Laysan Utyasheva and other wives of Comedy Club residents. Pavel Volya: personal life, photos of his wife and children Does Pavel Volya have a family?

Pavel Volya is a famous Russian comedian, showman, actor, singer and even TV presenter. Pavel began his path to Russian show business with KVN. Few people realize that this guy is married, and when they find out who his chosen one is, they don’t believe it. Meet the famous Russian gymnast Laysan Utyasheva, the wife of Pasha Volya.

Pasha Volya with his wife

For a long time, Volya and Laysan were simply friends, but suddenly they realized that a new feeling was flaring up between them. Nobody tried to hold back their emotions, and that’s how it all started. The couple never hid anything from the public, but they were surprised when even close friends did not believe in their love, let alone their fans.

Laysan Utyasheva

As a husband, Pavel turned out to be a very attentive and caring person. He supported his wife in Hard time, helped her cope with leaving big sport. The same is true with the death of Laysan’s mother, the closest and loved one For a girl. Only Pasha was able to bring her out of her state of loss. He gave her all his love and care.

Pavel Volya with his wife

The fact that Laysan ended up married to one of the most interesting and talented characters in Russian show business. Everything happened spontaneously, the girl says, they went to the registry office and signed. There was no luxurious celebration; the newlyweds gathered their loved ones and quietly celebrated their engagement. The couple very rarely goes to celebrity parties; they also don’t like to attract attention to themselves.

After some time, it turned out that Laysan was expecting a child, and Pasha Volya took his wife to Spain for a good climate. During pregnancy future father He tirelessly watched over his wife and helped her in every possible way. The expectant mother, in turn, learned to breathe correctly and made every effort to prepare for future births.

And then a son, Robert, appeared in the family, he was born in Miami. Pasha happily looks after him, and his parents help as much as they can. After giving birth, Laysan decided to go work on television, but she does not forget about the child.

There is probably not a single person in Russia who has not at least heard of such a person as Pavel Volya. His biography is full of achievements and successes both in his career and in his personal life. A teacher from the outback who became famous throughout Russia thanks to his character. Beloved husband and loving father already two children. However, first things first.

Childhood: school years

The popular artist was born in a city called Penza on March 14, 1979. At birth he received the name Volya Pavel Alekseevich. The biography of parents is no different from the biographies ordinary people who lived in Soviet years. Father Alexey and mother Tamara. His parents never belonged to show business, were not public people and did not even dream of fame. We worked at the factory, went to the theater and cinema, in general, we were ordinary family. After the birth of Pavel, there was no increase in troubles in the family: the son grew up as a calm boy, always helping with household chores.

IN school years Pavel was distinguished by his high level of hard work and has many certificates of merit and awards. He especially liked humanities subjects: literature, history. He occupied a leading position in the class, participated in concerts, was a member of the KVN team, and the first jokes appeared just at this age. Pavel graduated from school with a silver medal.

Youth: college, first job

After school, Pasha enters the Penza Pedagogical Institute named after Belinsky, where he also performs in the KVN team. More than once his fans wondered why he chose the profession of a teacher. There are two possible answers to this question. First: the choice of the pedagogical institute fell due to its territorial location - it was located near the house. Second: he did not do well in other subjects, so he went to study as a teacher of Russian language and literature. What exactly influenced his choice remains a mystery. During the years of study, the most striking and scandalous person was Pavel Volya. His biography, however, did not suffer from this; on the contrary, sharp, caustic jokes helped the development of his career in the capital.

In parallel with his studies, Pavel Volya worked at Russian Radio in Penza, where he gained invaluable experience of live communication with listeners. Everything was going to the point that the guy would work in public, and his teacher’s diploma would gather dust on a bookshelf in hometown. However, in practice, his profession helped him write more than one speech related to the history of the Russian people or inscriptions in various cities.

This is how his childhood passed and teenage years. After Pavel Volya graduated from college, he went to conquer the capital of Russia. No one could have imagined that soon the whole country would learn about a simple Penza teacher, the son of intellectuals, proudly bearing the name Pavel Volya.

Biography: personal life

IN student years, perhaps due to his charm, perhaps because the philological faculty was chosen by modest young ladies, Pavel enjoyed enormous success among the fairer sex. But things didn’t go further than fleeting romances. Night walks under the moon, dates - all this happened, but a serious relationship never began. Pavel was preparing for a career as a TV presenter.

While Volya gained popularity and all his novels became public knowledge, Pavel already had a reputation as an inveterate womanizer and bachelor. Photos of one model or another appeared in magazines and newspapers with enviable regularity. None of the girls stayed long in the heart of the ladies' man. And he himself did not hide the fact that he was not currently ready for a serious relationship.

In 2005, at the time when it came out Comedy show club, it became known about the romance between Pavel and Maria Kravtsova, better known under the pseudonym Marika. At the same time, many magazines began to publish articles on the topic “Pavel Volya: biography.” Real name, family, education - this and much more interested the first fans of the scandalous presenter. But let's return to Pavel's first serious public relationship.

Failed wedding

Maria Kravtsova met the “glamorous scumbag” at one of his performances. For a long time, the couple hid their relationship; only their closest friends knew about it. A year later, the lovers finally stopped hiding and openly declared their feelings.

Every now and then in the relationship there were high-profile scandals with a supposedly final break, but love was stronger, and through a short time paparazzi photographed them walking along the evening streets. But in 2010, Pavel Volya made an official statement about the severance of relations with Maria Kravtsova. A year later, rumors about a wedding appeared, but they remained rumors.

Romance with an athlete

For a long time after breaking up with Marika, the young man did not build relationships with anyone Serious relationships. Volya threw himself into his work. At this time, films with his participation were released, he recorded songs and never stopped performing in popular TV show. Pavel decided not to advertise his relationship, so information about his personal life is becoming less and less. And in 2012 it became known that Pavel Volya got married. The biography of his wife - the famous Russian gymnast, charming Laysan Utyasheva - is impeccable. How could she fall in love with such a bully?

They were just friends, but after the death of the athlete’s mother, Pasha became practically the only person who supported her around the clock. He didn’t let me withdraw into myself or indulge in a depressive mood. It was then that the girl realized that the one with whom she wanted to live until old age, to whom she dreams of giving children and raising grandchildren together, is Pavel Volya.

Biography: family

The wedding was modest. There were no dresses, limousines, or guests. Only the groom, the bride and the closest people of the newlyweds. Soon after the wedding, Laysan gave her beloved a son, who was named Robert. This event occurred in May 2013. And two years later, another joyful event happened in the Volya family: a daughter, Sofia, was born. Now there are four of them. Extraordinary life to the fullest Pavel Volya lives. His biography (wife, son and daughter - what else could you dream of?) seems to illustrate one of the stories of fantastic success.

Pavel more than once openly confessed his love to his wife to the whole country, which brought his beloved to tears. Of course, these were tears of happiness. It is very interesting to read articles with the headings: “Pavel Volya: biography.” His family resembles lovers from fairy tales, only fairy tales with a happy ending!


After arriving in the capital young man was extremely lucky, and promotion career ladder It went pretty quickly. In 2002, he and the first cast of the Comedy Club began performing at events; three years later, the humorous show was broadcast on central channels. Popularity came instantly. The program's ratings grew, and Pavel was largely responsible for this. His sharp jokes, which sometimes terrified the guest stars, his caustic truth, which he openly spoke in the eyes of everyone present - all this attracted television viewers; this was a novelty in show business.

Teacher of Russian language and literature, “glamorous bastard” - all this is Pavel Volya. His biography is full of scandals with celebrities, but this helped the presenter gain popularity. Pavel began acting in films and recording songs. Now he has participated in more than 10 films and television series, as well as 2 full CD albums. The biography of such a person as Pavel Volya is extremely interesting. The showman's real name is another reason for rumors. Rumor has it that Pavel Volya is a stage name. Is it so?

Real name

During his student years, when the showman worked at the Penza Russian Radio, he went on air under the name Pavel Dobrovolsky. And at one of his performances, he admitted that his real name is Denis. It turns out that Pavel Volya is just a pseudonym under which the whole country knows him? Or is this a real name? The exact information is still unknown to anyone, and is it really needed? After all, no matter whether he is Pavel or Denis, they will not stop loving him.

True or just another rumor? One of the most beautiful couples in show business they break up. Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva divorced in 2017. How did it happen that the relationship, which the whole country watched with bated breath, is coming to an end. All fans of Laysan and Pasha looked at the beautiful couple with delight. Suffice it to remember their joint video, in which their eyes are filled with love and tenderness for each other. What could have happened in this exemplary family. Is it true that Laysan Utyasheva and Pavel Volya are getting divorced?

Pavel Volya - the real name of the showman Denis Dobronravov, was born in 1979 in the city of Penza. As a child he was interested in humanities, loved literature very much. After graduating from school, Pavel entered the Penza Pedagogical Institute at the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature.

At the institute, he began performing in KVN. After graduating from the institute, almost the entire team of KVN students moved to Moscow. Pasha was no exception. From that moment on, Pavel's career took off. He worked as a DJ at Khti FM, wrote scripts for Igor Ugolnikov’s program.

Celebrity and success came to the young man from the moment he became a resident of the Comedy Club show. All his performances were based on insulting the guests of the show, which were presented in the form of jokes. This became a feature of Will.

For a long time, Pavel collaborated with Vladimir Turchinsky. Together they hosted the Comedy Battle program. In memory of his colleague, Pavel continues to host this program.

Pavel Volya participant of the Comedy Club show

Pavel can be seen not only in humorous programs. He successfully acted in films. The very first film where Pavel got a role was the series “Club” in 2006. Later he took part in the filming of the film “The Most best movie" In 2008, in the film “Plato” Pasha played main role.

Pavel Volya has been building a serious musical career. Every year he released a new album.

The flamboyant young man has always been the center of attention of girls. His personal life worried many. For a long time Pasha was single. But in 2013, the media exploded with news of his wedding and the birth of a child. Imagine the surprise of the fans that gymnast Laysan Utyasheva became Pasha’s chosen one. The calm, sweet girl is the complete opposite of the explosive young man.

Laysan Utyasheva - how it all began

Laysan was born in 1985 in the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the village of Raevskoye. When the girl was 4 years old, the family moved to Volgograd. Since childhood, Laysan dreamed of becoming a ballerina. She was a fragile and flexible girl. The parents were very far from art, but they decided to support their daughter’s desire. Her mother enrolled her in ballet school.

But by chance, Laysan ended up in a sports class instead of ballet. The girl was immediately noted and invited to do rhythmic gymnastics. Already in the first year of training, Laysan began to achieve good success.

When the girl turned 12 years old, her parents brought her to Moscow. Here the most famous trainers continued to train with her. At the age of 14, Laysan successfully passes the standards for Master of Sports. In 2001, Laysan competes at the World Cup and becomes the winner in six categories.

Coach Irina Viner was preparing the gymnast for the Olympics, but in 2002 a fatal fall occurred. Laysan injures his leg. The first examination does not reveal any serious damage, and the girl continues intensive training. The old injury constantly made itself felt. The girl could not train for long; her leg began to hurt badly. Irina Viner insisted on a thorough examination, which showed that there were cracks in the injured leg. In addition, regular loads led to damage to the second leg.

The gymnast had to take a break, the leg was performed complex operation. After a long rehabilitation, the girl returned to sports. Her dream was to participate in the Olympics. But this was not destined to come true. The pain in my leg has returned.

Doctors claimed that continuing to play sports would lead to the girl ending up in wheelchair. In 2006, Laysan decides to leave the sport.

The girl had a hard time with her career failure. But after a small psychological crisis, she found herself as a host of television programs about health and sports. Now she has her own dance show.

Laysan's first affair was with businessman Valery Lomadze. But two years later the relationship ended in a legal scandal over joint property.

In 2012, a tragedy happened in Laysan’s life. Her mother died at the age of 47. The girl closed in on herself. Her condition almost caused her career to fail. But at this time Pavel Volya appears next to Laysan, who became her salvation. The relationship between the young people led to a wedding, which fans learned about in 2012. And now there are rumors in the press that Utyasheva Laysan is filing for a divorce from Volya. Is it true?

Relationship history

So different, but so happy! Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva have always attracted admiring glances. In love, happy couple captivated fans. They harmoniously complement each other. Pavel's impulsiveness was smoothed out by his wife's calmness.

They hid their relationship for a very long time. Fans learned about the affair only after the couple had a son. The young people met on social event. They were the hosts of this event, and then continued communication. There were times when they could see each other at work, but their romance did not happen right away.

The impetus for starting a serious relationship was grief in the Laysan family. Her mother died. The girl begins to develop a terrible depression, from which Pasha helps her get out. He showed himself as reliable man, behind whom the girl was, as if behind stone wall. It was at this moment that it began whirlwind romance between young people. The wedding took place in the same year.

The wedding took place very quietly and modestly. Pavel and Laysan signed at the registry office without ceremony. The press couldn't even imagine that two were so different people will be together.

Rumors began to spread at the moment when the girl’s pregnancy could no longer be hidden. There was a real buzz around the couple. To protect his young wife from journalists, Pavel took her to Spain and then to the USA. There their first son Robert was born.

With the advent of his son, a completely different Pavel Volya appeared before his fans. He could no longer be called a “glamorous scumbag.” He turned out to be a very caring, gentle and attentive father and husband. And in May 2015, a daughter appeared in the family.

Relationship problems

Showman Pasha Volya and charming gymnast Laysan Utyasheva have always been considered the strongest couple in show business. But every family has its own problems. So, here too, Laysan often admitted that Pavel is very hot-tempered, and often creates scenes of jealousy in front of everyone.

Laysan spoke about divorce for the first time in Yulia Menshova’s program “Alone with Everyone” in December 2016. Already at this time there were many rumors that the couple was on the verge of separation. But the gymnast denied this fact in an interview with Yulia. The conversation was very frank. Laysan told how she lived without her father. The girl's parents divorced due to constant drinking.

Mom was very worried, regularly tried to bring him back, send him for treatment, but no attempts ended in success. As it turned out, the father already had another family secret from his daughters and Laysan’s mother. In this program, Laysan reassured fans by saying that everything was fine in her family. She is very happy with Pasha.

But as it turned out, not everything is so rosy in the couple’s family. First of all, the main problem is that Laysan devotes all his time to raising children. This has a very negative impact on the relationship between the spouses, since she has absolutely no time left for Pavel.

It was also prophesied that the couple would not be together famous psychic Natalya Vorotnikova. Natalya predicted that immediately after the birth of the child, the family would fall apart due to Pavel’s fault. He is very freedom-loving and family relationships will weigh on him. The woman prophesied two marriages for both spouses. Time will tell how true the prophecy is. But so far it has not come true exactly. Pavel and Laysan already have two children, and Natalya predicted a divorce after the birth of their first child.

Despite the disagreement in the couple, there is no official information yet that Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva are divorcing in 2017. Most likely, this is just gossip from the yellow press.

Pavel Volya - Russian film actor, TV presenter, stand-up comedian and resident comedy show « Comedy Club" Developing his humorous talent from his youth, the artist achieved international success.

Today, his performances are expected not only in Russia and the CIS, but also in the West.

Childhood and youth

Pavel Volya was born in Penza on March 14, 1979. Information sources disagree on whether Paul really received this name at birth. Some media claim that the comedian’s passport name is Pavel Alekseevich Volya, others are sure that the stand-up comedian’s real name is Denis Dobrovolsky.

The artist himself explained the confusion by saying that he started creative career in Penza under a second name, which he came up with as a pseudonym, and later returned to his real one. In addition to their eldest son, the parents also raised a daughter, Olga, who was born in 1982.

At school, the boy was interested in literature, history and other humanitarian subjects. Teachers recall that Pavel actively participated in public life schools, organized discos and while still at school began playing KVN, which in the future determined his life.

Pavel Volya played in KVN

After graduating from school with a silver medal, Pavel Volya entered the Penza Pedagogical Institute named after the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature. At the institute, he continued to play in KVN, playing for the Valeon Dasson team, whose members also included Leonid Shkolnik. As part of the Volya team, he won the First League of KVN, winning the right to compete in Major League. But the team was eliminated immediately after the first game and practically ceased to exist.

However, most of the participants in Valeon Dasson settled in Moscow. Pavel Volya, who moved to the capital immediately after graduating from the institute in 2001, was no exception. While still a student, Volya worked as a DJ at Russian Radio in Penza, so in Moscow he was able to get a job at the Hit FM radio station.

Humor and creativity

Pavel Volya’s further career only went uphill: the comedian voiced Masyanya in a popular show on Muz-TV, wrote scripts for the program, and also worked as the host of the MTV program “Night Flirt.”

A kind of springboard into creative biography The artist became the humorous show “Comedy Club”. The presentation of the program in the Atrium shopping center was opened by Pavel Volya, whose performance cemented his image as a “glamorous scumbag” who based his speeches on offensive jokes. Then the first victims of the comedian were journalists standing in the VIP area. The performance was so successful that Volya continued this format in the future.

This unique presentation of guests has become a “trick” of both Volya and the Comedy Club project. Almost every star who came to the Comedy Club became the object of Pavel Snezhka Volya’s cynical and at times truly boorish jokes.

Few tried to fight back" glamorous scumbag”, and even fewer people have succeeded. The conflict between Pavel Volya and the now deceased became widely known. Then an attempt to make fun of the comedian ended badly for the Comedy Club resident - he himself became an object of ridicule.

Pavel Volya often performed his own monologues in the increasingly popular humorous stand-up style. Among the best of them, one should note “Map of Russia”, a series of monologues “About Women”, “About Jokes”, as well as a review of textbooks he found in bookstores. The comedian's memorable numbers put him on a par with the most famous residents of the club, and.

Pavel Volya also took part in other comedy projects of the TNT channel and Comedy Club Production. Together with him he hosted the humorous show “Laughter without Rules” and “ Slaughter League", where he also allowed himself to joke about the participants.

Pavel Volya in the show " Comedy Battle"

In memory of Turchinsky, TNT broadcasts the humorous show “Comedy Battle,” which is also hosted by Pavel Volya.

In parallel with humorous television projects, filming in films begins to appear in Volya’s career.

Pavel Volya played his first film role in the youth series “Club” in 2006. Then he voiced Chicken Joe in the cartoon “Catch the Wave!”, and in 2008 he played the role of Tima Milan in the film “The Best Movie.” In the same year, the film “Plato” by Vartan Hakobyan was released, where Volya played the main role. Although the film received a very reserved opinion from critics, with a budget of $2.5 million, it grossed $5.1 million at the box office, which can be considered a success.

Pavel Volya - "Map of Russia"

Among other works in Pavel Volya’s filmography, one can note the films “Bride at any Cost” (2009), “Love in big city 2" (2010), " Love affair at work. Our time" (2011) and "Happy New Year, Moms!" (2012).

Pavel Volya took up music back in 2004, but then all his performances took place as part of the Comedy Club. He subsequently began a serious musical career. From 2007 to 2012, the albums “Respect and Respect” (2007), “Miracles Happen” (2009), “Hot Summer / Cold Summer” (2010) and “New” (2012) appeared.

"City 312" & Pavel Volya - "Mom, we are all getting old"

The singles “Everything will be awesome”, the video for which stayed at the top of the television charts for several months, “Advanced Cities” for the show “Our Russia” and “Mame”, in the video for which almost everyone starred, won particular love from listeners. famous participants Comedy Club. The singles “I’m dancing!”, “Everything is paid for”, “Rainbow Song”, “Stop the Planet” are also memorable.

Together with the group “Multi-instrumentalists”, Pavel Volya performed in Moscow clubs and went on tour to the Baltic cities. According to the artist himself, he rather recites the lyrics to the music than sings. Nevertheless, Volya's singles gained increasing popularity.

Since 2010, Volya has been playing Live sets and regularly performs at music festivals, including Winston Freedom Music and KaZantip.

In February 2016, Pavel Volya released a new studio album“Thoughts and Music”, which included 11 songs.

Garik Kharlamov and Pavel Volya at the Comedy Club

In the same 2016, Volya became the TV presenter of the author’s humorous show “Improvisation”. The program is published weekly on Fridays. During the TV show, Pavel gives topics to the regular actors of the program and invited guests, on which the speakers prepare funny miniatures. As the name suggests, what happens on the screen is improvisation; the participants do not rehearse the numbers. Instead of rehearsals, the actors of the show organize technical parties, live performances, where spectators can attend. Also, as part of the project, the artists tour with performances in Russian cities.

According to participants in the program, “Improvisation” is filmed in one take; the numbers are not re-shot, even if celebrity guests ask for it. The show contains two dozen permanent sections that determine the direction of future miniatures, for example, “Blind Date”, “Prompter”, “Voice Acting”, “Detective” and others. The topic of numerous discussions was the “Shockers” section, in which actors wear bracelets that shock the performers when they pronounce a certain letter.

Olga Buzova and Pavel Volya at the Comedy Club

At the end of 2016, Pavel Volya performed a humorous program in America. This time, the comedian's offensive jokes led to a scandal. At a concert in New York, the TV presenter spoke unflatteringly about the residents of Yekaterinburg, calling them gopniks. The Russian media reflected this situation with indignation, and a video with a fragment of the speech spread across the Internet. Residents of the offended city called on Russians to boycott Pavel’s performances at home.

The comedian justified scandalous statement because it was a joke. The comedian also responded by accusing journalists of stirring up the scandal. However, Pavel Volya’s concerts in Yekaterinburg and Tyumen in December 2016 were cancelled. As representatives of the comedian told the press, the organizers of the events stopped answering calls.

The incident did not stop Pavel Volya from continuing to hold large stand-up concerts in different corners peace. In 2017, the comedian performed in London. In Moscow, the artist regularly gathers a full venue at Crocus City Hall.

Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva on the project “Where is the logic?”

In addition to the main project “Comedy Club”, Volya also participates in other TV shows on the TNT channel. Together with Pavel, he became a guest of the program “Where is the logic?”, where choreographers became the couple’s rivals entertainment show"Dancing" and . And at the Soyuz Studio, the comedian fought with his old friend Timur Rodriguez.

Personal life

For 3 years, Pavel Volya lived in a civil marriage with Maria Kravtsova, a TV presenter on the MTV channel, known under the pseudonym Marika. They met on the set of the Comedy Club, where the girl was invited by friends. The couple was prophesied quick marriage, but in 2010 Maria and Pavel separated.

At the same time, Pavel Volya began dating Laysan Utyasheva. They for a long time hid their relationship until the spring of 2013, when the media was struck by the news about the gymnast’s pregnancy. As it turned out, the couple got married back in September 2012, and on May 14, 2013, their son Robert was born. Today there are already two children in the family. After 2 years, the wife gave the showman a daughter, Sofia.

Pavel and Laysan met in the company of mutual friends and occasionally saw each other at film premieres and exhibitions. Grief brought them closer: when Laysan’s mother Zulfiya died, it was Pavel who offered her a man’s shoulder and helped her get through this difficult period. Currently the young family lives in own home in outskirts of Moscow.

Another member of the comedian’s family is the 20-kilogram Maine Coon cat Boomer. Volya happily takes pictures with the cat and talks about the pet’s life. The sleek animal in the photo looks even larger than its owner, despite the fact that Pavel cannot be called miniature (the comedian’s height is 176-178 cm, and his weight is about 60 kg).

Rumors constantly appear around the life of the family. For example, the media speculated whether Pavel Volya divorced his wife or moved with Laysan to Spain for permanent residence. The stand-up artist indignantly rejects speculation about divorce.

Pavel Volya wrote an open letter in his own account in "Instagram", where he cited screenshots of false news and sneered at “jingoists with cats on their avatars” and people who are so worried about the move of Volya’s family, as if the comedian had grabbed “budget money and the Amber Room.”

The comedian assured fans that he was not moving and everything was fine in his family. Pavel and Laysan just love spending weekends together in Spain.

Pavel Volya now

In May 2017, the artist shocked fans. Pavel Volya fell from the second floor during the Comedy Club program. The comedian was not injured thanks to his many years of passion for parkour. As journalists later found out, both the quarrel with Timur Batrutdinov and the subsequent fall turned out to be staged and clearly planned.

Pavel Volya fell during the broadcast

Pavel Volya starred in the adventure film “Viy 2. The Secret of the Dragon Seal,” which is expected to premiere in 2019. The film will show the times of Peter the Great and the traveler-cartographer who received from Russian Emperor task to draw a map of the Far East.

The label's artists are considered friends of Comedy Club Black Star, who periodically appear on the show's stage. Together with the number “Yurets Blatuet”, Pavel Volya took part in the miniature “The Conflict of Timati and Bilan”, and also talked with the main character of the season before the screening of the “Bachelor” project in 2018.

Pavel Volya and Garik Kharlamov in a parody of Olga Buzova's video

Pavel Volya and Garik Kharlamov released a video parody of the song. The video was shown on the Comedy Club episode, but there were so many people who wanted to see the video on the Internet that Pavel decided to post it on his Instagram. Behind short term The post was viewed by an audience of 2 million.

Together with his colleagues at the Comedy Club, Pavel Volya, on the eve of the World Cup, took part in an action in support of the Russian national team and its coach. The online campaign was called “Mustache of Hope.” Everyone who wanted posted it in in social networks photo with a drawn mustache. After the Russians left the group, Pavel Volya posted a post in which he spoke with respect to Russian football players, promising not to address them from the stage in a negative way.

Flash mob "Mustache of Hope"

Pavel Volya has a YouTube channel, where the artist uploads videos from concerts, musical opuses, and recordings of his performances at the Comedy Club. In May 2018, the comedian presented the audio album “Poems #1” to subscribers, in which he presented about 30 poems of his own authorship. In September, Pavel presented his second audio work, “Add Beauty,” or “Poems #2,” where he collected poetic works dedicated to love. The screensaver of the video was a touching photo of Pavel Volya with Laysan Utyasheva.

Pavel Volya - "World Cup in Russia 2018"

Now the artist lives in a tense tour schedule, periodically appearing with concerts in major cities Europe, USA. In September, together with other Comedy Club stars, he visited the capital of Armenia. At the same time, he finds time to communicate with family and friends. In August 2018, Pavel and his wife attended a private dinner organized in St. Petersburg by the Omega watch brand for Russian show business representatives. A Hollywood star, who has been the official face of the brand for more than 10 years, arrived at the event.


  • "Stump Deck"
  • "Slaughter League"
  • "Laughter without rules"
  • "Comedy Battle"
  • "Comedy Club"
  • "Improvisation"


  • 2007 – “Respect and Respect”
  • 2009 – “Miracles Happen”
  • 2012 – “New”
  • 2016 – “Thoughts and Music”
  • 2018 – “Poems #1”
  • 2018 – “Poems #2”


  • 2006 – “Club”
  • 2008 – “The Best Film”
  • 2009 – “Bride at any cost”
  • 2010 – “Galygin.RU”
  • 2010 – “Love in the City 2”
  • 2011 – “Kiss through the wall”
  • 2011 – “Office romance. Nowadays"
  • 2012 – “Happy New Year, Moms!”
  • 2017 – “Zomboyashchik”

Pavel Volya - Russian pop artist conversational genre, TV presenter, film actor, resident and host of the Comedy Club show. Before becoming a showman, he played in KVN for the Valeon Dasson team.

Today Pavel Volya is one of the most popular showmen in Russia. That is why fans of his work are so interested in his details.

So, in front of you biography of Pavel Volya.

Real name Pavel Volya

Before moving on to the direct biography, it is necessary to say a few words about the real name and surname of Pavel Volya. The fact is that there is a widespread opinion on the Internet that Pavel Volya’s real name is Denis Dobrovolsky.

Actually this is not true. In the passport, Pavel is recorded under the last name that is known to everyone. But “Denis Dobrovolsky” is the pseudonym under which famous artist performed once upon a time.

Biography of Pavel Volya

Pavel Alekseevich Volya was born on March 14, 1979 in Penza. At school his favorite subjects were and.

WITH early childhood Pavel actively participated in public life, and already from early youth he repeatedly organized parties and also played in KVN.

Childhood and youth

Despite the fact that the young man loved to have an interesting and fun time, he received high marks in all subjects. As a result, Pavel Volya managed to graduate from school with a silver medal.

Pavel Volya in childhood

After that, he successfully passed the exams at the Penza Pedagogical Institute. V. G. Belinsky to the Faculty of Literature.

Having become a student at the institute, Volya continued to play in KVN, gaining a foothold in the Valeon Dasson team. An interesting fact is that Timur Rodriguez also played on this team.

Soon the guys became winners of the KVN First League, thanks to which they received a ticket to the Major League.

However, they were unable to prove themselves there and almost immediately dropped out of the game. After this, Pavel Volya moved to, where he began working on Hit FM radio.

Humor and creativity

Possessing excellent artistic abilities, Pavel voiced Masyanya in rating show on Muz-TV, and also worked as a TV presenter of the Night Flirt program broadcast on MTV.

However, he gained the greatest popularity after performing in the humorous TV show “Comedy Club”.

A distinctive feature of his performances was ridicule or even banter at the guests who came to the program. In this regard, they began to call him a “glamorous scumbag.”

Few people managed to give a worthy rebuff to the comedian, but sometimes such cases did occur. So, for example, during one of the performances, Pavel Snezhok Volya began to joke about the now deceased actor Roman Trakhtenberg.

However, this verbal duel was won by Roman, as a result of which Volya himself acted as an object of ridicule.

It’s interesting that Pavel quite often gives monologues in stand-up style. During the show, he likes to communicate with the public, which not everyone can do.

The fact is that in such cases the performance can go according to a completely unknown scenario, but for Volya this has never been a problem.

During his career, he repeatedly hosted various humorous programs, including “Laughter without Rules” and “Slaughter League,” in which he also allowed himself to joke with the participants.

Having gained great popularity in and outside of it, Pavel Volya began to receive invitations to star in films. The most famous of them were the films “Plato”, “Love in the City 2” and “Office Romance. Nowadays".

Since 2007, Pavel became interested in music, as a result of which he released several albums. In addition, he recorded more than 2 dozen singles.

Volya himself admits that he has very modest vocal abilities, so his singing is more reminiscent of “pronunciation of the text.” However, this does not prevent him from gathering many spectators at his performances and participating in various festivals.

In 2016, Pavel Volya was invited to host the humorous program “Improvisation”. In this show, participants were required to show miniatures on given topics.

An interesting fact is that the program was filmed in one take, which made it even more interesting and unpredictable for the viewer.


In the same year, Volya went on tour to. At one of his speeches, he made an unsuccessful joke about the residents of Yekaterinburg, calling them gopniks.

As a result, the Russian press published the video, causing offended citizens to call for a boycott of his concerts.

When the scandal gained serious momentum, Pavel Volya apologized for his words and asked not to take them seriously. However, this changed the situation little.

After the incident, concerts in Yekaterinburg and Tyumen were canceled by the organizers.

However, in general, the artist continued successful performances in Russia and abroad, each time gathering large audiences. In addition, he continued to receive offers for the role of presenter in various television projects.

Personal life

During the biography period 2007-2010. Pavel Volya cohabited with Maria Kravtsova, who at that time was a TV presenter on MTV.

After that, he began an affair with athlete Laysan Utyasheva. Ultimately, they got married.

Pavel Volya and wife Laysan Utyasheva

Pavel Volya's wedding took place in 2012. In this marriage they had a boy Robert (2013) and a girl Sofia (2015).

Pavel Volya today

In 2017, an incident occurred with Pavel Volya that shocked the entire public. During one of his performances, he suddenly fell from the second floor.

There was unrest in the hall, and some even wanted to cause it, but fortunately everything worked out. As it turned out later, Volya’s fall turned out to be staged. Moreover, this was the essence of the issue.

In 2018, Volya participated in the filming of the film “Viy 2. The Secret of the Dragon Seal” in the role of Alexander Menshikov.

Pavel Volya has a YouTube channel where he publishes videos of his performances. Interestingly, many videos have more than a million views, which once again proves the enormous popularity of the artist.

He still gives concerts in different countries and is desirable guest Comedy Club. Without a doubt, Pavel Volya will surprise the audience more than once with his original performances.

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