Mark Babayan biography. Biography of Roxana Babayan (briefly). Variety creativity of Roxana Babayan

Roxana Babayan’s romance with Mikhail Derzhavin immediately attracted public attention, and celebrity fans began to expect the birth of children from the newly-made couple. In an instant, 2 marriages were destroyed to create a third. At the same time, Mikhail not only left his wife, but also took his daughter with him. Stepmother Babayan did not play the role of an angry and unsmiling woman. On the contrary, for the sake of happiness family life she accepted the girl and managed to maintain an excellent relationship with someone else’s child. But Roxana never found her main happiness, having decided to become a mother too late.

Love story

Mikhail Derzhavin never hid his personal life from fans and journalists. For recent years he was married three times in his life. But the longest was the last marriage, in which National artist RF lived for 37 years with Roxana Babayan.

They met in preparation for a concert in Dzhezkazgan, where both were supposed to take part. After three months of dating and active friendship, married Mikhail Derzhavin, who already had a daughter Maria from his first marriage, and married Roxana Babayan, who only had children in plans, filed for divorce. Having received the divorce documents in their hands, they immediately went to the registry office and began living together as a friendly family on the same square.

The wedding celebration took place in the sunny city of Sochi in the circle of closest relatives, friends and work colleagues. Since then, Mikhail and Roxana have family tradition– celebrate your anniversary magnificently every year, regardless of the circumstances and state of health. At the same time, all friends and acquaintances who accompanied the famous spouses throughout their lives were invited to the holiday.

The marriage never cracked, and the relationship was filled with mutual understanding, support in any endeavor and love. Mikhail and Roxana were of the opinion that they should perceive and accept each other exactly as they are, without attempts to re-educate or change. Thanks to this internal family policy, their marriage became an example to follow for society.

Only time and old age could destroy a family. Loving spouses remained together until the last, demonstrating what the relationship between husband and wife should be like. But at the beginning of 2018 living together celebrities is over. After long-term treatment Mikhail Derzhavin died in the hospital. The cause of death was diabetes mellitus, against which hypertension developed. On January 10, 2018, the actor suffered a stroke and his heart stopped forever.

Life after death

Despite their ideal family relationships, Mikhail Derzhavin and Roxana Babayan were never able to realize their dream: to live in a house where children would laugh and grow up. Due to a busy work schedule and constant travel to cities in Russia and other countries of the world, Roxana regularly postponed her pregnancy. As a result, she reached the age when it was too late to have children.

According to the famous pop singer Roxana, a woman who decides to give birth to a child should devote all of her time to him. free time. Therefore, popular mothers should make a choice: family or career. The child should grow and develop next to his mother, and not be left in the care of a nanny. That is why Roxana never became the mother of her own children.

After the death of her husband, Babayan said in an interview that she did not regret that she was never able to give birth to a child for Derzhavin. The famous diva is not afraid of loneliness. Despite the fact that the woman was the reason for the divorce of Derzhavin and his previous wife Nina Budennaya, she managed to improve relations with his ex-family. Although, according to Roxanne, family bonds do not weaken over time, despite the circumstances. Therefore, the singer actively supported her husband’s desire to communicate with their daughter and took part in raising the girl Masha.

The biography of Roxana Babayan begins in Tashkent, where she was born in May 1946. Roxana sang from childhood and dreamed of making a singing career after school. However, her father was against it, and the girl became a student at the construction department of the Tashkent Railway Institute.

And yet, the biography of Roxana Babayan did not become a biography of an engineer-architect - already in the first years her vocal talent was noted, and after studying she ran to study and perform in the orchestra of Konstantin Orbelyan. So, the career of a railway worker was forgotten, and already in 1973 Roxana moved to Moscow: she was invited to the then famous VIA “Blue Guitars”. Working in this group, Roxana gains experience and improves her vocals, and three years later, in 1976, she receives first prize at the “Hit Festival” competition, which was held in Dresden.

Roxana Babayan, whose biography was replenished with such facts as participation in the Bratislava Lyre (1979) and Cuban pop festivals (1982-1983), begins to collaborate with a group of vocalists from the Melodiya company under the leadership of Boris Frumkin.

1977 - the singer’s debut in the “Song-77” competition and the beginning solo performances. Her repertoire includes “female” themes, pop music with jazz elements. Artistry, beauty and unique voice made Roxana popular. Poets also begin to write songs for her: V. Matetsky, L. Voropaeva, N. Levinovsky, V. Dobrynin, G. Garanyan, V. Dorokhin. The singer began to tour actively.

In 1983, Roxana Babayan’s biography was marked by receiving an external diploma of higher education- administrative and economic (GITIS). In 1987, the singer was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

The biography of Roxana Babayan on a personal level underwent changes in the 1980s - she met Mikhail Derzhavin. He invited her to his friend’s birthday, where the singer met all her friends famous actor: Eldar Ryazanov, Andrey Zakharov and many others. As Roxana later found out, these were a kind of “browse”. Friends said: “We have to take it.” Since then they have been together - Mikhail Derzhavin and Roxana Babayan. Biography, children, success - they now have everything between them. It’s hard to imagine them without each other; they have been living together for more than 20 years. Derzhavin has a daughter, Masha, from a previous marriage; the spouses have no children together.

The Melodiya company released 11 records by the singer, including the giant discs:

  • "Roxana Babayan sings";
  • "When I am with you";
  • "Roxana";
  • "Another woman".

In 1991, an animated video was made for Roxana’s song “The East is a Delicate Matter” (for the first time in our country), directed by Alexander Gorlenko. 1996 was marked by the release of Babayan’s first CD, entitled “Witchcraft Spells.”

Roxana Babayan, whose biography includes not only a singing career, has also starred in such films as “My Sailor Girl”, “New Odeon”, “Groom from Miami”, “The Third is Not Extra” and others. She was a singer and TV presenter - in the 1990s she hosted the program “Breakfast with Roxanne.”

In the late 1990s, the singer decided to quietly complete creative career, without holding farewell concerts. She is going to study again - now humanities and, having received her third diploma, defends her PhD on the topic of personality problems in Roxana also holds the post of chairman of the Animal Welfare League.

As Roxana Rubenovna herself admits, she started singing since childhood. After graduating from school in 1970, she went to a technical university - the Tashkent Institute of Railway Transport Engineers (Faculty of Industrial and Civil Engineering). But already in her first year, her vocal abilities were noticed, and Roxana was invited to the pop orchestra under the direction of Konstantin Orbelyan. This is how her studies proceeded - in parallel with her performances...

Since the late 70s, Roxana Babayan settled in Moscow and began working at the Mosconcert. The singer went through a good jazz vocal school. But gradually her performance style changed from jazz to pop music. She took part in many festivals and competitions. On international competition in Dresden "Shlager Festival" in 1978, at the "Bratislava Lyra" in 1979, at gala festivals in Cuba in 1982-83, the singer won the "Grand Prix".

Composers and poets V. Matetsky, A. Levin, V. Dobrynin, L. Voropaeva, V. Dorokhin, G. Garanyan, N. Levinovsky worked with Roxana Babayan. The singer's tours took place in many countries in all parts of the world.

The Melodiya company released 7 vinyl records of the singer. In the 80s, Roxana Babayan collaborated with the ensemble of soloists of the Melodiya company under the direction of Boris Frumkin. In 1987, Babayan was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. In 1992-95, there was a break in the singer’s work.

Roxana Babayan is a participant in many television and radio programs. In 1991, an animated video clip was created for the first time in Russia for the song East is a Delicate Affair (music by V. Matetsky, lyrics by V. Shatrov) (directed by animator Alexander Gorlenko). In addition, video clips “Ocean of Glass Tears” (1994), “Because of Love” (1996), and “Forgive” (1997) were shot for Babayan’s songs.

Work in film and television

In 1983, Roxana Babayan externally graduated from the administrative and economic faculty of the state institute theatrical arts(GITIS).

In films she starred exclusively in comedies by Anatoly Eyramdzhan and, of course, with her husband Mikhail Derzhavin - “My Sailor Girl”, “New Odeon”, “Groom from Miami”, “The Third is Not Extra” and others.

On television he hosts the program “Breakfast with Roxanne”.

Personal life

Roxana Babayan got married for the first time when she worked in Orbelyan’s orchestra.

In the 80s, Roxana Babayan met actor Mikhail Derzhavin. Roxana Rubenovna says: “We met Mikhail Mikhailovich when we were both at the end of our lives. I had my own story, he had his own, everything happened easily and instantly. So, in fact, when I arrived in Moscow from Tashkent, I was already protected. This is very important to me, maybe because I oriental man, with their own specific views.

Everything with us was somehow not very standard. I remember 20 years ago, on Alexander Anatolyevich’s giant balcony (all feasts and birthdays were always held there) his friends gathered: Eldar Aleksandrovich Ryazanov, Zinovy ​​Efimovich Gerdt, Andryusha Mironov, Mark Anatolyevich Zakharov... I didn’t know them then, for me it was something. And Misha brought me here to some kind of celebration. I didn’t even suspect that it was a show. And after several hours, Shura approached Misha and said: “We have to take it.”

Roxana Babayan - pop singer, which gained its fame in the USSR. The viewer is familiar with her work in cinema and theater. She is also an ardent advocate environment and homeless animals.

Biography of Roxana Babayan

On May 30, 1946, a significant event occurred in the family of engineer Ruben Mikhailovich and singer Seda Grigorievna. Their daughter Roxana Babayan was born. Her biography began in the capital of Uzbekistan - Tashkent.

Having inherited many of her mother's talents, Roxana felt great on stage with early childhood. She was always considered an activist at school and enthusiastically participated in theatrical productions. However, I did not perceive these activities as anything other than as a hobby.

After graduating from school, the girl entered the Institute of Railway Transport in Tashkent. She studied at the faculty of PGS as an engineer. Extracurricular life was very busy. Roxana Babayan, whose biography is firmly connected with music, constantly participated in song competitions and took first places. It was then that she was noticed by Konstantin Orbelyan, the head of pop orchestra in Armenia. He offered the girl a job. After graduating from university, Babayan moved to Yerevan, where she became a professional artist.

Since 1975, Roxanne's career has been going uphill. She became famous throughout Soviet Union. In 1983 she received a diploma from GITIS, graduating from the Faculty of Administrative Economics.

The biography of Roxana Babayan is quite eventful to this day. She has an interest in politics, being a member of the United Russia"and supporting V.V. Putin.


In 1975, Babayan was invited to work in the Blue Guitars VIA, which for several years has been one of the most famous ensembles in the USSR. For Roxanne it was a real breakthrough, happy ticket. Emerging artists Alexander Malinin, Igor Krutoy, Vyacheslav Malezhik performed there along with her.

In 1976, the biography of Roxana Babayan was replenished with a significant event, after which the life of our heroine changed dramatically. She won first prize at the Dresden Vocal Festival. Her song was recorded on a giant disc, which very quickly spread throughout Europe.

In 1977, she participated in “Song of the Year” and was one of the six best performers THE USSR. For two years in a row she won the Grand Prix of the competition.

In 1979, her performance at Cuban gala festivals became successful. And in 1988 the first vinyl record called "Roxanne", which received good feedback from listeners.

In the early 90s, Roxana Babayan released hit after hit. In 1995, a CD with all the artist’s songs went on sale. Appears in 1998 new album, which is called "Because of Love."

Now the biography of Roxana Babayan is considered as a description of the life of an artist who is no longer related to the stage. But this is far from true. The singer works every day. In 2014, she released a new album called “Formula of Happiness.”

Besides variety activities she is also known as an actress. She has seven film roles to her credit, including the main one in A. Tsagareli’s play “Khanuma”.

Personal life

Roxana Babayan's first husband was her orchestra colleague, an excellent saxophonist named Evgeniy. After moving to Moscow, the couple began to move away from each other and eventually realized that they were not on the same path.

On the way to tour to Dzhezkazgan, Roxana Babayan was introduced to actor Mikhail Derzhavin. He was in the process of divorcing his second wife and considered himself a free man. Roxana charmed Derzhavin from the first minutes, and they spent the entire tour next to each other, but did not allow themselves liberties.

After returning to Moscow, the couple submitted an application to the registry office and have not separated since then. I fell in love with this one so much cheerful man Roxana Babayan. The biography, in which the family came first, says that the artist’s life went on as usual. In 1997, the singer abruptly stopped her concert activities and focused on other genres. Her husband fully supported her.

Most recently, the couple got married in the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord on Arbat. Derzhavin and Roxana Babayan lived together for more than thirty years. Biography, children - these questions, of course, interest fans of the artist. But common children never appeared in the family. Nevertheless, the personal life of our heroine shines bright colors. The singer has a large family: husband, daughter-in-law Masha, grandchildren Pasha and Petya.

  1. The singer's height is 169 cm, weight - 65 kg.
  2. Affectionately calls her husband MikhMikh.
  3. She is an excellent cook and hosted the program “Breakfast with Roxana.”
  4. He loves French cinema and Italian neorealism, as well as all programs about animals.
  5. Loves dogs.

What does a woman want? A composition with this name was recently presented by the People's Artist of the Russian Federation, the wonderful Roxana Babayan. Who better than Roxana, with her inherent Caucasian sophistication and no less impressive temperament, can answer this question. It seems that with this song she draws a certain line, goes through a certain stage of formation. It is no coincidence that the song premiered shortly before the most tragic event in her life...


Future star Soviet stage was born in sunny Tashkent, shortly after the end of the war. On May 30, 1946, a charming daughter was born into the family of an Uzbek engineer and builder Ruben Mikhailovich Mukurdumov and pianist Seda Grigoryevna Babayan. Parents chose very beautiful name for her child - Roxana.

Roxana's childhood was not much different from the childhood of other post-war years. The only thing that prevented her from spending all her time in yard games was her daily music lessons. Mom, Seda Grigorievna, a professional pianist, believed that the girl simply needed to get musical education. And although the head of the family did not strongly welcome these activities, he did not intend to prohibit them either.

Ruben Mikhailovich insisted that his daughter receive a technical education. And, despite his daughter’s obvious desire to become an artist, he did not change his decision. As a result, in 1970, Roxana received a diploma in industrial and civil engineering. While studying at the institute, the girl took an active part in various creative student evenings. During one of the performances, the talented student was noticed by Konstantin Orbelyan, the head of the State Variety Orchestra of Armenia. He invites Roxana to work in his orchestra in Yerevan. Having received an engineering degree, the former student of a technical university begins her musical career.

For her creative performances, the girl takes her mother’s last name, now she is Roxana Babayan. Her further biography closely intertwined with the family of brother Yuri and his children.

Roxanne's vocal abilities allowed her to practice in different directions– from jazz compositions to pop music.


The young singer's career is rapidly gaining momentum. In 1973, she became a soloist of the then mega-popular Blue Guitars ensemble. At the same time she moved to Moscow.

Roxana's path to fame was not easy. It turned out that the main thing was not to get into the Mosconcert, but to stay there. The Caucasian character did not allow the girl to start office romances", "bend over", ingratiate, beg. But on the other hand, she is absolutely sure that no one will ever accuse her of dishonesty.

The real success in the singer’s career was the First Prize at the prestigious song festival in Germany “Dresden 1976”. There she performed Igor Granov’s composition “Rain”. According to the terms of the competition, part of the song had to be sung in the language of the state in which the festival was held.

After this victory, Roxana was invited to the main singing competition USSR - “Song of the Year”. According to polls by the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper, Roxana Babayan is among the top six popular artists 1977-1978.

Peak it variety career considered to be the late 80s, early 90s of the last century. Roxana Babayan – participant annual competitions"Song of the year". And this was the most important indicator of the artist’s popularity. The most beloved and popular compositions among the public are: “Two Women”, “Vitenka”, “You Can’t Love Someone Else’s Husband”, “Yerevan”, “Sorry”, “An Old Conversation”.

The singer’s unusual appearance and natural charm attract famous directors to her person. During the same period, she starred in the films: “My Sailor Girl”, “Womanizer”, “Impotent”, “New Odeon”.

In 1998, the singer’s new album “Because of Love” was released.

In the 90s, Roxana Babayan worked as a TV presenter. She leads columns in the programs “Morning”, “Segodnyachko”, “Roxana: Men's Magazine”.

In 2007 she played main role in the play "Khanuma".

The singer does not forget about solo career and in 2014 her new album “Formula of Happiness” was released.

Active creative life does not prevent Roxana Babayan from realizing herself in other areas. Since 2012, she has been a representative of the United Russia party.

Personal life

A girl with such an appearance rarely remains deprived of the attention of a fan. However, there are absolutely no rumors about dizzying romances or wealthy lovers of Roxanne. Roxana’s beauty is evidenced by her numerous photos now and in her younger years.

Roxana Babayan was married twice. Her first marriage was very short-lived. This happened back in Yerevan, when she worked in the Orbelyan orchestra. The singer’s chosen one was a musician from the same orchestra, who later became quite an influential figure in Moscow. After the breakup ex-spouses maintain good relations.

Roxana Babayan's second husband was People's Artist of the USSR Mikhail Derzhavin. Their meeting was truly fateful. Mikhail Derzhavin noticed a beautiful brunette in an expensive trouser suit at Domodedovo airport, where a flight departing for Kazakhstan was checked in. The artists flew to Dzhezkazgan to participate in concerts dedicated to miners' labor. Mikhail was fascinated by Roxana, and she, in turn, could not resist the charm of this man. And although Mikhail was married at that time, this did not stop the lovers from starting a new relationship. Mikhail Derzhavin very quickly dissolved his previous marriage and a few months later married a third and, as it turned out, last time. All the wives of Mikhail Derzhavin were very famous women. The first time Mikhail married the daughter of Arkady Raikin.

The artist’s second wife was Nina Budennaya (daughter of the legendary marshal). Mikhail Derzhavin's third wife has already become quite famous singer Roxana Babayan.

They lived together with Mikhail Derzhavin for almost 40 years. The spouses have no children together. Roxana Babayan doesn’t seem to be very upset about this. She says: “I am so closely connected with my nephews (the children of my brother Yuri), with the children of Maria (Derzhavin’s daughter from Nina Budennaya), that I am absolutely sure that lonely old age does not threaten me.”