities and imagination, you are more likely to achieve success in the literary, musical or artistic field. Famous Pisces creators include Auguste Renoir, Frédéric Chopin, Enrico Caruso, Vaslav Nijinsky, Rudolf Nureyev, Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Edna St. Vincent Millay.

Unsure of yourself, you prefer to work alone rather than with partners. You instinctively look for the exit that seems easiest to you, follow the path of least resistance. Therefore, many gifted and charming people born under this sign do not achieve a position worthy of their talents.

You are very selective, your subtlety and education will always attract the spiritual elite to you. You are capable of great intellectual achievements; your mysterious, charming personality is offset by an intriguing flavor of theatricality.

You are a loyal, generous and unselfish friend, always ready to help a person in trouble. Kind, able to respect others inner world, you are indifferent to everything superficial, superficial. Are you interested in inner essence. Among the representatives of other zodiac signs there is no more sensitive, kind-hearted, loving, devoted and sentimental friend.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign for Pisces

Pisces is the last, 12th sign of the Zodiac, completing the astrological zodiac circle. Pisces are one of the most controversial representatives zodiac constellation. The element of Water determines the changeability and instability of their nature. The constellation Pisces is ruled simultaneously by Jupiter and Neptune, and therefore the duality of their character is ensured from birth. For the most part, representatives of this sign are people who go with the flow, are not used to changing anything in their lives and rarely resist circumstances.

Pisces are dreamers who live in a world of their own illusions. They have a keen sense of music, are capable of self-sacrifice and often act intuitively. Without feeling love and support, Pisces become despondent, withdraw into themselves and can find themselves in a state of severe, prolonged depression. Pisces realize themselves best as musicians, artists, teachers and representatives creative professions– leadership positions and responsibility are often difficult and unnatural for them.

Pisces have a hard time accepting criticism - they are ready to be deceived and take in information in a form that does not traumatize their psyche. They themselves also like to keep things quiet so as not to disturb the harmony they always strive for. In their desire to organize their world harmoniously, Pisces are very attentive to aesthetics - they love everything beautiful, understand fashion, have a keen sense of art and are drawn to nature.

The phlegmatic, closed and vulnerable nature of Pisces, who are absolute introverts, is often accompanied by diseases such as neurasthenia, depression, alcoholism and drug addiction. Their excessive sensitivity and sentimentality sometimes look charming, but often turn out to be destructive for themselves. Pisces are very susceptible to weaknesses that relieve mental pain, and therefore the cultivation of willpower and the inability to withstand the blows of fate is their main problem. In addition, in a state of chaos, they can turn into fanatics, including religious ones, and also plunge into occult movements.


Pisces men are idealists and dreamers. Most of of them are receptive and pliable people, troubled by doubts, experiencing a lack of calling in life and worthy realization. The other part is men who have overcome their fears, who have found a path in life, but remain somewhat wounded and vulnerable.

Most often, Pisces men are easy-going and comfortable people to communicate with. Politeness and tact do not allow men of this sign to show open aggression, which is often their problem. They withdraw into their thoughts, and even those who are not timid men intensely experience their failures in their souls, showing irritability and suspiciousness. Mental wounds do not heal for a long time - they love the role of martyrs.

Pisces men fall in love easily and find it difficult to build strong, harmonious relationships. The main problems in love are associated with the desire for an unattainable ideal and building relationships with those who have a much brighter temperament. They are greedy for the vicious and bright women who are characterized by shocking behavior.


Pisces women are charming, subtle and mysterious young ladies who attract men with their vulnerability and defenselessness. Their femininity and weakness are their main trump cards, creating an atmosphere of mystery around them.

Pisces women do not even try to play fatal temptresses, knowing for sure that their charm lies in naturalness, the desire to be led, dependent and pliable. Some men incredibly idealize their kindness and sacrifice, others are annoyed by the lack of core and intelligible life position. At the same time, timid and soft Pisces women sometimes have enviable practicality and common sense. It is not easy to achieve her favor, and it is reason that sometimes forces her not to be led by emotions. The strongest traits of Pisces women are femininity and the ability to properly manage their signature traits - fragility and softness. Weak - suggestibility, changeability of moods, looking at the world through the rose-colored glasses of your own fantasies. She prefers not to interfere in financial matters, leaving them to the man, but in relationships with relatives, children or at work, she sometimes takes on other people’s problems.


Pisces has a favorable union with calm and practical Taurus, but the union will be successful if in this pair the man is a Taurus and the woman is a Pisces. Dreamy Cancers will become a harmonious companion for dreamy Pisces, and balanced Virgos will be a reliable and stable option. The brightest and most interesting alliance will develop with Scorpios - Pisces will admire an active partner who does not suppress them with his ebullient energy.

Difficult relationships await Pisces with fire signs– Aries, Gemini and Leo, who are made from a completely different cloth.


Sandro Botticelli, Arthur Schopenhauer, Johann Sebastian Bach, Albert Einstein, Mikhail Gorbachev, Yuri Gagarin, Oleg Yankovsky, Kurt Russell, Bruce Willis, Luc Besson.

Nadezhda Krupskaya, Elizabeth Taylor, Sharon Stone, Eva Herzigova, Eva Mendes, Drew Barrymore, Natalia Vodianova, Cindy Crawford.

Zodiac sign Pisces: famous representatives

The life of people born under the constellation Pisces is full of anxiety, difficulties and disappointments. But thanks to their developed intuition, creativity and naturalness, they overcome all adversity and achieve good results in career and personal life.

According to astrologers, Pisces is the most gifted sign of the Zodiac. People of this constellation often become famous actors, singers, TV presenters, and writers. What successful show business stars were born under the zodiac sign of Pisces?

Singer Rihanna quickly won the hearts of millions of fans. But her popularity and fame often contradict her internal state. Possessing a vulnerable and sensitive nature, like all representatives of Pisces, the singer still copes with constant stress, criticism and everyday problems, although it is not easy.

Actress Dakota Fanning experienced the beauty of show business at a young age. The girl is a typical representative of the constellation Pisces. She looks at the world through rose-colored glasses and tends to idealize people. But despite her childish spontaneity, she was able to prove to everyone her uniqueness and talent.

Popular singer Justin Bieber was also born under the constellation Pisces. The character of this zodiac sign is fully revealed in it. He is capricious and sometimes naive. Does not want to delve into problems, always looking for a way to dodge difficulties and take an easier path. It is common for him, like all Pisces, to avoid making decisions. Justin is friendly in his relationships with people, but he opens his soul only to selected, close people. It is often closed. This occurs due to an illusory perception of reality. Many Pisces are disappointed in people and in themselves. They are used to drowning out their resentment and stress with alcohol or drugs, which Bieber is often accused of doing.

Actress Sharon Stone represents a complete set of qualities characteristic of people of the constellation Pisces. She is very susceptible to the world around her, is sensitive to criticism, has insight and a subtle nature. All Pisces are quite vulnerable and emotional. Such character traits help her in her profession, making the heroine of films sincere and feminine.

Actor and comedian Pavel Volya is also a representative of the zodiac sign Pisces. Pavel has a subtle mental organization, despite his screen image. He does not like criticism, comments and leadership over himself. He, like all Pisces, tends to look at problems from above and look for the cause of troubles and difficulties in other people. At heart he is a romantic and good-natured person, ready to help anyone in need.

Bruce Willis - Hollywood actor, has already become a legend. In films, he always plays the role of brave and courageous heroes, ready to sacrifice themselves. In life, thanks to the influence of the Moon, Willis also possesses all these qualities. But like all people of the Pisces constellation, the actor has developed intuition, a gentle character, responsiveness and compassion for people.

We wish you good luck and don't forget to click

Pisces - celebrities (actors, musicians, writers, politicians)

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Main magic talismans- stones of the Pisces zodiac sign: amethyst, pearl, chrysolite.

Stones - talismans of the Zodiac sign Pisces by date of birth:

The horoscope for Pisces for 2017 indicates that this suitable for the sign any style, but the outfit must be new. You can look for a suitable option now, but the stars advise buying it no earlier than the second half of December. Representatives of this zodiac sign should give preference to outfits with tropical patterns.

For representatives of the zodiac sign Pisces, the horoscope for 2016 does not promise any significant health problems - serious illnesses not expected. However, the first half of the year will be characterized by excessive nervous tension, which may result in headaches, a feeling of fatigue, irritability and mood swings. Therefore, Pisces should lead healthy image life, control your mood, do not let stress and frustration into your life.

In the second half of 2016, Pisces will experience a significant increase in vital energy, metabolic processes are activated and, as a result, appetite will improve, which, in turn, can lead to weight gain. Therefore, representatives of the sign who are prone to obesity will have to go on a diet during this period and start actively playing sports so as not to gain extra pounds.

Representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign are very emotional. Hence, they will experience frequent nervous breakdowns, depression and even hysterics. Anything that can shake the psyche of Pisces is potential threat physical health. You should try not to overload your nervous system, and if an acute situation occurs, consult a doctor who will recommend the most appropriate sedative. Swim more, eat vegetables. Changing your usual image or appearance will have a positive effect on the psyche of Pisces.

Pisces are impractical: in life they can achieve everything or nothing. Money for Pisces is not a goal, but just a means. Moreover, a means that can do little to enrich their already rich inner world. That is why Pisces are quite indifferent to money, and if they happen to get rich, then their compassion is manifested in generosity and charity.

Pisces love trinkets and jewelry; they can wander around the shops for days and happily buy expensive things. But this does not prevent them from saving sensibly and managing their household wisely in case of lack of money.

celebrities born under the zodiac sign of Pisces

American actress, best known for her role as Annabeth Chase in the films Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2010) and Percy Jackson: Sea of ​​Monsters (2013). Alexandra Daddario also starred in the TV series It's Always Sunny in. "

Mara was born and raised in Bedford, New York, the daughter of Timothy Christopher Mara and Kathleen McNulty. Kate is Italian on her mother's side and Irish on her father's side.

Mara decided to become an actress at a fairly young age; She was inspired to do this by the cult musical “Les Misérables”. Girl. »

Walter Bruce Willis (or simply Bruno) was born on March 19, 1955 in West Germany; his further upbringing took place in the USA, in the state of New Jersey, where he attended Montclair College. In college, his acting abilities were revealed for the first time: he enrolled in a drama club (in fact, he joined the drama club to stop stuttering) and began taking part in student plays.

After college, Bruce got a job as a security guard at a chemical factory, but soon, apparently, realized that this job was not for him. »

The future famous French director was born into a family of scuba diving instructors and, from childhood, was preparing to continue family tradition. He spent his entire childhood on the Mediterranean coast of France, enthusiastically diving and underwater photography. His dream was to become a dolphin specialist. However, the dreams were not destined to come true. At seventeen, as a result of an accident, he loses the opportunity to do what he loves.

Luke returns to big and noisy Paris, where... »

Her father, George Weiss, was Jewish and was born in Hungary and later became an inventor. He and his family had to flee to England to avoid persecution by the Nazis. Rachel's mother, Edith Ruth (nee Teich), was born in Vienna and is of Jewish descent. »

Actress Sophie Turner was born in the ancient county of Noramptonshire, which is located almost in the middle of England. These places were once chosen by the ancient Normans. IN big city Norhampton, on the River Nene, the center of the county, was where “Sansa” spent her childhood.

She was youngest child in the Turner family (the girl has two brothers). But when Sophie's mother became pregnant for the third time, it turned out that she was expecting twins. Unfortunately, pregnancy. »

Compatibility horoscope: celebrities born under the sign of Pisces - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Which celebrities were born under the sign of Pisces? The last sign of the zodiac circle, Pisces, gives people born under its protection many talents. They are successful in art and acting professions. Here are some famous Pisces who were born in different years between February 19 and March 20.

Celebrities Pisces – who are they?

Famous Hollywood actor, producer and musician. He is one of the ten highest paid actors. The most famous films with his participation: “Die Hard”, in several versions, “The Fifth Element”, “The Sixth Sense” and others.

Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. Her most popular and memorable works in film distribution are the feature films: “Intergirl”, “Two Under an Umbrella”, “Plumbum, or a Dangerous Game”, role in the TV series “Kamenskaya” and many others.

The oldest and most famous theater and film actor. His role in the TV series “Born of the Revolution” brought him particular popularity. No less significant are the roles he played in films of the last century, such as “three plus two”, “Detectives”, “Cooperation”, “Leon Trotsky”.

Her debut took place in 1956, in the film “A Kiss Before Dying.” Her acting list includes more than sixteen full-length films and filming in TV series. Famous works include “Philadelphia”, “Breathing Lessons”, “The Three Faces of Eve”, “The Wet Case”, “Harry’s Son”.

One of the richest collections of awards from the Oscar film festival belongs to this talented and multifaceted Hollywood actress. Films with her participation are remembered by the viewer for many years. Such as: “The Devil Wears Prada”, “One Hundred and One Dalmatians”, “Fatal Attraction”, “Heat”.

A talented young theater and film actor. His debut took place in the film “The Career of Arturo Ui. New version" in 1996. He starred in 6 films “Poor Nastya”, “Brigade”, “Maroseyka12”

The secret of Pisces celebrity success

We could go on and on about Pisces celebrities. This sign is very prolific in talented and artistic people. However, he gives away talents to everyone, just in different amounts. All Pisces are endowed with artistry and indescribable charm.

The final sign of the zodiac circle, Pisces, has absorbed the stage of completing the circle of development. People born under this sign have an innate spiritual beginning and are able to delve into the very essence of a phenomenon. Compassion and intuition guide most actions.

The patron saint of Pisces is Neptune - the planet of illusions, brilliance, mystery and deception. People born under his patronage are able to move up the career ladder more successfully than others thanks to their talents, without resorting to meanness and deception. Fate favors such advancement.

Famous actors, singers, historical figures - Pisces

The first man to fly into space. Everyone remembers the legend that until the last moment the name of the astronaut who would make the first space flight around the Earth was not approved. On the last night before the flight, Gagarin was able to fall asleep before Titov, by a few minutes, and this is what decided the choice of the first for Korolev. Isn't this luck!

General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the USSR, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. And all these positions were the last to exist. Just as Pisces complete the zodiac cycle, so Gorbachev, having taken these positions, completed the cycle of existence of these positions.

In addition, as the pinnacle of development of all these administrative leadership structures, the decision is made to concentrate power with the President. M.S. Gorbachev becomes the first President of the Soviet Union, but immediately closes the cycle, becoming, at the same time, the last President of the former power of the USSR.

These are the brightest and most famous fish, on the example of which the line characterizing the sign of Pisces is so clearly drawn. Let's also look at examples of Pisces women who have become famous.

Hollywood actress, producer, model, and simply a beautiful and graceful woman with a unique charm and charm.

Also the first cosmonaut, but only among the fair half of humanity. It's just luck that a simple weaver became the first woman astronaut in the world. Now don’t believe that Pisces brings good luck.

A beautiful and slender charming woman, multiple world karate champion, film actress.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign for Pisces

Pisces is the last, 12th sign of the Zodiac, completing the astrological zodiac circle. Pisces is one of the most controversial representatives of the zodiac constellation. The element of Water determines the changeability and instability of their nature. The constellation Pisces is ruled simultaneously by Jupiter and Neptune, and therefore the duality of their character is ensured from birth. For the most part, representatives of this sign are people who go with the flow, are not used to changing anything in their lives and rarely resist circumstances.

Pisces are dreamers who live in a world of their own illusions. They have a keen sense of music, are capable of self-sacrifice and often act intuitively. Without feeling love and support, Pisces become despondent, withdraw into themselves and can find themselves in a state of severe, prolonged depression. Pisces realize themselves best in the roles of musicians, artists, teachers and representatives of creative professions - leadership positions and responsibility for them are often difficult and unnatural.

Pisces have a hard time accepting criticism - they are ready to be deceived and take in information in a form that does not traumatize their psyche. They themselves also like to keep things quiet so as not to disturb the harmony they always strive for. In their desire to organize their world harmoniously, Pisces are very attentive to aesthetics - they love everything beautiful, understand fashion, have a keen sense of art and are drawn to nature.

The phlegmatic, closed and vulnerable nature of Pisces, who are absolute introverts, is often accompanied by diseases such as neurasthenia, depression, alcoholism and drug addiction. Their excessive sensitivity and sentimentality sometimes look charming, but often turn out to be destructive for themselves. Pisces are very susceptible to weaknesses that relieve mental pain, and therefore the cultivation of willpower and the inability to withstand the blows of fate is their main problem. In addition, in a state of chaos, they can turn into fanatics, including religious ones, and also plunge into occult movements.


Pisces men are idealists and dreamers. Most of them are receptive and pliable people, troubled by doubts, experiencing a lack of calling in life and worthy realization. The other part is men who have overcome their fears, who have found a path in life, but remain somewhat wounded and vulnerable.

Most often, Pisces men are easy-going and comfortable people to communicate with. Politeness and tact do not allow men of this sign to show open aggression, which is often their problem. They withdraw into their thoughts, and even those who are not timid men intensely experience their failures in their souls, showing irritability and suspiciousness. Mental wounds do not heal for a long time - they love the role of martyrs.

Pisces men fall in love easily and find it difficult to build strong, harmonious relationships. The main problems in love are associated with the desire for an unattainable ideal and building relationships with those who have a much brighter temperament. They are greedy for vicious and flamboyant women who are characterized by shocking behavior.


Pisces women are charming, subtle and mysterious young ladies who attract men with their vulnerability and defenselessness. Their femininity and weakness are their main trump cards, creating an atmosphere of mystery around them.

Pisces women do not even try to play fatal temptresses, knowing for sure that their charm lies in naturalness, the desire to be led, dependent and pliable. Some men incredibly idealize their kindness and sacrifice, others are annoyed by the lack of a core and a clear position in life. At the same time, timid and soft Pisces women sometimes have enviable practicality and common sense. It is not easy to achieve her favor, and it is reason that sometimes forces her not to be led by emotions. The strongest traits of Pisces women are femininity and the ability to properly manage their signature traits - fragility and softness. Weak - suggestibility, changeability of moods, looking at the world through the rose-colored glasses of your own fantasies. She prefers not to interfere in financial matters, leaving them to the man, but in relationships with relatives, children or at work, she sometimes takes on other people’s problems.


Pisces has a favorable union with calm and practical Taurus, but the union will be successful if in this pair the man is a Taurus and the woman is a Pisces. Dreamy Cancers will become a harmonious companion for dreamy Pisces, and balanced Virgos will be a reliable and stable option. The brightest and most interesting alliance will develop with Scorpios - Pisces will admire an active partner who does not suppress them with his ebullient energy.

Difficult relationships await Pisces with fire signs - Aries, Gemini and Leo, who are made from a completely different cloth.


Sandro Botticelli, Arthur Schopenhauer, Johann Sebastian Bach, Albert Einstein, Mikhail Gorbachev, Yuri Gagarin, Oleg Yankovsky, Kurt Russell, Bruce Willis, Luc Besson.

Nadezhda Krupskaya, Elizabeth Taylor, Sharon Stone, Eva Herzigova, Eva Mendes, Drew Barrymore, Natalia Vodianova, Cindy Crawford.

Pisces - celebrities (actors, musicians, writers, politicians)

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The main magical talismans are the stones of the zodiac sign Pisces: amethyst, pearls, chrysolite.

Stones - talismans of the Zodiac sign Pisces by date of birth:

The horoscope for Pisces for 2017 indicates that any style will suit this sign, but the outfit must be new. You can look for a suitable option now, but the stars advise buying it no earlier than the second half of December. Representatives of this zodiac sign should give preference to outfits with tropical patterns.

For representatives of the zodiac sign Pisces, the horoscope for 2016 does not promise any significant health problems - no serious illnesses are expected. However, the first half of the year will be characterized by excessive nervous tension, which may result in headaches, a feeling of fatigue, irritability and mood swings. Therefore, Pisces should lead a healthy lifestyle, control their mood, and not allow stress and frustration into their lives.

In the second half of 2016, Pisces will experience a significant increase in vital energy level, metabolic processes will be activated and, as a result, appetite will improve, which, in turn, can lead to an increase in body weight. Therefore, representatives of the sign who are prone to obesity will have to go on a diet during this period and start actively playing sports so as not to gain extra pounds.

Representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign are very emotional. Hence, they will experience frequent nervous breakdowns, depression and even hysterics. Anything that can shake the psyche of Pisces is a potential threat to physical health. You need to try not to overload your nervous system, and if an acute situation arises, consult a doctor who will recommend the most suitable sedative. Swim more, eat vegetables. Changing your usual image or appearance will have a positive effect on the psyche of Pisces.

Pisces are impractical: in life they can achieve everything or nothing. Money for Pisces is not a goal, but just a means. Moreover, a means that can do little to enrich their already rich inner world. That is why Pisces are quite indifferent to money, and if they happen to get rich, then their compassion is manifested in generosity and charity.

Pisces love trinkets and jewelry; they can wander around the shops for days and happily buy expensive things. But this does not prevent them from saving sensibly and managing their household wisely in case of lack of money.

supporting role in the film “The English Patient”, as well as the 2010 Cannes Film Festival award for Best Actress.

Ksenia Kimovna Borodina (present Ksenia Kimovna Amoeva) was born under the zodiac sign of Pisces on March 8, 1983 - the host of the reality show “Dom-2” on the TNT channel.


Pisces are receptive, intuitive and emotional, imaginative, romantic, impressionable and mystical, adaptive and extremely changeable.

This pictogram depicts two fish connected, as well as a human leg (the body part ruled by Aquarius). The symbolic meaning of the glyph is two crescents connected by a segment; emotions and higher knowledge, connected and limited by the material world.

Symbolic meaning

glyph - two crescents connected by a segment; emotions and higher knowledge, connected and limited by the material world.

Pisces is a sign of dreams and mysticism. Those born under this sign rely on their intuition and feelings and tend to look for spiritual values ​​in life. Virgo, opposing Pisces, is a sign of labor and service. Virgos operate with facts and reality, they are practical and strive for material success.

Body parts ruled by Pisces: Feet. Pisces have beautiful, sensitive feet, which, unfortunately, are prone to pain, bursitis, and calluses. Uncomfortable shoes pose a particular danger to them.


Cities: Casablanca, Alexandria, Lisbon, Seville, Dublin

No video.

Countries: Portugal, Sahara Desert

Flowers: Water lily, white poppy, narcissus

Trees: Fig and willow

Pisces seem to be people not of this world. In mystical terms you are described as half body and half spirit; you are torn between material existence and spiritual problems, you are haunted by the feeling that the real world will never become your true home.

real world

Being under the auspices of Neptune, the planet of secrets and illusions, you have a secretive, lethargic and changeable character. Your element is water, comparison with it helps to understand the ease with which you adapt to the changeable trends around you. You are more influenced by your environment and the people who come into contact with you than representatives of other signs. You have a unique ability to get into the shoes of another person, to perceive other people's problems, joys and troubles literally as your own. Sometimes you give away the strength and emotional security that you yourself need.

You have excellent intuition and a limitless ability to understand others, but unusual sensitivity can be your Achilles heel. You are too susceptible to any fleeting influence, taking other people's misfortunes or requests for help to heart. It is incredibly difficult for you to refuse someone; It may take you a lifetime to learn how to do this.

Pisces is a sign of self-sacrifice; you have the ability to become the creator of your own misfortunes. You are impractical and find yourself a victim of your compliance. You tend to choose unsuitable companions. Sometimes your life is so filled with complications and troubles that you desperately try to escape from them, getting out of one hole and immediately falling into another, without having an exact landmark. Conflicting emotions and desires push you back and forth. You need to strive with all your might to achieve mental stability, balance, and a sense of purpose in order to overcome laziness, carelessness and emotional imbalance.

None of this means you lack a backbone. You are capable of great sacrifices and labors in the service of some cause or ideal. However, few Pisces are able to find their place in the ruthless world of business and commerce. With creativity and imagination, you are more likely to achieve success in the literary, musical or artistic fields. Famous Pisces creators include Auguste Renoir, Frédéric Chopin, Enrico Caruso, Vaslav Nijinsky, Rudolf Nureyev, Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Edna St. Vincent Millay.

Unsure of yourself, you prefer to work alone rather than with partners. You instinctively look for the exit that seems easiest to you, follow the path of least resistance. Therefore, many gifted and charming people born under this sign do not achieve a position worthy of their talents.

You are very selective, your subtlety and education will always attract the spiritual elite to you. You are capable of great intellectual achievements; your mysterious, charming personality is offset by an intriguing flavor of theatricality.

You are a loyal, generous and unselfish friend, always ready to help a person in trouble. Kind and able to respect someone else’s inner world, you are indifferent to everything superficial and superficial. You are interested in the inner essence. Among the representatives of other zodiac signs there is no more sensitive, kind-hearted, loving, devoted and sentimental friend.

celebrities born under the sign of Pisces

American actress, best known for her role as Annabeth Chase in the films Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2010) and Percy Jackson: Sea of ​​Monsters (2013). Alexandra Daddario also starred in the TV series It's Always Sunny in. "

Mara was born and raised in Bedford, New York, the daughter of Timothy Christopher Mara and Kathleen McNulty. Kate is Italian on her mother's side and Irish on her father's side.

Mara decided to become an actress at a fairly young age; She was inspired to do this by the cult musical “Les Misérables”. Girl. »

Walter Bruce Willis (or simply Bruno) was born on March 19, 1955 in West Germany; his further upbringing took place in the USA, in the state of New Jersey, where he attended Montclair College. In college, his acting abilities were revealed for the first time: he enrolled in a drama club (in fact, he joined the drama club to stop stuttering) and began taking part in student plays.

After college, Bruce got a job as a security guard at a chemical factory, but soon, apparently, realized that this job was not for him. »

The future famous French director was born into a family of scuba diving instructors and from childhood he was preparing to continue the family tradition. He spent his entire childhood on the Mediterranean coast of France, enthusiastically diving and underwater photography. His dream was to become a dolphin specialist. However, the dreams were not destined to come true. At seventeen, as a result of an accident, he loses the opportunity to do what he loves.

Luke returns to big and noisy Paris, where... »

Her father, George Weiss, was Jewish and was born in Hungary and later became an inventor. He and his family had to flee to England to avoid persecution by the Nazis. Rachel's mother, Edith Ruth (nee Teich), was born in Vienna and is of Jewish descent. »

Actress Sophie Turner was born in the ancient county of Noramptonshire, which is located almost in the middle of England. These places were once chosen by the ancient Normans. In the large city of Norampton, located on the River Nene, the center of the county, “Sansa” spent her childhood.

She was the youngest child in the Turner family (the girl has two brothers). But when Sophie's mother became pregnant for the third time, it turned out that she was expecting twins. Unfortunately, pregnancy. »

Glenn Close was born on a large estate in Greenwich, Connecticut. Her family spanned 12 generations of New Englanders. Father having finished Harvard University, opened a clinic in Africa, and in school years Glenn spent most of her time there.

Glenn graduated from the prestigious women's college of William and Mary, then drama school Phi Beta Kappa, worked in Broadway theaters. Director George Roy Hill, having seen her in the musical “Barnum,” invited Glenn to play the role. »

She was born in the small American town of Ely in Minnesota into the family of entrepreneur Jonathan Edward Beal and Kimberly Beal (nee Conroe). Three years later, a son, Justin, was born into the family. During her childhood, Jessica and her family lived in Texas, Connecticut and Woodstock (Illinois). The family eventually settled in Boulder, Colorado.

Pisces is the last, 12th sign of the Zodiac, completing the astrological zodiac circle. Pisces is one of the most controversial representatives of the zodiac constellation. The element of Water determines the changeability and instability of their nature. The constellation Pisces is ruled simultaneously by Jupiter and Neptune, and therefore the duality of their character is ensured from birth. For the most part, representatives of this sign are people who go with the flow, are not used to changing anything in their lives and rarely resist circumstances.

Pisces are dreamers who live in a world of their own illusions. They have a keen sense of music, are capable of self-sacrifice and often act intuitively. Without feeling love and support, Pisces become despondent, withdraw into themselves and can find themselves in a state of severe, prolonged depression. Pisces realize themselves best in the roles of musicians, artists, teachers and representatives of creative professions - leadership positions and responsibility for them are often difficult and unnatural.

Pisces have a hard time accepting criticism - they are ready to be deceived and take in information in a form that does not traumatize their psyche. They themselves also like to keep things quiet so as not to disturb the harmony they always strive for. In their desire to organize their world harmoniously, Pisces are very attentive to aesthetics - they love everything beautiful, understand fashion, have a keen sense of art and are drawn to nature.

The phlegmatic, closed and vulnerable nature of Pisces, who are absolute introverts, is often accompanied by diseases such as neurasthenia, depression, alcoholism and drug addiction. Their excessive sensitivity and sentimentality sometimes look charming, but often turn out to be destructive for themselves. Pisces are very susceptible to weaknesses that relieve mental pain, and therefore the cultivation of willpower and the inability to withstand the blows of fate is their main problem. In addition, in a state of chaos, they can turn into fanatics, including religious ones, and also plunge into occult movements.


Pisces men are idealists and dreamers. Most of them are receptive and pliable people, troubled by doubts, experiencing a lack of calling in life and worthy realization. The other part is men who have overcome their fears, who have found a path in life, but remain somewhat wounded and vulnerable.

Most often, Pisces men are easy-going and comfortable people to communicate with. Politeness and tact do not allow men of this sign to show open aggression, which is often their problem. They withdraw into their thoughts, and even those who are not timid men intensely experience their failures in their souls, showing irritability and suspiciousness. Mental wounds do not heal for a long time - they love the role of martyrs.

Pisces men fall in love easily and find it difficult to build strong, harmonious relationships. The main problems in love are associated with the desire for an unattainable ideal and building relationships with those who have a much brighter temperament. They are greedy for vicious and flamboyant women who are characterized by shocking behavior.


Pisces women are charming, subtle and mysterious young ladies who attract men with their vulnerability and defenselessness. Their femininity and weakness are their main trump cards, creating an atmosphere of mystery around them.

Pisces women do not even try to play fatal temptresses, knowing for sure that their charm lies in naturalness, the desire to be led, dependent and pliable. Some men incredibly idealize their kindness and sacrifice, others are annoyed by the lack of a core and a clear position in life. At the same time, timid and soft Pisces women sometimes have enviable practicality and common sense. It is not easy to achieve her favor, and it is reason that sometimes forces her not to be led by emotions. The strongest traits of Pisces women are femininity and the ability to properly manage their signature traits - fragility and softness. Weak - suggestibility, changeability of moods, looking at the world through the rose-colored glasses of your own fantasies. She prefers not to interfere in financial matters, leaving them to the man, but in relationships with relatives, children or at work, she sometimes takes on other people’s problems.


Pisces has a favorable union with calm and practical Taurus, but the union will be successful if in this pair the man is Taurus and the woman is Pisces. Dreamy

Men born under the constellation Pisces are naturally endowed with enormous potential, but they very rarely use it and do almost nothing to achieve their goals.

Although representatives of this water sign would like to achieve significant heights, they prefer inactivity, thinking that everything will work out by itself.

To achieve success, they need to stop hovering in the clouds of unrealistic dreams and find themselves a patron who will guide them in the right direction.


Pisces men always carefully think through their image down to the smallest detail. They are sensitive to their appearance and take care of their skin and hair much more diligently than some women.

Their arsenal necessarily includes care cosmetics. In order to attract attention, Pisces men may prefer bright clothes in rich colors, skinny jeans of original styles, and do extravagant hairstyles. There is no place for officialdom in their image!

Some representatives of this sign look effeminate, although their character may be completely different.


Representatives of the constellation Pisces are so altruistic that they are ready to constantly and selflessly help other people.

In principle, Pisces develop a certain social circle with similar interests, but some individuals can use such kindness and care for their own selfish purposes. And they will simply shift all their problems onto their shoulders.

Despite the ability to console, Pisces themselves need good words and moral support.

They have a fine mental organization and enough weak character, easily susceptible to harmful influences. Therefore, Pisces needs a patron friend who will guide them in the right direction.

Pisces men are vulnerable, touchy and reserved by nature, like typical representatives of the sign of the water element.

They are very easy to offend and enrage. Frequent mood swings can greatly complicate the relationships of representatives of this sign with other people.


Due to their nature, Pisces men rarely achieve proper success in their careers, although they have every opportunity for this. They simply don’t use them and continue to live in the imaginary world of their dreams.

Many representatives of the sign do not realize that the basis for achieving success is hard and painstaking work. And they live in the expectation that it will all come by itself.

Pisces men dream of material well-being, but they can achieve it only if they become more realistic and persistent, and also stop looking for easy ways to achieve goals and stop avoiding hard work.

Love and compatibility of Pisces men

Despite their rather reserved nature, many representatives of this sign have a reputation as real womanizers who have many affairs throughout their lives. But often Pisces prefer to remain silent about their adventures and do not open up even to their friends. Men born during this period choose an equally sensual person as a companion.

In love, Pisces tend to idealize their partner and often do not notice her obvious shortcomings, obvious to others.

However, despite such worship, they can hardly be called faithful. If a strange woman needs consolation, the Pisces man will be one of the first to try to satisfy her desires. Including sexually.

Representatives of the sign do not seek to commit themselves family ties, and if they propose, it means that the woman herself somehow pushed him to take such an important step.

As a family man, the Pisces man is rather weak-willed and prefers to give the reins of power to his wife, trying to avoid responsibility. With their head in the clouds, men born during this period are able to spend money without thinking about it. tomorrow, and do not know how to make plans for the future.

A woman who wants to connect her destiny with a Pisces man must be tactful, patient and be able to direct her husband’s thoughts into “earthly” matters.

In general, such a man treats his family well and generously showers his wife with care. But at the same time he will demand the same attitude towards himself.

Even after living for many years, the wife will never know about the true desires of the Pisces man. This is a rather secretive zodiac sign. And if he tries to penetrate the “holy of holies,” he will withdraw into himself even more.

Men born during this period are good actors capable of hiding their true feelings and intentions behind the screen of beneficence and love for show.

Love and compatibility of Pisces men

All men born under the sign of Pisces have the best compatibility with representatives of such zodiac signs as Taurus, Scorpio and Capricorn.

Famous Pisces men

Among the representatives of this zodiac sign there are many people who have achieved wide popularity.

Here's just a small list famous men who are Pisces according to the horoscope:

  • George Washington
  • Steve Jobs
  • George Harrison
  • Victor Hugo
  • Mikhail Gorbachev
  • Daniel Craig
  • Vyacheslav Zaitsev
  • Shaquille O'Neal
  • David Gilmour
  • Andrey Mironov
  • Yuri Gagarin
  • Chuck Norris
  • Albert Einstein
  • Kurt Russell
  • Luc Besson
  • Bruce Willis

George Washington

George Frideric Handel

Michelangelo Buonarotti

Victor Hugo

Sergei Diaghilev

Enrico Caruso

Modest Mussorgsky

Vaslav Nijinsky

Marius Petipa

Maurice Ravel

Sergei Rachmaninov

Auguste Renoir

Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov

Gioachino Rossini

John Steinbeck

Elizabeth Taylor

Gabrielle (Coco) Chanel

Frederic Chopin

Albert Einstein

Pisces men

We put it that way, guys.

That they don’t want to go to bed

Although Shakespeare was a Taurus, he undoubtedly left these lines as a warning to those who want to connect their lives with Pisces:

In affairs, people, there is a moment of tide,

He rushes them to happiness, if not missed

Otherwise, the whole voyage of their lives

Passes among shallows and adversity.

Remember these words of wisdom when you recklessly want to dive after your Fish into the depths of the sea.

If your Fish is the breed that knows when the tide is coming and dives into the deepest... high wave, - your happiness. Most likely, fame and fortune await you ahead.

But if, beyond hope, she is unable to predict the time of the tide, then she may well dive at the moment when the tide has already begun, and you will be forced to splash around in shallow water all your life.

A Pisces man can become everything and nothing. It all depends on how decisive and prudent he is. Pisces cannot be called weak creatures. It's just that some of them indulge in daydreams for too long and miss their chances in life. Let's say, if by the age of twenty-five he is still in doubt about which wave to dive into, your case, frankly speaking, is almost hopeless. Of course, he can decide to take a responsible step at thirty-five, but his chances will be much less . When I say this, I mean the chances of your life together. In any case, he himself will be happy. All he needs is a loaf of bread and a jug of wine. On such a diet, you can successfully continue to indulge in your dreams. However, supporting a wife and children with such an income is very problematic. With this type of man, you have two options: either be a rich heiress, or work two jobs - for yourself and for him.

True, at the same time, you and your Pisces will invariably be happy from a purely emotional side. But, as you know, you can’t go far on emotions alone. The only reasonable way out in this case is to part with Pisces. Eventually even a break better than life

Now let's talk about other Pisces, those who managed to dive deep in time. This type can be considered a godsend for any woman. After all, you always have hope that your husband will turn out to be Albert Einstein or George Washington. In the first case, he can often work in


, and in the second, returning home, continue to discuss with you the problems of high politics, but, as you know, there are no people without shortcomings. And these shortcomings are by no means the worst, because despite them he will give you fame and wealth, and maybe both. The Pisces man is completely devoid of any prejudices.

He is always able to take the side of any person and will never judge anyone. An excellent quality, especially if the person he will always understand is your mother.

Friends of Pisces often confide their secrets to him, sometimes very unpleasant and even shocking.

But Pisces reliably keeps secrets (of course, if he is asked to do so).

Pisces are almost not jealous, but even if they are jealous, they hide it well (remember their amazing acting skills?).

Your own jealousy also needs to be hidden deeper, and if you are a possessive person by nature, then it is better not to get a Pisces husband. After all, Pisces is so sympathetic to everyone that you will not be able, no matter how hard you try, to make him not notice the other half of humanity. When he is in a gloomy mood, try (putting aside all household chores) to entertain him. For this purpose, it is best to invite him to the theater or to an exhibition. There, among the paintings dear to his heart or favorite actors

, he will perk up again.

Father Pisces is just a gift for children. Who else can they play Thumb or the Wolf and the Seven Little Goats with? From whom else can they learn to stand on their heads or read fate based on the lines of their hand?

Take my word for it, there are no better fathers in nature.