What song does the monatik sing? The monatic dancer and singer gets the audience going right away. The beginning of Dmitry Monatik's career

Dmitry Sergeevich Monatik(MONATIK) was born on April 1, 1986 in Lutsk in a wonderful friendly family. Dima was the only son and the favorite of the whole family. From the early childhood Dima was incredibly purposeful. He studied well and mastered several instruments at the same time. His parents did not contradict their son’s desire to develop in a creative direction and supported him in everything. His passion for dancing, as one of Dima’s hobbies, occurred in adolescence and even then, at the age of 14, Dima, as a member of the Lutsk break dance group “DBS Crew”, won the title of the best “B-boy” team in Western Ukraine.

Fateful moment

In 2003, Dima entered the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management at the Faculty of Law. But creative nature made his presence felt, and without giving up dancing and music in his senior years, Monatic passed the final casting for the cult project “Factory of Stars -2” where Dima was noticed by Natalya Mogilevskaya. She personally invites Dima to her ballet. It was this event that became “fateful” for Monatic. He agrees and moves to Kyiv.

The beginning of a creative journey

After graduating from university in 2009, Monatic collected his first Music band"Monatique" with which he performs in clubs. This gives Dima the opportunity to express himself creatively and perform his own repertoire. In the same year, he auditions for the ballet “D’arts”, and for two years, together with the guys, he experiences a lot of creative events that played a significant role in his life. So in 2010, Dima performed as one of the main dancers in the incredibly successful play “The Little Match Girl” directed by Nikolai Boychenko. In the same year, as part of the ballet “D’arts”, he became a member of the official ballet of the “Republic of Kazantip”. And in 2010 he starred in cameo role in the popular television series "Mukhtar".

Talent show

In July 2010, Dmitry became a participant in the dance show “Dance All-3” and entered the top thirty best dancers in Ukraine. People are starting to talk about him a lot and well. Dima has his own fan club and a huge number of fans. In August of the same year, Monatik successfully passed the auditions of the world's most popular vocal talent show "X-Factor" and became one of the most bright participants project, once again making sure that he is on the right track. At the same time, Dima Monatik acts as a choreographer and director of the video clip “On the Bolshoi hot-air balloon» singer Yolka.

“I always treat the stage with respect and excitement. It seems to me that people who are not nervous before going on stage do not treat it with all the respect! I always spend a lot preparatory work, and then I go on stage and receive indescribable emotions of pleasure!”

Solo career

After participating in the talent show, Dima Monatik begins working on a solo project with even greater zeal. So in the summer of 2011, together with his friend Nikolai Boychenko and the ballet “D’arts”, Monatic filmed his debut video video for the single “Tay Flying Away”. The video instantly gains a huge number of views and becomes Dima Monatik’s calling card. Six months later, Dima releases the second single “Air” and shoots a video clip for it


In August 2012, Dima Monatic wrote the iconic song “40 degrees,” which the most outrageous artist LOBODA took into her repertoire. The song instantly tops all the country's charts. Thanks to LOBODA, Monatik becomes famous as the author of words and music. In the summer of 2012, Dima Monatic released another video for the single “TerrorizirU.E.t.” The song is one of those songs that every year acquires new meaning and reveals new sides, a new attitude. In the same year, Monatic released the single “Important” and together with Open Kids is making a video for a cover version. Continuing his collaboration with LOBODA, Dima successfully acts as a composer in several episodes of the high-profile project “Halle, Director”. In November 2012, Dmitry Monatik performs on the X-Factor stage, already as a guest artist and performs a solo song. In March 2013, Monatic presented the track and video for “Sorry...” and released the first solo album called "Soundtrack" today" In April 2013, Monatic wrote the first solo track for Eva Bushmina, “With Myself,” with which Eva started after leaving the Via Gra group.

New story. MONATIK

In the fall of 2014, Dmitry Monatik begins cooperation with the PR agency YULA and takes the short stage name MONATIK. The first song of their close collaboration is the track “Now”, which is called a breakthrough in Ukrainian music. musical culture. In the fall of 2014, a large solo tour of MONATIK will start under same name"Now". The tour covered the largest cities of Ukraine and attracted incredible sold-out crowds. In the winter of the same year, MONATIK met Anna Sedokova and wrote a remix for the single “Piranha” for her. From this moment their fruitful joint cooperation begins. And on February 14, 2015, Valentine’s Day, Anna and MONATIK released a joint single “Hush,” and 3 weeks later they released a video clip for the same composition. During the same period, MONATIK, together with Anton Chilibi, opened its own recording studio, MonatikChilibiSound, and was closely involved in writing its second album. An incredible achievement in an artist’s career is that MONATIK gets into the top five best artists Ukraine YUNA Prize and big stage The ceremony will present the social track “One More.” The number was named one of best rooms YUNA. On April 1, 2015, on his birthday, MONATIK once again delivers a musical bomb and releases a video clip with cult group Quest Pistols Show for the song “Wet”. Filming took place in Kyiv at the October Palace. The video was directed by Yuri Bardash. More than ten choreographers from three continents took part in the filming of the “Wet” video. The words and music were written by MONATIK. “Wet” will be presented in MONATIK’s second album, scheduled for release in autumn 2015.

9EmfpppINO8At the moment, MONATIK is a young, promising, creative, purposeful multi-artist. Every day MONATIK makes more and more listeners fall in love with their own music, which they write from the heart. His name appears more and more often in the media, and his songs are increasingly heard on radios. MONATIK is a multi-artist and confirms his status with every new day!

Artist Dima Monatic admitted that he recently became a dad for the second time. And Zhenya Galich, the lead singer of the group O.Torvald, which will represent Ukraine at Eurovision 2017, is waiting for a new addition to the family. “Strana” found out who the youth idols are married to and what they do in their private lives.

Who is Monatik and what is on his personal front?

30-year-old Dmitry Monatik became famous thanks to the TV shows “Everybody Dance” and “X-Factor” on the STB TV channel. Soon he acted as a composer when he wrote the hit “40 degrees” for singer Svetlana Loboda. After some time, Monatik began to sing himself. And in 2015, according to the First Music Channel M1, he became “Breakthrough of the Year.”

Dima Monatic, photo: vklybe.tv

On February 21, the sixth professional awards ceremony took place at the Kiev Palace of Ukraine. Monatik received 2 statuettes: for the album “Sounds” and for the video “Circles”.

Almost nothing is known about Dima Monatik’s personal life. At parties, the singer is almost always himself; in interviews he does not talk about his family. But as Strana learned, Dmitry has been married for a long time and recently had a second son. For some time, the artist did not comment at all on the news about the addition to the family, but in an interview "High Life" he admitted that he was incredibly happy about the birth of another heir. “I fly. It changes everything around. You basically perceive your work differently, and everything becomes completely different. And it’s cool! You want even more, even better, so that everything is fine for everyone!”, shared his emotions Monatic.

Irina, wife of Dima Monatik, photo: facebook.com

Dmitry is married to Irina Demicheva, who works with him. Irina is the singer's director. As sources close to the family told the country, Ira and Dima have been together for more than six years. She inspires him, supports him and is very upset if her husband doesn’t succeed.

Dmitry and Irina in Deneyland, photo: vk.com

"Ira wonderful mother. She manages to combine absolutely everything: work, household chores, and motherhood. And Dima... Dima wants to be close to his family every minute,” Monatik’s friends told us.

Dima and Ira have been together for more than six years, photo: vk.com

Zhenya and Lera Galich are expecting their second

After winning the National selection for singing competition"Eurovision 2017" from Ukraine, the rock band O. Torvald continues to accept congratulations and criticism. It is known that the STB TV channel announced that it would financially help stage a concert performance and sew stage costumes for musicians. Meanwhile, the lead singer of the group, 32-year-old Zhenya Galich, said that he considers the words of his 3-year-old daughter Eva to be the greatest praise.

“In the morning, my daughter came up to me and said: “You won!” You are better than Monatik!" Before that, she watched the YUNA awards ceremony, where Dima won many awards, but we didn’t get anything. She loves his work very much, listens to all the songs. This is from her highest degree praise. By the way, I really respect Dima, he is a great workaholic. I think if Monatik had participated in the National selection for Eurovision, he would definitely have won,” he said.

Lera, Zhenya and Eva Galich, photo: instagram.com

As for his personal life, Zhenya Galich has been married for a long time and is raising a daughter, Eva. His wife Lera is now in interesting position. The couple will soon have a second child.

Lera Galich training for pregnant women, photo: instagram.com

Zhenya and Lera met at a concert of the Pyatki group, where the guy played drums. This was about eight years ago. At that time, Lera had a boyfriend, but they soon broke up.

Lera does business, she sells houseplants in beautiful pots. Together with their partner they offer

Dmitry Monatik is a Ukrainian multi-artist (or otherwise known as creative genius and you can’t name it), whose tracks and performances are known far beyond the borders of Ukraine. Monatik (that's exactly what it is) creative name artist) - this is the new fashionable Ukrainian music, which is of high quality even at the world level. Why multi-artist? Dima writes lyrics and music himself, choreographs his performances and performs them with high quality, and also independently creates videos for songs. His charisma is so bright that Monatik is also invited to top television projects, and his appearance in a Ukrainian film/series is the key to box office success. How to a simple guy from the Ukrainian hinterland managed to realize all your talents so extensively?

Height, weight, figure parameters

Dmitry was born on April 1, 1986 - on this moment he is 32 years old. According to his zodiac sign he is Aries. And this is a bright fiery energy that constantly requires an outlet. It’s good that Dima realizes it in vigorous all-round creativity, otherwise, like most Aries, he could be a zealous brawler.

His rather short height is striking - 164 centimeters. At the same time, he also has a tendency to be overweight - with varying success, his weight is kept at approximately 75 kilograms.


Monatik grew up in the small Western Ukrainian city of Lutsk in a simple working-class family. His father worked either at an aircraft factory or in foam rubber production at another factory. And my mother was a secretary in the city executive committee, naturally, with minimum wage. During Dima’s teenage years, his parents began to develop their own small business and it turned out to be quite successful.

You can say that talent is a family matter for Monatikov by studying the biography of his grandfathers. One of them was a successful athlete and dancer (despite congenital deaf-muteness), and the second was a masterly player of the button accordion and sang songs.


It cannot be said that Monatic’s musicality manifested itself early, brightly and uncontrollably. Up to 8th grade high school in his family no one even suspected that they were growing up music star Ukraine.

And only when, at the age of 13, he saw a street breakdance show, he firmly decided to learn to dance. Even then, his build did not play in favor of such a hobby: he was, so to speak, a short, sturdy man. But talent, professionalism and ability to work overcome texture. Dima began to study choreography in the DBS Crew group and quickly became one of the best dancers in it. This is how the fame of a break dancer came to him, because the group was famous not only in Lutsk, but also toured throughout the country. At the same time, Monatic also discovered his singing talent - yes, Dima sang, and, to the surprise of his loved ones, even very well.

But soon the time came to receive a matriculation certificate, and with it, decide on a “life” profession. Then his parents insisted that Dmitry choose a “serious” specialty for his education, but left dancing and music for himself as a hobby. So, in 2003, Monatic became a law student at the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. I went to classes with great difficulty and without interest, waiting only for the evening. Because in the evenings Dima did not have fun and did not go on dates, but played his favorite music. True, both were given to him then without much success. But only for the time being...

Maybe by chance he would have drowned in romantic relationships, but only his first love turned out to be unhappy. It so happened that strong feelings and Dima had to give his experiences not to the object of passion, but to sublimate them into creativity. But everything that is done is all for the better. So, Monatik wrote poems, songs, made amateur videos and came up with dance compositions, which gave a mad impetus to his musical development. Your beloved chose someone else - which means you need to work on yourself to become the best and prove to her that she was wrong! One way or another, misfortune in love prompted Dima to work hard in the field of self-improvement. Actually, this is where Monatic’s career begins.


During this student period of his life, Dmitry got to the castings of “Star Factory 2” - a show that had crazy ratings on the “New Channel”. True, then the Monatica star was not destined to light up brightly. He was one step away from getting into the project, but last moment he was refused. And, nevertheless, Natalya Mogilevskaya herself drew attention to his talents. Having looked at young man a good dancer, she invited him to her show ballet. In a word, Dima, without thinking twice, dropped out of school and unrequited love, began to live in Kyiv with pleasure.

Work in ballet was unstable. Therefore, Monatik also became a dance teacher and administrator at the Kyiv dance school-studio"Turbo". Moreover, it was quite prestigious, because the best choreographers of Ukraine at that time worked in this studio. In addition, the guy used this to improve his skills. He did not have the opportunity to attend the maestro’s lessons, but he got out in his own way. Monatik spied on their master classes from behind the scenes, and then at home at night - he repeated and learned everything.

It is important that while doing such dance work, Dima did not forget to develop his musical talent. So he not only studied music at the same time, but was even able to assemble his own band. The guy’s first musical project was called “Monatique”: they worked a lot, rehearsed and even gave several concerts in Lutsk (the homeland of the frontman). But somehow it didn’t work out any further...

In 2010, another turning point happened in Monatik’s fate - he was taken to the show ballet “D’arts”. At that time, it was one of the most popular dance teams in the country, and its choreographer Nikolai Boychenko was considered one of the best in Ukraine. And the year turned out to be very successful for Dmitry. Soon after this, he starred in several episodes of the then top TV series “Mukhtar”. And then - more.

Finally Monatic pulled out his happy ticket- passed the qualifying casting for “Everybody Dance-3”. Among thousands of the best dancers in Ukraine, Dmitry was in the TOP 30. True, this is the extent of his victories in dance show are over. But he didn’t even think of despairing, because he became a successful participant in another talent show on STB - vocal competition"X Factor". There he already shone to the fullest, almost reaching the finals.

In 2011, Dima’s first full-length video was released, called “Tay Flying Away,” created together with the ballet “D’Arts”. It quickly became popular, although it was simply filmed mobile phone. It cannot be said that Monatik’s career immediately took off, but he was firmly entrenched in Ukrainian show business.

First, real success came to him as a songwriter. The song “40 degrees” written by him was sung by Svetlana Loboda. And she remains to this day one of greatest hits in her repertoire. Due to the fact that Monatik already had some popularity, they started talking about him as a talented songwriter, and did not attribute the success of “40 Degrees” solely to Loboda. And Monatic was not at a loss in this field, but used writing songs for “stars” as an opportunity to earn money for personal promotion. Then “from his pen” came Eva Bushmina’s first solo song after her high-profile exit from VIA “Gry” (track “Myself”). Then Anna Sedokova turned to him with a request for cooperation. First, this resulted in a stylish remix of “Piranha,” and later in their duet single called “Hush.”

So, with the passage of time and an increasingly dense entry into show business, Monatik creates his own solo program, with which he goes on tour throughout Ukraine. At the same time, he continues to write excellent hits for recognized and already well-promoted vocalists - Seryoga, Dima Bilan, Alina Grosu. One after another, his songs become undeniable hits, which means he really has talent - and, of course, this means that he needs to develop solo.

2015 was marked for Dima with the release of her first solo album. It had a strange and very creative, as is typical for Monatic, name - “Soundtrack of Today (S.S.D.)”. His main hit was the song “Smiling.” Thanks to this, the highest rated music channel Ukraine “M1” gave Monatik the title “Breakthrough of the Year”.

In 2016, the second album “Sounds” was released, which created a real sensation. It included 16 tracks. The most famous of them were the songs for which videos were shot - “Circulating”, “Eternity”, “Weekend”, “Dashing gray everyday life” and “Dream” (together with rapper L’One). The album also includes duet songs with the group “Quest Pistlos” and Anna Sedokova. “Kruzhit” became the main hit of the year and sounded from literally every source of music not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia without much promotion. It seems that everyone sang it: from teenagers on the outskirts to Olga Buzova on Dom2. In general, it was a real success, which has already forever and stably secured Dima Monatic’s status as a first-tier star. Monatik's videos are consistently successful, are constantly shown on TV and gain millions of views on YouTube.

As a result, in 2016 Monatic collected all kinds of awards for national award"YUNA" He received statuettes simultaneously in three significant categories - “Best Video of the Year”, “Best Performer of the Year”, “ Best concert show of the year".

Now Dmitry himself is starting to be invited to talent shows as a judge. The first was the highly rated TV show “The Voice.” Children" on the TV channel "1+1". He masterfully helped young talents take their first steps in show business for two whole seasons. In the 3rd season, he occupied the judge's chair next to Potap and Tina Karol. And in the 4th - with Natalya Mogilevskaya and the duet “Time and Glass”. His first ward took second place in the final of the show. And in next season and Daneliya Tuleshova won the competition.

In 2017, Monatic, with his performance with the song “Circulating”, translated into English language, opened one of the Eurovision semi-finals. He also recorded the duet track “Hot” together with Svetlana Loboda, which instantly became a hit. And his new clip“UVLIUVT” was not just an ordinary video for a song, but became a kind of short film a la a dance blockbuster.

All his works in show business have their own bright style - unbridled energy, colorful pictures and original, memorable dynamic dances. The recognition of the multi-artist is irrefutable - Monatic has become a real brand. So much so that even famous brands want to use it for PR purposes. But Monatic only enters into contracts with companies that are interesting and significant to him. In 2017, Dima became the face of " Samsung Galaxy A". A little later, he starred in an advertisement for the Russian mobile operator, for which he himself wrote the hit song “All the music of the world is in your gadget.”

Since 2016, Monatik has been actively touring not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia, where he unexpectedly gains enormous popularity. But due to the complex political relations between our countries, in February 2017 he became involved in a scandal in connection with his Russian concerts. Then the Security Service of Ukraine banned him from touring the neighboring country. Monatic decided not to perform in the Russian Federation - he canceled all concerts, despite the tight schedule and the fact that all tickets for them had already been sold out. Dima comments sparingly on this scandal in the press, limiting himself only to the fact that visiting Russia in the near future is not included in his plans. This is what he said, touching on this topic only once in April 2018 in an interview with the progressive Russian publication Meduza.

But you can tour not only in Russia - already in 2017, Monatik and his band went on tour to Canada and the USA with the “Vitamin B” concert. “I want highs, I want drums,” practically the whole world sings!

Now, for the second season in a row, Dmitry is a member of the jury in the super-popular TV show from the 1+1 channel - “Dancing with the Stars”. He gained fame there as the kindest judge who encourages any creative experiments of the participants and is tolerant of their dance mistakes.

And also in currently Monatik is simultaneously working on his new album, which he will present to the public at the beginning of 2019. His last work, which we have seen at the moment - a video for one of the singles of the future album called “The thing you’re crazy about.” It has already been noted that this video series is different from what Dima previously filmed. This is not just a video, but a little movie with a plot reminiscent of action films from the now legendary 90s.

Personal life

Dima Monatic loves to talk about his creativity, he is extremely open in communicating with journalists, but not when it comes to his personal life. But you can’t hide an awl in a bag, at least not for long. In 2015, his wife, Irina Demicheva, gave birth to their first child. Although she leads a private lifestyle, she does not publish photos on Instagram, but star friends nevertheless, they congratulated Monatik on this network on the birth of his son. Then Yulia Sanina, the lead singer of “Hardkis,” became a mother herself and noted that a similar event in family life Now Dmitry is happy too.

He did not react to this matter to the public in any way. And only in 2017 he told VIVA magazine that he had already become a father twice. And recently a photo with children appeared on his Instagram page. Also in the summer, Dima romantically congratulated his wife on her birthday on this social network.

Monatik is a young 30-year-old talent who has proven that you can realize yourself, even if you temporarily take the wrong path.

Monatik did not immediately become an artist, but probably even the fact that he is an Aries by horoscope, and therefore stubborn, suggested that sooner or later Monatik would achieve his goal.
The Lord God gives talent to everyone, you just need to be able to recognize it and give it to people - Monatic did it.

The News In Time team decided to tell its readers who Monatik is, and how Monatik appeared in show business, which of his clips became the most viewed at the box office.

Monatik: the creative path of a talented guy

Dmitry Monatik is from the Ukrainian city of Lutsk. It’s probably not in vain that Monatik was born on April Fool’s Day, which is confirmed by his radiant smile, assertive character, and optimism.

At home they adored him and carried him in their arms - a kind of Monatik-favorite. Monatik studied well, back in school age danced, in particular breakdancing. Monatic performed with the DBS Crew, which was the best, in the opinion of the singer himself.

After school, Monatic decided to become a lawyer. His creative streak did not allow him to relax, and Monatik, by chance, met singer Natalia Mogilevskaya at Star Factory 2.

The artist invited Dima to dance in her ballet. Monatik immediately agreed and moved to the capital of Ukraine.

After all, he graduated from Monatic University and received a law degree, making his family happy. But later Monatic saw himself on stage.

First, Monatik organized his own group “Monatique” (the name is in the French style), then he gets into the ballet “D’arts” (again something French), where the best way shows his enormous creative potential.

And unrestrained creative energy begins to work miracles: Monatic becomes one of the 30 best dancers in the show project “Everybody Dance-3”, gains many fans, and soon his own fan club.

But the most incredible thing happens then: Monatik tries his hand at singing on the X-Factor show, passes many tests and ends up in the group of rapper Seryoga.

Monatic was remembered as one of the most charismatic participants in this talent show.

Once, during a performance in a duet with Vanya Safarov, Monatic performed Michael Jackson’s song “Little Susie”.

He not only danced beautifully, but also sang soulfully, and at the end of the performance Monatik began to cry. Monatic admitted that he treats the stage with reverence.

At that time, the singer Elka was preparing a video “On a Big Balloon”, Monatik became its director.

Dancing, singing, creative friends, in particular Kolya Boychenko, inspire Monatik to create own singles and video clips.

Monatic writes the songs “Tay Flying” and “Air”, which brought him incredible popularity. Monatik makes videos for the same songs that get a lot of votes online.

The fame continues to multiply as Monatic creates "40 Degrees". The work was performed by Svetlana Loboda, and the song becomes a hit, and Monatik became a famous author.

In addition, Monatic creates songs and videos, such as “TerrorizirU.E.t”, “Important”, “Sorry...”, and releases “Soundtrack of Today”.

When Eva Bushmina leaves the Via Gra group, Monatic writes a solo track for her, “By Myself.”

For her colleague from the same team, Anna Sedokova, Monatik creates “Piranha”, and later the joint work “Hush” is released.

Collaborating with the YULA agency, Dima performs the song “Now” as MONATIK and goes to concerts throughout Ukraine.

Monatik opens a recording studio, writes a second album, enters the top five best singers Ukraine.

This year, Monatic is sitting in the coaching chair on the Ukrainian show “The Voice. Children". When the artist was asked why he wears a cap all the time, Monatik replied that this is a habit from the times when he was breakdancing (spinning on his head), and secondly, his head is warm and songs are written faster.

Monatik: personal life of a star

Monatic keeps his personal life a big secret behind seven locks. For a long period, Monatik met with his director Irina Demicheva.

Monatik recently admitted that he has a beloved woman who gave birth to his son. It feels like Monatic, to the point of superstition, doesn’t want his family to be public.

Monatic never ceases to amaze the public with his creativity; he positively glows with positivity. Monatic is an example for many who have not yet dared to fulfill their dream of becoming an artist.

To be like Monatic, you just need to believe in yourself, see the goal and persistently go towards it, love what you want to do, listen to your heart. And, of course, be talented. Someone like Monatic has more than enough of this.

MONATIK: watch Monatik clips

We invite you to watch best clips celebrities. In each video, Monatic not only sings amazingly, but also dances very cool.

You can see these fiery movements in almost every Monatik video.

The list of Monatic's clips includes such clips as Sleep, Spins, Day Off, In the Best Light and others. It's impossible to sit still while watching these clips.

New video “Supermodel in Ukrainian” feat MONATIK - Smiling

Clip Monatic - Eternity: video premiere online

Monatik Clips: Dream - watch the clip

Dance video clip Spinning: watch online


Dmitry Monatik was born in the spring of April 1, 1986 in the city of Lutsk, in the Western part of Ukraine. The boy grew up in ordinary family, where dad worked at a factory assembling engines for airplanes, and mom was a secretary. Some time later, when Dima grew up, his parents were able to create their own business.

IN school years Dima differed from his peers in his sense of purpose and independence; it was these qualities that helped him successfully master school curriculum. Once in Lutsk there was a performance by local Break Dance fans, Dima was so fascinated by what he saw that he felt that his life would soon change dramatically. And so it happened, the guy became the best dancer of Break Dance, performing with the DBS Crew team they became famous in hometown Lutsk and beyond.

Dmitry Monatik (left)

In addition to dancing, Dmitry Monatik indulged in singing. He inherited amazing talents from his grandfathers. One grandfather danced superbly, the other sang superbly, and it was these unique qualities that the grandson inherited.

After graduating from school, Dima went to study law at the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, but his love for dance and music never left him.


Dmitry found time for studies at the academy and for creative hobbies. Being in his final years, he tries his hand at music project"Star Factory". With his brilliant performance he captivates the jury and the audience. Dima was immediately noticed by Natalia Mogilevskaya Ukrainian singer, she saw limitless talent in him and invited him to her ballet troupe.

Having moved to the capital, he works for some time in the Mogilevskaya team. Then Dmitry got a job at Kievskaya dance studio Turbo, where the country's professional choreographers worked. There, as a dance teacher, he carefully observed all the training sessions taking place, independently honed every movement, and knew that all the acquired skills would be useful to him in the future. In parallel, he developed his other talent - vocal. He created the group "Monatique", they gave several concerts in their hometown, Dima himself wrote the lyrics.

In 2010, Dmitry successfully passed the casting for the D’arts Show Ballet. In the same year he became a contestant in the “Everybody Dance” project. He was among the thirty best dancers, where outstanding Ukrainian choreographers worked with them. Unfortunately, he did not manage to get into the top twenty participants, but the guy did not lose heart, but waited for a new gift of fate. Dmitry worked hard on himself and achieved new goals, and then luck smiled again, he became a participant in the music show “X-Factor”. With his performance he proved that he is a talented performer and deserved the title best performer Ukraine.

Dmitry Monatik on music show"X Factor"

In 2011, the first video “Tay Flying Away” was released. Dmitry has a unique talent for writing songs, and he turned out to be in demand among such stars as Anna Sedokova, Svetlana Loboda, Seryoga, Dima Bilan. After participating in the show "X-Factor", the singer took up work with renewed vigor. solo career. In 2013, the debut album entitled “Soundtrack of Today (S.S.D.)” was released. A year later, Dmitry signed a contract with a PR agency and received the pseudonym MONATIK. He began to tour various cities and gather crowds of fans.

Dmitry Monatik and Anna Sedokova

In 2016, the second solo album “Sounds” was released. business cards which included the compositions “Hush,” recorded together with singer Anna Sedokova, and “Circulating.” Dima's music videos are a huge success among listeners in both Ukraine and Russia.

Dmitry Monatik video "Circulating"


Dmitry Monatik tries in every possible way to hide the details of his personal life, all that is known is that he is happily married to Irina Demicheva, she is his director. In 2015, the couple had their long-awaited first child.

Dmitry Monatik with his wife Irina Demicheva


In his youth, as a teenager, Dima loved to draw a cartoon world. Now an adult, the artist admits that when he first came to music, or it came to him, they liked each other from the very first sound... and have been inseparable since then. Dmitry is happy that his favorite hobby has become his life’s work.

Dmitry Monatik now