Russian pop singers of the 80s and 90s. How to order a star for a holiday, prices for an anniversary, birthday

The 90s were marked not only by unstable economic and political situation, but also the appearance of new stars on Russian stage . It was then that we heard the big hits of Linda, Irina Saltykova, Lada Dance and other pop singers.

We suggest remembering the most famous singers of that time and see what they look like now.

Natalia Vetlitskaya

Dmitry Malikov and Zhenya Belousov admired her and dedicated songs to her. We remember her as the sexiest singing blonde of the 90s. Her songs "Look into your eyes" and "Playboy" everyone knew. In 2004, Natalya left the stage. She is now 51 years old, she lives in Spain and looks simply amazing.

Lika Star

Lika Star was one of the first Russian girls to appear on the cover of Playboy magazine. In her debut video to the song "Lone moon" The film starred Gosha Kutsenko and Masha Tsigal, and was directed by Fyodor Bondarchuk. The singer's career was short-lived. In the early 2000s she moved to Italy. IN this moment Lika is 43 years old, and she wants not to remember her turbulent past.

Irina Saltykova

Irina became popular after the release of the video “ Grey eyes" She later starred in the movie "Brother-2" and released 5 albums. Currently, the former singer is 50 years old and a successful businesswoman. And Saltykova still looks great!

Lada Dance

Her songs are still played at discos, although the woman has not sung or recorded albums for a long time. After her singing career began to decline, Lada began acting in films in the image of luxurious bitches and femme fatales. Now Lada is 47, she looks great and continues to “live high.”

Marina Khlebnikova

Everyone knew the song in the 90s "Cup of coffee". And it’s not surprising, because the album with the same name became the fourth album in terms of sales in 1997. The following albums were not so successful, so Marina left the stage. Khlebnikova is 51 years old, she runs her own business.

Isolda Ishkhanishvili

The most famous member of the Lyceum group. In the early 2000s, she left not only the group, but also the stage. Currently, she can often be seen at social events, and on Instagram all fans can follow her life.

Alena Apina

In the 90s, the beauty wore short skirts, high boots and preferred bright makeup. Can you tell that she is 52 years old?

Tatiana Ovsienko

In the 90s lead singer of the group "Mirage" was similar to most of the stars of those years. But in 1996, she cut her hair like a boy, and many girls began to imitate her style. IN currently She's 50: she doesn't look her age at all.


Linda stood out very much among the singers of the 90s: black lipstick, black hair hanging down her face, piercings. She didn't sing about unhappy love and unfaithful men. Linda is now 39, she still gives concerts and regularly surprises audiences.

Olga Orlova

The lead singer of “Brilliant” sang her first hit at the age of 18. Afterwards she left the group and gave birth to a child. Olga returned to the stage in the 2000s. Now, still as tender and fragile, she acts in TV shows and plays in films.

Despite the fact that more than 20 years have passed, the stars of the 90s they look just as stunning. How do you remember these singers? Tell us about it in the comments!

Let's remember famous singers 90s, which were built solo career or sang as part popular groups, but then suddenly disappeared. What the stars of those years are doing now, this post will tell you and me.

Irina Saltykova. After the release of the video “Gray Eyes”, the whole country started talking about Irina. She was immediately given the title of sex symbol and new rising star.

With each new song Saltykova continued to establish herself on the stage. Now Irina has retired from music and is successfully running a business; she has a beauty and style house “Irina Saltykova”, her own boutique and beauty salon.

Little is known about the singer’s personal life, only that she has a beloved man, but who he is, Irina keeps secret. Songs remained in her life as a pleasant hobby.

Marina Khlebnikova. Thanks to her, people loved to drink a “cup of coffee” and even fell in love with “slanting rains.” Marina began to take part in national concerts, her videos were played on central channels.

She began to actively tour and write one hit after another. And suddenly, at the peak of Khlebnikov’s popularity, he suddenly disappears. The reason was problems in my personal life, and even health problems.

How things are now with the singer, and what she is doing is unknown. But somehow she herself said to herself that she had no talents other than the ability to sing.

Tatiana Bulanova. Tatyana is perhaps the most successful of the artists of the 90s. She managed to stay in the spotlight and not disappear into the wild 90s.

To this day, she continues to release albums, give concerts and participate in highly rated television projects.

Of course, this doesn't compare to her popularity 20 years ago. When the whole country literally roared at the screens, when Tanya quietly sang “Sleep, little son...” with tears in her eyes.

Lada Dance. The singer started out in the group “Women’s Council” with “friends from the shop” Svetlana Lazareva and Alena Vitebskaya at the very height of perestroika.

Then she appeared as a soloist in the group “Technology”, but did not last long, having quarreled with the producer.

Later, Lada was a backing vocalist for Philip Kirkorov and sang as the opening act for the Kar-Man group, but this seemed not enough for her. She went to Europe, but did not achieve success there either.

Maria Volkova (Barbie). In the early nineties, a girl who looked like two peas in a pod to the fashionable doll took the stage name Barbie. She sang several songs, including the hit: “You paint your eyelashes bright blue. You are waiting for beautiful love, but it’s still not there”... And then she literally disappeared.

As it turned out, apart from working 24 hours a day and loneliness, there was nothing in her life. So, Maria quarreled with the producers and terminated her contract. But she never managed to build a solo career.

Alena Apina. Apina began her ascent to musical Olympus in the "Combination" group, where she achieved dizzying success. Over the years, her popularity faded, and the artist slowly switched to her family and children.

Alena married producer Boris Iratov and gave birth to a daughter. The singer stopped giving concerts and appearing on screens. According to her, she made the decision to end her career without difficulty, feeling a pull towards her family.

Svetlana Roerich. In the second half of the 90s, when her main hits - “Palms” and “Give Me Music” - were released, the aspiring singer became wildly popular. But when a conflict broke out with the producer, difficult times came for her.

There was no help from anyone, not even from her husband, whom Svetlana married at the age of 18. Deciding to throw this burden off her shoulders, Svetlana divorced her husband and somehow terminated her contract with the producer.

Then I tried to do everything on my own, but only lasted a couple of years. Now Svetlana is the director of a PR communications agency and a single mother.

Tatiana Ovsienko. Once upon a time, it was impossible to imagine a single big concert without Ovsienko’s performances, not a single solemn ceremony. The singer’s popularity in the 90s simply went off scale.

And today we hear nothing at all about her. It turns out that Tatyana adopted a child and devoted her life to raising him.

Alexandra Zvereva (Demo). No disco of the late nineties was complete without the killer hits of the Demo group. In 2002, Zvereva and her producer Vadim Polyakov terminated their contract with the ARS company.

But, as it turns out, the Demo group exists to this day only with a slightly different lineup. And Sasha Zvereva herself from time to time records solo songs, and also produces clothes from her brand.

Natalya Vetlitskaya. Ex-soloist of the once popular women's team“Mirage” managed to occupy the niche of a sexy blonde in the domestic show business for many years.

Natalya released a couple of albums that fans literally swept off store shelves, and then suddenly disappeared from the public eye.

She left the world of show business without saying goodbye, without giving a farewell concert, without explaining herself to the public. It is only known that in 2004 Natalya had a daughter, and in 2008 she decided to leave Russia and went to Spain.

Marina Zhuravleva. Once upon a time, the hits “Ah, White Bird Cherry” and “I Have a Wound in My Heart” were heard from every gateway. They were especially loved by vacationers: these songs often became the soundtrack of short summer holiday romances.

In the early 90s, Marina even went on tour to the USA and never returned. And only 20 years later she returned to her homeland. In an interview, she said that she always knew that she would not live in America forever. They say that when Zhuravleva began giving concerts again in her homeland, she was second only to Leps in terms of ticket sales!

Olga Orlova. Olga is the very first and main soloist of one of the most popular girl groups of the 90s, “Brilliant”. Olga performed her debut hit “There, Only There” when she was only 18 years old.

The composition of the group changed constantly, but Orlova remained the permanent leader for five years. The lyrics of the most recognizable song “Where are you, where?” she also wrote.

After leaving the group, Olga performed with solo projects, acted in films, and played in the theater.

Irina Ponarovskaya. Foreign media have never been interested in the affairs of our stage, but “one of the main jazz singers"Irina Ponarovskaya was known very well. At international music competitions she always created a sensation, and her beauty and style also conquered the world of high fashion. She was called "Miss Chanel of the Soviet Union."

But Irina herself decided that she was not beautiful enough and dared to plastic surgery. This was a big mistake.

Recently, the ubiquitous paparazzi found Ponarovskaya, now living in Estonia, and took several photographs. In the photo - an ordinary grandmother who dotes on her little grandson.

Larisa Chernikova. Larisa Chernikova became popular in the 90s. Being the wife of a big businessman, she had a lot to record albums with.

But three years after the wedding she became a widow. She dedicated the song “Who...” to the memory of her murdered husband.

The singer’s second husband was an American whom she met on the Internet. About what she was popular singer in her homeland, Larisa confessed only a year after the wedding.

Now she lives in America, raises her son, works on her own farm and provides the services of a naturopathic doctor.

Lika Star. In the mid-90s, Lika was a cult party star: one of the first Russian girls to appear on the cover of Russian Playboy, Vladimir Presnyakov’s mistress and the heroine of a video that became legendary.

The music video for the song “Lonely Moon” stars Fyodor Bondarchuk, Sergei “Spider” Troitsky, Gosha Kutsenko, Masha Tsigal and others. But fast career The beauty's life ended with the birth of her first child - son Artemy - in 1995.

Afterwards, the singer tried to start again by opening a production studio, but in the early 2000s she left Russia altogether, marrying an Italian businessman. From her second husband, Lika gave birth to a daughter and a son. Parenting former singer combines with the organization of gastronomic tours to Sardinia.

Lena Zosimova. If you are the pretty daughter of the founder of MTV Russia, Boris Zosimov, you have every chance of becoming popular, even your vocal abilities leave much to be desired.

But Lena’s creative ambitions were hindered by the crisis of 1998, when there was simply no money to record another album. Now 40-year-old Lena Zosimova is a housewife and has two sons.

Natalya Senchukova. The wife of the lead singer of the hooligan group "Dune" Viktor Rybin, who started out as a backing vocalist for her husband.

In the 90s, she recorded several albums and constantly performed solo, and now, together with Victor, she occasionally visits the thresholds of festivals and retro concerts. And together they raise a son.

Isolda Ishkhanishvili. Together with Nastya Makarevich and Lena Perova, Isolde shot as part of the Lyceum group in 1995 with the song “Autumn”.

Two years later, Perova set off on her own, and in 2001, the main beauty of the Lyceum, Ishkhanishvili, left the team. She married businessman Dmitry Desyatnikov, with whom she is raising a young son.

Lena Perova. Start creative life Elena Perova is closely associated with the Lyceum group. In 1997, Perova was fired from the trio for violating the terms of the contract prohibiting participation in third-party projects.

Two years after leaving the Lyceum, Perova began singing in music group"A-mega." But this did not last long. And already in the early 2000s she decided to perform solo.

Having released a couple of albums, she became a member of the group “Feathers”, with whom she performed live concerts.

In 2013, she was invited by Yuri Aksyuta and Konstantin Ernst to the position of editor-in-chief of the directorate of music and entertainment programs.

We invite you to remember the main singing beauties from the 90s and see what they look like now.

Natalia Vetlitskaya

Dmitry Malikov and Zhenya Belousov dedicated songs to her. The latter, by the way, although not for long, was the singer’s legal husband. Natalya Vetlitskaya was perhaps the sexiest singing blonde of the 90s. Her songs “Look into your eyes” and “Playboy” were sung by the whole country, and the videos were shot by Fyodor Bondarchuk himself. In 1998, Vetlitskaya became interested in yoga, and in 2004 she left big stage. Now the singer is 51, she lives in Spain and still looks amazing. Fans even call Natalia “the Russian Sharon Stone.”

Lika Star


Lika Star is another sexy blonde, one of the first Russian girls to appear on the cover of Playboy. Her debut video for the song “Lonely Moon” starred Gosha Kutsenko and Masha Tsigal, and the video was directed by Fyodor Bondarchuk. But Leakey's career ended as quickly as it began. In 1995, the singer gave birth to a child, and in the early 2000s she left for permanent residence in Italy. Today Lika Star is 43 years old, and she is reluctant to talk about her turbulent past.

Irina Saltykova

Irina Saltykova has always been successful. Even when I was selling cosmetics in a tent. Irina became a star after the release of the video “Gray Eyes” - revealing outfits and luxurious forms did their job. Later there were “Blue Eyes”, a role in the film “Brother-2” and 5 more albums. Now Irina is a successful businesswoman, she rarely sings, but she still looks luxurious. You will never believe that this slender blonde is 50 years old.

Lada Dance

Thanks to Lada Dance, we all knew that we needed to live happily! Her songs “Girl-Night” and “Reggae in the Night” are still played in discos, although Lada Dance has not recorded albums for a long time. After her singing career began to decline in the late 90s, Lada began acting in films. She excels in the roles of luxurious “bitches” and femme fatales. Today Lada is 47, she looks great, drives successful business and continues to “live high.”

Marina Khlebnikova

Thanks to this sultry brunette with very long nails, we all sang the song about “Cup of Coffee.” And no wonder, the album with same name became fourth in terms of sales in 1997. Subsequent albums were not so successful, Marina became interested in new projects and appeared on stage less and less. Now Khlebnikova is engaged in her own business. Judging by her Instagram photos, the singer looks great at 51 and still loves long, sharp nails.

Isolda Ishkhanishvili

The curliest blonde from the main trio of the 90s - the Lyceum group. She left the group in the 2000s, and the Lyceum seemed to have lost its “zest.” Today, 39-year-old Isolde can be seen at social events, where the girl happily poses for photographers and walks around with exclusive bags. The former “lyceum student’s” Instagram is replete with photographs of a beautiful life, the main hashtags are “no filters,” “no Photoshop,” “no sports.” What for? The years have not affected Isolde’s chic appearance in any way.

Alena Apina

All now 30-year-old Lesha and Ksyusha are grateful to the soloist of the “Combination” group Alena Apina, you know why. The spectacular blonde wore short skirts, high boots and preferred bright makeup. Today the star of the 90s leads healthy image life, wears classics and doesn’t look at all her 52 years old.

Tatiana Ovsienko

In the early 90s, the lead singer of the Mirage group, Tatyana Ovsienko, was not much different from the then popular singers: blonde curls, pearlescent lipstick, a clingy dress and high stilettos. Until in 1996 the singer amazed everyone with ultra short hair"like a boy." It is Ovsienko who we owe to this very trend. You look at Tatiana’s latest photos and don’t believe it – she turned 50 this year.


It’s difficult to call Linda a classic beauty. Rather, she was like an alien from another galaxy, a girl from parallel world. There was nothing familiar in her texts: no unhappy love, no unfaithful men. To be honest, we still don't really understand what Linda sang about. But we remember very well what she looked like: black lipstick, black hair falling down her face, a bunch of piercings. The singer generally loved to shock the public: for example, in 1998 she sued Madonna for allegedly “stole” the plot of “The Crow” from Linda. Now Linda is 39, she still writes songs, gives concerts and continues to amaze the public with her appearance.

Olga Orlova

The charming lead singer of “Brilliant” sang her first hit “There, Only There” at the age of 18. Then the girl fell in love, left the group and gave birth to a child. Olga returned to the stage in the 2000s with a solo project. Last years the singer plays in films, starred in TV shows and leads a completely social lifestyle. At 39 years old, she is still as gentle, fragile and graceful.

Svetlana Vladimirskaya

Svetlana Vladimirskaya was different. A fragile brunette with a short haircut and a deep voice also sang about unhappy love, but somehow differently... At the peak of her popularity, the singer left everything and left with her husband for Siberia. And there - a garden, a vegetable garden, a healthy lifestyle - there is no time for new songs, you understand. After 10 years, Vladimirskaya returned, recorded a couple of albums, but, alas, the former glory did not happen. Today Svetlana is 47, she is raising children and grandchildren, sings in a choir and rarely appears on the pages of gossip columns.

Photo: PersonaStars; Chumichev Alexander, Klementyeva Elizaveta, Yatsina Vladimir, Yakovlev Alexander, Olga Zinovskaya, Buldakov Oleg, Tarakanov Vadim, Stukalin Evgeniy/TASS; Starface; Instagram

Many people remember their childhood and youth with nostalgia. This is why performers from the 80s and 90s (Russians) are popular. The list can be continued almost endlessly. After all, at that time there were many active singers of different genres. They have enjoyed success for many years. There were also those whose fame faded after one hit. Here are a few short lists performers who were popular in the eighties and nineties.

Performers of songs of the 80-90s (Russian): list of men

During this time, there were many singers who became famous for performing several hits. In the first list we did not include men who are now stage veterans and continue to actively tour. We will only talk about those who are currently undeservedly forgotten, although many of these singers are trying to repeat their past success:

That's not all popular artists 80-90 years (Russians). The list can be continued almost endlessly. We have chosen only the most brightest stars of that time, overlooking the talented Zhenya Belousov and Evgeniy Osin. To this day, such singers as Philip Kirkorov, Valery Leontyev and Oleg Gazmanov perform.

Russian performers of the 80-90s: list of women

The stage of that time consisted of almost 70% women. In those years, the country listened to the songs of Irina Allegrova and Tatyana Bulanova. Dance hits were performed by Lada Dance. Soulful songs with a folk touch belonged to Nadezhda Kadysheva and her namesake Nadezhda Babkina.

The hits were sung by Russian performers from the 80s and 90s. The list consisted of people who made it through their talent alone, and those in whose “promotion” a lot of money was invested. Alsou and Lena Zosimova were called the “golden” children of show business in those years. These singers were promoted at the expense of their fathers, although it cannot be said that they did not have talent. The singers of one hit were Marina Khlebnikova and Natalie. Although the latter recently released new song, which captivated the whole country - the hit “Oh God, what a man!”

The most famous groups of the 80-90s

The real breakthrough at that time was the success of the group “Tender May”. This first boy band broke many girls' hearts. On tour, the team packed stadiums. Several lineups of the group even traveled around the country, the singers in which were vaguely similar to the original performers. By analogy with this group, many singers began performing to a soundtrack.

There were other successful performers of the 80-90s (Russians). The list of groups, for example, looks incomplete without mentioning Bari Alibasov’s project “Na-na”. The team captivated the audience with their sexuality. Young men sometimes performed in costumes consisting of one bunch of bananas. Besides these the brightest groups, the country in those years listened to the songs of the following groups: “Combination”, “Kar-man”, “Hands Up”, “Nancy”, “Gaza Strip”, “Russian Size” and “ Inveterate scammers" Many of these groups subsequently broke up and gave rise to solo projects.

The 90s went down in history along with the adjective “dashing”. This was the time of the collapse of the USSR, when Soviet laws collapsed along with the state, giving way to criminal concepts and His Majesty the dollar. Business penetrated the stage, creating numerous commercial projects, where the names of group members became secondary, and to promote songs it was necessary to shoot videos. At the same time, the Iron Curtain collapsed, and a fresh stream of modern technology poured into Russia. western music, which defines the list popular songs 90s Russian hits can be divided into one-day works and those that have not lost popularity to this day.

"Social" songs

  • "Autumn", group "DDT". A song reflecting on the future of the country was born in September 1991. For a rock band, it looked pop, and the band members greeted Yuri Shevchuk’s creation without enthusiasm. At first, Andrei Muratov categorically refused to perform it, but then the song was nevertheless included in the 1992 album “Actress Spring”. A simple video was made for it, in which Vyacheslav Butusov starred and supported the author. The song turned into a real folk hit, falling in love even with housewives who were still unaware of the existence of the DDT group. According to Our Radio, the track takes 2nd place in the list best songs XX century after V. Tsoi’s hit “Blood Type”.
  • “Two Pieces of Sausage”, group “Combination”. Several compositions by the Combination group can be included in the list of popular songs of the 90s. Russian performers reflected with humor in each work social phenomena, occurring in those years: passion for Mexican TV series (“Luis Alberto”), admiration for the West and the general emigration of the 90s (“American Fight”), total shortage (“Two Pieces of Sausage”). The last song was born after Alena Apina left the group, who began a solo career. The team was at the peak of its popularity until the death of its founder A. Shishinin in 1993.

The best pop groups of the 90s

Winner of 12 Ovation awards, the group whose popularity peaked in the mid-90s is Na-Na. Created by producer Bari Alibasov, the boy band toured tirelessly in the country and abroad, captivating audiences with fantastic shows. The band brought real sexual energy, becoming famous thanks to the hits “Faina”, “The Hat Fell”, “Eskimo and Papuan”.

S. Zhukov and A. Potekhin from “Hands Up!” for girls from 14 years old they became idols. These were the most popular performers of the 90s. Russian hits of those years - “My Baby”, “Move Your Body”, “Baby”, “Sorry” were heard on all the dance floors of the country.

After several years of obscurity, the group “Ivanushki International” literally burst onto the stage, shooting a video for the song “Clouds” in the trip-hop style. Igor Matvienko, who created the band in 1994, was ready to admit it was a failure when the music, unusual for Russians, captivated the audience. And then there were “Doll” and “Poplar Pooh”, which were included in all the charts of that time.

Can't help but mention cult groups 90s - “White Eagle” and “Car-Man”. The first one was created on a whim by businessman Vladimir Zhechkov, who personally performed a number of hits, without which not a single karaoke club can do today: “Because you can’t be so beautiful in the world” and “How delightful are the evenings in Russia.” The second brought exoticism and sportiness to the stage, and her business card is the song "London, Goodbye".

Ephemera songs

In the “Hits of the 90s” collections there are a lot of throwaway songs, very simple in melody, but very popular in their time. Among them: “Granite pebble” (“ Ladybug"), "Autumn" ("Lyceum"), "The boy wants to go to Tambov" (Murat Nasyrov). Natalie with her hit “The Wind from the Sea Blowed” can rightfully top the list of popular songs of the 90s. Russian people are unpredictable in their preferences. The song, for which the pop masters condemned the performer, broke all popularity records. Natalie herself heard it as a child, and after wild success, more than 17 people claimed copyright for it, two of which were legally recognized by them.

With the song “Don’t hurt me, groom,” a person who doesn’t know appeared on the stage musical notation sunk into oblivion in the same 90s. Andrei Derzhavin, having not achieved success after Katya-Katerina, was forced to continue creative path keyboard player in The Time Machine. There are also very talented performers who have created more than one masterpiece, but whose finest hour began and ended in the 90s. Among them: Vlad Stashevsky (“Call me in the night”), Andrey Gubin (“Tramp Boy”), Alisa Mon (“Almaz”).

Linda's video (“Crow”), made in gothic style. She is a performer of wonderful songs by Maxim Fadeev, including “Little Fire”. Here the situation is the opposite - the songs live, but the performer has disappeared from view.

Songs of pop luminaries

Many hits of outstanding modern pop stars were included in the list of popular songs of the 90s. often ended their performances in groups and began a solo career. In 1990, Irina Allegrova left Electroclub, having made a dizzying rise thanks to the hits: “The Hijacker”, “The Empress”, “An Unfinished Romance”. The one who left did not disappear from the horizon Cheerful guys" His ironic “Captain Katalkin” and “Empty Bamboo” were very popular with the audience.

In the 90s, there was a rise in popularity among Philip Kirkorov (“Diva”, “Diva”, “Day and Night”), Valery Meladze (“Sera”, “Beautiful”), Grigory Leps (“Natalie”, “God Bless You” ). These and many more real hits of the 90s still delight their listeners.