When is the year of Aquarius? The most interesting facts about people of the future. Character of the Age of Aquarius

We all live in hope, which is natural for human nature, and we wish for ourselves and our loved ones better world. We dream of a Golden Age that will perhaps bring us more freedom and happiness.

The myth of the Golden Age is a legend about paradise lost and found, about the advent of an era of happiness, prosperity, love, wealth and prosperity, eternal youth, peace between people and freedom for each and every one of us.

According to the myth. The Golden Age should coincide with the reign of the god Saturn in heaven and on earth. In astrology, Saturn rules Aquarius, which is why the question has arisen, will the Age of Aquarius become the Golden Age for humanity?


An era is a period of time longer than 2 thousand years. The earth, the stars, the sky - everything is in constant motion, even if it seems to us, earthlings, that it is relatively motionless. Neither on Earth nor in heaven is there such a thing as immobility. That is why the point corresponding to the beginning of the first sign of the Zodiac (Aries), the so-called vernal equinox point, is an exclusively conventional mark, determined once and for all. However, even she moves. Over the course of years, decades and centuries, this point moves clockwise, against the planets within the zodiac ring. Therefore, approximately every 2160 years, the point of the vernal equinox, which determines 0 degrees of Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac, passes 30 degrees along the zodiac strip - that is, it shifts by 1 degree per century. The process is called the procession of the equinoxes because the fixed reference point used to measure this movement coincides with the spring equinox. Thus, the 2160 years during which it seems to us that the Zodiac is moving in the opposite direction constitute an era. When the starting point of the Zodiac coincides with 0 degrees of one of the Zodiac signs, they say that the era of this sign begins. So, now we are entering, or have already entered (astrologers disagree even on this issue), into the era of Aquarius.


Considering that the era consists of approximately 2 thousand years, the beginning era will have plenty of opportunities to express itself from all sides. Studying the main characteristics and qualities of Aquarius will help to get some idea of ​​what the era of this sign may bring with it.

Aquarius is the sign of winter, the time of year in which the roots go deeper and deeper into the earth. Accordingly, we can assume what awaits us: humanity will strengthen the roots and foundations of its existence on Earth.

Aquarius is the sign of exploration, discovery and personal freedom, which means we can assume that this era will be full of innovations, inventions, discoveries of other worlds and new realities that will allow a person to become more independent. We will begin to think more about our well-being, opportunities, and ourselves. In addition, Aquarius is a sign of turmoil, unexpected turbulent changes, idealism and non-conformity. Therefore, we can expect major changes in all social, economic and political structures. The revolutions that shook the peoples of the world over the past three centuries, and the new ones that arose as a result of them social systems, which made people happy to one degree or another, will leave their mark on the era of Aquarius. There is reason to believe that it will witness the advent of a more enlightened individual consciousness.


If you look at the eras preceding the era of Aquarius, it is easy to see how similar they are to their zodiac signs.

Age of Leo: 10-8 thousand years BC e.

End ice age. The sun becomes critically necessary for the survival and development of all life on Earth.

Age of Cancer: 8-6 thousand years BC e.

The sign of Cancer is associated with home organization and family protection. During this era, people began to build houses to protect themselves and their loved ones from wild animals and the environment.

Age of Gemini: 6-4 thousand years BC. e.

The invention of the wheel marked the beginning of an incredible breakthrough in commerce and communications. Communication - key characteristic Gemini.

Age of Taurus: 4-2 thousand years BC e.

Taurus' love for luxury was reflected in the construction of majestic temples and idols by various civilizations (Egyptian, for example).

Age of Aries: 2 thousand years BC e. — 0

The warlike sentiments of Aries were embodied in this era by the Greeks.

Age of Pisces: 0-2 thousand years AD e.

The gentle, caring traits of Pisces were embodied in the birth of Jesus Christ and the advancement of Christianity in the lands of barbarian nations.

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Researchers call the new period a sign of brotherhood and mercy. Astrologers' forecasts promise that the Age of Aquarius will unite humanity into a single people, where nationality will not play a role. The main value will be the person himself. will appear new type the aristocracy is an erudite personality, and all people on Earth will strive for this ideal.

Age of Aquarius - what does it mean?

Many ordinary people often wonder: The Age of Aquarius - what is it? Scientists have deduced simple formula: The Age of Aquarius is a horoscopic theory that lies at the basis of cultural views, the essence of which is that the astrological period changes. This happens once every 2 thousand years, and in the new era science will make great strides forward, many different teachings will appear. This period is also called the Golden Age because it will give a new society to the Earth.

Character traits new era:

  • a combination of all beliefs;
  • liberation from illusions;
  • any person will become part of the renewed race;
  • many individuals with supernatural abilities will appear;
  • universal equality and fraternity.

Symbol of the Age of Aquarius

Each era has its own characteristic symbols. The sign of the Age of Aquarius is a person who pours water from two vessels into a river at once; researchers call them symbols of currents. These are the energies of the Age of Aquarius, one vessel symbolizes “dead” water, the second – “living”. Wherein:

  1. The stream of Evil brings suffering and cleanses the soul through pain.
  2. The flow of Good fills you with a feeling of new happiness and harmony, freedom and love.

The Age of Aquarius - when does it begin and end?

There are active discussions among scientists about how long the Age of Aquarius lasts. different countries. Some claim that a new era supposedly began in 1962, when Aquarius gathered many planets, others insist on 1997, since Uranus entered the field of Aquarius. Astrologers, for their part, insist on three versions that explain the beginning of the Age of Aquarius:

  1. The New Era has already arrived in 2000, and will last about 2000 years.
  2. On this moment The transition period lasts for about 160 years.
  3. The Age of Aquarius started in 2012, when the dot entered this constellation.

Age of Aquarius - predictions

Given the extremely optimistic forecasts, the new era promises to be a better period for humanity. Researchers have constructed the main principles that decipher the meaning of what the Age of Aquarius is, what awaits us and what to fear:

  1. Condemnation will not be acceptable.
  2. will be completely replaced by intuitive.
  3. The line between sciences will disappear different profiles, scientists will begin to work with the fundamental base.
  4. The main principle of life will be universal prosperity, without hierarchies.
  5. Everyone will live for the common good.
  6. Spiritual benefits will completely replace material ones.
  7. Artificial intelligence will be invented.
  8. The main goal of a person will be internal, spiritual growth, not wealth.
  9. Intrigue, meanness, corruption, abuse of power will disappear.
  10. Everyone will work for a common excellent result.
  11. Strong groups will pull up those who are weaker.
  12. The proof of a person's success will be his friends.
  13. Scientists will form a unified information field in order to jointly solve global problems for the planet.
  14. Art will gravitate towards abstractions and shockingness, artists will begin to offer amazing color schemes and plots, and actors - to work not on implementing the director’s ideas, but on their own self-expression.

Age of Aquarius - esotericism

Esotericism has its own interpretations new era and the changes that await humanity. The very first knowledge: there is no death, there is only a transformation of the body, in which the Supreme Spirit is preserved and only changes bodies. The New Age of Aquarius will teach a different value system:

  • understand and love others, develop the Higher Spirit;
  • accept the burden of responsibility to the universe;
  • value people for their qualities;
  • respect your own and others’ freedom of choice;
  • make friends, show mercy and selflessness;
  • accept other people's troubles as your own, strive to improve the world;
  • eradicate disease and suffering.

Age of Aquarius for zodiac signs

In the Age of Aquarius, all zodiac signs will have their task, but the main responsibility will lie with those who were born under this sign and chosen to be guides for others. The Age of Aquarius for Aquarius is a period of difficult trials and, at the same time, great help from the Higher Powers, who recognized Aquarius as predictors of the concepts of the future. They will be the first to implement Newest technologies developing at a gigantic pace. This is the Age of Aquarius new world, in which everyone, without exception, will have to learn to live.

The Age of Aquarius is a phrase that has gained particular popularity over the past decade. It is pronounced in different contexts, but almost always with the brightest aspirations and hopes. There is a well-known theory that peace and prosperity will reign in Russia during this period. So what is the Age of Aquarius and when will it begin? You can read about this in this article.

Movement of the Sun

To answer this question, we need to step back a little. It has long seemed to people on Earth that it is not our planet that moves around the Sun, but vice versa. In this case, the luminary moves along a narrow strip, which scientists call the ecliptic, while passing through the twelve signs of the Zodiac circle.

The vernal equinox

The beginning astrological year It is generally accepted that the moment is called the spring equinox. At this time, the Sun passes through the celestial equator (that is, an imaginary line dividing the sky into southern and northern halves). Moreover, on Earth the length of the night is equal to the length of the day. This phenomenon corresponds to the term equinox, which is translated from Latin as “equal night.” There are two equinoxes during the year: autumn and spring. The first marks the arrival of autumn, the second the beginning of spring. The period of the spring equinox coincides with the beginning of the first sign of the zodiac (Aries). entails a period of influence of the seventh astrological sign (Libra).

Zodiac signs and real constellations

In early astrology, the spring equinox was considered the time of the Sun's entry not only into the sign of Aries, but also into the constellation Aries. Then these concepts did not differ. However, over time, astronomy and astrology became separated from each other. Zodiac signs no longer correspond to specific constellations. This means that when an astronomer talks about Taurus, he talks about a specific group of stars that form a constellation. If an astrologer speaks about Taurus, then he means only an astrological sign, that is, a thirty-degree section of the Zodiac with a specific set of characteristics, associations and symbols.


A Greek astronomer named Hipparchus in the second century discovered a phenomenon called the shift of the equinoxes, or precession. The scientist noticed that the earth's axis slowly changes its position in relation to the stars. This process resembles the vibration of a rotating disk. The Earth's poles do not remain stationary all the time; they are subject to slight fluctuations from side to side. Over the course of many centuries, this tilt of the planet changes the position of the celestial equator, which is supposed to be in the same plane as the earth’s. All of the above explains that over time, the spring equinox found itself in a different constellation. The slow change in the inclination of our planet was called precession, because over many years the equinox points very slowly cross all the signs of the Zodiac circle in reverse order.

So, when the ancient Babylonians calculated the Zodiac, the beginning of the astrological year (vernal equinox) was located in the constellation Aries. At the beginning of our era, during the birth of Christ, it moved to Pisces. Ours should move to the constellation Aquarius.

The beginning of a new era

Many people are interested in when the Age of Aquarius began. It's a difficult question. Some astrologers insist that this happened around 2000, others say that this event should be expected in the near future. The fact is that the equinox points move slowly along the Zodiac. The rate of this phenomenon is 1 degree over 71.5 years. One astrological sign of the equinox takes 2150 years. And all twelve of them will intersect in 25,820 years. This period time is usually called the great year. The period of time during which the equinox points pass one sign of the Zodiac is called a great month, era or epoch.

For the last twenty centuries, humanity has existed in the Age of Pisces. Now comes the Age of Aquarius. The beginning of a new era is difficult to determine with an accuracy of one year, since we are talking about huge intervals of time. Some astrologers believe that the dawn of a new era was the end of World War II. And a very authoritative astrological association called the “Church of Light” insists that the Age of Aquarius began back in 1881. Caple McCutchen (renowned astrologer) states that we entered a new era in the 1970s. And Carl Jung (psychologist) together with Charles Jane predicted that this period would begin in the 1990s. Other experts, such as Cyril Fagan, have a different opinion when asked when the Age of Aquarius will begin. So, they believe that this fateful event will occur no earlier than 2300. However, most astrologers unanimously admit that already in 2000 a new era began - the era of Aquarius.

Peace and justice

What will this period be like in the life of mankind? Many have high hopes for him. The clue must be looked for in the characteristics of the sign. Typically, it represents humanity and brotherhood. Some astrologers expect that in the coming era separate states will disappear, and people will unite into one people that does not recognize division into nationalities. The myth of the Age of Aquarius says that at this time we will achieve the Privileges of the nobility and the rich will be a thing of the past. The common man will become the rightful master of life, and the most enlightened and successful people will be considered aristocrats.

Flights to the stars

Aquarius is the patron of radio waves. This is a sign of invention and scientific discoveries. It is still impossible to imagine what discoveries await us in the next two thousand years. But astrologers predict that space travel will definitely be among scientific achievements. People will be able to penetrate far beyond the solar system and even their galaxy. They will create settlements on planets suitable for life and large-scale space ferries. The world of the Age of Aquarius will become an era of cosmic achievements for man. It will fly to the stars, the closest of which is located 4.3 light years from planet Earth. For comparison, Pluto is only five light minutes away from us.

Technical progress

A man of the era of Aquarius is a thinking and very practical person, capable of wisely managing the natural resources of his planet. There will be incredible intellectual breakthroughs in the future. New technologies will solve the problem of depletion of mineral resources and the Earth. Electronics, nuclear energy, aviation will bring great benefit to humanity. Aquarius is a practical sign, so acquiring knowledge in this era will not be an end in itself, but a way to get real results.

Astrology - the science of the future

Many modern astrologers treat the sign of Aquarius with particular warmth, because it is directly related to this ancient science. A surge of interest in her last years obvious. Some even called astrology the religion of a new generation. The Age of Aquarius is supposed to make it not an insider's secret or an absurd superstition, but a full-fledged and respected science, accessible to everyone. Such hopes may seem unrealistic to many. However, Aquarius is the sign of desires and hopes. Therefore, astrologers expect that the acquired knowledge will help people discover new truths.

Negative changes

The above predictions come from the positive qualities of Aquarius. However, signs of a new era can be selfishness, inflexibility and indecision characteristic of this zodiac sign. Humanity in its development has not yet overcome negative qualities and the emergence of a new race, free from hesitation and prejudice, is still very far away. People have to decide serious problems. We are threatened by famine and epidemics, global wars, and overpopulation. We draw without limits Natural resources, depriving the Earth of its ability to support life. The greatest danger is nuclear energy. It can destroy the entire planet and the people themselves. Learning to use this natural resource competently and wisely is another task that must be solved in the progressive era of Aquarius.

Russia is a symbol of rebirth

These days there is a lot of talk about the spiritual renewal of humanity. Some experts believe that it will come due to the influence of the Russian ethnic group, which coincides as closely as possible with the symbolism of Aquarius. What arguments are not given in favor of this version. Here are some of them:

  • The mysterious and freedom-loving Russian soul, glorified by poets and prose writers, can stir up all the best in humanity.
  • In Russia, brilliant scientists were born (Kurchatov, Mendeleev, Lomonosov, Popov), who made a worthy contribution to the development of world civilization. And this is completely consistent with the spirit of the coming era. This means that the Age of Aquarius for Russia is the most beneficial time.
  • Our country is constantly under a glass slide in the laboratory of the universe. All experiments (public, economic, social) were carried out in Russia.

Mission of Russia

Astrologers call the main task of our country in the new era to unite all people in single state, the abolition of all borders and national differences. Material values ​​will lose priority and be replaced by spiritual ones. As a result, humanity must achieve maximum mutual understanding and harmony. The Age of Aquarius for Russia is an opportunity to show itself worthily on the world stage. Whether this is true or not, time will tell. In any case, the forecast for the development of our country in the new era is very favorable. “The Russians harness slowly, but drive quickly,” said Bismarck. I would like these words to become prophetic.

Sadhana of the Age of Aquarius

This spiritual practice was proposed by Yogi Bhajan in 1992, June 21st. It must be performed daily for twenty-one years. During this time period, the Earth transitions into a new era. Morning sadhana traditionally begins with silence. The first words that are spoken during the ritual are lines from the sacred text written by Jab Ji Sahib. Participants in the process can simply listen or read the text along with the guru. This is followed by a kundalini yoga class to prepare the mind and body for the next stage of sadhana - meditation. It lasts sixty-two minutes and is done without stopping between mantras. While singing, you need to keep your back straight and do a neck lock. This is necessary so that energy can freely penetrate into the head. This spiritual practice is carried out under the guidance of a Guru. It promotes maximum physical and spiritual cleansing.

Difficulties of transition

IN Zodiac constellations There are no clear boundaries; they have different lengths. That is why astrological eras do not change immediately, but gradually. The change of seasons occurs in approximately the same way: spring defeats winter, and autumn wins back its rights from summer. The entire twentieth century became the harbinger of the Age of Aquarius. Throughout the next century, the era of Pisces will remind itself of itself before fading into history. The same long transition period awaits the end of the era of Aquarius, when, after 2000 years, it will also sink into oblivion.

Each astrological era carries with it different individual characteristics. Over time, they become the predominant, main background for the development of humanity. The symbolism inherent in the dominant sign completely prevails in morality, value system, way of thinking, structure of societies, worldview, science, mythology, culture and religion. Therefore, the new era will come into its own after it overcomes the remnants of the Pisces era. Just when most of social structures and humanity as a whole will be restructured to other value guidelines, the Age of Aquarius will begin.

The advent of a new era gives people hope. The patron of this sign is Uranus. It promotes scientific inventions, stimulates technological progress, and favors humanitarian achievements. Uranus is also the planet of unconscious goals and will. Humanity has a chance to build a new, more perfect and comfortable world. Or, conversely, lose everything it has. Time will tell how we will be able to use this opportunity.

The next era after the era of Aquarius (before that there was the era of Pisces) will be the era of Capricorn or Baphomet-Goat-Satan.

Now the era of AQUARIUS is coming, and many are waiting for changes. The god of heavenly light, Uranus, has already contributed to the discovery of electricity, the scientific and technological revolution and the emergence of evolutionary ideas. And in the era of Aquarius, man’s desire for a clear Sky became so strong that, undaunted by the power of the Thunderer, planes broke through the border of his thunderclouds. And then rockets flew into space: as if the ancient demiurge of the Universe again called people to expand their spaces. We long for some kind of radical change in human nature itself - similar to those that drove the monkeys out of the trees and made them people. The modern fascination with extrasensory perception is a precursor to this. Once people took off from the ground, standing on two legs - perhaps now they should take off, and not only thanks to the machine?

According to the precession model, in two thousand years the era of CAPRICORN will come, which will create unprecedented material achievements, realize the role of the Earth in the universe of the Cosmos and physically consolidate the evolutionary abilities of man discovered by Aquarius. And the era of SAGITTARIUS (4000-6000), perhaps, will organize their reality for people in a new way: it will change their social mind and form an end-to-end system of spiritual flows from the past to the future. Then the era of SCORPIO (6000-8000) will create other reserves of survival and the ability to defeat death. And finally, the era of Libra (from 8000 to 10000) will establish new forms of cultural interaction within the Universal civilization. This will require the development of new spaces opened by that time - and perhaps even times (after all, it is not without reason that Libra is the sign of Saturn’s exaltation).

Zodiac calendar of the future of humanity according to N.D. Morozov.

1. The Age of Pisces (1-2160). The formation of Western civilization. Spread of Christianity. The beginning of the globalization of world processes.

2.The Age of Aquarius (2160-4320). The formation of World Civilization. Uniting states and religions. Creation of an energy ring around the Earth for protective and industrial purposes.

3.The Age of Capricorn (4320-6480). The spread of civilization within the solar system. Access to galactic departure points.

4.The Age of Sagittarius (6480-8640). Total colonization of the solar system. Entry of civilization into the Commonwealth of Cosmic Formations.

5.The Age of Scorpio (8640-10800). The spread of civilization beyond the solar system. Mastering the basics of teleportation and controlling the field shell at the energy level.

6.The Age of Libra (10800-12900). Exploration of galactic and intergalactic spaces. Study of “black” and “white” holes.

7.The Age of Virgo (12900-15120). Summing up the existence of civilization. Limit of development.

8. 15120 - global catastrophe and death of civilization.

III. Zodiac calendar of the future of humanity (author's version).

1. The Age of Aquarius (2003-4163). Floods and other cataclysms on a planetary scale caused by changes in the position of the continents. The formation of humanity as a single planetary community.

2.Era of Capricorn (4163-6323).The settlement of humanity within the solar system.

3.Era of Sagittarius (6323-8483).Creation of the Space Federation of the Solar System. Teleportation movements within the Galaxy.

4.Era of Scorpio (8483-10643).Penetration of corporate forms of earthly mind into multidimensional worlds and parallel spaces.

5. The era of Libra (10643-12803). The formation of humanity as a single information-spatial formation that leaves the physical Universe.

6.Era of Virgo (12803-14963).Integration of the results of multidimensional creativity of human consciousnesses into the design of the Universe.

7. Age of Leo (14963-17123). Creation of an Ensemble of physical, parallel and spiritual spaces, inspired by collective human consciousness.

8.Era of Cancer (17123-19283).Exhaustion of possibilities for further improvement of information-spatial humanity in parallel and multidimensional reality.

9.Era of Gemini (19283-21443). The experience of multidimensional creativity of humanity is transferred to superspatial reality.

10.Era of Taurus (21443-23603). Mastery of super-spatial and sub-information reality. The creation of an absolutely new type of hyper-subtle reality, initially absent in the Universe.

11. Age of Aries (23603-25763). Replacement of physical universes with a fundamentally new type of physical three-dimensional reality (matter), which freely passes into spatial-spiritual reality. Embodiment individual consciousnesses into created matter.

12. Age of Pisces (25763-27923). The era of co-creation with the Absolute.

Age of Aquarius

The time period during which the vernal equinox point is in the same zodiac sign is called an astrological era in astrology. The change of astrological eras is associated with the phenomenon of precession of the earth's axis, causing a slow shift of the vernal equinox point against the movement of the Sun along the ecliptic at a speed of 50.3708" per year, 0.01397° per year or 1° in 71.6 years. Specify exact years changing astrological eras is impossible, since clear boundaries are not defined for the zodiac signs.

Due to the fact that precession slowly but continuously shifts the point of the vernal equinox, that is, the beginning of the tropical zodiac, within the framework of the New Age movement, the idea arose to consider the movement of the point ♈ along the sidereal zodiac. Since a full circle of precession takes 25,776 years, 1/12 of this cycle is equal to 2148 years. This means, if we assume that 0°♈ the two zodiacs diverged at the end of the 1st millennium BC. e., it turns out that for two millennia the point of the vernal equinox moved along the sidereal sign of Pisces and at the beginning of the 3rd millennium it should enter the sidereal sign of Aquarius. Considering that the last two millennia were the era of the development of Christianity, and one of the symbols of Christ was the fish, the ending era is conceptualized as the “Era of Pisces”, and the coming one as the “Age of Aquarius”.


Baphomet is an idol or image of unknown origin, depicting some heretical creature. For the first time this name was heard in public during the persecution of the Templar Order.

The word "Baphomet", read from right to left "Temohpab", will be a notaricon of the following formula: "Templi omnium hominum pacis abbas" - which translated from Latin means: "rector of the temple of the peace of all people."

The word "Baphomet" is written in Hebrew letters as בפומת, which is an atbash encrypted set of letters שופיא, which can, if desired, be read as the Greek word "sophia" ("wisdom"). In accordance with the meaning of the word “Baphomet” (“wisdom”, “rector of the temple of peace of all people”), all statements that Baphomet is associated with the forces of evil are fabrications of the enemies of the Templars (templars) - Jews who converted to Christianity and know the secrets of the Temple of Jerusalem.

Sign of Baphomet.

The Sigil of Baphomet is a five-pointed star with three points pointing downwards (an inverted pentagram) with the head of a goat inscribed in it. The sign of Baphomet is official symbol Church of Satan. The sign of Baphomet, as a symbol of Satanism, began to be used only after the emergence of the Church of Satan and the release of the Satanic Bible.

The first semblance of an image of the sign of Baphomet, it was a goat's face in a pentagram, appeared in Oswald Wirth's book on Freemasonry, but the source of the image was not indicated. A closer image of a goat's face in a pentagram surrounded by two circles with the inscription Leviathan between the circles appeared in the book An Illustrated History of Magic and the Supernatural by Maurice Bassey (Published in English in 1964, published in French: Histoire en 1000 Images de la Magie, Editions du Pont Royal, 1961). However, in this book this image is never referred to as a sign or symbol of Baphomet. It was this drawing from the book by Maurice Bassey that served as the basis for the creation of today's symbol of Baphomet, used by the Church of Satan. To do this, the pentagram was made geometrically correct, distorted Hebrew letters were inscribed in two circles, and the face of the goat, in turn, was drawn anew (particular attention was paid to the expression of the eyes).

Interpretation of the symbol.

The pentagram (pentalpha) came from the Pythagorean tradition. The head of a goat or ram, inscribed in the pentagram, depicts the Goat of Mendes, the symbol of the Egyptian Neter Amun, who was called “the hidden one, who abides in all things, the essence of all phenomena”; thus, the Neter is closest to the Dark Force that permeates and moves all nature. The two concentric circles that contain the word "Leviathan" written in Hebrew (from the bottom ray and counterclockwise) are taken from the Ophit (serpent) tradition of Judah, and are the embodiment of the Dragon of the Abyss, sometimes represented by the symbol "ouroboros" (serpent biting its tail , forms a circle). So, in one symbol we find a fusion of incarnations of what we call Satan belonging to several cultures.

Satanic goat symbol. Usually depicted as a half-man, half-goat or as a man with a goat's head. It is often mistakenly interpreted as a symbol of witchcraft in general. This mysterious symbolic figure, referred to as Baphomet, was first described in the medieval trials of Templar knights accused of heresy, witchcraft and other crimes. Templars (templars) (from Latin templum, French temple - temple), spiritual knightly order of the Temple of Solomon. Founded by Hugh of Payen in 1118 on the supposed site of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, as a purely military organization. By purchasing at crusades and as numerous donations of considerable funds, the Knights Templar became one of the richest spiritual institutions Western Europe. After the loss of Christian possessions in Palestine in 1291, the order moved to Paris; Conflicts soon arose with the French king, who sought to use the financial resources of the Templars in his own interests. In 1307, King Philip IV ordered the arrest of all French Templars, and in 1312 he forced the pope to dissolve the order. The last Supreme Master of the order, Jacques de Molay, was burned at the stake on charges of heresy. The torture of thousands of Templars revealed hundreds of confessions of various crimes and heresies. Chief among them were the denial of Christ and the worship of an idol, namely, a bearded goat's head, nicknamed Baphomet. Those who confessed said that they were taught to revere this idol as a god and savior, but their descriptions of Baphomet differed greatly from each other: they said that he had three heads and four legs; that it is made either of wood, or of metal, or is painted; some claimed that it was gilded. As "evidence" the court was presented with many temple exhibits brought from the East, some of them had the image of an unusual male/female hybrid. Subsequently, all the evidence presented was burned.

The origin of the name Baphomet is unclear. Some historians believe that the name Baphomet is a corruption of Mohammed (Mohammed). Or a Greek phrase meaning "baptism of wisdom", or "Bufihimat", which means "father of wisdom" in Moorish.

The English historian of occultism and magic, Montague Summers, believes that most likely this name is a combination of two Greek words, baphe and metis, and means “baptism of wisdom.”

Baphomet is also called the Goat of Mendes, the Black Goat and the Judas Goat. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that Baphomet was an idol depicted in the form of a human skull, dead human heads or in the form of a metal or wooden human head with wavy black hair.

In 1818, among the forgotten antiquities of the Imperial Museum in Vienna, several idols, the so-called heads of Baphomet, were found. They said that these were images of the Gnostic deity Metis, or greek goddess titans of "Wisdom". Others have proposed more intriguing theories - that Baphomet is a Kabbalistic cipher for the Gnostic goddess Sophia.

Perhaps the most famous image Baphomet was created in the 19th century by the French occultist Eliphas Levi (Alphonse Constant) and is called “Baphomet of Mendes.” Levy combined elements of the devilish tarot card with the ancient goat cult of Mendes, Egypt, where followers of the cult allegedly copulated with a baptized goat (just as the church says witches and the devil do). Baphomet Levi has a human torso with female breasts, a caduceus (a rod of Mercury entwined with two snakes) in the area of ​​the diaphragm, human shoulders and arms, hooves, wings, the head of a goat with a pentagram on the forehead and a torch on the top of the head between the horns.

These attributes, according to Levy, represent total amount Universe: mind, four primary elements, divine revelation, sex, motherhood, sin and salvation.

The white and black crescents on either side of the figure are symbols of good and evil. Aleister Crowley identified himself as Baphomet upon joining the Order of the Eastern Temple, a secret sexual magical order formed in Germany around 1896.

The Church of Satan, founded in 1966 in San Francisco, adopted a different image of Baphomet as a symbol of Satanism. This image represents a goat's head inscribed in an inverted five-pointed star, located, in turn, in a double circle.

On the outer circle, Hebrew letters around the edges of the pentagram spell out the name of Leviathan, a huge sea serpent associated with the devil. When performing rituals in the Church of Satan, the symbol of Baphomet is hung on the wall behind the altar.

Chronology of future events in human history.

The chronicle of the future offered to the reader's attention was compiled by the author on the basis of a creative generalization of the most recognized forecasts of authoritative futurologists, which were compared with the most recognized concepts of geosocial and cosmic cycles, as well as with the results of psychological experiments on hypnotic progression conducted in the USA by B. Goldberg, H. Wambach and C.B. Snow in the 70-90s of the XX century. Specific predictions of modern prophets and clairvoyants were also used. The result is a very impressive picture, which is somewhat at odds with what modern science knows about the future. This circumstance does not mean at all that all predicted events will come true exactly and by the specified date. Nevertheless, according to the author, the sequence and general direction of the stages of the evolution of our civilization is of heuristic value for researchers dealing with the problems of the global strategy for the survival of mankind on Earth and in space, as well as political scientists, economists, and scientists of other specialties.

2008-2032 - a short period of “new matriarchy”;

2008-2012 - creation of large regional unions of states in Europe, America and the Pacific; the formation of new economic and political theories that will change the life of humanity in the future; humiliation of geniuses, the birth of promising ideas mainly in scientific groups;

2008-2200 - demographic decline in Europe;

2009 - a major accident in the metro of one of the Asian cities; flight of the first space shuttle with tourists; creation of a space transport aircraft;

2009-2025 - mass introduction of android robots into industrial production (USA, Europe, Japan, Australia);

2010-2012 - China’s successful landing of a spacecraft on the surface of the Moon (with the participation of Russia);

2010-2020 - decline in morality and religious consciousness; the rise of alternative medicine; as a result natural disasters(floods, droughts, volcanic eruptions) 50 million people will become refugees; the beginning of a 200-year period of environmental crises (death of forests, rivers, extinction of certain species of flora and fauna, lack of clean water);

2010 - major flood in Southeast Asia; obtaining scientific evidence of the existence of the soul after death; mass channeling (cosmic contacting); the appearance in Central America of a 9-year-old boy calling himself Jesus Christ;

2011-2023 - demographic pressure from the Near and Middle East on Europe, an increase in the number of immigrants; the process of curtailing democracy in European countries and the United States, the transition of their leaders to authoritarian methods of leadership, strengthening the police functions of states; stratification of society, widening gap between rich and poor;

2011 - a unique method of treating AIDS was developed in China;

2011 (or 2012) - a major accident in space technology;

2012 - regular tourist flights to Earth orbit;

2012-2026 - mass birth of people with paranormal abilities;

2013 (possibly 2011) - stabilization of heating of the solar core at a level sufficient to intensify processes global warming on Earth in the next 500 years; UFO crash in the USA; mass spiritual journeys of people to other dimensions without intermediaries (psychologists and clairvoyants);

2013 - possible use nuclear weapons one of the countries in a local military conflict; aggravation of the internal political situation in Russia, a threat to its territorial integrity, a crisis in foreign policy;

2013-2017 - mass contacts of earthlings with extraterrestrial intelligence at the energy-information level; unification of most CIS countries into a confederation; trade and economic conflict between Japan and China;

2014 - the world's population will be 7 billion people; landing a spacecraft on the surface of one of the asteroids;

2015 - the beginning of the 532-year era of great floods (global warming); electronic prosthetics (radar for the blind and servomechanical limbs); creating a concept for using a fundamentally new source of cheap energy;

2015-2035 - construction of stationary space bases on the Moon;

2015-2025 - removal of radioactive waste from Earth into space;

2017-2019 - preparation of a manned flight to Mars;

2018 - computer tax collection system; the beginning of the widespread introduction of nanotechnology into industrial production;

2019 - major social upheavals in Ukraine;

2020-2030 - spread of an epidemic of an unknown disease; creation of the first automated systems automobile transport (controlled by computers and a “driver”); removal of “space debris” from Earth’s orbit, preparation for the launch of industrial orbital complexes into space to transmit solar energy to Earth for the purpose of lighting and heating the polar regions;

2020-trade and economic conflict between Japan and the United States; detailed computer modeling of all possible futures for humanity; partial weather control; treatment of mental illnesses using physiotherapy and chemotherapy; production of synthetic protein on an industrial scale; creation of artificial implants; the use of robots for waste disposal, housekeeping and hazardous installation work; scientific proof existence of parallel worlds;

2020-2080 - a period of high solar activity; inversion of geographic and magnetic poles (possibly the earth's axis), major volcanic eruptions, rising sea levels, temperature anomalies associated with the intensification of global warming processes; partial flooding of the territories of Great Britain, Holland, Denmark, Finland, the countries of the Mediterranean basin and Asia, earthquakes, hurricanes and floods in the USA and Japan); over 40 million people will remain homeless; a global epidemic of an unknown disease spreading from Asia; manned flights to other planets of the solar system; creation of a global security system under the auspices of the UN;

2021-2024 - threat of a third world war;

2022 (or 2020) - human landing on Mars;

2025 - the Earth's population will be 7.9 billion people; the beginning of the global drinking crisis; creation of medicines to increase the level of intelligence; obtaining means of extending human life to 120 years; construction of the first self-improving automated PC production line; a new effective foreign policy strategy for Russia that will ensure the country’s prosperity;

2028 - radio interception of negotiations extraterrestrial civilizations, the fall of a large meteorite or asteroid fragment on the American continent;

2029 - the possibility of a collision between the Earth and a large asteroid;

2030 - treatment of some hereditary diseases using genetic engineering methods; the ability to travel through time by controlling the processes of a comatose state; creation of a computer system for the adoption of laws by the votes of all voters (“autovoting”); development of suspended animation technology for long-term space flights;

2035 - creation of the first cyborg; construction of an anti-asteroid defense complex in Earth orbit;

2036-2037 - social upheavals in Russia and Ukraine;

2038 - production of 20% of all food products on underwater aquafarms;

2040 - establishment of a new world economic order (network communities excluding the leadership of any one power); the beginning of the death of tropical forests in the Amazon basin, unprecedentedly hot and dry weather in Europe;

2042 - major social upheavals in Russia;

2045 - fall of a large meteorite in Eurasia (presumably in the Far East); creation in Ukraine of a fundamentally new information technology, opening the way to the symbiosis of human consciousness, telepathic techniques and virtual reality- creation of a computer-telepathic network (“Telenet”);

2046 - aggravation of the socio-political situation in Ukraine; another threat of a collision between the Earth and an asteroid;

2048-2056 - discovery of a fundamentally new source of inexhaustible energy; breeding the first breeds of intelligent animals; obtaining industrial materials by restructuring raw materials at the subatomic level;

2050 - the world's population will be 9.1 billion people (the population of Ukraine will be 35 million people); the emergence of a device for recognizing and interpreting animal emotions; moving industrial and energy enterprises into near space;

2051-2072 - widespread flowering of art and New Age movements; the beginning of a 170-year spiritual revolution on Earth;

2052 - invention of superluminal (instantaneous) communication;

2056 - replacement of diseased human organs with new ones - cloned ones; strong volcanic eruptions;

Perhaps everyone has heard about the Age of Aquarius. Some astrologers claim that it has already begun, others - that it will begin soon.

But what is the Age of Aquarius in exact value this concept?

To answer this question, we need to step back a little. As you already know, from the point of view of an earthly observer, the Sun circles the Earth in a year. It moves along a narrow band (called the ecliptic) through the twelve signs of the zodiac.

When in ancient Babylon The foundations of astrology were laid, the zodiac signs received the names of real constellations. Early astronomers noticed that the Sun moved through the same groups of stars every year. In spring, the Sun passes through the constellation Aries. In autumn, the Sun crosses the constellation Libra.

The beginning of the astrological year is a moment called the spring equinox. At this time, the Sun, moving along its trajectory (ecliptic), crosses the celestial equator (the line dividing the sky into the northern and southern halves). In this case, the length of the day is equal to the length of the night. Corresponding Latin term(equinox) literally translates as “night equal to (day). There are two equinoxes in a year - spring and autumn. The vernal equinox marks the arrival of spring, the autumnal equinox marks the arrival of autumn. The spring equinox coincides with the beginning of the first astrological sign (Aries) and the first half of the zodiac; The autumn equinox is the beginning of the seventh sign (Libra) and the second half of the zodiac.

When astrology was first formalized, the spring equinox came to signify the entrance of the Sun not only into the sign of Aries, but also into the constellation Aries. At that time these concepts were considered identical. However, astrology subsequently separated from astronomy. Zodiac signs no longer correspond to specific constellations. Therefore, if today an astronomer talks about Taurus, he means the real group of stars that form the constellation Taurus. If an astrologer talks about Taurus, he means the second astrological sign, the 30-degree section of the zodiac, with which a certain set of characteristics, symbols and associations are associated.

In the 2nd century BC. Greek astronomer Hipparchus discovered a phenomenon called the displacement of the equinoxes (precession). He discovered that the position of the earth's axis was slowly changing. This process is sometimes compared to the vibration of a rotating disk. Instead of remaining stationary, the Earth's poles sway from side to side as the planet rotates around its axis. Over many centuries, this tilt of the Earth changes the position of the celestial equator, which lies in the same plane as the earth’s. The celestial equator moves simultaneously with the earth's.

All this explains the fact that over time, the spring equinox (the moment when the Sun crosses the celestial equator) appears in a completely different constellation. This slow change in the Earth's tilt is called the equinox shift (precession) because over many centuries the equinox points slowly pass through all the signs of the zodiac in reverse order. (If they were moving in the other direction, this phenomenon would probably be called a procession.)

When Babylonian astrologers calculated the zodiac, the vernal equinox was in the constellation Aries. Around the time when Christ was born (early AD), the Earth rotated in such a way that the vernal equinox fell into the constellation Pisces. Around 2000 AD The point of the vernal equinox passes into the constellation Aquarius. Therefore, we live at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius.

The equinox points move along the zodiac very slowly - at a rate of 1 degree every 71.5 years. Over a period of 2150 years, the equinox points pass through one zodiac sign. They will pass through all twelve signs in 25820 years. This period of time is called the great year. The transit of the equinoxes through one sign is called a great month or epoch.

For the last twenty centuries, humanity has lived in the Age of Pisces; We are now entering the Age of Aquarius. Since we are talking about such large time intervals, it is difficult to determine the beginning of a new era with an accuracy of one year. For example, some astrologers associate the beginning of the Age of Aquarius with the end of World War II. The authoritative astrological association “Church of Light” names a very early date - 1881. Astrologer Capel McCutchen believes we entered the Age of Aquarius in the 70s. He comments: "With the advent of cable TV and computers, and people walking around with antennas actually sticking out of their heads, it has become difficult to believe that we have not yet entered the Age of Aquarius." The famous psychologist Carl Jung and astrologer Charles Jane predicted that a new era would begin in the 90s. Other experts, for example, the Irishman Cyril Fagan, push this event back to 2300 - 2400 years. However, most astrologers agree that by the year 2000 we will definitely be in the Age of Aquarius.

Each era is characterized by its own astrological sign. Our Earth has experienced thousands of great years. Scientists estimate its age to be about 4.6 billion years, that is, 177,000 great years. But the ancestors of man - bipedal upright creatures - appeared only 115 great years (three million ordinary years) ago. And the Neanderthal walked the Earth only nine great years ago.

Astrologers consider the history of mankind from the age of Leo.

AGE OF LION (ca. 10,000 - 8,000 BC)

During this era, humanity energetically and creatively learned to use its environment. The men and women who lived in the caves created sharp tools from polished stone. The Sun, the ruler of Leo, played huge role in the life of a person of the Neolithic era (New Stone Age) - it was then that our ancestors moved from hunting and gathering to growing crops. According to astrologers, in the cave drawings of that time (the first chronicles) the strong influence of Leo is noticeable.

AGE OF CANCER (approximately 8000 - 6000 BC)

At this time, people left the caves and began to build dwellings on the surface of the Earth (Cancer's desire to create their own home). Humanity learned to spin, weave and make pottery. Our ancestors began to grow a variety of crops and raise domestic animals. Rituals associated with childbirth and moon worship were cultivated. (Cancer is ruled by the Moon and is the sign of domestic life, childbirth and motherhood.)

AGE OF GEMINI (approximately 6000 - 4000 BC)

This era is marked by the emergence of writing (Gemini is a sign of communication). Humanity has expanded its intellectual capabilities by beginning to record and store information. The invention of the wheel created the prerequisites for travel and trade (Gemini patronizes these areas).

AGE OF TAURUS (approximately 4000 - 2000 BC)

The great ancient Egyptian civilization with its emphasis on cultivation and new building technology (pyramids) reflects the influence of Taurus. The aesthetic nature and reliability of Taurus are evident in the art and architecture of this period.

AGE OF ARIES (approximately 2000 BC - early AD)

This is the so-called Iron Age, in which humanity learned to make tools from iron (Aries is the patron of iron). Aries is also known for being combative and aggressive. This period was marked by the rise of Assyria and the Greek city-states, as well as the conquests of Alexander the Great. At the end of the Age of Aquarius, warlike Rome became the most powerful of all previously existing empires.

AGE OF PISCES (circa early AD - 2000 AD)

The enormous influence of Christianity has changed the world (Pisces is the sign of spiritual knowledge). Fish is also a symbol of this religion. When taking out fish, the first Christians gave each other a secret signal. Jesus called his apostles “fishermen” (that is, fishers of souls). This era is marked by the sacrifices and struggles associated with Pisces.

What will the Age of Aquarius be like?

A clue should be sought in the sign of Aquarius. This is a sign of brotherhood and humanity. Astrologers expect that in the coming era individual states will disappear, and humanity will unite into one people, not divided into nationalities. Perhaps in the Age of Aquarius we will achieve the eternal ideal of world peace. According to predictions, the emphasis will be on the ordinary person, and the privileges of the rich and nobles will become signs of the past. The aristocrat of the future will be an educated or successful person.

Aquarius - sign scientific knowledge and inventions, he patronizes radio waves. It is now impossible to imagine what fantastic discoveries will be made in the next 2000 years, but astrologers predict that among these achievements will certainly be space travel beyond our borders. solar system or even galaxies. Space ferries will transport many people, and settlements will appear on other planets. Greatest achievement will be flights to the stars, the closest of which, not counting the Sun, is located at a distance of 4.3 light years from Earth (for comparison, let me remind you that the most distant planet, Pluto, is 5 light minutes away from us).

Aquarius is a mental sign. The future will be marked by incredible intellectual achievements, concern for environment; new technologies will solve the problem of depletion of energy resources and mineral reserves. Nuclear energy, electronics, aviation (inventions of Aquarius) will bring maximum benefit to humanity. Aquarius is a sign of practicality, so knowledge in this era will not be an end in itself, but a means of obtaining results.

Astrologers treat this sign with particular warmth because it is associated with astrology. We are already seeing a rise in interest in astrology at the dawn of the Age of Aquarius. As someone noted, “astrology is the religion of the new generation.” In the coming century, astrology will not be considered a superstition or an initiated secret. It will become a respected science, accessible to everyone.

Perhaps the hopes that in the era of Aquarius humanity will achieve complete harmony will seem unrealistic to many, but Aquarius is a sign of hopes and desires. Astrologers hope that in the era of Aquarius, previously acquired knowledge will help us discover new truths (Aquarius is a truth-seeker).

These predictions are based on positive traits Aquarius. Such negative qualities, as inflexibility, eternal fluctuations, selfishness of desires will also be signs of the new era. Humanity has not yet risen so high that we can count on the emergence of a new race - idealistic, devoid of egoism. We also have serious problems to resolve. We are facing overpopulation, threatening global wars, famines and epidemics. We are wasteful use of our natural resources, robbing our planet of its ability to support life. The greatest danger is atomic energy, which can destroy humanity and, probably, the Earth itself.

Yet the Age of Aquarius offers hope. The ruler of Aquarius, Uranus, is the planet of the future, since its sphere of influence includes modern science, inventions, electricity and humanitarian movements. Uranus is also the planet of will and unconscious goals. We have a chance to build a brave new world. Or lose everything we have. Everything depends on the new Aquarians of the universe - in other words, on ourselves.