Wild duck breeding business. What documents are needed to sell products? We calculate income and expenses

Duck breeding business. Duck farm. If you have a house in a village with a grazing area and a pond, then this perfect place for business on ducks. The main food for ducks is green grass, and during the season from May to October the duck gains a live weight of about 2.5 kilograms. average price 1 kg of duck costs about 200 - 250 rubles, a dressed carcass will cost 400 - 500 rubles.


From this article you will learn how to organize a small duck farm and make money by selling duck meat, hatching eggs and day-old young animals.

Duck breeding business. Duck farm.

Ducks are not demanding in terms of living conditions; an ordinary room with good bedding, a fenced run and a small pond are sufficient. As for the pond, you can do without a pond; it is enough to install bathing containers on the walk, but if there is a pond, the ducks also receive additional food from small algae and plankton.

The main food for ducks is green grass, but grass alone is not enough for normal growth of ducks; they need to be fed with compound feed and wheat grain every day. It is better to feed the ducks in the form of wet mash with the addition of grated beets, boiled potatoes and other additives.

IN summer period The ducks spend the whole day in the enclosure; they are only brought indoors at night.

Duck farm. Peking ducks.

By autumn, ducks gain a marketable weight of more than 2 kg, and the livestock is sent in batches for slaughter for sale. Several individuals are selected and left for the tribe at the rate of 1 male for 3–4 females. It should be remembered that in order to get good, healthy offspring, you need to update the males every year; you can exchange males or buy from farmers or households.

In winter, at low temperatures, ducks are kept indoors, so you need to regularly update the bedding on the floor, add heated water to the drinkers, and provide warm mash. When the temperature outside is above zero, during the day the ducks are released into the enclosure for walking.

In the spring, females begin to lay eggs; nests (boxes with hay) must be installed indoors in advance; each female must have its own nest, otherwise the females will start fighting among themselves. The sockets must be installed in secluded places fenced off with boards or pieces of plywood.

Ducks are good hens and often hatch their offspring themselves, but you can use a regular incubator. The incubation period lasts up to 36 days, depending on the type of duck.

Day old young animals require special conditions When the chicks emerge from the eggs, they are taken from the hen and kept in a warm room in cardboard boxes with heating pads, lighting and a drinking bowl. Chicks should be fed with starter feed, millet, crushed boiled egg, finely chopped onion (feather).

When the entire brood dries out and begins to actively eat food, they can be allowed near their mother hen. The young can also be kept separately from the hen.

With a large number of livestock on farms, eggs are incubated in incubators.

Duck breeding business: choosing a breed.

Ducks are divided into several groups based on productivity - meat, meat and egg breeds. It is most profitable to breed meat breeds.

Meat breeds include Peking ducks, black white-breasted, Ukrainian gray, Moscow white, Rouen ducks.

Among meat breeds, the Peking breed has gained the greatest popularity due to its high precocity and fertility; by two months, Peking ducks gain weight of 2 kg, adult females reach a weight of 3 - 3.5 kg, males up to 4 kg. The egg production of females is 80 - 120 eggs per year.

Peking ducks.

Also no less popular in households are musk ducks, which, although they are inferior to Peking ducks in terms of precocity, the meat of musk ducks has less fat content compared to the meat of Peking ducks, the meat is tender, has high taste and, of course, is dietary.

Muscovy ducks.

The weight of adult males reaches 5 kg, females up to 2 - 3 kg. The egg production of females is 70 – 120 eggs per year. The incubation period lasts 36 days. Muscovy ducks are also called musk ducks; instead of the usual duck quack, musk ducks make hissing sounds. Muscovy ducks are unpretentious, hardy and rarely get sick.

Duck business.

For small volumes of duck rearing, register entrepreneurial activity not necessarily, it will be a personal subsidiary plot, for such activities you do not need to pay any taxes, you just need to get a certificate from the village council stating that you have land and subsidiary farming. This is necessary to sell duck meat on the market.

But if you plan to sell your products through large retail chains, then you will need to register there as a KFK or individual entrepreneur. For large volumes of products, it is better to additionally consult with the tax office to find out what form of taxation your activity falls under.

But for small volumes, there is no need to register anything and you don’t need to pay any taxes, and your products can be sold on markets.

To sell duck carcasses on the market, you will need the following documents:

  • A certificate from the village council stating that you have a personal subsidiary plot.
  • Certificate from a veterinarian for the livestock.
  • Seller's health record.

A complete list of required certificates must be obtained from the SES, which is located on the market; each market has its own rules and requirements.

But besides meat, you can make good money selling hatching eggs and day-old ducklings. In the spring, the market demand for day-old young animals is very high and the price for ducklings is always high.

Organizing a duck breeding business is a fairly promising activity that is attracting more and more novice entrepreneurs. This is due to the fact that duck meat is always in price and has stable consumer demand. Before starting your own business of breeding these birds, you need to carefully study all its intricacies.

Advantages and disadvantages of business

Among the positive aspects of breeding ducks for sale are the following:

  • the ability of ducks to reproduce quickly, which allows for a rapid increase in the number of livestock in the future;
  • the bird does not require care (this greatly simplifies the breeding process for beginning entrepreneurs);
  • unpretentiousness in food, which significantly reduces the amount of investment on feed;
  • the opportunity to organize waste-free production: when breeding ducks, not only poultry meat is sold, but also eggs, as well as feathers and down;
  • no need to purchase expensive equipment.

This business also has its disadvantages, which include:

  • the need to prepare a lot of documents to ensure the quality of meat and eggs;
  • need for large plot land for walking birds and the presence of a reservoir nearby so that they can swim: in no case should you keep the bird indoors;
  • regular livestock monitoring.

Having decided to breed ducks, an entrepreneur must study all the features of the chosen breed (care, nutrition, possible diseases).

Investments, profitability and payback

Any start of your own business requires a competent approach and careful study of a particular industry. Breeding ducks for sale is no exception. Before you take action, you will need to draw up a detailed document. It will not only speed up the creation and development of a business, but will also allow you to avoid most of the mistakes that novice entrepreneurs often make.

To become better acquainted with such a business and learn all the intricacies of running it, it is recommended to start with a small number of ducks.

To open a small farm (100 individuals) for breeding ducks, you will need the following investments:

  • to equip a poultry house you will need approximately 40,000-50,000 rubles (building a building from scratch will cost 300,000-350,000 rubles);
  • purchasing the necessary equipment and inventory (incubators for hatching chicks, feeders, drinking bowls) will cost approximately 50,000-60,000 rubles;
  • purchasing a livestock of ducklings will cost 9,000-11,000 rubles (the average cost of one duck is 100 rubles);
  • purchase of feed – 10,000-20,000 rubles;
  • unplanned expenses - 20,000-30,000 rubles.

According to calculations, opening a small poultry farm for breeding ducks will cost approximately 120,000-170,000 rubles, but only if you have your own premises for arranging a poultry house. The payback period for such a facility will be approximately a year.

Based on the experience of already operating duck breeding farms, profits can be planned as early as 7-8 months after the start of work. The profitability of such a business is 50-70%, which is considered a pretty good indicator.

For a higher one, you should actively work on expanding the farm so that over time the number of ducks is at least 1000 pieces. Then the income will be solid.

Duck breeds for breeding

A thorough analysis of the characteristics of different duck breeds will help you choose the optimal type of bird for breeding. The success of the mini-farm largely depends on this.

Ducks are divided into meat-bearing and egg-laying ducks. The first species is characterized by rapid weight gain, and egg-laying birds produce a lot of eggs, which makes it possible to increase the number of birds relatively quickly.

The most popular breeds of ducks among farmers are the following:


This species is classified as meat. Peking drakes are capable of gaining weight up to 4-4.5 kg, which is a very good indicator. Females are half a kilogram lighter.

Ducks of this breed are distinguished by their endurance, omnivorousness, and unpretentiousness in maintenance. They can be crossed with other breeds.

One Peking duck can produce from 80 to 120 eggs per year.

Musk or Indian duck

A calm, unpretentious bird, capable of producing about 100-110 eggs per year. In 60 days, the duck gains weight of about 3 kg. Drakes weigh about 6 kg.

Indian runners

This breed is egg-laying and is an excellent option for breeding livestock. Over the course of a year, it produces about 200 eggs, but gains very little weight – around 2 kg.

Indian runners are well suited for crossbreeding with beef breeds.


An artificially bred species, the result of crossing the Peking and musk breeds.

It has extremely slow growth, by 3 months it gains up to 4 kg of weight, and in six months it reaches a weight of 6 kg. It feeds mainly on grass.

One of the disadvantages of this breed is the inability to have offspring.

Black white breasted

Externally, ducks of this breed are similar to musk ducks, but have less weight. It is approximately 2.5 kg by 3 months.

The breed is egg-laying; one duck produces about 130 eggs per year.

In order for the business to bring maximum profit, it is recommended to have both egg-bearing (for further development and increase in livestock) and meat (for obtaining and selling meat) breeds.

Necessary equipment, arrangement of poultry house and walking areas

To create a duck breeding business you will need the following equipment:

  • freezer for storing basic products: eggs and meat;
  • incubators: standard capacity - 60 eggs, average cost - about 5-6 thousand rubles per unit;
  • special machine for plucking ducks: the device will help you save as much time as possible this process, the cost of such a machine is about 6,000 rubles;
  • feeders and drinkers.

You can reduce the amount of investment by making your own feeders.

The room for keeping poultry must be well insulated, since ducks do not tolerate sudden changes in temperature. It will be necessary to build ventilation to supply warm air during frosts. To keep the livestock warmer in winter, half of the poultry house can be covered with grass.

The floor should be 25-30 cm higher than the ground level: this will prevent rodents from entering the duck breeding area.

The premises should be divided into several zones, since young animals and broodstock should be kept separately. Nests will need to be provided for the breeding colonies to allow them to incubate the eggs.

In winter, it is necessary to provide birds with artificial light in the morning and evening time, which is due to the short length of the day. The room must also be ventilated periodically.

As for the walking enclosure, there is certain rule, which stipulates that two individuals should have a space of 1 square meter. m. That is, for a livestock of 200 individuals you will need an enclosure of at least 100 square meters. m. The walking area must be surrounded by a fence.

It is necessary that there is a pond on the territory of the enclosure for walking. If there is none, you can build an artificial pond for swimming.

Feeding the bird

As for feeding ducks, their food is quite simple. In summer, birds eat a lot of grass, which significantly reduces feed costs. However, vegetation alone is not enough for full growth, so it is necessary to feed the ducks with wheat and mixed feed throughout the day. The latter is best given in the form of wet mash (compound feed mixed with grated beets, boiled potatoes or other additive).

You can also reduce your feed costs by thinking about the location of your farm from the start. If there is a pond nearby, the birds will find an additional source of food: they eat plankton and algae.

In summer, ducks need to be fed 2 times a day, in winter - 3. In order for a bird to gain weight of one kilogram, it needs to eat 3.5 kg of feed.

It is most profitable to keep breeds that, provided they have good nutrition, can gain maximum weight in 2 months (muscovy ducks).

Birds should always have food in their feeder so that they can refresh themselves at any time.

Breeding ducks, caring for chicks

There are three ways to breed birds:

  • closed;
  • walking;
  • limited walking

When choosing a walking method for birds, you will need more space than usual - approximately 10 square meters. m for one duck. When closed method dilution can be done with 1 sq. m for three individuals. With a limited-range breeding method, the recommended area for one individual is 2 square meters. m.

The most optimal is the walking method: in in this case the birds will be much more comfortable, but care must be taken to organize supervision of the livestock.

Regardless of the maintenance method, you will definitely need to hire a poultry keeper.

To breed your own ducklings you will need 3 drakes and 10 ducks (both must be adults). This will be enough for a start so that in the future they will regularly produce offspring.

Chicks can be hatched in two ways: naturally (incubation) and artificially (in incubators). Both methods are effective. In the first case, the birth rate is lower than in the second, since it directly depends on the manifestation of the duck maternal instinct. The larger the planned brood, the more brood hens will need to be purchased.

Breeding chicks through an incubator gives a birth rate of 90-95%. This method will require constant monitoring and care of newborns, as they will develop without a mother.

For the first 30 days, newborn ducklings should be kept in a warm room protected from rain. The room temperature should be 24-26 degrees. Gradually, as the chicks grow, it can be reduced.

The first few weeks of daylight should last up to 22 hours. It can be gradually reduced, and within a month it will be the usual 14 hours. To provide sufficient light, special lamps must be installed.

Where ducklings are raised, the floor is covered with straw or sawdust to create a warm cushion. The coating must be turned periodically to maintain its dryness. As soon as the litter becomes very damp or dirty, it must be changed or the next layer must be poured on top.

During the first two weeks, ducklings need to be fed up to 6-7 times a day. Then the number of feedings can be reduced to 4-6 times. When the ducklings are one month old, these numbers must be gradually reduced to the usual three times.

Starter food for chicks should contain corn (about 60%), oats (20%), barley (10%), soybean meal (5%) and healthy additives (chalk, meat and fish meal, shells). All components are thoroughly mixed, crushed and moistened. It is also recommended to add cottage cheese, boiled potatoes, and herbs to such mixtures.

Duck diseases and their prevention

Among ducks, diseases such as oviduct pathologies, colibacillosis, salmonellosis, coccidiosis, typhoid, and cholera can develop.

The development of diseases in ducks negatively affects not only the health of the livestock, but also the business as a whole, since one sick duck can infect all the others (chicks are most susceptible to diseases).

To reduce the risk of developing diseases, it is necessary to take preventive measures. You should:

  • carry out regular cleaning of premises using manganese and lime, carry out disinfection measures;
  • include in the diet of ducks food rich in various vitamins, which is especially important for young animals;
  • ensure that individuals of different ages are in different rooms;
  • treat work equipment with disinfectants;
  • add garlic and onions to the food.

The measures listed will help keep ducks clean and protect them from various diseases.

Business registration

To start a duck breeding activity, you will need registration (individual entrepreneur) or a peasant farm (peasant farm). farming). You will also need to undergo special certification of the products and the duck farm itself.

If production is at the initial stage of development (volumes are small), then it will be enough to register this type of activity as a personal subsidiary plot (LPH). Such registration requires a minimum of paperwork. Another advantage of this type of registration is the absence of taxes.

Watch the episode of the program “Your Own Farm” about personal experience in breeding ducks for sale:

Breeding ducks as a business is a profitable activity, since you can sell not only meat, but also eggs, as well as feathers and down. When doing this, it is important to remember the need for high-quality poultry feed and decent living conditions.

One of the fairly developing areas in business at present is duck breeding. This type of activity brings good profit and is part of almost every small .

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Duck breeding often begins as a simple hobby, but then develops into a serious and profitable business. Like any business, this business has a number of its own nuances and features. Let us consider in more detail what such an economy should be like and what is required for this.

Breeding goals:

  1. Organize production of poultry meat for sale.
  2. Receive in the process of activity, poultry down and feathers with its further processing.
  3. Receive stable income.

The advantages of this type of activity are:

  1. Waste-free production, since the bird brings meat, eggs and fluff.
  2. Good taste of ducks, since poultry meat contains a huge amount of useful and quickly digestible microelements.
  3. When creating the normal functioning of production, you can achieve good results and receive finished products in the form of meat up to 3 kilograms per individual.
  4. Raising individual breeds of ducks, whose liver is used to prepare expensive delicacies.
  5. Easy to Feed: Ducks are able to accept both plant and animal food. We can say with complete confidence that this bird species is omnivorous.
  6. High productivity poultry production.
  7. For breeding ducks You can use special cages, which allows you to limit the space and monitor the production mechanism, or rather the supply of food, water and egg collection.


  1. For more efficient growing and breeding of birds, a natural habitat is necessary,
  2. When keeping ducks in cages, adipose tissue is quickly deposited, which leads to a decrease in the quality of meat,
  3. If available big number individuals, this may lead to the fact that the nearest body of water or lake will lose its aesthetic appearance. Ducks will definitely leave tracks all over the perimeter, and droppings will also accumulate. The surface of the reservoir will be clogged with fluff and feathers, which is also a big disadvantage.

Choosing a breed for breeding

The breed of duck is selected taking into account the purpose of their rearing.

Several groups can be distinguished, based on which it is necessary to buy one or another breed of bird:

  1. Breeding poultry for the purpose of producing duck meat. Their distinctive feature is that they are able to quickly gain weight in a short time. In about 2 months, the mass of an individual reaches up to 2.5 kilograms. Pursuing this goal, they acquire Peking, Rouen and gray Ukrainian breeds.
  2. Breed egg-laying birds. They are significantly smaller in weight than meat ducks, but they produce a larger number of eggs. Indian runners are in the lead. Their productivity reaches approximately 200 eggs per year. For these purposes, you need to choose the Orpington and Mirror duck breeds.
  3. Raise meat and egg poultry. This is a versatile choice that allows you to get meat excellent quality and a sufficient number of eggs. Individuals, reaching 2 months, gain weight up to 1.5 kilograms. The following poultry breeds are suitable for raising at home: black white-breasted, cayuga, coral duck and white allier.
  4. Breed ornamental breeds with the aim of beauty and natural harmony with nature. This group is represented by ducks of the Mandarin duck breed, teal - kloktun and teal - whistler.

What is necessary?

In order to start raising ducks, you need to take care of the following:

  1. To have in stock all necessary documentation.
  2. Choose the right one room.
  3. Buy necessary equipment and inventory.
  4. To do business will require hiring staff.
  5. Purchase desired breeds of ducks.
  6. Develop technological process.
  7. Think over and organize a sales line finished products.
  8. Analyze expenses and income, and also take into account everything problematic issues problems that may arise when doing business.
  9. Calculate How long will it take for your production to pay for itself?

Let's look at each point in more detail.


When you have just started duck production, you should not rush to register it as a business, or rather, register as a peasant farm or individual entrepreneur. There is no urgent need for this. Registration and legal registration mandatory provided that the productivity of the activity exceeds 5 tons of finished meat products.

If this type of activity is not of the indicated large-scale nature, it is best to register it as a personal subsidiary plot.

There are no difficulties in its design. All you need is a certificate plot of land, which will record whether you are the owner or tenant of the site.

This document can be obtained from the administration rural settlement or a dacha partnership. The main advantage of registering production as a private household plot is that it is not taxed and there is no paperwork.


Any well-prepared room is suitable for breeding ducks. If it is made of wood, then it is necessary to carry out plastering and caulking; you can use plywood and whitewash, or use clay with the addition of straw for finishing.

In cold weather the room should keep warm, and in hot weather it should be cool. When organizing a poultry house, it is important to pay attention to the floors. They should be located approximately 25–27 centimeters above ground level, which will protect birds from rodents.

The floor should have bedding up to 30 centimeters thick. The following are well suited for this: straw, shavings, peat and even sedge.

High performance is directly dependent on room temperature and light duration. In cold weather, the temperature should not be less than -5 degrees. If it gets colder, the ducks will stop laying eggs. The bird loves when the room is warm and dry.

Don't forget to properly design the light mode, which plays an important role. Its effects help increase hemoglobin and vitamin D. All this also affects the productive characteristics of the business.

In winter, try to increase daylight hours. It should reach approximately 14 hours. Try to illuminate the room in the morning and evening hours.

A good location for a hole would be the south and southeast. Adhere to accepted sizing standards. The width should be no more than 40 centimeters, and the height should be 30.

If possible, it is worth organizing an aviary for walking birds. Use metal mesh and wooden slats as fencing. A good solution would be fishing nets. The height of the fence on the ground is 1 meter.

If the fence touches a body of water, its height should be 50 cm. Don’t forget to make a fence underwater as well, so that when diving, the ducks don’t swim out of the area. In hot weather, awnings are used.

In winter, it is necessary to clear the snow from the perimeter for walking and cover it with straw.

Advice: never force a bird to walk.

Equipment and inventory

For the normal functioning of a duck breeding business, it is necessary to correctly select equipment and inventory.

To create a feeder, use boards no more than 2 cm thick. There must be a bar in the upper part, which will prevent the bird from climbing into the feeder and walking on the feed. It also serves another functional purpose, namely as a handle. The feeding area is divided into a couple of compartments. For example, separately for limestone and separately for shell.

Since ducks prefer to drink a lot of water, it is worth organizing a fairly large drinking bowl.

Tip: the water should always be clean.

You can make a drinking bowl from wood or metal. Keep in mind that one individual consumes 600 ml of water per day. Therefore, during construction, it is worth considering the number of birds and the consumption of total water. From these calculations a drinking bowl is made. Its standard and recommended height is 20 centimeters.

For correct formation For nests, use plank or plywood.

To arrange nests, it is necessary to place them in the darkest places in the room, but also do not forget that access for collecting eggs is accessible and practical.

The usual nest size is 40x50 cm with a height of 50. The nest entrance must be equipped with a threshold that will prevent eggs from rolling out and will also hold bedding material.

Nests are built on a quantitative basis of 1:3, that is, only 1 nest is designed for 3 individuals.

Eggs are collected in the morning and evening.

As additional equipment you will need:

  1. Incubator for breeding duck offspring.
  2. Car for feather plucking.
  3. Freezer.


Running a duck production alone is quite difficult. To avoid additional costs that will arise when hiring staff, it is recommended to create a family contract.

If this is not possible, then employees will be required to look after the bird, feed it, and also carry out cleaning activities. Additionally, a driver will be needed who will perform the functions of delivering meat products to customers.


For normal growth of birds, it is necessary to use a combined feed that contains the following components:

  1. Feed components: various grain crops and wheat bran, meal and peas, as well as technical fat, milk powder and shells, table salt and premixes.
  2. Definitely greens.
  3. Mineral components.

Peking ducks

The most common breeding option is the Peking unpretentious breed of ducks. Not much feed is spent on production, but at the same time its weight increases well. Breeding this particular breed at home is considered a profitable business.

A good option would be to breed indo-ducks. This breed is distinguished by lean meat. Also recommended for growing at home.

Breeding technology

The main method of hatching ducklings is an incubator. The eggs are placed in the apparatus for approximately 30 days. When choosing an incubator, preference should be given to models with automatic egg turning.

The number of young animals produced is, unfortunately, insignificant. This happens because the shell of eggs contains pores through which external environment an infection occurs, which subsequently leads to the death of the chick. For these purposes, it is recommended to regularly carry out disinfection measures.

Tip: Duck eggs should not be water-treated before being placed in the incubator.


Finished products are sold mainly in markets or restaurants. A good option for the sale of catering organizations, so problems with the sale of finished products should not arise.

It is important to know: It is mandatory to have product quality certificates available. Without this document, it is unlikely that it will be possible to sell poultry in large quantities to stores and retail outlets.

As for eggs, they can also be sold or used for further breeding of duck offspring.

Poultry meat products are priced quite expensive on the market. average cost one duck weighing up to 5 kilograms is 1800-2000 rubles.

Profit will also come from duck droppings, which will be bought up by gardeners during the vegetable growing season.

Possible problems and financial side of the issue

  1. Main problem, which creates difficulties when breeding ducks - all kinds of poultry diseases, including avian influenza. For these purposes, it is recommended to carry out preventive measures,
  2. Creation of a certain microclimate in the room. It is necessary to control the noise level, which should not exceed 60 dB.

Beginning businessmen who have chosen duck breeding as their area of ​​work make a profit:

  1. From the sale of poultry meat products. As a rule, poultry is raised for only 2 months, so it turns out high turnover finished products.
  2. From the sale of down and feathers,
  3. From the sale of duck droppings.

At the initial stage of organizing this type of business, huge financial investments are not required. You only need to spend 200 rubles. Approximate calculation: if there are 250 birds available, 2.5 tons of feed will be required. The price of compound feed is 8 rubles per 1 kilogram, then in the end total consumption comes out to 20,000 rubles.

It is worth considering the cost of paying for electricity, which costs 20 rubles per bird. As a result, total amount expenses turn out to be 25,000 rubles.

The average cost of 1 kg of duck meat is 200 rubles. Considering the weight of the carcass after processing is 2 kg, then 1 individual brings an income of 400 rubles, and the total profit is 100,000 rubles.

Everything you need to start a business– organize production and purchase chicks.

  1. Plan to build 2 poultry houses at once, where in one there will be breeding ducks, and in the other - young animals.
  2. Keep a duck not worth more than 2 months.
  3. To obtain permits To sell poultry, you must notify your local veterinarian in advance.
  4. Needs to be taken care of about good ventilation in the poultry house.
  5. For poultry breeding Muscovy and Peking ducks are best.

Russian Agriculture remains one of the most profitable niches to start a business. Farmers today have a constant income from breeding animals and birds, both at home and on a large scale. In today's article we will look at one of available types business for breeding poultry - ducks. Duck breeding as a business is considered a promising area for many aspiring entrepreneurs from the outback. You can start such a business with minimal costs, even own plot. The leading breeds for breeding are Peking and Muscovy ducks (“Indo ducks”).

Any business, even a small one, requires registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. Since you plan to breed ducks at home, it will be enough to register as individual entrepreneur. The procedure will take a little time and money; you will need to pay a state fee of 800 rubles and certification of documents by a notary - 1,500 rubles.

Next, you need to prepare the room and area where the ducks will be raised. This premises must be inspected by the sanitary and epidemiological station, veterinarians and the fire service in order to subsequently receive a product quality certificate. The certification procedure takes place within two weeks, the cost is no more than 10 thousand rubles.

After obtaining permits, you can get down to business, or rather, equipping a poultry house for young ducks.

Poultry house arrangement

Ducks, unlike chickens, lead a terrestrial lifestyle, so they do not require much space. Typically, a poultry house is made no more than 1.8 meters along one wall and 1 meter along the other wall, the main objective Such an unusual house means savings on building materials, as well as a reduction in the cost of heating the poultry house. After all, duck breeding covers 5 cycles of 2 months, that is, the first and last cycles occur in winter months

. At this time, the entrepreneur will have to heat the poultry house around the clock; a small poultry house will be faster and easier to heat.

Ducks lead a terrestrial lifestyle, so the area of ​​a poultry house for 50 birds will be no more than 25 square meters It is also necessary to ensure good ventilation and bedding in the house. Ventilation will be needed in the cold season to supply warm air. The following calculation must be made for bedding: 1 duck (from birth to slaughter) = 6 kilograms of bedding. IN

summer season There is almost no need for bedding, since no additional heat is required. The area of ​​the poultry house is calculated on the basis that three ducks occupy 1 square meter of room. That is, for a small home production you need 20-30

square meters

Opening drinking bowls and mini-ponds will not help the development of the birds, but rather will increase the stress of the ducks. After all, the swimming place will quickly turn into a swamp, a similar situation with open drinking bowls. It is best to equip drinking bowls with a drip water supply system.

It is best to equip drinking bowls with a drip water supply system

Purchasing and feeding birds

For breeding, it is best to purchase Muscovy or Peking ducks. The growing period for Peking duck is 7 weeks, and for Muscovy duck – 11 weeks.

However, the meat of Peking ducklings has 40 percent fat content, while the meat of musk ducks is slightly leaner - 22 percent fat content.

First, you need to purchase young animals; a day-old Peking duckling costs 100 rubles, and a musky duck costs 170 rubles per head. In order to raise a duck, you will need the same amount of money for each individual.

The Peking duck's egg production is 160 eggs per year, but for this it is necessary to maintain a constant light regime.

In order to start breeding poultry, you need to purchase 2 married couples - 8-10 adult birds. One family pair consists of one drake and four females. In order to start breeding, you need to buy at least 2 married couples, consisting of 2 drakes and 8 ducks.. As for duck food, grains and cereals are considered the basis of the diet. After all, grain is the most important source of carbohydrates for ducks; grain is perfectly absorbed by the bird’s organisms.

Also high

nutritional value

brings wheat, barley, oats and corn. In winter, it is necessary to feed the ducks three times a day, and in the summer, give them water more often. Ducks should consume at least one liter of water per day.

Ducks prefer grains and cereals, they are a source of carbohydrates and are well absorbed by birds.

Necessary equipment

In order for the farm to be profitable, you will have to spend money on equipment that will help in raising and slaughtering poultry. For this you will need: an incubator, a feather plucking machine and a freezer.

A standard incubator holds about 60 duck eggs, its price varies from 4.5 to 6 thousand rubles.

For a small farm, it is enough to buy a standard incubator for 60 duck eggs

A plucking machine will cost 6 thousand rubles, but will significantly speed up the plucking process.

The main sales products are duck meat and young animals. A kilogram of duck meat costs about two hundred rubles; on average, two-month-old ducks reach a weight of 2 kilograms.

That is, one carcass will cost about four hundred rubles. The growing cycle is from 7 to 11 weeks. The most acceptable places to sell duck meat are restaurants and markets. Restaurants and cafes willingly purchase duck meat, as duck dishes are in great demand.

The price on the market will be much lower than the purchase price in a restaurant, and in addition, to sell you will need to obtain a number of trade permits. First of all, it is necessary to carry out a clinical examination of the carcasses by a veterinarian, who will provide a certificate of pre-slaughter inspection, and after slaughter, a certificate of compliance with the standards and health of the bird will be required.

After this, it is necessary to obtain from the veterinary station a document authorizing the transportation of cargo to the market, as well as a conclusion from a veterinary and sanitary examination of the batch of meat.

Expenses and income For a small farm of 250 birds annually, you will need starting capital of 25-30 thousand rubles.

The calculation is made as follows: a two-month-old duck consumes 10 kilograms of feed during its life, costing 8 rubles per kilogram. We will also add electricity and transportation costs - 20 rubles for each duck. Total 100 rubles per duck. We will also add to the expenses the arrangement of a poultry house - about 5 thousand rubles, the purchase of 2 families of ducks - 4,000 rubles, the purchase of equipment - from 40 to 60 thousand rubles. Total initial costs are 75-100 thousand rubles. Lease payments

and we exclude personnel costs due to small volumes and home breeding.

Now about income. The average price of 1 kilogram of duck meat is 200 rubles, the carcass weighs about 2-2.5 kilograms, which means the cost of the head is 400-500 rubles. If we multiply 250 ducks by 400 rubles, we get an income of 100 thousand rubles. Therefore, a mini-farm for raising ducks will pay for itself in the first year of operation. As we can see, duck breeding is a promising and profitable activity for a novice entrepreneur, but his annual income is too small to engage only in this type of business. Therefore it can appear in the form additional income

or become a starting point, after which you can open several more similar farms with the same income.

According to experts, duck breeding as a business for subsequent sale has great prospects. To organize a small farm does not always require a lot of finance. Build a poultry house, equip it correctly, make an aviary for walking, purchase young animals and feed, calculate profitability, draw up documents, which is not difficult. But this is not enough for successful business. The tips in this article will help those who decide to start a duck breeding business.

General information

To turn duck breeding into a business that will become the main source of income, take care to constantly increase the number of ducks. If the farm is small in size, 250-270 birds can be raised on it. To maintain the number of birds in such quantities, you will have to constantly buy 50-60 young birds. To reduce production costs, in your business plan, provide conditions for maintaining breeding ducks. It is more profitable to update the composition of ducks with hatched ducklings than to buy them.

How successful this business will be depends directly on the choice of breed. Meat breeds are kept to sell duck meat. These ducks are gaining fast heavy weight, which reduces the time for their maintenance.

If the young animals are fed correctly, after two months they will gain weight up to 2.5 kg. Ducks of meat breeds can lay up to 30-40 eggs each period. Several breeding individuals are enough to regularly change and replenish the bird population.

Ducks of egg-laying breeds gain less weight than meat breeds, but lay much more eggs. Conventional breeds have good meat quality, although they lay fewer eggs. The best poultry representatives are selected for breeding, and the rest are used for meat.

In order for duck farming as a business to be successful, Peking ducks are bred. They can lay up to 170 eggs per year. To maintain the livestock, two duck families are needed. Two drakes and about 10 ducks are enough.

Poultry house for young animals

It is not necessary to build large premises to raise ducks. The front wall of the poultry house is made 1.8 m high, and the back wall is 1 m high. Such dimensions are used during construction not for the sake of saving materials, although this is also important.

Duck rearing occurs in five periods, each lasting two months. The initial cycle occurs at the beginning of winter, and the last at its end. It is during this cold time that the room needs constant heating, but since it is small in size, energy consumption is reduced.

A duck breeding room needs constant ventilation. In order not to ventilate the room by opening doors, it is better to make a forced air supply, preferably warm. This will incur some energy costs, but only in winter. In the warm season the bird is most days in the enclosure. The floor requires bedding. In summer it is practically not used, and in winter it will require 6 kg per duck.

The area of ​​the room can be calculated quite accurately. To keep three ducks you need at least 1 square meter. m. It turns out that in a poultry house of 20 square meters. m. you can raise 50 individuals. Next we calculate taking into account the expected number of livestock.

When thinking through a business plan for breeding ducks, it is necessary to take into account the organization of the place where the birds will be walked. If there are, for example, 100 ducks, it is enough to make a fence over an area of ​​50 square meters. m, for 2 ducks 1 sq. m. A pond should not be made in the walking area, otherwise the designated area will turn into a dirty puddle.

Room for keeping breeding ducks

If the farm is designed to raise 250 ducks, then for each period of replenishment of the poultry population, 50 ducklings will be required. Where can I get them? It's easier and faster to buy them. But it's worth it additional expenses. In the initial period of growing a duck business, this is noticeable. There is no profit yet, but the cost is increasing. While the Peking duckling grows up, an amount equal to its purchase will be spent. It is more economical to keep breeding ducks.

Let's take Peking ducks as an example. This is an egg-laying breed, and its young are guaranteed. Productivity is greatly influenced by the duration of the light regime. The longer it is, the better. When building a poultry house for breeding birds, this will have to be taken into account.

The plan for building the premises is the same for both young animals and breeding individuals. They differ only in area, since adult ducks need more space than ducklings. For two married couples, each of which consists of a drake and 2-3 ducks need 4 sq. m. Two families are enough to get 250 ducklings.

Equipment and inventory

After completing the construction of the premises for keeping and breeding poultry, install equipment in it and in the aviary. You will need feeders and drinkers. For young animals, place feed containers in several compartments. While the ducklings are small, they will need an automatic waterer, which you can make yourself. It is enough to use a water container and a tray on which to install it. For an adult bird in the summer, you can install a drinking bowl in the aviary from a piece of plastic sewer pipe with oval holes in the upper part. Don't forget about the nests.

Additional equipment will also be required to run this business. If you plan to raise young animals on a farm, purchase an incubator. You may need two, since duck eggs are larger than chicken eggs and fewer can fit in the incubator.

To speed up the processing of slaughtered poultry, you will need a plucking machine. The cost of purchasing it is less than plucking it by hand. You will also need a refrigerator or freezer. The carcasses may not be sold immediately, so they need to be stored somewhere.

Business registration

We choose the business registration form depending on the number of birds, the size of the farm and the volume of products planned to be sold. For large production volumes, you can register as an individual entrepreneur. If you draw up documents for an agricultural enterprise, it will be possible to receive additional tax benefits. But keep in mind that getting them is not easy.

If the business plan for raising ducks involves breeding poultry in small quantities, it is better to create a subsidiary farm (LPH). Although no special benefits are expected in this case, paperwork is cheaper and easier to do. It is enough to obtain a certificate stating that you own or lease a plot of land. There are both pros and cons to registering private household plots: although you won’t have to pay taxes, it is prohibited to sell meat in large volumes. You can sell the meat as surplus from what you raised for your own consumption.

Documents for implementation

When breeding ducks as a business, it is advisable to take care in advance of documents that allow you to engage in trade, so that there are no problems with the sale of poultry meat.

When slaughtering poultry, the presence of a veterinarian is necessary. He must examine the bird and issue the appropriate certificate. Another certificate is issued after slaughter, which indicates that all necessary slaughter measures were observed.

If a batch of meat needs to be transported somewhere, get a certificate from the local veterinarian and stamp the carcasses. The meat undergoes final inspection at the market, where a permit for sale is issued. If the doctor has any doubts about the quality of the meat, he may suggest re-examination. This happens extremely rarely.

This is a non-conclusive description of the required documents, as the procedure for issuing them may differ in some regions.

How to sell products

Due to its qualities, duck meat is in great demand among consumers. There are several marketing options. A good option is to negotiate with the administrator of the restaurant or cafe. In such establishments, poultry meat is always in demand. Another advantage is that you can receive the money immediately. If the products are of good quality, there should be no problems with sales. Over time, when you have regular customers, you will be able to more accurately plan the required number of birds for the future.

The market is also suitable for selling ducks. But trading on the market is convenient for those who have free time, or the opportunity to hire a permanent salesperson. With this sales option, the profit is greater, since the price of meat in the market is higher than in a cafe or restaurant. The only inconvenience is that you will have to undergo an examination each time, and, accordingly, pay for it.

Expenses and revenues of the business, calculation of profitability

Give overall rating expenses for initial stage business is difficult. Prices in stores Construction Materials may vary greatly in different cities. Approximately calculate how much initial capital should be enough to open a duck breeding business. First, find out what ducklings sell for in your area and decide how many young ducklings are needed for the farm. Knowing the number of future livestock, you can determine how much area the poultry house will occupy and what needs to be purchased to build it.

The purchase and installation of equipment will also have to be included in the duck breeding business plan. It's a little easier here. You can find out the price for an incubator, a refrigerator and a plucking machine right away. The cost of feeders and drinkers can be included in the construction materials item. Also consider how much money you will need to purchase the first batch of feed.

Once you know the number of ducks on the farm, you can plan what operating costs are expected. The bulk of the funds will be spent on purchasing feed, paying for electricity, water and equipment repairs. It will take 3.5 kg of feed for the duck to gain 1 kg in weight. In approximately two months, the consumption per duck will be 10 kg of feed. Knowing the price of the concentrate and the quantity of poultry, you can have an idea of ​​future operating costs.

If we talk about income, you can find out based on the price of meat per kilogram. A duck reaches an average weight of two kilograms. Knowing the price of one kilogram, we calculate how much one duck will cost, multiply by the number of livestock, and find out how much can be received from the sale of the entire bird. From the proceeds from the sale of meat, we subtract current expenses and find out net profit. The amount should be decent, since the profitability of one small farm reaches 70%.

If you properly organize the keeping and care of poultry, and find a market, you can make a good profit. Many experienced farmers claim that if you build a farm from new materials, even in this case it will pay for itself in a year. And if you use available building materials, perform some work without involving outside workers, for example, make drinking bowls and feeders yourself, then the payback period for a duck farm will be significantly reduced. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the choice of duck breed, since the final result depends on this.