Golden Autumn musical work. Web-portfolio of Akhmetzyanova N. A. Description of musical works by famous composers from the cycle "Seasons"

Municipal government special (correctional) educational institution for students and pupils with disabilities “Special (correctional) general education boarding school of the VIII type”

city ​​of Miass, Chelyabinsk region

Class notes

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class teacher of 9th grade

Dubrovina Yrymgul Zholdybekovna

Subject: Autumn in the works of Russian composers, artists and poets

Target: Foster love for native nature, develop aesthetic perception surrounding reality and works of art.

Progress of the class hour


Autumn. “What's good about it?” - they usually ask. It seems boring, dull, dull to many...

But it seems to us that autumn is very diverse and multifaceted.

Today we will try to find out what autumn is through works of painting, music and poetry.

Guess which word (a sign of autumn) is hidden in the empty cells (leaf fall). (Slides 1,2)

Today we have an impromptu fall of leaves, a fall of moods, a fall of emotions, a fall of discoveries, a fall of knowledge.


Choose autumn leaves depending on your mood, red ones - you love autumn, yellow ones - you don’t. Write on a piece of paper what autumn means to you.

DDT's song "Autumn" is playing. (Slide 3)


Autumn, with its unique colors, is the most favorable time for creativity and has always inspired and inspires artists, composers, poets, writers to create wonderful works.

Autumn in the works of Russian poets, composers and artists has many faces and colors.

With the richness of its colors, autumn attracted the attention of the great Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, who in 1876 wrote music album"Seasons". In the melodious melody of Tchaikovsky, parting with the passing summer, regret for the fading nature. (Slide 4).

Autumn is a time of year that leaves no one indifferent. That’s why poets and writers dedicated such wonderful lines to autumn.

Reading poems about autumn by children.

A.S. Pushkin.

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -
I love the lush decay of nature,
In crimson and in gold clad woods,
In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath,
And the skies are covered with wavy darkness,
And a rare ray of sunshine, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winter threats.

Boring picture!
Endless clouds
The rain keeps pouring down
Puddles by the porch...
Stunted rowan
Gets wet under the window
Looks at the village
A gray spot.
Why are you visiting early?
Has autumn come to us?
The heart still asks
Light and warmth!....

The fields are compressed, the groves are bare,
Water causes fog and dampness.
Wheel behind the blue mountains
The sun went down quietly.
The dug-up road sleeps.
Today she dreamed
Which is very, very little
All we have to do is wait for the gray winter...

The romance “The golden grove dissuaded...” sounds.

Teacher. One of the most famous artists Who loved to write autumn so much is Isaac Ilyich Levitan (1860-1900).
Autumn was Levitan's favorite time of year, and he dedicated more than a hundred paintings to it.

Reproductions of paintings. (Slides 8-19)

Painting " Golden autumn" - one of the best creations of the artist, bright colors, solemn peace create a feeling of the greatness of nature. Looking at the pictures, I just want to exclaim: “It’s a sad time! The charm of the eyes!”, “Lush decay of nature”, “Forests dressed in crimson and gold.” How accurately and aptly Pushkin described his favorite time of year in his famous poems, and the artist depicted autumn, putting a flurry of feelings and experiences into the paintings.

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin painted many paintings autumn forest, which are masterpieces and never cease to delight us. (slides 20-26)

Paintings by Russian artists “Golden Autumn” (slides 27-39).

An excerpt from P. I. Tchaikovsky’s composition “The Seasons” “Autumn Song” is played.

Why do you think there are so many paintings with the title “Golden Autumn”?


Each season has its own signs and characteristics, and autumn too. Let's remember them. On your tables there are pieces of paper with autumn signs, proverbs and sayings, you must collect them and read them. Final word teachers. Poems, painting and music help us discover beauty native land, call to protect all living things, teach to understand the language of nature. The world of art is a great miracle. But it will be revealed, like a miracle, not immediately and not to everyone, but only to an intelligent and kind person, sensitive and attentive. Try to become like that!

Reflection. Choose autumn leaves depending on your mood after what you saw and heard, red - you love autumn, yellow - you don’t. Write on a piece of paper what autumn means to you.

(The guys attach leaves to whatman paper “Autumn Mood”).

Galina Lavro
"Autumn in painting, poetry, music." Musical living room for older preschool children

“Autumn in poetry, painting, music”

Target: To reveal the artistic unity of the figurative content of poetry, painting, and music.


* To cultivate in children a sense of beauty, a love of nature through fine arts, music and poetry.

* Through the emotional perception of works of art, consolidate and generalize knowledge about autumn and its signs.

* Teach children to look at reproductions of paintings, listen to music, paying attention to the means of expression used by poets, artists and composers.

* Arouse fantasy and imagination, develop associative and creative thinking.

* Encourage children to remember familiar music and analyze it. Improve the ability to understand the mood of a piece of music and convey it in movement.

* Develop figurative speech of preschoolers, expand lexicon children.

* Teach children to get joy from communicating with art;

Preliminary work.

Observations of autumn phenomena in nature.

Looking at reproductions of paintings depicting an autumn landscape, listening musical works on the theme of autumn.

Learning poems and songs about autumn.

Equipment and attributes:

Multi-colored plumes, light handkerchiefs and scarves in pastel colors, artificial branches with autumn leaves; musical instruments: triangles; multimedia projector, screen; music Center;

Musical material: P. I. Tchaikovsky’s play “October. Autumn Song” from the cycle “Seasons”, 1st and 2nd parts of the concert for violin and orchestra by A. Vivaldi “Autumn” from the cycle “Seasons”, “Spring and Autumn” by G. Sviridov, romance by G. Ponomarenko on poems by S. Yesenin “The golden grove dissuaded”, F. Chopin “Autumn Waltz” (P. Mauriat orchestra).

Hall decoration: Exhibition of reproductions of paintings of autumn landscapes; garlands of leaves.

Children, accompanied by music (G. Sviridov “Spring and Autumn”), enter the hall and sit scattered on the carpet.

Musical director (M.R.): Guys, today we have a very unusual meeting. We will travel with you. Where? It's a mystery for now. But very soon you will figure it out. I suggest you close your eyes now and listen!

Children listen to the “sounds of autumn” (CD “Where was the music born?” Tracks: No. 36 “fallen leaves...”, No. 35 “wind, wind, you are mighty...”, No. 41 “autumn has begun!”, poems. Children’s answers about heard.

Children sit on chairs.

M.R.: In one beautiful kingdom lived four sorceresses: Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn. As you guessed, each of them ruled in a strictly allotted time. An amazing time has come - the time of the sorceress Autumn. She called artists, poets, musicians and asked: “What do you need to paint a picture?” autumn nature? And each of them answered in their own way.

What do you think the artist responded? (need paints)

And the poet? (need beautiful words, combinations of words, rhymes)

And the composer? (need musical sounds).

"Fine!" - Autumn said to the artists. “There will be colors for you, and you choose yourself...” And Autumn answered the poets: “And you have the most beautiful rhymes, and you choose! Well, musicians, there are many, many sounds, just you choose!” Oh, and Autumn set a difficult task for artists, poets and musicians... What did they choose for Autumn?

On the screen “Golden Autumn” by I. I. Levitan

M.R.: There is in the initial autumn

A short but wonderful time -

The whole day is like crystal,

And the evenings are radiant.

Look carefully at the painting by the Russian artist I. I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”. What's autumn like here? (Bright, elegant, light, radiant, sunny). Ask questions about colors, mood, discuss genre (landscape) with children.

And now complex issue: Can we hear this picture? What autumn sounds does the artist Levitan let us hear here? Birch trees with thin slender trunks are completely covered with golden foliage. A transparent stream quietly gurgles among the trees, reflecting the sky, clouds, and grass. The golden crowns of the trees shine dazzlingly, bathed in dark rays sun. The shadows become blue and cool. You can feel a warm autumn day in the air. We involuntarily hear the rustling of leaves. (Children's answers)

Golden autumn is joyful, lushly harvested, rich in harvest, they love it for its generosity, for the richness of its fields, gardens, for the clear days of the azure-blue sky, for the beauty of forests painted with gold and crimson paint. This autumn is invigorating, cheerful, fabulous!

Exactly the same as in the poem by the Russian poet I. Bunin “Autumn” (parents read).

I. Bunin “Autumn”

The forest is like a painted tower,

Lilac, gold, crimson,

A cheerful, motley wall

Standing above a bright clearing.

Birch trees with yellow carving

Glisten in the blue azure,

Like towers, the Christmas trees are darkening

And between the maples they turn blue.

Now there, now here, through the foliage,

Clearances in the sky, like a window.

The forest smells of oak and pine,

M.R.: Italian composer (slide portrait) Antonio Vivaldi dedicated an entire concert for violin and orchestra to Autumn! It’s called “Autumn”. The concert has three parts. Let's listen to a small fragment of the first part.

We listen to an excerpt from the 1st movement of Allegro of A. Vivaldi’s Concerto No. 3 “Autumn”. We discuss the mood: bright, joyful, excited, playful.

M.R.: I suggest you play now. Convey this joyful, slightly excited, playful mood in movement. We must create a bright, colorful, motley, multi-colored picture of autumn.

Discuss with the children possible movements: easy running, small jumps, hops, hand movements are not smooth, you can shake your hands, “conduct”, pay attention to solo fragments, alternating forte and piano (you can suggest moving in groups alternately boys and girls, warn that you will be asked to perform a solo. Offer the children attributes - multi-colored plumes.

Improvisation “Colors of Autumn” with colorful plumes. (A. Vivaldi, 1st part of the concert “Autumn”)

M.R.: But after the warm and dry autumn, rainy days will begin. Nature will quickly shed its festive attire. (slide portrait of A. S. Pushkin). The great Russian poet, A.S. Pushkin loved Autumn very much. He said: “Autumn... my favorite time... it’s time for my literary works" Let's listen, what is Autumn like in Pushkin's poems? (Parents take books from the exhibition and read poetry):

October has already arrived. The grove is already shaking off

The last leaves from their naked branches;

The autumn chill has blown in - the road is freezing,

The stream still runs behind the mill, babbling,

But the pond has already frozen...

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!

I am pleased with your farewell beauty.

I love the lush decay of nature,

Forests dressed in scarlet and gold.

In their hallway there is noise and fresh breath,

And the skies are covered with wavy darkness,

And a rare ray of sunshine, and the first frosts,

And distant threats of gray winter.

The sky was already breathing in autumn,

The sun shone less often,

The day was getting shorter.

Mysterious forest canopy

WITH sad noise naked,

Fog lay over the fields,

Noisy caravan of geese

Stretched to the south: approaching

Quite a boring time;

It was already November outside the yard.

(A.S. Pushkin)

M.R.: Guys, didn’t you feel a different mood? Not joy, delight in riot bright colors sound in these lines, but what? (Children's answers. Show picture slides). Here it is, late autumn, fading. Nature seems to be quieting down, preparing for winter sleep, seeming tired and tired. It rains, leaves fall, birds fly away, the fabulous beauty of nature fades and leaves. It's sad to see bare trees, clouds and puddles. Autumn is sad, tender, surprising.

This is exactly the kind of autumn in the sounds of P. I. Tchaikovsky’s “Autumn Song”. The great Russian composer wrote a musical work, “The Seasons,” in which he expressed his love for Russian nature. This work represents all 4 seasons. The 12 piano pieces of the cycle correspond to 12 months. Today we will open this album “Seasons” on the autumn page, and we will hear the play “October”, which the composer called “Autumn Song”. Read the epigraph to the children:

Autumn. Our whole poor garden is crumbling,

Yellowed leaves are flying in the wind.

They only show off in the distance, there, at the bottom of the valleys,

Brushes of bright red withering rowan trees. (A. Tolstoy)

Performance on the piano of “Autumn Song” by P. I. Tchaikovsky.

M.R.: But let's go back to Antonio Vivaldi and listen to the second part of his concert. What is the mood in the music? (Children's answers) Sad, mournful, plaintive, crying, quiet monotonous sound.

Let's try to convey this mood. Girls in motion, using light scarves, will paint a picture of late autumn. The boys, playing on triangles, will reproduce for us the sound of rain.

Discuss with the children again possible movements: very smooth, slow, light; dynamics and ways of playing triangles: very quietly, carefully, carefully.

Improvisation with scarves and musical instruments " Late fall"(A. Vivaldi, 2nd part of the concert "Autumn")

M.R.: And now we are turning over another poetic page. (slide portrait of S. Yesenin).

The wonderful Russian poet S. Yesenin loved Russian nature very much and sang all its beauties. In his poems about autumn, you can even smell the smells: “it smells like apples and mint,” “chamomile and honey.” Hear the sounds: “crying wood grouse”, “song of fishermen”. Listen!

Children and adults read poetry.

Here comes autumn with a chain of naked maples,

That they make noise like eight merry little devils.

Wet leaf from aspen and road willows

So it whips in the back, in the back and the scruff of the neck

Whether it's a fir tree or a bush, right down to the skin

Boots are wet! Clothes too... (“The Tale of the Shepherd Petya” 1925. Fragment).

Swamps and swamps, the blue plateau of heaven.

The forest rings with pine gold.

A tit shades between the forest curls,

Dark spruce trees dream of the hubbub of mowers.

A convoy is creaking across the meadow,

The wheels smell of dry linden.

The willows hear the wind whistling...

You are my forgotten land,

You are my native land!

Blue sky, colored arc,

Quietly the steppe banks run

Smoke stretches near the crimson villages

The wedding of crows covered the palisade.

Again I see a familiar cliff

With red clay and willow branches,

Red oats are dreaming over the lake,

The wasp smells like chamomile and honey...

M.R.: Yesenin’s poems are special, melodious. It is no coincidence that many musical works have been written based on his poems: songs, romances. Let's listen:

Let's watch a video clip for G. Ponomarenko's romance “The Golden Grove Dissuaded”. After listening, discuss with the children: did you like the romance and why?

M.R.: Our meeting with you is coming to an end. Listen to a fragment of another poem by S. Yesenin:

Golden foliage swirled in the pinkish water of the pond,

As if butterflies light the flock flies breathlessly towards the star.

I suggest you take some leaves and come up with your own autumn dance.

Improvisation of children with leaves to the music of F. Chopin “Autumn Waltz” (P. Mauriat orchestra)

In conclusion, to summarize the meeting:

* We listened to music, poems by great poets, and got acquainted with the paintings of wonderful Russian artists.

* Autumn - amazing time of the year! It can evoke a variety of, even opposite, moods.

* Ask the children what kind of autumn poets, artists, composers saw? How do you see autumn?

Give children postcards-reproductions of autumn landscapes.

To the music of G. Sviridov “Spring-Autumn” the children leave the hall.

The topic of the lesson is “Music of Autumn”

Description of material: I offer you a summary of my educational activities for children of 4th grade (9-11 years old) on the topic “Music of Autumn”. This material will be useful for teachers additional education, and music teachers. This summary is aimed at broadening the horizons of children and improving vocal and choral skills.
Target: give an idea of ​​the diversity and richness of music, poetry, painting, their common life basis, mutual influence and complementarity.
Deepening the topic using the example of the works of P.I. Tchaikovsky, G.V. Sviridov,
Antonio Vivaldi.

-Broaden children's horizons
-Form a basic listening experience based on music
-Learn to compare musical and artistic image, relying on the means of musical expression
-develop creative imagination
-develop vocal and choral skills
-develop imagination
-Promote the development of interest in art through creative self-expression, manifested in reflections on music, participation in musical performances.
-Develop students’ singing skills and horizons
cultivate a love of music
awaken interest in music and the subject being studied
educate their musical, artistic and aesthetic taste
cultivate imaginative thinking; emotional and aesthetic responsiveness to
piece of art;
to develop in schoolchildren the ability to perceive beauty native nature;
improve expressive reading poetic work
enrich spiritual world children.
Progress of the lesson
Teacher: Hello guys! I'm glad to see you in our class! Guys, after guessing the riddle, you will find out the topic of the lesson.
The field is empty, it's raining.
The wind blows away the leaves.
The fog is creeping from the north,
Formidable clouds loomed.
Birds are moving south
Slightly touching the pine trees with my wing.

Guess what, dear friend,
What time of year is it? - ...
Today we will talk about autumn music. So autumn has come to us unnoticed. It can be different - cheerful and sad, sunny and cloudy, with rain and sleet, with cold winds and frosts. What signs of autumn can you name?
Children: It's getting colder, birds are flying south, the sun isn't shining so brightly.
Teacher: Fine. Well done, tell me, do you like autumn?
Children: Not really.
Teacher: why do you love autumn?
Children: for making things beautiful around.
Teacher: can you name any proverbs or sayings about autumn?
Children: children's answers
Teacher: let's look at the screen. (there are proverbs about autumn on the screen).
1. Autumn - eight changes.
2.You feed me in the spring, and in the fall I myself will be full.
3. Autumn will come and ask for everything.
4.October loves neither wheels nor runners.
5. In autumn, the cat also has feasts.
Guys, choose 1 proverb and explain it.
Children: express opinions.
Teacher: all these proverbs about autumn, about its weather and the fact that it is at this time of year that people harvest, just like in the summer, they make supplies for the winter.

Autumn is a wonderful time, despite the fact that the weather is often capricious. This time of year has attracted and continues to attract the attention of poets, artists, and of course composers. So is our Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, who lived in the 19th century. He created a cycle of piano pieces “The Seasons”, there are 12 of these pieces. Why do you think there are 12?
Children: according to the number of months in a year.
Teacher: Right. Chaikovsky for a long time lived in St. Petersburg, a magazine was published there called “Nuvellist” - from the word “novella”, which means - short story. The magazine was published every month, and in each issue it awaited readers a pleasant surprise: notes of musical pieces for piano composed by Pyotr Ilyich. Each had the name of one of the months of the year. 12 months a year, 12 issues of the magazine and 12 musical plays: January, February, March... All of them were later
combined into an album of colorful, musical sketches, which was called “Seasons”. Tchaikovsky loved autumn very much. He spent a lot of time on walks, watching the colors of nature change, breathing in the smell of wet earth. He walked even in rainy weather, finding beauty in the rain. And this is no coincidence, because autumn is such an amazing time. Now we will listen to one of the autumn plays, listen and think, which month corresponds to this music?
What did the composer want to depict? Let me remind you that we listen to music in silence.
Listening to the play “October. Autumn Song"
Teacher: What month does this music correspond to? What did the composer want to depict?
Children: October.
Teacher: a why did you decide so?
Children: because the music suggested it, it is like drops of rain, which often falls in October.
Teacher: But what did the author want to depict?
Children: autumn, nature.
Teacher: what is the melody of this piece?
Children: smooth, lyrical, calm.
Teacher: There is probably nothing like this anywhere in the world beautiful autumn, as we have in Russia, which Pyotr Ilyich portrayed in his work. And another Russian composer who turned to the theme of autumn is Georgy Vasilyevich Sviridov.

He was born in the small town of Fatezh. At the age of nine he began to learn to play the piano. But soon the lessons stopped: the balalaika attracted the young music lover much more than the piano. Soon Sviridov learned to play by ear so much that he was accepted into the Russian amateur orchestra folk instruments. A little later, Georgy Vasilyevich received musical education and became an excellent composer. For his talent he was awarded many state ranks and awards. Let's listen to a fragment of a musical work by G.V. Sviridov,
which is called "Autumn". And we will answer the questions:
What musical instruments did you hear?
-What was the character of the music (Joyfully tense solemnly mysterious
affectionately enthusiastically poetically swiftly calmly mysteriously excitedly restlessly tenderly gracefully)
-What would you draw while listening to this music?
Listening to "Autumn"
Children: Children's answers
Teacher: Now let’s rest a little, get up and leave your desk.
Grisha walked - walked - walked, (We walk in place.)
Porcini found. (Clap your hands.)
One-shroom, (Bends forward.)
Two - fungus, (Bends forward.)
Three - mushroom, (Bends forward.)
I put them in the box. (We walk in place. When reciting a poem, children imitate the movements of a mushroom picker: they walk, bend over and put mushrooms in the box. Movements should be leisurely and rhythmic.)
Have a seat.
Teacher: Many creative people dedicated their works to the seasons: poets - poems, artists - paintings, composers - music. One of these great composers was Antonio Vivaldi.

He was the first to create a concert cycle dedicated to all seasons. Antonio Vivaldi was born in Italy. He was an abbot (i.e. priest), received a musical education - as a violinist and composer. Vivaldi created many musical works, but the most famous of them is the cycle “The Seasons”, consisting of 4 concerts for violin and orchestra. We will listen to a fragment of the “Autumn” concert. And we will answer questions. What is the mood this autumn? How does this music make you feel?
Listening to "Autumn"
Teacher: What is the mood this autumn? How does this music make you feel?
Children: children's answers.
Teacher: What do you think, if the composer drew an illustration for this work, what colors would he use?
Children: children's answers.
Teacher: Of course, the music of the Italian composer is different from our music, and our autumn is different, so the autumn works are permeated with the moods and feelings of their people.
Now we will listen to another song about autumn and learn it. It's called "Skvorushka". Think about what mood we will perform this song in?
Learning a song.
Teacher: Well done boys. What time of year were we talking about today?
Children: About autumn
Teacher: What composers did you get acquainted with?
Children: A. Vivaldi, P. I. Tchaikovsky, G.V. Sviridova.
Teacher: our lesson is over, thank you, goodbye!

Integrated music lesson and visual arts

on this topic:


music teacher – Dzhabarova T.O.

Section: Teaching music.

Lesson type : combined

The purpose of the lesson

Reveal the relationships and interactions of the arts - music, literature and painting. Emotionally perceive and evaluate works of art.



    enrich the spiritual world of students.

    Instill a love of music, literature and works of fine art.


    Summarize and consolidate knowledge of the works of the great Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky and Vivaldi.

    Reflect by means artistic expression, your vision of the world around you;

    Develop skills in conveying mood using color and musical tonality.

    To introduce the world's outstanding works of music, painting and literature.


    Develop observation, ability to analyze, compare, generalize;

    To develop creative imagination, thinking, and independence of students;

    Learn vocal and choral singing.

Equipment for the lesson:

presentation, phonograph, collection of songs by G. Ponomarenko based on poems by S. Yesenin, CDs, laptops, watercolor paper, watercolor paints, collection of poems by S. Yesenin

Formation of universal learning activities (UAL)

Personal UUD:

    increasing the level of motivation for educational and creative activities;

    development of aesthetic feelings based on familiarity with works of art;

    spiritual and moral development of children through the formation of a special attitude towards nature - the source of beauty and inspiration.

Regulatory UUD:

    develop the ability to accept and maintain a creative task, planning your actions in accordance with it;

    in collaboration with the teacher, set new creative and educational tasks.

Cognitive UUD:

    develop the ability of semantic perception of music and works of art.

    analyze objects, establish analogies.

Communicative UUD:

    adequately use communication (speech) means to solve various communication problems, master the dialogic form of communication;

    adequately assess one’s role in collective creative activity

During the classes:

Musical greeting.

1 slide. Riddle about autumn.

Guess what? we'll talk at the lesson?

Epigraph to our lesson (Slide 3)

What is an epigraph?

An epigraph is a short statement hinting at the main content of the lesson.

How do you understand this statement?

The task of our lesson is to determine in what language each type of art reveals the image of autumn.

Many artists and composers have addressed this topic.

Analysis of paintings:

Isaac Levitan "Golden Autumn"

Autumn is Isaac Levitan’s favorite season. He dedicated more than 100 works to her. All of the artist’s work is imbued with light sadness, slight melancholy, and tenderness. "Golden Autumn" stands out from general series paintings by the master, because she has a more playful mood.

In the foreground, the artist depicted the golden decoration of birch trees, distinguished by their white trunks. The reddish grass contrasts with the blue river running into the distance. A transparent light blue sky with a white cloud indicates a fine day, a real autumn holiday. One look at the canvas is enough to feel the cold of spring water and clean, fresh air.

Igor Grabar. "Pock"

In the foreground of the picture, the artist depicted the main character - the mountain ash. It’s autumn, the tree is getting ready to shed its leaves. Red berries are filled with juice; this color represents the arrival of the time for summing up and harvesting.

Near the main character the paintings are rowan trees, there are two birch trees that are not inferior to her either in beauty or grace. Such beauty is difficult to convey in words, and then the means of fine art, which Igor Grabar mastered perfectly, come to the rescue.

And now we will listen to what means the composers used to depict all the charm of the autumn decoration of nature.

Hearing"Autumn Song" Pyotr Tchaikovsky.

What kind of autumn did Tchaikovsky paint with musical colors?

What intonations does the composer sound?

What is the mood of the music?

What's the melody?

What can we say about state of mind the music itself?

HearingAntonio Vivaldi "Autumn"

-What do you can you talk about the music of Antonio Vivaldi?

Student answers.

Let's compare two pieces of music.

Major – Autumn by Vivaldi

Minor - Tchaikovsky's Autumn Song.

Project activities in fine arts.

Work with watercolor paints and laptops in the programPaint.

Autumn in fine arts and music: listening to music;

Autumn in the fine arts: an introduction to creativity

landscape artists, viewing their works;

Autumn in Music: Implementation creative assignment:

“I am a composer, an artist”, getting to know the work of composers, artists, listening to musical works;

Practical part lesson: image of an autumn landscape in watercolor and in a graphics editor.

What do you guys think the meaning of the word is?"scenery" or

what meaning does this word have?

Students explain the meaning of the word "landscape"

"Scenery" – translated from French – locality, country, homeland – a genre of fine art, the subject of which is the depiction of nature.

Learning new material .

Landscape image in different times of the year: WINTER, SPRING, SUMMER, AUTUMN.

Everything in nature has its own specific color, which can change under the influence of lighting, location in space, the influence of the color of other objects, and the state of the air.

A striking example paintings of great artists convey the mood and beauty of the autumn landscape with the help of color.

Usually autumn - the time of withering of nature - causes a feeling of sadness and melancholy. But if warm and dry weather sets in for some time, and the forest is dressed in bright golden colors, then the very beauty of autumn nature evokes a feeling of vivacity, a cheerful mood.

And it is no coincidence that, looking at Levitan’s painting “Golden Autumn,” we remember the words of Pushkin

I love the lush decay of nature,
Forests dressed in scarlet and gold,
In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath...

Practical part of the lesson.

P Let's move on to the practical implementation of the work.

Students are asked to complete an autumn landscape.
- For some, autumn is joy, for others it is sadness.
- Try to show this in your drawing

Of course, you understand that today we will paint an unusual landscape.

Graphics editorPaint It will help us to draw a simple landscape.

I will show my work in a graphic editor.

About the possibilities of working with a graphic editor.

Starting the program Paint.

To launch the graphic editorPaint just click on its icon, which is located in the menuStandard , under the menu all programs Main menu .

At the top of the screen is a palette that shows the current image and background colors. Creating an image in the programPaint, you use tools to place in the work area (like on canvas ) various graphic objects.

This process is very similar to regular drawing.

4. Physical education minute

5.Practical work .

Students work in groups (in pairs) in a graphic editor.

The teacher advises the students.

After completing the work, students can defend their project (optional). Here we are, capturing the moment of the passing autumn.

Let's show our work.

The autumn turned out to be different, but for the most part you painted a bright, solemn autumn.

If there were no sadness and sadness, then we would probably not appreciate the joyful and pleasant moments of life so much.

Children's works:

Poets also did not remain indifferent to autumn.

Do you know poems about autumn?

Children read the poems they have learned.

The history of the creation of the poem “The golden autumn dissuaded...” by S. Yesenin.

Do you know these words?

We were learning a song by the Soviet composer and songwriter Grigory Fedorovich Ponomarenko.

Performance of G. Ponomarenko’s song “Golden Autumn Dissuaded”


Today in class we talked to you about music and paintings depicting autumn.

What do you think inspired composers, artists and poets to create these masterpieces?

What do their works have in common?

(Nature is always beautiful)

And musicians and artists and poets teach us to notice the beauty of nature that surrounds us.

Let's go back to the epigraph of our lesson.

What does autumn mean to you? sad time or the charm of the eyes?

Autumn: poet - artist - composer

  1. Interdisciplinary topic.
  2. Works of art and their creators - poets, artists, composers.
  3. Reflection of the theme of autumn in works of art.
  4. Comparison of the moods and characters of the works being studied.

Art material:

  1. P. Tchaikovsky. October “Autumn Song” from the cycle “Seasons” (2 types of performance) (listening);
  2. S. Prokofiev. “Variations of the Autumn Fairy” from the ballet “Cinderella” (listening);
  3. I. Levitan. "Autumn, summer";
  4. I. Grabar. "Pock";
  5. V. Polenov. "Gold autumn";
  6. V. Nesterenko. "Last leaves";
  7. Poems by poets: A. Pushkin, A. Pleshcheev, E. Trutneva.

Song repertoire:

  1. G. Popatenko, poems by E. Avdienko. “Leaf Fall” (singing);
  2. D. Vasiliev-Buglay, poems by A. Pleshcheev. “Autumn Song” (singing)

Description of activities:

  1. Have an idea about the type of activity of representatives of art - poets, artists, composers.
  2. Compare figurative content works of music, poetry, painting at the theme level, identify signs of similarity and difference.

Once upon a time there lived a mistress Autumn
In a magical golden castle,
Wandered along the quiet glades
Made friends with the wind outside the window.
I cut tales from the fog
And sewed with threads of rain,
Into a wonderful and strange world
Taking everyone with me...

Guys, the topic of our lesson is Autumn. Autumn inspired artists, composers, and poets to create beautiful works, telling about autumn with paint, music, and words.

Summer is over with long hot days and short on starry nights, with thunderstorms and showers, with a colorful rainbow and morning dew, with berries, mushrooms, flowers. Is it possible that with summer gone the mood will now be sad? In autumn the weather can be cloudy, gloomy and rainy. Guys, do you want autumn to come? (Children's answers).

That's right, guys. We are sad to say goodbye to summer. But autumn will delight us with its miracles. Listen to E. Trutneva’s poem “Autumn” and find out what mood the author was in when she wrote this poem.

Suddenly it became twice as bright,
The yard is like in the sun's rays -
This dress is golden
On the shoulders of a birch tree.
In the morning we go to the yard, -
Leaves are falling like rain,
They rustle underfoot
And they fly... they fly... they fly...
And high from the ground
The cranes flew by.
Everything is flying! This must be it
Our summer is flying away...

Listen to A. Pleshcheev’s poem “Autumn has come” and try to guess the mood of the other author.

Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up,
And the bare bushes look sadly.
The grass in the meadows withers and turns yellow,
The winter crops are just turning green in the fields.
Clouds cover the sky, the sun does not shine,
The wind is howling in the field, the rain is drizzling.
The waters rustled like a fast stream,
The birds have flown to warmer climes...

The great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin admired autumn every year. Autumn was the poet's favorite season. Listen to an excerpt from his poem “Autumn.”

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!
I am pleased with your farewell beauty.
I love the lush decay of nature,
Forests dressed in scarlet and gold.
In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath,
And the skies are covered with wavy darkness,
And a rare ray, and the first frosts.
And distant threats of gray winter.

  1. What words does the poet call autumn? What words does he choose to describe her? (Crimson, gold-clad forests; a rare ray of sun; the first frosts...)
  2. And if you were poets, what words would you choose to talk about magical time- autumn? (Children's stories.)
  3. Guys, if you were composers, what kind of music would you write about autumn: sad or happy? (Children's answers.)

Guys, what do you think, is it possible to guess the mood of the composer from a piece of music? Let's try. The music was written by Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

Listening to the work “Autumn Song” by P. Tchaikovsky from the cycle “The Seasons”.

  1. What kind of music was played: happy or sad?
  2. What feelings and mood did it evoke in you? (Sadness, sadness.)
  3. What natural phenomena did the composer convey in “Autumn Song”? (Gusts of wind, falling leaves.)
  4. Which composer composed this music?

This piece is from Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky's collection “The Seasons”. There are twelve plays, according to the number of months in the year, and each one bears the name of the month. There are plays about autumn - “September”, “October”, “November”. But each play has its own subtitle, for example, “October. Autumn song." In it, the composer paints a picture of autumn nature, depicts how the breeze rustles, plucks leaves and they fall whirling to the ground.

  1. And if you were an artist, what colors would you paint with? autumn landscapes? (Children's answers.)
  2. Guys, can you express your mood with the help of a drawing? (Children's answers.)

Right. From the drawing you can also guess about the artist’s mood, his feelings, and dreams.

Viewing the painting “Golden Autumn” by I. Levitan.

Guys, look carefully at the picture: at the meadow, at the river, at the golden leaves of the birches, at the yellowed, almost dried grass, at the lonely half-withered flower leaning straight towards the water and at the bright sunny sky above it.

  1. Would you like to be in this meadow?
  2. What would you call this painting? (Children's answers.)

Isaac Levitan chose the title “Golden Autumn” for his painting. Why do you think? (Children's answers.)

Right. Everything in this picture seems to be golden: the lush decoration of the birches, the bright sunlight autumn day...

  1. What signs of autumn do you see in this picture?
  2. What sky? (Bright, sunny, blue, cool.)
  3. What day is shown in the picture: clear or cloudy? (Clear.)
  4. Are there clouds in the sky? What are they? (White cloud.)
  5. What do you think the mood of birches is? (Cheerful, joyful, they are proud of their golden dresses.)

Have you noticed a lonely flower by the stream? What do you think is the mood of the flower? (He rejoices at the bright sun: he is glad that he is so beautiful, but he is a little sad because he is left all alone and will soon be cold.)

Now let’s guess in what mood the artist painted this picture. (Good, cheerful. Joyful, bright, enthusiastic and a little sad.)

Guys, let's try to come up with a story based on this picture. Come up with a title for your story. Tell us about autumn day, the sky, about clouds, about the sun, about birches, about a lonely flower and about a blue stream. (Children's stories.)

We listened to poetry, music, and looked at paintings. Poems, paintings, musical plays - all these are works of art.

  • The poet writes poetry.
  • The artist paints pictures.
  • A composer composes music.

The remarkable Russian composer Sergei Sergeevich Prokofiev wrote not only the most complex works for adults, but also children's music intended for the little ones. He loved fairy tales very much.

“Variations of the Autumn Fairy” - an excerpt from the ballet “Cinderella”, written on the plot famous fairy tale C. Perrault. Remember when, after her stepmother and her sisters go to the ball, Cinderella is left alone and dreams? In Prokofiev's fairy tale-ballet, not only her fairy godmother comes to her aid, but also fairies from all seasons who present Cinderella with their gifts. And the characters of fairies are so different, matching the seasons... So, meet the Autumn Fairy!

Listen to “Variation of the Autumn Fairy” by S. Prokofiev.

Listening: S. Prokofiev. "Variation of the Autumn Fairy."

  1. Do you know this fairy tale?
  2. Name the main characters of this fairy tale.
  3. Where did the main character of this fairy tale go? (To the ball.)
  4. How is autumn shown in the musical work?
  5. What ballet were we listening to just now?
  6. Which composer composed the music for this ballet?


  • Artist
  • Composer
  • Piece of art

In this lesson we saw and heard how poets, artists, and composers depict autumn in their works of art. Our lesson is over, but autumn continues to give us many amazing subjects for new creative discoveries.

Sample story
Autumn has come. Thin birch trees with white trunks dressed up in bright yellow dresses. A light breeze blows, leaves fall from the branches and fly, spinning in a slow dance. You look at the birch trees and wonder how the green leaves turned into gold. A dark blue river flows through the meadow. The water has already become cold. At the bend of the river stands a lonely beautiful birch tree, bright yellow and smooth, like a candle. In the distance you can see green-brown trees, a bright green field and several village houses.
The sky is blue-blue with a light cloud. The sun is not visible, but its presence is felt in everything: as if the foliage is burning and shimmering with gold, playing in the sun’s rays. And shadows fall from the trees. You can guess from the shadow which direction the sun is located.
An autumn flower bloomed on the river bank. He himself rejoices in the bright, radiant sun and pleases everyone with his beauty. It's just a pity that he was left alone. Probably all the flowers have already faded.

Description of the painting by Igor Grabar “Rowan”
The beauty of Russian nature has always found a response in the hearts creative people. Poets and writers have dedicated many lines to the endless expanses of the Russian plains, many artists have captured the most beautiful corners of Russia. One of these artists is Igor Grabar, a subtle connoisseur of the charm of the colors of nature. WITH great love The painting “Rowan” was painted, the colors play gracefully on it, and the artist masterfully creates the feeling of being in an unusually beautiful place.
In the foreground of the picture, the artist depicted the main character - the mountain ash. It’s autumn, the tree is getting ready to shed its leaves. Red berries are filled with juice; this color represents the arrival of the time for summing up and harvesting. In the background you can see a small village where life should be in full swing - it is time to prepare for winter, the last preparations are being made. The artist uses the contrast of fussy human activity and the solemn tranquility of the forest and nature.
Next to the main character of the picture - mountain ash, there are two birch trees, which are inferior to her neither in beauty nor in grace. Such beauty is difficult to convey in words, and then the means of fine art, which Igor Grabar mastered perfectly, come to the rescue.

Description of the painting by Isaac Ilyich Levitan “Golden Autumn”
Among the works of Isaac Ilyich Levitan, the painting “Golden Autumn” stands out for its optimism, major notes and brightness of perception.
The painting depicts the golden autumn time. The sun illuminates a pleasant landscape: a quiet, calm river with banks overgrown with tall grass, still green grass, yellow, red, orange forest. From a weak breeze, the foliage on the trees trembles and shimmers with the shine of the sun. The sky is clear, blue, but on the horizon it brightens and clouds appear. What is characteristic is that in the foreground there are thin, slender birch trees in a precious golden headdress. They represent Rus' itself: stately, light, beautiful and set the tone for the whole picture.
In the background you can see village houses and a wide green field. In this picture, the dominant place is given to nature; the village does not suppress it, but, on the contrary, fits harmoniously into the surrounding reality.
In general, the canvas produces the most pleasant, joyful impressions. It is impossible to take your eyes off the slender, beautiful birch trees, and it seems that you can hear their foliage swaying, and its many inhabitants splashing in the river, living their unnoticed lives.

Description of the painting by Vasily Polenov “Golden Autumn”
The painting was painted by the artist not far from his estate on the Oka River in the Tula province and depicts a sunny autumn day. The viewer's gaze is immediately drawn to the river, standing out like a dark snake against the backdrop of golden trees and hills. It is not immediately noticed, but the shining of the sun on the roofs of the monastery at the bend of the river is etched in the memory for a long time.
Vasily Polenov depicted the very beginning of autumn - yellow has not yet completely captured the space of the picture, an example of this is huge tree in the foreground with a still green crown. But, of course, the river takes all the attention. Pure water reflects the glare of the sun, the sky, the sun and the trees; yellow fallen leaves circle on the shallows.


1. Presentation, ppsx;
2. Sounds of music:
Prokofiev. Variation of the Autumn Fairy from the ballet Cinderella, mp3;
Chaikovsky. Seasons, October (2 versions - symphony orchestra and piano), mp3;
3. Accompanying article, docx.