“When you become big”: star fathers and children took part in the filming of Denis Klyaver’s new video. Denis Klyaver: two sons, a daughter from Eva Polna and the singer’s wife

Denis Klyaver is a member of the once existing group “Tea for Two”, and now one of the most famous composers and singers on Russian stage. He was born on April 6, 1975, and during his 43 years of life he went through an interesting creative path and to this day continues to delight his fans with new projects, which include new solo albums, videos and even films. So where did the young artist start?

Most often, people of art are born in creative families, and Denis Klyaver’s family is no exception. His father is a famous artist, comedian and television presenter - Ilya Lvovich Klyaver (pseudonym - Oleynikov). Ilya Klyaver is familiar to each of us thanks to the sensational program “Town,” where he was not only an actor, but also one of the creators.

Denis’s mother, Irina Viktorovna, is a chemical technologist by profession, but she does not hide her spiritual predisposition to art - she, like her famous son, loves to practice vocals and write songs.

Denis, surrounded by connoisseurs in his childhood various arts, fell in love with music very early. Back in the days when little Denis visited music school majoring in piano, his life purpose became clear.

That's why when he graduated from high school, the question of further education made up his mind very quickly: the young musician entered the Music College named after. Mussorgsky in St. Petersburg and studied there for 3 years. He studied, oddly enough, not in his first specialty: this time the young man wanted to master an instrument from the wind class, and his choice fell on the trumpet.

The music didn't leave me young man even at a time when he was repaying his debt to the Motherland: there, in the service, Denis was offered to play in the orchestra, to which he willingly agreed. Then, when service in the ranks armed forces was behind, the future famous artist decides to study again and becomes a student at the Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory. In 1996 he completed his studies.

“Tea for Two” - first musical successes


The group, which in the future will win millions of hearts, appeared largely thanks to Ilya Oleinikov. One day Denis and his friend Stas Kostyushkin, whom they had known since adolescence, performed in front of him several of their songs, written just for fun. It was then that Ilya Lvovich suggested that two young people seriously think about creating a duet. Denis was nineteen years old at the time and, of course, he took his father’s words into account.

And finally, “Tea for Two” debuts on the stage of the Leningrad Youth Palace in the winter of 1994. The performance took place as part of the opening of the famous radio broadcasting station “Europe Plus”. Igor Kuryokhin undertook to produce the two exciting guys. Then another significant event occurs for the young duo: the musicians release their debut album, recorded in a professional studio, entitled “I won’t forget...”.

From that moment on, Klyaver and Kostyushkin became regular participants in various music competitions, where they won not only new fans, but also awards. Thus, Denis received his first small victory as a composer: a bronze statuette for the song “I’ll go.”

In order for the group to gain recognition, the guys played in clubs hometown, however, they understood that they needed to develop somehow. It was at this moment, in 1996, that they had the opportunity to go on their first tour. The initiator of the tour around the country was Mikhail Shufutinsky. Using the money they earned during their performances, the two musicians decided to shoot their first video clip. However, the public response to their project was not great.


Then the artist Laima Vaikule came to the aid of the future stars. According to her, the guys came into her field of vision during one of the competitions. The singer invited young people on another tour of the country, which lasted two whole years. As Denis and Stas say now, they are very grateful famous singer for teaching them how to do a fiery show with practically nothing.

This experience became decisive in their careers: the musicians realized that presentation plays the most important role in this field of art. Now each performance of “Tea for Two” was not just an ordinary performance of songs. The duo began to create truly spectacular concerts, where each song was sung and performed in its own way.

The audience appreciated the first such concert in 1999 on one of the St. Petersburg stages. This concert is also notable for the fact that for the first time the author of all the songs performed was Klyaver Denis.

By the beginning of the 2000s, the artists already had four full-length albums. Tracks from these albums gradually became recognizable hits and blew up the radio charts.

Further more. “Tea for Two” uses the knowledge gained during the tour with Laima Vaikule when creating its new project “Cinema”. This is a show program that has become business card young performers thanks to special effects and hits from their albums. Drive, an impressive show, fiery music and ringing voices - the guys put all this together and went on tour. This time not only in our own country, but also in neighboring countries.

In 2001, one of the duo’s most famous tracks, “My Affectionate,” was born. This will be the first song to earn the long-awaited Golden Gramophone Award. Over the entire creative career of the group, the musicians will receive as many as six such awards.

During the entire time that two talented artists worked within the framework of “Tea for Two,” they released eleven albums, sixteen videos and more than a hundred songs. They did all this enormous work on their own: the author of the music throughout was Denis, and the lyrics belonged to Stas.


Rumors of problems in creative team appeared in 2011. They were quickly picked up by the press, and then everyone became sure: the duet would soon turn into a couple of solo numbers. The reason for all this turmoil was Klyaver’s project, where he worked on his solo songs, which he considered not suitable for the “Tea for Two” repertoire. In 2012, the guys, in order to refute the information about the breakup, released their new and, as it turned out, last album.

A year later, the group finally broke up. This was due to the desire of each participant to work alone. What happened between the two good friends? Only they themselves know the exact answer to this question, but fans still notice the tense relationship between the former “Chaevites” to this day.

As mentioned above, Denis conceived a solo project while still part of a popular duet.

After the breakup of the group, Klyaver has the opportunity to invest all his strength in solo career. He is actively working and already in 2013 he released his first studio album“Not like everyone else” and a video clip for one of the singles. In the same year, one of the songs on the album was awarded the Golden Gramophone award, which is actually considered a success. However, Denis himself was dissatisfied with his work: he believed that his new tracks were more suitable for the style of “Tea for Two” than for him alone.

Klyaver will win the famous Golden Gramophone twice more: in 2014 for the single “ A strange dream"And in 2016 for the song "Let's start over." In general, during Denis’s solo career this moment managed to release three albums and thirteen video clips.

Other projects

Being a public figure, Denis often attends various TV projects. For example, he agreed to participate in the “Two Stars” program for the main reason federal channel, performed a circus together with Denis Kostyushkin in “Circus with the Stars”, visited star of the show“One to One!” showed his strength and courage in the extreme program “Fort Boyard”.

In general, Denis tries to appear on television more often in order to maintain his image and maintain public attention to his solo project.

A talented person is talented in everything. So why shouldn't a musician try himself as an actor? The result of such castling professional activity can be considered using the example of Denis Klyaver, and, oddly enough, he will not disappoint you. Roles young artist were very diverse: he played a policeman in Stepanych’s Thai Voyage, as well as Stepanych’s Spanish Voyage. A very memorable image, albeit episodic.

The famous composer honored with his presence the TV series “My Fair Nanny” and the “Factory” project. Participation in a musical, where he played the role of a robber, was also an interesting experience for him.

It is not surprising that the actor is often invited to play himself in films. So he starred in several films in 2013, 2014 and 2017. One of them is the fairly well-known melodrama “There Will Be No Wedding.”

In total, the young composer has seven roles in films.

Denis met his first love back in 1995. The future wife’s name was Elena, she danced in Shafutinsky’s ballet, and later became the director of the “Tea for Two” duet. The couple officially formalized their relationship four years after they met, but they did not live in a happy marriage for long: after a week, Denis realized that he had feelings for another girl, whose name was Julia.

The divorce proceedings with his ex-wife Lena were completed in 2001. Then Yulia officially becomes Yulia Klyaver. This marriage brought Denis two children: son Timofey and stepdaughter Alice. However, this relationship also did not turn out to be successful for Denis. Having lived life together eight years, the couple separated without any explanation for their actions.

Denis met his third lover in 2006. They managed to hide their relationship from the public for four years. The novel was revealed in 2010, after its official registration. My wife's name is Irina. She is engaged in design - creating costumes for dogs, and her husband helps her in matters of PR and finance.

The young couple was born in 2013 little son Daniel, and Irina’s daughter from her previous husband famous composer accepted as my own.

  1. Klyaver has another one bastard– Evelyn’s daughter from the famous performer Eva Polna.
  2. When Denis Klyaver was fourteen years old, he worked as a loader during his own father’s tours.
  3. In addition to music, the artist is engaged in bodybuilding, acrobatics and skiing.
  4. Denis has his own studio for the restoration of rare cars.
  5. The young man leads and actively promotes healthy image life.
  6. The famous musician tried himself as a dubbing actor in the cartoon “Moana”, playing the role of Chief Tuya.

Denis Klyaver now - latest news

Denis Klyaver actively continues to engage in creativity and does not give up own project. At the moment, it is known that the musician is busy filming the video for “When You Get Big.” He invited several “star” fathers as participants, whose names have not yet been revealed.

Denis also actively maintains his pages in in social networks where he talks last news about his life and publishes photos from the filming.


Denis Klyaver - very shining example a successful artist, a happy father and a good businessman. And his music, both as part of the “Tea for Two” group and as part of his solo project, both touched and continues to touch millions of fan hearts.

Denis Ilyich Klyaver. Born on April 6, 1975 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Russian singer, musician, actor and composer, former member music group"Tea for Two".

Father - ( real name Klyaver), famous Russian pop actor-comedian, TV presenter, National artist Russian Federation, one of the creators of the popular humorous program"Town".

Mother - Irina Viktorovna Oleynikova, singer.

IN early years I lived with my grandparents on my mother’s side - since my parents had a small apartment - a room of 8 sq.m. and a kitchen 4 sq. m. He demonstrated good abilities in mathematics and chess, which his grandfather taught him to play.

At the age of 7 he began to study music, attended a music school, where he graduated in piano.

It happened that my father raised me differently. “I always loved my dad, but I was afraid of him. My mother’s main threat for many years was: “Now I’ll tell my father!” I recently remembered how I got a belt for the first time when I was 8 years old. My dad took me with him to a shoot. I was very naughty, and he promised that he would spank me at home and behaved perfectly until the end of the day. We joked and laughed. and they seemed to have forgotten about my whims. But at the entrance, dad suddenly broke a branch from a tree. I asked: “Why is this?” - “I promised to pour it in for you!” “And he hit me once,” said the musician.

At the age of 13-14, he went on tour with his father, working as a loader and keyboard player.

Studied at Leningrad high school No. 310 (“Word”). In 1996 he graduated from the St. Petersburg Music College. M. P. Mussorgsky in trumpet class. Denis plays guitar, keyboards and percussion instruments.

He served in the army, where he played in a military band.

Denis Klyaver in the group “Tea for Two”

From 1994 to 2012 - lead singer of a musical group "Tea for Two", which was a duet of composer and singer Denis Klyaver and poet and singer. He had known Kostyushkin since he was 15 years old.

According to Denis, his father Ilya Oleynikov advised him to create a group: “When I first saw Stas Kostyushkin, listened to our songs and suddenly said: “Why don’t you do a duet?” I was nineteen years old then, I didn’t even think about it, we were just fooling around, inventing something, playing, but my father thought about it and suggested it.”

Stas and Denis made their debut as a vocal duet on December 20, 1994 at the Leningrad Youth Palace, at the opening of a branch of the Europe Plus radio station. Stas was 23 years old, at that time he was a student at the St. Petersburg Conservatory, Denis was 19 years old, he was a student at the Mussorgsky Music School.

The group took part in various music competitions. The duet did not have a name, but in 1995, for the competition, Viktor Reznikov was asked to come up with a name; they wanted to call themselves “Pilots,” but the director of the Viktor Reznikov competition, Alexander Revzin, who was born in Donetsk, insisted on the name “Tea for Two.”

Then the group “Tea for Two” performed mainly in St. Petersburg clubs.

The group’s first producer was musician Sergei Kuryokhin (a friend of Stas’s father, musician Mikhail Kostyushkin), and their first song was called “Pilot”.

Soon Mikhail Shufutinsky invited the team on tour, where the duo earned their first money, which was spent on filming debut video. However, the real breakthrough in the group’s creativity was the collaboration with Laima Vaikule. Cooperation with her continued for two years. During this time, the artists gained the skills to turn a concert into a truly spectacular event. As a result, the duo played up each of their concerts, each of their performances and presented them to the audience as a small performance.

In 1996, the duo first took part in the Song of the Year festival with the song Cheryomukha. And since 2000, the songs of the group “Tea for Two” began to be actively played on radio stations and TV.

Tea for Two - Birthday

In 2000, Klyaver and Kostyushkin founded the art agency “Tea for Two,” which organizes and conducts holidays.

During their collaboration, they wrote more than a hundred songs, released 11 albums and shot 14 videos. In 2012, the duo was officially disbanded. Denis Klyaver began to study solo career , and Stas Kostyushkin launched new project

- "A-Dessa."

Solo career of Denis Klyaver

In 2013, Denis Klyaver began a solo career, and in the same year he released his first album, “Not like everyone else.” Already in 2013, he received the Golden Gramophone award for the song “Not like everyone else,” and then shot a video for this song (the video was directed by Alexander Igudin).

In 2014, Denis Klyaver became the winner of the Golden Gramophone award for the song “Strange Dream”, and also shot a video for this song (also directed by Alexander Igudin).

In 2015, two videos were released for the songs “Queen” (directed by Denis Protasov) and “I’m wounded” (directed by Alexander Igudin).

In 2016, Denis Klyaver released the album “Love Lives for Three Years?..”. In the same year, he received the Golden Gramophone award for the song “Let's start over,” for which a video was shot (directed by Denis Protasov). Received big success

and his composition “I will definitely return” (the hit was created by Mikhail Gutseriev and Sergey Bakumenko), for which a video was also shot (the video was directed by Alexander Solokha).

Denis Klyaver - I will definitely return been there many times TV show participant

on the central channels. Participated in the projects “Circus with the Stars”, “Two Stars”, “Fort Boyard”, “One to One!”, “Two Fathers and Two Sons” and others. Denis Klyaver's height:

189 centimeters.

First wife - Elena Shestakova. They met on tour in 1995. Elena is a year older than Denis. She worked as backing vocals for. When their relationship began, Elena began working as a director in the “Tea for Two” group (although, she admitted, this was only nominal - in reality she was doing the work of an administrator).

They lived in a civil marriage for three years and officially got married in 1998. “My mother-in-law Irina Viktorovna is a wonderful woman, she still loves me, and my father-in-law, to everyone famous actor Ilya Oleynikov absolutely adored me. Denis's parents pushed us towards marriage. I remember dad kept saying: “Why don’t you get married, since you’ve been living together for three years?” Elena recalled.

But the marriage broke up almost immediately. “When we got married, everything ended. After the celebration, we went to Israel for a week, and there it became clear that we were not a couple. Although I felt even before the registry office: something was wrong. A woman, and a man, always subconsciously understand if in a relationship a crack appears. I don’t know why this wedding took place at all... A week later he came and said: “We’re getting a divorce.” Although they filed for divorce only in 2001.

Second wife - Julia (married Klyaver). She worked as a ballet dancer. Before Klyaver, Yulia was already married and had a daughter, Alisa (born 1992).

We lived in an official marriage from 2001 to 2010 (in fact, we broke off the relationship much earlier). The divorce proceedings lasted 3 years.

In 2005, Denis Klyaver and the ex-soloist of the group “Guests from the Future” had a daughter, Evelyn. The singer hid her father’s name until the end of 2012, when she admitted on the talk show “Let Them Talk” that she had given birth to a girl from Denis Klyaver. The singer himself acknowledged paternity. “There is a stage, and there is life. Eva is a completely different person than everyone thinks. Yes, she and I have a daughter. She is certainly the fruit of our love. Look how beautiful she is growing up!” he said. Let us note that at the time Evelyn was born, Denis was married and in many interviews he tirelessly repeated how happy he was with his wife Julia.

According to Denis, he was seriously in love with Eva, but he did not explain why he never married her after the second divorce. “Official marriage is such a shaky thing. Eva and I have it without him a good relationship. I often come to my daughter, we communicate,” he said evasively.

The couple is raising a daughter together.

The third wife is Irina Fedotova (married Klyaver), a lawyer, worked in a bank, and with her husband opened a company making clothes for dogs. They have been living together since 2006. They officially got married on July 29, 2010. Irina has a daughter, Anastasia, from a previous relationship.

Filmography of Denis Klyaver:

2004-2005 - My Fair Nanny - cameo
2005 - Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves - the robber's accomplice
2005 - Thai voyage Stepanycha - policeman
2007 - Spanish voyage of Stepanych - policeman
2012 - Interrogator 2 - Denis Zaitsev

Dubbing by Denis Klyaver:

2016 - Moana - Chief Tui

Discography of Denis Klyaver:

as part of “Tea for Two”:

1997 - I won't forget...
1998 - Fellow Traveler
1999 - For your sake
2000 - Non-native
2002 - My affectionate...
2005 - 10 thousand words about love
2005 - Morning tea party
2005 - Evening tea party
2006 - Sorry...
2007 - Cover versions
2012 - White dress


2013 - Not like everyone else
2016 - Love lives for 3 years?..

Video clips of Denis Klyaver:

as part of “Tea for Two”:

1999 - For your sake
2000 - Goodbye dawn
2000 - Ten thoughts
2001 - My affectionate
2002 - Blizzard
2003 - Desired
2005 - You are not alone
2005 - Birthday
2006 - New Year's kiss
2006 - Sorry
2010 - White dress
2012 - Tears of love
2012 - Just a Friend
2012 - Together with you


2011 - I Feel You
2012 - You are alone
2012 - Your hands
2013 - Not like everyone else
2013 - Old Colonel
2013 - Do good (feat. Romadi)
2013 - Strange dream
2014 - I’m praying for you (feat. Irina Nelson)
2015 - Queen
2015 - I'm wounded
2016 - Let's start over
2016 - I will definitely return

Lives with the feeling that his father is nearby. “As a child, I learned to catch his energy wave, because dad was not very talkative,” says Denis. “And I constantly feel this connection of ours.” And his strong support too. Immediately after his death, everything suddenly began to take shape: a new song entered the hit parade, they began to offer filming different projects… Definitely, dad sat up there at the director’s console. He worried about me all his life - and now he found himself at the button.”

— In 1991, when I was 16 years old, everyone’s salaries were pitiful, and my mother went to America to work, and my father and I were left alone for six months. Dad has always been a jerk in a good way— lived by the principle of “everyone goes into the house,” but he categorically did not like cooking and putting things in order. He only knew how to cook kharcho soup, so this was the alpha and omega of our diet. And cleaning consisted of dad scattering trash in the corners, putting things lying on the floor under the sofa, and wiping the floor with a mop in the center of the room. But he always tried to make our home “cozy” and “comfortable.” We bought a 50-meter cooperative apartment with a stupid renovation, and my dad didn’t re-stick the wallpaper, but painted it with black ink and painted it with multi-colored abstract patterns on top. First, I painted a test area above my sofa, then my entire room, then the bathroom, and then I reached the hallway and my mother’s bedroom. The apartment was bright, original - once inside, my friends were indescribably delighted. But when my mother bought a camera in the States, she filmed the house where she worked - huge, about four hundred meters, with a luxurious staircase. After watching this humiliating video for us and our apartment, dad decided to make a rearrangement in order to somehow cheer up. We had either a Romanian or Yugoslav wall, in which there was a sideboard with Czechoslovak crystal acquired by honest labor. There is a long shelf below - I already realized that the sideboard was clearly not one piece with it, that it simply stood on top and it was impossible to move this structure like an ordinary cabinet. But dad resolutely said: “Let’s move!” I say, “Let’s get everything out first.” But where is it? Dad needed everything at once... The sideboard with all its contents collapsed on Dad and me. We lay under the shelves, under a mountain of crystal and laughed. Our adrenaline rush and desire to change something in this life were buried under ruins. Painting "Hopelessness". Laughing, we went to bed, and then at our leisure glued together the broken salad bowls and glasses. Oddly enough, very few crashed.

- Why did you go to bed? Did you get out of the wreckage of the sideboard before nightfall?

- Yes, we started the rearrangement at night. My father was a proponent of immediate action. If he is impatient for something, turn off the light. At three o'clock in the morning I wanted to rehang the painting - I immediately picked up a hammer. But he drove the nail in quietly: bale, bale, bale... No, just once - bam! - right away, but seemed to take care of his neighbors. But the walls were three centimeters thick, so the other residents still heard his long “bale, bale, bale” very well. Here I am not like my dad - I do everything more carefully. I would drill a hole with a drill, drive in a dowel, screw in a screw...

— Returning from the States, was your mother horrified by the devastation and desolation?

“She didn’t expect perfect order.” But she was horrified by our appearance! In the summer we were plagued by mosquitoes, and dad, on the eve of mom’s arrival, asked a friend to buy insect repellent. A friend purchased a type of dichlorvos, but dad had in mind a product that should be applied to the body! Dad splashed himself and became swollen, and allergies began. And a month before my mother’s return, I fell ill with scabies. There was an epidemic in St. Petersburg, and I caught the infection in transport. Before this, it seemed to me that people had not had scabies for a hundred years, and I succumbed to the disease and went to the hospital when there was a continuous bloody crust in the places where the skin was delicate. I was almost hospitalized - thank God, my dad and I somehow agreed with the doctor. They said that I couldn’t bathe for three days and that I had to apply sulfur ointment during that time. It was mega hard labor! So mom was greeted by a swollen dad and a crusty me.

- Pitchless darkness!

- Not at all! It was good time. In general, my mother managed all the financial affairs of the family and managed money, which never really existed. And when she left, the “Anecdotes” program had just come out and my father began to earn decent money for the first time in his life. The money appeared, they weren’t hiding it anywhere, they just lay in a heap in the kitchen stove - there was a cupboard for pots downstairs. I opened my locker in the morning and thought about how much I should take today. I didn’t take much, but it was still a very cool feeling.

“I don’t even know what is more striking - your misadventures or the fact that two artists, in principle, liked to do repairs, that Ilya Lvovich loved to hold a hammer in his hands, and you, a singer and composer, also understand drills and dowels ...

— As a child, I lived with my grandparents on my mother’s side, because my parents had an apartment - “a claustrophobe’s dream” with a 4-meter kitchen and an 8-meter room. And my grandfather taught me to think with my head and work with my hands, he taught me mathematics, and taught me to play chess and cards. And dad was constantly making things, making some kind of panels. My parents had a refrigerator disguised as a cabinet, with chipboard panels on all sides. When we bought a new refrigerator, my dad took the old one apart and burned it on one wooden panel. burning apparatus, and on the other he knocked out flowers with a chisel. These panels still hang in our house like paintings. One of my earliest memories: my dad is sitting in the kitchen and gluing panels of houses cut out from postcards, and I am playing on the floor behind him... And a second later, a heavy wall cabinet with pots... I wouldn't want to be in dad's place - it was catastrophically scary!

Can you imagine his condition? He wasn’t able to turn around right away, only after a few seconds - and what did he go through in those seconds... And my car drove under the cabinet, I crawled under it behind it - and just removed my leg when the cabinet crashed. If this had happened a moment earlier, the closet would have simply killed me... In general, I had many situations when my life hung by a thread. For example, our apartment - not a rented one, where a cabinet with pots fell, but a cooperative one, where a sideboard with crystal fell - was in Kupchino in the area of ​​​​new buildings. And next to our house, a twelve-story building was being built - the boys and I were crawling along the beams at the level of the 9th or 10th floor, when there were no floors yet. Serious survival school...

— I can imagine how worried your parents were if they knew or guessed about your extreme walks...

“I tried not to let them know.” But dad was worried about everything, including things that he himself came up with. He was not a very optimistic person - that’s how life toughened him up. He walked to his Olympus for too long and understood that any failure, any misfortune could happen at any moment. When I was a teenager, he was afraid for my sexuality, he saw frightening signs - I still don’t understand what. We didn’t even think about such things, but dad moved in artistic circles, where people with non-traditional sexual orientation enough. When I turned 16, I invited some guys to my birthday party. Dad asked: “Where are the girls?” - “Why are they? Let’s sit quietly with the boys.” Dad came at me and strictly punished me so that there must be girls. Then I started to worry that at 16-17 years old I still didn’t drive sex life. He measured it by himself because he was a much hotter guy. And earlier. Although I am married for the third time and have three children, and my dad had only one marriage (I don’t count a fictitious marriage for the sake of Moscow registration), and he only has one.

- You are three times more productive!

- Yes! But then dad didn’t yet know that I didn’t have to worry about this area of ​​my life. One day a friend came to him, with whom they were doing some kind of skit, and dad began to share his problem with her. Like, Denis is already 17 years old, but he seems to be a virgin. To which she said: “Do you want me to go to his room now and quickly sort everything out?” He jumped up: “No!!! In no case!" A friend of mine told me about this episode many years later.

“Dad shared it with his friends.” What about you? “Son, I want to talk man to man... What’s the matter anyway?”

“He spoke to me very little, everything had to be pulled out of him with pincers, and seriously serious things We started talking when I grew up. I think dad just didn’t know how to talk to me about relationships with girls, he was still Makarenko. Dad was embarrassed and therefore addressed me in a humorously rude tone. And I was embarrassed too. When I was about seven years old, he took me to a music school, and on the train opposite us was a girl with whom we went to kindergarten. And my dad asked me loudly: “Why are you smiling? Is your woman yours?” In the evening, I decisively told my mother that I would never go with dad again. I now communicate with my son Timofey in a similar manner - he is probably also shy sometimes.

— When you brought home your first girlfriend, dad probably carried her in his arms?

— I didn’t carry it in my arms. But I remember how my dad found condoms in my pocket. He asked in a menacing tone: “What is this?!” But he held this pack of condoms in his hands with such a happy face that even then it was very funny to me.

Dad was worried if I wasn't home or if Mom's phone was turned off. He was already so used to this state that he apparently felt more comfortable when he was worried. I was teasing him. So he lost his mother, she left and didn’t answer the phone, and then he found her and called me: “That’s it, mom has been found, her phone is dead.” I say: “What are you going to do for the rest of the day?” - "In terms of?" - “Now you don’t have a single reason to worry.” In some cases, of course, I understand his excitement. Having gone to first grade on September 1, I went for a walk with the boys - I left at two o’clock and returned at nine. By this time, dad had run around the entire neighborhood several times, and I thought he was going to kill me! I am now a father myself and I understand him perfectly. But I understand him even better as an artist’s artist.

— Was he more worried about himself or about you?

- For everyone! He has always been a suspicious person. On the one hand, he was very stubborn, and on the other, he was too anxious. Any criticism could undermine him. I’m speaking from the position of a person whose career started early and took off almost immediately, and poor dad started so many times! It seems that everything is about to work out, they called me on television, they started to find out - no, they showed one concert and cut it out of another, everyone forgot about dad again. His first partner, Roman Kazakov, died when they had just achieved minimal fame. I met my father when he was already 44 years old. For creative person This is a guard! When “Tea for Two” broke up, I started working on a solo project. The transition from a duet to solo work took place quite quickly: both fans and radio stations immediately responded. But there was still an unpleasant feeling of unsteady ground under my feet, although it only lasted about a year. I can imagine what it was like for my father to live with this feeling for 20 years of conscious life... He was worried when I went into show business. After all, dad knew about his difficulties more than us. By the way, it was he who suggested the idea of ​​a duet with Stas. However, when poor dad saw the recording of our first performance, to put it mildly, he was stunned.

- But why?

— The first pancake came out not just lumpy, but lumpy squared, cubed, to the tenth power! It was 1994, our duet didn’t even have a name, but most importantly, there was no experience. Stasyan had previously played in the theater for five years, and I only went on stage when, at the age of 13-14, I went on tour with my dad and worked as a loader and keyboard player. It was a performance in a nightclub at the presentation of a radio station, an ordinary banquet hodgepodge in which we sang three songs. Screwed up by full program: we can’t think of anything from horror and are shaking, the sound engineer is drunk, we tried to squeeze a ballet onto the small stage, so it was as crowded as a subway. To top it all off, our microphone didn't work! My mother, who was filming this enchantingly shameful debut on video, shouted: “Stasik, give the microphone to Denis! I can already hear you!” I recently found this entry, however, almost nothing is visible there... But such baptism of fire accelerate the process of formation. For the second performance, we took into account all the nuances. And in 1995 we already performed at the “Yalta - Moscow - Transit” competition.

— Ilya Lvovich said that he watched your performance in a terrible wilderness on a terrible TV. Was he vacationing in the village then?

“He and Yura performed a chef’s concert, they were put up in a rest home, and either the antenna broke or the electricity went out - and when the final of the competition was shown, dad was left without a TV. My father walked for half an hour in the dark to the nearest village and saw a construction site where there was a watchman’s trailer. Luckily, there was a TV there, although it worked without sound. Dad didn't hear us sing, but he guessed that we had won! Although he understood that everything was heading towards this: the competition lasted three days, and dad was in Yalta on the first, brightest day, when we sang the Tsvetov song “We honestly want to tell you.” The song immediately took off, so that dad left on a tremendous high. But even after our victory, he was worried about me until the last second, although “Tea for Two” admitted best group in the country, received a bunch of prizes...

I adopted this quality from him and I also worry about the future, I understand that luck can turn around at any moment. But, fortunately, my anxiety is not of such “suicidal” proportions. Dad, even after becoming a megastar, panicked wildly over quite ordinary things. When they were rehearsing the play “The Perfect Murder” with Olga Alexandrovna Aroseva, my father was constantly shaking with excitement and tormenting himself. I ask, “What’s the problem?” He answers: “I’m afraid I’ll forget the text.” “Dad, you’re a celebrity, you’re a wonderful actor and you’ve already proven everything to everyone. Well, if you forget the words, you’ll say something similar in meaning. You're not playing Shakespeare. Everyone adores you so much that even if you go out on stage and stand silently, they will look at you and rejoice.”

— Were you worried about dad when he was not yet successful? Or did you not take these adult problems to heart?

“As a child, I simply didn’t understand that dad was just an unknown pop actor. He seemed like a fantastically popular person to me, and I never said who my father was: I wanted people to see me as myself, and not the son of a superstar. And when he really became a celebrity, I didn’t boast about our relationship. Only when Kostyushkin and I declared ourselves and gained popularity through our songs did I stop hiding who my dad is.

— Your father in the book “Life is like a Song” describes how on July 10 he met on film set film "Anecdotes" with Stoyanov. One has a bag with vodka bottles in it, because the shooting happened on his birthday. And the second one also has a bag of bottles - and it’s also his birthday. Such a coincidence! The celebration of the common holiday continued at your home, and did you meet Stoyanov on the same day?

— I met Yura at New Year, he came to visit us on the night from 1991 to 1992. And that night turned out to be historic. Dad, Stoyanov and dad's friend and partner Seryozha Serebryansky, having drunk and being in a wonderful mood, began to play skits. Seryozha’s mother sent a video camera from Canada, and so they filmed their tomfoolery with it. I remember well how I returned from a party at about five in the morning, and my dad played a recording for me: “Look how much fun we had.” After getting some sleep, dad looked at the shooting again and saw in Yura a potential partner, and in fooling around - a potential TV show. Soon he and Yura were already filming the “Anecdotes” section for Kirill Nabutov’s “Adam’s Apple” program, from which “Town” grew. The most interesting thing is that I recently sorted through all sorts of tapes and found a historical New Year's filming. It was so nice to revisit it. Two people who, on the one hand, have long reached maturity, and on the other, have not yet realized themselves, joke with such sincerity and pioneering enthusiasm!

— Did you tell Stoyanov about the found relic? You see him regularly now - you participate in new program"Live sound".

“I forwarded it to Yura right away.” He was terribly happy and said that he had been looking for it for a hundred years and could not find it.

— How do you like working with your father’s colleague?

- Wonderful! We have known each other for 21 years, we have an almost family relationship. At first, the other participants treated Stoyanov with too much reverence, but I brought them closer and involuntarily became almost a co-host. After all, in the program where they sing karaoke, beautiful vocals not the most important thing. It is important that everyone sings loudly, from the heart and in a friendly atmosphere - that’s what I contribute to creating.

— When “Gorodok” appeared, your dad began to be recognized on the street earlier than Stoyanov. Yuri Nikolaevich was very worried, don’t you know?

“I won’t say anything about Yura, but dad really regretted that popularity couldn’t be divided into two absolutely equal halves. Father, with his bright appearance, was instantly remembered, while Yura, with his more neutral appearance, remained in the shadow of his father’s mustache. But then Yura could play diverse roles and was a sought-after actor in films, and dad was always associated with “Gorodok” and became a hostage to the image.

- We, the audience, have never seen your father without a mustache...

- Yes, I saw it myself once in my life. On New Year's Day I encouraged him to shave it off, and it turned out that dad without a mustache looked absolutely nothing like himself, but he was incredibly similar to Valentin Gaft. I almost fell to the floor laughing, and my mother was in complete shock. She ran from dad and shouted: “Don’t come near me, I don’t know you!”

“Ilya Lvovich once said: “My dad was a bad father, and I became a bad father to my son.” Why did he judge himself so harshly?

“I don’t know what he said there, but for me he was a wonderful father!” There were, of course, some nuances... He insisted too fundamentally that it was his tastes and his views that were correct. He actively planted them, did not meet me halfway. I don’t do this, but on the contrary, I try to listen to my son’s opinion regarding all his age-related interests. You just need to understand that each generation has its own idols and imposing your own on a child is wrong. Dad tried to force it on me The Beatles and The Rolling Stones— I listened to “Alice” and “Kino”. In principle, my father was categorical: he had his own clear opinion. But I behave differently with children - this is for my own benefit. Since music is my profession, I do not close myself off to the tastes in which I grew up, but constantly absorb new things, and for me this is important - you need to feel the current time. And in this sense, Timokha and I are generally wonderful: at the age of 12, he listens to heavy metal, and rap, and some dance compositions- and it’s always good, strong music. He dresses decently and tastefully. It seems to me that the main thing is not to interfere with a growing person. He wants to grow his hair - let him grow it, he wants to get a haircut - let him cut it, he wants to put on strange clothes - let him wear it. This is one of the ways to find yourself as an individual. You cannot limit him in this regard, otherwise you will lose contact with the child. Such reasoning was not typical for Dad. When I shaved my temples at the age of 15, he said: “What idiocy! None of The Beatles allowed themselves to do this!” Although the Beatles allowed themselves such things that mother, don’t worry, except that they didn’t shave their temples. (Laughs.) And he didn’t buy me tarpaulin boots, I still won’t forget. We had a squeak of fashion - kirzachi and quilted jackets, riveted with military symbols. My parents bought me a padded jacket, but no kirzachi - I begged, but they fought to the death. As an adult, I asked my mother: “Why are you so stubborn then?” She couldn't explain it herself.

- But does Timofey give you any reasons for dissatisfaction?

— It’s somehow very correct for me so far. He's neat, tidy, he has everything in order - he's generally a rational boy. Apparently, due to the fact that he has been practicing taekwondo since the age of four, and this organizes your actions well and imbues your actions with Eastern philosophy. I was a bigger slob than Timokha. But less than dad!

— Did Ilya Lvovich get along well with his grandson?

“He adored Timokha, but didn’t communicate with him very much. The grandson came for 15-20 minutes in a neighborly manner: “Hello, grandpa, how are you?” And grandpa’s thoughts are not entirely positive: in Lately he was depressed. But literally before my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer, he, his mom and Timosha went on vacation to Egypt. They were there with him for ten days from morning to evening, and Timka talked with his grandfather as an adult. I'm so glad this happened!

Dad could be terribly offended by little Timosha. I explain to him: “Dad, he doesn’t understand that you are a People’s Artist, he’s two years old! He doesn’t watch TV and doesn’t understand creativity. Your task is to make him fall in love with you.” One day they were alone. I return and, already opening the door, I hear that the child is choking from crying. I ask my father: “What happened?” “I told him to say hello to me. He didn’t say hello to me.” - “Why is he crying?” “I told him that if he doesn’t say hello to me, I’ll pull his hand.” - "And what?" - “Well, he didn’t say hello...” But Timokha loved his grandfather very much and was very drawn to him. Now we sent him to the children's Theatre of Drama. I see in him the makings of a grandfather, especially since his mother is a dancer, and I’m also basically okay. I tell him: “Let’s work to make my grandfather proud.” And he tries.

- No. Although at first the idea even flashed through to call him Ilya. But then we thought: this is not a monument to name someone after, but a living person. In any case, he is a continuation of my father, my mother and a continuation of my wife’s parents - whatever you call him. Even when you give a name in honor of someone, it carries fate, and dad’s fate was difficult, despite such success in the finals. It’s better to let the child have his own, individual destiny. True, when Daniel was born, my wife sent me photographs of him. They say that in the first hour after birth, children are similar to those they were in past life, and then they change. So I have photographs of when my son is one o’clock and when he is nine o’clock. On the first one it’s just a copy of my father - open nostrils, his gaze. And by the second he already looks like a baby.

I dreamed about Dad only once, when he was in the hospital in an induced coma - unfortunately, he passed away like that. Then he appeared to me in a dream. And he was all so fashionable, he looked simply gorgeous. For some reason, he had my hairstyle, but his hair was a little shorter and with gray streaks - but it was also beautiful, like highlights. I woke up and thought that everything would definitely be fine with him. And this is how it turned out...

“That means everything will be fine with him in another life.”

- Certainly. I’m generally a very sentimental person, but I cried only once after his death - when the doctors called and told me about it. And then other people found out about what happened, and a wave of sobs flowed from all over the world: people called, began to console me and sobbed into the phone. Then I completely closed myself off psychologically. Even when my father was buried, no tears flowed. I was in a state of shock, and I came out of it only after a month and a half, when before the New Year I began calling relatives and friends. I call them, start congratulating them - and then it hits me. Because all my close friends are my dad’s friends too. And naturally, when they hear me, they immediately associate me with my father. Then it was revealed to me specifically. I remember how I was driving in the car and crying... My father and I always had energetic communication - I learned well to tune into his wave, because he, an infection, spoke little... And I still feel this wave, as if my dad was nowhere from me didn't go away. Mom has exactly the same feeling. She's using it now mobile phone, and when mom calls, “dad” is displayed on the screen.

And with youngest son That's the situation. Irina couldn’t get pregnant for about three years; it happened only after her father’s departure. We later calculated that conception took place on the 42nd day after the death of the father. They say that on the 40th day the soul leaves the earth and is reincarnated. So…

It is also believed that when parents leave, powerful support immediately appears. I can tell for myself. I recorded the song “Not like everyone else,” for which I will receive the Golden Gramophone on November 30. When dad was admitted to intensive care, I rushed to St. Petersburg and sat there. And he lay in a medically induced coma... Naturally, I couldn’t think about anything else, but one day the thought flashed through my mind that new song I need to sing lower. Just on November 10th I say: “Mom, I’m going to the studio.” - “Come on, I’ll go to my dad.” On the evening of the 10th, I re-recorded the song, my mother called: “Everything seems to be fine, my condition is improving a little.” I happily remembered my dream, sent the song to the radio, and that night dad had already left. He left and the song started playing on the radio. Everything that had been suspended before suddenly began to come together. One project appeared, another, a third, the song hit the charts, an album was released... I just feel that everything immediately began to converge. Just upstairs my father sat down at the director’s console. He had been worried about me all his life, and now he was at the button.

We thank DJ Cafe Baga Bar for their help in organizing the shooting.

Family: wife - Irina, lawyer; son from his marriage to Yulia Klyaver, a former dancer of the Laima Vaikule ballet, Timofey (12 years old); daughter from singer Eva Polna - Evelyn (8 years old); son from marriage with Irina Klyaver - Daniel (one and a half months)

Education: graduated from the Music College named after. Mussorgsky by trumpet class

Career: in 1994, together with Stas Kostyushkin, he created the duet “Tea for Two,” in which Denis wrote the music for the songs and Stas wrote the lyrics. In 1995, the duo won first place at the Yalta-Moscow-Transit competition. “Tea for Two” has released 10 albums, among them: “I won’t forget...”, “My Affectionate”, “White Dress”. In 2012, the duo broke up, and Denis began a solo career.

In 2013 he released solo album“Not like everyone else”

Ilya Oleynikov

Real name: Klyaver (Oleinikova - maiden name wives)

Family: wife - Irina Klyaver, chemist; son - Denis Klyaver, singer

Education: graduated from the Moscow State School of Circus and Variety Arts

Career: in 1992, together with Yuri Stoyanov, he created the column “Anecdotes from Adam to the present day” in the “Adam’s Apple” program. In 1993, they came up with the “Town” program. Starred in the films "Trembita", "Alchemists", "The Master and Margarita" and others. People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2001)

They hid their affair from prying eyes. The ex-soloist of the group “Tea for Two” was then married to dancer Yulia - the marriage went wrong, but was not dissolved. After the birth of her daughter Evelyn, the artist refused to discuss the question of the girl’s father.

Only a few years later, Denis announced in one of the TV shows that he and Eva had joint child. Polna was at first offended that he violated their agreement of silence, but then friendly relations were restored.

Denis loves his daughter very much and tries to meet her at the first opportunity. On Evelin’s 13th birthday, the musician was in St. Petersburg, so he addressed the girl on Instagram: “Evelinushka, happy birthday, my beauty! Happy birthday, beloved daughter! May everything you wish for in this life come true! And you have a rich imagination! You are an infinitely talented girl, and I sincerely wish you to find your path. And dad is always there! I love you, my princess."

Denis Klyaver - singer, composer, musician and actor, father of three children

Date of Birth: April 6, 1975
Place of Birth: Leningrad, RSFSR, USSR
Zodiac sign: Aries

“You should always charge yourself with positivity. Because if we don't do this, we'll just die. If we constantly whine, mope, and don’t like everything, we will feel bad. You need to change yourself first.”

Biography of Denis Klyaver

Denis - son famous artist, composer Ilya Lvovich Oleinikov (real name Klyaver) and chemist-technologist Irina Viktorovna Klyaver (nee Oleinikov). Since childhood, Denis hid who his father was until he himself became known.

“I remember very well how my dad went on tedious long tours for a month and a half. Dad was detained there, and Mom and I dug through the pockets of Dad’s jacket, found small change and went to the store to buy some food.”

Denis's poor Soviet childhood was limited to twenty square meters in a panel house on the Leningrad outskirts in Kupchino - the so-called Soviet Harlem.

Klyaver studied both in St. Petersburg’s secondary school and from the fourth grade in music school - in two classes - piano and trumpet. In addition, I visited different sport sections: judo, sambo, acrobatics and so on. There were a lot of sports hobbies because they quickly got boring.

Then I studied at music school named after M.P. Mussorsky at the pop department. During his studies, Denis served in the army - he served as a trumpeter in a military orchestra in St. Petersburg.

Denis Klyaver and “Tea for Two”

And then Stas Kostyushkin appeared on his way and offered to do a duet. Stas had already worked at the Zazerkalye theater for five years and studied at the conservatory. Since Denis was studying and serving in the army at that time, he went on leave and rehearsed with Stas.

In 1995, he and Kostyushkin participated in the competition named after Viktor Reznikov and took third place. Previously, their group was called “Pilot”, but the famous production director of “Song of the Year”, “ New wave“Alexander Revzin came up with another name for the guys – “Tea for Two.” In fact, Revzin became their first producer. The group existed from 1994 to 2012. In 2001, their team was recognized as one of the most popular in the country.

Solo career

Coincidentally, after the death of Ilya Lvovich Oleinikov, Denis Klyaver took up a solo career and in 2013 released his first solo album, “Not Like Everyone else,” and also received the Golden Gramophone award for the song of the same name. And since then, almost every year he receives music awards for different compositions.

In September 2018, Denis released a video for the song “When You Get Big,” which received several million views in a month.

Denis Klyaver in film and television

As part of the “Tea for Two” group, Denis participated in the first season of the show “Circus with the Stars” on Channel One in 2007. In the project of the same Channel One “Two Stars” in 2013, Klyaver sang together with actress Valeria Lanskaya. In the same year, the project “Fort Boyard” was released on the same channel. Denis Klyaver was then in the team of composer Viktor Drobysh “Strong Ligaments”. And in 2014, on the Rossiya channel, Denis participated in the show “One to One!” He also appeared as an invited guest in the programs “Thank God, you came”, “ A big difference», « Evening Urgant", "Olivier Show".

Denis was invited to play in TV series such as: “My Fair Nanny”, “Two Fathers and Two Sons”, “Roof of the World”, “Journalyugi”. And in the films: “Spanish Voyage of Stepanych”, “Thai Voyage of Stepanych”, “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves”, “Summer”.

Relationship with father

Denis says this about his relationship with his father:

“There was always some kind of internal competition with him - creative ambitions. Perhaps dad was not confident in my successes, but this uncertainty always stimulated me to prove him wrong. I wanted to prove that I could achieve everything in this life on my own, without his help. We never said or emphasized that I was his son. And my last name is Klyaver, I didn’t take a pseudonym. Basically, most people found out he was my father when he passed away. So, thank God, I managed to prove everything that I wanted to prove to him.”

“In general, I miss my father very much, because it was my shoulder. My father and I didn’t communicate so often, because when I was little, he was always on tour, then I went on tour, that is, we saw each other more through TV. Probably due to this, it’s a little easier for me: I don’t have the feeling that he’s no longer there... he just went on tour somewhere.”

Personal life

Denis Klyaver has three children: the eldest Timofey, from his second marriage - with dancer Yulia (2001), daughter Evelyn (2005) from a passionate but fleeting romance with Eva Polna, and the youngest Daniel (2013). It was given to Denis by his third wife Irina. They met at the bank. Consultant Irina Fedotova gave Denis some valuable advice on how to increase capital. She said something about investments, securities, funds, and he looked at her and admired her. The wedding took place a year later, in 2010.