Fortune telling with a green candle. Features of the ritual. Self-conspiracy on candles for good luck and getting rid of poverty

For many years, candles have performed a decorative function, turning an ordinary interior into a mysterious, romantic one. Fire is also a mystical sign, one of the five magical elements. It is a symbol of passion and supernatural power.

There are people for whom candles are not just a decorative element, but an artifact, without which meditation, spiritual practices and certain rituals are indispensable. Wax products help improve your emotional state and fulfill your deepest desires. We invite you to talk about candle magic and the meaning of candle colors in magic!

What is candle magic?

Magicians and esotericists call this one of the most primitive magical arts. This type, by the way, is usually classified as natural magic. It is built on small rituals and the use of a minimum number of artifacts.

Every person at least once in his life performed the simplest rituals related to this type of witchcraft. For example, I blew out the candles on my birthday cake. Yes, yes, this is candle magic! After all, at the same time, a person makes a wish, sends it to the Universe, asking for support. And the final result is influenced, of course, by faith in the actions performed and in the Higher Powers.

Why do many magicians choose candle magic for themselves? Of course, first of all, this happens because the fire element has always been associated among people with superhuman power, transformation, purification and the fulfillment of their most cherished desires. Fire fascinates and attracts; it is the embodiment of that divine spark, which, according to esotericists, is present in every person! In addition, it is fire that allows a person to become close to something supernatural, beyond the control of reason, beyond the limits of the material world. That is why fires burned on altars in the past. pagan gods, and that's why today in Christian churches candles are burning.

The advantage of using magic candles is the simplicity and convenience of this method of changing reality. In addition, this type of witchcraft is incredibly effective: it allows you to solve problems in almost all areas of life. Of course, the flame of a candle is much smaller than the flame of a ritual fire, but there is also a significant advantage - in addition to the pure energy of fire, candles have a “body” that the sorcerer can also use in the process of witchcraft. You can apply various magic words and symbols, add oils and herbs, enhancing the effect of the ritual.

Rules for using candles

There are a number certain rules, which magicians strictly observe. We'll tell you about the most important ones!

For each ritual it is necessary to take new candles, sorcerers warn. Those that have already been lit (even for a short time) already store information that can ruin the entire magic ritual. Some rituals involve lighting and extinguishing one candle several times. Please note - under no circumstances should you change candles or light them outside of the ritual!

We must also remember that candle magic is, first of all, real creativity! Therefore, the use of combinations of two or more colors is allowed here! Of course, the color descriptions below can be called basic and widespread, but no one prohibits using candles in accordance with your attitude. Another one important detail- candles self made imbued with the energy of the person who created them. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to create a magical artifact yourself, be sure to do it! You will be able to receive an energy charge of incredible strength.

After any, it is important to properly dispose of candles. Experienced sorcerers advise carefully collecting the cinders (it is advisable not to touch them with bare hands) and throw it away from you.

Candle color

The color of this magical attribute can be compared to a key that opens a certain area of ​​the human subconscious. What color should the candles be for the ritual? It all depends on what it is aimed at! We bring to your attention a selection of characteristics of certain shades!


Red candles are simply irreplaceable when it comes to love magic. After all, red is the color of passion and expression, love and energy. They will help not only attract new relationships into your life, but also return lost feelings and increase sexual desire. Important point- you need to light two identical candles at once - this symbolizes reciprocity between partners.

Red candles also help to achieve success in business - for this you just need to light them before some important event and just look at the flames. Magicians assure that the color red attracts good luck, improves financial side life.

They should also be used in case of fatigue or before exhausting work. You need to get comfortable in a chair opposite the candle, let your thoughts go free and look at the fire. Even a short rest will restore a huge amount of energy and allow you to complete complex work.

Another area of ​​application is the presence of outside interference. Esotericists recommend lighting scarlet candles throughout the house in cases when fatigue sets in, everything literally falls out of hand, and light bulbs burn out in rooms. It is believed that the flame will drive out all evil forces.


White is the color of sincerity, insight, purification and wisdom. The magic of color allows it to be used in rituals aimed at healing illnesses and searching for the truth. In addition, white candles help childless women finally feel. They also help correct the effect of wax of other shades.

Speaking about the meaning of the color of candles, we cannot help but say that white is an excellent helper for the most people. different professions, especially teachers! It helps you achieve all your goals. Candles white useful when you need a new source of energy or its awakening.


This color is considered synonymous with optimism and joy. Therefore, it is recommended to light yellow candles when there are guests in the house. In addition, they are often used to improve relations between spouses. The fact is that bright wax carries harmony, mutual understanding and respect!

The color of the sun is also associated with a person’s intellectual potential. That’s why they light such candles before passing exams or interviews. You can use yellow candles just like that: lit in the house, they will bring financial well-being, comfort, tranquility and friendly atmosphere.


Candle of blue color can awaken in a person a sense of mercy towards others. She also awakens her own feelings of guilt. Such attributes are good for various spiritual practices and meditations: they help improve health, awaken energy, attract prophetic dreams. Another property of them is that they are able to give answers to complex life questions. In addition, blue candles are the most powerful weapons, often used in the fight against evil forces. Wax of this color has a large energy charge, but magicians often do not recommend using it - this can lead a person to depression and disorder.


Speaking about the meaning of the color of candles, one cannot fail to mention the magical attributes of black; it accumulates magical energy, and therefore has a number of the most different characteristics, capable of influencing not only a person’s consciousness, but also the events occurring in his life.

Black candles perfectly help in the fight against obstacles and difficult circumstances. They get rid of negative energy, speed up recovery after illness. It is strictly forbidden to treat wax of this color lightly! You should not use them in rituals aimed at desires that you are not completely sure of. When should such candles be lit? Magicians say - in moments of reflection on complex issues when justice is needed or when life is complicated by various obstacles. It is also important that black color affects the process of meditation, making it deeper.


What is it associated with? green color? Of course, with fertility, abundance, material wealth, summer greenery. Therefore, esotericists recommend lighting such candles when you urgently need to attract finances into your life, improve the health of your household, and increase the level of In addition, green candles help in the implementation of creative plans and ideas. Unlike blue ones, green attributes can be used daily: they will help you get inspired.

Speaking about the magic of color, one cannot fail to mention that different shades green help in solving different problems. For example, when a person burns dark green candles, greed and envy leave his heart. Emerald candles are a symbol of love, important achievements and bright emotions. Therefore, it is worth lighting them at a time when you need to strengthen the union and dilute the insipid life with small joys.


Orange color- a symbol of the sun and summer, power and entrepreneurship. He is able to give a person strength, enthusiasm and luck. In addition, it strengthens both friendly and business ties, gives recognition and success. It is worth lighting candles of this color in situations where you need to quickly adapt to some situations and adapt to reality. In addition, orange is the best helper for women who want to lose weight and transform themselves.


Speaking about the meaning of the color of candles, it is worth mentioning pink candles. All shades of this color attract romance, sensuality, and indicate the path that will lead to spiritual harmony and balance. Women who are too callous should light such candles: they will help them become more tender and softer.

Another useful property this color is the programming of energy for reconciliation. That’s why you need to use them after quarrels. They will also help you find compromises in any situation. By the way, it is best to use rose-scented wax products - they will enhance magical effect rituals.


Typically, such candles are used together with others in the most different rituals. Their main purpose is to accelerate the result, strengthen the ritual.


Purple wax products will help you reveal hidden capabilities and talents, expand the boundaries of consciousness, and make wise decisions. Magicians use them to create the necessary mood during predictions of the future or various fortune-telling. These candles are used to protect against magical influences, cleansing from negative influence.

Gold and silver

Sorcerers recommend using golden candles for women. It is generally accepted that they will help to acquire happiness and wealth, determination and the spirit of victory. Silver attributes are necessary if you need to get rid of negative impact, improve your well-being and gain vitality.

Blue and turquoise

Who should use it? wax candles blue color? People who lack patience and inspiration. Their influence is particularly gentle, so they can gently resolve spiritual torment. Often such candles are used during spiritualistic séances.

You can light blue candles, look at the fire and think about your loved one - this can program him to be faithful and incredible affection.

Turquoise attributes play the role of a kind of talisman that can cleanse the soul and push for change.


These tones are absolutely neutral, and therefore suitable for people who need to understand their own thoughts and feelings. The meaning of the color of candles allows them to be used for meditation and practices aimed at reflection and relaxation. Esotericists recommend lighting them at the end of a busy day.


Candles help you gain confidence Brown. They prevent danger and release excess energy. Another action is balancing the connection with the outside world.

In which areas should candles be lit?

After you have decided on the color of the candle, you need to choose a place in the house where you will light them. Multi-colored candles located in the southwest will help improve relationships with a loved one and resolve conflict situations with children.

If you have a great desire to succeed in professional activity To gain popularity, magicians advise taking red, blue and purple candles and lighting them in the south of the house.

It's no secret that Qi energy is the source of all life on our planet. If you feel that it has stagnated and needs to be dispersed, it is recommended to light it at least two to three times a week magic candles in the most inaccessible places of the home, for example, in corners.

Candles that a person lights in the northeast of an apartment or room will help strengthen the influence of the energy of the Earth element (and therefore bring stability, self-confidence into one’s life, and preserve family happiness). This should be done at least twice a week.

You can also eliminate the chill that has appeared in a relationship with the help of candles. It is best to take red wax products. They should be burned in the bedroom, choosing the southwest side for this. Esotericists warn that you should not do this too often, otherwise both you and your partner will simply get tired of the excessive manifestation of feelings.

White lights can be used in absolutely all zones and all rooms. They will allow you to create an indescribable atmosphere of cleanliness and freshness in your home, and will rid your home of negative energy, accumulated for a long time.

    So I’m sitting and thinking - how to pay off the loan... At work, salaries are delayed, I called everyone - there’s no one to borrow from - New Year after all, who gives loans at this time... I came across this article purely by chance, probably a sign... I’ll go get a candle tomorrow, maybe it will work out...

    The money ritual with a green candle is very popular. It is done both with two candles (green and zodiac), and is completely limited to one green one. When I made it, the biggest problem for me was buying this very green candle. At that time they were quite rare. I can’t say that something suddenly fell out of the sky for me, but when I calculated all my expenses for that period, it turned out that the money was spent far beyond my capabilities.

    I would love to try this ritual, but there is one problem - I don’t know where to find special candles, the city is small, I’m not sure that such a thing exists. I think I’ll order online, the article inspired me to do so. Worth trying. The most I have at home are books on the topic, but they are about subconscious influence, and without describing such practices for calling in money.

    Thank you very much for an article like this, I’ll find where to buy candles and I should try to start raising money! And several at once, for the whole family, in case someone else starts studying. True, fire is a little scary, I’ve always been afraid of it, I’m afraid to even light a match, but I’ll have to overcome myself and start the ritual. Useful information, I'll save it!

    I like your warning that you don't need to ask for this help very often. There is no need to look for easy money. This is correct, we need to learn to earn money and get out. And this is already like ambulance. Interesting plot, good mood. But I will have to turn to him, somehow I was unlucky. As soon as I do it, I’ll be sure to post what the result will be.

    Thank you so much for the article! Useful and accessible information! I’ll definitely try the ritual with a candle! If anyone has already tried it, please share the result :)

    What a great fellow you are for giving such an important and interesting information right on a platter! When the question arose about buying a new phone, and money wasn’t very good that month, I decided to resort to this conspiracy. And literally a couple of days later it was payday and the boss gave an excellent bonus, which was more than enough to buy the much-needed unit! SO don’t be afraid to use the spell, it really works!

    I really need money, I just got a job, I’m going probation, but there is not enough money to eat normally. I just didn’t understand where to get such candles - different colors. They are some kind of special or with holiday sparkles they will be suitable. My zodiac sign is Cancer, and then I need green and silver candles. And of the silver ones, only New Year's... Will a spell work with such a candle?

    I have already done a spell/mini-ritual with candles several times! The first times it was scary, because with such an action there is some kind of special atmosphere, everything is so mysterious and you think whether the conspiracy will work or something terrible like Viya will crawl out from somewhere. But those doubts existed for a long time, of course. A good site, there are a lot of interesting things and, most importantly, effective conspiracies from here you can find something for every taste and to solve any problem. The main thing, of course, is not to get carried away. The magic of daily access to it does not like. I tried it. But I haven’t seen the plot with the green and zodiac candle yet. I took note.

First you still need to buy a regular one green candle. The ideal option is if it is made of wax, but regular stearic or paraffin is also suitable. The main thing is that it is thick enough and can burn for 2-3 hours.

The purchased candle will serve as the basis for creating a money one. Now it’s time to start preparing the energy mixture that will accomplish the transformation.

Ritual "Green Candle" for magical rituals

To make the mixture you will need a glass bowl, olive oil and aromatic oil, which can now be bought at any gift shop.

We need pine oil, cedar oil, eucalyptus oil and an ordinary painting brush. You need to cut off the lower part (about two centimeters) from a previously purchased candle.
Just cut carefully so that the candle remains stable later.

Now pour half a tea cup into the glass bowl olive oil and add three drops to each bottle of aromatic oil.

Stir the mixture clockwise and place in a water bath.

Place a finely chopped piece from the candle there. Stir with a wooden spoon or spatula until the wax softens.

You should get a homogeneous mass. Then remove the bowl from the water bath and cool, stirring gradually. As it cools, the mass will begin to thicken little by little, but until it has completely frozen, you need to charge it with monetary energy.

You need to do it like this. Place the bowl on a wooden table. If you don’t have a wooden table in your house, you can place the dishes on wooden board(for example, a cutting room).

Look carefully at the surface of the mixture and concentrate,
Think about the wishes and hopes that you can achieve with the help of green money candle.

Close your eyes and try to imagine in great detail the moment you get what you want.

After this all that remains is turn a purchased candle into a green money candle. And this is how, take a simple candle in your left hand (vice versa for left-handed people), and right hand dip the brush into the mixture that you apply to the candle.

The direction of hand movement is from top to bottom. As you apply the mixture, try again to imagine how you will succeed in achieving your goal. When you finish applying the mixture, leave the candle to dry for a day.

After this period, green money candle will be completely ready and can be used in various ceremonies, spells and rituals.

When you make such a candle, you can immediately get down to business. Here are some examples of how you can use it. These are very examples strong conspiracies and rituals that will help you receive a significant additional amount of money.

There are many magical rituals for attracting wealth and prosperity. But we will only consider those rituals for which you will need candles.

In general, the magic of candles is considered one of the most powerful, since the flame of a candle creates a special energy that fills our desire, pronounced in front of the candle. This energy helps your desire come true and you become richer.

It is believed that the color of the candle you are going to use in the ritual plays a role. So, for money rituals, green and less often white candles are used.

At midnight, light such a candle in front of you and look into its flame. Think about the wealth you want to achieve. When the candle flame becomes even, say out loud the following words: “Burn the green fire, come to me for money!”

To enhance the effect, you can say this phrase several times as loudly as possible.

Also, on the table around a candle, you can lay out bills of different denominations so that the candle flame illuminates them, filling them with the energy of your desire. Place these bills in your wallet and spend them over the next few days.

Be sure that the money you spent will come back to you a hundredfold.

Ritual with two candles

To perform this ritual you will need two long thin candles, white and green. White candle represents you, and green represents your wealth.

On the first day (a better evening), place these candles on the table at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other and light. Look into their flames, imagine how your energy is intertwined with the energy of wealth, think about why you need money and what good it will bring into your life. After some time, you can blow out both candles.

The next day, place the same pair of candles closer to each other. And also think about your future wealth. Repeat the ritual every day, each time placing the candles closer to each other. When the distance between them is reduced to a minimum, twist the short stubs together into a tight knot and tie with a red or gold ribbon.

Now you and money are connected by a common energy, and wealth will find you on its own. Store candles as a talisman.

Ritual with bay leaves

This ritual is usually performed on a waxing moon and when you clearly know why you need money, for example, when you want to buy something specific.

You will need a green candle, a large metal dish, and seven whole intact bay leaves (a bay leaf seasoning that is added to soup).

So, place the candle in the center of the dish and light it. On the laurel leaves, write a word symbolizing your desire, for example, “Ford Kuga” or “red dress.” This can be done with a pencil or marker. Then light the leaves one by one from a candle, throw them on a dish and let them burn completely.

If the leaves just char, light them again. While the candle is burning down, you can peer into the smoke from the laurel and imagine that your wish has already come true. Or walk around the apartment, carrying this dish in front of you, and let the dissipating smoke fill your entire home with the energy of money.

These are not all the rituals for attracting money; we have considered only the most interesting ones. Remember that if you decide to perform a ritual, but the candle flame smokes, it is better to postpone it until the next day or another time.

Candle magic is one of the oldest areas of magic, based on the magical properties of the fire element and its transformative capabilities. Practitioners of candle magic pay special attention to the color of candles.

Green, in particular, is the color of prosperity, health, growth, wealth and, by extension, money.

A correctly performed ritual with a green candle to attract money can help you quickly attract the desired amount for some tasks; achieve gradual and sustainable income growth; lead the business to prosperity. Much depends on the intention of the practitioner, the shape of the chosen candle and the ritual itself.

How to perform a ritual for money with a green candle so that it gives the desired result? First of all, you need to follow a few rules when preparing.
The ritual to attract money should be performed on the new month or on the full moon; at this time, any growth rituals are effective.

In addition to the ritual, rely on your own strength. Even if the ritual is done, and you sit and wait for the money to come from nowhere, it won’t come. It is necessary to act independently, opening up opportunities for them.

Clearly and specifically formulate your goal so that it is realistic and acceptable for you. For example, “I want to become a billionaire in a month” - such a formulation will most likely be ineffective (anything can happen in the world, but most likely this is exactly how it is). Why - because it is important to formulate goals that are clear and accessible to you.

“My new business is thriving and income is growing” - this formulation is much more acceptable for an entrepreneur performing a money ritual.

Keep specific amounts in mind. It’s good if you write them down on a piece of paper before performing the ritual. Moreover, this could be the amount you want to receive at a time, or the lower limit of your desired salary or monthly income.

In any case, listen to yourself and answer whether you are ready for such an amount in the near future, whether you can “learn” it.

Trust the process. However, this advice applies to any magical practices. Believe yourself, believe the spirits/egregors/universal vibrations that you attract to realize your intention. After the ritual, continue to act in the chosen direction, remembering that at a subtle level your intention has already been printed, and soon it will be realized.

But don’t fixate on this thought, just continue to act as if nothing had happened. And watch what happens.

Now about the technique, how to step by step carry out a ritual for money with a green candle.
First you should buy green candles for the ceremony. It is important that they are completely painted, have never been used before and are not in plain view as decoration. You can buy simple green candles, or ready-made candle rituals, or make a candle yourself - it’s up to you.

Track the phase of the moon (as already noted, a waxing moon is desirable).Choose a time when no one will disturb you.It’s good if during the ritual you wear green clothes (red shades are sometimes recommended for speed of execution).

Take the candle in your hands, close your eyes and focus on your desire. Imagine in vivid colors that it has come true, imagine the events and what you will receive and have as a result. It is better not to concentrate on emotions like joy and delight, so as not to “fly away” and maintain a calm and detached state during visualization. Send your intention to the candle.

You can place coins under the candle to concentrate the appropriate energy. Light it up. Looking at the flame, gradually imagine in dynamics the development of events as you wish - in what ways the desired amount can come to you or how, for example, your business grows.

Details are not necessary here - present in general terms, but clearly enough.

If a candle needs to burn out, let it burn out. If this is a designer candle that is intended to be used several times, then extinguish it with the cap to light it again. The next time you light the candle, do not come up with new goals, just remember the one you formulated when you first lit the candle.
After burning down, bury the cinder under a strong living tree.