Original nicknames. Funny nicknames for friends

There are many reasons why you might want a nickname for yourself. For example, if you have a long, boring or difficult name. Maybe you need a nickname to distinguish yourself from several other people in your social circle with the same name as you. After all, you may simply not like your name! Some people even tend to start new life with a new nickname. And whatever your reasons for coming up with a nickname for yourself, you may find it very, very difficult to complete this task. Fortunately, we are here and we will help you.


Nicknames based on first name

    Use the first syllable or two of your name. Very often, nicknames are obtained from names cut off in this way. This simplest option, however it is quite suitable if you are starting out new page in the book of your life and want to do it under a new name. It will be easier if the new nickname sounds similar to the old one - so at least you won’t have to constantly ask old friends to start calling you in a new way. There are three main approaches to creating a nickname from a name:

    • Just remove at least one syllable from the end of the name. This doesn’t work very well for Russian names, but for English and Spanish names it works quite well. See for yourself: "Jon" from "Jonathan", "Bea" from "Beatriz", "Sam" from "Samantha" or "Samuel", "Jess" from "Jessica", "Santi" from "Santiago". Let's say change Alexander on Alex.
    • Another option is to add "-ie," "i" or "y" to the shortened version of your name ("i" for Russian names, respectively). If your name anyway consists of one syllable, then add an additional sound to it. Such nicknames are more common among children, although they are not uncommon for adults. Examples: "Charlie" from "Charles", "Susi" from Susana", "Jenny" from "Jennifer". Sometimes you need to add an extra consonant to make your new nickname sound right: "Winnie" from "Winifred", "Patti" " from "Patricia", "Danny" from "Daniel". Make traditional changes like Konstantin V Kostya or Varvara V Varya.
    • Add a letter that is sometimes not pronounced. In English it can be "e". This approach is like trimming the name ("Mike" from "Michael"), but sometimes it can even change the sound of the name completely ("Kate" from "Kathleen").
  1. Use other syllables of your name. The rules above will work with both the middle and last syllables of the name. Yes, yes, you can shorten names both from the beginning and from the end: “Valentina” can be shortened like “Valya” and “Tina”, “Tony” from “Anthony”, “Tina” from “Christina”. Classic examples(from in English), where only the last syllable of the name is used: "Beth" from "Elizabeth" and "Rick" or "Ricky" from "Frederick".

    • Similarly, you can come up with a completely unusual nickname for yourself - for example, from "Patrick" you can get "Trick" rather than the usual "Pat".
  2. Use diminutives your name. This point depends entirely on the language you speak, but chances are you will still have a choice!

    More wit. You can turn "Katya" into "Catastrophe," for that matter! Use alliteration when your nickname is the first consonant of your first or last name, or choose a word that rhymes with your first or last name.

Other sources of inspiration

    Make up a nickname based on personality traits. Many nicknames are created based on something that makes a person unique: a runner may be nicknamed "Legs", a proud New Yorker living far from New York may be nicknamed NYC(NIK’’), and a solid excellent student can be called “Professor”.

    Come up with a nickname based on a joke that only “your own people” can understand. This is one of the best sources for nicknames, but you have to be careful with it. Such "generic" jokes can be a very rich source for nicknames, but you can't force them to appear just like that. You should just cross your fingers and wait for them. If you already have these jokes in your mind, try to get nicknames out of them.

    Use online resources. There are many online surveys and nickname generators that can suggest potential nicknames for you based on your personality traits and your name. This can be a good source of inspiration if you're having trouble coming up with a good nickname.

Nicknames that go back to character traits differ from those that were given by appearance, according to some parameters. The visual type of nicknames often only states certain deviations from the standard; the appellatives to which nicknames go back do not always have a negative connotation and therefore, by and large, do not cause offense to those to whom they were given. Exceptions are nicknames of the visual type, which are associated with any physical disabilities that cause grief to those who have them even without nicknames. In addition, the same type of nicknames that are given to those who try to change something about their appearance, but this attempt ends in failure, causes offense.

Nicknames that go back to character traits are for the most part based not on a purely visual impression of a person, but on an assessment of his personality, his social valence. And nicknames of this kind should rather be attributed to nicknames-characteristics, which contain not only a desire to humiliate a person, but also to point out those negative traits his personality, so that a person, having received such an assessment, can overcome this shortcoming, so that people can determine by the nickname of a person with whom they are dealing.

In fact, each character trait has its opposite to the maximum, although sometimes there are so-called intermediate links.

Nicknames with the seme “quiet”: thus, the concept of “quiet, calm” can include both equanimity and unsociability, secrecy, as well as weakness of character, dependence on others. And the concept of “restless” can automatically include cockiness, hot temper, quarrelsomeness, grumpiness, mischief, i.e. all those traits that make the owners of such characters not entirely pleasant people in communication. The calm man's name is Kiryan (named after the hero of the film "Eternal Call"). Calm man usually quiet, silent, often unnoticeable: Silent. Girls of this type are given nicknames such as Quiet, Mouse. Often the calm ones become unsociable: Savage, Biryuk, Gudok.

Nicknames with the seme “restless”: if people with the above character traits create a comfortable communication situation for those who are their communication partners, then the same cannot be said about those people who have a restless character, which undoubtedly creates significant inconvenience for those who come into contact with them.

Hot-tempered men are called Crazy, Fyrya (from snort), Bunya (from brawl, to make a fuss). Women's nicknames are mainly associated with the manifestation of character traits such as mischief and grumpiness. Mischievous (“a girl who loves to talk and laugh”), Nesmeyana (“a girl who is difficult to make laugh”)

Nicknames with the seme "kind". Kindness is a character trait that from time immemorial has been considered a sign of a person who is good in all respects ( good fellow, good people, good father, etc.).

Nicknames with the seme "evil". Evil, as we know, is the opposite of goodness; it is more multifaceted and many-sided, which is why the nicknames related to evil people significantly more than those united by the word “kind”. The most common nicknames of this type are nicknames that explicitly contain a sign of evil, traditionally associated with representatives of the animal world. These are Boar, Gyurza, Beast, Polkan, Barbos.

Sometimes nicknames explicitly express the attribute that speaks of a person’s “evil” behavior: Shugai (“the one who drives everyone, scares”), Borzoi (“quick to kill”), Thunderstorm (“makes noise, rages, instills fear ").

Nicknames with the meaning “serious”: Muzhik (“that’s what his mother called him when he was only 3 years old, for his unusual thoughtfulness and responsibility; he kept his nickname at school”); Father ("the student was older than everyone else on the course, because he entered college after the army; he had more life experience, and everyone listened to his advice."

Nicknames with the connotation of "frivolity". If a child's frivolity and somewhat easy attitude to life are not considered a deviation from the norm of society, then adults who approach life as lightly as children are condemned as violators way of life. Nicknames given to “frivolous” adults basically contain different characteristics.

The most common, essentially generic, nickname can be considered Lightweight, which undoubtedly contains condemnation for frivolity in everything.

Judging by their nicknames, adults who take life and their responsibility for something or someone lightly deserve special condemnation.

Nicknames with the seme "unhappy". It seems to us that the lexical-semantic group that unites lexemes with the common seme “unhappy” can include words that name such character traits as gloominess, tediousness, and whining. All this constitutes, in our opinion, a kind of opposition to gaiety.

People who are boring are not tolerated well in any group. They can spoil any fun. Nudyak, Demagogue (“the person who likes to talk long and tediously is called”). Burbur is the nickname of a person who not only tediously repeats the same thing, but is also distinguished by slurred diction.

Nicknames with the seme "smart". All recorded nicknames that have the seme “smart” in their family structure refer to the assessment of the level of intelligence. There is a nickname “Wise”, which, in addition to intellectual abilities, undoubtedly also evaluates everyday experience.

Basically, the assessment of the level of intelligence is due to the following associative connections: Associate Professor; Academician.

Nicknames with the seme "stupid". Stupidity as a human character trait is assessed very expressively, associative connections are so diverse that this suggests that this trait human character is more noticed and, naturally, condemned.

Bamboo (“his head is so empty that it rings like dried bamboo”); Idle talker (“a young man who talks all sorts of nonsense that is off topic and out of place”); Cormorant (“fat and stupid; only food on his mind”).

Nicknames with the seme "hardworking". Hard work is a character trait that is highly valued among people.

Bee (“never sits idle”); A hard worker (“likes to work, but there must be some benefit for him”).

Nicknames with the seme "lazy". It would seem that such a character trait as laziness, which causes a just negative attitude towards those people who possess such a trait, should give rise to big number nicknames Mozgach ("a person who thinks every now and then just so as not to work"), Cat ("likes to pamper himself and sleep").

Nicknames with the seme "dexterous". Dexterity, speed, energy always evoke a positive assessment. It’s not for nothing that people say: he’s smart at work.

The nicknames Shnyr, Shilo, and Screw can be classified as familiar, almost traditional. This is what they say about people who are not only dexterous in their work, but also restless: “he can’t sit still without doing anything.”

Nicknames with the seme "slow". Among older people, they called it kopush: Bag, Gradual. If the first nickname is easily guessed in words such as procrastinate, linger, then the second nickname is built on a person’s self-characteristic: “I do not do everything all at once, but gradually.”

Barely (“a girl who does everything slowly: she walks slowly, and speaks slowly, and eats slowly”), Brake (“she is slow in business, takes a long time to make any decision”).

Nicknames with the seme “cunning”: Snake, Fox, Snake, Jew, as well as Little Fox, referring to a female person and, thanks to the diminutive suffix -ENOK, undoubtedly having a positive character.

If cunning borders on deceit, then the corresponding associative connections are selected with such appellatives, in the seme structure of which the seme “cunning” is isolated. Moreover, the choice of these appellatives is related to experience and therefore varies among individuals belonging to different age groups.

Nicknames with the seme "greedy". Greed as a character trait is undoubtedly a negative one.

The nicknames Kurkul and Plyushkin can be classified as traditional; the latter has several variations. The surname of Gogol's character from " Dead souls" has turned from a proper name into a common noun.

Nicknames with the seme "arrogant". Ease of use is appreciated in any age environment. Arrogant people are ridiculed. Appellatives with which nicknames are associated refer to thematic groups"card game" or " noble titles". For example, King, Ace; Count, Baron. Probably in folk experience in connection with these appellatives, the consciousness of the presence of something important was deposited, and important can be in a certain context synonymous with the word arrogant.

Nicknames with the theme "boastful". People call boasters Khvost, Shchukar, God (“he says that he can do everything, that he is omnipotent, like God”). Among young people, this is Gin (“he says that he can make any wishes come true if you just make them for someone”).

Nicknames based on behavior, habits, favorite words, different cases or life events.

The nicknames of this group are divided into 10 subgroups:

. Nicknames based on the manner of conversation.

The communication aspect is to ensure that the communication ring remains closed. It is known that if any interference occurs, it may open and the dialogue will not take place.

Such features of the manner of conducting a conversation include the volume of the voice. Nicknames that characterize people with an excessively loud voice include Rupor (“a man speaks very loudly, drowning out the interlocutor”), Tryndychikha (“a voice like a character from a cartoon”). These nicknames are recorded in the older age group.

Among young people, the volume of the voice is associated with shouting: Shout, Kri-kri. Both nicknames are given to girls with very loud voices, so loud that even in the background loud music, loud laughter, which is typical of the youth environment in general, they seem to be a scream.

Various types of speech defects also make communication difficult, sometimes so much so that the interlocutor completely ceases to understand the person with whom he is talking. In the Russian tradition, someone who speaks incomprehensibly is called dumb. Mute ("a woman has such a speech impediment that it is difficult to understand her when she speaks"). Burr, Zaika are nicknames for people who burr and stutter, both nicknames referring to males and common among older people. They also own the nicknames Syusyulevy, aka Syusya (“a man lisps while talking”).

Those who like to talk without allowing the interlocutor to get a word in are given nicknames of a traditional nature: Balabon, Govorun, Balabolka.

Nicknames based on walking style. The manner of walking and gait can also give rise to nicknames. Especially a large number of nicknames account for the visual assessment of walking style. These include Bear (“clubfooted, hence the swaying gait, like a bear”); Penguin (“waddles around”). There is essentially no need to explain these nicknames, since the associations underlying them are associated with the gait characteristics of representatives of the animal world.

More expressive are the nicknames Winged (“walks with his arms spread apart, as if he has wings, not arms”); Fashionable (“walks with his chest out, as if showing off his figure”).

. Nicknames based on behavior.

Natural human behavior, adequate to a certain situation, is that behavior that meets the standard. Any non-standard behavior is noticed and assessed accordingly. Fufel is the name of a person who behaves unnaturally, “pretentiously.” Among young people he receives the nickname Pai (“a young man who is afraid of everything, derived from Pai girl”).

Unnatural, according to the creators of nicknames, is a female creature that behaves like a man. Schoolchildren call the girl "Boy" because "she behaves like a boy."

. Nicknames based on favorite words.

For example, La-la (“a woman constantly repeats the phrase “don’t la-la” in response to her colleagues’ complaints); Fathers (“a woman says things so often and doesn’t notice it herself”); Che (“repeats every word”), Mamanya (“at all breaks he ran along the corridor and shouted: “Mommy!”); Aunt (“always and in everything refers to some aunt: “But aunt…”).

. Nicknames based on favorite activities.

Nicknames can also be given based on someone’s favorite pastime. They are divided into two large groups, one of which contains those that express a positive attitude, and the second includes nicknames containing disapproval and sometimes ridicule of the one to whom these nicknames were given.

For example, Yashin (“plays football well, like Yashin”), Schumacher (“in the way he drives on the roads”), Tsoi (“sings well”).

. Nicknames given by favorite type of clothing.

Preference for a particular type of clothing is striking and can also serve as a specific distinctive feature person.

For example, Adidas (“the guy preferably wore clothes of this brand”); Popodya (“a girl who wears floor-length dresses and skirts”); Cabbage (“the guy earned this nickname for wearing many layers”).

. Nicknames given for your favorite food.

Basically, these are nicknames that came from families and were picked up by relatives, acquaintances, and friends. Almost all of them are consonant with the appellatives: Cutlet, Sausage. Sometimes it's common name Slastena ("the boy really loves everything tasty and sweet"). Lovers of certain foods, speaking with delight about their favorite dishes, use diminutive forms, which are preserved at the level of nicknames: Soup, Kashka.

. Nicknames based on favorite songs and films.

Nicknames of this type are repetitions of the names of songs and films. For example, Zhanna (a song about a flight attendant named Zhanna), Student (“when approaching girls, the young man always sang the song “Student” by the group “Hands Up”). Young man nicknamed Titanic for their love for this film.

. Nicknames given for a dream.

Dreams can come true, or they can remain so. But they can also become nicknames that have both positive and negative connotations: Mechanic (“a young man dreamed of becoming a mechanic since childhood, and he became one”).

Unfulfilled dreams bring great sadness, and the reminder of them, reflected in nicknames, hurts very much. Marusya (“the woman had two sons, she really wanted to have a daughter, but a son was born, and the neighbors began to call him Marusya”); Karina (“the woman wanted a daughter, came up with her name - Karina, but the son was born and was named Nikolai, and the neighbors jokingly call her Karina”).

Nicknames given for some incidents or events in a person’s life. This type of nickname is quite common and multifaceted, based on those events or incidents in someone’s life that are remembered for a long time and serve as distinctive features that distinguish a person from a number of others like him.

How Small child pronounced some words, both relatives and friends remember, hence the very innocuous nicknames that return a person to childhood: Kleka (“this is how he pronounced the word “godmother” in childhood”); Dyukha (“this is how he pronounced his name Andryukha”); Lyalyoka (“ this is how he pronounced his name Valerka"); Mekhenya ("I said mekhenya, instead I am small"); Khaev ("this is how he pronounced the word cows in childhood: "Baba, they are driving hayev"); Lipochka (“in childhood, instead of handkerchiefs, he said Velcro”).

Also, for example, Duda (“the young man, out of excitement, said duda instead”); Rama ("wrote in primary school instead of his name Roma Rama").

Thus, nicknames that go back to some events or incidents in someone’s life are given either by turning an appellative into a nickname, or by finding various kinds of associations. This is observed at the level of different age groups.

Incredible facts

Why do people in love often come up with intimate nicknames, their own language and their own names for each other? What do they mean? Psychologists say that even the sound alone can tell a lot about a person’s real feelings for you. Where do these nicknames come from?

There are two reasons for this to happen love creativity: Making your relationships unique and appealing to your inner child. We unconsciously come up with affectionate nicknames, but almost every one of them has a secret meaning.

Affectionate nicknames

The more cheerful and affectionate words appear in the speech of lovers, the more sincere and deeper their relationship becomes. When love leaves a relationship, then the partners also forget about what they once called each other. If the relationship turns into a formality, then one formal nickname remains in the couple’s vocabulary, for example, fish. Creativity ends, but if it continues, this indicates that the relationship continues to develop.

Let's talk a little about sounds.

The sound “SH” in a nickname can be found quite often, because it attracts attention. Psychologists call this effect of hissing sounds on the psyche the white noise effect. This sound completely captures the listener's attention, distracting him from everything else. For example, when a person demands silence, he says “sh-sh-sh”.

The "L" sound in a nickname is the most common sound. With its help, a person expresses high degree emotionality. Man in good mood hums "la-la-la" or may say "bl-lin" when emotions come out. Already from intonation depends bad or good emotions rushing out.

The "K" sound is also quite common in nicknames. It can be found in the diminutive words we use to call our loved ones: sweetheart, fish, bunny, etc. With its help, the idea of ​​simplicity, intimacy and lightness is expressed.

The sound "F", present in the nickname, helps to express a violent reaction. As a rule, words with this sound indicate serious dissatisfaction (for example, “ugh!”). This sound is three times less likely to be found in affectionate nicknames than in ordinary speech.

The "X" sound is also very rare in nicknames. When in words, it speaks of sudden excitement and excitement.

It is important to note that when we choose an affectionate nickname for a loved one, we do it without thinking. With the help of our subconscious, we choose exactly those words whose sound most accurately reflects our desires and feelings.

The meaning of affectionate nicknames

What are some affectionate nicknames?

Zoo nicknames

Such nicknames are quite common. Just look at the word “doves”, which is used to describe a couple in love. Often people even compete in zoology, sorting out all the animals, from bunnies with fish to hippos and piglets.

Here, of course, there is an endearment factor, since the animals and birds are mostly fluffy and cute. However, the emotion here is not entirely simple, because the animal world can be quite unpredictable and dangerous: for example, a tiger cub can show its teeth, and a bird can fly out of its cage.

Also often found are affectionate nicknames based on the names of exotic animals, such as hamsters or platypuses. Such nicknames indicate not only the presence of romantic feelings. The partner also demonstrates friendly emotions towards his loved one. However, you shouldn’t get too carried away with such words, as they quietly sweep passion out of the relationship.

Nicknames from the category "kindergarten"

Among such nicknames we can distinguish such as baby, baby, baby, etc. Children are beautiful and charming creatures. So we want to show our loved one that we want to take care of him and strangle him in our arms. However, at the same time, we unconsciously make it clear who is boss in the house, reluctantly supporting our partner’s immaturity.

Nicknames from the "toy department" category

The most common representatives of this department are baby dolls and dolls. They are very beautiful, maybe even real works of art, but are they alive enough for their “owners”? Think about what we usually do with beautiful toys? We put on beautiful clothes, put them on the shelf and admire them.

Therefore, if a boyfriend says that you are a doll, you may not be surprised that he only needs a decorative function from you, because those around him should see what a beautiful doll he has found for himself. In fairness, it should be noted that many women are satisfied with this role, because dolls are bought very beautiful houses and a dress.

Sweet Nothing

Nicknames from the category of "movable property"

Do you think there is a difference between the phrases: “you are my beauty” and “you are beautiful”? Of course have. The first option sounds deeper and more soulful, but there is a slight hint of ownership. Therefore, it is not at all impossible that one fine day a person who considers you “one of his own” will, with all sternness in his voice, inquire about what you did from 15.15 to 15.45.

Nicknames from the category "celestial bodies"

There is no diversity here, just suns and stars. What associations do they evoke? Light and warmth. If close person he calls you that, it means that he feels good and comfortable with you. But there is one “but”. The luminaries are located quite far from our planet, therefore adoration on his part will most likely be somewhat contemplative and distant. It is difficult to wait for decisive action from such a person.

Now let's decipher the meaning of each specific nickname. You shouldn’t take the meanings too seriously, just take note and don’t forget that there is a grain of humor in every joke.

Nickname meaning

Baby - your partner is not particularly interested in your true feelings, despite the fact that he is caring for you.

Balda, scarecrow - your partner is ready to forgive your shortcomings, he treats you with humor, considers you his own and wants to dominate the relationship.

Hippopotamus - your relationship is in the love-friendship stage. Your partner has very warm feelings towards you and respects your independence.

A bun and other edible things - your partner perceives you as his property, appreciates your sexuality and spontaneity.

Baby, you have a very specific partner who doesn’t like to complicate things.

Dear, dear - a person values ​​stability, certainty and constancy in relationships. Feelings come second for him because he is not very emotional.

Stupid, stupid - your partner is ready to take control of the situation and forgive your mistakes.

Hedgehog, hedgehog - such a person values ​​​​your relationship very much, it means a lot to him. He is often not restrained, he is very afraid of losing you in the depths of his soul.

Zhabka - your loved one is assertive, playful and energetic, but deep down, your relationship is very dear to him.

My life is a rather pretentious nickname that reveals in your partner a tendency to overdo it. Try to very carefully ask him if he has another “life” on his side.

Bunny, hare, bunny, bunny - your loved one is quite jealous, passionate, he likes to play with you, while watching your reaction.

Gold, gold, gold - your partner values ​​your relationship, he is guided by reason, not feelings.

Pussy, kitty and derivatives - such a person first of all sees his partner as a sexual object. He doesn't want to complicate things and is committed to close contact.

What do pet nicknames mean?

Goat, goat - your partner feels complete intimacy with you. You are the most dear person for him, he makes fun of you very often.

Sweetie - your partner has long considered you property. Be careful!

Kitten, kitten, kitten - your partner feels that the connection with you is inextricable. He is trying to convince you of his loyalty and wants you to believe him.

Cat, cat, cat - your partner sees inconstancy, cunning and sexuality in you.

Crocodile - you have a very emotional partner who takes a leading position in the relationship.

Krokozyabra - your loved one is ready to forgive you everything, while he is picky, unrestrained, but does not know how to hold grudges for a long time.

Doll, doll - your partner is interested in you, but does not take your relationship seriously.

Lapula, paw, lapusik - you have an energetic partner who values ​​your relationship and is also ready to live and work for you.

Swallow - your partner trusts you 100%, is confident in the feelings you have for each other.

Chanterelle, little fox, fox - the partner’s attention is focused only on you, he expects the same from you.

Beloved, beloved, love - such a partner is somewhat unrestrained, emotional, but at the same time ready to act decisively and assertively.

Lyalik, Lyalya is a very emotional partner who often does not control his feelings, both good and bad.

Little, Masik, Little, Masya - your partner’s feelings are very deep, he wants to look after you and cares about you.

Macaque, monkey, monkey - your partner’s feelings towards you are immeasurable. Your relationship is very trusting and contains friendly irony. Your partner considers you his own person; he wants to be the leader in the relationship, especially if he adds “mine” to such a nickname.

Baby, baby - your loved one experiences passion for you and at the same time warm and reverent feelings. He expects the same from you.

Little Bear - you have come across a very cautious person who always prefers to carefully weigh the pros and cons before taking a responsible step. He is afraid of losing you and values ​​your relationship.

Darling, dear - a person is very attached to you, loves you with his mind and heart.

Musya, mulya, musipusechka - the partner’s feelings are very stormy, there is love and passion.

Little mouse, little mouse - this man’s feelings are far beyond the bounds, even if you can’t tell so from his behavior. Sometimes your partner can be too hot-tempered, but your relationship is very important to him, he values ​​you.

Mother, mom, dad, dad - a person sees you as a parent and expects protection and care from you.

My, my – partner considers you his property, he is ready to give and care.

Affectionate nicknames for loved ones

Pampushka - deep down your person is worried that you do not feel the same as he does, your partner craves manifestations of your love.

Rodnulya, dear, half - this is a strong attachment, deep feelings.

Donut - your person is worried that someone else will like you, so he is trying in every possible way to attract your attention.

Conversations about nicknames, nicknames and first names are widespread online and in real life. This topic gives rise to a lot of speculation and controversy. Let's figure out why young people most often use nicknames, while adults use names?

Origin of nicknames

Let's start with the question: “Where do various nicknames and nicknames come from and what do they mean?” Initially, current surnames were derived from nicknames, since people had to somehow distinguish one Vasily from another, they called one “Vasily the blacksmith” and the other “Vasily the plowman”.

These nicknames showed the importance and necessity of a person, spoke about his professionalism and did not imply anything insulting or offensive, which cannot be said about current nicknames and nicknames.

Nicknames for boys and girls

Young people do not always, of course, but often come up with nicknames for their peers with the aim of humiliating or insulting them. If an adult wants to offend someone, he, as a rule, chooses other methods, since in an adult social environment They simply won’t understand him, and he will only humiliate himself.

Other reasons for nicknames and nicknames are appearance, physique, height, facial expressions and clothing. Let's go from here popular nicknames, indicating the child’s external flaws, for example, “bespectacled” or “fat.” Adults try to stand out less from the crowd, unlike younger generation, so they have nicknames based on these characteristics less often.

Funny nicknames

Many nicknames and nicknames seem funny from the outside. It’s funny to call someone, for example, “porcupine” if he once came to school with unkempt hair. long hair. However, funny nicknames are funny only for others, but not for the person who was given this nickname. Remember this and try to respect others.

Thieves nicknames

Trying to stand out from the crowd by coming up with a criminal (Zonov) nickname is not the best option. In general, imitation of thieves and other “authorities” will not lead to anything good.

Nicknames and nicknames for people

Nicknames and nicknames are designed to escape from reality, from their real name. However, each name is unique and sounds different to different people. Dmitry and Mitya, Sasha and Shurik, Volodya and Vovan will be completely different people. Use names instead of nicknames more often, and you will feel the energy of the name!

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Many people ask the question: "What is a nickname?" Everything is very simple. Nickname (or nickname) is a nickname given to a person by others as a replacement for the main name. A nickname is given based on the advantages or disadvantages of appearance, type of activity, the presence of a hobby, the presence of a certain character trait, and is created from a first name, patronymic or last name.

Nickname from childhood

Usually a person encounters a nickname given to him in childhood. Often you can get a middle name at school, in sports section, in a children's group, for example, in the yard or in the company of peer friends. Many parents, when they learn that their child has a nickname, worry whether this is good or bad? In honor of what did the children come up with this particular nickname for the child? Is it offensive or friendly?

To answer all the questions that arise, psychologists recommend that parents talk with the child and find out in what situation the children came up with a nickname for their friend. It is quite possible that the child has a normal attitude towards this course of events, does not have complexes, is not worried, and even likes the nickname.

How to come up with a nickname

Nicknames are given based on many factors:

  • Appearance and physical characteristics of a person. For example, tall man may be called a Dwarf or a Giant.
  • Nicknames are often derived from surnames. So, several letters are removed or added from a word. For example, from the surname Puchkov you can form the word Puchok, Marchenko - Mara, Sharapova - Sharik.
  • Behavior. If a person is overly active, he may receive an offensive nickname - Upstart. Untidy and boorish - Dirty, Bug, stupid - Dropout, etc.
  • Character traits. Kind-hearted, Cheerful, Comedian and others.
  • Isolated cases that were remembered for something. Muddy, Fly Agaric, Soap, Martyr, Mentor, Nirvana - it all depends on the specific situation.

How nicknames appear during school years

Nicknames at a young age are created during the formation of the hierarchy, when the child chooses a role in the children's team. As a rule, each class has its leaders and outcasts. This is difficult to avoid, since the process is one of the most important in socialization.

If children come up with an offensive nickname for a child, they assert themselves, try to become higher than the “victim,” and watch how their peers will accept the name they came up with. If your child received a nickname in this way, this is bad, and not only parents should be involved in the process, but also teachers who talk with children and explain what not to do.

Children know how to observe. They easily notice features of character, behavior and appearance. They are straightforward, so they seem less tactful than adults. By saying what he thinks, a child does not always seek to offend or humiliate a peer.

For example, the owner of the surname “Dudtka” may be called “Dudka”, “Dudila” - and this is not because his figure resembles a silhouette musical instrument, but because the nickname is formed from the surname. But many guys perceive it negatively and consider it a disadvantage.

What to do if your child is worried about his nickname:

  1. Find out why and who exactly came up with the nickname. And only after that take action.
  2. If your child has a middle name that indicates shortcomings in his character or behavior, help your child correct them. Perhaps he does not always take care of his appearance, fights or is greedy.
  3. If the nickname was given because of a peculiarity of appearance, then it is worth explaining to the baby that he should perceive himself as he is, and you will always love him.
  4. If only one peer calls a child by a nickname, this is an alarm signal, prompting you to figure out why this is happening. However, at a tender age, children can give each other unpleasant nicknames in order to attract attention and show sympathy.
  5. If a child is an outcast in a children's group, teachers and psychologists should intervene in the situation.
  6. If the nickname is the result of a “reworking” of the surname, talk to the child about it, tell about its history and origin. If you lack information, use your imagination.
  7. You can tell your child that at his age you also had a nickname.

If you want to get a nickname

There are many reasons why a person wants to get a nickname:

  • You have a long name or you don’t like it;
  • Perhaps you want to get a nickname because there are people with the same names in your environment;
  • Do you want to stand out among the team?

Whatever the reason, coming up with a nickname is not so easy. First of all, think about what kind of nickname you need. Beautiful, unusual, short, long, in Russian or a foreign language? The most important thing is that you should like him and be pleasant for others!

  1. The nickname must be unique! Do not use popular words like Kitty, Kitty, Umnichka, Borzogo and so on. It’s better not to use “running” words, but to come up with something original. The game of syllables and letters is in fashion today.
  2. Don't choose ones that are too long or excessive short words. The first will cause difficulty in memorizing and pronunciation, the second, consisting of, for example, two letters, will sound ridiculous. The optimal word size is 4-8 letters.
  3. If you plan to use a nickname not only in real life, but also in virtual life, translate the word into foreign language or use latin characters.
  4. To stand out from others, work with English dictionary, perhaps there will be beautiful word or a phrase worthy of your attention. You can use a non-standard combination of words or letters. When creating a beautiful nickname, it is not necessary to follow the rules of the language. Use your imagination and don’t be afraid of judgment!
  5. A nickname associated with a profession is one of the most successful options. For example, if you write, call yourself Writer. You can add additional words: Good Writer, Cool Writer.
  6. Use your favorite movies as a source of inspiration, fiction, cartoons or comics. Since you want to achieve originality, do not forget about the pun: Doctor Who - Doctor Oh.
  7. A beautiful nickname can be obtained using myths and mysticism: Hercules, Iris and others. But, in order not to cause unpleasant associations among others, first familiarize yourself with the meaning of the name you like.
  8. Some people take as the basis for a nickname proper names. For example, Natalya - Nata, Veronica - Nika - Nicoletta, Alexey / Alexander - Alex, Marina / Maria - Mary - Marie, but this method will not give the opportunity to get an original nickname. If you do choose a name, consider that hundreds of people may already be using it.