Singer Elka: biography of an extraordinary artist. Yolka: personal life

Singer Yolka is an extraordinary person. Everything about her is unusual - from her image to the way she performs songs. Bright, interesting, not like everyone else - this is precisely why she catches the viewer, it is precisely with her unformatted and originality that she stands out from the crowd. But how did she come to her success and how did her music career develop? What kind of person is this? What are your hobbies besides music? How old is the singer Yolka? We will deal with all these questions in our article today. However, it’s worth mentioning right away that the material in the opus is just a small fraction of what can be told about this mysterious and charming girl, so talented and efficient.

Singer Yolka: biography

Today the singer Yolka is a famous person. Her songs are familiar wide audience, are heard in numerous concert “hodgepodge” programs and occupy the top lines of various charts of domestic radio stations. Although there was a time when no one had heard of an extraordinary girl with good vocal abilities.

The real name of the singer Yolka is Elizaveta Ivantsiv. This is exactly what the heroine of our story is called in real life. She was born in the small Ukrainian city of Uzhgorod, it happened in the summer, July 2, 1982. And probably creative path was destined for the girl from above, since she was born into a family with musical history. My parents had a direct connection to music: my mother played several instruments, my grandparents sang in the Transcarpathian folk choir. Lisa also started her musical path from the choir, though from school. By the way, the nickname Yolka appeared in childhood, when a boy from a yard company called the future singer that as a joke. No one could have thought then that this name would soon glorify Elizabeth and bring her success, but for now...

Lisa studied at a secondary school and was, in general, an ordinary girl, although very brave. She was not afraid to experiment with her appearance and, in general, was distinguished by ease of communication and an excellent sense of humor. She always knew how to laugh at herself.

After school I entered School of Music and honestly tried to get an education. But... it didn’t work out. There was no contact with the teachers. They could not discern in the girl the individuality that lived in her. Relations with teachers can only be characterized as a complete lack of mutual understanding and the presence of constant conflicts. Lisa left the school six months later.

Working with Vladislav Valov

In the mid-1990s, Liza Ivantsiv began working in the Ukrainian music group“B&B” as a backing vocalist and for some time tried to develop in this direction. However, the idea failed. The team broke up, and the girl, whose dreams collapsed without having time to come true, decided to give up her intentions and... went to work as a waitress.

But, apparently, fate had other plans for her; she prepared a different path for Lisa. To confirm this, Vlad Valov, the leader of the Bad Balance group, soon appeared in the singer’s life. Lisa had known him before. They met at one of the music festivals, when the girl was still working as part of the B&B group.

The man invited Lisa to Moscow to “experiment” and try to make a joint project. As Yolka later admits in a conversation with journalists, she for a long time I thought that she was being played, and did not believe that such proposals could be something serious. However, she took a risk. I took a risk and didn’t make a mistake. In 2001, the girl signed a contract with her first producer, Vlad Valov. It was then that the singer Yolka was “born”; the biography of her work begins exactly from this moment. It must be said that the project bore fruit almost immediately, and the result of the joint work was not long in coming. Over the course of several years, Yolka recorded an impressive number of songs, which were later included in her debut collection “City of Deception.”

First successes

It should be noted that the musical genre in which Yolka worked was designed for a narrow circle of listeners. The songs she performed combined the styles of hip-hop, heavy guitar R&B and rock. That is, her music was not popular, but more alternative. However, fans liked the album. music critics They were also not stingy in their assessments, and Yolka received her first success. She became a popular person. The songs received rotation on radio stations, and the singer herself became an RMA Award nominee on MTV. Further more. A year later, Yolka’s second album, “Shadows,” was released. In 2007, the song “Handsome Boy” was awarded the Golden Gramophone award.

Over the next two years, the singer continued to work actively. She released her third music collection - “It's a Wonderful World” and hosted active search musical material for the fourth.

2009 was a landmark year for Lisa. The contract with Vladislav Valov ended, and the joint work of the singer and producer was put to an end. At the same time, there was a slight decline in Yolka’s work. The girl could not shake the feeling that she had reached a dead end. It's time for a rethink crucial moment in a career.

New style in creativity

In 2011, the artist decided to change her course and focus on popular music. The girl plunged headlong into the process. What is most interesting is that working in a new genre did not affect musical abilities singers. The voice is a musical instrument that Lisa masterfully masters, and the performance of songs that were different in style did not in any way worsen the impression of the artist, it’s just that the music that poured out of her like a magical stream began to sparkle with completely new colors. Songs “Provence”, “On the Bolshoi” hot-air balloon" and "Near You", which became hits, confirm all of the above.

In one of her interviews with the Russian music site “”, which closes the top three most visited and cited portals on the Runet, Lisa admitted: she does not regret at all that a completely different singer Yolka appeared before the listener. The biography of the pop singer does not make her unattractive in the eyes of her fans. This is not at all shameful, but very cool.

The performer's new musical creations received awards from various musical events, and thanks to this, the singer herself got into the tabloids of glamor magazines and lists of successful figures in Ukrainian show business and simply popular and recognizable people.

In general, Lisa is an open person. Often journalists are afraid of meeting her, thinking that she is a sarcastic and caustic girl. However, during the conversation it turns out that this is not the case at all, and you can talk to Lisa on any topic. She has a great sense of humor and is not shy about answering a variety of questions, such as: “What kind of men does she like?” or “How old is the singer Yolka?”

It must be said that the changes in the artist’s life did not come out of nowhere. Not only creative crisis, but also one important meeting served as an impetus for development in a new direction. One day, Lisa was invited to an interview on a program on Alla radio, where the singer, in fact, had the opportunity to communicate with Pugacheva. Meeting of two creative women was not in vain for Yolka. Of course, nothing special happened there, just a conversation with a diva Russian stage forced the girl, as she herself would later tell, to rethink some things and look at everything in a new way. This conversation set a new vector for the singer’s movement towards her goal.

Creative biography

After Yolka stopped working with Vlad Valov, she found new producers - Liana Meladze and Alena Mikhailova from Velvet Music.

It must be said that, in addition to studying music, the singer led a very intense and active life- she took part as a jury member in several seasons television project“X-Factor”, starred in the video for the song “Compose Dreams” by her colleague Vladi, a member of the group “Casta”. And, by the way, Little Red Riding Hood in the Russian dubbing of the cartoon " True story Red Cap” also speaks in the voice of Yolka.

In April 2012 in musical life Lisa Ivantsiv, an important event took place, as for any ambitious artist - the singer held a concert in sports complex"Olympic". A lot of work was done and the concert was a great success. In September of the same year she began her concert tour singer Yolka in Russian cities. The biography of her work expanded through collaboration with rappers Noize MC and Zhara, the groups Megapolis and Burito. In addition, there were girls in the life and filming in cameo roles in the film "Gentlemen, Good Luck!" and the TV series “Fight”, the sitcom “SASHATANYA”, the films “This is Love!”, “A Gift with Character”, “About Love”.

Singer Yolka: personal life

I must say that today the singer has a lot of work and even more plans for the future. Yolka constantly tours with a group of musicians, including a guitarist, bassist, keyboard player, drummer and DJ. Also involved in the singer’s performances dance group Loonyband, whose members are involved in production dance numbers and help with stage design.

In the personal life of Lisa Ivantsiv, everything is also good. Since 2010 she has been married to Sergei Astakhov. He's not a public person, he's just good guy from the Moscow region, although the young people met in Moscow. The singer’s friends say that the artist’s family is a matriarchy, and all important decisions are made by Yolka. The singer, for whom children are still only in the plans, tries to work hard. By the way, Lisa is the main breadwinner in the family. Recently the guys acquired real estate in Moscow, and also land plot outside the city where they plan to build a house. The couple has a very touching relationship, permeated with care for each other. And this is noticeable from the outside even with the naked eye.

The musical repertoire of singer Elka is extensive and has an unusual sound. A girl with excellent vocal abilities quickly won the love of the public. Today Christmas tree - Russian singer, which does not stop there, is constantly improving and delights fans with songs performed in different musical genres: from classic rock to reggae and pop.


The present full name singers of the Christmas tree - Elizaveta Valdemarovna Ivantsiv. The girl is interested in music for a reason. Her father Valdemar Ivantsiv is a collector of jazz music records, her mother Marina Ivantsiv can play several musical instruments.

Singer Elka with mom

Father of the singer Yolka

The older generation of the Ivantsiv family, grandparents, sang in the folk choir. Therefore, Lisa has been associated with music from an early age and attended a vocal club at the Palace of Pioneers.

Singer Elka as a child

The place where the singer is from is Uzhgorod in Ukraine. Her birthday is July 2, 1982, she is now 36 years old. Elizabeth is Ukrainian by nationality.
With a height of 162 centimeters, Lisa weighs 51 kilograms. Attractive and bright external data, beautiful voice made Elka one of the most popular singers on the national stage.

Childhood and youth

In Uzhgorod, where the girl was born, many knew who she was already from the age of 14.

At that time she participated in the KVN team “Ward No. 6”. The tree often visited all sorts of music festivals, improving musical skills and knowledge. In her youth, she was fond of soul and rap styles.

After graduating from school, the girl entered a music school, but studied there for only six months. The singer said that her tastes and preferences did not coincide with the teachers’ rules. She was very extraordinary, constantly experimenting with her appearance, applying tattoos, bright and catchy makeup, and getting piercings. At one time she walked bald, without any embarrassment about it.

Today, few people know the real name of the singer, since she herself rarely responds to her passport name. The nickname “Yolka” appeared in childhood. When she was 11 years old, a friend once called her that, after which all her friends and even her mother got used to the nickname.

Love for music

The path to the stage at Yolka was thorny and difficult. Music career the singer began by participating in the group “B&B”, which existed in the mid-90s. The group's repertoire included Russian-language rap tracks; it was little known and not popular.

A great desire to conquer the stage brought the group to Moscow for the RAP MUSIC festival in the early 2000s. Here they took one of the prizes and were noticed famous producer and rapper SHEFF (Vladislav Vadimovich Valov).

However, no fateful changes occurred then, and Elka returned to her hometown, deciding to end music. She got a job as a dishwasher, and then as a barista at a local cafe.

After 3 years, a ticket to Moscow was sent to her name from the company of Vladislav Valov. Arriving in the capital, she sang the song “Bitch-Love” at a concert dedicated to the memory of Micah.

After this the singer performed musical composition at the Megahouse rock festival.

Valov noticed that Elka sings with particular ease, and the sound of her voice is unusual. Soon they signed a contract. Despite Vladislav’s persuasion to change her pseudonym Elka to Elizaveta Ivantsiv, the singer decided to keep it.


The singer's first steps immediately brought her success and popularity. Elka’s talent and vocal abilities were discussed in the media and they predicted a great future for her. The audience noted the original style of singing, memorable intonations and powerful expression of performance.

At concerts, Elka most often sings live, fully experiencing every emotion, mixing tracks in different configurations.


After concluding a contract with Valov, the singer’s busy work began. In 2005, the first debut album “City of Deception” appeared. The tracks that were performed were released under the 100PRO label.

Fans of Yolka’s work heard songs of different styles: from rock to hip-hop. The singer called the style of music “heavy guitar R&B. In the same year, she became a nominee for the MTV RMA awards in the “Best Rap” category. The album included the first songs “Girl in a Peugeot” and “Good Mood”.

The following year, Yelka’s hit “Student Girl” appeared in the Russian radio chart in 17th place, after which the second album “Shadows” was released.

For the track “Handsome Boy” in 2007, the singer was awarded the Golden Gramophone award. And already on next year she recorded her third album, It's a Wonderful World.

Which will be the topic of discussion in this article, she began to show an aptitude for music as a child. However, fate played with her, and for some time it seemed to Elka that her dream of becoming a singer was unrealistic. Now she is a successful artist, touring not only in the CIS countries, but also abroad. Millions love her, hundreds criticize her, but no one is indifferent to her work.

Christmas tree: biography of the artist. Stage name

The singer's real name is Ivantsiv Elizaveta Valdemarovna. I once called it a Christmas tree in my youth best friend, and the new name took root so much that some girls I knew didn’t even know what her real name was. And even the father of the future singer was offended when relatives sometimes forgot his daughter’s name. Elka was born on July 2, 1982 in Uzhgorod (a city in western Ukraine). The girl's family was musical - her father collected jazz music, her mother played three instruments, and her grandparents sang in a folk choir. Elka followed in their footsteps - first she sang in the school choir, then she developed her talents by attending a vocal club. For some time she played in the KVN team and performed backing vocals for the rap group “V&V”. And in 2001 she tried her hand at the role solo artist rap music. Her performance at the festival was noted for himself (already a successful producer at that time), and three years later he remembered the talented girl and offered cooperation. Elka was very surprised by the offer, since she had already lost hope that her dream would ever come true, and got a job as a waitress in a restaurant.

Christmas tree: biography. On the way to glory

Intense but fruitful work began. The first song performed by Elka in collaboration with Valov was “The words were spoken by you.” In 2004, she performed the song “Bitch-Love” at an evening in memory of Micah, after which the singer gained her first fans and critics. Then one of her most successful songs, “City of Deception,” was released, which became the beginning of an album released in the fall of 2005. All subsequent compositions and albums of the singer increased the number of her fans. The Christmas tree has been repeatedly awarded the Muz-TV and Golden Gramophone awards.

Christmas tree: biography. Turning point

One day, the singer was invited by Alla Pugacheva herself to a program broadcast on Radio Alla. Elka said that she occupies her own small niche and does not particularly strive for more. Pugacheva gave an incentive to the young performer by asking where she would invite her if she wanted to come to her concert or come for a visit. Elka was very hurt by this, and the interview with the Diva herself pushed her to new victories.

Christmas tree: biography. Personal life

The singer prefers not to let anyone in on her life behind the scenes, especially journalists. She believes that the personal should always remain behind the scenes, otherwise it ceases to be so. However, journalists know their business. Despite the fact that the singer carefully hid her life partner, they managed to find out his name. When the information was made public, many were surprised, because no one even knew that she was married.

Married Tree: biography

The singer’s husband is Sergei Astakhov, who is now the singer’s administrator. They say that they have a wonderful relationship and Elka is very happy in her personal life.

Singer Yolka is one of the most popular performers today, her songs are sung by young people and adults, and many fans know her good lyrics by heart.

When Yolka began her solo career and first appeared on screens, and her songs began to be heard on Russian radio stations, many thought that the girl, with her eccentric appearance, interesting costumes clumsily parodies Soviet singer Zhanna Aguzarova. However, it quickly became clear that the girl was not laying claim to the throne of the “goddess of outrageousness,” but was simply expressing her “I.”

With her songs, Yolka stands out noticeably from the rest of the Russian stage. In her texts there is no thirst for wealth, cars, stardom and even love drama, she, like a real workaholic, knows that “everything depends on ourselves” and this is exactly what she conveys to us. She “flies in a tangerine-colored balloon” and, perhaps, it was precisely with her bright images and positive songs that the listener fell in love with her. After the girl began to appear on screens more often and released her own videos, fans began to be interested not only in the new hits of their favorite, but also in Yolka’s height, weight, and age.

The singer is a very fragile girl, her height is 162 cm and her weight is about 50 kg. As a child, the girl was very complex because of her tall, but as she grew up, she realized that people are different, and she can be who she is, and she even chose a pseudonym for herself that best suited her mood - Yolka. Photos of the singer in her youth and now show that the performer has hardly changed in appearance during her career. This is not surprising, because Yolka turned 35 in July, and she still has many plans and ideas.

Biography of Yolka (singer)

Yolka’s biography began in 1982 in the city of Uzhgorod, which is located in Ukraine. The performer's real name is Elizaveta Ivantsev, however, even among her family and friends, no one calls her Liza for a long time.

The girl was very artistic from childhood and already at a young age showed herself as real star– loved to recite poetry, played her mother’s musical instruments ineptly, and said that she would definitely sing. Actually, such a desire of the child is not surprising, because the father, Valdemar Mironovich, was very fond of jazz and collected all the records that he could buy or find through acquaintances and friends, and the mother, Marina Eduardovna, played three musical instruments excellently, and from childhood she taught her daughter to play music .

After graduating from school, Lisa entered a music school, where she studied vocals, but never graduated. As the star herself admitted, she did not have a good relationship with her classmates and teachers, and her youthful maximalism did not allow her to sit still.

In the mid-90s, Yolka first came to Music band. It was the Uzhgorod group “B&B”, in which Lisa sang as a backing vocalist. It was as part of this small team, when the guys performed at international festival, the voice of Yolka was heard by the founder of one of Russian groups and musician SHEFF, who later became its producer. Is it true, famous singer The tree did not appear immediately.

For several more years she was part of the B&B group, and after its collapse she got a job as a waitress. When the girl was completely desperate to become a singer, the long-awaited bell rang, and Lisa left to conquer Moscow.

The first album “City of Deception” brought the girl popularity almost instantly. Interesting motives and the singer’s bewitching voice sounded from all radio stations, and Yolka very quickly began working on her second album. Since 2001, the artist has managed to present different styles of music in her albums, and her lyrics have changed, just like herself.

From heavy songs with tragic lyrics, Yolka found her way into the world of Paris and Provence, and she even quit smoking, so inspired by the attention and love of her fans. The singer’s hit “Provence” became one of the most popular tracks on the Russian stage in 2011, and received the Golden Gramophone award in the “Best of the Decade” category.

This is not the only award that Yolka has received during her variety activities. The performer already has six Golden Gramophone awards, the MUZ.TV and RU.TV awards, as well as the Russian Music Awards, Tophit Awards 2015, and several other significant prizes. In addition, today Yolka is not only a singer and musician, she is a producer, actress and TV presenter.

After a stunning creative success Elizabeth began to be invited to films and television. She starred in episodes in six films, in two of which she played herself, and took part in the youth series “SashaTanya”.

Personal life of Yolka (singer)

Yolka’s personal life, unlike many Russian pop stars, is not so stormy. The girl cannot boast of multiple novels, never had an affair at work and generally tried not to give rise to public discussions around her person.
At many events, the girl appeared alone or surrounded by her colleagues, and photographs from her vacation, which appear on the Internet every now and then, also do not clarify the topic of the performer’s admirers.

Today it is known that while still very young, the girl met a young man, Sergei Astakhov, with whom she was friends for six years. The young people did not think of taking their relationship to new level, however, at some point they realized that they were so used to being together that they were probably a good match for each other.

In 2010, fans finally rejoiced - their favorite married her friend, and now she has real family. True, the happiness of the young people, alas, did not last forever and in 2016 they started talking about the couple breaking up. Yolka herself did not comment on this information in any way until it became known that the young people had divorced.
Yolki family (singer)

In Lisa's development as a performer, last role played by the Yolka family. Singer with early childhood I went to different clubs, my parents tried to develop the girl comprehensively and never limited her choices. Already at school, Lisa enjoyed playing KVN as part of the school team “Ward No. 6”. This practice allowed the girl in the future not to be afraid of the stage, and to always follow her star.

Her parents supported Lisa and at the moment she started solo career, when the girl decided to take her favorite pseudonym. As the singer herself said, at home her mother affectionately calls her “Yelochka.” This name stuck to the girl back in school, when at one of the holidays classmates dubbed Lisa “Christmas tree,” meaning that she dressed up as a New Year’s symbol.

Children of Yolki (singer)

As soon as Liza Ivantsev entered the world of show business, she immediately received the attention of fans; numerous questions rained down on the star from journalists who wanted to know not only about her creative plans and new works, but also, of course, about her personal life and plans for the future.

For a long time, the singer managed to laugh off her secluded and closed life with ten cats and not answer directly about her personal life, but the ubiquitous tabloids were still able to find out something about closed life performers. For example, the fact that Yolka would really like to have children, but so far she does not have such an opportunity, since last year the girl divorced her husband. Why young people never had children is a separate question, but the singer does not like to talk about this either.

So far, Yolka’s children are her five albums that she has released during her career.

Yolka's ex-husband (singer) - Sergei Astakhov

Yolka’s ex-husband, Sergei Astakhov, is not at all a famous Russian actor, as many readers might think. The young man and Lisa met in their youth, and six years later they got married. The marriage was short-lived due to the fact that the performer spent almost the entire family budget on her own. After the marriage, the young family decided to build a house, but Yolka herself mainly had to invest money in the construction.

To somehow improve financial position family, Lisa hired her husband to work as an administrator on her team. However, constantly spending time together at work and at home played a cruel joke on the couple, and they, unable to bear it, broke up in 2016.

Photo of Yolka in Maxim magazine

Singer Yolka is a rather private person. Therefore, despite the desire of fans to see Yolka’s photo in Maxim or Playboy magazine, the artist does not give in to persuasion about photographs in men’s magazines. Honestly, it would be strange if an artist who doesn’t even want to talk about her personal life in public appeared naked in the pictures.

The only ones candid photos, which the star agreed to, completely hid her body with a white duvet, and for the eyes of fans the singer opened long legs and a tattoo on his shoulder. Such photos appeared on the Internet in March 2017 before the release of the song “Let the Music In,” and before that, fans had not even seen photos of the singer in a swimsuit.

Instagram and Wikipedia Yolki (singer)

After the divorce, the artist devotes more and more time to herself: she practices vocals, gives concerts, participates as an invited guest on many television shows, and, of course, travels, which Yolki’s Instagram and Wikipedia can tell us about.

The singer enjoys communicating with fans on her page, showing off her new outfits and talking about her future concerts and projects. In November, the artist became a participant in the immersive show of the play “Faceless”; this type of art is rapidly developing in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Singer Elka, her biography, personal life and photos of her husband are of interest to many fans of this celebrity. In our country, Elizaveta Ivantsyv is known as the singer Elka. The young girl has many fans. She has a beautiful, unusual voice, interesting music and songs.

And fans are very interested to know the biography of the singer Yolka, read about her personal life, and see photos of her husband and children. In this article we will share information about this singer.

Singer Elka: photo

The pseudonym Elka appeared to the future artist when she was 11 years old. That's what her peers called her. Now the girl practically does not respond to the name Elizaveta - everyone calls her Elka.

The girl was born in 1982 in Ukraine, in the city of Uzhgorod. She is now 34 years old. Sing future star started from early childhood. At first she studied in the choir, and then mastered vocal singing. The girl loved music very much, especially jazz and soul. She often attended music festivals.

Singer Elka as a child

In addition, young Elka was very artistic. She played on the KVN team. Her team was quite popular.
After school, the girl entered a music school. She studied to be a vocalist. But the teachers could not discern talent in Elka. Perhaps they did not like her because of her unusual bright appearance.

The girl had tattoos, provocative makeup and was not even shy about shaving her head. Elka could not come to terms with the lack of support from teachers and voluntarily left educational institution already in six months.

Singer Elka in her youth

Elka often performed on stage, as a vocalist, and earned her living by washing dishes in a cafe.
One day, the aspiring singer met the then famous rapper SHEFF. He became its producer. Yolka admits that at first she had absolutely no faith in herself. When Vlad Valov offered her cooperation, I thought it was a joke. But it turned out that the popular producer really saw talent in her.

Carier start

So, in 2004, Elka began her first steps towards popularity. She performed for the first time at a concert dedicated to the memory of Micah. Lisa performed the cult song, “Bitch is Love.” The audience immediately greeted her very warmly.

The producer suggested that the singer change her pseudonym to her real name, but she categorically refused. She decided to remain Yolka.

Singer Elka during her studies at the university

In 2005, the young Yolka was recognized as the discovery of the year. Then she released her first album with big name- “City of Deception.” Songs from this album topped the popular charts for a long time. The girl was called the discovery of the year. And critics spoke of her as “the hope of pop music.”

The song “Girl Student” made the young singer incredibly popular. Popular radio stations took it into rotation with pleasure.

In 2007, the girl was nominated for an award from the MTV channel, for the title best performer rap. And this year she took part in the voice acting of the cartoon about Little Red Riding Hood.

Singer Elka at the beginning of her career

In the same year, the singer received her first award, the Golden Gramophone figurine, and recorded a new album.
In 2009, Elka’s contract with her producer Vlad Valov ended, and she set off on a free voyage. This happened because she decided to change her style in music. The girl wanted to try collaboration with other authors and composers. For example, she worked for some time with Valery and Konstantin Meladze.

In 2010, on Radio Alla she met Alla Pugacheva. This meeting made an indelible impression on Lisa. Her compositions have become more positive, and her appearance has become more feminine and gentle.

Alla Borisovna then advised the aspiring singer to change her style and go to conquer the big stage.

In 2011, the singer received three awards from Muz-TV and wrote several songs that the public quickly fell in love with. For example, she sang a duet with Pavel Volya. The songs were included in the album “The Points Are Placed.” Several composers worked on this record at once. Therefore, the compositions included in it. Belonged to the most different styles, up to “bossa nova”.

Singer Elka on stage

After the release of this album, Elka often began giving concerts. And tickets for them sold out very quickly, immediately after they went on sale.

On the set of the X Factor program, where Elka acted as a judge, she first appeared on stage in an elegant dress. The press immediately began to discuss new image singers wrote that a new style It suits her very well. She was even called a style model. And Elka said that external changes in her life were caused by internal changes.

In 2015, the girl released another album, “#SKY.” The girl explained that she really likes to post photos of the sky on social networks with this hashtag.

Christmas tree on the set of the film "Yolki-5"

And in 2016, she managed to record a song with the legendary Ilya Lagutenko - “Don’t part with your loved ones.” This song graced the New Year's comedy "Yolki-5". The girl admitted that the opportunity to sing with the leader of the Mumiy Troll group was a real miracle for her. She sincerely loved his work. Even at a time when she was not Elka.

Besides, popular singer played in a movie. She received roles in the films “Gentlemen, Good Luck!”, “SashaTanya”, “A Gift with Character”, “Fight”.

Christmas tree on the set of the series “SashaTanya”

In February 2017 there was a big solo concert singers, in Crocus City Hall.

Personal life of singer Yolka

The singer Elka hides such part of her biography as her personal life from prying eyes. She doesn’t show photos of her husband and children and for a long time jokes that she lives with a cat. But some details of her personal life are still known.

For example, at the moment when the future star was playing hometown, in the KVN team “Ward No. 6”, she had serious romantic relationship with her captain, Vasily Krainyai. The romance lasted seven years, and ended when Elka decided to move to Moscow.

Singer Elka with her ex-husband

Despite the fact that beautiful girl There is no shortage of male admirers; due to the fact that she is used to devoting herself entirely to work, it is difficult for her to have affairs. The girl admits in an interview that she has no time to deal with her personal life. She had a husband and business partner, but they separated.

Those who are interested in the personal life of the singer Yolka know that her ex-husband name is Sergey Astakhov. Photos of Elka and Astakhov can be easily found on the Internet. With Sergei, who, by the way, is the namesake famous actor, Lisa met many years ago in her youth. They began a passionate affair, with no prospects for the future. Soon the young people separated, but six years later they met again. Then feelings flared up between Lisa and Sergei, which grew into marriage.

The stumbling block in the relationship between Elka and her husband was that the man earned little money. At the beginning of the relationship, they lived on the money that Lisa earned. And in 2010, Elka took him to her team to work as an administrator.

But this was not enough for a man to start providing for his family. The girl continued to independently “settle” all financial problems, saving money for travel and building a house.

In 2016, the personal life of singer Yolka deteriorated. She fired her husband as her director and decided to end the marriage. According to media reports, the young family could not cope with the financial troubles that arose.

They never completed the construction of their joint house in Sergiev Posad. You can see on the Internet a photo of the mansion of the singer Yolka and her husband, whose personal life she so carefully hid from the press. The girl tried to invest a lot of effort and money into this house, but her plans have not yet come true.

Christmas tree on the set of the video

The girl’s friends say that her husband was indeed a gigolo, accustomed to living at her expense. The singer does not comment on the current situation in her personal life, regarding her husband’s lack of children. After the breakup, she devoted herself entirely to work.

Fans who are interested in Elka's life are looking forward to the girl's birth. new husband and children? The girl answers in an interview - she is not yet ready to have children, because first you need to meet a loved one who will become truly family.

Christmas tree at a photo shoot

In general, Lisa loves children very much. This can be seen by watching the TV show “You’re Super,” in which children who find themselves in difficult life circumstances take part. The singer sincerely admires the talent of these children and hopes that they will find a new mom and dad.

What is Elka's hobby?

The girl admits that she not only works very hard, but also always tries to find time for relaxation and hobbies. After all, it is impossible to sing all the songs and earn all the money. Therefore, the girl creates a work schedule for herself so that she has time to do her favorite things and be inspired.

Of course, there are times when the singer and her team work seven days a week. But usually she tries not to rush and enjoy life.

Singer Elka

Elka honestly says that she doesn’t know how to feign joy when going on stage. She is sincere and cannot smile hypocritically at someone with whom she has a strained relationship. The girl explains this by saying that there is only one life, and she doesn’t want to one day realize that she lived it falsely. Therefore, the girl wants to have time to miss work, go out to her fans with sincere joy, meet with friends, travel, and do everyday things.

She has no doubt that when the time comes, the singer Yolka, whose personal life and breakup with her husband we are discussing today, will have children. To do this, she must understand that she wants to become a mother. She is confident that in the future she will have not only children, but also animals.

Singer Elka now

Let children learn responsibility by caring for animals. As a child, the singer had many pet cats. Also, she and her grandmother often fed stray dogs in the park.

In the meantime, she continues to do what she loves, delighting fans with new hits. And he believes that singer Yolka’s personal life will improve. She will meet a man who will become her husband and have children.