Four marriage proposals from Nikolai Baskov. Nikolay Baskov: personal life, biography, video

Nikolai Baskov - famous Russian singer and TV presenter. He is rightfully considered a “natural blond” and a “golden voice” national stage. Has many titles and awards.

Childhood and youth

The future celebrity was born in Balashikha, near Moscow, on October 15, 1976. When he was already two years old, his father received a diploma from the Military Academy, and the whole family was forced to move to the German town of Dresden for five years. Nikolai Baskov’s mother worked as an announcer on local TV.

WITH early years Nikolai Baskov’s singing talent was visible. At the age of five he sang in a beautiful soprano. Therefore, the parents knew what it would be like future profession. It is possible that Creative skills“natural blonde” was passed down from my great-grandfather on my mother’s side.

Nikolai Baskov went to first grade in Germany. Two years later, my father was transferred to serve in Novosibirsk. There the boy studied from 3rd to 7th grade. Few people know, but Nikolai Baskov adolescence was fond of sports. In particular, he was interested in swimming. The future artist even had a youth apparatus.

Nikolai Baskov went to 8th grade in Moscow. Creative disciplines were studied in depth there. For three years, the artist was in a small group. Together the group toured Europe and the USA.

At the age of 12, Baskov had the opportunity to appear on the stage of the Paris National Opera. In The Magic Flute he performed the most difficult role of the third boy. Despite significant successes, at home the Basque felt like an ordinary child. He helped his mother clean the apartment, do the laundry, and set the table.

The family's income was average. In this regard, Basque tried to help his parents. However, the illegal activities did not end well. To free his son, the father had to give his last money.

After their death, the artist’s grandparents left their grandson a large inheritance. The parents decided to sell their dacha, apartment and car so that they would have money to pay for the education of their only child. In 1993, Nikolai Baskov became a student at GITIS. Then his vocal studies began at a serious level. At the end of the very first year, the “natural blond” had to suspend his studies.

Already in next year Baskov began studying at the faculty of opera singing at the capital's Gnesinka. He received his graduation diploma from the educational institution in 2001.

Career start

At the age of 18, Baskov became a soloist in the choir of the Komi Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; in 1998, he was accepted into the service of the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater. In 1999, the artist was invited to work at the Bolshoi Theater.

The year 2000 was marked by the release of Baskov's video for musical composition entitled "In Memory of Caruso". This recording was often broadcast on the prestigious radio station Europe Plus. The then popular composer Alexander Morozov began promoting Baskov on the stage.

Conquest of the domestic stage

In 2000, the public saw Baskov’s first album, “In Memory of Caruso.” A year later, the singer recorded two more records. Popular young singer made the song "Hurdy Organ".

In 2005, a duet composition was released with Ukrainian singer called "Let Me Go". During this time period, Basque toured a lot. He was often invited to the USA and Israel. In the spring of 2009, the “natural blond” of the domestic stage announced his package in the Russian Federation. It ended with solo performances in Moscow.

In 2011, fans heard his next collection, “Romantic Journey,” and five years later, the album “Game” was released. The second album was shown in a huge show. In the same year, Baskov got his own production center.

Television and cinema

Work in this area began with fabulous musicals shown on TV during New Year's holidays. Several times he played cameos in the comedy sitcoms “My Fair Nanny” and “Voronin”.

In addition, Baskov had the opportunity to play in a film about a zombie invasion. The artist showed his creative abilities in the film “Reverse Turn,” where he played the role of a successful performer named Nikolai.

Nikolai Baskov managed to prove himself as a presenter. In particular, I had the opportunity to conduct not just events, but also work for Russian channels. He was the first to be invited to scandalous project"House number 1". The artist worked on the site for three months. In 2005, Baskov was invited to host a TV program of the new format “Saturday Evening”. He also worked on the STS TV channel.

Personal life

Basque learned what carnal love really was at the age of 15. Then, opposite the legendary Intourist, he sold perfume. The young man's first love happened a little later. His girlfriend was the future theater and film actress Natalya Gromushkina.

While studying at Gnesinka, Baskov courted Maria Maksakova. He was an entrance into her house and was introduced to her influential parents.

Nikolai Baskov got married for the first time in the winter of 2001. His chosen one was the daughter of mentor Boris Shpigel. Even then they were saying in show business that in this marriage there was only calculation. After five years of life, Svetlana Shpigel gave her husband a son, who was named unusual name Bronislav.

Despite the idyll, the star couple broke up in 2008. This year, Basque stopped communicating with his father-in-law and part-time producer. The divorce was very difficult for the artist. For the sake of creativity, he had to abandon his own son. By the way, the boy bears his mother’s surname.

In 2009, Baskov began to be noticed in the company of model Oksana Fedorova.

Two years later, the artist built a relationship with the outrageous dancer Anastasia Volochkova. The couple periodically shocked with news about the wedding and their intimate photos. The next chosen one of the “natural blonde” was his colleague Sophie Kalcheva, but he broke up with her in 2017.

In July 2017, Baskov publicly proposed to Victoria Lopyreva. The wedding of domestic celebrities was supposed to take place in the fall of the same year in Chechnya, but later the event was postponed for several months. However, in 2018 the wedding with the model also did not take place. Later, information appeared that there was no point in waiting for the wedding. Due to their busy work schedule, the couple rarely saw each other. Both partners decided to postpone marriage.

Nikolai Baskov was born in the town of Balashikha near Moscow in 1976. Soon, he and his family moved to the GDR, since the boy’s father, a military man by profession, was sent there to serve. At the age of five, Nikolai began to study musical notation, and after the family moved to Russian Kyzyl, he entered music school.

The boy's talent was revealed already in high school, when he began performing on the big city stage. By this time, he and his family lived in Novosibirsk. The troupe in which Basque performed was so good that it toured around European countries and even the USA. Nikolai firmly decided to connect his life with music and in 1996 he entered the famous Gnesinka.

A year later, Basque wins such prestigious competitions as Romansiada, Grande Voce and Ovation. The singer with a wonderful tenor was predicted to have a great future in opera stage, and he happily agreed to perform at the Bolshoi Theater. In parallel with this, the artist thought about variety career and starred in the video for the song “In Memory of Caruso,” which took first place in the Russian music charts.

The hits “fell in” one after another. Every year Nikolay Baskov releases at least one memorable composition. The most notable were “Hurdy Organ”, “You Are Far Away”, “Let Me Go”, “I Will Kiss Your Hands”. A video clip was shot for each of them. Almost no national-level concert is complete without the participation of Nikolai Baskov, and for his contribution to Russian music he has repeatedly received the Golden Gramophone, Singer of the Year, Style of the Year and other awards.

The friendship and collaboration of Nikolai Baskov with the legendary opera singer Montserrat Caballe. Together they performed on European stages more than once, thanks to which Baskov was nicknamed the “Russian prince.” Since 2009, the singer has held the title of People’s Artist Russian Federation. He often appears in a variety of television projects, including “The Voice”, “KVN”, “The Ivan Urgant Show” and others

Personal life

In 2001, Nikolai Baskov married Svetlana Shpigel, the daughter of his own producer Boris Shpigel. In 2006, the couple had a son, Bronislav. Later their relationship went wrong and ended in divorce. Within a few months, Basque decided to connect his soul and heart with famous model and TV presenter Oksana Fedorova, but the relationship again did not stand the test of time.

From 2011 to 2013, the singer dated ballerina Anastasia Volochkova, and then switched to courting singer and producer Sophie Kalcheva. Currently, the couple is still in a relationship, but the lovers are in no hurry to get married. According to Baskov, they are quite happy with their current life, and they are not rushing things.

Personal life of Nikolai Baskov now

Name: Nikolay Baskov Patronymic: Viktorovich Birthday: October 15, 1976. Place of birth: Balashikha, Moscow region Height: 168 cm Weight: 80 kg Zodiac sign: Libra Eastern horoscope: The Dragon Activities: opera and crooner, TV presenter Vk Twitter Instagram Wikipedia

The golden tenor of our stage Nikolai Baskov was born in an elite area known throughout Russia - Balashikha. This happened October 15, 1976. My mother was a mathematics teacher, and my father was a career military man. This is what led to the fact that the family lived abroad for some time. In Germany future star began to get involved in singing, and his mother helped in this.

Table of contents
1. Height, weight, age. How old is Nikolai Baskov
2. Biography of Nikolai Baskov
3. Personal life of Nikolai Baskov
4. Family of Nikolai Baskov
5. Children of Nikolai Baskov
6. Son of Nikolai Baskov - Bronislav Shpigel
7. Nikolai Baskov’s ex-wife - Svetlana Borisovna Shpigel
8. Wedding of Nikolai Baskov and Victoria Lopyreva. Photo and video
9. Photo of Nikolai Baskov before and after plastic surgery
10. Instagram and Wikipedia Nikolai Baskov

Baskov's first wife Svetlana Shpigel

For the first time, Nikolai entered into an official marriage with the daughter of his own producer and very famous metropolitan entrepreneur Boris Shpigel. The solemn event took place in 2001. The couple gave the impression of being perhaps the most ideal in domestic show business.

Svetlana Shpigel, whose biography is filled interesting events, now I’m already very famous producer. Only at the time of her acquaintance with Baskov, everything was somewhat different. Then the young husband was busy building own career, and my wife just opened a PR agency promoting young talents. But in addition to newcomers, Svetlana’s company’s clients also included real masters of domestic show business. Things progressed very successfully, and five years later the young couple became parents. The first-born son Bronislav appeared in their family. Only the family was not strengthened by this event, as many assumed, but began to collapse. Seven months after the birth of the baby, Spiegel and Basque announced their divorce. The process lasted for half a year.

After the divorce, Baskov’s first wife, greatly offended by her husband, forbade him to communicate with his son. The baby was left with only his mother's last name (although before that Bronislav had a double one). Some time later, Svetlana remarried Ukrainian politician and businessman Vyacheslav Sobolev. In this marriage, a daughter, Nina, was born. However, due to political situation In Ukraine, Sobolev not only divorced his wife and settled in Kyiv, but also abandoned his children. Spiegel was very upset, having gone through a difficult divorce, and decided to leave for Israel with her family. She devoted herself entirely to raising her children, and there was a lull on the personal front. The ex-wife of Nikolai Baskov is in no hurry to start a new relationship and is careful not to trust men.

Baskov's wife Sofia Kalcheva

After the divorce famous singer There were several more high-profile novels that did not result in anything serious. In particular, he was fond of model Oksana Fedorova and ballerina Anastasia Volochkova. The public was wary of this relationship from the very beginning. Many fans initially did not believe that such novels could have a happy ending. However, the people's favorite still started an affair with model and singer Sofia Kalcheva, which was called more than serious.

Sofia Kalcheva was born in Moldova on September 26, 1980. She acted not only as Baskov’s lover, but also as his director and producer. As you know, at the time of their acquaintance, Sofia already had a son named Bogdan. Nothing is known about the boy’s father; the mother carefully hides all facts from the public.

Personal life of Nikolai Baskov photo:

In the photo: Nikolai Baskov and Sofia Kalcheva

The romance between Kalcheva and Baskov lasted several years. The girl even started signing double surname, and information about the upcoming wedding was distributed in the press. But the long-awaited event still did not happen. The relationship between the two celebrities began to be called nothing more than just a commercial project. After some time, the young people broke up. However, Sofia is sometimes referred to in the media as " ex-wife Baskov,” equating their relationship to a legal marriage. They did not have children together.

Baskov's new wife Victoria Lopyreva

After breaking up with Sofia, Baskov's loneliness did not last long. Not long ago, the public was notified of the upcoming next wedding of their favorite. This time the chosen one was the beautiful model and TV presenter Victoria Lopyreva. The young people worked together on the program and did not notice how their relationship grew into something more than just cooperation and friendship.

According to Nikolai, their union with Sofia has outlived its usefulness. But right now he is ripe to start a family and get married. New wife Nikolai Baskov was introduced to the public by Ramzan Kadyrov himself. The head of Chechnya personally announced the upcoming wedding and set the date for October 5, 2017. However, the singer’s mother was against it, since this particular day is a day of remembrance in their family. It was on October 5 that Nikolai’s grandfather died. The couple respected this and decided to postpone the wedding. However new date was never appointed. Skeptics argue that the celebration will not take place in the end, because initially it was a well-planned PR campaign.

Personal life of Nikolai Baskov photo:

In the photo: Nikolay Baskov and Victoria Lopyreva

Nikolai Baskov’s wife Victoria, although she has not yet acquired official status, is still social events appears with him. But, according to the paparazzi, she went on vacation alone. The sweet-voiced nightingale, in turn, declared that he wanted to take a break from everything and even from himself. Who knows how their vacation will end, but the public is already pessimistic. Fans don’t really expect that their favorite will finally come to his senses and create a real strong family.

Instagram and Wikipedia Nikolai Baskov
Nikolai Baskov is a fairly public and popular performer. He has his own pages in in social networks. On Nikolai Baskov’s Instagram and Wikipedia you can find out about all the news in life popular artist. He is constantly adding to his collection of photographs. It can be seen along with other stars. There are especially many joint photographs with Maxim Galkin. He takes pictures in nature with animals. Nikolai often posts pictures of him and his beloved girlfriend Sophie Kalcheva. IN last time he could be seen hugging Irina Allegrova and Philip Kirkorov. The picture was taken at one of the concerts in mid-April. On the page you can admire the singer’s vigorous personal activity, as well as leave your comments and reviews.

About 200 thousand people have subscribed to the Instagram page, commenting on the singer’s new photos, dreaming that the star will respond to them. Baskov, of course, looks at the messages, but cannot respond to everyone due to his busy schedule.

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Biography, life story of Baskov Nikolai

Nikolai Viktorovich Baskov is a Russian singer (opera and pop), actor.


Nikolai was born on October 15, 1976 in the town of Balashikha near Moscow. Parents: father Viktor Vladimirovich - colonel, mother Elena Nikolaevna - teacher, mathematician.

When Kolya was barely two years old, his family, due to the nature of Viktor Vladimirovich’s work, moved to Germany. Over the next five years the Basque family lived in Dresden and Königsbrück. His father rose to the rank of deputy division commander (he started as a platoon commander), and his mother, while living in the GDR, worked as an announcer on local television.

At the age of five, Kolya developed a high, sonorous voice—a treble. The boy enters a children's music school, and later - a piano class at the music school at the Novosibirsk Conservatory (the Baskovs moved to Novosibirsk when Kolya was ten years old). In addition, the boy went in for surfing and scuba diving and received a second youth rank. Subsequently, swimming lessons were very useful - a well-developed chest and breathing apparatus are one of the necessary conditions opera singing.

From 10 to 15 years old Nikolai was part of the Children's musical theater young actor went on tour in the USA, Israel, Switzerland, France. At the same time he listens to a lot of operas. The boy's dream of becoming an opera singer arises.

At the age of 12, Nikolai made his first operatic debut - in the opera " magical flute"He performed the part of the third boy.


At the age of 16, Nikolai takes vocal lessons from the Honored Artist of Russia Liliana Sergeevna Shekhova, who told the young man: "Wait, Kolya, time will pass- and they will listen to you and cry"(her prophecies came true). Then the future celebrity enters GITIS, but a year later he is transferred to Russian Academy music named after Gnesins.

At the age of 19, he made his “adult” debut - on the International Theater Day, Nikolai was engaged to perform the role of Lensky (Eugene Onegin) at the Novosibirsk Opera House. After a successful performance, the debutant received an invitation to cooperate from the management Bolshoi Theater. Appreciated the talent young performer and the famous Spanish tenor Jose Carreras, who, after listening to the young Russian colleague, told him: “You are on the right path. You have a teacher, trust only him. Only he and your head can do what you are striving for. There will be a lot of different opinions from the outside and you need to get used to it.”. Carreras invited Baskov to his three-week master class in Spain. These three weeks became young man three years of fruitful creative work on improving your talent. As a result, even the Italians, gourmets of opera singing, recognized that the voice of the young Russian tenor was beautiful, powerful and emotional, and saw in the performing style the influence of the famous Italian school. So, at the age of 22, Nikolai Baskov becomes known to the whole world, he is compared with Caruso, Pavarotti, and is invited to perform in different countries, including to America.



Everywhere Nikolai’s talent meets with admiring reception; after the concert, the Schtuder Deutsche newspaper wrote: “After performing the song of memory, Nikolai Baskov forced the audience to stand for ten minutes of applause. He combines the beauty and purity of the Russian soul, as well as an extraordinary beautiful voice" . Helped this talent to enter the band of fame Russian composer Alexander Morozov, who also fell under the spell of Baskov’s voice and invited Nikolai to perform and record two tracks – his romance and a second one of his choice. Basque chose his favorite composition - “In Memory of Caruso”. The interpretation of these works and the divine flight of his voice brought Nikolai warm gratitude and love from the public in Russia. From that moment on, the musician understands that his talent does not belong only to him alone, his talent is the property of all of Russia. By the way, the singer always treated this property very carefully - he never smoked, did not abuse alcohol, and actively supported sports uniform, was engaged in winter swimming (which is so unconventional for vocalists in general and tenors in particular).

Baskov, together with producer Boris Isaakovich Shpigel, recorded his first album, “Dedication,” at the “Music, Perfection, Beauty” studio, created specifically for Nikolai and equipped with Swiss equipment. The album, in addition to the composition “In Memory of Caruso” that made the musician famous, includes works by Handel, Albinoni, Evgeny Martynov, and others. The resulting stylistic palette is surprisingly rich – from classics to pop. After the release of the album, engagements rained down with even greater frequency and now Basque is singing in a duet with opera prima, which, by the way, presented the album “Dedication” to the public at the fashion club “Dolls”. Music critics believed that the Basques are creating in line with today's cultural trend of popularizing classical academic music; in the West, this trend is supported by many opera singers, including Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman.

In March 2001, Nikolai passed the state exams at the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins. Despite the insane prices, crowds of fans and music lovers purchased tickets (all money received for tickets, as stated, was sent to support the country's famous music university) to listen to Baskov during his exam. Even the Minister of Labor came and social development Mr! The work of the examination committee was complicated by the exclamations of “bravo” and applause that accompanied the end of each issue, but in the end the “excellent” mark took its place. The exam is passed - then life, rehearsals, concerts, disappointment, fatigue and the endless joy of creativity. Laureate International competition vocalists named after Maria Callas in Athens, winner All-Russian competition young performers of Russian romance, laureate of the Ovation Award in the Golden Voice of Russia category, laureate of the Spanish Grand Voce competition - not a bad place to start.

After graduating from the university, Nikolai Viktorovich entered graduate school at the Moscow State Conservatory. . In 2003, she successfully completed her studies, receiving gold medal. But he decided not to stop his studies there. A little later, he entered the master's program at Moscow State University at the faculty government controlled. In 2010, he completed his master's degree, as always, successfully.

In 2003, Baskov left the Bolshoi Theater troupe and began singing in opera houses Yoshkar-Ola (was fired from there in the fall of 2012) and Novgorod. Since then most Nikolai had to spend his time touring various countries - he visited Spain, Israel, and the USA... In every country, in every city, the artist was eagerly awaited by his loyal fans, ready to do almost anything just to hear with their own ears as the golden voice of Russia sings.


On September 14, 2003, Nikolai Viktorovich was nominated as a candidate for deputy in the elections to the State Duma of the fourth convocation. Alas, he failed to get closer to power.

Awards and prizes

Nikolai Baskov has received more than a dozen different awards, prizes and titles, including: Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2001), National artist Ukraine (2004), People's Artist of Moldova (2007), People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2009) and others.

Television and cinema

On July 1, 2003, Nikolai Baskov appeared before his fans in a new image - as a TV presenter. For several months he hosted the “House - 1” program on TNT.

In 2005, he became the host of the entertainment program “Saturday Evening” on the Russia – 1 channel. In 2012, on the same channel he acquired own show called “Marriage Agency of Nikolai Baskov”. At the same time, the “home video of stars” project was launched on the MTV channel, the host of which was, of course, Basque.

In 2010, Nikolai Viktorovich decided to try his hand at dubbing. Ken, the doll from the cartoon “Toy Story,” spoke in his voice. The Great Escape." In 2013, he took part in the voice acting of the animated comedy “Real Squirrel”.

In the period from 2002 to 2014, Nikolai Baskov starred in fourteen films (musicals, TV series and feature films). His debut was the role of Prince in New Year's musical"Cinderella". It should be noted that Nikolai coped brilliantly with his role.

Personal life

On January 27, 2001, Nikolai married the daughter of his producer Boris Shpigel, Svetlana. Almost five years later family life(April 24, 2006) Svetlana gave Nikolai a son. The boy was called very handsome and rare name Bronislav. Unfortunately, soon after this, the relationship between Nikolai and Svetlana began to deteriorate. In May 2008, they officially divorced.

In 2009, Baskov began an affair with one of the most beautiful women countries. They were together until 2011, after which they publicly announced their separation.

In 2014, Nikolai Viktorovich met Sophie Kalcheva, a successful producer. An affair began between the artists, which gradually developed into a serious relationship.

Video by Baskov Nikolay

the site (hereinafter - the Site) searches for videos (hereinafter - Search) posted on video hosting (hereinafter referred to as Video Hosting). Image, statistics, title, description and other information related to the video are presented below (hereinafter - Video information) in within the framework of the Search. Sources of video information are listed below (hereinafter referred to as Sources)...

The life of public people is always hidden behind seven locks. They strive to isolate themselves from paparazzi and annoying journalists, reporting only what they themselves consider necessary. Fans are not at all happy with this state of affairs; they want to know everything about their favorite star, right down to body measurements, clothing sizes and even shoes. Passionate people are difficult to understand for those who have never been a fan of someone. However, one cannot deny the fact of their existence, because if they did not exist, who would then visit concert halls, stadiums and theaters?

Sensitive topic

The hero of today's material will be the public's favorite and conqueror women's hearts Nikolay Baskov. Those who are looking for autobiographical information about him or want to read another heart-warming story about his new hobbies will be bored here, because we'll talk about something completely different. Our article will reveal rare facts and find answers to the most sensitive queries regarding Baskov: height, weight, age and last love famous heartthrob. By the way, due to the fact that various sources in the press publish absolutely opposite data, and the opinions of many experts differ on specific figures regarding the parameters of the famous pop performer, we will conduct our own investigation and find out specific plausible data.

Complex or reluctance to reveal a secret?

Many fans of the country's "natural blond" are interested in the question of Baskov's height. It is known that such information is most often publicly available about athletes due to their professional activity. And there is very little data regarding artists. It is worth noting that some celebrities do not hide their natural parameters. However, Nikolai Baskov never published specific figures. There are rumors that he is embarrassed by his height and has a complex about it. Based on all this, we have to conduct a whole investigation and build a bunch of conjectures and assumptions.

Comparison of Baskov with other stars

In the media you can find data regarding Baskov’s height in cm, which differ from each other. So, for example, the range of numbers is from 168 cm to 174 cm, and in some sources even 178 cm. How to find out the exact figure? In this difficult matter, a comparison of the artist with other celebrities will come to the rescue, data about which (in in this case height) are plausible. We will call on Sergei Plushenko and Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev for help. By the way, it’s worth saying that the blond national pop star has been friends with the first two contenders for more than one year, and met the former president of the country personally in the Kremlin.

Basque and Lazarev

Sergei's height is 1.81 m. He belongs to those men who are classified as “above average”. Against his background (in joint photographs taken on various events) Nikolai Baskov looks much shorter. From here the conclusion naturally suggests itself that the figure equal to 178 cm should be immediately crossed out from the list of real data regarding Baskov’s height.

Nikolai Baskov and Evgeni Plushenko

In the photographs of Nikolai with Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko, whose height also falls into the “above average” category and is 178 cm, one can see the same significant difference as in previous comparison. It is clear that Baskov’s height most likely falls into the “average” range, and in our country, for those who were born in the USSR, it fluctuates around 168 cm. By the way, among today’s youth this limit has increased quite significantly, since 2013 Year, it is generally accepted that its value is 178 cm.

Personal meeting with Medvedev

Nikolai Baskov received state award from the hands of the then President of the Russian Federation Dmitry, a representative of the authorities is no secret and is only 1.62 m. In the photographs taken at the presentation of the award, it is clear that the artist is slightly taller former president our country. Based on all of the above, it is quite simple to draw a conclusion about Nikolai Baskov’s height. The most plausible figure indicated in the media is 174 cm.

Healthy lifestyle

Those who like Nikolai's work remember the period when he first appeared on stage. Basque was engaged in opera singing and showed great promise in this field. However, having made his debut before the audience as a pop performer, the artist retrained, giving his preference to modern song and show business. At that time, Baskov’s age, whose height is now no secret, reached 23 years. The viewer saw Nikolai, to put it mildly, out of shape. He was not athletic fit figure, but, on the contrary, he gave the impression of an ardent lover of delicious food.

It is known that the world of popularity is quite cruel, so every artist has to look 100% in order not to lose fans and be in trend. Nikolai Baskov, whose height is small, understood like no other the whole need to meet generally accepted standards. He took care of his appearance, went on a diet and after a while he could already show the public a good result. By the way, despite the fact that quite a lot of time has passed since losing weight, the artist remains irresistible and continues to lead healthy image life. On social networks, he takes great pleasure in posting photos of his snacks or full lunches and dinners. It is worth noting that his favorite foods are fish and vegetables, and almost no meal is complete without avocados. Now Baskov’s weight and height are in ideal balance, which is calculated by experts, and are 80 kg and 174 cm, respectively.

The artist’s companion who made him think about marriage

Victoria Lopyreva, who appeared not so long ago in the artist’s personal life, as others notice, contributed to his transformation. By the way, the girl is not at all embarrassed by Baskov’s height, although compared to her he looks quite short. Of course, in this case, you can blame everything on Victoria’s shoes, which are most often worn high heels. But the fact remains a fact.

Nikolai noted more than once that it was quite difficult for him to lose weight. At first he tried to play sports on his own, but soon hired an instructor who selected the optimal training system for him. Now on schedule tour artist, compulsory classes are wedged into gym and massage sessions. The girl supports Baskov in all his endeavors, believing that he is quite purposeful and stubborn. She is not at all embarrassed by Baskov’s height. By the way, the artist drinks up to 4 liters of water daily, although some consider this method of combating excess weight to be outdated. Sometimes he still treats himself to ice cream or chocolate, but immediately gets rid of the accumulated calories during training.

And one more point that I would like to mention in today’s material concerns the new image of the artist. Recently, he began to dress completely differently from how those around him were used to seeing him, preferring bright cropped trousers, moccasins on bare feet and stylish tight jackets to formal suits. The singer himself notes that all positive changes are driven by his love for a beautiful woman who is always there.

Final word

Each person in this world is individual and there is no point in focusing on his natural parameters. A talented personality should not be measured in centimeters, but assessed only by creativity. It doesn’t matter how tall Baskov is, the only thing that matters is what positive emotions the artist gives to every listener when performing on stage.