How many children does Dibrov have from his last wife? Polina Nagradova: biography and personal life. Relationships and personal life

Polina Dibrova, maiden name whom Nagradova is a Russian fashion model, winner of a beauty contest and wife of a popular TV presenter.

Polina Dibrova was born and raised in Rostov-on-Don. By the way, Rostov is also the hometown of the model’s husband, and the future spouses met there. Polina studied at secondary school No. 92, and having received a matriculation certificate, she entered the Don State Technical University. The girl studied for one year at the Faculty of Innovative Business and Management, but then left this university and moved to Moscow.

There Polina Nagradova entered the prestigious educational institution. According to one information - at MGIMO, according to another - at Moscow State University. In any case, the girl received a serious economic education.


Brought popularity to the actress model business. Having suitable parameters (the model's height is 176 cm), the girl quickly achieved success in this area.

A serious turn in Polina’s life occurred after in Rostov-on-Don the girl became a participant in the beauty contest “Beauty of the Body” (“Miss Body”) and, charming the jury with her excellent appearance, managed to take first place. In Moscow, the girl took up modeling and became a sought-after employee of the New Best Model agency. But the model’s biography became interesting to the press not because of her victory in a beauty contest, but because of changes in the girl’s personal life.

At the beauty contest that radically changed Polina Nagradova’s life, the girl met one of the jury members - popular TV presenter Dmitry Dibrov, familiar to viewers from the programs “Oh, Lucky Man” and “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” The man was struck by the beauty of the girl at first sight. The TV presenter invited Polina to move to the capital, and the girl agreed.

Personal life

Dmitry and Polina dated for several years, and in 2009 they officially married. The model received new surname and became Polina Dibrova. It should be noted that this is already the fourth marriage for the TV presenter.

Despite the fact that the spouses have an age difference of almost 30 years, according to both, no one in the house “pulls the blanket” over themselves. The Dibrovs solve serious everyday issues together, carefully listening to the opinion of their partner. The couple even made a documentary about their own ideal relationship, which was shown on one of the television channels.

Soon after the wedding, rumors appeared that the model was pregnant. This information quickly received official confirmation. A year after the wedding, the woman gave birth to a son, Alexander.

In just the past few years, Polina has become a mother three times. Soon after the firstborn, a boy, Fedor, was born, and at the end of spring 2015, a third son, Ilya.

By the way, the young woman has already shared her life experience of motherhood in the reality show “Pregnant”, in which she participated along with the TV presenter and former vocalist of the group “Demo”. The project started on August 24, 2015 and was broadcast on the Domashny TV channel. Three participants in the show tried to dispel myths about pregnancy and motherhood and raised topics of concern to women, such as nutrition or exercise during pregnancy. Episodes featuring the model can still be viewed today on the official website of the Domashny TV channel.

In interviews, the model has repeatedly stated that she considers motherhood her main job. At the same time, Polina Dibrova does not hide the fact that her husband practically does not help in raising children, he only looks into the nursery after work and sometimes plays with his sons. Polina considers this a normal state of affairs and does not force her husband to play with the children when he is tired or not in the mood. An understanding wife claims that the main thing for her is that family communication is “high.”

Polina Dibrova is also interested in promoting healthy image life. Woman studying different systems proper nutrition and shares his accumulated experience in this area with fans, organizing special marathons for those who plan to change their lifestyle.

Polina Dibrova now

In 2017, Polina Dibrova triumphantly returned to the modeling business. Polina admits that after the birth of her children she retired and dedicated own life home and raising children. But when the children grew up, Polina Dibrova found free time and to show off your beauty.

The woman became a participant in the Mrs. Russia 2017 beauty contest. This is a competition similar to the classic Miss Country competitions, but held for married women. Often the condition is also that the contestant be a mother.

The final of the competition took place in August 2017 in Moscow concert hall"World". Polina Dibrova of this competition, which she immediately told fans about, posting it in “ Instagram» photo of the winner wearing a luxurious precious crown.

Polina Dibrova regularly declares to the press her love for household chores and raising children, but even she needed a break. In the fall of 2017, Polina left her husband and children, and she flew off with her friends to vacation in Sochi. The woman claims that if you periodically allow yourself to rest, this will allow you to relieve accumulated stress and fulfill family responsibilities even better.

For the same purpose, a mother of many children opened a “women’s club”, where she invites women who need communication with friends and female support. This club hosts theme nights and literary dinners. Over various refreshments, the women discuss the works of literature selected at the previous meeting.

But the model flew to the Black Sea coast not only to have fun. Polina Dibrova – participant dance festival"Todes." The model has been collaborating with this team for more than one year.

In December 2017, rumors appeared that Polina Dibrova was pregnant for the fourth time. Since the couple dream of a daughter, it is likely that some time after the birth of their third son, Polina Dibrova will again find herself in interesting position. Therefore, when a photograph of a woman appeared on the Internet, in which the dress emphasized the model’s rounded belly, fans immediately started talking about a fourth pregnancy.

Polina herself began to hide her belly; in subsequent photos, the woman covered herself with a huge bouquet or even hid behind other people. Naturally, Polina Dibrova already knew about these rumors. The woman posted another photo on Instagram - this time she covered her belly holiday dishes– and accompanied the photo with an intriguing caption, in which she neither confirmed nor denied the rumors, but made it clear that she knew about the fans’ speculations.

Polina Dibrova is a Russian fashion model, winner of a beauty contest, and also the wife of the famous television presenter Dmitry Dibrov.

Polina Dibrova's childhood and youth

Dibrova was born and raised in Rostov-on-Don. Rostov is also the hometown of the model’s husband. Polina studied at educational institution No. 92, and having received a certificate of education, she entered the State Technical Institute, where she studied for only one year. Later she moved to the capital.

In Moscow, Polina Dibrova entered a very prestigious institution. According to some data at Moscow State University, according to others - at MGIMO. In any case, the girl became the owner of a serious economic education.

Career of Polina Dibrova

The modeling business brought popularity to the girl. She managed to achieve success in this area very quickly.

A serious turn in the model’s life happened after she took part in the Miss Body beauty contest in Rostov and, having charmed the jury with her excellent appearance, was able to take first place. In the capital, Dibrova began to actively engage in the modeling business. The girl’s biography became interesting to the public after she had changes in her personal life.

During the beauty contest, Polina Dibrova met a very influential person - Dmitry Dibrov, who is known to the public as a television presenter. The man was struck by the model’s appearance, so he offered to move to the capital, and she, in turn, accepted this offer.

Personal life of Polina Dibrova

For several years, Dmitry and Polina dated, but already in 2009 they entered into an official relationship. The model immediately took her husband’s last name. Note that this was the fourth marriage for the presenter.

Despite the fact that the spouses a big difference at an age, none of them in the house “pulls the blanket over themselves.” The Dibrovs try to solve serious everyday difficulties together, carefully listening to their partner’s opinion. The couple even made a film about their relationship, which was broadcast on one of the Russian channels.

Soon after wedding celebration There were rumors that the model was in an interesting position. This information was quickly confirmed. After some time, the woman gave birth to a boy, whom the happy parents decided to name Sasha.

Over the past years, Polina Dibrova has become a mother three times. Soon after the birth of the first baby, a boy, Fedya, was born, and in the spring of 2015, the third boy, Ilya, was born.

The model has repeatedly told the public that she considers motherhood to be her main calling and main job. At the same time, Dibrova does not hide the fact that her husband practically does not help her in raising her children, since he spends a lot of time at work. Polina herself believes that this is how it should be, because for the family he is the breadwinner. An understanding spouse claims that family life should be “high.”

Polina Dibrova is also involved in promoting a healthy lifestyle. The woman teaches different systems of proper nutrition, and also shares her experience with fans, organizing marathons for those who want to change their lives.

Polina Dibrova currently

In 2017, Polina Dibrova triumphantly returned to the modeling business. Polina herself admitted that after the birth of her children, she decided to step away from all matters and devote her life to her home, husband and children. However, when the children grew up a little, she found time to go on the podium.

The woman became a participant competitive program"Mrs. Russia 2017." This competition is held for married women. It also happens that the contestant must be a mother. The final part of the program took place in August last year in Moscow. Polina managed to win this competition, which she immediately told her fans about on social networks.

Polina Dibrova constantly tells reporters that she really loves all household chores, but even she needed a vacation. In the fall of 2017, she left her husband and children, and she flew on vacation to Sochi. The girl claims that if you relax sometimes, you can relieve the stress that has accumulated.

It was for the same purpose that she opened her “women’s club”, where she invites female representatives who need female support and communication with friends. This club holds themed evenings. Over various sweets and other treats, women talk about all kinds of works of literature.

In 2017, rumors appeared that the girl was expecting her fourth baby. At the same time, Dibrova herself denied all these speculations.

No matter how hard the celebrity tries to hide her personal life, this year she will become a mother for the fourth time. The model claims that motherhood is a joy for her.

Polina Nagradova gained all-Russian fame after she became the legal wife of showman Dmitry Dibrov. What attracted a mature man to a young girl? What is her job? The information contained in the article will allow you to understand who Polina Nagradova is. Photos of the girl are also attached. You can start studying the materials presented in the article right now!

Polina Nagradova: biography

Our heroine was born in 1990 in Rostov-on-Don. Her parents are representatives of the middle class; they have nothing to do with show business.

Polina Nagradova grew up smart, active and very beautiful girl. Her relatives doted on her. And mom and dad called Polina a doll.

WITH early years the baby visited a modeling studio. Together with her mother, she went through castings organized by photographers and television producers. Polina managed to achieve some success in this area. Participation in photo shoots and advertising brought the little princess a good income. Mom managed the money. And she always rewarded her daughter for her efforts by buying her ice cream, toys and beautiful clothes.

New life

Having received our heroine, she entered the Technical University in her native Rostov. In 2007, she transferred to MGIMO. This decision is connected with the move to Nagradova in the capital.

While in Moscow, the beauty decided not only to get higher education, but also continue modeling career. She participated in fashion shows and photo shoots for glossy magazines. In 2007, Polina Nagradova won the Beauty of the Body beauty contest. She received the title “Miss Body” and a substantial cash prize. The professional jury highly appreciated the girl’s intelligence and the parameters of her figure (88x60x90 cm).

Meet a famous showman

The destinies of Dmitry Dibrov and Polina Nagradova crossed in 2007 at the “Beauty of the Body” competition, in which the girl took part. The blonde captivated a mature man not only with her external appearance, but also with her purity and innocence. In interviews with printed publications, Dibrov said more than once that it was. Looking at Polina, he immediately felt that she was his destiny and the mother of his children. Subsequently, this is what happened.

But what did Polina Nagradova think at the time they met? Didn't the age of her new admirer confuse her? Of course, she did not experience such feelings and emotions as Dmitry. But the gallant and well-groomed man managed to interest the girl. He gave her flowers, arranged things for her and spent all his free time with her. And Dmitry was not at all embarrassed by the fact that at that time his chosen one was only 17 years old.

The showman waited patiently for Polina to become an adult. Soon he proposed marriage to his beloved. The young beauty agreed. Although many friends and relatives dissuaded her from this step. But love turned out to be stronger than all speculation and prejudice.


On March 28, 2009, Dmitry Dibrov and Polina Nagradova officially acquired the status of husband and wife. Gossip, dissatisfaction with relatives and a 30-year age difference - nothing prevented the lovers from being happy.

The celebration took place in one of the most fashionable restaurants; for this, the showman rented a luxurious hall, where the atmosphere of the times of Louis XIV reigns. Dibrov did not set himself the goal of organizing a grand celebration. No more than 50 guests came to his and Polina’s wedding.


On February 10, 2010, Polina gave her husband their first child (their common child). The boy was named Alexander. The 49-year-old showman felt like a young father again. In his free time from work, he babysat his son. Pregnancy and motherhood changed Polina in better side. She became more responsible, attentive and economical.

In December 2013, a second child appeared in the Dibrov family common child- a boy who was named Fedor. The baby's parameters at birth: weight - 3,759 g, and height - 54 cm.

Information about the next replenishment

At the end of December 2014, Russian print media announced that Dmitry Dibrov and his wife Polina were expecting a third child. Soon the showman himself confirmed this information. In an interview with glossy publications, he said that he and his wife have long dreamed of having a daughter. Polina and Dmitry even came up with a name for her - Elizaveta. But recently it was revealed that the couple will again have a boy. The Dibrovs were not at all upset. They will be glad to have a third son. At the same time, the couple does not give up the dream of a daughter.

Dibrov became a father for the fifth time

It is known that the showman has two children from previous marriages - son Denis (b. 1985) and daughter Lada (b. 1989). He never forgets about them, always provides moral and material support. IN last years Dmitry and Polina were raising their sons, Sasha and Fedor. They surrounded the kids with love and care.

On May 27, 2015, another addition occurred to the Dibrov family. Dmitry became a dad for the fifth time. In one of the capital's maternity hospitals, Podina gave birth to a boy. He got a beautiful Russian name Ilya. Happy parents posted joint photo with his tiny son on Instagram. Thousands of users left their warm wishes for the spouses and their children.


Polina Nagradova - young, smart and incredible beautiful girl. In her years, she achieved a lot - she built a brilliant modeling career, got married successfully and gave birth to three charming sons. Polina has everything she needs to be happy. We wish the Dibrov family that God will hear their prayers and soon give them a long-awaited daughter!

Dmitry Aleksandrovich Dibrov is a famous TV presenter. Many people fell in love with the programs “Oh, Lucky Man”, “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” - precisely thanks to Dibrov, who was able to “fit” perfectly into the show with his excellent acting.

Dmitry Alexandrovich, before becoming a popular TV presenter, managed to try himself in various guises. He created music group“Anthropology”, recorded and released an album, which included 13 songs. He was the director of his own program “Sunday with Dmitry Dibrov”. In addition, he learned to play musical instrument– banjo. This is how multifaceted and versatile Dmitry Dibrov turned out to be.

Height, weight, age, how old is Dmitry Dibrov - many people ask this question after they find out how many times the man was married, how many children he has and how many affairs he had in between family life. At 59 years old, the director weighs 72 kilograms, which, with his 1 meter 70 centimeters, makes him stately, handsome man. If we add his charisma and bewitching voice, it immediately becomes clear why he is so popular with the opposite sex.

The actor’s nationality also adds to the mystery - he himself does not voice it, but, laughing, says that there are both Jews and Don Cossacks in his family.

Dmitry Dibrov photo in his youth and now makes us understand that from childhood the boy already possessed those qualities that in adult life helped him achieve his goals.

Biography 👉 of Dmitry Dibrov

The biography of Dmitry Dibrov begins in November 1959, in the city of Rostov-on-Don. Father - Alexander Afanasyevich Dibrov - worked as a dean, and mother - Tatyana Valentinovna Dibrova - was only involved in raising children. To choose from future profession Dima was influenced not by his parents, but by him sibling– Vladimir, who worked as a journalist. Having received a certificate of secondary education, in 1981 the future presenter of many popular programs graduated from Rostov University, department of journalism.

In one of the interviews, Dibrov admitted that he gets an incredible rush of adrenaline when he sees how the audience reacts to his appearance in the studio.

Personal life 👉 Dmitry Dibrov

The personal life of Dmitry Dibrov did not always work out as the presenter wanted. He managed to get married several times before finally finding true family happiness. Dmitry does not regret anything - after all, he already has two very adult children from previous marriages.

Now he is happy with his young wife. They love spending time with their kids - there are three of them in the family. However, just recently the couple flew together on vacation to Italy. Who knows, maybe they will also bring a surprise from there - the daughter they dream about so much?

Family 👉 Dmitry Dibrov

The family of Dmitry Dibrov - if you put all the wives and children together - it will turn out to be very impressive. The TV presenter managed to officially register his marriage four times in his life. All his wives, except the second, bore him children; as a result, he is a happy father of five children.

Now the showman with many children lives with his fourth wife, they are raising three sons together and dream that fate will also give them a girl.

Dmitry tirelessly repeats that, finally, after so many searches, he was able to find a girl who captivated his heart and created a family comfort where he feels truly at home.

Children 👉 Dmitry Dibrov

Dmitry Dibrov’s children, and he has five of them, were born in different marriages. Famous TV presenter never abandoned his children. Even when another marriage broke up, he always helped his family and was aware of everything that was happening in the lives of his offspring.

It is not known for certain whether Dibrov’s children communicate with each other. However, the current wife is not at all opposed to the children from Dibrov’s previous marriages coming to them and finding contact with their brothers on their father’s side. Dmitry himself is very pleased that he has so many blood relatives.

Son 👉 of Dmitry Dibrov - Denis

The son of Dmitry Dibrov, Denis, is the first child born in the marriage of Dmitry and Elvira Dibrov in 1985. It is noteworthy that the couple registered their marriage only because in those days it was not customary to live together in a civil marriage.

Now Denis Dmitrievich is quite an adult young man. He tries to independently cope with life's difficulties, which sometimes stand in the way of every person. Be that as it may, if one day he needs the help of his famous father– he can always turn to him and receive proper support.

Son 👉 of Dmitry Dibrov - Alexander

The son of Dmitry Dibrov, Alexander, was born in 2010. For the actor it was the third child, and for his wife Polina it was the first-born. The couple rejoiced at the birth of their first child together, because they had a lot of love for each other.

Alexander is already eight years old. He is a precocious boy who loves to play with his little brothers. Helps mom manage the housework and do a man's work to the best of his ability. The TV presenter sometimes takes his son with him to filming so that Dibrov Jr. has an idea of ​​what his father does.

Son 👉 of Dmitry Dibrov - Fedor

The son of Dmitry Dibrov, Fedor, was born three years after his brother Alexander. The Dibrovs' second child was born a real hero - the child's weight was four kilograms. This is surprising, because Polina is such a fragile and graceful girl.

Fedor is just starting to chat and sometimes not all the words can be understood correctly. But even today, parents notice his desire for long retellings and poems and do not rule out the fact that their child will follow in his father’s footsteps and become a famous TV presenter or popular musician.

Son 👉 of Dmitry Dibrov - Ilya

Dmitry Dibrov’s son, Ilya, is the youngest child. He was born in May 2015. The parents themselves reported about such a joyful event, sharing with everyone photographs from the maternity hospital, which depicted a happy mother and baby.

It seems that Dmitry and Polina have achieved everything they dreamed of in life: interesting job, public recognition, the house is full. Be that as it may, the happy spouses admitted in one of their interviews that they were not going to stop with the achieved results. They really want their friendly family to have a daughter, a little copy of Polina.

Daughter 👉 of Dmitry Dibrov - Lada

Dmitry Dibrov’s daughter, Lada, is the musician’s only daughter so far. His second wife Olga gave birth to a girl in 1989. The child was lucky enough to live with his father for about seven years, after which Dmitry separated from his second wife.

Lada has long been an adult and lives for a long time in France with his mother. It is known that the daughter followed in the professional footsteps of her father and works in cyber journalism.

Not long ago, Dmitry Alexandrovich flew to visit his daughter, and at the same time met Lada’s husband - she recently got married.

Ex-wife 👉 of Dmitry Dibrov - Elvira Dibrova

Ex-wife Dmitry Dibrova - Elvira Dibrova married Dmitry when he just turned twenty-three. They were young, fell in love with each other, as it seemed to them - for the rest of their lives.

Their marriage lasted only three years, during which time they had their first child, a boy, Denis. Having a child did not stop them from filing for divorce. The reason for the breakup of the family was Dmitry’s development as a TV presenter and his constant delays at work. Elvira could not stand her husband’s frequent absences; it was difficult for her to cope with the child alone; she initiated their divorce.

Ex-wife 👉 of Dmitry Dibrov - Olga Dibrova

Dmitry Dibrov's ex-wife, Olga Dibrova, also tried her hand at acting. In this marriage, Dmitry was born beautiful daughter Lada. They lived in marriage for seven years, it would seem that they managed to overcome the crisis family life– which psychologists love to mention so much, to understand each other. And yet they diverge.

After the divorce, Olga and her daughter went abroad, where they live to this day. As soon as Lada was able to travel without her mother, she began to often come to visit her father, and they managed to maintain a warm relationship.

Ex-wife 👉 of Dmitry Dibrov - Alexandra Dibrov

Dmitry Dibrov's ex-wife, Alexandra Dibrova, is the showman's third and youngest chosen one. She is born in the same year as Dmitry’s eldest son, Denis.

Dibrov’s relatives did not approve of this marriage not only because of such a large age difference, but also for the reason that Sasha is the granddaughter of Dibrov’s stepfather.

Perhaps this was the shortest marriage of the loving actor, as after nine months the couple separated. The reason for the divorce was the desire of the young wife to achieve some heights in this life, to gain independence and the ability to be an independent person. Dmitry, on the contrary, saw his wife as a housewife supporting the family hearth.

Wife 👉 of Dmitry Dibrov - Polina Dibrova

Dmitry Dibrov's wife, Polina Dibrova, is thirty years younger than her husband. This fact does not at all prevent the couple from enjoying each other’s company for a decade now and raising three sons together.

Their acquaintance occurred at a beauty contest, where Polina participated as a model, and Dmitry sat on the jury. Seeing the seventeen-year-old beauty, the presenter realized that this was his destiny. He began to beautifully court the girl: armfuls of flowers, restaurants for two, walks around the city at night.

However, Polina agreed to his proposal to marry only the second time. After the wedding, the wife gave up all attempts to continue her career and devoted herself entirely to her family.

Dmitry Dibrov and his wife and children recently took part in the show " Perfect renovation", they were helped to put in order the area where the dacha is located in the Moscow region.

Instagram and Wikipedia 👉 Dmitry Dibrov

Instagram and Wikipedia of Dmitry Dibrov contain basic facts about the professional and personal life of the TV presenter. However, he does not often post any new information or interesting photographs.

But his wife Polina is happy to share with her subscribers details from their life together. For example, last year she took part in a beauty contest and, despite the fact that she is already a mother of three children, won the title “Mrs. Russia 2017” in the final. She was able to become a finalist thanks to her beloved husband, who surrounded her with warmth and care.

Dmitry Dibrov is a well-known TV presenter, journalist, and producer in Russia. Many remember and know him from the rating program: “Oh, Lucky Man,” which aired from 1999 until 2001 on the NTV channel.

After which the program began to air on the ORT channel, and since 2008 on Channel One. But, of course, not only this program is in the host’s stash, there are many of them. Do you want to know what kind of career start the presenter, musician and singer Dmitry Dibrov had? Then let's get down to his biography.

Height, weight, age. How old is Dmitry Dibrov

And, the first information that will be disclosed is height, weight, age. How old is Dmitry Dibrov? The TV presenter's height is 170 centimeters; Dmitry's weight is 72 kilograms; full years 57. Dibrov is truly the most striking of modern TV presenters; his demeanor on camera, his timbre of voice and ability to feel the audience have always been noted by his admirers. Of course, in order to be able to build himself into the person he is today, Dmitry had to work long and hard on himself.

Once upon a time, the TV presenter himself dropped a loud phrase: “The price for publicity and fame is personal life.” But whether this is so can be found out by reading Dibrov’s biography to the end. As for such a question as Dmitry’s nationality, all that is known about it is that he considers the Don Cossacks to be his ancestors. He himself does not consider himself to be of any particular nationality.

Biography of Dmitry Dibrov

The biography of Dmitry Dibrov begins with the day and place of his birth, that is, November 14, 1959 and the city of Rostov-on-Don. The boy was lucky in that he was born into an intelligent Soviet family, and his father was the dean of Rostov University, and his mother took care of the household and raising the children. The baby was barely four years old when his seemingly ideal family of parents broke up and his parents decided to separate. A little later, however, the boy had a new “father” in the person of his mother’s new husband, Nikolai.

A huge contribution to the development of Dmitry as a person was made by his older brother, Vladimir, who by that time was already working as a correspondent on one of the local channels. Dibrov was so keen on his brother’s activities that his choice of profession fell on the study of journalism. Immediately after school, he hurried to submit his documents to the Rostov State Institute for the Faculty of Philology. Dmitry graduated from the institute and received a diploma in journalism in 1981. From the very beginning, he realized that he wanted to build an impressive career, so without a shadow of a doubt he left for Moscow, where it is much easier to interview celebrities. And he was right, already in 1987 Dibrov worked on television, and just one year later Dmitry already made his debut as a presenter.

Personal life of Dmitry Dibrov

The personal life of Dmitry Dibrov is full of surprises; the presenter turned out to be a very loving person! After all, he was married four times! Could it really be that the unique energy that comes from Dmitry is to blame? In any case, he was never bored on the personal front. He first walked his chosen one down the aisle in 1983, but the marriage lasted only three years and the couple separated in 1986. Although, this marriage was successful in terms of giving the TV presenter his first child. The next two attempts to find their family happiness were also not particularly successful; the couples, as if following the example of the first wife, broke up, and the women, once loved, left Dmitry. We can say that only on the fourth attempt did Dibrov succeed in building family comfort.

Family of Dmitry Dibrov

Dmitry Dibrov's family is now, of course, large, with his real wife Polina they are in currently They are raising three sons. Naturally, Dmitry tries to devote as much of his time to the kids as possible, but this does not always work out due to his professional activity and workload. But his wife doesn’t seem particularly upset about this. The most important thing is that her husband provides her with a reliable rear, and what else does a woman need? Polina, like Dmitry, is a native of Rostov-on-Don. The couple is not embarrassed by their age difference and the fact that the host and showman began to show signs of attention to her when the girl was hardly seventeen years old. My history beautiful love they told in documentary film.

Children of Dmitry Dibrov

Dmitry Dibrov’s children make up a wonderful gene pool, he has many of them: four sons and one sweet daughter. Although the children are from different mothers, this does not prevent the father from maintaining contact with all of them. All his children are growing up well, and some of the older ones have already crossed the line of majority and fluttered into their independent life. This applies primarily to Denis and Lada.

The remaining three boys are still too young to be able to cope without proper support from both parents; they will still need their support for some period of time, and most importantly, their love. But later, over the years, they will also grow up and decide on their further vector of development, on their life's path, they will follow it.

Son of Dmitry Dibrov - Denis

The first-born son of Dmitry Dibrov, Denis, from his first marriage with his wife Elvira, was born in 1985. Dmitry, of course, is interested in the fate of his first son; he tries in every possible way to show a fatherly interest in his person. Although, Denis, for obvious reasons, maintains more contact with his mother than with his father, famous throughout the country. Today, Denis has already grown up, is trying to gain a foothold in this huge world on his own, and if his profession is somehow related to journalism, then we will definitely find out about it in the near future and tell you. For now, all that remains is to wait and follow the developments in the life of the eminent boy, of which there will undoubtedly be a huge number.

Son of Dmitry Dibrov - Alexander

The second son of Dmitry Dibrov, Alexander, was born quite recently, namely on February 10, 2010. This boy was already born from real wife Dibrova - Polina. The little charmer became the first child in their joint family, needless to say that the parents were happy? Although for Dmitry Alexander was not the first child in principle, for his wife Polina his birth was significant, because it was her first birth and it was they who fully revealed her as a woman, the keeper of the family hearth. Now the baby is seven years old, he is slowly but surely growing up, getting his first life experience in communication with other kids, he is surrounded by family, younger brothers, all together they make up a great team.

Son of Dmitry Dibrov - Fedor

The son of Dmitry Dibrov, Fedor, was born on December 6, 2013, three years later than his older brother Alexander and also from Dmitry’s wife, Polina. Dmitry was incredibly happy about yet another heir, the third in a row. The boy was born in the Lapino clinical hospital, the baby’s height was fifty-six centimeters, and the height of the little hero was four kilograms and one hundred grams. The joyful presenter himself announced the news in all interviews, without hiding his pride and self-satisfaction, for which he is famous. The baby is definitely very lucky to be born into such a wealthy family, although for now he doesn’t understand it too much due to his young age, but the time will come when he will appreciate it. Will definitely appreciate it.

Son of Dmitry Dibrov - Ilya

Dmitry Dibrov’s son Ilya, the TV presenter’s smallest heir, was born just two years ago on May 27, 2015. The baby was born into a large, strong, friendly family; he already has two siblings and half-brothers: a brother and a sister. Not only Dmitry himself, but also his wife trumpeted the birth of the youngest. Polina did this through posts on social network- Instagram, posting such interesting photographs with their newborn son captured on them, thereby demonstrating how the boy’s persona is already highly valued in their family circle. Dmitry can easily be called the father of a family with many children. Sooner or later, Ilya will fly out into free swimming, but this moment still has to wait and wait.

Dmitry Dibrov's daughter - Lada

Dmitry Dibrov's daughter Lada, the only girl among the male fraternity, was born from a second marriage with a chosen one named Olga. Lada was born in 1989. The girl was her father’s favorite, but right up until the moment when she decided not to move to live with her mother in a completely romantic country – France.

Undoubtedly, they communicate now, but father and daughter see each other much less often. The most important thing is that the girl likes her new image life, that mentality and those people among whom it revolves. Lada is already an adult, which means she is a completely independent person. Life will tell how her life will develop in the future and whether she will give her father grandchildren.

Ex-wife - Elvira Dibrova

Ex-wife Elvira Dibrova - as already mentioned, the TV presenter first married a woman named Elvira in 1983. Two years later, the couple had a son, Denis, who was officially married. And, just a year later, in 1986, the couple broke up. The main reason The breakdown of the relationship was not at all the young age of the people getting married, but the fact that the woman did not like the fact of Dmitry’s total employment and workload in his professional field. But, at that time, the TV presenter was just beginning to make his way onto the silver screen, he was forced to work day and night in order to support his own family, but Elvira could not withstand such a race for a long time, having made the decision for herself to leave from my husband.

Ex-wife - Olga Dibrova

Ex-wife Olga Dibrova - the presenter tried to try family happiness for the second time and create a strong family by tying the knot with Olga. The girl was an actress, which means she also had creative ambitions. Olga gave Dmitry a daughter, Lada, they lived together for seven years, which turned out to be much longer than the first marriage lasted, but it was by no means long enough to be together forever. When the couple separated, Olga took the girl with her to France. After breaking up with Olga, the presenter began to be seen on various events with different girls, but at that moment it seemed to him that he didn’t care what they were gossiping about; it was possible that in this way he was healing his mental wounds.

Ex-wife - Alexandra Dibrova

The ex-wife of Alexander Dibrov - the TV presenter decided to marry for the third time in March 2008. The marriage turned out to be impossibly short, lasting only until the beginning of 2009, and then collapsed. What caused this collapse of all hopes of building a family cup and filling it to the brim is probably unknown, the fact that Alexandra was twenty-six years younger than Dmitry, yellow publications constantly discussed their union at the very beginning, and as a result, having big plans for the future , the girl left the leader. After their separation, the woman soon found herself a new companion, marrying him. Three such striking failures could have broken him, but Dmitry still decided to achieve his goal and very soon found himself a new beloved woman, who became his fourth official wife.

Wife - Polina Dibrova

His wife Polina Dibrova is the lucky one to whom the presenter is now married. Their marriage was officially legalized in March 2009. Dmitry never hid his passion for women younger than him, Polina was no exception. He came to meet her parents when he and the girl had already become husband and wife. Polina was able to give him a dream of an ideal, big family, or rather, the girl even made it come true, making the fairy tale come true! Despite, again, an age difference of approximately thirty years, the couple is together. For the first time, out of fear, Polina answered “No” to marriage proposals, but the second time, overcoming internal doubts, she agreed. Now Dmitry Dibrov and his wife and children are happy together.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dmitry Dibrov

Instagram and Wikipedia of Dmitry Dibrov can be easily found. His Wikipedia page is located at: You can always visit the page of the showman and TV presenter at:, although he practically doesn’t update it, unlike his wife, Polina, who is the active user of this in their family networks.

It is for this reason that you have the opportunity to immediately visit her page at: Not long ago, Dmitry and Polina were vacationing in hot Spain, alone, without children, in their opinion, great importance has such rest, only alone with each other.