Shufutinsky biography, personal life, wife. Shufutinsky finds it hard to bear the death of his wife. Mikhail Shufutinsky now

In his youth, Mikhail Shufutinsky loved jazz and could not even imagine that one day he would connect his life with chanson. But between vegetating in the deep provinces, where he was sent by assignment, and the opportunity to sing and earn money in the far North, he chose the latter without hesitation.

Accordion vs accordion

Magadan, Severny district, 1971

Little Misha inherited his love for music from his father. Although he worked as a doctor, he could play the trumpet and guitar and sang beautifully. One day Zakhar Shufutinsky brought his five-year-old son a trophy accordion, which the boy loved with all his heart - and for its elegant appearance, and for the beautiful sounds. The invited teacher confirmed that Misha Shufutinsky ear for music which needs to be developed.

But it was impossible to study music by playing the accordion in the USSR in the fifties: the instrument was considered pro-Western, bourgeois. At the music school, Mikhail was given a button accordion. He learned to play it quickly, but never fell in love with it - the domestic “brother” of the accordion seemed too cumbersome. And at the age of 15, Shufutinsky discovered jazz - and the question of choosing a profession was resolved by itself. Having accidentally seen an announcement about exams at the music school named after. Ippolitov-Ivanov, Mikhail took the documents there and soon was already a student. Theory and practice were far from at odds: after the lectures, a quartet of double bass, drums, guitar and piano, which included Shufutinsky, traveled around giving concerts for production drummers.

There was a lot of work, but little money - students were paid at the lowest rate. And when, after graduating from college, Shufutinsky found out where he was being assigned, he clearly understood that he would not make a living from this. And turned fate 90 degrees.

Wedding in Magadan

Magadan, wedding, 1972 Mikhail Shufutinsky, a certified conductor, choirmaster and music teacher, was sent to the city of Minusinsk to serve as an assistant conductor at the local musical theater. Essentially, you can store sheet music and instruments and get paid pennies for it. Mikhail refused such a distribution. By that time, he already had a beloved girl, for whom he wanted a completely different life. When a familiar saxophonist suggested going to the North - to Magadan, Nakhodka, Sakhalin - Shufutinsky agreed. And you can play in restaurants good music, he reasoned, especially if he gets decent money for it.

His Margarita first stayed in Moscow: to wait until he decided on plans for the future and improved his life. But they couldn’t stand being without each other for long. The girl told her parents that she was going on vacation to Dagomys, and she rushed to her beloved in Magadan. On January 2, 1971, they got married. There, in Magadan, their first son David was born. “It was not easy for a family with a child, food was expensive, and renting a room cost a fortune. My large northern earnings are a stingy prisoner’s tear compared to what others had. Not musicians, of course...”, Shufutinsky recalled. In the end, he sent his wife and child back to Moscow, while he continued to earn money. It was in Magadan that Shufutinsky realized that he could not only play, but also sing. Once he replaced a sick soloist and never parted with the microphone again.

Between performances, he visited his family in the capital - until he found out that Margarita was pregnant again. The time has come to say goodbye to the North completely.

Moscow and emigration

Los Angeles, 1986

In Moscow there was no such relatively easy money as in the north. Shufutinsky first had to work as a simple accompanist and arranger before composer Vyacheslav Dobrynin recommended him for the position of leader of the ensemble “Leisya, Song”.

A better choice could not have been imagined. The songs that the ensemble sang in those years instantly became hits, they collaborated with the most famous Soviet composers— Tukhmanov, Shainsky, Martynov, they were besieged by crowds of fans. There were only no television broadcasts: the ensemble’s soloists looked too informal for Soviet screens, and they didn’t want to sing about “Lenin and the Komsomol.” Shufutinsky could have continued to live as usual, but at the age of 32 he decided to radically change his life again - and emigrated. The reason this time was not so much practical as romantic: he wanted to see New York with his own eyes, to hear real jazz!

The circumstances were favorable. Mikhail Shufutinsky was invited on a tour of the centers of Russian immigration. With the money he earned, he bought sheepskin coats for his sons and an electric piano for himself, with which he again went to sing in restaurants - this time in American ones.


Mikhail Shufutinsky with his wife and son on Poklonnaya Hill. Over ten years in America, Mikhail Shufutinsky created his own orchestra, opened a restaurant, got into debt a couple of times and paid it back, and finally recorded his first album, “Escape.” And then from Russian artists, who came to the USA on tour, learned that he was incredibly popular in his homeland. Soon we managed to come to an agreement with the State Concert about organizing a tour. Seeing the crowded halls and people singing his songs by heart, the musician was amazed. “When I returned to Los Angeles, I thought it was a bit crowded. After the stadiums, sing in a restaurant? And when through a short time They offered me a second tour of Russia, I went right away. And I soon realized that I wanted to live where I was born,” says Shufutinsky. He finally moved to Russia in the early 2000s. Margarita remained in America - once in their youth they lived in two cities, and now in two countries. The children also separated: the eldest David also left for Moscow, where he successfully works in film production. The younger Anton is a US citizen and teaches at the university.

In 2015, great grief happened in their family: 66-year-old Margarita died suddenly. Mikhail was on tour in Israel at that time, but immediately canceled all concerts and rushed to America. He took the loss very hard: the woman who had been there all her life, even when they were separated by thousands of kilometers, was gone. Support the musician in Hard time one of his team members, Svetlana Urazova, arrived. Gradually, friendly support grew into something more, and now the singer is not alone again. He will traditionally celebrate his 70th birthday big concert, after which his closest ones - two sons and seven grandchildren - will congratulate him.

With grandchildren Photo: Persona Stars, East News,

New York, Paradise Restaurant, 1984

Mikhail Shufutinsky - Russian pop singer, music producer, composer and pianist, multiple winner of the Chanson of the Year award. The author managed to combine in his works the features of urban romance and bard song, leaving the most important thing in the music - sincerity.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Shufutinsky was born in Moscow on April 13, 1948 into a Jewish family. The musician’s father, Zakhar Davidovich, was a participant in the Great Patriotic War, subsequently worked as a doctor and devoted a lot of time to work. He turned out to be musical man– played the trumpet, guitar, sang well. The future chansonnier's mother died suddenly when the boy was five years old, so the singer remembers her little.

Due to the father’s difficult shift work, grandmother Berta Davidovna and grandfather David Yakovlevich began raising the child, who not only taught and guided Misha, but also developed the child’s taste and love for art. Noticing his grandson's craving for music, the grandfather began to teach the child to play the accordion.

At the age of seven, Mikhail entered the music school. But due to the fact that at that time the accordion was not taught in Soviet music schools, considering this instrument an echo of bourgeois culture, Misha went to the button accordion class - folk instrument, some similar to that where the boy started musical education.

The future singer loved and appreciated classes at the music school; after a few years he was already fluent in the instrument and was a regular participant in school orchestras and ensembles. Every week, together with his grandfather, the young man organized impromptu concerts in the courtyard of the house where his family lived. Mikhail happily played the repertoire that he liked.

From the age of fifteen, Misha became seriously interested in a new direction in music - jazz, which only began to appear on Soviet stages, and very unofficially. Thus, being just a teenager, Mikhail chose his life path. Therefore, upon completion secondary school Shufutinsky, without hesitation, submitted documents to the Moscow Music College named after Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivanov.

After graduation music school Having received the specialty of conductor, choirmaster, music and singing teacher, the musician and the orchestra leave for Magadan to perform at the Severny restaurant. There Shufutinsky first approached the microphone as a vocal performer, although out of necessity - replacing the main singers. Shufutinsky’s favorite authors were and, whose songs were included in the repertoire of the aspiring artist.


Later, Mikhail Zakharovich returned to Moscow and worked in several musical groups, for example, in the then popular “Chord” and “Leisya, song”. The last ensemble was a success: the guys recorded records at the Melodiya studio, traveled around the cities of Russia, where the musicians were warmly received by enthusiastic fans.

Mikhail Shufutinsky and VIA "Leisya, song"

Shufutinsky's conflict with Soviet power, therefore, in the early 80s, the musician immigrated with his family and moved to New York through Austria and Italy.

At first, in the USA, the musician works as an accompanist, playing mainly the piano. Later he creates his own orchestra, “Ataman”, with which he regularly performs in the New York restaurants “Pearl”, “Paradise” and “National”

In 1983, Shufutinsky presented his first album entitled “Escape”. The album includes 13 compositions: “Taganka”, “Farewell letter”, “You are far from me”, “ Winter evening" and others.

When the Ataman ensemble gained popularity in immigrant circles, Shufutinsky received an offer to perform in Los Angeles, where at that moment there was a boom in Russian songs in the chanson style. Then Shufutinsky's fame reached its peak.

Mikhail Shufutinsky - "Russian Autumn"

Shufutinsky's music was listened to and loved not only in immigration, but also in the Soviet Union, which was confirmed by the first tours in his homeland, when the audience filled even large halls and stadiums.

In the 90s, Shufutinsky returned to Russia and after that lived permanently in Moscow. In 1997, the artist published the book “And Now I Stand at the Line...”, in which Mikhail introduced fans to the facts of his biography. Later the collection " Best songs. Lyrics and chords."

Mikhail Shufutinsky - "Left Bank of the Don"

In 2002, the musician received the first “Chanson of the Year” award in his career for the songs “Alenka”, “Nakolochka” and “Topolya”. From now on, Shufutinsky receives this award every year.

During creative career Mikhail Shufutinsky wrote, performed and produced a lot famous hits. Songs such as “Two Candles”, “Third of September”, “Palma de Mallorca”, “Night Guest” became popular, which paradoxically gained popularity under the name “Knives Not Sharpened”, “Khreshchatyk”, “Left Bank of the Don” , “Come and visit us”, “ Duck hunting", "For lovely ladies" and others.

Mikhail Shufutinsky - "Jewish Tailor"

The song “The Third of September” is so popular that with the spread of the Internet and social networks, September 3 has become the unofficial Shufutinsky Day; flash mobs are held on this day, and groups on social networks massively post memes and quotes from this song.

Shufutinsky also shot 26 music videos for his songs, as listed on the musician’s official YouTube channel. The videos were made on the compositions “The Soul Hurts”, “Mom”, “ New Year in the cabin”, “Love is alive” and others. In total, during his performing biography, Shufutinsky has released twenty-eight albums and a huge variety of different collections of songs. The singer's repertoire also includes several popular duet recordings. In addition, Shufutinsky produced records of other musicians - Maya Rozova, Anatoly Mogilevsky.

Mikhail Shufutinsky - "White Roses"

Besides the main thing musical creativity, Mikhail Shufutinsky is engaged in dubbing animated films, has experience filming in feature film, however, in a cameo role.

In 2009, Mikhail Shufutinsky became a member music show“Two Stars”, where he performed together with. The duet performed the songs “White Roses”, “A Drop of Warmth”, “Taganka” and other popular hits from the works of both Shufutinsky and other musicians.

Mikhail Shufutinsky and Alika Smekhova - "A Drop of Warmth"

On April 13, 2013, Mikhail Zakharovich gave a concert in honor of his anniversary in Crocus City Hall, which was called “Birthday Concert”. Shufutinsky performed popular songs of past years: “The Third of September”, “For Lovely Ladies”, “I Adore”, “Jewish Tailor”, “Marjanja”, “Nakolochka” and others.

In April 2016, Shufutinsky presented new album“I Just Love Slowly,” which includes 14 tracks. In addition to the title song of the same name, the disc includes solo compositions “We’ll wait and see”, “Tanya, Tanechka”, “Provincial Jazz”, a duet with Eteri Beriashvili “I Treasure You”, a collaboration with Varya Demidova “Snow” and others.

Mikhail Shufutinsky - "Marjanja"

On September 27, 2016, the musician was invited to become part of Russian Academy music and accept the post of academician. On December 2, 2016, Mikhail Zakharovich gave a solo concert “Chanson before Christmas” in Moscow State Theater stage.

By 2016, the discography of the “king of chanson” had reached 29 albums, which included collaborations with Suzanne Tepper (1989) and (2004). Shufutinsky annually won the “Chanson of the Year” award for 15 years.

Famous chansonnier Mikhail Shufutinsky

In April and May 2017, the musician toured the country and gave solo concerts in Moscow, Sevastopol, Korolev, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk, Barnaul, Novosibirsk, Kolomna, St. Petersburg and other cities.

Personal life

A stately, impressive man (Mikhail’s height is 187 cm, weight is 100 kg) has always attracted the attention of the opposite sex. But unlike many public people, Mikhail Shufutinsky is an excellent family man. The musician was married only once. In 1971, he married Margarita Mikhailovna, whom he had known for several years. In this marriage, Shufutinsky had two sons - David, born in 1972, and Anton, who was born two years later.

Now the brothers are separated by an ocean. Anton lives with his wife and four children in Philadelphia, where he teaches at a local university and is writing his doctoral dissertation. David, his wife and three children permanently live in Moscow, engaged in production activities.

To be closer to Anton, Shufutinsky bought a house not far from him. Together with his wife, Mikhail started renovations in the mansion, which lasted for long time. It was assumed that the couple would live there together, visiting relatives. But the intention could not be realized.

Mikhail Shufutinsky with his wife Margarita in his youth and now

At the beginning of 2015, grief happened in the singer’s family - Shufutinsky buried his faithful life partner Margarita, who died in America while visiting the family of her youngest son. The cause of Margarita’s death was heart failure, which the woman suffered from for many years.

At the time of her departure, Mikhail was on tour in Israel. There were no signs of tragedy. When the woman stopped answering her husband’s calls, he did not attach any importance to it, because the difference in time zones was significant. After a while, the sons also noticed their mother’s disappearance. They were able to enter the apartment only with the help of the police.

Mikhail considers the death of his wife the most difficult loss in his life; for the singer, Margarita forever remained the keeper of the hearth and his personal guardian angel. The couple lived happily together for 44 years.

Mikhail Shufutinsky now

2018 turned out to be an anniversary year for the artist - in April Mikhail Shufutinsky celebrated his 70th birthday. The artist celebrated the beginning of the year with a performance at the “Chanson of the Year” concert with the song “She Was Just a Girl” and a duet with “Peter-Moscow”. Thanks to these compositions, the singer again became a laureate of the prestigious award.

Anastasia Spiridonova and Mikhail Shufutinsky - "Peter-Moscow"

On the eve of the celebration, the singer visited the studio of the humorous program “ Evening Urgant", became a guest on the show

On the eve of the anniversary, changes arose in the personal life of Mikhail Shufutinsky. In the spring, the artist introduced his beloved dancer Svetlana Urazova to the public, who turned out to be 30 years younger than the singer. This age difference does not prevent Mikhail and Svetlana from being happy, but when asked about the wedding, the singer jokes that he is still too young to get married. The couple has already appeared in public, as evidenced by joint photos lovers in the media.


  • 1982 - “Escape”
  • 1983 - “Ataman”
  • 1984 - “Gulliver”
  • 1985 - “Amnesty”
  • 1987 - “White Stork”
  • 1993 - “Kisa-Kisa”
  • 1994 - “Walk, Soul”
  • 1995 - “Oh, Women”
  • 1996 - “Good evening, gentlemen”
  • 2006 - “Duets of different years”
  • 2009 – “Brato”
  • 2013 – “Love story”
  • 2016 – “I Just Love Slowly”

This April, Mikhail Shufutinsky turns 70 years old. Chansonnier still really misses his beloved wife, with whom he lived for almost half a century. Margarita passed away more than two years ago. The couple have been married for almost 44 years.

Mikhail and Margarita got married in 1971, the couple had two sons - David and Anton. For a very long time, Mikhail Zakharovich lived in two countries. His wife and youngest son and family were in America, and his eldest son lives in Moscow. The Shufutinskys have 7 grandchildren growing up.

Despite the fact that quite a lot of time has passed, Shufutinsky still feels the pain of losing a loved one. He recalls with trepidation the time when they were infinitely happy with each other.

Margarita died in Los Angeles. Sad news about death loved one I caught Mikhail on tour in Israel. The artist immediately interrupted the entire performance and flew to his family in America.

“We were apart for a long time. When you sometimes see how, for example, they decorate the bridge over the Moscow River, you still think that you need to call and say... Stop. Who to call? Where will you call? - the performer reflects. “We have to live, we have to live,” admitted Mikhail Zakharovich in the “Once Upon a Time” program on NTV.

After the death of his wife, Mikhail bought a house in the USA not far from his youngest son Anton.

Margarita is the first and only wife Mikhail Shufutinsky. They lived in marriage for 44 years and even if they were not close all this time, their love did not cool even at a distance...

This artist has many fans - he is always elegant on stage, and performs songs soulfully and sincerely. In his life he had to go through many trials, and one of the most difficult for the singer was the death of his wife. Wife of Mikhail Shufutinsky Margarita passed away in June last year, during the artist’s tour in Israel. This happened unexpectedly, and therefore became a real blow for Shufutinsky. Mikhail Zakharovich lived with his wife for forty-four years, and she was always a true keeper of the hearth and a faithful wife.

In the photo - Shufutinsky with his wife and children

Margarita gave her husband two sons - David and Anton, who long ago became adult men and started their own families. The singer was always kind to his wife and did not like it when someone interfered in their family life. According to Shufutinsky, news about his novels and even that he was divorcing his wife often appeared in the press. The artist treats these rumors philosophically, but the fact that this could offend his wife upsets him very much. Therefore, one day he even sued one of the newspapers for reporting that he was going to break up with Margarita.

Mikhail Shufutinsky’s wife lived in America, in Los Angeles, and the singer himself lived mainly in Russia, and this was connected with his work. This marriage could well be called a guest marriage, because the spouses saw each other from time to time - when Mikhail Zakharovich had a break from performing, he went to his wife. The artist said that after so many years of married life they became so close that they understood each other perfectly and could recognize by the tone of their voice what was happening in the lives of each of them.

In the photo - Mikhail Shufutinsky with his wife Margarita

Shufutinsky called his wife the kindest person - Margarita never raised her voice, and for all of them big family, consisting of children and seven grandchildren, was a real guardian angel. The children of Mikhail Shufutinsky also live in different countries- the elder David, having married Angela Petrosyan, remained in Moscow, and the younger Anton, together with his wife Brandy and his family, settled in Philadelphia. The entire large family of Mikhail Shufutinsky often gathered together, either in Moscow or in Los Angeles, and therefore, despite the long distances that separated them, they always felt strong family ties.

The artist experienced the death of his wife very hard, because, as one of the close friends of the artist’s family said, Mikhail Shufutinsky’s wife was not just a wife for him, but also devoted friend, mother of their sons and grandmother of numerous grandchildren. Their home was always cozy and hospitable, and many called Margarita the ideal of a woman who understands and forgives.

In the photo - with Svetlana Urazova

Thirty-nine-year-old Svetlana Urazova, a participant in his show ballet “Ataman,” helped him get out of the severe depression that beset the artist after the death of his wife. She is almost twenty-eight years younger than Shufutinsky and has long felt sympathy for Mikhail Zakharovich. Svetlana has been working in the artist’s show for fifteen years, but before, when Shufutinsky was married, there was no close relationship between them. When Mikhail Zakharovich, having learned about the death of his wife, flew to Los Angeles, Svetlana followed him, and from that time they became inseparable. According to friends, after Shufutinsky started an affair with Urazova, he became much calmer, new love helped the artist recover from the tragedy. Mikhail Zakharovich took very good care of his new darling, on tour they are always inseparable. Svetlana receives expensive gifts from Shufutinsky, and in the future they are going to vacation together in Israel. Svetlana has adult daughter, with whom she shares all her secrets.

Mikhail Shufutinsky is an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation and a multiple laureate of the Chanson of the Year award. Crooner, composer, pianist and producer, was born in 1948 in Moscow.

He graduated from music school and college together with A.B. Pugacheva. In 1981 he emigrated to the USA. For more than ten years he performed in various groups. Since 1990, he began touring Russia on a regular basis, and thirteen years later he moved to Moscow for permanent residence.

Personal life

In January 1971, he married Margarita Shufutinskaya, who died in June 2015 in Los Angeles. After the death of his wife, he lives in a civil marriage with Svetlana Urazova.

The eldest son David lives in Moscow, married to Angela Petrosyan. The couple has three children: Andrei, Anna and Mikhail.

The youngest son, Anton, lives in Philadelphia and is married to an American woman, Brandy, of African-American origin. The couple has four children: Dmitry, Noah, Zakhar and Hannah.

Shufutinsky's houses in the USA

After the death of his wife, Mikhail decided to move closer to youngest son and bought a magnificent cottage next to Anton's house in Philadelphia. He also has a living space in Los Angeles (Margarita mainly lived in this ranch-style estate).

The one-story estate has bright interiors and classic style in design. The most modern room here is the kitchen. The rest of the rooms are always classic: elegant furniture on legs with images of lions, soft armchairs and comfortable ottomans.

House of Mikhail Shufutinsky

The two-story mansion is located in the Moscow region in the village of Vnukovo. House with a total area of ​​more than 800 sq. m. meters took about three years to build. To ensure that everything went correctly and on time, professional workers and an experienced architect Konstantin Kozlovsky were hired, who monitored the precise implementation of the assigned tasks.

On the ground floor there is a spacious living room with an original marble fireplace. This area is designed with the so-called second light and a three-meter voluminous chandelier made of crystal hangs from the high ceiling. There is also a large soft area with armchairs and a sofa, an antique chest of drawers made of valuable wood and an integral part of everyone’s living room. creative people- piano.

The entire interior is made in light white or beige tones with gold elements and floral prints. There are no completely blank walls here; all zones are separated by white columns, passing through which you find yourself in a bright living room, in the middle of which there is a magnificent table, custom-made in Italy.

Next to the dining room there is a kitchen in classic design. This room is filled with all the technical innovations to simplify the preparation of a variety of dishes. The family has a special assistant to work in the kitchen, but the owner prefers to cook meat dishes himself.

In the left wing there is a dressing room and an entrance hall. There is also a guest room with a toilet, Mikhail’s office, which contains many rare things.

A swimming pool and sauna were built in the same wing. The owner of the mansion learned to swim only after he built this pool and hired a special trainer.

A magnificent staircase with openwork railings leads to the second floor. There are three bedrooms here: the main master and two children's bedrooms, in which Shufutinsky's grandchildren stay.

The third floor (attic) appeared almost at the end of construction. Initially it was not on the plans, but in the end it became clear that the attic would be very appropriate. Here it was decided to equip a spacious billiard room, a storage room and plans to install a home theater.

There is a separate cottage on the site for staff, as more than twenty people keep order - au pairs, nannies and security, working in three shifts. A special solid barbecue area was also built on the site. There is not only a brick grill, but also wooden furniture under a canopy and a separate house that can be used as a guest house.

According to CIAN, similar houses in Vnukovo cost from 26 to 160 million rubles.

In 2017, on the eve of his 70th birthday, the eminent chansonnier invited one of popular programs about repairs to remodel an existing gazebo. The wooden gazebo turned out to be the most visited room and does not always accommodate all the guests. It was decided to significantly increase its size and remodel it for the upcoming anniversary.

According to the project of the program designers, they decided not to demolish the old building, but on its basis to make a more spacious and modern building. To do this, part of the open veranda was destroyed, and in its place a new, solid part was built from natural wood with a strip foundation.

The building was divided into three functional zones: living room, living room and open veranda. The residential part was insulated so that guests could be received here in cold period. An open veranda with a panoramic roof is located along the entire perimeter.

The living room is divided into a soft area and a dining area. General interior decorated with fresh flowers, textured fabrics and additional lighting, and the exterior was supplemented with live bushes and trees.

The central place in the room was occupied by a fireplace with a brass finish, opposite a soft sofa and armchairs. They also organized a place for a barbecue and a bathroom. knot and shower. The walls were decorated with Italian white marble tiles, and the kitchen backsplash was decorated with the same tiles, but in black.