What does it mean if you dream about a dead person? Dream Interpretation about being dead, why you dream about being dead, being dead in a dream. Living people dream of being dead

Intelligent dream book Why do you dream of a Dead Man according to the dream book?

Why see a Dead Man - Trouble in the house; talking dead man - bad weather; moving a dead person means shame or illness; stepping on it means news of death; sleeping with him is success; the living dead - the return of the lost; a dead man asking for a drink means lack of remembrance; dressing a dead person is a disease; lying among the dead means a serious illness; and carrying a dead man is death.

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream book: What does a dead man mean?

Dead Man - Change of weather; talking to him means peace of mind; knowing that he is dead is a very strange event, as the dream book of fortunetellers reports.

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do you dream of a Dead Man?

See in a dream

Dead man - Seeing a dead man in a dream - fortunately, a dead man in a coffin - to material profit, a dead man coming to life - to news, a letter, rising from the coffin - to a guest from the side standing by the deceased - to great trouble, crying - to a squabble, a quarrel, falling apart in ashes - to prosperity, Kissing a dead person - to health and longevity, if in fact he is alive, but if he died, then to a change in the weather. Talking to a deceased person who was your friend in life means arranging your affairs well and behaving with dignity. Seeing yourself dead in a dream means in reality experiencing an unprecedented surge of strength and inspiration, approaching the peak of success. To see deceased relatives, friends or loved ones - to the fulfillment of secret desires, to receiving help in a difficult situation. Taking something from a deceased person in a dream means happiness, wealth; congratulating him means doing a good deed; someone who is eager to see him is a sign that he is poorly remembered. Everything a dead person says in a dream is true. If you dream of dead people alive, this is a sign of great trouble or weakness. Whoever sees a living person dead in a dream will live a long time and be freed from grief.

Big dream book Why do you dream of a Dead Man:

Dead Man - Change of weather; talking with him is peace of mind.

Love dream book

Dead man - If you saw one of your loved ones dead, then you will have to face the betrayal of your loved one, according to the dream book this is how this dream is deciphered.

Modern dream book If you dream of a Dead Man:

Solves the dream book: Dead Man - Unexpected danger

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yu. Longo Dream Interpretation: Dead Man

Dream Interpretation Dead - Having seen a dead person in a dream, you need to prepare for something bad that will affect your family. Perhaps one of your children has gotten into the habit of coming home late; this is at least alarming, and sometimes even dangerous. Try to prevent trouble with all the tact available to you. Reviving a dead man in a dream or seeing him come to life - soon you will again have to face a problem that you thought was solved long ago. The first thing you experience, as if returning to the past, is shock, reluctance to do anything; you just want to run away from the “living” difficulty. However, you need to overcome yourself and calmly, without panicking, find a solution. Talking in a dream with a person who, as you know, has died a long time ago, according to the tradition of dream interpretation, means a sudden change in the weather. Another interpretation is also possible: one of the relatives or simply acquaintances of the person you saw in a dream will try to find you in order to clarify some important issue.

In a dream, what does a Dead Man dream about - Unexpected danger

Dream Book of the Wanderer

What is the purpose of the Dead Man (a dead, inanimate body) - the Moving One - a dying part of the personality of the sleeper himself (usually negative), which still has some influence on his consciousness. Or that part of the rejected energy that is deeply suppressed, repressed, forgotten (to determine which part this is, you need to analyze the dream in full).

Dream book of the sorceress Medea Dead Man according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see a Dead Man (corpse) in a dream - Metaphorical death of some period of your life. A call to new beginnings. Being dead yourself is fortunately a new business. The corpse of a stranger is someone's unexpected help. A reviving corpse is the revival of forgotten affairs and enterprises. Seeing a friend dead means breaking off relations with him.

Spring dream book Why do you dream of a Dead Man according to the dream book:

Dead man in a shroud - For bad weather.

Moving dead man (corpse) - Seeing a dead man moving in a dream is a threat to you.

Why do you dream about Moving a dead person - To the return of the previous disease.

Summer dream book Why do you dream of a Dead Man according to the dream book:

Dead man (deceased, corpse) in a shroud - To the new dead man.

Stillborn child - To a miscarriage.

Moving a dead man - To danger; to see a dead man moving - a test of horror awaits you very soon.

Dream book of psychologist A. Meneghetti Why do you dream of a Dead Man: Dream Book: If you dream of a Dead Man

According to the dream book, why do you dream of a Dead Man (dying) - These are images expressing various aspects of negativity, stereotypes of regressive behavior or specific pathologies associated with dying. deprivation of a person's vitality. A dead man can be a symbol of dead desires due to prohibitions, taboos, the impossibility of realizing them, and therefore, an image of abandonment of oneself (as if killing oneself). If a living person is seen as a dead person, this is evidence of aggression and an attempt to remove this person from one’s path. The image of deceased parents indicates the fear of losing protection. If a positive authoritative person is seen, who in fact is no longer in the world, but is seen as alive, this image can be identified with providence, the voice of in and out, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream of a Dead Man:

To see a dead person, a deceased person in a dream - As the living dream of the dead, it will be big trouble or weakness. Other meaning: long life. If you happen to talk to a deceased person in a dream, then soon there will be some interesting news. Dreaming of a dead person means it will rain; to a quarrel, and more to a change in the weather. I dream of the dead in both snowstorms and rain. The deceased - rain, snow, and from the family - must be remembered. A dead man is unkind. If you dream of deceased parents: mother or father (or both together), then this is an accurate sign - there will be something bad in the family - either with a person or with cattle. Parents from that world let their children know that something bad will happen. I dreamed about my deceased mother - there will be some kind of grief. In a dream, a dead person says: my clothes are torn, then I need to give clothes to someone poor - he will stop dreaming. The deceased calls you with him or says: I will take you, then you will die. And when he drives me away, he says: don’t follow me, you will live.

Dead man in a shroud (deceased, deceased) - Seeing a dead man in a shroud in a dream is a sign of horror.

Dream Interpretation Dead - For lovers - a quick separation.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing a Dead Man in a Dream

In a dream, what does Mertvetskaya dream about - For lovers - imminent separation

Seeing a Dead Man in a Dream - Seeing promises peace and perfect happiness; kissing the dead signifies long life; giving it as a gift is a sign of loss and loss; seeing him lying in a coffin portends illness; to see a person who is alive and well dead means boredom, sadness and loss of litigation; to see a person who has already died for a long time die another time, foreshadows the death of one of his relatives or friends; talking to the dead is a foreshadowing to change your behavior and improve; being dead yourself signifies the favor of a noble nobleman, wealth and long life; to be buried alive, according to some writers, foreshadows sudden death, and according to others it means only a change of state; Seeing the dead come alive portends confusion in business, harm and loss.

Dream Interpretation Stillborn - Towards an impossible dream.

Autumn dream book Why do you dream of a Dead Man according to the dream book:

Stillborn baby – If you dream of a stillborn baby, it means a miscarriage.

Move the dead (corpse) - You should not touch the departed, it can return again and gain strength again. To see a dead man moving is a sign of a new dead man.


The dead man came to life according to the dream book

The dream book explains in detail why you dream that a dead person has come to life. Often what is seen in a dream is connected with the past: nostalgia for days gone by or a reminder of unfinished business. The range of predictions is quite wide, from weather changes to the rediscovery of what had long been considered irretrievably lost.

Failed funeral

Sometimes in a dream you happen to again find yourself at the funeral of a deceased and buried person. With the difference that in night dreams the funeral ceremony has to be interrupted for the reason that the deceased has come to life. Interpreting why such an emotional symbol is dreamed of, Zhou-Gong’s dream book promises news from the past that will literally make the dreamer happy.

If you dreamed that a dead person came to life right at the funeral, and you were lucky enough to see in a dream how this miracle happened, the Ancient Dream Interpreter promises a change in the weather.

Loff's dream book says that a dead man resurrected in a coffin appears in a dream in order to finally resolve a long-standing hidden conflict between people close to him during his lifetime. What you dreamed about serves as a reminder that the “bad world” cannot last forever; someday the time will come to sort things out.

When you dreamed that a deceased person in a coffin opens his eyes, thanks to some of your manipulations, Tsvetkov’s prediction warns that your life will change dramatically for the better.

Popular interpreter

The interpretation of Miller's dream book, why one dreams of a dead person coming to life in a coffin, does not sound too optimistic. The dream foreshadows initially unprofitable and unpromising undertakings that will take a lot of time and effort if you do not listen to the prediction.

At the same time, Miller’s dream book does not see anything wrong with dreaming about the resurrection of several dead people at once. What you see in a dream symbolizes the dizzying success of the sleeper. True, provided that the dream did not cause panic, but positive emotions, for example, the joy of an incredible meeting.

Miller's dream book attaches great importance to conversations with the resurrected. Everything said in a dream should be taken literally. The words of the dead are often confirmed in reality. But it is advisable for the dreamer himself to keep his mouth shut and not allow himself to be drawn into a dialogue.

Behavior of the Risen One

When in a dream you happen to see a person alive again who in reality died, the interpretations attach great importance to his mood. A good mood is considered a favorable sign. Anger or sadness should be regarded as a warning of possible misfortunes.

The calm, peaceful mood of the revived dead person indicates that there is no need to worry about the future, since there is a long period of well-being and prosperity ahead. Finally, you will be able to make large purchases that the sleeper has dreamed of for so long.

An angry dead man foreshadows a serious conflict, the consequences of which will be felt for a long time. A quarrel is possible with a person on whom financial and social status or the family will be on the verge of divorce.

If you dreamed of a dead person coming to life and crying, it is possible that the dreamer’s nervous system is in an equally deplorable state. In reality, it is difficult to control emotions; you are tormented by fears and irritability for no apparent reason.


Why see a dead person in a dream?

What amazing, sometimes unimaginable dreams we have.

Sometimes we even jump up in a sticky cold sweat and complete bewilderment as to why we dreamed of this or that terrible phenomenon.

This is especially true for terrible dreams associated with the afterlife. A morgue, a cemetery, meetings with the living dead - such dreams are more like a horror movie, but they are dreamed for a reason and carry important meaning.

If in the world of dreams we have to see a dead person, this is usually unpleasant and creepy. Sometimes deceased relatives or friends “visit” us in dreams. But sometimes we just have to see dead people, funerals, or, worse, the living dead.

As every dream book testifies, a dead person in a dream is an important sign. It provides valuable knowledge and cannot be ignored.

Unfortunately, most visions of the dead carry a dark and bad meaning and do not promise anything good. But you need to listen to them especially carefully, because it is precisely such a dream that gives a warning about something extremely important.

What happened in your night vision?

Dreams involving the dead can be divided into the most common, such as:

  • You saw in dead person's sleep a person lying in a coffin or in a cemetery.
  • A deceased relative comes to you in a dream and says something.
  • You saw a lot of corpses.
  • You had to see a dead stranger, acquaintance or enemy.
  • You saw the death of a loved one or friend who is alive in reality.
  • You yourself died in your sleep.
  • You hug or even kiss a dead person in a dream.
  • You were buried alive in a dream.
  • You are carrying or moving a deceased person.
  • The dead man gives you something - money, food, clothes.
  • Lie with the dead.
  • You see a living dead man who can behave differently.

There can be a huge variety of dreams involving the dead, and each such dream can portend something important. So you should be careful when trying to decipher what the dead man is dreaming of, and make correct and verified decisions, depending on the advice of the dream book.

I had to see a dead man in a dream

Seeing a dead person in a dream can be shocking and scary. Especially if this is your relative or acquaintance who is alive in reality.

But don't rush to get scared. First, you should find out why the dead man is dreaming - such a dream can warn you about something serious.

1. If in a dream you saw a dead person unknown to you lying quietly in a coffin or on a table, or even you had to visit a morgue or cemetery where a dead person lies, this means that the dream does not pose any danger, but warns and advises you to be more careful.

2. If a dead person lies in a coffin or on a table in your home, this means that you are in danger in life. It may be small, but be careful in everything for a while, look around carefully.

3. If lovers see a dream in which there is a morgue, a dead person, a coffin or a cemetery, this means that the relationship with the other half, even if it has just begun, will not lead to good things and is doomed to collapse.

4. Seeing a lot of dead people in a dream is, oddly enough, a good sign. It promises the sleeper the start of some profitable business, success in all matters. You are on the right path, the interpreter promises.

5. If in your dream you suddenly witnessed how someone unfamiliar to you died, Miller’s dream book will tell you the answer.

This means that you yourself will cope with the difficulties that are now taking place in your life. Get good news, your reality will soon become better and easier.

6. But if in your dreams you saw how a person you know, who is alive in reality, died, this, according to Miller’s interpreter, means a quick separation from this person, worries about this, or at least difficulties and troubles in the relationship with the participant in the dream.

7. But the enemy dying in your dream is a sign that you will win complete victory over him. Of course, this dream does not promise death to a person, he will simply lose in competition with you.

8. If you dream of your own funeral, you have died - this promises you a quick move, or a change of job. In other words, a new milestone in life, a transition to something completely new for you. It may be difficult, but it is a transition to good things.

9. But if you experienced such a thing in a dream that you were buried alive in the ground, do not be alarmed, this only promises anxiety and difficulties in life, but nothing tragic. You may experience a period of melancholy and depression, but you will get through it.

10. In a dream, did you accidentally meet a person who died? This could be your deceased relative, such as a grandparent, or someone you know.

When a dead person does not tell you anything, and does not try to do anything, then this marks something new for you. Business, love, friendship - depending on what connections you had with dead person earlier, during his lifetime.

Contact with the afterlife

Often in dreams you have to not only see a dead person, but also do something with him. In this case, it is extremely important to understand why the dead man dreams.

Such dreams can be especially unpleasant, and almost always carry a warning about something unfavorable and advise you to be on guard.

1. Hugging or kissing a dead person in a dream promises anxiety, obstacles in business, difficulties. You have to make an effort to deal with them.

2. Carrying a coffin with a deceased person in a dream - expect a period of sadness, hopelessness, and depression. The reason may not be tragic, but your feelings will be strong.

3. Trying to move the deceased from his place, to somehow move him - this is a sign that now in reality you are busy with an empty and meaningless task that is needlessly taking away your strength. You should reconsider your affairs and stop doing stupid things.

4. If in a dream you happen to be lying next to a dead person, this means that your relationship with your partner has come to an end, it’s time to end it, they have died. If you take this step, then a new, good future awaits you.

5. And if you are between two dead people, this portends an illness, and it can become very serious. Take this warning and try to prevent the disease.

6. If you had to give money, food, clothes to a deceased person in a dream, this is not good sign. It promises misfortune, a great misfortune that is possible in the near future.

7. Dressing a dead person in a dream is a signal that it is time for you to take special care of your health.

He comes to life!

Undoubtedly, a dream in which a dead person comes to life can be very creepy. As any dream book says, a dead person who becomes alive in a dream warns the sleeper about danger or enemies.

Why do we sometimes dream of the living dead, and what do they want to communicate?

1. If you saw a dead person come to life, the meaning of such dreams is unpleasant - difficulties and delays in business, losses and losses await you.

2. But if he not only comes to life, but also gets rowdy, tries to do something, attack - this already promises serious troubles and worries, so be careful.

3. If a living dead person comes to you and speaks to you, this means an unfamiliar dead person - this means changes for the worse. And if you come and remain silent, on the contrary, for the better.

4. If in a dream a dead person who has come to life is having fun, this portends you good news that will be sent by relatives or a friend. On the contrary, sad dead people dream of bad news and warn that enemies are not asleep.

5. If a living dead man in your dream came to your room and straightened your bed, this promises you illness.

6. Gives you food or money - a good sign, foreshadowing income, prosperity, reward.

7. But if you happen to fight with a dead man who came to life, this means that quarrels with people await you. Most likely, these are your relatives.

Relatives or friends

Deceased relatives are often seen alive. And believe me, they never appear to us without a reason.

Don’t be afraid of the dream and decipher what the deceased father, mother, grandmother or other relative is dreaming about - most likely, they are bringing you important news.

1. If you dream of a deceased mother, father, grandmother, etc., calling you, leading you along - beware, this promises a very great danger. An illness or accident may await you, be especially careful.

2. If a deceased person, whose funeral you attended in reality, came to you and began to talk to you, remember everything he said.

This person in a dream will bring you an important warning or simply reveal a secret. So remember everything he said and take what you hear seriously.

3. A dead person crying in your dream, with whom you were close during life, also indicates danger in life, and advises you to be careful in everything.

Despite the horror of such dreams, instead of being scared, take the advice and warnings into account. And do your best to avoid trouble.


Why see a dead person in a dream?

It often happens that after a loved one dies, he begins to visit friends and relatives in dreams.

In most cases, this causes concern among relatives; it seems that the deceased person appears in a dream for a reason, but as if he wants to predict something or protect him from something.

Some people are frightened by such dreams if a deceased relative or acquaintance appears in a dream. What does the dream book tell? Why do you dream about a dead person? Why do such dreams occur?

Why do you dream of dead people?

Interpreters and soothsayers have different views on when a relative or acquaintance dreamed of a deceased person. Since ancient times, it was believed that the dead come to the living in a dream only to warn the latter about any imminent troubles.

Psychologists decipher such dreams differently. A recently deceased loved one or loved one appears because the living person constantly thinks about the recent funeral, wake, remembers joint events, etc.

No wonder old people say that you cannot hold the soul of the deceased, especially if the funeral happened recently. Such depressive states can be dangerous for the nervous system.

Moreover, if you believe in the other world, then the soul of a deceased person suffers and suffers and cannot find peace. When someone dies, you need to accept it as a life circumstance in which nothing can be done.

Why does a dead person constantly appear in a dream?

1. In the old days, talking or seeing a dead person in a dream is a good sign. Such a dream represents protection from trouble or misfortune in reality.

By ancient interpretations it can be assumed that the soul of the dead acquires the status of a guardian angel, who always only protects the living and helps them avoid bad situations.

2. The dream book interprets such a dream differently. Seeing a dead person is a sure sign of some life changes. Changes in life directly depend on how the dead person appears in dreams.

Human psychology also depends on how to tell a dream. If the deceased frightens the living, then changes are expected to be of a bad nature. If you have a good dream, it is a harbinger of positive emotions and favorable changes.

When interpreting visions, special attention should be paid to what the dead person wants to convey in words. It often happens that such words are prophetic (this happens in most cases if relatives have just held a wake for the deceased). You need to talk to the dead to understand what he wants to say.

3. Various soothsayers claim that the dream of a deceased person appearing alive is very important. Such a dream contains important information about the past of the living. Also, such dreams indicate mistakes made in earthly life.

What to do if a dead person appears in a dream? First of all, you shouldn’t be scared, you should carefully consider the current situation and understand why the person dreamed, what did he want to tell, what to warn about?

With such dreams, believers turn to clergy for help, who advise them to pray for the deceased and light a memorial candle in his honor.

You should not pay special attention to the visions if the funeral for the dead took place quite recently. In most cases, dreams occur as a result of strong emotions of the living, as a result of severe psychological stress.

Predictions from the dream book

It is important to understand that seeing a dead person in a dream is not a terrible omen, and it is certainly not an option that the deceased has come for the living. You just need to correctly interpret the dream in order to understand why such dreams occur.

  • A dream about a close relative, for example, a father or mother, indicates imminent changes in a person’s fate, which he himself is capable of changing.
  • Males appear to warn of possible troubles. It is important to remember the words spoken by the deceased, as they often carry important information.
  • The dream book interprets visions in which voices are heard in different ways. Depending on what is said in a dream, it will happen in life. Evil and harsh words do not bode well; kind and warm phrases mean calm and good luck in business. It is not at all necessary to see a dead person alive in a dream; it is enough to simply hear his voice and understand that it is he.
  • When you dream about your father, he almost always predicts changes in life. A mother in a dream foreshadows changes in her personal life or family-related.
  • You dream about your beloved spouse if the living person has difficult times ahead. life trials. Thus, they warn of possible unfavorable circumstances and adversity.
  • If a relative or acquaintance always seems alive, happy and healthy in a dream, this is the best sign. Dancing with the dead means getting happiness in earthly life. The dream book indicates that such way dead shows that he is well, and that his relatives organized the funeral and commemoration correctly.

The dead dream as if they came to life

When a person dies, but in dreams he appears as if alive, then the dream book interprets such dreams as a harbinger of changes or drastic events in life. To understand what changes will occur, you need to remember the words that were spoken in a dream.

A sick person who has died means bad omens. In this case, in real world will have to face injustice

Hugging the deceased means that fears in earthly life will soon disappear. Kissing or dancing with the deceased is also a good sign; it means calm and peace of mind.

Doing things together with the dead means good changes, rejection of the past and gaining peace of mind. But doing bad things, in this case, means that you have to wait for deception and, possibly, big family problems.

Often, a loved one always appears in a dream when you miss him and remember him with sadness and longing. In this case, it is important to go to the temple and light a candle for the soul of the deceased.

After a person dies but comes back alive constantly in a dream, it means that he has not found peace in the afterlife. Relatives can do something so as not to disturb the soul in vain. There is no point in being excessively sad and grieving, as this binds the soul to the world of the living.

Funeral of the already deceased

The dream book interprets such visions as a harbinger of the end of troubles and life problems. Burying an unknown dead person means quick peace of mind and a quick resolution of existing problems.

Relatives are dreaming - this is a sign of successful resolution of pressing matters. It is important to see the dead person in the coffin and know that he definitely died.

Particular attention should be paid to the surrounding weather during the funeral. To correctly interpret dreams, you need to remember whether there was rain (a harbinger of sadness), sun (meaning joy), wind (changes in life), thunderstorm (unforeseen events), snow (material addition).

It is also important to remember what the deceased looks like in the coffin. When he seems sad in the coffin, then sorrows are coming, a calm and happy person in the coffin means joy. When several people are in a coffin at the same time, this is a sign of confusion and inexplicable situations.

Kissing the dead

When you have good visions in which everyone present is happy and content, this is a favorable combination of circumstances.

Kissing or dancing with the dead is a wonderful arrangement of fate that promises favorable consequences. To understand how favorable fate will be, you need to remember what feelings the kiss brought.

What does it mean to hug the dead? If you dream of a dead person, but you want to hug him, then this is a harbinger of good luck and joy.

Hugging against one's will means experiencing difficulties. Hugging and crying means solving problems that will have positive consequences.

Cry for the dead

It is believed that one should not cry for the dead. To smooth out some of the unpleasant memories from funerals and wakes, you need to think less about sad events.

Crying in a dream is not always good; perhaps tears and sadness will carry over into real life. Cry over coffin of the dead- is to disturb him.

And in real life after such a dream, you must expect unfavorable changes and stressful situations.


Why do you dream of a living dead man?

Dreams about people who have died but then come back to life always cause vague anxiety. To calm your anxiety, you should try to figure out why you dream of a revived dead man. But first you should remember all the details of the dream.

Why do you dream of a revived dead man: general interpretation of the dream

If in a dream you saw a deceased person revived in reality, about whom it is known that he was a rich man, expect quick profit. And vice versa, if he was poor, then a series of failures awaits you ahead.

A dream in which you give your things to a resurrected dead man also speaks of impending troubles. If you quarrel with a living dead person in a dream, it means that you have a bad conscience, something is oppressing you.

If the person who died in reality and was resurrected in a dream was single, then soon you will have to attend a wedding. If, on the contrary, you were married, you will soon have to part with your soulmate. If the living dead is silent in a dream, good luck awaits you in reality.

Why do you dream of a revived dead man in a coffin?

If in a dream you see a deceased person coming to life while lying in a coffin, it means that guests will soon come to you. However, if a resurrected person behaves violently, makes noise and tries to hit, then you should expect trouble.

Why do you dream of a dead man without a head?

If a deceased person without a head appears to you in a dream, you should get ready - an alarming time is coming in your life. Moreover, you may worry about any trifle, making a problem out of nothing.

Why do you dream of a dead relative coming to life?

Seeing your dead father alive in a dream is a bad sign, especially if he spoke to you. This means that some kind of intrigue is being woven against you. If a deceased mother appears in the same dream, you should take a closer look at your health. A deceased brother (or sister) who came to life in a dream means your loved ones are waiting for help from you. Seeing long-buried grandparents alive in a dream means good luck and good health.


Why do you have a dream when dead bodies come to life in a dream?



firstly, it must be remembered in the temple and secondly, they warn against something - especially if one of the relatives

Tatyana Alekseevna

What you have already “buried” will come to life again...

Personal Account Removed

to a change in weather


So there is a magical effect...



Evgeniy Tsvetkov
To rain, change of weather; outside the coffin - a guest.

Sigmund Freud
If you dreamed of a person who had already died in the form of a deceased person, then all his words and actions towards you or your loved ones have the meaning of wishes or warnings. That is, this must be understood in such a way that he would say this if he were alive.

Modern dream book
Seeing a dead person in a dream is a harbinger of a wedding or the birth of a child in the family or with friends; seeing yourself dead means in the future there will be great relief from some worries.

Yuri Andreevich Longo
Seeing a dead person in a dream, you need to prepare for something bad that will affect your family. Perhaps one of your children has gotten into the habit of coming home late; this is at least alarming, and sometimes even dangerous. Try to prevent trouble with all the tact available to you. Reviving a dead man in a dream or seeing him come to life - soon you will again have to face a problem that you thought was solved long ago. The first thing you experience, as if returning to the past, is shock, reluctance to do anything; you just want to run away from the “living” difficulty. However, you need to overcome yourself and calmly, without panicking, find a solution. Talking in a dream with a person who, as you know, has died a long time ago, according to the tradition of dream interpretation, means a sudden change in the weather. Another interpretation is also possible: one of the relatives or simply acquaintances of the person you saw in a dream will try to find you in order to clarify some important issue.

Esoteric dream book
Unfamiliar - to a change in weather. Relatives and loved ones who are alive but dead in a dream - most often this is a warning to you to be careful. The relative himself is not in danger. Those who have died, but are alive in a dream: mother - to good luck; father - for support. Loved ones, friends, relatives - a call to think about the meaning of life. Friends - a blow to your pride awaits you. The dead are calling you with them - if you go, there will be trouble, illness, death; don't go - be careful, you are in danger deadly danger, but it can be avoided, take action. They offer you food - you have a dangerous illness, you need to be treated. If you eat with a dead person, death is on your doorstep. It is better to refuse all offers coming from the dead, but alive in a dream. It is better to give yourself this setting in advance so that it works clearly in a dream. The dead come to life - amazing events, extraordinary adventures. Note: the dead themselves cannot appear in a dream. Their image is only a symbol. The information that we actually receive from the dead is received by us through clairvoyance through other images. The dead do not need to appear to us to guide us on the right path.

Alexsandra Neumann

For twelve days in a row they put a penny under their pillow, then before church mass (until 12 noon) they take the change to the cemetery. They put this little thing on the grave of the one who is dreaming. If the deceased is buried far away, in another city or village, the change is placed on the grave with the same name as the deceased. At the same time they say:
“I brought your share. Sleep, (name), don’t get up.
Do not visit me either in a dream or in reality.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

They stand with their backs to the cemetery gates and throw pennies over themselves with the words:
"Here's a copper penny for you, slave (name).
Don't touch me (name). "

Then they leave without looking back. Until you enter the house, don’t talk to anyone, don’t say goodbye.

artur reschke

A dead child then came to life

Dream Interpretation A dead child then came to life dreamed of why in a dream a dead child then came to life? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to receive online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream a dead child then come to life by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dead

Dream Interpretation - Living Dead

Dream Interpretation - Child

A child is a symbol of hope and the future.

If you dreamed that a child was bitten by an animal, then this dream indicates that in the future there will appear on Earth a large number of vampires, who will primarily pose a serious danger to children. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a meeting with the Antichrist, who will want to make him his disciple.

Seeing a pregnant man in a dream is a sign that in the future what has been talked about for many years will still happen, that is, the man will become pregnant and give birth to a child. This may not happen without intervention. dark forces, but this fact will glorify this man and his child throughout the world.

If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then such a dream warns all of humanity about the danger posed by our polluted atmosphere. For the dreamer, this dream prophesies a meeting with a person who will greatly need his help.

To see a dirty child in the arms of a fallen woman in a dream - the dream suggests that the Earth is in very great danger. In the future SP I Dom, an unprecedented number of people will be infected, and humanity will be on the verge of extinction. But when it seems that nothing will change the plight, a man will appear who will invent a cure for this terrible disease.

If you dreamed of a child who has no limbs, then such a dream indicates that the Earth is in a real threat. Because of environment is very heavily polluted, a lot of children will be born with various physical disabilities, as well as mental disorders.

Seeing a healthy smiling child in a dream is a happy sign. A happy time will finally come on Earth when love will rule the world. People will stop being afraid of wars, poverty and hunger, and therefore many healthy, beautiful children will be born.

Seeing a child running on the ground in a dream means renewal and symbolizes a new humanity.

A dream in which a child squeezes or kills a snake predicts that humanity will find a way to prevent the threat nuclear war.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, this is a sign that you have come to the point in life when you need to reconsider and change your life.

Seeing a crying child means endangering your future.

Looking for your child in a dream means trying to find lost hope.

Seeing a child picking flowers in a dream means spiritual enlightenment.

Holding a baby in your arms in a dream means trying to find a way out of a difficult situation.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

Dead - Unfamiliar - to a change in weather. Relatives and loved ones who are alive but dead in a dream - most often this is a warning to you to be careful. The relative himself is not in danger. Those who have died, but are alive in a dream: mother - to good luck; father - for support. Loved ones, friends, relatives - a call to think about the meaning of life. Friends - a blow to your pride awaits you. The dead are calling you with them - if you go, there will be trouble, illness, death; don’t go - be careful, you are in mortal danger, but it can be avoided, take action. They offer you food - you have a dangerous illness, you need to be treated. If you eat with a dead person, death is on your doorstep. It is better to refuse all offers coming from the dead, but alive in a dream. It is better to give yourself this setting in advance so that it works clearly in a dream. The dead come to life - amazing events, extraordinary adventures. Note: the dead themselves cannot appear in a dream. Their image is only a symbol. The information that we actually receive from the dead is received by us through clairvoyance through other images. The dead do not need to appear to us to guide us on the right path.

Dream Interpretation - Child

Dream about a child: giving birth to a child means wealth. How to dream of an overweight child - these are worries for the good; thin, whiny, worries about the bad. Seeing a small child in a dream is a big hassle. Child - argument, fight. If a woman dreams that she is pregnant or nursing a newborn, there will be profit. An old woman will see the same dream - it foreshadows severe illness and death. If you dream that a child is sucking on piles, then there will be poverty that cannot be unhooked. A child is an attack, a quarrel, troubles. A child on the table comes to life - the death of this child. Many children - anxiety. A child on a man’s shoulders (on korkoshas) means a pregnant woman will have a boy, on a woman’s shoulders a girl will be born.

Dream Interpretation - Child

A cheerful, cute child dreams of mutual love and strong friendship.

A crying child means poor health and disappointment.

A child walking alone is a sign of independence.

A woman who is nursing a child in a dream expects deception from the person she trusts most.

Nostradamus believed that a child dreams as a symbol of hope and the future. He interpreted dreams about a child as follows.

If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then this dream prophesies to the dreamer a meeting with a person who will greatly need his help.

Seeing a healthy, smiling child in a dream is a happy sign. A dream in which a child runs on the ground means renewal.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, then you have come to the point in life when you need to reconsider and change your life.

If you see a crying child, know that you are putting your future at risk.

If you were looking for your child in a dream, you will find lost hope.

Dreaming of a child picking flowers signifies spiritual enlightenment.

If you held a baby in your arms in a dream, you will try to find a way out of a difficult situation.

And here is D. Loff’s interpretation: “As the object of your dreams, a child represents something that requires care and attention. Here it is important to determine whether the sense of responsibility comes from yourself or is it imposed from the outside.

A dream involving a child can be dreamed by women of childbearing age as a reflection of the instinct of childbearing inherent in them. In men, such dreams signal a certain amount of anxiety, especially for sexually active men, which seems to be related to fear of the obligations of fatherhood.”

Dream Interpretation - Child

A child (child) is a symbol of the continuation of life, but also of troubles and anxiety. If you dreamed of a child, then we can say with confidence that in reality you are very worried about what is happening around you, something does not give you peace. A crying child in a dream means that despite your efforts, you are not getting the desired result. Holding a baby in your arms and rocking it to sleep will require a lot from you, and the path to success will not be easy. A dream in which you feed a child promises you a troublesome task, but it will bring you moral and material satisfaction. Punishing a child in a dream means that in reality you experience great inconvenience, and you have to do work that you do not like.

Dream Interpretation - Child, child

When they take excessive care of someone or patronize them, then in this case they say: “Seven nannies have a child without an eye.”

Probably one of the most common expressions is the following: “Whatever a child enjoys, as long as it doesn’t cry.”

A child is a symbol of troubles, anxiety, capriciousness, inconstancy, so if you dreamed of a child, then we can say with confidence that you are very worried about what is happening around you, something is not giving you peace, and as a signal of your state of mind in the dream it appears child.

If you dreamed of a crying child, then this is a sign that despite all your efforts, you will not get what you want.

Holding a child in your arms, rocking him to sleep, putting him to sleep - in reality you will be required to work hard, because the path to success will be very difficult.

A dream in which you feed a child promises you a troublesome task that will end with benefit for you and will bring moral and material satisfaction.

Punishing a child in a dream means that in reality you will experience inconvenience and discomfort, because you will be doing work that you do not like.

Dream Interpretation - Child

It can remind you of the child who lives inside you and gives you such qualities as playfulness, the ability to rejoice, and openness.

Very often you do not recognize childishness in yourself.

Give freedom to the child hidden in you, allow yourself to rejoice and have fun.

If not now, then when? The time has come! This sign may also indicate that old, unresolved childhood issues are rising to the surface and awaiting solutions.

If childhood memories come to your mind, even unpleasant ones: this means that you are going through a cleansing stage and many pressing issues are being reviewed now.

Do you subconsciously desire to have a child? Very often, women, before becoming pregnant, begin to notice children everywhere, even if they consciously do not want to have a child.

If you are at that stage of life when it is not at all desirable for you to give birth to a child, and you begin to see children constantly and everywhere: you should protect yourself especially carefully.

Dream Interpretation - Child

Seeing crying children in a dream means poor health and disappointment.

A cheerful, clean child means rewarded love and many good friends. A child walking alone is a sign of independence and disregard for unworthy opinions. If a woman dreams that she is nursing a child, she will be deceived by the one she trusts most.

It is a bad sign to dream that you are picking up your sick child if he has a fever: this dream foreshadows mental suffering and sadness.


Seeing a living dead man

Dream Interpretation Seeing a living dead man dreamed of why in a dream you dream about seeing a dead man come to life? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a living dead person in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Living Dead

“revived” affairs, feelings, undertakings, plans, relationships, concerns.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

There is trouble in the house.

Sleeping with him is a success.

Dressing a dead person is a disease.

And carrying a dead man is death.

Seeing someone killed is hard work.

To remove the noose from him is death.

Kissing is a profitable business.

To strangle someone means to extinguish the matter.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

A dead person dreams of rain, in general - a change in the weather, or the unsuccessful completion of some business, or an unexpected danger.

A quiet or cheerful dead man is a good sign.

Noisy or sad is bad.

Giving something to a dead person is a bad dream.

Taking something from a dead person is good.

If you dreamed that you were dead and were being carried to a cemetery, you would lose your job.

If a dead person comes to life, unexpected news or the return of something lost awaits you.

Moving or dressing a dead person means illness.

Taking off his clothes means the death of a relative.

Sleeping with a dead man is a sign of success.

Kissing means an affair with a famous person.

Wearing it means death.

If a dead person disintegrates, crumbles, it is good dream promising relief, liberation from evil.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Dead, deceased - as the living dream of dead people, this will be a big nuisance or weakness. Another meaning: long life. If you happen to talk to a deceased person in a dream, then soon there will be some interesting news. Dreaming of a dead person means it will rain; to a quarrel, and more to a change in the weather. I dream of the dead in both snowstorms and rain. The deceased - rain, snow, and from the family - must be remembered. A dead man is unkind. If you dream of deceased parents: mother or father (or both together), then this is an accurate sign - there will be something bad in the family - either with a person or with cattle. Parents from that world let their children know that something bad will happen. I dreamed about my deceased mother - there will be some kind of grief. In a dream, a dead person says: “My clothes are torn,” then you need to give clothes to someone poor - he will stop dreaming. The deceased calls you with him or says: “I will take you away,” then you will die. But when he drives you away and says, “Don’t follow me,” you will live.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man


What a dead man says in his sleep is all true.

A dead man in a coffin means material profit.

A revived dead man - for news, a letter.

A dead person rising from the coffin - to the guest from the side.

Standing as a dead person means great trouble.

A crying dead man - to a squabble, quarrel.

A dead man crumbling into dust - to well-being.

Opening the coffin and talking to the deceased is unlucky.

Kissing a dead person means health and longevity, if in fact he is alive, but if he is dead, then it means a change in the weather.

Talking to a deceased person who was your friend in life means arranging your affairs well and behaving with dignity.

Seeing yourself dead means experiencing an unprecedented surge of strength and inspiration, approaching the peak of luck.

To see deceased relatives, friends or loved ones - to the fulfillment of secret desires, to receiving help in a difficult situation.

Seeing a dead man and taking something from him in a dream means luck and wealth.

To congratulate a dead person is to do a good deed.

A dead man eager to see is a sign that he is poorly remembered.

Dreaming of dead people alive means great trouble or weakness.

If you saw a living person as a dead person, you will live a long time and get rid of grief.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Seeing a dead person: you need to prepare for something bad that will affect your family.

Perhaps one of your children has gotten into the habit of coming home late; this is at least alarming, and sometimes even dangerous.

Try to prevent trouble with all the tact available to you.

Reviving a dead man or seeing him come to life: soon you will again have to face a problem that you thought was solved long ago.

The first thing you experience, as if returning to the past, is shock, reluctance to do anything, you just want to run away from the “revived” difficulty.

However, you need to overcome yourself and calmly, without panicking, find a solution.

Talking to a person who, as you know, has died a long time ago: according to the tradition of dream interpretation, it means a sudden change in the weather.

Another interpretation is also possible: one of the relatives or simply acquaintances of the person you saw in a dream will try to find you in order to clarify some important issue.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

A dream about a dead man foreshadows a rash, hasty marriage, which will become a yoke around the neck of both spouses and will not bring happiness to either of them. Weak, sickly and vicious children born in such a marriage will complete the misfortune of this family.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Dead Man - If you saw one of your loved ones dead, then you will have to face the betrayal of your loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

A dead man is an unexpected danger.


Dead man comes to life in a coffin

Dream Interpretation Dead Man Comes to Life in a Coffin dreamed of why in a dream a dead man comes to life in a coffin? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Dead Man come to life in a coffin in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

Seeing a coffin in a dream foretells obstacles; for the elderly - the imminent death or loss of a dear relative; for family people - profit and prosperity; for the young - a wedding and a long, comfortable life.

A coffin seen in a church means an unsuccessful marriage. An open coffin is a sign of a cheerful celebration. Strewn with flowers - to failures and illnesses. Seeing a friend in a coffin means receiving important news. Lying in a coffin means acquiring a calm occupation and a long life. Carrying a coffin in a dream is a harbinger of illness that will darken the upcoming celebration. Seeing others carry him is a sign of sad circumstances and bad news.

Lowering the coffin into the grave - tragic death. Digging a hole for a coffin is a happy marriage. Burying a coffin is a chronic disease. To nail up a coffin means to be very frightened.

Seeing yourself sitting on a coffin means quarrels followed by repentance and mutual forgiveness. Buying a coffin means incurring large expenses.

Seeing a tomb in a dream means receiving protection in reality, and through it finding good luck. Being locked in a tomb in a dream means disappointment and withdrawal from business.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

There is trouble in the house.

Talking dead man - bad weather.

Moving a dead person is a shame or a disease.

Stepping on it is news of death.

Sleeping with him is a success.

The living dead - the return of the lost.

A dead man asking for a drink means lack of remembrance.

Dressing a dead person is a disease.

Lying among the dead means a serious illness.

And carrying a dead man is death.

Seeing the dead is a new love.

Seeing someone killed is hard work.

Dying in a dream means having shortcomings.

Holding onto the rope of a strangled person is happiness.

To remove the noose from him is death.

Kissing is a profitable business.

To strangle someone means to extinguish the matter.

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

The coffin dreams of a bereavement. A coffin strewn with flowers in a church means an unsuccessful marriage.

A dream in which you see yourself in a coffin means quarrels and illness.

This is how Vanga interpreted dreams in which there is a coffin.

Let's say you dreamed of a funeral procession. You come closer and notice with horror that your name is written on the coffin. This dream means that you need to change not only your habits, but also your lifestyle.

An empty coffin symbolizes inner emptiness and spiritual hardship.

If you dreamed that you were walking in a funeral procession and carrying a coffin, in reality you would commit an ugly act that would bring a lot of misfortune and trouble to someone close to you.

You forcefully hammer nails into the coffin lid - in real life you will do everything to get rid of your vices and weaknesses.

Seeing a fallen coffin in a dream is a good omen. Your guardian angel will help you avoid trouble.

A coffin covered with earth portends evil.

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

Coffin - melancholy, fear (the desire to hide from the outside world), profit from labor / useless troubles / tragic exposure.

An open and empty coffin is a danger to the life of a loved one.

Making a coffin means a promotion.

Carrying a coffin is a profit.

Climbing into a coffin is a longing for knowledge.

From the outside, seeing yourself in a coffin is an obstacle to the implementation of plans.

Lying in a coffin is a sin to empathize / to yearn for childish naivety / the desire to hide from the world / to experience fear of the wide space.

Lying in a coffin and then getting out of it means a revival of strength, a renewal of the soul.

Falling into a coffin means harm from good fame.

Digging up the coffin means your secret will become clear.

Burying a coffin means trying to forget something.

Stealing coffin boards is dangerous.

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

Heralds relief from anxiety.

IN big hall there is a coffin - portends joy and peace.

The coffin is brought into the home - there will be a promotion.

Seeing a coffin floating on water promises great wealth.

A new coffin predicts relief from anxiety.

The coffin appears on its own from the grave - fortunately.

The dead man rises from the coffin - a guest from the outside will arrive.

Seeing a dead person in a coffin portends material gain.

Opening the coffin and talking to the deceased is unlucky.

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

In a dream you saw a funeral procession in which a coffin was being carried. You come closer and notice with horror that your name is written on it - in reality this terrible dream means that you need to change not only your habits, but also your lifestyle, since a person must change with age.

An empty coffin symbolizes inner emptiness and spiritual hardship.

If in a dream you walk in a funeral procession and carry a coffin, this means that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will bring to a loved one a lot of troubles and troubles.

A dream in which you forcefully hammer nails into a coffin lid means that in real life you will do everything in your power to get rid of your vices and weaknesses.

Seeing a fallen coffin in a dream is a good omen. Your guardian angel will help you avoid a dangerous disaster.

A coffin covered with earth means the presence of terrible, incomparable evil.

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

Coffin - open coffin - death in the family. The coffin means a long and happy life. They say that when you dream of coffins in a cemetery, it’s bad. Seeing a coffin in a dream is an obstacle, lying in it is a cheerful triumph; they hide you in a coffin - an unexpected wedding. Empty - long and happy life; with a corpse - when the weather changes.

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

A coffin in a dream means an obstacle in business. If a coffin stands across the road in your dream, then changes in business await you (good or bad), but associated with great experiences. It all depends on where you were going in the dream and where you didn’t get to. If in a dream you never reached the place where you were going, then the dream predicts to you that in the future you will stop visiting it. Lying in a coffin in a dream means great experiences that will end happily. Seeing a coffin with ropes in a dream means that you will soon hear about the death of a loved one. An open coffin in a dream means an important event. Seeing a coffin being carried is a sign of receiving bad news. See interpretation: hearse, funeral, dead man.

Closing the coffin lid in a dream is a sign of the end of some unpleasant protracted business or dispute.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

seeing oneself alive among the dead in a dream means living among hypocrites whose hearts do not perceive the words of the Truth. The Koran says: “You will never make the dead hear” (Sura-Rum, 52). To see yourself dead among the dead means to die from some innovation or to go far and not return.

Touching a dead person in a dream means becoming a victim of a vile and vile act. Carrying the dead means wealth. Accompany during dead man's dream going on a long journey and acquiring a lot of good things there.

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

We've arrived for the wedding.

Making a coffin - for an upcoming wedding, making a profit or promotion.

For lovers, such a dream for the upcoming wedding.

Seeing an open and empty coffin means danger.

A coffin floating on water means great wealth.

A coffin appears from the grave - fortunately.

Lying in a coffin in a dream, and then getting out of it, means a revival of strength, gaining peace of mind and confidence in one’s abilities.

Seeing the tomb means good luck and protection awaits you.

Being inside the coffin means disappointment and difficulties in business.

A hearse in a dream - to separation, changes in business


Dead grandmother came to life

Dream Interpretation Dead grandmother came to life dreamed of why in a dream a dead grandmother came to life? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a dead grandmother come to life in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

Grandmother is a symbol feminine or female genital organs, but with a certain coloring.

For a girl, she symbolizes her fears of her unattractiveness and fear of being left without sexual partner.

For a woman, grandmother symbolizes fear of loss of sexual attractiveness.

For a young man, his grandmother symbolizes his fear of being inadequate.

For a man, grandmother symbolizes his sadness about missed opportunities.

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

Seeing your grandmother in a dream means that your life experience will help you get out of a difficult, possibly dangerous situation. Tears on the face of your grandmother in your dream foreshadow undeserved grievances and a quarrel with loved ones. If your long-dead grandmother advises you something in a dream, expect changes in life. It depends on your ability to maneuver whether these changes will be positive or negative. If you dream that you have become a grandmother, this means something unexpected. If you have children, monitor their health.

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

Seeing your own grandmother in a dream, if she is currently alive, is a sign of receiving news from her. The dream also means that if you are due to be paid money for the work you have done and you are currently worried about it, then you have nothing to worry about. You will definitely get this money. Seeing your grandmother next to you in bed is an omen that she approves of your plans, which will be successfully implemented. If in a dream you meet your grandmother and this meeting is completely unexpected for you, then in life you will face many difficulties and obstacles in business and you will be in dire need of outside help or advice.

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

Seeing your grandmother, who has already died, in a dream means finally finding a quiet haven in the stormy ocean of life. Marriage awaits you if you are single, or an addition to your family. If you have seen your living grandmother, this indicates her illness, and possibly death. A grandmother who scolds you, as in childhood, means that you will commit a rash act that you will regret.

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

A) if you dreamed of a grandmother, you will face difficulties in life and it will not be easy to overcome them, but good advice will help you.

B) seeing a grandmother in a dream promises future powerlessness and weakness.

C) you met your grandmother - a sign that for some work you will receive much less money than you expected and what you are entitled to.

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

Grandmother is a symbol of an old wise woman.

This is the wise, mature aspect of your self.

The American Indians lovingly called the earth “grandmother earth,” revering it as a living, conscious being.

This sign may relate to your own grandmother and her talents.

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

Seeing your grandmother in a dream, but not seeing her face, but only assuming that it is your grandmother, means significant material support from relatives.

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

Something good will happen.

Talking to your grandmother means that something good that you have planned will succeed.

A deceased grandmother is facing significant changes. Such a dream, a blessing or a warning. It is very good if you meet her in a cemetery.

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

A grandmother who allegedly came to visit you or met you on a walk - such a dream foreshadows difficulties for you in the foreseeable future; It will not be easy to cope with these difficulties, but the kind participation of loved ones, someone’s timely wise advice, perhaps even that grandmother will help you.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

A dead man seen in a dream foreshadows a completely unexpected ending to your love affair.

Seeing a dead child in a dream means worry and disappointment in the near future.

A dead actor or actress in your dream foreshadows the collapse of plans as a result of a tragic event.

Seeing a dead person in a dream is a sign of health and longevity, if this person is actually alive and well. If the deceased person seen in a dream actually left this mortal world long ago, such a dream predicts a change in your affairs for the worse.

A dream in which you see a person hanged or hanged is a harbinger of insults and insults that you will hear from loved ones. Seeing a drowned person means you will face a desperate struggle for your rights, which they will try to deprive you of in real life.

Seeing a mummified corpse in a dream means that a serious illness will ruin your plans. To see in a dream how the body of a deceased person is embalmed predicts quick changes in your situation for the worse. If you are embalmed or mummified, in reality your friendship with a loved one will be unhappy, bringing a lot of troubles at work and at home, as well as a deterioration in your situation in society.

Seeing a coffin with a dead person in your apartment in a dream foreshadows discord in the family due to drunkenness or debauchery.

A talking dead man seen in a dream means vile slander and malicious slander against you. If he asks you for a drink, then you need to pray properly for the repose of his soul and light a candle.

A dead person lying on the floor predicts shame or a serious illness in the near future. If you trip over it and fall, in reality you will receive news of the death of someone very close to you, loved ones.

Finding a lifeless person in your bed means that you are guaranteed success in an almost hopeless case.

If a dead person comes to life in your dream, this means the return of what was once lost, which you have long stopped hoping for. Dressing a dead person in a suit means illness.

See a lot dead people on the battlefield - to a headache and a visit to the clinic.

Burying dead people in a dream means a fun occasion, while carrying wreaths of spruce branches means a severe hangover.

Seeing your husband dead in a dream is a very bad sign, promising continuous troubles and disappointments. If you kiss him at the same time, this means a breakdown in affairs, poverty and the loss of your best friends.

A dream in which you see a dead nun foreshadows great despair due to adultery or betrayal of a loved one.

Seeing a dead shark in a dream means that after all the hardships and hardships you have endured, you will once again find long-awaited well-being and peace.

Seeing a bull slaughtered in a slaughterhouse or killed in a bullfight in a dream does not bode well - on the contrary, only sad events.

A dead dove in a dream predicts misfortune with distant relative, to whom you will nevertheless have to go for help.

Seeing a dead rook means someone's illness or death in the near future.

A slaughtered goose is a sign of imminent losses.

A dead lark in your dream foretells injury from an accident.

A dead hare means the death or illness of one of your faithful friends.

If in a dream you see many dead snakes, it means that you will suffer from the base act of a hypocritical friend.

Stepping on a dead snake, which suddenly comes to life and attacks you, means victory over your enemies.

Seeing a turkey or turkey who has died from an unknown disease predicts that cramped circumstances will make your pride suffer.

A dead swallow is a sign of sad parting.

Seeing a dead swan in a dream means that in reality you will experience annoyance and disappointment, having minded your own business.

A fallen or shot horse means that you will soon receive sad news that will change all your plans.

Seeing a dead mule in a dream foreshadows a broken engagement and a deterioration in your position in society, which will be caused by your unworthy behavior.

Seemingly dead insects that suddenly begin to run away from you mean that you will damage your reputation by acting stupidly and imprudently.

A dead monkey seen in a dream means that your hated enemies will suffer complete collapse.


A dead man came back to life

Dream Interpretation: A dead man came to life dreamed of why in a dream a dead man came to life? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a dead person come to life in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Sex with a long-dead person

A dream about a sexual relationship with a deceased person means longing for him, a desire to communicate on an incorporeal level, penetration into the world of the dead and staying in it.

If you see yourself with a person who was your blood relative, the dream symbolizes nostalgia for how you once were, longing for bygone years, for former spontaneity, liveliness of judgment and freshness of outlook on life.

If in a dream your partner is simply a former acquaintance, the dream means your subconscious desire to find out what death is, what the meaning of life is, what happens to a person after his soul departs to another world.

Through sexual communication, the dead give us some knowledge about the most significant issues of life and death. With the help of the bodily apparatus, as the most accessible to understanding of a living person, they are trying to convey to us something important, something that needs to be known, something that we strive for.

Another option for interpreting sleep: sterility of body and soul, inability to generate thoughts, create ideas, inability to have children (literally and figuratively).

Dreams about sex with long-dead people have been considered a very bad sign for the dreamer since ancient times. An example of this is the fate of the famous Roman commander Mark Antony. Just before his death, he saw in a dream that he was in a love affair with the ancestor of the Romans, Romulus. At this time, the commander was hiding from the troops of Octavian Augustus in Egypt. He took the dream as a warning about violent death and committed suicide by throwing himself on his sword.

Dream Interpretation - Giving a mirror to a dead person

Poor sleep; portends death

Dream Interpretation - Deceased, deceased

Seeing your deceased father or grandfather, mother or grandmother alive in a dream means getting rid of difficulties and problems. Seeing living loved ones people dead , means their life will be extended. A dream in which the deceased beats the dreamer means that he has committed some kind of sin. Whoever sees that he has found a dead person will soon become rich. If the deceased whom you see in a dream does something bad, then he warns you against doing it. Seeing a single deceased means marriage, and seeing a married deceased means separation from relatives or divorce. If the deceased whom you saw in a dream did some kind of good deed, then this is a sign for you to do something similar. Seeing a dead person alive in a dream and testifying that he is alive and everything is fine with him indicates a very good position of this person in the next world. The Koran says: “No, they are alive! They find their inheritance from their Lord.” (Sura-Imran, 169). If the dreamer hugs and talks to the deceased, then the days of his life will be extended. If the dreamer kisses an unfamiliar dead person in a dream, he will receive benefits and wealth from where he did not expect. And if he does this with a deceased person he knows, he will acquire from him the necessary knowledge or money left behind by him. Whoever sees that he is having sexual intercourse with a deceased person will achieve what he has long lost hope for. Whoever sees in a dream that a deceased woman has come to life and has had sexual intercourse with him will have success in all his endeavors. See in a dream of a deceased person, he is silent, which means that he from the other world treats favorably the person who saw this dream. Anyone who sees that the deceased gives him some good and pure thing will receive something good and pleasing in life from the other side. , from where he does not count. And if the thing is dirty, then he may commit a bad act in the future. Seeing the deceased rich in a dream means that everything is good for him in the next world. Greeting the deceased in a dream means receiving favor from Allah. naked in a dream, it means that he has not done any good deeds in life. If the deceased informs the dreamer of his imminent death, then soon he will really die. The blackened face of the deceased in a dream indicates that he died without faith in Allah. “And to those whose faces turn black, (it will be said): “Have you not renounced the faith that you accepted?” (Sura-Imran, 106). Whoever sees that he enters the house with the deceased and does not come out will be on the verge of death, but then will be saved. Seeing yourself in a dream sleeping in the same bed with a deceased person means longevity. Whoever sees in a dream that the deceased is calling him to himself will die in the same way as the deceased died. Seeing a deceased person performing Namaz in the place where he usually performed it during his life in a dream means that he is in afterlife not very good. Seeing him performing Namaz in a different place than where he performed it during his life means that in the next world he is destined for a great reward for his earthly deeds. A dream in which the deceased is in a mosque indicates that he is deprived of torment, for a mosque in a dream means peace and security. If in a dream a deceased person leads the prayer of those who are alive in reality, then the lives of these people will be shortened, because in their prayer they follow the actions of the dead person. If someone sees in a dream how in some place some previously deceased righteous people came to life, this will mean that goodness, joy, justice from their ruler will come to the inhabitants of this place, and the affairs of their leader will go well.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

To see deceased relatives, friends or loved ones - the fulfillment of secret desires / help in a difficult situation / your desire to receive support, longing for the warmth of relationships, for loved ones / change in weather or very coldy begin.

But if the deceased kisses, calls, leads, or you yourself follow in his wake - serious illness and troubles / death.

It's even worse to give them money, food, clothes, etc. - serious illness / danger to life.

Give a photo to a dead person - the person in the portrait will die.

Taking something from a deceased person in a dream means happiness, wealth.

Congratulating him is a good deed.

Those who long to see him are poorly remembered.

Talking to a deceased friend in a dream is important news.

Everything that the deceased says in a dream is true, “ambassadors of the future.”

Seeing a portrait of the deceased is spiritual help in material need.

Seeing both deceased parents together is happiness and wealth.

mother - with her appearance most often warns against rash actions.

Father - warns against something that you will later be ashamed of.

A deceased grandfather or grandmother appears in a dream before significant ceremonies.

A deceased brother is fortunate.

A deceased sister means an unclear, uncertain future.

Sleeping with a dead husband is a nuisance

Dream Interpretation - People who died in reality (appeared in a dream)

Those people who no longer exist in reality continue to live (exist!) in our consciousness. IN folk superstition“seeing dead people in a dream means a change in weather.” And there is some truth in this, as a result of sharp changes in atmospheric pressure in the image of loved ones of the dead, either phantoms of deceased acquaintances or lucifags from non-physical dimensions of the earth’s noosphere most easily penetrate into the dreams of people in order to study, contact and influence the sleeper. The essence of the latter can be clarified using special techniques only in lucid dreams. And since the energy of the Lucifags is alien (non-human), it is quite easy to determine their arrival. And although lucifags very often “hide” under the images of our loved ones, loved ones who have passed on to another world, when meeting with supposedly our dead relatives, instead of joy, for some reason we experience special discomfort, strong excitement and even fear! However, what saves us from making direct destructive energetic contact with genuine representatives of underground infernal spaces is the lack of full daytime consciousness, i.e., unawareness that, together with the high-speed action of our body, is our spiritual protection from them. However, quite often we may see “genuine”, “real” bodysuits of close people who once lived with us. In this case, contact with them is accompanied by fundamentally different states and moods. These moods are more trusting, intimate, intimate and benevolent. In this case, from deceased relatives we can receive good parting words, a warning, a message about future events, and real spiritual-energy support and protection (especially if the deceased were Christian believers during their lifetime). In other cases, dead people in a dream represent our own projections, showing the so-called “unfinished gestalt” - an unfinished relationship with a given person. Such non-physically ongoing relationships are expressed by the need for reconciliation, love, intimacy, understanding, and resolution of past conflicts. As a result, such meetings become healing and are expressed by feelings of sadness, guilt, regret, repentance and spiritual cleansing.

Dream Interpretation - Living Dead

“revived” affairs, feelings, undertakings, plans, relationships, concerns.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased parents in a dream (previously deceased in reality)

Their arrival in a person’s dream after his physical death has several aspects of interpretation. Among them: attempt psychological protection neutralize strong feelings loss, grief, bereavement due to what happened; which, as a consequence, leads to the harmonization of the mental activity of the sleeper. At the same time, deceased parents (relatives) act as a connecting element of human consciousness with the transcendental, otherworldly world. And in this case, the meaning of their image in a dream is significantly enhanced. Our deceased parents come “from there” at important periods in the sleeper’s life and serve as a sign of guidance, advice, warning, and blessing. Sometimes they become messengers about the death of the dreamer himself and even take and accompany the person to another world (these are prophetic dreams about one’s own death!).

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

They mean negativity of various types, stereotypes of regressive behavior or a specific pathology associated with a deceased person. The only exception is the image of a deceased person, if it was positive during life, or if a scrupulous analysis of the dream shows that this image turns out to be the voice of providence.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

A dream in which you are visited by your deceased relatives or friends does not bode well. If they are sad, the dream means that mental anguish and difficult thoughts await you. However, if you dream of dead people cheerful and happy, it means that everything in your life will work out in the best way.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

Deceased - If you dreamed of a deceased loved one, you will have to face the betrayal of your loved one.

Dreams in which a dead person appears are not at all pleasant. It’s not so scary if you dreamed of a deceased grandmother or someone else with whom you were well acquainted, but if the dead person in your dream turned out to be a stranger, you are unlikely to wake up with a smile on your face.

Usually such visions leave terrible memories, and the terrible numbness in the whole body does not go away for a long time.

There are many dream books that can interpret a dream with a deceased person. There are as many of them as possible plots night visions. But one thing is true: these dreams foreshadow something, and if - his words may come true. Attentively remember the visions, down to the smallest detail, this is very important.

It happens that the deceased asks to take or buy some thing from home and leave it with him. Be sure to comply with the request. There is no need to think about what this could mean. When you fulfill the will of the deceased, everything will immediately become clear to you.

Saw a dead person alive: a warning sign!

If someone you know, and in a dream you felt strong fear or anxiety, be prepared that unpleasant events will happen in your life in the near future.

You will have to step over great obstacles and experience difficulties. Listen to the advice of the dead, because they may contain the key to overcoming all difficulties. If you have lost your way in life, dreaming of a dead man alive will help you return to the main road.

Talking to a dead person who is alive in your dream? To changes in real life, new turns and meeting new people. But if a “living dead person” pulls you towards him, takes your hand or simply calls you to go with him, and also if he hands you something and you take this thing, big troubles will soon happen.

If you saw the deceased not only alive, but also quite happy, in a good mood, do not rush to rejoice. This is a warning symbol: someone is controlling you, and this someone has dishonest intentions towards you.

The deceased appeared as if alive and appeared in your dreams

The dream means upcoming changes, and ones you couldn’t even think about. However, you can try to guess what they will be if you strain your memory well and remember the words, phrases, sentences that the deceased said.

If you dream of someone alive who once died of an illness, do not expect anything good. You are facing either a meeting with a dishonest person, or a situation where you will be treated unfairly.

If a dead person seemed alive in a vision, and you were even with him, this is a wonderful sign. He says that you will very soon get rid of obsessive fears and phobias.

A dead man comes to life: a bad sign, be on your guard

The dream is quite scary. Sometimes people wake up in a cold sweat and then tremblingly remember what they saw all day. Meaning of this dream also not at all positive.

The revived dead man wants protect you from the danger that lurks. It can come in the form of enemies, large financial losses, or difficulties in work situations. You might lose something.

If a dead person who has suddenly come to life shows rage, begins to rebel, fight, and rushes at you, show maximum vigilance in real life. The dream is clearly preparing for something.

If the deceased dreamed of being alive, but not even 40 days had passed after his death

If you buried a person, but before 40 days he managed to appear in your dream, it means that the connection with him has not yet been lost. Perhaps he died resentful of you, loving you or angry about something. In the same way, you can be in love with him, offended or indignant.

If you still love the deceased very much, you cannot let him go. So he appears at night. Understand: it is simply necessary to let go, it will help both you and him.

If a person died from suicide, and you are angry with him for this, think: is he really to blame for what happened? After all, there was something stronger and more powerful that forced him to take such a step. Stop being angry. The dead man will leave and you will no longer dream about it. This will give peace to both your soul and his.

It happens that a dream involving a deceased person is quite pleasant. For example, you were talking with a person while drinking tea, and when you woke up, you felt in high spirits, you felt light and good. This is a great sign. Amazing events will soon happen in your life that will make you absolutely delighted.

Dead man covered in blood

A dead man foretells that you will be rich.

They will flow into your pocket like a river, and your health will improve significantly.

But for the signs to become a reality, you need to work very hard on yourself and remain vigilant.

The dreamed dead man is in the water

Changes will occur in the life and fate of the one who dreams of a dead man in the water.

It is advisable to control your emotions, otherwise because of them you can get into an unpleasant mess and expose yourself in a negative light in the eyes of others. It will not be easy to rehabilitate yourself later.

I dreamed about a dead relative: what does Tsvetkov’s dream book say about this

If the vision showed you, get ready for betrayal on the part of your significant other. To prevent this from happening, try to devote as much time as possible to your loved one, surround him with care and praise him more often.

Apostle Canaanite about a dream in which you saw yourself dead

This dream can instill fear in anyone, it is so nightmarish. And yet it can be unraveled in a positive light. The Apostle Canaanite believes that such a dream promises wealth, success, and happiness. You will live long and will not need money.

An intelligent dream book about dead people in a dream

According to the Explanatory Dream Book, if you dress a dead person in clothes, you are at risk of illness. If you carry a dead person in your arms, the result can be tragic.

The deceased is being condemned in front of you: what will Aesop’s dream book say about this?

In your dream, did you see a dead person lying in it? People have gathered around, but instead of paying tribute to the memory of the deceased, they scold him in every possible way and throw mud at him? The vision indicates upcoming unpleasant events in your life.

Most likely, something will happen at work, perhaps you will make a number of serious mistakes, for which you will be reprimanded. A quarrel can also happen with another person, for example, with a neighbor, a friend, or a completely unfamiliar person.

How does Prince Zhou-Gong decipher a dream with the deceased?

The prince's dream book explains in his own way various dreams, where the dead man appears:

The deceased is pouring and grieving - to the coming conflict, you will have a strong quarrel with someone.

A dead man stands on his own feet - there will be trouble.

Cries and at this time falls apart - yours financial position will improve significantly.

The dead man suddenly came to life and began to behave like an ordinary person - wait for some important news.

- there will be great happiness.

The son appeared to be deceased - one of your friends or relatives will have an addition to the family. It is possible that you yourself.

Great-grandmothers, great-grandfathers and other distant ancestors, who are no longer alive, expect happiness and good luck.

Someone expresses condolences to you about your death loved one- you .

Vanga about sleeping with a person in a state of clinical death

The soothsayer Vanga believed that if you had a dream in which a person lies neither alive nor dead, that is, in a state of clinical death, it should be deciphered as follows: People you know are making plans, but they don't tell you about it..

For a very long time you will not know anything about their plans and therefore will not be able to stop them. When these people's intentions become reality, you will receive a strong blow in the back.

Mr. Miller's opinion about dreaming of a dead father or dead mother

It means that you risk getting involved in a business that is unprofitable for yourself. Enemies around you: be careful, don't trust anyone. A mother who appears dead also promises unpleasant events. They will happen if you don't hide your emotions away. Perhaps someone will even get sick.

A dream in which a dead person appears before the dreamer cannot be ignored under any circumstances. Such night vision carries important information. To interpret it correctly, you need to remember everything you saw in detail. Only after conducting a deep analysis should you turn to the dream book and find out why a dead person is dreaming.

A dream in which a dead person appears before the dreamer should under no circumstances be ignored

Seeing a dead person in a dream is quite creepy, but nevertheless such a dream does not foretell any trouble. The only exception can be the case when he takes the sleeping person by the hand and leads him along.

To understand the meaning of each individual nightmare, you need to take into account all the nuances:

  • in the house - life will be long and quite calm;
  • acting as a dead person yourself means happiness, longevity, a successful undertaking;
  • at the cemetery - good health;
  • the deceased has come to life - love relationships will flare up with renewed vigor, it is possible to resume already abandoned affairs and their successful completion;
  • in a coffin - soon something unusual will happen to the dreamer, illness is possible;
  • in water - problems that did not allow you to live in peace will soon disappear;
  • the dead man in the coffin turned out to be alive - you will have to face a problem whose solution seemed completed;
  • to see the hand of a dead person - a person will have to do something that he does not like;
  • see only the head - careless and long life.

Dead man in the dream book (video)

Seeing a living person dead in a dream

It is generally accepted that seeing a healthy person dead in a dream is a good sign; he will live for a very long time. But in some situations, such night dreams can be taken literally. If in real life a person is very sick or already very old, then he may turn out to be prophetic. Sometimes, relatives see the death of a loved one in their dreams, and after a while this happens in reality, but this does not mean at all that death is inevitable.

It is generally accepted that seeing a healthy person dead in a dream is a good sign; he will live for a very long time

Depending on who the dreamer is with the person acting as the dead man, the meaning of the dreams may change:

  • familiar - in real life he will appear in a new light, his former authority will be lost;
  • the picky boss - the dreamer treats him with hostility, but due to circumstances is forced to restrain his emotions. It is recommended not to go into open conflict with him; it is still better not to demonstrate your emotions. Otherwise, many problems may arise;
  • stranger - the weather will change soon;
  • beloved - serious changes are coming in family life;
  • co-worker - changes are expected in the work environment.

If death in a dream overtakes a healthy and young person, then you should prepare for a lot of troubles. Not excluded serious conflicts and even separation. It is possible that the dreamed person behaves insincerely towards the dreamer. In addition, such night vision can promise news or profit. Life can change dramatically.

Why do dead people dream?

You should not perceive a dream in which you saw a dead person alive as something bad. It is these dreams that have special meaning. Often the development of the plot takes place in a room decorated in white tones. This could be a hospital ward, an operating room, or another room that can be easily recognized. In this case, there is no need to pay attention to details. The dream only indicates that the dreamer to this day cannot survive the bereavement.

Do not perceive a dream in which a dead person appears alive as something bad

If you happen to talk to the deceased on the phone, then it is very important to remember the entire conversation. All words spoken by the deceased must be taken literally. The meaning of everything that was voiced will be clear only when all the instructions without exception are fulfilled.

Only if the deceased takes the dreamer with him, does the dream have a negative meaning. It is extremely important in this period figure it out own life and improve your health.

Seeing a dead person in a dream who comes to life: what does it mean?

The meaning of dreams in which the dead suddenly come to life can vary. Many details are taken into account. Such night vision may portend problems in the family circle. You should take a close look at your loved ones; perhaps it will become obvious where trouble can come from and try to prevent it.

The meaning of dreams in which the dead suddenly come to life can vary

There is no clear explanation for such dreams in dream books. Perhaps the person will make a hasty decision to get married. Family life It will be a torment for both spouses, the children will get sick very often.

Several more meanings can be identified if we take into account the details:

  • the revived dead man moves senselessly from place to place - the person whom the sleeping man has been looking for for a long time will soon be found. The lost item may also be found;
  • many dead people who have come back to life - a catastrophe on a global scale;
  • talking while lying in a coffin - joyful changes in life. Even the birth of a child is not excluded;
  • talks outside the coffin - soon you can expect unexpected guests;
  • it had to be revived - a long-standing problem, the solution of which had not been completed, would again make itself felt. Initially, the dreamer may panic, but he will collect his thoughts and be able to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

Why do you dream about dead acquaintances?

To correctly interpret night dreams, you need to remember the identity of the person who appeared in the dream in the form of a dead man. Most often it turns out to be someone you know; depending on who the dreamer is, the meaning of the dream can be different:

  • a person who is dead and in real life - you should be as careful as possible, fate is preparing new turn in life;
  • a child promises him a long life. If at the moment in reality he is overcome by illness, then complete recovery will soon come;
  • enemy - the enmity will soon end and be crowned with the dreamer’s victory;
  • animal - the emergence of problems that the sleeper will be able to cope with on his own, without resorting to the help of loved ones.

To correctly interpret night dreams, you need to remember the identity of the person who appeared in the dream in the form of a dead man.

If you often dream about dead people, what should you do?

For most people, the frequent appearance of dead people in dreams causes real fear. In fact, there is nothing sinister about this. If a recently deceased person is seen alive in dreams, this indicates that the dreamer cannot cope with severe mental pain due to such a great loss. The dreams will stop as soon as he comes to terms with this grief.

If in night visions a person appears who has died a long time ago, then it is extremely important to go to his grave to calm his soul. If he asks in dreams to give him something, then this thing or delicacy must be taken to the cemetery or given to the poor. It would also be a good idea to order a church service, but you can also simply light a candle in the church.

Dream Interpretation: dead man (video)

Naturally, dreams about the dead cause unpleasant, strange sensations. You subconsciously expect something bad from them. In fact, such dreams have a favorable meaning. For the dreamer himself, such a dream can mean a long and happy life. If in reality there were already dead people present in it, then it is worth listening to their words that were heard in the dream. Perhaps the secret lies in them, and with their help serious problems will be solved.

Attention, TODAY only!

A dead person in a dream represents unexpected events that can happen to a person. To understand why the deceased is dreaming, you should very carefully recall your dream, analyze the details, including the plot and the emotions experienced, put together a complete picture and look at its meaning in the dream book.

Seeing a deceased person in a dream evokes terrible emotions in a dream. Some dream books explain why the dead people dream about by the dreamer’s longing for the deceased person. If we consider the dream together with everything seen, then the appearance of a dead person does not always carry any meaning, and most often it is a simple dream in which the living dead are dreamed of as ordinary participants in events, without being a significant active character. Perhaps a dead person appears in a dream as a result of remembering events with which he is directly connected. It is likely that such a picture is a subconscious manifestation of sadness and regret.

However, if you happen to see a living dead person in a dream as the main character, then the smallest details in the vision are important - from clothes, mood, words to the emotions experienced when communicating with the deceased.

The interpretation of dreams is that a dead person, according to Longo’s dream book, is a harbinger of bad things that are directly related to the family. It’s worth taking a closer look at your household, finding the prerequisites for trouble and delicately eliminating the problem.

Many dream books interpret what zombies (dead people) mean in dreams in a completely ambiguous way. Thus, an old English dream book foreshadows a hasty marriage, which will make both spouses unhappy, and sickly and ugly children will complete the overall unsightly picture.

According to Miller's dream book, a dead man foretells misfortune, as well as receiving sad news about people who are far away. Seeing a deceased mother - to the illness of a relative or loved one, father - reflects an enterprise that will end unprofitably for the dreamer, sister, brother or relative - to large financial costs.

A dead man, according to Vanga’s dream book, means changes in the life of a sleeping person. If the dead person you see is sick, it means that in reality you will have to face injustice.


Why do you dream the walking Dead? If the dead wander aimlessly around the area like zombies, it means that in reality there will be a person whom the dreamer has been looking for for a long time. Also, such a picture portends the discovery of a missing thing that has been looked for for a very long time. According to Vanga, many dead people in a dream foreshadow a global catastrophe or epidemic.

If a dead person lies in a coffin and talks at the same time, then sudden joy will soon happen. Perhaps the appearance of an heir in the family is coming. The dead man outside the coffin is for the guests.

Whether a dead man came to life or to revive him himself, Loff’s dream book explains that in reality a problem that the dreamer did not want to solve completely will remind you of itself. At first, a person will be overcome by panic, but the need to urgently resolve the issue will force him to pull himself together and find a solution.

The dead people in the water symbolize future changes in the dreamer’s family. A person’s emotional imbalance due to stress can at any moment provoke an unpleasant situation, which in the future will be very difficult to “hush up.”

Being in the same room with a person and smelling the smell of a dead person in a dream tells the dream book that you need to carefully reconsider your behavior and improve your life. Unpleasant squabbles, quarrels, accusations from the lips of a sleeping person must stop, otherwise his dearest and most beloved people will leave him.

For a woman to see a dead man alive in a dream means an unexpected ending. love relationship with your chosen one. There is no point in arranging proceedings and making attempts to return the guy, since everything will be in vain - the young man has already decided everything for himself a long time ago.

Interaction with zombies

To understand what it means if you dream about the dead, you should pay attention to their actions in the dream and your own response.

Killing a dead man in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as getting rid of a long-lasting problem that is very for a long time remained open and unresolved. Also similar image speaks of the possibility of getting rid of phobias that poison the life of the sleeper.

A dead man kisses on the lips, according to Hasse’s dream book, means love story in real life. Kissing on the forehead means forgiveness with a loved one. Sleeping with a deceased person promises separation from a loved one; between two corpses - a serious illness.

If you happen to talk to a dead person in a dream, then, as the dream book explains, there will be a change in the weather. Also important are the words of the deceased, which are worth paying special attention to.

Sleeping with a zombie portends success at work, a promotion, dressing the deceased - an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Seeing a dead man in a dream who asks for a drink means an opportunity to repent and change your life for the better, rethinking your own existence and adjusting your plans for the future.


    It was as if I had a protector. Or a spirit, since he lived in the yard. and appeared out of nowhere, either a man, for after his death a body remained. During some kind of massacre, he died defending me. I left there and returned only three years later. There lay his undoubtedly dead body, but not decomposed, very white, with dark veins, but intact. Even dead he was very handsome. Was I attacked by the same people again? Dead people? who killed my protector. I fell face down and suddenly realized that they could not harm me, and when I raised my head, I saw the body of my friend the defender was moving a little. I started calling my husband, shouting that he was alive, and for him to help carry the revived man. My husband helped, and over time my protector came to life, came to his senses and settled in his old place again. And everything was fine, that's all. I was very ashamed that for three years I did not return to the place where the body of my protector lay and did not help him. Moreover, the dream occurred on the night of my birthday.


    Today I dreamed of a trip, but I don’t remember where. My uncle died a few months ago. So today I suddenly ran into him on the train when I was going to get tea. I looked at him, and he seemed cheerful, but somehow thoughtful. Moreover, stripped to the waist, bloated. There was something wrong with him. It dawned on me when he looked at me! It was just a body! Those. without a soul... He looked at me like I was meat. And I quickly ran off somewhere. I read a prayer, heard my mother (he is her brother) talking to him, as if we had not seen each other for a long time and now we were going somewhere together... I explained to her that it was not him, we changed to another train and went in the other direction, only this time with my girlfriends, although in real life I don’t have any. On the way, I got off at a stop for no apparent reason, fell from the train into some river, it was already dark, and it was dark, deep and large. And I don't really remember the end. I kind of got out and was very cold.

    • The train in which you were traveling with the deceased means the path to death. If you transfer to another train, then you will avoid an accidental ridiculous death. Getting off the train is a good sign, but into dark water (this is in reality they are waiting for you deep thoughts and experiences) your relatives who have moved further means that they will go to another world before you. The dream is a warning: be careful and careful! Take care of yourself and your loved ones.


    And I’ve been dreaming about zombies for a week now, I don’t know why this is, but it’s very scary, the first one was strangling me and saying something in Latin in my ear, the second one tore off her head and laughed so creepily, I’m already afraid to sleep, it’s very scary :)


    This morning I dreamed of dead people lying in the courtyard of high-rise buildings, stained with blood, and it was clear from the skin that for a long time, one stood with his back, the same, and my aunt did a telescope, as I understood, she looked at the wounds, since I was driving a car , saw everything, sympathized and drove on, driving 5 meters away, another similar dead man was walking towards me, with the words - Everything uselessly attacked me, I pushed him with my foot and, feeling fear, woke up. Although I often dreamed of such things, and I learned to control my dreams, fear will always find you.

    I dreamed of a dead head, it was lying on my laptop, on the keyboard, I kept waiting for it to disappear, that is, go into another world, it rolled off the keyboard, I put it back, there was no sign of blood, and I don’t know who the head belongs to either, but I experienced fear and an unpleasant feeling too.

Very often, people see dead people in their night dreams, which are reminiscent of a recent loss, leading to a state of anxiety, both in dreams and in life. Often they drive you into panic and fear. But mostly a dead person who appears does not bode well if he behaves non-aggressively towards you. Especially if in a dream everything happens without any interaction.

There are many interpretations of such dreams. The deceased may indicate some problems in your life, warn against trouble in reality. It is especially necessary to listen to deceased relatives; basically, they try to warn about danger, or show the way to new page of your life.

Dead people always mean some kind of change in life, albeit not significant. If the deceased behaves violently and aggressively, then you should be afraid of trouble or expect trouble. If the deceased comes to your home, then expect the weather to change for the worse; rain is possible.

To better decipher a dream, you need to remember as many details as possible that accompanied the dream. Emotions, actions, place - all this will help to more accurately interpret the vision of the deceased.

What does it mean if you dreamed about relatives or loved ones

Deceased relatives or loved ones - you need to carefully think about what they said. Usually, the words of deceased relatives are prophetic.

Parents. Meeting your deceased mother in a dream means success and good luck. Also, pay attention to your health, do not be lazy to go to the doctor. The deceased mother is worried about your well-being even from the other world.

A meeting with the late father and a conversation with him foreshadows gossip and intrigue, that are built around you. Some dream books interpret the vision of a father in dreams as a harbinger of success at the beginning of an important project, success in a career.

Grandmother - her appearance in a dream means that it would not hurt to finish unfinished business.

Grandfather - a dream with him portends a good start to the day, good luck.

Late husband - the appearance of a deceased spouse may portend imminent disaster, misfortune, tragic incident. Be careful.

Brother, sister - to see a deceased brother in a dream means that your loved one needs help and support. The deceased sister who came into your dream does not promise anything bad or tragic in your life, rest assured.

Aunt, uncle - it is impossible to really decipher the vision of these relatives in a dream. Most likely, it's just a change in the weather.

Girlfriend, friend - when a deceased friend is present in your dream, then expect troubles or some kind of failure. But there is no need to worry about large-scale problems - they are not expected.

Others - the appearance of an unfamiliar dead person in a dream may portend that your income will soon increase and no further problems with the budget are expected. Another dream like this means that you will cope with all the difficulties that befall you.

Seeing a dead person as alive and well

When a dead person bursts into your dream and you see him as alive, then you can expect an invitation to a holiday and good intentions fate.

Talk to the dead

A conversation with your deceased relative means that you are going through a white streak in your life, and success will continue for a long time.

Also, a deceased person who comes to you promises good things when he simply looks but is silent. If the dead man is peaceful and calm, then it is possible that a pleasant event or news about receiving an inheritance awaits you.

Seeing the deceased die

Such an event in your dream can predict the imminent completion of long-unfinished business, as well as reconciliation with those with whom you have quarreled for a long time, but have not established relationships.

In a coffin

Seeing a dead person in a coffin in your home in a dream means serious discord within your family. It is possible that this is due to drunkenness and adultery. If the face of a deceased person lying in a coffin blossomed into a slight smile, then you should let go of past grievances against your friends and start life anew. Some dream books interpret the vision of a dead man in a coffin as a harbinger of profit.


The funeral of an already deceased person in a dream is not interpreted as something gloomy. On the contrary, you will soon be filled with mental energy and peace, which will help your endeavors take off.

Dead people, corpses of strangers

Dead woman - a vision of a dead woman promises you troubles in the family, illness, bad news and disappointment in life. It is possible that an accident may occur.

A dead man does not bring anything bad into your life. Some troubles or bad weather may not come to life.

If an unmarried girl dreams of a dead man, then you can soon expect the appearance of a secret admirer. It is possible that you will soon meet your soulmate and build a strong relationship.

Many corpses - if you saw many corpses in a dream, but this did not lead to fear or panic, then you will be faced with a new business entrusted to you, which will be profitable.

A coffin with a deceased person is a harbinger of failures in your life. If you are lying in a coffin next to a dead person, then such a dream means that your current relationship at a dead end, frozen and there is no future for them. You shouldn’t torment yourself with vague hopes for a further rosy relationship with your current other half.

Such a dream may also portend a serious illness. If you open the coffin and enter into dialogue with the deceased, then this is interpreted as imminent misfortunes and tragedies.

A revived dead man - if in a night vision you saw such a development of events, then this promises you news and happy news. Perhaps you will receive a long-awaited letter or cope with a difficult task that you were unable to do before.

If the deceased rose from the coffin, then this could be a harbinger of imminent trouble. Religious people should light a candle in church for the repose of their soul, because the deceased is not at peace in the next world.

Interacting with a dead person in a dream

Shake hands, hug, kiss - any interaction with a dead person indicates danger in real life.

For a sick person, hugging a dead person can promise his imminent death. Especially if the deceased calls him with him.

If you kissed a dead person, then you will encounter difficulties in business, something will hinder and disturb you. Kissing a deceased person on the forehead means letting him go, saying goodbye, or meeting his long-awaited love in real life.

In some dream books, a close relationship with the deceased may mean an imminent separation from someone dear to you, family troubles, or financial problems.

Accepting something from him - such an action of the deceased predicts imminent events that will entail joy, happiness, and unexpected gifts. In general, your state can be described as peaceful.

Giving something to a dead person - a dream in which you gave something to a deceased person foreshadows losses, unexpected expenses, and troubles in your real life.

If you gave money or your clothes to the deceased, then dream books interpret this action as an impetus for a serious illness in real life, troubles in the family, possible separation from people close and dear to you. Seeing someone leaving means saying goodbye to some burdensome matter in real life. A dead person who has gone into the distance means that he will no longer bother you

and left this world in peace.

Seeing people meeting you halfway often means that you will achieve your goal, achieve success, and your endeavors will bring you income. Follow him - a dream in which the deceased called you to follow him and you went does not bode well.

It is possible that you will get sick just like the person who visited you in your dreams. It also happens that such dreams foreshadow the imminent death of a person whom the dead man has taken with him. If at night the deceased took your friend with him, then warn him about the danger in real life.

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller's dream book, such dreams are interpreted depending on the situation. A person expresses his hidden emotions in a dream and this can indicate what needs to be corrected in his life in order to avoid mistakes.

Often, dreams with such a plot indicate that soon one page of your life will be replaced by another. It is possible that you will have to face serious challenges that will radically change your life. Don't be afraid of such changes, they are usually for the good.