Short tales of foreign writers. French folk tales

Ch. Perrault "Puss in Boots"

One miller, dying, left his three sons a mill, a donkey and a cat. The brothers divided the inheritance themselves and did not go to court: the greedy judges would take away the last.

The eldest received a mill, the middle one received a donkey, and the youngest received a cat.

For a long time, the younger brother could not console himself - he inherited a pitiful inheritance.

“Good for the brothers,” he said. “They will live together and earn an honest living.” What about me? Well, I’ll eat the cat, well, I’ll sew mittens from its skin. What next? Die of hunger?

The Cat pretended as if he had not heard anything, and important look said to the owner:

- Stop grieving. It would be better if you gave me a bag and a pair of boots to walk in the bushes and swamps in, and then we’ll see if you’ve been deprived as much as you think.

The owner didn’t believe him at first, but remembered what tricks the Cat comes up with when he catches mice and rats: he hangs upside down on his paws and buries himself in flour. Maybe such a scoundrel will really help out the owner. So he gave the Cat everything he asked for.

The cat dashingly pulled on his boots, threw the bag over his shoulders and went into the bushes where the rabbits were. He put hare cabbage in a bag, pretended to be dead, lay there and wait. Not all rabbits know what tricks there are in the world. Someone will climb into the bag to eat.

No sooner had the Cat stretched out on the ground than his wish came true. The trusting little rabbit climbed into the bag, the Cat pulled the strings, and the trap slammed shut.

Proud of his prey, the Cat walked straight into the palace and asked to be taken to the king himself.

Entering the royal chambers, the Cat bowed low and said:

- Sovereign! The Marquis of Karabas (the Cat came up with this name for the owner) ordered me to present this rabbit to Your Majesty.

“Thank your master,” replied the king, “and tell me that his gift is to my taste.”

Another time, the Cat hid in a field of wheat, opened the bag, waited for two partridges to come in, pulled the strings and caught them. He again brought the booty to the palace. The king happily accepted the partridges and ordered wine to be poured for the Cat.

For two or three whole months, the Cat did nothing but bring gifts to the king from the Marquis of Carabas.

One day the Cat heard that the king was going for a walk along the river bank and was taking with him his daughter, the most beautiful princess in the world.

“Well,” the Cat said to the owner, “if you want to be happy, listen to me.” Swim where I tell you. The rest is my concern.

The owner listened to the Cat, although he did not know what would come of it. He calmly climbed into the water, and the Cat waited until the king came closer and shouted:

- Save me! Help! Ah, Marquis Karabas! He'll drown now!

The king heard his cry, looked out of the carriage, recognized the very Cat who brought him tasty game, and ordered the servants to rush as fast as they could to help the Marquis of Karabas.

The poor marquis was still being pulled out of the water, and the Cat, having approached the carriage, had already managed to tell the king how thieves came and stole all his owner’s clothes while he was swimming, and how he, the Cat, screamed at them with all his might and called for help . (In fact, the clothes were not visible: the rascal hid them under a large stone.)

The king ordered his courtiers to take out the best royal outfits and present them with a bow to the Marquis of Karabas.

As soon as the miller's son put on beautiful clothes, the king's daughter immediately liked him. The young man liked her too. He never thought that there were such beautiful princesses in the world.

In short, the young people fell in love with each other at first sight.

To this day, no one knows whether the king noticed this or not, but he immediately invited the Marquis of Carabas to get into the carriage and ride together.

The cat was glad that everything was going as he wanted, overtook the carriage, saw the peasants mowing hay, and said:

- Hey, well done mowers! Either you tell the king that this meadow belongs to the Marquis of Carabas, or every last one of you will be cut into pieces and turned into cutlets!

The king actually asked whose meadow this was.

- Marquise of Karabas! - trembling with fear, the peasants answered.

“You have inherited a wonderful inheritance,” the king said to the marquis.

“As you can see, Your Majesty,” answered the Marquis of Karabas. “If only you knew how much hay is cut from this meadow every year.”

And the Cat kept running ahead. He met the reapers and said to them:

- Hey, well done reapers! Either you will say that these fields belong to the Marquis of Karabas, or every single one of you will be cut into pieces and turned into cutlets!

The king, passing by, wanted to know whose fields these were.

- Marquise of Karabas! — the reapers answered in unison.

And the king, together with the marquis, rejoiced at the rich harvest.

So the Cat ran ahead of the carriage and taught everyone he met how to answer the king. The king did nothing but marvel at the wealth of the Marquis of Carabas.

Meanwhile, the Cat ran up to a beautiful castle where the Ogre lived, so rich that no one had ever seen. He was the real owner of the meadows and fields past which the king rode.

The cat has already managed to find out who this Ogre is and what he can do. He asked to be taken to the Ogre, bowed low to him and said that he could not pass by such a castle without meeting its famous owner.

The ogre received him with all the politeness that can be expected from an ogre, and invited the Cat to rest from the road.

“There are rumors,” said the Cat, “that you can turn into any animal, for example, a lion, an elephant...

- Rumors? - The Ogre grumbled. “I’ll take it and become a lion right before your eyes.”

The cat was so frightened when he saw the lion in front of him that he immediately found himself on the drainpipe, although climbing onto the roof in boots is not at all easy.

When the Ogre returned to his former form, the Cat came down from the roof and admitted how scared he was.

- Impossible? - the Ogre roared. - So look!

And at that same moment the Ogre seemed to fall through the ground, and a mouse ran across the floor. The cat himself didn’t notice how he grabbed it and ate it.

Meanwhile, the king arrived at the beautiful castle of the Ogre and wished to enter there.

The Cat heard a carriage thunder on the drawbridge, jumped out and said:

- You are welcome, Your Majesty, to the castle of the Marquis of Carabas!

“What, Mister Marquis,” exclaimed the king, “is the castle yours too?” What a yard, what buildings! There is probably no more beautiful castle in the world! Let's go there, please.

The Marquis gave his hand to the young princess, following the king they entered the huge hall and found a magnificent dinner on the table. The Ogre prepared it for his friends. But when they learned that the king was in the castle, they were afraid to come to the table.

The king admired the Marquis himself and his extraordinary wealth so much that after five, or maybe six glasses of excellent wine, he said:

- That's it, Mister Marquis. It depends only on you whether you marry my daughter or not.

The Marquis was delighted by these words even more than by the unexpected wealth, thanked the king for the great honor and, of course, agreed to marry the most beautiful princess in the world.

The wedding was celebrated on the same day.

After this, the Cat became a very important gentleman and catches mice only for fun.

Brothers Grimm "The Thrush King"

There was a king who had a daughter; she was extraordinarily beautiful, but at the same time so proud and arrogant that none of the suitors seemed good enough for her. She refused one after another and, moreover, laughed at each one.

One day the king ordered a big feast and called suitors from everywhere, from near and far, who would like to woo her. They placed them all in a row in order, according to rank and title; in front stood the kings, then the dukes, princes, counts and barons, and finally the nobles.

And they led the princess through the rows, but in each of the suitors she found some kind of flaw. One was too fat. “Yes, this one is like a wine barrel!” - she said. The other one was too long. “Long, too thin, and doesn’t have a stately gait!” - she said. The third one was too short. “Well, what luck is there in him if he’s small and fat to boot?” The fourth one was too pale. "This one looks like death." The fifth one was too rosy. “It’s just some kind of turkey!” The sixth one was too young. “This one is young and painfully green; like a damp tree, it will not catch fire.”

And so she found in everyone something to find fault with, but she especially laughed at one good king, who was taller than the others and whose chin was a little crooked.

“Wow,” she said and laughed, “he’s got a chin like a thrush’s beak!” - And from then on they called him Drozdovik.

When the old king saw that his daughter knew only one thing, that she mocked people and refused all the gathered suitors, he became angry and swore that she would have to take as her husband the first beggar she met that knocked on his door.

A few days later, a musician appeared and began to sing under the window to earn alms for himself. The king heard this and said:

- Let him go upstairs.

The musician entered in his dirty, tattered clothes and began to sing a song in front of the king and his daughter; and when he finished, he asked for alms.

The king said:

- I liked your singing so much that I will give you my daughter as a wife.

The princess was frightened, but the king said:

“I swore an oath to marry you to the first beggar I came across, and I must keep my oath.”

And no persuasion helped; they called the priest, and she had to immediately marry the musician. When this was done, the king said:

“Now, as a beggar’s wife, it is not appropriate for you to stay in my castle; you can go with your husband anywhere you want.”

The beggar led her by the hand out of the castle, and she had to walk with him. They came to dense forest, and she asks:

—Whose forests and meadows are these?

- This is all about King Thrush.

- Oh, what a pity that you can’t

I need to return Drozdovik!

They walked through the fields, and she asked again:

- Whose fields and river are these?

- This is all about King Thrush!

If I hadn’t driven him away, then everything would have been yours.

- Oh, what a pity that you can’t

I need to return Drozdovik!

They then walked along big city, and she asked again:

- Whose beautiful city is this?

—- He has been the Thrush King for a long time.

If I hadn’t driven him away, everything would have been yours then.

- Oh, what a pity that you can’t

I need to return Drozdovik!

“I don’t like it at all,” said the musician, “that you keep wanting someone else to be your husband: aren’t I dear to you?”

They finally approached a small hut, and she said:

- My God, what a little house!

Why is he so bad?

And the musician replied:

- This is my house and yours, we will live here with you together.

And she had to bend down to enter the low door.

-Where are the servants? - asked the princess.

-What kind of servants are they? - answered the beggar. “You have to do everything yourself if you want anything done.” Come on, quickly light the stove and put on the water so I can cook dinner, I’m very tired.

But the princess did not know how to light a fire and cook, and the beggar had to get to work himself; and things worked out somehow. They ate something from hand to mouth and went to bed.

But as soon as it began to get light, he kicked her out of bed, and she had to do her homework. They lived like this for several days, neither bad nor good, and ate all their supplies. Then the husband says:

- Wife, nothing will work out for us this way, we eat, but don’t earn anything. Let's start weaving baskets.

He went and cut willow twigs, brought them home, and she began to weave, but the hard twigs wounded her tender hands.

“I see this won’t work out for you,” said the husband, “you’d better grab the yarn, perhaps you can handle it.”

She sat down and tried to spin yarn; but the rough threads cut into her tender fingers, and blood flowed from them.

“You see,” said the husband, “you are not fit for any work, I will have a hard time with you.” I'll try to get into the pot and pottery trade. You will have to go to the market and sell goods.

“Oh,” she thought, “why, people from our kingdom will come to the market and see me sitting and selling pots, then they will laugh at me!”

But what was to be done? She had to obey, otherwise they would have to starve.

The first time things went well - people bought goods from her because she was beautiful, and paid her what she asked for; even many paid her money and left the pots for her. This is how they lived on it.

My husband again bought a lot of new clay pots. She sat down with the pots on the corner of the market, placed the goods around her and began to trade. But suddenly a drunken hussar galloped up, ran straight into the pots - and only shards remained of them. She began to cry and out of fear did not know what to do now.

- Oh, what will happen to me for this! - she exclaimed. - What will my husband tell me?

And she ran home and told him about her grief.

- Who sits on the corner of the market with pottery? - said the husband. - Stop crying; I see you are not fit for a decent job. Just now I was in our king’s castle and asked if a scullery maid would be needed there, and they promised to hire you; there they will feed you for it.

And the queen became a dishwasher, she had to help the cook and do the most menial work. She tied two bowls to her bag and brought home in them what she got from the scraps - that’s what they ate.

It happened that at that time the wedding of the eldest prince was to be celebrated, and so the poor woman went upstairs to the castle and stood at the door to the hall to take a look. So the candles were lit, and the guests entered, one more beautiful than the other, and everything was full of pomp and splendor. And she thought with sorrow in her heart about her evil lot and began to curse her pride and arrogance, which had humiliated her so much and plunged her into great poverty. She heard the smell of expensive dishes that the servants brought in and took out from the hall, and they sometimes threw some of the leftovers to her, she put them in her bowl, intending to take it all home later.

Suddenly the prince came in, he was dressed in velvet and silk, and he had gold chains around his neck. Seeing at the door beautiful woman, he grabbed her hand and wanted to dance with her; but she got scared and began to refuse - she recognized him as King Thrush, who had wooed her and whom she mockingly refused. But no matter how she resisted, he still dragged her into the hall; and suddenly the ribbon on which her bag was hanging broke, and bowls fell out of it onto the floor and soup spilled.

When the guests saw this, they all began to laugh and make fun of her, and she was so ashamed that she was ready to sink into the ground. She rushed to the door and wanted to run away, but a man caught up with her on the stairs and brought her back. She looked at him, and it was King Thrush. He said to her affectionately:

- Don’t be afraid, because I and the musician with whom you lived in a poor hut are one and the same. It was I, out of love for you, who pretended to be a musician; and the hussar who broke all your pots was me too. I did all this to break your pride and punish you for your arrogance when you laughed at me.

She cried bitterly and said:

“I was so unfair that I am unworthy to be your wife.”

But he told her:

- Calm down, the difficult days are over, and now we will celebrate our wedding.

And the king's maids appeared and put on her fluffy dresses; and her father came, and with him the whole courtyard; they wished her happiness in her marriage to King Thrush; and the real joy has only now begun.

And I would like you and I to visit there too.

H. K. Andersen “Flint”

A soldier was walking along the road: one-two! one-two! A satchel behind his back, a saber at his side. He was on his way home from the war. And suddenly he met a witch on the road. The witch was old and scary. Lower lip her chest sagged all the way down.

- Hello, serviceman! - said the witch. - What a nice saber and big backpack you have! What a brave soldier! And now you will have plenty of money.

“Thank you, old witch,” said the soldier.

- You see that big tree? - said the witch. - It's empty inside. Climb the tree, there's a hollow up there. Climb into this hollow and go down to the very bottom. And I will tie a rope around your waist and pull you back as soon as you scream.

- Why should I climb into this hollow? - asked the soldier.

“For money,” said the witch, “this is not a simple tree.” When you go down to the very bottom, you will see a long underground passage. It’s very light there—hundreds of lamps burn day and night. Walk, without turning, along the underground passage. And when you reach the end, there will be three doors right in front of you. There is a key in every door. Turn it and the door will open. In the first room there is a large chest. A dog is sitting on the chest. This dog's eyes are like two tea saucers. But don't be afraid. I'll give you my blue checkered apron, spread it on the floor and feel free to grab the dog. If you grab it, quickly put it on my apron. Well, then open the chest and take as much money from it as you want. Yes, only this chest contains only copper money. And if you want silver, go to the second room. And there is a chest there. And on that chest sits a dog. Her eyes are like your mill wheels. Just don’t be scared - grab her and put her on the apron, and then take the silver money for yourself. Well, if you want gold, go to the third room. In the middle of the third room there is a chest filled to the top with gold. This chest is guarded by the most large dog. Each eye is the size of a tower. If you manage to put her on my apron, you will be lucky: the dog will not touch you. Then take as much gold as your heart desires!

“This is all very good,” said the soldier. - But what will you take from me for this, old witch? After all, you need something from me.

- I won’t take a penny from you! - said the witch. - Just bring me the old flint, which my grandmother forgot down there when she climbed there last time.

- Okay, tie a rope around me! - said the soldier.

- Ready! - said the witch. “Here’s my checkered apron for you.”

And the soldier climbed the tree. He found a hollow and went down it to the very bottom. As the witch said, this is how it all turned out: the soldier looks - there is an underground passage in front of him. And it’s as bright as day there—hundreds of lamps are burning. The soldier walked through this dungeon. He walked and walked and reached the very end. There is nowhere to go further. The soldier sees three doors in front of him. And the keys are sticking out in the doors.

The soldier opened the first door and entered the room. There is a chest in the middle of the room, and a dog is sitting on the chest. Her eyes are like two tea saucers. The dog looks at the soldier and turns his eyes in different directions.

- What a monster! - said the soldier, grabbed the dog and instantly put it on the witch’s apron.

Then the dog calmed down, and the soldier opened the chest and let’s take the money out of there. He filled his pockets full of copper money, closed the chest and again put the dog on it, and he went into another room.

The witch told the truth - and in this room there was a dog sitting on a chest. Her eyes were like mill wheels.

- Well, why are you staring at me? Don't let your eyes pop out! - said the soldier, grabbed the dog and put him on the witch’s apron, and he quickly went to the chest.

The chest is full of silver. The soldier threw the copper money out of his pockets and filled both pockets and his backpack with silver. Then the soldier entered the third room.

He walked in and his mouth dropped open. What miracles! In the middle of the room stood a golden chest, and on the chest sat a real monster. The eyes are like two towers. They spun like the wheels of the fastest carriage.

- I wish you good health! - said the soldier and lifted his visor. He had never seen such a dog before.

However, he didn’t look for long. He grabbed the dog, put it on the witch’s apron, and opened the chest. Fathers, how much gold there was here! With this gold one could buy the entire capital city, all the toys, all the tin soldiers, all the wooden horses and all the gingerbread cookies in the world. There would be enough for everything.

Here the soldier threw silver money out of his pockets and backpack and began to rake gold out of the chest with both hands. He filled his pockets with gold, his satchel, his hat, his boots. I collected so much gold that I could barely move from my spot!

Now he was rich!

He put the dog on the chest, slammed the door and shouted:

- Hey, take me upstairs, old witch!

-Did you take my flint? - asked the witch.

- Oh, damn it, you completely forgot about your flint! - said the soldier.

He went back, found the witch's flint and put it in his pocket.

- Well, take it! I found your flint! - he shouted to the witch.

The witch pulled the rope and pulled the soldier up. And the soldier found himself again on the high road.

“Well, give me the flint,” said the witch.

- What do you need this flint and steel for, witch? - asked the soldier.

- It’s none of your business! - said the witch. - You got the money, right? Give me the flint!

- Well, no! - said the soldier. “Tell me now why you need the flint, otherwise I’ll pull out my saber and cut off your head.”

- I won’t tell! - answered the witch.

Then the soldier grabbed a saber and cut off the witch's head. The witch fell to the ground - and then she died. And the soldier tied all his money into a witch's checkered apron, put the bundle on his back and went straight to the city.

The city was large and rich. The soldier went to the largest hotel, hired himself the best rooms and ordered all his favorite dishes to be served - after all, he was now a rich man.

The servant who cleaned his boots was surprised that such a rich gentleman had such bad boots, since the soldier had not yet had time to buy new ones. But the next day he bought himself the most beautiful clothes, a hat with a feather and boots with spurs.

Now the soldier has become a real master. They told him about all the miracles that had happened in this city. They also told about the king who had beautiful daughter princess.

- How can I see this princess? - asked the soldier.

“Well, it’s not that simple,” they told him. — The princess lives in a large copper castle, and around the castle there are high walls and stone towers. No one except the king himself dares to enter or leave there, because the king was predicted that his daughter was destined to become the wife of a common soldier. And the king, of course, doesn’t really want to become related to a simple soldier. So he keeps the princess locked up.

The soldier regretted that he could not look at the princess, but, however, he did not grieve for a long time. And he lived happily without the princess: he went to the theater, walked in the royal garden and distributed money to the poor. He himself experienced how bad it is to be penniless.

Well, since the soldier was rich, lived cheerfully and dressed beautifully, then he had a lot of friends. Everyone called him a nice fellow, a real gentleman, and he really liked that.

So the soldier spent and spent money and one day he sees that he only has two money left in his pocket. And the soldier had to move from good places into a cramped closet under the very roof. He remembered old times: He began to clean his boots himself and sew up the holes in them. None of his friends visited him anymore - it was too high to climb to him now.

One evening a soldier was sitting in his closet. It was already completely dark, and he didn’t even have money for a candle. Then he remembered the witch's flint. The soldier took out a flint and began to strike fire. As soon as he hit the flint, the door swung open and a dog with eyes like tea saucers ran in.

It was the same dog that the soldier saw in the first room of the dungeon.

- What do you order, soldier? - asked the dog.

- That's the thing! - said the soldier. - It turns out that flint is not simple. Will it help me out of trouble?.. Get me some money! - he ordered the dog.

And as soon as he said it, the dogs disappeared. But before the soldier had time to count to two, the dog was right there, and in its teeth was a large bag full of copper money.

The soldier now understood what a wonderful flint he had. If you hit the flint once, a dog with eyes like tea saucers would appear, and if a soldier hit it twice, a dog with eyes like mill wheels would run towards him. He strikes three times, and the dog, with each eye as large as a tower, stands in front of him and awaits orders. The first dog brings him copper money, the second - silver, and the third - pure gold.

And so the soldier became rich again, moved to the best rooms, and again began to flaunt himself in an elegant dress.

Then all his friends again got into the habit of visiting him and fell in love with him very much.

One day it occurred to the soldier:

“Why don’t I go see the princess? Everyone says she is so beautiful. What's the point if she spends her life in a copper castle, behind high walls and towers? Come on, where’s my flint?”

And he struck the flint once. At the same moment a dog with eyes like saucers appeared.

- That's it, my dear! - said the soldier. - Now, however, it’s already night, but I want to look at the princess. Bring her here for a minute. Well, let's march!

The dog immediately ran away, and before the soldier had time to come to his senses, she appeared again, and on her back lay the sleeping princess.

The princess was wonderfully beautiful. At first glance it was clear that this was a real princess. Our soldier could not resist kissing her - that’s why he was a soldier, a real gentleman, from head to toe. Then the dog carried the princess back the same way she brought her.

Over morning tea, the princess told the king and queen that she had had an amazing dream at night: that she was riding on a dog and some soldier kissed her.

- That's the story! - said the queen.

Apparently, she didn’t really like this dream.

The next night, an old lady-in-waiting was assigned to the princess’s bedside and ordered to find out whether it was really a dream or something else.

And the soldier was again dying to see the beautiful princess.

And then at night, just like yesterday, a dog appeared in the copper castle, grabbed the princess and ran off with her at full speed. Then the old lady-in-waiting put on her waterproof boots and set off in pursuit. Seeing that the dog disappeared with the princess in one big house, the maid of honor thought: “Now we’ll find the young fellow!” And she drew a large cross with chalk on the gate of the house, and she calmly went home to sleep.

But in vain she calmed down: when the time came to carry the princess back, the dog saw a cross on the gate and immediately guessed what was going on. She took a piece of chalk and put crosses on all the gates of the city. This was cleverly thought out: now the maid of honor could not possibly find the right gate - after all, there were the same white crosses everywhere.

Early in the morning, the king and queen, the old lady-in-waiting and all the royal officers went to see where the princess rode her dog at night.

- That's where! - said the king, seeing the white cross on the first gate.

- No, that's where! - said the queen, seeing the cross on the other gate.

- And there is a cross there, and here! - said the officers.

And no matter which gate they looked at, there were white crosses everywhere. They didn't achieve any benefit.

But the queen was a smart woman, a jack of all trades, and not just riding around in carriages. She ordered the servants to bring her golden scissors and a piece of silk and sewed a beautiful little bag. She poured buckwheat into this bag and quietly tied it on the princess’s back. Then she poked a hole in the bag so that the cereal would gradually fall onto the road when the princess went to her soldier.

And then at night a dog appeared, put the princess on its back and carried it to the soldier. And the soldier had already fallen in love with the princess so much that he wanted to marry her with all his heart. And it would be nice to become a prince.

The dog ran quickly, and cereals fell out of the bag all along the road from the copper castle to the soldier’s house. But the dog didn't notice anything.

In the morning, the king and queen left the palace, looked at the road and immediately recognized where the princess had gone. The soldier was captured and put in prison.

The soldier sat behind bars for a long time. The prison was dark and boring. And then one day the guard said to the soldier:

- Tomorrow you will be hanged!

The soldier felt sad. He thought, thought about how to save himself from death, but could not come up with anything. After all, the soldier forgot his wonderful flint at home.

The next morning, the soldier walked up to the small window and began to look through the iron bars onto the street. Crowds of people flocked out of town to see how the soldier would be hanged. Drums beat and troops passed by. And then a boy, a shoemaker in a leather apron and shoes on his bare feet, ran past the prison itself. He was skipping along, and suddenly one shoe flew off his foot and hit right into the wall of the prison, near the grated window where the soldier was standing.

- Hey, young man, don’t rush! - the soldier shouted. “I’m still here, but things can’t get done there without me!” But if you run to my house and bring me some flint, I'll give you four silver coins. Well, it's alive!

The boy was not averse to receiving four silver coins and took off like an arrow for the flint, brought it instantly, gave it to the soldier and...

Listen to what came out of this.

A large gallows was built outside the city. There were troops and crowds of people around her. The king and queen sat on a magnificent throne. Opposite sat the judges and the entire State Council. And so the soldier was led onto the stairs, and the executioner was about to throw a noose around his neck. But then the soldier asked to wait a minute.

“I would really like,” he said, “to smoke a pipe of tobacco - after all, this will be the very last pipe in my life.”

And in this country there was such a custom: the last wish of a person sentenced to execution must be fulfilled. Of course, if it was a completely trivial desire.

Therefore, the king could not refuse the soldier. And the soldier put his pipe in his mouth, pulled out his flint and began to strike fire. He hit the flint once, hit it twice, hit it three times - and then three dogs appeared in front of him. One had eyes like tea saucers, another like mill wheels, and the third like towers.

- Come on, help me get rid of the noose! - the soldier told them.

Then all three dogs rushed at the judges and the State Council: they would grab this one by the legs, that one by the nose, and let’s throw them up so high that, falling to the ground, everyone was smashed to pieces.

- You don’t need me! I don't want! - the king shouted.

But the largest dog grabbed him and the queen and threw them both up. Then the army got scared, and the people began to shout:

- Long live the soldier! Be our king, soldier, and take a beautiful princess as your wife!

The soldier was put into the royal carriage and taken to the palace. Three dogs danced in front of the carriage and shouted “hurray.” The boys whistled and the troops saluted. The princess left the copper castle and became queen. Clearly, she was very pleased.

The wedding feast lasted a whole week. Three dogs were also sitting at the table, eating, drinking and rolling their huge eyes.

Old French fairy tales existed until the 17th century only in oral form. They were written for children ordinary people- nannies, cooks and just villagers. Such fantasies were not published as a genre of low literature.

The situation was changed by folk art texts recorded, processed and published by Charles Perrault. Heroes of folklore stepped into royal palace and castles of high society. Famous statesmen didn't shy away from writing fairy tales and even remembered them from their own servants. They developed a sincere interest in unusual stories and felt the educational power of fairy tales for their own children.

Main plots and characters

As in most countries, French folklore contains children's tales about animals, as well as magical and everyday ones. Many of them were published under the names of those who found and edited oral histories. So folk tales turned into literary copyrights.

Small works could be significantly expanded, some of them became softer and kinder. The thought of the inevitability of punishment in children's heads was replaced by the desire to do the right thing. Fairy tale acquired new facets of beauty and miracles.

Why did French fairy tales spread throughout the world?

Natural humor, artistry and bright characters of the main characters, an abundance of amazing adventures have given French fairy tales worldwide fame. The processing of folk art by educated writers improved the style of presentation and understanding of what was happening. Children from different parts of the world saw what wonderful storytellers were written in France and began to read them with pleasure.

Such works have also been published in Russian. This gives our little readers and listeners the opportunity to plunge headlong into the fantasy world of French magic.

Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875)

More than one generation of people has grown up with the works of the Danish writer, storyteller and playwright. From early childhood, Hans was a visionary and a dreamer, he adored puppet theaters and began writing poetry early. His father died when Hans was not even ten years old, the boy worked as an apprentice at a tailor, then at a cigarette factory, and at the age of 14 he was already playing minor roles V Royal Theater in Copenhagen. Andersen wrote his first play at the age of 15; it was a great success; in 1835, his first book of fairy tales was published, which many children and adults read with delight to this day. The most famous of his works are “Flint”, “Thumbelina”, “The Little Mermaid”, “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”, “ Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling", "The Princess and the Pea" and many others.

Charles Perrault (1628-1703)

The French writer-storyteller, critic and poet was an exemplary excellent student as a child. He received good education, made a career as a lawyer and writer, he was admitted to the French Academy, wrote a lot scientific works. He published his first book of fairy tales under a pseudonym - the name of his eldest son was indicated on the cover, since Perrault feared that his reputation as a storyteller could harm his career. In 1697, his collection “Tales of Mother Goose” was published, which brought Perrault world fame. Based on the plot of his fairy tales famous ballets And opera works. As for the most famous works, few people did not read in childhood about Puss in Boots, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Gingerbread House, Thumb, Bluebeard.

Sergeevich Pushkin (1799-1837)

Not only the poems and verses of the great poet and playwright enjoy the well-deserved love of people, but also wonderful fairy tales in verse.

Alexander Pushkin began writing his poetry back in early childhood, he received a good education at home, graduated from the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum (privileged educational institution), was friends with others famous poets, including the “Decembrists”. The poet’s life had both periods of ups and downs and tragic events: accusations of freethinking, misunderstanding and condemnation of the authorities, and finally, a fatal duel, as a result of which Pushkin received a mortal wound and died at the age of 38. But his legacy remains: the last fairy tale written by the poet was “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel.” Also known is “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, The Tale of dead princess and the Seven Bogatyrs”, “The Tale of the Priest and the Worker Balda”.

Brothers Grimm: Wilhelm (1786-1859), Jacob (1785-1863)

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm were inseparable from their youth until their gravestones: they were tied together common interests and general adventures. Wilhelm Grimm grew up as a sickly and weak boy; only in adulthood did his health more or less return to normal. Jacob always supported his brother. The Brothers Grimm were not only experts in German folklore, but also linguists, lawyers, and scientists. One brother chose the path of a philologist, studying ancient German literature, the other became a scientist. World fame It was fairy tales that were brought to the brothers, although some works are considered “not for children.” The most famous are “Snow White and Scarlet Flower”, “Straw, Coal and Bean”, “Bremenskie” street musicians", "The Brave Little Tailor", "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats", "Hansel and Gretel" and others.

Pavel Petrovich Bazhov (1879-1950)

The Russian writer and folklorist, who was the first to carry out literary adaptations of Ural legends, left us an invaluable legacy. He was born into a simple working-class family, but this did not stop him from finishing seminary and becoming a teacher of the Russian language. In 1918, he volunteered for the front, and when he returned, he decided to turn to journalism. Only on the author’s 60th birthday was the collection of short stories “The Malachite Box” published, which brought Bazhov people’s love. It is interesting that fairy tales are written in the form of legends: folk speech, folklore images make each piece special. The most famous fairy tales: « Copper Mountain hostess", " Silver hoof", "Malachite Box", "Two Lizards", "Golden Hair", "Stone Flower".

Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)

Famous writer, poet and reformer. Rudyard Kipling was born in Bombay (India), at the age of 6 he was brought to England; he later called those years “years of suffering”, because the people who raised him turned out to be cruel and indifferent. Future writer received his education, returned to India, and then went on a journey, visiting many countries in Asia and America. When the writer was 42 years old, he was awarded Nobel Prize– and to this day he remains the youngest writer laureate in his category. Kipling's most famous children's book is, of course, “The Jungle Book”, the main character of which is the boy Mowgli. It is also very interesting to read other fairy tales: “The cat that walks by itself”, “Where does a camel get its hump?”, “How the leopard got his spots,” they all tell about distant lands and are very interesting.

Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann (1776-1822)

Hoffmann was a very versatile and talented man: composer, artist, writer, storyteller. He was born in Koeningsberg, when he was 3 years old, his parents separated: his older brother left with his father, and Ernst stayed with his mother; Hoffmann never saw his brother again. Ernst was always a mischief-maker and a dreamer; he was often called a “troublemaker.” It’s interesting that there was a women’s boarding house next to the house where the Hoffmanns lived, and Ernst liked one of the girls so much that he even started digging a tunnel to get to know her. When the hole was almost ready, my uncle found out about it and ordered the passage to be filled up. Hoffmann always dreamed that after his death a memory of him would remain - and so it happened; his fairy tales are read to this day: the most famous are “The Golden Pot”, “The Nutcracker”, “Little Tsakhes, nicknamed Zinnober” and others.

Alan Milne (1882-1856)

Who among us does not know a funny bear with sawdust in his head - Winnie the Pooh and his funny friends? – the author of these funny tales and is Alan Milne. The writer spent his childhood in London, he was wonderful educated person, then served in the Royal Army. The first tales about the bear were written in 1926. Interestingly, Alan did not read his works to his own son Christopher, preferring to raise him on more serious literary stories. Christopher read his father's fairy tales as an adult. The books have been translated into 25 languages ​​and are very popular in many countries around the world. In addition to stories about Winnie the Pooh the fairy tales “Princess Nesmeyana”, “Ordinary Fairy Tale”, “Prince Rabbit” and others are known.

Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1882-1945)

Alexei Tolstoy wrote in many genres and styles, received the title of academician, and was a war correspondent during the war. As a child, Alexey lived on the Sosnovka farm in his stepfather's house (his mother left his father, Count Tolstoy, while pregnant). Tolstoy spent several years abroad studying literature and folklore different countries: this is how the idea arose to rewrite it in new way fairy tale "Pinocchio". In 1935, his book “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio” was published. Alexey Tolstoy also released 2 collections own fairy tales, called “Mermaid Tales” and “ Magpie Tales" The most famous “adult” works are “Walking in Torment”, “Aelita”, “Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin”.

Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasyev (1826-1871)

This is an outstanding folklorist and historian, who has been interested in folk art and explored it. He first worked as a journalist in the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at which time he began his research. Afanasyev is considered one of the most outstanding scientists of the 20th century, his collection of Russian folk tales is the only collection of Russian East Slavic tales that can be called “ folk book“, after all, more than one generation has grown up with them. The first publication dates back to 1855, since then the book has been reprinted several times.

Foreign fairy tales tell about miracles and amazing people, and also ridicule human vices. Good necessarily defeats evil, generosity and courage are rewarded according to their deserts, and nobility always triumphs over meanness. We present to your attention a list of foreign folk tales that will appeal to children of different ages.


The story "Ayoga" is named after a girl who became proud because everyone thought she was beautiful. She refused to go for water, and a neighbor girl went instead. She also got the pie that her mother baked. Out of resentment, Ayoga turned into a goose, which to this day flies and repeats its name so that no one confuses it with others.

Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves

The fairy tale "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves" tells the story of two brothers. One of them, Kasim, became rich after the death of his father. And the other one, Ali Baba, quickly squandered everything. But he was lucky, he found a robbers’ cave with treasures. Ali Baba took some goodness and left. When his brother found out about the treasure and went to the cave, he could not moderate his greed. As a result, Kasim died at the hands of robbers.

Aladdin's magic lamp

The work “Aladdin's Magic Lamp” tells the story of a poor young man and his adventures. One day Aladdin met a dervish who introduced himself as his uncle. In fact, he was a sorcerer who, with the help of a young man, tried to get magic lamp. As a result of long adventures, Aladdin managed to defeat the dervish and remain with his beloved princess.

Humpback Princess

The heroine of the work “The Brokeback Princess” once offended a hunchbacked beggar. As a result of the vicissitudes of fate, he became the husband of a princess. When she managed to get rid of her hated husband, the girl was left with a hump. The princess ends up in the castle of a prince in a golden cloak. As a result, she gets rid of the hump and becomes the prince's wife.

Jack and the Beanstalk

"Jack and the Beanstalk" is the story of a poor boy who lived with his mother. One day he traded a cow for magic beans. Climbing up the stalk that grew from the beans, Jack took the gold, the duck and the ogre's harp. The last time the giant tried to catch up with the boy, he cut down the stem and killed the cannibal. Then he married the princess and lived happily.

Pan Kotsky

The fairy tale “Pan Kotsky” tells about a cat whose owner took him to the forest when he grew old. There he was met by a fox. The cat called himself Pan Kotsky. Lisa invited him to become husband and wife. Red-haired cheat deceived the forest animals, who invited the couple to dinner, and by cunning made them afraid of the cat.

Why is the water in the sea salty?

The fairy tale “Why is the water in the sea salty” tells the story of two brothers. One day a poor man begged for meat from a rich man. He gave, but sent his brother to old Hiisi. As a reward for his courage, the poor man received a millstone that gives him everything he wants. Having learned this, the rich man begged the gift from his brother and did not want to give it back. While fishing, a millstone grinding salt did not stop and sank the boat.

Sinbad the Sailor

The fairy tale "Sinbad the Sailor" tells the story of amazing adventures hero. One of the three stories tells of an island that turns out to be a whale. The second tells about Sinbad's meeting with the roc bird and the amazing rescue of the sailor. In the third, the hero had to survive a skirmish with a cannibal giant.

Worn down shoes

“The Worn Down Shoes” is a fairy tale that tells the story of 12 princesses and their secret. No one was able to figure out why the shoes of the girls, who were closed in their bedchamber, were worn out the next morning. Those who tried and failed to solve the riddle were deprived of their heads. Only a poor soldier managed to find out the secret of the princesses and get one of them as his wife.

Three Little Pigs

From the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs,” children learn about the need to think through everything in advance. As the cold weather approached, one of the piglet brothers, Naf-Naf, built a strong stone house. But Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf built frail buildings that could not withstand the onslaught of the wolf. All three brothers are saved in the house of the prudent Naf-Naf.

Wonderful pearl

“The Wonderful Pearl” is a fairy tale about a poor girl, Ua. She worked for an elder who abused her. One day the girl was asked to save the daughter of the lord of the waters, which she did. As a reward, Ua received a magical pearl that grants wishes. A wonderful thing helped the girl get rid of poverty and live happily with her lover.

Why does a hare have long ears?

The hero of the fairy tale “Why does the hare long ears"- a small, timid animal. He overheard a conversation between a moose and his wife, when he was discussing who should give the antlers to. And he begged for the biggest horns for himself. And when a cone fell on his head, he was so scared that he got entangled in the bushes. He took the elk's antlers and gave the hare big ears because he loves to eavesdrop.

Three oranges

The tale “Three Oranges” is about how an old woman cursed the king’s son. According to her prophecy, as soon as he turned 21, the young man went to look for a tree with three oranges. He had to wander for a long time, but he found what he was looking for. Along with the oranges, the prince acquired a beautiful bride and married her.

Golden slipper

The fairy tale “The Golden Slipper” tells the story of two sisters Mugazo and Mukhalok. The first one was kind and obedient, but her stepmother did not love her. Mugazo had to experience a lot of troubles, because she turned into a turtle, a bird, and a persimmon. But thanks to the intercession of the goddess, the girl remained alive and married the king.

Two greedy bear cubs

"Two Greedy Little Bears" - cautionary tale for children. It tells about two cub brothers. One day they went on a trip together. When the cubs got hungry and found a wheel of cheese, they did not know how to share it. Because of their greed, they trusted the cunning fox, who deceived the cubs.

Jug of gold

The work “Jug of Gold” tells the story of a poor plowman who rented his land to his neighbor. When he was working in the field, he found a jug of gold. Unable to agree on who it belonged to, the plowmen turned to the king. However, instead of gold, he saw only snakes. Only the sages helped resolve such a controversial issue.

The Poor Man and the Wind Brothers

“The Poor Man and the Wind Brothers” is a fairy tale about two brothers: a poor man and a rich one. One was simple-minded, but had little good. The other is rich but greedy. One day the poor man had to turn to the winds, which left him without torment. They gave gifts to the man, but he was unable to save the gifts. The brother misappropriated them. But the winds helped the poor man not only return his goods, but also taught him to be smart.

How the Sun and Moon visited each other

“How the Sun and Moon visited each other” is a fairy tale about why the night luminary reflects light. When the Moon came to visit the Sun, she presented a star on a platter. Getting ready for a return visit, the King of Light ordered the tailor to sew a dress from clouds for a gift. But he refused, since the Moon constantly changes shape. Then the Sun allowed the night luminary to use its rays to dress up.


The fairy tale “The Peasant Burachok” is named after the main character. He was an ordinary plowman, but his ingenuity surpassed any sage. Having learned about this, the gentleman did not believe the people’s stories and decided to check the man. He called Burachok to his place and asked him riddles. But he used his ingenuity and proved that he was smarter than the master.

A pot of porridge

The fairy tale “A Pot of Porridge” tells about a kind girl. Having met an old woman in the forest, she treated her to berries, for which she received a magic pot. This miracle dish was filled delicious porridge, as soon as they were uttered the right words. When the girl was weaned, her mother used the potty, but did not know how to stop it. As a result, the porridge filled the entire city.

Once upon a time there lived alone happy family: father, mother and their only daughter, whom her parents loved very much. They lived carefree and joyfully for many years.

Unfortunately, one autumn, when the girl was sixteen years old, her mother became seriously ill and died a week later. A deep sadness reigned in the house.

Two years have passed. The girl's father met a widow who had two daughters, and soon married her.

From day one, the stepmother hated her stepdaughter.

Tales of Gianni Rodari - The Adventures of Cipollino

Cipollino was the son of Cipollone. And he had seven brothers: Cipolletto, Cipollotto, Cipolloccia, Cipolluccia and so on - the most suitable names for the honest onion family. They were good people, I must say frankly, but they were just unlucky in life.

What can you do: where there are onions, there are tears.

Cipollone, his wife and sons lived in a wooden shack slightly larger than a garden seedling box. If rich people happened to find themselves in these places, they wrinkled their noses with displeasure and grumbled: “Ugh, he’s carrying onions!” - and ordered the coachman to go faster.

One day, the ruler of the country himself, Prince Lemon, was going to visit the poor outskirts. The courtiers were terribly worried whether the onion smell would hit His Highness's nose.

What will the prince say when he smells this poverty?

You can spray the poor with perfume! - suggested the Senior Chamberlain.

Fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm - Snow White

It was winter. Snowflakes fell like fluff from the sky, and the queen sat by the window with a black frame and sewed. She looked at the snow and pricked her finger with a needle, and three drops of blood fell onto the snow. The red drops on the white snow looked so beautiful that the queen thought to herself: “If only I had a child, white as this snow and ruddy as blood, with hair as black as the wood on the window frame!”

And the queen soon gave birth to a daughter, and she was white as snow, red as blood, and her hair was like ebony. And they called her Snow White. And when the child was born, the queen died.

A year later the king took another wife. She was beautiful, but proud and arrogant, and could not stand it when anyone surpassed her in beauty. She had a magic mirror, she often stood in front of it and asked:

- Who is the cutest in the world?

All blush and whiter?