Star offspring of rich parents. Timati (Timur Yunusov) - biography, information, personal life Ildar Yunusov businessman biography

Timati (real name – Timur Ildarovich Yunusov) – Russian rap artist, who became famous after fourth season“Star Factory” as part of the “Gang” group. In 2006, the singer began solo career and founded a production center Black Star Inc. Timati’s activities extend far beyond music: this includes an author’s line of clothing, a fast food chain, and filming.

Childhood and family

Timur Yunusov was born into a wealthy family. His father, businessman-investor Ildar Vakhitovich Yunusov, from whom Timati inherited a commercial streak, has Tatar roots. The artist’s mother, Simona Yakovlevna Yunusova, nee Chervomorskaya, is Jewish by nationality. Timati - no only child in the family, he has a younger brother by 3.5 years, Artem, known in the world of music under the pseudonym DJ Temniy.

Your childhood future artist spent in my parents' apartment on Mira Avenue. WITH early age he showed his Creative skills, and therefore his parents enrolled him in music school, where he spent the next four years learning the intricacies of violin playing. But the boy did not have any particular love for the instrument, practicing only at the request of his mother, whose family included many musicians.

Timati began to become interested in rap and hip-hop at about 13 years old, having visited the States, the primary source of rap culture. Around this time, he got his first tattoo - a fire dragon.

In 1998, Timati founded the group VIP77, which included his friends: Pasha, Baby Lee, MC Dynamite, Master Spensor, Leo and Dominic Joker. On the wave common interests he met Decl, not even suspecting that the father of his new friend was famous producer Alexander Tolmatsky. Timati helped Decl with writing a solo album - he can be heard on backing vocals in the album “Who are you”, and can also be seen in the video for “Party at Decl’s House”. The creative union never resulted in anything more, and therefore the paths of the young rappers diverged.

After graduating from school, Timati entered High school economics, but after six months he dropped out of school because he could not combine it with nightlife: together with his friends, he threw parties in the best clubs in the capital. He was one of the first to begin promoting the famous Moscow night hip-hop clubs Most and Marika.

Timati at the Star Factory

In 2004, VIP77 disbanded, reviving a year later with a new lineup: Timati, Pasha, Deema, Walter and Yulia Vashchekina. At the same time, Timati, together with Dominic Joker, Ratmir Shishkov and Nastya Kochetkova, passed the casting for the musical reality show “Star Factory-4”. Under the leadership of producer Igor Krutoy, the young people who formed the Banda group recorded songs, were trained by the best teachers in Russia, and became more and more popular with each reporting concert.

The guys did not make it to the finals - that season the winners were Irina Dubtsova, Anton Zatsepin and Stas Piekha. However, the producers paid attention to the guys and gave the young artists the opportunity to record their album and shoot a video. Long after the finale of “Factory,” their hit “Heaven is Crying” is heard from every second radio receiver in the country. But the album “New People” was greeted by listeners without much excitement.

“Star Factory”: Timati – “Heaven is Crying” (2004)

After this, Timati, together with other members of the Factory, went on a tour of Russia, which lasted several months. Returning from tour, Timati opened night club Black club (B-club).

On March 23, 2007, Ratmir, his girlfriend, Deema from VIP77 and two other people got into an accident when their car ran a red light. The car crashed into an SUV, causing the gas tank to detonate. All passengers died in the fire, unable to get out of the mangled car. After Ratmir's death, the Banda group announced its dissolution.

Solo career. Black Star

Debut solo album Timati's "Black Star" was released in 2006, even before the collapse of "Gang". The disc featured 17 compositions, including duets with Irina Dubtsova, Ksenia Sobchak, Karina Koks, Alexa, Fyodor Bondarchuk and the group Uma2rman. The cover itself was a copy of the cover of Tupac's album Until the End of Time.

Because of this, as well as because of obvious borrowings from Western colleagues (for example, he took the beat for the composition “Zombie” completely from the group Clipse) professional music critics like Artemy Troitsky, Timati was repeatedly accused of plagiarism.

The pioneers of the rap genre in Russia also disliked Timati. After Timati and Dominic Joker covered the Bad Balance track “Bitch Love” and the composition was included in the soundtrack documentary film, dedicated to the memory of Mikhei from Bad Balance, the leader of the group, Vlad Valov, accused Timati of mocking the deceased.

In parallel with musical career Timati was actively involved in business. In 2006, his label Black Star Inc was founded, which subsequently released music scene Russian rapper L'One, Mota, Yegor Creed, Misha Marvin, Scrooge, Christina C and other young performers.

At the beginning of 2007, the comedy “Heat” was released on television, in which Timati played one of the main roles along with Alexei Chadov, Nastya Kochetkova and Konstantin Kryukov.

In the same year, Timati voiced the main character in the cartoon “Catch the Wave.”

Timati did not serve in the army. In 2008 he was declared unfit for duty. military service as “mentally unbalanced”, since, according to the law of the Russian Federation, a conscript whose body is covered with tattoos on more than 50% receives a certificate from a psychiatrist.

In 2008, Timati, together with Dj Smash, released the hit “Moscow Never Sleeps”, which was awarded the MTV Russia Music Awards in the “Debut” category.

Timati ft. DJ Smash – Moscow Never Sleeps

In 2008, together with the Sprandi company, Timati released the first line of sportswear, TS Timati for Sprandi, the presentation of which took place at Russian Fashion Week in Moscow. And in 2010, under the Black Star Wear label, Timati began producing a personalized line of youth clothing.

2009 was marked by the release of Timati's second album, which received a laconic title The Boss. In the summer of the same year, another close friend and colleague of Timati, DJ Dlee, died in a car accident.

In 2012, Timati's third studio and first English-language album SWAGG, consisting of 21 tracks, was released. Work on the record took three years, and the invited guests were no longer Russian celebrities, and international stars: P. Diddy, Snoop Dogg, Busta Rhymes, Craig David, Laurent Wolf.

The result exceeded all expectations - SWAGG became popular not only in Timati’s homeland. Statistics Black Star Inc. showed that in terms of the level of rotation of compositions from the album, Europe beat the indicators of Russia and the CIS countries. Moreover, the composition “Welcome to Saint-Tropez” managed to dislodge Lady Gaga from the first place on international iTunes.

Timati ft DJ Antonie – Welcome to St. Tropez

A year later, the presentation of the Russian-language album “13” took place. The record failed to break the records of the third album, but the album topped the iTunes charts in the CIS and Baltic countries. Pavel Murashov, Christina Sy, Mot, L’One and Fidel helped Timati with the recording.

In the same 2013, Timati, together with Snoop Dogg, starred in the Russian comedy “Odnoklassniki: Call for Luck,” which told about a young designer who received the magical opportunity to fulfill any wish simply by writing it in the status of a social network. Despite the presence of stars, the film failed at the box office.

In 2014, Timati, who is in close relations with the Head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov, was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Chechen Republic.

In September 2016, the Black Star Burger eatery opened in Moscow, on Novy Arbat. Timati invited customers to try completely black burgers while wearing black latex gloves, which have become a kind of “feature” of the restaurant. The singer planned to open a second burger shop in Grozny - Kadyrov personally asked him about this.

Timati's personal life

In an interview, Timati admitted that he never had serious feelings for girls until he met 16-year-old singer Alexa at the Star Factory. The romance began right on the project, under the supervision of hundreds of cameras, fueling the audience’s interest in the young couple. The girl became the first to whom the artist sincerely confessed his love.

After the release of Alexa’s video “Where are you”, where Timati appeared in the image romantic hero, the press began to say that in fact the romance of the young people was a PR move by the producers.

Alexa - “Where are you?”

In 2005, Alexa and Timati had a big quarrel after a long tour together and broke up for the first time. Alexa returned to her native Donetsk, where she began to communicate closely with a young man from the coal business. But soon everything returned to normal. The press said that Timati flew to Donetsk and took Alexa almost from under the aisle.

In 2006, Timati launched the reality show “Yuppies in a Pickup Truck,” in which Alexa took part. Then the lovers wrote down joint song"When you're around".

In 2007, Alexa and Timati put an end to their relationship once and for all. The young people kept silent about the reason, but Alexa’s close friends said that they simply did not get along in character - Timati loved nightlife, and the girl preferred an evening at home to any party. About Alexa's feelings for ex-boyfriend her song “My Vendetta” speaks eloquently.

Behind next years Timati's passions included many beauties. This includes Miss Russia 2009 Sofya Rudyeva, to whom the rapper quickly lost interest, and Mila Volchek, who, according to Timati, had an indelible influence on his way of thinking. He was seen in company with model Victoria Lopyreva, singer Fergie, actress Mila Jovovich, but it is unlikely that communication with them went beyond friendship.

Who is Timati? This pseudonym is wildly popular among generations of all ages. His name is familiar to everyone, young and old. IN Russian show business he occupies one of the most influential and leading positions. The Chechen Republic recognized Timati as an Honored Artist. This is a multifaceted and creative personality.

Timur is known not only as an artist, but also quite successfully produces young performers and plays the main and minor roles in films. He is a successful businessman and takes an active part in the development of rap culture in modern Russia.

Full name Timati - Timur Ildarovich Yunusov.

If you are a fan of this artist and would like to know how old he is and the history of his career rise, read this article to the end. In it we outlined in detail the biography of the singer and his personal life.

Timur's childhood and youth

The star was born on August 15, 1983 in our capital vast Motherland- Moscow . His parents- very influential and wealthy people. Ildar Yunusov (father) is a major businessman and has Tatar roots. Simona Chervomorskaya (her mother had that surname as a girl) has Jewish origin. Despite the fact that the Yunusov family did not need anything and lived in abundance, Timur was not pampered and was vaccinated from childhood leadership skills. The father taught his son that he needed to achieve everything himself and his parents would not present him with their money “on a silver platter.”

However, Timur's childhood was cloudless and happy compared to other peers.

Tim has a younger brother Artyom who takes an active part in creative life singer and his career to this day.

Timur has two scars from stab wounds, which are a consequence of his stormy youth.

Timati began to show interest in rap culture V adolescence(13 years old) after a trip to the USA. Soon he got his first tattoo on his hand - a fiery red dragon. At about the same age, the star had an image of a green lion on her hand.

At the age of 15, the talented young man founded his own group VIP77, which consisted of close friends of the performer.

Music knowledge were formed at a music school, which the singer graduated without much success. Its initiators music education became parents, and future star She did not show any special desire to study or have a passion for music.

Timur graduated from secondary school and entered the Moscow Higher School of Economics, studied there for a semester, but never graduated educational institution. He tried to continue his studies in the United States, but his attempts were also unsuccessful, so the black performer does not have a higher education. However, this does not at all prevent Timur from achieving success and amassing his multimillion-dollar fortune.

Timati did not serve in the army because was recognized mentally unstable . The fact is that most The performer's body is occupied by tattoos, and according to the rules of the medical commission, if a person has more than 50 percent of his body decorated with tattoos, then he is considered inadequate and, accordingly, cannot serve in the ranks of the Russian army.

The beginning of the career of a black performer

Timur's group

The beginning of a rap star's career can be called 1998, when the young man turned 15 years old. Timati founded the group VIP77 Family, which consisted of the singer’s close circle - Walter, Yulia Vashchekina, Deema, Pasha and Ratmir.

The group received this name for a reason: the participants consider themselves one big family, all the people in the group are very important, and the numbers 77 are the code of the beloved city of Moscow.

Timur's musical gang existed for 9 years and was very popular in European clubs.

Tim's participation in the star factory

Timati and his “Gang” passed a musical casting for a reality show called Star Factory. The first to notice the young and talented performer was famous producer Igor Krutoy. It is this outstanding Russian composer became the leader and mentor of the creative group.

Timati and his “Gang” did not become finalists at the Star Factory, but were noticed by producers. After participating in the reality show, the first video “Heaven is Crying” is released. This song became a real hit and blew up the country's radio charts. However, the album entitled "New People" was not particularly popular.

Timur traveled with tours throughout the territory Russian Federation for several months. The rap artist's fan base expanded every day. Upon arrival in Moscow, the young star opens his first nightclub - Black club.

In 2007, Ratmir Shishkov and Deema died tragically. The cause of death was car accident. The band "Banda" announces its breakup.

All fans of the rap star want to know who their idol sleeps with and wakes up with, how many children he has and who his chosen one is. Let's lift the veil of secrecy about Timur's personal life and his relationships with the opposite sex.

Alexa from Star Factory became the first love of a black performer. He admitted this in one of his many interviews. When the video “Where Are You” was released, the main character of which was our young Don Juan, gossips They didn’t believe in the sincere feelings of young people and called this novel just another PR.

2005. - a couple of lovers break up due to a strong quarrel. Alexa returns to her homeland - to Donetsk and there she begins a new romantic relationship with a coal businessman. But Alexa's wedding was not destined to take place. Timati stole the bride almost from under the crown.

2006. - the video “When You’re Near” was born, Alexa takes an active part in the reality project from the rap artist “Yuppie in a Pickup Truck”.

2007- the date of the final break in relations between Alexa and Timur. The reason was quite banal - as they say, “they didn’t get along.”

Milana Volchek became the performer's first wife in 2009, but their marriage was short-lived and lasted only three years.

Timati spent subsequent years with various top models, actresses and singers who were extraordinarily beautiful. Sofya Rudyeva - Miss Russia 2009 became one of the singer’s hobbies, however, it was a short-term romance.

Alena Shishkova - common-law wife rap stars. He lived with her for three years. Born in 2014 small miracle, the fruit of two loving hearts - daughter Alice. Despite having a child together, the couple separated in 2015. Rumor has it that the reason for the breakup was Alena’s affair with a famous athlete. However, both of Alice’s parents take an active part in her upbringing and maintain warm, friendly relations.

Father of the famous Russian rapper Timati Ildar Yunusov born in 1960. Nationality of the investor and businessman Tatar. It is known about his parents that his father Vakhit Yunusov worked as a teacher at school. Nothing is known about the mother. It is also unknown about the date of birth of Ildar himself.

The popularity of Ildar Yunusov is justified by the fact that he is the father of one from the most famous rappers Russia, who is also the founder of his own label. However, Ildar himself does not strive for popularity at all, and he rarely appears at events where the secular elite gather.

After studying at the Institute of Asian and African Countries, the man followed in the footsteps of his relatives and became a diplomat. Ildar worked for some time as a translator at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. And after some time, he was entrusted with the leadership of the eastern sector.

From the moment Ildar's son became a participant "Star Factories", everyone knew that Timati’s father is the owner business and not poor. However, the artist himself admitted that despite the fact that there was plenty of money in the family, his father gave him an upbringing based on achieving heights on his own.

In this Timati did not let his parent down.

However, about what kind of business my father has famous artist no one knows for sure. Not long ago there was information that a businessman is owner of oil shares, but the information was refuted. After some time, information appeared that Ildar owns a chain of dozens of restaurants.

Soon the businessman's son himself said that his father works with real estate. But it could mean anything. Ildar Vakhitovich was registered as a participant in the banking forum, where it became known that he was the director of one of the financial companies.

Considering the fact that Ildar prefers to stay in the shadows, does not like publicity and is absent from in social networks, then we can say that he has absolutely no need for popularity. However, it is precisely fans of Timur’s work that often seek information about him. The man avoids the opportunity to be in the public eye, even when his son gets into scandals or starts a showdown with someone.

A man has intelligence, opportunities and finances, but adult life he prepared his sons thoroughly. The eldest son Timur is now not only a rapper and actor, he is also involved in entrepreneurship. Having absorbed the commercial spirit from his father, and the talent and desire for fame from his mother.

Personal life

Ildar and him future wife Simona Chernomorskaya studied not only in the same school, but also in the same class. Due to the fact that many considered Ildar a nerd, the girl for a long time rejected his attempts to build a relationship. After all, she was considered not only a beautiful, fashionable and popular girl. She was also a dancer and loved playing music.

The girl did not pay attention to Ildar, he wore glasses and did not look like the most handsome guy. The man graduated from school with a gold medal, and began to actively pursue his beloved. Thanks to his tenacity, perseverance, strong character and ability to care, Yunusov still achieved the favor of his future wife.

In 1980, young people got married, and three years later the future artist Timur Yunusov was born. Four years later he was born second son Artem.

The man is secretive, does not like to show his feelings, sometimes he is very strict, but Simone, on the contrary, is very open, bright man, who even after becoming a grandmother did not stop being active.

The woman has a page with millions of subscribers, where she posts photos from her life, grandchildren, etc.

Despite the fact that the union broke up, Simona and Ildar remained in friendly relations and they don’t say anything bad about each other. Now they live on different parts of the world and have other families. But sometimes Timati is asked questions about his parents’ divorce, to which he directly answers that he has no idea about the reasons and does not want to.

After all, her and her brother’s parents did everything they could to save the family, and now that they didn’t succeed, the parents have the right to live their own life. quiet life. And if someone is interested in the personal life of their parents, then they can ask Timur’s relatives on their own, and not collect rumors.

Perhaps in this case Ildar’s son is right. People deserve to live in peace without press interference. Moreover, they themselves do not strive for great popularity.

Even after many years, they do not regret marriage, because they have two beautiful sons who love them very much.

Timati (Timur Ildarovich Yunusov) - Russian singer, music producer, Honored Artist Chechen Republic(2014), entrepreneur.

Timati's childhood and education

Timur Yunusov (Timati) was born on August 15, 1983 in Moscow on Mira Avenue. The future rapper also spent his childhood in Moscow.

Timati's father, Ildar Vakhitovich Yunusov (b. 1960), is a businessman. Mother - Simona Yakovlevna Yunusova ( maiden name Chervomorskaya, born in 1959). Timati has a younger brother Artem.

Timur often said in interviews that he had wealthy parents. And he added: “My father raised me in such a way that I should achieve everything myself.”

Timati as a child (Photo:

Timati grew up as a musical and creatively developed boy. But he didn’t show much interest in school. Then his parents sent him to a music school to learn to play the violin. Timur Yunusov devoted 4 years to this instrument, but he did this at the request of his mother, who had many musicians in her family. Even as a child, Timati was involved in swimming and figure skating. And at the age of 13, the father sent his son to Los Angeles, where young Timati (by the way, it was in America that he got this pseudonym) studied hip-hop culture. Ildar Yunusov, Timur’s father, hoped in vain that his son would miss studying - this did not happen.

After graduating high school, Timati entered the Higher School of Economics in Moscow, but studied there for only six months.

Career in show business, albums and songs of Timati

Not wanting to receive higher education, young Timur Yunusov went to work. Timur earned his first money at McDonald's, and Timati was proud of this episode in his biography.

In 1998, Timati (then Timothy) and a friend organized his first rap group VIP77. In 1999, Timur Yunusov worked as a backing MC for Decl, who was then at the peak of his popularity. Together with Decl, Timati attended a breakdancing school.

Rap artist, soloist music group“Gang” Timati (Photo: Alena Kalita/Russian Look/Global Look Press)

In 2004, VIP77 disbanded. A year later, the group was revived with a new lineup: Timati, Pasha, Deema, Walter and Yulia Vashchekina. At the same time, Timati, together with Dominic Joker, Ratmir Shishkov and Nastya Kochetkova, passed the casting of the musical reality show “Star Factory-4”. Under the leadership of producer Igor Krutoy, the young people who formed the Banda group recorded songs, were trained by the best teachers in Russia, and became more and more popular with each reporting concert.

In 2006, Timati released his first solo album, Black Star, recorded in the styles of Hip-Hop and R’n’B. For the cover, Yunusov took the same photo as on 2Pac’s posthumous album – Until the End of Time.

Together with Timati on the album, the following were guests as: famous figures show business, such as Ksenia Sobchak (song “Dance”), Fyodor Bondarchuk (“Heat”), Igor Krutoy (“Black Star”), Uma2rman (“Wait”).

Timati and Ksenia Sobchak during the filming of a video, 2007 (Photo: Dmitriy Purtov/Russian Look/Global Look Press)

Soon the production center Black Star Inc. was organized.

Timati collaborated with many musicians. In 2007, the track “Dirty Sluts” was released, together with Bogdan Titomir and Dzhigan (ghostwriter - Misha Krupin). In the same year the first solo concert Timati at the Zhara club, organized by Phlatline. In 2007, Timati began recording with Western stars of the hip-hop scene - Fat Joe, Nox and Xzibit. The collaboration resulted in the songs “Get Money” and “Put U Take It.”

In 2008, Timati made a remix of the song DJ Smash Moscow Never Sleeps. Then he recorded the song Forever with Mario Winans. Timati Rezo Gigineishvili made videos for these songs, and Konstantin Cherepkov made a video for the song “Don’t go crazy.”

In 2009 he released his second solo studio album Timati The Boss, who became a breakthrough in the singer’s biography. According to the ambitious concept, top American performers and producers were involved in the recording of the album. In particular, the song “Groove On” was recorded with the participation of Snoop Dogg.

Singer Timati (left) and American rapper, producer, actor Snoop Dogg (Photo: Pravda Komsomolskaya/Russian Look/Global Look Press)

At the same time, Timur Yunusov was engaged in business. Together with the Sprandi company, the first line of sportswear “TS Timati for Sprandi” was released. Previously, the clothing collection “Black Star Inc TIMATI” appeared. In 2010, on June 1, the first clothing store from Timati opened. Timur Yunusov even became a character mobile game"The whole world is against Timati."

Fashion festival Timati 4 Sprandi; singer Timati and Sprandi founder Dinesh Sakhani (Photo: Anton Belitsky/Russian Look/Global Look Press)

In 2012, Timati’s third solo and first English-language studio album SWAGG was released, the main hit of which was the song “Welcome to Saint-Tropez,” which achieved success in the world charts. The video clip for this song, a first for a Russian artist, has received more than 95 million views on YouTube.

On November 29, 2012, Timati gave a solo concert entitled “#Let's see each other” in Crocus City Hall (Moscow), with whom he summed up his 10 years on stage.

In 2013, the fourth album “13” was released. This time, Russian rock musicians Garik Sukachev and Sergey Mazaev recorded as guest artists.

Performers Timati, L"On, Sergey Mazaev and group A-Studio at the Russian Music Awards RU.TV 2014 (Photo: Dmitry Golubovich/Russian Look/Global Look Press)

It is worth noting that Timati’s songs and albums attract a lot of criticism, in particular, accusations of imitating Western stars and plagiarizing them. Domestic rappers often speak out against Timati, criticizing show business as such.

Filmography Timati

Timati’s work also includes cinema. In 2006, Timur Yunusov starred in Rezo Gigineishvili's leading role in the film "Heat". Subsequently, Timati played in episodes in the films “Love is not show business” and “Hitler kaput!” In 2012, Timati starred in a cameo in the film “ CLICK Your Luck.” Timur Yunusov also voiced characters in the cartoons “Catch the Wave!” and "Arthur and the Minimoys."

Timati in the films “Heat” and “Hitler Kaput!”

Timati's conflict with Kirkorov

Philip Kirkorov and Timati quarreled in 2012 over a discussion of the Muz-TV award. Timati then responded to Alla Pugacheva’s ex-husband with a quote from the meme song “Goodbye!”, subsequently recording an entire video under that name and launching a similar hashtag directed against Philip Kirkorov.

Timati and Kirkorov reconciled only in 2016, as reported in the news, with the assistance of Grigory Leps. In 2017, the friendship between Timati and Kirkorov reached new level. Timur Yunusov recorded a video in a duet with Philip Kirkorov. “If someone had told me seven years ago that I would record a song with Philip Kirkorov, I most likely would have laughed in his face. Today I present to you a joint video and song “Last Spring”, and I won’t lie, I don’t know a single artist who, in fact, would sing this chorus better! The moral here is simple: two accomplished, adult people with a decidedly complicated history of relationships considered creative part, a more important aspect today than expired grievances, claims and presentations,” Timati wrote. Timur Yunusov also noted that his mother praised him for such a courageous act.

Timati's personal life

Timati dated Alena Shishkova (born November 12, 1992), 2nd Vice-Miss Russia 2012. Alena, as befits a modern beauty, constantly posts her photos from Instagram.

Timati and Shishkova have a daughter, Alisa (born March 19, 2014). Despite the fact that Timati and Alena broke up, Timur Yunusov actively participates in his daughter’s life and also supports Alena. The couple managed to maintain friendly relations.

As reported in the news, since 2015 Timati has been dating fashion model and 1st Vice-Miss Russia 2014 Anastasia Reshetova. You can also look at photos of this girl for a long time on her Instagram. In addition, there is a separate Instagram account dedicated to the relationship between Reshetova and Timati - timati_reshetova.

Model Anastasia Reshetova and singer Timati (Timur Yunusov) before the “Person of the Year” award ceremony according to GQ magazine (Photo: Dmitry Serebryakov/TASS)

Timati himself also has a popular Instagram account. There you can also see a photo of his daughter Alice.

In April 2017, due to a tight work schedule, Timur Yunusov was hospitalized. According to the Life portal, the singer came to one of the best private clinics in the capital for expensive car"Gelendvagen" accompanied by guards who did not leave his room.

Interesting Facts from the life of Timati

Rapper Timati, by his own admission, turned out to be unfit for military service due to an overabundance of tattoos on his body. They say that if 50% or more of the surface of a conscript’s body is covered with a tattoo, the guy is considered not quite mentally healthy and becomes unfit for service.

“I always considered the army unnecessary in my life. Having learned this decision of the medical board, I came home with a happy smile. And my mother told me: “You see, at least once your tattoos came in handy,” Timati said about this.

Tattoos by Timati (Photo: Anton Belitsky/Alexander Keltik/Russian Look/Global Look Press)

Timur Yunusov does not shy away from public life and even political activity. Timati appeared in a campaign video for Vladimir Putin in the 2012 presidential campaign. Yunusov became the ambassador of the 2013 Universiade in Kazan. In 2014, Timur Yunusov was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Chechen Republic by decree of Ramzan Kadyrov.

In 2015, the then governor of the Odessa region, Mikheil Saakashvili, banned Timati’s concert at the Ibiza nightclub. “Is it even worth taking seriously the words of a politician who stole from his own country, is on the federal wanted list, and was expelled by his own people?! A real man does business, and doesn’t chew his tie,” Timati wrote in response on Instagram.

In 2016, Lithuania refused to accept Russian musician Timati because the lyrics of his songs allegedly contain “propaganda statements” and even mention the name of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Rapper Timati in parallel with creative activity, releases tracks and videos for charity. He is also a co-founder of the Black Star company and intends to create a new football club in Moscow. One of the main goals of the company is the development of a football club according to market laws, without attracting and “laundering” public funds, writes TASS.

In 2016, Timati opened the Black Star Burger cafe.

Hi all! My name is Dima, I am a fan of Timati’s work, and this question recently interested me - why is so little information known about the family of the popular rapper? The biography and life of the famous domestic rapper Timati is known to everyone who is interested in the work of a successful performer. The singer himself willingly talks about himself in interviews with various publications and TV channels, but he doesn’t like to talk about his parents. If you are interested in what Ildar Yunusov, Timati’s dad, does, you can read the information that I was able to discover while searching on the global web.

What does Timati's father do and what is his name?

I’ll say right away that it is useless to look for any information about Timati’s parents on Wikipedia. In the all-knowing encyclopedia there is not a single article about the rapper’s father and mother; they are mentioned only in the material about Timati himself. Therefore, we went to look for the necessary information in a more “pop” source, Cosmo magazine. And we dug up everything we wanted to know about Timati himself, and about his father, family and everyone associated with him.

Who is Timati's father? The full name of Timati's father is Ildar Shageevich Yunusov. As a matter of fact, this and all reliable information that can be found on the global web about the singer’s parent.

Some resources flashed information that Timati’s father is involved in the oil business and has a chain of restaurants and shops. But it was not possible to find out how true this is and what the musician’s father actually does. All I found were a few photos of Timati and his father. Ildar Yunusov himself is definitely not a public person, he is not seen at social events and his name hardly appears in yellow press. Therefore, it remains a mystery what exactly Timati’s father does.