Evgenia, characteristics of the name and fate for girls. The meaning of the name Evgeniy for boys: character and destiny. Secrets of communicating with Evgenia

Female name Eugenia has Greek roots, and comes from the male name Eugene (Eugenes), which means “noble” in translation. In Russia, the name began to spread in the 19th century - mainly the children of nobles were called this way. But the name Evgenia or Eugene most often sounded in the French manner - Eugene, which is how the diminutive form of the name Zhenya appeared.

Today the name is in the top ten in popularity, but boys are still called this more often than girls.

Among the famous owners of this sonorous and beautiful name there are actresses, writers, athletes and singers. For example, Russian actresses Evgenia Dobrovolskaya and Evgenia Simonova, French empress Evgenia Montijo, Russian artist Evgenia Lurie, psychic Evgenia Davitashvili (Juna), ballerina Evgenia Kolosova.

Name day and patron saints for Eugenia

Eugenia's name day is celebrated on January 6 - on this day the Venerable Great Martyr Virgin Eugenia of Rome is remembered.

She was born into a noble Roman pagan family, but as an adult she firmly believed in Christ. Evgenia, secretly from her parents, changed into a man's dress and went to monastery. There she took monastic vows, and long years She led a quiet, righteous life, even becoming the abbot of the monastery. But she was exposed, and after much torture she was beheaded.

Characteristics of the name Evgeniy

Evgenia fully lives up to her name - nobility, this is her main advantage, which is difficult not to notice. She is a passionate lover of truth and does not tolerate even the slightest injustice. Protects the interests of others as if they were his own. Her strong point is endurance and common sense.

The masculine component of the name leaves its mark on the woman’s character - it is also absolutely masculine for her. Evgenia is a strict, unsentimental, fair person in her judgments. It is much easier for her to find a common language with men than with women. She never lies and does not tolerate hypocrisy in others.

Zhenya is always ready to help, is non-conflict, and takes friendship very seriously. She has few friends, one or two, but for life. She is a rather reserved person, and it is not easy to get her to open up.

She is often too harsh, straightforward and touchy. One harsh word is enough, and Zhenya can be offended for a long time or even lose his temper. Moreover, most often she herself provides the reasons for conflicts. But Zhenya knows how to be restrained and not show her true attitude towards her interlocutor if it benefits her.

Evgenia is conservative and even a little old-fashioned, she does not like surprises and impromptu things. He treats people with distrust and is always looking for a trick. Analyzes the words and actions of people, looking for secret meaning even where he is not. She is very punctual, prudent and thrifty, never wastes money and tries not to throw anything away.

Determination and perseverance are the main character traits of Evgenia, which help her achieve good results in life, despite the lack of obvious talents. She is persistent and strives to get what she wants at any cost. Having become truly carried away, she loses the mechanisms of self-restraint and does not feel danger; moreover, Evgenia has weak intuition.

At the same time, Evgenia is no stranger to sacrifice; she can come to the aid of a person even when everyone turns away from him, and will help without sparing herself or stinting on resources. Zhenya will never refuse support to a loved one.

Evgeniya in childhood

Little Zhenya is a great inventor and dreamer; she is never bored in her imaginary world. She has an even and calm character, easy to adjust. The girl has few friends, she is not one of those who makes acquaintances easily. It’s not easy for her to approach a peer and start playing with him, even if she likes him. But if the acquaintance takes place, then Zhenechka will be happy to play with him. She does not like large and noisy companies, preferring to play with one child.

Parents couldn't be happier with their exemplary daughter, but it's hard for her to find mutual language with classmates. Zhenya claims to be the leader in the class, and is very offended if she does not feel enough respect for herself.

The girl is drawn to knowledge, she is inquisitive and diligent, for which her teachers love her. She is no stranger to social activities, at school and in adult life Zhenya can do it successfully and with pleasure. Parents need to strictly monitor their daughter’s progress at school, encourage her success in every possible way and scold her for laziness and unnecessaryness. If we leave everything to chance, then Zhenya can slip into twos and threes. Fortunately, Evgenia is easy to educate.

Zhenya loves communicating with nature, she enjoys forest walks, hiking and traveling, growing flowers and working in a zoo corner. WITH early childhood and all her life the girl will feel the need for extensive contacts with the world. If her parents allow her to keep animals in the house, then her pet will always be well-groomed, fed and caressed.

Evgenia shows her sexuality early, and parents need to talk a lot with their daughter so that she doesn’t do anything stupid. Little Zhenya requires a lot of attention to herself; she is in dire need of parental love. She cannot stand raised voices; rude shouts can lead to a nervous breakdown.

Evgenia's health

As a child, Evgenia doesn’t get sick often, but colds are always severe and complications can arise. Parents need to toughen up the girl and strengthen her immunity. You should also pay attention to your posture, as scoliosis may develop. The wife should not eat a lot of sweets, especially chocolate - the girl has been predisposed to allergies since childhood.

The girl Zhenya may have urological and gynecological problems, she needs to be seen by a gynecologist.

In old age, polyarthritis may develop, and the susceptibility to infectious diseases will affect. In addition, the elderly Evgenia’s character deteriorates greatly, she becomes grumpy and uncooperative, and the conservatism inherent in all Eugenes becomes especially acute.

Eugenia's sexuality

Evgenia is in love, and every time her feeling is heightened to the extreme, to the point of self-forgetfulness. She dissolves completely in her partner, guesses his slightest desire, feels all the shades of his mood. She will forgive her loved one for any shortcoming, but she will never forgive betrayal. Old-fashioned views on life and strict moral principles do not allow her to change sexual partners frequently. Evgenia is not one of those women whose love you can buy.

Zhenya gives great importance erotic play and foreplay - without them she cannot reach the peak of pleasure. Does not tolerate rudeness - only sensual tenderness and passion. She will always support a doubting partner, try to instill confidence in his masculine qualities, and will never offend or mock him in case of failure.

Not every man can satisfy this sensual woman, so Evgenia is often alone. Many men are simply put off by the intensity of passions and feelings emanating from a woman in love. Zhenya herself very rarely breaks up with partners on her own initiative; more often the breakup occurs at the request of the man.

Evgenia married, compatibility

Evgenia takes marriage seriously; she will never marry a man who cannot provide for his family. The girl will make a choice in favor of an old-fashioned and courteous man who knows how to look after beautifully and for a long time, but will avoid ladies' men and ladies' men.

Zhenya will make a devoted and caring wife who will do her best to keep even bad marriage. But she will always claim leadership in the family, and this can greatly complicate the relationship. Zhenya can be offended over trifles, stir up a quarrel literally out of nothing, so she needs a patient and calm man.

Zhenya will run the household zealously, bringing every penny into the family. She is an excellent cook and knows how to create coziness in the house. However, it cannot be said that home economics is her calling. Zhenya does everything at the behest of her soul, when she is in the mood.

Evgenia will become a caring mother, but her children will not only love her, but also be slightly afraid of her. She will not spoil her children, she will raise them with love and severity. Excessive severity can cause some coldness in relationships with older children.

An alliance with Vladimir, Gleb, Egor, Arkady, Arseny, Valentin, Konstantin and Peter may be successful for Evgenia. Marriages with Eduard, Stanislav, Felix and Roman should be avoided.

Business and career

Evgenia does not have any special talents, but she is a responsible person and honestly fulfills the duties assigned to her. But she can easily change her place of work and profession; she is not one of those people who can be devoted to one thing all her life. For Evgenia, financial support is very important, so she will always look for a more profitable profession.

A woman can become a successful teacher, doctor, educator, lawyer, actress or designer, but she is best at social activities. Evgeniya is easy to train and can find non-standard approach to the problem. She does not seek power, but can become a strict and fair leader.

Wife's imperious character and ability to manipulate people will help her reach career heights. She knows how to achieve her goals without abandoning the job halfway. But it is still better for Evgenia not to start her own business; it may be unsuccessful, since the woman is prone to conservatism and emotional decisions.

Talismans for Evgenia

  • The zodiac sign of the name is Capricorn.
  • Patron planet - Mars.
  • Lucky color - emerald, green, beige, lemon.
  • A good time of year is winter, a good day of the week is Saturday.
  • The totem plant is thistle. Thistle's motto is "no one will touch me without getting hurt." The plant symbolizes challenge, asceticism and vindictiveness.
  • The totem animal is the mountain goat. The animal symbolizes activity and good spirits, helps to get rid of sadness, depression and despondency.
  • The talisman stone is emerald. The stone relieves tension and fatigue, normalizes sleep, gives peace of mind, is considered the key to love, happiness and prosperity. An emerald can only be a talisman for honest and sincere people, like all Eugenes are. Otherwise, the stone is either lost, or cracks and becomes cloudy, and most importantly, it loses all its magical properties.

Horoscope for Evgenia

Aries- sincere and impulsive Evgenia, not ready to bear responsibility for her often rash decisions and actions. Many men try to win her favor, but the woman is fickle. In pursuit of new sensations and bright colors she may not notice a truly worthy man next to her.

Taurus- an integral and reliable nature that you can always rely on. She is distinguished by enviable persistence in achieving her goal, but vanity and envy have absolutely nothing to do with it; these qualities are alien to Eugene the Taurus. She will give her man a sea of ​​love and unconditional devotion.

Twins- This is a playful and reckless young lady, and completely irresponsible. He prefers to shift matters to others and put off decisions until “later.” Easily flits through life, often changing place of residence, work and partners. She cannot be relied upon at all, and her promises should not be trusted.

Cancer- a sensual and vulnerable nature, devoid of physical and spiritual strength. She is not suited for any work; her lot is contemplation. Any failure confuses her, it is very difficult for her to pull herself together and start all over again. Evgenia-Cancer has a fragile appearance, which men are very susceptible to. Due to the inability to resist, a woman is often unsuccessful in her personal life.

a lion- a selfish and absurd person who loves only himself. Her moral principles allow her to “go over her head” and commit betrayal. She never admits her mistakes. Evgenia-Leo attracts men with her extravagance, but the latter often do not even suspect that they are just a weapon to achieve a selfish goal.

Virgo- reserved and reasonable Evgenia, who tries to sort everything out. He is obsessed with cleanliness and cannot stand disorder, both in thoughts and in deeds. He always thinks through all his decisions, plans everything in advance, and does not like surprises. She's a little boring, but reliable. Violent manifestations of feelings are alien to her, but she knows how to love and be devoted.

Scales- an indecisive nature, terribly afraid of making a mistake. He often turns to friends and acquaintances for advice, which can cause irritation. She does not trust her intuition at all and always tries to do as she was advised. In marriage, she will always yield to her husband in everything.

Scorpion- a defiant and even extravagant personality, incredibly stubborn. He often suffers from his stubbornness, but cannot overcome himself. Vulnerable and vulnerable deep down, Evgenia-Scorpio wears the mask of a confident woman. She really needs a person whom she can completely trust. But it is very difficult to reach her, since she herself pushes away the man she likes - simply out of a feeling of contradiction.

Sagittarius- generous and sincere Evgenia, who has a huge number of friends. She knows how to make the right contacts and use people to her advantage. Evgenia knows how to make friends and knows how to be grateful. She is fickle with men, quickly gets carried away and also quickly cools down.

Capricorn- responsible and persistent, prone to the most ruthless self-criticism. He never hopes for “maybe”; he achieves everything through his own work. Very secretive, it is almost impossible to provoke her into frankness. She can date only one man to whom she will be selflessly faithful, but she will also demand the same from him.

Aquarius- a freedom-loving person who says little but does a lot. She is guided by common sense in business and has excellent business acumen. She has many envious people, and she is very worried about this - gossip and rumors deeply hurt her sensitive soul. She treats her partner with respect, but does not risk fully revealing her soul to him.

Fish- a dreamy, vulnerable, touchy young lady with developed intuition. She makes a strange impression on others and is difficult to understand. She trusts her intuition, so she rarely makes mistakes in people and matters. Her main drawback is excessive impressionability, which prevents her from living.

The female name Evgeniya is a derivative of the male name Evgeniy. Translated from Greek it means “noble”. The name Evgeniya is less popular than his men's uniform. Girls are called this more often in villages than in cities. 30 years ago, on the contrary, the name was common among city girls.

Character of the name Evgeniy

The meaning of a name directly depends on when its bearer was born. Evgenia, who was born in winter, has a strong character and powerful willpower. She fights for her dreams to the last. Winter Evgenia stubborn and ambitious. She never fusses and always expresses her point of view directly. She also does not know how to control herself and often loses her temper. Spring Eugenia is usually very narcissistic. She always thinks only about herself, which is why people around her don’t like her. She will first achieve success in her professional field, then start a family. Evgenia, born in summer, has a very gentle character. She always comes to the rescue and takes other people's problems very close to her heart. For her, family is everything. She usually marries very young and devotes her life to her husband and children. Autumn Eugenia is characterized by isolation and silence. She soberly assesses reality and does not set impossible tasks. She does not seek to change the world around her, but simply adapts to circumstances.

Adult Evgenia is calm and balanced. Everything in her life is stable. She has a positive attitude towards everything, loves to communicate and has an inner core. She is kind and wise, but sometimes she still commits rash acts. Despite the fact that Zhenya loves stability, she can easily change her life, for example, quit her job and move. Due to circumstances, Evgenia is rather reserved and cold. These qualities prevent her from building a happy family life. She also does not know how to find a compromise, especially in terms of her freedom. Representatives of the opposite sex are afraid of the strong Eugenia, who lives according to her plan. Zhenya can be very irritable. Men prefer to be friends with her rather than build a love relationship.

Even as an adult, Evgenia remains very vulnerable. However, she quickly forgets the insults, as she is afraid to be left alone. It is interesting to communicate with her and make good friends. She will never betray her loved ones. She really needs the help and support of her family, although she will never tell them about it.

Thanks to her desire for goals, excellent discipline and punctuality, Evgenia achieves great success professionally. She is not satisfied with the position of a simple worker; she strives to become a boss. Evgenia is a strict leader, but fair. Best for her suitable job related to the exact sciences. She will become an excellent engineer, accountant or scientist. But Evgenia gets tired of the monotony. She needs business trips and live communication. Thanks to her ability to manipulate people and achieve her goals, she will become an excellent businessman. But to do this, she should moderate her ardor and always weigh her decisions.

Name Evgenia for a girl

A little girl named Zhenya is characterized by daydreaming. She has her own fictional world in which she occupies main role. She loves to play alone, but sometimes she still spends time playing Barbie with her friends or playing tag with friends. At the same time, little Zhenya is a leader among her peers. They value her opinion and listen to it. Her fairness and prudence, as well as kindness and responsiveness contribute to this.

Zhenya is a very obedient girl and her parents have no difficulty with her. However, sometimes she gets offended and capricious, and is also stubborn when we're talking about about something important to her. She has such a steely character that not even every adult has. However, Zhenya is very driven and often gets into trouble. Parents should be more attentive to her. Evgeniya tries very hard at school, despite the fact that she doesn’t like studying. She just wants to be a leader in everything, including her studies. If Zhenya’s successes are not given due attention, she will stop trying and her performance will decrease.

With age, Evgenia becomes even more stubborn and touchy. She believes that only her opinion can be correct and does not like those who argue with her. She expresses her feelings very violently. Due to excessive emotionality and straightforwardness, she can be lonely because they don’t want to be friends with her. A girl named Evgenia combines two opposites. She simultaneously contains kindness and vindictiveness, charm and harshness, prudence and temper. She wants to have friends, but her reluctance to make concessions hinders her. Nevertheless, she will make a great friend. She is always frank with her friends, and also loves justice and is ready to help at any time.

Due to her emotionality, Evgenia has a talent for finding herself in unpleasant situations. It’s all because of her craving for everything unusual and extreme. It is worth noting that she is learning to cope with her emotions and think sensibly. IN in general Evgenia has a very strong character that few people can break. Her opinion does not depend on the circumstances and can be harsh, which causes problems with others. Evgenia thinks not only about the present, but also about the future. From an early age she gets a job in order to earn her own needs. Thanks to this, even in adolescence Zhenya learns to manage money wisely.

Marriage and compatibility of the name Evgeniya

Evgenia very often falls in love and gives herself entirely to this feeling. She dissolves in her companion if he also idolizes her. She doesn't need expensive gifts. She is looking first and foremost for a soul mate.

Frivolous men who confess their love to everyone do not interest her. Only a strong and powerful man who combines such qualities as intelligence and restraint can attract Evgenia’s attention. It is important for her that she can feel weak woman next to your man. Also, a man’s strength is also important because in the initial stages Evgenia will be very cold and he will have to woo her favor. She searches for her destiny long and carefully. Besides internal qualities, the material well-being of her chosen one is also important to her. Of course, she is not a supporter of arranged marriages, but she doesn’t want to live in a hut either. Zhenya will not connect her life with a man who has a dark past. It is important for her to feel a sense of pride in her partner. She will never have a relationship with married man, even if a great feeling breaks out between them.

Because of complex nature Evgenia often has conflicts in her family. However, if her husband becomes a support for her, then she will try to be more restrained in order to save the marriage. Evgenia is not created to maintain a home. However, she good hostess and loves guests very much. The main thing is that the guests are planned, since she does not like unexpected surprises.

If Evgenia is lucky enough to meet the ideal of her man, then she will be an excellent wife and housewife, as well as a wonderful mother. At the same time, she will often be strict with her children. To save her family, Evgenia will have to learn to control herself, compromise and accept that her opinion is not always correct. She is ready to forgive her husband for any offense, except betrayal. In order for the marriage to be long and strong, it is best for Evgenia to choose Arkady, Vladimir, Gleb, Egor, Konstantin or Peter as her husband. But relations with Maxim, Vsevolod, Afanasy and Vitaly will most likely not last long.

Famous personalities

  • Evgenia Peterson- woman yogi. She is among the first women to practice yoga. Her passion was facilitated by moving to Germany during Civil War. There she became acquainted with Indian culture. He is the first person from Europe to master yoga so well that he was able to teach even Hindus.
  • Evgenia Ginzburg- journalist of the times Soviet Union. Author of several memoirs, such as " Steep route", on the basis of which they even made a film.
  • Evgenia Davitashvili- popular Russian healer. She also studied astrology and was interested in poetry. He is still the most famous psychic in Russia.
  • Evgenia Vasilyeva- Russian entrepreneur. Previously, she headed the Department of Property Relations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. She was convicted of fraud, was under house arrest since 2012, and in May 2015 received a sentence of five years in prison. In August of the same year, she was released early and compensated all victims for damages.
  • Evgenia Otradnaya- Russian solo performer. Previously she sang in the group “110Volt”.
  • Evgenia Kanaeva- Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics. In 2008 she received the title of Olympic Champion.
  • Evgenia Medvedeva- Russian figure skater. In 2016 she won the World Championships and the European Championships in single skating.

According to Mendelev

A paired name with male and female options; diminutives are the same for male and female names.

A reliable name, hot, gentle and beautiful.

Evgenia is a passionate, irrepressible nature, with a rich imagination and almost no protective mechanisms of self-restraint, without a sense of approaching danger; once she starts, she will no longer be able to stop, even if the road may lead her into the abyss. She tends to subjugate people and enjoy it, but this same Evgenia will be able to come to the rescue in the most difficult situation and will do this without sparing herself - but also without stinting on resources. This woman is a bright, wild, ambitious person; her actions cannot always be explained from the point of view of ordinary logic.

Zhenya is brave and angry, rude, dark and dangerous, both in masculine and female version Zhenya does not get along with people, is impulsive and unpredictable. Not all of Zhenya’s qualities will be transferred to Evgenia or Evgeniy, but the motives for the actions of adults will become clearer when analyzing the characteristics of diminutive names.

Character and color of the name "Evgeniy, Evgeniya"

Evgeniy is prone to risk, and he himself creates the problems that cause him to take risks. Often acts simply irresponsibly, without thinking about the consequences of his actions; can offend a person for no reason, even his friend. At the same time, he is brave to the point of recklessness, hot-tempered, often excessively. He doesn’t get along well with people, but he is forgiving and is quite sincerely surprised by the reactions of others to his behavior.

Eugenes of both sexes are non-standard people, unstable and restless - “tumbleweed” people. They easily change their place of work, city, sometimes family - and all this without any special regrets. Fate carries them, but they do not resist. Men's names are much more common than women's names.

The color of the name is bluish-green.

According to Higir

Comes from an ancient Greek word meaning noble.

Little Zhenya will amaze those around him with his ingenuity. He will learn to read and write very early. Big dreamer. At school he is among the best, writes essays well, and easily learns a foreign language. He is friends with his classmates, they respect him for his kindness and generosity. He treats girls with consideration, in a chivalrous manner, and often idealizes them. Evgeniy is hardworking and shows great promise. He is interested in sports and has a special interest in various types oriental martial arts. Obstacles in achieving his goal unsettle him in life; he does not know how to concentrate and overcome them. He reaches average heights in his chosen specialty; his element is exact sciences and electronics. IN free time can write poetry.

“Spring” Evgenia is more specific and purposeful. More often than those born at other times of the year, they are repeatedly married. Among their friends there are journalists, artists, and writers.

In a woman, he values, first of all, spiritual purity, subconsciously looking for some mystery. Evgeniy was created for family life. He sees nothing wrong with cleaning the floor, going to the market, or doing other household work. Organically cannot stand scandals, avoids quarrels and everything that could lead to them. Because of the eternal dispute about who should be the head of the family, he will not violate the atmosphere of mutual understanding and love that he so values. Unfortunately, wives often mistake such tolerance for lack of character. With all the consequences that follow from this, by the way.

Family and marriage named after "Eugene"

Eugene is sensitive to the suffering of loved ones, but in extreme situations they show indecisiveness. They willingly walk with children; you can always see a flock of boys and girls around them. Many Eugenes are very jealous. Evgeniy will never initiate a divorce.

Their marriages are most successful with Alina, Anna, Bogdana, Valentina, Valeria, Vera, Daria, Juliet, Ksenia, Leah, Lilia, Lyudmila, Natalya, Nellie, Nina, Raisa, Christina, Yulia. Less luck with Ada, Alevtina, Varvara, Elena, Zoya, Claudia, Lydia, Marina, Yana.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: "Noble" (Greek)

Energy of the name and character: In general, the energy of the name is quite calm, it clearly shows a tendency towards good nature and balanced mobility. It’s unlikely that little Zhenya will be too restless, but you can’t call him quiet either. Most often, this balance between mobility and calmness remains with him throughout his life. Despite the softness of the name, a certain impulsiveness is still noticeable in it, the ability to respond to any irritation, however, in combination with other qualities, this will most likely find its manifestation in Eugene’s irony. He is not a supporter of forceful methods of resolving disputes, and ideally human qualities he often imagines inner intelligence. Meanwhile, sometimes he becomes capable of a decisive act, even a feat, however, having accomplished it, he himself can subsequently be surprised for a long time by this fact.

The name is not without a certain charge of ambition, although here too there is a balance between the desire for fame and material benefits, and where there is balance, much begins to depend on upbringing. However, Evgeniy often chooses his life path taking into account both of their needs, especially since career advancement is usually combined with improved well-being. He is unlikely to go out of his way at work, but he will try not to miss the chance to advance. He may try to start his own business, although most often his plans for independence remain at the dream level. The only exceptions are those cases when the benefits of this step are obvious or in childhood they managed to instill in him a craving for independence.

In relationships with women, Zhenya’s qualities such as lightness, sociability and a sense of humor come to the fore; he is a gallant gentleman, usually behaves very intelligently and often becomes irresistible in the eyes of the fair sex. There are even cases when the charming Evgeniy, having married several times, manages to maintain excellent relationships with all his ex-wives. Nevertheless, this is not enough for a full-fledged family, which means that such a Zhenya can only be called happy in marriage from the outside; he himself probably thinks differently, although he doesn’t show it. Perhaps because from childhood Evgeniy attaches great importance to how he looks in the eyes of others, he is often characterized by well-developed artistry, which, along with intelligent charm, can ensure success in a creative career.

Secrets of communication: Often, Evgeniy’s poise allows those around him to easily win him over to their side, which can be falsely perceived as weak character. This is far from the case, and such an illusion quickly dissipates when Eugene’s interests are affected. Having entered into a confrontation with him, first of all one should be wary not of any decisive actions, but of his significant reserves of irony.

Famous people with the name "Evgeniy"

Evgeny Evstegneev

Perhaps all the most striking and characteristic features of this name found their manifestation in the life and work of the brilliant actor of Sovremennik and the Moscow Art Theater Evgeny Evstegneev (1926–1992), who knew how to convey all the subtleties of the character of his characters. He played many different roles in theater and cinema - this is the King in “The Naked King”, and Firs (“ The Cherry Orchard"), and Professor Preobrazhensky ("Heart of a Dog"). His unique irony can be called one of the most expressive features that gave Evstigneev an amazing charm not only in life, but also on stage.

They say that once, when Sovremennik gave the play “The Decembrists,” Oleg Efremov in the role of Tsar Nicholas I was supposed to utter the following phrase: “I am responsible for everything and everyone,” but he misspoke and said instead: “ I am responsible for everything and for the light."

“Well then, for both gas and water, Your Majesty,” picked up his partner Evgeny Evstigneev.

1. Personality: living in two worlds

2.Color: blue

3. Main features: excitability - receptivity - intuition

4. Totem plant: foxglove

5. Totem animal: seahorse

6. Sign: Aquarius

7. Type. These men are sometimes nervous and sentimental. Their psyche is reminiscent of their totem - a seahorse, which seems to be sleeping in the water, and then suddenly wakes up.

8. Psyche. They are psychopathic, although they hide it. Their sex life has two aspects: impressionability leads to the idealization of the object of love, which is followed by severe disappointment, and aggressive sexuality often creates unpleasant situations. They are passive, but at the same time they can acquire a tendency towards masochism.

9. Will. Rather, weak. Indecisive.

10. Excitability. Average. However, it should be remembered that often they are simply biding their time so that they can overtake you later.

11. Reaction speed. They seem to be dozing, immersed in their inner world, but in fact they perfectly notice what is happening around them.

12. Activity. Average. Before getting down to business, they weigh and calculate their strengths and capabilities.

13. Intuition. Highly developed.

14. Intelligence. Their interests are strictly selective, they delve into trifles and pass by truly significant phenomena without deigning to pay attention to them.

15. Receptivity. Often susceptible to influence. Not too confident in themselves, rather indecisive, timid.

16. Morality. They know how to adapt to circumstances. Their system of moral values ​​is never clear and precise.

17. Health. Good, but these people get tired quickly. They need long sleep and a calm, measured lifestyle. Susceptible to infectious diseases. The weak parts of the body are the eyes and bronchi.

18. Sexuality. The sex life of such men is subordinated to feelings. It takes them a long time to identify their desires, but then everything happens very quickly...

19. Field of activity. They become excellent technicians in the field of electronics, engineers in the field of aircraft construction, good researchers who can manage several areas of work at once.

20. Sociability. They are very sociable, especially when they are in a good mood, which does not happen too often. They do not like to give up old attachments.

21. Conclusion. Don't let people like this isolate themselves. Sometimes they are very active and active, sometimes they just sit back and are not always able to control the situation.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

He is very picky in choosing a partner, his temperament is average. He treats women with some disdain, considers them to be less worthy creatures than men, but he is by no means a misogynist. He most often associates girls with innocence, which he sincerely defends. Eugene may be mistaken and equate a woman’s beauty and charm with her sexuality and is often punished for this. He is inclined to believe that sex is a part of youth; later a person should take up more serious matters: earn money, start a family, children, take care of their well-being. It is not surprising that his wife, not receiving fully what she expects, feels constantly dissatisfied, left out, gets irritated at the slightest reason and becomes intrusive in her demands. But the most striking thing is that in such situations Evgeniy feels like the offended party.

Sexuality of the name "Eugene"

He does not imagine that his maximum achievements in the field of sex are comparable only with the average activity of other men. A variety of sexual partners can stimulate him, and he does not consider this shameful - Evgeniy takes a broad view of things. He is quite frank in expressing his sexual desires, has no inhibitions and wants to learn all forms of sexual communication. In sexual life, he needs to feel that he is not just quenching his partner’s thirst, but that he himself is receiving complete sexual satisfaction and restoring mental and physical balance. If Eugene is not satisfied with his wife, he rarely gets divorced, but looks for an opportunity to make up for lost time on the side. After forty years, he lowers his standards in choosing a sexual partner, as he reduces sex to a biological necessity.

Origin and meaning

The name Eugene comes from the ancient Greek Eugenios, which in turn was derived from the word “eugenesi” and means “with good genes”, “noble, from good kind" There is a legend about the Monk Eugene of Bithynia, who, together with his daughter Maria, went to a monastery. She put on men's monastic clothes, received the man's name Mirin and, together with her father, led a godly, humble life until the end of her days. Since then, Eugene and Maria have been considered exponents of grace, bearing the sublime image of their patrons.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Pisces
  • Patron Planet: Venus
  • Talisman stone: pearl
  • Color: light blue
  • Linden tree
  • Plant: forget-me-not
  • Animal: pearl barley
  • Favorable day: Thursday

Character traits

The child, named Evgeniy, early age- parents' pride. He is a good student, kind, affectionate, and hardworking. Doesn't like to quarrel or conflict. Respects elders, stands out among his peers with his ingenuity, manners, and inquisitive mind.

Abilities for mathematics, logic, and exact sciences appear in adolescence. Evgeniy reads a lot and easily digests school curriculum, does extra work. Driving force His character is stubbornness. However, in life situations, requiring lightning-fast decision-making, he is cowardly. Internal inconsistency such a personality is manifested in the presence of physical strength and the presence weak character. Weakness manifests itself in indecision, inability to concentrate on the main thing, excessive amorousness, and inertia.

As in other names that have a masculine and feminine gender, Eugene contains contradiction, duality, and the struggle of opposites. This is a complex nature. His character is further adjusted by the time of birth. Born in winter or autumn, the owner of this name acquires the traits of a confident person, an optimist, and a strategist. Spring and summer - emotional, unbalanced, impulsive. His character expresses the traits of an extrovert: pleasant sociability, responsiveness, carefreeness, agreeableness, and a desire for leadership.

Interests and hobbies

Evgeniy is interested in invention, exact sciences, sports, science fiction, detectives. Knows how to tinker and improve interior details. Loves nature and tourism. He has a favorite animal at home.

Profession and business

Evgeniy is able to realize himself in his profession. He chooses it not from a position of passion, but as a comprehensively thought-out, well-founded, vital decision. True, not every man with that name manages to achieve his goal. But he is an optimist. Capable of achieving success in the field of mechanics, engineering professions, cybernetics, electronics. His passion for mathematics, analytical mind and ability to work make him always in demand, despite his difficult character.


Vulnerable areas are the nervous and immune systems. Evgeniy likes to sleep, lie in the bathroom, and sit in front of the TV. Constant fatigue can lead to changes in behavior at home and at work. Outwardly very active and physically strong man with such a name one becomes indifferent, inert and sentimental. This is a serious signal nervous system, the requirement to change the regime, rest and rethink the strategy.

Sex and love

The secret of the name Evgeniy hides an overly amorous and very sexual nature. He idealizes women, does not notice their shortcomings, and therefore is often disappointed. His beloved is a beautiful and educated girl. Loves to “show off his intellect” in personal conversations. Parts with his beloved without scenes or scandals, maintaining friendly relations. Women idolize him for his cheerful character, good manners, sociability and sincerity.

Family and marriage

Evgeniy is not always happy in marriage. Understands that he is bound by family ties, but still seeks freedom in sexual relations. Carefully hides infidelities and numerous flirtations at work. He is trying with all his might to save his family. It often becomes ideal husband, attentive and caring father, classic example keeper of the home. It all depends on the choice of the spouse, her tolerance and intelligence. A man named Evgeniy remains an enthusiastic romantic, a passionate lover and an unsurpassed gentleman until old age.

1. Personality: advancing women

2.Color: blue

3. Main features: will - activity - sociability - sexuality

4. Totem plant: hawthorn

5. Totem animal: hippopotamus

6. Sign: Aries

7. Type. Difficult to define. They, like their totem - the hawthorn, both charm and prick. They act at random, headlong. They have the ability to get into hopeless situations, from which it is then difficult to extricate themselves.

8. Psyche. They have an urgent need for extensive contacts with the world. These are women with a well-developed, but slightly extravagant imagination and Machiavellian plans. They love to turn everyone into their slaves, starting with their parents.

9. Will. Like a tank or a bulldozer - if such a comparison is legitimate. Delay for them is like retreat, and retreat is defeat... Trouble is for those who do not keep up with them.

10. Excitability. They are in complete control of themselves. They strive for independence and tend to seek adventure.

11. Reaction speed. They are dangerous when things take an unpleasant turn for them, and the blame falls on them. It’s difficult for the husbands of these angry tigresses at such moments, but you, relatives, hold on as best you can!

12. Field of activity. Everything around them should be in motion, or rather, everything - relatives, husband, children. They deal with everything related to travel, as well as medicine and paramedicine. They can be school directors, directors' secretaries, etc. They adapt very well if the situation requires it, but, unfortunately, they succumb to the influence of others.

13. Intuition. Average.

14. Intelligence. More likely to be hardworking than talented, they achieve success thanks to their ability to work.

15. Receptivity. An amazing cocktail of friendliness and sensitivity. They rush into the arms of the first person they meet, then forget about them, then resume the relationship again.

16. Morality. Unstable: come what may, just to get what you want.

17. Health. Good, but often violated life cycles, have irregular menstruation, sometimes suffer from insomnia, etc. Weak points - in youth, the respiratory organs, especially the lungs; fractures should be feared.

18. Sexuality. They often give in to violent impulses. All or nothing! Only great love can curb them.

19. Activity. At the lowest level.

20. Sociability. Those around them are often horrified by their antics, but are still confident that they can be dealt with. Living with them is difficult, but life without them is too boring.

21. Conclusion. These women are like those tanks that are the first to be blown up by mines.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

Evgenia is firmly convinced that she knows everything well, for which she has grounds, because she always relies on common sense. In any situation, Evgenia is like a fish in water. She belongs to those women who are young and hot all their lives. Evgenia has a rare ability to penetrate into the world of her lover’s feelings, and if she sees love in his eyes, her own feelings for him flare up with renewed vigor. Eugenia's love is a feeling heightened to the extreme, to the point of self-forgetfulness; she feels her partner with all her skin and is able to guess his desire just by the expression of her eyes. However, such intensity of feelings has its own reverse side: many men are simply afraid to take on such a burden.

Evgenia is very affectionate and, on her own initiative, rarely breaks up with her lover if she has achieved sexual harmony with him. Only extraordinary circumstances can force her to do this. Having parted, she is able to remember her lover all her life and resurrect in her memory the unique moments spent with him. Not every man can satisfy this ardent woman; she is often unlucky in finding partners. But Evgenia is able not to show her displeasure; she soberly analyzes the reasons for failures and tries to model the sexual behavior of her partner. She is very sensitive to erotic play, without it she cannot reach the peak of pleasure.

“Winter” Evgenia is a strong, strong-willed woman who gives maximum warmth to the man with whom she is close. She strives to encourage a doubting man, instill in him confidence in his masculine virtues, and rid him of his complexes. Next to her, a man always feels like a man. “September” Evgenia is very difficult in marriage, life with her requires a lot of patience. Her sexual behavior is characterized by intransigence and inability to understand her partner.

According to Higir

Feminine form of the name Eugene (noble - Greek). Little Zhenya lives in a world she invented, which has its own laws and rules. She is interested in the life of Jesus Christ, while all her peers are reading the fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood. Little Evgenia has a calm, even and thoughtful character, she is easily influenced. Shows a penchant for needlework, embroidery, and can play alone for hours, inventing different stories. She is not alien to common children's interests - running around the yard with her friends, eternal “jumping ropes” or sleds in winter, but she is not so selflessly devoted to these amusements in comparison with other children.

At school she reaches out to teachers, asks additional questions, and is known as an inquisitive girl. Classmates value Zhenya for her fair character and willingness to help. He usually doesn’t conflict with his parents and is strict about his friendships with boys. He prefers to learn about the intimate side of relationships between different sexes from specialized literature and avoids talking about this topic with his girlfriends. With age, Evgenia becomes quarrelsome and stubborn. It doesn't cost anything to offend her. Simply disagreeing with her is enough for this stubborn woman to sulk, or even boil. Meanwhile, she most often gives reasons for conflicts herself, as she sometimes gets easily irritated over trifles. It is precisely because of frequent quarrels that Evgenia’s family life usually collapses - few can withstand such a character of a person who, moreover, claims to be the absolute leader in the family.

Punctual. For those born in winter and late autumn, punctuality is especially noticeable, to the point that it can cause irritation among loved ones. Zhen makes good housewives, doctors, and lawyers.

Lovers of easy and quick victories over women will feel the strict morals inherent in Evgenia from the first hours of their acquaintance. She likes men with slightly old-fashioned manners, courteous and reserved. Evgeniya is hospitable, friendly, and will surprise guests with a beautifully set table and elegantly served dishes. True, provided that it is warned about this in advance. She doesn't like impromptu things. She is thrifty, does not spend money on trifles, does not throw away old things. The children love her, but at the same time they are afraid of her strict disposition.

Marriage with Vladimir, Konstantin, Peter, Gleb, Egor, Arkady is especially favorable. He may be unsuccessful with Eduard, Stanislav, Felix or Roman.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: "Noble" (Greek)

Energy and character of the name "Evgenia"

Evgenia is one of those names that male version sounds somewhat softer than in the female one. For a woman with this name, such qualities of the name as mobility, noticeable optimism, and confidence come to the fore, but the cheerfulness inherent in the name is offset by sufficient firmness. You can often recognize Evgenia by her face, noticing a rather stern expression in her eyes behind her balanced, good-natured demeanor. However, even if this is not observed, Zhenya’s firmness will somehow find its manifestation in her behavior.

Much in Evgenia’s life depends on her upbringing and living conditions. Usually she has enough inner strength to be able to resist her parents even as a teenager, so if the situation in the family where Zhenya is being raised is nervous, then she can easily do more than one stupid thing in protest. However, much more often, everything is more or less well with her upbringing, and Evgenia’s strong character allows her to do well in her studies, and then in any career she has chosen. At the same time, Zhenya is greatly helped by her sense of humor and penchant for activity.

Surrounding people with the name "Evgenia"

She is very sociable, although it is possible that this sociability will begin to be somewhat obsessive with age. This can especially manifest itself in family life, where it inner strength, most likely, will persuade her to take a leading position, and either Evgenia will really be able to subjugate her husband, or her groovy nature will provide her with a great many conflicts and scandals, which will most likely end very badly. At the same time, Evgenia is unlikely to break, perhaps only this will increase her inner severity even more. It will be most favorable if Zhenya learns to trust more in the independence of her loved ones. Of course, they are often wrong, but where are the guarantees that Evgenia herself is always right in everything? In a word, a little trust and a calm attitude towards Fate will not harm her, and her hard work and cheerful energy in this case can become the key to real family happiness, in which she will find her place as a caring mother and housewife.

Secrets of communication: Often, in order to avoid conflict with Evgenia, it is enough to quietly turn the conversation to her past “exploits”, which she can talk about for hours. This does not happen because of a tendency to boast, it is simply that her internal energy and activity find its outlet in such memories. In addition, we should not forget about her sense of justice, violation of which is often regarded by Zhenya as a personal insult.

Famous people with the name "Evgenia"

Eugenia Montijo

In a strange way, the fate of Eugenie, Countess of Montijo, who was later destined to become the French Empress and wife of Napoleon III, developed, and, apparently, such a high position was originally planned from above.

According to a family legend passed down from generation to generation in the Montijo family, Eugenia’s grandfather and grandmother lived in Paris under Napoleon Bonaparte and became his ardent followers. It was then that Maria (Eugene's mother) as a little girl met the son of Napoleon's daughter-in-law (Queen Hortense) - Louis Napoleon, and such a tender friendship arose between the children that one fine day the boy brought his friend a bouquet of violets with a gold ring on it. And only many years later it turned out that the ring was nothing more than the wedding ring of Empress Josephine, in search of which she unsuccessfully ransacked the entire palace.

As for Maria, she, having realized which relic she was the owner of, gave the ring to her daughter in due time, believing that it would bring her happiness. And so it happened: once, while in London, Eugenia met Prince Louis Napoleon, and he was amazed to recognize the very ring that many years ago he had so frivolously given to a friend during childhood games. After this, the prince considered himself in some mysterious way connected with little Eugenia. And Maria herself did her best to add fuel to the fire, making sure that her daughter caught the eye of the future monarch as often as possible, and certainly decorated with a bouquet of violets. When, in 1851, Evgenia, who had turned into a lovely girl, appeared at royal ball with violets in her hair and a bouquet of violets on her shoulder, Napoleon III was finally defeated, and soon Eugenie became the French empress.