Opening your own mini-bakery from scratch: the correct algorithm of actions. The most profitable ideas for starting a mini-business

Interesting ideas to start mini-businesses that are suitable even for students. Russian entrepreneurs earn up to 2.5 million rubles/month by investing no more than 200 thousand rubles!


Starting your own business is easy - Russian entrepreneurs have repeatedly proven this by personal example. Among them are former housewives, electricians, business coaches and other people who risked investing their personal savings in starting their own business. And for this they needed no more than 200 thousand rubles. Successful mini-business ideas, tested in practice, can become your ticket to the world of financial independence - read it and see for yourself!

Production of convenient wallets

  • Attachments: from 100 thousand rubles.
  • Description: Nikolai Belousov, a famous entrepreneur and founder of a store of unusual gadgets, closely followed the crowdfunding sphere and noticed that in different countries Purse sewing projects are very popular. Then he, having gathered a group of designers and came up with his own brand, began to develop his own model of the accessory. Preparatory work went on for a year.

Interesting: Over 143 foreign crowdfunding projects dedicated to the production of wallets have raised more than 1 thousand US dollars, and 27 campaigns have received more than 10 thousand US dollars.

The entrepreneur launched a campaign to raise initial capital - 100 thousand rubles. (users sent over 0.5 million rubles). Production from China was transferred to our country. Now the brand’s income is about 500 thousand rubles per month.

School of proper running

  • Attachments: about 100 thousand rubles.
  • Description: Once a business coach, Maxim Zhurilo, who had gained a fair amount of weight, became interested in running and set himself the task of running a marathon. During the preparation process, he lost almost 20 kg, which attracted the attention of dozens of acquaintances and friends. And they all wanted to know one thing: how to run correctly?

It was then that the entrepreneur decided to turn his hobby into a business. The initial investment did not exceed 100 thousand rubles. (the money went towards developing a brand, website and producing branded T-shirts). The project requires almost no ongoing investments: coaches are paid from student contributions, spending money on renting premises only in the winter. Since 2013, franchise branches of the school have been operating, and the total number of students trained in 2016 is more than 11 thousand people.

Bicycles for rent

  • Attachments: up to 200 thousand rubles.
  • Description: Popularization healthy image life is something you can make money from. Bicycle rental can be a seasonal business, which is especially in demand in resort towns. To start your own business in a city with a population of about 1 million people, 15 bicycles with an average cost of 10 thousand rubles are enough. (Stels, Stark, etc.).

It is also important to take into account the cost of renting a rental area (about 3 - 5 sq. m). Choose places with high traffic, close to recreation areas (parks, embankments). The average rental cost is from 100 rubles/hour to 500 rubles/day. Monthly profit with a 12-hour working day is up to 100 thousand rubles. (rental services are most in demand on weekends, and on weekdays - only in the evenings).

Rent out service

  • Attachments: 200 thousand rubles.
  • Description: Rental is a goldmine for business, especially during a crisis. You can rent out not only bicycles, but also construction tools, clothes, etc. The creators of the Rentmania service earn up to 500 thousand rubles per month by helping to rent out other people's things. Arkady Meshkovsky came up with this idea, trying to get rid of several unnecessary tents and exercise equipment that had long been gathering dust. In partnership with Lyudmila Bulavkina, businessmen managed to attract 12 stores to the service, which agreed to look for clothing tenants through the new platform.

Now shops are only 1/5 of total number clients, most of whom are ordinary people, ready to make money on unused items. The service’s earnings are 20% of successful transactions, each of which is officially formalized (a transfer and acceptance certificate and a service agreement are drawn up). The most popular products in 2016 are sports equipment, evening wear for women, and goods for children.

Online studio

  • Attachments: about 200 thousand rubles.
  • Description: The creators of an unusual project - an online studio - are a former economist and publishing employee. In search of something for the soul, they pooled their savings and invested it in creating a website with an online clothing designer. There was no need to spend money on an office or production: the service allows you to accept orders via the Internet, and private craftsmen working from home do the sewing.

Clients take their own measurements (the website provides detailed instructions) and choose the type and style of clothing. On average, the site accepts 10 orders monthly in the amount of about 80 - 90 thousand rubles. The owners of the designer actively promote it in in social networks- in the most convenient and economical way. The only constant expense is payment for hosting (3.3 thousand rubles/month).

Making souvenir soap

  • Attachments: about 2 thousand euros (≈ 150 thousand rubles)
  • Description: Tatyana Primak, the founder of the company "Home Soap Factory "Aroma", decided to start her own business, searching for original gifts by March 8th. The birth of the idea of ​​a mini-business from scratch occurred when she noticed how much demand there was for soap self made among visitors to St. Petersburg shopping centers. First, the entrepreneur made a test batch of souvenirs, which she gave away to her friends.

Having registered her company, she began producing unusual products - soap that glows in the dark or is supplemented with photographs, predictions, etc. Soap “desserts” that no one else makes, and other original souvenirs sold through gift shops, bring in a stable income. The cost of 1 kg of product is a little more than 500 - 600 rubles, and its retail cost is over 1.5 thousand rubles.

Tatyana employs several employees, each of whom produces up to 5 kg of products daily. A side income comes from selling business plans for beginning soap makers, the cost of which is 19.5 thousand per ruble. It is in particular demand among housewives from Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Kazakhstan.

Tailoring in street fashion style

  • Attachments: 120 thousand rubles.
  • Description: A graduate of a multidisciplinary college in Stavropol, a former foreman and electrician, Nikita Ziberov, together with a fellow countryman, started his own business - the production of T-shirts and sweatshirts with original prints. The start-up capital was used to purchase a textile printer and fabrics, after which a seamstress was hired. At first, sales practically did not grow, and things were produced individually - to order.

Only 1.5 years later, having opened a sales point in the Central Department Store of Stavropol, Nikita managed to achieve a profit of 500 thousand rubles per month. Then new partners were attracted, and investment funds were spent on advertising and promotion (for example, sending products to stars and bloggers). Now the Niki.Filini company has its own online store, the brand’s items are sold in Wildberries, Podium Market, LUUK, etc. The average income reaches 2.5 million rubles. monthly.

In today's competition among pizzerias, an important point is to provide the client with maximum convenience for purchasing the product. Gone are the days when it was enough to simply open a classic establishment, set up tables and chairs, and clients began to literally walk in “shoals.” It is not easy for new players to enter the market today. Almost every big city There is more than one intracity network and many federal players. Nevertheless, experts predict a bright future for public catering and fast food in particular. According to Rosstat, the fast food industry, despite all the crisis, is growing by an average of 17% per year.

Step-by-step plan for opening a pizzeria

One of the available options for a successful start today is to open a so-called mini pizzeria near your home. Such establishments make money in three main areas: 1. Stationary pizzeria - come in, order, eat 2. Pizza delivery - call, order, they deliver 3. Takeaway pizza - come in, order, pick it up. The menu of the establishments includes all the same well-known dishes and drinks: 25 - 30 types of pizzas, pastas, salads, soups, business lunches, fruit drinks, kvass, beer, lemonade, iced tea and coffee. Main clients of the establishment: local residents, bachelors (25 - 40 years old), working class, youth and students, women under 35 years old (who have no time to cook), employees of nearby offices. Such pizzerias are aimed primarily at a specific residential area of ​​the city. “A pizzeria near your home will have a number of advantages over a traditional establishment opened somewhere in the city center,” says Maxim Seryakov, Marketing Director of Pizza Time. For a businessman, this is, first of all, inexpensive rent. For example, the price tag for rent in a large shopping center will be 2-3 times higher than renting premises on the first floor of a residential building in a residential area of ​​the city. The difference can be 50 - 100 thousand rubles. Such savings at the initial stages can literally save the business. There are even more benefits for consumers:

  1. Hot pizza is always at hand. It's like going out for bread - the pizzeria is within walking distance.
  2. Delivery speed. Due to the close location to the client’s home, the time for delivery of fresh pizza is only 15 - 40 minutes, taking into account the time for preparing the product.
  3. The price of pizza “at home” is always lower than in traditional establishments. And this is logical - lower costs for renting premises, which means lower fixed costs and production costs. As a result, the price tag becomes lower by 15 - 25%, which has a positive effect on the growth of demand for the product.

When enough great opportunities mini-pizzerias require much less investment - about 1.5 million rubles. Net profit after reaching design capacity is 150 - 200 thousand rubles. With proper organization, investments pay off in 14 - 16 months.

Organizational issues The first thing to start opening a business with is finding suitable premises. This is very important because 80% of success depends on it. The best option is buildings located on the first line of houses with convenient access roads and parking. In this case, having only one sign above the entrance to the premises will bring the lion's share of customers. And, accordingly, it will save a significant part of advertising funds. The minimum area of ​​the room is 65 square meters. m. A big plus is the presence of stops in the immediate vicinity public transport, Universities, shops, boutiques, office buildings. It is also recommended to be located as close to major new development areas as possible. As a rule, much more young people live here, and these are the main clients of pizzerias.

The second point is the availability of communications. The room must have hot and cold water supply, proper ventilation and an emergency exit. For optimal operation of the equipment, sufficient supply must be provided in the room. electrical power. The rent for an almost finished property will be at least 50,000 rubles. per month. Third important point- food recipes and technology. You will need to spend quite a bit of money on developing a unique pizza recipe. To do this, it is worth hiring an experienced technologist and chef. The product should be 100% tasty and of stable quality. Because most customers won’t care so much what your establishment looks like and where it is located if it serves delicious and extremely appetizing pizza.

Developing an effective advertising campaign is another most important task when opening a profitable pizzeria, one of the main specializations of which is pizza delivery. In this sense, the most reliable tool for promotion is the Internet. The combination of your own website + contextual advertising gives a colossal effect. To prove these words, just look at the statistics of Yandex search queries. Thus, the phrase “pizza delivery” for October 2015. Moscow residents searched more than 46,000 times

And this, mind you, is only in Yandex search. Don't forget that there is also Google. On average, about 2,300 Muscovites try to find pizza delivery via the Internet every day. And these are the most direct clients. The cost of creating a high-quality resource, with a decent budget for contextual advertising, will be at least 200,000 rubles. But believe me, this is a justified investment. Especially if we're talking about about a big city.

How much money do you need to open a pizzeria?

A pizzeria is not the cheapest project. It will be necessary to allocate significant funds for repairs, design, purchase of equipment, furniture, business registration, and advertising. If you do the calculation, the estimated costs will look like this:

  • Construction and installation work, repairs - 250,000 rubles.
  • Coordination of the project, collection of documentation - 50,000 rubles.
  • Advertising (marketing) budget - 130,000 rubles.
  • Trade and production equipment - 440,000 rubles.
  • Dishes and equipment - 70,000 rub.
  • Cash register equipment and computers - 100,000 rubles.
  • Furniture and decorative elements- 200,000 rub.
  • Other equipment - 35,000 rub.
  • Deposit for rent - 100,000 rubles.
  • Reserve fund - 200,000 rubles.

Total - 1,575,000 rub.

How much can you earn by opening a pizzeria?

First, let's calculate the costs. The average bill for a pizzeria near your home is about 450 rubles. Of this amount, 32% are ingredients (144 rubles), 2% delivery costs (9 rubles), 3% of the proceeds go to the administrator (13.5 rubles). The cost of one order is: 144 + 9 + 13.5 = 166.5 rubles. Profit from one order is: average bill - cost = 450 - 166.5 = 283.5 rub. Fixed expenses consist of:

  • Staff salary (2 cooks, 2 administrators, 2 delivery people, 1 assistant cook) - 147,000 rubles.
  • Rent of premises - 60,000 rubles.
  • Utility costs - 10,000 rub.
  • Social contributions (FSS, Pension Fund) - 44,000 rubles.
  • Advertising expenses - 50,000 rub.
  • Taxes (UTII) - 8,000 rub.
  • Other expenses - 10,000 rubles.

Total - 329,000 rub. per month or 10,966 rub. in a day. The pizzeria's break-even point is reached at: RUR 329,000. (fixed expenses) / 283.5 rub. (profit from 1 order) = 1160 orders per month or 38 orders per day. Everything else is a plus. So, to earn 200,000 rubles. per month, “clean” it is necessary to fulfill 61 orders per day. This is more than a real number.

Business pitfalls - popular mistakes made by beginners

  1. You should not overpay for renting premises - high rent will eat up the bulk of the profit. Take a little more time and find a less expensive property.
  2. Don’t pay your staff too much wages; believe me, this is not the main “motivator” for responsible work. Pay exactly what the labor market in your city requires.
  3. Pay attention young project more time - a hired manager with a large salary will not take care of the project the way you do.
  4. Implement controls to control revenue theft. Fire unscrupulous employees without hesitation. And even if this requires replacing more than a dozen people.
  5. Build relationships with the residents of the building (if the pizzeria is located on the first floor of an apartment building). Any complaints to Rospotrebnadzor could have a detrimental effect on the future of the establishment. And there will be no need for unnecessary hatred from the main clients.
  6. Conduct analytics on purchasing, sales and marketing. Analyze successes and failures, develop the project and never stop developing.

How to choose equipment for business

To open a pizzeria, you will need to purchase refrigerators, a dough kneading machine, a proofer, a cutting table, a chopper, tables and dishes for the hall, and kitchen equipment. You can buy everything you need directly from supplier companies, who will not only help you select devices of appropriate power, but will also install it. Many suppliers provide free equipment maintenance, which is extremely beneficial when starting a business.

Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?

  • 52 - product supply Catering(for home delivery of pizza);
  • 40 - production and sale of snacks and drinks for on-site consumption;
  • 30 - activities of restaurants and cafes;

What documents are needed to open a business?

To open a pizzeria, registration of an individual entrepreneur is required. In addition, you will need:

  • Obtain a conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor on the compliance of the premises with sanitary standards;
  • Draw up and approve a production control program;
  • Conclude agreements for scheduled disinfection of premises;

Which tax system to choose

Several taxation systems are suitable for registering a pizzeria:

  • UTII is the most profitable option for a novice businessman;
  • The simplified tax system with payment of 15% of the establishment’s net income is ideal for small establishments.

Do I need permission to open?

The activity does not require licensing. But you will have to obtain permits to conduct activities from the SES, fire inspection, and energy metering. Another great option for business is to design your own brand. But you can think about it already with stability and high profitability.

Business opening technology

To open big business significant investment is required. But anyone can open a mini-pizzeria near their home. To implement the plan, you will need to find premises, purchase equipment and start a business. So.

Have you decided to start your own hotel business? This is a fairly promising and profitable business, which, if properly organized, will pay off fairly quickly. The main thing is to choose a place where to open a hotel and advertise it correctly. The best option for beginners is a classic mini-hotel with 10-15 rooms. It is not difficult to open, and with the right approach, it brings profit no less than a traditional hotel.

Studying the market

Are you thinking about how to open a mini hotel? First of all, study the existing market. Where should the hotel be opened? Where it will be in demand. These are resort towns, large cities, popular tourist settlements. Think about who will be staying in your rooms. Students and young people usually choose hostels - they are satisfied with the low price and shared rooms.

A mini-hotel is an ideal choice for a budding entrepreneur

Mini-hotels are used by people aged 23 to 65 years, who prefer to live in a separate room. Mini-hotels are also popular with married couples, for couples with children and business travelers. Think about who from this target audience could become your client.

Note: draw up a portrait of your consumer, calculating his age, income level, and the services he needs. Based on this, you can build a future hotel promotion strategy.

After that, do competitor analysis. There are probably already hotels and mini-hotels in your city, since this business brings in good money. Research what rooms they offer, what price range they offer, and what additional services they offer. Find out about room occupancy, opening hours, etc.

Then find the market leaders. They set the tone for the entire hotel business in the city, shape the habits of guests and probably know how to dump. You will need to adapt to the leaders, while offering your visitors more Better conditions for less money. Or at least the same conditions.

In what format to open

If you do not have serious experience in hotel business and huge start-up capital, the easiest way is to open in the format of a mini-hotel. This is a small hotel that consists of a maximum of 30 rooms. Such mini-hotels are located near the main key infrastructure facilities:

  • bus stations;
  • railway stations;
  • metro stations;
  • vehicle interchanges;
  • downtown;
  • close to popular attractions;
  • near gas stations or along highways.

A mini-hotel can be built or rented

A mini-hotel means having a shared kitchen and microwave in each room, several showers and toilets. In some cases, showers can be equipped directly in the rooms. Required condition today is the availability of high-speed Wi-Fi Internet in the hotel. It would also be useful to have convenient parking nearby, but this is an optional option.

Production plan

Let's look at what it takes to open a hotel with 20 rooms. This is a classic size for a mini-hotel. The numbers should be divided as follows:

  1. 3 luxury rooms. Here it is necessary to make high-quality repairs, equip your own bathrooms, install all the necessary furniture in the rooms and household appliances, create mini-kitchens.
  2. 13 rooms for classic double rooms. Moreover, make 7 rooms with two separate beds, 6 with double beds.
  3. Allocate 4 rooms for single rooms.

Read also: How to open your own bar from scratch: business plan

You will also need to equip a full-fledged kitchen for preparing food, providing it with utensils and household appliances, and also create a comfortable bathroom for several people. Additionally, the mini-hotel should have a reception desk with an administrator, technical rooms for storing washing supplies and linen, a boiler room and a separate room for washing and ironing.

You should not choose the cheapest furniture for a hotel. It is advisable to install beds with metal frames, closets with durable doors on several hinges, and cover the floor with industrial linoleum or “office” laminate.

Additionally, the mini-hotel can be equipped with a small bar and a gym. This will allow you to significantly expand your customer reach and bring in additional funds.

Financial plan

There are two options for the development of events:

  1. Find a room of suitable size and rent it.
  2. Build a hotel from scratch.

Of course, the first option will require less initial costs, but you will pay a significant amount every month, reducing your own income. The second option will require serious investments, but in the end you will have your own building in a convenient location, which can later be sold or rented out if you get tired of doing business.

Constructing your own building takes about two years. The estimated investment amounts are as follows:

  1. Obtaining permits, research and design work- 1 million rubles.
  2. Construction of the building, finishing - 10 million rubles.
  3. Improvement of the surrounding area, creation of your own parking lot - 1 million rubles.
  4. Purchase of furniture and equipment - 5 million rubles.
  5. Other expenses - 1 million rubles.

Total construction own object will cost you approximately 18 million rubles.

A year of hotel operation costs approximately 4.5 million rubles, of which:

  1. Taxes, wages - 2.5 million.
  2. Utilities, current expenses, purchase of linen, washing supplies, etc. - 1.5 million.
  3. Other expenses - 0.5 million.

The expected profit from the hotel is about 7.5 million rubles. Rooms at average cost 1000 rubles per day will bring you: 1000*20*30=600,000 per month or 7,200,000 per year at full capacity (in practice, this figure is 10% less, since to ensure 100% occupancy of rooms all year round not entirely simple). With proper organization, you will receive 6,500,000 million from the numbers and another about a million rubles from the bar - gym. Net profit will be 7,500,000 - 4,500,000 = 3,000,000 rubles per year.

Note: Our 3 million does not include rent for the building. If you are building your own, then these 3 million will be your net profit. If you rent it, then approximately another 1.5-2 million will need to be paid for rent.

It turns out that building a hotel from scratch will pay for itself in 5-6 years. A rental building with an income of 1 million per year will pay for itself in 5 years. Therefore, building your own is much more profitable. Or look for options with a mortgage - it’s better to pay off the debt for your building than just pay money for rent.

In a mini-hotel, the administrator can act as a security guard

Work organization

Do you want to know how to open a hotel from scratch? First of all, you should register. We recommend that you register an LLC and work under a simplified taxation scheme. You can, of course, make it an individual entrepreneur, but in this case you risk more serious fines and liability.

The demand for printing services is constantly growing. This applies to both large and small runs.

The main share of small circulations falls on small printing houses and operational printing shops. According to Sergei Pautov, general director and the owner of Peter Polygraph LLC (a staff of four people), to open a mini-printing house it is not necessary to seek large investments, but initially having an experienced specialist on staff is good who knows everything printing process is necessary. You can start with a single-color offset press; you can earn about $700 using it net profit per month.

As experts note, now the growth rate in this sector of the economy is declining, but the volume of printed products is growing. A small printing house can grow by focusing its work on a specific customer, creating the appropriate equipment and work for him.

1 step Registration

To open a mini-printing house, it is enough to register a state of emergency.
Licensing of this type of business activity is not

Step 2 Customer

Opening a printing house must begin with finding regular customers and
formation of a portfolio of orders.

At the first stages of work, orders can be transferred to existing printing houses.

Before purchasing equipment and searching for premises, it is necessary to create an active sales system. It is important to build a clear marketing strategy: what to print and for whom.

"At first, the owner of the printing house is forced to independently look for his first
orders. Through personal sales, calling, connecting friends, etc. ", -
advises the manager of the Kopi R LLC branch, Lyudmila Korykhalova. Currently, there are four main segments of printing production: book and magazine production, packaging and label production, advertising printing and newspaper production.

Advertising products are considered the most saturated sector of the market. Leaflets,
Almost all printing houses print booklets and calendars. Technological
the manufacturing chain can be complete - from design development to
post-press preparation - or partial, when processes are distributed over

The complete technological chain consists of: design studio, pre-press
preparation with output of photographic films, production of forms (prepress takes on
himself as a designer), printing process, post-press preparation (cutting,
folding, embossing, collating, etc.).

The organization of the technological process is followed by the selection of equipment.
It is worth considering that clients prefer to use the services of those
printing houses where they can be offered a full range of services: from
design development to finished packaged products.

“An important element of the work of a small printing house,” says Lyudmila Korykhalova, “is constant monitoring and optimization of printing processes. A mistake can result in redoing the order at your own expense or loss regular customer"In addition, a mini-printing house that will ensure the quality and speed of order fulfillment will stand out. You can attract clients by introducing additional services. For example, producing a small batch of pocket calendars in addition to the main order.

Step 3 Equipment and consumables

When choosing equipment, you must follow the principle of “the right machine in
right time in the right place."

And also remember what products are in demand on the market and in what
equipment to print it.

"A novice entrepreneur should think about buying the simplest
used monochromatic machine type Romayor, A3 format, copy frame for making molds, cutter. This equipment is suitable for printing brochures, documents, leaflets, etc. To get started, it’s enough to have $6-7 thousand,” says Sergey Pautov. The supplier company
It is recommended to select equipment based on the availability of a service center.

Common brands of equipment in Russia are Romayor,
Heidelberg, Roland and others.

Step 4 Room

It is worth deciding in advance where the printing shop will be located.

If the printing shop is focused on performing operational
printing, then the ideal option would be to place it indoors
business centers, educational institutions and other passable places.
Orders will also be accepted there. For placement of printing equipment, storage of consumables finished products and equipment, the space for the designer is 20 m2.

The room must be selected with suitable climatic conditions, and
also with ventilation and exhaust.

According to experts, locating production in residential buildings Not
recommended. This will definitely cause complaints from the residents of the house and force
look for a new location for production.

Step 5 Staff

An important person, on which the work of any printing house depends, is

The staff of a mini-printing house may consist of a printer, a printer's assistant, a cutter, a pre-press specialist, and an order collection manager.

According to market participants, the biggest problem is finding a printer,
despite the fact that this profession is considered one of the highest paid in the city. The work of a printer is hard and harmful. "Printers
are always needed by everyone. There is no printing house that did not need
printers,” admits Konstantin Kovalev, RA sales manager
"Zebra". Personnel are trained by the printing houses themselves, the North-Western Institute of Printing and
educational and methodological retraining centers. Often the printing houses themselves
are engaged in personnel training or lure employees from other
enterprises. Search through advertisements or recruiting agencies
practically does not work, experts admit.

In small companies, a pre-press specialist and designer,
usually the same person. Order collection managers must
have an idea of ​​what printing is.

6 step Specifics

The harvest period for a small printing house is considered to be autumn and
winter period until New Year.

“During this period, printing houses work in three shifts,” says Konstantin
Kovalev. Held a large number of exhibitions, advertising campaigns, going
preparation for the New Year's Eve. These activities require a lot
consumption of advertising products.


Average cost of main types of printed products
Name -- Circulation -- Cost -- Final cost
Leaflet A4, -- 5000 copies, full color, double-sided printing, glossy --$250 -- $350
Magazine 48 pages, - black and white, color cover A4, 1000 copies. --$700 --$1000
Booklet A3, -- 1000 copies. -- $240 -- $380...

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 6 minutes


Small cozy coffee shops are popular among lovers of an invigorating drink, because in addition to relaxing in a peaceful atmosphere, here you can order various types of coffee and enjoy delicious desserts. Coffee shops are also of particular interest to entrepreneurs, since opening them is considered a fairly profitable business with a well-established system of work. How and where to open a coffee shop, what is needed to organize a business, what you should pay attention to and whether it is profitable to work as a franchise - you will find answers to these and other questions on the website.

What documents are required to open a mini-coffee shop?

Any entrepreneurial activity must be formalized. To open a coffee shop, registering as an individual entrepreneur is enough. If the establishment intends to sell alcoholic products, then you should register an LLC and obtain a license. The prepared package of documents is submitted for registration in tax office. The passport and a photocopy certified by a notary are accompanied by:

  • A copy of the agreement for the lease or purchase of premises for business activities.
  • Conclusion of the SES and OGPS on the use of the premises.
  • Agreement for the removal of organic waste and disposal of mercury-containing lamps.
  • Agreement with laundry, security structure and other necessary documentation.

What do you need when opening a coffee shop?

Although opening a coffee shop is not such an expensive option as organizing a restaurant business, it also requires no less careful study of all details. So where to start?

Location - where is the best place to open a coffee shop?

According to experts, the success of a catering enterprise depends 50% on its location. To do right choice, the premises should be looked for:

  1. In places with high traffic or in crowded places - close to cinemas, parks, stadiums, airport. The disadvantage in this case is that most of of the clientele who visit the coffee shop are unlikely to become regular visitors. Most likely, their return visit will depend on whether they find themselves in these parts again.
  2. The location of the coffee shop near office buildings, business centers, etc. will ensure an influx of regular clientele on weekdays . Many employees will find it convenient to make appointments with clients and have a snack at lunchtime in your establishment. It will be quiet here on the weekend.

When choosing a room, you should not forget that it must have an emergency exit, which is provided for by safety requirements. IN There is no need for a large facility; 30-40 seats are enough.

Purchase of equipment

When opening even a small coffee shop, it is very important to choose the right equipment. This difficult task is best handled by professionals who will not only take into account all the features of the business, including the planned load, but will also offer equipment from reliable manufacturers.

Basic list of equipment for a mini-coffee shop:

  • Coffee making machine - semi-automatic or automatic.
  • Coffee grinder (in case of semi-automatic equipment).
  • Table for cutting food.
  • Microwave.
  • Refrigerated display case (if necessary).
  • 2-3 spacious refrigerators.
  • Cabinet for storing baked goods.
  • Bar counter.
  • Furniture for visitors.
  • Water filter.

Besides. It will be necessary to purchase kitchen utensils - all kinds of dishes, cutlery, trays, as well as interior items for decorating the hall - paintings, decorations, lamps.


The main criterion when recruiting staff in a coffee shop should be the ability of applicants to work with people. Good word, smile, friendly attitude, ability to listen - all this will work to attract clients.

At the initial stage, 2 coffee specialists, an accountant and a cleaner will be enough.

If you plan to offer visitors light snacks and snacks in addition to drinks, you will need a cook and several waiters. All personnel should acquire health certificates.

Creating the main menu

Ideally, a coffee shop’s assortment should include several traditional drinks for such establishments:

  • Espresso.
  • Americano.
  • Cappuccino.
  • Latte.
  • Mocha.
  • Various types of tea.

In addition to them, you can offer all kinds of desserts: buns, donuts, cakes. If the baked goods are prepared in a coffee shop, you will need additional kitchen space and appropriate permits.

Or you can order it from third-party restaurants and cafes.

Marketing and advertising of a coffee shop So that potential visitors can find out about the opened coffee shop, needs to be taken care of in a timely manner . However, you should not order the installation of billboards or advertising on television and radio, as these are unjustified expenses. The main clients of the establishment will still be passers-by and residents of adjacent buildings. Successful options

  • advertising for a coffee shop is:
  • Attractive sign.
  • Flyer distribution.
  • Discount coupons.

Well, the best advertising, as always, will be word of mouth. To effectively promote a coffee shop, you need to competently convey to your customers all your advantages. But advertising should not be oversaturated

and it should display only real information. If the client's expectations are too high, he can be lost forever!

How much money do you need to open a mini-coffee shop - calculation of approximate costs

The main costs when opening a coffee shop will be the purchase of equipment and furniture. In general, you need to focus on one-time expenses in the amount of at least 2-3.5 million rubles.

  • What exactly is included in the list of costs?
  • What exactly is on this list?
  • Registration of individual entrepreneur + order of printing - 15,000
  • Licenses and permits - 10,000
  • Premises rental - 300,000
  • Repair of premises - 300,000
  • Equipment + furniture + kitchen utensils - 1,200,000
  • Interior items - 40,000
  • Advertising events - 50,000-70,000 Purchase and installation - 50 000
  • cash registers
  • Menu + employee uniform - 80,000 System - 40 000

fire safety In addition, there may be additional costs for, software engineering project

and other unconsidered ideas.

Business plan for a mini-coffee shop from scratch - minimizing risks!

First of all, you should decide on the required amount of initial capital, the planned revenue for the month and the total total income.

So, for example, with correct organized business The establishment will be visited by 100 people per day. the average bill will be 200-250 rubles. Revenue per day will be 2000-2500 rubles, per month - 60,000-75,000 rubles. The project will pay off within several years.

To minimize risks, it is important to choose the right location, provide visitors with quality service, set reasonable prices and design an attractive interior. Cleanliness of the establishment tasty food and the friendliness of the staff will attract maximum amount clients.

Mini coffee shop franchise - all the pros and cons!

Purchasing a franchise allows an establishment to operate using proven technologies. A package of documents for business ownership, as well as brand recognition, will undoubtedly contribute to the effectiveness of the development of the enterprise. Even if the manager has no experience, the business can become quite profitable if you adhere to the franchisor’s recommendations and conduct staff training. In the absence of sufficient funds for business development, the parent company will tell you which bank to get a loan from and act as a guarantor for the return of funds.