I dreamed of a white hedgehog with a tail. Why do you dream about a pregnant hedgehog? Why do you dream about Hedgehog?

  • If you dreamed of a hedgehog, it means that you have withdrawn into yourself and do not see anything that is happening around you.
  • Petting a hedgehog in a dream means that there are people around you who are wary of you and do not trust you.
  • Seeing little hedgehogs in a dream warns of problems with children.
  • Getting pricked by a hedgehog is an unpleasant conversation at work.
  • I dreamed about it little hedgehog without thorns - to pregnancy for women and to a new business for men.

Hedgehog according to an intimate dream book

  • A hedgehog in a dream symbolizes your essence. You perceive any manifestation of attention to your person with distrust and apprehension, always suspecting the worst, and therefore you always expose thorns, defensively. And the reason for it all is that you once had the imprudence to trust a person who took advantage of your kindness and naivety.

Hedgehog according to an intimate dream book

  • In intimate terms, you are timid and unsure, afraid to take the initiative once again and always withdraw if a person claims to be something immeasurably greater or unusual. In general, sex with you is unlikely to bring pleasure to your partner, or to you.

Hedgehog according to Miller's dream book

  • The hedgehog dream suggests that it is best to finish what you have started.
  • Seeing a hedgehog in a dream means that, despite dangerous connections, you will have great success in life.
  • Taking a hedgehog in your arms in a dream means communicating with a bad person, a family quarrel is possible.
  • Holding a hedgehog in your hands and feeling that it is not pricking means you have the wrong opinion about your new acquaintance.
  • If the hedgehog pricks, there is a person in your close circle who is plotting against you.
  • I dreamed of a hedgehog curled up in a ball - you will try to get away from the problems that have piled up.

Hedgehog in the folk dream book

  • If you saw a hedgehog in your dream, expect trouble.

Miss Hasse's dream book - hedgehog

  • A hedgehog in a dream means an envious person next to you.

Hedgehog according to Freud's dream book

  • A hedgehog is the personification of your nature. You perceive the slightest manifestations of attention to your own person, defending yourself with thorns, since in these signs you always perceive the worst. The root of the problem is that one day you managed to trust a person who took advantage of your naivety and kind soul. When it comes to sex, you show timidity and uncertainty, and it’s hard to wait for initiative from you. When a person wants something more or unconventional from you, you tend to withdraw and withdraw into yourself. So it turns out that the pleasure you and your partner receive can hardly be called enormous.

Dream book for women

  • If a hedgehog is killed in a dream, the impending unpleasant story will end happily.
  • If a hedgehog is walking towards you, the dream foreshadows a vacation in the company of close relatives or important conversation.

The hedgehog is walking towards you

  • If the hedgehog is hiding from you, you will need patience and special caution in business.
  • Sleeping from Tuesday to Wednesday - you simply need hard work and patience in this situation, beware of gossip. At the same time, you may receive a lucrative offer that you would be foolish to refuse.

Dream book of a Siberian healer

  • For those born from January to April, the dream of a hedgehog warns of danger.
  • If you were born from May to August, seeing a hedgehog in a dream means that someone is holding a grudge against you.
  • For those born from September to December, pricking yourself on a hedgehog in a dream means a dangerous person.

Male dream book hedgehog

  • Great success awaits you in the type of activity that you will engage in in the near future.
  • If you hold a hedgehog in your hands, but it does not prick, you are mistaken about your new acquaintance. Take a closer look, maybe everything is not as good as you think.
  • Prickly hedgehog - you will be upset by gossip about you, but don’t worry, they will not harm you.
  • A hedgehog drinking milk from your plate or cup means you will have to communicate with an unpleasant person.
  • A hedgehog lapping wine from a glass - be careful at a banquet. A hangover is a tough thing.

Dream Interpretation of the Mayan Indians

  • If you dreamed of a running hedgehog, then nothing threatens you in the near future - neither illnesses, nor bandits, nor enemies.
  • If you dreamed of a hedgehog curled up in a ball, and in the near future you may be attacked by bandits.

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

  • Hedgehog - meeting with an old friend.

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

  • A hedgehog in a dream is a nuisance.

Esoteric dream book

  • The dream in which you saw hedgehogs speaks of a misunderstanding with loved ones.

Ukrainian dream book

  • A hedgehog in a dream means an unpleasant conversation with a person who has influence on you.

Many people needlessly ignore their dreams. What you see in a dream often carries a hint or answer to a pressing question. A hedgehog in a dream is an ambiguous symbol that can affect both the individual himself and his interaction with other people. To understand why you dreamed about this particular animal, you need to carefully analyze all the details of the dream: how the hedgehog behaves, what kind of needles it has and other little things.

Why do you dream about a hedgehog: details of the dream

If, for example, a businessman dreamed a lot of hedgehogs, most likely, a sudden visit from the tax service awaits him, or he faces serious legal proceedings. If a woman has such a dream, then perhaps her gynecological disease will worsen, so you urgently need to visit a doctor’s office.

See in a dream hedgehog with soft spines means that those close to you are not sincere with the person. Nevertheless, all endeavors are accompanied by success.

Curled up hedgehog with exposed soft needles speaks of an attempt to disown unwanted questions. If you run your hand over the soft needles of a hedgehog, the dreamer will experience a transition to a more serious level of relationship. For single people, a soft hedgehog is a harbinger of meeting their love.

Feeling the spines of a hedgehog in a dream- a sign that intrigues are being woven behind a person’s back, but no damage will be done to the image.

Completely naked hedgehog dreams, as a rule, when in reality a person faces a test where he will have to prove his worth.

Why does a woman dream about a hedgehog? A dream in which a married person sees a hedgehog indicates a lack of support from her husband, but she does not trust other men and tries not to let them get too close to her. A woman who has such a dream needs to throw off the burden of the past from her shoulders and start moving forward. If there have been many failures before, this does not mean that they will appear again in the future. When you dream fleeing hedgehog is an attempt to protect oneself from emotional shocks, despite the fact that the dreamer is not actually in danger. You must not be afraid to open new horizons, then life will be filled with bright colors.

If a girl who is expecting a child dreams of how she picks up a little hedgehog, then this can be regarded as a warning that she can be deceived by unfamiliar people. This may also signal a quarrel in the family.

There are two interpretations of such a dream. In terms of self-realization, a person who contemplates a dead hedgehog in a dream will improve himself as a person with the help of targeted training and education. And in terms of interpersonal relationships, he will get rid of spiteful critics and competitors in his professional career.

Dreaming of a hedgehog: how popular dream books interpret the dream

Vanga's dream book: why do you dream of a hedgehog?

  • Injuring your toes on a hedgehog - k unexpected turn events. The dreamer will have an unpleasant conversation with his family.
  • To see a hedgehog fighting with a viper in a dream means that a person will find himself drawn into an unpleasant conflict situation, from which he will not be able to extricate himself without losing friends.
  • Feeding an animal from the palm of your hand speaks of envy from a certain high-ranking person.
  • If you dreamed of a hedgehog with her litter, then this means addition soon in the family.

Aesop's Dream Book

Miller's Dream Book

  • I dreamed of a hedgehog - you can’t put off the things you started.
  • A hedgehog in a dream means a person will find himself in dangerous company, but despite this, fortune will smile on him.
  • If you pick up an animal and get hurt by its needles, the dreamer has an erroneous opinion about his new friend.
  • A defensive animal indicates that in a close circle there is a person plotting intrigues.
  • If an animal is curled up, then in life a person will try to evade the piled-up affairs.

Dream book for women

Dream Interpretation of Astromeridiana

  • This dream book promises a woman who sees a hedgehog in a dream that she will meet an extraordinary person. Also, such a dream can warn of a quarrel with a lover or serious damage to property.
  • If in a dream a woman holds an animal in her arms, this is a clue to someone’s evil intent. Finding yourself in someone else's house and finding hedgehogs there promises to find you in an awkward situation, from which you will have to extricate yourself by being smart.
  • A hedgehog eating a mouse speaks of a struggle with hidden desires.

Noble dream book by Grishina

  • Seeing a hedgehog is significant material loss, swearing with loved ones, mistrust of a partner or minor injury.
  • Taking the animal in your hands means there is a conspiracy behind your back.
  • Injuring yourself on needles means a quarrel with those around you or an opportunity to verify the correctness of the chosen solution.

Men's dream book

  • A hedgehog in a dream means for a man colossal success in the area where he uses his knowledge and skills.
  • Holding a hedgehog with soft needles in your arms - such a dream suggests that you should take a closer look at your new acquaintance. He may not be who he says he is.
  • A prickly animal is a sign of bad gossip, which, fortunately, will not affect the dreamer’s good name.
  • A hedgehog lapping milk from the dreamer's bowl foreshadows a conversation with a slippery person.

Dream Interpretation of the Mayan Indians

  • If you dream of a running hedgehog, then a person for a long time no adversity will threaten, be it illness or financial ruin.
  • If you dream of a hedgehog curled up into a ball, a person should be wary of a possible attack by hooligans.

According to the dream book Siberian healer, those who born in winter months and during this period I saw a hedgehog in a dream, must beware of some danger. Born in summer days such a dream threatens to offend someone. Those born in autumn must beware of a dangerous enemy.

The presence of hedgehogs in a dream, as Freud suggests, is directly related to the true characteristics of the inner ego. Such dreams mean that everyday life any slight interest in the dreamer's person is perceived with extreme suspicion - he immediately builds a wall around himself. The source of this defensive position lies in an unsuccessful experience - in the past he was too frank in front of some person who took advantage of his gullibility for selfish purposes. Freud believes that hedgehog in a dream symbolizes timidity and shyness in the intimate sphere and this does not allow a person to fully reveal their sexual potential.

In the Russian dream book dream involving a hedgehog is interpreted as a possible meeting with interesting personality. And from Sheremenskaya’s dream book you can find out that a hedgehog in a dream marks a meeting with an extremely unpleasant person.

When a finger is pricked for the first time, a person learns for the rest of his life a cautious attitude towards any thorns.

But the hedgehog, which resembles a living pincushion, still evokes warm feelings.

Usually a hedgehog in a dream puzzles the dreamer - this nocturnal animal is not often encountered by people even in rural areas, and for a city dweller to see a hedgehog is generally a rarity. That is why a dream about this animal requires interpretation using a dream book.

Interpretations in the most popular dream books

Hedgehog as a symbol of inaccessibility, caution, security and the ability to cause unexpected pain, in famous dream books is interpreted differently.

Miller's Dream Book indicates that:

1. Seeing a hedgehog in a dream means dangerous connections and, at the same time, great success in later life.

2. Holding a hedgehog in your arms in a dream means communicating with a bad person or family quarrels.

If you dream that you do not feel the sharpness of thorns, your opinion about a new acquaintance is superficial and false, and feeling pricks means the presence in your life of an insidious acquaintance who is purposefully causing you harm.

3. A hedgehog curled up in a ball symbolizes your attempts in the future to escape from unexpected problems that are preferable to be solved.

There is a dream book in which a hedgehog is a harbinger of trouble (Tsvetkov’s dream book). And in Hasse’s dream book, hedgehogs dream of the envy that others feel towards you.

The esoteric dream book claims that this prickly animal dreams of “injections” that your loved ones will inflict on you. It will help you to find out in more detail why you dream about hedgehogs. modern dream book. If you dream:

  • A hedgehog without any accompanying circumstances or characteristics means serious success awaits you in any endeavor.
  • A killed hedgehog, troubles that appear in reality will not harm you.
  • A hedgehog heading in your direction promises a serious conversation or the opportunity to have a good time in a friendly atmosphere.
  • A hedgehog hiding from you foretells the emergence of a situation that requires maximum caution and patience.

What else does this dream mean?

A prickly hedgehog dreams of gossip with which you will be surrounded without damaging your image, and a milk-drinking hedgehog symbolizes the impossibility of avoiding contact with a person you find unpleasant.

A small hedgehog lying in the palm of your hand in a dream, which does not prick your hand, indicates that you are mistaken in better side in assessing a new acquaintance.

According to this dream book, it is also important what day of the week you had this dream. A dream from Tuesday to Wednesday indicates that to successfully combat gossip you need to show patience and hard work. In addition, they may make you a very tempting offer.

The Mayan dream book notes that dreaming of a hedgehog can mean both positive and negative events in your life. A running hedgehog symbolizes the absence of threat, peace, health and well-being, and a curled up ball symbolizes a possible attack by bandits.

Grishina's noble dream book indicates that in a dream:

  • Seeing a hedgehog means serious damage or a quarrel, doubts about your partner’s fidelity, or minor injury.
  • Holding it in your hands means someone’s machinations.
  • Pricking yourself on its thorns means disagreements with others or an opportunity to be convinced of the correctness of your decisions and plans.

The Russian dream book interprets a dream about a hedgehog as an opportunity to meet an extraordinary person. And Shereminskaya’s dream book is like a nuisance or a meeting with an enemy.

It is also interesting to note why hedgehogs dream according to Freud’s dream book. Freud believed that the hedgehog is the personification of your essence: due to your suspicion and distrust, you meet any manifestation of attention with “thorns”, going into deep defense.

This reaction is caused by trust once violated. You tend to withdraw into yourself even in sexual relations with a loved one, so sex may not bring much pleasure.

Interpretation of sleep in Aesop's dream book

If you don’t know why you have unusual dreams about hedgehogs, you can find the answer in Aesop’s dream book. This dream book pays attention to the circumstances under which you saw a hedgehog in a dream:

  • An animal you meet in the forest promises the protection of an influential person.
  • The little hedgehog calls on you to be careful in reality, since ill-wishers will try to interfere with your plans.
  • To be pricked by animal needles - to unsuccessful attempt make friends with a new acquaintance.
  • Feeding a hedgehog means you can avoid trouble with the help of endurance and courage.
  • Separating them means a desire to gain independence in reality and get out of subordination.
  • A hedgehog without thorns indicates the need to prove in reality that you can stand up for yourself.
  • The fight between a hedgehog and a snake symbolizes the help that you will receive in difficult moment close people.
  • A hedgehog with soft spines indicates the insincerity of the people around you.
  • You dream about hedgehogs and their mother when your children need help.

It happens that dreams about a hedgehog are very unpleasant and painful, but their meaning is quite positive.

So, dead hedgehogs dream when you need help, and a hedgehog eating mice means that in reality you are trying to cope with your shortcomings. A hedgehog killed by you means that you have fewer enemies.

The hedgehog thorns covering your body mean your ability to stand up for yourself. And even the severe pain that arose after you stepped on a hedgehog in a dream just means the need to change some life principles.

What is important to pay close attention to when analyzing sleep is the number of hedgehogs. A house filled with hedgehogs portends an extremely unpleasant story for you, from which it will be difficult for you to extricate yourself.

A hedgehog attack is considered a bad sign - in reality you will face a difficult and unpleasant situation in which you will not be able to count on anyone. Author: Marina Nosova

In order to understand why hedgehogs dream, you need to try to remember even the most insignificant, at first glance, details. The interpretation will be more accurate if no points are missed. Such animals can be harbingers of not only good, but also bad events in life. The dream book will help you unravel the meaning of the dream in which these cute animals found themselves.

The prickly little animal is a direct personification of contradictions. Why does a woman dream of hedgehogs? interesting question. Many various dream books give a designation to such dreams.

When you meet a hedgehog, you can notice how he looks with his eyes, and the person breaks into a smile of tenderness, completely forgetting that he is, although small, a nocturnal predator. The needles of a hedgehog in a dream symbolize the attitude towards harsh reality and influence of close environment:

  • Hedgehogs small size indicate the presence of minor troubles at work or conflicts in the family, as well as anger towards oneself or an unreasonable feeling of guilt.
  • If a girl holds a hedgehog in her hands and does not feel its thorns, then in reality she does not pay attention to the fact that some close friends are impersonating the wrong person and are deceiving her.
  • In a dream, feeding a small hedgehog means that in reality there is a chance to smooth out the conflict with your old enemy.
  • The guy in the dream felt the pricks of the hedgehog's needles - he should be careful. There are people around him who will try to ruin his personal relationships.
  • If the hedgehog is curled up into a ball in your hands, bad news will come in the near future or disagreements with colleagues will occur. If he is sleeping, then a recent acquaintance will appear, whom it is better not to trust.
  • If the hedgehog is in the hands of another person, then in the future you will be under his control.

A girl can easily dream of a hedgehog who is married. Such a dream will mean that she completely lacks support and understanding from her man. At the same time, she doesn't trust other people and doesn't let them get closer. You should forget about the failures that happened in the past. This does not mean at all that the same thing can happen again; you need to let go of the situation.

If an animal runs away in a dream, you need to stop forbidding yourself to do something new and worry about anything. The dream suggests that a person is safe, under reliable protection.

When a pregnant girl dreams of a hedgehog, it means that you can expect vile acts from recent acquaintances. Perhaps this will cause a quarrel in the family.

An animal in a dream for a man, child or girl

If a hedgehog appears to a very young girl in a dream, it means that her affairs will be successful and beneficial. But you should be more careful, since a cute hedgehog in a dream can be a warning about a possible meeting with dangerous people.

The dream book interprets such a dream as an opportunity to encounter some problems and a desire to hide from outside world. And if you stroke a hedgehog in a dream, it means that a new acquaintance will be pleasant, you need to try to be open and sincere.

Also, a hedgehog in a woman’s dream means that she clearly does not have enough faithful friends, and she is limited in male attention. It also serves as a hint that there are no relatives who you can trust in life, since the needles, which represent complex character, they are scared away.

For a man to see a hedgehog in a dream is a wonderful sign. In ancient times, the hedgehog was considered a very wise animal because it threads prey on its needles. That is why a hedgehog in a man’s dreams symbolizes well-being and also promises success and good luck in all matters.

If in a dream a white hedgehog came to a child, then this is considered a sign of isolation, or, perhaps, a new stage in his development as a person. A hedgehog in a dream also serves as a reflection of a child’s behavior in a close environment. Parents should remind their son or daughter that the world around is very friendly, there is no need to stick out your needles in front of everyone and defend yourself.

The child, as a rule, is highly susceptible to external phenomena, and his psycho-emotional state is quite unstable. Difficult relationships in the family or complete immersion in various thoughts, often being alone, can turn out to be a serious disturbance in the child’s psyche. Any dream can serve as the beginning of childhood neurosis, even the most harmless one.

And especially impressionable young children, after some dreams, even refuse to sleep. Of course, this is not a solution, and this situation needs to be resolved as soon as possible. Parents and a good psychologist in tandem will quickly come to a solution to this problem.

Many hedgehogs in a dream

If you dream large number hedgehogs, for example, for a businessman such a dream is a serious reason to think about his employees. It would be worth checking all the reports and communicating with subordinates more often. And if a woman saw such a dream, this is an indicator of some health problems, in which case it is best to see a doctor. After all, as the practice of psychologists shows, many hedgehogs in a dream mean many problems in reality.

A lot of animals in a dream also means that in the near future troubles and problems will begin that cannot be solved quickly. The dream book foretells that in real life you may be deceived. It is better to beware of vile people, not to make large purchases, not to lend or make compromises in this difficult period of life.

Soft or hard needles

Softened spines on a hedgehog serve as a sign that those around you are not completely sincere and are not saying something. But in business, luck will be a faithful companion. When in a dream a hedgehog curled up in a ball shows soft needles, a person tries with all his might to somehow get out of it in order to avoid unwanted questions

Iron soft hedgehog - new stage V love relationships and for lonely people this dream promises a meeting with your soulmate.

If the needles on the back are very noticeable, it means that there is a lot of gossip and fictitious intrigues around. And if the hedgehog is completely without thorns, you need to improve your abilities and defend your personal interests.

Small or adult individuals

The dream book did not ignore the interpretation of why small hedgehogs dream. If a small hedgehog comes in a dream, then such a dream is a warning. You should be careful and take a closer look at people; perhaps there are ill-wishers around who will try to interfere with your plans. It is advisable to endure this period and not talk about your ideas.

A large hedgehog in a dream is a bad sign. Seeing such a large animal means trouble in life. No matter what, you must try to overcome all difficulties. Sooner or later they will stop and a white streak of life will begin.

And if a person saw a hedgehog with her cubs in a dream, in such cases the dream book promises the appearance of a patron in the near future. It will prove to be a reliable protection and support. If there was only one baby with the hedgehog, then there are probably unscrupulous and envious people. The dream book speaks of problems with reputation in this regard; one should have been more careful.

Breeding hedgehogs in a dream means in reality you want to become independent. Gradually, fatigue from eternal command accumulates. The dream book warns to be careful if you had to see a hedgehog giving birth in a dream, and then a whole family. Such a dream can be a harbinger of a strong conflict.

Hedgehog actions

A hedgehog running towards you is a symbol of relaxation. The company of good friends and loved ones will help you relax and prevent depression during difficult periods of life. Also, such a dream may have the meaning of an upcoming important and serious conversation.

If in a dream an animal felt frightened and began to run away or hide, then it should become especially attentive to all its affairs. You need to beware of gossip from envious people. They can do a lot of harm both at work and in your personal life.

A hedgehog swallows a mouse - a large-scale undertaking will turn out to be empty and unwinnable, and all the efforts that were directed towards it will become useless. However, if a squirrel attacks a hedgehog, we can say that we have to fight weaknesses of your character.

If the picture in a dream shows a hedgehog and a hissing long snake next to it, you need to pay attention to your health; perhaps it is under threat. Do not neglect seemingly minor problems with vision or tingling in the chest area. A specialist must conduct a thorough examination.

Dead animal in a dream

Undoubtedly, death, even if not of a person, but of an animal in a dream, makes you think about a lot. This one is not very nice the dream has several interpretations:

  • In terms of self-development - the growth of a person as an individual, thanks to determination, practice and constant learning.
  • Interaction with people - stopping any actions from ill-wishers and rivals that interfere with your career.
  • If a hedgehog is killed, it means a favorable resolution to a serious problem.

Interpretation in popular dream books

Often, in an unconscious state, a person is able to see or hear something unusual - some kind of warning or sign about something. In order to be able to understand and interpret what you saw, you need to make a thorough analysis of all the details of the dream. Famous dream books come to the rescue with this question.

Miller's Interpreter

According to this dream book, hedgehogs in a dream mean small insignificant troubles in life. Holding a hedgehog and feeling a prick - perhaps your friends are hiding something and not saying anything. If, on the contrary, the hedgehog does not inject himself at all, then there was an unfounded condemnation of someone from his close circle, and a bad opinion about this person is not entirely justified, you need to understand this situation and put everything in its place. A hedgehog curled up into a ball symbolizes the beginning of rather dangerous actions, with the help of which material as well as emotional enrichment will come.

Vanga's Dream Book

The famous fortune teller considered the hedgehog to be a very neutral animal. His positive qualities called the ability to make and store supplies, as well as the desire to work. Thorny needles are a way to protect themselves from attacking individuals. Despite everything good qualities, we must remember that he is a predator and hunts other animals. Thus, the dream in which the hedgehog finds himself has not only a positive, but also negative interpretation:

  • Stepping on a hedgehog means an unexpectedly important conversation will take place in the family circle.
  • Feeding him in a dream means finding out about envious people in the near future.
  • Hedgehogs with hedgehogs - you can rejoice, a new addition to the family is planned. Similar dream carries the news of a planned and desired pregnancy.

According to Sigmund Freud

A world-famous psychotherapist named Sigmund Freud gives the following interpretation to dreams with the presence of animals - self-awareness, the opportunity to understand who you are in real life. In his opinion, animals of any kind in dreams are capable of revealing the real animal essence in people. Freud gave a rather neutral interpretation: if in a dream you simply saw a running hedgehog, then it would be useful to reconsider your life needs.

The psychotherapist regards a dead animal in a dream as the past, which he strongly advises to let go of. To make this easier, you need to think about changing your job or place of residence.

Dream interpretation of modern times

This dream book offers the following interpretation of a dream about hedgehogs: the animals sincerely want to warn the dreamer that in his environment it is quite possible that a new acquaintance will appear who has a bad character. Finding a hedgehog in a huge forest, then the dream book foretells the appearance of a wealthy, popular person in life, meeting whom will bring only positive emotions.

A hedgehog almost always turns into a ball if its life is in danger. Dreams with the presence of these animals serve as an indicator that such a method of defense also occurs in the dreamer’s nature.

Why did the Hedgehog dream (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

  • A woman dreamed of a hedgehog - you will meet an extraordinary person.
  • Also, a hedgehog for a man means a quarrel with loved ones or serious damage to property.
  • Why does a woman dream of a hedgehog? If you hold it in your hands, you will unravel someone’s evil intent.
  • To enter an apartment and see a lot of hedgehogs there, according to the dream book, means getting into an unpleasant situation from which it will be extremely difficult to get out.
  • A hedgehog that eats a mouse is a symbol of your struggle with your weaknesses.

Why does a woman dream of a Hedgehog (according to Natalya Stepanova’s dream book)

A cute and kind hedgehog in reality, when it appears in your dreams, has a negative meaning. If you dream of a hedgehog, it means that in your environment there is a person who is very negative towards you. In general, there would be nothing wrong with this; not everyone should like you. But the problem is that he disguises himself as your friend or admirer, intrigues you on the sly, and acts very cunningly and insidiously. It will be very difficult to recognize him.

Hedgehog according to Maly Velesov’s dream book

  • A dream about a hedgehog in an apartment is a negative warning. When you dream of a hedgehog, it almost always means that problems or troubles, various disputes and conflicts await you.
  • A hedgehog in a dream can symbolize some kind of danger that threatens you, perhaps a small one, but nonetheless.
  • Sometimes a hedgehog signals that you have some kind of ill-wisher, insidious and cunning. He will not act openly, but behind your back he can cause you a lot of problems.
  • You picked up a hedgehog - this predicts some empty and meaningless troubles for you.

The meaning of a dream about an Animal (Russian folk dream book)

  • Seeing a hedgehog in a dream means minor troubles for a woman, painful pricks of fate.
  • You dream of a little hedgehog as a warning, you need to be careful.
  • I dreamed of a lot of hedgehogs in a dream - to unexpected pain, sudden and acute disappointment.

Everyday interpretation of a dream about a Hedgehog (according to the writer Aesop)

Hedgehog - Seeing a hedgehog in a dream - This forest dweller symbolizes caution, inaccessibility, unexpected pain, protection. In folk tales, the hedgehog personifies independence and thriftiness. The hedgehog is smart and efficient; with the help of his needles, the fairy-tale heroine sewed a magic flying carpet. The hedgehog is ready to repel any enemy. The hedgehog is brave, hardy, cunning. About the evil one and cruel person, who received a worthy rebuff, they say: “I was looking for a knife, but ran into a hedgehog.”

  • Finding a hedgehog in the forest, according to the dream book, means that you can count on the protection of a strong and influential person.
  • Why do you dream of a little hedgehog - you must be careful, your ill-wishers will try to do everything possible to prevent your plans from being realized.
  • You breed hedgehogs - this means that in reality you strive for independence and do not want to obey anyone.
  • If in a dream a hedgehog pricked you with its needles, it means that the person with whom you want to improve relations is unlikely to want to maintain friendship with you.
  • If you dream of hedgehogs in the house, you will find yourself in a very unpleasant situation and it will be quite difficult for you to get out of it.
  • Seeing how you feed a hedgehog from your hands, according to the dream book, is a symbol that your courage and endurance will help you avoid many troubles.
  • If you saw a hedgehog without thorns in a dream, in reality you will have to prove that you are not as helpless as you seem.
  • You see a hedgehog fighting a snake - it means that someone close to you will come to your aid in difficult times.
  • A hedgehog eating a mouse symbolizes your state of mind. In reality, you are trying to deal with your weaknesses and shortcomings.
  • You stepped on a hedgehog and felt severe pain- this means that in reality you need to reconsider your views on life and try to change something.
  • Why does a man dream of a dead hedgehog - you will need help.
  • You saw hedgehog thorns growing on your body - indicates that you know how to stand up for yourself and can always fight back against an offender. They say about such people: “He is overgrown with hedgehog bristles.”
  • If you dream of a hedgehog with soft spines, it means that you are surrounded by insincere people who are taking advantage of you.
  • Seeing a hedgehog attacking you in a dream is a negative sign. This dream means that you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation for you and there will be no person next to you who would lend you a helping hand, this is how you decipher what your dream means.

The meaning of the dream about the Hedgehog (from the Kopalinsky encyclopedia)

If you see a cute little hedgehog, don’t rush to be moved. The dream, according to the dream book, is a negative warning about troubles awaiting you. And it’s not that you can’t cope with them, but it won’t be too easy, you’ll have to work hard. If you saw a hedgehog in a dream, it means that you will face difficulties and annoying delays in business, which you did not expect at all.

Seeing a Hedgehog, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

  • Killing a hedgehog in a dream means an unpleasant story will end happily.
  • If you dreamed that a hedgehog was hiding from you, show patience and special caution in your affairs.
  • Seeing a small hedgehog in a dream means relaxation in the company of loved ones.
  • I dreamed of a big hedgehog - hard work and patience are simply necessary in this situation.

Why do you dream about Hedgehog ( Ukrainian dream book Dmitrenko)

When you dream of a hedgehog, or even a large hedgehog, be prepared for the fact that in reality you may find yourself drawn into acute conflict, dispute in the case. Of course, everything will work out over time, but you will have to spend a lot of nerves. Ultimately, you and your opponent will find common language, but it won’t be easy, especially since you will have time to say enough barbs to each other. A hedgehog in a dream is a symbol of heated conversations and impartial criticism.

What does the dream symbolize (Idiomatic dream book)

Hedgehog - In order to understand what the dream in which you saw a hedgehog symbolizes, you need to remember what stable phrases you know with this cute forest animal.

  • When you dream of a hedgehog, the dream predicts that you will meet and communicate with a not very pleasant and sociable person. He will be prickly, like a hedgehog, or at your every word he will bristle like a hedgehog. Try not to pay attention to this. It is quite possible that behind external hostility he hides a subtle and vulnerable soul. And all his attacks against you are just defense, like the needles of a hedgehog.
  • One more thing famous expression– and it’s a no brainer. A dream about a hedgehog, according to the dream book, suggests that complete clarity may come to some complicated matter.

The meaning of the dream about Hedgehog thorns (Lunar Dream Book)

Hedgehog - The Hedgehog, in most cases, predicts problems in your business and various minor troubles in reality. In principle, our whole life can consist of such small but painful troubles that prick us like needles on a hedgehog. Don’t try to overcome them head on, you will run into even greater resistance and opposition. The best thing you can do is think about how you can approach the problem. And by then it may resolve on its own.

Why do you dream of a Hedgehog (dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkov)

  • A hedgehog in dreams usually predicts situations that, figuratively speaking, can cause you to prick yourself.
  • You dream of a hedgehog that bit you - this often portends various troubles and problems. They will probably not be very large, but you will have to work hard to find an approach to them.
  • In other cases, if you saw a hedgehog in a dream, it may be a sign that in reality you will have a conversation with a sharp-tongued and sarcastic person. Try to treat his attacks against you without aggression and with understanding, just as you would treat a hedgehog curled up in a ball. Very often, such behavior only masks one's own insecurity and vulnerability.

Why do you dream about an image (according to Miss Hasse’s dream book)

Hedgehog - Seeing a hedgehog in a dream means that you most likely feel constant envy towards the person. Maybe towards a specific person, but envy is your usual feeling that you experience towards everyone in turn. This envy sits in your soul, like the prickly hedgehog that you dream about. It has already pricked you from the inside with its sharp needles, and there is no end in sight. Envy is good only if it is an incentive for some new achievements. But it seems that this is not your case.

The meaning of the dream about Thorn (Gypsy dream book)

  • When you dream of a hedgehog, it means that there is an insincere and crafty person next to you. Most likely, you are too trusting and have a poor understanding of people. Your enemies use this shortcoming of yours to plot behind your back.
  • According to the dream book, the hedgehog you see represents your enemy. He will not act openly, but if you do not continue to be vigilant, you will easily fall into the trap that he has already set for you.

Analysis of the dream in which the Hedgehog dreamed (interpretation by psychologist S. Freud)

Hedgehog - If you dreamed of a hedgehog, know that it symbolizes your essence. You perceive any manifestation of attention to your person with distrust and apprehension, always suspecting the worst, and therefore you always expose thorns, defensively. And the reason for it all is that you once had the imprudence to trust a person who took advantage of your kindness and naivety. In intimate terms, you are timid and unsure, afraid to take the initiative once again and always withdraw if a person claims to be something immeasurably greater or unusual. In general, sex with you is unlikely to bring pleasure to your partner, or even to you.

Hedgehog - why do you dream in a dream (Dream Book of the 21st century)

  • Hedgehog - A hedgehog seen in a dream that bites symbolizes not very pleasant things. In most cases, the hedgehog predicts some kind of trouble, perhaps minor, but very painful.
  • In other cases, if you dream of a hedgehog, according to the dream book, it means that you envy the person. Envy is in the depths of your soul, no matter how hard you try to get rid of it. She continues to stab you with her sharp needles day and night.
  • If you dreamed that you were holding an affectionate hedgehog in your hands and admiring its cunning face, the dream warns you of an imminent meeting with a cunning and insidious enemy.

What does it mean to see a Hedgehog (according to the Christian dream book)

Dreamed of a hedgehog - You saw a hedgehog in a dream, in accordance with Christian beliefs, it is a positive sign. A dream about a hedgehog predicts that you will be able to successfully cope with all current troubles and achieve a successful resolution of the situation. To make such a prophecy come true, try to imagine how you are treating a hedgehog with some tasty treats. For example, give a hedgehog milk from a saucer, and the hedgehog willingly accepts the treat from your hands.

What does it mean to dream with a Hedgehog (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

  • In the spring, why do you dream of an affectionate hedgehog with hedgehogs - a scandal with neighbors over children.
  • If in the summer you dreamed of seeing a snorting hedgehog, it means that someone is very angry with you. Dreaming of a Hedgehog with hedgehogs - To a scandal with neighbors over children. Hedgehog with hedgehogs - For pregnancy.
  • In the fall, what does a hedgehog dream about according to the dream book - barbs directed at you.
  • In winter, why dream of catching a hedgehog in a dream and pricking itself on its needles - dealing with dangerous person. Hedgehog with hedgehogs - Seeing this family in a dream means barbs directed at you.