Mathematical KVN in the preparatory group according to the Federal State Educational Standard. “KVN in the preparatory group. Competition "Fairytale Riddles"

Greetings from the teams.
Warm up.

Summary of the lesson.



Mathematical KVN in the preparatory group kindergarten.

Evdakova Olga Stepanovna, first category, teacher of MBDOU No. 41 d/s “Snowdrop”, Anapa Art. Anapa.

Training tasks:

Continue learning to solve arithmetic examples and write down their solution using numbers.
Continue learning to solve inequalities.
Continue to teach children analysis and synthesis, constructive thinking: to build new, more complex ones along a given contour from the simplest geometric figures.
Practice counting within 10, and the ability to distinguish between quantitative and ordinal counting within 10.
Reinforce knowledge of the composition of numbers within 10 of the two smaller numbers.
To consolidate knowledge about the sequence of days of the week, seasons, months of the year.
Strengthen the ability to distinguish between concepts: higher - lower, wider - narrower, longer - shorter, thicker - thinner, older - younger.
Strengthen the ability to use tables to solve logical problems.

Developmental tasks:

Create conditions for development logical thinking, intelligence, attention.
Develop ingenuity, visual memory, imagination.
Contribute to the formation of mental operations, speech development, and the ability to give reasons for one’s statements.

Educational tasks:

Develop independence and ability to understand learning task and do it yourself.
Cultivate interest in mathematical studies.

Preliminary work with kids:

guessing riddles, solving logical problems, solving constructive problems, watching the calendar, individual sessions.

Preliminary work of the teacher:

Prepare demonstration and handout materials.
Prepare visual aids “Azbukoved”, “Robot+”, “Robot-”.
Prepare a soundtrack.

Methodical techniques:

Calming exercises before class.
Game (trip to the land of Mathematics).
Visual (use of illustration).
Verbal (reminder, instructions, questions, individual answers from children).
Encouragement, lesson analysis.


Magnetic board, numbers, signs.

Demo material:

“Number Track”, “Azbukoved”, “Robot+”, “Robot-”.


task cards, envelopes with geometric shapes, pencils, cards with logic symbols, train sets.

Lesson structure:

Game situation: a journey to the land of mathematics.
Greetings from the teams.
Warm up.
Selecting lanes for teams to occupy their starting positions.
Finding a pair (composition of a number).
Logical trains - definition of loads.
Construction of a “SCHOOL” from geometric shapes.
Solving examples, identifying a letter, composing a word.
Coordination and development exercise “Japanese car”
Summary of the lesson.

Progress of the lesson:


Today we are holding a real, very serious and very responsible KVN - KVN for preschool mathematics students. Two intelligent and attentive teams will compete with each other and go through several stages of testing. Then we will sum up the results, and at the end there will be an awards ceremony for the participants. I would like to introduce you to the members of the jury. (Introduces the jury members.) And now - the team presentations. We welcome the team “Pochemuchki” (represents the team captain)!

Members of the Pochemuchki team:

We are preschool children,
We are not afraid of obstacles.
Love in KVN play,
Together, win fairly!


Team "Curious". Welcome her! (Represents the team captain).

Members of the "Curious" team:

We are funny guys
We don't get bored in kindergarten
We play different games
We are winning in KVN!



Let's do a warm-up: If a tree is taller than a bush, then the bush...?


Below the tree.


If the ruler is longer than the pencil, then the pencil...?


In short, rulers.


If the rope is thicker than the thread, then the thread...?


Thinner than a rope.


If sister older than brother, then brother...?


Younger than my sister.


If a river is wider than a stream, then the stream...?


Already rivers.


Is March the second month of spring?
Will spring be replaced by winter?
What day of the week is it today?
What day of the week comes after Wednesday?
So, the teams are ready to compete.


And now our teams have to choose a playing track for their competition tasks. Teams can confer and explain their decision.


In order to go to your gaming tables and take your jobs, you need to split into pairs and make a pair of numbers that add up to the number 8.


A few days later in our kindergarten group graduation party, you'll go to school life. Each of you will have to go to school. Let's build ours future school. You need to distribute cargo among logical trains (solving inequalities).


To build a school, building materials must be brought to the construction site. To do this, teams receive “Real Estate Catalogs”, fill out order forms, calculate what and how many building materials are needed, and receive building materials ( geometric figures) and begin building a school (modeled on a real estate catalogue).


Well done, you completed the task. You can enter the school building by reading the encrypted word. Our faithful friends: Grandfather-Azbukoved, Robot+, Robot -. (Children solve examples, find a number, the number corresponds to the letter of the ABC, find all the letters, read encrypted words).


Well done, teams. And now I suggest you relax while the jury sums up the results and play “Japanese Car”.

Japanese typewriter

Everyone stands (or sits, as desired) facing in a circle. Each player receives his serial number, by the number of players. A person is chosen to start the game. His task is to pass the move to another player as follows. He says his number, and then the number of the person to whom he wants to pass the move. He, in turn, pronounces his number, and then the number of any of the players. The transfer of power is accompanied by movements that simulate the sound of a typewriter: everyone simultaneously hits their knees 2 times, then lifts them up right hand(here we say our number), then left (we say the number of the person to whom we are passing the move). The rhythm becomes faster with each move. If a person makes a mistake, he is eliminated from the game, and so is his number. The game is played until the most attentive ones remain, this is 2-5 people. Give them a round of applause.
This warm-up game trains: a) coordination of movements, b) the connection between coordination and pronouncing words, c) the ability to distribute attention. Not all students manage to quickly master the sequence of movements; they confuse the order of gestures, do not fall into the general rhythm, and cannot cope with its changes. But this only stimulates their interest. The introduction of a number, a number, that is, speech on clicks when passing the baton with the eyes of “one-one”, “two-two”, etc., creates a new difficulty. Then the “voice” transmission begins - “five-five, five-one”, “one-one, one-seven”, etc., here you already need to send the word and be ready to receive the “voice”; both require organized attention and allow you to learn to distribute it correctly.

A comprehensive lesson in mathematics in a preparatory school group.

KVN “Mathematics – Queen of Sciences”

Program content:

Form a sense of solidarity, the ability to empathize with each other;

Exercise children in solving logical problems;

Improve skills in performing arithmetic operations;

Strengthen the understanding of the relationship between the whole and the parts;

Practice orientation on a sheet of paper;

To consolidate children's knowledge of geometric shapes, the sequence of days in the week, seasons and names of months of the year;

Get children interested in the end result.

Decor : posters, drawings, soundtrack, handouts.

Preliminary work: study of geometric shapes; conversations about the seasons, days of the week; solving mathematical problems; learning the composition of numbers; determining time by clock; working with parents - preparing collages and posters on a mathematical topic.

Activation of the dictionary: names of geometric shapes; names of days of the week, months; use of words “plus”, “minus”, “equal” in speech

Location: music hall.

Progress of the lesson

2 teams of a preparatory school group are participating, each of which has 6 people. Each team has an emblem corresponding to the team name.

Leading : Time moves, no right

We forget about this.

Time for business, time for fun,

It's time for KVN to start.

Music sounds, teams enter the hall and take their seats.

Leading : Good afternoon Dear colleagues. We are pleased to welcome you to our KVN “Mathematics - the Queen of Sciences”. Leading : I present to you the jury, which will help evaluate completed tasks.

I present to you the jury that will evaluate the competitions:

1., 2.

Each competition will be worth 2 points. And now I would like to introduce you to the teams that will participate in the game:

1st team "CIRCLE"

Your motto:

It's easier to decide and win!

2nd team "SQUARE"

Your motto:

At our "Square"

All sides are equal.

And all our guys

Friendship is strong.

Leading : And now the teams will greet our guests


One two three four five,

We came here to play;

We will quickly shortchange you,

We know math!

I. Presenter : The first competition is “Warm-up”.

Teams are offered fun tasks that the guys must solve together in 30 seconds. After this, the captain raises the card with the required number.

1) 6 baby bears

Mom put me to bed.

One can't sleep.

How many people have good dreams?


1) Marina tore into the mug

10 raspberries,

I gave 6 to my girlfriend.

How many berries are there in the mug?


2) Nadyusha has five notebooks,

There are blots in them and a mess.

Nadya needs a draft.

Vasya, first student,

He also gave Nadya a notebook

How many notebooks does she have?


2) The squirrel sisters were sitting

Six of us in a hollow tree.

Another one rushed towards them -

She was fleeing the rain.

Everyone is staying warm now.

How many squirrels are there in the hollow?


3) The hedgehog went mushroom hunting

And I found 6 saffron milk caps

3 he put in the basket,

The rest are on the back.

How many saffron milk caps are he carrying?

A hedgehog on its needles? (6-3=3)

3) Four ripe pears

Swung on a branch

Pavlusha picked two pears,

How many pears are left (4-2=2)

II. Presenter: Second competition - “Geometric Fantasy”

Each team receives an envelope with geometric shapes. Assignment: assemble an animal from them while music plays and describe your work.

During the task, music plays (for 3 minutes).

III. Leading : Third competition - “Pick a Pair”

(highest score-2)

Each participant is given a mitten with an example written on it. Task: Solve the example on your mitten and find a second mitten with the same answer. Mitten colors vary.

The phonogram “Captains” plays

IV. Leading : Fourth competition. Captains Competition –

"Seasons". (highest score-2)

The task for captains consists of two parts.

I.Answer the questions:

1) How many months are there in a year? Name them.

1) How many days are there in a week? Name them.

2) How many seasons are there?

2) What are the seasons?

3) Name the autumn months?

3) Name it winter months?

II. Lay out the cards.

Assignment: Choose one picture from each season and put them in order. Explain your answer.

Physical education minute:

Leading : And now I suggest you relax a little and play with me

in the game “Arrows Walk in Circles.”

This is where your knowledge of clocks and time comes in handy.

Cards with numbers from 1 to 12 are laid out on the carpet in a circle. Children stand near the cards. The teacher stands in the center and recites poetic lines with the children (teams receive 1 point at the end of the game for correct answers).

We are a clock, our time is precise,

(Children walk in a circle holding hands.)

Arrows go around in circles

And they want to catch up with each other.

Arrows, arrows, don't rush,

Tell us the time!

Children squat next to each other

with the nearest card.

Educator. Five hours!

(Children sitting near the

cards with numbers 5 and 12).

The game is repeated several times.

V. Presenter : I announce the fifth competition - “Settled Houses”

This competition is for knowledge of the composition of numbers. Task: each player is given a “house”, it must be filled while the music is playing (the soundtrack plays for 3 minutes).

The completed cards are handed over to the jury.

VI. Leading

: Sixth competition “Absent-minded Photographer”.

Children are shown a composition of three volumetric bodies. Task: name volumetric bodies

and find the correct photo of this composition. VII. Leading

: I announce the seventh “Graphic Dictation” competition

The children hand out checkered sheets of paper and markers.

Task: Draw a graphic drawing correctly.

1. Find the bottom left corner.

2. Count from the bottom left corner three cells to the right.

3. Place a dot in the upper right corner of the third cell.

4. Find the top left corner.

6. Place a dot in the lower right corner of the third cell.

7. Find the upper right corner.

8. Count from the upper right corner four cells to the left.

9. Place a dot in the lower left corner of the fourth cell.

10. Find the bottom right corner

11. Count from the lower right corner four cells to the left.

12. On the left top corner Place a dot on the fourth cell.

What kind of figure did you get? (rectangle)

Leading : Our competitions are over. In the meantime, the jury is summing up the results, the guys will sing the song “Two-two, four.” Next comes the awarding of the winners (certificates, medals).

Used Books:

1. “One is a step, two is a step” / Mathematics for children 5-6 years old / L. G. Peterson, N.P. Kholina, Yuventa, 2006

2. zh-l " Preschool education"

educational field "Cognition"

Purpose of the game: to test children's ability to independently complete tasks in a competitive environment.
Program tasks: to develop computing skills, consolidate ordinal counting, establish connections and relationships between numbers in the natural series, the composition of a number from two smaller numbers, instill interest in solving entertaining tasks with mathematical meaning, practice solving examples with missing numbers, develop logical creative thinking, attention, visual memory, competitive spirit.
Materials and equipment: gong, 15 bags, stopwatch, package, envelope with assignments, examples with missing numbers, markers, number houses, trays with geometric shapes.

Progress of the game:

Host: Hello, our dear guests! We invite you to the mathematical KVN. Let's welcome our teams!
(teams “Smile” and “Luchik” come in and stand in a semicircle)
Presenter: Team “Smile”, introduce your captain.
Captain: Our motto: Play more friendly,
Decide quickly
Smile at others!
And we will win in KVN!
Our emblem...
Presenter: Team “Luchik”, introduce your captain.
Captain: Our motto: “Ray” forward
Victory awaits us.
Strong in math
Only us, not them!
Our emblem...
Presenter: Teams, go to the tables, sit down. And now I will introduce the jury, which will observe our game and evaluate the competitions.
(jury presentation)
Host: Now listen to the rules of the game. After the task I set, the team will have time to discuss the solution and come to the correct answer. After which the captain hits the gong. Whose team hits the gong first, that team has the right to respond first. The more correct answers a team has, the more golden bags they have - like these, and each bag is an additional 10 seconds of time to complete the last most difficult task. We are starting KVN.
1 competition “Warm-up”
Five crows sat on the roof
2 more flew to them,
Answer quickly and boldly:
How many of them all arrived? (seven)

On a large sofa in a row
Tanina's dolls are standing
Matryoshka, one Pinocchio,
One bunny and another Cipollino.
Help Tanya
Count the toys. (four)
Presenter: The team hit the gong faster... She has the right to answer first. Receives a golden bag.
2nd competition “Make no mistake”
Host: There are numbers written on the easel that need to be compared. Each team member comes in turn to the easel and places the right sign between numbers: “greater than,” “less than,” or “equal to.” As soon as last participant team completes the task, the captain hits the gong. The jury checks the correctness of the signs.

5 8 7 1
3 5 6 8
6 6 2 5
7 4 8 8
4 0 5 6
1 7 9 10
9 6 4 8
4 4 6 0
2 3 2 2
10 9 3 1

(the jury sums up the results of the “Make No Mistake” competition, hands over a golden bag)
Presenter: The team receives the golden bag... The next competition for captains.
3 Captains competition (music sounds)

(knock on the door, postman Pechkin comes in)

Postman Pechkin: Is this a kindergarten?
Children: Yes.
Postman Pechkin: Preparatory group?
Children: Yes.
Postman Pechkin: So I got there. A letter to you for the team captains.
Presenter: Postman Pechkin, you are just in time.
Postman Pechkin: Well, okay, I gave the letter, I’ll go to other addresses to deliver letters.
(Postman Pechkin leaves)
Host: What kind of letter is in the envelope? Task: connect the dots with numbers in the correct order and see what happens. Captains, here is your task on the easel. Get started, and the other team members and I will play the “Get in order” game.
Game "Get in order"
(numbers from 1 to 9 for each team are laid out on the floor; at a signal, the child picks up any number and stands in Right place in a number line)
Presenter: Team “Smile” pay off in order (team “Luchik” pay off in order). Eighth in the “Smile” team, who do you stand behind? (behind the seventh). Third in the “Luchik” team, who do you rank after? (after the second one). Fourth in the “Smile” team, who are you standing between? (between the third and fifth). Sixth in the “Luchik” team, who are you standing in front of? (before the seventh). Well done team, take your seats while we test our captains.
(the jury sums up the results of the Captains' competition and hands over a golden bag)
3rd competition “Empty Window”
Presenter: I will distribute sheets of paper to the teams on which examples with missing numbers are written. Task: enter the missing number to get the correct answer. As soon as the team completes the task, the captain hits the gong and reads out the examples, and we check everything together.

(the jury sums up the results of the “Empty Window” competition and hands over a golden bag)
Host: And now a task for ingenuity, quick wits. If the team knows the answer, the captain quickly hits the gong.
How many ears do two mice have? (four ears)
How many paws do two cubs have? (eight paws)
January has arrived. First, 3 apple trees bloomed, and then another apple tree. How many apple trees have blossomed? (none)
A cat has two left paws, two right paws, two front paws, and two back paws. How many paws does a cat have? (Four paws)
Musical pause.
4th competition “Number houses”

Presenter: Numerical houses for each team are written on the easel. Each team member goes to the easel and writes down the correct answer. The team that quickly and correctly completes the task will be rechecked by the captain and hit the gong.

(the jury sums up the results of the “Number Houses” competition and hands over a golden bag)
Host: And now we have come to the most difficult competition, but first we will count the bags. The “Smile” team earned additional ... seconds, the “Luchik” team earned additional ... seconds. You have 1 minute to complete the task. Thus, the “Smile” team has so much time to complete the last task, and the “Luchik” team has so much time to complete the last task. The jury will use a stopwatch to record the time. Assignment: There are geometric shapes on the trays. Within the allotted time, teams need to place a cat and a hare on a tray according to the pattern.

(children complete the task, at the end of the allotted time the jury sums up: which team won in KVN, awards medals to the winners for 1st place and the losers for 2nd place)

There is a knock on the door and Postman Pechkin appears.
Postman Pechkin: I completely forgot to give you the parcel, I had to come back a second time.
Host: Thank you, Postman Pechkin, you really got carried away.
(Postman Pechkin leaves).
Host: And on the package it says: do the countdown, otherwise it won’t open. Guys, let's all count together reverse order: 10, 9,….1.
(the presenter gives gifts to the children)
Host: Dear guests! Thank you for attention. Let's welcome our teams again!
(children leave the music room to the music)

Abstract directly educational activities

in mathematics in the preparatory group

Mathematical KVN

Program content:

  • consolidate the ability to name the next and previous numbers to a given number;
  • identify missing numbers, ability to solve simple arithmetic problems;
  • developing the ability to determine time using a clock with an accuracy of one hour;
  • the formation of elementary ideas about the days of the week, month, season;
  • the ability to navigate in space, on a sheet of paper;
  • strengthening the ability to model geometric shapes;
  • the ability to recreate complex shaped objects of individual parts using contour samples;
  • develop coordination of movements and orientation in space.
  • develop the ability to work in a team;
  • development of coherent speech; visual attention. Memory, logical thinking; fine and gross motor skills;
  • formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, initiative, responsibility.


For the teacher: a set of chips different colors, circles with numbers from 1 to 12 for physical exercises “Arrows walk in circles”, sample for visual dictation, “Tangram” with samples of a cat and a dog (two envelopes), ball; tape recorder, audio recording of V. Shainsky’s song “Blue Car” (backing track).

For children: cards with numbers, emblems for teams, cards with geometric shapes, cards with houses for the composition of numbers, sets of geometric shapes for visual dictation, “Tangrams”, graphite pencils.


Leading: - My dear friends. I want to invite you to play. Do you agree?

Guests (aka fans) came to us, they want to see and evaluate your knowledge.

I see you have good mood, your soul is warm (I offer my hand), and your warmth was transmitted to both me and the guests.

Please turn around, smile at the guests and say in a whisper:

We are in a good mood and we are happy to see the guests.

You all know that KVN is a game of cheerful and resourceful people. Today you and I will play it and see whose team will win, i.e. will complete the task correctly and quickly. You must listen carefully to the tasks and complete them when given a signal. The team that will have large quantity correct answers receive points.

Leading:- Today we will go to amazing country mathematics. You are ready?
Children: Yes!!!
Leading:- We have two teams, ( introduces and names the team captain) There is a jury that will monitor the progress of the competition and evaluate the results.
(The presenter introduces the jury members...)

Leading:- Teams greet each other.
Team "Smart Guys".
“We are smart kids, kids are playful,
We love to play in KVN and, of course, win.”
Our motto: “One mind is good, but many are better.”
Team "Knowledge".
“We are knowledgeable guys, knowledgeable ones are not arrogant,
We play different games, we win in KVN.”
Our motto: “Knowledge is power.”

Leading:- Let's start our competition. Warm-up “Exercise for the mind.” (Whoever answers faster will receive a chip. Be careful.

General question. How many days are there in a week?

1. “Clever guys” - Name the first day of the week.

2. “Knowledgeable” - Name the last day of the week.

1. What is the name of the day of the week following Tuesday? What number is he?

2. What is the name of the day of the week following Thursday? What number is he?

1. What is the name of the day of the week between Thursday and Saturday?

2. What is the name of the day of the week between Tuesday and Wednesday?

General question. How many months are there in a year?

1. Name the autumn months

2. Name the winter months.

1. Name the spring months

2. Name summer months

1. You can see 8 from under the fence cat paws. How many people are behind the fence?

2. There were 3 apples on the table. One of them was cut in half. How many apples were on the table?

(children sit at tables).

1.Show the neighbors of number 3

2.Show the neighbors of the number 5

1.Show previous number 7

2.Show the next number 8

1.Show a number consisting of 1 ten and 5 ones (15)

2. Show a number consisting of 1 ten and ones (18)

(For correct answers, chips are distributed, by which the jury determines the winner of this competition).

Leading. The first competition "Keen Eye"

What is a triangle?
How could you not know!
But it's a completely different matter -
quickly, accurately and skillfully
count triangles.

Consider! Examine everything carefully, both around the edges and inside. How many triangles?

Team "Umniki" Team "Knowledgeable"

Children count all the triangles. Then show at the board. Summing up the results of the first competition.

Leading. Second competition “Fun Puzzles”

Teams are offered fun tasks that the guys must solve together in 30 seconds. After this, the captain raises the card with the required number.

1. 6 baby bears
Mom put me to bed.
One can't sleep.
How many people have good dreams? (6-1=5)

1. Marina tore into the mug
10 raspberries,
I gave 6 to my girlfriend.
How many berries are there in the mug? (10-6=4)

2. Nadyusha has five notebooks,
There are blots in them and a mess.
Nadya needs a draft.
Vasya, first student,
He also gave Nadya a notebook
How many notebooks does she have? (5+1=6)

2. The squirrel sisters were sitting
Six of us in a hollow tree.
Another one rushed towards them -
She was fleeing the rain.
Everyone is staying warm now.
How many squirrels are there in the hollow? (6+1=7)

3. The hedgehog went mushroom picking
And I found 6 saffron milk caps
3 he put in the basket,
The rest are on the back.
How many saffron milk caps are he carrying?
A hedgehog on its needles? (6-3=3)

3. Four ripe pears
Swung on a branch
Pavlusha picked two pears,
How many pears are left (4-2=2)


Leading: - And now I suggest you relax a little and play with me
in the game “Arrows Walk in Circles.” This is where your knowledge of clocks and time comes in handy.
(Cards with numbers from 1 to 12 are laid out on the carpet in a circle. Children stand near the cards. The teacher stands in the center and recites poetic lines with the children (teams receive 1 point at the end of the game for correct answers).).
We are a clock, our time is precise,
(Children walk in a circle holding hands.)
Arrows go around in circles
And they want to catch up with each other.
Arrows, arrows, don't rush,
Tell us the time!
Children squat next to each other
with the nearest card.
Leading: Five hours!
(Children sitting near the cards with numbers 5 and 12 should stand up.)

The game is repeated several times.

Leading. Third competition “Settle the house” (composition of numbers).

There is a green envelope with a task on your desk.

V.: - V - Guys, look at what beautiful house! Only the apartments are not numbered.

Pron You need to number them.

By Clue: the sum of apartment numbers must be equal to the house number.

Move the houses and pencils towards you. Number the apartments.

(children do a written task).

Presenter. - Did you all manage? Let's check. Petya, please tell us how you numbered the apartments. (The child tells, and the others check).

The jury sums up the result. How many correct answers are there in each team?

(sample house)

Leading: Fourth competition “Remember and Do” (orientation on a plane).

The red envelope contains the following task. Attention! I show you a sample very quickly! (0.5 minutes shown) - You must consider and remember how the geometric shapes are located (the sample is removed) and then put it on your sheets . After finishing the taskcheck with the sample (the sample is shown for self-checking or mutual checking), the result is discussed.

Leading. Fifth Tangram competition

(two envelopes with samples of cat and dog figures are opened, on command the children collect the figures on the carpet).

Leading. Sixth competition “Captains Competition” "(Questions are asked first to the first captain, then to the second).

Captain of the "Umniki" team Captain of the Znayki team

1.Monday, Wednesday, Friday, autumn. 1. Thursday, spring, winter, autumn.

2.If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair? (below the table) 2. If the ruler is longer than the pencil, then the pencil?

3.How many ears do three mice have? (6) 3.How many horns do two cows have? (4)

4.Who has more paws: a dog or a rooster? 4. How many boots did Olya buy?

5. How many angles does a triangle have? So that the cat doesn't get its feet wet? (4)

5. How many corners does a square have?

6. I name a word, and you list which objects can be called by this word.

1. Long - road, tape, rope, etc.

2. Round - ball, sun, orange, etc.

(The jury sums up the results of the sixth competition).

Presenter:- I announce the seventh competition, the game “Ping Pong”.

(played alternately with teams).

For the "Umniki" team For the Znayki team

day-night morning-evening

summer-winter big-small

wide-narrow long-short

thick-thin far-close

top-bottom left-right

back and forth one-many

outside-inside light-heavy

above-under cold-warm

plus or minus large or small

Presenter:- The time has come for fans to support their teams.

Name fairy tales that have numerals in their titles.

Flower - seven-flowered
Masha and the Three Bears
Twelve months
Tale of dead princess and seven heroes
Three piglets
The wolf and the seven Young goats
Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves
Seven Semyons
Three nuts for Cinderella
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Three fat men
Two frosts
38 parrots
Two of the caskets are identical in appearance

Presenter:- Our competitions are over. In the meantime, the jury is summing up the results, the guys will sing the song “Blue Car” by V. Shainsky

  1. To become an astronaut, an engineer,
    To drive cars, ships,
    We need to know mathematics well,
    Be ahead of everyone in class.

Chorus: We study, we study
We decide and count
We are interested in everything
We need to know everything.
We think, we think
How to become scientists
Let's have talent
We all develop!

Presenter:- Now we ask for your attention,

The jury will evaluate our knowledge.

After the results are announced, all children are awarded medals.

KVN in mathematics (FEMP) in the preparatory school group

"Math Experts"

Target :

To support children's interest in intellectual activity, the desire to play games with mathematical content, showing persistence, determination, resourcefulness, ingenuity, mutual assistance, and understanding of humor. Bring children joy and pleasure from educational games.

Training tasks:

    Continue to develop the ability to solve arithmetic problems.

    Strengthen children's ability to analyze and synthesize, constructive thinking: to build new, more complex ones along a given contour from the simplest geometric figures.

    Practice counting within 10, and the ability to distinguish between quantitative and ordinal counting within 10.

    Reinforce knowledge of the composition of numbers within 10 of the two smaller numbers.

    To consolidate knowledge about the sequence of days of the week, months of the year, seasons.

    Consolidate children's knowledge about the cage, continue to teach them how to work on them.

Developmental tasks:

    Contribute to the formation of mental operations, speech development, and the ability to give reasons for one’s statements.

    Create conditions for the development of logical thinking, intelligence, and attention.

    Develop ingenuity, visual memory, imagination.

Educational tasks:

    To develop independence, the ability to understand a learning task and carry it out independently.

    Cultivate interest in mathematical studies.

Preliminary work with children:

individual lessons, study of geometric shapes; conversations about the seasons, days of the week; solving mathematical and logical problems; learning the composition of numbers; telling time using a clock, solving riddles, solving constructive problems, watching the cartoon “Twelve Months”

Preliminary work of the teacher:

    Prepare demonstration and handout materials.

    Prepare slides for class.

Methodical techniques

    Verbal (reminder, instructions, questions, individual answers from children).

    Visual (use of illustration).


    Encouragement, lesson analysis.

Demo material:

Houses with numbers on the roof, pictures with seasons.

Handout: Numbers from 1 to 10 for each child, pictures of the seasons, a “Tangram” with a diagram for each, a sheet of paper in a large square, a pen

counting sticks.

Activating the dictionary: names of geometric shapes; names of days of the week, months; use of words “plus”, “minus”, “equal” in speech

Progress of the event:

Music sounds, teams enter the hall and take their seats.

Educator: You all know that KVN is a game of cheerful and resourceful people.Two intelligent and attentive teams will compete with each other and go through several stages of testing. Mathematics is a wonderful science, it develops logical thinking, attention, and the brain. It’s not for nothing that they call it “mental gymnastics” and doing it is as exciting as playing KVN.There are many tasks ahead. For each correct answer or completed task, the team is awarded a chip at the end of the game, a summary will be drawn, and we will count the number of chips for each team.

So, let's start KVN.Now I will introduce you to the teams that will participate in the game:

Team "Znayki"

Our motto:"Knowledge is power"

We are funny guys

We play different games

We are winning in KVN!

Team "Why Chicks"

Our motto: “A mind is good, but two are better”

We are not afraid of obstacles.

We love to play KVN,

Together, win fairly!

Educator: Time for business, time for fun,

We are starting KVN.

1) Marina (Znayki) tore into the mug

10 raspberries,

I gave 6 to my girlfriend.

How many berries are there in the mug?


1) Six nuts for mommy pig (Pochemuchki)

I carried it in a basket for the children.

The hedgehog met a pig

And he gave four more.

How many nuts pig

Did you bring it to the kids in a basket?


2) Our cat has five kittens, (Znayki)

They sit side by side in a basket.

And the neighbor's cat has three!

So cute, look!

What is three and five?


2) Seven geese set off on their journey. (Why)

The two decided to rest.

How many are there under the clouds?

Count it yourself, children.


3) The hedgehog went mushroom picking, (Znayki)
I found 8 saffron milk caps.
6 mushrooms in a basket
The rest are on the back.
-How many saffron milk caps are you bringing?
On your needles, hedgehog?


3) Stumps have 5 mushrooms (Pochemuchki)
And under the tree 3.
How many mushrooms will there be?
Come on, speak up! (5+3=8)

4) Gave the ducklings a hedgehog, (Znayki)
8 leather boots.
Which one of the guys will answer?
How many ducklings were there?

(4 ducklings)

4) Two nimble piglets (Pochemuchki)
They were so cold, they were shaking.
Count and say
How many felt boots should I buy them?

(8 pieces 4 pairs)

5) The loaf was cut into three parts. How many cuts were made? (Znayki)


5) What is lighter than 1 kg of cotton wool or 1 kg of iron? (Why)


II contest: "We moved in the tenants" (Composition of a number from two smaller ones)

Each team has a set of cards with numbers from 1 to 9. Only those numbers that add up to the number on the cards that is indicated by the number on the roof of the house can be moved into the house.

(team Znayka 7 and 10, team whychek 8 and 9.)

III competition: “Guess the numbers” (Establishing connections and relationships between numbers in the natural series)

Educator: I will tell you the numbers, and you, taking the desired card with numbers, show which number is greater (less) than the one named by 1. So:

What number comes before 7? After 7? (Children show cards with numbers 6 and 8).

What number is greater than 3? (4)

Show me which number is greater than 6 and less than 8? (Children show the number 7).

Show the neighbors of the number 8 (7 and 9)

What number is less than 10? (9)

Show the neighbors of the number 5 (4 and 6)

What number comes after 8? (9)

What number is greater than 4? (5)

Physical education minute:

Leading: And now I suggest you relax a little and play with me

On Monday I swam (pretend swimming)
And on Tuesday I painted. (pretend to be drawing)
On Wednesday I took a long time to wash my face, (wash my face)
And on Thursday I played football. (running in place)
On Friday I jumped, ran, (jumping in place)
I danced for a very long time. (spinning in place)
And on Saturday, Sunday (claps hands)
I rested the whole day. (we squat down and fall asleep.

IV contest - "Seasons".

A) Answer the questions:

1) How many seasons are there? (4)

1) What are the seasons? (Winter spring Summer Autumn)

2) How many months are there in a year? Name them. (12)

2) How many days are there in a week? Name them (7)

3) What are the winter months? (December January February)

3) What are the spring months? (March April May)

4) What are the summer months? (June July August)

4) Name the autumn months? (September October November)

5) What month does the year start from? (From January)

5) What month does the year end? (December)

B) Lay out the cards.

Assignment: Choose one picture from each season and put them in order. Explain your answer.

V competition D/i "Tangram" is being held. Children lay out geometric shapes according to a pattern (each has their own pattern) Tell me what each one did?

V I competition Working with sticks

Part 1 (you need to fold the house according to the model)

Part 2 (move one stick so that the house turns in the other direction)

(Compare with samples on the slide)

VI I graphic dictation competition

1 cl . right ,1 cl down ,1 cl . right ,1 cl . down ,1 cl . right ,1 cl down ,1 cl right ,3 cl . down ,3 cl . left ,1 cl . down , 5 cl . right ,1 cl . down ,1 cl . left , 1 cl . down , 1 cl . left , 1 cl . down ,

7 cl . left ,1 cl . up , 1 cl . left , 1 cl . up , 1 cl . left ,1 cl . up , 5 cl . right ,7 cl . up .

Which team finished first?

What did you get?

KVN has come to an end. You completed all the tasks perfectly! Now you are “Math Experts”. Let's summarize the game. Friendship, ingenuity and resourcefulness won.

I see all the tasks, you completed them without difficulty, all the children received medals.

Did you like our game?

Were the tasks difficult?

What was the most difficult thing for you?

Which task is the easiest?

What was interesting?

Children's answers, lesson is over.

Educator. So the game is over

It's time for us to part.

Everyone we say thank you,

Thank you for the game.

Raise the mood of children, evoke a positive response, a feeling of empathy for the victory or failure of a friend.
Maintain interest in intellectual activity, the desire to play games with mathematical content, showing persistence, focus and mutual assistance.
Develop attention, intelligence, and the ability to consistently explain your point of view.
Develop spatial and logical thinking.
Continue to develop teamwork skills.
Strengthen counting skills, learn to compose and solve mathematical problems, and continue to form geometric concepts.
Material: Emblems for team captains; 2 easels; cards with tasks in envelopes; markers; 2 sets of geometric shapes; prizes, diplomas, certificates.
Preliminary work:
Teams are formed from pupils of preparatory groups for school: “Pochemuchki” and “Znayki”, a captain is selected, a greeting and a motto are prepared.
Children get acquainted with the rules of the competition: do not prompt, do not shout, etc.
In front of the competition participants are members of the jury: teachers, junior teachers, and a methodologist. The teams enter the hall to the sound of cheerful music. The captains have emblems on their chests. Teams line up against each other.
Leading. We are glad to welcome you, dear participants of the game, dear jury and guests! Today we have gathered for a holiday - a holiday of intelligence and ingenuity, resourcefulness and ingenuity, competition and mutual assistance.
Here 2 teams will meet - children from the preparatory school group. Today we will find out how you prepare to become schoolchildren. You will solve problems and perform tasks with ingenuity.
In the hall, each team has a “Support Group” - these are our spectators.
We check the readiness of the “Support Groups” (spectators clap their hands).
If any team finds it difficult to complete a task, the “Support Group” can help and earn a point for that team.
The children's work will be assessed by a jury - the Council of the Wise. I represent the members of the Council (3-4 adults: teachers, junior teachers, methodologist, parents)
Let's start our KVN! First team - “Why”
We came for this evening,
So as not to be lazy.
To answer questions,
Sing and have fun!
We tell our opponents...
Children: We will fight with you and will not give up so easily!
Our motto: Just forward - not a step back!
Team captain: (introduces himself - FI)
Second team – “Znayki”
And we are the team “Why”
Helmet of fiery hello
And we sincerely wish them...
Children. Know the correct answer!
Our motto: one for all, and all for one!
Team captain:(represented by – FI)
Let's start warming up!
1. How many boots did Olya buy?
So that the cat doesn't get its paws wet? (4)
2. Seryozhka fell into the snow,
And behind him is Alyoshka,
And behind him is Marinka,
And behind her is Marinka,
And then Ignat fell.
How many guys are there in the snow? (5)
3. 4 legs, but cannot walk. (table)
4. Grandfather has four names in a year. What is this? (winter spring Summer Autumn)
5. A chicken standing on two legs weighs 2 kg. How much does a chicken weigh standing on one leg? (2kg)
6. Three people waited for the train for 3 hours. How long did everyone wait? (3 hours)
Leading. Well done! The warm-up is over.
I competition
And now each team must show their wits (one from each team comes out and answers questions). If you have any difficulties, you can consult with other members of your team and seek help from the “Support Group”
1. How many horns do two cows have? (4)

2. There are 4 fish in one aquarium,
In the other - not a single one.
How many fish are in 2 aquariums? (4)

3. Hedgehog gave the ducklings a present
Eight leather boots.
Which one of the guys will answer?
How many ducklings were there? (4)

4. One flower
Four petals.
And how many petals
Two flowers? (8)

5. A hedgehog walked through the forest,
I found mushrooms for lunch -
Two under the birch tree,
One at the aspen tree.
How many will there be?
In a wicker basket? (3)

6. Grandmother gives a gift - a fox
Mittens for three grandchildren -
“This is for you for the winter, grandchildren,
Two mittens each.
Take care, don’t lose”
How many mittens? Do you count? (6)
Game "Live Numbers"
All team members participate. Each player takes one card with a number written on it.
Task: all players dance to the music. At the signal “stand in order,” both teams must line up in sequence from 1 to 10. The team that does this faster and without mistakes wins.
II competition “Plus and Minus”
Teams receive cards with mathematical examples in which the “+” or “-” signs are missing.
The team that fills in the blanks faster and more correctly wins:
3 … 1 = 2 ........ 4 … 1 = 5 ........ 7 … 1 = 6
8 … 1 = 9 ........ 9 … 2 = 7 ........ 5 … 2 = 3
9 … 2 = 7 ........ 7 … 4 = 3 ........ 6 … 5 = 1
3 … 1 = 4 ........ 9 … 5 = 4 ........ 7 … 4 = 3
III Competition – competition of captains:
The captain of the “Pochemuchki” team must make a bunny out of geometric shapes on a flannelgraph, and the captain of the “Znayki” team must create a cow.
IV competition.
While the captains make animals from geometric shapes, team members complete the task:
Find six rectangles on the first card, and five triangles on the second.

Card.1 card.2
Leading. Let's relax and dance - Fizkultminutka

V competition “It happens or it doesn’t happen”
1. After morning comes day.
2. Before autumn comes spring.
3. The boat floats across the sky.
4. The house went for a walk.
5. A cup is boiled in a saucepan.
6. The house draws a girl.
7. It snows in winter.
8. The tail runs after the dog.
9. Cones grew on the birch tree.
10. The wind shakes the trees.
11. The cat is hungry.
12. The fish sings songs.
VI competition.
Teams receive cards depicting a circle, square, rectangle, triangle, semicircle, oval, trapezoid. Participants are invited to become wizards and “revive” geometric shapes - to complete them to depict an object.
VII competition.
Ingenuity, ingenuity. Be careful!
1. What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? (from empty)
2. I'm so sweet, I'm so round,
I consist of two circles.
I'm so glad I've already found it
Friends like you. (Number 8)

3. How many ends does the stick have? (2)
4. How many ears do three mice have? (6)
5. The animal has 2 right legs, 2 left legs, 2 legs in front, 2 legs in back. How many legs does an animal have? (4)
6. Three donkeys carried luggage: the first - 1 kg of sugar, the second - 1 kg of iron, the third - 1 kg of cotton wool. Crossing the river, they swam with their luggage on their backs. We got out to the other side. One ran, another walked, the third trudged. Why? (The first one ran, because the sugar melted; the second one walked, nothing happened to the iron, since it does not absorb and does not melt; the third one trudged, because the cotton wool got wet and became much heavier)
Leading. Leading. Our game has come to an end. No matter who is ahead, we can confidently say that friendship, ingenuity and resourcefulness won today. Let's end it with the song “What They Teach at School,” music. V.Shainsky, lyrics. M. Plyatskovsky (listening to a song).

To announce the score, the floor is given to the Council of the Wise.
The winners are awarded a Certificate, the most active participants incentive diplomas:
The most active player of each team;
People's Choice Award;
The most active member of the “Support Group”.
and all participants received memorable prizes - chocolate medals.

1. T.I.Erofeeva “Mathematical education and development
preschoolers" M., 1998.
2. Magazines: Preschool education, Child in kindergarten, Game and
children, Teacher of Bashkortostan.
3. M.N. Ilyin “Preparing children for school”, M., 2007.





Math lesson notes

in the preparatory school group (final)

game "KVN" ("Club of Young Experts")

Compiled and conducted


Mazurenko V. A.

March, 2016 year


Training tasks:

Continue learning to solve arithmetic examples and write their solutions using numbers.

Train children to compose and solve problems using pictures.
Practice forward and backward counting within 20, and the ability to distinguish between quantitative and ordinal counting within 20.
Reinforce knowledge of the composition of numbers within 10 of the two smaller numbers.
To consolidate knowledge about the sequence of days of the week, seasons, months of the year.
Strengthen the ability to distinguish between concepts: higher - lower, wider - narrower, longer - shorter, thicker - thinner, older - younger.

Compare groups of objects using greater than, less than, and equal signs.

Expand and activate children's vocabulary (communication)

Use geometric shapes to create planar images.

Developmental tasks:

Create conditions for the development of logical thinking, intelligence, and attention.
Develop ingenuity, visual memory, imagination, goodwill and the desire to help.
Contribute to the formation of mental operations, speech development, and the ability to give reasons for one’s statements.

Promote the formation of educational skills and abilities, the ability to work in pairs

Educational tasks:

Develop independence, the ability to understand a learning task and complete it independently.
Cultivate interest in mathematical studies, the ability to act together, and bring the job started to completion

Create an emotionally positive attitude in children (socialization)

Foster a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, collectivism, and the spirit of competition (socialization)

Integration educational areas:


- "Communication"
- "Socialization"

Innovative technologies: "Columbus Egg", "Tangram"

Equipment: emblems for teams, a set of numbers and signs, cards with digital houses, a puzzle game “Week”, d/i “Correct a mistake”, cards with tasks, example cards, pictures with a task of connecting the dots, sets of “Tangram” and “Columbus Egg” ", a model of a clock, markers for each person, 2 easels, cards for physical exercises, sheets for mathematical dictation, diplomas for awards.

The participants of the game enter the hall to the music “We are starting KVN...”.


Everyone! Everyone! Everyone! Let's start our KVN. Today we are holding a real, very serious and very responsible KVN - KVN for preschool children. Two intelligent and attentive teams will compete with each other and go through several stages of testing.

Guys, soon you will become first graders. Today we will find out how you prepared for school. For this purpose, we gathered at the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. Today you will solve problems and perform tasks using ingenuity.

Then we will sum up the results, and at the end there will be an awards ceremony for the participants. Our competition will be judged by a competent jury (the name and patronymic of the head of the kindergarten and the children’s parents are announced). And now - the command presentations.

Welcome to the team "Why Chicks" (represents the team captain)!

Members of the Pochemuchki team:

We are preschool children,
We are not afraid of obstacles.
We love to play KVN,
Together, win fairly!

Team "Know-it-alls." Welcome her! (Represents the team captain).

Members of the "Curious" team:

We are funny guys
We don't get bored in kindergarten
We play different games
We are winning in KVN!

So here we go! I invite the teams to take their places.

At the beginning of the game, I suggest you spend

First competition- warm up.

“Why”: How many ears do two hedgehogs have?

"Know-it-alls": How many tails do four cats have?
“Why”: How many noses do three elephants have?
"Know-it-alls": How many paws do two cubs have?
“Why”: How many nuts are there in an empty glass?
"Know-it-alls": Which tree does a crow sit on when it rains?
“Why”: If the tree is taller than the bush, then the bush... (below the tree)
"Know-it-alls": If the ruler is longer than the pencil, then the pencil... (shorter than the ruler)
“Why”: If the rope is thicker than the thread, then the thread... (thinner than the rope)
"Know-it-alls": If the sister is older than the brother, then the brother ... (younger than the sister)
“Why”: What day comes after Wednesday?
"Know-it-alls": What day is before Tuesday?

“Why”: Count to 20 by counting.

"Know-it-alls": Count up to 20.

“Why”: Count backwards from 10 to 1.

"Know-it-alls": Name the “even” numbers up to 10.

“Why”: Name the “odd” numbers up to 10.

"Know-it-alls": Name the days of the week.

“Why”: Name the seasons.

"Know-it-alls": Name the months of the year.

Leading: We continue KVN. I invite the teams to take their places.

Second competition – “Find the mistake”(in pairs)

(Children come to the table. There are cards with objects, and numbers next to them, but something is confused here. Check and correct errors. Correct errors, if any).

Well done, you completed this task.

Third competition – “Count and compare”(individually)

(children compare the number of objects using signs (, =) and read equality or inequality)

Fourth competition – game “Tangram” (in pairs)

(Using a tangram, children collect cut-out pictures, and call them when they are collected)

And now we will take a wellness break.

Exercise for the eyes:

(Children accompany eye movements with words)

Oh, how long have we been writing?
The guys' eyes are tired.
(Blink your eyes)
Look all out the window
(Look left - right)
Oh, how high the sun is.
(Look up.)
We'll close our eyes now,
(Close your eyes with your palms)
Let's build a rainbow in the group,
Let's go up the rainbow
(Look in an arc up, to the right and up - to the left)
Let's turn right, left,
And then we'll slide down
(Look down)
Squint your eyes hard, but hold on.
(Close your eyes, open them and blink them)

And we continue our KVN.

And the next one fifth Competition "Riddle - Solution"

Guys, let's remember what geometric shapes there are, with the help of riddles (teams ask each other riddles about geometric shapes).

Three peaks are visible here,

Three corners, three sides, -

Well, perhaps that’s enough! -

What do you see? - ...( Triangle)

He's been my friend for a long time,

Every angle in it is right.

All four sides

Same length

I'm glad to introduce him to you,

And his name is ……(square).

No corner, no side,

And my relatives are nothing but pancakes... (circle)

Four corners, like a square I have,

But I dare not call myself a square,

And yet it looks like a square

by the way, two long sides and two shorter ones. (Rectangle)

If I took a circle,

I squeezed it a little on both sides,

Answer children together -

It would work out ... (oval)

If all the squares stand up

To the tops at an angle,

Guys should have seen it

We are not squares, but... (rhombus)

Leading: Guys, you are great, you solved all the figures.

Sixth competition -"Fill the House"(individually)

You have upside down “number houses” on your tables.

You will need to make a “number house” from two smaller numbers. You will “write” numbers using numbers from a pencil case. You will check with each other. If your friend does not agree with your remark, then prove your opinion.

Seventh competition - "Solve the problem"(for captains)

(each team captain receives a picture from which he must compose and solve problem 2 me ways: drawing and example)

Captains, each of you has a task card. You will look at it carefully, create a problem, and use the numbers from your pencil case to solve it.

..., tell me the conditions of your task?

..., ask a question about your task?

..., what is the answer to your solution?

Leading: In the meantime, our captains are preparing, the teams will begin to do this task - “Connect the numbers by dots”(children must connect the numbers by dots: within 20).

Seventh competition – game “Columbus Egg”

(On the trays there are parts of the “egg” folded into a whole. Children are invited to use all the parts to put together the figures according to the complete images.)

Guys, now let's take a dynamic break (by cards)

Eighth competition – “Week”

Guys, now I suggest you remember the days of the week. Team captains, choose one of the participants from your team for this task. They will work at the board. And the remaining players - divide into two more teams. (children need to collect a cut picture according to the days of the week in a certain sequence)

Ninth competition – “Tick-tock”

Leading: Guys, you will soon go to school and you must be able to tell the time by the clock so as not to be late for class.

Set a time when we get up in the morning? (7:00)

What time do we go for exercise? (8:00)

What time do we have lunch? (12:20)

What time do we go to bed in the evening? (21:00)

Tenth competition "Solve an example"(individually)

Guys, you have examples on your tables. You need to solve them and use a mathematical pencil case to indicate the answer.

And the last, eleventh competition - “Mathematical dictation”

Sit up straight and place a piece of paper in front of you. Take a pencil. Be careful!

Graphic dictation – “House”.

1 class to the right, 1 cl. down, 1 class. to the right, 1 cl. down, 1 class. to the right, 1 cl. down, 1 class. to the right, 1 cl. down, 1 class. left, 3 cells down, 5 cells left, 3 cells up, 1 cl. left, 1st cell. up, 1 cl. to the right, 1 cl. up, 1 cl. to the right, 1 cl. up, 1 cl. to the right, 1 cl. up. Step back 2 squares from the center of the roof. down, draw a window in one cell, move 2 cells down from this window, draw 2 windows so that 1 cell is missing between them.

What did you get?

If you were careful and followed all the rules, then you should end up with the same house as mine. (Children's self-test).


Our wonderful KVN has come to an end. The distinguished jury will have to sum up the results of the game, and at this time we will relax and play the “Person to Person” MPI. (children are divided into pairs and, at the teacher’s command, touch those parts of the body that the teacher names: back to back, knee to knee,hand to hand, head to head, knee to knee, ear to ear, elbow to elbow, nose to noseetc. On the command “person to person”, pairs exchange partners).

The jury sums up the results and announces the winners of KVN, and the winners are awarded prizes (children are awarded diplomas (certificates, medals) “For the pursuit of knowledge”).

This concludes our club of cheerful and resourceful people.