Disadaptation is distinguished from many definitions. Autism. Maladaptation of autistic children. e. social factors

A favorable psychological climate in any team is a necessary condition wellness person. An accomplished adult already has experience communicating with people and can build his own trajectory of relationships, feeling comfortable. But teenagers are more susceptible to various deviations in relationships. Disadaptation is a special psychological state in which a person does not feel comfortable in the environment where he is. Such problems cannot be ignored, as they can lead to serious consequences: depression, mental disorders and diseases.

Maladjustment of adolescents

On initial stage During the formation of the psyche, a teenager needs to clearly understand his importance and exclusivity. He is on the verge of forming ideals and stereotypes that will subsequently become the norm of his behavior. During this period, it is important to notice its individual positive features and place the child’s emphasis on them, since due to his age he is still unable to adequately evaluate himself. For a teenager, everything that is in him is important, and he will practice any behavior patterns with equal interest. But if you pay attention in time positive sides his character and show how they can be used in communication, then you can warn a teenager from many mistakes. In the case when a child does not know how to use the baggage of emotions, desires and expectations that are raging inside him, maladjustment is possible. This often happens when a teenager does not receive proper attention at school and at home.

Types of maladjustment

A person is most sensitive to external assessments and opinions of others, so it is important for him to be accepted in all social circles. Disadaptation is a child’s perceived inconsistency of opinions: his about himself and those close to him about him. The most common types of unstable psychological states in adolescence, as family and school maladjustment. In the first case, the child does not feel needed and loved in the family or observes gross violations of moral standards of behavior. In the second case, the teenager experiences uncertainty due to the discrepancy between the expectations of parents and teachers of his success in learning.

Prevention measures

To avoid problems, it is not at all necessary to praise your child with or without reason. It is important to notice positive aspirations in time and encourage and stimulate them. A negative actions- subject to correct condemnation and explanation. Parents should not immediately become upset if they notice negative manifestations - teenagers try almost everything they see. Firstly, a child at this age needs to be protected from negative emotional spectacles, and secondly, to respond adequately to all actions. Thus, at school in the first years of education, it is important to take an individual approach to a teenager in accordance with his level of psychological and mental development, so that disadaptation does not occur. This is only possible with the joint efforts of the teaching staff and family members.

Dear readers, it’s time to talk about what social maladaptation is. You will find out why this condition occurs. You will know what manifestations characterize it. Find out how this maladjustment manifests itself in children and adolescents. You will become aware of methods to combat this condition.

General information

This term has taken root in people's lives. It may seem surprising to some that with the development innovative technologies, many people feel loneliness and become unadapted to the conditions surrounding reality. Some individuals are not able to navigate even in ordinary situations and do not know how to behave in this or that case.

The concept of social maladaptation, as a rule, is considered to be the partial or complete inability of an individual to the surrounding reality and its conditions. A person who suffers from maladjustment is unable to interact normally with other individuals. Such a person will either regularly avoid contact or exhibit aggressive behavior. This condition is characterized by increased irritability and inability to accept someone else's point of view.

Such maladaptation appears when an individual stops noticing what is happening in real world, completely disappears in his reality, replacing relationships with living people. In this case, there is a loss of personal growth.

There are two types of diabetes.

  1. Partial maladjustment. There is a fall out from public life. A typical example is how a person goes to work for the first time after a long illness. During this period, he had no communication with colleagues, but friends and relatives were present.
  2. Complete disadaptation. There is a loss of faith in own strength, distrust of people develops. The person does not know how to behave and does not represent the norms of society. It seems that something is not happening as it should.

Both types can be present in people who have addictions. always goes along with maladjustment to varying degrees of manifestation.

There are five levels of development of diabetes.

I bring to your attention the signs that characterize this condition.

  1. Aggression. It manifests itself for the reason that a person, without normal communication, loses this skill. The individual no longer strives to be understood; it is much easier for him to get what he wants using manipulation. This manifestation poses a danger both to the person himself and to his environment.
  2. Withdrawal into oneself. Closedness appears, the person stops counting on the help of others. It’s easier to do everything yourself, there are no relationships with other people, the person doesn’t make new acquaintances.
  3. Social phobia. Over time, the individual stops building social connections; he no longer has close people who would interest him internal state. Fear of new acquaintances appears due to the need to change something in one’s attitude towards the reality around him.
  4. Reluctance to comply with the requirements accepted in society.

Disadaptation in children

Today there is a critical situation that has developed in society associated with the social maladjustment of children. Increasingly, manifestations such as:

  • reluctance to learn;
  • pedagogical neglect;
  • increased fatigue;
  • severe exhaustion;
  • lack of focus;
  • problems with concentration;
  • alcoholism at an early age.

The formation of such manifestations is influenced by social and biological circumstances. For adaptation young man in the social environment, the conditions of his socialization in the children's environment influence.

To the reasons for the problem in childhood include:

  • inadequacy of self-evaluation at the time of communication;
  • lack of communication skills, even basic ones;
  • excessive demands on one’s environment, especially when the child is superior to his peers in certain parameters;
  • emotional instability;
  • anxiety and fear of communication;
  • isolation;
  • predominance of one's own self, a feeling of superiority over others.

Depending on what factors influenced the development of social maladaptation, the child may either submit to being pushed out of the circle of peers or independently leave them, while being embittered, wanting revenge.

When a child lacks communication skills, it is a significant barrier to interpersonal relationships.

Disadaptation in social sphere may manifest itself:

  • excessive aggression of the child;
  • low self-esteem;
  • lack of desire to communicate;
  • imbalance, which can manifest itself as mood swings;
  • isolation;
  • showing your emotions in public.

This condition is very dangerous for children, as it can lead to serious consequences, namely:

  • personal deformations;
  • delayed mental and physical development;
  • brain dysfunction;
  • loneliness;
  • disorders nervous system, in particular, aggressiveness, suppression of the instinct of self-preservation, problems in relationships with other people and peers, and suicide.

During adolescence

Today, young people are increasingly being diagnosed with depression. They still have a long time happy life ahead, while they are not able to take active action and overcome difficulties. It turns out that an adult must learn to enjoy life in a new way, because he is rapidly losing this skill. The same applies to depression in childhood. IN modern world Teenagers prefer virtual communication over real communication; they use the Internet to realize all their needs. Social media, computer games effectively replacing human interaction.

Personality develops in the process of its life activity, when a change in the child’s attitude to reality occurs. Under the influence of conditions external environment and the presence of internal factors, the child develops maladaptation, which manifests itself in deviant behavior. In adolescence, there is a disruption in the process of socialization, deformation of value and reference orientations, and a decrease in the significance of the influence of teachers and parents.

Schoolchildren are increasingly showing maladaptation, because the modern educational system does not contribute to the normal socialization of the individual. In addition, it aggravates the process of diabetes associated with difficulties in family education, which manifests itself in even greater anomalies in the behavior of adolescents. That is why today more and more teenagers have a negative socialization process, and juvenile delinquency is increasing.

On high growth maladjusted adolescents are influenced by such contradictions as:

  • indifference to bad habits in a school environment;
  • lack of fight against absenteeism;
  • absence educational work with schoolchildren;
  • the presence of teenagers who dropped out of school.

This leads to the fact that children in adolescence increasingly join criminal groups, and deviant, illegal behavior develops there. The development of maladjustment in adolescents is the result of social alienation of young people from society.

Typical manifestations of diabetes in school include:

  • underachievement, may manifest itself as a chronic process, lack of mastery general education program and study skills;
  • incorrect attitude towards the learning process as a whole, as well as towards individual subjects, teachers, while behavior can be either indifferent, demonstrative or passive;
  • constantly recurring deviations in behavior during the learning process, in particular, violation of discipline, neglect school rules, vandalism.

There are two types of maladaptation in adolescence.

  1. School. Inconsistency of the socio-psychological and psychophysical state of children with the requirements of schooling. There are difficulties in mastering skills, knowledge, and sometimes the impossibility of learning.
  2. Social. Behavior does not comply with the principles adopted for children and adolescents. It may manifest itself:
  • antisocial behavior;
  • violation of norms, rights and morals;
  • alienation from the main institutions of socialization;
  • in suicidal tendencies;
  • deformations of the system of values ​​and social attitudes;
  • internal self-regulation;
  • V sharp deterioration nervous - mental health;
  • teenage alcoholism.

Based on the degree of depth, two stages of maladjustment are distinguished:

  • the first one represents pedagogically neglected students;
  • the second is socially neglected teenagers. It is characterized by alienation from school, from family, from institutions of socialization. Development occurs under the influence of endogenous and social factors. Neglect, vagrancy, drug addiction, and labor activity they have a negative attitude.

Socially - psychological maladjustment in adolescence develops under the influence of a number of factors:

  • heredity;
  • defects in family and school education;
  • social factor, in particular, socio-economic and social conditions of functioning in society;
  • the presence of deformations in society itself;
  • the result of the activity of the individual himself, which begins with a selective attitude towards the values ​​and norms of the environment.

Condition correction

  1. Creating social contacts is important.
  2. If there is no one left among your acquaintances, try to meet someone new, try to communicate wherever possible. There is no need to be afraid that you will be perceived as a stupid person, remain yourself.
  3. Find yourself a hobby, go to a specialized club. Attend trainings and courses. There you can find people with similar interests and make new acquaintances.
  4. Try to get a job permanent job to form a social circle. Realize that without live communication it is impossible to exist normally.
  5. Conquer your doubts and fears. If you can’t cope with them on your own, seek help from a psychologist.
  6. Correction of this condition in children includes special trainings that teach the development of communication skills, psychotechnical classes, and personality development with different sides, are engaged in relaxation.


  1. Primary. Aimed at preventing the development of possible problems and unfavorable conditions that may influence the formation of maladjustment.
  2. Secondary. Aimed at recognizing early manifestations of maladjustment, reducing the impact of bad factors, and working with children who are at risk.
  3. Tertiary. Carrying out special events in the presence of signs of maladjustment that have already appeared. Aimed at preventing the formation of new manifestations.

Now you know what the causes of social maladjustment are. Knowing them, a person is able to prevent the development of such a condition. If you notice characteristic manifestations in yourself, then it is better not to remain idle, but to immediately begin making adjustments in order to prevent the consequences from developing.

DISADAPTATION - mental condition, arising as a result of a discrepancy between the sociopsychological or psychophysiological status of the child and the requirements of the new social situation. There are (depending on the nature, character and degree of manifestation) pathogenic, mental, and social maladaptation of children and adolescents.

Disadaptation is pathogenic- mental states caused by functional-organic lesions of the central nervous system. Depending on the degree and depth of damage, pathogenic maladaptation can be stable (psychosis, psychopathy, organic brain damage, mental retardation, analyzer defects) and borderline in nature (increased anxiety, excitability, fears, obsessive bad habits, enuresis, etc. .). Social problems are highlighted separately. adaptations inherent in mentally retarded children.

Mental maladjustment- mental states associated with gender, age and individual psychology. characteristics of a child or teenager. Mental disadaptation, causing a certain non-standardity and difficulty in raising children, requires an individual pedagogical approach and, in some cases, special psychological and pedagogical correctional programs that can be implemented in the conditions of general educational institutions. Forms of mental maladaptation: stable (character accentuations, lowering the threshold of empathy, indifference of interests, low cognitive activity, defects volitional sphere: impulsiveness, disinhibition, lack of will, susceptibility to the influence of others; capable and gifted children); unstable (psychophysiological, gender and age characteristics of certain crisis periods in the development of a child and adolescent, uneven mental development, conditions caused by traumatic circumstances: falling in love, divorce of parents, conflict with parents, etc.).

Social maladjustment- violation of moral and legal norms by children and adolescents, deformation of the system of internal regulation, value orientations, and social attitudes. In social maladjustment, two stages can be traced: pedagogical and social. neglect of students and pupils. Educationally neglected children chronically lag behind in a number of subjects school curriculum, resist pedagogical influence, demonstrate various manifestations of antisocial behavior: they curse, smoke, conflict with teachers, parents and peers. In socially neglected children and adolescents, all these negative manifestations are aggravated by an orientation toward criminal groups, deformation of consciousness, value orientations, involvement in vagrancy, drug addiction, alcoholism, and offenses. Social disadaptation is a reversible process.

Kodzhaspirova G. M., Kodzhaspirov A. Yu. Pedagogical dictionary: For students. higher and Wednesday ped. textbook establishments. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2001, p. 33-34.

Adaptation literally means adaptation. This is one of the most significant concepts in biology. Widely used in concepts that treat the relationship of individuals with their environment as processes of homeostatic balancing. It is considered from the point of view of its two directions: adaptation of the individual to the new external environment and adaptation as the formation of new personality qualities on this basis.

There are two degrees of subject adaptation: disadaptation or deep adaptation.

Socio-psychological adaptation consists in the interaction of the social environment and the individual, leading to an ideal balance between the values ​​and goals of the group in general and the individual in particular. In the course of such adaptation, the needs and aspirations, interests of the individual are realized, his individuality is discovered and formed, the individual enters a socially new environment. The result of such adaptation is the formation of professional and social qualities of communications, activities and behavioral reactions accepted in a particular society.

If we consider the adaptive processes of a subject from the perspective of the socio-psychological process of involvement in activity, then the main points of activity should be the fixation of interest in it, establishing contacts with individuals who surround, satisfaction with such relationships, inclusion in social life.

The concept of social disadaptation of a person means a breakdown in the processes of interaction between a subject and environment, which are aimed at maintaining balance within the body, between the body and the environment. This term appeared relatively recently in psychology and psychiatry. The use of the concept of “maladaptation” is quite contradictory and ambiguous, which can be traced mainly in assessing the place and role of maladaptive states in relation to such categories as “norm” or “pathology”, since the parameters of “norm” and “pathology” in psychology are still little developed.

Social maladaptation of an individual is a rather versatile phenomenon, which is based on certain factors of social maladjustment that complicate the social adaptation of an individual.

Factors of social maladjustment:

· relative cultural and social deprivation (deprivation of necessary goods or vital needs);

· psychological and pedagogical neglect;

· hyperstimulation with new (in content) social incentives;

· insufficient preparedness for self-regulation processes;

· loss of already formed forms of mentoring;

· loss of the usual team;

· low degree of psychological readiness to master the profession;

· breaking dynamic stereotypes;

· cognitive dissonance, which was caused due to a discrepancy between judgments about life and the situation in reality;

· character accentuations;

· psychopathic personality formation.

Thus, speaking about the problems of socio-psychological maladjustment, we mean a change in the internal and external circumstances of socialization. Those. social maladaptation of a person is a relatively short-term situational state, which is a consequence of the influence of new, unusual irritating factors of the changed environment and signals an imbalance between the demands of the environment and mental activity. It can be defined as a difficulty complicated by any adaptive factors to transforming conditions, which is expressed in inadequate reactions and behavior of the subject. It is the most important process of socialization of an individual.

Maladjusted personality as an object of psychosocial work

Goals and objectives of studying the topic

Lecture 09.19.2012

Representatives different groups population as objects of psychosocial assistance

Topic 2. Psychological characteristics

The main goal is to consider the psychological characteristics of representatives of those social categories that, first of all, need psychological assistance and are objects of psychosocial work.

To form ideas about maladaptation as a subject
psychosocial work;

Give an idea of ​​the main social categories,
those in need of psychological support;

consider the main types, causes and consequences of behavioral deviations;

consider the main types, causes and consequences of addictive behavior (drug addiction, substance abuse, alcohol addiction);

consider psychological characteristics disabled people, psychology of patients with inevitable fatal;

give an idea of ​​post-traumatic syndrome, the consequences of childhood mental trauma;

consider the psychological content of a person’s crisis state, its types and symptoms;

Consider psychological problems families (crises,
conflicts, difficulties, violations, disintegration) as a source of personal

Every person, regardless of age, is an object of socialization, the content of which is determined by interest

society is for a person to successfully master the following social roles:

men and women (sex-role socialization);

family man - would be capable of creating a strong family (family socialization);

worker - could and would like to competently participate in the social and economic life of society (professional socialization);

Citizen - would be a law-abiding citizen of society
(political socialization).

Demands on a person are made not only by society as a whole, but also by specific groups and organizations in which the individual is included.

Socialization of a person always takes place under certain conditions; in addition, a person himself influences the creation of these conditions and can become not only a subject or object of socialization, but also a victim of circumstances or conditions. Problems associated with socialization may not clearly affect a person’s success in implementing social significant functions, but after a certain period of time, sometimes quite significant, they “pop up”, which leads to unmotivated actions and decisions, to defects in socialization, and violations of social adaptation.

Modern scientists are of the opinion that the main quality of a productive personality acquired in the process of socialization is adaptability. Adaptability is understood as the ability to independently achieve relative balance in relationships with oneself and other people, both favorable and unfavorable. life situations. The formation of adaptability as a quality of life should be the main goal and result of psychosocial work. Adaptability presupposes the acceptance of life and oneself as a part of it in all manifestations, relative autonomy, readiness and ability to change over time and change the conditions of life - to be its author and creator. From the standpoint of socialization, a person appears in three guises - an object, a subject, and sometimes a “victim” both in spontaneous and in guided, socially controlled socialization.

An adaptive personality is a person who is able to optimally adapt to the conditions of functioning in a changing environment and subsequently develop mentally, personally and socially. The criteria for an adaptive personality are: the ability to control events, understand the causes of stress, and be aware of the actions that need to be taken; ability to mobilize new resources, external and internal sources help; flexibility in problem solving; low level of anxiety; manifestations of individual emotional, intellectual and cognitive organization of life; presence of tension-relaxation balance.

If a person does not know how to adapt and respond flexibly to changes in the external environment, including the social one, maladjustment, violation of the body's adaptation to conditions

existence. Violations are manifested in rigidity (inflexibility), social “dullness”, social disintegration and isolation of the individual. In psychiatry, maladaptation is understood as a loss of adaptability to the conditions of the social environment due to mental illness (for example, neurosis).

Maladaptation can occur as a result of short-term and strong traumatic effects of the environment on a person or less intense, but long-lasting ones. As a result, various disruptions in activity occur: a decrease in labor productivity and its quality, violations of labor discipline, an increase in accidents and injuries. The criteria for psychophysiological maladaptation are problems associated with health, mood, anxiety, degree of fatigue, and behavioral activity. Persistent disturbances in mental adaptation manifest themselves in clinically pronounced psychopathological syndromes and (or) refusal to perform activities.

Depending on the sphere of life, the following types of social maladaptation are identified.

Physical maladjustment associated with congenital or acquired physical features of the individual, reducing the ability to work, making it difficult to move in space, self-care, etc.

Psychological maladjustment is understood as a violation in the psycho-emotional sphere of a person, accompanied by a distorted assessment of the situation, mismatch of goals, means and results of activities, loss of self-control, and inappropriate behavior.

Economic disadaptation expressed in the inability of a person or group, such as a family, to meet their needs for food, shelter, clothing in the data economic conditions. In other words, economic maladjustment means poverty and low standard of living.

Professional maladjustment manifests itself in a lack of work, a discrepancy between the level of training and the activity performed, chronic dissatisfaction with work, and harmful effects professional activity, lack of necessary conditions in the workplace.

Social and everyday disadaptation is expressed in the fact that living conditions do not meet human needs. For example, as a result of a military conflict, a person acquires refugee status and, ending up in a refugee camp, turns out to be completely unadapted to field conditions life.

Legal disadaptation manifests itself in uncertainty or loss of legal status in society. In this case, a person cannot realize his rights and does not receive social benefits guaranteed by the state. For example, persons without a fixed place of residence (homeless), who have lost their documents and housing, lose the status of a citizen, voter, disabled person, or pensioner.

Situational-role maladjustment means a state of an individual or group that does not allow it to successfully cope with a certain social role necessary in the current situation. Situational role maladaptation is evidenced by:

1) rejection of the social role, i.e. internal disagreement with it, unwillingness to implement it;

2) the contradiction between the fulfillment of this role and the expectations of a specific social group, society as a whole, expressed in norms and values;

3) the emergence of acute inter-role contradictions when fulfilling a social role.

For example, as a result of losing a job, a person acquires the unusual status of unemployed, and at the same time he loses a certain level of financial security, and the habit of buying expensive products, clothes and shoes remain. Sooner or later, this contradiction gives rise to a conflict between needs and the impossibility of satisfying them and, as a result, leads to frustration.

Sociocultural maladjustment characterized by the inability or unwillingness, as well as the reluctance of the subject of socialization to acquire the necessary amount of knowledge, values, social and cultural norms accepted in society. For example, a woman, using the Internet, marries a foreigner, finding herself in a new sociocultural situation. Poor knowledge or ignorance of the language, laws, traditions and norms for building relationships in a given country often leads to social isolation and deprivation, gives rise to defective moral attitudes, life-meaning orientations, causes sociocultural disadaptation, deviant behavior and other social pathologies.

In terms of duration, maladjustment can be temporary or persistent. If a person finds himself in problematic situation and must adapt (has appropriate motivation, and social environment expects him to perform certain actions), this means that he is in a state temporary maladjustment. Temporary maladjustment is typical, for example, for people who find themselves in new educational institutions or production groups, where their roles and relationships with other members have not yet been determined because they are in the process of formation. Adaptation as a system of actions gradually unfolding in time and space can lead to the elimination of temporary maladjustment. However, a person’s actions may not give the desired results, then the state of maladjustment will gradually turn into stable form.

By its nature, maladaptation can be caused by: individual characteristics person and social conditions, natural phenomena.

Disadaptation is a mental state that arises due to a discrepancy between a person’s psychosocial or psychophysiological status and the requirements of a changed, possibly critical, social situation. Depending on the nature and nature of maladjustment, pathogenic, psychosocial and social maladjustment are distinguished, which can occur either separately or in a complex combination.

Pathogenic maladaptation caused by deviations in mental development and its pathologies, as well as neuropsychiatric diseases, which are based on functional and organic lesions of the central nervous system. Pathogenic disadaptation, in terms of the degree and depth of its manifestation, can be stable, chronic in nature (psychosis, psychopathy, organic brain damage, mental retardation, analyzer defects, etc.). It most often manifests itself in the form of psychogenic maladjustment (phobias, tics, obsessive bad habits, enuresis, etc.), the causes of which lie in an unfavorable social or family situation.

Among the forms of pathogenic maladjustment, problems of social adaptation of mentally retarded people stand out. Oligophrenics do not have a fatal predisposition to crime. With socialization methods adequate to their mental development, they are able to master certain social programs, obtain certain professions, work to the best of their abilities and be useful members of society. At the same time, the mental inferiority of these people certainly makes it difficult for them social adaptation and requires special socio-psychological conditions and correctional and developmental programs.

Psychosocial maladjustment associated with gender, age and individual psychological characteristics, which manifest themselves in a certain non-standard behavior of a person in situations social interaction, require an individual approach to working with them, and in some cases - special correctional psychological programs (for example, psychosocial maladaptation due to violence, mental trauma, severe stress, etc.). By their nature and character, forms of psychosocial maladaptation are divided into stable and temporary, unstable.

Persistent forms of psychosocial maladaptation can
arise due to such individual psychological characteristics as
accentuation of character, lowering the threshold of empathy,

indifference of interests, low cognitive activity, inadequate self-esteem, disturbance of the emotional-volitional and emotional-communicative sphere: impulsiveness, disinhibition, lack of will, pliability to the influence of others, addictiveness. Temporary unstable forms of psychosocial maladjustment include, first of all, psychophysiological features of crisis periods of development, uneven mental development, conditions caused by

traumatic circumstances: loss meaningful relationships, ability to work or health, falling in love, divorce, loss of loved ones, etc.

Social maladjustment manifests itself in violations of moral and legal norms, in asocial forms of behavior and deformation of the internal regulation system, referent and value orientations, and social attitudes. For example, a young man who has passed military service in one of the “hot spots”, I got used to living according to the laws of war. Having been demobilized from the army, he experiences serious difficulties in adapting to the conditions of peaceful existence. He has learned well the role of a warrior, a protector, but he is unfamiliar social roles a hard worker, a family man, it is difficult for him to find his place in the system of interpersonal relationships, in society, to defend his point of view without pressure and pressure. In any stranger He sees potential threat and the enemy. He needs a change in consciousness: he needs “front-line hundred grams”, and then everything is familiar. Defending his honor and dignity, he most often unconsciously commits illegal acts (using his fists and brute force) and, as a result, bears administrative and sometimes criminal punishment for this.

In case of social neglect, along with antisocial behavior, a sharply deformed system of value-normative ideas, value orientations, social attitudes, a negative attitude towards work, the desire for unearned income and “ beautiful life» through dubious and illegal means of livelihood, involvement in vagrancy, drug addiction, alcoholism, and crime. The referent connections and orientations of these people are deeply alienated from all persons and social institutions with a positive social orientation. Social maladaptation manifests itself not only in the severance of a person’s social ties and the formation of other value orientations, but also in the violation the most important species activities: educational, labor, social, household.

The concept of “maladaptation” also refers to deviant behavior - the result of unfavorable psychosocial development and disturbances in the socialization process. The forms of maladaptation are different: addictive behavior as a result of taking chemical substances, including alcohol, tobacco, narcotic herbs, medicines, delinquent and suicidal behavior, prostitution, etc.