Blotography drawing technique for children. Blotography in kindergarten: features and description of the technique

Blotography- one of unconventional techniques drawing, and probably the most underrated. But in vain...

Have you met children who do not like to splash and smear dirt? This feature of the child can be used for creative development. , hand painting and blotography - all these are “cultural” methods of smearing and splashing, but not with dirt, but with paint.

Thanks to blotography, it is developing rapidly creative imagination. A drop of paint, falling on a sheet of paper, spreads, it is always unique. Droplets are always different in shape and size.

The blot itself does not carry any meaning, but by drawing, we give it shape, the droplet-blot turns into an object, into an image, into a drawing.

If you want to develop your child's imagination and fantasy in an unusual way, then this article is for you. By the way, this technique also helps adults move away from stereotypes.

Necessary materials:

Prepare a sheet of paper, a brush (a hard brush is best), you can even use toothbrush. So there will be more blots :), liquid paints(the paint must not be thinned big amount water), multi-colored mascara is even better for this activity (it already has the right consistency).

Choosing a theme for blotography

As such, there is no topic for blotography classes. It's always a flight of fancy and unexpected solutions. But at first, mental activity can be directed in a certain direction, set, so to speak, a direction. For example, see in blots amazing planets, the arrival of birds, unexpected animals, undersea world, scattered berries.

Drawing technique (blotography). First way

We put paint on the brush (more and more), begin to spray it, lightly hitting the brush on your finger or hand. You can simply shake it with a brush. Many small and medium droplets will appear on the leaf.

You can add large drops using a brush or pipette.

This method evokes thoughts of water or sky. Here are the planets; no, these are unusual stars; no, it’s a jellyfish or a boat.

Second way

The second method is similar to the first, but we moisten the sheet with water. We measure the number of blots. There should be fewer of them, otherwise they will merge into one huge blot. The shape of the blot can be modified by adding details: dots, lines, circles.

The advantage of this technique is that the child’s imagination is not limited in any way. And you can learn a lot of interesting and new things about him. At the first lesson, the child may need help: find an image in the blot. Then your child will get carried away, and you will have some free time.

Subject: Non-traditional drawing techniques as a means of developing interest in fine art.

Target: to expand the knowledge of teachers through familiarity with non-traditional drawing techniques, as a means of developing preschoolers’ interest in visual creativity.


Methods and techniques: reproductive, practical.

Equipment: drawings made using the blotography technique; children's work in visual arts using non-traditional drawing techniques; tables, chairs for teachers; material for practical activities- gouache, ink of different colors, jars of water, brushes, colored pencils, cocktail tubes, album sheets of paper, scissors, glue, strips of paper, napkins for each teacher.

Preliminary work: processing of special literature on this topic; preparation of equipment; creative work children.

MASTER CLASS No. 1 “Saxaul Tree”

Technique: blotography (blowing with a tube)

1. Prepare: a sheet of thick landscape paper, black ink in a bottle with a fine tip, a cocktail tube, colored pencils (yellow, brown, blue) for the background.

2. On a sheet of paper draw a bright sun and sand.

3. Take a bottle of ink and put a blot at the bottom of the sheet.

6. You will get a tree like this.

MASTER CLASS No. 2 “Fairytale tree”

Technique: blotography (blowing with a tube

1. Prepare: landscape sheet of paper; colored mascara in bottles with a fine tip; cocktail straw; squirrel brush No. 3-5; palette, glass of water, colored pencils for the background.

2. Use colored pencils to prepare the background (grass, sky).

3. Take a bottle of ink of any color and put a blot at the bottom of the sheet.

4. Using a cocktail straw, blow the blot from the bottom up. When the blot is divided into several shoots (twigs), blow them out separately in the desired direction.

5. To obtain smaller branches, blow out each large branch with quick movements of the tube to the right - left, up - down.

6. Place a drop of ink of different colors on the palette and use a brush, using the dipping method, to draw leaves.

7. You will get such a fabulous tree.

MASTER CLASS No. 3 “Butterfly”

Technique: blotography (monotype).

1. Prepare: gouache different colors, a jar of water, a piece of landscape paper, a brush, glue, a strip of paper, scissors.

2. Fold a sheet of paper in half.

3. Reveal.

4. On one half of the sheet, apply gouache along the contour with a brush.

5. Apply paint of a different color in any order.

Lesson topic: Blotography and watercolor

Children's age- 4-6 years

Target: development creativity children through acquaintance with unconventional methods drawing.


Educational- mastering the technology of blotography and the method of applying watercolor paints.

Developmental- development creativity, imagination, fantasy based on familiarization with unconventional drawing methods.

Educating- to cultivate in students accuracy, composure when performing work techniques, hard work, and the ability to listen.

Methodological equipment:

Samples of previously completed works, illustrations for children's books.

Necessary materials: sheet of coated paper, A-3 format, ink, palette, watercolor paints, jar of water, brushes.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Introduction.

Blotography is one of the techniques that is loved by both children and adults. With the help of blots and a stream of air, unusual silhouettes appear, which artists then turn into trees, fairy tale characters, flowers and much more.

Today we will get acquainted with only one method of blotography, but first we will get acquainted with the illustrations famous artists who used this drawing method in their works. This is the work of Eric Bulatov and Oleg Vasiliev.

What do you think helped these artists create the image of a dense forest?

Right! Blots!

There are different types of blots: scary and cute, evil and kind. It all depends on the artist’s imagination.

Listen to a poem about blots.

Wonderful blot.

In every blot

Someone is there

If in a blot

Finger in.

In this blot -

Cat with a tail

Under the tail -

River with a bridge

navigable river

For ships and zander.

On Bridge -

A weirdo with a weirdo.

Under the bridge -

Pike perch with pike perch,

And they float back and forth

All kinds of vessels:

They are sailing there with boats,

They're sailing here with the girls here,

Reflected in the river

Walleyes with eccentrics,

Weirdos with zanders.

This blot is over

We need to make a new one

There is a huge palace in it

And a balcony with a cow!

2. Preparing children for practical classes.

Guys, today you and I will create with the help of blots various images trees. And a magic jar of ink will help us with this. The ink doesn't wash off from clothes, so we make sure everyone has aprons and sleeves.

3. Practical lesson.

Now let's start creating the blotography. To do this, place a large blot of ink in the middle of the sheet and start blowing. We blow in such a way that our blot grows upward, turning into a tree.

(Teacher’s commentary on each stage of production, assistance to children in the process of work). The blots need to be blown out. Therefore, children get tired quickly.

Physical education minute:

Once - rise, stretch,

Two - bend over, straighten up,

Three - clap, three claps,

Three nods of the head.

Four - arms wider,

Five - wave your arms,

Six - sit down quietly.

After our trees are ready, we begin to complete the work using the brushing method with watercolor paints. Mix yellow and blue colors. It turns out various shades green. Apply brush strokes to create tree leaves and grass.

While drawing, the child shows his imagination, reflects thoughts and feelings on paper. It’s not for nothing that child psychologists can tell about a child’s psycho-emotional state from a drawing. Nevertheless, first of all it is creativity, which can be diversified by using unusual materials or execution techniques. Let's look at how blotography is used in kindergarten.

What are the lessons for?

Experts also note that the process of blowing a blot helps strengthen the lungs and serves as an excellent preventative against cough and other diseases of the respiratory system.

After the drawing is ready, the teacher is recommended to ask leading questions to the children. What does the stain look like? What mood does it convey? Is it an animal, plant or object? Such dialogue allows children to develop their speech and thinking.

Blotography lessons in kindergarten teach you to perceive and recognize silhouette pictures, use the surrounding space of the drawing and correctly arrange objects, and improve coordination of movements. This technique reveals the potential and liberates the child, since some are embarrassed to draw surrounded by other children, believing that they are not very good at it. This technique is not only very useful, but also a fun pastime.

Positive sides

Behind last couple Over the years, blotography has become extremely popular. This kind of art creativity captivates both children and adults. According to some data, while drawing, brain cells are actively involved, flexibility of thinking, patience, perseverance, and accuracy develop. Exercises have a beneficial effect on nervous system.

Materials used

The technique of drawing with blots in kindergarten is used in Lately wider and wider.

The following components will be required for this lesson:

  • sheets of A4 paper.
  • watercolors or gouache.
  • drinking tube, straw or pipette.
  • thick brush.
  • glass of water.
  • wet wipes or a rag for wiping hands.
  • cotton buds.
  • plasticine, if the details of the blot will be sculpted.

Stages of the creative process

Before starting the visual process, it would be good to decide on its direction, that is, choose the theme of the drawing. If it is a landscape outside the window or a space theme, most likely you will need several small spots. If there is a single character, an animal or a fish, then they start with one large blot. The technique of blotography with a tube is well suited for this. This is the most popular method in kindergarten.

First of all, the child must come up with what he wants to portray. Then try to inflate the blot and paint the final details with a brush. It depends on the child whether it will be a good picture or an evil black spot. In addition to drawing the picture, children may want to talk about what they wanted to draw and why.

Drawing techniques

Each technique of drawing with blots in kindergarten should be carefully studied with the kids. The technique implies some differences in methods:

Drawing Techniques

Drawing an image in this way involves the use of a variety of tools:

  1. Cotton buds. This technique is performed using one of the listed techniques. Depending on the idea young artist A large blot or many small ones are placed on a sheet of paper; the design can be supplemented immediately or after blowing. By using cotton swabs finishing the details. This technique is best suited for drawing flowers, trees and landscapes. Since brushes are not used to create a drawing, such work is considered creative.
  2. Folding a sheet of paper. Any number of spots can be applied to the base, the size does not matter. Then the sheet is folded: if symmetry is needed, then in the middle, if not, then as desired. Then the paper unfolds and the creative process begins.
  3. Combination of several methods. A more advanced stage of blotography combines the use of several visual techniques.

Motivation of children

To motivate children to be creative in a certain topic, you can come up with entertaining game or tell a little backstory.

For example, leaf fall has taken all the leaves from the trees and they need to be returned. After this, invite the children to draw a tree using the blotting technique. Or the time has come for the bees to collect honey, but the flowers have disappeared from the meadow, how can we help them? Children must realize that they need to return the flowers and draw them using the drip method.

Children really like blotting drawings with a straw in kindergarten; this is also a kind of motivator for action.

Older children can be told a story about the wonderful country of Klyakslandia, where unusual inhabitants live. To get there, you need to portray yourself as an unusual creature. Besides creative process, blotography in kindergarten helps develop kindness in children. It's also a good idea to use old fairy tales for motivation. During the lesson, the children can be told any story and in a place where main character is experiencing difficulties, offer to portray a character who will come to the rescue.

To help the teacher during blotography classes in kindergarten - Pinocchio. He can be a great motivator. Hero children's work I made spots on the paper with my nose. Children will love this look.

Features of classes in different age groups

Classes and the choice of topics on blotography should be carried out taking into account the age group.

To work with kids, it is recommended to start with the simplest, for example, depicting fireworks or a starry sky. In subsequent classes, the task is complicated and the group is asked to animate the blot, draw eyes, a nose, and so on. Blotography in kindergarten is initial stage, where children learn the basics of technology.

In older groups, children should show more creativity and imagination, be able to harmoniously fit a blot into a full-fledged drawing, and combine two or more spots into a single composition. In addition, the lesson can be divided into two parts. In the first lesson, children draw using one of the blotting techniques, and in the second they sculpt additional details using plasticine. For example, if you attach ears and paws to a spot, you get a hare, bear or other animal. You can add fins and a tail to small blots and get fish in the sea or an aquarium.

The oldest pupils fantasize about the emotions of blots. They are offered not only to revive the character, but also to endow him with character traits, make him good or evil, sad or cheerful. In this case, the child must explain why the blot is in a particular mood.

Any parent and teacher should know how to approach a child, what he loves and what he is interested in. By presenting information to game form, it will certainly be possible to interest children in this kind of creativity.

    Having prepared necessary materials, you can move on to the creative process itself.

    The first step in blotography, as in any form visual arts, is an idea. Think about the image you would like to create. Of course, your goal is not to repeat this image with a stain exactly, but only something similar. The idea is the basis of painting with spots.

    Drawing technique: blotography.

    There are two main techniques for drawing blotting, they can also be combined:

    1. The first technique is drip. It is usually used to create landscapes. Take a large, stiff brush and saturate it with liquid or diluted watercolor in the color you want. If you need a small stain, lightly tap it on its wooden base. If it is large, then the saturated brush needs to be shaken over the place where you want to leave the stain. Of course, you can and should use different colors and spots of different sizes to create an interesting composition.
    2. The spreading technique is also common. As in the previous method, you need to take a large “barrel-shaped” brush, but not necessarily a hard one. Shake the brush and make a large spot, it is important that it is very wet and with a lot of paint. Using a straw (plastic tube), blow the liquid into different sides to form a blot with various drips. Thus, you have created the basis for further creativity. You can design and add to this base depending on what it reminds you of. By the way, you can use the above-mentioned drip technique if it is appropriate and matches your idea.

    Blotography is an opportunity to show your imagination and get positive emotions from the creative process. Two main directions of drawing blotting have something in common with the above-mentioned techniques.

  • The first “way”: you conceive of a certain image or even a plot for yourself and embody it on paper (using the first technique).
  • Second: you create a blot of an indeterminate shape, see what it reminds you of, and add to it general shape details. That is, based on this form, you create your own.

This type of fine art is often used in kindergartens and primary school, since it is not labor-intensive, but at the same time gives a wonderful result!