Business idea for a gym. We calculate salaries for employees. Registration and collection of necessary documents

Maintaining healthy image life - today this is a trend! Even those who have never thought about healthy eating and exercise begin to look for information on the Internet and try to give themselves the desired shape on their own. In this regard, the demand for the services of gyms and fitness centers is only increasing every time! Not everyone has the opportunity to keep a treadmill and other sports equipment in their apartment, so it is easier for people to purchase a three-month membership to a fitness center and no longer worry about problems.

Have you thought about opening your own gym, but are unsure whether to take on such a project? Then we will help you decide and take the first steps in your entrepreneurial activity.

Is opening a gym profitable?

There is already a widespread misconception among people that such a business is profitable only if you invest a lot in it, but it pays off 2 years after opening. Let's try to reduce costs several times and at the same time reduce the period of profitability without deteriorating the services provided.


How to equip a gym in a residential area of ​​the city, without deviating from the requirements of the real mass consumer. To do this, you will need to build on the range of services that are necessary to maintain and improve health. It should be borne in mind that they must be provided without any supernatural capabilities.


To start a health business, a residential area of ​​the city is suitable for you. If your hall can accommodate 15 thousand people, then you can get a solid income. If you count on 30 thousand people, then here we will already be talking about business development. The remaining features are not decisive. All active residents of the city will find their way to you, but you won’t drag them in by force or lure them with advertising for those who are lazy.

Room area

What should you consider when considering the area of ​​a suitable room?

  1. 5 sq.m. for each device.
  2. 30 sq.m. take to the shower and locker room.
  3. 20 sq.m. for a massage room.

Based on the minimum equipment package of 8 items plus two places for training with hardware, it comes out to about 100 sq.m. You definitely can’t do without a shower, so all communications (hot and cold water, drainage) must be thought out.

If you do not have hot water supply, then you need to add another 10 sq.m. under the broiler room. The device itself must be purchased based on a volume of 180 liters. The boiler power should be from 5 kW, which means that you will need reinforced electrical wiring. Ultimately, the minimum area of ​​the room is 100 sq.m.

Ceiling height

The rules state that ceilings for a gym must be no less than 3.5 meters. It is this indicator that provides you with maximum air circulation. People will sweat indoors, which means that the problem cannot be solved by increasing ventilation! Your clients might just have a cold.

In the basement, the ceiling may be lower at first glance. However, the basement is not heated by the sun, which means that with the same ventilation power, the air circulation in it will be much more intense.

If you have already found a suitable place for yourself and even agreed on a lease, then you should not immediately start calculating the hall itself. The work must begin with the recruitment of qualified specialists!

Gym plan

Service staff

For the smallest gym, at least three workers will be required - an instructor, a massage therapist and an administrator. At the same time, the functions last first You will have to carry out this work yourself for months, since you shouldn’t trust financial transactions even to a reliable person.

Since people don’t go for massages often, the instructor and the massage therapist can be combined in one person! The matter is made easier by the fact that a large flow of visitors occurs on weekends and in the evenings of working days. Therefore, you can hire workers for hourly shifts with an advantage for them. The staff will have time for other part-time work.

The instructor is the foundation!

The instructor, of course, must be not just an athlete who knows how to do massage, but also have the skills to provide the necessary first aid. One of the most important requirements is high moral stability. Working with people can sometimes be very nerve-wracking and often too enjoyable to relax. That's why you need a truly resilient "tin soldier"!

If you don't have such people in mind, then you will need to think about who you invite to be an instructor. Let's look at the candidates in order of preference:

  1. No matter what the media says, physical education teachers are generally adequate and quite reliable people. They have already undergone professional training and have all the necessary skills to work as an instructor. In addition, they have plenty of free time even on weekdays. Besides, teachers aren't spoiled wages, so they will be happy to take on the proposed work.
  2. Former military personnel are also an option! Infantrymen, Marines, Special Forces, Paratroopers. They are absolutely not inferior to teachers, and sometimes even have more ambitions. The only drawback is that many of them have bad habits, and this can completely ruin the reputation of your sports complex.
  3. Professional athletes who have already finished their careers. You should only be wary of their psychological state. For many, sport is life, and the end of a career means the end of life! Make sure your candidate is not one of these people.

Having decided on an instructor, you can sit down and sketch out on paper approximate costs for the gym project.


Of course, the largest share of costs will be the purchase of exercise machines and other sports equipment. All this is not cheap, so you can look at advertisements for the sale of branded used exercise machines. Maybe it's better to buy cheap Asian analogues? But they will be new! IN in this case such simulators will not hold up regular classes. Branded used products can sometimes be purchased even with a valid warranty, and they will 100% withstand such a load.

Elite centers very often update their equipment for the sake of prestige and maintaining their image. Is there a new product? You definitely need to purchase it, otherwise picky visitors will wince! You don't need this, as we focus exclusively on middle class of people.

Set aside 200 thousand rubles for the purchase of equipment, and you can buy:

  • Mechanical exercise bike – 2 pcs.
  • Mechanical treadmill – 2 pcs.
  • Complex exercise machine with counterweights – 2 pcs.
  • Cardio machine – 1 pc.
  • Barbell with all necessary equipment – ​​1 pc.
  • Sets of dumbbells – 2 pcs.
  • Expanders and other inexpensive equipment.
  • Benches – 5 pcs.

A gym with such equipment in a residential area will quickly attract clients. It is enough just to sort through the supported equipment, lubricate something, adjust or tint. In general, bring it into proper shape. Just don't stress too much, otherwise you'll end up spending too much money!


Now let’s move on to the most difficult part, especially if we take as a basis the fact that we will open the gym in the basement. Since other options will cost you less in terms of repairs, but after that you will pay more for rent.

The most important thing is to make sure that there is an opportunity to install a drain for the bathroom in the basement. Any gym should 100% have a shower! You will not have problems with such a factor as strengthening the electrical wiring, since the house distribution board will be nearby.

Now let's look at the next point - the floor in the room needs to be softened and insulated. Be sure to make it dielectric. Only in this case will the basement leave the danger zone in order to install 220 V wiring.

This problem can be solved very simply! To begin, remove the concrete layer of the screed to the monolith, then lay moisture-proof PVC with a 10 cm fold on the walls and an overlap of 15 cm. Afterwards, layered slabs can be laid over the expanded clay backfill: chipboard, plastic, decorative coating. Remember that mats should be installed in the weight training area, otherwise you will have to frequently sand the flooring.

To repair your equipment, your best bet is to hire local utility workers. This will make it easier for you to resolve the issue of requalifying the premises.

The total investment in repair work will cost you 150 – 200 thousand rubles. This will also include the installation of partitions, lockers, ventilation, shower and toilet and minimal office furniture.

Required documents and paperwork

You do not need any special permits or any license for a gym. You just need to register as an individual entrepreneur. You can entrust this matter law firm. There are many such offices now, so it is not expensive: from 5 – 11 thousand rubles, including state duty. Although it won’t be difficult to go through this procedure yourself.

It is best to entrust bookkeeping to a special company. In this case, the situation is the same as with lawyers: it won’t cost much and there are plenty to choose from! It is not worthwhile to conduct accounting yourself without even having a basic understanding of this matter. You can make serious mistakes, and then you will have to pay fines and sanctions that will cover all your profits!

If you are thinking about selling sports nutrition along the way, then do not be tempted by a markup of 100-300%. In order to sell all this you will need a lot of different licenses and papers. It is best to negotiate with someone who already sells sports nutrition. Let this “company” open a retail outlet in your place, or simply enter into a dealer agreement.

We draw up a business plan

The gym project would not be complete if we did not provide you with a specific business plan. In this case, we use average prices, and they may vary depending on your region.

We determined the one-time initial investment earlier: equipment, repairs and registration will range from 362 to 412 thousand rubles. This is not little, but still doable!

Now we move on to the annual costs!

  • Rent payment based on 100 sq.m. will not exceed 40 thousand rubles per month. Remember that this is a basement room! It comes out to 480 thousand rubles per year.
  • The instructors' salary is 16 thousand rubles per month. Accountants can be allocated 4 thousand rubles per month. For a year - 240 thousand rubles.
  • Utility costs will cost 8 thousand rubles per month. For a year - 96 thousand rubles.
  • You don't have to include advertising, as all you need is advertisements on poles and in the local newspaper, plus a good sign!

The result will be: 412 thousand rubles of one-time costs; 816 thousand rubles for the first year. The total is 1,228 thousand rubles. What will the payback be?

  • The 10 designated training sites will be 50% occupied based on a 10 hour work day. In this case, 50 hours of active exercise per day. The average for budget gyms is 60 hours a day.
  • The payment will be 80 rubles per hour or 3 thousand rubles for a monthly subscription. Total 120 thousand rubles per month.
  • Active visitors most often buy subscriptions and such clients must be given at least a 10% discount. If we only have such people, then we will receive 108 thousand income per month.
  • The initial investment will pay off in just 4 months.
  • Regular monthly expenses will amount to 68 thousand rubles. From here you can calculate a profitability of 158.8%.

Using just two tricks: placing it in the basement, buying used equipment, we get good economic indicators. The director of such an institution himself will also play a huge role. Try to keep yourself in shape and be optimistic! Only in this case will you be able to not only make a profit, but also develop your business. Who knows, maybe in 1-2 years you will build a whole network of fitness centers.

♦ Capital investments – 1,300,000 rubles
♦ Payback – 1.5 years

There are more and more people who lead a healthy lifestyle, watch their diet, and play sports. That is why the question how to open a gym, is more relevant today than ever.

A gym with sports equipment and exercise equipment can be turned into a profitable business, despite the high level of competition.

Of course, the start-up costs of a gym will probably be unaffordable for people with low incomes, but if everything is done correctly, you can get by with the minimum start-up capital that is possible in this area.

Starting a business from scratch is sometimes not easy. And possession gym There is no exception to this rule.

You will have to solve many problems, overcome obstacles, spend enough money until sport Club will begin to bring you decent profits.

You will find answers to the most important questions in this article.

Benefits of opening a gym

Many businessmen do not want to get involved with the service sector, and directly with opening a gym, because they simply do not know all the advantages of this type of business.

But at the same time, this startup really has a lot of advantages:

  1. You need to spend much less money on its implementation than, for example, if you take it, which offers a more expanded range of services.
  2. Owning a gym is beneficial not only in terms of good profits, but also because you can take care of your health and figure by working out here yourself.
  3. No matter how serious the competition in this sector is, it is always possible to create competitive advantages in order to gain maximum amount clients.
  4. In every city there are enough people who are ready to save on anything, just not on their appearance.
    They would rather eat less or dress more simply, but they will not give up going to the gym, so you will not be left without clients.
  5. Owning a gym is much more prestigious than, for example, a second-hand store, and this is a very noble cause - you care about the health and beauty of the population of your city.
  6. Launching a startup provides the opportunity to reduce initial costs, so you can meet the minimum capital for this business.
  7. The gym can bring to its owner good profit.
    The main thing is to run your business correctly, constantly improving your business and coming up with new ways to attract customers.

Disadvantages of Owning a Gym

Alas, opening a gym from scratch also has its drawbacks, knowledge of which will help you avoid the most common mistakes of novice businessmen.

Here are the most obvious disadvantages of this type of business:

  1. Long payback period for a sports club.
    Some businessmen think that it only costs open your own gym how next month they will already receive the highest incomes.
    You shouldn’t be led by these misconceptions; you can consider yourself lucky if you managed to pay for the gym within a year of work.
  2. You need to work hard to form a client base, because even in small towns there are gyms, but the number of sports clubs in big cities is in the dozens and you will have to work hard to stand out among them.
  3. This business has too many components of success and the lack of one can lead to collapse.
    It won’t work if you hire good trainers but skimp on the equipment, or you find a great facility, but it’s located on the outskirts of the city where no one can get to, etc.

Marketing features of opening a gym

Owning a gym has its own marketing features, without which you will not be able to succeed.

You need to constantly promote your sports club in order to form a client base as quickly as possible and recoup the initial costs.

First of all, you should take care of creating competitive advantages and advertising the gym.

Competitive advantages

Today in everyone locality There are so many sports clubs, gyms, specialized classes (yoga, dancing, strip-plastic, etc.) that finding your niche is sometimes difficult for those who start a business from scratch.

You will succeed if you develop competitive advantages in advance that will allow you not to be afraid of the owners of other gyms.

You can attract clients:

  1. By hiring highly qualified, specially educated trainers and polite administrators who are well versed in what they do.
    Even the mood of the clients depends on how well the cleaners do their job.
    You shouldn’t skimp on gym staff, so as not to regret later about wasted money.
  2. Having developed a loyalty program and a system of discounts for those customers who remain loyal to you long time.
    They should feel special treatment towards themselves.
  3. Offering a wide range of services: training for various muscle groups, personal and group training, etc.
  4. Listening to the wishes of clients.
    Keep a special journal in which your visitors can write down what they think needs to be changed or improved in your gym.
    It’s clear that you don’t need to run right away and fix everything, but at least you can understand the mood of your clients.
  5. Adhering to a reasonable pricing policy.
    According to recent surveys, there are just not enough gyms on the market with a good level of service for people with average incomes, so opening inexpensive establishments today is profitable.
  6. Selling soft drinks, nutritional supplements, sports uniform, CDs and books with training programs, etc.

Gym Advertising

A recently opened gym is an establishment that needs advertising.

The population of your city, even before you start working, should know that a new gym has opened, which is wonderfully equipped, has highly qualified trainers, provides services at an affordable cost, etc.

  • by ordering several commercials on local radio and television;
  • distributing leaflets in crowded areas;
  • by purchasing advertising space on big boards, banners, stands, bulletin boards;
  • by paying for several advertising articles in print media and online resources about your gym;
  • by creating a website with complete information about the specialists working for you, about the services, their cost, etc.;
  • having found access to the city forum and social media to talk about a good gym that will open soon or has already opened;
  • planning a grand opening with competitions, entertainment program, subscription draws, etc.

Calendar plan for opening a gym

Even if you want to get your gym up and running as quickly as possible, you should stick to all the steps. Excessive haste can lead to the fact that the initial costs will increase even more, because something will have to be redone.

The optimal period for opening a gym is 5–6 months.

Registering a business and obtaining permits
Renting premises and repairs
Purchase of equipment for training. hall
Purchasing furniture and other furnishings
Advertising company
Opening of the gym

Stages of opening a gym

Before the gym starts operating, you will need to resolve a number of issues: register your enterprise, register with the tax office, complete all permitting documents, find a suitable premises, equip it, form a team, etc.

Registration procedure

Owners of gyms just need to register as an individual entrepreneur and choose the simplest form of taxation, UTII.

Think in advance what OKVED codes You will note that you do not have to re-register documents later if you decide to expand the range of services provided by your gym.

It is imperative to obtain permission to operate the premises from the fire service and Rospotrebnadzor.

Since your employees will have direct contact with customers, they must have health certificates.


Before looking for a specific location to open a gym, you should decide in which area you want to open your business.

It is best to choose between densely populated residential areas or a business center, because most gym clients buy a membership at a sports club that is located 10–15 minutes from their home or work.

P.S. Consider the fact that the cost square meter in the center is much higher than in residential areas.


The gym premises must meet the following requirements:

  • have high ceilings (at least 3.5 meters), because otherwise your clients simply won’t have enough air;
  • be large enough, at least 120–150 sq. m., expect that you need to allocate at least 5 sq. m. for one simulator. + office premises+ bathrooms and showers + changing rooms + reception area;
  • have a water supply, sewerage, ventilation, central heating system;
  • is located on the ground floor, because if you are located higher, the offices located below you simply will not be able to work;
  • have parking in front of the building, because many gym clients drive their own cars.


Equipment costs will be most your starting capital.

Decide for yourself what kind of exercise equipment you will install, but remember that the client must find equipment in your gym for strength training, and for cardio.

The minimum set of sports equipment should be as follows:

Expense itemQty.Cost, rub.)Amount (rub.)
Total:470,000 rub.
2 100 000 200 000
Exercise bikes
2 40 000 80 000
Complex exercise machines with counterweights
2 50 000 100 000
Barbell with a set of weights and a bench
1 30 000 30 000
Benches for the press and other muscle groups
3 9 000 27 000
Swedish wall
5 3000 15 000
Dumbbells, jump ropes, expanders
18 000

But this is only the cost of sports equipment.

To finally equip your gym, you will also need:

Expense itemAmount of expenses (in rub.)
Total:600,000 rub.
Ventilation system and air conditioners
200 000
Music Center
30 000
Computers and other office equipment
100 000
60 000
Lockers and benches in locker rooms
30 000
Furniture for the reception area
25 000
Refrigerator for sold drinks
15 000
Office furniture for office premises
40 000
Other100 000


The number of trainers and other staff at your gym depends on its size and operating hours.

Assuming that the gym has an area of ​​150 square meters. and you want him to work seven days a week, then you will need to hire:

Qty.Salary (rub.)Total (RUB)
Total:90,000 rub.
Administrator2 10 000 20 000
Trainer2 20 000 40 000
Cleaning woman2 8 000 16 000
Accountant (part-time)1 10 000 14 000

All employees, except the accountant, will work in shifts, for example 2/2 days or 3/3.

How much does it cost to open a gym?

It is difficult to answer the question unambiguously how much does it cost to open a gym, because the amount of starting capital is influenced by numerous factors.

We offer for viewing a real example of a successful gym opening:

In addition, there are expense items on which you can save, and there are those that you should not try to reduce.

How you can save money when opening a gym

The desire to save money on a gym opened from scratch is quite understandable.

Moreover, there are expense items that can be reduced without damaging your business:

  1. Interior of the room and finishing materials.
    Of course, any room associated with the service sector should have a pleasant interior and be liked by clients, but for visitors to the gym it is not very important how expensive finishing materials you use, and how talented a designer will conjure up the interior.
    People come to the gym to work on their body, and not to look at paintings and other trinkets; an interior overloaded with details will only distract them.
  2. The trainers themselves.
    Yes, you can save money on this seemingly most important component of the gym.
    Firstly, you can buy used exercise equipment, not new ones. The main thing is that they are in good condition. Secondly, the brand is not as important to your customers as the effectiveness of the simulator, so it is quite possible to choose cheaper brands.
    Thirdly, if you purchase exercise equipment from one supplier, you will be able to request a wholesale price, a discount, and even the opportunity to purchase equipment on lease.
  3. Furniture.
    The gym itself does not require a lot of furniture: just enough benches or chairs so that your clients can rest before the next approach to the machine.
    Furniture is mainly needed for the reception area, office rooms and locker rooms.
    You can buy something inexpensive, but looking pretty decent.

What you shouldn't save on when opening a gym

There are gym costs that you won't be able to cut without hurting your business.

These include:

  1. Ventilation system.
    In the gym, people sweat a lot, so the aroma in the room is not very pleasant.
    If you save on hoods and air conditioners, you will lose all your customers, because they will not be able to stay in a room for a long time where such unpleasant odors are in the air.
    Showers and changing rooms should also be equipped with a good ventilation system, again so that there are no unpleasant odors and fungus does not grow here.
  2. Staff.
    We have already talked about how important it is to hire good trainers, administrators and cleaners to ensure that the gym runs flawlessly.
    It is especially important to get good trainers that clients trust.
    Good specialists, naturally, will not work for pennies in your gym.
  3. Showers.
    Some gym owners who are just starting out in business believe that it is not at all necessary to spend money on arranging showers, because clients can wash themselves at home.
    You should not repeat their mistakes, as this will significantly reduce the number of your clients, for example, no one will come to you early in the morning to practice before work.

Cost table for opening a gym

To open a gym you will need over 1,000,000 rubles.

Download a ready-made business plan for a gym with quality guarantee.
Contents of the business plan:
1. Privacy
2. Summary
3. Project implementation stages
4. Characteristics of the object
5. Marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data of equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and economic justification for investments
10. Conclusions

Table of monthly gym maintenance costs

In addition to the cost of opening a gym, you will have monthly expenses.

When forming start-up capital, you should include in it the amount of these monthly expenses taking into account that for the first 2-3 months you will work at a loss.

How much can you earn by opening a gym?

The main source of income for gyms is the sale of memberships.

In order for your business to develop successfully, you should sell at least 60 subscriptions per month, gradually increasing your sales turnover.

You can find other sources of income:

You will receive such monthly income figures when your gym becomes popular and you have fully formed a client base. Until this happens, your monthly income will barely be able to cover your expenses.

By putting the sale of subscriptions and other services on stream, you can receive a net monthly profit from your gym of over 100,000 rubles, which means you can return your initial investment in a year and a half.

Of course, these are not all the calculations you need, if you are wondering how to open a gym. You will have to think through many nuances, but if you have a desire to open a sports club, then you definitely need to implement it.

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Working out in the gym, as part of a healthy lifestyle, is gaining more and more popularity. And this is not surprising. To visit the gym, you don’t need to look at what the weather is like outside the window; you can just take your sports uniform and go to training.We are interested in how to open a gym from scratch. Therefore, let’s take a closer look at this business.

Drawing up a business plan

Before you start your business you need to have ready business-plan of the gym. It should include the main types of expenses. For example:

  • costs for renting premises from 20 to 50 thousand rubles/month;
  • staff salary 80 thousand rubles/month;
  • advertising funds 10-20 thousand rubles/month;
  • capital for the purchase of simulators 200-300 thousand rubles;
  • current expenses. This may include unexpected costs, for example, repairing a broken pipe or other unforeseen expenses of 10-15 thousand rubles / month;
  • payment of utility bills 15-25 thousand rubles/month
  • payment of taxes and fees depending on the form of ownership.

Accordingly, the minimum expenses will be 135 thousand rubles/month, plus money for the purchase of exercise equipment and payment of taxes.Since in the example considered, our operating expenses are 135 thousand rubles/month, respectively, with a subscription cost of 1.5 thousand rubles, we need to attract 90 people to break even. To make a profit, naturally, there must be more clients. After all, we need to not only cover expenses, but also make a profit and recoup the money spent on equipment. It’s worth thinking about a good strategy for attracting more clients.

Selection of premises

When choosing a room for your future gym, you need to proceed from: correct ratio prices and locations. To run a successful business, it is not necessary to have premises in the city center. It is enough that it is located in places with high traffic of people. This could be near metro stations or near a university. Opening a gym in a residential area will also be quite successful, since it is convenient for people to go to workouts close to home.

The size of the future hall should be at least 100 square meters. m. With a smaller area it will be difficult to provide for the presence of all necessary premises– changing rooms, showers, toilets and a training room of normal size. In general, when deciding on the area of ​​​​the future premises, it is worth proceeding from the considerations that a minimum of 2 sq.m. is required for each potential client. Actually, you should understand that with a room size of 100 sq.m, 50 people can comfortably live in it, and 100 people in a room of 200 sq.m. Therefore, when selecting premises, you need to take into account the number of desired clients.

Main training areas should have good ventilation to avoid stuffiness and high humidity. The presence of air conditioning is also very desirable, otherwise in the summer the flow of customers will be greatly reduced.

Showers are required in the gym. Actually, the lack of showers is a significant disadvantage that can play a fatal role. After all, some people attend training before work, and simply after playing sports they need to get themselves in order.

Selecting a room

Pay attention to the condition of the room. It might need some repairs. This may result in additional costs. Then this money will also need to be taken into account when calculating the starting capital.The funds invested in repairs can be quite significant. In order to renovate a room measuring 150 square meters, with a toilet and two showers, a minimum of 100-150 thousand rubles will be required. This is provided that you do not have to change wiring and communications.

Collection of necessary documentation

First, you need to choose and register the legal form of your future business with the tax office. At first it will be simpler and easier to register as an individual entrepreneur. This will help avoid additional expenses for accounting and will provide the opportunity to use a simplified taxation scheme.

When registering you need to provide codes all-Russian classifier species economic activity(OKVED), for the services that you will represent.

  • Here is the list of codes:
  • physical education and recreational activities 93.04;
  • other activities in the field of sports 92.62;

activities of sports facilities 92.61.The only thing worth remembering is that if in the future you expand the range of services (for example, add a children's room), then you should indicate this in advance. Then we get permission from Rospotrebnadzor. This will require availability medical documents

employees, a contract for maintenance of the premises, a passport of a sports institution and a production control plan (PPC).

Equipment selection

To equip the gym with the necessary exercise equipment, you need to carefully consider their number so that you can work out all muscle groups. It is also worth thinking about how our estimated number of clients can be engaged at the same time. The list of equipment below is designed for a hall of 100 square meters. m.

Equipped gym space

  • Minimum number of simulators:
  • horizontal bench 3-4 pcs.;
  • abdominal exercise machine 2-3 pcs.;
  • bench with a leg trainer and a barbell rack 2-3 pcs.;
  • leg press machine 2-3 pcs.;
  • simulator for developing chest muscles 1-2 pcs.;
  • Smith machine 1-2 pcs.;
  • treadmill 1-2 pcs.;

various barbells, dumbbells, discs and many other little things.Dumbbells and barbell plates should come in several different weights to make it easy for clients to train with the right weight.

  • The above set is the minimum. If the space and funds allow you to purchase more equipment, then it is worth buying:
  • press support;
  • traction of the upper block;
  • hyperextension;
  • t-simulator;


When purchasing exercise equipment, you should take a closer look at good manufacturers. Perhaps, to save money, it is worth purchasing not new, but already used units. This will allow you to buy high-class equipment with significant savings.

In general, exercise equipment for the gym must be reliable and durable - these are the main criteria for selection.

To attract as many customers as possible, you need to conduct an advertising campaign.You can hire students to distribute flyers in crowded places (at the entrance to shopping centers, supermarkets and subways) and paste information sheets on poles and notice boards near your hall.

Distribution of leaflets

Develop loyalty programs for regular customers. Expandrange of services and training programs to attract more wide range population. Come up with special programs for women and teenagers. This will increase the number of potential visitors.


When selecting personnel, you need to remember that good team– the key to your successful business.When choosing coaches, you can communicate with physical education teachers from nearby schools. Their workload and salary are small and they have the opportunity to hire a good specialist for a reasonable fee. It is also worth considering candidates for the position who have experience coaching in sports schools and sections.

Please ensure that your employees, especially trainers, do not have bad habits. Gym employees drinking or smoking on the porch are a negative image of your business.

In principle, for a small gym it will be enough to hire two trainers who will work in shifts. It would be nice, of course, to also have a cleaner and an administrator, but, in principle, an administrator can combine these two positions. In total, the minimum number of staff is five people.

Pros of sports business

The segment of this business is still quite free and there is an opportunity to avoid high competition. Therefore, it is worth considering the gym as a business. The payback period for such a business ranges from one to one and a half years. Which, with a fairly small investment, makes it very attractive.With the right strategy for attracting customers and a successful choice of location, you can achieve high profitability and a good level of income.

In contact with

* The calculations use average data for Russia

450,000 ₽

Minimum starting capital

10-15 %


9-12 months


250 00 RUR

Inventory costs

In this article we will look at all the nuances of organizing and running such a profitable business as your own gym. In addition, you will learn about a fundamentally new online format for the work of trainers and instructors.

Although this business idea is not new at all, it does not lose its relevance to this day. Moreover, the demand for gym services, dance schools, fitness centers and yoga studios is increasing every year. Beautiful body and keeping oneself in good shape has been important for people at all times. But modern look A lifestyle that involves a largely sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating and snacking on the go is clearly not conducive to achieving the cherished goal of most men and women.

Sport is not just a way to occupy yourself in your free time with health benefits. For many young (mostly) people, it becomes a way to achieve the desired figure and, no less important, to maintain it. Of course, there are always people who suffer from excess weight (even if it’s a couple of kilograms), who are embarrassed to undress on the beach or are afraid to look at themselves in the mirror, but at the same time they never exercise, preferring to exhaust themselves with countless diets or swallow harmful pills . The effect of restricting nutrition or taking various medications, if any, is temporary. In addition, with this regime, if you have patience, you can lose weight to the desired figure, but appearance the body will leave much to be desired - the absence of muscles gives the effect of “bones and skin”. Muscles can only be pumped up through regular training.

The profitability of opening a gym

What are the advantages of gyms if we consider them as a business? Firstly, as we mentioned above, their services are in constant high demand. Moreover, even unfavorable economic conditions have little impact on the work and profits of such establishments. However, the latter is true for small gyms operating in the lower and middle price segment.

Network fitness centers are more susceptible to crises, which is explained by the high cost of their subscriptions. Secondly, the target audience gyms are quite diverse. They are more popular among men, but now more and more representatives of the fair sex are diluting cardio training with strength exercises on machines, dreaming of not just losing weight, but gaining beautiful shapes with sculpted muscles. Even separate gyms for girls are opening, although the majority still prefer not to limit themselves to a narrow target audience.

Universal “gyms” either equip two separate rooms - for men and women, or divide training time. There are also mixed options - when both are engaged in the gym at the same time. But the latter option is less desirable. Thirdly, opening a small gym requires relatively small start-up capital. Perhaps a gym in the 100 sq.m. basement. meters – this is not the limit of your dreams. But if you don't have great opportunities, it is worth considering this option. In the future, you can always either open a gym of a higher price category - your own or under the brand of a certain chain (franchise), or create your own chain.

What you need to open a gym from scratch

Experts advise starting the organization of any business with drawing up detailed business plan. Even if you are one of the lucky ones who is able to open your own business without using borrowed funds, a business plan will help you determine the order of actions that need to be taken, calculating expenses and estimated income, various indicators, from profitability to deadlines payback. So what should be included in your plan? First of all, it is necessary to carry out marketing research. You can order it from specialists or do it yourself, spending a little more time on it, but saving money.

The sports and fitness services business is considered highly competitive. In every major city there are several large chain centers (usually franchised) and dozens of medium and small halls. Fortunately, even with very strong competition, you can always find an unoccupied niche. This could be, for example, a specialized establishment or club. You can open a small hall in a residential area where there are no such offers. In addition to the gym, you can provide additional services - from yoga or Pilates to a cafe in the format of proper nutrition.

How to choose a room for a gym

The right location for a gym is half of your future success. Even the largest and most comfortable sports Complex with well-known trainers and a large number of different services, right down to animators who will entertain children while their parents get into sports shape, will only be able to cover nearby areas (usually within walking distance). It is unlikely that there will be many who want to regularly travel there from the other end of the city. At the same time, a small gym in a large residential area, open from early morning until late evening, will not lack clients. When choosing a room for a hall, try to put yourself in the shoes of your potential client. Will it be convenient for him to get to you? Is there a stop nearby public transport, place to park a car? Is it possible to easily find you at your address? Perhaps, in addition to the sign on the facade, it is worth hanging additional signs or a billboard with the contact information of your establishment.

The minimum area is 100-150 sq. meters. Exercise machines and sports equipment take up a lot of space (each device should have at least 5 square meters), the distance between them should be large enough so that your clients do not interfere with each other. Don't forget to leave some free space for strength training with barbells. Another 25-30 sq. meters will be used for showers and changing rooms.

Ready ideas for your business

Be sure to pay attention to the presence of all necessary communications– heating, air conditioning, ventilation, hot and cold water, drain, etc. There are a lot of nuances here, so when choosing equipment it is best to consult with specialists. Note that in residential regions they often turn off hot water several times a year for one or two weeks. And you can be sure that the inability to take a shower after training will deprive you large quantity clients. So you can’t do without additional equipment for heating water in case of an emergency. And this comes with high costs: plus an additional 10 sq. meters for the boiler room and the boiler itself with a minimum capacity of 180 liters, reinforced electrical wiring for its power supply.

Often, gyms are located in semi-basements and basements. In this case, oddly enough, it will be easier to maintain the necessary humidity and the desired temperature. The ceiling height in the gym on the ground floor and above should be 3.5 meters, otherwise it will be difficult to ensure good air purification. But you cannot ventilate the room naturally by opening windows and doors: this will lead to the formation of harmful drafts. The basement does not warm up in the sun like other rooms, and there are no strict requirements for the height of its ceilings. Due to its location, normal power ventilation will be sufficient. However, this advantage may be offset by the costs of repairs and good lighting.

Ideally, of course, it is best to build a room for a hall yourself, having thought in advance about the most convenient option for its layout and the location of all communications. But in this case, it all comes down to the funds you have and the availability of sufficient land for construction in a promising residential area. In the best case scenario, this is an area of ​​new buildings that will be populated over the next few years. Although the construction and finishing itself will also take a lot of time.

You most likely cannot do without minimal repairs, no matter which option you choose. The floor of the room should not be slippery to eliminate the risk of injury, and at the same time it should be easy to clean and not afraid of moisture. The best option both in terms of price and properties is PVC flooring. However, if the room you are renting has old parquet on the floor, you should not spend money on changing the flooring. For the first time, this option will do. Color range It’s better to choose a calm and neutral one, give preference to light shades. The height of the ceiling, windows, width and length of the hall and a number of other indicators are standardized. It is advisable to provide for the possibility of musical accompaniment of training and to purchase additional “non-gym” equipment - nets, basketball hoops, mats, fitballs, wall bars, horizontal bars. The temperature in the hall should be 15-17 degrees. Also provide a water cooler (the cost of water and disposable cups can be included in the price of the subscription).

Ready ideas for your business

The option of locating a gym on the territory of a shopping center deserves special attention. There are pros and cons here. On the one hand, the shopping center is an ideal place in terms of traffic. A huge flow of people passes through it every day from morning to evening. There are cafes, shops, and entertainment centers where you can keep your child occupied while one of the parents spends time in the gym. By opening a gym in a shopping center, you can significantly save on advertising by placing just one banner on the facade of the building or a light box near it. However, this arrangement also has certain disadvantages.

The most important of them is the high cost of rent. You need a lot of space to place exercise equipment, and the cost of renting a square meter in a shopping center is significantly higher than the cost of renting premises of the same area in the same area and even, possibly, on the same street. In addition, it is quite difficult to provide the necessary conditions for the clients of the hall, including showers and changing rooms with lockers for storing things. Finally, in some gyms on the territory of a shopping center, in order to save space, exercise machines are placed directly on the platform on the top floor, enclosing it with a transparent wall. Although the traffic here is significantly less compared to the lower floors, not all people feel comfortable playing sports almost in full view of random passers-by.

Required permits to open a gym

Find out what documents are required to open a gym in your city. It is better to choose an individual entrepreneur as an organizational and legal form for the first time of work, which will allow you to use a simplified taxation system. Most suitable codes OKVED for this type of activity:

96.04 Services in the field of physical culture and recreational activities

93.11.10 Sports facilities services

93.12.10 Services provided by sports clubs

93.13.10 Fitness center services

93.19.12 Services for athletes and athletes.

Think in advance about how you will develop your business further. If you plan to expand the list of services provided by your center over time (open a cafe, beauty salon, fitness bar, solarium, etc.), then you must indicate the necessary codes for possible related services in advance, even when registering as an individual entrepreneur. In addition, it will be necessary to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor, having previously concluded an agreement for the maintenance of air conditioning and ventilation systems, an agreement for the maintenance of housing and communal services, an agreement for the disposal of lamps, a PPK and a passport for a sports institution. Don't forget that all your employees must also have medical records. To implement the gym project, it is necessary to obtain permits from the fire, sanitary and epidemiological services, as well as territorial property management.

Choosing equipment for the gym

Renting and renovating premises are significant expense items. But the next most expensive item is the purchase of the necessary equipment for the gym - the actual exercise machines for the press (bench), back, arms, legs (including treadmills and exercise bikes), dumbbells, barbells, weights, treadmills, turnstiles. Some equipment can be purchased used. In particular, this will help you save on the most expensive exercise equipment. When purchasing, pay attention to the model and equipment of the simulator. It should be made of quality material and have little wear.

Don’t forget about personal protective equipment - belts, gloves, wristbands, knee pads, etc. They should be in sufficient quantity, which is calculated based on the capacity of your hall. Of course, it is necessary to provide a shower, toilet and changing room on the territory of your establishment. All this can be done without designer extravagances.

Ready ideas for your business

The main thing is impeccable cleanliness and order. In some gyms, if space allows, they also organize additional sports grounds and halls, for example, for sports games, conducting dance classes, yoga, etc. In this case, the gym gradually turns into a real sports center. If you choose this development path for yourself, think about whether you have the opportunity to expand the area or whether after some time (for example, one or two years) you will have to change your location. Another important nuance that many people forget about when planning expenses is the arrangement of the hall (reception area). Be sure to provide comfortable places to wait for customers who arrived ahead of their time.

We are recruiting trainers for the gym

And yet, a spacious gym with a large selection of equipment and inventory, located in a convenient location with high traffic, is just one of the conditions for the prosperity of your business. Secondly, qualified personnel who will work for you. In fact, the situation with gym instructors is not so clear-cut. Experienced athletes do not need the help of a coach. They are well versed in the topic, know what exercises and how much they need, and know how to use all the equipment.

Beginners need instructors, but their services are paid extra, and not all of your visitors will be ready for additional expenses. For beginners, it seems that there is nothing complicated about exercising on exercise machines: if you want to strengthen your abdominal muscles, you need a bench for your abs; if you want to pump up your biceps, look for exercise machines for your arm muscles. At the same time, they have a very vague understanding of the technique of working on simulators, the load they need, proper nutrition and other details, ignorance of which can not only reduce all efforts to a minimum, but even give a result directly opposite to what was expected. Gradually more and more more people Those seriously thinking about playing sports understand the importance of the role of an experienced coach who acts as a mentor and controller.

Still, hiring several trainers at once at the very beginning of your work may not be profitable. It’s good if you yourself are a specialist and at first you can work independently with one or two assistants. If you take on the functions of a manager, you will have to look for good trainers and instructors. Pay attention to them physical fitness and reputation. It's not uncommon for people to leave the gym with a good trainer. They are even ready to travel to the other end of the city, just not to lose the instructor.

New trend - online trainers

IN Lately so-called online trainers also appeared. It's relative new trend, is gaining popularity and should not be ignored. What do online trainers do? The same as regular instructors. They make up detailed plan individual training and nutrition program taking into account the client’s “initial data”, monitor the results, make adjustments to the compiled programs, motivate and support him. The training plan includes a detailed schedule and training regimen, types of exercises and their duration, daily routine and nutrition. Roughly speaking, the instructor undertakes to give the client the result that he wants to get, within a reasonable time and without harm to health.

The only condition is that the client must strictly follow all the mentor’s recommendations. The only difference between a regular and an online trainer is that the latter... does not see his clients live before training and, perhaps, will never see them. They can live in different cities and even countries, but the almighty Internet allows them to interact almost as effectively as in personal communication, exchanging photos and videos. An online trainer is not a complete replacement for a “live” instructor, since the latter sees his client directly in the process of working on the simulators and can correct his mistakes.

However, a remote instructor is a suitable option for people who are shy or unable to hire a specialist in the gym. The problem is that online trainers often call themselves not only experienced and qualified instructors who have undergone special training and have worked or are working with a large number of people in gyms, but also those who have nothing to do with this profession. These are the so-called random people who had enough willpower to lose a lot of weight and get in shape by training at home or under the guidance of an instructor.

Despite all the merits and knowledge acquired in the process hard work over their figure, they are not familiar with the theory, do not take into account the individual characteristics of each individual person, his possible health problems and other important factors. They willingly share their experience with others, write books and articles, write blogs and conduct “weight loss marathons” on various websites. But, of course, they are not real instructors and cannot guarantee a decent result of their work.

Thus, a good online trainer who lives in your city and has the opportunity to travel to you for several hours a week can attract new clients to your gym. Essentially, this is a combined format of regular and remote instruction. The main thing is that you are confident in this specialist, his qualifications and competence.

In addition to trainers and a manager, you will need administrators (two, working in shifts) and a cleaning lady who will come 1-2 times a day.

Plan your training room's operating hours in advance. It is advisable that its doors be open seven days a week from early morning until late evening. Some people go to the gym before or after work, others on weekends, and those who don’t work (mostly young mothers on maternity leave) go on weekdays during the day. By varying your schedule, you can significantly increase traffic to your center. Many gyms are open from 7.00 to 24.00 on weekdays and from 8.00 to 24.00 on weekends, with breaks for holidays and sanitary days (the latter are held every three months).

Gyms and fitness clubs are visited by a huge number of people every day. Basically, these are wealthy visitors who are accustomed to working out in elite and expensive fitness clubs; as for economy class gyms, the opening of new ones is relevant. In this article we will look at how to open your own gym with the most necessary equipment and give an example of a business plan for a fitness center with calculations and minimum investments.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Opening a Gym as a Business

The main target audience of gym visitors: young people 18-50 years old. The table below outlines the advantages and disadvantages of opening a gym.

Advantages Flaws
High profitability (profitability) of the business ~35% High barrier to entry into the market. Large initial investments are required in the purchase of simulators and rental ~1.5-2 million.
Year-round influx of visitors (with an emphasis in September-October). It is necessary to have a large premises (>300m2) close to residential areas, universities, offices
No specific sports knowledge is required: there are many trainers on the labor market Uneven influx of visitors throughout the day: the peak occurs during prime-time from 18-00 to 22-00.

According to RKB Research, the sphere of fitness and accessible sports has an average growth rate of fitness centers and gyms of ~12.1%. The growth leader is the Moscow market. Regions are a promising direction for the development of this segment.

Stages of opening a gym

Click to enlarge

Gym business plan. Search for premises

First you need to find a room. Its area must be at least 150 square meters. m. We will consider a gym with two rooms. This is explained by the fact that in addition to the gym there are technical and auxiliary rooms:

  • Locker rooms;
  • Bathroom, showers;
  • Wardrobe;
  • Administration premises.

Searching for premises is priority, the success of the gym will depend on its location, accessibility to business centers, metro stations or residential areas.

Determination of price and operating time

An economy class gym, although it must have experienced instructors on staff, cannot be compared with a full-fledged elite fitness club in terms of the volume of services. average price per hour visit is about 150 rubles.

As for time, most people come to the gym to work out in the afternoon. But there are also those who work out in the morning.

The main flow of visitors falls on the so-called prime time time:from 18-00 to 23-00. This is explained simply, the majority of the population who are interested in fitness works until 17.18 pm.

Optimal operating mode of the hall– from 11:00 to 23:00. It is recommended that the hall should operate seven days a week, with a minimum number of breaks for holidays.

Calculation of working hours and number of employees

The gym has been open for 351 days, we immediately took into account holidays and sanitary days. Let's look at the description of the employees' work schedule:

  • Flexitime;
  • 2 days off (101 days per year);
  • Vacation 24 days;
  • We take into account the possible absence of an employee for various reasons - 14 days.

(351 – 101 – 24 – 14) * 8 = 1696 hours/year PS: (employee’s 8-hour workday).

In total, it turns out that there are 1,696 hours per year per employee. These data allow us to conclude that our gym needs 5 instructors. How did we calculate this?

  1. The total number of working hours in two halls per year: 351x12x2=8424.
  2. Required number of personnel (instructors): 8424/1696=4.96.
  3. Rounding up, it turns out to be 5 people.

Also, before opening a gym, you need to consider the total number of employees.

  1. Please note that the gym is open for 12 hours. 351x12=4212 hours per year.
  2. The employee's working day is no more than 8 hours, no more than 1696 hours per year.
  3. 4212/1696=2.48 staff units for each workplace. These are administrators, cleaners, security guards.
  4. The gym needs a manager (director) and an accountant.

Gym staff:

Naturally, this mathematics is necessary to create a business plan, and in your gym everything may be different. But to get acquainted with how it all works, our example is illustrative.

Video lesson “How to open a fitness club?”

In a video tutorial, Samat Nazirov tells how to open a gym in your city, what difficulties arise and where to start.

How to open a gym: revenue estimation

First you need to decide on the amount of revenue. To do this, you need to predict the number of visitors. It is also necessary to think through a system of subscriptions and unique offers for customers in a timely manner (at the stage of setting prices). When the picture is relatively complete, you can begin planning your annual revenue.

Annual total revenue of the gym

So, we proceed from the maximum parameters:

  • 351 working days (excluding holidays);
  • 10 visitors at the same time;
  • 150 rub. at one o'clock.

In total, we receive 12,636,000 rubles per year, BUT: this is the maximum maximum at 100% workload, which never happens. We use a reduction factor of 0.8%. We used it because experts say: attendance does not exceed 80%. In total, we have 10,108,800 rubles per year with an average stable attendance.

Estimation of current and initial costs

We buy exercise equipment

An economy class gym must have equipment that:

  • Satisfies all the requests and desires of visitors;
  • Is constantly in working order;
  • It is inexpensive and pays for itself quickly;
  • Conveniently located in two halls with an area of ​​30 square meters. m each.

The ideal option here would be to use used exercise equipment. They will cost much less, but the quality is no worse. We offer a cost estimate for gym equipment:

The choice of simulators depends on the focus. There are two areas of the gym: aerobic exercise and strength exercise. The example considered was for aerobic training. If you are considering strength training, then you need to focus on the ability to perform three basic strength exercises: bench press, squat and deadlift. To do this, you need 3 barbells, squat racks, a floor covering for deadlifts, a set of dumbbells up to 25 kilograms, starting with 2 kilograms in increments of 1.5 kg. You also need a bench press and an incline bench. Accordingly, it is necessary to have pancakes for shangi: 10 pcs. — 25 kg., 10 pcs. — 20 kg., 10 pcs. - 15 kg., 10 pcs. - 10 kg. 8 pcs. — 5 kg., 6 pcs. - 2.5 kg., 4 pcs. - 1.25 kg. Aids may include deadlift belts, wrist bands, chalk, etc. The total cost of this equipment will be more than 600 thousand rubles.

Costs of auxiliary funds (fixed assets)

Depreciation of auxiliary funds is 20% (126.6 thousand rubles).

Note that you can save not only on exercise equipment, but also on computers and other equipment. But everything must meet quality standards.

Intangible assets

Intangible assets include registration of a lease agreement, founding expenses, and depreciation charges. Registration and founding expenses amount to about 5 thousand rubles. The latter make up 10%, which means 500 rubles. in year.

We calculate salaries for employees

The salary of each gym employee per month is:

As a result: 295 thousand/rub. per month or 3,540 thousand/rub. in year.

Production costs

You shouldn’t naively believe that the above-mentioned costs are where everything ends. A gym is the same enterprise where it is necessary to take into account:

  • Direct costs;
  • Costs of maintaining a gym as an enterprise;
  • Costs of maintaining funds;
  • Depreciation;
  • Management costs;
  • Implementation costs.

Direct costs include instructor salaries. For other employees, everything is included in management and office expenses.

A special expense item is the rental of premises. In the case of our gym, it is 160 thousand rubles. The cost depends on the specific premises, conditions and area.

So, monthly costs:

  • Rent: 160 thousand rubles.
  • Office expenses: 3 thousand rubles.
  • Landline phone: ~200 rub.
  • Advertising (usually SMM): 5 thousand rubles. per month.

It's time to take care of taxes

So, you need to take care of tax deductions:

  • Tax on food 1% payroll: RUB 35,400;
  • Tax on the maintenance of the fund: 1.5% of income, 151,632 rubles.

Total: 187.032 rub.

Balance sheet profit: 3,703.800–187.032=3,576.768 rub.

Net profit: 3,576.768–703.354=2,873.414 rub. (income tax is deducted)

Gym profitability: assessment

We are counting specific profitability(ratio of profit to cost of resources): 3576768/10108800x100% = 35.38%.

We are counting estimated profitability(ratio of net profit to costs): 2873414/6405000x100% = 44.86%

Now you know how to open a gym!

To a beginner, all these calculations may seem complicated. But from this example we can conclude that the profitability of such a business is quite high. All costs from the start-up capital will be paid off. The main thing is that before opening a gym, carefully think through your business plan and choose a convenient location for the gym. Almost everything depends on this.

Assessment of the attractiveness of a business by the magazine website

Business profitability

(4.2 out of 5)

Business attractiveness


Project payback

(3.5 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business

(3.0 out of 5)
The gym is a promising business line with a payback period of ~2 years and a profitability of ~35%. The initial investment for renting premises and purchasing sports equipment will cost ~1.5-2 million rubles. The key success factor is its location and accessibility to office centers, universities, and residential complexes. To quickly start a business, it is recommended to use a franchise; this will allow you to avoid many mistakes when building business processes due to support from the franchisee. If you are drawing up a business plan to attract investors, it is necessary to describe the financial part of the plan as much as possible: profitability, payback period and necessary investment costs.