Natalie divorced Alexander Rudin. Singer Natalie - biography, personal life, children, husband. Creative activity: the beginning

Natalie met her husband at the festival where she entered. A year later, Alexander Rudin became the husband of the singer Natalie, but their family happiness was overshadowed by the fact that Natalya could not give birth to a child.

Recently on Russian stage Singer Natalie returned with an explosive hit. On initial stage career, the singer was forbidden to tell the press that she was married; it was not easy. But now she's ready to show her cards. The young singer got married to Alexander Rudin at the age of 17, and still has not regretted her decision. They met when Natalie was in 11th grade.

And I understood that I could not remain without a man, without a husband, without a devoted person in show business. Natalie's beloved man appeared in her life unexpectedly. However, children did not appear in their family right away. Natalie had 2 miscarriages, after which she begged for children for 9 years. This period was not easy for the singer. But Alexander and Natalie did not stop believing and hoping for the best. The eldest is 12 years old, and the youngest is only three years old. By the way, as Natalie says, their first child Arseny asked his parents for a little brother.

Natalie’s great merit in this. It’s interesting that when Natalie was just starting her career as a singer, everyone around her advised her not to disclose the fact that she had a husband. But Natalie is sure: in her case, the common cause did not become an obstacle to the relationship. Probably, such qualities of Alexander, combined with Natalie’s beauty and talent, help this couple to arouse genuine interest among others and admiration among fans.

Singer Natalie's husband

Filming of Baskov and Natalie’s video for the song “Nikolai” in Kyiv ended last week unexpected scandal. As it turned out, the singer’s husband and her producer Alexander Rudin was not privy to the most piquant details of the script. Natalie’s husband flew to Kyiv with them, but on his own business and film set I got there only on the second day. And he was shocked by what he saw. The idea to film me naked arose a few days before the flight to Kyiv,” Natalie told StarHit.

For such a bright and beautiful woman, like Natalie, eye and eye, because many people like her! Natalie gained popularity in the country in 1997 with the song “The Wind Blowed from the Sea” and the album of the same name. At the end of 1997, this song entered the top five most popular at that time and became business card singers. In September 2000, Natalie released the album “First Love”.

Singer Natalie: personal life

Released in 2002 new album“Don’t fall in love,” and in 2003 a video for the song “Sea of ​​Jeans Color” was released. Natalie actively tours throughout Russia and neighboring countries. In 2013, Natalie was awarded the Russian Music Prize of the RU.TV channel in the category “Sometimes they come back.” At the end of 2013, the author’s composition “Nikolai” appeared on television and was actively discussed in the blogosphere, performed by the singer in a duet with Nikolai Baskov; a video for the song was released.

This album became an anniversary album; the singer released it in honor of her 40th birthday. The album is the 12th in Natalie's discography. On May 31, 2014, at the fourth music award of the RU.TV channel, Natalie, together with Nikolai Baskov, was awarded the nomination “Best Video Clip” with the song “Nikolai”. Natalie herself says that she never felt forgotten - she tried to get into various shows and performed in clubs.

To do this, she and her husband traveled to Mexico, and the director of the video was Maria Skobeleva, who also shot the video for the song “Oh God, what a man!” The personal life of singer Natalie again, after a fifteen-year break in her career, became interesting to listeners and fans.

Also 15 years ago, the girl gained unprecedented popularity with musical hit"The wind was blowing from the sea." Finally, she decided to tell fans the whole truth about her personal life. And the girl met her husband at the age of 16; the chosen one was 4 years older than her lover. Alexander was 20 years old at that time. Fate brought our heroes together in an unusual way.

Since childhood, she dreamed of finding the man of her dreams, and found him at the age of 17. Since then, singer Natalie and her husband, and part-time producer, Alexander Rudin, have been living happily family life. Natalie noted in her future husband that outwardly he was very independent compared to others. Break!" – and, taking the singer’s angry husband by the arm, he went to drink coffee with him. And Natalie got dressed and went to the dressing room.

  1. The star's real name is Natasha Minyaeva. She was born in a small town in the Nizhny Novgorod region on March 31, 1974. The professions of the girl’s parents were far from creative: they worked at a local chemical plant. In addition to Natasha, two more children were growing up in the family - Olesya and Anton.
  2. From an early age, the girl showed creative inclinations: she liked to be in the spotlight, from the first grade she actively participated in all school events and delighted the audience with her performances. Thanks to her light and bright character, the girl was loved by both her peers and teachers. She was a trouble-free child; her behavior at school was often set as an example.
  3. The bright third-grader accidentally ended up in a music school, and she liked it so much that she became one of its best students. In addition to playing the piano, which so delighted the schoolgirl, she also learned vocals. For all her restlessness and hyperactivity, Natasha graduated from both schools with good grades. Having independently mastered playing the guitar, she participated in many competitions and festivals, and composed songs and poems.
  4. Thanks to her active social life, the girl was noticed by directors who were filming a documentary about her city. And Natasha, who received the role in this program, took this matter extremely responsibly. With all her love for music, Minyaeva planned to become a teacher and entered a local pedagogical school, after which she returned to home school as a teacher. True, she did not work in her specialty for long: after getting married, the girl moved to Moscow.

Music career

  • Natalya took her first steps towards a musical career while still at school. Together with several friends, she manages to record two tiny music albums with songs own composition. It must be said that these songs quickly made her a star in hometown;
  • After graduating from school, the girl sang in a local music group, with whom she participated in various competitions. But, realizing that in the provinces she will have to work at school all her life, doing what she loves only as part of local city events, she decides to try her luck in the capital;
  • The girl moved to Moscow in 1993, already being a family lady. Having barely celebrated her majority, she marries Alexander Rudin, who is in love with her. The husband supports Natasha in every possible way on the path to fame, believing in her lucky star. In the capital, a man finds one interested producer who liked his wife’s compositions and begins to promote the aspiring singer;
  • debut official music album Natalia came out a year later, it was called “The Little Mermaid”. Its circulation was very small, but they still began to pay attention to the young soloist. In addition, the album was worth the investment in it, which was already nice. At first, the girl had to perform at concerts in front of more eminent colleagues, warming up the audience. The young vocalist didn’t really like this, but it brought her the necessary experience. A year later, a second album called “Snow Rose” was released, followed by the first music video


  1. It would have taken a long time for the young singer to work as a backup singer, but luck finally smiled on her. Natasha performed the composition “The Wind Blowed from the Sea,” which instantly made her popular and famous. The text was composed by a girl back in school age, but they managed to record the song only in 1997. At the same time, an album of the same name was published, which sold out in large quantities.
  2. This event became turning point in Natalie's life and career. She gained numerous admirers and admirers not only in Russia, but throughout the entire post-Soviet space. Her songs sounded from many windows, and her concerts attracted thousands of listeners.
  3. At the beginning of the 2000s, her husband became her producer and director, who took full responsibility for her career. Thanks to his support, the girl can devote herself only to creative activities, without being distracted by organizational issues. The singer writes and performs new songs and publishes new albums.


After loud glory and colossal popularity, a period of calm began. Many were perplexed: where did their favorite performer go? In fact, she did not leave the stage far: during the fifteen-year stagnation, the singer released several albums.

  1. Loud return to big stage Natalia owes the composition “Oh, God, what a man.” At first she didn’t even believe in such success. It was surprising that after so many quiet years, former glory will again fall on the shoulders of the star. The lyrics of the song do not belong to the performer herself; they came to her by mail from a poetess from Germany. In the simple rhymes, Natalie was able to discern the full potential of the song, and she was not mistaken: it rose to the top of the charts.
  2. The success was consolidated by two subsequent compositions: “Nikolai” (its star performed together with Baskov) and “You are like that”, which Natasha sang with the rapper Dzhigan. In addition, the singer is recording a new album, “Scheherazade.”
  3. The vocalist who has returned from oblivion is often invited to participate in various television shows. So, in 2014, she performed several songs by various artists as part of music project“Exactly”, participates in the “Hit” program. He appears as a guest in the popular program “Battle of Psychics” and becomes the TV presenter of the program “People Will Judge.”

Personal life of the artist

  • charming and smiling pop star is happy wife and mother of three sons. But, if she was immediately lucky with her marriage, then the birth of children, especially her firstborn, was very difficult for her;
  • For nine long years, the couple was unable to become parents: several of the girl’s pregnancies ended involuntarily. The singer was so desperate that, according to her, thoughts even flashed about suicide. For a long time Natalya could not get pregnant at all;
  • everything the desperate woman didn’t do: she ran to doctors and healers, stood for long church services. And, in the end, her prayers were heard: they soon had a boy named Arseny. Nine years later, the family’s second child, Anatoly, was born. The couple became parents for the third time in 2017; a boy, Evgeniy, was born.


  1. “The Little Mermaid”, debut album -1994.
  2. "Snow Rose", released in 1996.
  3. “The Wind Blew from the Sea”, published in 1998.
  4. "Counting", published in 1999.
  5. "First Love", released in 2000.
  6. "Don't Fall in Love", published in 2002.
  7. “Everything I need”, release 2004.
  8. "17 Moments of Love", released in 2009.
  9. "Scheherazade", published in 2014.
  10. “Oh, God, what a man”, published in 2016.

  • according to the singer, Saint Panteleimon, whose relics she venerated, helped her become a mother;
  • the modest singer once took part in the filming of an erotic photo shoot;
  • Natalie doesn't visit gyms, but good physical fitness obliged to household chores;
  • the star does not hide the fact that the shape of her breasts and lips was surgically corrected.

What do you think of Natalie? We are waiting for your comments.

Natalya Anatolyevna Rudina (Minyaeva) was born in a young industrial town in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Today it is Soviet, Russian pop singer, composer and lyricist. Since 1993 she has been known under the pseudonym Natalie. After returning to the stage in 2014, everything more people became interested in the work of singer Natalie, her biography, family, children and photos of the star.

The biography of singer Natalie begins in Dzerzhinsk. The girl's family is very ordinary. The parents are ordinary workers at a local chemical plant. Dad - Anatoly Nikolaevich Minyaev, deputy. head of the electrical and energy service. My mother, Lyudmila Pavlovna, worked there as a laboratory assistant in the Monomer workshop. In 1978, the Menyaevs had more children - twins Anton and Olesya. Although this is rarely advertised, their joint family photos are available on the Internet.

At the age of 6, Natalya went to school No. 37. She studied excellently, the teachers could not get enough of the smart, active, talented girl. She took part in various events and clubs, in school KVN. In the summer she vacationed at a children's camp, where she learned to play the guitar and first showed herself as a composer, inventing songs for her friends. In 1991, along with a certificate of general education, Natasha received music education in piano and vocal class.

In 1990, Anton invites Natalya to his school music group“Chocolate Bar”, where the girl does an excellent job as a soloist. In May 1990, together with the group, the singer stormed the annual Dzerzhinsky rock festival.

By the age of 16, Natalie managed to record two of her albums with the titles:

  • "Superboy";
  • "Pop Galaxy".

The teacher of her native music school helped her with this and future husband stars Sasha Rudin. Around the same time, having easily passed the casting, Natalya acted in a movie for the first time (from the Lenfilm film studio) on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the city of Dzerzhinsk. The filming greatly contributed to the growth of the artist’s popularity in her native land.

Oddly enough, Natasha did not betray her childhood dreams of becoming a teacher. In 1991 she entered the Dzerzhinsky Pedagogical College and got married.

Singer career Natalie

After graduating from a pedagogical college, the girl gets a job at local school No. 22 as a teacher. junior classes. There, together with colleagues, children and their parents, Natalya sang songs of her own composition. However, it didn't last long. Peers did not respect such a profession. And in the early 90s, even meager teacher salaries were paid from time to time. Then reality forces Natalya to descend, as they say, “from heaven to earth” and set off to conquer the capital.

In 1993, Natalya and her husband moved to Moscow, and Sasha began to closely engage with Natalya’s career. According to the singer herself, it was thanks to her husband’s efforts that she was able to become popular. Sasha was able to reach famous producer Valery Ivanov and show him audio recordings of his wife, as well as a video from a performance at a local cultural center. The videotape showed a performance by Natalya, in a moth-like outfit, awkwardly crouching and writhing around the stage. Alexander was asked to hide this tape and not show it to anyone else. Valery nevertheless decided to take on a beautiful and then unknown singer, but in the form of an ordinary girl “from the next yard” - Natalie.

The song “The Wind Blew from the Sea” made the singer famous

From 1994 to 1996, several albums of the singer “The Little Mermaid”, “Pink Dawn”, “Snow Rose” hit the music shelves. But they turned out to be a failure, although the producer seemed to sense future success and continued to pursue the girl’s career. He spent about 18 thousand dollars on Natasha. And in 1997, along with “The Wind Blew from the Sea,” the singer experienced a stunning rise in popularity. The then popular group “Nancy” starred in the video with the singer. And according to the results of the year, the song got into the top 5 and became the singer’s calling card.

Interesting fact: “The wind was blowing from the sea” Natalya and her friends sang back in the children’s camp, but then the singer had no idea that this particular song would make her universally recognizable.

Thanks to composer Alexander Shulgin, the song received an interesting and easy-to-remember sound. It is interesting that the album stated “author unknown”, and “contenders” for authorship immediately appeared. Endless showers of legal proceedings with those eager to snatch success, but the authorship was proven by Yuri Malyshev and Elena Sokolskaya. The hit was a huge success; at every performance, Natalya sang it several times in a row.

It would seem that phenomenal success awaits the girl: fans, many pleasant words and gifts, invitations to concerts, awards. Natalie toured a lot, but her music did not become as popular as before. Neither the songs from the album “Counting” in 1999, nor “First Love” in 2000, nor “Don’t Fall in Love” in 2001 could make up for the success of “The Wind from the Sea Blowed.” Natalie got used to the fact that she is an artist of one song . Star colleagues prophesied an ambulance for Natalie creative death: “as the song gave birth to you, so it killed you.” And the singer tried to smile through her tears. Moscow taught us differently, of course. She taught eternal youth, made it clear what “Moscow does not believe in tears” means.

Natalie clung to the stage with all her might - she agreed to any job, and she was ordered to the table for the holidays of businessmen, influential and not so (among them there were even local gangster authorities). There, Natalie more than once found herself in a “slippery” situation - threats, weapons, a lot of alcohol drunk by guests and unpleasant offers for money. I tried to negotiate with the guests on equal terms, because sometimes events developed according to the laws of crime dramas.

But where to find a new source of strength? Severe depression crushed Natalia like a stone slab. The calm in life frightened the girl; she did not know how to live without people. She didn’t know what to do, where to put herself, how to be alone with herself. That year the country could have lost her, because Natasha tried to take her own life. But for many years kept this secret. The singer didn’t tell anyone about what kept her up at night. The indifferent world turned out to be too cruel for her. It was easier to leave than to fight. Forgetting about a career and interesting biography famous singer, Natalie dreamed of simple female happiness. There must be children in the family. But it didn’t work out to give birth to a child.

Return to popularity

Natalie is on top again: “Sometimes it seems to me that this is a national joke”...

In 2012 at email The singers send a poem “Oh God, what a man!”, Natalya writes music for it and shoots a video clip. Within 2 months this song was blowing up all the charts, super song until 2015, did not leave the first lines of “Golden Gramophone”, “ Russian radio", "MuzTV", etc.. As of July 2016, this clip on YouTube has already received about 47 million views. Natalya was awarded the RuTV Award in the “Sometimes They Come Back” category and the Fashion People Awards “Comeback of the Year.”

In 2013, “Nikolai” appeared with Nikolai Baskov, and a little later the no less successful “You’re So” with Dzhigan.

Since 2014, Natalya has increasingly appeared on television: “Exactly” on Channel One, the TV show “HIT”, and even voiced Joy in the cartoon “Puzzle”.

“...and period”, not a period, but an ellipsis, she was afraid to believe in another success. Natalya didn’t know how long it would last. And with this question the girl went to the psychic Delors. The psychic predicted changes in her personal life. Natalie was extremely impressed by the abilities of the clairvoyants, who, according to her, simply made the singer think about the future and her life in general.

Then Deloram predicted her future triumph, when the words of the song had not yet begun to be written. Since then they have become great friends. They often meet and gossip frankly. It is stupid and not dangerous to hide mental anguish from a psychic of this level. In addition to success, Deloram then predicted another pregnancy. True, not a daughter was born, but a third son.

In 2015, Natalya became the co-host of the talk show “People Will Judge” on Rossiya-1, broadcast from June 15 to July 9. And on October 7, 2015, on the birthday of the Russian President, the song “Volodya” was presented.

Despite another stellar rise, Natalya remained a simple person, and sometimes it seems as if she does not believe in her popularity, thinking that it is an obsession.

The singer has a new ritual - prayer before each appearance on stage. IN lately Natalya often organizes free concerts on Moscow Square. Now she can afford it.

Personal life

“Oh God, what a man,” with bated breath, all the fans waited for the solution to this mystery. When asked, Natalie only smiled mysteriously. All this time, the one to whom every line of the songs was dedicated remained in the shadows.

“My biography. The three of us always lived together. Me (singer Natalie), him and show business are our family. Everyone asked to see photos of their children and husband. I was afraid to jinx it"

August 1991, a few days after the State Emergency Committee, the residents of Dzerzhinsk were not yet accustomed to the fact that Soviet Union broke up, but there was a holiday in the Minyaev family. Eldest daughter Natasha marries Sasha Rudin. Alexander doted on his chosen one and tried to help and support her in everything. In those hungry times, throwing large banquets was not affordable. But the young husband tried. And the wedding was held at his expense.

He was 20 years old, and she was only 17. In order for the marriage to take place, Natalya’s mother had to obtain a false certificate about her daughter’s pregnancy. Why such a rush? Natasha was getting ready to get married at the age of 13 and was looking for a prince. The gentlemen changed, but the girl still could not find the same one.

Natasha and Sasha met at the same rock festival where the girl performed with a “chocolate bar”. Alexander invited her to record a couple of songs in the studio. Then Natasha agreed to the studio, and then to the marriage proposal.

Alexander did everything possible for career growth wife, he looked for producers and composers who worked with the singer. Together they moved to Moscow and fought for a place in Russian show business. Moscow greeted the aspiring singer with hostility. Natalya tried to go home several times. There was nowhere to live, together with Alexander they spent the night right in the studio, on the cold floor, without blankets or illusions. They were haunted by a constant feeling of complete loneliness in the diverse Moscow crowd. And the impregnable city surrendered after 5 years.

“God, what a man” is about him. About Alexander Rudin. He always hid from cameras when he saw journalists and avoided interviews. But he had something to tell: 15 years of oblivion, absence of children, and prayers heard by God.

For a long time, Natalya was unable to discover the joy of motherhood. There was a period when Natalie fell into despair and together with her mother went to local healers. She begged for children from God.

The singer was persecuted for about 10 years unsuccessful attempts getting pregnant - miscarriages, frozen pregnancies. In 2001, Natalya again finds out that she is pregnant. The family worried for a long time about the safety of the baby in the womb, but everything turned out okay. And it seems that singer Natalie’s prayers have come true, and her biography has finally been supplemented with a long-awaited event in the family: the first of the singer’s long-awaited children, Arseny, was born (photos can be found on the Internet). The baby was born at a healthy height of 51 cm, weighing 3.5 kg. After 9 years, another one is born - Anatoly.

All the rare pauses between tours were dedicated to the most beloved men. The real one smiled at Natalya women's happiness. Children and a reliable husband. Now the girl has everything she once dreamed of.

Natalie today

Natalie amazes fans with a demonstration of her beautiful figure and numerous photos in a swimsuit. The singer really looks no worse today than in her youth. The girl does not hide at all that people in white coats are involved in her beauty (Botox on the face, breast surgery). Natalie is not at all afraid to be natural, frank and funny. She easily agrees to an interview, for example, in a beauty salon with unadorned roots or wet hair.

After a long period of oblivion, Natalie does not want to hide anything from her fans. The returned popularity forced Natasha to create her own Instagram account in 2014. Now singer Natalie is actively updating her biography every now and then, pampering her fans with new events in the family, posting photos of her children and husband.

Natalya does not hide the fact that several specialists are working on her image. But he believes that under no circumstances should you get used to it, otherwise you might lose yourself.

The main event in the life of singer Natalie recently is new fact in her biography concerning her family and husband, in 2017 photos and information appeared on the Internet that the 43-year-old star gave birth to her third son, Eugene, in April. According to the singer, the family is really very happy. For 27 years, singer Natalie and her husband overcame all the obstacles of her biography, large family(three children) and managed to maintain love, which is noticeable in the photo. This happens so rarely in modern society, especially among celebrities.

Singer Natalie captivated the stage and listeners not only with her vocal abilities. There is something about her that makes you pay attention to her, admire the way she behaves, radiates a certain charm and charm. Always beautiful, smiling and open, she seems to love the whole world and is ready to share her songs with everyone.

Like any other star, she once began her creative journey, walked confidently towards her goal, overcame difficulties and obstacles. In this article we will look at the beginning of the star journey of a simple girl who set a goal and achieved it. But first things first, since great things always began with small things.

Height, weight, age. How old is Natalie (singer)

Natalya Minyaeva ( Natalie) (after Rudin’s marriage) was born on March 31, 1974 in the city of Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region. Looking at the singer Natalie, you get the impression that you are seeing a young girl in front of you, because she always looks good, smiles, dresses stylishly and gracefully. But at the same time she remains herself. Therefore, it is very difficult to believe that she is already 43 years old, that is, she is no longer young girl, even though it looks amazing. The singer's height is 165 centimeters and her weight is 58 kilograms.

That is, the singer is in great shape, but is not trying to be too thin. And why should she do this when she is really beautiful and fit. So if you are interested in the question about height, weight, age, how old is Natalie (singer), then we can say with confidence that time does not exist for this charming woman. Now let's move on to how it all began, what Natalie was like as a child, and how she decided to become a singer.

Biography of Natalie (singer)

The future star was born on March 31, 1974, in Russian city Dzerzhinsk. She was born into a simple family, however, from a very young age she stood out favorably both in the family and among her peers at school. The girl started going to a Soviet school. Her time at school retained many wonderful and vivid memories, because among any group the girl felt at home. As mentioned above, she stood out among her peers, she was always the leader and organizer, she attended all the events and matinees.

Natasha really liked it all, especially being in the center of attention and gaining the respect of others. And there was a reason to respect this bright, sweet girl, because she was always on time and everywhere. Along with schoolwork, she managed to be active social activities, go hiking, participate in theatrical productions, school lights and so on. The parents were proud of their girl, who in ten years of schooling never gave a reason to be disappointed in her or make a negative remark. The future singer deserved all the praise, since for her any task had to be done “excellently”, just like her grades in the diary.

In addition to training in general school, the girl was busy writing her own poems and songs. Also with early childhood She discovered a passion for music, which she did not even hide, on the contrary, she developed. Therefore, she also received her education in music school, which was in her hometown. She studied piano.

Thanks to school, Natalie developed a love for many sciences, which remained with her throughout her life. Therefore, she seriously began to think about connecting her life with teaching. And she makes her dream come true and enters a pedagogical school. Time goes by, she finishes educational institution and soon a new teacher appears on the stage of education to teach children the basics of educational wisdom. It seems that the choice has been made, and everything in her life is decided. But fate made its own adjustments. Apparently higher powers saw that this charming young woman was capable of more.

The fact is that her passion for music haunted the girl. As a result, this hobby grew into a profession. The teacher turned into an aspiring singer. Natasha became Natalie. In the early nineties, she became a soloist in musical group, which was called "Chocolate Bar". There she managed to record several songs of her own authorship, and a year later she moved on to more popular group, called "Pop Galaxy".

The path of a provincial girl was quite difficult; a sufficient number of obstacles and problems had to be either overcome or given up. It’s not easy to get noticed by the right people. To do this, you need to constantly be in sight, so Natalie, without hesitation, decides to move to the capital. She didn't do it in vain, because big city, the girl is noticed by a famous music producer, Valery Ivanov. It was this moment that became key for Natalie, because she began her ascent to the pop Olympus seriously and persistently.

This happened in the mid-nineties, by that time Natasha was already married to Alexander Rudin. It was the husband who gave the producer a cassette with his wife’s songs. He really liked what Ivanov heard, and he decided to take a risk and start promoting a young, still unknown girl. And although the first edition of the cassettes was quite modest, only about two thousand copies, it sold briskly. Next was Natalia’s sing called “Pink Dawn”, which also helped the girl advance.

On next year An album with Natalie's songs is being released, and a video clip is also being released. The time was difficult then, not profitable, so the singer, in order to somehow stay afloat, was forced to perform at private parties for rich “darlings”. She needed to hold out until recognition and popularity came. And this moment has come...

In the late nineties it became very popular song“The wind blew from the sea...”, and the album of the same name. Moreover, the success was not just great, it was amazing. Immediately came popularity, the love of listeners, the demand for a singer, that is, everything that everyone who connects their life with the stage dreams of. The song sounded everywhere, it was sung in courtyards and restaurants, discos and parties.

Natalie had an army of fans that grew by leaps and bounds. Each new song brought her more and more fame, concerts were sold out in every Russian city, because it was a wonderful event for those who were waiting for the singer at home.

But of course, Natalie’s creativity was not limited to this song; she wanted to move on. She continued to release her albums, which gained momentum, with many songs becoming hits. And, of course, Natalie did not forget about the tour, she actively took part in trips both around Russia and neighboring countries.

In 2012, when Natasha was already 38 years old, she experienced a new upsurge in terms of creativity, and began to work as if all over again. The song “Oh God, what a man” simply blew up the Internet, was heard everywhere possible, and won the love of millions of fans. The singer did not stop here either, she is always searching, is on the rise, writes songs, sings and moves on.

Personal life of Natalie (singer)

Despite the light songs, despite the fact that the singer always tries to be positive, there were many bitter moments in her life that were difficult to survive. The personal life of Natalie (singer) began very early; at the age of seventeen she already married the man she loved. Unfortunately, it was more difficult with children; the girl managed to experience several miscarriages.

One can only imagine how difficult it was for her to experience terrible losses, to come out of such a state, and even to engage in creativity and achieve success. But Natasha truly has an iron will, perseverance and determination, which helps her in life. She and her husband waited for their first child for nine whole years, who was named Arseny. After which another son was born, named Anatoly. The singer believes that the children were born thanks to faith and prayers. But she really wants a daughter, she believes that in the end it will happen. So far, prayers have given her another boy, a third son.

Natalie's family (singer)

Today, singer Natalie is not only a popular star, but also a happy mother and wife. She has been living with her husband for 22 years, showing by her example that you can get married early and be happy all your life with one and only loved one. My husband and I are raising two charming sons and hope that they will have a sweet daughter. Most recently, a third son appeared in the family.

Natalie’s (singer) family is the most precious thing she has, because nothing can replace the simple warmth, love and support of loved ones. And Natalie has all this. She is not only a popular singer, but also a happy woman.

Children and pregnancy Natalie (singer). Gave birth to a third child

Natalie’s children are her pride, because she became a mother at a very high cost. She repeatedly failed to give birth, so now that the singer has become the mother of two charming sons, she believes that she succeeded thanks to her prayers to God, the belief that something like this would happen. Perhaps this is not the end yet, Natasha is still planning to give birth to a daughter, but time will tell. Not long ago Natalie was pregnant.

And time really showed, because singer Natalie gave birth to her third child in April 2017. It turned out to be a boy, and although Natalie desperately wanted a girl, she admitted that she felt like the happiest mother and woman on the planet.

Natalie's son (singer) - Arseny

Natasha and Alexander waited for their first child for nine whole years. Therefore, when he was born, it was a real event for them. It happened in 2001, the long-awaited heir was born. Today he is already a fairly old young man who is finishing school.

It is not yet known what he wants to devote his life to, whether he is going to follow in the footsteps of his mother. In any case, all paths to the stage are open for him, but Natasha believes that her son must choose his own path. She will support him in all his endeavors. Natalie's son (singer) Arseny shows great promise, but life will tell exactly how it will be.

Natalie's son (singer) - Anatoly

Natalie's son Anatoly became the second child in the family. He was born in 2010 and now goes to school. It’s too early for him to talk about the future, and his parents want to pamper the boy more than educate him.

Therefore, little Arseny today goes to a special school, receives gifts from his parents, and enjoys life. He grows up as a healthy and strong boy, follows the example of his parents, tries to do everything well and correctly.

Natalie's common-law husband (singer) - Alexander Rudin

Natalie's common-law husband, Alexander Rudin, became her first and only love. They have been together for more than twenty years, but they love each other like for the first time. They met at a young age, immediately felt attracted to each other, the result of this story was their trip to the registry office.

Natalie's common-law husband (singer) - Alexander Rudin photo

And although the husband is not distinguished by “stardom,” he, in fact, ordinary person, but for his wife he is the best and most beautiful. “Oh God, what a man” was most likely dedicated to this very thing wonderful person.

Looking at the singer Natalie, you simply freeze with delight. She looks great, much younger than her age. The question arises: “Does the singer undergo plastic surgery?” The fact is that Natalie herself does not hide the fact that she sometimes turns to plastic surgeons.

But he does it without fanaticism, without going too far. Therefore, if you look at photos of Natalie before and after plastic surgery, you most likely won’t see much change. But, however, Natalie doesn’t need them, she is beautiful in any image and age. For her, the main decoration is a sincere smile and eyes always glowing with happiness.

Instagram and Wikipedia Natalie (singer)

For those who have just begun to become interested in the work and life of singer Natalie, a Wikipedia page is provided ( It contains general facts and information for initial reference. You can also always get closer to Natalie’s life thanks to her personal pages on social networks. Natalie actively maintains her page on Instagram (, you can find her on Vkontakte. Posts photos from life, family photos, shares plans for the future, including creative directions. Instagram and Wikipedia Natalie (singer) will allow you to find what you need without much searching.

No one will say exactly how Natalie will act next; all this will become known in the future. The only thing we can say with certainty is that this bright woman won’t stop there, so most likely we’ll hear from her again new hit, which will captivate a million listeners, making them forget about everything in the world.

Natalie is a famous Russian pop singer. Now, it is probably difficult to find at least one individual who does not know or has not heard about this artist. Natalie is both a performer, a composer, and a writer of poetry. She captivated thousands of fans, and not only using her singing talents. Despite her no longer young age, Natalie looks great. The girl has a certain zest that catches the eye. You always want to watch her, her behavior on stage, how she moves. The artist is very attractive, smiles a lot and is open to the world. Her look is good-natured and predisposes to trust. Natalie has incredible charm. Her voice captivates many. There is no need to be surprised that the singer Natalie has a huge number of fans who admire her and admire her work.

Natalie's real name is Natalya Rudenko (before Minyaev's marriage). For the first time her name was heard after the performance of the hit “The Wind Blowed from the Sea.” This work has become the favorite song of many listeners. The light tune and repeated words of the hit sounded in literally every home.

Thanks to her chic appearance, Natalie has won the hearts of a million men who cannot be taken away from their TV screens when her performances are on.

Natalie is a successful woman, in addition to being a caring mother of three children. It’s always interesting to watch the artist, which is why many people are interested in the biography of the singer Natalie.

Height, weight, age. How old is Natalie (singer)

Natalie is gifted with a good figure and dresses with taste. Therefore, looking at her, you get the impression that you see a very young girl who is not subject to temporary changes. Many admirers of Natalie’s work are interested in her external data, such as height, weight, age. How old is Natalie (singer) - a frequently asked question. Few will believe that the heroine will celebrate her 45th birthday this year. It looks great and brews.

The height of the singer Natalie is 165 centimeters. Her weight is about 58 kilograms. Natalie is in excellent physical shape.

Artist according to the horoscope Aries. Perhaps this is why her character contains notes of determination, stubbornness, perseverance and self-confidence. Along with these qualities, Natalie is a very friendly and open person.

Biography of Natalie (singer)

The biography of Natalie (singer) arouses genuine interest among many. And not only among admirers of her work. The artist was born on March 31, 1974 in the town of Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region. Her family was no different from their peers. Parents were workers at the Plexiglas chemical plant. Father - Anatoly Nikolaevich, held a leadership position, replacing the chief power engineer of the plant. Mother - Lyudmila Pavlovna, worked in the laboratory. There are three younger generations in the family; Natalie also has twin relatives, a brother and sister, Anton and Olesya.

Natalie studied in an ordinary Soviet school. My school years were filled with a lot of positive impressions. Natalie never sat still, she always wanted to be in the thick of things. She was noticeably different from her classmates, she was an activist, and took the lead in almost most festive events (concerts, theaters, KVNs, hikes, etc.).

At school, young Natalie was fond of writing poems and songs dedicated to everyone around her. real people- students and teachers. Her passion for music manifested itself very early, and she tried in every possible way to develop her musical abilities. So, the artist studied piano and successfully graduated from music school.

Having received a secondary education, Natalie decides to devote herself to pedagogy and enters the Pedagogical School, after graduating from which she returns to the walls of her school, accepting the path of a teacher. Throughout this time, music continues to occupy the future star.

A little later, the young girl was called as a vocalist in the young group “Chocolate Bar”. That's how it began music career. Here she immediately becomes the author and performer of several songs. A little later, Natalie moved to another, more popular group with the ambitious name “Pop Galaxy”.

Natalie has overcome more than one obstacle in her quest to achieve success. It is absolutely not easy to conduct your activities in such a way as to become noticeable to the right people. But Natalie succeeded; after she moved to the capital in 1994, producer Valery Ivanov almost immediately began to take a closer look at her. Here, Natalie’s husband Alexander Rudin was not the last spoke in the chariot; it was he who shared the recordings of the aspiring singer with his acquaintance. Valery Ivanov approved of her musical creations and decided to “promote” her.

At the very beginning, Natalie’s songs were distributed rather poorly, but sales were at the same level. Next came the single “Pink Dawn”, which moved the singer one step closer to her dream. A year later, the collection “Snow Rose” was published and the first filmed video appeared. So far, the young artist has not received any invitations to concerts, so sometimes Natalie was forced to remain performing at small private events, mostly as an opening act.

Already in 1998, the hit “The Wind Blew from the Sea” was released, as well as the record of the same name. And this led to incredible success. As they say, Natalie woke up famous. Throughout our entire territory there is not a single living soul who does not have the lyrics and melody of a song stuck in his head. They sounded everywhere. Then there were new songs, big concerts.

Natalie's collaboration with her first producer came to an end in 2002. But at the same time, several more albums appear, which, on the general wave of popularity, are received very warmly by the audience.

In 2012, another masterpiece, “Oh God, What a Man,” stood out; its release was followed by another, even more stormy wave of glorification of the artist. The fact that Natalie unexpectedly became a nominee for the “Comeback of the Year” and “Sometimes They Come Back” awards speaks for itself. She was 38 years old then. Many people started talking about her, she gained many admirers among the younger generation.

In 2013, the hit “Nikolai” was performed with Nikolai Baskov. Soon the woman becomes the winner of the “Best Video Clip” award from the RU.TV channel. The joint composition with rapper Dzhigan achieved enormous success. The song “You Are Like That” also gained incredible popularity.

In 2014, Natalie appeared in the music and entertainment show “Just the Same.” Then she accepted a bold invitation to the “Battle of Psychics.” The Rossiya-1 channel also expressed a desire to see the singer, who had once again gained momentum in popularity, on air, inviting her to host the program “People Will Judge.” The pop diva also worked in voice acting; in the cartoon “Puzzle,” Joy speaks in her voice. In 2016, in honor of the birthday of the head of state, Natalie presented the song “Volodya”.

In general, during my career talented singer released 13 studio album, more than two dozen singles and four collections.

Now Natalie does not stop, delighting her fans with new achievements in music. She can often be seen at free concerts as part of federal-level events.

Personal life of Natalie (singer)

Thanks to her irresistible appearance, Natalie was never deprived of the attention of men. Many people liked her. The personal life of Natalie (the singer) originates from the very young age of the heroine. While still a seventeen-year-old girl, she married for love. But not everything was as simple and easy as it seemed.

Natalie had several miscarriages in a row. It was endlessly difficult for her to get rid of her depressed state. But Natalie showed strength and determination here. She continued to study musical creativity. And after several years of marriage, fate rewarded the singer with a son. The first boy was awarded the name Arseny. Later, a second son, Anatoly, was born, and after a short time, a third. Natalie is sure that she was able to give the world three whole children for a reason, that her prayers were still answered.

Natalie's family (singer)

Natalie's parents were not objectively connected with music. They worked at a chemical plant. But both father and mother supported their daughter in every possible way in any endeavor. From the very beginning they predicted for their daughter great success. Natalie remembers her childhood years with special tenderness and thanks her parents for their good upbringing, positive attitude and home comfort.

Now Natalie’s (singer) family is large and happy. The woman proves herself not only as an artist, but also as a beloved wife and caring mother. She has a beloved husband, as well as three wonderful sons. They have been living together with the chosen one of their youth for more than 22 years. Natalie showed by her example that it is possible to choose a lifelong partner at a young age and not make a mistake. Main in family relationships believes mutual support, trust and love.

Children and pregnancy Natalie (singer). Gave birth to a third child

Children are a rather sensitive topic for singer Natalie. To experience the role of a happy mother, she was forced to overcome many difficulties. It is known that before the birth of her first son, Natalie had several miscarriages. The artist was very worried about this and almost fell into depression. But faith in God helped her cope, gave her strength. She did not waste time on prayers in vain, her efforts were rewarded. In 2001, the young artist gave birth to her first child.

Nine years later, Natalie made her husband happy again - her second son was born. Now Natalie and her husband dreamed of a daughter. The singer herself did not show off her family, she was afraid of the evil eye. The topic of children and pregnancy of Natalie (singer) remained closed. Did the singer give birth to her third child or not? - a frequent request on the network. Many were worried about her health. A little later it became known that in April 2017, Natalie (singer) felt the joy of motherhood for the third time. And although it turned out to be a boy again, the young parents are again very happy.

Natalie's son (singer) - Arseny

Natalie's son (singer) - Arseny, first long-awaited child artists. The boy was born in 2001. For a long time, the singer hid her son from journalists’ cameras, she was afraid of the evil eye. After all, as mentioned above, before this Natalie could not bring her pregnancy to birth for a long time, she had miscarriages several times. But, fortunately, this did not break the artist. Faith in God and prayers helped her cope with difficulties and overcome all obstacles.

On at the moment the first heir, Arseny, became a fully grown, mature guy. It is not yet known whether he will work in the same field as his mother. But in any case, Natalie and her husband will support and approve of any undertaking of the boy. The choice is up to the young man.

Natalie's son (singer) Anatoly

Natalie's son (singer) is Anatoly, he had the role of the second child and the middle of the brothers. The boy is 9 years younger than his brother Arseny. He was born in 2010. Tolya's future has not yet been determined. His parents try to pamper him, give him good gifts. Nevertheless, the boy grows up polite, well-mannered and generous.

Anatoly studies in a special school. The guy grows up as a living example of his parents.

Already the year before last, Natalie and her husband acquired another offspring. His parents named him Evgeniy, thereby breaking the tradition of calling all male representatives with names beginning with the letter “A”.

It should also be noted that Natalie is now not hiding her children from journalists. There are many on the net family photo, and you can also find footage from the maternity hospital.

Natalie and Alexander are happy in their long-term family union. Popular singer always finds the opportunity to spend time with her family.

Natalie's common-law husband (singer) - Alexander Rudin

Natalie's common-law husband (singer) - Alexander Rudin - first and only love artists. Alexander swarmed in 1970. Their acquaintance took place school years. Natalie performed at a rock concert for the first time when Alexander Rudin approached her after the performance and offered to record songs.

Natalie and Alexander Rudin immediately felt an attraction. Later this developed into a visit to the registry office. This fateful decision was carried out in 1991, a difficult year for the country. In those years, the artist was not yet an adult, and in order for the marriage to be registered, the parents collected a pile of documents confirming their daughter’s pregnancy.

Alexander Rudin is the most ordinary person. The husband, however, provided great assistance to Natalie’s development as a singer. It’s interesting that at the beginning of her career, Natalie did her best to disguise the fact that she was married. This was necessary for the good promotion of the young artist.

The couple moved to Moscow together and began to conquer the capital. Alexander Rudin strongly supported the aspiring artist. It was he who took the cassette with recordings of the singer’s first attempts to her first producer, Valery Ivanov.

The couple had difficulty having children for many years. But in 2001, fate gave them the desired first-born - son Arseny. After 9 years, the family was replenished with another boy - Anatoly. Singer Natalie and Alexander Rudin wanted to “dilute” the boy group with at least one girl. In 2016, Natalie became pregnant again. But April 2017 was marked by the birth of little man. It was customary to call him Evgeniy. And although it turned out not to be a daughter, as the couple dreamed, Natalie and Alexander Rudin are overwhelmed with happiness - they will again experience the role of young parents. Now they live as a big happy family. They are very proud of their children and continue to dream of a daughter.

Natalie and Alexander Rudin have been married for more than 25 years, but everyone still has passionate feelings for each other.

Natalie authoritatively declares that this is the most best man in her life. She is grateful to fate and God for her beloved husband, caring father and just a real man. Perhaps the masterpiece “Oh God, what a man” was written exactly for Alexander Rudin.

Photo of Natalie (singer) before and after plastic surgery

Singer Natalie has always amazed with her beauty. And in her middle age, she amazes fans with her charming appearance. Looking at her now, you are amazed at her beauty. One involuntarily asks: “Did Natalie do plastic surgery?. She did make some adjustments to her appearance.

The artist herself is not ashamed of the circumstances that sometimes she still resorts to the help of surgeons for her appearance. But one cannot say that she is passionate about this to the point of fanaticism. In Andrei Malakhov’s program “Let Them Talk,” Natalie said that her breasts were done by professionals, since after giving birth they naturally lost their attractiveness and elasticity. Her lips are also slightly inflated with Botox. There are many photos of Natalie (singer) before and after plastic surgery on the Internet, but you won’t find any obvious changes there. The artist believes that all edits and changes should be in moderation.

Instagram and Wikipedia Natalie (singer)

After a slight decline in popularity, Natalie does not hide any areas of her life from her admirers. Thus, there is Instagram and Wikipedia Natalie (singer). It's easy to find out about latest events from the life of a popular artist.

Natalie actively updates her Instagram page. He often posts new posts, pampering fans with revelations from privacy, publishes videos of concerts, etc. Millions of admirers of her work are subscribed to her account.

Presented on Wikipedia detailed information about the singer’s life and work. Here you can get acquainted with the main points of her biography, her creative way. The information is reliable and accessible to every Internet user.