Portfolio of a speech therapist teacher for the highest category. Material on the topic: Portfolio of a speech therapist teacher

Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Rostov Region

GKOU RO comprehensive boarding school of basic general education in the village of Sholokhovsky, Belokalitvinsky district


speech therapist teacher

Martynenko Natalia Vladimirovna

Man must make the path great,

but what makes a person great is the path.


year 2014

Section 1. General information about the teacher

Date of Birth 20.02.1961

Education information: Tashkent State Pedagogical Institute named after Nizami

1983, “Deaf pedagogy”, teacher at schools for the deaf and hard of hearing

(year of graduation, specialty, diploma qualification)

Experience: general 29 years

pedagogical 29 years

in this educational institution 3 years

Home address: village Sholokhovsky st. Extreme 44

Telephone: 8-928-153-18-73

E- mail: [email protected]

Information on advanced training during the inter-certification period

Name of courses (subjects)

Name of the structure where the courses were taken

Number of hours


Application of information technologies in the educational process according to the intel program

GBOU DPO Rostov region

Certificate No. 662

June July

Special “correctional” education “speech therapy”

GBOU DPO Rostov region

Certificate No. 945

March-April 2012

Job functions:

Teacher speech therapist

– member of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council of the boarding school

In the hands of a speech therapist, the most valuable asset is the child, his development and prospects. For a child with speech impairments, great importance have the personal qualities of a speech therapist. Further cooperation and results depend on how the speech therapist is able to win over the child and gain his trust. correctional work. A speech therapist expands the child’s communication capabilities and is a kind of guide for him into the diverse world of human relationships. My work to overcome speech disorders instills confidence in the child. own strength, opportunities, contributes to the development of his cognitive abilities. By expanding the boundaries of communication (both among peers and adults), the child becomes more emotional, inquisitive and responsive. His views on the world and his relationships with others change. He becomes more open to establishing contacts with other people, more receptive to new knowledge, and feels like a full-fledged person.

Accepting a child as a full partner in cooperation is the key to successful correctional and educational activities, that is, “joint creativity” is the most productive and efficient. The environment for the creative work of the teacher, the creation of favorable conditions for satisfying curiosity while children obtain the necessary knowledge, meet the vital needs of the children, stimulate the development of their interests, independence, and creative abilities.

"Most happy man the one who gives happiness

to the greatest number of people."

I love my profession because it gives me the opportunity to come into contact with the world of childhood every day! Every day, by giving a piece of my soul to children, I strive to make the sun that is in every child shine!

Section 2. Educational and methodological activities

2.1 Modified correctional and developmental programs


The name of the program

“Correction of sound pronunciation” (for students with speech impairments)

“Correction of oral speech” (students with OHP, NV OHP 1st grade)

"Correction writing» (students with reading and writing impairments caused by OHP, NV OHP grade 2)

“Correction of written speech” (students with reading and writing impairments caused by OHP, grade 3)

“Teaching reading techniques” (students of 2nd - 4th grades)

Section 3. Results of teaching activities

3.1 Comparative analysis performance

in 2011-2014 academic years

1 class Students with oral language impairments

Academic year

Total number of students

Total revealed



The low percentage of students graduating is explained by the fact that training in the program for the correction of general speech underdevelopment involves conducting classes for 2-3 years.

2nd grade

Academic year

Total number of students

Total revealed



3-4 grade Students with reading and writing disabilities

Academic year

Total number of students

Total revealed



The results achieved over the last three years are stable: the quality of children released with clear speech and positive dynamics in reading and writing correction is constantly growing. Students with complex speech disorders caused by organic lesions of the central nervous system or with writing and reading disorders of unknown etiology, as well as those who often miss remedial classes, remain without positive dynamics.

Quality of student knowledge acquisition


Russian language beginning of the year

Russian language end of the year

reading beginning of the year

end of year reading




Russian language beginning of the year

Russian language end of the year

reading beginning of the year

end of year reading



The presented data indicate that the results of my activities are characterized by positive dynamics, stability of indicators for correction of written and oral speech, and most importantly, an increase in the performance of students in the Russian language and reading. This proves the effectiveness of the modern correctional and developmental technologies, methods and techniques I use for working with children who have oral and written speech disorders.

3.2. Use of modern psychological and pedagogical technologies

Information technology is one of the effective means teaching, increasingly used in special pedagogy. In recent years, there has been a discussion about the content, form, and methods of special education, which would allow achieving the maximum possible success in the development of a child with special cognitive needs (I.K. Vorobyov, M.Yu. Galanina, N.N. Kulishov, O.I. . Kukushkin). In this regard, one of the current problems Corrective pedagogy involves improving methods and techniques aimed at overcoming and preventing speech disorders. Timely correction of speech disorders is a necessary condition for the psychological adaptation of children to school education and to new social conditions. Since the 2011-2012 academic year, I have been using information technology in the following areas:

    The use of interactive and demonstration information technologies in the prevention and correction of writing and reading disorders.

    Creation of a database of psychophysiological characteristics of primary school students and its use to record and summarize the results of monitoring the language abilities of children from grades 1 to 4.

Purposes of using information technology:

    promotion educational motivation students and the effectiveness of their acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities;

    intensification of work with the results of speech therapy monitoring studies, improving the quality of office work.

As a result of the search for the most effective ways to solve traditional and correctional problems, new ways of high-quality individualization of training, the need arose to expand the range of computer programs used through non-specialized training and development complexes.

List of technologies

Place of use of technology in practice, results

Computer Applications

Microsoft Office Power Point 2003, 2007
Microsoft Office Excel 2007
Microsoft Office Word 97-2003, 2007
Windows Movie Maker 2007
Microsoft Office Publisher 2003, 2007
Internet Explore

Computer programs

    Free program "Reading speed test"

    Diagnostic albums in electronic form.

    Gymnastics for the eyes.

    Electronic lotto from syllables.


1. Presentation “Elimination of stuttering in younger schoolchildren in the game”

2. Presentation “Speech therapy room”

3. Presentation “Office Passport”

4. Presentation “Kinesiology”

Publication of experience on the INTERNET, website development

Website address (website page)

My speech therapist website

Health-saving technologies

    gymnastics for the eyes

    breathing exercises

    finger gymnastics

    dynamic pauses


    massage and self-massage

3.3 Self-education and advanced training

Self-education topic


“The use of specialized programs to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of correctional and developmental work”

  1. Introduction into the correctional educational process of the program “Computer workshop for conducting speech therapy sessions in elementary school" (authors V.I. Varchenko, L.I. Kletnova, A.B. Larina, G.A. Nazarova. - Kaliningrad: "Cyber ​​Sphere", 2012);

    Introduction of new computer programs into the correctional educational process,

“Formation of phonemic concepts in primary schoolchildren using original gaming techniques”

“Conducting surveys and group sessions using interactive and board games»

Participation in webinars.

Application of acquired knowledge in work.

Academic year

F.I. student


Participation level


Belimova Masha


Diploma 13th place

Ustinov Lyosha

All-Russian Olympiad "Russian Language"

« Literary reading»



Diploma 8th place

Diploma 5th place

Shemeeva Rosa

All-Russian Olympiad “Literary Reading”


1st degree diploma for 1st place

Trashchenko Lyosha

Arts and crafts competition “Such different cats”


Koshensky Kolya

Applied Arts Competition "Peonies"


Laureate diploma

Kuzmina Nastya

Crafts competition “Plasticine fantasies”


Diploma 1st place

Section 4.Creating additional conditions for student development

Participation of students in olympiads, championships, competitions

Section 5.Educational and material base

Important conditions for the learning and development of children are the provision of the classroom with the necessary equipment and materials in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the integration of various types of activities, which allows solving educational, developmental, nurturing, correctional, organizational, communicative tasks, as well as compliance with the principles of variability, multifunctionality, safety, accessibility, saturation, transformability.

All didactic equipment in the classroom allows for rational use of time and space for individual and subgroup lessons.

This is a well-lit room with an area of ​​18 m2. The pale pink background of the walls in interior design stimulates the eyesight, nervous system and brain. It calms some nervous conditions (psychoneuroses) and encourages communication. The basic rule in the office: “Cooperation between a child and an adult.”

When creating a correctional and developmental environment, the speech therapist teacher takes into account the psychological and emotional well-being of children.

The speech therapy room is divided into 4 functional areas:

1. Individual lesson area.

2. Group lesson area.

3. Technical support area.

3. Area of ​​methodological and didactic support.


A significant part of the classes on production and automation of sounds are conducted here. It is also located here

material for correcting sound pronunciation:

a set of sterile speech therapy probes, alcohol and paper wipes, a wall mirror for articulation gymnastics, equipped with lighting, aids for staging, automation and differentiation of sounds, tables, symbols, diagrams of articulatory patterns.


Here children are united for sub-group and group correctional classes (for equipment, see the Passport of the speech therapy room).


represented by a computer, MFP, microphone. Designed for the work of a speech therapist teacher and individual work child.

IN THE ZONE OF METHODOLOGICAL SUPPORT The documentation of the speech therapist teacher, methodological literature (see Passport of the speech therapy office) and didactic material are grouped:

Material for speech examination: albums, methodological manuals for examining speech, gaming and counting materials (cut-out pictures, toys; manuals: “Find a Pair”, “General Concepts”, “The Fourth Extra”; educational games).

Material for the development of phonetic perception: educational games, lotto, dominoes, sound automation cards.

Material for the development of speech breathing: game “Obedient Breeze”; toys: pinwheels, straws. Breathing exercises play an important role in the development of a child’s speech.

Material for the development of grammatical structure of speech: card indexes, printed board games.

Material for the development of coherent speech: simple story pictures, story pictures with hidden meaning, series of story pictures, diagrams for descriptive stories.

Literacy materials: typesetting canvas with letters, cut alphabet, sets of pictures, diagrams: syllables, words, sentences; games, puzzles.

Material for development fine motor skills: lacing, mosaics, finger games, puzzles, ball.

Only with the joint work of a speech therapist and children can a high level be achieved speech development pupils.

When creating a subject-development environment, it is necessary to carry out

a number of conditions:

    compliance with lighting and ventilation requirements;

    correspondence of furniture sizes to the child’s height;

    availability of space for storing and processing tools;

    providing the child with personal space;

    alternating direct educational activities with dynamic pauses and physical education minutes;

    children's awareness of the possibilities of changes in the subject-spatial (correctional and developmental) environment.

Section 6. Promotion of speech therapy knowledge

The positive results of the work would not have been significant if not for the help of parents and the interest of teachers in the success of speech therapy correction. Educational work to disseminate specialized knowledge is carried out constantly. In previous years, these were speeches at meetings of the methodological association of teachers primary classes, parent meetings. In recent years, with the expansion of teachers’ knowledge in the field of speech therapy and psychology, work with them is more often carried out individually. Teachers' requests have become more specific and focused.

6.1 Individual consulting work


2011-2012 academic year

2012-2013 academic year year

Boarding school teachers and educators

Parents of students

1-5 grades

6.2 Dissemination of specialized knowledge

at parent meetings




September 2011

in 1st grade"

September 2012

“Speech capabilities of children studying

in 1st grade"

September 2013

“Speech capabilities of children studying

in 1st grade"

March 2013

“Characteristics of 2nd grade students based on the results of remedial education for the 1st half of the year”

6.3 Participation in various forms of interaction with colleagues

Form of interaction



Workshop on the basis of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan boarding school of the 5th type


“Innovative approaches to organizing and selecting the content of education for children with speech disorders”

MO of educators

The influence of speech disorders in children on the assimilation of the program of an educational institution and the interaction of a speech therapist and educators in correctional work with children

Protocol application

Also, interaction with teachers and parents to promote speech therapy knowledge is carried out through the “Speech Therapy Corner” stand

Section 7. Evaluation of teaching activities



Letter of thanks

For highly professional and fruitful work in training and education of youth, success in development creative activity and hard work, in connection with Teacher's Day.

Also, the assessment of the effectiveness of my teaching activities can be provided by reviews from parents, teachers and children presented in the magazine “Feedback and Suggestions” (APPENDIX)

Section 8. Main content of the work

Areas of activity of a speech therapist teacher:

    diagnostics and analysis of the level of development of speech activity (oral and written speech) of students;

    structured and dynamic observation of children’s speech activity in and outside of class;

    development and implementation of the content of correctional work to prevent and overcome violations of oral and written speech of students admitted to speech therapy classes;

    development and implementation of individually oriented development programs for children with severe speech impairments, taking into account the structure of the speech defect;

    clarification of special knowledge in speech therapy among teachers and parents;

    systematization of educational and methodological material;

    introduction of specialized computer speech therapy programs into the work system.

Main forms of working with children:



1. Static and dynamic articulation exercises

2. Finger gymnastics accompanied by poetic texts

3. Exercises for the development of speech breathing

5. Exercises to develop facial expression

6. Nurturing clear diction and intonation expressiveness of speech

7. Exercises to develop auditory attention and phonemic awareness

8. Correction of defective sound pronunciation and automation of correct sound pronunciation

9. Correction of the syllable structure of a word

10. Formation of lexico-grammatical representations

11. Teaching elements of literacy, preventing reading and writing disorders

12. Development of mental processes: voluntary attention, memory, logical thinking

13. Correction of reading and writing disorders

Problems solved in group classes:

    Development of phonetic-phonemic processes

    Formation of grammatically correct speech.

    Enrichment, consolidation and activation of vocabulary.

    Propaedeutics and correction of dyslexia and dysgraphia.

(APPLICATION " Long-term plans"; "Group lesson notes")

Tasks solved in individual lessons:

    Sound production.

    Automation of sound in speech.

    Differentiation of sound from other acoustically similar sounds.

    Introduction of assigned sounds into free speech.

    Correction of the syllabic structure of a word.

    Increasing the pace and quality of reading.

(APPENDIX “Individual Lesson Summary”)



Speech therapist teacher




Myznikova Lyudmila Aleksandrovna

Place of work

GOU TO "Kireevskaya school for orphans and children left without parental care"

Job title

Teacher speech therapist


20 years




1-6 grades

Awards, thanks

2003 Administration of the Tula Region Department of Education. Certificate of honor, regional level.

2006 Department of Education of the Tula Region. Certificate of honor, regional level.

2015 Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Certificate of honor, All-Russian level.

2016 Gratitude to the administration of the MKUDO “Center for Psychological, Pedagogical and Social Assistance”, municipal level.

2017 Gratitude to the administration of the state educational institution "Kireevskaya school for orphans and children left without parental care", level of educational institution.

Personal site


Availability of course training

2012 GOU DPO TO "Institute for Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Education Workers in the Tula Region." Theory and methodology of correctional work with children with disabilities. 72 hours

2012 FSBEI HPE "Tula State Pedagogical University them. L.N. Tolstoy." ICT in professional activities. 94 hours

2015 Autonomous non-profit organization DPO "Innovative" Education Centre advanced training and retraining "My University". Health-saving educational technologies in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. 72 hours


Confirmation of the highest qualification category in November 2016.


The effectiveness of students’ assimilation of correctional and developmental programs

2011-2012 academic year

2012-2013 academic year

2013-2014 academic year

2014-2015 academic year

2015-2016 academic year

Total number of students

23 people

26 people

27 people

26 people

31 people

Number of students with positive learning results

23 (100%)

26 (100%)

27 (100%)

26 (100%)

31 (100%)

Number of students with unsatisfactory dynamics

Results of logopunkt graduates(number of students achieving “4” and “5” in the Russian language)






Participation of students in olympiads and competitions

2015PEDOLIMPInternational Pedagogical Creative Olympiad “Project and Research Activities ( Primary School)”, project “Selected Works”, Kirsanova E., Panova R., Semenikhin A., Shagaev V., Yuzhakov E., winners (1st place), international level.

2016 All-Russian Blitz Olympiad for preschoolers and primary school students " School supplies", Chumachenko Stepan, 2nd place, all-Russian level.

Used educational technologies

Gaming technologies

TRIZ (theory of inventive problem solving)

Problem-based learning

Modular training

Project method

AMO (active learning methods)

Reflexive technologies


Health-saving technologies

Resulting scoring technology

Work on self-regulation, rehabilitation of aggressiveness and increasing motivation for learning using sensory room resources

Neuropsychological diagnostic technologies

Differentiated learning technology

ICT technologies:

Computer module “Family mentor”

Computer modules “Games for Tigers”, “Delfa-142”

ProgramWordwithin long-term project“Selected Works”



Computer stands “Wildlife. Plants", "Wildlife. Animals"

Personal site http://myuznikova.ucoz.com/

Extracurricular activities with students


Reduced fatigue during exercise;

Maintaining interest in work in class;

Encouragement to be active;

Formation of the ability to work according to the rules;

Formation of conflict-free interaction skills with peers and adults;

Formation of adequate self-esteem.


the formation of mental activity in interaction with the development of speech (mental activity, clarity of forms of thinking, mental operations);

development of mental abilities through mastery of visual modeling actions;

development of creative abilities;

formation of abilities for volitional efforts, voluntary regulation of behavior;

overcoming the negative qualities of the developing character.


Development of intelligence;

Formation of cognitive independence;

Development of creative abilities;

Formation of methods of mental practical activity;

Optimization of the learning process.

Formation of skills:


Development of the ability to summarize, compare and edit collected material.

Development of written language through use expressive means language, ICT.

Formation of general educational skills (reflective, search, communication, presentation skills).

Developing independence, the ability to plan one’s activities, and value one’s time.


formation of positive learning motivation

increasing the cognitive activity of students, active involvement of students in the educational process

stimulation of independent activity

development of cognitive processes - speech, memory, thinking, effective assimilation of a large amount of educational information

development of creative abilities and innovative thinking

development of the communicative-emotional sphere of personality

revealing the personal and individual capabilities of each student and determining the conditions for their manifestation and development

development of independent mental work skills, development of universal skills.


Formation of the ability to understand the reasons for success or failure in educational activities and the ability to act constructively even in situations of failure.


Development of interhemispheric specialization;

Development of interhemispheric interaction;

Development of interhemispheric connections;

Synchronization of the hemispheres;

Development of fine motor skills;

Development of abilities;

Development of memory, attention;

Speech development;

Development of thinking;

Elimination of dyslexia.


Creating conditions for students’ self-expression;

Initiating a variety of activities;

Using techniques to promote and maintain interest in academic subject;

Creating a favorable psychological climate in the classroom;

Prevention of physical inactivity


Introduces an element of competition and allows each student to contribute to the class score with the help of knowledge in the subject.

1 block. Increasing motivation for speech therapy diagnostics and correctional and developmental activities.


Increasing motivation for the diagnostic procedure;

Increase the efficiency of an orphan child’s adaptation to new conditions;

Relieving stress;

Enriching the child’s vocabulary with new concepts;

Increased performance;

Establishing trusting relationships.

2 block. Self-regulation work in the sensory room.


Creating conditions for relieving muscle and mental tension;

Developing the ability to regulate your mood, condition, degree of fatigue and behavior;

Teach methods of self-education;

Encourage healthy lifestyle;

Increased self-confidence;

Formation of adequate self-esteem;

Reduced anxiety levels.

3 block. Rehabilitation of aggressiveness and abnormal behavior.


Help the child free himself from negative emotions using the conditions of the sensory room;

Provide the correct psychological approach to this category of children;

Prevention of fears, misunderstandings in relationships with adults and peers, disruption of the educational process due to violation of discipline by an aggressive child;

Achieving an integrated approach to adapting orphans with aggressiveness to new living conditions.


Development of diagnostic programs that allow more accurate differentiation of oral and written speech disorders in primary schoolchildren and adolescents with various concomitant diagnoses (pedagogical neglect, MMD, ADHD, mental retardation, etc.), which contributes to a more productive correction of existing disorders, taking into account the individual capabilities of the child .


Allows for full-scale correction of similar speech disorders in children, based on the level of speech development, and involves programs and tasks of varying complexity.


initial and clarifying diagnosis of knowledge gaps;

eliminating knowledge gaps among pedagogically neglected students;

developing skills of independent work and self-control;

formation of adequate self-esteem.


correction of incorrect sound pronunciation;

formation of phonemic hearing;

correction of lexico-grammatical insufficiency


development of sound-letter analysis;

formation of coherent speech;

elimination of lexical and grammatical insufficiency;

development of spelling vigilance;


optimization of the learning process;

development of visual-spatial gnosis and praxis;

formation of color perception;

Diagnosis of a child’s emotional state


optimization of the correctional and developmental process with the help of multimedia presentations and computer games developed within the framework of this program;

development of visuospatial gnosis and praxis


Development of vocabulary and general awareness;

Development of attention;

Development of perception;

Memory development;

Development of imagination;

Development of perception of spatial relationships;

Development of voluntary self-regulation of behavior.


optimization of the correctional educational process;

involving students in the process of self-education by completing additional tasks posted on the website;

encouraging students by publishing their achievements on the website.

Long-term school-wide project “Selected Essays” (implemented since 2012) (grades 3-6).

Subject weeks of the support service “Positive Week” (annually since 2012) (school-wide event).

Ball of good and excellent students. Tea party (annually since 2014) (school-wide event).

2014 Holiday "Day of Humor" (school-wide event).

2015 Holiday “Rainbow in Your Hands” (primary school).

2017 Action “The History of My Last Name” (school-wide event).


Educational work to promote and develop healthy lifestyle skills and habits among students


Development of programs, diagnostic techniques, teaching aids

Publication of works on Internet resources

Introduction of the basics of a healthy lifestyle into the themes of the “Selected Essays” project (adding essays on the topics to children’s books):

Computer: good or bad?

An unusual journey to the land of chips and crackers.

Amazing transformations of a spikelet.

This is amazing milk.

What should you do to grow up healthy?

Classes in the rehabilitation room with the aim of creating a positive attitude towards educational activities according to the approved schedule;

Classes in the sensory room to relieve emotional stress, correct aggressiveness, negative manifestations of studying, and reduce anxiety levels;

Conducting classes on the following topics:

2012 Culinary journey (2 grades)

2012 Computer. Good or bad? (3 grades)

2013 Daily routine is the basis of human life (1 grade)

2014 Holiday “Day of Humor. Laughter heals the soul" (school-wide event)

2015 Ball of good and excellent students. Tea party “The healing properties of tea” (school-wide event)

2015 Celebration in 1st grade using body art technology “Rainbow in your hands”

2016 Integrated speech therapy lesson “Differentiation of S-C. Birds. Preparing beet salad"

*Program of speech therapy support for students with oral and written speech disorders (grades 1-7), municipal level

*Program for the development of intellectual abilities of primary schoolchildren using the resources of computer stands “Wild Nature”, level of educational institution

*Developmental program “Spring of my speech” within the framework of speech therapy support, level of educational institution

*Health conservation program in speech therapy classes, level of educational institution

*Program for the correction of severe speech disorders in primary schoolchildren, level of educational institution

Diagnostic techniques:

*Protocol of neuropsychological examination of speech, level of educational institution

* Diagnostics of the speech sphere of senior schoolchildren, level of educational institution

*Diagnostic complex for identifying the characteristics of the motor-rhythmic sphere of stuttering primary schoolchildren, all-Russian level (publication in the media)

*Diagnostic tools for studying the level of formation of phonemic perception in children of senior preschool and junior school age, all-Russian level (publication in the media)

*Diagnostic methodology for studying the level of speech development of orphans of primary school age, level of educational institution

Teaching aids:

*Rebuses for children of senior preschool and primary school age, all-Russian level (publication in the media)

*System of games and exercises for correcting oral and written speech, level of educational institution

*Notebook for work on dysgraphia correction, level of educational institution

*Computer game“Museum of Samovars”, level of educational institution

*Computer game “Match a diagram to the word”, level of educational institution

*Computer game “What’s What?”, level of educational institution

*Computer game “Whose Cub?”, level of educational institution

*Computer game “The Journey of Winnie the Pooh and Piglet through the Land of Morphology”, level of educational institution

*Presentations for the program for the correction of mixed dysgraphia (1 year of study)—37 pcs., level of educational institution

*Presentations for the program for the correction of mixed dysgraphia (2nd year of study)—28 pcs., level of educational institution

*Presentation for the program for the development of coherent speech in children with special needs development (III) 1st grade—12 pcs., level of educational institution

*Presentation for the program for the correction of OHP(I)—12 pcs., level of educational institution

*Presentations for individual lessons on sound pronunciation correction—5 pcs., level of educational institution

*Presentations for reports, conferences, seminars, holidays, school events—15 pcs., level of educational institution



*Personal site-http://myuznikova.ucoz.com/

*Pages on the personal website: “Speech therapy technologies”, “Speech therapy lesson notes”, “Diagnostic techniques”, “Speechless children”, “ Methodological material", "Documentation. Recommendations for design"

2013 A diagnostic complex for identifying the characteristics of the motor-rhythmic sphere of stuttering primary schoolchildren. “Pedagogical newspaper”, all-Russian level http://pedgazeta.ru/

2013 Diagnostic tools for studying the level of development of phonemic perception in children of senior preschool and primary school age. “Pedagogical world”, all-Russian level http://pedmir.ru/

2013 Composition of a word (summary of a speech therapy session using ICT). “Pedagogical newspaper”, all-Russian level http://pedgazeta.ru/

2013 The feasibility of using ICT in speech therapy classes. “Pedagogical newspaper”, all-Russian level http://pedgazeta.ru/

2013 Summary of speech therapy classes in grades 5-6 for children with lexical and grammatical deficiencies and pedagogical neglect using ICT. Murzilka versus Yabeda-Koryabeda. Differentiation of related and unrelated words (based on the work of A. Semenov “The Twelve Agents of Yabeda-Koryabeda”). “Pedagogical world”, all-Russian level http://pedmir.ru/

2014 Puzzles for children of senior preschool and primary school age. “Pedagogical newspaper”, all-Russian level http://pedgazeta.ru/

2014 Kinesiology in speech therapy classes. “Pedagogical world”, all-Russian level http://pedmir.ru/

2015 Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the correction of dysgraphia in grade 2 “Travel to Emerald City. D-T differentiation.” “Pedagogical world”, all-Russian level http://pedmir.ru/

2015 Project "Selected Works".PEDOLIMP

2015 Antonyms. Phraseologisms-antonyms (summary of a speech therapy lesson on the correction of mixed dysgraphia). “Pedagogical newspaper”, all-Russian level http://pedgazeta.ru/

2015 Summary of an individual speech therapy session with a disabled child in a rehabilitation room. Differentiation L-L.PEDOLIMP, international level http://pedolimp.ru/

2014 Generalization of experience on the topic “ICT in speech therapy classes”, article “Feasibility of using ICT in speech therapy classes”, “Pedagogical newspaper”http://pedgazeta.ru/,

personal website http://myuznikova.ucoz.com/

2016 Generalization of experience on the topic “Health-saving technologies in correctional and developmental activities”, article “Speech therapy technologies”, personal website http://myuznikova.ucoz.com/ ; article “Kinesiology in speech therapy classes” magazine“Pedagogical world” http://pedmir.ru/


Speech at teacher councils, seminars, methodological associations

Open lessons, master classes

Generalization of experience

Participation in competitions

2014 MKUDO "Center for Psychological, Pedagogical and Social Assistance." Regional educational organization of speech therapists of the Kireyevsky district. Round table “ICT in professional activities”. Master class “Creation and feasibility of using multimedia presentations in speech therapy classes,” municipal level.

2013 GOU TO "Kireevskaya boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care." Master Class. Open speech therapy lesson “Composition of words”, level of educational institution.

2016 State educational institution of further professional education "IPK and PPRO TO" Department of Psychology, Education and Additional Education of Children and Youth. Regional internship platform “Sociocultural practices of childhood and technologies of working with children in the childhood space of the school.” Open integrated speech therapy lesson “Suffixal way of forming words. Cuisine of the world. Cooking poached eggs "France"), regional level

Generalization of experience on the topic “ICT in speech therapy classes”:

2012 Master Class. ABOUTopen speech therapy session using ICT “Composition of words”, municipal level.

2012 Master Class. Open speech therapy session using ICT “Differentiation of D-T”, municipal level.

2013 Description of the experience for the professional skills competition “My calling is a speech therapist”, regional level.

2013 Speech at the regional educational training of speech therapists of the Kireevsky district “Creation and feasibility of using multimedia presentations in speech therapy classes”, municipal level.

Generalization of experience on the topic “Health-saving technologies in correctional and developmental activities”:

2013 FSBEI HPE “Tula State Pedagogical University named after. L.N. Tolstoy." Scientific and practical seminar “The role of research practice in generalizing the best experience of specialists from correctional educational institutions.” Creating a health-preserving environment in a boarding school, regional level.

2013 Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Institution "Center for Research of Problems of Education, Formation of a Healthy Lifestyle, Prevention of Drug Addiction, Social and Pedagogical Support for Children and Youth", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Tula State Pedagogical University named after. L.N. Tolstoy." Scientific and practical conference “Current issues of socialization of children with adaptation difficulties based on the use of the educational component of additional education programs for children.” Speech therapy presentation for school PMPK, all-Russian level.

2013 GOU TO "Kireevskaya boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care." Scientific and practical seminar “Interaction between speech therapist and teachers on individualization of the educational process, taking into account the level of speech development of students,” level of educational institution.

2013 MKUDO "Center for Psychological, Pedagogical and Social Assistance." Regional educational organization of speech therapists of the Kireyevsky district. “Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. ADHD correction", municipal level.

2013 Scientific and practical seminar “Modern educational methods and technologies as a means of socialization.” Open speech therapy lesson “Murzilka versus Yabeda-Koryabeda. Differentiation of related and unrelated words”, regional level.

2014 GOU TO "Kireevskaya boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care." Master Class. Open individual speech therapy session with a disabled child in the rehabilitation room “Differentiation L-L”, level of educational institution.

2015 Regional seminar “Sociocultural space of secondary schools. Personal self-determination of students in extracurricular activities, additional education in the light of the Federal State Educational Standard." Psychological assistance to children with developmental difficulties is an important condition for the social activity of the individual, regional level.

2016 GOU TO "Kireevskaya school for orphans and children left without parental care." Scientific and practical seminar “Speech therapy technologies”, level of educational institution.

2016 GOU TO "Kireevskaya school for orphans and children left without parental care." Master Class. Open speech therapy lesson “Antonyms. Phraseologisms-antonyms”, level of educational institution.

2016 GOU TO "Kireevskaya school for orphans and children left without parental care." Master Class. Open integrated speech therapy lesson “Differentiation of S-C. Birds. Preparation of beet salad", level of educational institution.

2016 GOU TO "Kireevskaya school for orphans and children left without parental care." Master Class. Open speech therapy session “Professions. Making sentences based on a picture using reference words, diagrams”, level of educational institution.

2016 MKUDO "Center for Psychological, Pedagogical and Social Assistance." Regional educational organization of speech therapists of the Kireyevsky district. “Neurolinguistic programming in correctional activities”, municipal level.

2013 Regional competition “My calling is a speech therapist”, laureate, regional level.

2014PEDOLIMPInternational Pedagogical Creative Olympiad “Use of Modern Educational Technologies in Primary Schools”, laureate, international level.

2015 All-Russian Educational Portal “Prodlenka”. Certificate of registration of a teacher’s personal website/blog, all-Russian level.

2016 All-Russian competition “Emerald City”, nomination: Best website (blog) of a teacher, winner (1st place), all-Russian level.

2016 All-Russian blitz Olympiad for teaching staff “Professional competence of a speech therapist”, 2nd place, all-Russian level.

2016PEDOLIMPInternational pedagogical creative Olympiad “Speech therapy classes in the educational process”, winner (1st place), international level.


Acting as a mentor

2014 Head of industrial practice for 5th year students at TSPU named after. L.N. Tolstoy Rogovoy N., Strakhovoy M.

2016 Head of industrial practice for a 3rd year student at TSPU named after. L.N. Tolstoy Shpyreva A.

Participation in the implementation of educational programs, basic and internship sites, laboratories, resource centers.


Permanent member of the school PMPk.

Since 1999 Federal program "School of Health". Development of health-saving technologies used in speech therapy classes, level of educational institution.

2015 Federal program "School of Health". Development and implementation of a health conservation program in speech therapy classes, level of educational institution.

2015 Internship site “Sociocultural space of a comprehensive school. Personal self-determination of students in extracurricular activities, additional education in the light of the Federal State Educational Standard,” regional level.

216g. Internship siteState Educational Institution of Further Professional Education “IPK and PPRO TO” Department of Psychology, Education and Additional Education of Children and Youth “Sociocultural practices of childhood and technologies of working with children in the space of childhood school”, regional level.

*Page on the website of the educational institution—http://kireevsk-khi.ru/index/logoped/0-15

*Page on the website of the electronic media “Pedagogical Newspaper”—http://lumuza.pedgazeta.ru/

* Page on the website of the electronic media “Pedagogical World”—http://lumuza.pedmir.ru/

*Page on the website of the International Pedagogical Olympiad—http://pedolimp.ru/userpage.php

*Personal site-http://myuznikova.ucoz.com/

Self-analysis of professional activity

Lyudmila Alexandrovna Myznikova

teacher-speech therapist of the state educational institution "Kireevskaya school for orphans and children left without parental care"

In 2004, I graduated from Oryol State University, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Department of Speech Therapy, qualification: teacher-speech therapist. Pedagogical work experience is 20 years, in current position—18 years, in this institution—18 years. I have the highest qualification category (dated December 23, 2011).

The priority areas of my activity are:

Studying, testing and adapting new diagnostic technologies to the conditions of a boarding school, allowing for a more accurate and in-depth analysis of existing deviations from the speech norm in different categories of children with disabilities;

Development, within the framework of the Federal project “School of Health,” of health-saving technologies that allow children to maintain their well-being;

Optimization of the correctional and developmental process using ICT;

Application of modular training in speech therapy classes;

Analytical activities.

Studying, testing and adapting new diagnostic technologies to the conditions of a boarding school.

Target: development of diagnostic programs that make it possible to more accurately differentiate oral and written speech disorders in primary schoolchildren and adolescents with various concomitant diagnoses (pedagogical neglect, MMD, ADHD, mental retardation, etc.).

Relevance This area of ​​work is that over the past 5 years the number of children entering boarding school with various speech disorders of a secondary nature has increased. Primary defects in most cases are pedagogical and social neglect, mental retardation, various disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere, etc.


Adaptation to the conditions of a boarding school of the diagnostic program of neuropsychological examination T.A. Fotekova and T.V. Akhutina for children of primary and secondary school age, development of a Protocol for neuropsychological examination of speech;

Development test tasks to identify the level of development of oral and written speech of senior schoolchildren, drawing up a speech map;

Development of a diagnostic complex to identify the characteristics of the motor-rhythmic sphere of stuttering primary schoolchildren;

Development of diagnostic tools for studying the level of development of phonemic perception in children of senior preschool and primary school age;

Development of a diagnostic methodology for studying the level of speech development of orphans of primary school age.

Development of health-saving technologies

within the framework of the Federal project “School of Health”.

Target: improving the health of children in speech therapy classes.

Relevance This area of ​​work is that, according to medical examination data, the number of children with various chronic diseases in a boarding school is approximately 50% and for this category of pupils a gentle training regime is necessary. The development of health-saving technologies also allows other children to maintain good health and not lose their health while studying at school. The use of health-saving technologies is necessary for the child to receive full-fledged correctional care.


Development of a set of kinesiological exercises for different types activities in a speech therapy session;

Development of a flexible structure of speech therapy classes that prevents children from becoming tired;

Carrying out gymnastics for the eyes;

Development of a health conservation program in speech therapy classes;

Speech at the regional methodological association of speech therapists of the Kireyevsky district on the topics: “Correction of ADHD in speech therapy classes” (2013),“Neurolinguistic programming in correctional activities” (2016);

Conducting a scientific and practical seminar “Interaction between a speech therapist and teachers on the individualization of the educational process, taking into account the level of speech development of students” within the framework of a boarding school (2013);

Speech at the regional seminar “Socialcultural space of a comprehensive school. Personal self-determination of students in extracurricular activities, additional education in the light of the Federal State Educational Standard" (2015);

Conducting a school scientific and practical seminar “Speech therapy technologies” (2016);

Training in advanced training courses: “Theory and methodology of correctional work with children with disabilities” (2012), “Health-saving educational technologies in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard" (2015);

Publication of the article “Kinesiology in speech therapy classes” (2014);

Laureate of the International Pedagogical Creative OlympiadPEDOLIMP“The use of modern educational technologies in primary school.” Summary of a lesson with a disabled child in a rehabilitation room (2014);

Development and implementation of the annual subject week of the support service “Positive Week” (since 2012).

Optimization of the correctional and developmental process using ICT

Target: optimization of the correctional and developmental process; development of visual-spatial gnosis and praxis.

Relevance: the use of a variety of non-traditional methods and techniques in correctional work prevents fatigue, supports cognitive activity in children with various speech pathologies, and increases the efficiency of speech therapy work in general. To implement correctional tasks, and most importantly, to increase children’s motivation for classes, it is necessary to widely use information and communication technologies in individual, subgroup and frontal work as one of the means of optimizing the process of speech correction.


A quantitative analysis of the effectiveness of speech therapy work over the past 5 years is presented in the diagram.

Decrease in the number of children released in the 2014-2015 academic year. explained by admission to boarding school, mainly in grades 4-7, large number pedagogically neglected students with general speech underdevelopment. The bulk of newly admitted students have significant gaps in knowledge of the Russian language in combination with various types dysgraphia and dyslexia and persistent negativity towards all types of learning. When planning speech therapy work with such children, I widely use all the opportunities provided by information and communication technologies. This work gave a positive result. According to an anonymous survey of younger teenagers newly admitted to a boarding school, classes using ICT are most interesting to them, and information presented in an interactive form is remembered for a long time. There is also a decrease in negativism towards speech therapy sessions.

In parallel with quantitative assessment speech therapy activities, a qualitative analysis of the results of correctional and developmental work at the speech center is carried out.

Excellent dynamics presupposes excellent performance in the Russian language, good performance implies a grade of "4" and satisfactory performance - a grade of "3".


Generalization of experience on this topic at the regional competition “My calling is a speech therapist” (2013);

Creation of a personal website (2013);

Training in advanced training courses “ICT in professional activities” (2013);

Carrying out mmaster class “Creation and feasibility of using multimedia presentations in speech therapy classes” at the Regional Educational Institution of speech therapists of the Kireyevsky district (2014);

Publication of the article “Feasibility of using ICT in speech therapy classes” (2013);

Implementation of the long-term project “Selected Works” (since 2011); the project is the winner of the International Pedagogical Creative OlympiadPEDOLIMP“Project and research activities (primary school)” (2015).

Application of modular training in speech therapy classes

Target: overcoming learning difficulties in children with speech impairments through the formation and development of learning skills.

Relevance: according to psychological research in Lately There has been an increase in the number of children experiencing difficulties in mastering the school curriculum.

Modular training offered by a group of speech therapists-practitioners from St. Petersburg (Mettus E.V., Litvina A.V., Turta O.S., Burina E.D., Ivanova T.A., Ivanova O.V., Konyukhova E.V.), allows you to overcome learning difficulties through the formation and development of learning skills. This program includes 6 modules:

Ability to correctly perceive verbal or written instructions;

Ability to plan actions to complete a task;

Ability to exercise final self-control;

The ability to independently evaluate the results of one’s activities;

The ability to voluntarily control your attention and pace of activity;

Ability to communicate in a learning situation.


There has been a positive trend in the formation of educational skills in different categories of students (children began to better navigate the learning situation, plan their actions to complete various types of tasks, students acquired the ability to voluntarily regulate their attention, switch in a timely manner when changing types of activities, and exercise self-control);

According to the results psychological research(May 2016) 40% of children attending speech therapy classes showed adequate self-esteem (compared to 2012, adequate self-esteem was observed in 25% of children), i.e. students learned to recognize the strengths and weak sides yourself as a student;

The technology of modular training is described in detail by me and posted on my personal website for public consumption (2013);

Development of technology for the resulting scoring (accumulation of points for work in class);

Application of color-planning technology within the framework of the “Selected Essays” project (development of a plan and deadlines for completing independent work).

Analytical activities

Target: identifying the dynamics of children’s speech development, monitoring the effectiveness of the speech therapy technologies used.

Relevance: tracking the dynamics of speech development of children attending speech therapy classes is necessary in order to draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of using certain correctional and developmental technologies and the appropriateness of their use in speech therapy practice.


Studying the data of a medical, psychological and pedagogical examination of the child and comparing this information with the results of speech therapy diagnostics to compile a complete picture of existing disorders, identifying the main causes of delays in speech development;

Presentation of analytical reports on the dynamics of children’s speech development at school council meetings;

Preparation of analytical reports on the work done;

Development of a strategy for corrective influence on each child together with psychologists, social educators, teachers, educators and doctors;

Development of correctional and developmental programs based on analytical data:

Speech therapy program for students with oral and written speech disorders (grades 1-7)

Program for the development of intellectual abilities of junior schoolchildren using the resources of computer stands “Wild Nature”

Program for the development of higher mental functions of children of primary and secondary school age with learning difficulties

Health conservation program in speech therapy classes

Thus, ensuring the organizational, substantive, methodological components of the speech therapy process, as well as the interrelated efforts of teachers to eliminate the speech pathology that children have, makes it possible to achieve the main goal of any educational institution, which isin organizing work on the comprehensive development of children through the creation of a unified educational space, the implementation of an integrated approach to pedagogical process.

I believe, that the main objective my activities are achieved. In the future, I plan to build my work based on my goals and objectives:

Target speech therapy support—formation in children of communication skills, learning skills and proper time management, planning their actions and self-control.


development to the required level of psychophysical functions: articulatory apparatus, phonemic hearing, small muscles of the hand, optical-spatial orientation, visual-motor coordination, etc.;

enriching children’s horizons, forming clear, diverse ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, which will allow them to perceive educational material consciously;

formation of social and moral behavior (responsible attitude towards speech therapy classes, compliance with the rules of conduct in class, rules of communication, etc.);

development of personal components of cognitive activity (cognitive activity, independence), overcoming intellectual passivity characteristic of children brought up in a boarding school;

the formation of skills and abilities necessary for activities of any type: the ability to navigate a task, plan upcoming work, perform it in accordance with a visual example and (or) verbal instructions from a speech therapist, exercise self-control and self-assessment;

formation of age-appropriate general intellectual skills (operations of analysis, comparison, generalization, practical grouping, logical classification, inference, etc.);

increasing the level of general development of schoolchildren and correcting individual developmental deviations (taking into account the pace of activity, readiness to learn new things educational material and etc.);

protection and strengthening of the somatic and psychoneurological health of children: prevention of psychophysical overload, emotional breakdowns, creation of a climate of psychological comfort, ensuring the success of educational activities in its frontal and individual forms.

I will also continue to search for new effective techniques and methods of speech therapy.

These are by no means pretentious words. I’m just very lucky, because I consider myself one of those people for whom professional activity is a favorite pastime, creativity, inspiration, the opportunity to benefit people, and, ultimately, life. And it is impossible to live without a heart, so I put warmth and kindness into my work.

There are many teachers in my family (grandmother, mother, aunt), and since childhood I dreamed of working with children. I also always liked the Russian language, its sonority, melody, and polysemy. Fortunately, having discovered speech therapy, I realized that this is an opportunity not only to continue learning the language myself, but also to help children comprehend all its subtleties, teach children to enjoy sounds native language by using fun games, colorful pictures and miraculous movements intertwined with music.

And, despite the fact that there are many difficulties in the work of a speech therapist, I believe that my efforts are not in vain. After all, when you see trust, joy in the eyes of a child and hear the long-awaited sound uttered by him, fatigue recedes, confidence in his abilities, experience, and the desire to work further appear.

Ekaterina Sergeevna Ruzavina – teacher-speech therapist of the first qualification category

Graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical University. IN AND. Lenin in 2002.

Awarded the qualification of oligophrenopedagogist and speech therapist teacher in the specialty “oligophrenopedagogy with an additional specialty of speech therapy.”

Teaching experience since 2003.

Currently I work at the MBDOU TsRR d/s No. 5 “Ryabinka”, Lobnya MO


1. “Workshop on speech therapy games” Author: Nasonova T.R.

ANO "Speech therapist plus" Training center "Speech therapist Master", Moscow, license No. 311553 04/09/2011 (Certificate - 8 hours).

2. Cathedral variable educational module “Preparing children with speech disorders for school”

State educational institution "Pedagogical Academy" Moscow from 09/05/2011 to 12/19/2011 Qualification certificate registration number 29121 PA 72 hours.

Participation in seminars:

1. Participation in the seminar “Solving specific behavioral problems in children: fears, anxiety, aggression, negativism, autostimulation, etc.”

RBOO “Center for Curative Pedagogy”, Moscow 05.23-24.2011 (Certificate – 16 hours)

2. Participation in the seminar “Modern approaches to the correction of stuttering in children”

State Educational Institution Pedagogical Academy, Moscow, 04/07/2012

3. Participation in the April program “Quality of additional education and educational system of the institution” of the First Open Moscow Interregional Festival of Pedagogical Ideas and Solutions in Additional Education of Children 2011-2012, State Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Education, Moscow, May 2011- 2012 academic year G.

My achievements:

In March 2013, the first qualification category was assigned.


1. From 05/18/2015 to 05/30/2015, training at the Federal State Autonomous Institution of Agro-Industrial Complex and PPRO in Moscow under the program “Theoretical and methodological problems of modern speech therapy” for 72 hours.

2. From 06.11.2015 to 20.11.2015, training at the State Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Moscow Region "State Humanitarian and Technological University" under the program "Development of professional competencies of a teacher of a preschool educational organization (in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education)" in the amount of 18 hours.

My achievements:

My personal achievements:

The main directions of correctional and developmental work with children:

Development of articulation organs to improve pronunciation;

Staging and further automation of delivered sounds;

Differentiation of sounds that are similar in articulatory and acoustic characteristics - the formation of phonemic perception.

Development of correct speech breathing, development of speech exhalation;

Work on correctly intonated and rhythmic speech, development of prosody (using the logorhythmic technique);

Correction of the sound-syllable structure of a word;

Expansion and enrichment of the dictionary, exercise in word formation;

Formation of grammatical structure of speech;

Formation of coherent speech skills (composing stories based on a picture, based on demonstrated actions, based on a series of plot paintings, comparative and descriptive stories, learning to retell).

Teaching elements of literacy;

Development of general motor skills and fine motor skills of the hands, development of grapho-motor skills;

Prevention of dysgraphia, dyslexia;

- Development of such mental functions of thinking, voluntary attention, memory, all types of perception, imagination, spatial orientation, creative abilities of children;

Formation of elements of children’s cognitive activity, development of independence, curiosity, interest in new knowledge.

Forms of organizing work in MDOU:

Frontal exercises;

Subgroup classes;

Individual work with children;


Khobotova Natalia Valentinovna date of birth: September 17, 1974 1991 - Sosnogorsk interschool training and production plant, qualification “Kindergarten teacher” 1992-1997. - KSPI, qualification “Teacher of preschool pedagogy and psychology in a pedagogical school.” Methodologist with a specialty in “Preschool pedagogy and psychology.” 1997 – KRIROiPK, advanced training courses on the topic “Psychological and pedagogical foundations of speech correction”, appointed to the position of “Teacher-speech therapist”. 2000 – KRIROiPK, qualification “Teacher-speech therapist”, awarded the I qualification category.

2006 – APKiPRO, courses on the topic “Innovative forms of working with families in preschool educational institutions” modern stage development of education" was awarded the highest qualification category - KRIROiPK, advanced training courses under the program "Technology for the development of workers curricula" 2009 – KRIROiPK, advanced training courses on the topic “System of correctional and developmental work of a speech therapist at a preschool educational institution” according to the author’s program N.V. Nishchevoy (St. Petersburg). 2009 appointed head of the regional educational organization for speech therapists in Sosnogorsk - individual entrepreneur- opened the center for speech development of children “Rechetsvetik” in the city, awarded the highest qualification category. Total work experience – 21 years Experience as a speech therapist: 16 years

"Speech therapist. Is there any reason to be proud? "Speech therapist. Is there any reason to be proud? - some may ask me, but it is a person’s speech that is the main means of expressing thoughts, character, soul. And by developing speech, we develop personality. No wonder L.S. Vygotsky wrote that “The development of speech restructures thinking, transforms it into new forms.” We sometimes don’t even notice what the role of the Word is in our lives. But it’s impossible to imagine it without the sounds of speech, it would be so dull! The laughter of children, their cheerful babble fills us with joy. Words and songs about love give strength to live. Poetry and prose elevate and educate. Slogans and slogans inspire new achievements. So let these words sound correctly and clearly! Speech is the queen of all sciences, as the sage Euripides believed. A person is able to influence others with a word, convince, argue, make an impression, achieve success, manage, enjoy a play or film, understand humor and joke, create poems, poems and songs, and even save with the Word. Isn't this a miracle! And the Speech Therapist is a magician who creates that same miracle!

1. Diagnostic support of correctional and speech therapy work 1.1. The kindergarten has 11 age groups and 1 speech center Children from senior and school preparatory groups are covered by diagnostic procedures for speech development. The diagnostic results are used when carrying out correctional and speech therapy work - drawing up individual plans taking into account the speech defect, neuropsychological approach and are reflected in the speech map.

2. Correctional and speech therapy activities 2.1. Children with impairments in the pronunciation of individual sounds (NPOS) are admitted to the speech center. If children with severe speech pathology are identified, the speech therapist refers the children to the PMPK for enrollment in a preschool educational institution where speech therapy groups operate. If the parents refuse to transfer the child, the speech therapist teacher is not responsible for the complete elimination of the defect. Pupils are enrolled at the speech center preschool senior preschool age, since an indicator of the work of a speech therapist teacher is the state of sound pronunciation of children graduating to school. The number of children studying at the speech center is 25 people. In the case of enrollment of children with complex speech disorders, the number of children is reduced in accordance with the numerical standards established for the enrollment of children in speech therapy groups in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 666 Moscow “On approval of the Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution” Enrollment of children in correctional classes are carried out by the speech therapist himself.

2.6. Enrollment and graduation of pupils at the speech center is carried out on the basis of an examination of the speech of preschoolers by a speech therapist teacher from 1 - and from 15 - The main forms of organizing work with children with speech disorders at the speech center are individual and subgroup classes (in accordance with the schedule of specialist classes) Classes with Children at the speech center are held daily both during hours free from classes during the day, and during them (the teacher-speech therapist takes children from any classes of the teacher). 2.9.Individual and subgroup classes for children to correct sound pronunciation are held at least 2 times a week. 2.10 The recruitment of subgroups is carried out taking into account the nature and severity of speech disorders in children. The timing of speech therapy work is directly dependent on the severity of speech disorders in children, their individual personality characteristics, and the conditions of upbringing in preschool educational institutions and in the family.

2.12. The decision to stop systematic classes with a child is made by a speech therapist, guided by the degree to which the level of his speech development approaches age norms. In classes, the corrective speech therapy technology “Speech therapy massage” is used, since it is one of the speech therapy techniques that contribute to the normalization of the pronunciation aspect of speech and emotional state of persons suffering from speech disorders B junior groups Preschool educational institutions carry out preventive work: examination of the subject-development environment and monitoring of the education of sound culture of speech in children.

3. Corrective and developmental support of the educational process 3.1. In the conditions of the speech center, speech therapy classes are conducted to correct sound pronunciation; there is variability in correctional and developmental activities - articulation, breathing exercises, speech therapy massage, sound production, vocabulary enrichment, work on the grammatical structure of speech, the development of coherent speech, the use of health-saving technologies, the development of mental processes, phonemic perception, fine and gross motor skills Advisory and educational work with the teaching staff Advisory and educational work with parents.

4. The use of information computer technologies in the educational process In his speech therapy practice, the teacher-speech therapist actively uses information computer technologies, which allow optimizing the pedagogical process, individualizing children's learning and significantly increasing the effectiveness of speech therapy, as they allow bringing the effect of clarity into the lesson, increasing motivation activity, contribute to a closer relationship between the teacher-speech therapist and children: - specialized computer technology“Games for Tigers” (Perm: POIPKRO); - electronic publication “Didactic material” by N.S. Ruslanova on the development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech on the topics “Utensils”, “Toys”, “Clothes, shoes” - electronic publications “Teaching literacy”, “Russian language” by V.P. Kanakin , V.G.Goretsky. - audio recording of dynamic warm-ups “Ten Mice” by E. Zheleznov.

5. The effectiveness of the correctional and speech therapy work of a speech therapist. Analysis of the results of the pedagogical activities of Khobotova N.V. showed that children released from the logo center for the period 2009 – 2012. 88% with clear speech, with improvement in speech – 12%. A high level of correction of sound pronunciation in the conditions of a speech center is achieved by a teacher-speech therapist thanks to the individualization and differentiation of pedagogical influence, the use of health-saving technologies in the classroom in combination with a humane and personal approach, and the use of modern educational technologies in their work. Positive learning results are achieved through the competent use of a variety of teaching methods, methods and techniques in their work, as well as the involvement of educators and parents in correctional work.

6. Methodical work speech therapist teacher 6.1 The speech therapist teacher summarizes and actively disseminates correctional speech therapy experience through open classes, master classes, seminars at the level of preschool educational institutions, as well as at the municipal, city and district levels. Natalya Valentinovna conducts classes at a high professional level. She has her own methodological developments: - a business game for speech therapists “Development of speech in ontogenesis”; - notes of parent meetings; - lesson notes; - author’s program “Correctional and developmental work of a speech therapist with children with general speech underdevelopment (from 5 to 7 years)”; - author’s program “Correction of sound pronunciation in preschool children”; - a regulation was drawn up “On the organization of the work of a speech therapist teacher in the conditions of a preschool educational institution speech center”; - documentation for the speech therapist teacher; - speech cards; - methodological manual “Speech therapy massage”.

7. Interaction with specialists Interaction on issues of continuity with the school takes place through open classes at preschool educational institutions, open lessons in schools, conversations with primary school teachers Interaction with health care institutions: based on the results of a speech examination, the speech therapist teacher refers children to an appointment with a neurologist Interaction with speech therapist teachers in the city and region - open classes in preschool educational institutions, conducting workshops, business games, School of "Young Specialist".

9. Professional skills of a speech therapist teacher 9.1. Results of the survey of teachers Based on the results of the questionnaire, all teachers rated high degree the expression of professional skills of a speech therapist teacher. They noted professionalism, skill, literacy, efficiency, and a high level of correction of speech defects. The description indicated that Natalia Valentinovna is sociable, proactive, friendly, fair, responsive, creative and attentive to children, parents, and colleagues. Results of a parent survey, reviews: “Very pleased and grateful for the delivery of speech and the development of our child’s thinking. I learned to consistently retell stories and read. The child is only delighted with classes with a speech therapist. Thank you!" “I like the individual approach to children. Natalya Valentinovna is attentive, kind, and responsive.” Speech therapist No one has any doubts about how important a speech therapist is in life. You have worked so hard these years so that our children can learn to speak all sounds clearly! Don't forget these successes! We thank you for this and, of course, we honor your work!

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

Portfolio of teacher - speech therapist Galina Aleksandrovna Popova Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten "Solnyshko" in Sursk

2 slide

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3 slide

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4 slide

Slide description:

Information on advanced training “Modern educational institution (specialization: defectology)” in the discipline: traditional and innovative approaches to correcting sound pronunciation. 72 hours, 2014 “The use of the myofunctional trainer “INFANT” in the correctional work of a speech therapist with children 3-5 years old.” 6 hours, 2013 “Information and communication technologies” 72 hours, certificate No. 1253, 2011.

5 slide

Slide description:

Certificates and gratitude Certificate of the Education Department of the Gorodishchensky district, 2010. Certificate of Education Department of the Gorodishchensky District, 2013. Gratitude from the administration of MBDOU DS “Solnyshko”, Sursk, 2013. Certificate of honor newspaper "Penzenskaya Pravda", 2014.

6 slide

Slide description:

Publications on the Internet Own website Social network education workers nsportal.ru Title of the work Website Time of publication Planning the circle work of a teacher-speech therapist Logomag.ru 11/8/11/2014 “Psychological health as a factor in the successful work of a teacher” material for a regional seminar of teachers-speech therapists website 11/25/2014 Scenario of the event dedicated to International Speech Pathologist Day. website 11/26/2014

7 slide

Slide description:

Software and methodological support Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V.. Program of speech therapy work to overcome general speech underdevelopment in children. Moscow, “Enlightenment” 2009. Nishcheva N.V. System of correctional work in a speech therapy group for children with general speech underdevelopment. - St. Petersburg: CHILDHOOD - PRESS, 2004. Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Frontal speech therapy classes in the senior group for children with general speech underdevelopment. 3rd level - M.: Gnom - Press, 1999. Kislova T.R. “On the road to the ABC”, Methodological recommendations for educators, teachers and parents for parts 3 and 4. Scientifically edited by R.N. Buneeva, E.V. Buneeva. –M.: “Balass”, 1999. Arbekova N.E. We develop coherent speech in children 6-7 years old with OHP. Notes of frontal speech therapist classes - M.: GNOM Publishing House, 2011.

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Nishcheva N.V. Notes of subgroup speech therapy classes in the senior group of a kindergarten for children with OHP. –SPb.: DETSVO-PRESS 2007. Kuznetsova E.V., Tikhonova I.A. development and correction of speech of children 5-6 years old: Lesson notes. – M.: TC Sfera, 2004. Pozhilenko E.A. The magical world of sounds and words (a manual for speech therapists). - Humat. Ed. VLADOSS Center. – M.: 1999. Arbekova N.E. We develop coherent speech in children 6-7 years old with OHP. Planning the work of a speech therapist in a preschool group. – M.: GNOM Publishing House, 2011. Arbekova N.E. We develop coherent speech in children 6–7 years old with ODD. Albums 1,2.3. – 2nd ed., revised. – M.: GNOM Publishing House, 2012 Teremkova N.E. Speech therapy homework for children 5-7 years old with OHP. Albums 1 -4. – M.: Publishing house “GNOM and D”, 2009.

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Modern educational technologies and methods used The development of preschool education and the transition to a new qualitative level cannot be carried out without the development of innovative technologies. Innovation determines new methods, forms, means, technologies used in pedagogical practice, focused on the child’s personality and the development of his abilities. In my work I widely use information and computer technologies (ICT), systematically using them in preparation for classes. The most widely used: Internet resources, multimedia presentations, electronic teaching aids. Full-screen voiced videos and animations and high-quality photographs provide rich illustrative material. The use of modern educational technologies and methods is the key to high results of correctional work.

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Technologies and techniques Purpose of using technologies and techniques Description of implementation in pedagogical activity Results of using Health-saving technologies. 1. Breathing exercises Stimulates brain function, regulates neuropsychic processes. Breathing exercises on individual, frontal, subgroup and on lexical topics. Strong and prolonged exhalation. Lower diaphragmatic breathing, organization of speech as you exhale. Differentiation of oral and nasal exhalation. 2. Visual gymnastics. Relieves eye strain and helps train hand-eye coordination. Using exercises after intense 10-minute work Prevention of myopia. 3.Relaxation Relieves tension and anxiety. It is one of the stages of working in a node. The ability to control your body, control your emotions, feelings, and sensations develops.

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4. Mimic gymnastics. Promotes communication, emotional development Performed at each node, in front of a mirror, by imitation or verbal instructions Clearer facial picture 5. Dynamic pauses in combination with speech material. Development of general motor skills, coordination of movements and speech, removal muscle tension. Physics minutes on lexical topics. Increased performance, prevention of poor posture and flat feet. 6. Gymnastics for fingers. Development of fine motor skills and self-care skills, manipulation of objects, manual dexterity, removal of synkenesis and muscle tension. Croupotherapy, sand therapy, su-jok, mosaics, massage balls, games with clothespins, with counting sticks, with reels. Directly proportional relationship between the development of fine motor skills and speech.

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7.Psycho-gymnastics. Teaching children expressive movements, training psychomotor functions, reducing games and sketches on nodes. emotional stress. Development of the emotional sphere, reflection of feelings. 8. Fairytale therapy when performing articulation gymnastics. Normalization of speech motor skills, emotional development. Fairy tales on lexical topics nano. Improving pronunciation skills. 9.Bioenergoplasty. Activation of intellectual activity, development of coordination, fine and articulatory motor skills. Speech associated with hand movements. Performing articulatory gymnastics is accompanied by syndentical movements of the hands. Speech improves. 10. Self-massage of the facial and finger muscles. Stimulation and activation of muscle tone. Sets of exercises for nodes, as one of the stages of work. Strengthening facial muscles, forming tactile sensations, developing speech.

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Problem-based learning technology Development of cognitive activity. Consistent, purposeful advancement of cognitive tasks for students. Active acquisition of knowledge. Concentrated learning technology. Creating as close to natural psychological characteristics human perception of the structure of educational activities. Thematic planning. In-depth and comprehensive mastery of the material. "Technology of developmental education. Development of personality and its abilities. Orientation of cognitive activity towards the potential capabilities of the child. Development of all components of the language system.

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Technology of differentiated learning Creating optimal conditions for identifying and correcting speech disorders. Mastering the program at various planned levels. Clear sound pronunciation, sufficient lexicon, grammatically correct sentences and statements. Game learning technology Development of imagination, attention, memory, speech, thinking, ability to compare, contrast, find analogies. Didactic and word games, games for the development of mental processes, phonemic hearing and sound analysis, syllabic structure, literacy training Increasing cognitive activity, creating motivation for learning activities.

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Summary table of diagnostics of speech development of children for the 2011 - 2014 academic year. Academic year Levels of speech development High Average Low 2011/12 33.2% 58% 8% 2012/13 44.9% 49.6% 5.3% 2013/14 58% 41.5% 2.7%

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Speech therapy constructor Directions for working with the logopedic constructor: Massage with prickly and smooth objects. Select and name: fluffy, smooth, prickly, soft, etc. words. Find a sign for the object (Touch it and say: “Which one?” Associations (What does it look like?, What does it remind you of?). Write a story (“A fluffy kitten walked along a long path, met a prickly hedgehog...”).

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Participation of pupils in competitions and quizzes Regional drawing competition on the theme: “My dad is a soldier”, 2014. Certificate of Honor All-Russian entertaining quiz “Seasons” - “October”, 2014 Diploma II place All-Russian entertaining quiz “Animals in Fairy Tales”, 2014 Diploma 1st place

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Working with parents Goal: to attract parents to participate in the pedagogical process in speech therapy preschool educational institutions groups. The correctional and developmental process is impossible without the participation of parents, therefore it is necessary for them to conduct consultations, at which they should talk about the peculiarities of the child’s development this moment, risk factors and the main directions of correctional and developmental work with them, also study and analyze subject-subject relationships in the family, as conditions for the prevention of speech disorders. In practice, it is noted that unjustified parental ambitions cause stress in children, provoke neuropsychiatric diseases, and discourage the desire to engage in speech correction. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the level of harmonization of parent-child relationships.

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