Specifics of etiquette of the United States of America. Food and table manners in Switzerland and the USA Do not wander into dangerous areas of the city

A brief set of rules of conduct in the USA.

1. Don't compare the US to other countries.

USA! USA! USA! Americans honestly think that there is no more beautiful country in the world. In any public place you can chant “USA! USAI” and be sure that the crowd will take up the chant.

What not to say: “Here in Russia everyone has free health insurance”

2. There is football and then there is soccer

Be careful with American sports. American football is a cult thing in the USA. Tens of thousands of people attend college games. Fathers and sons do not kick a round ball, but throw an oval one to each other.

What you can’t say: “We have real football. And yours is some kind of bullshit.”

3. Don't be greedy with tips.

If you are greedy and leave a 10% tip, there is a chance that the waiter will chase you and ask what was wrong. In America it is not customary to leave less than 15%. Even if the service wasn't the best. The general rule is “double the tax”. Leave the tax amount multiplied by 2.

4. Taboo topics: race, gender, politics

There are several things that need to be discussed with Americans with great caution.

What not to say: “I don’t like blacks”

These are race and gender issues, and the main issues on the political agenda are gun control, abortion, migrants, Donald Trump.

American society is the most polarized (politically) since the Civil War. Laugh at Texas rednecks only if you're sure the person you're talking to is a liberal from Vermont.

5. Don't call fat people names

You shouldn’t say that you consider obesity a “health problem.” No matter how many fat people you see on the streets. Body positivity is the right tactic.

What not to say: “You should lose weight”

6. Don’t quote Zadornov

Get out of your head the stereotype about stupid Americans, which is cultivated in Russia by Zadornov and news releases on federal channels. Although after this person I really want:

7. Don't think about bribing police or other government officials

And try not to get arrested. Police officers in America have significant powers. When meeting with them, you should answer questions briefly and correctly, not make jokes or take a water pistol out of your pocket (or otherwise demonstrate a threat). Attempted bribery is considered a serious crime. Never try to “solve an issue.”

What not to say: “Fuck da police!”

8. Don't wander into dangerous areas of the city

Chicago, New York, Cleveland, Los Angeles - in every major American city there are areas that you should not go into. These are areas with high criminal activity, where not the most affluent Americans live. They don't even have any attractions. Find out about these places in advance. It’s not that the local gopniks will immediately approach you, but the walk will not be pleasant.

But this threat should not be overestimated. The United States now has the lowest crime rate in 40 years.

9. Don't haggle

The prices for all goods except those that cost hundreds and thousands of dollars (cars, houses, etc.) are market and fixed. Don't forget about sales tax, which is not included in the price of the product.

10. Personal space

Around every American there is an invisible bubble of personal space that should not be crossed. There is no need to press close to people in line or stand too close when talking.

In addition, you should not enter private property for no reason. The No trespassing sign is on point. In many states, it is legal to shoot someone who sets foot on private property if the owner thinks they pose a danger.

11. Don't come to the US without health insurance

Seriously. Better yet, buy a good and expensive one. It’s not a fact that she will help you in the end, but you will be calmer. The main fear of an American is not a serious illness, but the subsequent ruin due to it.

12. Don't smoke indoors

Smoking is prohibited in premises, restaurants, shops, at the entrance to buildings, and almost everywhere. And if you are in Silicon Valley, it is better to give up cigarettes for this time. The level of condemnation of smokers there is prohibitive. No seriously. There, smokers are not considered people.

13. Don't smoke marijuana unless you're sure about state laws.

Different states have different laws. Marijuana is completely legalized in 4 states: Oregon, Colorado, Alaska, Washington. In the November 8, 2016 election, California and several other states legalized marijuana for recreational purposes.

If you are found with even a gram of marijuana in Philadelphia, you can go to jail for 30 days and pay a $500 fine. Many other places won't pay attention to this.

17. Don't say anything about the American army.

Or just admire its power and technical superiority. Americans take seriously those guys who risk their lives bringing democracy to the desert. Blame Bush Jr., who started two wars, but let ordinary Marines remain out of the discussion.

18. Do not take off your shoes when entering the house.

Most Americans don't take their shoes off at home. But some run Asian households and take off their shoes. Ask your hosts about this in advance.

19. Don't comment on accents

America is a country of accents. Southern, New York, Irish, Canadian, Mexican, African American and so on ad infinitum. In a country built by migrants, accents are commonplace. Refrain from the “how nice you say.”

What not to say: “What a cute accent you have”

Some tips for traveling in the South of America. This is a special place.

20. Race issues

We have already said that it is better not to touch on this topic. So in the south it’s better not to even hint. And be very careful about what you say in front of African Americans. You can get beaten for “You people.”

Centuries of slavery and segregation have left their mark.

21. Signs of respect and hospitality

Southerners often say “sir” and “ma’am” as a sign of respect. Don’t be surprised and use it yourself when addressing strangers. And after a couple of minutes of communication they will call you sweetie, honey, or baby. This is especially true for older people. This is fine.

Southerners are very hospitable. They can easily feed, drink, or even provide overnight accommodation for a traveler. Don't be surprised if they start asking you personal questions without running around. This is fine.

Southerners are poorer than Americans in the northeast or west of the country, they travel less and are more interested in tourists.

22. Southerners are very religious.

Sometimes shockingly religious. The rest of America makes fun of them, but in the South, missing the Sunday sermon at church is the talk of the entire parish for the next week. Be careful.

1. The modern American, what he really is………………….…..3
2. National characteristics of relationships with Americans…………………………………………………… ………..…………..4
2.1Business etiquette in America……………………………………………………………..4
2.2 Americans in business negotiations……………………………………………………...6
3. Recommendations for communicating with country representatives…….…….…7
3.1 Classification of culture according to R. Lewis and E. Hofstede…………….……7
3.2 How to behave with Americans……………………………………………………11
Conclusion………………………………………………………………… …………………...15

At the turn of the second and third millennia, it becomes more obvious that humanity is developing along the path of expanding interdependence of different countries, peoples and their cultures.
Cultural diversity is not something that will disappear tomorrow, giving us the opportunity to make plans on the assumption that we understand each other. This phenomenon itself holds riches, the study of which can bring immeasurable benefits not only by broadening our horizons, but also by increasing the effectiveness of our business strategies. People different cultures use the same basic concepts, but invest in them different meaning. This determines the characteristics of their behavior, which often seems to us irrational and the opposite of what we consider obvious. The behavior of other peoples has its reasons. It has its own characteristic features, patterns and traditions.
Attention to the cultural roots and national characteristics of other people, both in society and in business, will allow us to anticipate and surprisingly accurately calculate how they will react to our proposals. Moreover, we will be able to predict their attitude towards us to a certain extent. Practical knowledge of the basic features of other cultures will minimize unpleasant surprises and give us the necessary understanding that will allow us to overcome past difficulties in communicating with representatives of other countries.

    1. The modern American, what he really is.
The United States as a state entity was assessed differently in different historical periods - sometimes with sympathy, sometimes with indignation, sometimes with admiration, sometimes with fear - but the character of the inhabitants of this country caused unequivocal rejection. Excessive efficiency, greed, selfishness, combined with ignorance, rudeness, lack of spirituality and lack of good manners - such traits have been attributed to Americans from time immemorial.
In general, Americans are mere children: loud-mouthed, curious, they don’t know how to keep secrets, they are not distinguished by sophistication, and they behave indecently in society.
An outsider can easily become stupefied by the mere American loud friendliness, especially in the central and southern states. As soon as you find yourself on a plane in the seat next to an American, he will immediately start addressing you in a familiar manner, asking, “Well, how do you like the United States?” This does not mean at all that the next day he will be able to remember your name. American friendliness is a kind of physiological need. They love to love their neighbor and love to be loved. However, the traveler wisely quickly understands that a few happy minutes in the company of an American do not oblige him to anything at all. Americans are terribly afraid that they will be obliged to do something. This is a nation for which the most stable form of human relationships is superficial acquaintance.
The scale and scope are characteristic of Americans. Everything should be the best for them. Their feelings, speech, emotions - everything is a little exaggerated. Thus, the comprehensive cries of American tourists have been getting on the nerves of the population of different countries of the world for many years. At the same time, they need to be shown only “the most” - the oldest church, the largest painting, the loudest bell, the most expensive palace.
Optimism is an integral part of the American lifestyle. Whatever happens in your life, everything is fine, otherwise it could not be. “Don’t worry, be happy!” They persuade the average American from the TV screen. The famous American form of greeting sounds like a password and feedback: “How are you?”, the answer must certainly be: “Everything is fine!” and nothing else. Simplicity and naivety distinguish the inhabitants of the United States. They are characterized by a childish perception of the world, in which there is only black and white, good and evil, truth and lies, and no halftones, and American values ​​are always true.
The naivety of the Americans is especially noticeable when they encounter the Russians. They so sincerely believe in the infallibility and correctness of their system that they are not able to sense the untruth, even with all their commercial acumen. A serious elderly businessman with tears in his eyes talked about a poor artist from Russia who, having arrived in America, converted to a new faith because, upon entering their church, “he felt some kind of burning in his chest, as if a flame had burst out there.” . The fact that this transition also meant a residence permit, financial assistance and even a roof over his head was in no way associated with the moment of “enlightenment” for the businessman.

2. National characteristics of relationships with Americans
National business culture primarily includes the norms and traditions of business ethics, standards and rules of business etiquette and protocol.
2.1.Business etiquette in America
The style of interaction in the US business world is characterized by pragmatism, disregard for tradition, brevity and the strength of the word given by the partner. Individuality and individual rights are important to Americans. In any crisis situation, it is important for an American to look healthy, energetic and confident. Americans do not hide their passion for money. They will certainly tell you what it costs and how much they receive per year. This figure is usually exaggerated somewhat.
Work for an American should be interesting, enjoyable and not burdensome. Attitudes to work on the East and West coasts are fundamentally different. In California, Americans try to look like they are not working at all, but in the east it is customary to show that you are working hard.
Americans are accustomed to taking every phrase literally. Irony, hidden meaning or linguistic subtleties will confuse them. They have difficulty understanding subtle hints. So don't overload your interlocutor. Americans themselves always say what they think, even when it is best to remain silent.
The business etiquette of American marketing, advertising or PR colleagues is based on professionalism and respect. If Americans arrange a business meeting, then it is certainly aimed at solving problems, and not at friendly conversations. You should ensure that information about your firm and the necessary documentation are distributed before negotiations begin to avoid wasting time.
Americans prefer to have reliable information about those with whom they come into contact (in particular, they insist on providing information about the participants in the negotiations: who works, where and by whom), information about education, published works, inventions, academic degrees, etc.
In the USA you will be faced with the fact that any business meeting is quite eventful and has specific goal and rarely lasts longer than an hour. Americans immediately jump into action and open discussion to try to find common interests and develop a strategy for cooperation.
In order to successfully negotiate with US partners and leave the most favorable impression, you need to understand that American business is not “family friendly”. Americans themselves usually do not hire family members or friends into their firms and do not enter into business relationships with them. The main thing that interests Americans is fair deals or mutually beneficial relationships - as they themselves call them. Trust in the States is not based on friendship or connections, but is built through fair play, sound business practices and good will. It must be remembered that there are no special terms of transactions or trade secrets for Americans. Any hints may cause distrust of partners.
The law is doubly harsh if you are in America. Even the smallest illegal business transaction often results in legal proceedings, huge fines and even imprisonment.
No one is more afraid of people with a bad reputation than Americans. Only on the screens do we see the cool showdowns between American businessmen. In reality, pressure tactics had virtually no place in American business in the 1990s and early part of the new century. Your reputation will be built on open transactions with all partners.
First of all, you need to gain the trust of the Americans. To do this, you need to prove that your company is strong and stable both financially and professionally. In addition, it is important to show that in business - your company is interested not only in money, but also in social responsibility (caring for workers, for society), which is now considered the main requirement for business in America. After all, socially irresponsible activities can even land you in the dock. Therefore, American companies employ low-income people, participate in city improvement projects, lobby the city government to improve the living conditions of the city’s low-income population, etc.
The behavioral characteristics of business Americans are determined by the traits national character, the education system and ideas about the dominant position of the United States in the world. The American education system is designed in such a way as to develop in citizens a sense of independence, independence, the ability to compete and win everywhere and in everything. Success is often measured by the amount of money earned.
The life of an American is a schedule that is drawn up for every day and strictly followed. YOU have probably seen refrigerators hung with everything in American films. That’s where each family member’s plans for the coming week are attached with a magnet. That’s why Americans are very punctual and are never late for business meetings. The time of such meetings and negotiations is strictly limited - no more than an hour. At the same time, Americans are convinced that their partner should be guided by the same rules.
2.2.Americans in business negotiations
During business negotiations, Americans are characterized by a good mood, energy, and an outward display of friendliness. They appreciate jokes and respond well to them.
Each individual American who occupies a high position in a company has greater freedom in making final decisions than representatives of other countries. Therefore, you will encounter the fact that American partners will try to impose their rules of the game, showing a certain aggressiveness. You need to remember three rules in negotiations: analyze - divide responsibilities - check execution.
Usually negotiations take place one on one. Proposals are discussed with general issue, and then gradually move on to the details, Details in the USA are very important because. For Americans, there are no small details when organizing any business. Your partners will not waste time on formalities. They will immediately get to the heart of the matter, while showing healthy pragmatism. Try to avoid any pauses in the conversation. Americans are ready to ask a whole tirade of straightforward questions at any moment. During negotiations, the Americans will push you. They may constantly ask you to speed up your response to their proposal or to rush into making a decision. For an American, the main thing is success - after all, success is followed by new success.
During negotiations, Americans can put their foot on an adjacent chair or table or cross their legs so that the shoe of one foot is on the knee of the other (usually in America gays sit cross-legged, so it’s better not to do this).
There are far more women in the US business world than in any other country. You should treat them like business partners and not just ladies. In the United States, excessive gallantry is not accepted in the business atmosphere. You should avoid questions of a personal nature and do not try to find out whether a woman is married.
Americans communicate with each other by name, regardless of age or status. So don't be offended. At first glance, this gives communication or negotiations with Americans a friendly character and an informal atmosphere. This is often the case.
If you receive an invitation from an American to his house, this is a good sign. You were noticed and appreciated. In this case, it is worth bringing a gift - a souvenir or a bottle of wine. Although business gifts are not accepted here, they can be perceived as a bribe, and in America they do not joke about this. At the table they often drink cocktails and beer. You can talk with Americans about family, hobbies, sports, but we do not advise you to get involved in religious or political discussions.
If your American partners trust you, they will certainly invite you to join the company, or arrange a vacation outside the city or even at a resort. Moreover, the costs in such cases are borne by the American company.
Americans are supporters healthy image life and balanced nutrition. Middle-aged and older people try to minimize foods containing cholesterol and prefer fruits and vegetables. Although traditional American food is very popular. Americans do not welcome smoking.

3. Recommendations for communicating with country representatives
3.1.Classification of American culture according to R. Lewis and E. Hofstede
E. Hofstede's model.
4 groups of business culture parameters:

    attitude to time
    attitude towards nature
    interpersonal relationships
    types of corporate cultures

Attitude to time

Different business cultures approach time differently. It is obvious, however, that successful management of an organization is difficult if the employees involved in it feel and evaluate time differently. The success of cooperation often depends on how well business partners from different countries treat time equally.
Business cultures are divided into polychronic and monochronic. The USA is a representative of monochronic cultures. An important psychological attitude in American business is consistency and concentration on one thing at a time. Americans take time seriously. Accuracy and punctuality are considered a virtue and an essential attribute of serious business. Dealing with several issues at the same time is considered bad manners and an inability to organize oneself.
American time is the most valuable in the world. For Americans, time is money in the full sense of the word. In general, focused on multiplying profits, time is a precious and even rare commodity. It flows as fast as mountain river in the spring, and if you want to profit from it, you have to move quickly to get it.
Americans are active people; idleness is unbearable for them. The past is no longer there, but the present can still be grabbed and made to work for you in the near future.
The time looks like this: (Fig. 1)
past present Future

And here’s what the American does with it (Fig. 2)

In America you have to make money or you are nothing.
In different countries and national cultures, a person internalizes a certain value system within the framework of family, school and work. And one of the components of this system is always the attitude towards collectivism and individualism. In some societies and cultures, collectivist approaches and principles certainly prevail in the value system; in others, the emphasis is on individualistic aspirations and aspirations of the individual. Often, when characterizing a particular society, they say: “this is a society of collectivists,” or “this is a society of individualists.”
E. Hofstede divides cultures into collectivist and individualist.
Collectivism refers to a value system in which a person perceives himself as part of a group, and only then as an individual.
In an individualistic value system, the individual comes first.
The United States is characterized by the maximum degree of individualism.
Americans openly express critical remarks to their colleagues. Employees in the service are promoted and hired solely on their own merits. In organizations at work, management is focused on the individual rather than the group. Every American in his work is focused on personal success and career. The United States has a high level of press freedom.

Power distance

Power distance refers to inequality in the distribution of power in a society or organization, which is perceived by members of society as normal and taken for granted, and in which members of society feel particularly comfortable.
The United States is characterized by a low degree of power distance.
In work, hierarchy is not perceived as a natural state or the only possible basic principle for constructing an organizational structure. Hierarchy is just a temporary role inequality, necessary for the convenience of management, increasing its efficiency. Therefore, the manager, as soon as he leaves the office, usually ceases to be a boss for his subordinates and turns into an ordinary John, Pete, etc. In this regard, the best boss is a competent democrat endowed with additional resources (both administrative and financial related to the position, as well as personal talents and abilities).
The perception of hierarchy as a temporary role inequality determines a different nature of boss-subordinate interactions. There is practically no difference between a friend and a colleague in America. At work, everyone, with rare exceptions, calls each other by name.

Masculinity and femininity

Masculinity is a commitment to such values ​​as records, heroism, perseverance, goal achievement, material success, etc.
Femininity is a commitment to such values ​​as building equal relationships, a tendency to compromise, modesty, caring for one’s neighbor, comfort, quality of life, etc.
The USA is a country with a masculine culture. In her value system, work is usually considered more important than household functions, although it is for the sake of family prosperity. A leader is respected for strength, speed of decisions, large-scale approaches, and rigidity.
Characteristic features of the “masculinity” of American culture:
    career and material well-being are the main indicators of success
    The emphasis, even among friends, is on competition and high results
    Americans actually live to work (rather than work to live)
    a good leader should not consult with the team and resolve issues.
At work, assertiveness, self-confidence, acumen, and penetrating ability are encouraged. The ability to present oneself well is highly valued. Loud, endless stories repeated in different situations about your own successes, about how much you have done for the company, are a familiar part of the ritual, an important element of the characteristic culture. The emphasis and motivation of actions and stories is a further successful career.
Americans believe that work should be interesting, enjoyable, and, if possible, not burdensome.
American values: dynamism, the ability to act independently and in one’s own interests, persistently achieve what you claim and not give up what you own, success awaits everyone who is not devoid of initiative and talent, failure is not a complete failure, always there is a land of opportunity.
American management symbolizes the vitality and courage of a free enterprise country.
In most cases, they retain the spirit of pioneers: they are determined, aggressive, goal-oriented and action-oriented, self-confident, energetic, optimistic about life, ready for change, accustomed to achieving their goals through hard work, always able to work in a team and be a bearer of corporate spirit, but They value personal freedom more than the well-being of their company, and they are primarily interested in career success.
Uncertainty avoidance
Uncertainty avoidance is the degree of uncertainty, instability of ambiguity, which in a given culture is perceived as normal and in which members of society feel comfortable. Different business cultures have different perceptions of uncertainty in life and business. Some business cultures tend to avoid uncertainty as much as possible, while others do not.
American business culture is characterized by a low degree of uncertainty avoidance - Americans do not like organization, which extends to both written and verbally formed rules. Both standard and formal provisions are kept to a minimum whenever possible.

Classification of business cultures according to R. Lewis .
Lewis identifies the following business cultures: monoactive, polyactive and reactive.
Americans are very monoactive, i.e. They do one thing at a given time, completely focus on it and complete it according to a predetermined schedule. They believe that with such an organization of work they will be able to act more efficiently and have time to do more.
Americans systematically plan their future, work at fixed times, rarely interrupt during conversations, and respect formality.
American managers will demonstrate and acquire technical skills, rely primarily on facts and logic, rather than on feelings and emotions, they will be transaction-oriented, and focus their attention on subordinates on immediate task results. They are organized, stick to an agenda, and inspire subordinates with careful planning.
3.2. How to deal with Americans
American businessmen have a reputation for being the toughest business people in the world, yet they are in many ways easier to deal with. This is because their philosophy is simple. Their goal is to earn as much as possible and as quickly as possible, using such means as hard work, speed of action, opportunism and power (including the power of money itself) to achieve this goal. When making business decisions, they, as a rule, are not guided by sentiment and believe that the dollar, even if not God, is at least omnipotent. This single-minded pursuit of profit by Americans is often perceived as ruthless.
If you wish to establish business contacts with Americans, you SHOULD:

    Try as quickly as possible to prove your practical significance and ability to do things well.
    Without real evidence of such skill, in the eyes of an American, you are, if not an empty place, then at least a person who means very little, and therefore there is no point in doing business with you.
    It is okay to appear rational and practical in everything you do. For Americans, such character traits seem to be perhaps the most important.
    Show confidence, determination, but in no case recklessness. Americans highly value determination in people.
    Stick to the “golden mean”. Americans, as a rule, are not characterized by extremes and maximalism.
    Be direct, simple, even maybe rude or simple-minded (this is forgivable). Americans have all these qualities and are happy to see them in others.
    To be businesslike, not businesslike (they can easily distinguish the difference between businesslike and businesslike). Moreover, you should try not to seem too serious. Americans try to do serious business with deliberate ease.
    Be neat, punctual and obligatory. Although Americans are not always like this, they like to see these traits in others.
    Show yourself as a person of strong convictions (even if they do not coincide with the convictions of an American), but a principled one, capable of proving that he is right. This is one of the most important American values.
    Behave relaxed, freely (but not untied), if possible, do not demonstrate your complexes. Americans either don’t have them at all or skillfully hide them from outsiders.
    Remember that Americans are not superstitious; all mysticism is alien to them. Suspicions that you believe in all this are unlikely to increase your prestige in the eyes of Americans. They believe in God “earthly”, “sensibly”.
    Always do not forget about compliments on occasion and without them, words of gratitude and stable phrases, apologies, etc. Sometimes it seems that for Americans all this courtliness is not only a tribute to politeness, but also an exploration of a certain ritual that they absorbed with their mother’s milk.
    Smile more often, as casually and naturally as possible.
    Americans are true virtuosos of such smiles.
    Be prepared for the fact that the American forgot about your existence the next day after a warm, serious meeting, during which it seemed to you that you had acquired a faithful friend for many years.
    Show special interest in the American’s family, take an interest in the photographs of his wife and children that are always with him, and, if possible, admire them. An American will regard these signs of attention to his family as a sign of true affection for himself.
Present yourself as a good family man. This will increase your rating in the eyes of an American, even one who changes lovers endlessly and cannot count the children scattered across all American states.
    If you wish to establish business contacts with Americans, you SHOULD NOT:
    Complain about the country in which you live, the life you lead, the government in power, etc., because from the American point of view, it is your own fault that you live this way, that you have such a government, that you have such laws, etc.
    Show off, waste money and time.
    For an American, this is the ultimate manifestation of stupidity.
    Appearing lightweight and gullible, which for Americans is also the characteristics of narrow-minded people.
    Bare your soul, confess your secrets, be frank.
    All this will seem empty and stupid to an American, because you cannot be frank with someone you don’t know well enough.
    Being overly emotional, fussy, unrestrained, choking on words, etc.
    Trying to outwit the American. Your success in this enterprise can only be temporary.
    By and large, this idea is obviously doomed.
    Demonstrate one's superiority over Americans in anything (knowledge, ability to do something, etc.) Over many decades of their history, Americans have become accustomed to honoring themselves first in everything. They have their own “complex” about this
    This point is inextricably linked with the previous one. You shouldn't teach an American. He, like a polite person, will thank you warmly, but he won’t like it.


The first rule of good manners in the United States of America is a friendly attitude and the famous Hollywood smile. Every American believes that everyone should smile under any circumstances. This is American etiquette.

Life leaves its mark

The overwhelming majority of Americans consider themselves to be successful people, and the marker of success and well-being in this cultural space is a smile. Success in the US cultural paradigm of values ​​is one of the fundamental ones.

However, it is wrong to say that American smiles are meaningless and are intended to create only the illusion of joy and well-being. This is not true. The importance of a good location of a stable emotional state is embedded in the mental picture of the world of every US representative.

American cultural norms do not imply complaints about life's hardships; they do not like to talk about their difficult problems to others. You can only give people positive emotions and share a good message. American etiquette allows for the possibility of complaints about life in exceptional, extreme cases, however, here too there are certain prohibitions: you can talk about your problems only to close relatives and friends, who occupy second place in the list of needs and values ​​of every typical American, right after success. Every American strives to surround himself with a large, friendly company. The concepts of “buddy” and “good acquaintance” are alien to American culture - here all people who communicate well with each other are considered friends.

However, there are other features of etiquette behavior in America. So, it is forbidden to visit even your closest relative or friend without warning, but if you receive an invitation to lunch or dinner, you need to think about a gift for the hosts. It could be flowers, a bottle of wine or a cute souvenir. Business gifts are not common in America; they are usually considered a bribe.

Etiquette also applies to telephone communication. Making a call to the USA is allowed only for important business, conversation, or problem.

According to etiquette, an American man is not allowed to flirt with a woman or charm her if she is not his wife or girlfriend. The woman in this case is endowed with greater rights: she can file a lawsuit in your name if you begin to show signs of attention to her without her approval.

It is customary to greet a person in the USA with a warm, strong but brief handshake, and it is important to keep eye contact between two parties. You can also often observe an encouraging pat on the shoulder from people you know.

US etiquette does not provide for prolonged communication using “you”: Americans quickly switch to first names, almost immediately after meeting.

When communicating with an American, you must maintain a distance (at least 60 cm). The interlocutor may consider that you are too close to him, and he will step back.

One of the important features of national etiquette and behavior at the table is ease when performing certain actions. Most Americans do not have sophisticated behavioral manners: they may slurp at the table, reach across the entire dinner table for the desired plate, do not know which cutlery is appropriate to use in certain cases, and so on.

Many Americans are committed to a healthy lifestyle and try to eat fatty foods to a minimum, replacing them with fruits and vegetables. Despite this, traditional American fast-food remains just as popular. Smoking is also not welcomed by Americans: American law strictly prohibits smoking in in public places. The etiquette standards of US residents are determined by the exclusivity of their cultural picture of the world. Many rules of etiquette may cause surprise and even bewilderment among representatives of other countries, but they never cease to be less interesting to get acquainted with.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

"St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University" (FSBEI HPE "SPbSPU")

Institute of Management and Information Technologies

(branch) of the federal state budgetary educational institution higher professional education

"St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University" in Cherepovets (IMIT "SPbSPU")

Department of Finance

Discipline: “Intercultural Communication”

Topic: Food and table manners in Switzerland and the USA

Completed by a student from group z.124v Kitov Andrey Valerievich

Option No. Record book no. z.1120106v

Supervisor Vanyugina Marina Sergeevna




1 Table etiquette

2 Food and drink in Switzerland

2.4 Chocolate

1 Table etiquette

2 American cuisine. Food in the USA

2.1 American breakfast

2.2 Restaurants in America

2.3 Tea or coffee?

2.4 Alcohol in the US




Until the beginning of the 17th century, there were practically no rules of etiquette at the table in Europe. There was no such thing as etiquette at all, that is, during meals, regardless of the presence of guests or household members, it was in the order of things to do whatever one wanted.

But over time, when manners became more refined, the first instructions began to appear on how to behave in society and, of course, at the table too. Initially, such rules appeared, of course, among aristocrats. Among the first rules of etiquette during meals were the following: you cannot lick your fingers, spit on your plate, blow your nose on the tablecloth, or throw dice under the table.

The first US President Washington also made his mark on the issue of etiquette, having drawn up 110 “Rules of Good Conduct”, among which you can find the following prohibitions: do not pick your teeth with a fork, do not itch at the table, do not crush fleas in public...

Maybe today it looks a little funny, but back then such behavior was not so rare. Those were the times. When sitting down at the dinner table, people washed their hands only in case of excessive contamination, but at the same time they washed their greasy fingers in the dishes from which they ate. There were no cutlery in the 17th century.

Now all this is distant history, but some peoples even in our time continue to amaze with their behavior at the table. In Japan, for example, a guest will be respected if he sucks loudly while eating food. In China, it is normal for a person to slurp loudly at the table. This behavior will be pleasant for the hosts, who see with what pleasure the guest eats their food.

In Korea, we know that the national food is very spicy, so tears during meals are welcomed and encouraged by etiquette as an undoubted compliment to the hostess. People in Portugal also love spicy food. When visiting, for example, a local restaurant, you should not ask service personnel additional spices. By doing this you call into question the professionalism of the cooks.

In this paper we compare Switzerland and the USA.

1. Switzerland

Switzerland is one of the most distinctive countries in Europe. Despite its multicultural and multilingual population, a fair proportion of whom are not even citizens of the confederation, it has managed to retain many colorful national features. In fact, this is the most tolerant state on the planet, in which several languages ​​are officially used, each canton has a certain political and economic independence, the most important laws are adopted only on the basis of popular discussion, and at the same time, many legal norms simply have indisputable authority and rigidity of execution, which is natural way it affects people's lives.

The name of the country itself comes from the name Schwyz, one of the three cantons that served as the basis and initiators of the Swiss Confederation. But the country is also known by its ancient name - Helvetica, or Helvetia (Helvetica, Helvetia), given by the Romans to the western part of the modern territory of Switzerland after the name of the Celtic tribes of the Helvetii who inhabited it. It is interesting that the name Helvetia is also used on the country’s postage stamps, and the name of the confederation itself in many official documents is written in the Romanesque manner - Confederatio Helvetica. The Helvetians themselves left the historical arena quite early - after the conquest by Rome (1st century AD), they were either driven out to Gaul or assimilated, and after the invasion of Germanic tribes they quickly mixed with the newcomers. However, many elements and customs of those times have survived to this day in high degree safety, and the glory of the Swiss as skilled warriors and gunsmiths still serves them well (just remember the Vatican Guard). And this despite the fact that the country has not fought with anyone for 400 years and strictly adheres to the principles of neutrality.

The ethnic composition of the local population in our time is very diverse. People from all countries and regions of the planet live here - often without Swiss citizenship. German, French, Italian and Romansh languages ​​have state status.

With such a diverse cultural environment, it is not surprising that there should be a symbol that unites the entire country. This is without a doubt the most recognizable element national culture- flag of the Swiss Confederation. Officially adopted in 1848, it dates back to the 14th century, when the first federal cantons chose a white cross on a red field as an identifying element of their armies. Despite the fact that cantonal self-identification has never lost its importance and even the National Day (August 1) was essentially not official until the end of the 20th century (many Swiss still do not know the words of the national anthem), the country's coat of arms and flag are revered by everyone equally.

1 Table etiquette

Table behavior local residents no different from other European countries. The external attributes of the feast are quite simple - in the north and northeast they are close to German traditions with their clearly laid out rules. In the west and south they are more democratic and artistic. In any case, there is nothing here that could surprise a foreign tourist. However, there is one caveat - always, whether in a private house, in a restaurant or in a high-mountain hut (usually they are called in the German manner - “Hütte”), the portion sizes are quite impressive, so you should carefully calculate your strength. Taking into account the fact that local chefs don’t seem to know how to cook tasteless food in principle, overeating can be a very significant problem. However, calories are burned quickly in mountain conditions, so with a reasonable approach this is unlikely to cause trouble, but going to the ski slope immediately after a hearty local lunch is a very reckless decision.

The Swiss know how to drink and love it - but even here they are distinguished by a fair amount of restraint. All kinds of wine or beer are almost always on the table; stronger drinks are noticeably less popular.

As in many other countries in the region, an invitation to someone’s home (even with the wording “for tea” - it certainly won’t stop there) will require a small return gift, which would be a good bottle of good wine, sweets or flowers. It is generally accepted to give flowers to the lady of the house, but it is highly discouraged to choose chrysanthemums or white asters for this purpose, since they are considered “funeral” flowers. But return visits are not accepted and remain only at the discretion of the parties. It is not customary to smoke in the house, especially at the table. In hotels, private and apartment buildings even a balcony may not be a suitable place for this addiction - neighbors may complain to the police about non-compliance with their rights to clean air. Therefore, such “subtle” points should always be discussed in advance.

In general, when visiting private houses, even by invitation, you must first agree on the time of the visit and in no case violate it - punctuality is very highly valued even in French-speaking cantons. At the same time, you should not delay the visit, nor should you show excessive curiosity - by and large, any topic is acceptable, but only if it is interesting to the hosts or initiated by them. It is highly discouraged to touch upon financial and property issues, relationships within the family, and so on in conversations. But politics, oddly enough, can be discussed without problems - despite all the complexity of relationships in local society, the Swiss are incredibly calm about this and have an excellent sense of humor, which they eagerly apply in such discussions.

But the theme of children and their successes is extremely advantageous in all respects, as well as art or design - most local residents are well versed in it and, in general, are very fine connoisseurs of beauty (of course, living surrounded by such natural beauties). It is considered good manners to thank for any small service, be it bread or a bottle of water, or a door opened in front of you. The standard "merci", "grazie" or "danke" (merci, grazie, danke - "thank you" in French, Italian and German, depending on the canton) are quite suitable. But you shouldn’t impose yourself with such help. The locals seem to have developed some kind of specific language gestures that help them ask for a favor or express readiness to provide it only with their eyes or facial expressions; a foreigner often interprets such gestures incorrectly. By the way, in general, it is not recommended to get carried away with gesticulation here - a complex mixture of cultures leads to the fact that a completely decent sign in our country can be interpreted incorrectly.

An interesting feature is the service in armed forces Switzerland is compulsory for all male citizens between the ages of 19 and 31 who have been declared fit to practice by a medical council. military service, and is usually 260 days. But they can be distributed over 10 years, and the army itself has a rather unusual method of recruitment, closer to the militia. Combined with the country’s liberal law on the ownership of firearms and days off required for military personnel and reservists, this leads to the fact that at any time of the year and almost everywhere you can see young people completely at ease with all their army ammunition and weapons ( often it is stored in houses and apartments) right in the car of a high-speed train, on the side of the road, or even just in a cafe. The movement of armored vehicles through crowded streets and flights of military vehicles over the most prestigious resorts are also quite common. Many foreigners are alarmed and even frightened by this, as well as the structures similar to pillboxes and bunkers that are found in abundance throughout the country, but in practice this is just one of the characteristic features of local life.

1.2 Food and drink in Switzerland

When we talk about Switzerland, a number of stereotypes inevitably arise in our heads with which every foreigner associates this country. We all remember that this country has excellent chocolate, that they make excellent cheeses, make strong knives, safely store money in the largest banks, produce unsurpassed Swiss watches and, of course, prepare fondue.

But is it only fondue, cheeses and chocolate that can surprise a foreigner in a country that has long maintained neutrality? If you are coming here not only to buy a watch or look at jars, then it is probably worth learning more about the cuisine of Switzerland. The cuisine of this country is like a mix of three culinary cultures - French, German and Italian. But at the same time, each Swiss canton strives to show its originality. Therefore, although the main dishes were brought here from neighboring countries, the Swiss tried to slightly change almost each of them, remake them in their own way.

For example, fondue is the most popular dish in Switzerland, which is made from melted cheese, to which garlic and white wine are added. Alpine shepherds prepared this food for themselves, who dipped pieces of bread into this hot molten mass, ate them and were full and satisfied. The French claim that fondue is their discovery, and the Swiss claim that it was their shepherds who came up with such a dish. Be that as it may, today fondue is as much a calling card of Switzerland as wrist watch locally produced.

The part of Switzerland that is closer to Italy has adopted the culinary culture of its southern neighbor. They love to cook various pastas, risotto, and ravioli here. Apparently, Italian cooking is so perfect that the Swiss added little of their own to it.

The regions of Switzerland adjacent to the German border love to cook native German dishes. Resti potatoes (boiled potatoes, which are then fried until golden brown with the addition of some spices) are respected here in the same way as white Munich sausages - bratwurst. And they are often served together. This dish is like a gold watch of Swiss masters - they are just as proud of it and just as carefully pass on the secrets of cooking to their descendants.

The capital Zurich, if not for the world famous wristwatches and men's watches with the inscription “Swiss made”, would probably have become famous for its sausages. In addition, the well-known sweet flour dishes hüchli and krepfli are prepared in the capital.

Switzerland is also famous for its wines. They are valued for their lightness, delicate taste and variety of bouquet. The most affordable Swiss wine is home-made draft, costing about six francs per hundred grams. As for the prices for aged and rare wine, there is a very wide variation depending on the variety, manufacturer and year of production; in general, good wines in restaurants cost from 50 francs per bottle (you can find cheaper ones in stores).

Swiss cuisine is under strong influence neighboring countries: France, Italy, and to a lesser extent Germany. However, Switzerland also has a number of unique dishes.

The four linguistic regions of Switzerland (German, French, Italian and Romansh (spoken almost exclusively in the canton of Graubünden ünden))) have their own number of special dishes.

When you hear the phrase “Swiss cuisine,” you usually think of cheese and chocolate. Swiss cheeses, in particular Emmental, Gruy ère, Vacherin and Appenzeller, are the most famous Swiss products. The most popular cheese dishes are fondue and raclette. Both of these dishes were originally regional, but gradually spread throughout Switzerland.

Rösti ( Rostis are a popular potato side dish eaten throughout Switzerland. They were originally eaten for breakfast, but have been replaced by muesli, which is now popular for breakfast. In Switzerland, muesli is called "Bircherm" üesli" ("Birchermiesli" in some regions). For breakfast and dinner, many Swiss people enjoy sliced ​​bread with butter and jam. Switzerland has a very wide selection of bread, which is usually baked right in the store. There is bread with the addition of all kinds of seeds and bran, sometimes even bread with onions! Bread and cheese are popular dinner dishes and quiches are also traditional Swiss dishes. Tarts, in particular, are eaten with all sorts of additions, from sweet apples to onions.

One example of "regional dishes" is z ürigschnätzlets- thin strips of veal with mushrooms cream sauce, served with r östi.

Italian cuisine is most popular in Switzerland. 9 out of 10 restaurants will be Italian. The most popular are various pastas (pasta with sauce) and pizzas, as well as risotto (round rice prepared in a special way, resembling a sticky single mass).

In the Italian part of Switzerland - the Ticino district - there is unique type restaurants - Grotto (cave). These are village restaurants offering traditional dishes, ranging from pasta to homemade meat. Luganighe and Luganighetta, a type of homemade sausage, are popular dishes. Such restaurants are most often located in and around forests and near rocks. Typically, the façade is built from granite blocks, and the tables and benches outside are made from the same blocks. Grotto are popular with locals and tourists, especially during the hot summer months. or cervelas are considered the national sausage, and are popular throughout Switzerland.

Switzerland produces about 450 varieties of cheese. In 99% of cases, cow's milk is used, in other cases - sheep and goat milk.

It must be remembered that the aroma of Swiss cheeses may seem overly strong to an unaccustomed nose. Appenzeller, Tilisiter and many other cheeses have a very rich aroma, which becomes stronger the older the cheese is aged.

You can conditionally divide the most popular dishes by region, but you must keep in mind that, for example, the same fondue is not limited only to the French part, but is popular throughout Switzerland.

In Switzerland the following designations are used for beer:

* Lagerbier - 10.0 to 12.0% original wort

* Spezialbier - special beer - from 11.5 to 14.0% wort

* Starkbier - strong beer - at least 14% original wort

* Leichtbier - light beer - alcohol content up to 3.0 percent

* kohlenhydratarmes Bier - wort content from 8.0 to 9.0%, alcohol content exceeds 4.5%, carbohydrates no more than 7.5 grams per liter.

In Switzerland, over 50 different grape varieties are grown on an area of ​​approximately 15,000 hectares, providing a wide range of local wines. Different climate in different parts The country allows the production of both excellent white and red wines.

Grapes began to be grown here in the Roman era. Until now, winemaking is an integral part in a number of cantons, such as Geneva, Neuch âtel, Ticino, Valais and Vaud (mainly southern and western regions).

All wine is divided into three categories:

Among Swiss wines it is almost impossible to find semi-sweet wines. Dry only. Sweet wines, so beloved in Russia, are not held in high esteem here. Among sweet wines you can only find dessert white from Geneva. It is usually sold in smaller bottles (0.375 or 0.5 L).

Most people who have tried Swiss wines are inclined to believe that if they are to be purchased, then white ones are better. Inexpensive red wines are sour and rustic and are significantly inferior to French and Italian wines. Nevertheless, some good examples can be found even among Zurich wines.

2.4 Chocolate

Chocolate heaven. False modesty is completely unnecessary here, and it must be openly admitted that Swiss chocolatiers are the best in the world. Every city in Switzerland has its own chocolate geniuses, and there are also those who feed the entire country and guests from all over the world. Switzerland has combined its two passions, chocolate and railways, and the result was the Swiss Chocolate Train. Travel in an original 19th-century Pullman carriage from Montreux to Gruyères and Broc, enjoying idyllic pastoral views outside, visiting a cheese factory, a castle and then the Cailler-Nestl chocolate factory é. From June to October. You can also bathe in chocolate; chocolate wraps and baths are on the spa menu of many Swiss hotels.

Americans are characterized by a good mood, energy, and outward manifestations of friendliness and openness. They like a less formal atmosphere during business meetings, relatively quickly switch to being addressed by name, appreciate jokes and respond well to them, and are punctual.

When greeting and introducing each other, men and women usually shake hands. Mutual kissing and kissing the hand of ladies are not accepted here. Although you can often observe a cheerful pat on the back or shoulder of well-known people.

Business gifts are not accepted in the United States. Moreover, they often cause concern. Americans fear that they could be interpreted as a bribe, and this is strictly punishable by law in the United States. Americans themselves, in order to please a business partner, can invite him to a restaurant, arrange a vacation outside the city, or even at a resort - the costs in such cases are borne by the company.

Women play a major role in US business life. Often they insist that they be treated as a partner, and not as a lady. In this regard, the manifestation of excessive gallantry is not accepted; questions of a personal nature should be avoided (for example, you should not find out whether she is married).

During negotiations, Americans pay considerable attention to the problem to be solved. At the same time, they strive to discuss not only general approaches to the decision (what to do), but also details related to the implementation of agreements (how to do it). Americans often offer “packages of proposals” for consideration. They are also characterized by “trial balloon” techniques.

In general, Americans are known for their very high pace of business. A typical motto for them is: do not put off until tomorrow what can be done today, and success means a good pace, that is, time is literally money. During negotiations you can hear something like: “What are we waiting for? Please speed up your response to our proposal. Hurry up with your decision." Therefore, Americans are assessed as partners who are too assertive and straightforward, and as constantly in a hurry. They are always luck oriented and assume that success always entails new success.

Americans, when talking, can put their foot on the next chair, and even the table, or cross their legs so that the shoe of one foot is on the knee of the other. In American culture, this is considered an acceptable norm, but often causes irritation in other countries.

In recent years, Americans have been paying more and more attention to balanced nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Smoking is not encouraged, and sometimes is simply considered indecent. In their diet, Americans, especially middle-aged and elderly people, are increasingly trying to minimize foods containing cholesterol and prefer fruits and vegetables. However, traditional American food in the form of sandwiches is also very popular.

If you are invited home, you can bring flowers or wine, and as a gift - a souvenir associated with the traditions of your country.

1 Table etiquette

When accepting an invitation, it would not be a mistake to clarify whether you need to bring anything with you, that is, whether the party is a “share”. If the answer is no, then you should not insist. Even if the meeting is really organized “by pool”, it is better to consider as a guest of the company of the organizers anyone who may bring something that does not meet the general expectations.

When visiting someone without an invitation, you should notify the owner in advance about the visit. At meetings, whether formal, such as a dinner party, or informal, such as picnics, you should not show up uninvited. The only exceptions are those informal meetings that the owner announced in advance as “open” to uninvited guests.

It is usually not necessary to come to visit with a gift, but it is acceptable. These could be flowers, drinks that can be placed on the table, sweets for children, etc. Such gifts are considered gratitude for hospitality, but not payment for it. However, if someone has visited the same people several times, then it is expected that he will also invite them to his place or to a restaurant.

It is considered more decent not to bring flowers with you, but to send them by messenger a little earlier so that the owners can choose a vase or a suitable place for them. However, if flowers are expected from guests, then the owners should take care of vases, etc. in advance.

A guest who arrives earlier than the rest can offer the hosts help in preparing the reception, but the hosts can only accept such help from their closest friends and relatives, so the guest should not insist.

Guests should not bring as a gift anything that needs to be put on the table immediately, such as roast beef or lasagne, as this may be interpreted as a slight towards the hosts, who are allegedly unable to provide a decent meal. This is permissible only by prior agreement with the owner.

All gifts, including edible ones, should be such that the host can choose whether to share them with his guests or save them for another occasion.

Guests, unless they are immediate family, should not demand anything from the host that accommodates their dietary restrictions. If there are doubts that there will be something suitable on the table, then it is better either not to go to visit hungry, or to refuse the invitation altogether. For his part, the host can ask the guests in advance what kind of diet they follow, and restrictions can be discussed when accepting the invitation, but not at the table.

Guests should be invited to the table no later than half an hour after the appointed time. At a minimum, snacks should be offered during this time. Accordingly, guests should not be late. Drinks (at least water) should be served no later than 10 minutes after the first guest arrives, no matter how early he arrived. If one of the guests is late, the host should not delay the serving of food, no matter how important the late guest may be.

The guest can refuse any dish before it reaches his plate. If guests are served personally, rather than passing the dish around, the host should ask if his guest would like this and that. Situations where a guest sits in front of a full plate of food that he is unable to touch due to his tastes, poor appetite or dietary restrictions should be avoided.

It is considered impolite to start eating before everyone's plates are full. Usually the owner or the one sitting at the head of the table starts eating first. An exception is allowed for very large banquets, when hot food can cool down while the waiters serve everyone present.

If you need to leave the table for a while, you should apologize, otherwise it will be perceived as a demonstrative act. There is no need to explain the reason, since they usually go to the toilet, but they don’t talk about it at the table.

Under no circumstances should you comment at the table in any way on your neighbors’ choice of dishes. A question like “why don’t you eat meat?” is considered extremely rude, as it gives rise to questions about health or expression of beliefs by vegetarians and adherents of different religions.

In a restaurant, if the waiters follow the accepted etiquette, then there is no need to call them, they come up on their own. Therefore, gesturing when calling the waiter is considered rude. In less formal circumstances, for example if the restaurant is not in European style, you can call the waiter with a glance, a nod of the head, or raising your index finger as a sign of attention. If necessary, you can apologize out loud and, preferably, call the waiter by the name that is usually written on his badge. If the waiter is inattentive, it is better to talk to the manager than to chase the waiter around the restaurant.

Waiters should not themselves place the visitor's napkin on his lap.

The visitor can speak politely to the waiter, but is not obliged to do so if he is busy talking at the table.

Both Americans and Work and Travel USA members who work in the service industry generally receive wages equal to the minimum wage plus tips. It is understood that the client directly pays for the services of the service personnel. The generally accepted tip in the United States is 15% of the restaurant bill. Tips are left on the table after paying the bill. The bartender is paid 50 cents for each order. In a hotel, when providing various services (calling a taxi, cleaning a room, ordering a taxi, cleaning a pair of shoes, carrying one piece of luggage), it is customary to pay one or two dollars. The taxi driver expects 10% of the bill amount. Some foreign tourists do not feel obligated to tip, so Americans often try to include the tip amount in the bill when serving foreigners.

2 American cuisine. Food in the USA

You are what you eat, the Chinese say. But this saying probably applies to all peoples of the world. But no one has influenced international cuisine as much as the Americans. American cuisine is strictly rational, with a minimum of time for preparing and eating food and maximum benefits.

Many Americans are consumed by the idea that food is unhealthy or, worse, that it can make you fat. Food is at the forefront of the fight for eternal youth, good health and a slim figure, and has already suffered its first loss - loss of taste. It just so happens that it is either tasty or healthy. Americans are obsessed with proper nutrition, fueled by constant scientific research that proves the harmfulness or benefit of this and that. When some scientists announced that oat bran large quantities lower cholesterol and prevent heart attacks, the price of oats has skyrocketed, and supermarkets have been flooded with foods containing oat bran, such as oat bran candy and bran beer.

You can feed an American citizen any food, you just need to convince him that it will make him healthier and lose weight. On restaurant menus, special labels mark dishes that are “heart-healthy” (low in cholesterol and saturated fat) and “diet” (a vague term that suggests, but does not necessarily mean, low in calories or fat). In supermarkets there are entire shelves of products labeled “low salt”, “low calorie”, “low fat”, “cholesterol free”, “diet” or “synthetic” (i.e. “tasteless” - and so it is clear). Americans can subsist on soy "bacon," low-fat cheese, soda pop, and fiber-enriched breads that have cellulose added for fluffiness.

Forbidden foods, especially chocolate, cause Americans to feel a thrill of secret delight. As Americans put every bite of chocolate cream or butter cake into their mouths, they experience the delightful feeling that they are ruining their soul. Fatty "sinful" desserts are given ominous names - "Devil's Foot", "Chocolate Madness", "Death by Chocolate". This once again reminds us of what every American already knows: food is dangerous to your health.

It is possible and necessary to eat tasty and healthy food in the USA. To do this, you will either have to cook yourself, or have lunch and breakfast in Mexican or Chinese eateries.

2.1 American breakfast

Breakfast takes pride of place in the American daily routine. On most restaurants you can see a sign: “Serving breakfast until 11 am”, and on 24-hour restaurants - “Breakfast 24 hours a day”. The morning menu varies depending on the region of the country; usually it includes cereal with milk, bacon, oatmeal, coffee, sausage, eggs, scrapple ham, more coffee, muffins, fried potatoes (for breakfast!), toast, corn casserole, maple syrup (made from maple sap) , more coffee, waffles, corn-meat soup, pancakes, more coffee and grits. Southerners love them. Residents of the north are convinced that it was because of them that the South lost the Civil War. Somewhere in the Maryland region, an invisible line runs across the entire country: below it they cannot live without “grits”, above it they are considered inedible.

2.2 Restaurants in America

The United States has an unusually developed network of restaurants, eateries and bars with the most different cuisines from traditional American hamburgers, steaks and smoked ribs to the masterpieces of French chefs. American cuisine is international - here you can find Chinese, Mexican, Cuban, Russian restaurants, try island and Moroccan dishes. Prices and levels of service are also very varied - from $2 at a diner to $100 or more (without drinks) in the best restaurants in New York.

There are all sorts of restaurants in America, from familiar ones, where the waiter behind the counter will tell you: “Hey, what are we going to chew?” - to mega-respectable ones, where the waiter will say this: “Good evening, my name is Frederic, I will have the honor to serve you today. Would you like to know more about today’s dishes of the day?” It happens that a waiter or waitress sits down at your table and discusses the intricacies of the menu for several minutes. At the same time, you should under no circumstances give your name or bother with pleasantries. Americans like intrusive service. Some restaurants are even famous for having gloomy and unfriendly waiters. In the most typical American restaurants there are no waiters at all. In 1954, Ray Kroc bought the rights to their hamburger stand from the McDonald brothers and began selling franchises left and right. Now there are more than fourteen thousand McDonald's in the world, selling hundreds of millions of hamburgers and cheeseburgers a year. The secret of McDonald's success is that they serve a very limited selection of very popular dishes, mainly hamburgers, fries and milkshakes, the cost of preparing them is kept to a minimum because the process is broken down into simple steps, disposable dishes save on washing , prices are reasonable, and quality is strictly controlled. Whatever you think about McDonald's food, it's predictable. A Big Mac bought in New York is no different from a Big Mac bought in Kyiv. The London Economist even publishes a “Big Mac Index” once a year, which compares the purchasing power of different currencies.

When receiving the bill, do not forget about the tip (usually about 15%), sometimes the restaurant itself includes this amount in the cost of service, then it will be reflected in the bill. You can take home dishes from the restaurant that you haven’t touched (they will bring you a so-called “Doggy Bag”).

2.3 Tea or coffee?

Americans drink coffee. A lot and in very large portions, always and everywhere cold and hot. Coffee in the United States could have become a national drink if not for Italy.

And “tea” here almost universally means iced tea, usually also with sugar, or more precisely, with ice, sugar and lemon (and the further south you go, the more sugar). If you want to drink hot tea, get ready for an uphill battle. Tea in America is usually served like this: a cup, or a paper cup, or a metal teapot with hot water, and a tea bag with it. Sometimes the waiter brings in a whole box of different types of tea to choose from. More often than not, he completely forgets to bring the bag, and he has to be reminded. The bag is brought after a hectic search in the kitchen (“Remember, we had a tea bag lying around here somewhere?” - “And I thought you had it”). Next, the tea lover is supposed to put the bag into the rapidly cooling water and have a good chat; If you're lucky, the heat will be enough for a weak brew. You can't get brewed tea in America, even if you crack it - here they are convinced that by pouring boiling water over the tea leaves in the kitchen, restaurants are depriving the client of the constitutional right to decide for themselves how strong the tea should be.

2.4 Alcohol in the US

The United States has fairly strict laws regulating the sale of alcoholic beverages. But these laws vary from state to state. In New York, alcohol is sold only in licensed liquor stores. In a regular store you will only buy beer. It is prohibited to sell alcoholic beverages to persons under 21 years of age. If you want to order a glass of wine (a glass of vodka, etc.) for your table, make sure that the restaurant has a trade license alcoholic products, as indicated by the inscription "licensed". The abbreviation BYOB on the sign indicates that the establishment does not serve alcohol, but you can bring a bottle with you (Bring Your Own Bottle) to drink at the table.

On the street, alcoholic drinks (including beer) can only be consumed if the bottle is placed in an opaque bag.

On average, Americans drink more than thirty-seven gallons (US gallons, of course) of alcohol per capita per year. In almost every part of the country (except Utah, the teetotal Mormon state), you can legally have a drink somewhere.

How and where is another matter, because liquor regulations are set by state, county and city governments. Somewhere you can drive up to a window and buy beer without leaving your car, although drinking and driving is prohibited. In some places, alcohol is sold only in state-run stores, which are open only during business hours and don’t offer much choice. The popular "root" beer, although called beer, does not contain an ounce of alcohol. This is the American equivalent of ginger beer, only flavored with sassafras and sarsparilla rhizomes. Even Americans admit that he has a specific taste; representatives of other, more sensible nationalities do not take it into their mouths.

By the way, American wine produced in California excellent quality and is sold at very reasonable prices.

Traditional American beer is a unique thing. Not that it was particularly good, but it was unlike any other drink in the world. One reason is the American climate: beer is specially brewed so that it can be drunk in huge quantities during sports matches, when the air temperature is above ninety degrees Fahrenheit. Accordingly, the beer should have a lot of water and should be served cold to avoid sunstroke. Unfortunately, when the beer cools, the last remnants of beer flavor disappear from the beer. Concern for slimness and health led Americans to invent “light” beer, containing fewer calories, less alcohol than regular beer, and (truly a great achievement) even more tasteless. However, in the last five to ten years, America has been rocked by the beer revolution. Relaxation in alcohol laws allowed some restaurants to open their own breweries, and now almost every self-respecting city has a “beer house with its own beer.” As a result, the number of breweries more than doubled. True, all sorts of absurdities happen, like Christmas cranberry light or pumpkin strong - well, this is America, after all.


Table etiquette is an extremely broad topic that cannot be studied in half an hour. If only because its rules were developed over centuries, just like the dishes invented by humanity throughout its history.

Having studied this topic in comparison of the two countries of Switzerland and the United States, we understand that the history of the development of food culture goes back far into history, so there are significant differences in table etiquette, but there are still generally accepted principles of behavior in which these countries have similarities.

Food culture is not only a certain set of rules for using cutlery or ways of serving dishes. It is part of human culture, and how much you master it can make your life easier or more difficult in equal measure. People tend to make up rules and require others to follow them. Sometimes these rules have funny story and rational origin. For example, one Scottish king, distinguished by a quick-tempered, even violent character, hit the table with his fist in anger during a meal with his vassals. Soon after this, he issued a decree that forks on the table should lie tines down.

There are many table manners for different occasions, but in all cases there are generally accepted points. Knowing them, you will no longer get into trouble, but will give the impression of a person involved in the culture of food. Of course, you know that you cannot talk loudly at the table, gesticulate wildly, slurp or pick your teeth. You should not pounce on food as if you had been starving for three days before.


Makarov B.F. Business etiquette and communication. Tutorial for universities / B.F. Makarov, A.V. Bad weather. - M.: Justitsinform, 2006. - 240 p.

Rogova A.V. Table etiquette in questions and answers / A.V. Rogova, B.A. Shardakov - 2007.

Sprackling H. Art table etiquette/ H. Sprackling - M.: UNITI, 2005. - 288 p.

Soloviev E.L. Etiquette business man: organization of meetings, receptions, presentations / E.L. Soloviev - Minsk, 1994.

Pivovar V. Encyclopedia of good manners / V. Pivovar - St. Petersburg: LLP "Diamant", 1996.

Zusin V.S. Ethics and etiquette business communication/ V.S. Zusin - Mariupol, Renata Publishing House, 2002.

Duntsova K.G., Stankovich G.P. Table etiquette / K.G. Duntsova, G.P. Stankovic - M.: Economics, 1990.

The people inhabiting America are a young nation, since the period of consolidation of the ethnic group began to take shape relatively recently. Traditionally, Americans are considered to be a mixture of all the nations in the world. It is not surprising, since the territory of modern America is inhabited by peoples who are carriers different cultures. What are the features of American etiquette? Answering the question, one cannot fail to note the sociability, smiling nature of Americans, their relaxedness, and ability to openly express feelings and emotions. In fact, in the concept " American etiquette » concluded more broad meaning. This is the story of an entire country, a nation that prefers to follow its own traditions. We will talk in more detail about what behavior Americans adhere to when visiting, family, or business.

Rules of etiquette in America

The hallmarks of a typical American are politeness and friendliness. The first dialogue with a representative of this culture will certainly be accompanied by phrases emphasizing his interest in you. The established phrase “How are you?” (“How are you?”) always follows the greeting words “Good afternoon!” and is considered a sign of good manners. Call by name and say “Hello!” (“Hello!”) is accepted by familiar people.

Americans, like Americans, shake hands when they meet. You can shake hands with both men and women, especially when it comes to business negotiations.

in USA does not welcome kisses. The man who occupies the highest status and is the eldest in age is the first to extend his hand to the lady. It is not customary to shake hands when saying goodbye. It is enough for business partners to exchange phrases expressing gratitude for the friendly reception (cooperation, productive dialogue) and the desire to meet again.

What American doesn't like jokes? To create a relaxed atmosphere that will help you quickly find a common language, the ability to joke is a prerequisite. But don’t forget about punctuality - residents of this country value not only a sense of humor in their partners, but also order. Late arrivals are not permitted in the USA. Moreover, Americans are of little concern for explanations. A partner's punctuality in America is considered a reflection of his reliability.

Americans often invite workmates or business partners to visit. Souvenirs brought from Russia are considered traditional. Since in America bribes and anything that can be equated to them are not welcome, it is better not to experiment with the choice of others.

A first-time tourist arriving in America may find that the smiles never leave the faces of the locals. There is even a belief that it is thanks to this feature that there are so many successful entrepreneurs in America. This is a feature of the American mentality, a habit. A smile is considered the hallmark of every American. Therefore, it is not surprising that people here smile not only during business negotiations and visiting people, but also on the street. Tourists should also adhere to this tradition, although many consider this expression of emotions artificial.

Etiquette in the USA prohibits telling strangers about your own successes or misfortunes. During the conversation, you should stick to abstract topics.

Attitude to family and marriage

Americans value family very much. The desire of the typical American citizen is to create the traditional strong union between a man and a woman. Caring for children and raising them comes first. Moms and dads devote enough time to their offspring. Also, from birth, the small inhabitants of the country are taught their superiority over others and uniqueness. Since America is considered a freedom-loving country, where signs of democracy are evident in literally everything, it is customary to take into account the opinions of younger family members. WITH youth children are told about their exclusivity and are allowed to make their own decisions (although in the first years of life they only concern the expression of preferences in food/clothing). Distinctive feature The psychology of Americans is their desire to protect children from any adversity or dangerous situations. It’s not for nothing that they say that in America, protecting the rights of the child begins in the mother’s womb.

Friendship concept

Friendship is highly valued in American society. It is not surprising that the presence large number friends are almost the second item on the wish list after the desire to become successful and build a career. Despite this, etiquette in the USA does not welcome dependence on anyone. Some distance should also be maintained according to the psychology of American friendship.

In America there is no gradation of people into acquaintances and friends (as is customary among Russians). A person is either a friend or he is not. To “sign up” as a friend, it is enough to please an American. Every new acquaintance who arouses sympathy in an American can be considered a friend. Therefore, it makes sense to change your attitude towards such a concept as friendship when it comes to communicating with Americans.

Americans have slightly different requirements for their friends than Russians. It is forbidden, for example, to visit an American friend without prior agreement. Calls whose purpose is a desire to vent are not allowed. You can communicate exclusively on positive topics. Remember that no one wants to know about your problems. The desire to share emotional experiences is perceived somewhat differently here.

Americans have been doing business for a long time. It’s not for nothing that America is called the country of entrepreneurs. Of particular importance for residents of an overseas state is the peculiarity of behavior in the field of business communication.

Americans are considered a hardworking nation. Punctuality and responsibility are not alien to them. Residents of the United States do not tolerate being late or missing a day of work, even due to illness.

During business negotiations, Americans try to create a relaxed atmosphere, diluting the overly formal tone of the conversation with laughter and well-spoken jokes.

At meetings and during business negotiations, it is not customary to discuss for a long time the difficulties that impede the achievement of a goal. It is customary to quickly move on to constructive dialogue and discuss ways to solve the problem. It is also advisable to stick to the main topic of the meeting. American meetings usually don't last long. Residents of this state always remember that time is money, so they strive to use it profitably.

Career women are common in the United States. Their rights are not infringed and they are given complete freedom of action.

It doesn't matter that the business partner is a woman. In the USA, a male entrepreneur treats a businesswoman as a person equal to himself. Therefore, any hints of flirting are unacceptable. You should not kiss the hand of a woman who is not your wife or lady of your heart. Such behavior is often regarded as an attempt at harassment, for which you can be put in the dock.

suggests limiting yourself to a traditional handshake.

What should you remain silent about? When traveling to this country for the first time, it is worth knowingWhat you can't tell Americans

. It is known that Russians are accustomed to raising topics related to personal problems, even in the presence of strangers. In America, there is a different attitude towards such conversations. In the US, this behavior is considered offensive. For attempts to continue a conversation that is unpleasant for an American, you can get a summons to court. Don't start talking about religion, political topics

, discuss racial differences and people who hold unconventional views on family values. While expressing a subjective point of view, one may inadvertently hurt an American's pride. Hereh you can't tell the Americans

especially, these are phrases that contain unflattering comments about the local army. US citizens speak with pride of the country's armed forces and boast of their bravery. Therefore, if you want to discuss the power of the American army, you should say only good things. Jokes about terrorist attacks are also unacceptable. The lives of many people have been crippled by tragic events, so discussion of this topic, much less laughter, is inappropriate.

Despite the fact that obesity is one of the main problems in the United States, Americans try to take care of themselves by adhering to proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. People who like to drink are frowned upon. A similar attitude develops towards smokers.

Public transportation in America is not popular. But there are a lot of motorists here. You can get around the country by rented car. Uber taxi services are also common in the United States.

When entering a house, shoes are usually not taken off. But in some families it is still customary to do this. It all depends on what traditions people adhere to. In order not to find yourself in an awkward situation, you should pay attention to the behavior of the owners of the house and guests. Nothing bad will happen if you directly ask what you should do in a particular situation.

There is also no need to bother your newly made friends from America. phone calls. Empty talk is not welcome. You can only bother Americans if the issue is truly important.

To summarize, it is worth saying that main feature The United States is its formation and development under the influence of many cultures. People and their uniqueness are respected here. The key to success is a sense of humor; respect for human rights and freedoms is also of particular importance to Americans.

USA - extremely interesting country. American etiquette unique and multifaceted. Only by touching the cultural traditions of the population of this state can one better understand the American mentality.