Alexander Borisovich Gradsky's biography and personal life are so interesting to us. Alexander Gradsky - biography, personal life, wife, children, photo of singer Gradsky with his wife on vacation

“Look around, stranger passerby. I know your incorruptible look” - this composition is known to everyone to the Soviet man. And, listening to her, many see Alexander Gradsky with their own eyes. The song is very popular and has been covered by many performers - Joseph Kobzon, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Dmitry Hvorostovsky, Edita Piekha. The best performance of this hit was still awarded to Gradsky. Of course, this man can be called a cult personality in our show business. He is a composer, a singer, the founder of Russian rock and roll, and a theater and film artist. Despite his age, the talented performer continues to amaze his fans. His participation in the jury in the show project “The Voice” was appreciated by many viewers.

The childhood and youthful life of Alexander Gradsky

The future rock star was born on a November day in 1949 in a small town near Chelyabinsk. In 2018, the artist will turn 69 years old. Despite his advanced years, he is full of enthusiasm, actively engaged in creativity, raising children and devoting a lot of time to his family.

Alexander grew up in intelligent family. His mother famous actress Tamara Gradskaya, father is a mechanic. Despite the misalliance in the professional sphere, the family lived amicably. WITH early childhood The parents tried to instill in the boy a love of music. At the age of 8, he already began attending a music school in Moscow, where the family moved in 1957. At first the boy disliked playing the violin; he was more interested in literature and humanitarian sciences. But he grew up to be a purposeful and persistent guy, and therefore did not give up his music studies.

Pioneer drummer Gradsky

At the age of 14, his life became fascinated by the Beatles. crucial moment, and he completely decided to tie his future life with a career as a musician. After graduating from school, Gradsky entered the Gnessin School, and subsequently graduated with honors. In 1965, the young man became the vocalist of the pop group “Cockroaches”. The first popular track was recorded by him as part of this group. In addition to their compositions, the group became famous for singing Elvis Presley songs.

Alexander Gradsky in his youth

Personal life of Alexander Gradsky

As for personal life talented composer, then it is very stormy and intense. He managed to be in an official marriage only 3 times, and now he lives in a civil marriage. True, he doesn’t have much luck with his chosen ones; his marriage ended too quickly. family life. But that was before, and now Alexander Gradsky and his wife Marina Kotashenko have been married for more than 10 years, and I think this is the last marriage. He also has children - sons Daniel, Alexander and daughter Maria.

Gradsky with his daughter Maria

Gradsky's wives

The performer's first official marriage lasted only three days. Alexander married Natalya Smirnova. Unable to bear his quarrelsome nature, she, a couple of days after wedding celebration went to live with the performer’s friend Gleb May, with whom she still lives.

For the second time, Alexander married Anastasia Vertinskaya, a famous actress.

In her interviews, she calls ex-husband none other than “Gadsky”.

Their marriage lasted only 4 months.

Gradsky with his second wife Vertinskaya

In 1980, Gradsky married again. This time Olga Fartysheva became his chosen one. The singer often calls this marriage a guest marriage, and therefore the longest.

Throughout the entire family union, which lasted 20 years, the couple lived in different apartments. In his marriage to Olga, Alexander had two children - Daniel and Maria. In 2004, Gradsky again changed his life partner. This time it is a young model - Marina Kotashenko. He is still happy with her.

Gradsky and his wife Marina Kotashenko.

In his interview, Gradsky says that the secret of such long relationship with Marina lies in understanding each other perfectly. According to the horoscope, the lovers are both Scorpios; they “bite” violently and make up quickly.

Children of Gradsky

The family of Alexander Gradsky today is his wife Marina and son Alexander. However, the performer also communicates closely with children from a previous marriage. Maria, his daughter, was seen by many in the “Voice” project. She is a successful art manager and TV presenter.

The composer's eldest son Danil is a businessman with an economic education. In addition to doing business, he is interested in extrasensory perception and is a fan of Vita Mano, an American psychic who took part in the “Battle of Psychics.”

Gradsky with his third wife Olga and children

The performer’s youngest son is still small; he is now 3 years old. Pictured in in social networks You can often see a happy Gradsky with his young wife and little son.

Alexander Gradsky is one of the few Soviet artists, who had the opportunity to work with such star idols as Liza Minnelli and Charles Aznavour.

The artist’s discography includes hundreds of songs; viewers consider the most popular:

  • "How young we were";
  • “How beautiful this world is”;
  • “We cannot live without each other”;
  • "The Bird of Happiness";
  • "Closing the circle."

Alexander Gradsky - an outstanding, iconic personality, founder Russian rock directions, Honored Artist of Theater and Cinema, winner of many state awards.

Childhood of a future rock star

Alexander was born in a small town near Chelyabinsk in 1949. The boy's father, Boris Abramovich, worked at a local enterprise as a mechanic, and his mother was the famous actress Tamara Gradskaya. When the boy was 8 years old, he and his parents moved to the capital, where a year later he began attending music school.

Alexander Gradsky in childhood

At first, Alexander studied without enthusiasm; discipline and constant tasks weighed down the guy’s creative nature. At that time, literature and other humanitarian subjects were closer to him. Only at the age of 14 did Gradsky begin to take a more serious approach to music lessons, which helped him finally decide on the choice of his future profession.

Alexander Gradsky in his youth

In 1965, Gradsky became the vocalist of the group “Cockroaches”, with which he recorded his first track “ Best city land." The song became popular and was played in many metropolitan clubs and discos. After graduating from school, Alexander entered Gnesinka, from which he graduated with honors in 1974.

The ups and downs of the innovator Gradsky

IN student years Alexander organized own project"Buffoons". The group's work consisted of Gradsky's original rock songs, with which they toured throughout Russia. The creative apogee of the group came at the prestigious song festival in 1971, where the guys won six out of eight possible awards. The hits of that time were the compositions “How young we were” and “How beautiful this world is.”

The talented guy managed to write soundtracks for films by famous Soviet directors. In Andrei Konchalovsky’s film “Romance of Lovers,” Gradsky’s original song is heard. In 1974, Alexander was awarded two honorary titles: “Best Breakthrough of the Year” and “Star of the Year.” The musician's popularity was so high that the amount of his fees exceeded the income of established, famous artists.

In parallel with musical activity, Gradsky began teaching vocals at Gnesinka and GITIS. Alexander also became the author of the legendary rock opera “Stadium”. The production depicted difficult events coup d'etat 1973 in Chile. The main roles went to famous Soviet performers. Then no less popular rock productions came out: “Man”, “Rasputin”, “Jewish Ballad”.

During the period of perestroika, Gradsky began to develop his creativity abroad. He was lucky enough to collaborate with famous world artists: Liza Minnelli, Kris Kristoffersson. Returning to his homeland, the musician continued to engage in productions, songwriting, and also starred in cameo role popular TV series "Gangster Petersburg".

Russian President Vladimir Putin presents the award to Alexander Hrapdsky

In 2000, Gradsky was awarded the highest award, “People’s Artist of Russia,” which was presented to him personally by President Vladimir Putin. Since 2012, Alexander has been working as one of the entertainment presenters. music project“Channel One” – “Voice”. Thanks to their professionalism and rich experience, the wards of the rock music gurus became the winners of the show.

Stormy personal life

Gradsky was officially married three times. The musician's first wife was Natalya Smirnova, with whom he lived for about three months. Alexander believes that their relationship was a student hobby, youthful maximalism, which is why they broke up so quickly.

Alexander Gradsky with his first wife

Alexander's second marriage to actress Anastasia Vertinskaya also turned out to be short-lived. Gradsky's third official marriage turned out to be the strongest and longest lasting. He lived with Olga for 23 happy years. They had two children: son Daniel and daughter Maria. In 2003, the couple divorced for reasons unknown to anyone.

Alexander Gradsky with Marina Kotashenko

A year later, Gradsky met his 30-year-younger fashion model Marina Kotashenko. The relationship developed rapidly, and after a few months the couple began living under the same roof. In 2014, the musician became a father again, Olga gave him a son, Alexander. Now Gradsky lives with his family in the Moscow region, writing new musical compositions.

Childhood and family of Alexander Gradsky

When Alexander was born, the family lived beyond the Urals in Chelyabinsk region. Dad was an engineer; he was assigned there after graduating from college. Mom was an actress, but having gone to Kopeisk to pick up her husband, she was forced to give up the stage and career at the Moscow Art Theater, where she, as a young actress, was invited after theater. In Kopeisk she led amateur theater at the local Palace of Culture.

Only in 1957 did the family from Kopeisk move back to the capital. For some time I had to live with my grandmother near Moscow, and later my parents moved to the city to a small room in the basement, Sasha stayed to live with his grandmother. Only when he had to go to school did he move in with his parents. At the age of nine, his mother and father took their son to a music school, where he studied without much desire, learning to play the violin. He liked music, but the fact that he had to play at home for several hours every day depressed him.

Alexander Gradsky - How young we were

At school he preferred the humanities, but the exact ones interested him little. The boy read a lot and already at fourteen wrote his first poem. My mother’s brother often toured abroad with the Moiseev Theater, including to the USA. Thanks to these trips, my uncle got records from modern western music, which Alexander also listened to.

As a schoolboy, Gradsky began to try his hand at performing at school evenings, where he sang with a guitar or piano. He also attended a theater group.

The first songs of Alexander Gradsky

At the age of fourteen, the teenager took part in a number of concerts with the Polish student group “Cockroaches”. “The best city on earth” is the first song performed by Gradsky as part of this group.

When Alexander was fifteen, the family moved to nice apartment. At this age, the teenager decided that he would become a musician and singer with the name Alexander Gradsky. He himself says that the decision to continue musical education he was prompted by his serious passion for The Beatles.

Alexander Gradsky and musical groups

In 1965, the group “Slavs” appeared, which was organized by Alexander together with Mikhail Turkov, later they were joined by the rest of the guys who became members musical group. A year later, the ensemble “Skomorokhi” appeared, which performed songs on native language, mostly these were Gradsky’s own songs. Business card The beginning singer became his song “Blue Forest”. At the same time, Alexander performed with the group “Scythians”, and then with “Los Panchos”.

There was always not enough money for equipment, so the musician and his friends began working at the Philharmonic. Having accepted David Tukhmanov’s offer, he went on tour around the country. Performances with “Los Panchos” continued, in addition, he played lead guitar for VIA “Electron” for some time. During these few years, while performing, Alexander never sang, for fear of being exposed. The idea was to collect the required amount for decent equipment over several years of performances, and then perform in Moscow with Russian rock and roll.

Alexander Gradsky - Song about the Olympics in Sochi 2014

In 1969, Gradsky became a student at the faculty solo singing Gnesinki. His teacher was L. Kotelnikova. While studying, he performed solo concerts, where he sang with a guitar. Gradsky was among the first singers and musicians who experimented with Russian-language lyrics in rock. Around that period, the first experience of sound recording appeared. The songs of “Skomorokhs” began to be heard throughout the country.

The best songs of Alexander Gradsky

After graduating from the Gnessin Institute, Alexander began touring, his career quickly went up. During Gradsky's concerts the halls were always full. It happened that he gave four solo concerts per day, each lasting at least two hours.

In 1975, Alexander entered the conservatory, and at the same time he was working on several films. In 1976, the musician began working on the first part of the “Russian Songs” suite, and in 1978 – on the second. An album with the same name was released in 1980. At that time it was meaningful work in rock music. The musician continued to tour, performing mainly with songs of his own composition. Soon he began teaching, first he taught at the Gnessin School, after a while at the Gnessin Institute, and then at GITIS, where he headed the vocal department.

The 1980s became a turning point for Alexander’s work; he became a “Protestant”; his rock music contained both tragic satire and dramatic lyrics. His talent and voice were always taken into account, therefore, if troubles happened, they were minor, but for the first time he went abroad only in 1988. It was a conference attended by film, political and artistic figures.

Soon the musician reduced the number of tours and concerts. His desire was to create a Theater modern music, for which he was allocated a building in the center of the capital, which required reconstruction. Gradsky often traveled abroad and worked in joint projects with Kris Kristofferson, Sammy Davis, Liza Minnelli and others. He released a number of discs in Russia and two discs were released in Japan.

The show “The Voice” was released on Channel One, where Gradsky was one of the mentors. In both 2012 and 2013, a member of his team won. The musician’s wards included such contestants as Sharip Umkhanov, Sergei Volchkov, Yazilya Mukhametova and others.

Personal life of Alexander Gradsky

Alexander was left without his mother early. She died when he was only fourteen years old. In memory of her, he took his mother’s surname and became Alexander Gradsky.

Gradsky's first marriage lasted only three months. His chosen one was Natalya Smirnova. The second official wife was Anastasia Vertinskaya. The wedding took place three years after the first marriage. They lived together for only two years, although the divorce was finalized only four years later. Immediately after the divorce, a third marriage followed. Alexander married Olga Fartysheva. The marriage lasted twenty-three years. They had a son and a daughter.

Alexander Gradsky currently

Now Gradsky has been living in a civil marriage for more than ten years with model Marina Kotashenko, who is more than thirty years younger than him. The relationship between Gradsky’s current wife and his adult children can be called smooth.

In 1964, Gradsky, having learned that they were looking for a guy who could play the guitar well for the movie “The Elusive Avengers,” went to audition. They didn't take him.

There he met Misha Turkov, who also unsuccessfully participated in the auditions. They talked and after some time decided to create the group “Slavs”.

It is known that after graduating from school, Gradsky worked for some time at Mosfilm as a loader, then worked in the same position at a cardboard factory and even worked as a laboratory assistant, where his father got him a job.

Writer Ilya Voytovetsky recalled the People’s Artist:

– I babysat Sasha at the time when we were housemates with his parents. His dad worked late, and his mother studied in a drama club and ran away to classes in the evenings. And they asked me to sit with Sasha. Years passed, and he, a recognized artist, came on tour to Israel, where I already lived. And I just published the story Maestro, where I kind words I remembered Gradsky’s parents. And I called Sasha and reminded him of myself. He told me about the book and suggested reading it. He refused, and rather rudely: “I can’t read everything that various graphomaniacs write!” “Alexander Borisovich,” I answered, “but I nursed you little, and you peed very warmly on my lap.” “Since then, I’ve managed to desecrate all of Russia,” the singer answered unkindly. I apologized and hung up.

And here is what Muscovite, now famous astrologer Vadim Levin, told ZhG.

In the distant 70s, he and Gradsky were part of the musical crowd.

The group “Skomorokhi”, which the singer created, thundered throughout the country.

“The halls were packed, there were a lot of girls,” Levin told us. “As soon as Gradsky started singing, the girls began to take off their bras and throw them at his feet with a squeal. Gradsky played the guitar with his teeth on a dare while kneeling. Many girls after concerts caught him and were ready to give themselves up. But he dismissed them very unkindly.

For example, he could say that the girl has crooked teeth or legs. His bandmates called him a charming impudent man. By the way, they sometimes got girls whom Alexander had previously rejected.

Best of the day

The first wife ran away to her best friend

It is known that Alexander Gradsky had three wives. The crowd was chatting as if he was leaving each one for young fans. But that's not true.

– The first wife, Natasha Smirnova, was able to withstand him extremely complex nature just three days after the wedding. And then she ran away,” Vladimir Mikhailovich Polonsky, who worked in “Buffoons,” admitted in an interview. –

Subsequently, she married Gleb May, also from Skomorokhov. And I’m happy with him to this day.

It was May best friend Gradsky. Now he lives in the Moscow region, teaches vocals in music school, writes classical music. Gleb Borisovich told us that he and Gradsky have not communicated for many years. But Gleb Borisovich flatly refused to remember the past!

The maestro's second wife, famous actress Anastasia Vertinskaya still calls her ex-blessed nothing less than Gadsky. They lived together for only 4 months.

The marriage with his third wife was a guest marriage - they lived in different apartments. Apparently, this was the secret of the relationship, which lasted as much as 20 years.

From his third wife, the singer has a son and a daughter. Viewers of the show “The Voice” saw their daughter Maria. The son is an economist and is interested in extrasensory perception. According to friends, he is a fan... of the star of “Battle of Psychics-13”, American Vita Mano, and even belongs to his fan club.

The fourth, common-law wife of the 63-year-old maestro, Marina, managed to stay close for almost 10 years. Despite the fact that they live together. The artist himself voices the secret of a long relationship this way: we are both Scorpios according to the horoscope, we “bite” and understand each other without words.

Gossipers are chattering that the native of Kyiv is simply comfortable next to the famous and wealthy. Marina works in one of the modeling agencies in Moscow. She graduated from VGIK, but played only small roles in passing films. And as a model she is not so in demand - after all, she is already 30. There is a high probability that her wife will head the Gradsky Theater, which the maestro plans to create this year.


Alexander Gradsky – National artist, owner of a unique voice, worked with Western stars: Liza Minnelli, Charles Aznavour and others. The maestro is also known for making sharp negative statements about his colleagues and show business in general.

So, he called the stage “”, and the artists – “shit...stars”. Many artists do not like Gradsky. For example, the Presnyakov family. Once Gradsky spoke unflatteringly about the vocal abilities of Vladimir Presnyakov Jr.’s wife, Natalya Podolskaya. “Yes, I heard something squeak,” he commented on her Eurovision number. But in “The Voice” we saw a completely different Gradsky: not aggressive and even a little sentimental. Getting old?

Marina Kotashenko. Born on November 22, 1984 in Kyiv. Russian actress theater and cinema, model.

IN school years studied choreography and attended modeling courses.

After school, she graduated from Kiev University, receiving a law degree. In parallel with her studies at the university, she continued to work as a model.

In the early 2000s, Marina moved to the Russian capital, where at first she also worked as a model in one of the Moscow agencies, and then decided to make a career as an actress.

She managed to enter VGIK, from which she graduated in 2009, acting department, workshop.

After graduating from VGIK she entered the Vsevolod Shilovsky Theater Studio, among her works: “A Key for Two” by D. Chapman and D. Freeman - Magda; "Masculine" singular" - Zhasant; “Bachelorette Party” by L. Cunningham - Lisbeth; “Mad Money” - Lydia Yuryevna.

She has been photographed for a number of glossy publications, incl. in very daring photo shoots.

Since 2010, he has been acting in films, making his debut in the films “The Crime Will Be Solved-2”, “The Invisible People”, “Love and Other Nonsense”, “Toys”.

Marina Kotashenko in the series "Hour of Volkov-5"

She appeared in the melodramas “Shall we wake up together?” (Olya), “You can’t forget to love” (Tanya).

In 2013, she played a prominent role in the comedy “Two Fathers and Two Sons.” Her heroine is teacher Zoya Alekseevna.

Marina Kotashenko in the series "Two Fathers and Two Sons"

In 2014, the actress appeared on screen in the film “The Road Home” (Lena Rykova) and the medical drama “Practice” (played Irina Topolyanskaya, the daughter of a famous businessman).

Marina Kotashenko in the TV series "Practice"

In 2014, due to the birth of her son, she took a break from filming.

Marina Kotashenko's height: 176 centimeters.

Personal life of Marina Kotashenko:

Since 2004 he has been living in a civil marriage with famous singer and a musician who is 31 years older than her.

We met quite by chance on the street. Alexander Gradsky recalled: “I remember how I, unkempt and sweaty, was driving in a car and saw her walking along the sidewalk. I thought that I would never forgive myself in my life if I didn’t get to know each other. He jumped out of the car and instantly stunned her with the words: “Girl, you have a chance to touch history!” Marina smiled. Then she admitted that I seemed like a weirdo to her. However, she took my business card and called me a week later.”

Their romance developed rapidly and they soon began to live together.

On September 1, 2014, in one of the elite clinics in New York, Marina Kotashenko gave birth to a son, who was named like his father - Alexander.

Filmography of Marina Kotashenko: 2010 - The crime will be solved-2 - Lena, ex-wife
2010 - Invisibles - Sveta, Denis’s friend
2010 - Love and other nonsense - Katya
2010 - Toys
2011 - Volkov Hour-5 - Polina
2011 - Caramel - Tatyana Lapina
2011 - How I Met Your Mother - Natasha
2012 - Shall we wake up together? - Olya
2012 - You can’t forget to love - Tanya, Konstantin’s wife
2013-2016 - Two fathers and two sons - Zoya Alekseevna, teacher
2014 - Practice - Irina Topolyanskaya, daughter of Eduard Mikhailovich