Pavel Volya with his wife and child. Pavel Volya saved Laysan Utyasheva and married her. Pavel Volya: I married for love, for real! I am a happy man

An admirer of subtle humor, a master of caustic witticisms, a welcome guest at social events and parties, the “glamorous bastard” Pavel Volya is accustomed to being the center of attention and receiving compliments. Star " Comedy Club"was never deprived of the attention of ardent fans. Curious fans have always been interested in what Pavel Volya’s wife looks like, what this lucky woman does, and how she managed to seduce “Snowball” himself. The heart of a man with a reputation as a confirmed bachelor was melted by a modest, attractive young lady - Russian athlete Laysan Utyasheva.

Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva: the path from fleeting acquaintance to true love

A “bad” guy and a “good” girl met at work - they were hosting a social party together. After a fateful collaboration, the couple began to communicate. For a long time, Laysan Utyasheva and Pavel Volya treated each other exclusively as friends: they exchanged a few words when they met, discussed work issues, or simply chatted about nothing. Resident of the Comedy Club for three years was considered the common-law spouse of TV presenter Maria Kravtsova, and Laysan was generally of little interest in matters of the heart.

Gymnast Utyasheva actively built her career, constantly participating in several projects at the same time. The young people on television seemed completely different people. No one could have imagined that “mother’s daughter” Laysan Utyasheva would become the wife of Pavel Volya. Once faced with a personal tragedy, the athlete lost her joy in life and fell into severe depression. Pavel Volya helped a girl he knew overcome mental pain. Beauty Laysan immediately realized that Pasha was her man.

Pavel Volya and future wife Laysan

Friend is known in trouble

Mom Zulfiya was a friend, colleague, and adviser to her famous daughter Laysan. The gymnast's peers changed boyfriends like gloves, and the enviable bride of Utyasheva even appeared at parties hand in hand with her mother. Zulfiya divorced her husband a long time ago, but did not become limp, took care of her health and even dreamed of giving her beloved daughter a brother or sister. A young 47-year-old woman from a family of long-livers died suddenly from acute heart failure. The future wife of Pavel Volya was left alone.

The TV personality was expected every day on set and at parties, workdays were scheduled minute by minute - and no one around could imagine how difficult it was for the girl to smile on camera. The TV presenter worked on autopilot, and after work she poured out her soul to psychologists. A friend helped the rising star to overcome the bitterness of loss - Pavel Volya, so sarcastic on stage and so kind-hearted in life.

Yesterday's shy woman became the wife of Pavel Volya: wedding details, photos, secrets of family happiness

Pavel Volya's wife often admitted in interviews that she was shy and quiet by nature. Bright makeup and revealing outfits- This is just a working “dress code”. After her mother’s death, Laysan grew up and returned to her real self. At that moment, a long-awaited feeling of love for a man arose in her heart. Laysan Utyasheva and Pavel Volya started dating. They walked in parks, visited cafes, appeared at exhibitions and concerts. The lovers did not hide from the paparazzi, but, paradoxically, no one around them knew about the special relationship between the stars. Journalists still had no idea what the name of Pavel Volya’s wife was or whether he even had one.

Wedding of avid bachelor Pavel Volya

On April Fool's Day, information about Pavel Volya's wedding appeared online - everyone considered it reliable news. April Fool's joke. In memory of Laysan's mother, the wedding of two famous people was modest - without a limousine, elaborate decorations and fireworks. The newlyweds celebrated the holiday in a narrow family circle.

After the wedding, Laysan Utyasheva and Pavel Volya decided to give up honeymoon, but allowed themselves to take a break from work. Laysan happily took up handicrafts, went on a leisurely shopping spree, and began creating culinary masterpieces in the kitchen every day. Pavel Volya turned into exemplary family man- caring and affectionate. Laysan is proud of her husband and calls him a mentor, “big daddy.” Even being tired and broken, Utyasheva gives her beloved a smile and never causes scandals. “I respect my man too much - and I don’t have the right to blow his mind,” says happy wife Pavel Volya.

Children of Laysan and Pavel Volya - the meaning of life and great happiness

Soon after the wedding, the newlyweds learned that they would become parents. The news was joyful and exciting. The first child of Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva was born in Miami at the luxurious Memorial Regional Hospital.

The young father refused partner childbirth, but in difficult moments was next to his wife. For the first months, the newly-made mother and father did not leave their baby. Pavel Volya joked: “A little boss has appeared in the house.” On the advice of his great-grandmother, the baby was named Robert. The couple learned in practice everything about teeth, colic and tears. The happy couple were involved in the development of the baby from the cradle - they showed him pictures, talked to him and rejoiced at each new achievement of their first-born. After the wedding, Pavel Volya’s wife was once again convinced that her marriage was a gift from heaven.

Volya’s wife started thinking about her second baby literally immediately after her first birth. And very soon her idea came true - little princess Sophia was born. Robik tries to share concerns about his little sister with his mother - he shares with her his adored cars and brings diapers. Both relatives and colleagues dote on the children of Laysan and Volya. Even Father Laysan, who left the family long ago, is trying to make up for lost time and tirelessly babysits his grandchildren.

Laysan Utyasheva and daughter Sofia

Pavel Volya: I married for love, for real! I am a happy man!

Pavel Volya admits that children have radically changed his life. The “glamorous bastard” now experiences unspeakable emotion when he receives an SMS from his wife with magic word“we”: “We ate, we smile, we play.” Even the stars, it turns out, need so little to be happy! After marriage, noisy parties in the life of the outrageous guy faded into the background - they were replaced by quiet domestic joys. The first-class wit is in no hurry to share photographs from his personal archive - photos of Pavel Volya’s wife and children are rarely found on the Internet. Apparently, the star is afraid of scaring away her happiness.

Pavel Volya's wife howls with joy family nest– is responsible for the comfort in the house and a hot dinner every day. The couple, after much deliberation, chose a nanny for their little angels. The child care assistant was strictly “tested” by all the relatives of the famous couple. Laysan Utyasheva and Pavel Volya continue to move up the ranks career ladder. Now they have an excellent incentive to work and a reliable rear - a strong family and wonderful children.

On June 28, world champion, six-time European champion in rhythmic gymnastics Laysan Utyasheva celebrates her 29th birthday. In the summer of 2013, the athlete unexpectedly admitted to everyone that she married showman Pavel Volya and gave birth to his son Robert. The athlete’s fans were quite surprised by this revelation, but were sincerely happy for the lovers, because they complement each other so harmoniously. We decided to remember who others chose as their life partner bright residents Comedy Club

Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva began dating during a very difficult period for the gymnast. In March 2012, Zulfiya Utyasheva. Laysan took death very hard loved one, and Pasha helped the athlete get out of depression. The couple hid their romance from prying eyes and Laysan and Pavel did not appear anywhere together. in September 2012. There was no wedding, in the classical sense. Because of mourning for Laysan's mother, the young people did without a white dress for the bride, toasts, guests and limousines. After the painting in the registry office, the newlyweds celebrated the event with their family and even abandoned their honeymoon. When Utyasheva realized that she was expecting a child, she decided to leave for Spain. In May 2013, son Robert was born. A month ago the baby turned one year old. Star parents for now they don’t want to show their son to the public and post rare pictures of little Robert’s hands on their microblogs.

Garik Kharlamov and Christina Asmus

The novel by Garik Kharlamov and Christina Asmus can be compared to a real Mexican TV series. Due to red tape with the divorce of Garik and his first wife Yulia Leshchenko, the couple even had to file for divorce a few months after the wedding, because... Despite all the unflattering conversations and the difficult division of property, Garik and Christina often attended social events, took photographs with pleasure and actively posted joint photos on Instagram. At the beginning of January 2014, Garik and Christina became parents for the first time. The lovers had a daughter, Nastya. By the way, the girl’s godparents were Kharlamov’s longtime friend, Timur Batrutdinov, and close girlfriend Asmus, actress Anna Andrusenko. By the way, for the May holidays the couple decided to travel around Europe. It was in France that they wanted to celebrate an important date for them -. Asmus and Kharlamov took their 4-month-old daughter with them.

Garik Martirosyan and Zhanna Levina

Garik Martirosyan and Zhanna Levina have been together for 16 years. They met in 1997 in Sochi. Zhanna then studied in Stavropol state university at the Faculty of Law and came to rest for the holidays, and Garik arrived at the Sochi festival with the KVN team “New Armenians”. For the next few months, Martirosyan had to go to his beloved in Stavropol several times a month, until the couple decided to get married. Garik and Zhanna got married in Cyprus, in Armenian Church St. George. Zhanna is a lawyer by training, but to build own career While he is in no hurry, he enjoys taking care of the house and children. In 2004, the couple had a daughter, Jasmine. By the way, Steven Seagal came up with the name for the boy. Hollywood actor was a guest on the “ProjectorParisHilton” show, when Martirosyan’s colleagues on the program, Ivan Urgant and Sergei Svetlakov, asked the star to help Garik choose a name for the baby. Steven Daniel thought for a couple of minutes, to which his father immediately agreed.

Victor Vasiliev and Anna Snatkina

Victor Vasiliev and Anna Snatkina met on the TV show Yesterday Live, where Victor was the host and Anna was invited as a guest. A couple of weeks after the broadcast, Vasiliev came to the theater for Snatkina’s performance, but it turned out that the actress was hospitalized, so the couple’s first date took place in the hospital ward. A few months later, the lovers got married. More than a hundred people attended the ceremony, which took place in the Peterhof Summer Palace in “an atmosphere of the strictest secrecy.” After the celebration, the lovers left for Honeymoon to the Maldives, and Anna soon found out that she was expecting a child. The actress did not hide her pregnancy - she went to events and film premieres. in April 2013. For a long time, the star parents could not choose a name for the girl. Vasiliev was inclined to name Vera, because that was the name of his grandmother, and Anna wanted to name her daughter in honor of her beloved sister Maria. As a result, the couple chose the name Veronica. So far, the couple have not shown the baby to the public.

Alexander Revva and Angelica

Alexander Revva met his future wife Angelica 9 years ago in one of the Sochi clubs. According to the artist, it was love at first sight. Three months after they met, Alexander asked the girl’s hand in marriage from her parents, after which the lovers began to live together. When Angelica became pregnant, the couple got married, despite the fact that before that the showman had a clear position not to marry until he was forty. In 2007, the couple had a daughter, Alice, and a year ago, Amelie was born. The girl was named after the heroine of the French film of the same name. Now Revva dreams that his wife will give him a son. By the way, the showman’s wife lived abroad for several years where she studied tourism and hotel business. Angelica is fluent in several languages.

Semyon Slepakov and Karina

Very little is known about Semyon Slepakov’s personal life. The showman has never been seen in scandalous stories or high-profile romances. The news that Slepakov got married thundered like thunder from a clear sky. Semyon does not like to talk about his wife; all that is known is that the girl’s name is Karina, she works as a lawyer and has nothing to do with show business. For the first time, Semyon came out with his lover at Mikhail Galustyan’s birthday in October 2012, and a month later for the film “The Jungle”. Those close to Semyon and Karina note that they are a very harmonious couple. “Karina is very young, and Semyon has already seen a lot in life, a respectable producer who doesn’t even have a free minute to social media! For Karina, the most important thing in life is her husband, family, and future children. We can say that Semyon was lucky, he met his soulmate!” - told the newspaper TVNZ"One of Slepakov's friends.

Pavel Alekseevich Volya. Born on March 14, 1979 in Penza. Russian artist conversational genre, TV presenter, actor, resident Comedy Club.

He has a sister, Olga, who is 3 years younger than him.

He studied at Penza school No. 11, preferring humanitarian subjects - literature and history. He graduated from school with a silver medal. During his studies, he actively participated in amateur performances and played in the school KVN.

After graduating from school, he entered the Penza Pedagogical Institute named after V.G. Belinsky to the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature. While studying at the institute, he was the captain of the Penza KVN team “Valeon Dasson”, whose members also included Timur Rodriguez and Leonid Shkolnik.

As part of "Valeon Dasson" he won the First League of KVN, winning the right to participate in Major League. However, in the Major League the Penza team was destined to play only one game - losing in the 1/8 finals of the 2001 season, "Valeon Dasson" in official games The International KVN Union no longer took part.

Worked as a DJ at Russian Radio in Penza under the pseudonym Pavel Dobrovolsky, hosted the program “Free Nails” on the Moscow “Russian Radio”. There is a certain amount of confusion associated with this pseudonym - some have decided that this is real name Pavel. However, it is not. He himself explained: “The first myth is that my real name is Denis Dobrovolsky. I stated this in a monologue about pseudonyms, saying that all artists have them, including me. Now everyone is sure of this - even the people who went to school with me one kindergarten, studied with me at school: “How so? He has been deceiving us since he was three years old!” Hey, what's wrong with you?! They found out that I worked on the radio in Penza as Dobrovolsky. Well, that’s right - that was exactly my pseudonym. The name has grown on me forever."

In 2001 he graduated from the Penza Pedagogical Institute and immediately left for Moscow to continue his career. However, immediately in creative profession I didn’t make it - in Moscow I started out working as a construction foreman.

Then he managed to become a screenwriter for. However, when the “Good Evening” program on RTR closed, Pavel switched to radio. He worked as a presenter at Muz-TV, voiced Masyanya in the show “Visiting Masyanya” on Muz-TV, and worked as a DJ at the radio station Hit-FM in 2003.

April 9, 2005 at mall"Atrium" hosted a presentation of the program "Comedy Club". Volya defined his role - “ glamorous scumbag”, basing his speeches on insults of other people.

From its first releases, the Comedy Club show was distinguished by harsh jokes about the stars. At one time, the conflict between Pavel Volya and Roman Trakhtenberg (now deceased) received great resonance. An attempt to make fun of Trachtenberg resulted in an equally harsh response, and Volya himself became an object of ridicule.

Pavel Volya often performs his own monologues in the standup style. Also successful are joint jokes with other residents of the club - Garik Martirosyan, and.

He also took part in other comedy projects of the TNT and Comedy channels. Club Production. Together with Vladimir Turchinsky he led comedy show"Laughter without rules" and " Slaughter League", where he also allowed himself to joke about the participants.

Pavel Volya - O modern science. Comedy Club

In 2007 started solo career as a performer. He recorded several tracks and shot videos for the songs “Everything will be awesome”, “Mama!”, “Barvikha”, “The Best Song” and “Penza City”. Released solo album"Respect and respect." Starred in several commercials bread croutons "Khrusteam". A video was distributed on the Internet in which hooligans beat and scold Pavel. This video was later found to be a fake, made to promote the musician's new album.

He said about his passion for music: “I write poetry, music comes into my head. I have the opportunity to write this down and pass it on to people. At the same time, I am aware that there are a billion people in the world who can write and perform songs better than me, but they don’t have my capabilities. And if God gave me all this, I simply don’t have the right to do nothing. I don’t like it lying around the table.”

Since 2009, he has continued his DJ career, which he began in Penza. Since 2010, he has been playing live sets together with drummer Tim Ivanov.

In 2016, Pavel Volya became the TV presenter of the original humorous show “Improvisation”. The program is published weekly on Fridays. During the TV show, Pavel asks the regular actors of the program and invited guests topics on which the speakers prepare funny miniatures. As the name suggests, what happens on the screen is improvisation; the participants do not rehearse the numbers. Instead of rehearsals, the actors of the show organize technical parties, live performances, where spectators can attend. Also, as part of the show, the actors tour with performances in Russian cities.

Scandal with a statement about the residents of Yekaterinburg:

In 2016, at his speech in New York, he spoke unflatteringly about the residents of Yekaterinburg. The published video recording of the performance caused many dissatisfied responses on the Internet and calls for a boycott of Pavel’s concert scheduled for December of the same year in Yekaterinburg. Pavel Volya himself said after that that it was a joke and accused the media of fanning the scandal. Pavel Volya's concert in Yekaterinburg in December 2016 was canceled, as was a performance in another city - Tyumen. As representatives of the comedian told the press, the event organizers stopped answering the phone.

Pavel Volya in cinema

Since 2006, he began acting in films, making his debut in the TV series “Next”.

In 2008, he played his first leading role - in a youth drama "Plato". His hero is Plato, a pimp, he introduces beautiful girls with rich people. The beauties are “caught” by a team of young and daring guys, and Plato decides their destinies. One day Plato met a girl, Lyuba, and realized that she was not just another beauty. She's different. He feels good and interesting with her, but it is her, and no one else, that oligarch Abdul has his eyes on.

In 2009 he played the main role in the comedy "Bride at any cost". His hero is Stanislav Aleksandrovich Izovsky, a successful businessman and a brilliant heartthrob. Hoping to earn a promotion, he comes into contact with a dangerous businessman with a criminal past. But during negotiations, unable to control her temperament, she easily seduces his girlfriend, and when leaving her in the morning, she catches the eye of the businessman’s driver. Now he faces serious danger, unless, of course, he can provide himself with an alibi in the form of a bride - at any cost.

Pavel Volya in the film "The Bride at Any Cost"

In 2012, he played one of the main roles in the comedy “Happy New Year, Moms!” His hero is the son of Vera Evgenievna ().

Pavel Volya in the film "Happy New Year, Moms!"

In 2018 it was released adventure film "Viy-2. The Mystery of the Dragon Seal"(sequel to "Viya"). In the story, the English traveler, Jonathan Green, receives an order from Peter the Great to make maps Far East Russia. He will have to again long haul, full of incredible adventures that will lead him to China! The cartographer will face a lot of dizzying discoveries, unexpected meetings with strange creatures, Chinese princesses, masters of deadly martial arts and Lung Wang himself, the King of all dragons.

About his work in the film “Viy-2. The Mystery of the Dragon Seal" Pavel said: “I have the role of Prince Menshikov, who stirs things up while the Tsar Father is away. I have few scenes there, but the appearance is bright, in my opinion... Well, you have to be a fool to refuse to work with Rutger Hauer. What a cool guy! We became friends, exchanged phone numbers."

Pavel Volya in the film "Viy-2. The Secret of the Dragon Seal"

Pavel Volya's height: 179 centimeters.

Personal life of Pavel Volya:

For 3 years he lived in a civil marriage with the presenter of the MTV channel Marika (real name - Maria Kravtsova). The artists met on the set of the Comedy Club, where Maria was invited by friends. Everyone expected their wedding, but it never came to marriage - in 2010 the couple decided to separate without scandals, having managed to maintain their friendship.

Soon he began dating a famous gymnast and TV presenter. Pavel and Laysan met in the company of mutual friends and occasionally saw each other at film premieres and exhibitions. Grief brought them closer: when Laysan’s mother Zulfiya died, it was Pavel Volya who lent her a man’s shoulder and helped her survive this difficult period. For a long time the couple hid their relationship. And only in the spring of 2013 it became known that Laysan was pregnant. It also turned out that the couple got married back in September 2012.

On May 14, 2013, the couple had a son, Robert. Utyasheva gave birth in Miami. On May 6, 2015, in the same American clinic, Laysan gave birth to a daughter, Sofia.

Filmography of Pavel Volya:

2006-2009 - Club (all seasons) - participant in the video
2007 - The best film - Tim Milan
2008-2011 - Univer - cameo
2008 - Plato - Plato
2009 - Bride at any cost - Stanislav Aleksandrovich Izovsky
2009 - - cameo
2010 - Love in the Big City-2 - taxi driver Hamlet
2011 - Love affair at work. Our time - Vadik, secretary
2011 - Kiss through the wall - Rastaman Kondratiev
2012 - Happy New Year, moms! - son of Vera Evgenievna
2017 - Zomboyashchik
2018 - Viy-2. The Mystery of the Dragon Seal - Prince Menshikov

Voiced by Pavel Volya:

2011 - Gender: The Secret Material (Paul) - Gender
2013 - Parrot Club (animated)

Discography of Pavel Volya:

2007 - Respect and Respect
2012 - New
2016 - Thoughts and music

Singles by Pavel Volya:

2007 - Everything will be awesome
2007 - Showbiz
2007 - Our Russia
2008 - Barvikha
2008 - Barvikha (Dj Miv & Dj Hit Ural)
2008 - Advanced Cities
2008 - Most Best Song(feat. Jani Radari)
2008 - To Mom
2008 - Trains then
2008 - Penza
2008 - Patsanskaya
2008 - Plato
2009 - Rainbow Song
2010 - Penza-City
2010 - Our Russia
2011 - Boy (feat. Yolka)
2012 - Mom, we are all getting old (feat. City 312)
2012 - I'm dancing!
2012 - New
2012 - Everything is paid
2012 - Stop the Planet

The conversational genre has only recently begun to spread in our country, and this is a kind of progress. The pioneers were KVN, many of whose people smoothly went to work at the Comedy Club. From the very moment of the founding of Comedy in Russia, Pavel Volya was there, who at first evoked mixed emotions, which earned him the nickname “glamorous bastard.” But this character gradually outgrew himself, settled down and even got married. What is the name of Pavel Volya’s wife, and how did they meet?

Who is he really?

Previously, Pavel behaved more defiantly on stage: he spoke to his eyes unpleasant truth about the people who came to the show, made caustic comments and remarks. In a word, he was a typical stand-up artist who, thanks to improvisation and quick wit, held the audience. This genre appeared in the United States, where there are many African Americans among comedians. Maybe, based on this analogy, Pavel received another nickname - “Snowball”, which smacks of cynicism and racism.

Such work required a well-developed mind. Pavel coped, but it seems that he was tired of the image of the “bad guy”, and gradually his inner intellectual took over. By education, which Pavel, by the way, received in Penza, he is a teacher of Russian language and literature, so he easily finds humor in typical mistakes, slang, everyday situations and parties. Pavel grew up and matured. It became clear that this was not a fly-by-night artist.

Abyss of work

A developing artist cannot sit in one place for a long time, so Pavel has a lot of work besides the Comedy Club. He hosted the programs “Slaughter League” and “Laughter Without Rules.” He successfully hosts “Comedy Battle” on the TNT channel and has appeared on the jury of many programs and television awards.

Long ridicule modern music gave Pavel the idea of ​​doing it himself. In his work, he does not repeat anyone and has been paving his own path since 2007. His tracks are distinguished by their originality and soon became popular among the people. Then came filming in commercials and first film roles. Pavel now owns the Nopassport record label.

Personal life and meeting my wife

When you look at the ironic, funny and daring guy, it’s hard to believe that he is married. Although changes in Pavel’s personal life have been predicted for a long time. By the way, the guy was not noticed in fleeting novels; all his connections were serious. There were rumors about his affair with actress Maria Kozhevnikova, singer Yolka and Comedy Woman participant Nadezhda Sysoeva. But for the first time, Pavel introduced the TV presenter Marika (Masha Kravtsova) to the general public, with whom he entered into a civil marriage.

Things were moving towards a wedding, but the possibility of betrayal was in the air due to the girl’s public career. Three years later, the couple broke up, maintaining friendly relations, and a year later the girl got married. A new love It didn’t take long for her to appear in Paul’s life. So, what is the name of Pavel Volya’s wife? Many people don't believe it, but that too a famous person, Russian gymnast Laysan Utyasheva, whom no one expected to see together with the flighty comedian.

Random mystery

Why did no one expect such an alliance? After all, the young people did not hide their feelings, but perhaps the clear contrast between the images of Pavel and Laysan made their marriage a surprise. At first, everyone thought that this was just another PR stunt and did not attach much importance to the rumors. And in response to the question about the name of Pavel Volya’s wife, they called different names, wondering who will be the next contender for his heart.

Laysan and Pavel met on social event which they led together. Sympathy arose immediately, but they came to love gradually. Laysan happened to make mistakes in her chosen ones, and she was in no hurry to make a new mistake. IN public places they did not appear, although they walked and talked a lot. This year was difficult for the girl, since her mother died in March 2012. Pavel was nearby and showed himself to be a truly reliable and devoted person. Laysan recognized him with unexpected side and accepted his proposal to get married. The young people kept the wedding modest, celebrating the occasion with friends.

Pavel Volya’s young wife did not trust the press with the wedding photo, citing the lack of pathetic event. Only when the couple began to appear together in society did people believe in their marriage. As the wife of Pavel Volya, Laysan Utyasheva received some impetus for development in a new area, because on her husband’s almost native TNT channel there are many projects in development.

Family idyll

Now it’s a rare person who doesn’t know the name of Pavel Volya’s wife, because the former “glamorous bastard” has shown himself to be an exemplary family man. He became softer and calmer, there is a smile on his face, and Pavel’s interviews about his family are very gentle and loving. By the way, the couple did not stay together for long, because Laysan soon became pregnant. Pavel moved her to Spain, believing that there was a good climate there. For young people, a child meant the seriousness of their union, so preparations for the birth were mutual: Pavel tried to predict the desires of his wife, and she considered childbirth as Olympic Games that definitely need to be won.

Surprisingly, the media missed the moment when Utyasheva gave birth. Pavel Volya’s wife turned out to be a “shot sparrow” and did not publicize this event. Robert was born in Miami and brought the young family together even more. The couple strive to give him a normal childhood and do not introduce him into the world ahead of time. The maximum that family photos can achieve.

The burden of living with an idol

Both spouses can complain in their own way about the publicity of their lives, but Laysan still has it a little harder, since Pavel is almost always in the spotlight. He works hard and is constantly surrounded by beautiful women.

Pavel Volya's wife Laysan Utyasheva showed herself to be a wise woman who knows how to establish family life. She does not worry about trifles and is patient with difficult moments. For example, gaining weight during pregnancy was a psychological blow for her, which could lead to hysteria, but Laysan caught herself in time and realized that she could harm the child. After childbirth excess weight quickly left, and now the girl looks dazzling. On the TNT channel show “Dancing,” Laysan was the host, and they were satisfied with her work. The girl was moderately smiling, talkative, wholeheartedly supported the participants and exchanged jokes with the jury members, among whom was her husband. Laysan hosted all episodes of the show in luxurious evening dresses, so viewers could make sure that the former gymnast had not lost her shape, and Volya was very lucky with his wife.

Pavel Volya is a Russian stand-up comedian, one of the founders of the satirical show Comedy Club, and TV presenter.

Childhood and family

Pavel Volya was born on March 14, 1979 in the family of Alexei Evgenievich and Tamara Alekseevna Volya, factory workers from Penza. Pasha and his 3-year-younger sister Olga spent their childhood in a typical nine-story panel building in a residential area of ​​the city.

Parents devoted a lot of time to intellectual and physical development children, but never imposed their vision of the future on them. As a child, Pasha dreamed of becoming a tower crane operator, but then his childhood dream was forgotten. He became interested in martial arts (though the street taught him much more in this regard), went to theater Club and even memory development courses. IN adolescence was the host of the youth program “Slam” on a local cable channel.

Some sources claim that Pavel Volya’s real name is Denis Dobrovolsky. And the artist himself spoke about this in one of his speeches, but most likely it was a joke, since he later said that his parents named him Pavel in honor of his great-grandfather, a front-line soldier. And Dobrovolsky is a pseudonym from his time working on the radio.

Also in school years Pasha started playing KVN. Despite his activity, the guy who gravitated towards humanities, studied well and, having graduated from school with a silver medal, entered the Penza Pedagogical University. V.G. Belinsky. By profession, Pavel Volya is a teacher of Russian language and literature.

IN student years he continued to play in KVN, becoming captain of the university team “Valeon Dasson”. It was there that they met Timur Kerimov, who is known today as Timur Rodriguez, as well as Leonid Shkolnik, the future screenwriter of the Comedy Club. Also as a student, Pavel worked as a presenter at the Penza branch of Russian Radio.

In 2001, the Valeon Dasson team participated in the KVN Major League, and although the guys did not advance beyond the 1/8 finals, this was only the beginning of the bright path of Pavel and his KVN comrades. That same year, Pavel graduated from university and moved to Moscow.

Young Pavel Volya in KVN

At first, the capital received the young provincial unfriendly, and for some time he had to work as a construction foreman. Then Pavel managed to become a screenwriter for Igor Ugolnikov’s program “Good Evening,” broadcast on RTR. Producer " Good morning"was Artur Janibekyan. Later the program was closed, and Volya got a job as a presenter at Muz-TV, later moved to Hit-FM and at exactly 7:00 he got hundreds of thousands of listeners out of bed. Is in his early creative biography and the experience of voicing “Masyanya” by Oleg Kuvaev.

Pavel Volya about working on Muz-TV and other early projects

Comedy Club

After the closure of “Good Morning”, Arthur Janibekyan, also a former KVN player, together with Garik Martirosyan and Artashes Sargsyan, former comrades on the command of “New Armenians”, founded a humorous club-type show Comedy Club, inviting new project talented guys ready to perform in the new Stand Up genre for Russia. Pavel Volya was among them.

Pavel Volya's first performance at the Comedy Club

For more than a year, the show wandered around TV channels: cooperation with MTV did not work out after the first release, STS decided that Comedy Club with its hooligan humor would not fit into the channel’s concept. Finally, the management of TNT became interested in the tape with the pilot episode of the show, and on April 23, 2005, the show premiered, which was destined to become the most profitable humorous project in the history of Russian television.

Russian viewers, especially young people, at that time were already fed up with sold-out comedy programs with bearded jokes. Residents of the Comedy Club shamelessly used words that were previously an unspoken taboo on television, and joked on the verge of a foul. From his first performances, Pavel Volya secured the stage image of a “glamorous scumbag,” a person who criticizes other people. Each episode of Comedy Club opened with his witticisms - Volya usually walked around the guests in the studio.

Pavel Volya insults the audience

In 2007, Comedy Club Production was created - a production company, under the name of which Comedy Club was henceforth published. CCP began producing almost all entertainment shows and TV series on TNT. The first signs were the humorous programs “Laughter without Rules” and “Slaughter League”, in which new figures were forged for the Comedy Club and its subsidiary projects. The hosts of both projects were Pavel Volya and Vladimir Turchinsky.

Subsequently, Pavel Volya began performing solo monologues as an independent artist. Now in Comedy Club Pavel performs less frequently, but fans of the show have not lost him - in 2015 he replaced Garik Martirosyan as host.


In 2007, Pavel decided to try himself in the musical field. He composed simple music using a drum machine and wrote lyrics. Soon he presented to the public his first composition in the rap genre, “Show Biz.”

“I don’t pay special attention to this, it’s not that important to me... - no, the result, of course, is important. But I don’t sit in chat rooms, I don’t look at what they write about me, I don’t go on the Internet, I don’t look at ratings, reports, everything else. The song “Show Biz” occupied some places, stayed in some charts - it doesn’t matter, people liked it. After all, at first when we brought it, they told us: “Oh, no, this is terrible! A lot of text, unformatted.” Me: “Let him play for a week, then whatever you want.” He's been playing for a long time. They no longer remember about the non-format, they say, “no one said that!”

In the same year, Pavel Volya released a two-disc album, “Respect and Respect,” and two years later, the album “Miracles Happen” appeared. Videos were shot for three songs (“Everything will be awesome”, “Barvikha”, “Mame”). It was Pavel Volya who wrote the song that opens the series “Our Russia”

Pavel Volya - Awesome

In 2012, the second album “New” was released, which included the song “Boy” (recorded together with singer Yolka), “Our Russia-2”, “Mom, we are all getting old” (together with the group “City 312” ). And the orchestra of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia took part in the recording of “Hussarskaya”.

Pavel Volya – Boy (ft. Yolka)

The third album, “Thoughts and Music,” turned out to be more lyrical and adult. The trend was continued by an audiobook with poems by Pavel Volya, released in 2018 on two discs. Also, the showman, together with Maxim Fadeev and Timati, recorded the opening song for the show “Songs on TNT”. He owns a small music label Nopassport, which included artists Tantsui, Monoplay, Almapa.


An impressive part of Pavel Volya’s income comes from filming commercials. So, since 2007, Pavel has been the ambassador of KhrusTeam crackers from the SM-Trade company. Over the years, the artist has tried on all kinds of images: he was Charlie Chaplin, Ivan the Terrible, Count Orlov, Galileo Galilei, Caesar, Alexander Nevsky, Robin Hood, Sherlock Holmes, Casanova and even Iron Man, the only thing that remained unchanged was the pack of crackers in his hand.

Film roles

Pavel Volya’s debut in “big cinema” was the role of Tima Milan (who was obviously Dima Bilan) in the parody film “The Best Film”.

Tima Milan – Alphabet of Love (“The Best Film”)

After "Most best film» Pavel Volya started working on leading role in the film "Plato". In this tragicomedy, Pasha played a role close to him - a glamorous Moscow party-goer. The hero of the film is very similar to Pavel Volya himself in all respects. He has an extraordinary mind, attractive appearance, and sociability. This allows him to successfully conduct business and be popular with women.

“Platosha is very interesting to me. In Moscow life he is like a duck to water, everyone knows what he does and how to find him. In Plato’s hands are the levers of fate, he controls the world, no, let’s say, the little world in which he lives,”

Subsequently, he appeared with a cameo in TV series produced by Comedy Club Production (“Univer”, “Deffchonki”), and played the main role in the romantic comedy “Bride at Any Cost”. Volya could be seen in the series “” from his Comedy colleague Vadim Galygin. His role in the film “Happy New Year, Moms!” was touching. (short story “See Paris, and...”), where he played young man, who gave his mother (Irina Rozanova) a trip to France. Together with colleagues from Comedy Club Will starred in the sketch comedy “Zomboyashchik,” which received extremely low audience ratings.

Personal life of Pavel Volya

For quite a long time, the Comedy Club resident enjoyed a reputation as a confirmed bachelor with an impressive Don Juan list. Pavel dated MTV presenter Marika, known as Marina Kravtsova, for three years. They met at the end of 2005 in a nightclub. Pavel had been seeking the attention of this energetic girl for almost a year, and for good reason - their couple was called the most beautiful in Russian show business. But in 2010, the couple eventually broke up, and, as Marika noted in an interview, without any conflicts. They remained good friends.